Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Visited my doctor for the first time in several years. He found me in perfect health. He's baffled!

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I'm sure my providers at the VA are surprised I am not dead yet because I refused the covid death shot.

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Kathleen, that was a battle. Congrats.

They all seemed to know and to have talked about my stand. So much for medical privacy.

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It seems that EVERY "provider" of ANYTHING remotely medical is now plugged into a Borgian, Gordian knot of personal medical info about every last one of us, via Their "devices" ~ to which They give more time, energy, attention, and effort than They do to us (formerly known as patients, now mere breathing ~ for a while still ~ and embodied collections of data). They all have immediate access to it all.

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I recently reviewed the so-called Privacy Policy for HIPAA at a practice... it actually should be called the Notice of All the Ways We Disclose Medical Information. They are legally ALLOWED - without our consent - to disclose for research, to organ procurement organizations, of course to the insurance companies, in cases of national security or threats to the President (I am not making that up, and after the last three years and a certain day in January, should raise everyone's red flags), and others.

I wrote on the "sign that you've read the policy" page that although I am aware that these disclosures are allowed, I object to all disclosures except in case of imminent harm.

I am paying cash, so no reason for them to disclose anywhere to anyone. Ugh.

I bet 98% of people have zero idea what HIPAA really allows. And since it allows disclosures for national security, and since the virus was quite obviously now a DOD bioweapon and the injections were countermeasures from the DOD, no wonder they cared no a whit about HIPAA. It was national security, of course.


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You bring up an interesting topic w/ HIPAA. My husband and I got a note from our insurance (thru Obamacare) asking us to participate in a study in which we monitor and document to them all sorts of health related things and in return after several years and complete compliance you receive a small reward (I think it was like $1500 bucks) In the very very fine print that you had to spend a lot of time fishing for when you participate your medical files are opened to them and they can sell that information plus anything you enter into their database for the years of participation.

Additionally, earlier in the year my hospital asked people who had blood drawn to allow it to be catalogued in a database for heredity and other things. They were relentless. They asked at the point of draw and then later, if you said no, called my home.

People really need to start taking their privacy more seriously.

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Seems so many say (1) "it's all out there anyway so why bother, or (2) I have nothing to hide [right. Until the government decides that it doesn't like what you think or say or the decisions you make.], or (3) just don't know about it, or (4) cooperate because it's "convenient."

Well, it's convenient until the censorship starts. My mom had to pay cash for a prescription last year when she was sick with an unknown respiratory ailment could've been The One but tested negative but was crazy sick. Reason for paying cash was because it didn't come by way of electronic rx, and Medicare won't pay for non-EMR prescribed meds. Talk about track and trace. And the med wasn't even one of the banned ones!

My spouse still uses facial recognition to open the phone. I refuse.

Our church wants to photograph and post pics of the VBS on social media. Why don't people understand the power and dangers of doing this nowadays?! This ain't the internet of even ten years ago. Makes me mad.

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Have you encountered friendly practitioners pushing DNA testing? So that they can better predict how you will respond to various medications? "Just let us collect some of your snot on this here Qtip and mail it off to the lab ... "

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I opted out of research sharing. Yes, it is an option.

My doctor didn’t like me very much after that. She’s a bigwig researcher.

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Oh, cool.

How did you do that? Just wrote your own statement?

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Speaking of cash pay....the other day went to schedule my mammogram for a specific date...was told I couldn’t cause it was two days too early for Medicare to cover it. So told them I would pay cash to have it done on the day I wanted. Almost fell out of my chair when the voice on the phone told me “ you can’t pay cash....because you have Medicare”. I explained that yes...I can pay cash for anything. After a couple “no you can’t/yes I can” back and forths I hung up.

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I bet you could pay cash. Just have to talk to the right person. Or find a private facility.

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Great points.

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Thank you for this info! I’ll read more carefully next time!

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When my 84 year old friend was in the hospital last year, they gave me his status and said he could be released to my care. (He’d had a positive covid test and he wasn’t sick. They isolated him. ) Anyway, my name is now on the paperwork. I was shocked at the lack of hippa laws .

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Are you unaware that the PCR test is a scam that can't identify any infection?

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That’s why I tested the tomatoes and various inanimate objects. Trying to show my family what a farce it is.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023


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HIPPA is about privacy of medical records, nothing more.

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It’s HIPAA, not hippa. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act.

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Yes the two "not for profit" clinics and hospitals here, one was Catholic, are co-joined now with all the rest across the whole of central Illinois!! 😡

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One can't separate the priest class from medicine.

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Most medical doctors aren't child molesters like many priests are.

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You ain't seen nothin' yet. Wait for the digital medical i.d. / passports (which will be pushed as so much better than paper records, and likely demanded for international travel).

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That's due to the laws Congress passed regarding electronic medical records some years ago. Those can be accessed by any provider anytime. That's why they began to mandate the records being electronic and not paper.

