Feb 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

You need to consider the Church has been captured, too.

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Yes! When he listed Mormons in the article I almost choked. My son is friends with a lot of them and they are fully woke, vaxxed, masked and sold out to to the liberal agenda. I was shocked. And these were young missionary women!

And don’t even get me started on Evangelicals and Catholics. Biggest disappointment ever 😔.

The Amish…. of who I know many and communities of many as that what my husband grew up around as some of his family are still Amish….they didn’t get covid or vaxxed because they don’t watch TV. So there’s that. 🤷‍♀️

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Mormon leaders pushed bigly the vaxx. I live near Lancaster County PA and the Amish thought the "English " lost their minds. I told them a lot of them did.

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The fallacy of most in this country is not so much about this particular experimental vax's but the belief that vaccines in general are beneficial.

When did educated people come to believe that injecting poison (all vax's) into a healthy person, especially a baby, is sound medical policy ?

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So true! We've seen an uptick in autism over the years and my mom did her research when I was a baby and decided not to Vax. I have chosen the same route, but when I told my doctor he blamed it on a new book that he said was bubkis. Why do doctors disregard real actual concerns and ignore reality? Because they get paid to. We lack real scientific doctors and have just mouthpieces for the pharmaceutical companies. Follow the money.

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FL Surgeon General Dr. Joe Ladapo has a book titled "Transcend Fear" and one chapter discusses how in medical training, when they get to vaccines, it's pure indoctrination, not science. I have not read the book - this is a statement Dr. Ladapo made in his Epoch Times American Thought Leaders interview.

Good for your mom not vaxxing you! I'd be surprised if your physician was informed enough to even KNOW about "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth." It's a book that should red-pill anyone who is really thinking.

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I've also been told many times that in medical school they get next to no nutritional training. That explains a lot.

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Thanks Bmom, I will definitely check it out.

Also "Turtles all the Way Down: Vaccine science and Myth"

Is also excellent. There's mountains of evidence against vax's that's been censored, scrubbed and some whistleblowers have even been suicided to dare and speak out against the Medical Cabal.

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In the last few years, we have seen a few doctors. Nearly all are captured by The Circular Loop, the owned and paid for schools, journals, government health care 'public/private partnerships and the like. But not just health care has been captured.

I had a growth removed from my neck recently. Yesterday I had the stitches taken out. I asked the doctor one question. I asked if he knew what graphene was and it's uses. He did not. Even so, this was one of the one or two better experiences of the last three years. Humane, warm, not institutionalized feeling, and not so much in the government's pocket.

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I'm waiting for the typical pro-vax response.

" What about polio.....smallpox.... the horror ........aahhhhhhghghh !!!!!

😂 😜 😂

I believe living in fear makes it hard to share your love. And that's a travesty.

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Yeah, my husband used to be less anti Vax. He had all his shots and didn't understand why I didn't want to Vax my kids...he let me do as I felt led to, though, and now is so happy I had the guts to go against the norm.

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Well I had chickenpox when I was 6 and I almost died (not)

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We are conditioned to vaccinate. It’s just what “good parents” do. Until they put their thinking caps on. That was me until 2002, when i swallowed the red pill. Once you do that, you question the whole pharmaceutical industry. When covid hit, I was primed to see their corruption.

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Very true. It’s an accepted ritual and most parents just never think about it. But I’ve talked with several “autism moms” who have severely damaged children and finally came to terms with the whole vaccine indoctrination. These women have friends, who have friends. This is how the truth came out in the past. Someone knew someone and they talked. But now it’s as if a floodgate has been opened and more and more parents are questioning the practice. There will always be counter pressures but at least it’s a start. I really recommend that people here do the deep dive and read up on childhood vaccines. It’s mind-boggling.

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It's deeper, I truly believe, than just vax's = bad. It's allopathic medicine. The AMC,

Allopathic Medical Cabal. Search out medicine before and after the Flexner report,

I believe it came out in 1910.

Not the wiki version either. What happens is with the influence of Rockefeller who financed the report they crushed all the other treatment options in the U.S.A.

Vilifies and gaslit all opposing views and treatments.

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A study on autism began our initial research and our eventual decision to stop vaccinating.

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When my first born was 9 weeks old, he received his first DPT shot. He died less than 72 hours later.

I was very young and we didn't have the Internet but I got a real education from that experience. My three subsequent children were not vaccinated. They're all still alive and well.

We sued DHHS under the vaccine injury act and won. That was quite an education, too. VAERS is a joke. My own child was never reported.

I always kind of understood the argument that vaccines help more people than they harm. If this was true though, why would they have to be mandated?

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It breaks my heart to hear your story.

My only sister, who just passed in March with a big hand from the Medical Cartel also might be a victim.

Her first born (1975) died from so called SIDS or 'crib death' I believe was another term they gaslighted the masses with. I remember the articles written in the top medical journals reporting studies that a child was more likely to succumb to SIDS if they sleep on there stomach.

So to see forty or so articles popping up of all the different reasons why young adults are having heart problems is disgusting to say the least but pure evil in my eyes.

God Bless you and yours GG

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I'm so sorry for your losses.

The coroner who did my son's autopsy ruled it a SIDS death. My uncle was the one who asked my parents if my son had been recently vaccinated. We may have come up with our own ideas once the shock had worn off, but my uncle asked about it immediately. My story is anecdotal, but I'm certain SIDS isn't caused by stomach sleeping. I'm sorry your sister had to experience the death of her child. I pray the together again. God bless.

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probably a leftover from the middle ages, where cauldrons were stirred with animal's intestines and poisonous plants. Oh wait, that were witches.

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Lancaster county - just beautiful!! We have wonderful memories of a family trip there when our kids were young. We took a hot air balloon ride that went on forever (the day/wind were ideal, we got lucky!) over the most beautiful countryside. We were only there 3 days and were NOT ready to leave when the time came. Amazing people, warm, wise and welcoming...we would love to visit again someday. Lucky you living there! 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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I live in southwestern Ontario Canada...the Amish were encouraged not to take but many did anyway. many have bought into the whole agenda as well as many other varieties of mennonites! Before Christmas a young amish mother was found dead. She was a mother to 4 children and expecting the 5th with no known health issues. It breaks my heart to see what is happening

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That's sad. 😔 They should have stayed true to their beliefs and not the worldly.

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Sunnydaze, did you see this: https://sharylattkisson.com/2021/10/amish-covid-no-hospitalization-isolation-or-vaccines-herd-immunity/

Sharryl Attkisson went to Lancaster, PA to speak with Calvin Lapp. What a great guy -- and that line about the English? I wonder how many actually got what Lapp meant by that? Hilarious. In an interview overflowing with great points, this is one of my favorites:

"It’s a worse thing to quit working than dying. Working is more important than dying. But to shut down and say that we can't go to church, we can't get together with family, we can't see our old people in the hospital, we got to quit working? It's going completely against everything that we believe. You're changing our culture completely to try to act like they wanted us to act the last year, and we're not going to do it." - Calvin Lapp.

Amen! Man after my own heart.

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I did not see it. Thank you! I just read it. It was great and exactly what the Amish community where my husband grew up did and the same results. They just lived life normally. I know this because my husband has many siblings (and my husbands parents grew up Amish but left the Amish prior to marriage because they didn’t want to raise their kids in that belief system and my sister in law married a man who also grew up Amish but had left the Amish church) who still all live there. One of his siblings is the only English that live on their dirt road-the rest are Amish. It’s a whole other world when we go visit.

I do want to point out the flaw at the beginning of the article. Amish are not a Christian group. They are a cult. They have some of the nicest people who are genuine and friendly. But they do what their bishops tell them and follow whatever rules their particular church tells them. They do not have freedoms to stray from what the bishop decides. Which is why one church can’t have a mower with rubber tires but across the street they can. It all depends which church you attend and which rules that bishop sets. If you break the rules set by the Amish you are excommunicated which means your family will not be allowed to have contact with you until the bishop says otherwise. My husbands aunt and uncle got married in the Amish church and then left the Amish. Because of that their own siblings couldn’t sit at the same table with them for decades. And a whole host of other rules of excommunication. Some of them are the most racist people too. My husbands grandpa (who had passed before we got married 30 years ago) said church was no place for a black man. Super nice guy but racist pig, really. And what I’ve shared is just the tip of the iceberg.

Anyway, just wanted to set that part of the article straight. 😂 🤷‍♀️

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Thank you, Sunnydaze. I am woefully ignorant of the details of Amish life, but I had this idea that it was strict and maybe just a little bit wackadoodle with respect to some of their rules. Is there a difference between Amish "Christians" and Mennonite Christians? Seems so...Calvin is Mennonite.

Here is a more recent article on how people in Calvin's community compare to the "average" college graduate in the U.S. -- on eighth grade educations: https://fullmeasure.news/news/cover-story/amish-education-12-29-2022.

Regardless of the bigotry of some (I always cringe at that) or the wacky rules, not a single Amish "Christian" or Mennonite Christian demanded I obey unlawful government edicts like the vast majority of "regular" "Christians" in this country did.

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Honestly I only know the area we are from which is in Michigan. I don’t think there’s a difference between an Amish Christian or a Mennonite Christian. I actually just called my husband cuz I wanna get this right 😂

He said they are like anyone else in the way that some of them pursue a relationship with Jesus and some don’t. They will hear the gospel message in church IF their bishops teach that. So it depends on where you go to church. And where you live determines which church you go to.

They do think of themselves as Christians. Some will be real Christians but stay in the Amish church. Some will leave and become Mennonite.

Just like all the others of us. I think there are Catholics where some will be in heaven and some won’t. Protestants - some will some won’t.

Because ultimately the religion doesn’t matter. It’s the heart, the surrender to Jesus that matters, the confession and repentance of our sin. So for the Amish….again, wonderful people who are kind and I can see why you enjoyed going there and they didn’t impose all the stupid covid garbage on you. Honestly, the Amish did a better job than Christians did. I was disappointed with so many of my Christian friends who I had previously trusted and respected. Lost that respect unfortunately 😏

I hope I said all that correctly. I don’t often have conversations about he Amish on the internet. 😂

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I really don't want to be a source of discord, but my Catholic faith requires me to object. No one whatsoever can enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless he/she submits to the Church created by Jesus Christ and founded on the Rock (Peter) - the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

I love my Protestant friends here dearly. But Protestants cannot enter Heaven. That is de fide from the Catholic Church founded and personally given the authority to bind and loose sins (Mt. 16:18, et seq.) by Jesus Christ.

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I think John Calvin was a Catholic until they parted ways and he became a reformer. A Protestant. In fact I think he tangles mightily with the Anabaptists. Mennonites are Anabaptists.

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You are right in that they seem to live under the (man-made) law and sincerely believe that without obeying the Ordnung (local Bishops Rules)they cannot see heaven. They are trapped in legalism but in recent years many have been evangelized by the Mennonites and many are recovering the Gospel of Grace. They are good, solid people and are an example to us of how to care for one another.

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I don’t disagree. But again, they are no different than the churches we are talking about all over this thread today. God is breaking down the buildings of Church and raising up the church in the hearts of His people. Religion is not relationship.

The Amish as a collective group are considered a cult. That does not mean there aren’t Amish people who converted over to Mennonite. But once they do that they don’t call themselves Amish anymore; they’re Mennonite. That’s what my in-laws did before getting married.

My father in law “hauled Amish” (being a driver for them since it’s ok to ride in a car but not drive one) after he retired and spent many hours talking with all the ones he grew up with. Wonderful caring people. But the Amish as organization is the definition of a cult.

We. Our family is intertwined with them to this day. Amish blood runs through my kids blood because that’s the lineage of my husband. I’m thankful my in laws found Jesus and left the Amish, and raised their kids Mennonite. None of who are still Mennonite today - but all love and serve Jesus in many different non-denominational churches. Without that I would not have the wonderful husband and kids I have today.

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We, the non Amish, are the English. I left my libtard area to shop in Lancaster County and it was refreshing. I told many of these covidiots not to leave their immediate area as most would look at them like lunatics.

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Interesting! I took Calvin's comment to mean something else, but what he actually meant was that 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒆 non-Amish (Mennonite) was "English?"

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The Amish speak German as Lancaster County has a lot of sects that came from Germany etc. The rest spoke English.

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Amen to that indeed! Very wise words.

