I explain the new judgment against Trump; Biden's legal problems balloon; Gov Abbot promises more alien buses; LA county drops mandates; SADS pilot, sitcom star; Canadian Nazi updates; more.
I don’t ever do this, but was sleeping off drugs this morning, so I’m going to share the scripture here so it’s not buried among all the brilliant and witty comments. 🙏🏻
O God, arrogant men have risen up against me,
And a band of violent men have sought my life,
And they have not set You before them.
But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious,
Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.
Turn to me, and be gracious to me;
Oh grant Your strength to Your servant,
And save the son of Your handmaid.
Show me a sign for good,
That those who hate me may see it and be ashamed,
Because You, O LORD, have helped me and comforted me.
I love that Psalm. David knew persecution and sin yet he always turned to the Lord for strength and forgiveness and trusted in the Lord to bring destruction and shame upon his enemies. The reprobate hate Christianity because the righteousness of God's law brings shame upon them and they hate shame more than anything else.
🔥🔥🔥🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🔥🔥🔥🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️ Thank you, Janice, for EVERY scripture you post here. Always on point and 🕊️inspired!!!
It’s my other go-to DEVO right behind Greg Harvey’s daily DEVO broadcast on DLive, Foxhole, Rumble, and Farcebook...Greenbeard117 @ 0900 ET on DLive. 💚🕊️💚🕊️💚
DOH! I carelessly omitted my pal Hilary Blair Rollins on Farcebook. She does an Amazing DEVO after the Greg Harvey broadcast. Go seek her out and check out her work! It will BLESS YOU. Tell her Red sent you!
Portland OR has earned an international black mark, a deep blue metro area that even the current liberal mayor is giving up at the end of his term. You guys (Debra, Barbara and John) have probably read that Target is closing its Portland location just as Nike recently did, theft and damage is too high to be profitable. And people don't want to go downtown for fear of being accosted, or worse. I won't go downtown unless I need to, why take the chance? The Greater Idaho Movement is sounding better all the time, let the Willamette Valley rot in the hands of the leftists that created the mess.
The latest: "Feckless" Ted Wheeler (what Lars Larson calls him) pleaded to Oregon Governor Tina Kotek to send in Oregon State Police into Portland to help bring the fentanyl drug trade under control; because Ted Wheeler and Portland's government defunded the police and there aren't enough police to do the work. And Oregonians passed Measure 110 which decriminalized drugs, which did not decriminalize fentanyl, but because the way the measure was worded, fentanyl is no different than meth. I think I heard Oregon and Washington have the highest overdose deaths in the country.
What a shame. I retired as a first responder for Portland, 32 years. Fentanyl is a very dangerous drug, I am very happy I no longer have to deal with the hazard.
It is SO GOOD to know that one was on the side of RIGHT from the beginning. . And SO GOOD to have discovered Jeff and C&C, to lessen my despair and loneliness! Thank you Jeff, thank you Janice, thank you EVERYONE.
I’m not like a weird groupie or anything 🤓, but I’m just saying, this newsletter makes up the majority of the news I injest. I do so appreciate his exhaustive research and witty delivery. I don’t see how he does it every day! Well, I do. It’s the Lord! I’m grateful!
Wow- I had no idea! Thank you for posting this and I’m going to see if I can find the actual video interview to watch. ( I am a subscriber to Epoch TV)
My boys were babies in the 80’s and we had a Satellite in Upstate NY. And it was manual turning a crank for different stations. I would watch Rush every night and I believed him! Then it seemed so many came out and I moved states and my life got super busy until 2015. I miss Rush so much! President Trumps SOU address where he honored Rush when he was at the end, I balled my eyes out!! Rest in Peace Rush! We will never forget that you opened our eyes!!
I loved when El Rushbo told the story of President Trump insisting he be present for the State Of The Union Address. Rush was very ill at that time and he had an important appointment with a medical specialist. But as usual he came through, for President Trump and for his audience.
