Sep 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Gotta say: This comment section is my favorite, and I look forward to reading it everyday almost as much as I do the actual column. We are a smart and witty bunch!

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

What a joke. No bank ever relies on what a customer puts down as the value of their real estate assets because we all know it’s full of blue sky. I have done this for over 40 years and not once have I ever made a decision solely based off of the value a customer reported of their financial statement. What would be a crime is claiming he owns something that he didn’t actually own. There is no justice they are out to get him no matter what it takes.

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It's Trump's fault. It's Florida's fault. It's DeSantis' fault. It's Bigfoot's fault. It’s Lowfat Yogurt's fault. It's the Corvette dealer's fault. To echo Justice Sotomayor: "Millions of children are dying!!!" Oh, the horror's of Florida are too much to contemplate.

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Dear Governor Abbott, both Aspen and Boulder CO are in need of 500 and 1500 asylum seeking migrating under-welcomed refugees respectively. Please send ASAP. I'll donate $1 US for each one and I'm sure thousands of others will donate to the effort as well. Jackson WY, what other ultra Progressive Western sanctuaries can be implored to help migrating masses?

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

If Mar a Lago will be sold for $18M I can get the financing put together and close within 10 days. Waive inspection. I’m ready when it hits the market. 😂. (Palm Beach County resident here . . . that place is worth at least $200M all day long - did anyone see what Rush’s place closed for?).

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

With all this news this is the best I have to offer for the day.

For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.

Psalms 30:5

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I suppose someday someone is going to take me to court since I believe the value of my home and property are worth many millions. My husband who died last year built it for me with his own hands 33 years ago and it is priceless!

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Off track, but please bear with me. File this under "Ukraine, " I suppose. Found out that of the 114 billion we have given Ukraine (so far) only 43 billion has gone to actual military aid. This is beyond repulsive, especially to people like me who opposed enabling Ukraine to begin with. Our tax dollars going toward whatever Zelensky decides--schools, roads--you name it--when our own are on life support. It has been said 101 times, but what about East Palestine, Ohio? What about Maui? And when our government shuts down, we will still be funding Ukraine's. How can this possibly be acceptable to anyone with a measurable IQ?

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So Biden used his home address as a destination for his grifted foreign payoffs. Doing so proves that Biden is not just dangerously demented, he is also either incredibly stupid, or remarkably arrogant.

Regarding Trump's valuations of assets in his real estate portfolio: When the Democrats succeed in passing legislation that collects "income" taxes on passively-held assets, watch every real property in the USA suddenly devalue by 90%.

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New York Judge Engoran. Dude looks like Miracle Max in The Princess Bride.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I just wanna say that I do not regret one moment what we did. Not one moment! Not thirty seconds. Not one tiny bit. Because you know which state had the highest percentage of, er, rate of deaths from covid? FLORIDA!! No state had more per thousand people deaths, not disease, deaths! Fro, covid. From Florida! And guess which state had the highest death rate of children in the America? FLORIDA!!”


Supremacist Demonic possession is real.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Another serving of hope and humor - you are a gift to the exhausted 🙏

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“It was an experience for me, unusual in science journalism, where you have to be the watchdog for these public health agencies … We sort of more or less believed what the CDC and WHO said, and all of a sudden, we were in a situation where we had to really question everything we were hearing.”

First, she said the quiet part out loud: It was unusual for a "journalist" to be a watchdog.

Then she admits she "did her own research" by questioning everything she was hearing.

But I'm supposed to take the narrative at face value when my life and health are on the line, and trust that a degree in "journalism" or "communication" or whatever qualifies one from a woke diploma mill is more reliable than my education and the sum of my life experience.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

You know their only reason for these lawsuits is to to pump away as much of Trump’s money as possible and distract him from running for president again 🤬 How is this kind of tactic not covered in the bill of rights?? It’s really evil.

Much appreciate the attorney’s eye view of the case, with the clearly explained analysis!

—“In related news, teachers who were fired commented they will continue with their lawsuit until they are reinstated with back pay.”

Which is great, and needs to happen, but my question is—when will the individuals who made these decisions be held accountable??? The unjabbed teachers winning the lawsuit only means the taxpayers will be on the hook for whatever compensation is awarded. I want to see punishment for the people who so glibly (and often malevolently) put so many people’s lives and health in danger (as well as their human rights!) with their stupid and evil mandates, and at the same time trashed whatever education the students were still managing to get from those woke schools.

I’m still furious that our stupid head of the state health department, Kris (dumb as a) Box (of rocks) was able to retire this year and sail off into the sunset with ZERO accountability for all the harm and damage she helped perpetrate by going along with the CDC 🤬🤬🤬

The ADL should change its mission statement from defending Jewish people to defending leftists and Democrats 😑 It would be much more accurate.

That last video clip! 🤣😆 It’s like the human version of a car wash 😂

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RUSSOphobia: Best Ukraine Hypocrisy Memes (As Trudeau Honors a Fellow NAZI!)

Questions you never ask an elderly Ukraine “freedom fighter…,” glory to Urine, NAZI to see again and more Ukraine hypocrisy memes as Canada's parliament gives an elderly NAZI a standing ovation!


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