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They have to continue to dance with those that brung them to their very expensive and profitable occupations if they wish to receive the ROI.

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No privacy left in medical land

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There is No medical privacy🤷‍♀️

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Good for you!!! When I started having to care for my father I was alarmed at the drugs and vaccines they were administering to him. I found out he had been on statins for 25 plus years and finally weaned him off, but not in time to stop the dementia it caused him. But at least we stopped the full decline. Then I refused all vaccines they pushed. It’s amazing the drugs the VA pushes to unsuspecting people. He went home to our Heavenly Father in August 2021.

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I used to be very pro-vaccine. In the military, I was given every vaccine known to man except for the anthrax shot. Thank goodness, considering the anthrax vaccine is one of the factors for developing Gulf War Syndrome.

I had a very bad feeling about the covid death shots. When covid first erupted, I said that it was a bioweapon and people looked at me like I was a nutter. Said the covid shots were also a bioweapon and folks were convinced that I lost my mind.

My previous PCP wanted to put me on statins. Flat out told her "no." She asked me why and I told her I was worried about muscle pain and memory problems that statins can cause. There were only minor irregularities with my cholesterol.

The vets I worry about are the ones suffering with PTSD, depression, and anxiety. They may not have the energy to question their doctor's recommendations and just blindly accept whatever the doc wants to prescribe.

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As to the minor "irregularities" with your cholesterol. The whole "cholesterol causes heart disease" model has turned out to be a scam to promote statins. Some studies have even shown that high cholesterol promotes longevity. There's a good discussion of this at A Midwestern Doctor's substack.


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forty years ago the cholesterol normal range was much higher than it is now. I think that as new medicines are developed the "normal" range keeps coming down, how else can they push these drugs on the populace?

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Same with diabetes.

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I watched a very interesting podcast related to this that you might be interested in:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xCr3mvFCHM. It is part 3 in a terrific series by Dr. Paul Mason on heart disease. He co authored a study with Dr. Ben Bikman (who I adore) which you may be interested in (in general) but specifically if you are low carb: https://journals.lww.com/co-endocrinology/fulltext/2022/10000/statin_therapy_is_not_warranted_for_a_person_with.14.aspx

Also, older people should have slightly elevated cholesterol. It is the small LDL and the ratio of HDL to triglyceride that people should keep their eye on. Also, if you get your cholesterol or any bloodwork done be sure not to ec=xercise heavily before (within 24h) the test. It could effect LDL and AST ALT numbers due to inflammation/repairing muscle. I have never had a doctor tell me that and when I brought in the scientific literature to my own doctor I am pretty sure it ended up in the burn barrel.

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At least 25 years ago my naturopath was concerned that my cholesterol was low. Said low cholesterol is linked to Alzheimer’s. But, darnit, it’s still low! My western doc congratulated me on it the other day 🤣

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I think there is probably a range of what’s healthy and it varies from individual to individual. This one size fits all medicine is nonsense imo.

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Years ago I watched a show (60 minutes?) and there is a senior living group in California that has been monitoring everyone for many years. We were told plaques and tangles are what caused Alzheimer’s or dementia. Turns out a 93 year old woman was driving everyone else around on errands and she had plaques and tangles. The younger women, some had it some didn’t. When they did the study, they found out the common denominator on all the people there that developed Alzheimer’s was low blood pressure. My father, and myself, have extremely low blood pressure. My memory sucks, and my dad had dementia when he passed. I realize that it is not a cholesterol issue, but it is along the same lines.

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My naturopath showed me a study stating that as you get older having cholesterol between 220 and 240 was the ideal range. The study looked at cholesterol levels of people with the greatest longevity.

My level was about 290. I cut out cheese (sad) and took 3g of niacinamide (per my naturopath). Level came down to 250 in about 4 months. After I lost 20# it came down to 193. My naturopath said it was too low and gave me the ranges above. The PC said the only thing you get by lowering cholesterol naturally is a natural heart attack and pressured me to take statins. I left and changed doctors.

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It's great to read about everyone else's experience with statins - thanks for posting!

I inherited the "high cholesterol" array from my grandmother. Decided to check with a Johns Hopkins doc who has 1M+ people's test results in his database. According to data, it's more likely than not that I will develop blockages even though I had only a "tiny" amount at the time. So I took atorvastatin (completely free to patients - why is that?) for 60 days. My numbers went down but then he said I would also need to take ezetimibe (~$30 for 90 pills) to get the LDL down. He told me the LDL can never be "too low." I had continual intestinal gurgling noises and some farting. So I called back and said I'm done. He then prescribed rosuvastatin (also completely free!). I haven't taken it yet. He told me there is no data requiring CoQ10 with statins and no data showing increased Alzheimers from taking statins. Of course AST and ALT levels can get wacky, but he doesn't think that's an issue.