Does anyone remember Rush’s short lived t.v. show? I believe it began just after Clinton’s first election. It was a lifesaver for me. And just hysterically funny.
It was far too ‘truth telling’ of course, and somehow tptb cancelled it.
It was maybe around the time of the beginning of Fox News, which was pretty reliable at the time. Before it became Faux News. Can’t trust any of them now. Here’s a report of Maria Bartiromo being used recently.
I first heard of Rush when a friend of mine was ridiculing her husband and his colleagues for attending a “Rush Room” during the lunch hour. Had no idea. Rush was inspiring. Gone too soon.
I remember Willing Spirit and wouldn't miss it. 30 minutes of classic Rush.My partner on the rescue unit wouldn't listen to his radio program though I would have it on in the rig, but he would watch all 30 minutes of the TV program with me. For some reason the visual made the difference.
As I recall, Rush hated the TV program, too much make-up and too time consuming I think he said.
His prescience was almost scary. I often wonder what he would be saying today if he were with us. I also think his heart would be broken to see the sad state of affair his, and our beloved country is in.
I would think there are archives of his monologues somewhere. Libs hated him & never quite figured out his tongue’n cheek dialogue. He highlighted the absurd by being absurd..... & the libs went ballistic . He preached being of good cheer - happy warriors. The opposite of sour liberals.
I still have my Limbaugh Newsletters.
He was smart, informed, knowledgeable, & soooo witty. I know he would have enjoyed C&C a lot.
Totally agree!! I love Jan Jekielek. I hope the video interview with Jeff Childers is still available. I would love to see it rather than read the transcript. I’m embarrassed to say I did not know this was part of his background because I am relatively new to coffee and Covid! Better late than never I suppose. Thank you Jeff for all you have done and are doing.
Here is the crazy thing about these times: while we *rightly* perceive the Soros radical left and their demon party to be the tyrants ( because they are), THEY have been brainwashed into believing the God enlightened right to be!
On mainstream propaganda (I cannot call them media or news), you will see the adjective of 'tyrant * before names like DeSantis and Trump but never Newsom or Biden!
I give the poster the benefit of the doubt; there is clearly discernment to be exercised to distinguish between good and evil authorities. I will assume the poster was referring specifically to disobedience towards evil, which is undoubtedly shown as a good thing in the scriptures -- for instance, all the prophets were disobedient towards the evil rulers they were prophesying against.
Gotta say: This comment section is my favorite, and I look forward to reading it everyday almost as much as I do the actual column. We are a smart and witty bunch!
Some of us have been here since the beginning when it only took a half hour to read the comments. Now I spend hours but they are such good comments. :) We have some wonderful, like-minded friends here.
I remember having to quickly read Jeff’s column on FB before they’d punish him for telling the truth! I like the comments here, you can really see how so many are paying attention.
I love Jeff Childers substack so much, but I also love the comments, and probably more. The only problem is now it's almost an all day adventure reading all of them. There are days that I must finish the previous days comments before I can open Jeff's newest stack which is sometimes long after the coffee hour and we'll into to the wine hours.
My daughter says we are preaching to the choir...but I say you all are what keeps me from running down the middle of the road, screaming, like I am possessed.
It’s true--we are all mostly preaching to the choir. But occasionally I get brave, and I share with those who don’t yet see. I’ve pulled my dad, mostly my mom, one sister, and a friend out of the darkness. I have also made friends and solidified friendships over the sharing of these ideas. Writers like Jeff and so many others I’ve found here on substack lay things out so clearly that I feel emboldened to share. It’s slow-going, but eventually we’re going to have the biggest and loudest choir ever!
I do too. But if one person’s eyes are opened, the message ripples out from there. Believe me—I’m not posting anything but hearts and kittens on Facebook. I have to feel people out to see if they’re open. Reading C&C and Joel Smalley and Gato Malo arms me with stats and info and insight so that I’m ready when necessary.
