--- A Summer Prayer ---

"Father, Creator of all, thank You for summer!

Thank you for the warmth of the sun

and the increased daylight.

Thank You for the beauty I see all around me

and for the opportunity to be outside and enjoy Your creation.

Thank You for the increased time I have to be with my friends and family,

and for the more casual pace of the summer season.

Draw me closer to You this summer.

Teach me how I can pray

no matter where I am or what I am doing.

Warm my soul with the awareness of Your presence

and light my path with Your Word and Counsel.

As I enjoy Your creation, create in me

a pure heart and a hunger and a thirst for You."

-- Author Unknown

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This is beautiful, thank you for sharing.

As a person whose core temperature is always running exceptionally hot (since birth) I have a very, very, very hard time tolerating summer and do not like it one bit. BUT, I can absolutely say this about winter, The beauty is still there, just a little more hidden. I often think the Creator is an artist - just pure genius.

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Beautiful! This reminded me of a favorite hymn (yes, it was a hymn before Cat Stevens made it popular) And morning is glorious and reason for praise because its been brutally HOT by afternoon lately. šŸ˜Š

Morning has broken

Like the first morning,

Blackbird has spoken

Like the first bird.

Praise for the singing!

Praise for the morning!

Praise for them, springing

Fresh from the Word!

Sweet the rainā€™s new fall

Sunlit from Heaven,

Like the first dewfall

On the first grass.

Praise for the sweetness

Of the wet garden,

Sprung in completeness

Where his feet pass.

Mine is the sunlight,

Mine is the morning,

Born of the one light

Eden saw play.

Praise with elation,

Praise every morning,

Godā€™s re-creation

Of the new day!

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The music to this is so beautiful. Now Iā€™ll have to play it on the piano!

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Donā€™t you love the last two lines? Godā€™s re-creation of the new dayā€¦And His mercies are new every morning!

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Knowing I get a new supply of mercy every morning makes it possible to face the day! What a Savior.

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Amen honey!!!

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Love that song, so beautiful - takes me back, thank you!

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"Cat" is no longer feline you know--he is avowed Muslim...and he lost a huge following in the USA because of that conversion event. He's still very active though--has concerts all over the world. He's in Glastonbury this year, in fact! https://catstevens.com/

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They do say the best way to find God is through the beauty of his creation!

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That is a perfect summer prayer indeed!

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Thank you for this lovely and powerful reminder of the goodness of God in this season of Summer šŸ™šŸ»

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Thank you.

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I love this! Thank you for sharing!

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Love this & sharing šŸ’—šŸ™

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ā€œYesterday, not surprisingly, the Judge in the Missouri v. Biden case denied the governmentā€™s motion to stay the injunction forbidding it from censoring Americans.ā€ But if youā€™re not censoring, why would you care that thereā€™s an injunction that forbids censoring šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø?

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In this age of the Blackmail Industrial Complex, founded and run by our intelligence services, I have no doubt the Judge in this case is being scrutinized and under great pressure. He has displayed great courage and fidelity to his oath to the Constitution, which is exceedingly rare in these times. He deserves and needs the prayers of Christians everywhere, for continued strength, wisdom, and protection. Regarding our ā€œgovernment,ā€ we know theyā€™re censoring. They know we know. We know they know we know. BUT IT DOESNT MATTER TO THEM. And, it doesnā€™t matter that we know the truth about who brought cocaine into the WH, or the truth about the installed pREsident selling his office to the CCP for millions of $$$. THEY DONT CARE. Everything they do now is ā€œin your face; stop us if you can.ā€ We love our country and like minded countrymen, but hate the tyrants. And we will never stop resisting their evil.

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Resistance is defense. We need to go on offense if weā€™re going to preserve Liberty for future generations.

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Heard terrific interview of Shawn Witzeman, ā€œfree-range journalistā€ on Mondayā€™s edition of Kyle Seraphinā€™s show (Rumble/Apple Podcast https://rumble.com/v2z57ri-shawn-witzemann-the-free-range-journalist.html). Shawn expressed his belief, as I recall/understand, that availing the full extent of our inalienable right to free speech (or, 1A) should be the order of business far before considering the use of 2-A...and bemoaned our lack of using 1A.

After listening to Pastor Arturā€™s son Nathaniel interviewed by Viva Frei (Locals/Rumble https://rumble.com/v2yowak-interview-with-nathaniel-pawlowski-son-of-pastor-artur-pawlowski-viva-frei-.html) in recent days, I keep thinking there must be some approaches to apply, learned from the Polish Solidarity movement. Nathaniel talked about how many years of persistent efforts it took before the broader population joined forces with the brave people who had been so tenacious for so long. We are facing the same - maybe even more malicious and terrible - forces. I donā€™t have an answer. What I remember most from the that time in Poland is Gen3ral Str1ke. There must be a way we can collectively use 1A to stare down the terrible forces arrayed against the majority of people and make them go away and leave us alone.

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Me thinks the government doth protest too much.

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LOVE your acerbic response, Dr. Linda! Will would approve, I'm sure--LOL!

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censoring the word censorship is key to their defense; where're the pundits who discuss "threats" to Democracy and BIG Lies? LOCK THEM UP! they can have the cells that the Jan 6th trespassers/paraders had for so long

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Soon they will have to redefine censorship

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They did. Censorship is now "defending the critical cognitive infrastructure." šŸ™ƒ

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They will continue their censorship, saying that it falls under the exceptions the judge carved out, like national security and crimes.

Then they will say actions like that aren't really censorship. Just like they claim that no one except white people can be racist.

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yes; both the terms the definitions are always in flux and never settled; everything becomes a legal term or left indefinable or with multiple interpretation by intention. Malleable Morality; as truth, facts, good and evil are all subjective and discretionary. Lawyers, politicians, corporate marketing, foreign and NGO actors all hard at work against a gullible corrupted and perverted populace.

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They must first define ā€œDemocracyā€.

ā€¦Then what is a ā€œRepublicā€!

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1. A political order whose head of state is not a monarch and in modern times is usually a president.

2. A nation that has such a political order.

3. A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

This is according to Merriam-Webster...and according to our God-given Constitution--it is NUMBER 3 (but it's horribly tainted now!)

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Thank you Sharon!!

ā€¦When we hear *them* use the word ā€œdemocracyā€ as in ā€œThis is a threat to our democracy!ā€ It means *their* democracy: *Their* criminal system. Some refer to it as the deep State. Yep, # 3, pointing to a Constitutional Republic. Not a pure democracy (= two wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat for dinner).


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Witty response--right on, brother!

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Yeah, and Jeff gave an attorney's example of that last week. See if I can find it. Yep, from last Thursday:

"This is a classic self-defeating argument in the face of an injunction. Itā€™s so simple. Let me explain how lawyers often torpedo their own cases. To illustrate, Iā€™ll using ā€œmeā€ as the lawyer seeking the injunction, and ā€œthemā€ as the lawyer opposing the injunction:

ME: Judge, we need this injunction to stop the defendants from further harming my client.

JUDGE: Okay. Counsel for the defense, what say you?

