There never was a pandemic. It was a scamdemic or a plandemic, but never a pandemic. The only pandemic I saw was the infection of the human mind with all the propaganda. The people behind this are evil and they were and still are wrong.

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Spiritual Warfare manifested in the physical realm. The only way to fight it - Epehsians 6: 10-18. 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

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That's why I have been calling this whole mess satanic. Humans, as evil and sinful as they might be, are not our ultimate enemy. I do want them held accountable, however.

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What I've found fascinating is political and scientific commenters that I've long followed and agreed with, and had no idea were religious, are now openly speaking of demons and quoting bible verses. I suspect many of them are having a spiritual awakening as the evidence is becoming overwhelming at this point.

What's becoming crystal clear is that the old paradigms of liberal vs. conservative no longer fit what's going on in the world. The divide now is between those that worship God and follow absolute bible-based moral codes, and those that worship man (the devil actually) and pursue hedonism and flexible morality. And even if one is not actively participating in the latter group, if they defend it, then they are in it.

None of this should be a surprise as it was prophesied thousands of years ago. It is a bit alarming to be of the generation when this is happening, but those of us that trust in God know how the story ends and should have no fear.

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“What's becoming crystal clear is that the old paradigms of liberal vs. conservative no longer fit what's going on in the world. The divide now is between those that worship God and follow absolute bible-based moral codes, and those that worship man (the devil actually) and pursue hedonism and flexible morality. And even if one is not actively participating in the latter group, if they defend it, then they are in it.”


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Amen Fred. pray for the young ones of Christians. I fear so much for them. So easy for people to be duped and believe when getting hit with all kinda of info.

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Some get spiritual cause they see the light and some cause they feel the heat –Ray Wylie Hubbard

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Amen. Your description of the paradigm shift is on-target. When the hidden evil made it's play, it then became exposed for all to see. This shift in perception will cognitively drive the Great Divide as people either harden in their position or they seek again the wisdom of God's Word and the council of our forefathers.

Two celebrities I know of that have changed in their thinking are Andy Tate and Jordan Peterson, both of whom have been driven to a spiritual viewpoint because of the evil they have witnessed.

Elon Musk on Andy Tate:


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I’ve never even heard of either person. haha

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You have now lol

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They are worth checking into.

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Absolutely! We are now in the post Atlantean period. During the Atlantean Epoch there were two factions, one spiritual and one material/scientifically based which split, resulting in the destruction of the continent. We are now repeating this same scenario. There is an upward track in evolution and a devolutional track. It's not hard to guess which track is leading upward and which track is not.

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More people need to understand this... it’s time to evolve spiritually. Time to learn who we really are, what we are, and where we are going.

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We are ascending and it’s happening naturally!! It’s been amazing to watch!!

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Really? I don’t see it. They are just continuing the evil and will donthe next pandemic or worse the central digital currency

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They are possessed with the demons - in addition to being accountable, they need proper intervention to release themselves from the demons - only problem is they don’t know that they are possessed. Someone needs to tell them.

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I believe lacking such insight is part of parcel of being obsessed, which I think is the term that actually applies to most of them, or possessed.

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Agree, my friend.

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Thank you! Excellent scripture to start off our days!

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Woodruff...and beware of Baalam’s ass!!!

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Full armor.

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Thanks for the spiritual Rx!

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Alright! I just ordered what may have been the last used copy.

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Beat me to it then!

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Thank you!! Ordering now!🙌🏼✝️👊🏼

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Think I may need this for my husband's war on cancer too! Thanks for sharing! I also looked into the ClashDaily.com, and Doug Giles podcast.

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You need more Beat Poetry Rhymes in this.

There never was a pandemic. It was

A scamdemic

A plandemic

An also-randemic

A CSPANdemic

A howmuchisolationcanyoustandemic

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And a moneylauderingdemic....

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What about maskdemic, jabdemic & govdemic & pfarmademic? Evildemic?

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😂What about maskdemic, jabdemic & govdemic & pfarmademic? Evildemondemic?

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Every evil skill at controlling studies, controlling the peer review process, marginalizing qualified skeptics, ignoring good skeptical peer review, passing laws that the favored industry makes billions from, controlling the media, etc... was finely honed in the Global Warming field. This article has successfully red pilled many sincere academics that before reading this, only got legacy news, and NPR as their source of information. They expressed shock that dozens of presented facts, had never been talked about by their formerly trusted sources. If you know of a friend or colleague that is sincere, this article may wake them up to not only the contrived fallacy of Climate Change, but to a host of other issues as well. https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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You mean honed during the creation of the man-caused Global Climate Warming conspiracy theory. It's a conspiracy theory that is supported by doctored up data that continues the flow of cash from our pockets through Washington, D.C., into the hands of unethical scientists and greedy corporate leaders. COVID hoax and Climate Warming hoax (fear creation for the Communist takeover of the mind) and I see next the Alien hoax. What depresses me is the cheering and positive attitude these unethical proponents of Global Warming show merely because of the funds they see coming from Uncle Sam that they can put into their pockets, case in point the multi-billion dollar loan and grants ($325,000,000,000+) given for HVAC companies and local governments for electrification and decarbonization. Doesn't matter to them that it's a hoax. They see the money or they're tree huggers ala Tom Clancy's "Executive Orders".

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Thanks Denver Dad, yes, in the post I describe the multiple factors that influence people to abandon principles, or unknowingly follow darkness. Just substitute CAGW with the COVID policy, and it will flow. From the post....

"Beyond political power objectives, the disparate factors which influence many to accept CAGW are well studied social phenomena such as; personal wealth, and Institutional wealth. Researchers in many fields know that funding is available for their department if they can attach theoretical CAGW harm to a paper. (There is hundreds of billions of dollars a year available for research and industry) As often quoted Upton Sinclair said “'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Other known and studied bias factors are peer pressure, and social-professional ostracization, confirmation bias, noble cause corruption, misuse of the precautionary principle, and effective propaganda of repeated and false warnings of doom by many CAGW proponents. “The terrible truths of these experiments in human compliance and propensity to be beastly stand testament to the nature of the problem.”

milgram showed us how people will harm people if pressured by authority

asch showed us that people will ignore their own senses and perceptions when pressured by peer group

stanford showed us how easily humans can be egged into abuse of power

As the world grows ever smaller via human technology, human systems and corporations grow ever more global. It is logical therefore that systems of human corruption can and would also became more pervasive and global in scale. The merge of One world Government and international business is not to be trusted. These people endlessly proclaim how they are doing this for the good of the world.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good, will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven, yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very “kindness” stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease, is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

– C.S. Lewis

I am perfectly willing to stipulate that some, even most scientists endorsing the CAGW conjecture, are acting in good faith. Yet it is nevertheless an indisputable fact that political agendas are a significant element of the CAGW alarmist movement, and that radical statists are using the issue as a pretext to advance their goals. It would be a grave mistake not to take this into account. Here are their own words...

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

I love that CS Lewis quote, it’s one of my favorites. It is so true.

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Thank you Running logic and Denver Dad. That quote, read decades ago, became the inspiration for a study on Acton's power quote...

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David, I didn’t read your link when I posted and have just scraped the surface but had to come back and respond. Well done!! I’m going to print it out for posterity and hopefully your link will survive the ages so I can bookmark and annually review/share with others. THANK YOU for doing the work and God Bless you. What a great writer, too! Any thoughts on what the “Next Big Fear” will be from our handlers?

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I appreciate the compliments. My simple substack of a few posts is not a news feed, so will never clog your in-basket. As for the "Next big Fear"...

I do not know. Another pandemic has been hinted at. I think they are actually becoming desperate. Their talents appear far more adept at destruction, then building. Their success in the "March through the Institutions" will be their downfall, as the question of "who is to really rule" will create chaos within their broken leadership.

The Ukraine situation may have a life of its own. Our nations actions have been so poor in the last two decades that I have great concern that the world may well focus blame on the US. (some of it deserved) although I must say, the phrase, "Ignorance is fifty fifty everywhere" is, over time, an excellent and precise generalization. I am fairly certain Russia perceives the Ukrainian action as necessary for their survival.

The energy crisis is real, and entirely man made. (See the end of my global warming post with a link to "There is no energy shortage") Broken supply chains are a poor form for entering into war.

I guess I am thinking that the actions started have created chaotic complexities in the global power structure that will take all by unintended momentum. Global systems today are so interconnected and large, they do not change overnight, although the saying, ''At first you go broke slowly, then all at once" is a caution. Somehow I think the US will muddle through better than most, despite our errors.

When it comes down to it, I think they have done quite enough! Perhaps the next big fear, will be their fear. The pessimist says "I choose this hill to die on" The optimist says, "I choose this hill for somebody else to die on."

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what is cagw?

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Catastrophic Androgenic Global Warming (androgenic=man-caused)

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Geez.......I guess if they wrap it in big words it sounds more "scientific".

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Hi John, actually it is anthropogenic. Androgenic is a word however, and there is likely a peer reviewed CAGW study somewhere that says it is caused by global warming.

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Global warming I’m guessing is the GW part?

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Like the scamdemic, if we can just get some of the basic facts out about The War on the Weather we can start moving the needle.

Example: TODAY they cut down forests in the SE of the U.S. They turn the wood into pellets. Then they put the pellets on a train. From the train they put them on a truck, which takes them to a container ship. The ship then crosses the Atlantic to England, where they are put on a train again, then a truck, which takes them to a power station, where they are then burned to generate "renewable" electricity.

