Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Found out yesterday a friend's HEALTHY 27yo daughter was in ICU with a stroke. Apparently the doctors (in NYC) couldn't figure out how this could happen. They ultimately determined her blood clotted in an artery in her neck due to arterial trauma. Since she is not an extreme sports fanatic or NFL athlete, they didn't understand the "trauma" part. The medical decision was "she sneezed so violently that she caused trauma". Young, healthy people can't even sneeze anymore. Gives new meaning to "God Bless You". Later that afternoon my husband's co-worker walked to the parking lot and just dropped. They had the video on a garage camera. She went to her knees, slumped on the floor and just died.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Our clients are passing away at higher numbers. I never had so many claims and estate settlements going on. And the companies processing the claims are backed up. Of course it is baffling. #ABV

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Has anybody seen any statistics on deaths in the US lately? Surely somebody must be tracking this.

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Ed Dowd wrote "Cause Unknown" which tracked the uptick in deaths in what would have been a normally healthy and thriving age and socioeconomic group for 2020/21. He offered facts and pointed to the cause. It will of course be met with a box of crickets thrown at him and mumblings of "conspiracy theorist". Nobody wants real science anymore. They prefer the lies.

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šŸ’Æ the government, financial firms, insurance companies and of course the medical community are all in on the cover up.

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When the end is near you have to pick sides. Light or dark. Cockroaches run to the dark when the light is flipped on. It is their refuge.

I am grateful to know who the cockroaches are.

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Democrats in Congress = blatta americanus

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Well stated, Raptor--thank you!

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They prefer the lies because they are devoted to the FATHER OF LIES - Lucifer himself!

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Ed Dowd recently gave an interview and said excess deaths are spiking up again. He's a former investment guru so he said the chart looked like a breakout stock. For deaths to "break out" to the upside, well that's the opposite of good.

My life insurance paid through large company policy went up 125% this year... my cost portion. CEOs know why it went up...

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That insurance rate change is incredible. At some point there shold be a break for the unjabbed. Why should the folks less likely to die unexpectedly while being healthy and young bear the brunt?

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I heard (but can't confirm), the more jabs you've had, the less the life insurance companies will insure you for. If you've gotten all the jabs and all the latest boosters, you are not eligible for coverage. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

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Jeff God Bless you sir and wishing you a swift recovery!

Happy that you touched up on the dark one, evil is incarnate and needs to be dealt with by the light of God.

You're absolutely correct that folks should not put up with openly satanic promotion, or latent at schools.

What is stunning is that evil is no longer hiding, but out in the open and screaming loudly.

We need to oppose this with God's word, action and deeds.

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Amen! In the Precious and Holy name of Jesus!!

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Thanks for posting this link. People should note the embedded link to treating cancer.

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Amen. So wish more people knew to look beyond conventional poison and their destroy to heal approach!

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Ed Dowd. Look him up. There is a whole book on sudden deaths and he's writing another one. He just did an interview on CHD with current stats. He was visibly shaken cuz numbers don't lie and he is seeing a catastrophic future with 25 to 50 sigma events. The normal is a 3 sigma that itself should be rare.

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Childrenā€™s Health Defense TV interviewed Ed Dowd (Cause Unknown) recently on this topic. See https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/ed-dowd-they-cant-run-from-this-data/

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thanks for the link. I must have it somewhere too, because I get the messages from chd, but where did I save it lol

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Scroll down to the graph:


For the past 2 years we are getting about 4-5 months a year back AT the 5 year average but not below it like we should be.

All Cause Mortality and Fertility are the numbers to watch. Currently both are going the wrong way.

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Yes..."their" evil finaglings are working as they planned for DECADES! I knew the world was evil--but I didn't know just HOW EVIL!

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when I see the numbers of deaths specially in Italy and Canada, I wonder if the population has not gone down seriously already. Because lots of 40 and 50 and 60 year olds have already died. And all the older people are dying as well.

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Agree. And sadly our youth are being totally corrupted, both mind and body. :(

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Jul 21, 2023Ā·edited Jul 21, 2023

Dr. Denis Rancourt Unveiling All-Cause Mortality: A Critical Analysis of the Pandemic Declaration and Vaccination Rollout | Ottawa Day One | NCI


Ed Dowd Reveals New "Bombshell" Data That Looks Like A Cover Up w/ Dr. Kelly Victory ā€“ Ask Dr. Drew


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Just listened to Dr. Denis Rancourt. And a mystery is most likely solved. And that's the reason why 'the authorities' packed nursing and extended care facilities with people sick people ... something which normally nobody would do. It's to get a spike in excess mortality going, marked 'A' on the All Cause Mortality chart for Canada 2019 - 2023. This would be a good ploy in the panic triggering.

Excellent. One of the best ever. And where does 'covid' fit in the scheme of things? Worth listening. Thanks much!

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Jul 21, 2023Ā·edited Jul 21, 2023

Ed Dowd. Go to his site. he is a financial guy and the leading expert on excess deaths in the US. Made lots of podcasts, and seen a number of them

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I would imagine that actuaries are REALLY busy adjusting all of the "tables" used for insurance companies and lending institutions.

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I remember reading/hearing that the term life insurance companies started buying short term reinsurance for their existing policies early last(?) year. I believe it was from Ed Dowd. I also think that's what got him on path of researching excess deaths.

It's highly unusual because the only way the reinsurance pays is if the covered person dies prior to the term. Historically, the vast majority do live past the term, which is why it's normally a highly profitable, heavily promoted product.

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Sooo...am I to understand that insurance companies (term) are buying "short" term policies to cover their extreme losses due to SADS? WOW!!! What an indicator of what's 'REALLY' happening.

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Steve Kirsch often posts data like excess death on his Substack.

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GOD bless you Jeff we are holding you up, praying that you will recover quickly.

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Find @TheVigliantFox. Many others are tracking it and tracking it well. Itā€™s all OFF the charts.

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See table 5.8 in this actuarial study of group life insurance....young people dying at double-digit excess rates https://www.soa.org/49b504/globalassets/assets/files/resources/experience-studies/2022/group-life-covid-19-mortality-12-2022.pdf

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I follow three reputable people that report on excess deaths. There isn't a consensus and I can't figure out why. Ed Dowd looks at data from insurance companies but Dr Rodger Seheult looking at government data doesn't see a problem https://youtu.be/uEbS4ZO8jkE go figure?

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ā€œlooking at govt dataā€. I think Iā€™ve found the problem, Watson.

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DON'T FOLLOW THE SCIENCE--follow the MONEY people (insurance companies' tables are REAL)

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there is a weekly review from Mark Crispin Miller with sudden deaths from around the world, but I don't think he does statistics about it.

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3 Sigma event

A 3 Sigma event refers to a process that produces results with 99.7% accuracy or 99.7% of outcomes falling within three standard deviations from the mean. In other words, it means that the process has a 99.7% chance of producing results within normal variation, while the remaining 0.3% of outcomes fall outside the expected range.

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If only I could trust ANY statistics any more. From any source.

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Edward Dowd is but our government, you know the one brimming with ideas and assuredness just a year ago, is absolutely baffled and the mystery is as murky as the question of who brought yayo into the WH.

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Our government and health institutions need to acknowledge the problem. Until they do, these deaths will keep happening. I hope this is true can can be done, but all these vax injured people need intensive blood cleaning therapies and most likely monthly or quarterly and daily Nattokinase and other supplements.

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What is nattokinase?

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fermented soy derivative. Can get it in pill form too. We take it daily for shedding protection. Everyone who was jabbed should take it for the rest of their lives. Not expensive

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There are also many health benefits to nato.

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If you can stomach eating it šŸ™ƒ

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Where do you buy yours, Roland? I buy many supplements, but never sourced "fermented soy derivative". At one time "soy" was lauded, now it is considered to be almost a carcinogen--but it's a stablizer additive in just about ALL processed foods.

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Most soy used in USA food isn't good for people, but non-GMO, fermented soy is actually okay and even beneficial, according to the Weston A. Price people (as long as you don't eat too much of it).

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Jul 21, 2023Ā·edited Jul 21, 2023

I think the reason soy lost itā€™s reputation as a ā€œhealthā€ food is because most of it is now a mass produced GMO product. Iā€™ve read that it causes the production of excessive estrogen in the body.

I would be careful taking Natto myself because itā€™s known to lower BP and mine is already too low because of adrenal issues.

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NOW foods has a good one! You can also actually eat natto. I lived in Japan and didnā€™t love the taste (they call them sticky beans to english speakers) but maybe it would be ok with some Louisiana hot sauce on it!! Lol!!

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if you use some in supplement form, take with water - No Food. It is helps reduce clotting, improves blood flow (kinda like aspirin), and helps destroy Fibrin tissues (blood clots, tumors etc.). Good for spike clots too. This is documented in pubmed.

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Thanks Peter

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Do alot of them work for Amazon or wear bras? ;)

HEALTH ALERT: Top 11 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes

- Working for Amazon (or as a Czech diplomat), wearing bras, being happy, your gas stove, Menopause, passing exams, changing exam rooms, and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).


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ABV disease is alive and well. It started with SIDS along the same time they ramped up childhood vaccines (baffling!). Love that they donā€™t know what it IS/ but they are triple sure they know what it ISNā€™T! Itā€™s NOT the vaccines!

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recently Italian papers have started to mention something about the jabs. But then they conclude there is no evidence. Obviously people dropping dead in the street, the store, the hairdressing salon, banging their cars into oncoming traffic because of a heart attack while driving, are not enough evidence.

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If you're a denier or in on the whole evil escapade it's "baffling"--otherwise...NO...it is just what "they" wanted for the world. Watch that HBO movie titled "Utopia" - it was produced in 2020!!

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In my state, it has taken the estate settling of a relative more than 18 months now. A lot of delay at the county level, and now more delay at the state level too.