THEM: Judge, thereā€™s no need for an injunction because my client isnā€™t even doing the stuff that Mr. Childers claims is happening. This whole thing is a joke.

JUDGE: Okay. Mr. Childers, how do you respond?

ME: Well, Judge, they just made this pretty easy for you. If they arenā€™t doing it, then thereā€™s no harm in you entering an order forbidding them from doing it, is there?

JUDGE: An excellent point. I will grant the injunction. Please send me a proposed order.

The Washington Postā€™s third-grade-level article stepped right into that classic logical fallacy. If the government isnā€™t actually censoring Americans, or if it was ā€œalways fairly minimal,ā€ then thereā€™s no harm in an injunction forbidding them from censoring Americans, is there?"

From https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/lobotomized-inconsistency-thursday

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Yes I thought of that too šŸ™‚ Thank you for copying the relevant section of the post.

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And the ā€œcognitive infrastructureā€ CISA excuse reminds me of the appeals court decision on the 303 website case, where the lawyers claimed that someoneā€™s creative expression is their own unique ā€œmonopolyā€ that the govt can go after. Our own thoughts, ideas, and creative expressions are the final frontier for conquest.

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Yes, we're getting to the final frontier fast and anything They can think of and which They believe They can get away with --- They will use against Us. They will use it with abandon, if not glee. Your comment made me think of the Masterpiece Cakeshop case :) and of the fact that TPTB can be counted on to hold fast to Their 21st-century version of, "Let them eat cake."

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Yes, and since you mention the 303 Case (of course From my Embryo killing, Youth genital mutilation, WASTED STATE) there's ZERO interest in Anti-Trust action against a TRUE MONOPOLY of voting machines in COLO-RAT-O with 62 of 64 counties using DumbMinion! and our RepubliCANTs even proudly defend this as building a "better mousetrap"! At least they termed it correctly--Fing Sellouts!

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"Pretzel Logic", don't you think? (a nod to Steely Dan !)

Seems like they have to take that step - and my best guess is, if that fails?

Sic the DOJ on the Judge, on the Plaintiffs, on the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT

WESTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA / MONROE DIVISION - heck , then on the entire Fifth Circuit if necessary ................ just as they are chasing Whistleblower Gal Luft, drumming up an indictment using FARA violations....


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Luft's bogus indictment is the big curtain the DOJ's dropping over the whistleblower-provided evidence and reports about his meetings with DOJ/FBI to hide them from Congressional oversight, calling everything from Luft "part of an ongoing investigation." Same playbook they've leaned on since 2015 to cover US Govt malfeasance.

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Yep, total bs. He made a HUGE mistake, in hindsight,

meeting with them several years ago. I believe Ron Johnson is part of a team trying to protect him - good luck with that.

Pretty clearly a weaponized government - not sure how one can dispute that with a straight face.

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That's the way the left operates Nard.

In Oregon the former (resigned due to corruption) SoS declared elections were the most honest ever. Then ordered the counties not to release cast vote records.

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Oregon homie here. Any links you can post re OR are most welcome! Thanks, S. P. H. šŸ¤—

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Censorship continues not only at Federal level, but county too.

My friend Beth was literally dragged out of a County BOE meeting for speaking the truth .

This is a direct violation of her first amendment rights.

She was a guest on Bannon yesterday (first interview) : https://warroom.org/episode-2607-the-hearings-for-the-national-security-of-our-country-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy-2-copy-copy-copy-2-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy-2-copy-copy-copy-copy-cop-8-3/

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Nard, skip law school and go straight to the bench, preferably the 3 seats on the supreme court who are having such difficulty with constitutional provisions.

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Say to those with anxious heart,

ā€œTake courage, fear not.

Behold, your God will come with vengeance;

The recompense of God will come,

But He will save you.ā€

Then the eyes of the blind will be opened

And the ears of the deaf will be unstopped.

Then the lame will leap like a deer,

And the tongue of the mute will shout for joy.

For waters will break forth in the wilderness

And streams in the Arabah.

ā€” Isaiah 35:4-6 NASB1995

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I think of the flood, the fiery end of the prophets of Baal, and the earth opening up and swallowing the sons of Korah and all that was theirs. (The righteous ones among them had to be sick at heart over the sin and rebellion around them.) Then I think of Jesus overturning the tables in the temple, plus the darkness in the afternoon, the rending of the veil in the temple, and the graves opening up at the time He died, and I am overwhelmed by the holiness and absolute power of our God who is going to bring judgment such that we have never seen and cannot conceive. He is going to judge (Ps. 9:8, 96:10, 98:9) and He is going to make all things new (Rev. 21:5). The evil ones will be punished (Is. 13:11) and the righteous will be rewarded (Lk. 6:23, Col. 3:24). We can count on it because our God keeps His promises. Hallelujah!

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The Prophet Joel is a great book to read through these days! God restores! Everything they lost, God restored! Everything we've lost over the past three years and beyond, He is going to restore! It will be better, He promised! Hold on to His promises! His mercies are new every morning! Hallelujah! He is Jehovah Jireh! He is enough!

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Amen, Janice. Amen.

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These comments got me thinking more about this subject, so I wrote a post you can check out if interested: https://jwordsbeyondme.substack.com/p/weary-and-battle-worn?sd=pf

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However...first the 7 years of GREAT TRIBULATION SUCH AS THE WORLD HAS NEVER KNOWN! We must be prepared to suffer greatly for our faith in the Creator of ALL THINGS--even Lucifer and his minions.

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I hope you are right, Janice. It is difficult not to get discouraged in times like this. Especially about what "they" are doing to our children

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Janice is right, but we were told that there are some things that must first take place. We were told not to let these things trouble us.

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Somehow not letting the child mutilation, pedophilia and all the attacks against innocent children who we as adults and parents are supposed to protect is very hard for me to ignore and not let it trouble me. Plus the toxic jabs killing and maiming so many when there was NEVER a threat to them all because of control and Big Pharma profits. I canā€™t get past it. Iā€™ve prayed to God about this many times. So its one thing I will never quit speaking out about to try and save some of these innocent lives.

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Not letting it trouble you doesn't mean you have to ignore it. It means that the evils that you notice shall not make you loose your trust und faith in God and his providence.šŸŒŗ

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You're right in that He never said to give way to wickedness! But trust in the One who will make this right. He knows the end from the beginning.

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Did you see Sound of Freedom??

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Not yet, but did you know Ohio is #5 in the ranking as the worst in the Country for human trafficking, which includes child trafficking? Iā€™ve been warning parents for years about protecting their kids from what is happening. There are predators running around in all of our malls and department stores just looking for unsuspecting, trusting kids to take. No parent should ever let their kids go to the mall anymore with their friends unless they go and pay attention to the people lurking around. Itā€™s isnā€™t just men doing it, also women. When they mandated the mask nonsense it gave the child traffickers an easy way to take kids and many people didnā€™t pay attention. I escaped an attempted abduction when I was 21 and thanks for some observant police officers, they escorted me home and stopped it! But they were right! I stopped to use a pay phone at a local restaurant when there were no cell phones in the 70ā€™s and that is when some local pimps noticed me and were going to block my car once I got back on the road. The officers told me to pull out and the pimps did exactly what the officer said, they got next to me on both sides and one in the back. Then the officers called for support and four cruisers came up behind them, they took off, and the police escorted me home! So just because we have cell phones now, doesnā€™t mean it still couldnā€™t happen today. The Akron/Canton is horrible for human/child trafficking because of our interstate system and the ease with which they can get out of state.