The point, aside from all of the POLLUTION this transport causes, is that the economics of this insanity ARE SUPPORTED ENTIRELY BY TAXPAYER SUBSIDIES.

And: did anyone notice where US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is this week? In the midst of an interest rate and debt ceiling crisis? SHE'S VISITING ZAMBIA.

Zambia has some of the world's biggest deposits of COPPER, the key element in the green economic fantasy about electrifying everything. (Minnesota has some of the world's biggest copper deposits, but we'd have to, you know, PAY PEOPLE to mine it, so it would make the Great Green Economic Suicide Pact even more of a fantasy).

Like Covid...just keep trying to shine a light on it, and we can slowly move the needle.

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I find it amazing that if I’m casrged more for items, plastic and paper bags at grocery stores, I will help with climate change. Climate change and global warming are just scams to drain dollars out of the public, nothing more, nothing less.

As for me I’m working as hard as I can to make my carbon footprint as large as possible-I want to plant palm trees and citrus plants at my beach house at the Jersey shore!!

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Check out John Stossel’s recent video on the Recycling Hoax, but not when you’re stressed already. Remember to breathe and stay calm 😬 https://www.johnstossel.com/?vgo_ee=NAaGxNho9lcPumxqR8LGnL35hO7C%2FF3J%2FgQB9Uu3XAY%3D

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We have a friend who worked for GM for years as an environmental engineer. He told us the whole recycling thing is a hoax. It's a feel good, like wearing a mask, that makes people feel like they are doing something when they are not.

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F'in true to form, isn't it. Everything they preach is a lie from Hell.

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Thanks. I kinda expected this, but watching Stossel's video was still mind-blowing.

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Hey, that's my job...

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lol. The early bird gets the worm 🪱.

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David Anderson, thank you for an outstanding article! Was just *trying* to talk about CAGW this weekend with family. Very smart family, I might add. They just can’t see the scam. Hoping they will read your post 🙏🏻

P.S. not to be that person, but there are several typos that distract (or could, for those who look for reasons to discount) from your message, like “flat feathers” for flat earthers. FYI

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Hit them with a few simple facts:

The CURRENTLY ERUPTING VOLCANOES in Indonesia and Hawai'i will pump out more CO2 THIS YEAR than the entire CO2 output of mankind FOR THE NEXT 100 YEARS. No matter how much economic devastation we endure to reduce human standards of living by trying to cut human CO2.

Natural processes DWARF the tiny human effects. Just last year's undersea volcano off Tonga RAISED THE WATER CONTENT IN ENTIRE EARTH"S ATMOSPHERE GLOBALLY BY 10%.

Mankind in total produces 3% of global CO2, plant and terrestrial processes produce the remaining 97%.

This is also an *excellent* page to get the warmers started up the curve back to reality: https://environmentalprogress.org/the-case-against-environmental-alarmism

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The page helps, but they cherry picked the rate of CO2 production. Current data sees the CO2 rates returning to B.C. (before Covid) levels: https://www.globalcarbonproject.org/global/images/carbonbudget/Infographic_Emissions2021.pdf

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Thanks, and yes, note here any typos and I will correct.

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Hopefully it helps. It was intended for the NPR folk that are yet sincere and have a little bit of an open mind. In that area it has been well received. AusYank link above is excellent, but heavy detail in some areas and, as I have read a great deal of the proponents literature, I know the counter arguments well, and in some areas the science stated is well debated by the CAGW proponents. His link is excellent on the many failed harm projections. My article provides a very brief summary, as I am attempting a very broad overview of all the facets of the subject. I added his link onto my article when I did a few typo corrections.

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Danged autocorrect! Does it on purpose I bet!

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The atmosphere consists of only .04% CO2


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It's the greenhouse affect associated with it. I don't question the increase of CO2. I question the rate and the ultimate impact. A honest climate modeler will tell you there is no way to factor in every parameter that impacts global warming into their models because the computers take too long to model. I was told they spend 2 years inputting the data and 6 years running the programs to get intelligible garbage out with the parameters they use now, which, by the way, excludes clouds and the associated 'shading' of the earth and atmosphere from the clouds. The same modeler will tell you that he'll lose his position in his 'scientific group', his 'credibility', his funding and most likely his career in the field if he shares this truth because it's 99.9% politics leveraging 0.1% scientific truth. The politicians ruin everything and they're doing the same thing with the public trust of the scientific method.

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Good information to save for future reference.

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It is the pathway to the digital collar. We must lobby against this. Use cash whenever you can.

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💥💥💥goes the dynamite. I was saying that in the summer of 2020: the only symptom of a pandemic was the theater manufactured like a fine tuned watch by the medical industrial complex! Masks... 😤 omg

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When they started pushing for masks, I knew for sure it was all theater. Every single medical professional in the western world knows - and is taught in school - that these masks do not stop an airborne virus. Same for lockdowns. I'm not in the camp that says there is no covid virus (I had something and it made me sick, including losing all sense of taste, which was very strange).

But, they did very much hype the risk from the start - it was always a mild respiratory virus on par with the flu, obvious in the data in late 2019. Once they started pushing masks, I knew they were trying to manufacture fear to sell drugs. That's what our governments have become: low-level drug dealers for the pharma cos. I am still shocked at how long it's taken even a fraction of the population to wake up to this scam.

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I thought the same until medical professionals I know were telling me it DOES reduce the spread and, would you want me to do surgery on you without a mask on? Study after study now shows that masks are practically useless, even in the surgery theater (they do keep the skin cells from entering the air), where the airflows from the HEPA filtered HVAC are much more important than the masks the people are wearing in the room. Helps to keep squirting blood out of the surgeon's mouth; that's about it. Technically, they should scrub their faces as well as their hands and cover everything but their eyes, but I digress. Upshot - I didn't have enough good data to make a well-informed decision and, unfortunately, wore it (under my nose for my own health's sake) to make other people feel better and to avoid conflict in the grocery stores.

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That might be the worst part of this whole thing. Medical professionals either flat-out lied or were susceptible to the propaganda. As you point out, pretty much every single study shows the same thing: no discernible impact of masking on viral spread, even with N95s. And in the real world, no one is going to wear anything of these things properly, making it even more of a moot point. And yet, there were - and still are - medical professionals wearing and pushing these things. I think we all need to come to terms with the fact that college is mostly about indoctrinating and propagandizing people. Seems that those who spent the most time in college have been the easiest to dupe. So many problems to tackle...

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Well said. Too sad :-( I was telling people about wearing HEPA respirators, the fit tests, the very clean shaven face, the need to tighten it SO tight that there is an impression around your face for 2-4 hrs after the 10 minute test, etc, etc. Nobody listened to me. Nobody, except my wife and kids. The N95's and KN95's are virtual signaling with more money spent on the diaper. But the argument I get is that it lowers the viral load. This SARs stuff is so well engineered I don't think you need more than 5 viruses in your nose and you'll get sick. Probably goes through the mucosal lining of the eyes, which takes me back to full-face respirators. Look, you need full face respirators for many types of vapors so they don't kill you (like hydrogen sulfide from 'dirty' crude oil) and viruses are very small, SO small you have to use an electron microscope to view the majority of them (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 18627353). I really put my intelligence on a shelf when I listened at first; as a matter of fact, I was wearing a mask when it wasn't cool, because I had them and we didn't know at the time if we could track the virus into our home on the bottom of our shoes. Ironic - I was getting strange stares in the beginning WITH the mask and angry stares later when I wore it under my nose out of protest. I'll admit I didn't have the courage to go into King Soopers without the diaper on my face and I applaud all of you that went maskless! DD out.

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But all this maneuvering by “medical students” and others is focused on one thing - further snowballing of the sheeple to convince them that all of this governmental tyranny was but an honest mistake and no one is, truly, to blame for all the deaths among said sheeple.

You watch, they’re going to get away with it. Which means no justice will be served. Which guarantees this will happen again.

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That is an excellent point, Amuzed_Traveler. This time though -- unlike the last time when an unimaginable breach of U.S. security and air space got nearly 3,000 people murdered due to a "failure of imagination" -- way more people have been directly affected. All of the institutions of this country went into overdrive to drive this narrative, which contains far too many "experts" making far too many "mistakes" for it to fly this time.

We'll see. You do make an excellent point, but from what I'm seeing and what I feel in my bones -- this time will be different. Justice will be done.

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I appreciate your optimism and some days I share it. Most days, though, I just feel like we're at the point in this county where we can't have nice things.

For there to be justice, there would have to a critical mass of people demanding it. We couldn't get a critical mass of people to resist the crimes in the first place. If enough folks just said "No" early on, all the nefarious nonsense wouldn't have gotten off the ground.

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I hear you, Jon. I think you're right about not being able to have nice things. Those "nice things" came at a cost, and the time has come to pay the piper, as it were. Not a happy thought, but there it is. The rot and corruption has built over many decades.

I take heart from the fact that uncountable numbers of people in this country and around the world have dedicated themselves to exposing this crime and to gathering evidence. The pace of action thus far in response to all of these revelations causes me some frustration (my husband's is even worse), but I do believe it's coming. We have too many truly good people in this fight on the side of truth and freedom.

That said, I think this country is in for a very bumpy ride in the years ahead. We have allowed for too much rot and corruption, so getting to the other side is likely to entail even rougher times and many more days to repair/build than 1,000+ days of this Covid® crime.

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Yes but a good number of people who didn’t resist initially have had their eyes opened and will resist now.

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I do hope that you're right...

