Dec 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, I want to thank you wholeheartedly. A few days ago you wrote about the deceptive trade acts laws in Florida.

I was defrauded and screwed by a remodeler to the tune if $60,000 (most of my savings). I decided to see if Missouri had any similar laws. We do however not as comprehensive.

Long story short; I contacted my overworked, somewhat non-responsive attorney sending the statutes. He is filing an petition early next week. Honestly, simply having the knowledge allowed me to feel more powerful.

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Hi Jeff, I'm looking into the recording laws as I'm fighting the government human trafficking system in the family courts and it's required that I record every conversation as a matter of my 2A rights - I feel strongly that recording corrupt government employees and those who act on their behalf is better than carrying a gun in protecting yourself from a tyrannical government. Florida has some of the strictest laws to protect government criminals and this much change in order to expose the internal system that protect them.

If this interest you, I would be grateful for some help in raising awareness. Victims of government crimes should not be threatened with a felony charge for protecting themself, nor should anyone be intimidated by those covering up crimes that they could be arrested for protecting themselves.

Here are a couple of things I found yesterday to shed light on these communist laws.

Especially with the threat of being baker acted illegally which is usually their first attempt to silence dissenters.

The law should state that anyone acting on behalf of the government, including licenced doctors and lawyers and be recorded for transparency and accountability.


2022 Florida Statutes (including 2022C, 2022D, 2022A, and 2023B)


Patients have the legal right to record office visits without your permission in all states except California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Washington.

Florida has a statute, § 934.03, that prohibits the “intentional[] interception [of] any wire, oral, or electronic communication” and makes it a third-degree felony. The statute makes an exception when all parties to the communication give their consent. For an oral communication to be protected under the statute, the person speaking must have a reasonable expectation of privacy, and society must recognize that expectation as reasonable.

Case law from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, which presides over Florida, has also clearly held that individuals have “a First Amendment right, subject to reasonable time, manner and place restrictions, to photograph or videotape police conduct.” It also held that individuals have “the right to gather information about what public officials do on public property, and specifically, a right to record matters of public interest.” Importantly, this right has been upheld by the Court in instances where an individual was recording police activity during a protest.

So, when can you record the police?

Anytime you are in an open public space (for example, most public roads, public parks, and public beaches) where other individuals can witness what is happening, you can record the police as long as you are not interfering with police activity.3 Always make sure that you have the right to be in that area.

Anytime you are in a more private place (for example, a public road that is not easily visible by other individuals), there are a couple of questions you should ask yourself before recording the interaction.

Can other people still witness what is happening?

Has the officer consented to being recorded?

If the answer to either of those questions is yes, you may proceed to record with caution. If the answer to both questions is no, the law is less clear. Please see below for precautionary steps that should be taken any time a recording is made.

Precautionary steps you should always take:

Announce that you are recording what is going on.

Stay a reasonable distance away from whatever activity you are recording.

Do not interfere with the police’s actions while recording.

Footnote 3: Ford v. City of Boynton Beach, 323 So. 3d 215, 220 (Fla. 4th DCA 2021)

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What is "threat of being baker" mean?

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

He said "threat of being Baker Acted". The Baker Act allows people (usually those complaining about something) to be held for 3 days for no particular reason except someone thinks they might be danger to themselves or others. It's a mental health law.

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Thanks for explaining this. They can drug people heavily making them unable to defend themself and keep them for as long as they like with the approval of corrupt doctors. It's truly terrifying.

When it happened to me, they intentionally tortured me to try to create a reason for falsifying my medical records.

Luckily I was able to remain calm, not give them any reason to drug me and they were forced to release me after a helped a patient having a seizure as it was clear I had very good coping skills, not to mention my son's grandfathers investment company managed the NHS money so my story was very credible.

Without the recordings I wouldn't have been able to blackmail them for the correct capacity form. In my case they claimed I was incapacitated with delusions of COVID conspiracy theories. The entire story is truly unbelievable in regards to the depth the government will go to cover up their crimes.

It's ruined my entire life but in many ways I feel lucky to be able to expose such an important threat.

The reason they do this is it instantly takes away someones credibility as most people can't believe doctors would illegally detain and drug someone with the intention of silencing them. It happens a lot in the elites human trafficking cases from my research. One women who was married to a politician was sectioned 3 times before she was finally able to get the courts to investigate it.

However COVID has made it easier to expose this and raise awareness that people fighting the corruption in the government need to study the DSM and make sure they only state facts that are provable.

My insurance company caught 3 doctors trying to commit medical fraud in 2022 in Florida (I have a lot of evidence against the government and they are just giving me more. It's truly psychopathic at this point)

I told one doctor I had anxiety because of things like mask and the ESG threat. She said that it was a delusion. When I asked her to look up on the governors website and see that 19 AGs were raising concerns she said she didn't have to it was her opinion. I got up and walked out telling her she wasn't qualified.

I had another doctor who already had the CIAs script recorded on my print out on arrival before the assessment. Absolutely shocking.

I literally needed lorazepram just to cope with the panic attacks caused by the corruption and doctors were being told not to give it to me as the more you panic the more reason they have to abuse you within the system.

I mention this as that's how easy it is for them to falsify medical records and then attempt to force people to act out. The police helps them cover it up and lawyers don't want to challenge them. So when it happens it's not an easy fight, especially without recordings which are distributed to others to protect yourself.

This is why it's so important to me that recording of corruption within the government is legal. People think they have rights against corrupt doctors and the baker act, but if you are a government target, you have no rights and very few resources to help you. The only legal support I have been able to get is the advice of never go to a government licensed doctor again You know it's bad when that's the only support you can get.

Also, I met a police officer on a dating app and he told me that they are trained to assume someone has a mental illness when they report government human trafficking, and I expect other corruption from the Doctors response of ESGs, so here is the part of the root of the problem.

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So sorry this happened to you. We had a similar incident although much less $ - $3K to a roofer who disappeared with our down payment, it was 1993, and we were young and trusting. Long story short, we could not find an attorney to take our case (saying legal fees would be more than the amount and if we won no guarantee we would collect). But one recommended we contact the state AG. Turns out this guy had a history but we were the first one who had the receipts and willing to testify. (had his initial flyer, proposal, copy of the check, and he had a fax and we faxed correspondence to him to have a paper trail). Warrant issued for his arrest, and was picked up a few days later on cocaine charges. At that point we knew our money went up his nose. We did not recover our money but hubby testified and he got 7 years for fraud.

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I so glad you did the work to go after him. Too many people don't bother so people continue to be defrauded. Kuddos to the people in this world who care enough.

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Thank you for giving a damn, Donna & hubby. Very few people would have done this, I'm sorry to say.

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Take you. It is very difficult. I did due diligence and still got caught

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Sucks about the money but you did society a favor. I hate liars and thieves. I hope it gave you both some satisfaction and closure to put him behind bars.

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In some states, there are extra penalties if the person defrauded is over 60 years of age.

"When the victim is age 60 or older, the offense is one grade higher. That means that an offense that would be a first-degree misdemeanor becomes a third-degree felony, and a third-degree felony becomes a second-degree felony. A second-degree felony is punishable with a possible sentence of up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000."


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Trifecta: over 60, Veteran, disabled. Fingers crossed. Thanks for responding.

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Hoping and praying this works out for you! That is horrible someone defrauded you.

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Thank you. I feel hopeful now.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Wow...I sincerely feel your pain. I spent 2 years fighting a landscaping contractor. I thank my Lord the the goof had a contractor's license! It was a horrible, LONG 2 years. I was forced to allow him back onto my property even after I discovered he had ZERO Worker's Comp....a requirement by the Registrar of Contractors (ROC)......since preventing access would have cancelled the complaint. The ROC worked hard to avoid having to pay me out of the ROC Recovery Fund (aka: slush fund contractors contribute to specifically for this purpose....annually....constantly growing) and MANY times tried to convince me to "settle" with the goof.....which I refused.....and even refusing, AGAIN, at the request of the judge in the final hearing.

I won....finally.....an $11,600 judgement from the Recovery Fund, which the goof had to reimburse to the Recovery Fund. He paid much more with man hours, materials, legal fees, fines and being forced to hire electrical and plumbing contractors and masons for work he never got paid for.

I still have nightmares.

I hope you persevere and get justice!

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I hope things work out for you. I've been on the receiving end of an unscrupulous contractor and it really sucks.

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Always check anybody out beforehand. Licensed, bonded, reviews, state website background check, etc.

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Yes we did do all of that. He was licensed, also, but 25 years ago, that really didn't mean very much in the state of Maryland. It wasn't until early 2000's that the laws were changed so that MHIC could go after unscrupulous contractors. I live in a small town and everybody knows everybody so we thought we knew who we were dealing with but later learned we had been mislead.

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I did

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You have my prayers!

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What Four Winds said. Hoping and praying for justice for you.