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Yea, saw an article the other day where Hobby Lobby is funding a program (an Super Bowl commercial) promoting LGBT+whatever. Sad :(

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Anyone that watches the NFL imo, is supporting Satan and is a Traitor to All that have been murdered and disabled by this evil cabal. Sponsered by the death Needle, Pfizer.

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Americans, including those claiming to be Christians are not willing to put aside their entertainment to actually stand for what is right. Revelation talks about the sad state of churches in the first chapters. We see it in the lukewarm behavior of those who are Christian in name only, but are not following Jesus.

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Yes. That was also made evident in other religions and spiritual practices.

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In her book about training a 'cadaver' dog -- a dog used to find dead bodies or the remains of dead bodies --Cat Warren makes a passing reference to the 'open' police secret that Superbowl games are used for child trafficking. In New Orleans, the year she wrote the book, a number of children (I've forgotten the number, maybe a dozen), were rescued by rescue dogs. See What the Dog Knows: The Science and Wonder of Working Dogs by Cat Warren.


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I agree, and thanks for saying!

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This is incredibly disappointing 😳

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I saw many of these ads during NFL games the past couple months. They blatantly manipulate Scripture and truth to push an agenda. Very disappointed to know Hobby Lobby is involved in this.

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We saw this ad on a show we were watching that happened to be live (we don’t usually watch live tv anymore) and we saw one of those commercials. Very interesting that although it said something with a bit of truth sprinkled - it did not sit right with me. I didn’t take the time to research what it was BUT now that I know what it is I KNOW my discernment is right on! I knew something about it was waaaay off and I had a feeling it was manipulative in what they were pushing. We HAVE to listen to our God given wisdom and discernment or we will be led astray for sure! The devil is working overtime to deceive us all.

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My husband was the same way! I hadn't seen any but one and thought it was weird, but he said he'd seen a few and they didn't set well with him. I just showed him the article and he feels justified. This is so crazy that they'd water down the word like that. Doesn't Paul warn about this?

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I have seen those ads. Co-opting Christ to accept evil. We all know what that is. Saw it just before the fall of man.

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It's like Chick-fil-A started with the woke crap. The Left still hates them.

But their sales are bigger than ever, so it's not like they are paying for the lefty activism.

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never been there and never will.

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Wow. Very interesting. Wondering what their end game is with this?

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White replacement strategy.

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I believe, and with good reason along with strong research, it's more likely a seven billion elimination strategy.

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i'm not wondering at all end game is one worldism one currency one economy controlled by elitist technocrats a technocracy if you will where the supply of all goods is determined by the govt (climate change) and not the free market (Capitalism). We had a taste of it under Trump where US became energy independent. If truth be known and the US could develop all their Oil (not fossil fuel) resources to the greatest extent this would end up unleashing the greatest economic boom the world has ever seen with gasoline available at the pumps of say $ .25/gallon!

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But...oil is a fossil fuel, Fifster!

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King of Kings and Lord of Lords comes down from heaven and out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. That's my guess. They are trying to take down as many of us as they can before then.

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Thank you for providing a link. I wouldn't have believed it otherwise.

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I have not seen the ads so I will wait to see them to render an opinion. I will say that my brother was gay and grew up in a Evangelical church. When he was older he tried the churches that sprang up to "support" gays, but knew that their doctrine on other things was way off base. He knew that we, his family, loved him more than life itself, but considered what the Bible said was true, it is a sin (just as many other things are sin, like lying). The old saying, "Love the sinner, not the sin," is true. I will also say that a large swath of gays have some sort of substance abuse issue, as my brother did. It is important to love them and support them as they fight the alcoholism or drug addition. If the ads say that they love them and want to help them, I am okay with that. If it somehow condones the sin, then I have a problem with it.

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The one I've seen shows someone laying in bed alone and says over the screen Jesus was lonely too. He gets us. It was very weird. And if He was in constant fellowship with God other than the brief time on the cross, it feels misleading.

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Otherwise, I agree with you on the love the sinner hate the sin.

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Does anyone ever think how to 'love the sinner'? And still be Christian and Scripturally compliant?

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Very wise words.

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Chick Filet, Hobby Lobby…..seems we worship mammon now. Let the corporations bow to Baal, we must continue to walk with Christ no matter what the culture descends to. If we persevere we will overcome by our faith and the blood of the Lamb. He has promised!

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Oh wow. That’s really disappointing. Wow. Another one bites the dust 😞

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Hobby Lobby! REALLY? Shocked and disgusted. But then 99% of everything in their store is from CHINA!🤬

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What!? That's disgusting. Hobby lobby talks the big talk but they definitely don't walk the big walk.

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Say what? First Chick Fil-A now the Lobby? Heart sinking lower.

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What??? I thought they were a Christian company!

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Maybe they will right the ship.

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Just a Christian veneer apparently.

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hobby lobby is terrible. haven't been there in ages, since I heard what awful people that run it.

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I can’t find anything on that. I did see they’re having 2 ads about Jesus though.

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Thought hobby lobby owner sold the company?

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Wow that's effin crazy. I thought Hobby Lobby was conservative.

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WOW! Hobby Lobby? That is sad.

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Whaat? Hobby Lobby? No way!😉🙄

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Yeah, besides a few insular communities like the Pennsylvania Dutch, covidianism was rampant throughout most religious and secular communities. Of the few remaining friends and several new friends I have (both religious and non-religious) I have found commonalities to be natural skepticism and a comfort level calling B.S. regardless of the level of "authority" a pronouncement comes from.

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Yes I was surprised to see that mention of the Mormons also. I had the impression that most in the LDS got vaxxed to the max. Can anyone here tell me differently?

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Yes they were instructed by their prophet early on to take the vax. I know many who were skeptical but once they were told by church leaders to get it they blindly followed. I’ve told a few whom I’m close to that perhaps he’s a false prophet. Very difficult uncomfortable conversations.

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I just finished a wonderful book written by a former Mormon, Lynn Wilder. She and her husband were in the Mormon church for 30 years! Their son became a Christian while on his Mormon mission and later, the entire family became Christ followers. I find it hard to believe that the average Mormon knows exactly how crazy the beliefs of the church are. The book is Unveiling Grace. Her son, Micah, has also written a book called Passport to Heaven.

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Always happy to have an honest conversation about it. I respect everyone’s personal experiences, but in a trial, you don’t just listen to one side, do you? Information is always biased and colored by personal conviction and experience, so I would not take an “ex” member as a firm authority. Just saying. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I agree that experience is not always reputable, but she cites passages from Mormon books and tells about such things as baptisms for the dead, which I don't think any Mormon would disavow. She cited this passage from Doctrines and Covenants 132, "Abraham received concubines and they bore him children and it was accounted unto to him for righteousness." The Bible states something very, very different in several places. Here's Romans 4:3 "For what does the Scripture say? Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness." Let's not argue, however, each person can make up his or her mind. Thank you for your comment.

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Might want to slow your roll, lots of “crazy” beliefs have been becoming obvious and common lately. On the other hand, you are likely correct, the “average” anything is pretty uninformed and clueless.

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This is SO encouraging. The next gime a mornon comes to our house I’m going to evangelize him!

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Like the false pope francis

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My mom and one brother are still Mormon, the rest of took our parole years ago and ran. Fortunately neither of them had the shots but neither are listening to anyone talk about the evils of this being pushed by their church. They are more than happy to engage in conversations of the evils of OTHER PEOPLE pushing the shots. Interesting level of cognitivie dissonance.

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The bible warns us to be aware of false prophets. We are clearly in the end times. Not use how long we will be here, but we are here. You must know your bible. BIBLE is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth! When the vax was first introduced something in my gut said "NO". This was before I even read the Pfizer data dump on all the adverse reactions or even saw friends having adverse side effects. Something inside me knew it wasn't good. I call that wisdom and discernment. When you truly know God and follow his word, he gives you wisdom and discernment. Know the "truth" and it shall set you "free"!

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Amen sister!!!

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Happy to. Civic responsibility is something we take seriously, so a lot of people were willing to suspend disbelief in that vein. But from the heartland of Salt Lake, I will tell you that not as many got vaccinated as you would think, it caused a lot of frustration, and like anyone, this is a difficult and nuanced concept to grapple with. I love President Nelson and know that everyone is tested in complicated ways - and we have to learn hard lessons. I also know that we are dark territory these days, and Satan would love nothing more than for us to abandon our faith and turn on each other. We have bigger issues to face.

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Not a mormon, so I've only read and listened quite a bit about the religion. My impressions as an outsider:

The faith is inherently heirarchal and based on prophetical authority and preisthood authority. Joseph Smith and all subsequent presidents are considered prophets of God and as such their pronouncements have the weight and authority of coming directly from God. It would be unfaithful to disobey or disregard what he says.

Was President Nelson's admonition in the form of "I think you should get the shot but follow your conscience and doctor" or was it "Everyone needs to do this"? If the latter, I don't understand how anyone could not get it and still consider himself or herself in good standing.

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There was no admonition. There was no delivered-from-the-pulpit request. It was a PR release that the First Presidency signed their names to that recommended to do the things (including “thoughtful direction from government leaders” - which pulled the rug out from the recommendation right there) like masking and getting vaccinated, but work with your doctor. Many overreacted and were angry at the church for stepping into the fray, and maybe they felt like they had to say something in a watered down way. I wasn’t there. I was upset, as well. But there was never an order to do it, nor was there even much talk about it from leadership in general - beyond the PR statement.

Now to be fair, I have a lot of angst about the way the church handled it. I have learned the hard way to be wary of pharma and doctors and government intrusion. Now the church has to learn the hard way, too. I can’t be shaken, though. But Satan sure tried these last couple of years. And for many, he was quite successful and dislodging people from their anchors. It’s incredibly sad.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

Ok, I guess the LDS church is only as culpable for pushing the poison as the lengths they went to push it. If they didn't push it real hard, then their sins are less. They were hardly alone among religious organizations in being confused and misled about these things.

BUT, if President Nelson is a cardiologist, that's pretty damning. I hold medicine as a whole highly culpable for not standing up against this nonsense, and any individual doctors, especially those whose specialties cover aspects of the jabs, hold eternal shame and responsibility for anyone they influenced to get a shot that went on to harm or kill him. They absolutely should have known better. And if there is a cardiologist who also happens to be a prophet of God, then it seems to me there are 3 alternatives:

-he's a terrible, terrible doctor (odd God would choose such a doctor)

-he's a false prophet

-he's a real prophet and WE'RE all wrong about the vaccines, and covid generally.


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Yet, if you live in Utah you probably have seen Mormon leadership doing ads and issuing of public statements (which Mormons read) saying "just get the shot! It's safe and effective.". That includes their president who I think was a heart surgeon so that holds extra sway. There is an implicit, if not explicit, "rule" that you get jabbed. The outlier, IMO was BYU that did not require jabs to attend. The mormon church was also mask crazy. BUT regular mormons stopped that nonsense pretty quickly in the stores and schools.

Of course I'm not a mormon so I have no real idea what goes on in the belly of the beast.

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Another point is the church used the word inoculate rather than simply vaccinate. Thus it was also recognizing natural immunity. Lots did get vaxxed for work/education/convenience reasons, sadly. But there were a not insignificant faction that refused.

Most were simply unthinkingly compliant. But took the masks off as soon as they could.

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Note he said Traditionalist Catholics and I can tell you from personal experience with several traditionalist parishes - my husband and I attend two and our family attends others - very few of them are vaxed and even during the height of the idiocy here in California very few wore masks and most of us never did. In addition, the priests kept celebrating mass in parking lots, fields, wherever they could for the faithful who came in very large numbers to stand side by side with their fellow believers. The greater Catholic Church is a sell out, as all things run by men tend to become over time, but the traditionalists, despite the war against them, are holding strong and growing. God always has a plan that is bigger than any of us. Our trust is in Him. Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever.

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When our church opened again in Virginia, we began going to the Latin Mass because hardly anyone wore a mask.

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I am glad you were able to experience the Mass of the Ages, yet do wish it had been under better circumstances! That being said, it was our experience also, as those coming or going to the Novus Ordo after/before the Latin Rite all had masks with signs on all the doors (sadly the only time I was ever harassed for not wearing a mask was in the Catholic church). But the Latin mass attendees by and large went mask less and vaccine less. Fortunately we had been attending the Latin mass for about a decade so it was our community and it truly was like a life preserver during the darkest of times as being unvaxxed and unwilling to wear a mask, my husband and I lost a lot of our greater "community" to our "selfish uncaring ways".