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Dear Lord Jesus, protect our loved ones who took the shot.

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Lord have mercy!

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Dropping dead today is called a ā€œsudden illness.ā€ Takes longer to read this comment than to die from a sudden illness.

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Or it is insanely reported as "natural causes"- once a common term used reporting deaths of the elderly dying peacefully in their bed at a ripe old age. Another flag now found in obituaries - they add the individual died suddenly 'at home' though any other location could just as easily be ascribed to adverse effects of the experimental injections.

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Jul 21, 2023Ā·edited Jul 21, 2023

Or "Natural Causes" like the 80 year old lady in Saskatoon. The fact that she just had an injection less than 15 minutes before was not the cause according to authorities.


Because it's not the vax because it's never the vax. Everyone must take the holy sacramental injection, everybody.

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Her fully-vaxxed daughter should be shaking in her boots...knowing she just might be dropping dead at any moment too. But then again, maybe she won't and will line up for the next booster.

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NOT I - They'll have to catch me first - or shoot me down like a dog!

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SADS - sudden adult death syndrome

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My brother was recently in the ER (he had a couple of strokes many years ago, and has ongoing issues). All three of the patients near him were young, healthy-looking men, who were all there with stroke symptoms. I asked the ER Doc if they were seeing an uptick in unusual stroke cases. He just looked at me (very tiredly) and said, ā€œYou have no idea.ā€ They are overwhelmed with them.

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Why arenā€™t they going public and shouting about it? The more people/doctors that stay quiet the more they are able to cover this upā€¦

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They are too cowardly to put their jobs on the line! We need TRUE PATRIOTS and they are in short supply.

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They are. See my comment

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Who would they tell? No news reporter would be willing or "allowed" to go against the narrative.

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Tucker would. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

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Because they are complicit. They bought into the fear and pushed the whole narrative without question. Some of them even knew it was all a lie, but they (and their hospital administrators) couldnā€™t resist the extra bonuses they got if they used the protocol and/or their patient died. Some literally have blood on their hands and kept family away from their loved ones so that nobody would know. Follow the money.

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They are working in the systemic lying going on all around them. If they took the shots to keep their jobs, wow! What they must be thinking and feeling.

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Should have asked him if he thought it was due to the Cvd injections just to see what his response would have been.

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I have NO PITY for any healthcare worker who is still a part of this CORRUPT, GREEDY SYSTEM--which has NOTHING to do with GOOD health or GOOD care!

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The CDC squashed baby aspirin therapy during the clot-shot push. Now we know why. šŸ˜–

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I donā€™t even know what to say. Just unbelievable.

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Iā€™ve had 8 people close to me pass in the last 12 months. 2 in the last 48 hours. Not sure about jab related and maybe Iā€™m just at that age, but it sucks beyond belief!

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5 here in the last 18 months.

One after a "brief Illness" at age 61. One died in sleep at age 64. One brain bleed with at least 3 covid shots.

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Itā€™s really just tragic. Gone 50 years with just grandparents passing. So sad!

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The shock of these unexpected deaths are heartbreaking and debilitating to the psyche.

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It really is! Especially so many that are not random people.

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How awfulā€¦so very sorry!

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Thanks...it has been really hard. But, it has been happening all around the world.

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Kathleen, I'm so sorry to hear this. May you find ways to be kind to yourself, during this tragic time.

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Thanks...I suspect all of them took the covid death shots. One I absolutely know for sure took them.

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I'm very sorry for your losses. That's awful.

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Thank you!

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All of my 70 something friends have been jabbed--I'm the only "critical thinking skills" person left. I just keep praying for EVERYONE I love and care about!

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Yes. I pray for the world everyday.

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I pray for our Creator God's MERCY and JUSTICE on those who wreak evil and havoc on the "innocents" (children).

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There are days I could run screaming from my building. It gets to me. I go from sorrow to anger. šŸ˜³

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I canā€™t imagine Annie!!!! Bless you!

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I'm so sorry to hear this. Losing one person would be hard to cope with let alone 8. May God have mercy.

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Yeah I know how recasted I feel. I canā€™t imagine having to work in a hospital, nursing home or funeral home now.

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We recently encountered this same story except it was a guy in his 50s, a business contact of my husbandā€™s ... this guy WENT SKIING, didnā€™t actually fall down or anything but then formed a clot in his neck and had a stroke ... he told my husband it was some unknown bump or bang from skiing ... ha ha ha a guy canā€™t even have an uneventful day of skiing anymore without being in mortal danger ... oh heaven help us these people

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And that he believed it! I've been skiing and had major falls, like I'm glad I didn't break something falls, no clots tho, hmmmm.

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amen, got a concussion but no clots.

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Exactly! A broken bone (mangled shoulder, strained back) is a normal injury from a FALL but to have a stroke as the only symptom of ski mishap is not normal ā€¦ in general, to suffer serious injury from an unmemorable/invisible event is just NOT NORMAL

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I work at a pediatric facility at times and we just had a conference about increasing blood clots in kids.

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I have to sign a "Sudden Cardiac Arrest" form now for my high school aged son to participate in sports at school.

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I wouldn't sign that document - let your son play backlot sports or start his own team. We CANNOT COMPLY any longer--we're in a WAR here!

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My son has Down syndrome so he isn't really "participating". It is just a way for him to participate in organized sports. I try not to assume to know everyone's situation and judge, but you do you.

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I see; well bless you for getting him involved in physical activity. I had a dear friend (who is now with Jesus) whose grandson was born with Downs PLUS autism. They almost lost him as an infant because he was born with a huge "hole" in his little infant heart. But he survived and his mother became an activist for NO VACCINES FOR BABIES - as she attended many seminars that had data linking "baby shots" to the increased incidence of autism in our children. That boy is now an adult (I am guessing about 30 years old now). His parents had to get someone else to care for him when they wanted some "respite" after my friend became ill and eventually passed (4 years ago now). She would always take Brandon to her place and they got on so well together--in fact, towards the end of her life, she was in cognition decline and Brandon is the ONLY ONE of her family that she knew for certain (she would ask after him and know his name when he visited her in the dementia ward of the nursing home development where she went to live about 5 years before she passed). Isn't that interesting--she did not know any of her other children or grands EXCEPT the "special" one!!

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Remembering when...... Protecting The Kids used to be "a thing".

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ā€œProtecting the kidsā€ was always a farce and scam. If it were true they never would be involved in and covering up child trafficking and they never wouldā€™ve forced all vaxxines on kids for the past 30+ years. Beware of band wagon tag lines.

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AMEN--preach this message wherever you go, Sunny--OK? TRUTH WILL "OUT" if we KEEP ON SPEAKING IT!

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Hey. You did it to protect granny. Screw the kids. Sarc.

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Yeah. Toddlers having strokes - but at least granny can visit in the ICU.

Super fantastic.

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What makes me sick about the whole granny thing is they studied this as vaccine messaging as to what would best manipulate people with the agenda of giving drugs to kill elderly to instill fear. It's infuriating.

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As pelosi would say all the time, for the children.

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Because Pelosi cares so much about children , including all those babies in the womb.

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Pelosi is a good Catholic, don't ya know. Well, she's old and will have to meet her maker before too long, and she'll have to explain her actions.

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I will say that first statement about being a good Catholic is so frustrating. I guess I should be praying for her to renounce her abortion stance publicly before she meets her Maker.

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Paul ?

Yes, I believe so - candy. For the kidz.

" Want some, little boy? "

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Where is that nutjob these days? Haven't seen anything about her in the news. You know she is still meddling lol

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Sad Sads

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They've normalized SIDS so they will normalize SADS.

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Jul 21, 2023Ā·edited Jul 21, 2023

God almighty, what WILL these people come up with next? I'm going to go out on a limb here: I'm betting no one has ever been killed just by sneezing violently. The doctors probably can't figure out what did it, which makes them brain dead or in bed with pharma - or both. And people literally dropping dead? It's that what the fake news media showed us at the beginning of the scamdemic - people just dropping dead of the "virus". I think they were predicting and showing us exactly what would happen with the "vaccine". Sick.

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It's the "new normal. "

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yea, it is in my opinion, all jabbed related. the numbers are just going to increase, especially in the next couple of years. Because they jabbed some people with saline, the vast majority of asleep sheep, will continue to be asleep and dying.

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It's all according to the DEEP WEALTHY POTENTATES' plan for humanity that they have been formulating for DECADES!

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Jul 21, 2023Ā·edited Jul 21, 2023

I will offer only one comment regarding the stroke case - there is a situation in which a person (even someone young) can suffer a stroke from a vertebral artery dissection. This artery is located in at the base of the neck (where the skull meets the spine) and is vulnerable in certain situations. Having a chiropractic manipulation, looking up frequently (as professional painters and sheet rockers do) or even getting your hair washed in those annoying salon style sinks can trigger it (believe it or not, a violent sneeze which wrenches the head in a certain way might also do it). It's not common, but it can happen. I've had two cases of it in my job in the past few years.

Terrible story about your husband's co-worker.

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You're right. This is why we can't make automatic assumptions about any individual case, but need to look at the number of excess events over the baseline. All of us in healthcare have in the past seen individual cases that match what we think we're seeing from the injections. There's a known and common type of bias in statistics, 'detection bias,' in which the way one determines an outcome in one group is somehow different than how one does for the other. It can occur in daily life as well: one notices something more once it's brought to one's attention. Certainly one can find more 'x' if one is actively seeking examples of 'x' than if one were living life as one did in 2018, but would that be because one is actively seeking examples, because there are more examples to find, or a mix? Only the excess number will tell, *if* based on honest data. That's why Ed Dowd's group's methods of analyzing non-medical databases is so helpful - if there's manipulation of data, it's unlikely to have spread to such databases as payouts on insurance.