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I, as well, had an unpleasant experience with unethical 'contractor' many years ago. Fast forward 10 yrs later.....now my beautiful, highly talented engineer daughter comes home on college breaks and fixes things that he 'messed up.' Silver lining 🤣

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I, as well, had an unpleasant experience with unethical 'contractor' many years ago. Fast forward 10 yrs later.....now my beautiful,

highly talented engineer daughter comes home on college breaks and fixes things that he 'messed up.' Silver lining 🤣!

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Do remember which post this was in? I can’t find it.

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Are you asking me? It was a couple of days ago regarding deceptive trades acts regarding pfizer shots. I will find if you need it.

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Thank you. I found it. 😊

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After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands; and they cry out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” And all the angels were standing around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, saying, “Amen, the blessing and the glory and the wisdom and the thanksgiving and the honor and the power and the strength, be to our God forever and ever. Amen.”

— Revelation 7:9-12 LSB

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We just studied Revelation 7 in my Bible study yesterday and most of us had tears in our eyes as we contemplated this scene and the words “blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength”...it was beyond moving. Praise be to God forever and ever!

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A beautiful description of the worship we all participate in each time we gather as the body of Christ in congregational worship. When we come together, we are caught up by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Who was poured out on us as the body of Christ on earth when Jesus Christ rose and ascended to His throne, to join the multitude of heaven and earth in worship to the Living God. This is the mystery of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper we participate in every time we celebrate His sacrifice and resurrection.

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Indeed every time we participate in the mass!

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The Holy Spirit indwells all Christians all the time Phil. Praise the Lord.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Yes, the HS indwells all as the body of Christ and in congregational worship we are caught up with the hosts in heaven in worship.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

This reminds me of Leonard Cohen's *original* version of his composition "Hallelujah" which tells the story of King David and Bathsheba, mother of Solomon.


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Janice, and this too !!


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Not much longer, we hope!

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Hubs and I were just discussing that passage a couple days ago. We were talking about the atrocities committed Oct 7. and elsewhere where Christians are dying for following Christ.

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Great choice of scripture. 🥰

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Oh Janice, one of my favorite verses, I get excited because there is a picture for us that is our future. Let the Glory of the Lord fill the earth -- forever!

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Amen Janice.

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Jeeze, you religious nut-rolls need to read Biglino's 'The Naked Bible... maybe that will stop you from inserting your BS mythology into blogs that have nothing to do with that crap.

Or do you FEAR what Biglino says??? IOW... shaddap!

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LOL.... Religious nutrolls! I love it. I've been called much worse. I can own nutroll. Now, mythology is just a matter of perspective. Someday when your perspective changes because the Holy Spirit opened your eyes, you're going to be a nut roll too. Then I'll really laugh.

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WHO is this Biglino guy? and what does HE know that would make me listen to him? NEver heard tell of him.

Now for a very interesting study.... start reading the cintemporary historical records of the first century AD.. roman and jewish history was carefully kept, most of it written as "fly on the wall" neutral observers. As you stidy this you will find EVERY DETAIL of what was predicted by Jesus Himself, and in Jphn's "Revelation of Jesus Christ" written about 64 to 68 AD as he was imprisoned on an island, has faithfully come to pass, exactly as predicted.

Can your Biglino produce such a faithful track record? Nope. No way.

There are those who are waiting around, pining, even, holding onto the false hope that we will get snatched up from all the orrors to come just in the nick of time... failing to have raed the predictions OR actual history that fully has come to pass, just as it was predicted and even within the predicted time frame, in every detail. Armageddon, he "rapture", persecution, destruction of Jerusalem starting with the Temple and laying waste t the entire city and surrounds, the hundred poind hailstones, the Euphrates River drying up, the gospel having been preached to te "ends of the earth" (the known world at that time), the "abomination of desolation", even down to the duration of the various time=-periods for this and that event......

WHY should I pay any heed to this Biglino guy?

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Thank you TN! Except for the typos, exactly right! The American church better get it's head screwed on right otherwise they are not going to be prepared for what's coming. Our King expects us to fight, not hide in fear waiting for the ever elusive "rapture" that's always right around the corner.

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023

See above, butt-kisser.

And just what are YOU doing to "fight", Brave Bull?

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So, bottom line, after all your blown smoke... is that you are terrified of reading the original writings that became the 'Bible", translated by an expert... with none of the massive revisions, alterations and yes, bold-faced lies that were inserted by those seeking to control large numbers of low-IQ sheep (like yourself and Politico Phil)...

Perhaps you would not bleat so much, trying o earn "God-points" for being so "pious" (pompous)...

You do know that Clif is a fan of Biglino... so WTF are you doing here, Tammy Faye?

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Hmmm it would appear that you and I occupy different planets.

What's this schtick about my "living infear" reading the original texts? You have NO clue in whose direction you are blowing smoke.

When predictions are made, then fulfilled to the letter, all in the same century and are attested to by multiple disconnected individuals, I tend to believe the whole lot of it.

Jeses Himself declared "ALL THESE THINGS would befall THIS PRESENT GENERATION. The very one that crucified Him. What amazes me is that so many today "forget" about that part, despite the fact they've read those words over and over. They just don't grasp their meaning. As in, Jesus declared to His closest associates certain things WOULD take place within this present generation and those same ones who read that are sitting about waiting for this and that to happen.. still in OUR future two milennia later.

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023

Yes, different planets... I live on Earth... you on Uranus.

Cling to your mythology, if it gives you some mental stability... you seem to really need that.

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If you wanna argue over the Bible having stuff "inserted into" it, then bring specifics, not vague insinuations. Because you're either dead wrong, or you're just making a mountain out of the ancient equivalent of typos.

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Who said anything about "insertions"?

Did you read Biglino, fool? Until you do, shaddap.

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You did.

"... the massive revisions, alterations and yes, bold-faced lies that were inserted by those seeking to control large numbers ..."

Don't expect us to go read your random "expert" if you can't clearly summarize his strongest two or three arguments and demonstrate their merit.

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The communion of saints!

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Since Jeff wrote about the exemptions to the jabs that the New Zealand "elites" gave themselves, I'm repeating this comment that I put on Dystopian Down Under.

I have seen a few other places that are reporting the news about New Zealand's 11,005 SECRET exemptions to the covid jabs. I think the exemptions are a very important part of the whole story.

I have some questions / comments for the people in New Zealand who did this:

1. New Zealand is a very small country with a population of around 5 million. 11,005 represents a large proportion of people in government or at the highest levels of the health department.

2. Why were the exemptions secret? If they were so proud of what they were doing, why keep it secret?

3. Why did they grant secret exemptions at the same time that they forced other people to take the jabs on pain of losing their jobs and losing the right to go to ordinary places like a public library, public swimming pool, a restaurant, or a clothing shop?

4. Who got the exemptions? Were they politicians who at the same time were forcing them on everyone else through force of law and public shaming? Were they medical people who knew that the jabs could have negative side effects? Did they give themselves and their families exemptions?

And possibly most important,

5. Are they ashamed of themselves?

6. And are they going to try something similar again?

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Can I answer your questions?

2) They were proud of what they were doing to you.

3) Because they could.

4) You didn't.

5) Hell no.

6) Hell yes.

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Unfortunately, I think you're exactly right, Neil. :(

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That about covers it. They deserve no mercy.

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Reiner Fuellmich, who was working on a Nuremberg 2.0, was kidnapped and arrested, and is in a German jail with no access to books, or sweaters for the cold, but he can receive mail. https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/reiner-fuellmichs-wife-inka-tearfully

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So. An algorithm picking up on my comment? Very creepy.

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They don’t need mercy from a cowardly populace

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There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.

I wear a T that says: We will not comply with tyranny.

This one: t.co/bYpaPIOLHM

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

I agree and would like to expand on question #2.

I'd be fairly certain that they knew EXACTLY what was in the jabs and knew they wanted to avoid exposing themselves and their families.

What I find so interesting is how the Montreal Mayor managed to get a "hot" batch (maybe she didn't get the memo) along with other higher ups and those who worked for the pharma cartel to push this bioweapon on everyone like all the actors who are deceased or can't work any more due to the side effects, which they vehemently deny was the result of taking it.

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Whoever was party to signing any contracts with Pfizer absolutely knew that the injections were never proven "safe and effective". That right there should tell us everything we need to know.

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Let us recall that in summer '21, first 2, then 3, then 5 and so on, young doctors in Canada were dropping. Clearly the message had not been shared with them. And I wondered at the time--why kill off the doctors? [to ensure that there would be even less help for their patients suffering from the d'd jab?]

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These people are evil, if they lose a few of “theirs”, like the mayor so what.

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4. Horse face Jacinda Arden for sure never received the death shot.

5. They are not ashamed of themselves. They consider everyone else useless eaters to be eliminated.

6. Yes, they will try something similar again.

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Which is why it is as important now as it was during the thick of it to get the word out

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Yah, once the 194 countries sign onto the WHO Agreement giving WHO control over response to the “next” plandemic. That’s when they will do it again.