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I've been going to Latin Mass off and on for over 30 years. My parents discovered many years ago that there was a weekly Latin Mass in Baton Rouge, LA at St. Agnes Church. They began going on a regular basis. I was very glad when my own church began a weekly Sunday Latin Mass some years ago.

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I am so happy for you. What a joy to have been able to take part in the beautiful mass for so long!! I pray that your Bishop keeps the Latin Mass for the sake of your souls and his.

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I pray your Latin Mass is not removed, I read about problems in the Arlington diocese.

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Thank you so much. Ever since Traditionis Custodis, my prayers have been for the preservation of our Latin masses as I have yet to find a Novus Ordo near us that does not border on the heretical (at least materially speaking). And truly I believe the Latin mass is our Catholic heritage and as a mother and now grandmother, I would be absolutely bereft if I did not do all I could (which at this point is mostly pray) to make sure it survives the current modernists who have taken over much of the church hierarchy. I believe St. Athanasius should be all Latin rite mass believers patron at this moment as he faced down the Arian heresy quite alone among the leaders of his time. Not budging one iota!! May he give us all the strength to stave off all the current heresies bent on corrupting Holy Mother Church.

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I love your comment. My parish just held a mission about devotion to the Holy Face (as seen on St. Veronica's veil) It is a confraternity we can join. The priest was from the Benedictines in Gower Mo., St. Martin of Tours is one of the patrons of this confraternity. It is to pray for an end to communism and the conversion of sinners.

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I thought it was no longer allowed, but, in reality it's not allowed to be advertised. So, we still have our weekly Latin Mass but it is not listed in the bulletin. It's pretty ridiculous that it has to be that way, but it seems even the Church is infected with "you are not allowed to know", just like other organizations.

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Yes, traditionis custodes was anything but an upholding of tradition and was actually quite a bizarre document. You cannot advertise a mass in your bulletin, nor can you celebrate a mass in your church if it is the ancient rite?? Yet, are those not the reasons for the bulletin and the church? If it was not so evil, it could have been read as a satire that would have given the Babylon Bee a run for their money.

Yes - you are not allowed to know for your own good... Last I checked, God gave us free will, if He did this, who are governments or other organizations to take that away. Give me the information and let me discern for myself.

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Exactly right. The Traditional Catholics never succumbed to the Covid tyranny.

The false Novus Ordo Church, on the contrary, dropped to the floor to lick their government and homo priests shoes immediately.

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Yes! My Traditional Latin Mass parish did not require masks and actually told us not to get the abortion-tainted shot. It seems as if there are two Churches now.

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

Bingo! That's because there ARE two Churches. One remnant that still preaches the same 2,000 year old Catholic faith, and the other modernist infiltrated one that is a chastisement from God.

As just one more piece of evidence, why do you think Paul VI rewrote all seven sacraments?

Although I obviously cannot prove it, I firmly believe this is the withheld explanatory segment of the 3rd Secret of Fatima, which Our Lady directed to be revealed in 1960, because (according to Sr. Lucia) it would be more clear then.

That's why the antipope Communist John XXIII suppressed it.

Remember the Four Marks of the Church beginning with that it must be ONE in faith and doctrine. How's that working out?

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This is all so troubling. So many people only have the NO available to them. They are missing so much.

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So true and I add them all to my prayers as I believe every Catholic should be given the opportunity to see the truth of our faith in all its glory as shown in a unique and sacred way through the High Mass of the Tridentine rite. Christe, exaudi nos. Our Lady of Lourdes, ora pro nobis.

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Agreed. The two roads emerged most prominently in 1517 and it appears many in the "Catholic" church chose the road trod by a man, rather than the one trod by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Did he not himself warn that the world would hate those who followed him - why do so many in the church today seek outward adulation?

Paul VI, the unhappy pope and legacy to the worst destruction the church has ever seen (Did any of the Medici popes even come close???), is definitely an enigma whose absolute rupture with Sacred Tradition should have been burned in a cleansing fire rather than been able to see the light of day and become "standard practice". Clearly the church needed more like Ottaviani and LeFebrve, who recognized no pope was to change Christ's church, but rather were only to preserve what had been handed down to her through the centuries. Yet Her battles have always been fought with the few rather than the many. In addition, Our Lord promised the gates of hell would not prevail and He would be with us always, even to the end of time. No matter how humans corrupt the church, the remnant you speak of and that we are experiencing today will always be in existence. Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever!!

I too think you are correct in your assumption about the secret of Fatima. Our Lady has been trying to warn us on so many fronts and yet so many continue to ignore her. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

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Several Latin mass parishes we are aware of did the same. Thanks be to God. Our Latin masses are in diocesan parishes that bought much of the narrative. Fortunately our bishop did not advocate for the shots but he also didn’t preach against them. Most of our fellow mass attendees did not wear masks or get the shots.

Yes, it does appear there are two different factions at work. I suppose this time we are experiencing now and the current Pope have required many fence sitters to reconsider. Which is never a bad thing!!

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In my church there was a distinct division according to age. Almost every single young person, young parents refused the vax. This was most of the church.Masks became contentious sadly and the compromise was that there was one service per month where masks were required but were optional for the rest of the month. So nobody was really happy. One largish group boycotted the mask-only Sunday and had worship among themselves. Even now, there are vehementl elderly who completely support the injections and masks but we all just try not to talk about it. Very sad.

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Great to hear about your experience. Beautiful comment.

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Good point. And great to hear about your experience!

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Agree! I'm Catholic and was appalled at how the Pope and many prominent clergy were encouraging, often forcefully, people to get vaccinated. EVEN after Dr. Malone visited the Vatican in September 2021 and shared with Cdl. Peter Turkson how the decision to vaccinate the entire population was based on flawed data, bad science and how individual rights were being compromised. The Vatican continued to require vaccination...

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I was so angry when I saw Franklin Graham encourage Christians to get vaxxed. I replied to his comment with some truth and have not followed him since.

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That surprised me too. I don’t follow him anymore or give to Samaritans purse either. I have found other organizations to support.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

As many churches and Christians shift according to cultural beliefs the Bible is the inerrant, inspired, authoritative Word of God. Its testimony to Christ should move us to repent and believe the Gospel. Without the Word we can’t grow as Christians and should never ignore it, apologize for it or minimize it. There are still some denominations that have held fast to the authority of God’s Word; the evangelical reformed Presbyterian Church of America, the Southern Baptist Convention, the Calvary Chapel Association of Churches to name a few. Many of the mainstream churches have fallen to woke-ism and the culture, including the UMC(United Methodist Church), ELCA(Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), and many Catholic Churches. God does call us to worship with other believers but if you can’t find a church where you live at least watch a solid televised service every week so you’re continuing to hear the truth of God’s Word. It can be challenging. When we moved to Kansas City we attended 5-6 churches before we found a theologically sound church rooted in God’s Word. We need to be really firm in the Truth to stand up against the cultural lies.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

As far as I know, no churches in my denomination, the Reformed Church United States, ever had a vax requirement or supported the government narrative. I live in Nebraska, and, other than healthcare employees, no one was required to be vaccinated here. The battleground was masks.

The vast majority of my local church members never wore masks nor was a mask sign ever posted on our door, despite the local mandate. My pastor led a Bible study focusing on the rights of the conscience called "Lessons from 2020." He also wrote a religious exemption to mask wearing for one family to submit to the public school. (Amazingly, the school honored it!) One of our elders works at Zoetis (formerly Pfizer) making animal vaccines, and he was a leading voice in pointing out the absurdity of the masks. My church did cap in-person attendance during a few weeks in April/May 2020, according to the county mandate. We universally regret doing even that, and we will not be so fooled again.

My church has been a huge comfort to me when surrounded by so much illogic and craziness.

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I’m so happy that you have a solid church that you love. It sounds like your pastor remembered his calling, to shepherd his flock regardless of what was going on in the world. I applaud him for keeping his eyes on the mission of the church, staying focused on what matters for eternity and recognizing the right to freely practice our religion. I hope your congregation realizes what a gift he is as your pastor!

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I agree. But we know people that go to Presbyterian churches and they all bought into the lies and pushed vaxxes. We even know non-denominations churches that bought in and promoted the agenda. I think it came down to specific individual churches and each one either went on wide awake or woke.

We have found a pastor in Virginia that we watch online each week. (They just started a private school as being in Virginia has proven to be detrimental to the kids with their school indoctrination. They haven’t even opened and already have 400 kids signed up!!) Online is not the same as being in person obviously, but at least we are hearing Gods Word continually.

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Gary Hamrick?

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YES!!!! We really like him and his messages. And the fact that he doesn’t buy into all the woke garbage.

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He helped me get through the 2020 election debacle, too. He is wise and has the perfect balance of humor and being able to make sense of current events in light of Gods Word.

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We listen to/watch him too! What a blessing that they are starting a school.

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By any chance are you listening to Pastor Gary Hamrick at Cornerstone Chapel? If so, he’s excellent and I’ve listened to many of his services online.

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YES! We really get a lot out of his messages. We like his sense of humor. We watch every week.

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There are still many great Southern Baptist churches. But the SBConvention has gone woke in a big way.

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I care to disagree here. Al Mohler is quite solid and helps many Christians think biblically.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe Al Mohler is the president of the SBC. There are some good ones still there fighting to save the SBC. It appears, at least to me, to be a losing battle.

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Yes- He is. just google it. ;)

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You have to be careful even in SBC and Calvary Chapel churches. Big SBC has gone Woke. I attend a very Bible teaching non woke SB church in the panhandle of Florida, and my son is also a Pastor at a Calvary Chapel. There is a split in the Calvary Chapels too and many have gone woke. You truly have to listen and hold your Pastor's feet to the fire to make sure they are teaching the Word and not feelings. AND, we have three United Methodist Churches in our county who have disassociated with the main denomination because they want to remain true to the Word.

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One of the higher ups in the SBC was pushing the vaxxxs. 😠. It was the loving thing to do, dontcha know.

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There was a writeup about this a year or so ago - how the government worked with some of the bigger names in evangelical circles to get them to push the shots and such. It does explain a lot about Mr. Moore going so insanely hard about how "it's the loving thing to do". But he was hardly alone. There were a couple other names in that list who signed on to the narrative and it was disappointing to see. I'd have to dig up the link now, but there were quite a few who met w/ our government officials and then pushed the shots/masks message really, really hard. One big reason why I stopped reading a lot of the Gospel Coalition op-eds. They'd been mostly okay before 2020, but that "do the loving thing" nonsense was over the top.

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Oh, he definitely was not alone. I too was astonished to see the lack of critical thinking by many who signed that document. I forget the name but know what you are talking about.

And yes, too bad about TGC. Although they’ve gone pretty woke about other stuff as well now. I too no longer read them.

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And don't forget Mitt -- fully "woke" RINO!

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My wife and I are Reformed Faith Christians. Not the label ... and yes, we are able to read Pilgrim's Progress and the Confessions of Faith and know what we are reading. AND SO, we know what you say is correct, and maybe very understated. As a practical matter, we listen to sermons On-Line because there is no church locally which is not in some way 'captured'.

No TV here either. And on the few occasions in which we view the network parrot propaganda, it is comically stupidly beyond belief ... like watching aliens from Mars trying to speak English.

And by the way, now that people on Comments here have talked about church attendance, I've been watching the cars at the Woke-Lite church next door. I am guess that there are least one third or more less cars there than before the lock-down. That's what come from putting State Decrees ahead of God's 'Mandates' .... (like the Ten Commandments, for one).

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I go to a larger church and they never took a stance, sadly. But I know the people of asmaller church and they did take a stand more collectively. I think it's the smaller churches that were the spearheads of resistance.

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Sadly, there were many churches advised by "experts" in the medical field who pushed masks quite a bit. Ours had re-opened but then our quack pushed for making people mask up to protect everyone and because he was an "expert", the leadership listened to him. At least they opened up some ways for maskless participation, but it was definitely relegating people to second-class status. At least one of the nurses wore a crocheted mask to show how ridiculous it was - and of course, it was a mask so that was enough.

I'm glad those days are gone, but still no apology from said expert about being wrong about masks and I doubt our leaders would look at the Cochrane report (or summaries thereof). :(

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That's probably true generally. I go to probably the largest church in Houston. It didn't resist the month long county church closure, but it did reopen the day it was allowed (unlike many others that stayed closed) and never enforced or even encouraged masking (which was only a small minority of attenders who masked even at the high of mask madness).