Amen. Twitter is brutal; mean, profane, classless comments. Like you all who’ve already pointed out....I spend too much time on Substack in general & C&C in particular (especially reader comments).
I’m on Truth Social also. The only meanies there are liberals.
What a joke. No bank ever relies on what a customer puts down as the value of their real estate assets because we all know it’s full of blue sky. I have done this for over 40 years and not once have I ever made a decision solely based off of the value a customer reported of their financial statement. What would be a crime is claiming he owns something that he didn’t actually own. There is no justice they are out to get him no matter what it takes.
Regarding Judge Engoran, all I call say is physiognomy is real. Not putting words in our host's mouth but I have a feeling Jeff Childers agrees as there was no other reason to post that revolting picture (aside from assisting bulimics with weight loss).
And please no moralizing about how it's unchristian to comment on other's unattractiveness. A decent haircut, some sun, and occasionally brushing his teeth would make a world of difference. Yet he can't be bothered.
Edit: I forgot to mention those eyebrows. Good grief, someone should introduce this guy to a pair of scissors. Seriously guys, just because we are getting up there in years doesn't mean grooming is now optional. Trim those eyebrows and ear hair for crying out loud, other people still have to look at us.
OMG....thank you for that. Seriously. Physiognomy is real and I spend so much of my time seeing what humanoids look like these days and all I can do is shake my ear-wax free head and wonder what happened to self respect and mirrors? Wives who look at their man and say "WTF are you thinking, going out in public with ear hair like THAT?" The things I am forced to see cannot be unseen, like the chick with the leg hair of a chimpanzee at the airport. Why do we have to be the ones to see this? The outer shell reflects the inner being and all I see is a bunch of neglect.
Hollywood goes well out of their way to create this aesthetic in characters like the "Tall Man" from the movie Phantasm, and "Reverend Kane" from Poltergeist.
Judge Engoran's grin does not seem to be that of a kindly old man. If he has it together enough to be a judge, I have to wonder if he doesn't intentionally cultivate an appearance that is off-putting. Not knowing anything about him before I read Jeff's post, I was startled when I saw his photo.
We once held those in public office to a much higher standard, well look how far we’ve come! Fetterman is a perfect example….maybe he’ll cast off his shorts and hoodies for a speedo.
Indeed. As I was walking about in public today, I was thinking about how poorly everyone dresses these days. Long gone are the days when men and women knew how to be elegant. Everyone looks like a slob. No self-respect. And if a woman does appear that is dressed elegantly, everyone gawks.
So true Political Phil. As a youngster (a long time ago) I remember my Grandfather would not leave the house without a hat, slacks and tie, often just a simple bolo tie which required a buttoned collar shirt. Those days are long gone, though occasionally I will wear slacks and button shirt to a simple gathering or meeting.
Tying in (no pun) to the Rush comments earlier, until his last couple years he would always wear a tie, inspired by President Reagan that would not enter the oval office without a coat and tie.
Yes, I was just wondering about that this morning. People have really taken this "bed hair, don't care" motto to all new lows. Fetterman dressing down congress doesn't help. But nobody cares anymore. So many people look like they fell out of the hamper in the morning. Come on guys. Wear clean clothes, wash & brush the hair, get some sun, etc. It's not complicated.
And he did not even include the value of his brand, the Trump name. They know the banks made money, he never defaulted, he didn't inflate his assets, and there was no victim. Except Trump.
They want him to lose as much money as possible..Soros' son stated that he would do whatever he could to make sure he doesn’t become President again. It is disgusting that these Soros 😈 can buy off or influence leftist judges this way.
It is actually scary..what we are witnessing in our history.