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At least Slovakia and Estonia said "no."

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Until "they" force a regime change in those countries. That happened in at least 5 small countries who refused to go along with the 2020 plandemic protocols.

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Yep, those leaders were "suddenly dead."

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I can't "like" this but.....truth.

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Agree. If the jabs are so great, why the exemptions?

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Same in America. Didn't Congress exempt themselves? As well as the illegals pouring over the border? I hear they get a $5,000 credit card also. (could be fake news).


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Actually Congress didn't technically "exempt" themselves. As a separate branch of the government, neither the legislative or judiciary branches were subject to the illegal executive branch's mandate. Similarly the USPS did not fall under the executive branch's control either. But just as damning Congress neither stepped up to make this legal, or do anything to fight the illegality of the mandates.

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The point that Congress never stepped up to change the ruling was always one that perplexed me. They needed judges and postal workers alive to roll out the next stage was my conclusion.

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I thought the USPS exemption was a reward for their participation in the 2020 election steal. They were instrumental.

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From my understanding the postal service and some parts of Congress are under a different section of the federal government which limits their power. It was purely an administrative position but I don't disagree that it doesn't look like a reward program or by design.

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That was my understanding as well.

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Also if you consider how quickly verdicts would change if suddenly judges were dying at the same rate as doctors. I would have thought a lot of judges would be aware of big pharmas corruption and opted not to take the shot therefore protecting this sector of the government from having a clear picture of the harm being caused.

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Because privately-owned businesses fell under the executive branch control.......

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Well, not directly from the resident's signature, but the Bidet administration tried and succeeded for awhile by having OSHA pass a mandate, which was eventually defeated. Then the federal mandate they extended to all contractors doing business with the government. Then the CMS and VA mandates to "healthcare" workers are still in effect. Court cases are still going on, but the administration is fighting them. And they called Trump a dictator, you just can't make this stuff up anymore.

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"Bidet administration"! Good stuff. My only quibble might be that bidets are used to clean things up and that is the last thing they want done. Have a great week!

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Sadly, BFM, I absolutely believe they got the $5000 credit card. It’s how the federal government works to undermine our country and show us they don’t give a damn about American citizens!

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Quick mental calculation: $5000 x 1M (illegals, minimum) = $5Bn

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Don't forget 10% for the Big Guy.

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And us SS recipients get a measly 3.2% increase that most likely won't cover my rent increase next year. If they have the funds for illegals they have it for those of us that worked for several decades. 😡

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Oh I hear you and feel it, too. If I were younger and saw myself paying in to a program designed one way but from which I would never benefit, I think I would have a simmering resentment. On that one front alone. The 1M illegals is a conservative figure. If the $5K payment is true, it boggles the mind and is another of all straws. Something, but I can't say what, is going to give around here, probably sooner than later.

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Plus $2200 a month on their refillable debit card. That's pretty much been proven now, too.

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I think Congress in America were exempt. The big difference is that it wasn't a secret. I understand the New Zealand exemptions were only made public after someone did a FOIA request. I'll look for a link.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

And apparently the illegals who land in NYC, get a nice package with room and board.

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And why are they here? What is their intended purpose?

Before the recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Christopher Wray said the terror alert is flashing red right now.

When will the signal be given? Martial law? No 2024 election.

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That is exactly the question! One theory is that after having weakened our military with wokism TPTB will fill the ranks with these young, military aged men who have NO connection to this country, its culture, history or values. Didn’t Obama advocate for a Federal Police Force? An essentially foreign military to control “domestic terrorists” might do just as well.

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Dick Durbin has thought about it.


Can it get more insane out there?

Nobody answer that!

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Thanks for spelling it. I see so many who think that kind of law is related to our post-WWII rebuilding plan.

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And yet people trying to immigrate to the USA legally still being forced to have the jabs

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I sure would like to see a video of an illegal with the Visa card.

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Does that mean you don’t believe it? It seems to me that five thousand is not much for someone landing in a foreign country and trying to survive. Though I suspect there may also be other benefits provided for food, shelter and medical care. I wish we could hear about the experience through the eyes of an illegal. For starters, where do they get the thousands they have to pay the coyotes? Where do they get the new shoes and outfits? And the iPhones?

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I would prefer a policy statement about all the benefits this country provides them or an illegal saying they got a visa card and this and that. Yes all the things you mention. I do know they were given phones along the way.

If I were to write my congressman, I would like to offer evidence. Or to write him and ask him if this is true and to investigate.

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Congress and the USPS.

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Also don’t forget all the employees of Pfizer, Moderna et al, were also exempt. I just recently learned of a former acquaintance’s husband left Pfizer Pretty much after that poison jab rolled out and people were getting sick. I say “former” because after Biden “won” I had a convo with her about why all the Libs were persecuting us conservatives (because for Pete’s sake you all own the media, entertainment and all the big corporations), and why were they defending suppression of free speech and the complete destruction of cities like Portland and Seattle by BLM? When she started to deflect and say that I didn’t really understand BLM, I was like yeah, I’m out. There’s no talking to these crazies. And I guarantee that she did not get the jab.

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And pfizer had batches of the jab set aside for their employees so even if they did get the shot it probably was saline.

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ask her to name a single black that BLM ever financially helped. not including the leadership of course.

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BLM is a paid for proxy army ... just like all the proxies used in regime change around the world (as in all the Color Revolutions). BLM is a treasonous outfit used to destroy America and the American people.

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Why was US Congress exempt?

Surprised more people are screaming about this one.

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why are they exempt from paying into and receiving social security? why are they exempt from insider trading laws? why are they exempt from, Obama care? because they can. the just us system

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I believe it follows the elitist creed of "not for me but for thee" or "do as I say not as I do."

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Pretty sure that only 50% of the CDC took the plunge. Wonder why

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Bet that is too high of an estimate.

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I’m not surprised, Kathleen. The reaction of the majority of Americans sickened me then and still sickens me now. Their fear of a phoney pandemic, and the Gov threats, topped any loss of personal freedom and the destruction of Constitutional law.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Right, but keep in mind Congress is also exempt from insider trading which is why they ALL leave far richer than they arrived!

A bill put forth to stop Congressional insider trading died a silent death.

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Also the US Postal service! Hmmmm, in exchange for delivering all those mail in ballots? I wonder...🤨

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Talked to our mailman earlier this year about this. He said they had a strong union and postal workers demanded they not be mandated. Only productive Union left I’m assuming!

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How many people actually know this?

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Don't know.

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I did, they didn’t take the jab, but I’m sure the took a lot of Pharma stock before all this happened.

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Been treason going on three years now. Stealing the election by using a fake pandemic your people created, to steal an election, is treason.

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It is treason. And so far 'they' have gotten away with it.

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And IF they were so necessary to save others why exempt anyone?

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You are right. What was the one chant they had? Do it for granny. No exemptions allowed. This scamdemic is a crime.

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ALL early warnings of the Warped-Speedy Quackccines mRNA or other fake Vaxx product were OUT there...the additives, the contaminants, the genetic damage. Even Dr. Fluchi said an effective vaccine was 10 years out. (to cause panic and acceptance OR before he was corrected by the Pharma Deep State Military branch running Global Homicide Phase II). SO the conspiracy kooks online ONCE AGAIN are proven correct with all their wild speculations being far more accurate than ANYTHING that the Gvt-Media-Pharma-Tech Industrial Complex propagandized to us (and still is). BIG LIARS LIE about everything without end. For that matter; the dangers of the sinus swabs and masking were also postulated by the Kook Fringe Mis-Informing Community...seems like they were correct about ALL of that as well on balance. The Gvt.-Media-DeepState (FBI) Arbiters of TRUTH tell us if there was one detail overstated or incorrect that ALL of it was Mis and Dis information, yet if Trump uttered some disparagement toward MS-13 or Mexican Cartel Animals THEY also get to frame and define Truth by painting him as Completely Racist and Hateful, no room for nuance or distinguishing anything since he's White and more KKK leaders voted for him than they did Hillary in 2016. The HIV(e) mind is repelled by questioning of the cult and truly it makes them MORE defensive and supportive of the enlightened powerful extolled leadership and narrative--this is why a Vaxx Injured (or Trump/MAGA Hating) person still gets a booster shot and disbelieves the intent is to kill them--they LOVE their abuser and accept injury and death by their hands as merited, moral, and pinnacle of virtue.

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Excellent questions! I'd put money on questions 5 and 6, 5) No, they are not ashamed, and 6) Yes, of course.

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Here is where I first learned about these secret exemptions. Thank you, Rebekah Barnett for reporting on this! And thank you for the people doing the freedom of information requests!

"Thousands of New Zealand health service workers secretly exempted from Covid vaccine mandates"


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7. What are the names of the 11,005 exemptees?

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That’s a matter of privacy, except for everyone who had to show their quackxine passports.