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My church was doing online every week for about a month and then they slowly reopened with social distancing... and masking... and I served for awhile like that, but then I couldn't stand wearing those masks and I told them that I would serve again when the masking dropped. It dropped shortly after.

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Sunnydaze. Per your comment: “ Amish….they didn’t get covid or vaxxed because they don’t watch TV. So there’s that.”

So we can all therefore conclude without a doubt, that one is likely to catch Covid by watching Tv. Couldn’t agree more.

Covid, brought to you by: MSM.

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That's why they recommended wearing a mask while watching TV!

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The Mormon honchos were all in on the Pandemic. It was the "conservative" members and lay leadership who stood athwart the tyranny. I spent 2020 and 2021 traveling between Maryland and Utah. Mormons in Maryland embraced Covidiocy, to the point of sticking with mask requirements well after the government dropped mandates. Mormons in Utah were mixed. The high leadership pushed fear and hysteria and some Mormons followed along. But in the more "right-wing" areas (yes there is a difference - remember one of Utah's senator is Mitt Romney) Covidiocy was rejected and local leadership respected that response.

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Interesting. More diversity in ideology within the church than I would have expected.

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Yes! Being unplugged from the constant propaganda machine was surely key to the Amish's clear thinking. And being used to resisting the narrative's of the larger society.

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I said the same thing, the Mormons I know were all in on the injections and masks. They followed orders like good little sheep 😕

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I agree! All of my family members are Mormon. I am atheist and the only in my family not to fall for the propaganda. My entire Mormon family on the other hand are all woke/vaccinated/muzzled. The church itself urged people to get vaxxed. https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2021/08/12/wear-masks-get-vaccine/

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If you read the statements closely (rather than the headlines) the words actually used were inoculate and immunity. Natural infection was always left open as “counting”.

Unfortunately I have to agree though that way too many were fooled by the propaganda and have been led down a bad path.

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There are many sheep and few lions. Fortunately I have a pastor that did not encourage people to get vaccinated. He didn't tell them not to get vaccinated but rather recognized that was a personal decision. He was the first church to open in our community after being shut down. All the other pastors caved and many stated online for over a year! He also speaks out against what is happening in our culture. He doesn't waiver on what the bible says. He does however communicate it in a way that gets people to think (critically) and he also prefaces the communication from a standpoint of "love" and being honorable to God's word.

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God opened my eyes but my church home was and is completely captured. I left. The entire denomination is being driven asunder by wokeism. I’m not sure I can be of any use in those pews now but leaving that to God and his leading right now if I return in the future.

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I wonder if you are talking about the UMC? Or have other denominations have gone to the dark side too? We’ve been church shopping and it seems like minded people are in non denominational churches. The last 3 years have been extremely hard socially. Lost most of my 30 yr friendships, my church and 3 of our 4 parents. Jeff says be hopeful but I’m sad a lot. It’s so overwhelming.

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I think we are at the point of forming small group/family churches that have nothing to do with denominations. Maybe it starts with just 2-3 people. I find various preachers who share my values on YouTube while I take my dog for a walk. There are a lot out there. This is us bearing our own crosses. Times have changed and we have to accept it and move forward positively. Do not be sad or fearful. The Bible tells us God has you (and this). Believe it. It's true!

Philippians 4:6-7

New International Version

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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My husband, who is absolutely not a "gather the men together to talk about the Bible" guy is forming a group with some like minded Bible believing non woke men in the neighborhood. Some new Christians which I think is why he is willing. So I think there is a wave of people out there like you and my husband. We cannot find a church that is not woke or excusing non biblical things or any number of odd things. I am in a WBS. I go because I need the fellowship of other ladies who love the Lord. I feel like it is me, my husband and 3 other couples and we all act somewhat desperate and relieved when we are together.

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Inspiring. Seems to be the best way forward these days.

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The church, all of them, for the most part, have been captured. When churches say oh, they don’t get involved in politics they just preach the gospel. That’s a copout.

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I'm sorry, Susan. Same here with friendships and professional relationships. Not all, but virtually all. Gone. Because? Respiratory infection.

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i left the umc - i was incredibly involved with my church, i considered the people in the pews an extension of my family. it was a difficult and heart hurting to leave because of the umcs wokeness. i landed at a calvary church, Cornerstone Chapel, and it has been life changing. i am giving myself time to be ministered to, to allow God to heal my heart. Cornerstone has a big online following - it may help!


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Cornerstone has been such a blessing to me as well! I live in PA and so many churches in my area also went woke with the vax etc. so I watch Cornerstone online and my appetite for the Word of God has increased, as Pastor Gary Hamrick is an anointed man of God who teaches and preaches the Bible so clearly.

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He is one I have listened to!

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Thanks for the link! Been looking for an alternative.

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Susan, there are some nondenominational evangelical churches left, but not many. We had gone to ours for 22 years and loved it. But over COVID, they went woke, shamed white people (we live in a predominantly white community) and didn't get through a single message without mentioning race and equity. It got very bad. I think they started to come back to bible-based messages, but my husband refused to go back. Many of my Moms for Liberty friends went to another local nondenom/evangelical church I had never heard of or seen and its right in my town. We've moved to that church. Its growing like crazy and the pastor is young and NOT woke. I miss the production and awesome music and pre-pandemic messages of my large, flashy, loud former church. But this new one is solid and we're staying. Keep looking, you may find one is there and you just haven't seen it? See if there's a local Moms for Liberty group in or near your area? Facebook group? You may find a church that way? Good luck to you! DON'T GIVE UP! SPEAK UP! STAY STRONG!

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

Many churches seem more interested in Smart Marketing than in Christian doctrine and correct Scriptural teaching. Bells and whistles are not Christianity. Maybe young and not Woke is better?

As a man and family head, I salute you husband. I am guessing that you are abundantly blessed ... and got a good one!

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I did!! He's amazing! (And the messages at my old "flashy" church always struck a chord with us, were 100% biblically-based, thought provoking and could be behavior changing...before COVID. So the bells and whistles were just extras, the messages had been beautiful for 22 years.)

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This is not a criticism directed your way, not at all. This is more a musing. It's your "before Covid." That is, before covid things were not so obvious ... and people could get away with lapses which now they can't. Preachers could hibernate in their pulpits and sound good. And usually, just that ... sound good. Finally with covid, it was all out in the open. Alcohol and Big Box Commerce. Oh! That was okay! Essential you know. But churches and the Word of God, NOT ESSENTIAL. The god-state told us so. Any my, how quickly The Quisling Ministry bent the knee at the alter of the state ... and shuttered their churches. And it might as well be said ... out loud. By their Shuttering ye shall know them!

Had the ministry understood Christian theological doctrine, and manned up, and done their job, this whole Evil psy-opt would have fallen flat footed. But with covid, all the mirrors of illusion are shattered. We even know now that the entire social order of institutions has been totally taken captive and dumbed down to zombie status. And nothing we now know can ever be shoved back into the bottle and neatly corked.

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Just learning about moms for liberty. I did sign up to get information but haven’t heard back. I hate Facebook but maybe could go on it to look for that group. Thanks

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I rarely go on Facebook, too. (Only when a friend reaches out and asks me to because she needs help defending herself from a specific backlash she invited with an anti-woke FB post! Lol!)

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Lutheran in our experience. Very sad and profoundly lonely for people who implicitly trust the institution. Forming like minded smaller groups sounds positive.

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Confessional LCMS Lutheranism is not captured. Good luck finding a confessional version though among the now willow creek following majority.

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Hi Susan. I know what you mean. I was ever so grateful when I stumbled upon Jeff's Coffee and Covid in January of 2021. I felt like I had hope and was among like minded readers. I then joined a group in my Community called "The Breakfast Club". This is a group that was started by 3 men who met for breakfast and talked about how they could impact change in their community. Those 3 men turned into 90 attendees that meet every Tuesday morning at 8:30 and discuss what is going on locally and with state and local government. Many people got active as a result and then the group had someone willing to start a group in another county and another and another. We are not active in the Tidewater area in Virginia and moving into the Central area. My mission is to get them going in every stated so people like us have a like minded people they can rub shoulders with and perhaps get involved. Two years ago I would have never imagined myself running for school board, but I am!! I have found my people and they are the wind beneath the wings of this endeavor. I have support coming out of the woodwork and I now feel inspired. If you or anyone you know would be interested in getting one started, I can help you do that. You will find your people and find that support. I too lost some friends who were very liberal but that's o.k because what I gained is so much better.

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Be the faithful remnant.

Be faithful to His Sabbath.

“O Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything.”

Repeat as many times per day, every day, as it takes to surrender.

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Are you talking about Church of the Resurrection in Leawood? The senior pastor is not only woke but has his own interpretation of the Bible that is in direct conflict with God’s Word, the Truth. A false preacher and a con man.

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No, FUMC In Lawrence

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I am so sorry and I get that.. I lost all friends and became estranged from family members because of the scamdemic. They believed people like me should have been put on the train, although I have to wonder if they would have personally put me on the train. It's terrible. I understand the sadness and feeling overwhelmed. You are not alone.

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Same. I think one of my family members would.

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If anyone is looking for a church in Dover I know a great one! My church just moved a pastor to plant!!!!

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I think most churches and pastors aren't at the point of being willing to see that virtually every institution, even public health, is at odds with God and actively allied with the Enemy.

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I agree Jon. It’s a hard thing to wrap your head around, the realization that so many institutions are so deeply corrupted. It’s like the old folks, and I’m one, are just desperate to hold on to the notions of what was true in the past and just can’t face what’s happened to our nation over the past several decades. Honestly, the term “ woke” ought to be reserved for people like us here on C&C, not the social marxists!

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Exactly! We have awoken to the truth!

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I agree. They’re so afraid of losing members that they’re losing members anyway.

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Are new members coming in to replace you?

I cannot see how these churches would be attracting newbies in these woke-ist times. These churches are obliterating themselves would be my guess.

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Plus if they are all vaxxed, membership will be declining other ways. Society is due for a very necessary but serious fundamental change. I am part of it and look forward to it. This evil cannot run rampant anymore.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

These days like no other ever, each & every sundry power centre is out & about to snatch & appropriate a piece of erstwhile commons: 'our democracy' be for Biden's ilk, 'our science' for Pfizer mobsters, 'our God' for church functionaries. Drat! 😡

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I’m having a hard time with my church these days. Climate Greta was recently called a prophet in a children’s sermon and the youth group are invited to use their pronouns on their name tags...

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As a former Christian, I would strongly suggest that the Church as a whole has been deeply fractured and compromised LONG before Covid. If the Church was not such a watered down mess it is my believe that they almost singlehandedly could have cut this off before it took root. There are only a few that tackled this head on.

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"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but having itching ears, they shall heap to themselves teachers in accordance with their own lusts."

2 Ti 4:3.

Just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Fr Joseph Ratzinger (aka Pope Benedict XVI) - 1969 (sorry for all caps - it's how "cut & paste" turned out and I am not savvy enough to figure out how to change it 😬)


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Yes that's already happened. Disgraceful what the hierarchy of the Catholic church has become - many faithful priests canceled and sidelined, especially in Chicago --these good priests are forming the remnant. https://www.youtube.com/@frjamesparker777. https://www.canceledpriests.org/

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As a former Chicagoan, I'm disgusted with what Cupich has been doing. I stopped donating to the Chicago Archdiocese since he has been on my sh*t list.

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I coincidentally just listened to this recent homily from Fr. Mike Schmitz talking about this exact same thing. https://youtu.be/Pdap-3Uvks8 Very powerful and encouraging. Take a listen of you get a chance.

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Such true words!

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One needs to question the "medical industrial complex" and it's narrative, that God makes mistakes and you need to get all of their shots to fix it! "Tower of Babel anyone?

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God also puts kids into the wrong body? It’s crazy-gender etc.

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Susan, the insanity of the hole thing is beyond believable!

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Every Man Did That Which Was Right in His Own Eyes. Judges 17:6

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One of the saddest verses in the Bible....

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Benedict’s philosophy may have canceled him and put the socialist in his place. I no longer practice the RC religion and do NOT consider the Pope to be infallible but his words ring true. RIP

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

Benedict (really Ratzinger) was a coward who fled and left his flock to the ravening wolf and false pope, Francis.

Or, to put it another way, the father abandoned his spiritual children to an abusive step-dad, Jorge Bergoglio (aka anti-pope Francis).