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It's the "These are not the droids you're looking for" school of governance. Wave a hand, and the people will forget.

Next up is the Ukraine war.

Next year this time: "War? what war are you talking about? I don't recall a war in Ukraine. But hey look over there, the first obese trans person of color just won the women's tennis title! Yipee!

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We’ll likely be hit with something else very soon to keep us too busy to follow Covid

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Oh, they're just chomping at the bit to impose climate lockdowns. Oxford UK is the proving ground for a test run at locking people up in their neighborhoods. I have seen a few encouraging videos of citizens destroying the infrastructure to enact this draconian edict.

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The WEF said that there will be a catastrophic cyber event in 2025. They're planning now. Get ready.

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Yep. Grid failure. You'll continue to see and hear about localized attacks. These accomplish a couple of things. 1.) Instill fear 2.) Give the criminals data about response times and facility security and 3.) Justify the reduction of additional freedoms and the redirection of our tax dollars. Ironic that WEF is pushing a digital currency but is about to show how unresilient that type of money would be with a Internet crash. Surveillance cameras are required on all substations NOW and penalties for trespassing or damaging grid components should compare to manslaughter, since those that depend on electricity like oxygen users at home, or the young and elderly in the cold, are put at risk.

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They seem to be offering the Biden Gang as a distraction right now

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

I agree in spirit, and definitely that the people behind it are evil.

However, I disagree in that there was a real engineered viral bioweapon released (possibly intentionally) which spread easily and was dangerous to a large number of people. While planned, it was still technically a pandemic.

With effective treatments suppressed and deadly treatments promoted, it killed or contributed to the deaths of a significant number of people. And they weren't all old and frail. A smaller number of younger, fairly healthy people were especially vulnerable to this illness for some reason.

I've always said don't live in fear or hide out but take covid seriously by staying healthy, exercising, taking vitamins, etc and treating it early and aggressively if you get it.

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I respect where you are coming from, but I believe virtually no one died from "covid". Just my opinion. All of a sudden, all other categories of deaths disappeared over night, like practically no one died from the flu, cancer,, heart disease, etc. If a person was in an accident and died, it was listed as a "covid" death, which obviously greatly inflated the numbers. The only young, healthy people I saw dying were ones who went to a hospital and were killed with a vent and run-death-is-near, like my coworker was. Then the poison jabs came out and killed a lot more and will continue to do so. Effective treatments were suppressed, but how many died with comorbidities that may have died from the flu? We will never know.

I have two thoughts on "covid": it's either an actual virus, which means it is VERY easy to kill with natural anti virals, or it is a parasite. I'm actually going with the second one because every single treatment that really works, both drugs and natural compounds, are anti parasitic. I don't think that's a coincidence, but I'm no doctor. Even if it is a bio engineered virus or parasite, it is still easy to eradicate with natural treatments (or ivermectin, an anti parasitic, if you can get it). If someone had added actual technology within the virus or parasite itself (I realize this is reaching here), then I don't know how to respond, but I doubt that tech is more powerful than the human immune system or we'd all be dead.

I completely agree staying healthy and treating any infection early is the best thing, but with all of the inaccurate tests out there, how would you even know for sure you had it? Last I heard the PCR was 97% false.

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Yes, I agree the categorizations and numbers were jacked and it's hard to tell who exactly died of what. Excess mortality was up somewhat in 2020. And even many people who died "with" more than "from" could have been saved if they had gotten effective treatment.

The hospital treatments for people with well advanced infections were criminally ineffective. Fauci and others should, in a just world, be held liable for pushing remdesivir. However, the financially incentivized hospitals still couldn't put you on a vent unless you had significant respiratory problems. If you showed up for a broken foot and tested positive, you didn't get the vent.

As a medic and RN, I saw many cases of the condition and it behaved like a viral infection (fever, respiratory involvement, inflammatory response, etc.). My personal observations are why I can't buy into the theories that there was no such thing as a covid syndrome. I saw it plenty, as well as getting sick with it myself (treated with HCQ, no big deal).

Testdemic is a good description. Way too much testing with dodgy unsuited tests. I don't know about the 97% inaccuracy, though. Ive only heard of that recently. People with noticable appropriate symptoms seemed to test positive consistently. I had to test weekly due to refusing the jab and I never tested positive.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023

My son is a bioinformatics Ph.D candidate who runs the lab doing all the genetic sequencing for the virus in the state I live in here in Australia.

He brought home his laptop one day and showed me the sequences for one of the swabs they had done on a patient with flu symptoms but otherwise perfectly healthy. It was like a list of every known pathogen in the world, 64 of them as I recall. Meningitis. E Coli. Tuberculosis. And yes, Sars COV-2.

But the point is that they could have tested everybody in the world for the presence of any of the 64 pathogens, and we would have had a "testdemic" (as you rightly state) for that pathogen. And everyone knows the PCR Covid test could "find" a fragment of it in a tennis shoe. Or a mango.

Here in Australia they tested the sewage system of one of the coastal towns. They "found" a fragment of Sars-COV2. So they tested ALL of the town's inhabitants. NONE of them had even a single fragment. Scientists on the news were "baffled". BUT THEN THEY LOCKED THE TOWN COMPLETELY DOWN ANYWAY.

It's "Testdemic" for the win, Alex.

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That should give anyone an idea of the scale of the deception. They didn't need a actual pandemic to have a plandemic.

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Certainly as a medic and an RN you know a whole lot more than I do about what went on in hospitals. I have to wonder if some hospitals were more honest than others. The hospital that killed my coworker took 5 weeks to do so and I would like to know how much government money they got for keeping her hooked up to a vent. On the other hand, my dad went into a different hospital on an issue not related to any illness. I stood ready for a full out fight if they tried any nonsense, but they did not at all and I was pleasantly surprised. I remember reading that families went to court sometimes to try to get hospitals to allow the use of ivermectin. In one case, the judge found in favor but they still refused and the woman's husband died as a result. I don't remember the name of the place, but it needs to be shut down, just like the place that killed my coworker.

I am no doctor and I have no medical training whatsoever, but would a parasitic infection also potentially cause a fever and inflammation? Maybe it is a virus, but the problem is, we can't seem to get anyone honest enough out there to truly know for certain. The "experts" are liars and quite good at propaganda.

I personally think Fauci should face the death penalty for all of the harm he has done. I am furious that the lies and deception by him and others have cost the lives of my friends and of my coworker, not to mention thousands of others. There was no excuse for any of this to happen.

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Yes, some hospitals were worse than others. Almost none treated effectively, but some tried harder to kill patients than others. Federal $ corrupted all to some extent at least.

I totally agree the hospitals that fought tooth and nail against ivermectin should be fined out of existence and the executives and drs responsible civilly and/or criminally liable. Plus Dr. Fauci can write his memoirs from death row (after a fair trial, of course).

I'm not familiar with a parasitic infection that would cause fever or mimic a respiratory viral illness. I've seen Valley Fever, which is a fungal lung infection (but not a parasite). But I have a lot less experience with parasites, thankfully.

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As a nurse, my daughter was forced to take those stupid tests twice a week. Other than the one time early on when she did get sick and tested positive for covid, there was only one other time that she tested positive. Since she felt perfectly fine, she did another test the next day and it was negative. So that was the only false positive she had.

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023

Jon, I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said, with the exception of this statement,

“With effective treatments suppressed and deadly treatments promoted, it killed or contributed to the deaths of a significant number of people. And they weren't all old and frail. A smaller number of younger, fairly healthy people were especially vulnerable to this illness for some reason.”

So as medical professional, do you not have any idea what that “some reason” might be? Saying that a smaller number of younger “fairly healthy” people were especially vulnerable to this illness for some reason…How do you describe ‘fairly healthy’? I don’t mean to be rude, but that statement is the kind of thing I would hear from the media and it sounded like gaslighting, because it didn’t match the reality of what we were seeing. For example…

My sister was a 76 year old, 80 lb. life long smoker with lung issues. She was probably one of the least robust people you’d ever meet…extremely frail. She caught covid at Thanksgiving 2020 and declared that she would NOT go to the hospital. The only medical intervention she had was a steroidal inhaler because of her lung problems, and an NP called in an antibiotic for her. As family, we dropped off every remedy we could think of, called several times a day to remind her to drink hot liquids, use your inhaler, etc. and thank God, the friend that she had caught covid from, was a good enough friend to go and stay with her for a couple of nights. She was very sick, but she survived! And we were all truly convinced that if she survived it - anyone should survive it!

So why did younger, fairly healthy people die? The only answers that come to my mind are co-morbidities and medical malpractice…but “for some reason”…

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I hear you, I try to keep my comments here at least kind of succinct, hence unspecified qualifiers and generalities. I say "fairly healthy" because how many middle aged folks are in perfect health. Maybe a little hypertension, a little extra weight, undiagnosed early heart disease, but not what you'd call unhealthy.

I wouldn't say I have no idea at all why some people were more vulnerable. Low vit D, B levels, depleted immune systems from previous illness or poor nutrition, moderate to morbid obesity, poor gut flora to name a few. But there is a certain amount of mystery in medicine, why some people respond better or worse. Medicines work better on some patients than they do on others. One person will respond to a med great while another won't and will need to try another medicine. Same with pathogens or carcinogens (like cigarettes), two people who look very similar in every known factor can have much different outcomes to the same physical stressor.

Your sister on paper should have be a statistic, but she survives. The 40yo very healthy firefighter is one of the four I know who died that I mentioned below. He dies while frail seniors with lung conditions make it? That's a mystery. Glad to hear your sister pulled through, BTW!