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I await forced blood and tissue samples from them or they admit & repent once their names are leaked. All it takes is one brave whistleblower like Barry Young or someone with the hard data who wants to torpedo the Exempted Annointed Ones' political careers.

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Cross your fingers. We can only hope.

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“Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having.

They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes. They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.

Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going.

Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand. You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark." ~ Fernando Lopez-Mirones (Spanish biologist and filmmaker)

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I think you are touching on a very important concept as well. It’s vital to be seen as simply wanting transparency and fair and equal treatment precisely because it transcends easily manipulated partisanship. Of course well know its evil incarnate and long for just smiting, as per Niels observations, but it’s vital to get across to the FenceSitters because that is the ticket to critical mass. So by all means: open those shutters and let the light stream into the fishbowl, because the innocent have nothing to hide, right?!

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I think A LOT of people who could get exemptions got them and plenty got fake cards as Jeff wrote in one of the articles a while ago, it was in a European country but I’m sure here people did the same just to avoid taking the experimental shot. So I also think the official number of the vaccinated people is not true. Those New Zealand “elites” have a lot of explaining to do and I hope people will demand it.

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Another question: Are they going to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity/genocide?

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There are at least 18M exempted in the US - starting with Congress (House and Senate), all of their aides and staff, the White House and all of their aides,employees and staff, CDC, FDA. In the private sector, J&J, Moderna, Pfizer, 10M illegal border invaders, 500,000 homeless people.

There was a link to a Sept 2021 video in comments a few days ago. At the time there were only 2 million illegals.

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Its part of the overarching psy-op to enforce compliance to the existing authoritarian system. The idea that one has to request an exemption is a sneaky way to tempt and corrupt our connection to GOD using public health protocol mandates based upon mythology created by fraudulent actions. The information wasn't secret or hidden, this information is private and supposedly protected.

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I've often wondered about this. And so, now ... how many 'exemptions' in Australia? Our alleged 'state' officials? Vaccine Bill and Melinda? WEF Santa Klaus? UN officials? ???

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Every country should be forced to release this same information about their government officials.

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As I recall, Senators and Congresspeople and their staff had exemptions too. I've seen a list who had exemptions. Its fraud, deception and the swamp are masters of deceit.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I had to skip down to leave this comment. I have been studying herbalism this year to increase our medical freedom. I came across this in a website yesterday as I was researching castor oil:

Authors Note: This article was originally posted in 2019 and has received steady traffic over time. However, in the last six months, hundreds of visitors each day – more than ever before – have clicked over to read about how to dissolve cysts and tumors.

This is now our most visited article, which may indicate that in the last year, more and more people are experiencing cysts and tumors at a higher rate than before.

Today the data show our most visited posts over the last 2 1/2 years are:

How To Dissolve Cysts And Tumors With Amazing Castor Oil (this post)

The 9 Most Powerful Natural Remedies For Myocarditis (Heart Inflammation)

Artemisia Annua Benefits: Proven Anti-viral Wonder Herb

8 Powerful Natural Remedies That Treat Autoimmune Disease

Spike Proteins: How Pine Needle Tea Helps Prevent Unhealthy Blood Clotting

(Here's the original article link https://www.enchantedspicebox.com/dissolve-cysts-and-tumors-with-castor-oil)

That update was July of this year. I think this is a spectacular way for us to keep tabs on things as they shift. If website authors will put out a 'heads up' when they notice increased traffic, that would go a long way to decentralizing the information. (Sorry, don't really trust Google analytics as far as I can throw them)

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Great catch

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My grandpa was a vet in Ohio and treated animals for both the Amish and everyone else in the community. He was a huge supporter of castor oil, which surprised me because obviously his main training was in "traditional" medical care for animals.

It's great that resources like this are online! Thank you for sharing it. I also am a huge fan of real books, especially those at least 10 years old. When the claims first started about wormwood and "coivd", I looked in every herb book I had and sure enough, wormwood was listed as an anti parasitic, which still fascinates me that it is so helpful for a "virus". The point is old books can't be censored or changed or deleted or called "misinformation" by TPTB and get taken offline. If something is found to be good or healing for people, you know the FDA and TPTB will go after it.

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Yes! I have started a collection of herb books as well, and the classes I've been taking I've been printing off all the material I can. The instructor encourages it, for the exact reasons you outlined. It's amazing how much knowledge we've collectively lost because we 'outsourced' our health to the medical industry!

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That was back when we trusted doctors. My tiny handful of vitamins is now exploding into the old remedies (including wormwood). I'm trying to learn as much as possible, but there's a lot of information to consider.

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Would you mind sharing the name of the herbalist program that’s offering those classes? There are quite a few out there and no good way to determine which ones are really worth the time and expense.

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Absolutely! Heidi Villegas at Healing Harvest Homestead is excellent. She's a Christian herbalist with an active practice as well as the school. https://healingharvesthomestead.com

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Homegrown Herbalist is also an amazing one! Rosemary Gladstar has been around for forever and has a ton of books and info.


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I was in my attic Sunday trying to find my old wine-making books and came upon one of hers which I bought ~1990!

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I'm on class 9 of a 15 week class here: https://michaelgaeta.com/

He's excellent and although there are experienced herbalists that attend, I can assure you that I am NOT. It's eye - opening. I also recommend all classes by :


examples: "regenerative Food Philosophy" "The Herbalist perspective" "parasites and your health".

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That’s great! Thanks! The little community we have here is a wonderful resource.

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ipak is terrific!

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Wasn’t this an original form of medicine?

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Stephen Buehner, herbalist, put out great material on treating cv - extremely thorough. Many were using this body of work to treat themselves and others.

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I'm reading his Herbal Antivirals book right now and it is very thorough! The covid protocols alone are 85 pages!

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That's fabulous! If you haven't gotten his book on treating lymes and confections, it's a must have in your library of resources.

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Do you mind sharing your favorite references? I’ve been collecting hard copies too-of homeopathy, etc.

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Rosemary Gladstar is always great. She has a couple of beginner books that are helpful to jump in. A bit of woo-woo but not too bad. I really like Richo Cech, if you're a gardener he's the BEST because he tells you how to grow the herbs too. Heidi Villegas is the my mentor and she is excellent, she pulls her sources from tons of other herbalists, research papers and folk lore. She has a website, youtube channel and online school (healingharvesthomestead.com)

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Thank you! :)

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Yes. Get hard copies. That way they can't remove or tamper with the knowledge with on key stroke.

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Also, know your author - so many books are now being written by AI and have false information. I have studied herbalism for decades and hundred of herbals - I’m now beginning to see some pretty funky works of herbal fiction.

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True, it's why I don't like looking things up online. Most of my books are well over 20 years old. Not to say there could be some false stuff there, but I generally cross reference from book to book to see if everyone agrees.

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That's frightening.. What a great way to sabotage natural healing, put a dead end in front of people that are looking for alt 'medicine' in the form of a lie. I've already had a couple friends tell me 'every time I try a natural remedy it seems to make things worse than if I had just gotten the prescription'. But you find out their 'natural remedy' was a bottle of capsules from a 'nutrition' store (ie bodybuilding). :/

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What books would you recommend that are good solid herbalism books?

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I recommend anything written by Matthew Wood, Rosemary Gladstar, David Hoffman, Jill Stansbury (for clinical work), Sam Thayer (for foraging), Dr. Christopher. One of the first I grab when a kiddo isn’t feeling well (though not an herbal) is How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of your Doctor by Dr Mendelsohn. Tons of others great books based on what you may be looking for. Plant I.D. Energetics. TCM. Ayurvedic. There are also a lot that may have some good info, but aren’t written by actual practitioners, so might just be compilations of others works.

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How To Raise A Healthy Child is a gem.

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There are also great opportunities to study with some of these great teachers either in person or online. Unfortunately, a lot of herbalists that I used to trust, really showed their true colors during the Covid years and I would now avoid.

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Books are not yet being written by AI. If they are, they are not being published by mainstream publishers.

But they will be.

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I didn’t think so either, but have heard from others that they are. I ordered a book on fermentation (hot sauces) that was pretty inexpensive. I do a ton of fermentation, and make fermented hot sauce, so thought I would give it a go. It was OBVIOUSLY written by A.I. Not a known publisher, but not all trustworthy books are published by mainstream publishers. And not all books published by mainstream publishers are trustworthy.

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Well, that's why we had the "firemen" in Fahrenheit 451 after all..... :/

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Can you link info on wormwood please? That’s a new one for me

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The lost book of herbal remedies is an excellent book to start with

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Go to PubMed (NIH) articles on that genus

There are many species of artemisia: annua, abrotanum, absinthium, vulgaris, ........most of them grown as ornamentals--so if you have HOA restrictions you may well be able to skirt them.

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Here's a study that touts the benefits:


You can find it on Amazon.

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Go to duck there’s all sorts of info on it

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So …. Im wondering, is the bioweapon “Covid” controlling your parasites??