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While I don't trust any of the CDC data, the baseline has to be computed somehow, like on their 'excess deaths' chart. I did some 'death research' for a client who provides training and support for companies to help support employees going through life events, including death of a loved one. Even before covid there were articles and studies talking about the coming 'death boom' in fields like funeral planning and wealth management simply from our aging population. Throw in increasingly unhealthy lifestyles and over reliance on pharma fixes and life expectancy was already projected to decline. Actuaries from social security showed a big jump in the last decade (2010-2019) of people living into their 80's and 90's. So, an increase in the number of deaths was coming. The question is, how much was that helped along by the medical/gov establishment? I am not smart enough to be an actuary but they could likely calculate it. The CDC may play with their numbers but guessing social security and medicare actuaries actually probably want the real numbers. Of course the gov lags in releases, the latest tables available right now are 2020.

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An increase in the number of deaths in those age brackets would be understandable, not so much the healthy 30-60 year olds that seem to have been disproportionately affected lately.

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Right, without getting too much in the weeds, I went back to those tables from my project, and there was a marked increase in people per 100K who were still alive in their 80's and 90's compared to a decade ago. But the number who survived to age X has declined from age 25 to age 65. For instance, in 2019, 360 fewer people per 100K were still alive at age 44-45 compared to 2009. (that year was the biggest decline) So 20-60 year olds were already dying at a higher rate from 2009-2019. And holy crap, my curiosity got the better of my so I found and downloaded the 2020 data (the most recent available) - AND THE NUMBER HAS DECLINED for every age over 25 using 2009 as the benchmark year. For instance, in 2009, 95,936 of 100K people were still alive age 44-45. In 2020, only 94,765 out of 100K made it to age 44-45. 1171 fewer people. Huge drop in the number at the older ages. Lower life expectancy at every age.

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Wow thatā€™s crazy. Very interesting. I would really like to know for the last two years though šŸ˜•

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EXACTLY why I previously advised a commentor to check the insurance companies' statistics - are they changing their actuarial tables--that will explain a LOT as to what is happening in our nation - and the world!

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Whistleblowers in the insurance industry would be interesting. Adjustments in actuarial tables could be a mighty smoky gun. Too bad shared risk and cover-ups guarantee we wonā€™t get premium discounts for not getting jabbed, and they wonā€™t bring back our lost loved ones.

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Too much "coordination" between the different sectors of the economy - they would NEVER admist the collusion though - and most of all the EVIL INTENT! "Philanthropy" now to me means, "planned eugenics of all humanity".

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Great points.

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Yes Iā€™ve heard of this but ... it makes a great cover for clot shot effects too

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Climate Change and Salon Style Sinks.

Adding to the list of why people are getting the Suddenlies.

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Believe me, I am the FIRST person to say, "I wonder if he or she had a Covid shot" when I hear about these events but I try to remember that not every single incident is related to those crap shots. It's more so I don't drive myself crazy.

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I remember years ago about the warnings in regard to those hair washing sinks.

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I noticed those cases occurred in the ā€œpast few years,ā€ not something like: our office sees multiple cases every year over the past 10 years.

Have you considered that the 2 recent cases may still be shot related? Were those people vaxā€™d?

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Funny how now - vaxx status is taboo. Hmm šŸ¤” Why is that? The clot shot. That's why the vaccine passports got dropped. It would be instantly verifiable if they were vaxxed or not. I willing to bet 99% of SADS etc would be vaccinated individuals.

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Let me clarify, I work in a law office and the cases take a while to work through the process. Both of these incidents happened pre-Covid so definitely not shot related.

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That may be - but there are way TOO MANY of these SADS to believe any "explanation" out of the mouths of the corrupt medical system workers' mouths!

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My mother used to talk about this kind of thing back in the 1960s and 70s when I was young. She would never get a chiropractic manipulation for that reason. And she worried about the sinks in salons.

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A 58 year old, healthy looking firefighter in a city near me died suddenly due to cardiac arrest. The doctor's explanation was that he had a cold and "it went to his heart."

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That's the most innovative bullshyt excuse I've heard so far ....

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My friend's brother recently had a severe stroke. Docs told her it was brought on by depression. huh? Are they just making stuff up now???

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Word is, the CDC issued Magic Eight Balls to all doctors participating in the vaxx program.

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That is pretty much how it works šŸ˜‘šŸ˜†

ā€œBetter not tell you now.ā€

ā€œReply hazy, try again.ā€

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That really made me smile, thank you

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I know. They should just say "we don't know or won't say and we don't care." It would be more honest.

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YES! They are making it up as they go!!! Crimes against humanity go beyond forcing the injection and tyranny! The lies are right up there too!

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Yes. Yes they are. And since theyā€™ve styled themselves as experts that no one can question, many people just believe them regardless of how outrageous or ridiculous their ā€œexplanationsā€ are.

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I called my mother's neurologist out on his BS and he got nasty. I did get the last word though. šŸ˜‚

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Funny how they always get so angry and defensive on those cases šŸ¤”

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I have NEVER "believed" any healthcare practitioner--I always DID MY BACK STORY RESEARCH - now more than ever before!

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Wow. The medical gaslighting has been outrageous.

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BS. They think we are stupid. Medical professionals losing credibility faster than water evaporating during a Phoenix summer.

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My condolences to your husband, it must be a terrible shock to lose a coworker in such a manner then to have the ridiculous ā€œexplanationsā€ bandied about while he must smile and nod ... or perhaps your circle is more enlightened than ours

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Business is brisk these days for the funeral director. Spoke to one the other day who said just that. The vast majority of his clients are in their 80s and 90s, but many have the ā€œsuddenlyā€ or ā€œbrief illnessā€ designation. One was an LPN, who passed after a period of declining health. She was in her 60s. I see that two more obits were added since yesterday.

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Definitely an up and coming Trade.

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Jul 21, 2023Ā·edited Jul 21, 2023

šŸ˜¢ This fathomless (ahem) new normal gives entirely new meaning to normal.

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Wow to all the comments

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Oh my God! How terrible

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Jul 21, 2023Ā·edited Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The Federal Reserve System (a non-governmental independent privately held entity) is a scam. The central bankers are actually a cartel who serves only themselves. A gang of thieves have literally controlled our monetary system for over 100 years. The powerful central bankers have kept humanity in slavery as they have made trillions of dollars from our labor. Money is backed by NOTHING...meandering about in some ethereal realm. WE, the people, have the great honor of paying interest to these bags of dirt on money that is worth nothing at all.

ā€œIt is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.ā€ - Henry Ford

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Control the Money, Control the People. Of course They want to control it.

All we can do is form alternative societies.

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Yep. DO NOT FORGET ......... how they turned OFF the money on the Truckers!

Never mind what country did that - it can happen ANYWHERE. They proved it.

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Thatā€™s the part of the Handmaidā€™s Tale (the book, which I read a couple of decades ago, way before the series) that I found chilling and prescient. They were able to ā€œturn offā€ every womanā€™s access to credit cards and bank accounts. So the women were made completely financially dependent. It certainly seems like they could use any criteria to do this kind of thing to people they wanted to control.

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Seems the direction they would like to see this go, eh ?

"Be good ( as defined by us ) or else..... "

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Sure seems like it.

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Ding! ding! ding! We have a winner!

Later Jay

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If we knew the half of what the bankers did and do... top of the satan chain of command,,,

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Fractional Reserve Banking. Rudimentary example: You deposit $1000 in your bank account. The bank (lawfully) lends $900 (YOURS) with interest to someone else. You're left with 10% and the bank profits interest off the loan. This activity repeats itself by the minute. Ponzi-like scheme. A major run on the banks would be a catastrophe.

Here's a more detailed explanation: The fractional reserve banking process creates money that is inserted into the economy. When you deposit that $2,000, your bank might lend 90% of it to other customers, along with 90% from five other customers' accounts. This creates enough capital to finance $9,000 in loans.

Your balance still reflects $2,000, and the customers that the bank borrowed from also see their balances remain unchanged. If all five customers have account balances of $2,000, it will look something like this:

You and four other customers have $2,000 each, deposited in savings accounts that pay 1% per year.

If the bank can use 90% of its deposits for loans, the available capital is $9,000 (90% of $10,000).

A sixth customer asks for a loan of $1,000.

The bank borrows 10% from each of the five accounts, totaling $1,000.

There is still a balance of $2,000 in each account ($10,000 total between the five accounts).

The bank essentially created $1,000 and lent it to the borrower at 5% per year.

You receive interest payments of 1% per year on your $2,000, and the bank pockets the difference of 4% as profit.

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There is nothing federal about the federal reserve.

HOW AND WHY does a private bank control our country's currency? Can anyone explain this? Maybe start with Jekyll Island, early 1900's...

There are history lessons we don't get to learn about in school.... Be a good sheep, pay your taxes, play the stock market, and don't think or ask questions. Literally, that is what 12th grade economics teaches.

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There is a battle that has been on-going in this country since the Philadelphia Convention of 1787. That convention was called by the States for the purpose of modifying the Articles of Confederation which had been written 10 years earlier and adopted in 1781. The first governing system of the United States, the Articles of Confederation, placed most government power in the hands of the states (something which, in hindsight, we can look back upon with regret for having lost). The delegates were given specific charters by their respective states, which they represented, to modify the AOC which was the constitution establishing the United States which had recently won independence from the British Crown. Rather than carrying out their assigned duties and oaths, Washington and the other delegates conspired to use the occasion to stage a bloodless coup and overthrow the AOC against the wishes of the American people they represented. Having no authority to write a new constitution, the convention was held in secret and the delegates took self-maledictory oaths to never reveal the proceedings, which they took to their grave. An oath that was clearly un-Biblical.