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When daughter #5 was little, she was playing in front of our house while my husband was working in the yard. I came driving down the street to see a car pull over next to my and say something to her. At that moment my husband came around the side yard gate with tools he had collected and the car sped off (way too fast for a residential neighborhood). I had no doubt that had he been a split second later, we would have been calling the police to report an abduction. She told me that the man asked her a silly question about meeting a dog...

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When our 3rd daughter was 8 she and her best friend went with me to the local fresh produce grocery store early one morning. It's a small but very popular grocery. I had our 12 month old baby in the grocery cart. The girls were by my side. They stopped to look at the coconuts next to the mangos I was choosing from and an older man walked up and asked if they knew how to open a coconut. They became spellbound as he described his version of "the best way." We moved on as I slowly gathered the other produce I was shopping for...then checked out and suddenly realized they weren't with me! I ran to the car to grab my phone, but who would I call? I prayed like never before..... They were not in the store... I somehow kept my cool...as I frantically searched the parking lot. Then, they come running up with the old man. They had gone with him to his house a block away, where he showed them his machete, and opened a coconut! He apologized profusely to me! I was stunned they had followed him! A very kind older latino, who wasn't thinking... ? I thanked God, then broke into sobs... I asked the girls why they thought it was ok to walk away from me...why they had gone with a perfect stranger, to his house!?! "He was a nice man, he never acted weird...." He kept apologizing and apologizing.... Lord have mercy! I have no idea how it didn't stay with me and give me nightmares! But it didn't. My daughter reminded me often, "He was just a nice old man, he brought us right back! He never meant us any harm!" But how on earth would they have known? She told me they asked if he could show them how to open a coconut... and I had said he could... But, I don't remember ever thinking he would be taking them to his house! I thought he was going to show them right there... I grew older that day... I ran into him at that store many times after that. He was a very kind man. He was safe. I met his family, his mom he was caring for...

But it could have been a horrible ending if he hadn't been... Now you know why my faith is deeper than the deepest darkest ocean! I learned a ton of stuff that day... Pay attention! Don't let yourself get distracted! Be on your guard! Anything can happen. ANYTHING.

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I fully understand. I was so close to being abducted when I was 6 in the 80s at a park becauae I was sure I could walk back to camp alone. The man was actually nice and took me to the rangers but he could have abducted me! I need to pray daily for my daughters safety because she is so trusting.

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In the movie SOUND OF FREEDOM, it's a classy, very sexily clad WOMAN who knocks on doors after "scoping out" the neighborhood children--she picked the ones that came from more dire circumstances--the little girl who is the focal character as a victim--only had a father to parent her and her little brother. GO SEE "SOUND OF FREEDOM" - it will energize you to do SOMETHING to stem the tide of CHILD trafficking.

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I must tell you, I was DEEPLY touched and troubled after going to see SOUND OF FREEDOM--but then...I prayed about what I saw and the Lord told me to PRAY FOR TRUTH TO BE TOLD EVERYWHERE - anyone who has even a SMIDGEN of conscience in their soul cannot sit idly by and DO NOTHING to stem the tide of this horrific preying on the innocence of children--no matter they may live and breathe! DO WHAT YOU CAN TO DEFEND THE INNOCENTS!

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As one who struggles with anxious thoughts, thank you for this precious reminder from Godā€™s Word today and God bless you abundantly šŸ™šŸ»

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I do understand. These verses help me:

When my anxious thoughts multiply within me,

Your consolations delight my soul. ā€” Psalm 94:19

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart

Be acceptable in Your sight,

O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. ā€” Psalm 19:14

And for this next one, I donā€™t know Greek grammar, but I see that in English the word is ā€œtaking,ā€ as in, a present participle indicating an ongoing action:

ā€œWe are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ[.]ā€

ā€” 2 Corinthians 10:5

I think of this practice as measuring up my thoughts against Godā€™s truth, and if they donā€™t measure up, they get pitched. Repeating these verses when the anxious thoughts come replaces them with truth. Out with the lies and worries, in with truth and peace. Hope this helps.

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Awesome! ā¤ļø

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Anxious thoughts may be very unpleasant but they are not dangerous. Stay in the present with the Holy Spirit and forget the words, ā€œwhat if.ā€

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May it be so, Father. šŸ™šŸ½

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ā€œ...but I have been fortunate that friends have set up a gofundme for me for grocery delivery, copays, and rides to appointmentsā€

No offense to your supporting her Go-Fund-me page, but how many other people did she put into similar situations by forcing them to loose jobs or take dangerous jabs...

...maybe their go fund meā€™s would be more appropriate?

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We can certainly pray that Jeff's Christian charity proves such an example to her that she is convicted and realizes what she has done to others. Perhaps she will at least apologize to them, if not do as you suggest and help correct the wrong done to them by her hand. Meanwhile, we are called to love the way we were loved: before we were lovable. We should also remember that biblical 'love' isn't simply warm emotions toward someone, but right action. From 1 John 3:

"16By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 17But if anyone has the worldā€™s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does Godā€™s love abide in him? 18Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

"19We love because he first loved us. 20If anyone says, ā€œI love God,ā€ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannota love God whom he has not seen. 21And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother."

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I sing of love unknown, my Savior's love for me,

Love to the loveless shown that they might lovely be....

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Perfect comment :)

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Remember the parable of the servant who was forgiven his debt of 10,000 talents, but then beat his fellow servant over a hundred denarii. It's in Matthew 18:23-35

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Sure. And that miserable unforgiving servant got his reward for that. Verse 34: ā€œAnd his master was angry and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him.ā€ How God deals with those who don't forgive is Godā€™s business. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord and let the chips fall.

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One would hope that she would find compassion and understanding, but God must lead her to it. She wonā€™t and canā€™t do it on he own.

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ā€œBrother ā€œ is the operable word.

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Would you be kind if the word were 'neighbor?'

"And who is my neighbor?"

"The one who showed him mercy."

"Go and do likewise."

excerpts from Luke 10, the Parable of the Good Samaritan

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Amen. The woman is right now paying a price for her ignorance. Weā€™re not called to pile on. ā€œFor we know Him who said, ā€˜Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,ā€™ says the Lord.ā€ (Hebrews 10:9). Weā€™re called to do what Christ commanded: love your neighbor. Thatā€™s not conditional.

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I know I fall far short of obeyiing our Lord's command about "Love your enemies--do good to them that hate you"....FAR, FAR SHORT!

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So do I, so do I. We can know intellectually what we should do, but doing it is so much more difficult. From Matthew 5:

46For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47And if you greet only your brothers,i what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?

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Yes...I remember that passage well--and now at my advanced years--I smile at the thought that Yahweh lumps "tax collectors" and "Gentiles" in the same "condemnatory allusion" - SMILE!