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When the Delta wave hit India, 2 families we knew who had relatives in India each lost a parent. Each had been previously healthy. Sure, maybe Covid surfaced some unknown underlying health weakness, but I think they would have had decades of life left if they could have had early treatment options (their part of Inda was not offering them). My friend's mom in India who died was an energetic, giving person who was always there for others in need, the kind of person others relied on. It was devastating for them to lose her. And Covid took her down so fast. She was failing by the time they took her to the hospital and I believe it really was Covid that killed her. My friend continues to grieve and so does the Indian son who lost his father.

It concerns me that if we overemphasize that the media & govt. made too much of Covid, we risk denying the real cruelty they showed: dishonesty about lab origins, lying about Ivermectin, suppressing knowledge of Vit. D, Quercetin, herbal treatments..and on and on. I do think want them to get away with this. They are murderers. Google alone has so much blood on the hands of those responsible for altering search results so people who didn't know about the lies would never find out about early treatments.

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FourWinds, I agree - and you rebutted the comment from Jon Stephenson very well. He sounds like one who has listened to, and believed, far too much of the MSM/ government narrative. It’s what a half-way red-pilled person might say. Hopefully he’ll continue reading C&C to become fully red-pilled, and know that you literally cannot believe any of the numbers or stats from the media.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

I recently watched a partial video with Denis Rancourt from Canada. It was late and was too tired to watch the whole of it…over an hour. He was skeptical of the novel virus theory. He said many people had pneumonia and it is usually treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics were withheld. He also said there were many people who were obese that were affected and I think he said obesity makes a person susceptible to pneumonia. Many young people are obese so this could be why younger people died.

I feel it was a regular flu that they renamed and didn’t treat. They lied people died.

This makes sense to me.

Who knows. ? Maybe someday we’ll have a definitive answer…or not.

On another note…I don’t know what to think about the whole contagious thing. Illnesses like the flu or a cold. Never in my household of at one time 5, has anyone caught an illness from another. Everyone has been ill at different times one at a time. And I have never gone around sanitizing everything other than my usual house cleaning.

But then I don’t know how to explain why it has been different in other households or group settings where multiple people get sick.

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Are you familiar with the controvery of germ theory vs toxemia. The essence is; germs (bacteria, viruses, parasites ) don't cause disease. Our healthy immune system is more than capable of preventing sicknes from these agents. It's when the toxins in our environmrent, which are miriad, overload our immune system that harm/ sickness occur. Some of the worst toxins are the pharmaceuticals and drugs they give us. As a product of our medical teaching system, D.M.D. for 38 years, it was hard for me to swallow that toxicity vs germ theory stuff. My extensive research and reading during Covid convinced me the model is accurate.

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Why can't it be both, that germs cause disease, but you're more likely to catch them when loaded with toxins?

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That is sort of what happens. But, with a healthy immune system the germs are present but don't cause sickness. So the critical determining factor is the health of the individual and the presence of toxemia the bugs are just present until homeostasis is disturbed. An additional factor is that pharmaceuticals are toxins and make things worse, especially vaccines.

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How do they explain all the preindustral infectious disease deaths in the past?

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"I know some people want to believe viruses are not real. It would be comforting. I applaud everyone who questions assumptions, but not those who don’t want to learn any genetics or virology. There are billion observations that can’t be explained with the hypothesis that viruses don’t exist. I just keep pointing at the data. Isn’t that what science is?

Viruses have been isolated genetically, antigenically, with electron microscopes, and in functional plaque assays millions of times. The requirement that someone must also isolate them molecularly is an anachronistic, semantic, expensive and irrelevant point.

We don’t have to isolate a box of pure computer virus to know that computer viruses exist.

We can only make copies of viruses by putting them in cells which use all the same chemical elements and much of the same coding and proteins. Separating out the viruses from 100,000 similar chemicals to get purity is possible but expensive and scientifically pointless.

We isolate them with plaque assays, antibody tests, electron micrographs, PCR analysis, contact tracing, symptoms, blood tests for D-Dimer, Cytokines, blood oxy levels, etc etc etc. We do binding tests on various subparts of the virus with ACE2 TMPRSS2 and nuclear transport proteins, etc etc etc. See Nextstrain to get some idea of how much data they can’t explain. (Mouseover and then double click the dots on Nextstrain to see more data).

There’s a billion observations that already fit the hypothesis that viruses are real. The hypothesis that all viruses are fake explains none of them…



Not to mention that COVID, despite the low CFR, can impart an incredible variety of harm. The "spike" will "spike" from either the virus or the vaccine. There are hundreds of published papers on this. Now, COVID 2023 policy is hiding those harms and vaccine failures.

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Poor sanitation, hygiene and health.

I'm investigating this discussion and have learned enough to at least question what we've all be told. Another deep rabbit hole.

So many rabbit holes, too little time.

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poor sanitation, no sewage treatment, poor living conditions, no good water treatment, no health education (washing hands etc.)

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I have heard of this since the scamdemic. Listened to some videos. I think it’s a possibility. Something that needs to be talked about more I believe.

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It's more than just your opinion. It's verifiable fact.

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By the numbers shown to us by John Ioannidis in Apr 2020 and more recently in 2022, a severe cold/flu season occurred -- not a "pandemic." Criminality by elected and unelected officials exacerbated this outbreak, not the least by shutting people out of care if they did get sick and then by outright killing them with their in-hospital care. Mass murder? Yes. "Pandemic?" No.

P.S. Also, the definition of "pandemic" was yet another one changed to suit the crime.

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What is the significant number of younger people who were fairly healthy that were vulnerable to this illness? To be sure, there were a few, but what do you consider to be significant? I do remember early on the couple of outliers who suffered a from the cytokine storm, but you do realize that those were few and far between.

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I said the number of people who died was significant, and not all of them were old. The number of younger people was a small % of that, but I would call any number of preventable deaths significant.

I'm thinking of four members of my fire department from 40-55 who died from it. Three could be accused of being overweight, but not majorly. The youngest one was not, and would seem to have been very unlikely candidate for a bad outcome.

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If they went into the hospital, they likely died because the protocols there ensured that would happen. If they had taken Vitamin D and Zinc, Quercetin in the first 5 days before the INITIAL virus in 2020 could replicate in the cells, all 4 would have lived. Unfortunately, and it's so evil those easy, safe and inexpensive treatments were silenced and banned. :(

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Exactly. They died from REFUSAL TO TREAT.

Medical malpractice.

Violation of the hypocratic oath.

Criminal negligence.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Absolutely, even those simple vitamins might have been enough early on. That's what pisses me off so much that there wasn't a public health push for people to be taking things like that prophylactically and certainly if you developed symtoms. Few doctors even were promoting that for their patients, to say nothing of prescription meds that likely would have made the difference.

Every aspect of this was malevolent.

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Exactly. Many people died from REFUSAL TO TREAT.

Medical malpractice.

Violation of the hypocratic oath.

Criminal negligence.

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I told my adult children that no way was I going to a hospital. I didn’t want the last persons I saw in this world looking like the creature from the Black Lagoon 😣

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If I may offer a different perspective:

You can't prevent death, only postpone it. It's always right there, in our rear view mirror. Carlos Casteneda

"The future's uncertain and the end is always near." Jim Morrison

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Many people died from MEDICAL REFUSAL TO TREAT. Early treatment with the inexpensive, safe drugs and vitamins which were available would have avoided hospitalization and death.

However, existence of any early or competing treatments would have negated the ability to issue EUAs, which made/make huge profits for some companies and 2019 investors with insider information.

Instead, people were told to go home and DO NOTHING until they could not breathe, then go to the hospital. Then were put on ventilators and remdesivir, which was the opposite of what they needed.

“I was only following orders” is not what doctors are supposed to do.

Medical malpractice.

Violation of the hypocratic oath.

Criminal negligence.

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And with proper FLCCC early treatment protocol probably would have been just fine. Instead, ventilators, remdesivir (run-death-is-near) etc etc

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The real weapon was mass manufactured by pharma companies based on China supplied template and forced onto populations using governments, media and military.

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No, it was not a pandemic by the definition prior to 2017, I think. The WHO changed the definition of the term pandemic from causing death to causing cases. The CDC similarly changed the definition of "vaccine" to include therapuetics.

By and large, people didn't die from *covid*. They died from lack of care. Decmember 2021 the CDC released a report that only 6% of deaths attributed to *covid* were from *covid* alone. The rest had on average 2.6 comorbidities. And, the average age of those dying was in the 80's, or more than life expectancy at 78.

No, *covid* wasn't deadly. The response sure as hell was.

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You are absolutely correct. 💯

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Russia recently said, based upon the Ukraine biolab papers they attained, that much blame is on the US for it.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

The globalists (including the international banking system) set up China to take the blame for the "pandemic". The whole purpose of the funding of the Wuhan lab was to set up China as the fall guy. Both the bio-weapon and the "vaccine" were created in a DoD counter-measures program long before the pandemic was announced. Both the money and the patent trail is clear about that.

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Yes, to a real engineered bio weapon.

Unfortunately, people don’t know, until they KNOW ….

this creates a conundrum…on the one hand, you want people to understand the devastation of the engineered virus (because who doesn’t like to be understood, and given empathy for what you and others have gone through ) BUT on the other hand, you wouldn’t wish it on them, just to have their “understanding. “

As they say, ignorance is bliss.