The conspirators attempted to involve all the leading Americans of the day. One notable leader was Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me death". When he was invited to the convention, Patrick declined saying, "I smell a rat in Philadelphia." Like Israel of old who, against the advice of the prophets, wanted a king and a strong central government like the nations around them, the convention delegates wanted a strong central government rather than the republic they had under the AOC. Today we suffer under the yoke of a strong central government as a result of what they did in 1787. Just as the prophets predicted would happen if Israel adopted a king.

Ideas have consequences. When the new Constitution was published, a debate ensued between the Federalists who supported the adoption of the new constitution and the Anti-Federalists who opposed the adoption. Their debate can be read today in "The Federalist Papers" and "The Anti-Federalist Papers". Unfortunately, Patrick Henry and the anti-federalists lost the debate and the new document was adopted a year later with the proviso that a Bill of Rights be included to protect the American people from a potentially abusive central government. Would that they had our hind-sight.

When the British Crown and the City of London failed to conquer through force the United States in the War of 1812, they began a long-term effort to subjugate the American people indirectly. They needed to bring the American people into servitude to the banking interests of the City of London through a central banking system. In 1910, the foundations of the so-called Federal Reserve were laid in another secret meeting on Jekyll Island. However, many American political and business leaders continued to oppose a central bank. In 1912, the key leaders of the opposition to a central bank boarded the Titanic for her maiden voyage. The key financial players that supported a central bank were also to take the maiden voyage but cancelled at the last minute and missed the voyage. The Federal Reserve was founded the following year. Some things never change.

The battle that began with the Philadelphia Convention is on-going today and has become kinetic. The two-party political system had devolved into a single Uniparty that presents a choice to the American people that is no choice at all and thus the American people are disenfranchised without even being aware of it. We are now in a situation where liberty is represented by a fragmented populist movement against the Marxist/NeoCon/deep state interests of the Uniparty. In the words of George Soros, the American people are proving to be exceedingly difficult to bring into subjection to the NWO.

Unlike most countries, America is not one, top-down government but rather a system of distinct governmental jurisdictions of 50 states and enumerable county governments, all with their own separate authority. Even the USG exists only as a delegated authority from the several states.

A Great Divide is taking shape in the American culture between the populist movement that upholds the ideals of American liberty and the woke Marxist movement that has captured the Federal Government and many of the states. At some point, the liberty states will have to divorce from the woke states and the USG as their positions are incompatible. The states are our last bulwark against the tyranny of the USG.

This battle was fought once before in the formally kinetic battle of the War of Northern Aggression in 1861 to 1865 which was the second war for American independence. In that war, the cause for American liberty lost so we are doomed to repeat it. I don't know what the future holds but I feel the upcoming election and the political assassination of President Trump will play a key role in our future.

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Wow great summation! Thanks! Too bad it isn't in our school history books with the names of the traitors.

Fast forward from then to now, our government was further infiltrated with evil people who: made horrible laws, made up taxes us for everything, supported/caused wars for profit, commandeered health care, poisoned us, experimented on us physically and mentally, rewrote history, took over education, killed our babies, brainwashed us, supported division, caused natural disasters, took over food production, lied to us about everything, etc....and now their plan to destroy us from the inside is seems nearly complete.

Biblically speaking, the signs are all there so we must be careful not to be deceived and trust that God will do what He promised in Revelation and remember 2 Chronicles 20:15 Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but Godā€™s.

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It truly is Godā€™s battle. Pray with me that He will raise up Joshuas and Calebs to lead us in His battle.

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BEAUTIFUL, - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, PHIL! I have saved this dissertation to my 'puter and will distribute to my friends and family members who are "accepting" of TRUTH instead of "official narrative". Are you by chance a history professor, Phil?

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LOL... No, I'm just someone who is "broadly" read who likes to connect the dots. Caveat: broadly doesn't mean establishment academic texts. I'm not a member of the academic "guild".

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Jesus tried to tell us we were more worthy than the birds God provided for even as they do no work . . . Why do we pay to live on Mother Earth? Because [they] say we must.

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Beautiful - look at the "lilies of the field...they neither toil nor do they spin..."

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; 29 and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not [ c]arrayed like one of these. 30 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Matthew 6: vs 25-34.

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If they could get away with it theyā€™d be taxing the very air we breathe.

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Thatā€™s coming next . . .

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Add to that fact, this one: Since about 1980 US bank funds held offshore have ZERO reserve requirements.

And they tell us that crypto is funny money ....

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Actually, when you deposit $1000, fractional reserve banking allows the banks to lend out 10X that amount, or $10K. That is why the very ugly truth about banks is that EVERY SINGLE ONE IS BROKE if even 10 % of people want their money, and the real number is probably more like 2-3 %. You have been warned.

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Thatā€™s not true. Liquidity requirements are that we canā€™t loan out more than our deposits.

If we face a bank run, we can borrow money from the govt for a very short term, but we are very regulated in terms of liquidity and maturity management.

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I have come to believe over time that fiat imaginary banker's money is a Satanic System. At the very minimum because the 'money' is a lie, and Satan is the Father of All Lies.

But is this were not enough, Satanic infinitely elastic 'money' is the funding mechanism of all the unleashed Evil in the Collective West ... endless wars, endless grifting, endless theft, endless false flags like 'covid' the Magic Flu.

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Don't forget the satanic symbolism on the dollar etc...

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No person belonging to an organization with secret orders should hold public office inclusive of Freemasonry.

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You mean including Freemasonry right?

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Yes !!! Disqualifies for public office.

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Proverbs 11:1 "A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight."

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"The Creature from Jekyll Island", by G. Edward Griffin. it explains the entire banking cartel and how they rule the world. Not a new book, but the only one you need to understand how the banking cartel has bent everyone of us over and .......

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We watched a video on the Fed. I was infuriated and informed; not that I didnā€™t have an inclination that the Fed was nothing but a money laundering scheme. It explained everything. Hereā€™s a link: https://youtu.be/Dl5dkOruB9U

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There is also a very good video on YouTube called The Money Changersā€ that explains the process

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So true. The Great Depression was caused so that all independent banks had to close. That left only a few of the big ones to survive. It was a controlled destruction of a working banking system to re-emerge as all banks giving up their independence.

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Check out credit unions! Not for profit and governed by their members.

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Banks complained about them until government created more laws to govern them. Meaning the banks put limits on their competition with them.

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Bitcoin fixes all of this. Decentralized (no bank needed, move easily and quickly from one person directly to another). Impossible to counterfeit. Zero inflation risk. Stop relying on bankers who will eventually debank all of us anti-vaxxers. Nigel Farage (who led UK Brexit efforts) was recently debanked with no explanation.

And Bitcoin ainā€™t ā€œhigh techā€. If you can bank online, and are responsible enough to handle cash, you can handle Bitcoin.

IMPORTANT - Bitcoin is NOT the same as ā€œcryptoā€. Crypto includes Bitcoin plus many scams to separate fools from their money. Stick with Bitcoin and avoid the others. Use a hard wallet (donā€™t leave your Bitcoin stored online).

For anyone whoā€™d like to learn more, I recommend The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Amous.

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Your IMPORTANT is about as important as important goes šŸ˜Š 'Tis monumental shame ā‚æ gets so recklessly thrown into the same basket with numerous scam crypto šŸ¤¦

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Ezekiel 18:13 He lends at interest and takes a profit. Will such a man live? He will not! Because he has done all these detestable things, he is to be put to death; his blood will be on his own head.

Central banksters are not made up of Christians.

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If one can print money, one can buy up the world while all the slaves have to work ... and then get fleeced by persistent inflation caused by printing money. The system is Evil because it is Theft. It is a color of law money.

And anything which can disappear once the electrical current is turned off is in the end just another replacement fraud to the existing fraud which in USD terms has lost over ninety-eight percent of its value since great-grandfather's and grandfather's time.

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I know - and yet we had no real "middle class" until the end of WW II--so even these money cartels could not keep the "boom" from happening. Of course, that is all water under the dam now--there won't be any more "boom"ing of the economy or bolstering of an ever-dwindling "middle class" in the USA ever again!

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What Eric said!

Get us out of the FED!!! END the FED!

Later Jay

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Will NEVER happen, Jay!! There would have to be a apocalyptic "awakening" all around our country--and there's too much ignorance and stupidity to hope for that occurrence.

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So Sharon, we educate where we can. You know you have to plant the seed for it to grow.

Best to you.

Later Jay

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I LOVE to plant seeds of truth!

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How great is Your goodness,

Which You have stored up for those who fear You,

Which You have wrought for those who take refuge in You,

Before the sons of men!

You hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the conspiracies of man;

You keep them secretly in a shelter from the strife of tongues.

Blessed be the Lord,

For He has made marvelous His lovingkindness to me in a besieged city.

ā€” Psalm 31:19-21 NASB1995

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Jeff, so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Prayers for the crud to be short-lived and that you are back to 110% like usual real soon. Like today! Rest well!

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Yes, indeed. Feel better soon, Jeff!

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Flew next to a woman watching sermons on her pad while I read the complete works of Josephus on mine. God was among the ladies on the exit row. We both sought his refuge in a very very very crowded, hot and overweight plane.

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Flying on a plane, 35,000 feet closer to God.

Although he's in your heart, so always he's close.

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Flying is so uniqueā€™ I am always simply in awe staring down on the big beautiful world below and above in the sky. Definitely makes you feel closer to God. ā¤ļø

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Love you BFM!

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Is there any such thing as a pleasant flight anymore? It feels like a dilapidated bus ride in a third world country.