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I know Mercola just piblished something about this recently but his stories are blocked 2 days out.

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KBB, another good source of truth on the cholesterol myth is "The Clot Thickens" by Dr Maclcolm Kendrick.

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Thank you for that link.

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Prolactin- which is okay if your breastfeeding but if it stays high for both women, men and children ( yep ) that could cause hair loss among other hormonal imbalances.

The testing ratio was 2-10 with about 6/7 being normal, now the ratio is all the way up 2-20 thats double folks.

Thats a bonus for the hair loss business.

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Same here with the military and vaccines. Fortunately the anthrax roll out was halted before my unit mandated it. I was prepared to lose my career over it because I wasn’t going to take it.

Just saw my PCP at the VA for the first time in 3+ years. When talking about blood tests she asked about checking cholesterol. I said not to bother because if it was high I’m not going on statins anyway. She and the nurse laughed and said “At least you’re honest”. The VA still doesn’t ‘officially’ know my vaccine status although my refusal to tell them probably speaks volumes.

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My ex-husband lives in South Texas and goes to the VA, I assume Corpus Christi, for his medical. The doctors there did not and are not pushing the Wuhan shots.

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Thank you!

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My mom the same as your father...on statins for 25 years (her PCP...”oh it’s such a low dose she is on”.) Well 25 years of low dose statins gave her dementia, also. I got her off the statins late 2020, and as her PoA for healthcare I ‘declined’ the Jabs and the flu shots in the last two years of her life.

She was the only unvaxxed person in the assisted living place where she lived!

She passed away from congestive heart failure on Mother’s Day 2021.

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My doc who initially questioned my state of mind when I refused the poison, now gives me kudos for standing my ground. Said he wishes he did the same. I believe a lot of docs will be eating crow.

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We were definitely marginalized and even demonized.

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Jeff's content, wit and wisdom are awesome, and what makes this place better is the amazing and brilliant people in the community of commenters. 24K GOLD🔥

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I am baffled they even want to see you anymore. I know from the VA here, that they refuse unjabbed people and still oblige everyone to get the injections.

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How is that legal for them to refuse to see them… But then how has any of this been legal?

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this whole circus was totally illegal to begin with. How can a doctor refuse to see a patient, or refuse to treat a patient? Yet it happened to me too and not because of the jab but because I refused the meds the doc wanted to prescribe (unnecessarily)

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Yikes! Which VA?

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Seems like it were most of the VA hospitals. I read an article about it when the mandates ended in May. No mandates except for the VA it said

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I haven’t experienced that in KC.

I don’t know about the main hospital but the clinic I go to finally dropped the mask mandate very recently.

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The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


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Yeah. Most doctors seem to want to sweep the past couple of years under the rug. I don't intend to go to one anytime soon.

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I have not been in since I had my daughter. I’m concerned I have something going on right now but I’m more concerned what they will do and my online info if I go in. So I don’t.

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Lisa, Should your issues increase look for an integrative health doctor unattached to any hospital system. You may have to pay out of pocket, but I can say I found her worth it.

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Thank you Patty. 😘

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Lisa, they are also call Functional Medicine Drs.

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Lisa, I truly understand your reluctance, bc I did everything I could to avoid going to the hospital, but do you think you can go in with the thought of getting information and can walking out if you don’t like it or feel pressured to do something you don’t like? You are savvy enough to do that. Don’t give them more information than you need to. Using the “no comment” comment would be useful. Even though, in some cases, they can’t be fully trusted, until there are many more alternatives, and certainly ones that will be covered by insurance would be nice, they are still the first line of defense.

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I appreciate that I really do. I am concerned too - and why I want to go in to make sure all is OK. But, I don’t trust their data practices at all. Since I have not been to the doctor they have no way of knowing if I am or not. I am more concerned about long term what they will do to control our lives.

Re med I will not do much if anything they tell me so the real reason is for diagnosis.

If we had the $ I’d go to a provate doctor who I trust. But we don’t really. We are very tight since I quit my job.

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I get it. I’d love to go to a naturopath. On SS so Medicare won’t pay. I am concerned about eventual control also and when I was asked the question earlier this year I answered NO without thinking. Crap! Oh well, they know more about us right now than we think!!!

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I think it’s still good to go for a check up. At least the insurance will cover it but you are not obligated to continue your care with them. You can seek a second and a third opinion. Also, I know some functional medicine practitioners take Care Credit, it’s like a credit card and you would need to make payment and I believe for some time it’s interest free

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Yeah. I understand. I feel that they will screw it up more than letting nature take its course or using homeopathic medicine to try to cure.

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I bet they don't even ask about your jab status anymore.