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ā€¦sadly herā€™s are unknown victims (the suggesting donations to accounts you have no idea who that would be was bad ironic sarcasm)

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"She would often contact anti-vaccine folks' employers, reporting them for spreading misinformation on social media and demanding consequences." I think she knows plenty of her victims.

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Amen! How many people lost their jobs, homes, cars, savings, pets, and every family and friend connection they had because they refused to take a poison and had people like this cheering for them to lose it all? Sick!

I always said if I won the lottery (impossible since I don't gamble), I'd distribute the money to everyone in Ohio who got screwed over by the "scamdemic". I'd be out of money fast, hence not helping in other states. Heck, maybe I couldn't even fund my own city with that. Everyone got screwed in some way.

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I hope she enjoys the misery of begging for financial support. She in her arrogance and know it all attitude caused untold damage. I would not give the sweat from my underarms to support her. Let her fellow travellers support her. I hope she has a recovery and becomes a real human.

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I gave 5 bucks just so I could sayā€ Iā€™m anti vax & hope she sees the truth. ā€œ I give a small amount each month to the injured or to a multiplyer .

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When the Most High speaks a Word, it becomes immutable law.

ā€œwhatever you sow, that shall you also reapā€. There is no way to change that law.

We each have reaped what we have sown.

Reaping what you have sown, when you have sown destruction, is not pleasant.

Repentance can sometimes bring relief. But repentance is the only way, and we donā€™t know yet whether she has repented or not.

So we pray that, in His judgement, that He remembers mercy.

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But by God's mercy and grace... He IS ALL these.

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A female neighbor lawyer once told me "not good deed goes unpunished". She was prophetic, because an out of state person bought the lot next to me, and asked me to mow it for him. I did. A few years later, the woman one over decided to start putting the food on that lot she was feeding to nasty Canadian Geese that started overwintering due to being fed . The reason was the geese were creating a literal S Storm on her lot. I told her I was taking care of the lot and please feed the geese on your own yard if you are going to feed them. She anonymously called the HOA (though I never got to face my accuser ) to report my beloved tiny vegetable garden extended ~ 5 feet onto common land. BTW, this garden was there 8 years before I bought the property , and 2 years after. I got a notice to move the garden.

Long story less long, my wife wanted me to fight it. I did. When the association went for summary judgement, the judge acted like he was golfing buddies when he addressed their lawyer, and treated mine like he had represented Osama bin Laden. I ended up having to move the garden, and not only eat ny $6 K in legal fees, but pay $3 K of theirs, I knew if this was fixed so I never even got to present my case, what would be different if I fought paying their legal fees.

I was so upset I moved. Socrates said life's best revenge is living well. We ended up moving for an 1/8 acre on a nice lake in the 'burbs to building a beautiful stone home on 44 acres on a famous river.

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I think ā€œLawfairā€ is 1st Generation Warfareā€¦

ā€¦probably in the original Sun Tzu

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rolandttg--you'll never see that story on "Law and Order". Over the years L&O viciously went after parents who declined the MMR for their children. And they would do it maybe every 6-months. I don't watch that show for that reason, but wonder if they went after parents who declined the covid jabs?

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Did you have an adverse possession lawsuit against the HOA? In Florida, itā€™s only seven years.

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Yeah, Smug's nasty followers and fans can support her. Good luck to her, but my support goes to those she (and others) doxxed to get fired.

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Yes! No telling how many are now vaxx injured because of her harassment. Theyā€™re the ones that deserve financial help. She can rot as far as I am concerned.

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She and all who do the bidding of this evil cabal should see this is how they will be rewarded. Evil hates its minions. You are used and then discarded.

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As a child of God, I understand acts of compassion and the call to be Jesus to those in distress, even or especially to those who donā€™t know Him. But we must never forget stories like this one, of a young wife and mother who died as a direct and provable result of the injectables:


Read the details, say her name, and say a prayer for the children without a mother and husband without a wife because of government coercion. I hope someday there is a memorial to those lost to the fear and madness foisted upon us by nefarious and ignorant actors. Never forget!

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I have found that C@vidians rarely acknowledge the error of their ways. I'd be willing to bet she refuses to admit her medical dystopian cage is the result of her taking the bi@weap@n.

In spite of that, I pray for her repentance. It's the only way and greatly liberating.

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I think there is at least a second way she might have her mind changed: That would be information from a source she trusted who gave her the truth about the jabs which was likely censored in the trusted sources that shaped her opinion. And maybe a third way is all those who have violated our trust were brought to account in a way the brain-dead irredeemable main stream media will not be able to ignore.

I do know those that were certain of their beliefs, to wish harm to the unjabbed might have to be dragged kicking and screaming to look into the mass graves of those who fell victim to this current version of a Holocaust-genocide.

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Yes, Michael!

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I know exactly what you mean, but Iā€™m impressed with Jeff for walking the walk and not just talking the talk. Christians go against the grain of temporal wisdom because Christ calls us to be a people set apart, members of a different kingdom governed by different standards. Jesus said, ā€œBut to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat youā€ (Luke 6:27-28). It stops being blind faith once itā€™s put into action and the blessings follow. ā€œIf your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink; For so you will heap coals of fire on his head, And the Lord will reward youā€ (Proverbs 25:21-22). That's the way to win people over from the dark side.

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I agree with Proverbs.

We must maintain our integrity, in faith, and bless those who persecute us, speaking truth, in love.

ā€¦Jeff was also righting an albeit accidental wrong in misreporting news about her.

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I feel the very same way. However, I believe there's something to be said for setting an example of kindness. My 8 yo son has had issues with a bully at school and I tell my kiddo to treat him with kindness. He can lead by example and hope this kid figures it out.

That said, it was pretty rich of this nurse's friends to mention her pro vaccine comments and that she fought covid misinformation. I'd be willing to bet this woman will never connect the dots but I could be wrong.

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But the dots are certainly connecting to her, biblical and medical.

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I think Jeff succumbed because she is a single mom.

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Or maybe, just maybe, because Jeff is a good man with a good heart? Maybe he is doing what Jesus would do. Maybe our hearts are harder than his. Maybe he is able to forgive that which isnt his to forgive.

Imo, he is a better person than I am. Period. I looked at her gofundme - I have little money to give to begin with, and I cant find it in my heart to give it to her. It feels like an endorsement.

But that's me. That's why I say Jeff is a better person than I am.

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i just looked at her gofundme. first of all, I will never support gofundme, so that right there is a no-go. And she's got $4k over her initial request of $10k., which is good, but based on the number of TikTok followers, is beyond pathetic. Right now her GFM has over 44 donations ending in $2, amounting to almost $1K, but of course the left thinks we're all just horrible racist n*zi's.

But if I were in Jeff's position, receiving wrong intel, saying that she actually DIED, he is doing the Christian act of repairing his wrongdoing, even if it was unintentional. This kind of integrity is hard to find these days.

Luke 19:8 And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, ā€œBehold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold.ā€

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Everyone can do as they like. Your actions are your own.

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I donā€™t doubt that Jeff can defend himself. Iā€™ll just say he showed Christian charity of the type weā€™re all called to show without regard to who receives the charity.