Yes, it does seem they will stop at nothing to take him down. Yet, it only buoys his supporters and backfires in their upside down backward world. May President Trump be shielded and protected by the armor of GOD : Ephesians 6:10-18
But is the contract not between the bank and Trump? Is the bank unhappy? Did the bank file a lawsuit? Why is a third party meddling now if the bank has no issues? Why do they even have standing? Do i have to worry if i have a contract with another business that somebody else will have issue with it years later? Like really??? Also trump isn't just anybody. So his stuff is valued higher simply because of who he is no? He has reach to more wealthier buyers ( fans) than any old john doe! So forget tax value or comps, there are no good comps.
As Trump has said (I’m paraphrasing) if they can do this to me, they can do this to you. Everyone who has ever applied for a mortgage or loan requiring collateral should beware. This is a government grab of valuable assets in a run-around of the Constitution’s 5th Amendment requirements for the taking of property.
It's Trump's fault. It's Florida's fault. It's DeSantis' fault. It's Bigfoot's fault. It’s Lowfat Yogurt's fault. It's the Corvette dealer's fault. To echo Justice Sotomayor: "Millions of children are dying!!!" Oh, the horror's of Florida are too much to contemplate.
That was unnecessary vitriol at Florida but I guess it was a safe target for her to criticize. School districts used covid restrictions as a tool for control.
I think she was pushing the future Faux News interview between the Governors. I hope Hannity brings the topic up, though I think he's a lost cause too. I'll need to read about it here as I left Faux years ago.
Reposting, 1min vid: Attorney Jeff Childers on How He Won Against Mask and Vaccine Mandates, and Inspired Other Lawyers to Do the Same
Here's the transcript of the full version.
You rock! Nice throwback showing us Jeff's heroic efforts these past 3 years! Thanks for posting this! 🎉😊
I don’t ever do this, but was sleeping off drugs this morning, so I’m going to share the scripture here so it’s not buried among all the brilliant and witty comments. 🙏🏻
O God, arrogant men have risen up against me,
And a band of violent men have sought my life,
And they have not set You before them.
But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious,
Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.
Turn to me, and be gracious to me;
Oh grant Your strength to Your servant,
And save the son of Your handmaid.
Show me a sign for good,
That those who hate me may see it and be ashamed,
Because You, O LORD, have helped me and comforted me.
— Psalm 86:14-17 NAS95
I love that Psalm. David knew persecution and sin yet he always turned to the Lord for strength and forgiveness and trusted in the Lord to bring destruction and shame upon his enemies. The reprobate hate Christianity because the righteousness of God's law brings shame upon them and they hate shame more than anything else.
Yep, and the devil in them hates the Jesus in us.
Literally true
🔥🔥🔥🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🔥🔥🔥🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️ Thank you, Janice, for EVERY scripture you post here. Always on point and 🕊️inspired!!!
It’s my other go-to DEVO right behind Greg Harvey’s daily DEVO broadcast on DLive, Foxhole, Rumble, and Farcebook...Greenbeard117 @ 0900 ET on DLive. 💚🕊️💚🕊️💚
DOH! I carelessly omitted my pal Hilary Blair Rollins on Farcebook. She does an Amazing DEVO after the Greg Harvey broadcast. Go seek her out and check out her work! It will BLESS YOU. Tell her Red sent you!
Jeff's the MAN! Those of us near Portland wish we could have someone like him at battle for us.
We sure do. Even if he makes fun of us often 🤣
Ditto Corvallis
Jeff poking Portland (really all I-5 Oregon) brings me a smile. Jeff should pay a visit to Ashland and introduce himself.
Portland OR has earned an international black mark, a deep blue metro area that even the current liberal mayor is giving up at the end of his term. You guys (Debra, Barbara and John) have probably read that Target is closing its Portland location just as Nike recently did, theft and damage is too high to be profitable. And people don't want to go downtown for fear of being accosted, or worse. I won't go downtown unless I need to, why take the chance? The Greater Idaho Movement is sounding better all the time, let the Willamette Valley rot in the hands of the leftists that created the mess.