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World Outreach Pastor Allen Jackson. Nails it every Sunday. Subscribe on YouTube or get the app. 😊♥️🙏🏼

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I love ♥️Pastor Allen Jackson and watch his sermons on TBN daily (they show new and somewhat older sermons of his) and he is true to God’s Word. He rejects this wokeism.

Another pastor that I love to listen to equally is ♥️Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills (Calif.) that teaches true Bibical scripture and rejects this woke ideology. He has an app called Real Life with Jack Hibbs, as well as sermons shown on TBN.

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Yes, Jack Hibbs is a man of God that speaks truth unashamedly.

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We love Jack Hibbs as well! He is wonderful, faithful, motivated pastor! He has the app and podcasts! 🙌🏻🎉

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Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation church in Charlotte, NC is one of my favorites. He nails the word every time.

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Amen! Lots of people want their ears tickled

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I could not have said it better.

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Thanks much! Says it all!

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Amen. The tide is beginning to turn, albeit very slowly. Reading “The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates” - the proper resistance to tyranny and a repudiation of unlimited obedience to civil Government. Matthew J Trewhella.

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I do agree. The problem was there long before covid. It exposed it just like it exposed every institution and system we have.

Good thing my faith wasn’t in my church or a building or even a person (pastor or musician or teacher or speaker etc etc) exalted within the Christian community as they like to do that. My faith has been grounded in Jesus and the Bible. THAT is what helped me see through this plandemic and poison injection. Plus common sense 😉

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Amen to that! My faith is greater than any denomination or house of worship! You must have a personal and growing relationship with God the Father and His son Jesus Christ! That is the only thing getting me through this clown show called life!

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All true but, just as this C&C group strengthens and encourages us to stand firm and see the truth in the Covid mess, a body of believers (the church) strengthens and encourages us in our Christian faith and we continue to grow in our faith together. I think it’s very important to be in a community of believers.

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If you can find one

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I think we have all found our church community. It's right here in CC ❤️

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Amen. My faith was my own and never dependent on a church or denomination. Faithfulness to God alone. 🙏

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

🎯 ahhh, I'd love to say the comments today aren't triggering- but many are (Annie- not yours) and so many others that I share a similar mindset with, but as someone who has survived decades of, including an arranged marriage, as a result of that Spiritual Abuse- I'm white knuckling my phone today as I gloss over the comments. Remaining optimistic though, and taking into account that for every RIDICULOUSLY, heavy-handed criticism & narrow-minded response to someone's disclosure, there's 3+ positive or encouraging responses.

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I have a very old friend who is a minister, Baptist evangelical, who writes books (William E. Marsh), who says, to all of my questions about religions, that God is a "very big God," and though he is an adherent to the Biblical word of God, he also participates in much inter-faith dialogue.

Here is a talk explaining perhaps some of what is going on:

Church Wants To Ban Calling God Father #pronoun Hugo Talks


and here is a possible anti-dote:

The WORLD BLESSING 2023 ♥ 154 nations proclaim God's blessing in 257 languages ♥ Share the Hope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d48-qbcovVY

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Absolutely correct, if my faith was based on the church I'd have left it long ago. I go to church mainly because I'm supposed to and for the relationships with fellow believers. Church itself? Meh.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

So, this is a Catholic response for the reason to attend church (Mass), but perhaps it will resonate for other Christians too? (It's only 10 minutes long...)


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That was excellent. I would add one more thing. God looked with favor upon Abel (over Cain) because he gave him his best. We give God our best when we keep the commandments, go to confession, and get to church.

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Common sense -- one thing that is in very short supply these days!!!!

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All COVID did was expose the depths of the corruption all around us. I think much of this has been going on since the late 1800s. COVID was sunlight.

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Yes, for me certainly, it has been a revelation.

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You're going to have to go alot further back than the 1800s.

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The fall of Adam and Eve?

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The Romans might have a bit to say about things...

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And now the young and healthy have malignant melanoma.

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Yes, Covid accelerated the decline of the church. They have been preaching watered down theology for years. The homilies which challenge me are few and far between. Sorry to hear you are a former Christian. What made that happen?

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I read The Bible

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Me too. Religion does not happen in a church, it happens in your heart. Just because a can’t find a church that doesn’t preach politics and beg for money all the time doesn’t mean that Christ is not in my life. He is here…firm!

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How did the reading of the Bible drive you away rather than draw you closer? Genuinely curious. Learning more about the Bible has drawn me in.

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Reading it without guidance will do that. Also, the Holy Spirit must be present in a person’s heart. Even Judas Iscariot’s heart was allowed to accept the lies on the Prince of the Air. God loves all his people, but not all will be saved. It is a sad, hard truth.

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Wow! Lots going on here today. I'm not going to get into why I no longer subscribe to biblical christianity as it would take up far too much space here. I may write about it on my stack, but I'm not sure anybody would find it of interest. In the meantime, being of the same mindset as Mark Twain and Thomas Paine - just to name two - on this issue gives me ample solice.

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I would read about that.

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Jacquie, by questioning Eric's belief, you are judging him. People shouldn't do that.

I think Religion is very personal. He has his on form of Religion.

It should be accepted.

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Linda, I really don't think she is judging. She's asking in a sincere way to understand his evolution away from the church, to help us Christians try to prevent that with people we know and love. She asked gently and kindly. If Eric doesn't want to answer, he doesn't have to. But please don't (i) speak for Eric or (ii) infuse the left's "you're judging just by asking a question" into this group. We believe in transparently and honestly speaking to each other with the goal of learning more, helping each other and becoming better equipped to make a difference in our world today.

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Not judging. Seeking to understand what drove him to be a former Christian.

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Linda, I don't think she is judging him. She is seeking to understand and that is a good thing. Someone (I do not recall who or I would give them credit) once said "Seek to understand and then to be Understood".

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Religion is personal? That's what I've heard for many, many years from anyone and everyone who won't talk about their faith.... Yes, faith is personal but if you can't talk about it, it's nothing...

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Thanks, but it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. 🙂

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Eric, please read it again. You know that you are in a largely Christian community here at C&C and we love you…we love your wit, intelligence, your absolutely wicked funny use of words; and you apparently, don’t altogether despise us. I would argue that we have a lot in common.

As an intelligent, thinking man, please try reading C.S. Lewis’s “Mere Christianity”, he was rather the ultimate thinking man who rejected Christianity for several years. The book of John is my favorite, followed by Romans. The Old Testament is rich, but difficult, I know several people who are turned off by things in the OT.

And we can’t take scripture lightly….here’s the verse that was on my Bible app this morning….

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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I posted a brief response above.

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That's exactly how I became a Catholic.

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I left my church after my mom and husband died almost 8 years ago. BUT thought about returning then saw the insane measures they pushed during COVID. Needless to say, I’m fine with my quiet meditation and doing good deeds in my community.

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It saddens me how many have been driven away from the church.

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Doing good deeds.... How do you know....

Our good deeds are nothing but filthy rags according to Scripture... just asking...

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Yes. Many a perceived ‘good deed’ turns out to be anything but.

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Gigi, the exact same thing with me.

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I agree...I left my church because they would not give religious exemptions...I was amazed at how many did not make the connection,..I left the church. I question the one and only Jesus story, but

I will never doubt my God and how I am not broken, not born a sinner, and much more divine than I was taught!

But, if I was broken, He would fix it.

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He will fix it Jaci. Future tense. We are all broken. We come out of the womb broken. Did you have to instruct and correct your toddler or was he born without sin and blemish?

When you don't recognize your own brokeness and how that can never ever be in communion with the perfect God and that only His son provides that bridge thru his perfect sin offering atonement for our sins, how can you think you can have a relationship with God?

What man does in a man made, fallible institution is not God. God is perfect. We are not. I don't know who your god is, but he is not God. Your god is the god of delusion.

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I have realized that we are all in a learning process. I lost my 24 year old daughter suddenly and unexpectedly on Dec. 23rd. She was raised in the church and all advice I gave her throughout her life centered on trusting God, praying for wisdom, and loving others. She appeared to be astray on the day she passed because she was in love with an atheist but perhaps calling herself agnostic at the time. However, I know she is in heaven, not because of what she did, but because of what Jesus did for her. We are all sinners and miss the mark of perfection no matter what. In high school she once said to me, "don't judge me because my sin is different than your sin." That stuck. She was off the path for awhile, but she treated others with respect and love, the way Jesus did. She wasn't doing it to gain her salvation, she was doing it to emulate Jesus whether she realized it or not. She was a prodigal daughter that God welcomed into his loving arms. I saw it happening, although at the time I didn't know what I was witnessing. In case anybody is interested for themselves or others they know who are grieving, I have started a substack grief journal centered on Christ. It is at: https://icantimagine.substack.com/

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

If you question Jesus, then you don’t know God. There is only one God. He is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He eternally exists in 3 “persons”: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All are equal and one. He is perfect. Jesus is both God and man, born of a virgin and lived a sinless human life and died on a cross to atone for the sins of His people. He arose and is in Heaven but will return again. If you don’t know Jesus, you don’t know God.

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Long before Covid? How about 2,500 years before Covid! Christians should read the first half of their Book. Its most prevalent theme is God’s hatred of religion and His disgust for billions who have prostituted themselves chasing after false gods, chasing after religion while spurning His instruction, guidance and teaching pursuant to His relationship agreement. YadaYahowah.com

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I hope you haven’t given up your relationship with Christ because of organized religion. I became born again at age 47. Just myself God and walking everyday in a park... now I’m part of a spirit filled church where I get to worship with other spirit filled members. It’s amazing. Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.

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So happy for you! I was 46 and saw how pitiful my childhood 'religious life' truly was. We have to 'train up our children.' Nothing against my folks, but I think they were a little caught up by the idea that children should be able to learn and choose themselves. What hogwash drivel expelled during the opening shots of the culture war in the 1960's. We need to teach our children to think, critically, and teach them all the truth, including history. The "Case for Christ" is such an excellent book for showing people that Jesus is written about in history outside of the Bible and gives proof of his birth, life, death and resurrection. Congratulations and maybe we'll recognize each other on the other side. We will have eternity to run across each other's path.

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To the contrary!

COVID woke me up in a lot of ways, including my faith, which had grown dormant.

I would say this whole experience has drawn me closer to Jesus and reaffirmed my commitment to Him.

Even before COVID though it has been obvious that the Church has lost its way.

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Please do not equate and confuse man's institutions' otherwise called 'Church' with Christianity.

Devout followers of Jesus Christ do not need a 'Church' in order to be Christians.

May you know the love of Jesus Christ.

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The bible has MANY instances encouraging us to gather in fellowship. We are not meant to be Christians alone. The "church" is run by humans. All humans are sinners and imperfect. We can't expect perfection from our church just like we can't expect it from our friends and family. But we choose the church/humans that appear most to be at least TRYING to be biblical and Christ-like.

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Hebrews 10:25. In no way was I going against the commandment to fellowship.

My point was in regards to man's creation - institutionalized church, with man's rules and hierarchies.

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You are right! The church is supposed to be the vehicle to spread God's word. This is why it is called the bride of Christ. God wants us to be in community with others but it is not the requirement for salvation. It can be a helpful tool to rub shoulders with like minded believers but you have to be in the "right" community. It is easy to fall into the "wrong" community. However, We are supposed to read and be knowledgeable so we can discern truth. Many pastors will be judged for spreading falsities or bending on God's word. God will say "I know you not".

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God doesn’t equate or confuse man’s institutions otherwise called ‘Church’ with Christianity. He equates any kind of trust and reliance on religious thought or any of its representations, whether cathedrals or idolized images. I do not know of the love of “Jesus” because his name was Yahowasha, which literally means “Yahowah liberating and saving us”. God’s soul was embedded in this man so that Yahowah himself would experience the cruelty, just as real as any of us would have experienced it.The body was destroyed before sunrise in exact conformance with Yahowah’s Towrah requirements. The soul was returned to God after enduring the greatest diminishment in the universe: the descent from His Heavenly dimension down to the crushing punishment of Sheol. It is utterly disrespectful to elevate the Sacrificial Lamb to a god, create idols of a dead god on a stick, and miss the purpose and intent of the sacrifice. May you know rather the Love of Yahowah.

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Romans 13. Christians are spiritual warriors.