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Is she a single mother; that is, never married? Or is she a divorced mother. Or a widowed mother?

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Probably a divorced mother because the story is she has been on tiktoc and even had time to contact employers of ā€œanti-vaxxersā€ to get them in trouble. Itā€™s impossible to do that without a coparent somewhere who can manage the kids. Unless one is a neglectful parent.

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I am sick and tired of women saying they are a single parent like it is a badge of honor. Come on. Say your not married, divorced or widowed. It's virtue signaling.

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And when my congregation started lauding the 'single mothers' on Mother's Day. A slap to the women who strive through difficulty and manage not to break that most solemn promise, a slap to the men, ditto; a slap to marriage, a slap to the culture of raising a child in a family.

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But some single moms were abandoned by their husbands, never received child support and mourned that their child never had a father. Judge not...

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Why highlight ā€œsingle momsā€???

A mother is a mother - single or not.

There we go picking one over the other.

Did the ā€œsingle fathersā€ too?

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Agreed. It is virtue signaling.

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...and it is usually prefaced by the word "struggling."

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100%. And I'm also sick and tired of seeing š’Žš’š’•š’‰š’†š’“š’” referred to as "moms" -- as if referring to those who have conceived, carried, delivered, and raised children are worthy only of a nickname. So cute, iddn't it? All while ever so subtly diminishing the fact of, and respect for, their š’Žš’š’•š’‰š’†š’“hood.

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ā€œMotherā€ is a respectful, tradititional term, now often mainly used for those carrying and birthing children.

ā€œMomā€ is a casual, affectionate term, but in modern use has come to denote one who raises a child.

No more cute than ā€œDadā€ or ā€œfatherā€.

But, the adjectives can be loaded!

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What I am trying to get at is that the norm has devolved from calling mothers outside of our own families "š’Žš’š’•š’‰š’†š’“š’”" to calling them "Moms." It reflects the general degradation and "casualization" of everything š˜¢š˜Æš˜„ it is inaccurate.

When speaking of my mother, š’•š’‰š’‚š’•'š’” how I referred to her. When others spoke of my mother to me, that's what they called her: "What did your mother say?" This acknowledged her status as a mother and as a co-head of my family. When š‘° was talking š’•š’ to her, I called her "Mom" as only I and my three siblings could.

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I also wonder where the illusive dad is...

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Run off on the corner of a roof somewhere.

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Would you hang around with the likes of her? Are we just assuming heā€™s a deadbeat dad because sheā€™s a single mom? I know single moms that co parent well with their ex.

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I would not hang around with her because of her evil treatment towards the unjabbed.

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šŸŽÆPete Wiggin šŸŽÆšŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»

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Just what I thought, PetešŸ‘

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Re SmugNurse: Who is launching GiveSendGo campaigns to help the OTHER single moms injured by the safe and effective vaccines - the single moms who did NOT make it their business to interfere with peoples' lives and get good practitioners disbarred?

My sense is that there may be tens of thousands of such women in the USA alone.

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I live in Mass, I last worked as a registration assistant for those who wished to get tested for Covid, and I was let go because I declined getting jabbed. An employer recently reached out regarding my resume, when I told her I was not vaxxed she said ā€œthatā€™s a deal breakerā€, and proceeded to hang up on me. Apparently the entire staff is completely vaxxed and boosted and wearing masks still, this was included in the job summary. You canā€™t make this up, and I have no more words for this madness I feel like I canā€™t escape.

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I will not forget the smug look on the face of Jen Saki when asked the question ā€œwill this affect the lives of the American peopleā€. Her reply;ā€if youā€™re vaxxed it wonā€™t.ā€

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~1M dead in this country would disagree.

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Never forget

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IMO you dodged a bullet. Can you imagine working with all of those lunatics'? The right opportunity will come.

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Honestly, your very best reply in MA is, My body, my choice. That should get them to back off.

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Yes. Use their words and doublespeak against them.

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I too live in ma. Totally agree your take on crazy... it's a little better midstate i think. I Just tell them "I don't play that game " and stop the engagement right there.

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These people are brain dead! Some time in January I went to an Urgent Care. They demanded I wear a mask even though the CDC had declared them ineffective. It's sad when the CDC is more cogent than the Urgent Care clinic! BTW, I refused to put on a mask and left....went to a REAL doctor.

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My experience has always been that I or my family end up going to Urgent Care because, whatever the problem is, it occurs on a weekend or holiday. We go, sit and wait for hours, get ā€œtreatedā€, and are told to follow up with our regular doctors on Monday. Inevitably we find out we were misdiagnosed. Our real doctors treat us and our issues get resolved.

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I avoid those clinics. Where I am from, some of the most obnoxious smugnurses and staff work there. Awful.šŸ˜–

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They won't be around long..."died suddenly."

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Sadly, you may be right. Those who did not succumb to the massive psyop did so by Godā€™s Grace. Many, many suffered and will suffer yet ā€” on both sides.

Truth, mercy, love must rule our actions if weā€™re to win.

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KGer--You are here, and right now its one of best escapes there is. Keeps me going.

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Supposedly the reason for a shortage of workers is due to ā€œno one wants to workā€. I wonder, is the real reason due to vaccine injuries?

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You are correct. Read what Edward Dowd has to say about the disability numbers.

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Dowd says some people are vax injured or taking care of someone who is; thereby depleting the workforce

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You might ask the same question of the commercial airlines, who cannot seem to crew enough planes to meet schedule demands.

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And blame it on the weather.

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Yes. Climate change.

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Yep, even the people working are calling in sick, hereā€™s Edward Dowdā€™s absence rate chart. Think of how many people must be on disability leave. https://t.me/EdwardDowdReal/196

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No one wants to work when he's too sick to work--just my take

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The same thought has often crossed my mind.

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Interesting to run across your comment. Just yesterday listened to John Paul Beaudoin, Sr. say pretty much this and so much else on a podcast, Coffee and a Mike (Episode #642). Long form interview, apparently Mr. Beaudoin publishes on Substack. He has worked with Ed Dowd, whom I listen to and half the time get lost with. Mr. Beaudoin explains everything in very simple terms, only based on data. He has worked with Dowd, Kirsch, Jessica Rose and many others familiar in this community.

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Thank you! I will check it out.

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I'm laying money on the table right now that she does not care about anyone else in her situation.

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You could be right! Now that she is really down she has time to reflect on herself ( woe is ME)

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Then she would say so, right?

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Many nurses in Canada are working part-time jobs as cashiers, slinging hash, etc, due to declining the jabapalooza.

No "Employment Insurance" either...

Especially in B.C.



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Thanks so much for these articles! Iā€™ve been a nurse for 26 years and it is sad to see the decline in quality of care. There is no basis for vaccine mandates today. Itā€™s more of a control issue. Those healthcare providers being denied employment should go to the regions that are hiring unvaxxed. And, if that is not feasible, they can come to the states. We still grant medical and religious exemptions. Not sure why the nurse in Mass wasnā€™t granted an exemption but I know hundreds who got one including myself. Try to stay healthy and out of the hospital. šŸ’Ŗ

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Absolutely agree:

"Those healthcare providers being denied employment should go to the regions that are hiring unvaxxed."