The latest: "Feckless" Ted Wheeler (what Lars Larson calls him) pleaded to Oregon Governor Tina Kotek to send in Oregon State Police into Portland to help bring the fentanyl drug trade under control; because Ted Wheeler and Portland's government defunded the police and there aren't enough police to do the work. And Oregonians passed Measure 110 which decriminalized drugs, which did not decriminalize fentanyl, but because the way the measure was worded, fentanyl is no different than meth. I think I heard Oregon and Washington have the highest overdose deaths in the country.
Yes Oregon is swirling the drain.
What a shame. I retired as a first responder for Portland, 32 years. Fentanyl is a very dangerous drug, I am very happy I no longer have to deal with the hazard.
Stay safe Michael.
It is SO GOOD to know that one was on the side of RIGHT from the beginning. . And SO GOOD to have discovered Jeff and C&C, to lessen my despair and loneliness! Thank you Jeff, thank you Janice, thank you EVERYONE.
You are my tribe.
I’m not like a weird groupie or anything 🤓, but I’m just saying, this newsletter makes up the majority of the news I injest. I do so appreciate his exhaustive research and witty delivery. I don’t see how he does it every day! Well, I do. It’s the Lord! I’m grateful!
Amen sister. Amen.
Prayed for a Joshua and a Caleb. Got Jeff. Prayer answered, army assembling.
Jeff’s interview on EPOCH Times American Thought leaders was a classic.
hopefully link will work to audio podcast?
Thanks for showcasing our brave hero, Jeff Childers. May his tribe increase all across America.
BFM...thanks for posting. Jeff, I had no idea you were in the middle of everything like that. Respect.
My favorite was the court transcript of Jeff Childers invoking George Washington. IDK was that Gainseville or Alachua County regarding the masks.
Wow- I had no idea! Thank you for posting this and I’m going to see if I can find the actual video interview to watch. ( I am a subscriber to Epoch TV)
I never listened to Rush, but I wish I had. Same sort of feelings about him.
My boys were babies in the 80’s and we had a Satellite in Upstate NY. And it was manual turning a crank for different stations. I would watch Rush every night and I believed him! Then it seemed so many came out and I moved states and my life got super busy until 2015. I miss Rush so much! President Trumps SOU address where he honored Rush when he was at the end, I balled my eyes out!! Rest in Peace Rush! We will never forget that you opened our eyes!!
That was so cool when Trump honored him 🥲♥️
I loved when El Rushbo told the story of President Trump insisting he be present for the State Of The Union Address. Rush was very ill at that time and he had an important appointment with a medical specialist. But as usual he came through, for President Trump and for his audience.
My 9am (PST) has not been the same since.
Does anyone remember Rush’s short lived t.v. show? I believe it began just after Clinton’s first election. It was a lifesaver for me. And just hysterically funny.
It was far too ‘truth telling’ of course, and somehow tptb cancelled it.
It was maybe around the time of the beginning of Fox News, which was pretty reliable at the time. Before it became Faux News. Can’t trust any of them now. Here’s a report of Maria Bartiromo being used recently.
I first heard of Rush when a friend of mine was ridiculing her husband and his colleagues for attending a “Rush Room” during the lunch hour. Had no idea. Rush was inspiring. Gone too soon.
"Dan's Bake Sale" Ft. Collins, CO will live in infamy. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2021/02/27/rush-limbaugh-dans-bake-sale-colorado/
Rush definitely inspiring and he "lived rent free in liberals minds".
So interesting! Thanks for posting.
I remember Willing Spirit and wouldn't miss it. 30 minutes of classic Rush.My partner on the rescue unit wouldn't listen to his radio program though I would have it on in the rig, but he would watch all 30 minutes of the TV program with me. For some reason the visual made the difference.
As I recall, Rush hated the TV program, too much make-up and too time consuming I think he said.
Oh, yes, I do remember that now.