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See “Enemies Within: The Church.” You’ll see how deep it runs. Look at England and you’ll see the impact it has had on the number of churches there. When churches wander from the Word to ‘tickle the ears” of the masses, they grow then implode. Sins are sins. Unrepentant sinners that don’t want to give up their sins don’t belong in the Christian Church. It’s a cross to bear to fight against our sins every minute of every day! And we fail. Then we repent and try to do better. BUT, we don’t redefine a sin so we can make things easier for us in this world. The path is narrow and the gate is, too. Nothing in life worth having is easy, why would eternal life be easier to attain?

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So very well said, DD.

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Catholic Church ....ummmm yes

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Yes, it was infiltrated and the leadership is totally corrupt, using Francis' general stupidity to advance faith-destroying changes.

But it's not just Catholics. Protestant churches too. My evangelical cousin tells me that church members under the age of 40 are champions for gay marriage, transgenderism and even abortion. Every Lutheran Church near me flies rainbow banners and BLM flags from their flagpoles. Martin Luther, come collect your children.

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I have also seen this brainwashing in previously strong Christians. I have heard of quite a few who now believe that homosexuality is not a sin!

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I believe homosexuality is a sin, but I also believe that is no worse than any other sin. The bible tells us so.

I am living in sin with my bf. I am just as sinful as homosexuals are. It is not my place to judge them. I am to love them as I love myself.

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You are called to reject sin, in your own life (first) and in the lives of others (second). Rejection of sin involves exercising judgment. Judgment God gave you and calls upon you to use. Where you embrace sin in your life, God will not enter. Tread carefully (especially since you may be hoping to lay the foundation for a lifelong holy marriage with this bf, and all the years of rejecting God's instructions on that will take a toll on the bonds you try to preserve with him later). I pray for your peace and conviction about how to move closer to God.

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Well, you're not wrong. Acceptance of heterosexual sin in the church and society led to acceptance of homosexual sin in both. May God have mercy on you and grant you repentance. Don't trample on his grace and think you will be ok.

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Have you found that scripture where God calls sodomy ‘an abomination’ in his sight? I definitely don’t want to be an abomination in the eyes of God. Sin is sin and requires forgiveness. But no other sin that I know of has been called an abomination in the sight of God. And for this, they have PRIDE?

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Like one Priest I heard say: Sin is now a 'lifestyle'

indeed we live in a culture which promotes fornication everywhere.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

A Christian is a sinner like everyone on this earth but they know what is sin in God’s eyes, they repent and turn away from their sin. Continuing to live in sin is not an option.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

"I believe homosexuality is a sin, but I also believe that is no worse than any other sin. The bible tells us so."

On the contrary, homosexuality is one of only four sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance. (Sodomy: Gn. 18:20-21, Murder Gn. 4:10, Oppressing the poor Ex. 2:23, Defrauding the laborer of his just wages Jas 5:4)

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

The Lutheran churches you mention are Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). They were woke when woke wasn't cool. Most of their congregations (though not all) are absolutely outrageously progressive and have been for a long time. Conservative/confessional Lutherans broke with the libs back in the 60s/70s--they actually booted them out of the LCMS St. Louis seminary--and my confessional Lutheran church is nothing like that. It's a shame that ELCA gives all Lutherans a bad name.

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Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran here. We stick to the Bible and tolerate other peoples’ beliefs but will not accept unrepentant sin. If a sinner wants to continue sinning and become a member of a church, they need to find an unChristian church to do so. There are many out there with great social calendars and bagels with cream cheese between services. I know. I visited some.

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I am also in the Wisconsin Synod and thankful for it! We are certainly not perfect, but have tried our best to stay true to the teachings of the Bible.

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Natalie, I’m an LCMS Christian too…I just went on a long rant on this subject. 😂

It’s infuriating to be lumped together by the name.

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The Spirit of the Age is ascendant right now, but it will have to drag me screaming from my church where I receive our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. I never stopped going to church during Covid, and thankfully, there were enough priests in our diocese who continued to offer the Sacraments despite restrictions and did not enforce mask mandates or social distancing (especially in parishes where the Latin Mass is offered). Now the Catholic Church, as an organization, is trying to do a post-Covid examination of decimated attendance. It's really not that hard, your Excellencies, if you tell people gathering in community is optional - for whatever reason - then they, as human beings with fallen human nature, will take you at your word and stop gathering.

I think we are in for continued shrinkage of the Church overall and that it will likely get a lot darker in the world, but I am confident that at that point, the light of Jesus will shine all the brighter. We, those who remain faithful, must persevere because our witness is what will bring others back. Stay strong and trust in the One who loves you and made you to be ever-present with Him.

Thus endeth the lesson :)

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What a great lesson of truth! The church did it to themselves with attendance, I want to shout “Wake up!”

This recent homily by Fr. Mike Schmitz talks about your second point perfectly - https://youtu.be/Pdap-3Uvks8

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Fr. Mike is great. Have done his Bible in A Year and now doing the Catechism in a Year. What a gift!

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Two of our young adult children are doing the same. We are so happy to see them embracing and pursuing their faith!

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I will definitely check that out. Many people have said great things about it.

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Thanks. That was an outstanding homily.

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You are welcome! I’m now listening to his whole homily series on this topic. It’s so good!

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Amen. Well said.

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Thanks, Doc!

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Amen to this❣️

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Please, where do you live? Quite a different experience at my Covid closed Catholic Church. Just very recently the blessed blood part of the Eucharist has been brought back. Holy water fonts were dry for a very long time after the church reopened. And I’m in Florida!

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I'm in western NY, outside Rochester. Definitely not perfect, WS, but there were havens to be found during Covid. We still don't have the Precious Blood back, though. I pleaded with my priest to bring the Holy Water back for months before they finally did. It was all just so crazy! And the whole disinfecting process after Mass? It made all of our wooden pews sticky.

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I don’t understand why we had to plead with our priests to bring back the Precious Blood! Mind boggling that we had to do so. They have relented and have brought it back for special Masses. Made up some really weak excuses for why it wasn’t at all masses. 🤷‍♀️

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

John Henry, sadly you are right about SOME Lutherans, NOT all. We are LCMS, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod., and are very conservative, Biblically based followers of Jesus, not some woke ideologies. The aberrant Lutherans went astray a long time ago and we really hate this guilt by association from the name. But please know that there are still some Lutheran churches that teach sound doctrine. I won’t say that our church is perfect, for many reasons, it isn’t. And I’ve heard some use the term “Catholic light”, because we use a liturgy and the creeds. I personally love those elements of worship- they are ancient truths firmly rooted in scripture. But no, we have much more in common with other old-school Protestant churches than the Roman Catholic. All of the mainline churches, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist have undergone this schism in the last 40-50 years. Those within them who followed the world broke away and increasingly moved towards the darkness, while still calling themselves a church. Yes, satan infiltrated churches a long time ago.

To give you an example of what old fashioned conservatives we are…we do not have women pastors. Which is fine with me because it’s not scriptural. The first thing the aberrant churches did when they broke off back in the 70’s, was to ordain women, what you might call a ‘slippery slope’ - stepping outside of scripture in one area and it leads to another and another. Now those churches probably have a rainbow haired gay person in the pulpit.

We are not followers of Martin Luther, we follow Christ and Him alone. You will never see a rainbow banner or a BLM flag at our church…you’ll see the cross of Christ.

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That's so good to hear. God bless you and all faithful Christians standing against the strong winds of modernity. We need to grab on to Christ and hold tight for what's coming. And it's definitely coming.

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Thankfully this is not true for my Lutheran Church!

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You're in Missouri Synod, I suppose? It's ironic to me that the branch that has gone astray is called Evangelical.

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No, I'm in the Wisconsin Synod. The pastor at my church is not afraid to call a sin a sin.

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Not my Catholic church. They don't condone any of the crazy wokeness. Love thy neighbor but doesn't mean you have to agree with the stuff being pushed

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You are very lucky! Those churches are few and far between.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

Not just the Catholic Church. Most of the church has been captured. And why not? People in the church watch movies and internet, they go to schools and universities, etc. Without a relationship with Jesus, it's very easy to fall prey to the incessant barrage of propaganda from all these sources they're immersed in.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

I thank the Good Lord for Traditional Catholicism (TLM) and the battle it’s waging for truth. Just hoping we won’t be forced underground.

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Our current bishop has been very good the the TLM community here (I sang in the TLM choir for 9 years). They are steadfast. There are also several young priests in NO parishes who celebrate the Traditional liturgy routinely. Not all hope is lost.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

There has been credible rumors that Francis will ban the TLM, within Novus Ordo dioceses, come this Spring.

That would leave only the FSSP, ICKSP and SSPX offering the Mass of the Ages.

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What an unbelievably destructive thing to do for this unbelievably divisive Pontiff.

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Hold the line. We need you!!

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The Episcopal Church…..ummmm yes

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Pope chugged the KA

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Agreed. The minute he’s said it was ok to take this shot fully knowing about it being developed using abortive fetus stem cells I knew he was false. There is zero way the ends justify the means at that level within the catholic religion.

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Not only did he say it was okay, he implied strongly that it was the morally required thing to do. Many priests in our diocese promoted that message. And now? Complete silence - acting as if Covid never happened.

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Heck, the Pope may have made the kool-aid (I say that as a practicing Catholic).

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He's an anti-Pope, but point taken. He's totally in bed with Pfizer and the WEF as they work their demonic depopulation scheme.

I pray for his conversion to the Catholic faith often. But I doubt that he will.

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Woke Pope: 'Gay is ok, not a sin'. Yikes.

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I guess you are without sin, since you tossed the first stone.

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Irrelevant comment. Jesus’ quote is about judgment of the individual, not about judging systemic apostasy of a group (e.g. Jesus’ judgment of the Pharisees)

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Jesus as God can judge whomever He pleases, individual or system.

People, however, need to be more circumspect. I found his singling out of the Catholic Church inflammatory, since I see rainbow flags flying at most of the churches in my neck of the woods. Do you join him in singling out the Catholic Church?

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Ha! None without sin, not one!

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I was being sarcastic and pointing out that he cast a stone at the Catholic Church alone when many denominations have also embraced evil.

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I agree 100 and not just the groups listed in the article. Our church was shut for quite a while and got way too comfortable with online service. When we went back there were more people in masks than not and they stopped serving coffee, because covid. My husband asked the pastor for help with a religious exemption from a shot mandate (he works for a hospital owned by Catholics) and was told "the church isn't getting involved in that." I was livid, isn't the church's job to get involved??? Those of faith didn't buy in, well the majority didn't, but "the church"? Just another corporation not wanting to endanger their 503C status and go against the narrative, it's always about the money.

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Yup that sounds like the church, passive, irrelevant, not willing to take stands or say anything difficult so they don't turn away customers... whoops I mean congregants

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Our Latin Mass priest gladly assisted my RN wife in getting a Religious Exemption so she could work for a Catholic hospital chain.

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There you go, not about the institution it's about the heart.

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My Lutheran pastor gave religious exemptions to Catholics after meeting with them because their priest refused to do so.

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Mine made me write the letter myself, forward or to him, they printed it on letterhead and signed it. I couldn't have been the only congregant who needed one.

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Oh wow, I'm so sorry. Time to find a different parish. FSSP, SSPX, and others would have helped you. The wheat is really being separated from the chaff.

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The current pope is a stooge and a tool.

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And not validly placed in that seat.

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The church has been splintered into a thousand sects. Divide and conquer. The truly faithful will leave and only a remnant will be left.

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I learned that the “church” wasn’t what I needed when I was struggling when my mom almost died from covid, but yet something in the pit of my soul told me not to take that jab & to stop my parents from taking it too. I was mandated by my job to take it. I reached out to my church for a letter to back up my religious exemption. They refused, VIA EMAIL, basically saying they weren’t taking sides because many members have taken it. Never even gave me a chance to speak with a pastor. Thankfully, the whole experience strengthened my relationship with Jesus Christ & I learned that the church is flawed because man is. I just wish wasn’t so.

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Yes. But to make it more palatable, I say the church "leaders" have been captured. I believe many of them believed too much on government (when Trump was president and it all started) and pharma. They did not believe enough on God's protection and Christ's power of healing. Happily, we all are the church and many of us did stand up at that time. The good news is that some of the leaders are part of what Jeff calls the moderates who are waking up.

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In the Catholic church, many of our "leaders" are very old men (and some old women) who I think were genuinely scared of the virus. In turn, they could not see beyond that fear though their entire lives have been devoted to preaching about life after death. Oh, the irony (and how the Evil One must laugh).