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I used to feel that way (not wanting them to ask about my covid jab status) but found out at my recent eye exam, my eye doctor does ask this question. When she asked me, I kindly asked her why she needed to know. She told me she's seen a huge increase of certain eye issues that she believes might be due to the jabs so by asking the question, she's trying to keep track. I don't know if she's reporting these cases or what but I could tell she was concerned about it. Except for my eye appointments, I haven't seen a doctor in over 4 years but I wonder if it's possible some doctors are bucking the "safe & effective" jab narrative and also asking the question because they've also seen huge increases of illnesses?

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That is very interesting, another commenter a day or two ago said something similar. In fact he said his eye doctor guessed he wasn't vaccinated by the lack of blood clots in his eye!

Whenever asked a question that's not relevant to the immediate situation, I always politely ask, "why is that relevant?" before answering. If the response isn't a good one (i.e. explaining the direct relevance) then I decline to answer the question. I have no desire to participate in fishing expeditions.

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One of my jabbed relatives suffered a detached retina, so I believe that was the cause of it. Another had a recurrence of cancer but I’m sure they’re not connecting it with the shots.

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My veterinarian had a detached retina. I don’t know for sure but assume he got jabbed since he’s very pro-jab for the animals.

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I just learned of a local woman who was blinded by the vaccine. Doctors of course are baffled and can find no cause for her sudden blindness that she discovered upon awakening the morning after her third shot. (Moderna)

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LuAnne, my niece had the same experience at her last eye appointment!!

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I wear contacts so I have to see an eye doctor annually. I need a new doc, as my last appointment in JANUARY 2023, he required all patients to wear a freaking mask. I almost walked out but was down to my last pair of contacts and didn't want to have to find a new one as I had already had to reschedule twice due to dealing with health issues with my mom so I sucked it up, but did tell him at the end that I would not be back. Obviously no comments about eye issues or microclots from him.

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Definitely time to find a new eye doctor!

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yep, it kind of surprised me, as we had chatted casually in the past and he kind of came off a conservative to me, he bought a building and was getting ready to move his practice last year and was complaining about government red tape, and regulations, AND he had no mask mandate in 2022. So no idea what happened to him. I gave small biz a pass in 2021 as our county had mandates and of course they were targeting small businesses and snitches were turning them in. But not now. Heck, even my mom's doctors offices don't require masks this year!?

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Retinal Vascular Occlusion has been a result of the shots. So, yes, I agree there’s a valid reason for asking.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023

I would think this ONLY if they are private and not in a group or corporation

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When my electronic medical record is pulled up, at the very top highlighted in yellow is the notation, "Tested for Covid NO."

At one time, I fully expected bells and whistles to go off, a VA police officer Taser ready to show up, to make me comply.

No doubt buried in my medical record is the notation that I am uncooperative.

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I’m labeled non compliant since I weaned off all the useless prescriptions . My insurance dictated system Millenium lists vax history on every visit printout. I feel like a hypocrite because I go to the primary care guy to appease disability. I had to fight to keep my benefits for 8 months ( lawyer $184 a month) . When I moved to Florida they claimed I was cured of a laundry list of issues because the sunshine helped my seasonal affective disorder depression. Thank God for my integrative medicine doctor who actually helps me , out of the insurance dictated system.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023

Good! You’re right to be “uncooperative”! Be ungovernable as El Gato Malo likes to say 🙂

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Everyone of them who took the covid jab developed covid.

Imagine that!

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And transmitted it. And got hospitalized. And some died!

But never mind.

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I saw a comment in a Twitter link yesterday. She said Omicron was the vaccine.

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Do you mean if you got Omicron and recovered, it would act as a natural immunity vaccine?

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My Doctor didn’t bury my non-compliance status. It is in RED at the top right next to my name: Covid Vaccine REFUSED.

I’m surprised that any of us keep our health insurance the way this Mengele(n) medical industrial complex is parroting an easily refuted “safe and effective” lie.

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Oh my...in red.

I have a bad feeling about all this tracking.

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I’m uncooperative as well after refusing ALL vaccines and refusing statins as well as GERD medication (which they suggest I have simply because I have a hoarse voice). All I need from my physician is lab work. Still trying to find a good homeopathic physician in my area.

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Good thing you refused the GERD medication which can cause dementia and kidney disease.

Wonder why doctors keep pushing drugs that can cause dementia.


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GERD meds also weaken your bones. The worst thing about them is they are prescribed for everyone who has occasional stomach discomfort or a chronic cough. Doctors don't seem to realize that some problems are caused by low stomach acid, but just keep throwing out the acid-reducing meds that make matters worse.

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I was prescribed Fosamax to strengthen my bones. Took it once a week and on the day I took it, I had tremendous muscle pain in neck and shoulder. Found out later that it can also cause jaws to disintegrate and unexplained breaks of femurs.

Tossed that Rx in the trash.


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Control and demise

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I sometimes use Walk-in Labs online. No doctor required. Select, pay, go to Labcorp or Quest, get results online.

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Kathleen, I would venture to say you are defiant also. I certainly am.

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I am outraged.