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100%, FourWinds. It makes me crazy to keep seeing this -- "pandemic." How is that not understood as this point?

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Okay, stop stealing my word SCAMDEMIC-lol. I can’t tell you how many people I upset by using the word scamdemic; and I will continue using scamdemic and encourage everyone to start using scamdemic!

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I like to alternate between SCAMDEMIC and PLANDEMIC. Sometimes I add the word "bullshit."

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100% bullshit-the government was the conmen and we were their con!

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Yep!! LOL! People get downright livid when I say "scamdemic". I'm glad to hear you use it too, and right on for encouraging others!

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All roads lead back to Obama. The entire plandemic was a military psyops "war game" planned and orchestrated by the Pentagon in conjunction with Obama, Fauci, Gen Milley Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Sec of Defense Austin former 4 star general and the military of Australia and England. This planning goes back decades in the Pentagon. It has failed. The Reckoning has only just started.

I don't know how many have seen Alex Jones' show of Jan 23 but it is a must see. Alex lays it all out. See it here:


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Perhaps I should state the obvious and point out that these people who took an oath of office have committed an act of Treason. As this was in reality an act of war against the American people, the punishment should be death. I vote for a public hanging on live TV as a warning to all future traitors...in front of the Capitol Bldg. Then we divest Pfizer and the other associated companies and distribute their money to the victims. And I'm only getting started....

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I believe treason convictions and executions are coming. In fact I believe some have already been carried out.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

This is 3 hours😳

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Every time I go to a bitchute link it's muted and I can't get it to unmute. I know I have seen videos there in the past, but I can't figure out what is going on now. Any ideas anyone?

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There is a Volume icon at the bottom of the video. Perhaps that is Muted.

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Those pulling the strings deserve Jail time or worse!!

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Four Winds, and other readers,

I thought you might find my August, 2020 article of interest:

“The Catastrophic Costs of Complying” by Laura Hayes


The comments section includes a robust discussion with some good links. Should you read the comments, start at the bottom and read up to read in order.

Laura Hayes


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Four Winds, your handle triggered me to recall an innonocent and joyous time in my life.


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I chose it to honor a friend who had it as his radio handle. He has since passed on (years ago). He was an outspoken person who never would have stood for what is happening now. He really inspired me to stand up for what I believe in. He was a huge Neil Young fan, too. Thank you for linking the video. :) Beautiful song! That made my evening.

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👉🏼Fully Vaccinated And Boosted 6-Year-Old Child Dies Suddenly

On January 25, at the age of 6, Anastasia Weaver passed away unexpectedly in the Emergency Room of Akron Children’s Hospital in Boardman, Ohio, surrounded by her family.

Anastasia’s mother, Jessica Day-Weaver, said that her husband, Andrew Weaver, found Anastasia unresponsive around 6 a.m. on Wednesday when he got home.

“ This is the hardest post I’ve ever had to make. This morning at 6 am, Anastasia passed away. Andrew came home and checked on her and she wasn’t breathing. I did CPR until the ambulance came then we went to children’s [hospital],” Mrs. Day-Weaver wrote on her Facebook account.

Weaver said that after 15 minutes of being taken to Akron Children’s Hospital, Anastasia was pronounced dead. No details have been released on the cause of death.

Anastasia was born on November 11, 2016, in Boardman, Ohio, according to an online obituary. She had an identical twin sister, Caitlin.Her mother, is a nurse at Akron Children’s Hospital, in Boardman, according to COVID Blog.

Post from Nov. 11, 2021: “After an hour and a half of screaming both girls have their first dose of the vaccine. Anna got it without any problems. Caitlin screamed and cried for an hour and a half. Then didn’t she’d a tear when the pharmacist was able to do the shot. I’m beat…”

Post from Jan. 5, 2022: “Covid booster side effects were worse than the second shot for me. Bad headache, 101 temp, bad body aches. They were really bad for about 6-8 hours. I’m mostly better now but still have a slight temp and headache. Even with the side effects the vaccine is worth it. On a good note. My girls had no side effects from the second shot besides a sore arm.”

On June 29, 2022, Anastasia had a seizure.

“Currently at the er with Anna. She had a seizure. She’s doing good. They are running labs at the moment. Update. We are home. Everything came back normal. Just monitoring her at home,” Mrs. Day-Weaver wrote in a now private post.

On July 15, 2022, Mrs. Day-Weaver reported that despite being on medicine to prevent seizures, Anastasia was still having constant “tiny seizures.”

“Found out this morning that Anna is still having tiny seizures that last less than 5 seconds even with upping her medicine. Waiting on her current levels to come back then we will see if we up meds again or add in another one. Not the news we wanted but she is still doing great,” she wrote.

On September 17th, 2022, Mrs. Day-Weaver reported that the entire vaccinated family had contracted COVID-19 which lasted for three weeks.

On January 2, 2023, Anastasia was in the hospital for five days, according to Mrs. Day-Weaver.

On January 25, she died unexpectedly.


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My God, when will this end? I can't believe these parents. It makes me physically sick to think about putting this death jab into a child. What is WRONG with these parents?!?!?!

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023

So what is interesting about these identical twins, both jabbed and boosted, is that one had seizures and later died and the other did not. If it was the jabs, and I fully suspect it was, then it stands to reason that not every vial of the vax is the same, as both children, being from the same egg & sperm that split in two, must have identical 🧬 DNA. Or is that wrong?

I wish I had posted this sooner so it was more widely seen and there would be some feedback on the possibilities of what happened in this case.

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There was no conspiracy.

Mattias Desmet said so.

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Attention migraine sufferers and non migraine sufferers alike, the Kamala video will trigger a migraine 😫 you've been warned ⚠️

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😂 I tried to watch it just to say I did. But I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. Her voice. Her grin. Her trying to make a coherent sentence. 🤮 I turned it off as soon as the astronauts started going up in the elevator. 🤦🏼‍♀️ What an embarrassment to this nation she is.

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here's the ending....

the astronauts blasted off!

you're welcome :)

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🤭 "That's right, they did."🤗

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Ugh she’s so dumb 🙄

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I can't figure out why she's so grating and annoying. I guess I don't tolerate stupidity very well. I tried to be charitable with her, really I did, but she really doesn't come across....ever....as having much intelligence.

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You left off the best part. "Yes, they did!"

ELI5 - Explain it to me Like I'm 5 (not 5th grade, 5 y.o.).

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Yes, and the way she ropes an audience listener into it at the end. Ugh.

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That’s a minute of my life I will never get back!

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Glad I avoided it. Day is too early for that. Thank you those who imbibed.

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I avoided it on Gateway Pundit, but I did it for Jeff. 😖🤮

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They have more fortitude than me! I could not force myself to watch ….

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The video was only 39 seconds....it just felt like a full minute.

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Felt way longer than that to me 😆

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Just kept wondering if she was high or drunk 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

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The rumour is she ❤️ s her Tito’s! I had her pegged as over Xanaxed....

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For some strange reason - I find her hysterical. Seriously - a professional comedian could not be more ludicrous…her voice, facial expressions, cadence of speech, delivery, etc. And the cackle…in her honor, we must change the spelling of that word so that it’s forever associated with the Kamala Kackle.

The mental gymnastics that enable you to laugh at her, is to simply deny the reality that she is the Vice President of the United States….when that reality hits, you may get dizzy and 🤮


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She is SO bad at all of this. I mean, truly terrible. Yet, they all are. I can't listen to any of them - even with scripts and teleprompters, they can't deliver a coherent statement. This is the best we have to offer? Even the sainted Obama and his insufferable wife. Terrible speakers. And to be fair, Trump is not great at it either. Maybe we just no longer have truly great orators. It might be a sign of our cultural times.

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She is all of that - an embarrassing imbecile. Diversity hiring gone baddd.

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I agree! I was 30 seconds into the video and just couldn't stand another second. Turned it off!

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She's not only an embarrassment to the nation, she's an embarrassment to women and more specifically, to women of color. Her performance is setting women back.

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EXACTLY how I feel!

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Ugh right??? She is so cringeworthy 😡

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I wonder if something has happened to her since she was installed as VP. She didn’t seem to be near this bad before.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

No one was paying attention. She has always been this juvenile...

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It wasn't even juvenile --it was condescending --like WE'RE the idiots instead of her!

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She’s talking to a kindergarten class! Did you see her “yellow bus” story time? In her cocaine addled brain, she has attained a pinnacle of success and power, which in turn, reduces the massed minions to the level of children…very young children with limited comprehension.

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Yeah - wasn't it her 'dream' that all school buses would be electric, or some crapola ?

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Yesterday on the road were 5 “yellow school buses” in front of me. First thing that popped in my head was KARMALA!!! I then realized that every time I see one from now until I die, I will be reminded of that kackling imbecile joke VP of U.S.A. Ugh!

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I think she just may be too dumb to qualify as 'condescending'.

Always comes off as if she is speaking to kindergarten kids - and if she had been MY kids' Kindergarten teacher, I'da been in constant cringe mode.

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I once saw a video of George W. Bush, when he was running for Texas Governor. The man was articulate, poised, you could understand what he was saying and there was no TWANG. I said to myself "who is THIS guy and what happened to him when he became President"?

Getting back to Kamalface, maybe being elected to high office makes people......STUPID?

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Could be. During the Democrat prez candidate debates in early 2020, she seemed at least coherent, and she was speaking extemporaneously (unless she was reading off a cheat sheet somewhere).