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And yet there were priests who accepted the jab JUST SO THEY COULD GO INTO HOSPITALS and minister to people there with COVID and others. Some of those priests have died. That is laying one’s life down for your neighbor. They did not ask who was Catholic, they went to visit the sick.

Be careful of broad brushing churches as totally woke or liberal based only on personal or local experience, or hearsay. There are many stories of fear and woke and many stories of heroism among pastors and the general faithful. Which make it to the news? Rarely heroic Christians.

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Oh, I agree that there were some heroic priests, CapIT and thank you for the admonishment - truly (I can let my anger take over). But there were also many who guilted their parishioners while preaching their homilies about being "unchristian" should they refuse the shot.

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True, to many bought into the “Christian duty” line. It is not ever a Christian duty to do the wrong thing.

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They were afraid of ‘Holy Water’! That astounded me.

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Yeah, that was crazy!

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Lay committees have a big influence in mine. Our pastors are told we prefer not to hear about the devil and evil—since it makes people uncomfortable. No fire and brimstone please. Nothing much on how to actually use Gods promises and HS to fight spiritual warfare. Good you see some pushback. Wish I did. I don’t attend mine but I do meet with some women and we go over the weekly sermons. The actual sermons are just platitudes (from our just out of seminary pastor) to me but when we read the entire chapter out loud from the Bible the Word just sings. It speaks to me (of course!) I compare and contrast sometimes. I plan to do more of that.

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And we don't even need to hear about fire and brimstone. Just tell us about how the Devil works in his sneaky ways. Nothing has changed since the garden: "Did G-d really say?" That's the Devil's power - uttering that phrase into our itchy ears and watching the chaos that unfolds. My goodness, if the trans ideology doesn't demonstrate this strategy, then I don't know what does.

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Yes, I witnessed many pastors with a "faith of convenience" during the pandemic by closing their doors and becoming part of the "let's jab everyone with an experimental therapy" propaganda machinery...

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The true "Church" as defined by what you see in the New Testament is not an institution, building, official organization, etc. It is simply humans world wide who collectively have put their faith in Christ and the Holy Spirit resides in them. It will never be captured. God won't let that happen.

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Exactly! The “Church” is the body of Christ, not a building or an institution. “WE” the believer in Jesus Christ ARE the CHURCH.

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Thankfully, my small church was not captured and is a refuge in a sea of woke churches and organizations.

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Resoundingly TRUE.

The communist leaders working for 1 World Power did a 20 year study trying to figure out what made America so hard to conquer. They looked at schools, perverted them ongoingly, but realized that wasn't enough. They finally came to the realization it was the daggum CHURCHES that were giving that weird, seemingly (?) supernatural power to the population. Hm.

So...they perverted the seminaries with woke lies.

They felt the evangelicals provided the greatest threat, so they started there. Great. Regardless, nearly ALL seminaries now are rewriting the Bible with racial, trans, woke ideologies. EX: Helping the "downtrodden" means providing restitution to the black population, etc. Those "treasonous professors" teaching actual Scriptural Truth are being black-listed and fired.

Not kidding.

If you want to learn more about this there is a movie out there by Cohesion Films/Cornerstone World Outreach called "Enemies Within the Church." It identifies the leaders promoting this, and they are a bastion of the woke religion. Enemieswithinthechurch.com is where you can read about the movie and/or get it.

What I am glad to see happening is that We the People are leaving woke churches and starting our own churches that preach Truth, just as We the People are leaving woke media and starting independent media sources that tell the Truth.

I grew up Southern Baptist, and thought they would NEVER go woke! I was wrong. The "Word and Way", which is the main literature outreach arm of SB is so woke it's unrecognizable. They should rename it the "Wordy Wrong Way." Locally, more than half the congregation of the 1st Baptist Church left and started what they're calling a Cowboy Church. They teach Scripture. What a concept, eh?!

Anyway, look around, watch the movie, REALIZE our Strength is in God. The communists figured it out, so we can, too. I pray we'll do it faster than 20 years.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

It's not just the churches.

Go back further, to The Frankfurt School...which still exists to this day at Colombia Univ. in NYC.

The goal of the Frankfurt School was world communism, not the Soviet kind, but ideal communism. They identified in the 40's-50's that the #1 block to communist domination was "the American Man" that did not answer to the state, but to his family and himself.

The entire twisted, satanic movements of the left have been to destroy "the American Man."

People need to be edumacated about the hostory and teachings of the Frankfurt School. I first came across it in grad school (MBA/MS-Econ.) in the 80's and thought "it could never happen here."

But then in the late 80's-early 90's I saw what I call "the pussification of American men"---hatred toward contact sports, men looking like idiot clowns on TV shows, the push toward soccer, not keeping score in kids games, complaints about Hooters girls uniforms, metrosexuals (remember them? Quire masculine compared to today's "male" snowflakes), etc., etc., etc. ...and thought "it WILL happen here."

It IS happening here.

IMO, we have crossed the Rubicon and there is no turning back. Secession sounds like a plan, certainly better than one-size-fits-all central Great Reset gubmint.


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Cowboy Churches are here and there around the southern Appalachian mountains.

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I agree a portion of the Church has been captured , I think the Bride of Christ, members of the Church are alive, fighting back and making ready for the Groom. The wheat grows with the tares (weeds).

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AMEN, Deni!

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And the "goats" with the "sheep"---don't you find it interesting that in the Bible "we the bride of Christ" are referred to as "sheep"...and now that term is a denigration!! Everything has "flipped" in today's paganism, hasn't it!

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Sheep are perfect in they are God's creation. Sheeple are a man-made phenomenon. Not as God intended humans to be.

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Do I need to add to the chorus? Jeffrey Tucker is conflating some heterodox religious institutions support with religion/faith itself. Most religious institutions - even the orthodox or less than mainstream ones - were captured. Those that weren't (e.g., the hassidic communities) provided shelter from the Covid narrative. But believe me, if any of those communities bought into the Covid narrative (and many did), their followers would jump right in. (I know, I used to be married to a Orthodox Jew, so very familiar with the community.) Sorry but believers are usually not ***free thinkers*** and religious institutions are no bulwark against an agenda.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, I have read your comments every day for the past 3 years. I can’t tell you how important you are to so many people - you truly are a reality touch point. I thought I would say a simple thank you for all that you do. Thank you! Steve

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Jesus, Jeff Childers and the Epoch times have been key to maintaining my sanity over the past 3 years!

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And thank you for a non-church comment. LOL. I was getting burned out and kept trying to skip them ahead! I concur with you-

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😂 😂 That subject took on a life of its own didn’t it? 😂

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LOL! YES!! 🤣😩😬

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yes, would like to know what active service members are reporting.

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Yes! Do some digging. It would be interesting to know more.

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So would I!

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I was wondering if you were going to subject yourself to another "Deep State of the Union" address. I suspect you're still "recovering" from the last one. Constant Wretching Syndrome is not easy to shake. I certainly hope you got some of that Covid relief money for your ongoing detox and therapy squirrel. Are you wearing your mask, young man?!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I did watch. I guess it is rubberneck car accident syndrome. It was terrible, but I enjoyed the facial expressions of McCarthy. Worth the price of admission. Sarah Huckabee Sanders was great. I loved how she called at least three times for the next generation of leaders.

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My thoughts, too.

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We didn’t even acknowledge its existence. Pppfftttt. Not worthy of taking up my time or head space. Garbage in garbage out.

I’m so glad Jeff you didn’t fall on your sword for us this year! Your time is much more valuable than listening to horse sh$t for a couple hours (and I feel bad for degrading horse sh$t in this way). It’s a couple hours of your life you would never get back!

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We watched The Chosen! Amazing scene with Jesus walking on the water! Even if The Chosen had not been on, we would not have watched the SOTU, or as another post here called it, the Deep State of the Union.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The Chosen is a gem amid the trash of modern entertainment.

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Saw the last two episodes of season 3 at the theater last week. Wonderful!

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I love The Chosen! I have not yet watched the last 2 episodes of the season. I cannot wait!

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Soul stirring and entertaining.

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I watched:


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Keep in mind the The Chosen was produced by a Mormon, so that will have some influence on their interpretation...

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The director isn't Mormon, but some of the funding and organisation behind it is. (Apparently the LDS church has a really good ancient village set that they've used.) They also employ actors regardless of beliefs, so I think some actors are atheist/agnostic/whatever, as long as they're willing to play the characters. IMO, the show gives a good perspective that has been somewhat missing, in really "bringing to life" the life of Jesus and making it "feel real" to people who might otherwise find the bible stories too dry or distant... just as long as you don't treat the show as if it's infallible scripture.

(Also you can go look on their website and find videos where they consult the script of the shows with an evangelical, a catholic, and a jewish rabbi, in attempt to get as accurate and historically realistic as they can while still being entertaining.)

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If you are regularly studying God's Word, the show may indeed be a decent representation. The problem is that many people will watch it INSTEAD of reading their Bibles.

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I mean.... IMO, those people were already going to be believing a lot of false things. And it's unlikely there were suddenly going to start reading their bible just because this show didn't exist. *shrug*

But certainly I will tell anyone who asks, not to get their theology from a TV show...

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I don't believe the writers are Mormons and I know Dallas Jenkins is not. They have used a set in Utah and whether rightly or wrongly, have had Mormon artists performing in their Christmas programs.

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This is not true. Dallas and his team have addressed this incorrect rumor several times.

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I scrubbed a toilet for entertainment instead of watching SOTU. 😂

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😂 😂 💪🏻 I love it!

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More entertaining, plus you accomplished something! 🤣

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Until Jeff mentioned it, I had forgotten it even happened!

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Haha, blissful ignorance!

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

Yep, THAT is just not watchable. Can't blame ya, at all, Jeff.

Definitely NOT " Must See TV ".

I tried to tune in - I lasted about 2 minutes. Maybe. The only bit that brought a smile to my face was prior to biden's entrance, when Kamala was standing next to Kevin McCarthy, who looked as if he would prefer to be standing ANYWHERE other than next to her. If he was trying to hide that, he failed miserably!

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Just from the picture of the evil three on the dais, I need to tell CamelToe to SIT UP STRAIGHT.. She pins herself back in her chair and looks like either a lounging gangster or, depending on her expression, a kid on the Tilt-a-Whirl.

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Husband watched. I had no need.

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You missed nothing.... other than a 🤡 show.

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Dear Mr. Childers,

just as a side note to your remarks on faith and churches.

Here in Germany, both big churches (the Catholic church and the Protestants) are financed by taxes through very old contracts with the state; so if you declare to be "member of a church", you'll pay a tax supplement. The priests of both churches can be described mainly as a sort of public officials.

They mostly supported the narrative, up to the point to prohibit communion or just participation at the service for the non-vaccinated, they interdicted access to the free tables, they called for mask mandates and told their members not to be together for Christmas.

No one needs these functionaries of God.

Thanks for your work and your insights! I'm reading your newsletter daily.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I've written this many times on several sites, but I have been so disappointed in the general response of most churches to the last few years of tyranny. I have begun to speak up a bit, even daring to mention the vaccine injured in our Bible study class. There are usually a few who come out of the woodwork and let me know they agree, but it's shameful to me that people are being disabled and killed and we're just supposed to shut up. I don't know that the shots caused it, but one of our pastors is sick AGAIN. The last time he was out for a month and said he had covid, bronchitis AND pneumonia. This time he has been found to have some type blood disorder, perhaps a blood cancer, as I understand it. He's been out five weeks so far and he doesn't seem to be improving. Recently I visited a new friend and learned her husband collapsed and died last year (and yes, he was vaccinated). She heard me say something one day about the shots causing heart problems and now she suspects that is what caused her husband's death. I am so angry at what has been done to people in hospitals and in all the various places where these toxic shots were given!

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Anne, thank you for speaking about this! I am amazed at the number of people who still have no clue that there may be a connection to the shots. My own father had a stroke/heart attack after his booster and is still clueless. My husband works with a man who nearly died from suddenly having 12 large, long, stringy blood clots in both lungs (took the J&J shot early in pandemic)! He chooses to believe his doctor's lies about it being related to some type of medication he took. Delusion is a hard spell to break. I believe it is that--a demonic spell that was cast over the world. I WAS a nurse and left my job, horrified by the lies and propaganda I was forced to listen to every day in 2020 and 21. Never gave a shot, and never took one.

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Tracy, I admire you for refusing to go along. If only many more had refused to comply, maybe this could have been stopped.

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Wasn’t the shot the medication he took?