...because of what they did to us.

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Yes! Do you follow Dr. William Makis's substack? Nearly every day I get a new post detailing examples of young people who died in their sleep, or died sitting at their desk at school, who contracted devastating cancers, etc. etc. after receiving the poison shots. Just today I saw a Facebook post about a young man (age not given, but he looked to be in his twenties) who died unexpectedly. He had worked for the sheriff's department in his area for just a few months. It's honestly frightening at times; so many dying and so many people still blind to what is happening.

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Mark Crispin Miller also has a Substack detailing injuries and deaths.


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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

Pertinent medical history is buried. Assessments such as you mention are highlighted and readily accessible to all users ("authorised" users, of course, which the patient is NOT) of what was once a medical chart.

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Are you saying that a patient is not authorized to see what is in their electronic medical record?

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I know that with the more ginormous entities (specifically, Kaiser, and I believe UHC is similar) it is all your life's worth to try to get what you want from them in the way of records. And it seems to be literally impossible to get them to correct any inaccuracies in said records. My nurse, who works with many patients, said that she has a couple of times succeeded in getting them to add a patient's written statement of objection to recorded "facts" which were erroneous, but they would NOT actually correct anything in their records; they would just grudgingly enter the patient's objection to what was in the record. I have no proof that they have notes which are available solely to providers (such as "uncooperative" or "resistant"), but am certain that they must.

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I wouldn't be surprised if there are certain "code" words that are used by them to denote less than compliant patients.

With the VA you can actually log onto MyHealtheVet and see the medical notes that were written about your visit. And a veteran can also fill out a form at Patient Records and request a printed copy. One thing I did discover, which is good, any messages that I sent to my providers via Secure Messaging on MyHealtheVet showed up in my medical record. So there is at least a paper trail if a medical problem is brought to a providers attention by the veteran.

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Yes they do BFM, went for my medicare annual last week and she asked (with no judgment) and made a note in the computer. I said ‘they make you note that?’ And she said yes and rolled her eyes. On to the next question...

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Unfortunately, they still do. Had a mammo at the beginning of this year and got asked.

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They don’t!

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Medicare asks a lot of questions that are none of their business!

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They don't. But at least on my charts they put that I was not vaccinated with the jab. Maybe that's why they don't ask.

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Nope! They do not.

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I haven't found a doctor that wants to know why my 68-year old carotid arteries are completely clear of arteriosclerosis when I eat a mostly carnivorous diet.

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bahahahahaha! Because those on the up and up know that real chemical free meat is actually better for you than sugar and fake crap

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What? But Froot Loops and Count Chocula are more nutritious than eggs for breakfast, the government told me so.

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You believe them to your own detriment.

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I've eaten at least two eggs for breakfast every day since I was a child. I should've been dead decades ago from "high cholesterol." Instead, I'm quite fit and look years younger than my chronological age.

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Eggs are an actual superfood. Unlike any vegetable or fruit.

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I used to eat 4 jumbos for breakfast until I came down with a case of the crud that killed my appetite, when I started following the Dave Thomas diet.

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Real meat and chemical free meat are made of the same chemicals.

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As a farmer/rancher: Respectfully, you are bonkers. Real meat has no chemicals…not if your animal was never given any chemical shots, or chemically-laced bioengineered feed, and if you don’t spray your pastures.

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No added synthetic chemicals. Thank you for your service. Ranchers are the unsung heroes of humanity.

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Where can you find that kind of meat ?

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I get mine from a local rancher. Delicious and so nutritious.

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All material things in the universe are made with chemical elements found on the periodic table.

You must not have taken any science at all because said periodic table is hanging on the wall i any science classroom. That said, there are naturally occurring chemicals and manmade chemicals, and you must be saying that there are no manmade chemicals in your animals, but how do you know that you or they are not eating them. Call me bonkers one more time and I will block your ignorance.

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Howdo you block someone!

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I don’t follow your thinking here…?

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I can't say it any more clearly.

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Good on you! I adopted strict carnivore the end of January. Surprisingly easy to stick with, unlike keto or low carb.

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And completely unlikely to cause cardiovascular disease as long as one isn't deficient in MK-7.

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Though, it is calcium deposits that cause damage to heart valves and arteries. Nothing to do with eating meat. I take lots of vitamin D, which mobilizes calcium out of bones, the K2 helps deposit it back into bones and teeth.

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Calcium deposits provide a place for rancid cholesterol to attach to form plaque. Meat is one of the best sources for calcium.

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Your information is incorrect. Meat is not a good source for calcium, dairy is. Arterial plaque is caused by elevated blood sugar glycating the epithelial cells lining the arteries. The cholesterol found in these lesions is your body’s attempt to repair the arteries to prevent ruptures. Also, the cholesterol in your bloodstream is not from eating meat. It is made by your liver because it is essential to life.

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I take it daily, have been for a few years.