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Jul 21, 2023Ā·edited Jul 21, 2023

The same flight I was on (earlier in the week) was left on the tarmac in 115 degree weather for 4 h with NO AIRCONDITIONING. They had to transport a handful of people to the hospital and had to ditch the flight. On my flight - I am not exaggerating - were the largest group of the largest people I have ever seen on a flight ever (and I used to fly every week for my job). How that bird got aloft is some sort of miracle! One mad was so large there was no belt extender that could have wrapped around him. He was wide as a sofa. I'd say at least half of the passengers needed belt extenders. I had to hurdle people to get to the bathroom. The flight crew based out of Atlanta... one of them took time to tell the lady next to me that if she wanted water with ice to say "icewater" not "water with ice" if she wanted it. Delta. Never in my life have I seen such an unprofessional Delta (who I love) crew. Their butts were also gigantic. The ice lady's butt looked like 2 hungry hippos trying to free themselves from her skirt.

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Such a contrast to the 60's when there were weight limits and ladies only as "stewardesses". Passengers also had a dress code and it was a classy event to fly. Gone are the good ole days.

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I think that was true in the 70's too. We dressed up to fly. Stewardesses had to be good looking : ) I know men love the yoga pants on women, but I have just about had my eyeful. I truly hate them and wish they would be off limits for anyone not exercising. Seemed like the entire plane was covered in spandex, spider eyelashed and blinged out claws. Revolting. Maybe it was a prostitute convention.

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Or a mile high drag show. šŸ˜†

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The 80's and early 90's were good for flying. Call me nostalgic but I always thought flying was a classy affair and dressing and acting the part were appropriate, even for business.

The horrors you describe above..... the cattle drive for the clown show.

Later Jay

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Oh my goodness.. you were on the flight at the Vegas Airport? How in the world do they get away with not getting people off a plane in that situation...drop the stairs and unload on the tarmac maybe? Delta's response was unbelievable almost nonchalant like they just "lost your luggage". They are investigating and looking into circumstances of why it got so uncomfortable?? https://www.theblaze.com/news/passengers-aboard-idling-plane-pass-out-lose-control-of-their-bowels-in-sweltering-las-vegas-heat-and-no-air-conditioning-for-4-hours-report

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No I wasn't on that flight I was on the same run on another day that was also 115. LV to ATL. They had the air on. If they didn't, I would have been one of the people passing out and peeing myself. I get overheated quickly and I lose it. I should start wearing a necklace with my ID on it during the summer. The way Delta treated those passengers at every moment of that trip and after is so SO BAD. I bet it was the same crap crew out of ATL that I had. They were the rudest rudest people.

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Another reason that I won't be flying any time soon! RUDENESS to customers it the "rule of the day" now - and actually RUDE INTERACTIONS between ANY people is deteriorating (another "offshoot" of "sheltering in place" and "social distancing".

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Well, that won't happen to me because I am fortunate enough to never have to fly again. I've been out of the country 15+ times, the last time only a few weeks before the 2020 lockdowns, but that's it for me. I had already noticed a big difference in those years, with delays and cancellations becoming much more frequent, and now it is horrible!

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Delta appeared to me to be the first airline to go woke. It was all over their in-flight magazine years ago. I tried to avoid them and their irritable flight attendants, but my alternative was usually AA and their junky equipment.

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That sounds horrific. I remember when they used to have weight/size standards for flight attendants. Guess that no longer aligns with the body positive movement. Better and safer to turn a blind eye to obesity šŸ˜

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At the very least your butt must fit down the aisle without giving passengers road rash on their faces.

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Raptor--you are SOOOOOO BAAAAAD!!!

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Loved that metaphoric description of the female "hippo" passenger!! GEESH--I know I'm not flying anytime soon--my flying days were over years ago!!

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šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Obesity is a problem, no doubt! Iā€™ve heard horror stories about Delta lately. In one, their flight was canceled far from home, the couple had to rent a car and drive home, with no refund for the flight or reimbursement for rental.

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Freebird, I only mentioned the size of people because I was so shocked by the numbers and the actual sizes being so incredibly big. Not your run of the mill 350 pound man taking up all the shoulder space and some seat space or a woman or two with big rumps who may need a seat belt extender. I flew a lot for work and I have never in my life seen such a thing.

I read that on the flight with 115 degree weather and no air they told the not sick people they could deplane but don't expect a seat to be waiting for them. They cancelled the flight and told them to come back the next day only to find the planned am flight was cancelled. Delta - the new Spirit Air.

I think the pandemic widened the waistlines. It did to me. I got a big butt. I went out, got a bike and peddled until I left the big butt along the side of the road. Still peddling.

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Jul 22, 2023Ā·edited Jul 22, 2023

Thanks for the laughs today Raptor! Your frustrating flight made for some funny quips! And good for you girl - working your butt off! šŸ˜‚

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You are making me šŸ˜‚ with your descriptions today! Covid definitely helped people pack on the weight. Made people lazy.

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I discovered the easiest way for me to lose weight, although I exercise to stay healthy, is time-restricted eating. I dropped 12 lbs in 2 months and I was not overweight, just wanted inches off my waist.

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Well it is sort of a flying bus. Last time I flew was May of 22 right after they dropped the stupid masks. I was so happy about that, the flights were awesome.

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lol, good comparison

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That description is pretty accurate šŸ˜‚

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My airline mechanic husband pointed to a Southwest Airlines ad and said you can thank those people because theyā€™re the ones who started the cheap fare thing then quality went downhill to compete.

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They are actually the better of the lower cost airlines šŸ˜• Spirit and Frontier and Allegiant are much worse. Along with Easyjet and Ryanair in Europe. OTOH, for short trips, I donā€™t really care about comfort that much. 1-2 hour flights are not a big deal. Of course I always care about safety but I donā€™t need a bunch of extras for a short direct flight. International and longer domestic flights are the ones where I really notice the difference. Theyā€™re pathetic compared to what they used to be. The only improvement is the individual screen on the seat back. Those big screens at the front were impossible to see for short people and kids šŸ˜›

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....but everyone was transfixed, remember? I haven't flown since maybe '98. I guess I'd get a rather rude awakening.

Later Jay

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Flying always makes me feel very small and mortal.

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Yeah, it REALLY keeps me in check.

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I love it if I can get a window seat. It is always sunny and beautiful above the clouds.

We flew on a private plane for two legs of the trip. I much preferred that. Haha.

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Our good friendā€™s daughter (15) attends a school in South Jersey; she told us there are two litter boxes set up in the nurseā€™s office for the ā€œcatsā€ (two 15 yo students who wear tails and cat ears). Where are the adults in the room? Pandering to this mental illness is a sin.

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The pretend cats can go outside and dig a hole like most cats and not stink up the school.


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So, I'm wondering, who the heck changes the litter box?

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This happened in a town in my state. The custodian was fired for refusing to deal with the human litter box.

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No words. Sanity has left the world.

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This is an insult to cats šŸ±

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And when does it become legal to marry a cat? šŸ¤ØšŸ˜‚

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The nurse....full service

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Naw. They cut nurse funding... They only come in to administer jabs... LOL

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wow and double wow

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I'd pay real money to see that. If I was an immoral person, I'd invent a special digger/scoop for those idiots who think they are cats to go dig outside with. I bet they'd sell if I stuck them next to the rainbow crap.

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I wonder if they permit cat fights.

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My daughter age 9 had a classmate last year who always said ā€œmeowā€ and probably will soon identify as a cat. The girl wore a black hoodie every day with the hood up. The school allowed it. We left that school as too many alternative children. Not good influence but we went there because they never went to zoom and never had masks. We have been very fortunate and blessed with our new school and new friends.

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Did anyone watch "The Middle" starring Patricia Heaton as working class mom Frankie Heck? Does anyone remember the "social skills group" Brick, the son, attended and had a member who thought he was a cat? It was sweet and funny in the show, but it was clear that everyone thought it strange and hoped the kid would grow out of it. Now we are enabling these delusions.

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Absolutely. My daughter was so annoyed by this child. It was extremely distracting. The girlā€™s mom would also ask us for play dates, which we always said no and made an excuse as the child is too strange, not fun. her mom was desperate for her to make friends and kept asking. I eventually had to tell her directly that the meow thing was a big problem for us. She admitted she canā€™t figure out whatā€™s wrong with her child, and she didnā€™t get mad. I will say we know they vote for Biden and the whole family got vaccinated. the girl was always sick after that too.

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Sounds like the whole family might benefit from some mental illness evaluation and counseling.

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My son likes to respond by barking back at them šŸ¤£ Canā€™t get in trouble with the teacher because all he has to say is, well I identify as a dog

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Love it!! Smart kid šŸ˜

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Well, I was a pretend dog once upon a time. That was in the day when a kid in the early single digits could pretend for awhile until he got tired of it. Even little kids used to know the difference between 'make believe' and an insane insistence.

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I am very happy to see this, Lily - how much searching did you have to do to find this better school?

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šŸ—Ø Somewhere out there, far into the great beyond, lies the outer bounds of human stupidity. With time, effort, and patience, we may soon reach it.

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We could get there quicker if we'd use the solar-powered green rocket ....

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Orwellian vehicle perfectly fit for purpose! šŸ˜

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There have always been stupid people...but now there are stupid people on purpose.

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Nothing like normalizing mental illness . šŸ¤«

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Along with lying, obstruction, denial and greed

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Whose cleaning that litter box? Iā€™d make their parents come get their kids shit everyday! See how long that lasts! Or send it home with the kid in a doggy bag!

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Cats do not go to school so they can sit at home in the window and lick themselves clean if they want to be a cat.

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Thereā€™s a litter box in the bathroom at our local high school, which the custodian refuses to clean. Kudos to him ā€“ we can all push back against this craziness as we have opportunity.

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My cousin posted this comment on Facebook recently, with photos, which, of course, I can't share here. "Hereā€™s whatā€™s going on in our neighborhood. One person walking another person around on a leash while they take dumps in the neighborhood and the other one picking it up with a plastic bag. But hey, at least theyā€™re picking it up!" Tell me that's not mental illness or satanic delusion. Take your pick.