Some have relocated to other parts of Canada, but with families, etc., it's been difficult.

"And, if that is not feasible, they can come to the states. We still grant medical and religious exemptions."

Very difficult too... Up until May 11th, 2023, the US government DENIED ENTRY to unvaxxed foreign nationals.

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That's criminal, but it sure fits the pattern: Destroy quality of life for middle class while preserving professional services - private pay as you go style - for the elites.

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Thanks for alerting me to the existence of CHP--spent a few moments on their site.

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My guess Smug doesnā€™t care about other vaxx injured mothers -only herself. She has probably caused many mothers to end up being vaxx injured due to her work place harassment. She sickens me as all cruel and selfish people do.

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that zelinsky picture brings the george carlin meme to mind: "It's a big club .... and you aint in it"

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I had a moment of sadness when I saw the pic. Not for him but for anyone who tries that so hard but is left out anyway.

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If he were trying at all, he'd put on a suit. He's an evil clown who our evil state department installed to fill their evil requirements. Totally transactional.

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Mr. Z is not so useful anymore. And you know what the evil cabal does to their minions when they are no longer useful - bye-bye.

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Bannon said at the very beginning of the war that Z would be wise to read The Best and the Brightest journalist David Halberstam about the Viet Nam War. When the USG had no use for the leader it had partnered with (canā€™t recall name), that leader met his end at the hands of the obvious 3-letter agency.

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I thought of the same joke!!!

He's surrounded by beautiful people, all happy, all engaged, and yet so alone...

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It recalled the Biden pics.

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Maybe my heart is hardened, but I have a really hard time thinking that someone losing their job after actively getting multiple people fired isn't just some kind of karma. I will not be contributing to her gofundme, but I pray that she will be healed and provided for.

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Giving someone money is doing them a favor. I don't do favors for people that are disrespectful, mean, and spiteful to others. Period. I had to have a few talks with my 18 year old son about this exact issue. He's an adult and me paying for his college tuition, food, clothes, and living in our house are me granting him favors. If he cannot get his mouth under control then the favors stop.

Why would I give money to a mean and disrespectful stranger when I won't do it with my own son? There are so many kind and wonderful people who are in a bad situation that are so much more deserving. That's why most of our giving is through our church for missions. I know the money will be spent changing deserving people's lives through the gospel, building shelter, and providing food and clean water.

Of course I will pray for her and sincerely hope God softens her heart. But until she shows public evidence of a change of heart I won't contribute. And this has nothing to do with the vax but an apology for how deliberately went out of her way to harm others. I suspect many here feel the same way.

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Iā€™m with you on that. I only have so much time and money and Iā€™m using it on the people doing good. I will not donate my time, money and energy on these energy vampires. There are too many good people who need it.

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Spot on. šŸ’Æ

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My tolerance is a bit more militant than yours. To me karma may also include running smack into me for a lesson they'll likely not forget. But then they murdered my mother and my sister is in tomorrow for her 3rd surgery for ocular occlusion. A dear friend of mine can't get into a hospital after learning last week that his turbo 4th stage colon cancer is totally unrelated to the jab he got because his wife wanted to go to Italy.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

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I am hoping all of those in your circle are healed.

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I'm praying for her spiritual healing.

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You sound very nice, not hardened at all. It is the tolerance and acceptance of the tyrannical crazies that allowed for the past three years to happen. As soon as 'they' got power the first thing 'they' did was start to oppress you, sometimes in a existence threating way, as kaleigh did, if praying for 'them' to get better so they can be more tyrannical is the choice for the people on team reality, then the losses that have been suffered so far will just get worse.

If you don't feel comfortable defending your right to exist and think, I at least hope you are tolerant of the people that eventually do start to decrease the chances of continued tyranny against you and ignore what happens.

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Just ponderingā€¦karma is not a Christian concept. Thatā€™s Buddhist or Hindu, actually. Although we do understand that we reap what we sow. But only in our current life, any future life is not part of the package as with karma.

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I like the term ā€˜measure for measureā€™

The ā€˜eye for an eye, tooth for a toothā€™, unless repentance happens and the person attempts to restorei what they have taken. And she definitely ā€˜tookā€™, or attempted to take what was not her right to take.

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Correct. I prefer to use the term "law of the harvest" and I tell people as much when they try to talk to be about demonic concepts such as karma.

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Pastor Rick,

1st, thank you for your service.

2nd, your grandson made my day! What a fantastic young man. :D

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Yes. Awesome young man. Showed all the other kids how to stand up to the nasty teachers and administrators. They don't deserve your respect.

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yet I'm sure that had he swiped the US flag for the pride flag they would be cheering him on. How sick!

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While I am reading Covid and Coffee, this song comes on:

Bob Dylan - Forever Young (Official Audio)


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I made a small donation to SmugNurse (ending in '2'), but I also added a comment to her, telling her that I pray she repents of what she did to others who simply disagreed with her, that she finds them and at least apologizes, and that she might set up a GiveSendGo account for those whose lives she affected financially or who may have felt pressured by her to accept a potentially dangerous experimental injection, showing to them the same love shown to her.

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Addendum: Jeff took her to task, in a 'love your neighbor as yourself' kind of way, in today's column. Who wants to be shielded from hearing the truth about our own behavior, to be left to have others gossip about us? At any rate, she found out what he said about her before, so I'm guessing she'll find out what he said today, which she needs to hear, for the sake of her soul.

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I gave 5 bucks & said Iā€™m anti vax . Doubt she will comprehend.

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I'm all too familiar with the effects of sundowner. My father suffered from Alzheimer's and had sundowners bad. I will bet $'s that Biden has a nighttime nurse or someone assigned to watching him during the night. My father would roam his house during the night and do all sorts of really bizarre things. He would often walk outdoors in the middle of the night (in the Winter!) and knock on neighbors doors. He also had a huge fascination with the thermostat. He would turn it up past 80 degrees on a hot summer night. One night, he decided his dishwashing machine was broken and proceeded to disassemble it. People suffering from sundowners will often be exhausted during the day because they're up most of the night. Edit: also, sleep medications often don't work for Alzheimer's patients either! It was sort of a nightmare trying to find a medication that would konk him out at night. In my fatherā€™s case, nothing worked.

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My brother-in-law has dementia. Heā€™s a wanderer and a plunderer. It is a horrible existence. This once kind man is now, at times violent. This once soft-spoken, never a bad word......now cusses like a sailor. It has been such a shock for my sister. 51 years of peace shattered by this monstrous ā€˜thingā€™ that has overtaken their existence.

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I'm so sorry! Cognitive diseases are definitely awful. My father also developed belligerence & violence which he never, ever, displayed during his entire existence pre-Alzheimers. It's horrible enough to have to stand by and watch your loved one "disappear" before your eyes but then turn into someone completely opposite of who they were. Please tell your sister to check into possible support groups for caregivers of dementia & Alzheimer's patients. She needs all the support she can get now.