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Of course, you don't have to since it is lipid soluble, unlike MK-4.

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Check that one off your Bucket list.

Item : My last visit to a Practicing Medicine facility "forever"!

I'm taking control of my own health! A+ for Humor.

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be careful... My grandfather used to relay a story from his doctor. The doctor gave him a clean bill of health, so my grandfather jokingly replied: "So I'll live to be 100?". His doctor said that he never says such things. He said it once to a patient, and the minute the patient stepped out of his office he dropped dead!

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I remember when HPPA first came out. The receptionist explained it was passed to protect my medical information so that only certain entities have access. I responded, "Right, so the government can have access and I won't." Turns out I was right on the money. I have had to jump through hoops to get any of my own info, signing this and that, showing ID...which they copy....but it seems everyone and their assistant knows all about the medical me.

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

Just curious…if you’re in perfect health, why did you visit him?

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2 year "medicare" checkup, bloodwork primary reason (for my own understanding). Doc was also perplexed by my more than satisfactory vit D level - gosh, I just don't know how that happened!!

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I hope you told your doc "no surprise to me--I refused the bioweapon jab"!!

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He's baffled? If he did NOT hand you a prescription, in case..., I will send him a bouquet of red roses,

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Regarding LGBTQ++++ Why AreAll These Brands (AB Inbev, Target, North Face Et Al.) Are Committing Suicide at the Alter of Woke? It's a trap!

WEF controls the banks, the banks control the money, the money controls these companies which are being destroyed to erase American identity making us easier to conquer while creating a lower class

The following is a transcription from other people speaking:


What's happening is we are dealing with a communist insurgency that is undermining the values and the identity of the American public. What they are doing is they are intentionally creating a scenario where the American people are rejecting this initiative, [and this] is actually hurting iconic American brands that remove much of the American identity. So, when you name these companies off: all of these companies represent America - when you think of them traditionally.

So now, they're removing part of the identity, which is part of the communist process called demoralization. There's less identity in America, there's less to fight for, which makes it easier to conquer. Alright.

Then on top of it, one of the goals, of communism, is to create two classes of very poor and very rich. So what they're doing here is they are getting the American public to cancel all their own companies. That actually hurts their own neighbors who are good, hardworking American people. The people at Bud Light - at the top - are not the ones feeling the pain here. It's the delivery drivers, it's the hard working red, white, and blue Americans that believe the same [things] that you all believe, who are getting fired or laid off, or losing because of this.

So they have run an operation to push this initiative down the companies' throats intentionally, where the companies cannot resist it because they're required to do so for their funding, knowing that the American people are going to reject it and destroy these companies, creating the lower class system that they're trying to create in the first place.


Don't play their game, don't get their investment. And who is funding the HRC? Surprise, surprise, it's George Soros's, 'Open Society Foundation'. Now, this HRC has introduced the arbitrary credit rating to everything: States, municipalities, and even schools. Imagine that: there are people who are deciding what credit score an individual school can get. They threaten them by having these big funds withhold investments into them.


These excerpts are from two insightful videos regarding CEI, DEI, and ESG , full transcripts here (CRITICAL READING): https://tritorch.substack.com/p/why-all-these-brands-ab-inbev-target

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All of us who are awake need to prepare to live without their crap. I buy local and support local artisans, farmers etc. Liquor, food, cosmetics etc. I haven't been in these big stores for years. You would be surprised what you can do without. Most of it is crap anyway. They need to go bankrupt. Then maybe some of these investors will sue the board of directors, ceo etc for not performing their fiduciary responsibility to shareholders. Instead of their own woke agendas. Go woke go broke. Good.

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SadieJay wrote a great substack about NOT purchasing in June. A thoughtful attempt to get us all to realize how much we buy that we don’t need. Going back to simpler life.


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Agree 100%. We have been trained our entire lives to be consumers and to buy things just for the sake of having stuff. That dopamine rush from hitting the buy button on Amazon is real. People become shopaholics for a reason.

There is real pleasure in living an austere life, buying only what one needs, and then seeking out good value when actually purchasing. Society labels people who do this as cheapskates or misers rather than recognizing the virtue in living frugally. It's just another attempt to find fulfillment in worldly goods rather than God.

My thinking has changed 180 degrees on this over time as I used to buy into the consumerism when I was young, laughably justifying it as doing my part for the economy. (Remember George Bush telling us it was patriotic to go shopping after 9-11? SMH.) I am much happier for it now.

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Had similar discussion on local conservative women’s group recently. Just don’t shop in June except for absolute necessities

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Anybody know? I have kidney issues and am not supposed to take Aleve. I cannot take any pain meds without side effects. I was thinking today....so I can't take an over the counter, but can take big pharma...mmmm. Just maybe another "mandate" whose truth is not true and another push to only big pharma?

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Learn about homeopathy.