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Well if they are in the front yard a powerful hose is in order.

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Bizarre... Maybe from your yard, act like a bigger ferocious animal when they walk by and see what happens... Put in some big vampire teeth, add some ketchup and really howl for effects.

Oh, and get it on camera in case of something... Outcome is unpredictable and unchartered...

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That is seriously sick.

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In total shockšŸ˜©

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Would you believe in Europe - bathrooming ON THE STREET is "allowed" and the police just avert their gaze. My son saw this several times while attending a corporate meeting of the parent company (located in France) of the multinational corporation for whom he works (and this was in 2014).

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At this point nothing is too absurd for me to believe.

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I know--we are sinking into the abyss!!

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ā€œHave nothing to do with the deeds produced by darkness, but instead expose them,ā€

ā€­ā€­Ephesians (Eph)ā€¬ ā€­5:11ā€¬ ā€­CJBā€¬ā€¬

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The Fifster... quite interesting and a fresh look at our declined beyond description childish American society... taking time to read the five star reviews gave pause... and an answer for the irrational acceptance of the pervasive mental illness that is 72 genders, pronouns, zero boundaries, and few adult directions to ā€œnip it in the bud.ā€ Thank you for a fresh look.

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This downward slope all started with REMOVING AND OUTLAWING the reading of The Holy Bible and prayer from our pubic schools back in 1965.

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And this was written in 2008!

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Hopefully they also have live mice for the two students to play with, kill, and eat. Also, cat food for lunch.

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Kozy Kitten no less

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Iā€™m left with so many questions: Since the humans ā€œareā€ cats and they use a litter box. How is this sanitary? Do they stand in a giant litter box a top their last clumped mess and track their mess down the halls? Do they forgo use of toilet paper since cats donā€™t use toilet paper? If so, that got to be disgusting to sit next to them at school or be their parent doing the laundry. Do they clean their own litter box or does the school pay $100,000 annual salary to the person who does for hazmat pay? (Following the example of the city of San Franciscoā€™s human excrement road crews). How horrible to be the nurse who has to step out to let a teenager relieve themselves in the place where the nurse is supposed to work. Offices are not equipped to properly exhaust any fumes as bathrooms are. Thatā€™s got to be hazardous to have your office turned into a toilet.

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Thank you!! My questions also

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What happened to the idea of "NO"?

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All great questions. Iā€™ve asked the daughter and friend. They just shake their heads and say IDK. When they see the ā€œcatsā€ in the hallway, they basically ignore them, saying they are strange, and that nobody picks on them.

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If they are cats, they donā€™t belong in school then šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø They shouldnā€™t drive, participate in school activities or anything else that HUMAN children and adolescents do. They should eat cat food and dead mice. Otherwise, theyā€™re just playing dress up and their little fantasy should not be indulged by the adults.

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RunningLogic, you are using too much logic! God help us!

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Yes unfortunately it seems that people in the school system and certain parents are incapable of using logic and sense šŸ™„

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There have been ā€œfurriesā€ in my townā€™s HS for years. My daughter mentioned it her junior year, sheā€™s now a rising senior in college. I also know a teacher who actively encourages kids on social media to trans themes. I can only imagine what she says to students while at work.

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Evil. Just evil.

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And we have sewer systems for a reason. I always find it interesting that public health has willful blindness about public defecating by homeless in the streets being a-ok and all the virtue signaling about the rental electric scooters (aren't we green!) that mean no one is tooling around town with no helmets.

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Public health died from Covid, havenā€™t you heard?

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Yeah ā€œpublic healthā€ is a joke.

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Wow, just wow. Get the kids out of gov't schools!

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Why limit it to a litter box? Call their bluff! Cats: catch mice and eat them, or eat cat food from a can. Don't go to school. Sleep most of the day, walk on all fours, etc.

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I posted something similar before reading all the comments. Itā€™s like that stupid girl who supposedly identified as a hawk and people were making fun of her because she wears glasses and hawksā€¦ donā€™t šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚

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That's just stupid. And if these young people grow up, which is questionable, what will they tell their grandkids when they are 80? (Presuming they don't get parts cut off so they can't breed.) "Yeah, honey, back in the day, we p*ssed in litter boxes! Ain't that great?!"

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Perhaps they will get spayed or neutered.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I have developed jungle tummy after reading about this teacher Bre. The scary fact is- sheā€™s the vocal, obnoxious one. How many more are silent in public but very vocal in the classrooms? Many. We sent our kids to a small Christian school and Covid washed away all of the cover ups. Suddenly it was clear who you wanted teaching your children and hopefully loving them and who you wouldnā€™t even trust to have a responsible conversation with your child let alone have their ears and respect for 45 minutes a day! This is when we really began to evaluate who we are willingly giving our children to each day- and paying for it! Let me tell you folks- the breakdown of the family is cause to ALL of these problems. We so willingly send our children into the hands of others at 6 weeks old and we never get them back. They are being trained and raised by people who were trained and raised by the government. And we think we have no other choice- itā€™s all a lie. Then they are busy with school and sports and homework and friends and the opinions of family get scoffed at because weā€™ve lost them long ago. They go to school with cats and homosexuals and teachers who love all and are tolerant and love is love. God is outdated. Donā€™t be surprised when this happens to your kids. Crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Take a look at society, listen to your fellow c and c folks. We HAVE to make radical changes to save our kids and our America. Homeschooled children donā€™t want to be opposite genders or animals, they canā€™t fathom being rude or disrespectful because they havenā€™t learned any of that exists! Sheltered? Yes! From the ungodliness of the world, which is exactly how we would have it. We are entering our third year of homeschooling, we started when our kids were tweens and teens. We gave up everything we knew and moved to the country. Our kids resisted. Why? We couldnā€™t possibly know what we know and give them away to society. Our mission as parents is to raise them in the direction they should go and so we do. It is not the easy route but it is worth it. I write this to encourage others, it is possible, you can do it, your children are worth it, stop doing what society does and expecting non societal children. We must be radical with our kids!! Take your family back!

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I wonder if what they call ā€˜social contagionā€™ is the most dangerous aspect of having a child in public school these days. ā€œLast year, The Post Millennial revealed that the district saw an 853 percent increase in students that identify as non-binary in only three years.ā€


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Absolutely, I call it "group think" and it is rampant in schools. Always has been, even when I was in school decades ago, you had to have the "right" clothes to "fit in" but today it is so much worse. All the trans nonsense is the current "cool thing" for some crazy unknown reason, especially with girls. I will say that I don't see as much group think in homeschoolers. The whole idea of homeschool is to be independent of group think.

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These gender confused girls are clickish, mean, and they recruit.

For the last 2 yrs of HS I sent my daughter to public ed for dual enrollment...

She said this group noticed she was new and asked her what she identifies as. My daughter replied, "human." She also said they wanted her to be friends and it seemed like they wanted her to be like them until... my daughter saw a girl she knew getting bullied by this group and stood up and got in their face about it. They said nasty things and snubbed her the rest of the year.

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Good for your daughter!! šŸ’Ŗ

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Great reply by your daughter šŸ‘


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We're giving kids way too much to process, to be responsible for, in school for their age. They don't even get to just 'act their age', they'd be bullied, I'm sure. They are not yet critical thinkers, we can't expect them to be able to think this all through.

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Jul 22, 2023Ā·edited Jul 22, 2023

Exactly. If they are old enough to decide to cut off body parts, why not let them vote, drive, join the military, buy alcohol legally, etc, etc.

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What Iā€™d like to know is, where are the mental health counselors in the schools? People were screaming for ā€œcounselorsā€ to be part of police calls, how about in our schools? They should be adding more not putting litter boxes in with the nurse!!

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The school counselors, like the teachers and nurses have also been indoctrinated to the hilt.

We were taught at a school nurse conference that parents could only be informed of their childā€™s gender ā€˜transitionā€™ if the CHILD gave permission.

This is the real policy in Massachusetts.

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Teachers (and any employee who works with children) should be given a psychological test and review, like police officers, that they must pass prior to being hired on by the school district.

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But who would administer the test?

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Or even write the test?

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I suppose the same HR folks. It would be quite a process because the district would have to develop a whole plan and process.

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Be careful what you wish for. Many school districts have gotten money for Mental health services and they bring in companies who provide own counselors.

And then there is this School based Clinics. This administration is busy. The Stand for Health Freedom has a lot of great info BTW.


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The counselor s ask what gender you identify as and keep secrets from the parents. Not the counselors of old daze.

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Thank you!!! You are spot on! Do whatever you have to, sacrifice however you have to, downsize, move, change jobs, but get your kids out of these schools and classrooms that are stealing your kids.

However, I have friends whose kids go to small public schools in rura areas and are thriving because that garbage isnā€™t allowed or practiced. If you have that available then great. If notā€¦GET. OUT. Before you donā€™t recognize your kid anymore šŸ˜ž

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We live in a semi-rural area outside a large city. Our school system is moving toward wokeism. I haven't yet found out about their policies regarding trans ideology, but I do know they have pornographic books in the libraries.

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I forgot to add- our children thank us EVERY SINGLE DAYā€¦.No one can live comfortably in such an unnatural setting.

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Jul 21, 2023Ā·edited Jul 21, 2023

Couldn't agree more!!! However, I've known of transgender homeschoolers. There are various secular homeschool groups in our area and you never know who is going to show up.

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Wise words!

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Anna, so true! Thank you! Please keep spreading your message!

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Amen to all of that!!!

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You need to talk about the HUGE story of how RFK, Jr was treated by some swamp creatures, DWS and Stacy Plaskett, yesterday on Capitol Hill! I know youā€™re sick and I hope you feel better soon Jeff, but come on! This is the biggest story in a very long while. Letā€™s DISCUSS IT! Our Constitution and its First Amendment DEPEND on it. Talk about it, you lawyer, you!