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There's also this thing called "dementia blindness," in which people just can't believe that the person isn't who they used to be, or that they have changed, although I'm sure Biden's doctors do know. Sundowning is completely flabberghasting. My very erudite mother, professor, novelist, could not remember how to plug in a fan or turn it on during that time of day. Lasted from about 4 to 8 pm, then abated. My guess is that it has something to do with circadian rhythms and hormones. We all crash at about 3 pm, right? The poet Rimbaud, I think it was, said "In hell it is always 3 o'clock in the afternoon" lol My mom went off the cliff after a heart procedure and the meds they put her on, including statins, which is common. There are nutraceutical protocols and there has been a lot of success, with clinical trials, in using biophotomodulation, near infrared light and a diet high in fat. Of course the Mengele Industrial Complex won't tell people about this as it interrupts their pharma profits for drugs that are dangerous and which don't work. Music can also help. Alive Inside: A Story Of Music And Memory (Full Documentary) | Amplified https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBx2g9iNbEc&t=2s

Having read about the Chinese cognitive weapons and their intention to take over world leaders, seems like Biden's behavior could be either or both.

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Interesting. I do know that many pharmaceuticals given to the ā€œelderlyā€ do also have side effects that mimic dementia. Antibiotics, (especially Cipro) can affect the mind and behavior long after the course. I do know that sugar is very bad; a high fat & protein, low carb diet ā€” with good attention to org. vegetables etc, and quality grass/fed (pastured) meats & dairy & spices/herbs is a beneficial diet. Thereā€™s more, in the area of vitamins and supplements & correcting microbiome issues. These can be found with some research.

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A trial of unimaginable proportions.

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I'm really sorry, that had to be a nightmare for your father and for you.

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Thank you! His last 5 yrs of life was pretty rough but I feel fortunate that my 2 sisters & I worked together really well to manage his care.

I've seen the signs watching Biden. Even back when he was campaigning from his basement in 2020. More so now. It's the shuffle walk, (his gait) slightly bent over, slurring of words, confusion mid sentence, the slaughtering of word pronunciation, and the dazed & confused look on his face. The doctor who continues to pronounce Biden is fit for Presidency is a lying liar.

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That doctor is guilty of medical malpractice and elder abuse. And treason. Don't forget treason.

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Hubby had surgery. Nurse pulls the 6'+, 185#, log splitter aside and asks if he's being used and abused at home. šŸ¤£ Nobody asked me 5'4", 160#, 60+!! They are cracking down on elder abuse she says. šŸ¤£šŸ˜” I can say that there's NO WAY to stop that. šŸ˜­

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A liar in the government??! Never!! (100% sarcasm)

I'm glad you were able to be there for your dad. I'm on my own with mine, not complaining, but watching him start to lose his mind is very, very hard.

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Yes, I saw it too. My Dad had dementia and the last five years were sad. My brother had Medical Power of Attorney, but much of the staff assumed I did and would tip me off when a doctor on staff at the nursing home prescribed Seroquel; it can cause death when the person has dementia. I am one of seven siblings and only two of us showed up. Ultimately, iatrogenicide won. My brother approved the flu shot and he died two weeks later. I tried to warn my brother not to approve it, but they all think I am nuts. He was 96 1/3. Fractions are encouraged when you get ā€œthisā€ old.

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My dad died almost 1 month after his 2nd covid shot. In Michigan, it was mandated for anyone living in a memory care facility, nursing home, assisted living, etc. Granted, he was 88 yrs old, in the end stage of Alzheimer's, and had a bad heart so we'll never really know what ultimately did him in. The doctors put a ton of pressure on us to allow them to put in a pacemaker but we steadfastly refused because my gosh...with him in advanced Alzheimer's, it felt ridiculous to us. Plus, we heard horror stories about how nearly impossible it is to have a pacemaker turned off. People in vegetative states but kept alive via a pacemaker. Both our parents made clear to us kids years ago, they didn't want that kind of medical intervention. My dad was double health insured so we think they just saw $ signs.

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Wow! I did not know this about pacemakers. I am sorry you lost your dad during the plandemic. My dad died in 2012. I spent a lot of time in nursing homes and assisted living facilities leading up to this. I witnessed many residents getting extremely sick, and some deaths, after flu shots were given. Back then they gave a double dose to senior citizens. 2019 is the year Pharma and our ā€œreputableā€ CDC rolled out a quadruple dose for senior citizens. I wonder what role this had to play in the festivities? Hmmmā€¦ā€¦..

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Taking care of an elderly parent can be difficult and very frustrating at times, but in doing so thereā€™s a feeling that it comes from somewhere inside of us. We are being lead all the time and our hands being held in the difficult task. You were indeed fortunate to have your sisters along the way.

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I hear you. My dad was the same, but luckily, we did find medication that helped. Looking back on those years, I can chuckle at some of the crazy things he did. At the time, we were just exhausted. (He lived with my husband and me).

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The medical establishment engages in elder abuse. Itā€™s in their protocols. Itā€™s their job. Itā€™s called ā€œcareā€.

Unfortunately, there really are people who prey on and abuse our aging parents ā€” helpers, family members and spouses.

But clarity and independence of thought, insight and discernment are bred out of all but a few of these practitioners in med school & thereafter ā€” replaced by stupid, incurious and arrogant. Soā€¦ stories like these above ā€” and countless others ā€” are ubiquitous.

We have to do our homework. We have to try to replace the MD ā€œcareā€ with real care, with an aim to reverse the damage. This takes knowledge and tenacity; love and a will to win; Godā€™s guidance and help; time and attention. If I could do it anyone can.

You may not achieve any more than small victories ā€” time is a factor as are mindsets (MDs and conventional interventions are still trusted!) and hours of study, notes and learning. Read and know all side effects and how to offset them. Learn about everything. They can improve.

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I can only say that Judge Doughty gives me hope that Justice is not completely lost and wonder if there's any way for us to send short words of encouragement, en masse ?

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We don't want to sway the case, so maybe we should all just continue to pray?

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There's nothing to say words sent cannot be sent AFTER Judgement has be finished.

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Were Biden any more ā€œtoughā€ heā€™d be embalmed

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Maybe that's why he's tough

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Eww šŸ˜

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Similar to rumors of the demise of Smugnurse, we have news from another Jab casualty:

"Jamie Foxx spotted waving to fans on a boat. The first sighting of him since being hospitalized.

This has turned into Damar Hamlin part 2. According to the MSM, this crappy, grainy clip proves that Jamie Foxx is alive and well...

It's hardly-smoking gun evidence, is it? From that distance, it could be pretty much any decent-looking black dude with short hair and sunglasses"


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Fortunately I did read an article that stated he was blaming the vax for his condition. Soooooo thatā€™s something.

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Donā€™t know if this will come thru but itā€™s from the Gateway Pundit.

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Do you have a link please?

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Yes. Damar Hamlin Part 2 indeed

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As a data point, we should look at job listings for celebrity impersonators.

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LOL good one. They also say Biden is also played by a stand-in (in some pics he has an arm tattoo, others he doesn't, etc).

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They finally found someone who looks enough like him to try to pull it off. I hope they are paying him well and he knows how to play pickleball. šŸ˜‰

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Actors that big have a few doubles

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He was supposedly out playing Top Golf before the boat trip. And again, just more grainy, very-distant video. Damar Hamlin 2 indeed!