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I have no idea, but I find it interesting, to say the least, that wormwood, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine are all effective against "covid" and are all anti-parasitic. I don't know what to make of it but I find it hard to believe it's a coincidence.

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I have recently been using castor oil, nothing major, just trying to sleep… liver cleansing. I have noticed that almost every single topic you look up has been rewritten since 2021! It angers me because I know they are manipulating the info and removing older helpful information. Interesting thanks for sharing!

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I do castor oil packs once or twice a week. My sleep is much deeper when I do. Helps the lymphatic system.

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I used it on my liver years ago when I was diagnosed with Hep C. I soaked a new baby diaper in castor oil ( it is messy), and wrapped saran wrap around my body to hold it in place. I then put a thin towel on top and then a heating pad on low over the towel.

After each time using the castor oil pack I would put it in a bag and keep it in the freezer so I could continue re-using it.

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You don't have to put it in the freezer... just put mine in a sealed container. It's oil...

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I was able to get a wrap around pad from Amazon that buttons. There is a pad inside, so no mess. When do e I wrap it around itself and put in a shelf in bathroom.

I love how you did it years ago!!!!!

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Can you both share how your using/taking the Castor Oil and how much?

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I put mine on a pad that wraps around. I place it over my liver area. It has properties in it that have ability to soak down to the level of the lymphatic layer which then carries it through the body. It can reduce inflammation, detox through the liver area, and other benefits

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I leave it on over night

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Aaaaannnnddd siri is paying attention. I am getting posts for castor oil now hahahahaha

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Thanks. I have cysts all over my body. Ill see if Castor oil helps reduce their size

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Yes I have done the same, used a wrap overnight. Have also done drops in bellybutton. Honestly not sure about how often, I started 3 nights in a row and then plan to do a few times a week.

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I used castor oil on the advice of my midwife to bring on labor for my second baby who was very late. It worked! He is now 31

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It amazes me that we’re back to castor oil. My mother, born in 1909, told me her mother made her and her siblings take a ‘spring tonic, which was primarily castor oil.

And my mother had vowed to herself that she would never do that to her children. I guess a lot of that generation made the same vow, since it disappeared from common use.

Fifty years ago my German midwife had me take it orally since I was ‘overdue’. (I held to the belief that the baby would be born, when it was time. The apples on the tree don’t all ripen at the same time.).

Taking castor oil orally is certainly an interesting experience.

I have to say, God has provided us with a vast wealth of natural healing resources!

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I haven’t tried drinking it… yet LOL

My friend has tried it. I sure had heard of it but not for years. I love that all this natural resources are coming back to light! Big pHARMA has hidden it all.

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I love the phrase "to increase our medical freedom!" Yes, that is exactly what I, and a group of like-minded friends, have been doing for the past several years, and that phrase perfectly describes our efforts. We have shared everything from herbal knowledge to kombucha-making to old home remedies to resources online or elsewhere, and we are all so excited and nerdy when we do, lol. Thanks for these links!

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Reuse the slogan "Just say no" to the entire msm medical establishment.

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since my wife's cancer, we have been doing something else with (organic) castor oil not mentioned in the article. Get 4 layers (yes 4. It's important. Don't know why) of organic cotton (could be a T shirt) or linen , soak it with castor oil, put it on your stomach , making sure to cover the liver, and cover with plastic wrap (contain the mess) , then a hot water bottle. Add a towel to protect rest of body from heat. Leave for at least a half hour.

it draws out toxins carried in the lymph system. Can reuse cloth. for a while Put in a mason jar in fridge . Do not share. Everyone uses their own cloth.

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"I have a castor oil-soaked-tee for these Orwellian times . . ."

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There are numerous benefits from all things that GOD made not man! It was the way it was intended. Psalms 104:14

God gave herbs for the service of man.

I have so many testimonies from herbal methods! Castor oil and cayenne pepper too!

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Retired doc, Robert Yoho has a great substack called Surviving Healthcare. https://robertyoho.substack.com?utm_source=navbar&utm_medium=web&r=56y1fHe has also written a few books. He has exited the allopathic medical matrix at full throttle and I have implemented many of his low-cost recommendations.

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He’s terrific. I am looking at his book right now Butchered By “Healthcare”. 👍🏼

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He is working on a new book on the dental industry. He works tirelessly to interviewing people and writing. He narrates most of his podcasts and has a deep voice which makes them enjoyable and easy to understand.

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Thank you for this information.

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For low-cost herbal remedies, I like Dr. Berg's videos. His recipe of ginger, garlic, apple cider vinegar, and honey is great for colds. I think they are demonetizing his YT channel so you know he has sound advice!

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Sounds like 'fire cider'?

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He didn’t mention a name but that is a great name for it.

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Not my term, saw this on an herbal website last week.

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My daughter uses castor oil. Interesting.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Friend shared with me this week she is successfully using castor oil to get rid of cysts. Nature always provides an answer. Pretty early on in the pandemic, a paper came out about dandelion's benefit for cv

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

That 'traffic frequency' concept is quite interesting--looks like a valuable tool. Also, I had a medicinal herb garden (more for the idea than the utility) until ~20 years ago, lost it from necessary inattention; some 5 years ago decided to restore it. This year my attic herb-drying rack is full; jars of oils-in-process line a shelf. I have in last month spent many hours making use of PubMed for articles on 'medicinal use of xyz' (something useful coming from our government? Really?). Two weeks ago was regularly drinking artem. abrotanum tea, and noticed unexpectedly that the incipient arthritis in my knee (which was making me descend stairs like a toddler) had disappeared.

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That's excellent! I have been struggling with terrible cystic acne since I was a teen. Turns out its hormonally motivated, having/nursing babies cleared it up really well but I'm 5 years past my last baby now so its been starting to crop up. I started drinking vitex and red raspberry leaf for cramping and found my acne lessened substantially! I also have no cramping at all. It's incredible! Makes you wonder what other things will resolve themselves if herbs become a staple of your life...

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Nobody, nobody has facial acne in our families--not husband, his siblings, me or my siblings, our older daughters. Then youngest daughter got hit! I struggle to think what was different in her life (moving from well water to municipal? different vaxxes?)--not yet gone completely and she is 36. My PubMed readings tell me that there is a particular bacterium involved (but didn't go down that hole so don't remember more)--but you might. Yes, pregnancy and nursing had wonderful side effects for me (no more menstrual cramps ever).

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Ugh I feel her pain. It could be a particular bacterium, maybe it is allowed to thrive because of an inbalance in the body, the bacterium isn't being held in check as it normally would..hm..interesting.. It is very easy to chase these rabbits endlessly!

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My thoughts as well. Hence this year I made the effort to gather all mine, dry or infuse them (olive oil because it's what I have on hand), and see what follows. Made a black walnut salve (during first half of October our black walnut trees are 'generous' in their output) for husband's intractable toenail fungus. Hoping it will become 'tractable' with juglans nigra applied. (He inserts a squoosh under the nail with a syringe--has a lot of them in his workshop for getting glue into tight spaces)

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Yay!! It's so exciting to hear other people doing this! Sometimes it feels a bit lonely in the real world, everyone looks at you like you're a weirdo when you say you make your own *insert remedy/product*. I have heard black walnut salve is really good! Also tea tree oil helps with fungus. I love that there are so many options with phytotherapy! Hmm I would love to have a black walnut tree..how long til they bear nuts? Probably has to be pretty mature.. I have several dozen herbs to start in the spring. It seems prudent to get as many as possible in the ground before you can't get them as easily...

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I do not advise growing black walnut unless you have enough land to set tree a good 150 feet from whatever you want to grow. At least 80 feet. Allelopathy has been a real difficulty for us--there were 3 mature trees; one fell 7 years ago (thank goodness). On the other hand, I feel comfortable only with 'herbals' grown in my soil--because (thanks to the wonderful Univ. Maine soil testing lab [and I don't even live year-round in Me] I know what is actually in my soil. Suggest you do some looking into whether people in your area have these trees--a real 'weed tree' in SE Pa.

But yes--30 years ago (when first interested in medicinal use of herbs), serious info on the use was really really hard to find. Fast forward to now, and 'phytochemicals', 'phytomedicine' is all the (scientific) rage. Witness all the research papers on PubMed.

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Thank you for this link. I recently visited an esthetician who told me about castor oil becoming popular to cure "just about everything". Using it topically was not something I had considered. Our grandparents knew what they were doing with a daily dose of castor oil. Modern medicine has created a quick fix mentality in our culture. This article emphasizes consistent use over time to allow the remedy to work. I have found this to be true with most non-traditional health interventions, acupuncture being a case-in-point. Acupuncture does not "make sense" but it works, over time. Ancient remedies, herbs, oils, acupuncture, have been in use much longer than our pHarma methods of "curing"--using that word very loosely--what ails us. Moving away from modern medical interventions and taking personal responsibility and control of our health is the blessing behind the curse that is all things associated with the plandemic.

