Happy Pi day all. Here is some "infinite, never-ending" wisdom:

Three doors the devil uses to enter your home.

Your home is your sanctuary. A place of peace and love. But did you know there are three doors through which the devil can sneak in? Disrupting harmony and faith? Let's reveal these hidden entrances and learn how to keep them firmly shut according to the wisdom of the bible.

Number 1: The door of un-forgiveness. Holding onto grudges and refusing to forgive is like leaving your front door wide open for the enemy. Ephesians 4:27-27 warns us "do not let the sun go down on your anger and do not give the devil a foothold. Forgiveness is not just a key to peace it's a barricade against discord."

Number 2: The door of fear and doubt. When we allow fear and doubt to dwell in our hearts, we're essentially cracking open a window for the devil to whisper lies and shake our faith. 2 Timothy 1-7 reminds us: For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Faith and trust in God's promises seal this door shut.

Number 3: The door of disobedience in sin. Deliberate disobedience and living in sin is akin to rolling out the welcome mat for negative influences. 1 Peter 5:8 advises: Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Living in obedience to God's word and embracing righteousness keeps this door locked tight.

Awareness of these doors is the first step to safeguarding your home from the enemy’s influence. Each day we have the choice to fortify our spiritual household through forgiveness, faith, and obedience. Let's commit to vigilance, keeping our home a fortress of love, peace, and God's presence. Remember, with God's guidance we have the power to keep all doors closed to the devil and open wide to his eternal light and love.

Please pass this to someone who needs it. β€”Unknown

Transcribed from: bitchute.com/video/RiLD7yjndpjh [2:24mins]

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All doctors who harm children must be named, shamed, and punished. The Pritzkers and Plume Health are pushing hormones and surgeries: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2

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Mar 14Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œMy humble suggestion is these surgeons should be forced to undergo every single one of these procedures they’ve performed on a child. Let’s β€˜nullify’ them.”

Amen Brother Jeff!!

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Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually give you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you all!

β€” 2 Thessalonians 3:16 LSB

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Mar 14Β·edited Mar 14Liked by Jeff Childers

"concupiscent" - had to look it up

See also: lecherous lascivious lewd libidinous licentious lubricious salacious goatish wanton unchaste impure immodest indecent

"goatish" is my favorite :o)

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I think 99.999% of the population would agree that anyone who harms a kid is pure evil. It does not matter if you are a doctor or a pedo, if you harm a kid, you're evil. That definitely includes whacking parts off minors and drugging them up. Teachers who push that crap on kids are just as evil.

We have a he-she-it that comes to the store and will not talk above a whisper... more like they just mouth words instead of whispering. It CAN talk, it just chooses not to. Just one more "look at me, look at me!!" 100% mentally ill.

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@EmeraldRobinson: The best way to stop the next pandemic is to arrest the people who started the first one.

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”Then Peter said to them, β€œRepent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.β€œ

‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭38‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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It’s evil how they always target kids. The devil hates the purity of children. But they have touched the apple of God’s eye. It’s not going to end well for them at all.

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BREAKING: Study Reveals Cancer Deaths Among Youth Surging at Alarming Rates, According to UK Government Statistics

Since the commencement of COVID-19 vaccines, there has been an unprecedented rise in the deaths of young people between 2021 and 2022 from rapidly metastasizing and terminal cancers, according to data from the UK’s Office for National Statistics.

An analysis of this data, however, has been conducted by former former BlackRock portfolio manager and data analyst, Ed Dowd and assembled by Carlos Alegria, one of Dowd’s partners, in his Humanity Projects. Their study of excess deaths in the U.K. and the U.S. using government and insurance industry data has shown that there has been β€œ2 or 3 times the normal rate of cancer.” according to Dowd....

David Wiseman, Ph.D., a pharmacist with a doctorate in experimental pathology and a pioneer, originally for Johnson & Johnson, of products to prevent post-surgery internal injuries, said he was alternatively astonished and outraged that governments and mainstream media won’t follow up on research he and Kevin McKernan, a former director of research and development at the MIT Human Genome Project, conducted showing the mRNA shots were contaminated with DNA fragments.

These fragments, Wiseman said, add to the potential damage the vaccines could cause to the human genome and open new doors to an infinite variety of problems, including cancer.


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β€œTrying to predict how judges will rule is every lawyer’s favorite pastime. We can’t help ourselves. Lawyers spend hours discussing pending decisions, scrutinizing every time a judge raised his eyebrows during argument, chewing over how many notes he took, and probing why he might like or dislike a particular attorney for things that happened in the case years ago.”

OMG πŸ˜† This reminds me of me when I had crushes on boys in middle school 🀣

I wonder what Lawyer Paper Fortune Tellers look like?!


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As the parent of a child who I truly believe 'caught' anorexia from her best friend I have a great interest in the trans issue as it has many social parrallels. It's the latest social / online craze, totally displacing anorexia in the last couple of years. Once one kid starts succumbing it spreads through their peers like wildfire. Fortunately in most it doesn't last. I am SO delighted that sense and honesty is returning to this issue. It has been hijacked by promoters with very deep pockets, and received global prominence totally out of perspective to the true numbers involved. The whole truth needs to be told to prospective candidates without the constant threat to their parents to support it or risk a suicide. - Dispicable!

PS A dear friend has had a teenage family member identifying as trans for 18+ months. Fortunately they have recently stopped - Halleluja!

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Well, the UK beat is to it. Ugh! Why can't America take off the blinders and report the truth about this freakish obsession called trans___________..... One can no more change their sex than their fingerprints although I'm sure that's in the works as well. When I heard a friend speaking about a 14yr old girl in her daughter's class scheduling a mastectomy on her healthy breasts, because she so desperately wants to be a boy... I almost threw up! Yep, that is a thing. I heard they were performing them here at UF Shands before the Governor stepped in. Not sure if it has actually been stopped... WHAT KIND OF MEDICAL DOCTOR WOULD REMOVE HEALTHY BODY PARTS OF 14 year old female????? A child?!!!? These doctors should lose their licenses and be barred from practicing medicine! They should be sent directly to prison for life!

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I can't wait for tomorrow to hear what the judge's ruling is on Fani, etc. Thanks for the breakdown on what the actions he took means for those involved and following. Not the kind of info you get in MSM or FOX. We are lucky to have you.

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What doesn’t make sense is you have to wait until 18 till you can buy cigarettes you have to wait till 21 before you can drink like there’s all these different ages that you have to be before you can partake in adult decisions. So it’s bat shit crazy that people can change their actual human self That’s irreversible before the age of 18. What about vasectomy you can’t get those before probably 35. And even then sometimes the doctors won’t allow the guys if they don’t have kids already. I know when my husband went in and we have four children. They still questioned him.

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Describing a litany of grotesque mutilations as Β«gender affirming careΒ» - or any kind of Β«careΒ Β» - must be just about the worst euphemism ever.

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