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Billy Bob, she did seem more coherent then, my theory is that her cocaine (or drug of choice) use, has increased since then.

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My thoughts too. They have to sell their souls to the devil at that point and I think they have to stay drugged up to live with themselves.

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Maybe too many jabs and now her brain has been invaded?

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That’s the “advisors” - who will forever push bad candidates on us, beliving that Reagan’s successes had nothing to do with his wisdom, intelligence, or policies, but all boiled down to his “folksy charm” which they continue to try to replicate in other politicians. 🤦‍♀️

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Is she talking to a kindergarten class?!?! 😕

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

😂 Surviving …Yes! I just said that.

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No. My husband looked it up. It was during a space medal of honor ceremony.

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It seemed she may be speaking to pre-schoolers. Leadership? Nahhh.

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Who was her audience? It sounded like “polite” laughter of adults but she talks like she’s explaining it to a room full of democrats…I mean toddlers. I can’t believe they chose *this* to be the next in line for president. If Biden steps down or is removed, we will be nuked for sure just to get rid of her condescending tone.

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darn, why must you insult my toddler like that?!?! lol

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It is a challenge to get the entire world to agree on ANYTHING - but pretty sure they all laughing at us with GUSTO !

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It was astronauts. Real astronauts. The movie idiocracy brought to life.

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It was at a space medal of honor ceremony.... for those astronauts....so condescending

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Lol, don't know HOW it gets worse - but it just did. So it was a fool speaking to a room full of intelligent folks ..... BAHahaha.

And not realizing to what extent each word spoken makes it clearer and clearer the extent of her idiocy. ROFLMAO.

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By gosh - I LOVE this admin.....

It's like Monty Python Meets The Three Stooges.

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Ugh. Whenever I watch that twit my eyebrows knit so hard that I look pissed off for an entire month.

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I laughed out loud for an entire minute! Thank you!!! 🤣 I’m still laughing so even longer than a minute now!

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We’ll need a botox go-fund-me to keep our eyebrows from looking like Freida Kahlo.

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Same. She reminds me I’m overdue for Botoxing my frown lines.

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You beat me to it! 🤣

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Twit!! Love it!! I concur!

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True--sorry I watched 🙄 😬🤦🏻‍♀️. The comments on the video provide a bit of an antidote though 😆

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I bypassed watching the video and went directly to the comments. One meme says "Our expectations for you were LOW, but holy ****". 'bout says it all!

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That was my favorite 😆

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So I may just scroll down quickly and read the comments then - thanks!

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I just couldn't!! Even seeing her face is enough to make me run the other way, let alone that cackling voice!!!

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I have stayed relatively healthy by NOT watching any TV or cable news and never paying any attention to any politicians.

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They launched! Cackle, cackle.

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Without watching, I am sure that sums it up nicely!

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you weren't kidding....wowzah!

I wonder what that reporter at the end said...."really"? in a sarcastic tone and that just went over Kamala's head.

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I can't watch her. It's embarrassing 😳

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That's our Vice President, ya know.

.......... of the United States of America?

......................the most powerful nation in the WORLD ?!?!

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It was like she was telling a kindergarten class a story...

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Everything is scripted. No one is that dumb, not even Kamala. She plays her part to perfection. They do and say what they are told. Look at Festerman as another prime example… empty suits .

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I couldn't even bring myself to press play on that video. I just don't have the patience. The thought that she could possibly be the president one day...SMH.

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Just when I thought spammers started to infect our cozy space...😂 whew

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I felt like I was at pre school story time at the library……please don’t let her become president!

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I will admit. I did not watch it. Too painful. And too scary to think she is replacing Joe Biden, not much different I suppose but can't watch him either.

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Biden saying the pandemic is officially over is like KISS announcing a "farewell tour."

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What happened to all the aging 70's and 80's rebels going full covidian???? It's like Rage for the Vaccine, stick it in me, I'll do what you tell me. good grief

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Eric Clapton did get the Astazeneca jab and had side effects from it. He is now against the covid shots. He spoke out very early-on about his negative experience.

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Van Morrison as well

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I don't think Morrison ever took it. Perhaps I'm wrong....

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Clapton initially and May still refuse to play at any venue requiring Vax proof.

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He does speak out against the Jabs. But, I bet he'd be like all the rest if he didn't have bad reactions.

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Kind of like the rockers of the Vietnam era. So opposed to war and personal wealth 🤨. Hypocrites!

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It simply reveals how fake most of them were and are and how pop culture rebellion was simply a marketing gimmick. I wish I could go back and hug the little kid version of myself in my Clash t-shirt and inform me that it's all b.s.

David McGowan suggests that the whole Laurel Canyon music scene of the late-60s and beyond was a psy-op in his book, Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon. It's a strange, albeit thought provoking book.

At the end of the day, these artists are owned by their promoters and advertisers which are in turn owned by Big Pharma which is owned by BlackRock, et al. Very few have the independence or are brave enough to risk it all to challenge the narrative.

"Fight The Power!", brought to you by Pfizer.

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People have studied that "Laurel Canyon" alphabet agency psy op, as did I.


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... or Elton John.

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Well let's be honest, nothing can kill the undead.

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Keith Richards is a vaccine advocate?

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Or Brady announcing his retirement

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Vaccines and tests are not the only things people will have to pay for! RENT! Do you know how many people got MONTHS and MONTHS of free rent because of COVID? People who are already on full government disability income assistance? Who DID NOT work before covid? Who did not lose work due to covid? It's the biggest sham in history! Landlords had to wait 6 months sometimes for a check from DSS. What's worse - the very same tenants who got this assistance - you think would've saved some money to pay rent when it runs out? NOPE. BROKE.

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I know someone who took advantage of the eviction moratorium in Seattle. She went over two years without paying a dime (she was already being evicted when this scam started.)

Guess what? Now she is unable to get *anyone* to give her an apartment lease, and she's literally homeless and out in the cold.

Typical liberal bullshit - even when they think they're helping the poor, the Law of Unintended Consequences swoops in to bite them.

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That reminds me of when my sister worked for a large, well known firm. The company would call all references and past employers. However, if an appplicant had maxed out thier unemployment benefits, their application went into the "circular file." They had found, through the years, that these types of people find a way to get hired and then fired to collect unemployment again.

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Don’t you worry, the noble Washington politicians will soon legislate that no one can be turned away for leases due to disproportionate effects on these poor victims and our finest citizens.

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and i do not feel sorry for her!

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

I can understand that. But maybe you could feel sorry for her now 13 year old son. The 13 year old who has never gone trick or treating, because his mother wouldn't let him as a younger boy.

Or for the fact that he's never once opened Christmas presents - at least until they came to stay with us, before his mom wigged out and left - in his whole life. Until then, he'd never thrown a football or a baseball, either (we got him a bat and a ball and glove for his first Christmas presents.)

Until they came to stay with us, he hadn't been to school in over 2 years, either.

We found all of this out when we invited her to come stay with us while she found a job. Unfortunately, her mental illness and fragility caused her to keep losing those jobs almost as quickly as she was hired. (She told me once that a stapler had followed her over a thousand miles from Seattle to where we now live. She was dead serious.)

At one point in the almost yearlong saga, she was committed to a mental hospital. While she was in, I took the boy with me and we picked out a Christmas tree and brought it home to decorate. Unfortunately, just a few days before that Christmas, she got out of the nuthouse and came and took him away to live in their car.

So while you might understandably not initially feel sorry for her, maybe you could spare some compassion for her poor child. It was never his fault that his mother is crazy.

PS: I should make it clear that this person was a former colleague of my wife's. She knew her in Seattle and we invited her to make a new start here in flyover country, without knowing she was nuts.

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I’m so sorry. And yes, no child should suffer because of their parents choices. :( Good on you for doing something to bless them. I’m sure he treasures that baseball mit. 💕

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Shameful what went on. And in a state like Oregon - renters have more rights than landlords….. renters have gone years without paying rent! Landlords got NOTHING!

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My grandmother ended up getting tenants like that and the process to kick them out is just painful. My parents took over the legal stuff and they didn't want to start the process to kick the deadbeats out because it was easily 1+ years of stuff to be done. The loophole they found was that if the property were sold, the tenants lost all rights - so they sold the house for way under its value and the deadbeats let kicking and screaming (and pretty sure damaging things).

But the pandemic wasn't kind to landlords at all - so many executive orders forcing them to lose their livelihood to keep tenants who had no income, but no help for the landlords ... who now got nothing at all except headaches. Rent was actually the first thing I was thinking of when this "end of the state of emergency" came up, not shots/tests.

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I wonder if it all was a ploy to buy up more and more properties?

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It took my cousins father in law the same. One year of trying to get them out for not paying. So they sold it to my cousin who had to go in and gut it because they trashed the place on their way out. It was awful. Thanks government. This was in Oregon too.

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Wow 😮

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Yep, same with Commiefornia. No way would I ever be a landlord here. They start squatting, completely ruin your property and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

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That’s horrible. 😞

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Here in Oregon they just passed more restrictions making it even harder for landlords to evict tenants.

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I just don’t get why they give renters more rights than landlords. Makes no sense. It punishes the people who provide the housing.

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Ten years ago, I had idiopathic pericarditis...yep...no cause. It came on suddenly and I was in the hospital for four days and on prednisone for months. I had had a Synvisc shot in my knee. After checking the FDA, there was one other report linking the two together. The truth is, there are no experts. Each of us is unique and must wade through the pharma nightmare knowing there is no magic pill in another shot or pill. Just is not happening! God given medicine...everything the dark side has corrupted...water, air, sunshine, untampered food, soil....the list goes on. The closer we get the God given,the healthier we will be...both physically and mentally!