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Anybody know what? I’m not sure what you are asking about. I do have an issue with being down a kidney. I can’t take ibuprofen or aleve or anything really. And I found that even pHarma pills are off the table, which is good anyway. 🤷‍♀️

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Thanks for sharing!

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Great idea.

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You'd be surprised how much useful stuff can be found at thrift stores, for pennies on the original dollar.

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Local still needs investigation though. We jettisoned mass-produced beer for local years ago. But one held a 'family drag show' a few months ago, and another just announced new 'pride month' rainbow themed beers and is hosting drag night bingo. A local bookstore is promoting their anti-book banning agenda by promoting package deals on the porn books we are trying to get taken out of our schools.

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Oh yes. Always do your due diligence. By going local, you will start building up networks with like minded people. This will help when things fall apart.

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Agreed. Local can be super woke too.

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My local independent kava bar is pandering to woke. I told the owner why I won’t be back.

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that's how they learn, the power of the purse

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Except our purse is so much smaller than the dark money bank ruining lives of ordinary working people.

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Especially if you live in Woketown, USA.

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Yea a lot of our local places are quite liberal

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Donna I believe we are close. Which local beers? Boulevard or KC Bier?

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Crane Brewing in Raytown had the family drag night, and then I just saw a post about the pride beers and drag bingo at East Forty Brewing. sucks, we used to like both places although Crane was giving a free beer for getting the jab so that should have been our first clue. Also Chicken n Pickle had a family drag night last fall, although we've never actually gone there, but my son and his wife and friends go there a lot. No idea if he took my boycott advice. Boulevard is all in on the green new deal crap, previous owner John McDonald is woke but he sold out and I haven't seen any BS at their Tap Room, which I do love to visit, but looks like new-ish owners Duvel Moortgat are in on the wokeness too.

RATS! https://www.boulevard.com/events/pints-for-pride-bingo/ Just checked and didn't see any pride month events at KC Bier Co. Frankly, we are in LS and spend the most time at Grains and Taps and Fringe, and think they are both conservative owned. But we venture out and like variety. List is getting shorter though.

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Good to know. Sad about Crane. Would have thought the Raytown location would have meant not so woke. Not surprised by Boulevard. I think I’ll stay in the dark about KC Bier since it’s my beer of choice. Friend of mine bought a place on 40 Hwy in April. I’ll ask if he’s serving Bud products.

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Yeah, we both really liked their Tea Wiess and going hiking on the rock island trail that goes by there and then coming in for a cold one. Our favorite haunt was The Scene on 40 highway for years, the owner used to book a bunch of 80's metal/hair bands and some great local bands too. Got shut down and lost his liquor license by Q Lucas's covid minions. We were there the night they had the cops raid the place. Was on the news "people were there without masks past the curfew, and a live band was playing" ...oh, the horror! Really miss that place, although the beer selection was random and not good, the music was great. Another 2020 casualty.

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As has been repeated here and elsewhere. Local & Local , plus additional Local.

This applies to everything. Take manufactured scarcity as applied to energy use for transport. Once this takes hold (for whatever reasons) it will make more sense to produce food locally wherever possible especially when you consider the toxic and under regulated supply that the FDA routinely approves. The more people support this the more affordable things become. When people have things to trade, communities benefit.

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I lived in a community that tried to make a barter and trade group. We did it by making an exchange where you could build up credit in our little system and use it to trade within the group. While it didn't succeed, I think the premise is a good one. People do it IRL in a casual way anyway, especial in rural and farming communities.

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problem is they have gobbled up so many "mom and pop" operations that in some instances the only place you buy what you need is at one of these stores.

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The ones that don't get "gobbled" are the ones that offer fairly competitive prices, really good customer service and who know their customers and offer just what they want and need. Sometimes mom and pop have been gouging customers forever. They need to go away. The good ones that are well run remain and thrive.

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Until they force locals to stop growing and selling. It's history remade.

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Yes! That’s exactly what I’ve been saying for weeks - surely massive lawsuits are coming by shareholders? I know next-to-nothing about such things but I do know that the heads/policy-makers at publicly traded companies are held to strict laws prohibiting any action that knowingly (or even likely) will hurt investors. Lawsuits seem inevitable - can’t happen soon enough.

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"Held to strict laws" ... Not tryin' to be ugly, but BWAHAHAHAHA! That is such a quaint concept in our spiffy new post-Constitutional nation.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023

Interesting points!

I’m not really sure how much companies like these really define our identity though. If they go away, we won’t lose our identity. Iconic companies like Montgomery Ward have come and gone and it hasn’t had any effect. I think we need to focus on our principles and values as a nation rather than using companies like Target as proxies for our identity.

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Absolutely RL. Loyalty to a brand is a false loyalty. Loyalty to principles is far more important and has eternal significance.

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Except Crayola. There just aren't better crayons in the US that I was able to find.