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The comments those Dems made against RFK! Despicable.

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RFK hearing entertaining for sure. Good clips on Runble & TW: https://twitter.com/thechiefnerd/status/1682037438800338944?s=61

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Mel..... Plasket, Wasserman... yes huge story, the swamp rats in vivid color using the race card and antisemitism!?!? calling out RFKJR as grandstanding!? ... take his megaphone away, he doesnā€™t deserve it!?!?! A vote to stop a the FIRST AMENDMENT committee meeting about first amendment rights!?!?! .... due to RFKjr Hate speech!?!? OMG šŸ˜±

Neil Oliver describes this meeting and the swamp rats on another occasion that apply fits the demonrats in session calling the kettle black.... while theyā€™re ranting such inexplicable hate!?!?--- short segment https://youtu.be/pwrUf0EHknc

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Dems are never called out

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They are, but then they pull the applicable "anti" card, and the public never sees it.

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RFKā€™s censorship hearing was carried life on NTD News ( Epoch TV). Hereā€™s a clip from Telegram.


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I didn't know about this until you just said it....wow! Apparently Epstein funded Plaskett's campaign, so that tells you everything you need to know right there.

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Check out this clip of Plaskett's recent bloviating, watch the staffer sitting on the right side of the screen. I've been skeptical of the MKULTRA stuff, but there's something really weird going on with this woman.


(Yes, I broke down and created a twitter account just to see tweets.)

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That is super creepy. šŸ˜³

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Very strange indeed. Thank you for pointing this out for us.

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She looks like she's preparing to go SADS on us.

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Watched the hearings but missed this. She has a wild eyed , ready to burst kind of look. Very proud and childlike as she smiles demurely to the right after saying whatever she said to Plaskett. Kind of troubling to watch.

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I think she corrected Plaskett when she said "representing" but was supposed to say "misrepresenting".

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Ah.. didnā€™t catch that .. thank you.

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That is totally weird! Why is the staffer moving her lips? Putting her words in Plaskettā€™s mouth?

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OMW--the handler even interrupted the stupid legislator to CORRECT her verbIage. HOW SICKENING. These so called "legislators" aren't even cognizant - I thought it was just "Dirty Joe" that had cognitive decline--it must be HUNDREDS of "governance" "leaders" who are just PUPPETS!! No wonder our country is in a shambles--it truly is TIME FOR A REVOLUTION!

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DWS has the worst hair in the world.

Debbie Washerwoman...

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It is kind of amazing that she doesn't try to tame it a little.

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I was thinking the same thing. Definitely a lib

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Most ugly women are...

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Nobody has to be ugly. I think itā€™s a choice.

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But lib women have taken ugliness to a high art form.

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My mother, God rest her soul, used to say that people who are far from God, and art that is far from God, tend to be ugly. It is spiritual thing.

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Rush used to say majority of Lib women are quite unattractive; maybe bc of that they are bitter, angry shrewish females.

Kirsten Powers is the exception.

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Oh Kathleen! How unkind! (not)

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She is a creepy, evil looking woman. Her hair always looks dirty, too.

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rastafarian?? maybe didn't wash out the mud?

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It was unconscionable!! Debbie W Schmidt and her gang of thugs were horrible! Did we ever think Republicans would be standing up for a Democrat more than a democrat? Didnā€™t have THAT on my bingo card yesterday šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

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Iā€™m Jewish and it makes me so angry when I see a representative like Debbie play the anti-Semitic card. Academia is pushing the anti-Semitic narrative again. They must think at this time, it serves a purpose. I just donā€™t know what it is.

The fact that they would try to stop Bobbie from speaking at a sensor ship hearing is mind boggling to me. Yet, they donā€™t see the irony.

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In the covid so called 'anti semetic' vaccine statement, he was quoting and negating it, not making it, if I remember correctly, because I follow him. He is a good man. MAY God protect him.

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Media: "Never Forget!"

Citizen: "CDC, FDA, and this administration are violating the Nuremberg Code."

Media: "How. DARE. You."

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Yes. Iā€™ve watched for 50 years. A whole lot of Republicans are actually Democrats. It was just easier to get elected as Republicans. The RNC just adores them.

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DWS gave the same treatment to the FBI whistleblowers... she's despicable!

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If he thinks Biden is a great president, that indicates what kind of idiot he is. Wow!

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Not only an idiot, but his rant indicates poor upbringing, rudeness, and spoiled rich kid entitlement.

No noblesse oblige in him despite his expensive schooling..

To speak of his granduncle like that! šŸ˜„He is a sad indicator of the hyperemotionalism of the left, and of these valueless, unGodly times we live in.

I know that Caroline is an Ambassador appointed by Biden.

Whatever happened to praising one person without trashing another?

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Maybe in Jeff's absence, you can give all of us a brief overview of what this is all about. If it is "the biggest story in a very long while," it would help all of us to know why. Maybe I'm living under a rock, but I'm not familiar with this at all.

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Dems in Congress wanted to censor RFK Jr. before he spoke at their censorship hearing.

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The ironyā€¦

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It's too ridiculous to believe. How can anyone take these people seriously? What are they up to anyhow? That's my takeaway..

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Insanity on display.

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One party rule.

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Ridiculous. I know he was supposed to speak. O guess we shouldnā€™t have a life or sleep we miss too much. : (

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Thank you! Boy, they must be really afraid of him.

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I think they are afraid of anyone who challenges their current narrative and anyone who will make them do any work.

I canā€™t stand our Congress. These people are criminals with power and do nothing but enrich themselves at our expense. But, thatā€™s no different than anyone who works for any of our government agencies, right?

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Look at the mental capacity of some of them...like Maxine Walters ( the absolute mind boggling worst), AOC, etc...scary!!!

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Congressman Hank Johnson won the all-time dunce cap with his concern that Guam might capsize if more Marines were stationed on it. Credit to military discipline, Admiral Willard didnā€™t fall out his chair laughing: ā€œUh, congressman, we donā€™t anticipate that happening.ā€ Snopesā€™ attempt to clean up for Hank is an even bigger joke.

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10 out of 435 with any integrity at all. 10.

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Wow, that is quite a read. Thank you

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Jul 21, 2023Ā·edited Jul 21, 2023

Wow, that is quite a read. Thank you

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House Democrats vote to censor RFK Jr. during their hearing on censorship.


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You really *can't* make this up.

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The MSM - including "conservative" Fox - said little about these hearings, AND said little about the IRS whistleblower Biden money laundering testimony as well.

Just hide the truth under a rock and it'll go away, right?

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Conservative Fox just ainā€™t that conservativeā€¦try Rumble

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Trust me, we have not watched Fox for over a decade, when we threw out the dish and the tv set. We get our news from Substack, CTH, and a select few Rumble & Bitchute sources.

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Yes, to the rockā€¦. Take a look around. If you have twitter, go on there and watch the clips of speeches.

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Itā€™s easier to watch on Rumble

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The hearing on censorship CENSORED RFK yesterday.

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Iā€™ve had this stomach bug and itā€™s amazing he wrote anything. I was either in bed or hovering over a toilet for six straight hours.

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Grim. Hope you got better sooner rather than later.

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Mel, Jeff will get to that before you can sneeze and we bless you. Let him rest!

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We watched the entire hearing as it went down- except the breaks for commercials- and although almost unbearable, the devil raised its head and provided a look at what evilness is to thousands watching. Iā€™d almost vote for RFK for his guts! Tucker had RFK on his Fox Nation show and interviewed him for over an hour. I believe Tuckerā€™s programs are still there - probably until his contact with Fox News runs out.

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Tucker does some great things. But his 2 and a half interview in Romania to defend that horrible Andrew Tate shows serious defects in judgement.

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He shows his limited brain power by touting a man who can hardly read a teleprompter, canā€™t find his way off a platform, touted that his folks put together the most corrupt campaign in history, bragged about getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired (the one looking into corruption of Burisma), took government docs & stored them in all the wrong places- not to mention he as Senator & the VP had zero authority to take them at all. And more..... Jack is jacked

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He should have mentioned it with at least a sentence and given it the attention it deserves. He could have said heā€™ll come back to this critical moment when he is feeling better. This is a monumental story. And he hasnā€™t multiplied RFK, Jr eitherā€¦ Yet. Should he? Absolutely.

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You are always welcome to start your own substack and write about what you want to bring forward. No one is going to be able to write about every newsworthy event and research it so clearly there is room for another substack.

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So true. I think Glenn Beck was among the first to call out the Cloward & Piven ā€œoverwhelm the systemā€ socio-political strategy unleashed on the USA. Illegal immigration is a prime example, but we can add in the number of outrageous and newsworthy events to reportā€”so many itā€™s impossible to cover them all. Add to that the relentless persecution of Trump, Cali and NY bankrupting themselves over reparations, woke school curricula from coast to coast, non-stop lies from the WH, FBI, and DOJ. . . . We could overwhelm ourselves trying to keep up. ā€œBut take heart! I have overcome the worldā€ (Jesus Christ, John 16:33).

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As are youā€¦

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He told us he was sick. Itā€™s amazing we got anything. Cut him some slack. Sheesh.

I agree itā€™s huge and should be front and center. Itā€™s possible he was too sick to dig into something this big quickly for this mornings write up.

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Point taken. Itā€™s just the most important story of the entire year so far. take the First Amendment seriously and those who try to berate us for talking about critical issues, very seriously. Jeff has never multiplied RFK, Jr either, which is disturbing.RFK, Jr needs our help. And Iā€™ve already given to his campaign, but will give again and I hope Jeff will use the power of the C and C army to truly help a real patriot. There are not many of those left in this country.