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TW - It’s definitely catching on especially with the 20 somethings who are not jabbed. My daughter is in her second year of a masters in acupuncture and herbal medicine. She absolutely loves what she’s learning because she knows she’ll make a difference.

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Where is she doing this program? Sounds amazing!

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I can personally vouch for caster oil! My daughter's Ostechondroma is healing on its own with a castor oil wrap every night (and prayers to the Almighty healer of course)

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So interesting! Love natural remedies and Edgar Casey!

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It is travesty so many of the young don't know today is Pearl Harbor Day, or what is its significance. The Greatest Generation sacrificed and died so that our intransigence could breed the death of individual responsibility, cognitive thought, a work ethic, and the worship of the false god in the form of a smart phone.

Cleaning up our basement, my wife came across of a dozen or so very technical textbooks on arial and seaborne navigation, plus my dad's notes. He was a navigator in the RAF in WWII. Skimming over them, I was in awe of just how smart my dad was. And he was pulled out of school at 14 to work and help support his 7 brothers and sisters. I'll wager not one in 10 college students today in this country could learn what he learned, and do what he did. Thirty years ago, my John Wayne like boss said to me "we have become a nation of pussies". Imagine what he would think now, 10 years after his death?

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Igor Chudov wrote on the frame shifting story too. https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/covid-vaccines-produce-random-junk

Just when we think we’ve heard all the evil, more evil gets revealed. I no longer have words. I invoke the words of the imprecatory Psalms and ask that God send these people to hell. (Yes, knowing full well that ALL of us myself included deserve hell, yet, if David said it, so can we.)

Igor’s article is worth a read, along with many of the comments.

And what happens when this frame shifting is now incorporated into the human DNA, thanks to all the offspring being exposed during gestation, and the effects on human sperm cells preconception. The generational impacts will be enormous.

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Igor did a nice job. This is a big story.

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Igor says quarter of the subjects. You wrote every person a quarter of the time. I’m confused. How do I distinguish?

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It can't be "a quarter of the recipients", because the effect was consistent across all the tests in the study. In other words, it doesn't depend on who receives it, it just naturally happens some portion of the time.

That means Jeff's take was correct.

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We have no way of knowing.

No testing was done.

"The Science" has changed, you see . . . /sarc

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This reminds me of a commercial they are running now for the RSV vaccine. It depicts a VERY PREGNANT woman receiving the RSV vaccine for both her and her baby still in the womb. I shudder when I see it because so many expectant mothers want to do the right thing, but this is NOT a proven science and could lead to unintended health problems for both. How dare they push this unknown science on mothers and the unborn.

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When I teach medication administration to my nursing students I review teratogenic effects and do my best to emphasize NO pregnant mom should be taking any experimental injectable or oral medications, but especially ones with no long term side effects and discuss thalidomide as the example. I just pray it sticks!!

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

I'm a DES baby. My mother was prescribed it in 1950, to avoid a repeat miscarriage. Spring of my senior year in college, my wedding just weeks away, and my mother called me to say I had better get the college doctor to check me out. I was terrified.

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I have a dear friend who is childless because of DES.

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That commercial made me sick. It implied that the baby can’t breathe without the RSV vaccine, and then it said the baby will get the next one at 6 months. 🤯

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Yes! Indicating that both mother and baby can only take deep breaths with RSV vaccine. Sick, sick, sick.

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Very sick

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Another pharma company was doing trials on the RSV vax and pulled it because of the adverse effects. Pfizer is continuing theirs. Pretty much the same drug.

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Man has attempted with this mRNA poison to change God's perfect design of his children. It will not go forward and the 'survival of the fittest' will again become relevant in the human species. GMO humans will not survive, let alone be able to reproduce. "Man plans, God laughs."

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Unfortunately it seems likely that the humans may in fact reproduce, albeit with devastating effects on their offspring, likely for generations. Many highly jabbed women are carrying babies to term - had they made the jabs lethal enough to halt all fertility, their gig would’ve been up by now.

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This. I was initially relieved for a few friends to all find out their pregnant (3 couples) that I know are jabbed or at least one is. Now it's kind of a dread. The first one was born during covid, he's about 18mo, and he had a scare with his heart at 6 mo. Seems resolved now but theyre monitoring-who knows? The other 2 are due imminently, and we know both parents have had at least the initial course. Who knows how messed up the endocrine system is going to be in those kids as they age? Will THEY be fertile?

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Not to worry. A very important man said, "If we do a really good job with vaccines....".

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Ever thankful for that feeling in my gut to absolutely refuse any vaccine when the media became obsessed overnight with the soon to be released jab cocktail.

I’m thankful for so many things these days.

For Jeff and C&C, for all the real scientists who have worked tirelessly to get the truth out, for legislators fighting for medical freedom, for Florida’s sanity regarding quarantining, for pharma being held accountable, for exposing every level of evil within our government agencies and political parties....I could go on and on!

Cheers to our great progress!!

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SM - thanks for the reminders of the good things going on!

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Dr Dan Stock was Right! I want to hug him.

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Think about it. Those very evil ‘people’ may not be ‘people’, but the very “ ....rulers, the powers, the worldly forces of this darkness, and the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”.....Ephesians 6:12

After all, hell was not created for humans but for the devil and his angels. So. Pray that ‘if’ there are human souls caught up in this dark web, that they will repent and turn from their wicked ways, but Father, other than that, send those other entities to HELL!!!

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Very informative! Thanks for sharing.

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I still think much more is going to come out over the mRNA death shots. I just don't want to get started on it. I with you, let them burn.

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Lacking true repentance, they will most certainly receive their just reward. Just like the rest of us.

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If they can reproduce at all. I truly think killing people and making the rest sterile was the plan all along.

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Nice to know I lost my career at Seattle Fire over an absolute lie by the medical establishment and the government. They even had the numbers that the vaccinated were getting COVID at equal, some months higher, rates than the unvaccinated. 4 consecutive months where over 300 members were unvaccinated and over 600 were vaccinated (roughly) May 2021 - Aug 2021. There was a documented 70-80% positive COVID rate in the jabbed vs just 20-30% in the un-jabbed of total cases. Then, when ultimately they enforced the mandate Oct 2021, nearly 100 members left who got fired, exemptions were not accommodated and fired, retired early or outright resigned. Then, with no more than 15 cases in any month the previous 21 months among department members, 2 months after removing all unvaccinated from service, they had over 80 cases Dec 2021 and over 100 cases in Jan 2022 with a “fully vaxed” department... Criminal

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Sorry about your loss, hope you got employment at a better fire department.

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This was one of the issues that made us the most crazy! We watched the 2020 "summer of love" unfold in the greater Seattle area. We saw how the Seattle police department was decimated by all of the stupidity from the city council. Then, in 2021, to have all of our first responders mandated to get jabbed or lose their jobs - utter madness! Just heartsick over what was done to folks like yourself! Society needs people like you who can think critically, to serve in these important positions.

We continue to pray for all those affected by these wicked mandates.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Praying for Justice for you and all those in the lawsuit against SFD

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I think there needs to be a series of lawsuits multipler. Every government leader/agency from local to fed, who discriminated, spread misinformation about safe and effective this death vax was coercing people to get it. Also include all non government companies from Mark Zuckerberg who hired trolls to lie to its customers and censor the truth from the general population, to the local elements massage who had the do not enter if you are unvaxed on door. Hospitals/docs who denied service or treated their patients horribly.Their defense will mostly be they were taking direction from cdc/fdc and let the chips roll up hill. Bombard them. Even if the cases go nowhere, what a message it would bring. But I don't get why there are not more lawsuits, especially against social media companies and those companies that descriminated.

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The PREP Act and CARES Act has written liability immunity protections for most of these people, similar to the 1986 NCVIA where the vax manufacturers are completely immune from any liability for the damages their products cause. Follow Katherine Watt to learn how everything that happened during the pLandemic was "legal" due to previous laws, statues, executive orders and regulations that started being put in place as far back as 1948. Katherine's done some incredible "dot-connecting".

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Large companies have legal departments that are on the payroll for just such situations. Unless you possess large sums of money and are willing to spend it then you are tilting at windmills. A civil rights case could be made in many instances and perhaps the heads of agencies and companies could be sued in their personal capacities. I think this would send a stronger message anyway. If a board of directors or CEO commits the company to committing an egregious act and the company suffers but they do not then why wouldn't they do it again? This is at the heart of "virtue signaling". From what I can find, for example, the woman behind the Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light debacle is still employed while the company, along with its shareholders, suffered large losses.

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Ian, so glad I was able to retire from a major city Bureau just south of you a-ways before this craziness hit. Stations 'locked down', poor guys masked up for nearly 24 hours at a time, level 'D' haz mat cover on every call, absolutely crazy. I wasn't allowed into any of my prior stations to visit the guys either, and that hurt. Another pet peeve of mine, the unions absolutely abandoned those requesting exemption. Unions are as criminal as the government.