We owe it to Rush to pay attention and spread the truth.
His prescience was almost scary. I often wonder what he would be saying today if he were with us. I also think his heart would be broken to see the sad state of affair his, and our beloved country is in.
Jesus spared him this heartbreak.
I would think there are archives of his monologues somewhere. Libs hated him & never quite figured out his tongue’n cheek dialogue. He highlighted the absurd by being absurd..... & the libs went ballistic . He preached being of good cheer - happy warriors. The opposite of sour liberals.
I still have my Limbaugh Newsletters.
He was smart, informed, knowledgeable, & soooo witty. I know he would have enjoyed C&C a lot.
Totally agree!! I love Jan Jekielek. I hope the video interview with Jeff Childers is still available. I would love to see it rather than read the transcript. I’m embarrassed to say I did not know this was part of his background because I am relatively new to coffee and Covid! Better late than never I suppose. Thank you Jeff for all you have done and are doing.
Here is the crazy thing about these times: while we *rightly* perceive the Soros radical left and their demon party to be the tyrants ( because they are), THEY have been brainwashed into believing the God enlightened right to be!
On mainstream propaganda (I cannot call them media or news), you will see the adjective of 'tyrant * before names like DeSantis and Trump but never Newsom or Biden!
Disobedience, like in the Garden? Do all of your tee's sport a gnostic false gospel?
Edit: Perhaps distinguish WHO is to be disobeyed. Man's "original" virtue can be broadly misapplied, in a sinister way.
I don't think that is what was meant. I think they meant "I will not comply" response to tyranny.
I give the poster the benefit of the doubt; there is clearly discernment to be exercised to distinguish between good and evil authorities. I will assume the poster was referring specifically to disobedience towards evil, which is undoubtedly shown as a good thing in the scriptures -- for instance, all the prophets were disobedient towards the evil rulers they were prophesying against.
Gotta say: This comment section is my favorite, and I look forward to reading it everyday almost as much as I do the actual column. We are a smart and witty bunch!
Some of us have been here since the beginning when it only took a half hour to read the comments. Now I spend hours but they are such good comments. :) We have some wonderful, like-minded friends here.
I remember having to quickly read Jeff’s column on FB before they’d punish him for telling the truth! I like the comments here, you can really see how so many are paying attention.
Wow! Didn't know about that!
Hahaha.. more comments more coffee 🥳
On my second cup now 😂😆
As our resident coffee pro and roaster retailer, i’m all for this! ☕️
Dear O-a-i,
What do you recommend -- espresso beans for a Breville Barista-Express machine?
Don’t like BITTER coffee -- something with a hint of chocolate/caramel etc.
Cheers ☕️☕️
JSR -- isn’t it the other way around -- MORE COFFEE...more comments? LOL 😂
True dat!
Right?? Now it takes waaaaay longer! But it’s so much fun!
Reading C & C is probably as good as you can get on keeping up with current events. Dare I say “News”.
Truly... so hard to pull myself away....
I love Jeff Childers substack so much, but I also love the comments, and probably more. The only problem is now it's almost an all day adventure reading all of them. There are days that I must finish the previous days comments before I can open Jeff's newest stack which is sometimes long after the coffee hour and we'll into to the wine hours.
My daughter says we are preaching to the choir...but I say you all are what keeps me from running down the middle of the road, screaming, like I am possessed.
It’s true--we are all mostly preaching to the choir. But occasionally I get brave, and I share with those who don’t yet see. I’ve pulled my dad, mostly my mom, one sister, and a friend out of the darkness. I have also made friends and solidified friendships over the sharing of these ideas. Writers like Jeff and so many others I’ve found here on substack lay things out so clearly that I feel emboldened to share. It’s slow-going, but eventually we’re going to have the biggest and loudest choir ever!