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For the first time in the 250 year history of America, a former President and political opponent of the ruling junta is raided by the FBI and threatened with imprisonment for life and you think censorship of RFK, Jr. Is the story of the year?

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That is also a huge one, I agree. Both are vitally important stories to be told and told again and again in ways that drive home to the citizens just how tenuous and fragile this constitutional republic really is- and how important it is to fight to keep it.

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I agree and Iā€™m glad you brought it up!

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Posting in this long thread for views.

Beta Hcg - hidden in Tetanus Vaxx - causes infer-til-ity.

Courtesy of WHO Unicef GAVI. Af.ri.ca is the test bed. 1st 16 mins is good. (27 mins)


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They want to go into executive session because they don't want the public to see what RFK has to say about the killer gene therapy shots. Most likely RINOS on board with this also.

Absolutely sick.

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The irony of trying to censor RFK, Jr. at a hearing about censorship. The Dem (or is it dim) woman wanted him to testify behind closed doors because he's so despicable. Made accusations, then refused to let him defend himself.

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Come on Mel, give Jeff a break. Every pundit in the country is talking about that, and theyā€™ll keep talking about it until they manage to sweep RFK, Jr under the rug, and they will. Theyā€™ve already trashed our Constitution six ways from Sunday.

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They eat their own

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Yes, both parties seem to do that. Itā€™s sick, but if you go against the intelligence agency narrative and the MIC narrative, which are really one and the same, wellā€¦ ā€œthey have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.ā€

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Feel better soon, I pray, Mr C šŸ„¹šŸ™

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Another perspective on FedNow:

The delay in bringing it to market wasnā€™t because of interest on float. Interest rates were zero. We werenā€™t making anything.

Bankers are just as slovenly as anyone else. Instant transfers were going to be more work and a whole new product to learn, train, and introduce a new avenue of fraud.

We still lose millions to people who write their PIN numbers on their debit cards and weā€™ve been fighting that for decades. New stuff to us is just new ways for smart crooks to steal our money.

And thatā€™s not a small thing. Those delays in transfers of your money out of your accounts are actually the time weā€™re taking to check data and make sure itā€™s legit and keeping something of an orderly schedule.

Why did we start now? Apple Pay and Venmo. They were kicking our shorts and taking our customers.

The only thing that will make us work harder to learn something new is when we have to to survive. I know this because I was unlucky enough to be involved in the beginnings of the meetings when the banks and the Fed were pounding it out about 5 years ago.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Also, BRICS is competition against SWIFT, not ACH.

SWIFT is an international money transfer system and it was a huge mistake of the Biden handlers that provoked BRICS.

SWIFT is dollar denominated and one of the reasons the dollar is the worldā€™s reserve currency, making it possible for us to finance these huge deficits. Nations use it to transfer money smoothly, without exchange rate issues between the nation. All trades are in dollars.

Never before has nation been kicked out of SWIFT, not even in times of war. Biden prohibited Russia from using SWIFT, thinking that would keep them from being able to sell oil when he provoked the Ukraine invasion.

Instead, Russia allied with China to form BRICS, which is a huge threat to the stability of the dollar, thus to us.

Thatā€™s why youā€™re now hearing so much about BRICS when you havenā€™t ever heard about SWIFT. It was just a nice, smoothly functioning currency system that protected us nicely until the compromised president took the office. Now itā€™s a major threat to our economic stability.

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The USG used SWIFT as a tool to sanction other nations, that backfired, and BRICS takes that tool off the table. (Like sanctioning, with backdoors always left wide open, really ever worked anyway.) My thoughts re FedNOW are that the Fed will try to cram FedNOW down the throats of banks and squash any that refuse to upgrade to the technology. While the grifters, er... bankers, stand to "lose" billions in interest payments by not being able to hang on to transfers for a few days, I am certain they'll make those up in other fees...passed along to the serfs.

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Great posts!

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Get well soon, young man! And thank you for getting this info out for us to consider. God strengthen you!šŸ™šŸ»

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Amen šŸ™

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I couldn't sleep, either. On the upside, there was a C&C post in my in-box. Thanks, Jeff! Hope you feel better soon.

And I feel for all the west-coasters... the comments will be full by the time they awake. :-)

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Ha ha, thanks for thinking of us here in Oregon. I woke too early also so there were a mere 31 comments when I opened my C&C.

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I wonder how the free supplies are doing in the boyā€™s bathrooms in Oregon. The clogged toilets must be over the roof!

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Jeff, Hope you feel better soon! Rest a lot, chicken soup, vitamin C, Zinc, you know the drill!

In reference to satanism, is very evident and it is becoming normalize by our secular society. We have only 2 kingdoms to be part of it, the kingdom of darkness and kingdom of light, there isnā€™t any neutral zone area, Iā€™m so happy I chose the later in my youth years.

Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly!

satan came to destroy, kill and steal!!!

The is Heaven to go but there is a hell to run from, itā€™s our choice and The Lord respect our will!

I hope everyone on this coffee choose to go to Heaven and have a coffee with Our Lord God The Lord JesusChrist Himself!

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Jul 21, 2023Ā·edited Jul 21, 2023

Amen. Pastor Gary Hamrick of Cornerstone Chapel (a Calvary Chapel in Leesburg Virginia) had an interesting observation on this. He noted the Gospel story of the possessed man that Jesus healed. When Jesus confronted the demon it said "ā€œMy name is Legion; for we are many.ā€ Pastor Gary noted the demon(s) referring to itself in the plural and compared it to the "they/them" pronoun usage.

It's time to realize this isn't just garden variety "mental illness" and that the biblical stories of unclean spirits are very real. These people are possessed and they intend to wreak havoc on our families. They have intentionally positioned themselves in places of influence (teaching, social work, therapists) to do so. And no, not all people in these positions are possessed so please don't get offended. But the days where these people could be unilaterally trusted to act in our kid's best interests are long gone. Prepare accordingly and seek Jesus..

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I listened to that one as well. They were cast out (America for a while) but when they came back, it was 7 times worse than the first time. I think that's what we are experiencing.

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As for the people in the USA we need to take God out into the public in Rosary procession s and other ways. praying from your couches and sending prayers through chats ain't gonna cut it anymore. Where are God's children why aren't we out there and not speaking up for Him.

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Absolutely. Christ sacrificed himself for us. In return, weā€™re called to make a few sacrifices as well, and that feels risky. Credit to Janice ā€œWords Beyond Meā€ for pointing out maybe weā€™re afraid of what God will ask us to do or give up. Joshua 1:8 offers a clue. ā€œThis Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.ā€ And this: ā€œIf My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their landā€ (II Chronicles 7:14). Letā€™s do it before itā€™s too late for our nation.

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This is so scary...I never understood using the plural.for identity but if a demon is in control, it would be a they.

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I'm not a biblical scholar, so just my opinion here: perhaps that demon might have meant that there were many more just like him. Think about it. A whole group that worships evil and thinks exactly the same. I'd say we have some on earth for sure.

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I canā€™t remember where but the Bible says if you cast out the demon and donā€™t clean house, they come back 7 fold.

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It literally just occurred to me, as I was reading this post, that it would be logical to use they/them for someone who had a demon

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Wow! I hadnā€™t connected they/them to legion. Evil telegraphs its presence and intentions. I wasnā€™t alert to that one.

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We wonā€™t have to read C&C again, but just sit and talk with Jeff and his subscribers šŸ˜‡

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The Satan thing is becoming impossible to ignore. Itā€™s everywhere. We are in a battle of good vs evil and things are heating up big time.

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Feel better soon. I felt off the other day and started to develop a sore throat. I started gargling and nasal washing with Dr. McCulloughā€™s Povidone iodine recommendation about three or four times a day: https://www.americaoutloud.news/dilute-povidone-iodine-nasal-oral-washes-for-the-prevention-and-treatment-of-covid-19/

I supplemented with dilute hydrogen peroxide gargle and mouthwash gargle (separately, not all mixed together).

Worked well! Perhaps these tricks will help you.

Iā€™m not a doctor, just an avid reader of a great lawyer. Feel better soon! We will miss you while you recover--but take care of yourself first!

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Jeff, speaking of satanism, could you look into Taylor Swift? A lot of parents think their girls have a sweet role model, and I think Taylor has gone to dark places.

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FYI, the Vigilant Citizen has this to say about her: https://vigilantcitizen.com/?s=Taylor+swift

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WOW! Jesus better come soon, because ā€˜Deep Stateā€™ has a deeper meaning!! Evil is so audacious!

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My daughter told me about that. She said she had snakes in her performance and that it looked satanic to her. šŸ˜³

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All those big entertainers: Madonna, Brittney Spears, etc. have had disgusting, dark, sexual and satanic themes in their performances for years now.

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Taylor cannot sing, and she is of the dark! Many are! I firmly believe concerts are spell casting! Movies can be too! We have to be okay with going within and really protecting ourselves in ways we will never fully understand unless we study the dark side in depth. I will not go down that rabbit hole, but understand our world is full of entities and rituals we do not know anything about!

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Funny, isn't it? In 17th C "otherworldly" beings/ experiences were still accepted as real or possible Move on just one century, and they do not any longer exist.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I enjoyed the FedNow segment.

The Soros, I mean Satin segment, just demonstrates the need for more school reform. I think putting zoom into classrooms is a good start. This would allow parents to monitor the classroom their children are in. Allow parents to listen to the lecture and make determinations about their children's education. De-unionizing the education system is the next step. Some steps have been taken but they still seem to have a stronghold on countering parenting.

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Better yet get your kids out of public schools. That entire system needs to collapse and be entirely done over if at all.

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I left the system Jan 21 and have been trumpeting this call ever since. And I actually had the high performing students.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you for the early post, and Iā€™m sorry youā€™re not feeling well. Best wishes for a quick and full recovery!

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