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Totally agreed about it being a demonic delusion.

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You see it in all Churches, Anne. Brings to mind this passage from the Bible:

“They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”

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I understand you very well. Most people just DO NOT WANT to accept that their trust in officialdom was awfully wrong. And in the country where I live people LIKE SO MUCH to be considered as "a good citizen" and "to be in line".

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I can't get beyond a Christian friend's remark when I told her that many, many people were being harmed by the shots. She believes the shots have been beneficial and that the "few" who have been harmed are basically collateral damage. I am passionate about supporting the vaccine injured. One of my friends, whose family has a ministry in Guatemala, got a booster shot last May while here for a short visit. She was severely vaccine injured and has not yet been able to return to Guatemala. I wonder if this will be the end of their ministry.

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Good for you, i have started telling people as well. There is so much sickness and vax injuries in my small church that it's overwhelming. Including the pastor and his wife who are constantly sick with something or other (yes they have small kids but I don't think I've ever known parents of small kids to get sick EVERY TIME their kids do).

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Unfortunately, the German bishops (exception being Ratzinger and a few others) have long been enemies of the faithful. I’m so incredibly sorry for what the German faithful have endured.

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Yes, and today they're riding the climate change and woke religions.

"How's the wind turning this year?" - "Quick,, let's change our wording! In each case, we're wearing our priestly uniform, so authority comes automatically with it."

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I behold the treacherous and loathe them,

Because they do not keep Your word.

Consider how I love Your precepts;

Revive me, O Lord, according to Your lovingkindness.

The sum of Your word is truth,

And every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting.

— Psalm 119:158-160 NASB1995

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🗨 For they cannot sleep unless they do evil; they are deprived of slumber until they make someone fall. ~~Proverbs 4:16


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Difficult to comprehend that desire...but we are sure seeing it in our days. I am so thankful that through Jesus we overcome the wiles of the devil.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

How can you understand a scheming socio/psychopath with gaping void where empathy is supposed to reside? You can't. And Hallelujah to that! 🙂

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Amen. I experienced some of this while dealing with a brother over the guardianship of my mother. I couldn't understand how his mind worked...and I am so glad I couldn't!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

living smack dab in the middle of Utah, I'm not sure where Mr. Tucker gets his idea that the Mormon's "resisted" the narrative. Masking at church (mandatory), Mormon governors playing their part in lockdowns, shutdowns and vaccine pressure. The Mormon owned news channels and newspapers were riddled with the official narrative. There was no true Mormon resistance that I saw firsthand, despite being personal friends with professing Mormons as well. The resistance I saw was in the "redneck" pockets of the community, small non-denominational Christian faith pockets and in the "jack-mormon" communities (aka non-practicing Mormons who remain officially on the roster as members). Gary Herbert was nick-named "King Herbert" for his edicts around here (signs posted in business windows) before Spencer Cox was installed by the church, er, rather elected by the people. He continued the same path and allowed County Health Boards to wield powers that were never intended for them. Perhaps in other states, Mormon churches had a longer leash and could choose differently. But here, where the Mothership is firmly planted in SLC, it was clear that they condoned only compliance, narrative chanting and group-think.

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When the "two weeks to flatten the curve" began here in Cali, I started taking other states' responses in case I'd have to relocate. I thought FOR SURE that Utah would resist, that it would be the last state to fall for the crap. I was very disappointed when I found I was wrong.

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Former Californian here. Did you move? We moved to MO but before Covid for other reasons. I would have gone ballistic if I were still there!

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Didn't see very much resistance to the tyranny ANYWHERE in the country, so I decided to stay and fight on my home turf.

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Good for you! I used to live near Disneyland :) …and you’re right, not one state really resisted, even FL.

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Yes, please talk about what you’re hearing from our active military service members. Thanks so much for all you do, Jeff!

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Sarah Sanders definitely hit it out of the park, and you posted my personal favorite line of her entire speech. I’m really tired of being forced to worship false idols.

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Stand strong and refuse to bow to the false idols, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. (Daniel 3)

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as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to do. Right after I hit the arrow, I realized my statement could be misinterpreted to imply those three were false idols. Sorry for not being more clear the first time...

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

I would add that they need to defang the Patriot Act also, which apparently Biden wrote the majority of back ‘95.

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excellent point. Add the 2012 NDAA, which I screamed from the rooftop ended Habeas Corpus, but everyone thought I was crazy. And here we are. Rest assured if the government passes a new law, it will be used at some point in time. Guaranteed.

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Biden did write that? Well, that explains a lot. Dubya was a duplicitous fool, but not a closet totalitarian.

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They proposed the Patriot Act shortly after 9/11, too soon to not have been completed and ready to go before that day.

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“Ron Paul’s claim that the PATRIOT Act was written many years before 9/11, was echoed by former Counter Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke. According to one report, Clarke told Stanford law professor Lawrence Lessig: After 9/11 the government drew up the Patriot Act within 20 days and it was passed. The Patriot Act is huge and I remember someone asking a Justice Department official how did they write such a large statute so quickly, and of course the answer was that it has been sitting in the drawers of the Justice Department for the last 20 years waiting for the event where they would pull it out.” https://thefreethoughtproject.com/the-state/ron-paul-patriot-act-911

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https://youtu.be/Hr4myo-7Cbg...Glen Beck... “who wrote the patriot act and when was if written... Joe Biden in 1995... “

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... actually, dig a bit more and the bill Biden boasts about was called the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995, which itself contained two subsidiary bills dedicated to fighting domestic terrorism. Biden introduced the legislation in the Senate, while then-congressman Chuck Schumer introduced it in the House, with the Clinton administration in full support.”

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes, there are those of us out here who do not identify with a particular religion or any religion at all. I think there are more of us than one may think. Of course I don't mean any disrespect to anyone religious nor to any church, but I don't agree that ONLY the church can save this situation. I am just as determined, just as furious, and will be just as relentless in overcoming the evil I see happening. I can't stand by and do nothing. My passion is as strong to fight back as anyone who is standing on the power of the creator from religion and/or church. Again, I mean no disrespect. And from the beginning, I resisted - actually refused - all of the "covid" nonsense, not because I am member of a religious group, but because it made and still makes No. Sense. Whatsoever. We're out here and are on the same team with the religious folks, I think - we ALL want this evil to end and NOW.

As for Kim, imagine being abandoned as a baby and then getting where she is only to have her entire life more than likely destroyed by one, two or three jabs of a toxic substance. Assuming that's what caused this, look at the power big pharma had over her.... they have essentially taken her life. Think about this: pharma and the government and everyone promoting this have wielded the power to KILL PEOPLE and have refused to back down when it has been proven their jabs kill. If that's not evil, I have no idea what is.

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Getting VaXXXed / Boosted to Keep Your "Job" while rolling the dice on Losing Your Life or becoming Disabled is as rigged a Bet as any in Vegas, except there is no winning pot of gold.

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I agree that there are many, many non-religious people out here fighting, as you stated. I think common sense kicked in for a lot of people and the tyranny we saw unfolding, it didn’t take a church background to call it out for what it was/is. We all share the same goal, as you stated, to try and stop this madness and evil being perpetrated upon humanity. And for that I’m grateful for so many warriors - church goers or not.

I do want to bring up one thing though. I think the thread above proves that none of us believe the church will save this situation. I think it is apparent the “church” as an organized religion has failed humanity. While there is a remnant of individual churches that have stood against this tyranny and evil…. The only way humanity is saved from any of this is through the power of Jesus and a personal relationship with Him. There’s a difference between “The Church” as a building and religion and “the church” which are genuine and authentic followers of Jesus which is individual. 🤷‍♀️ And even the actions of those who profess Jesus can’t save us. We all fight together no matter the background. We stand side by side standing up for what we know is right. Ultimately it will be God who has the final say and the final victory. Anyway, just wanted to make that distinction. In case it mattered to you, and it’s ok if it doesn’t. 😉

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Also WAY TO GO IDAHO on the parental rights bill! That will help offset the Idaho Satanists protesting the ban on gender mutilation laws also in the works. Idaho 💔Born and bred here, but boy have things changed.

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NC is trying to pass a parental rights bill, too. Republicans control both house and senate but democrat governor so he'll veto and we don't have the numbers to override the veto. Argh!

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Discouraging! That governor is a piece of work

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Sure, it's a bipartisan system - but why does it appear that biden works SO hard at nurturing and furthering divisiveness across the Nation, rather than bringing us together.

What a jerk. Honestly. And GOOD on the Republicans for shouting him down - NEVER recall seeing that at a SOTU address before.

........ not that any olive branch offered, at this point, would be graciously accepted, anyway.

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Old enough to remember the guy who yelled "You lie!" during an Obama SOTU. Rep. Wilson? It was wonderful.

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They shout at opposite sides in many other countries, why not ours? Why should we sit idly by while lies are being spread. Of course what’s good for the goose 😉 so once our side is back 🙏🏻 we’ll have to be ok with it as well. Let’s start having some spirited debates! What’s wrong with that?

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“While there were some secular folks who were able to resist the militarized mind games — some of them are part of the C&C army — they were few and far between. Jeffrey Tucker’s diagnosis and prescription are right: faith is the strongest defensive weapon against the élites’ demonic mind virus, and the Church is the group best positioned to organize a resistance. (It just needs to wake up.)”

Amen, Jeff! May it come to pass!

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Yes!! When I needed to resist the most—the very moment I may have given in because of extreme pressures—God stepped in and opened my eyes completely. Substack appeared right then on my radar and I had a community of truth tellers and life saving information. I consider this a miracle in my life. Praise God and our Savior Christ !! I was walking in the woods soon after that time and was still somewhat afraid. I couldn’t get out of my head the frankly scary thought that I may actually be alive during the Last Days. Don’t laugh but I heard a small still voice during my walking prayer promise me to not be afraid because “I will WIN”. Those 3 words comforted and strengthened me. Hang in—we are not alone. Peace to all here.

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I would never laugh at you. The only way I can explain how we found the "good" doctors, scientists and attorneys, was through the grace of God. I do wonder why that grace did not extend to so many others. Perhaps they were not open? We were suspicious as soon as hydroxychloroquine was called dangerous, because we had taken it for months while in Africa. Why are so many of my Christ following friends so blind????

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I have a relative dependent on hydroxychloroquine to address her arthritis. By the grace of God I found Jeff’s guidance on exemptions!

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In a word Anne.. I think it is fear.

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He speaks to us when we least expect it. The words that came to me early on was “God is with us”. I even painted it on a window of our house when people in the area were painting encouraging “stained glass” looking messages on their windows when the fear was high. I was making one also and just starting to think “what should I write”, when out of nowhere, the words “God is with us” came to me. It remains there to this day. The stained glass portion faded and I washed it away, but I can’t bring myself to wash away those words. They have carried me these last three years!!

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We left two churches during Covid to find an incredible nondenominational firestorm church in Snohomish, WA which is fighting the culture wars and bringing spiritual revival in the PNW. 103 souls water baptized last week alone. THAT is what will win this war 🔥✝️

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Wow! That's fantastic. Wish I could find a church like that!

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I hope you can, too! Seeing all the youth (thousands) worshipping at the altar brings me so much hope.

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How absolutely beautiful. Just hearing about it gives me hope, too. I've seen it before and hope to one day see it again.

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Me too. I’m so marooned.

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I know he's divisive, but I have been heartened by the success of Sean Feucht in his revival-style religious barnstorming. His courage in breaking the narrative is wonderful.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes, please dig more into the China thing. Things aren't going well for Ukraine, so there are a lot of signs that there will be a pivot to focusing on China. This is why the media freaked-out and gave us non-stop fear porn over the balloon. BTW, I did a straw poll among close friends last Friday. None of us were "terrified", but we were dumbfounded why it wasn't shot down sooner.

I've been a hardcore libertarian reader for 12 years and was very familiar with Jeffrey Tucker long before the pandemic. One of he saddest parts of the covid era for me, especially in the beginning was so many libertarians completely abandoning their principles and beliefs and buying into the government/corporate narrative. I lost a few longtime friends over it. Jeffrey's 100% right and I'm glad he's giving people of faith their due. But I'd like to point out when he said "we found out" just how corrupt our federal agencies, he wasn't talking about the group of libertarians now known as the Mises caucus who were the base of the 2 Ron Paul campaigns. Many of those people have been talking about and writing about the corruption and need for abolition of many of these agencies for decades, and a few of them have really good home school curriculums.

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