I share with only very few
I do too. But if one person’s eyes are opened, the message ripples out from there. Believe me—I’m not posting anything but hearts and kittens on Facebook. I have to feel people out to see if they’re open. Reading C&C and Joel Smalley and Gato Malo arms me with stats and info and insight so that I’m ready when necessary.
A well-caffeinated choir makes good noise and attracts a crowd.
This is one of the few places I have been able to express my opinions without being called a crazy, conspiracy theorizing anti-vaxxxx nut.
I know what you mean. The last couple of years a lot of friends, and even family, have gone by the wayside.
Amen. Twitter is brutal; mean, profane, classless comments. Like you all who’ve already pointed out....I spend too much time on Substack in general & C&C in particular (especially reader comments).
I’m on Truth Social also. The only meanies there are liberals.
The choir should be forwarding the email or substack outside the choir roster ...
Hahaha same
For real- safety in numbers
Ditto. I learn so much from things other readers post, also.
Yep. This, and the comments section to Matt Taibbi's Racket News are the best compendiums on Substack.
I am going to check that out. Thanks for posting!
Yes! What Chris Bush said.
Later Jay
There’s always more comments than Likes! This is my favorite Substack.
And humble, too! 😂
What a joke. No bank ever relies on what a customer puts down as the value of their real estate assets because we all know it’s full of blue sky. I have done this for over 40 years and not once have I ever made a decision solely based off of the value a customer reported of their financial statement. What would be a crime is claiming he owns something that he didn’t actually own. There is no justice they are out to get him no matter what it takes.
Regarding Judge Engoran, all I call say is physiognomy is real. Not putting words in our host's mouth but I have a feeling Jeff Childers agrees as there was no other reason to post that revolting picture (aside from assisting bulimics with weight loss).
And please no moralizing about how it's unchristian to comment on other's unattractiveness. A decent haircut, some sun, and occasionally brushing his teeth would make a world of difference. Yet he can't be bothered.
Edit: I forgot to mention those eyebrows. Good grief, someone should introduce this guy to a pair of scissors. Seriously guys, just because we are getting up there in years doesn't mean grooming is now optional. Trim those eyebrows and ear hair for crying out loud, other people still have to look at us.
He does appear to have all the effervescent charm of a slightly used Q-tip.
You are hilarious! The visual is spot on!
OMG....thank you for that. Seriously. Physiognomy is real and I spend so much of my time seeing what humanoids look like these days and all I can do is shake my ear-wax free head and wonder what happened to self respect and mirrors? Wives who look at their man and say "WTF are you thinking, going out in public with ear hair like THAT?" The things I am forced to see cannot be unseen, like the chick with the leg hair of a chimpanzee at the airport. Why do we have to be the ones to see this? The outer shell reflects the inner being and all I see is a bunch of neglect.
"Effervescent charm of a slightly used Q-tip" is quite the turn of phrase!
Spit take!
🤣 creative yet accurate comparison 😂
Another member of the zombie apocalypse.
Watch your mouth. I LOVE The Walking Dead. The wannabees not so much.
He definitely looks possessed. And not by something good. My skin crawled when I saw that photo. 🫣
I was looking for AIDS sores. Not kidding. You can tell what generation I come from.
Hollywood goes well out of their way to create this aesthetic in characters like the "Tall Man" from the movie Phantasm, and "Reverend Kane" from Poltergeist.
Judge Engoran's grin does not seem to be that of a kindly old man. If he has it together enough to be a judge, I have to wonder if he doesn't intentionally cultivate an appearance that is off-putting. Not knowing anything about him before I read Jeff's post, I was startled when I saw his photo.
To me he had the appearance of a dyed in the wool , narcissistic liberal.
We once held those in public office to a much higher standard, well look how far we’ve come! Fetterman is a perfect example….maybe he’ll cast off his shorts and hoodies for a speedo.
Montgomery Burns?