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Pfizer has a new drug out to “regenerate” your heart muscle which is injected directly into your heart.

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I’ve read you cannot regenerate heart tissue or muscle. It just leaves a scar. Horrific scam again.

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And THAT is verified by Dr. McCullough, among others.

Amazing just how many "life-saving" products Pfizer will spin-off from the life-saving "vaccine"......... what a WONDERFUL business plan. Shame their stock is plummeting. A real shame.

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Sigh....What can go wrong with that?

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I think it's Moderna.

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And I bet it’s really expensive.

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My husband and I both have had side effects to medications that puzzled the experts. Mine at least, once I found the really long list of side effects online was the 3rd from the bottom. His side effect was also on the list but "not common." The doctors tried to argue with both of use because they had never had a patient exhibit the symptoms. Of course, his occurred during his bout with the vid in early '22 so the nurse said it was probably because of the vid. I came home and found the paperwork they gave us about the medication and what do you know, his symptom was right there on page 3 but "rare."

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SB, what’s really “rare” is a medication without side effects. And it’s so typical that the doctor would argue with you because “his” experience hadn’t shown him that. But to hell with YOUR experience. The arrogance is infuriating.

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I have a friend who’s brother hung himself after starting Ambien.

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Do not be deceived. They are ending THIS one. They are not licking their small, barely noticeable wounds. They are going back to the drawing board with their hundreds of millions or billions of dollars they made off this one. They will not do this the same way next time. They are analyzing all of their weaknesses (including Patriots who had courage to stand against them) to come up with a new plan that will work better next time. If that’s even possible. Three years to flatten the curve worked pretty well. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I agree, but I also think evil always over plays its hand. In arrogance, those evil think they are always right and will always win, and as such, they overdo everything. This scamdemic did not go as planned for them. I think they honestly thought the lot of us would fall to our knees and cry "Save me Big Pharma!", and it would be an easy win. I think they counted on a few that would not comply, but there were many, many more than they anticipated. Their over the top nonsense of showing people dropping dead in China or all the dead bodies in India (that were as a result of a gas explosion, not a "virus") and the vacant hospitals showed a lot of people that this whole thing was b.s. So they can plan all they want, but I think a whole lot fewer of us will buy the crap the second time around and will be more likely to stand up. Think of MONEYpox.... they tried to pass that off as the next scamdemic and virtually no one in the public bought it. To quote The Who, we won't be fooled again.

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I agree. They are arrogant and prideful and think they can predict and control everything.

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The WHO: You will comply.

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I think they did not anticipate the deadly effects of the vaccine and the quickness with which it did not work….the world was the test for this and it failed. For any of us, suspicious from the start, our eyes are now open. And for many who did trust originally, the light is slowly dawning.

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I sense that Pharma will never be able to regain the trust they have lost. But there will always be many who still trust it implicitly and blindly.

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Oh contrare, I think they absolutely knew the deadly effects of the shot.

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How do you think they knew if the vaccines had never had long term trials? Do you think they knew by what they were dealing with?

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I think they knew they were deadly. I didn’t know that they knew exactly how. But they new MRNA I think they thought Covid would kill. I think they knew mrna would corrupt the body. And I think its the powers that be who planned this whole cabal!

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They've inflicted a lot of damage. They just have to wait a bit longer to see more results. Professor Delores Cahill predicted in 2021 that any one that gets an MRNA shot will be dead within 3 to 5 years. We know that the batches varied greatly..but the more jabs someone got the more risk.

Recently in my circle, my 42 year old friend just had a double mastectomy because of breast cancer. She's had at least 2 covid shots and a booster . Another friend's 27 year old daughter is scheduled for a double mastectomy because of breast cancer.

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Professor Dolores Cahill: People Will Start Dying After COVID Vaccine | Principia Scientific Intl.


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Excellent! I had not seen this one!

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I cannot find anything current about Prof Cahill.

Does anyone have news?

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I have a 44 yo friend w stage 4 cancer. Had a total hysterectomy and made it thru treatment. I think she had 2 shots.

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I wish I thought you were being unnecessarily pessimistic 😢

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Next time the trains to the camps.

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Jeez Bandit! I know a lot of Truckers & Farmers and indigenous freedom fighters who would become the new Partigiani.

They fucked up the Germans, big time, in Italy, until (and during which time, and after which) the American, Canadians and Brits rolled in.

Just saying...

#HoldTheLine 🇨🇦🇺🇸🇮🇹🚛🚚🚜

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Yup targeting the kids with the next manufactured virus 😖

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On Tuesday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced a new bill that would eliminate funding for college programs that promote far-left ideologies such as Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).


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Yes!!! Another great initiative!

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If you follow Trump on RSBN, Truth Social, Gateway Pundit or other ‘a

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‘Alternative Media’ sites, you will have seen that he is making really strong statements about taking the country back with specific reforms.

I’m guessing this is pushing the DeSantis campaign handlers to try and match or surpass Trump’s proposals. This could get really interesting and fun!

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I really don't see this as a game of one up man ship. These are the issues anyone concerned about this country is going to hit. DeSantis has long had an agenda to fight this war with and this is another in a steady stream of actions from his Gov's office. I view this more as a team effort and both Trump and DeSantis are in the liberty corner. Let them play "tag" with the Woke Bolsheviks ALL DAY LONG. There is a MUCH larger agenda here than a mere election.

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I'll add one more thing. When/If Trump becomes the Rep candidate for POTUS and then loses the election to fraud YET AGAIN, he is the perfect man to then take the election fraud fight to the Bolsheviks along with Kari Lake. I believe this is the best scenario we can hope for. The elections are rigged and the Marxists will make SURE they do not lose the WH. If anyone doubts this, then explain 2018 and 2020 and 2022 to me without sounding like Kamala.

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Agreeing with all, Phil. Time to start holding hands and become United !

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In your “one more thing”, you’re losing the battle before it’s fought. If you believe that he will lose, there is no reason to fight the war. It’s easy to become cynical given the times the past has proven defeat, however, your scenario is not Trump’s scenario. What we have learned in these losses is what Trump wanted us to learn. During his entire 4-year presidency he poked at the woke; he coined the term “fake news”, he exposed the more obvious deep state (what’s in the background is even worse); he has allowed himself and his beloved family to be viciously attacked and that our entire election system is dominated by fraud and corruption. What we are fighting is a 5th generation war - an information war. Aren’t we more enlightened than before he came on the scene? He is one of the most courageous presidents in our contemporary history. I don’t want this to descend into a rah-rah speech. It is that for sure, but it’s more. If HE can continue to slap away the gnats flying around his head, then we can support him spiritually and politically and not fall into a malaise of defeatism.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

The machines are rigged and they have been from the beginning. Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of it. We need to go to serialized, water-marked paper ballots that are hand-counted. The counting needs to be recorded for transparency. Results must be audited, as well. Votes would be counted in each voting center.

Election integrity briefing that was held in Texas on 1/24/2023:


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Too bad we aren’t exiting the pandemic as quickly as we abandoned Afghanistan.

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Ain’t that the truth!

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Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse,

And a branch from his roots will bear fruit.

The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him,

The spirit of wisdom and understanding,

The spirit of counsel and strength,

The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

And He will delight in the fear of the Lord,

And He will not judge by what His eyes see,

Nor make a decision by what His ears hear;

But with righteousness He will judge the poor,

And decide with fairness for the afflicted of the earth;

And He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth,

And with the breath of His lips He will slay the wicked.

Also righteousness will be the belt about His loins,

And faithfulness the belt about His waist.

And the wolf will dwell with the lamb,

And the leopard will lie down with the young goat,

And the calf and the young lion and the fatling together;

And a little boy will lead them.

Also the cow and the bear will graze,

Their young will lie down together,

And the lion will eat straw like the ox.

The nursing child will play by the hole of the cobra,

And the weaned child will put his hand on the viper’s den.

They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain,

For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord

As the waters cover the sea.

Then in that day

The nations will resort to the root of Jesse,

Who will stand as a signal for the peoples;

And His resting place will be glorious.

— Isaiah 11:1-10 NASB1995

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Come, Lord Jesus!

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Sooner than later, please!

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Yes. Amen. The Lord knows how badly I need His words of wisdom. ❤🙏

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“They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain…”❤️

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Amen! Thank you once again!!

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Janice, such a promise. Ty🙏🏼

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After reading about another baffling sudden death to a healthy young person, in this case Ty Wells, I hugged my 23 yr old son and thanked God I don't have to worry about him. He is unvaxxed. And if he should pass away, it won't be for reasons unknown because I will find out. My priority in 2023 is getting my children through this. They know all about the vaxx effects. They have friends whose family members as well as themselves have been affected. It is a heavy burden for young people to watch and process. I know they have tried to stop friends from getting vaxxed and have offered solid support to fellow unvaxxed friends. Not what they should be dealing with in their 20s. 😔🤨 FJB!

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Annie, my 23 year old son is twice-injected (1st with JJ and second with Moderna). Both taken so he could just finish his last semester at college and "get on with life." He told me after he received the Moderna shot he was "out of his head." Several weeks later he told me that his head hurt so bad that he didn't get out of bed for three days - didn't eat anything, barely got up to go to the bathroom. I thank G-d every day that he didn't die because his description makes me think he had such vascular constriction taking place that he was the victim of injection-induced migraine. My darker fear is that he developed some sort of clot in his brain which his body was somehow able to break down or re-absorb. I worry every day that I will get a call that he has died from some cardiac complication. I pray that G-d spares me this particular suffering.