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This - I still don't understand why the unions didn't back their members. Isn't that their job?

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Unions not backing their members needing exemptions - likely a "follow the money" answer to why they didn't stand up for the people paying their dues.

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Like Trump. When they go through the fire, they come out stronger and more determined.

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Trump is done, however. I'm done dealing with the father of the covid vaccine and someone who created the poison that killed a bunch of dudes and caused a very, very stressful 2 years of my life.

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Trump was not the father of the shot. US DOD was. Looks like shot may have been developed as early as 2014. Moderna had their shots produced and sitting in inventory in March 2020. Pfizer was "testing" theirs in April 2020. Project Warp Speed was announced Mid-May 2020. Trump did not have them created. However sadly he did not stop them. Not sure he could have.

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"However sadly he did not stop them."

Not only did he not stop them, Trump to this very day claims Operation Warp Speed as one of his admin's greatest achievements.

The DeathVax belongs to Trump because he wants it.

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His own, acclaimed, ownership of the Deathvax is what holds back my approval of the man. He may have not known the misery and death it would create, but his silence now makes him complicit.

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complicity or death, not much of a choice. you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

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Agree completely. Just had this discussion in a Natural Health Channel I follow.

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So many Swamp People everywhere in government 🥺

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I read somewhere that the covid shot was tested on at least one Army enlisted man in 2014.

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How could he have known until it was too late that the vaccines were so deadly. Don’t forget, there were stages of the vaccine that were given for “supposed immunity”. Each stage to do more harm than the first shot. Some were injured or worse after the first shot, even after the second and this third solidified the whole scheme. Diabolical on so many levels.

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Incorrect. He claims it’s his and that it’s the best shot out there to this day. What was “operation wad speed” again?

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Well........Trump didn't mandate.......

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Yeah, that’s a good thing..but he still claims credit for the shot

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I recall President Trump’s daily addresses early on. He stayed in communication with us. He was the first to inform us about hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin , among many other helpful things, only to be ridiculed. Fauci made faces and denied these remedies would help. Trump was very much trying to help us, he should never have trusted Fauci, but hind sight is as they say 20/20.

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Or, hind sight "from 2020" is as they say 20/20! (Re: "Trump was very much trying to help us, he should never have trusted Fauci, but hind sight is as they say 20/20.

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Trump was fantastic on almost everything.

I can even get over most of that except the part where he made the shot that almost made me have to restart my entire career and lose my retirement healthcare and future over his shot.

Restarting when you’re almost 40 is not a good option.

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Trump is not a scientist. He relied on Pence, Fauci and Birx for getting the jabs out in record time because he did not want to destroy the strong economy he had built up. He wanted people to get back to work and prevent lockdowns. He thought the vaccines were a solution to keep everyone safe. Little did he know and little did WE know. Sorry for your troubles. I have to put blame where it belongs and it’s the Pharma companies and other “powers” that had deadly motives to push this stuff.

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How do we know that he 'relied' on Pence, Fauci and Birx? Why do we have to make 'excuses' for people? And to be fair, given the hysteria and madness, there are limits to trying to reason with stampeding cattle.

Ultimately, it was the mass stupidity of the American people which did them in. And yes, I have empathy for those who were lied to. And yes, this is all a very complex situation.

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No. Your boy, the corrupt Peters, is done. Ukraine is done. You are done.

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You might want to check the map. Russian propagandists have been saying. Ukraine is done since February of 2022. They’re still in the fight after 2 years of c&c favorite tyrant attempting to subjugate them. Russia is on failed offensive number 4 or 5. Now.

Good news is they are offering 100k ruble bonuses for anyone who joins, you should take the offer!

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You think Pdt was the father of the vaccine? He was totally duped. One of his failures of character. This plan came about because of Trump, and the good things he accomplished in such a short time. Can't have the peons realizing the problems solved are first created by the solvers. Although he rocked their boat, they had to get rid of him and couldn't martyr him.

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My problem with Trump is he is still raving about operation warpspeed and how it saved a million people. Not quite!

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Yep. I can’t reconcile this. His greatest achievement?!? He’s the ultimate distraction. Look here, not here...hold on, he’s coming to save us...I could go on and on. They’re all the same.

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What kind of response does the crowd give when Trump is raving about Operation Warp Speed? I would imagine it's all boo's?

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Actually it is. Not any cheers, that I can tell you. I have to agree with Sherry on that point. It's rather weird.

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Yet he is still responsible.

You can’t shuck off responsibility when

You claim credit and started operation “warp speed”.

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Trump is more popular than ever. Btw, how much money did YOU make off the Ukraine money-laundering gig? You sure were anxious to sell it to everyone.

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He’s not more popular than ever. You probably also believe Biden legitimately got 81 million votes, right?

I don’t make any money. We shouldn’t be sending money, just weapons.

The weapons are doing good work and I got a nice care package today myself of some Russian patches pulled off the dead soldiers around avdiivka.

Russias war is done.

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Jeff, thanks for breaking down that study in a way that any non-scientist can understand.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

With McCarthy quitting and the Repubs booting Santos out for a financial crime (something the Dems would never do), they have almost lost control of the House. How crazy can they be?

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I think they want to lose the house. It prevents them from having to follow through on anything.

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The rinos of the uniparty are doing what they do best - nothing but sabotage.

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Retribution against Gaetz for replacing McCarthy. Their childish disregard for the country and their fellow citizens never ceases to amaze me. I see this characteristic operating in our state legislature as well. It's like they never developed emotionally past elementary or junior high school.

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Republicans are showing their true colors. McCarthy would have never quit if he truly cared about our country and its people. Personally, I'd like to see every single one of them booted out so we can start over from scratch.

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He wears the Ukraine flag pinned to his chest or whoever we Stand With that week. His colors are blue and yellow.

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Emotionally, I agree with you, but I think the strategy being used by the communists in the Democrat Party are superior: take it over from within over time, by relentlessly winning elections and expanding their influence and power within their party.

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It would be a good thing for most/all of the legislators who went along/encouraged all the plandemic debacle. They are not wanting to admit their failure and mistake in letting it get out of hand. Likely, only fresh people with no "history" re: decisions made during the last three years will have the clarity to end the remaining missteps in place.

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Those who didn’t get picked for the recess kickball team in elementary or asked to the prom in high school are running the country & exacting their vengeance on us all.

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Too much weed

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Same here.

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I think the Republicans have been proven to be a weapon used against us. I believe we are being controlled by unseen powers who are running the political show. But I do support and applaud the very few who mount real resistance to the Evil.

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You must still be under the impression there's still a difference between democrats and republicans. There isn't. Republicans are just better at pretending they like or care about the average American. Just listen to MTG's interview with Tucker to get a brief glimpse into what a majority of our republican congress folks are doing (or, I should say, not doing). We have a much bigger problem than getting rid of President Peters.

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I agree completely. It's all theater for us to think we are represented in some way.

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Oh my goodness, that MTG episode was something else!

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Yes, yes, yes. They’re just about all the same. I don’t trust any of them.

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And Johnson of Ohio leaving to become a college president. Yes, now a 1-seat 'majority,' as described by Matt Gaetz in his excellent Firebrand podcast, which should be daily listening/viewing for everyone. He also notes that Santos wasn't convicted, and that in the history of our Republic it required either conviction of a crime or having been on the 'wrong' side of the Civil War to be removed from the House, until a newbie Rep. decided he needed to set a new precedent and the automatons of The Stupid Party went along with him.


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I don't understand why a politician doesn't have to finish the term they were elected to fill. Unless, they become ill/incapacitated. Same when governors run for Pres when they were just elected to another term.

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Right? I am currently working in a job that I've been trying to quit even before Covid, but my guilt overwhelms me and I just can't let go. These guys have no problem exiting stage Left.

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My thoughts exactly - if the people elected someone for a specified time frame, this should be a contract with the people. Says a lot about someone who would abandon the very people who had enough confidence in them to vote them in.

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Pretty sure Mccarthy was purchased. Prove me wrong. A couple unfortunate accidents and Joey gets away with treason.

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It's almost as bad as the time the Iron Sheik smashed Rowdy Roddy Piper into the turnbuckle!

Tune in next week!

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I'm sure we've yet to see.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I would LOVE to see the final nail in the jab coffin. I sincerely hope this happens. I am concerned, and probably rightfully so, that the FDA will find SOME way to keep these horrible toxins on the marketplace. They are just that evil, that bought. I hope I'm wrong! If the clot shots are finally pulled from the market, I'm doing a tap dance at the corner of High and Broad, right by the Ohio Statehouse.

China "Ho ho ho" - I nearly spit coffee on the keyboard!! :)

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The "S" in FDA stands for Safety.

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Wish I could heart this 1000x

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I think you mean: the final jab in the jab coffin... nails are pretty safe comparatively. ;)

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And even a rusty nail !!