Indeed. As I was walking about in public today, I was thinking about how poorly everyone dresses these days. Long gone are the days when men and women knew how to be elegant. Everyone looks like a slob. No self-respect. And if a woman does appear that is dressed elegantly, everyone gawks.
So true Political Phil. As a youngster (a long time ago) I remember my Grandfather would not leave the house without a hat, slacks and tie, often just a simple bolo tie which required a buttoned collar shirt. Those days are long gone, though occasionally I will wear slacks and button shirt to a simple gathering or meeting.
Tying in (no pun) to the Rush comments earlier, until his last couple years he would always wear a tie, inspired by President Reagan that would not enter the oval office without a coat and tie.
Yes, I was just wondering about that this morning. People have really taken this "bed hair, don't care" motto to all new lows. Fetterman dressing down congress doesn't help. But nobody cares anymore. So many people look like they fell out of the hamper in the morning. Come on guys. Wear clean clothes, wash & brush the hair, get some sun, etc. It's not complicated.
God made beauty and ugly, and I think it's OK to comment lol just swap "ugly" for "unfortunate"...it's more p.c 🤣
Engoran is most certainly the inspiration behind ClownBasket’s X profile picture. Perfect. https://twitter.com/ClownBasket
And he did not even include the value of his brand, the Trump name. They know the banks made money, he never defaulted, he didn't inflate his assets, and there was no victim. Except Trump.
We see brand name in real estate every.single.day! Who wouldn’t pay 18M for Mar-a-Lago (if we had the money, of course; crowd source?) 🤣
They want him to lose as much money as possible..Soros' son stated that he would do whatever he could to make sure he doesn’t become President again. It is disgusting that these Soros 😈 can buy off or influence leftist judges this way.
It is actually scary..what we are witnessing in our history.
Billionaires like Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, et al seem to think they know what is best for the rest of us. 😡
Maybe we should check the values of ALL the properties our banks hold in collateral based on this new standard.
I say lets look into the judge's property value. Bet his isn't listed at the tax assessor's rate! Does that mean he's as guilty as Trump?
And I wonder what kind of valuations the Pres and family might have in any of their financial documents. Inquiring minds want to know.
Yes, it does seem they will stop at nothing to take him down. Yet, it only buoys his supporters and backfires in their upside down backward world. May President Trump be shielded and protected by the armor of GOD : Ephesians 6:10-18
But is the contract not between the bank and Trump? Is the bank unhappy? Did the bank file a lawsuit? Why is a third party meddling now if the bank has no issues? Why do they even have standing? Do i have to worry if i have a contract with another business that somebody else will have issue with it years later? Like really??? Also trump isn't just anybody. So his stuff is valued higher simply because of who he is no? He has reach to more wealthier buyers ( fans) than any old john doe! So forget tax value or comps, there are no good comps.
It’s demonic. Reason has nothing to do with the attack decision.
“full of blue sky” Stealing this. Thank you!
As Trump has said (I’m paraphrasing) if they can do this to me, they can do this to you. Everyone who has ever applied for a mortgage or loan requiring collateral should beware. This is a government grab of valuable assets in a run-around of the Constitution’s 5th Amendment requirements for the taking of property.
It's Trump's fault. It's Florida's fault. It's DeSantis' fault. It's Bigfoot's fault. It’s Lowfat Yogurt's fault. It's the Corvette dealer's fault. To echo Justice Sotomayor: "Millions of children are dying!!!" Oh, the horror's of Florida are too much to contemplate.
Narcissists only blame others.
Can vouch for that.
I hope a good citizen goes in next weeks and recites the true facts of Floridas amazing covid policies and stats. She needs a bit of humble pie.
That was unnecessary vitriol at Florida but I guess it was a safe target for her to criticize. School districts used covid restrictions as a tool for control.
I think she was pushing the future Faux News interview between the Governors. I hope Hannity brings the topic up, though I think he's a lost cause too. I'll need to read about it here as I left Faux years ago.
She'd probably have them hauled out.