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😢 So sorry. What a horrible decision our world placed on our youth.

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That’s so scary, I’m so sorry 😞 I’m so angry about all of these adverse effects, this should never have happened!

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My heart goes out to you and your son. ❤️ This is something families should never had to deal with. My son was lucky as his college was in an area not sympathetic to mandates. Plus they would have gone out of business if they tried. We were a hard fast no in regards to the vaxx.

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Thank you. So much judgment is thrown at us parents for somehow not stopping our kids from taking these shots. OTHER THAN completely cutting my kids out of my life (3 of our 5 kids took the shots - all three over the age of 21), what were my alternatives? I spoke my mind, I told them of my concerns, I begged them to "just wait - give it some time to see how these things would play out" but in the end the decision was theirs to make. I did all I could do as a parent and I will remain here to pick up the pieces if needed. I am really hoping that the other two received injections from "placebo-like" batches that weren't properly stored and handled because apparently they are less likely to cause harm. My one son denies any adverse events and my daughter has basically stopped talking about Covid (after being THAT person who posted her injection picture on Instagram - sigh).

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NAB, I cannot imagine anyone blaming a parent of an adult child for the child’s decision to take the jab, but evidently you have experienced just that. People can be so un-thoughtful and cruel in placing blame unjustly. My three adult children all took the jabs; a parent’s warnings, pleas, shared information, and advice is either accepted or rejected, we can not force them to follow our recommendations no matter how strongly we inform them of the truth. I’m praying for all that took the jabs, including my own children.

My kids barely communicate with me because of my warnings on this topic. How sad that relationships are so damaged when we just want the best for everyone.

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Sad for you. Similar experience here.😔

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Right there with you, NAB...I talked til I was blue in the face, but my 28 y.o. son got jabbed anyway. Every day I ask God to completely erase any effects of the jab in his body.

I'm sure there are a lot of us parents in the same, worrying situation.

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Yeah I don’t understand how anyone can blame parents for their adult children taking the shots. They’re adults and have the ability to make their own decisions. For minor children, it’s a whole different ballgame. The parents ARE responsible (unless somehow the kid sneaked off and did it behind the parents’ back, I guess).

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That's hard. Sometimes the adult children are the hardest. 😔 I was ready to not complete the fafsa paperwork and stop financial aid if they got the shots. But luckily they agreed with me so we never had that conversation. My daughter had graduated college. And my son was at a small college that would have loved to lockdown and mandate but for various reasons couldn't. All you can do now is pray and hope the worse predictions are not true. ❤

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Fortunately my one daughter is at Hillsdale so no mandate there and my youngest is only 16 and I've told him we will either leave the state or homeschool if they mandate this shot for kids to go to school.

Honestly, the side effects from the shots have turned out even worse than I anticipated and had I believed they would be this bad, I would have threatened cutting off financial support to underline my concern about them. Coulda', woulda', shoulda'. Sigh.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

No one was prepared for all this crap. These last couple of years have tested us all. ❤

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Yes, I have two adult children who took the initial shot to keep their nursing jobs. They know my feelings on this deadly jab. I don’t ask them if they’re taking the booster because the emotional pain is too deep. They are in my daily prayers God will spare them injury.

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I hope so too. 🙏 ❤

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NAB, go to the Flccc website and have him start the protocols for detoxing. Also have the D-dimer and another test, forget the name, to check for damage.

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Thanks, Karen. I've already suggested he get some basic blood work done but he thinks I'm making too much out of it. What I really want is a cardiac MRI. His last shot was about 18 months ago, so not sure how valuable the lab results would be at this point. I'm not sure how troponin levels progress with vax v. naturally occurring heart damage from ischemia. With a heart attack, trops rise quickly and exponentially but then pretty quickly drop back down. Anyway. Just talking out loud to myself. I should do a little research.

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You’re a lot more aware than most. I wish these kids were more awake and not so blasé. Oh well, you can only do as much as you can.

Went to tea with a girlfriend today and she talked about two people she knows with tonsil cancer!! 😳 i know a woman with a newly diagnosed tongue cancer. All in their 60’s. I mentioned turbo cancers, but thats as far as I got. Didn’t dare mention the vax.

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Troponin test

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My sister reported to my dad last night about an 18 y.o. student of hers that she visited in the hospital. Entrepreneur. Lost $50,000 last month, so he must be making a good bit too? Anyway, he has been diagnosed with bloot clots in his lungs. She didn't share his jab status; she didn't have to.

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I am in a position to talk to a young nurse working in one of our local ERs and she was telling me about how many "brain bleeds" they are seeing lately - and in young people (in their 30s). How they come in with complaint of headache and while being worked up, herniate and go unconscious and then die. It is so scary.

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This just burns me up. 😡

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Isn't that the truth. And in too many cases, they just focussed on the present dilemma rather than the extended future! The "I need to finish school" present was too important for them to worry about the future possibility of injury...or death. 😔

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I think that many believed the (heavily promoted) false premise that the jabs were completely safe. And/or the media/political/health industry wouldn’t lie to us, and that possible injury or death was simply false propaganda.

For any that took the jabs but believed it could/would damage their body, then that is another kettle of fish.

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exactly! Never mind the schooling is complete rubbish.

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This Canadian would like to fly into the USA again. I assure the jab requirement will go as well??


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If you go to Mexico you can just walk across the border and not have to worry about any jab requirements. You’d even get a phone, a hotel room and be signed up for all the benefits you want.

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Don't forget the Social Security card.

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I’m not willing to fly again with all the jabbed pilots. I guess having a co-pilot gives some measure of reassurance that someone can safely fly and land the plane, but it’s still concerning to me.

Not to mention driving on the road expecting a sudden coincidence victim to plow into me.

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I think patients are starting to get smart, too, maybe faster than doctors. When my husband was out of the office, one of his patients saw another doctor who prescribed Paxlovid for her COVID case. She later told my husband that she didn't fill the prescription. More people are getting wise to the scam.

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"We made science a team sport"

Don't mistake this for a promise not to do it again. Accountability is needed, not just the sheepish vanguard op-eds. Do not leave the "quiet walk-back" path open.

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I am not going to forgive the perps or forget.

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Defund so called “public health “!!

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Or his referring to our opposition as being spurred on by conspiracy theories. We questioned, rightly so, a brand new, untested injection, something every physician should have been doing. "Science" apparently has not one curious fiber, or iota of common sense.

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Right. We didn't "get lucky," we just looked at the incentives and applied prior knowledge of human nature.

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May 11? To get their legal ducks in a row. Watch for legal shenanigans.

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It’s weird, a Thursday. It’s not even Mother’s Day.

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Seriously, when is she being sent back to finish the 4th grade. The fact that we have people like her, Biden, Fetterman etc. in office is an act of supreme insult to any population. It's a good thing we have thick skin cause the global laughter would really hurt otherwise.

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stolen elections have consequences!

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You forgot Pete B... head of Transportation, or whatever it is he does...

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Is the FAA under him? Check if he’s flying on planes with jabbed pilots these days or private. Little weasel.

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And how about Mayorkas? ( don’t think I spelled it right) but the guy that supposed to be keeping the border strong! Dear Lord can someone take him out!! He has zip tied the border agents hands...those poor guys are only babysitting at this point!!

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Naomi Wolf revealed that in the new budget it would allow organizations and others to basically BUY children at the border without an adequate means of safeguards installed. It’s on Daily CloutAn interview about combing through this monstrous document that legislators never read.

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Unaccompanied children. So easy then.

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Did anyone see Tucker and his review of candidates to come behind JB? Surprise it was, an interview someone taped with Michelle O. And her thoughts.. on Biden , and menopause?

Just his opinion.. she’d be back. 🤔

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You have insulted fourth graders everywhere!

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My apologies to them

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I think it's designed to be insulting....

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The obvious question nobody asks these "Expert" useful idiots is, "Did YOU take these covid jabs and pills?" Probably because they know there won't be an answer anyone would believe, so why bother.

I really want to know how many doctors REALLY pounded these pills and jabbed themselves. How many took sugar pills snd saline injections just so they could virtue signal on social media?

Not very many of them dying suddenly that we know of... but we'll leave those stories for the 25 year old athletes 😒

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Drs are dropping in droves in Canada. My wife works with a lot of extremely wealthy people mostly from the west coast and they generally are all jabbed and boosted up, including the ones in healthcare.

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Pro drug dealers know not to use their own stash.

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😱 That's a telling statement! 😬

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sucks to be them!

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Take the jab, hit the slab.

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I think many of them did. The "mass formation" was strong with a lot of people. Back in October of 2021, when I did one of the teledoc services. A doctor took a look at my leg, told me I should be in the hospital getting antibiotics, but then spent the balance of the "meeting" chiding me about vaccination.

My current doctor also is "all in" on vaccination...or she was when I first met her in March of last year. We had a back and fourth and her reasons for getting th vaccine sounded like rationalizations she repeated every night in front of a framed photo of Tony Fauci.

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I'm unsure of the number, but many doctors in Canada have died suddenly.

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The majority did take them. Prior to all this, there wasn't pressing reason in medical world not to trust the CDC, FDA, etc. I think the (currently standing 😡) HHS vax mandate for health care workers was a way to force the medical community to have pro-vax skin in the game.

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