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Yes! Much better and more accurate!

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I would love to join you in the tap dance! 💃

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I too will join in at the Ohio Statehouse!!!

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FourWinds - I will join you at our statehouse and bring my peeps!

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Maybe this is why cvs is advertising a new non mRNA coofid Vax?

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How about the demon powers that be chem trailing and putting poisons in our food and water knock it off so we can live as naturally as is possible with the gifts God has provided. Guess that isn’t very profitable is it.

Great to read your column today Jeff. Gives hope that the greedy bastards might be soon to a reckoning. Btw.. I read that the phizer goul in chief is a veterinarian.

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Comment on Gato from a Swede---who claims sky, already so dim at this time in the Nordic north, is just lacking light. Attributes this to geoengineering.

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Also for "...the Ho..." :))

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I will absolutely join you, FourWinds!

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The local college here in FL doesn’t press the shot for their nursing students anymore even for clinicals. They require all other shots or titers but not for covid. The college never had a mandate but for those doing clinicals they were saying the clinical site required it but now they say if you took it it’s okay, if you didn’t that’s not a problem because most of the people had the infection already but now I wonder if there is another reason why they don’t insist on it.

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FourWinds - I pray you get to do that celebratory tap dance, and we need you to upload video of said dance:) I'm not holding my breath, however, that they would ever be completely pulled from the market. At best, they may be reduced to recommending only for the elderly. But who knows?! With God, all things are possible.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

5th GOP debate last night and we got the first question about Covid (thanks Megyn Kelly). Of course Desantis knocked it out of the park as he's the only politician who has record on the topic to be proud of. The most salient point he made is that if he's the president there will be a FULL RECKONING for what happened during Covid and you know he will do it. And we know Trump would NEVER do it as he's the 'Father of the vaccine' and still proud of Operation Warpspeed so of course he's not going to be turning over any rocks regarding Covid. Choose wisely America

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There was a debate?

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I had no idea lol 😝

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Yep.. DeSantis would do it.....just like he announced an election fraud committee and never staffed it and a child trafficking group that's done absolutely NOTHING. DEsantis who is all about pushing us in Ukraine when it's only a $$ laundering operation by our government that also is hosting gain of function labs and human trafficking. By all means, let's vote him in.....NOPE! (OH and don't forget how DeSantis tasked a FL Senator with CHANGING the language in our health freedom bill of Florida so we really don't have any health freedom bc the health dept can still DEMAND and REQUIRE citizens to get vaccines in a health crisis....just not covid vaccines.) Sheesh!

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He's a slick one, no doubt. Still waiting to see how addresses the contradictions of concealed carry, red flag, and open carry. Can't have constitutional carry with caveats. It doesn't work that way.

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Here's some good clips from Mark Dice. Vivek of course was on fire.


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“The father of the vaccine’, that’s absolutely laughable. There’s treatment for TDS.

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Isn't Ron financed by Bush and Romney money?

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According to Q yes. In truth, in reality, no. That's Nikki Haley. But Bruce Jenner and Lindsey Graham back Trump

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The jab window is shifting. In another month or two, a study will come out moving it further away from "completely safe and effective" to "unusual things happened that require vigorous study". From there it will become "the evidence looks bad". Then it will be "we did our best but it turns out it's not safe and is ineffective - honest mistake". By the time the window reaches justice, it will be 10 years from now and all the players will have retired very comfortably, Bourla will have purchased an island and created an independent nation without extradition treaties, Gates will have long since shed his stock at a billion dollar profit right before the stock drops to singe digits, Klaus will have become Claudia, Fauci will change his name to Ben Ratlock, and the world population will have decreased to around 5 billion.

And, as is always the case, everyone will be asking "How did this happen? How could no one see it coming? How do we make sure it never happens again (cough - bigger government - cough)?"

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They may very well evade consequences here on earth. In fact, I'm inclined to bet they will. They can't evade death though or God's judgment.

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That's a nice thought but unfortunately the nature of psychopaths means they are likely to double down, wipe the internet and move forward with martial law.

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You nailed it. Psychopaths never give up.

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Klaus will become Claudia 🤣🤣🤣 BUT very good analysis of how this works. I never believed this crap, but I’m also very suspect of most things that everyone jumps on board with. I try and sit back to analyze exactly what and why.

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“Klaus will have changed his name to Claudia.......Fauci/Ratlock....”😂😂😂

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You know......looking at Fauci......I have always said he looks like a rat.....but it also could easily be said he looks like a bat.......hmmm remember the claim it came from a ‘wet market’ bat...??? Ve must investigate ze

bat-link before ve are forced to eat ze bugs.

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Rats & bats are much cuter & more amiable than F***face Fauci (pardon my French)!

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we still dont have conclusive proof on pearl harbor, or JFK or RFK or 911. and you believe the covidians will fall? the perps and institutions that surrounded them are well insulated and backstopped. there are way too many people in lockstep together on this agenda. Small guys might get thrown under the bus. God is the only one that can demolish and expose the evil roots that spawned it and put an axe to it. To this end we must pray and work.

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I am afraid you are right. And an outrage every day passing. 'My people are destroyed by a lack of knowledge' still rings true.

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Nailed it!

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Strangely, this is it was covered at the end of the 2017 SPARS table top exercise - how "mistakes were made with the fast-tracked vaccine, people died and were injured - we'll do better NEXT time!!)

People really should go here and download the pdf that's highlighted under the title. Read especially the last 2 chapters, chapter 18 and 19. Sounds ODDLY FAMILIAR to what's happening today. How DID they know? 🤔


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Wow! Does sound familiar, as do some of those earlier chapters in the pdf!

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The princely sum of 1 million dollars! My grandma once told me that back in her day, they would say of someone “That guy’s a millionaire—he’s worth two hundred thousand!” Now a million IS worth about two hundred thousand.

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when I was a kid, there was a TV show called "The Millionaire', about a man who randomly gave away a million dollars to someone. That was real money in the '50's.

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I think the man's name was John Beresford Tipton. It was a great show. Every episode he gifted $1m to a stranger and the episode was about how it changed that person's life. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not. I know that every time I go to my mailbox I scan the contents hopefully for an envelope from JBT. Sadly coming up empty so far, but hope springs.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding "no evidence," it's the same old trick, but absence of evidence is not the same as evidence of absence. The FDA is supposed to require evidence of absence, to protect us. Do we have any institutions left intact at all? I'm thinking not, really.

And regarding the production of "nonsense proteins," most allergens are proteins. Creating non-self proteins inside the human body is a virtual guarantee of creating problems with allergy and immunology. It's difficult to absorb the enormity of what they have done.

"This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” – VADM James Stockdale, USN

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Now let's talk about prions . . .

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With those death shots the globalists have waged all out war against us from every foreseeable front to every conceivable angle. The flim-flam-demic carnage was no Bob Ross "happy accident" for these elite devils in hot pursuit of a new world order. The executed plans and blueprints for this medical coup were the final outcome of boundless hours of human behavior modeling and game theorizing on how to best destroy our health, wealth, economies, education, our wisest members, and the next generation. And the end goal of all of this destruction is global tyranny punctuated by the crushed spirit of mankind ushering in abject slavery. Here is one of the (many) instruction manuals the parasite class has been utilizing to accomplish this: Excerpts from 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars':

● ...in view of the law of natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent.

● The objective was to shift the wealth of the "undisciplined and irresponsible" many to the "self-disciplined, responsible and worthy" few, and create a totally predictable and manipulable economy. This form of slavery is essential to maintain some measure of social order, peace, and tranquility for the ruling upper class.

● ...the family unit must be carefully disintegrated, and state-controlled public education and state operated child-care centers must become more common and legally enforced so as to begin the detachment of the child from the mother and father at an earlier age.

Then the response of the household to future shocks can be predicted and manipulated, and society becomes a well-regulated animal with its reins under the control of a sophisticated computer-regulated social energy bookkeeping system.

●The general rule is that there is profit in confusion; the more confusion, the more profit. Therefore the best approach is to creat problems and then offer the solutions.

Diversion, the Primary Strategy:

● Disengaging their minds; sabotaging their mental activities; providing a low-quality program of public education.

● Engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their indulgence in emotional and physical activities.

● Rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant creation, thus being able to shift their thinking from personal needs to highly fabricated outside priorities. To succeed, the family unit has to be carefully disintegrated.

● A silent weapon system operates upon data obtained from a docile public by legal (but not always lawful) force.

More information here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/technocracy-silent-weapons-for-quiet

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ALL true, but also they're all mostly Satanistic and Death Cultists. Viewing themselves as truly enlightened and valid managers of the herd of humanity on behalf of truth. We are their burden, they are our lords.

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Yes, and we live being enemy lines.

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"Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent."

This is why I like fish. Who knows if that pink ground beef or steak isnt another person u are eating. Fish is a little more difficult to fake.

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Soylent Green is people

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