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Yeah that was some horrible footage. . . And the media is just eating it up!

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Is it just me or did it look like it took a lot out of him to wave.. putting his head down like fatigued after waving? Poor guy needs to rest. šŸ™

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Keeping him at a distance from awkward questions or interactions. Proof of life and nothing more.

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Same here...noticed in the second clip, he wasn't moving much...sort of feel sorry for him, he never wanted the jab in the 1st place.

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Great headline to the article:

<< Jamie Foxx Waves to Fans on Boat ... Looking Healthy in 1st Public Sighting >>

Don't know about "looking healthy", in the few (short!!) vids I saw, I would NEVER be certain it was actually him I was watching. A couple were of awful quality, one was a "possible" - hoping he's okay. AND - hoping that if he truly feels that the jab has caused any of his health issues - he will not back down from speaking about it!!

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I wonder how many people now suffer because the smugness of Kaleigh? And is she sorry of what she did?

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She's an archetype of the hateful Covid know-it-all, who's been wrong about everything.

So many of them.

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The very people who were so certain the mRNA transfections should be mandated are authoritarian. That's bad enough. Then add that most of them hadn't read anything about immunology and still likely haven't.

The very reason I decided to stay away from these wretched shots was BECAUSE I had read about immunology in the time leading up to their rollout ( I wanted to know why a vaccine hadn't been made for the first SARS).

People who got the shots get my sympathy. People who pushed them, not.

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The "forcing function" should have been a tip-off to the covid death shots.

No jab = no job, no medical care, no travel.

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It's also disturbing that she targeted Healthcare providers with opinions that were different than the approved narrative and tattled to their employers. She probably got some Healthcare workers fired.

I hope she wakes up and connects the dots.

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The Spectrum hospital system was one of the most notorious in Michigan for their jab mandates on employees. That hospital system made a bundle off covid. The Grand Rapuds area of Michigan was a bulwark of conservatism until the last two decades. It is a target now for Leftists. Young, family oriented people have flocked to the area to raise kids in a morality based, but upwardly mobile environment very easily become the liberals going along with the new agendas. ā€œIn the Democrats we trustā€ is their motto, not realizing what that will do to the very institutions they favor.

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I grew up there and this has been my observation as well. Most of my siblings have ā€œgone liberalā€, two of them completely off the deep end of Covid Karen crazy, to the point where I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll ever see them again (literally: they refuse to be around my brotherā€™s family because they got the initial jabs, but stopped getting boosters)

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She traded her health for "likes."

Her psyche likely cannot handle the scope of what she has done to herself.

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I wonder if she has realized that her condition was brought on by the jabs. Is she still in denial? Does she still defend the jabs? I canā€™t make out what her belief is now.

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She attributes the stroke to The Pill.

I'm posting about her and her ilk next week.

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Wow, she's willing to blame The Pill over The Vax. Previously The Pill was unassailable. That tells you how strong the belief in The Vax is. In reality, it was likely the combo of taking both (both are associated with blood clots).

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I've been thinking this all along. They will blame other medications rather than the shots instead of warning people that the already known risks of clots from certain medications will now be increased by receipt of the shots.

All patients on any medication (a huge percentage of Americans) should have been warned: we have no data to suggest that these shots are safe to take in conjunction with any other medication.

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I believe the pill is associated with DVTs, not brain stem strokes. But de nile ain't just a river in Egypt.

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Yeah thatā€™s why itā€™s ready difficult to have too much sympathy for her. No apology, no questioning her own authoritarianism and no doubt in her tyrannical arrogance while being wrong about everything.

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This is just terrible. The article states it is not ALL of canada - thankfully.

But how rotten. It's a good article - thx for posting!

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It's pretty bad in B.C.

No one has been "hired back."

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Truly life altering, for so many. May the 'powers that be' rot somewhere quite warm, eventually.

A side note- Have a friend who went ahead and, as an RN chose to get all her jabs, and has been traveling (across the US) from high-paying job to high-paying job, making oodles of money due to staffing issues - some of the hourly rates she has benefited from, wow...may her health hold up.

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Travelling nurses (Canadian) have always earned big bucks, working short-term contracts in the States.

I lived with one.

If Canadian nurses unwilling to get jabbed to do those jobs in Canada: why would they be willing to risk their health and well-being to perform short term contracts in the US?

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I very much doubt that. I did a quick sampling of her channel (don't actually have any antisocial media accounts myself). Suffice to say, she and her followers seem to delight in the idea of others suffering horrible deaths (because covid kills literally everybody that hasn't had the shots) for the egregious sin of having different opinions and choosing different paths. Further, she then projects that vicious streak on others thinking that we're all celebrating her health consequences.

She seems like a truly horrible, narcissistic woman. If anything, I'd guess her situation would result in being further entrenched and more spiteful.

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Wearing the title "smugnurse" so proudly reveals her character.

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We might oughta take a headcount of C&C followers who didn't jab and live still.

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Yup, still here, and not one jab.

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šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø in my immediate family including my 80+Mom plus my bro & sis in-law, sis, bro in-law, sis in-law & hubby and all their adult children and mil. Three generations. No extreme turbo health issues.

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No jab.

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No jab. Not dead either.

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Iā€™ve disagreed with many people in my life. Iā€™ve never even considered trying to deprive them of their livelihood. Thatā€™s a serious level of evil.

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I doubt she is either troubled or sorry. Pray that her eyes, heart and mind are opened to the LORD GOD'S truth. She repents and recants her lies and mis information statements. One can only hope. BUT as the information just keeps hitting the fan and people don't see, I don't have much hope for her because she doesn't want to see. As Dr McCullough defines ignorance is when you don't have the information therefore can't see...stupid is when you have the information but refuse to see..ignorance can be fixed..stupid can't

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Brother, you are a much bigger man than I am. Sure, if she's on fire, I'll help to piss on her. But I'll stick with helping the vex injured who reach out to me - folks who have never seek to harm my family or me, but did unfortauntely comply with jab mandates and suffered for it. As it is, in my area there definitely seems to be another downturn in the health of the jabberwockies.. even those who had seemed 'fine' before...

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Youā€™re right, and that was my first thought too, although on second thought I realized that Jeff is following the biblical injunction to ā€œlove your enemiesā€. And further to realize that these poor ā€œjabberwockiesā€ (great word šŸ˜‚) are suffering the consequences of their foolishness whether they know it or not. Consequencesā€¦thatā€™s a hell of a thing.

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Ditto. Bigly.

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We had another win at the courts as well!! The bump stocks and gun frames laws were manipulated through the federal fully automatic laws initiative in 1930ā€™s. Those laws were put in place to remove machine guns from gangs, thru $200 fees and federal registrations. Biden admin rewrote those laws without seeking Congress legislation and approval to somehow include Bump Stocks (Trump), and Weapon frames (Biden). Both were struck down and the plaintiffs will be served full restitution by the government for targeting and harassing them! The same judge is handling the plaintiffs case to sue the government!! Alrighty then!!

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If they could, they would require a tax stamp for machine tools. The frame law is evidence of this.

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