(only half-joking here)

They're probably woke now, too. Good thing I don't need to by them anymore.

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Target and AB InBev are not even American companies. There is a video going around social media like wildfire saying the same thing - that this is communists trying to destroy American companies and jobs, and that if companies want capital, they have to play the game or they will get starved out. We need Patriot mutual funds who can step into the capital gap! And support for the parallel economy. Yeah there are good conservative AB distributors and drivers and so on. But Americans are not necessarily drinking less beer, they are shifting their spend. Maybe Yuengling is hiring - their sales have gone through the roof. And the American story is littered with entrepreneurs who took on big corporate for all kinds of reasons and built themselves an empire. See: Michael Dell, Fred Smith (FedEx), Charles Schwab, etc. But not sure today's generation has the hutzpah, work ethic or drive to do that. Easier to just complain, protest and collect that government check.

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It fell to me to purchase beer and wine for our HOA's annual Memorial Day pool party.

I carefully made sure not to purchase anything owned by AB InBev, and went out of my way to buy Yeungling - America's oldest brewer.

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That's no small task, was amazed how many once locally owned beers are under their umbrella when this whole boycott came out. I used to like Kona but had to scratch them off the list.

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Yuengling is a better beer than Corona. Don't drink bud

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Target is based in Minneapolis though? How is it not American?

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Sometimes you funny! : )

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Maybe Minneapolis belongs to Somalia now?? 🤔😬

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

Well, I'm from MN and we born and raised here no longer own this state. Haven't in a long time. Walz is doing everything in his power to destroy us and is doing a fantastic job. I no longer recognize this state. We are becoming CA jr.

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So does Maine according to my sister.

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OH, you are right. For some reason I thought Target was French-owned??

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NO Donna! That's Target' (Tar zhe),.......

Later Jay

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It’s isn’t, and hasn’t ever been. I think maybe that rumor started with the mocking “Tar zhay” pronunciation people were using for a while.

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yes, you're right. My hubby used to call it that, and said it was because they were French and I never fact-checked him, lol.

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I think Kohl’s is on the same bandwagon. I’m about to make a trip over there and make some noise if I see anything I don’t like.

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oh yes, I started boycotting them when they cancelled My Pillow, would not be surprised if they are celebrating pride month too.

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Me too for cancelling My Pillow but I guess I mellowed out. :( I take Prime packages back there and get a 25% Kohl's discount. I know. I know

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Hey we do what we can. I did go in there with my MIL during the holiday season. My mom likes those tacky Christmas sweatshirts and they used to carry them, but they didn't have any? So I didn't buy anything. But my MIL did, she had Kohl's cash 'she had to spend'....

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There is a conservative value mutual fund. Make sure you are asking your financial advisor to get you out of funds that don’t align with your values. If they tell you there aren’t any, you need a new advisor. My husband is a CFP and he definitely sells non ESG funds.

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Check out Second Vote funds, might be 2ndVote. Score based on values friendly or neutral, won’t invest in woke.

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Thanks! Says they don't sell direct, you have to buy through a broker or financial advisor? Pretty small asset base, I will monitor for a while.

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My husband and I do our own investing; we don't have an advisor. I know American Century said they do not use ESG scores as investment criteria in a recent prospectus update, which is good, but frankly have not had time to look further.

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I do miss Sears craftsman tools.

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The old made in America ones.

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& Lifetime guarantee

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Gotta big red box full of them. Lowe's carries them now with the same warranty and if you bought from Sears, Craftsman still honors the warranty. Just take them to Lowe's, fill out the paperwork and exchange them.

Also, Lowe's Kobalt tools were being made here in the states, that was early on -that situation may have changed. I like their wrenches pretty well. Hope that helps.

Later Jay

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Appreciate that, thank you!

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I agree, they've destroyed Disney and Coca-Cola (both iconic American brands) and we've barely skipped a beat. I agree, we need to focus on traditional values, not loyalty to consumer brands.

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Well said. But capitalism is the heart of our free economy and needs to be. I think this shows there is an important connection with political agendas and how we vote with our dollar.

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But capitalism doesn’t mean large corporations only. This was a great article about how protecting large corporations is antithetical to true capitalism.


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Free-market capitalism was long ago coopted by corporatism. They aren't close to the same thing and most of the Republican party claim to be the former but are actually the latter. The Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney types being obvious examples.

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I've heard this said, "The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them" accordingly, sounds like the commies are working the plan but my neck is much too pretty for stretch'in.

Later Jay

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Oh I agree completely! In fact, small businesses in my mind are even more important, prob even comprise a larger percentage of a capitalistic economy.

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Thank you - folks here should subscribe to Brownstone's posts, as they are about 100% on target. Ditto for Victor Davis Hanson's writings and radio program (SiriusXM Patriot, "Just The News Radio", Saturday mornings).

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But with capitalism, comes what my econ teacher in college used to call 'creative destruction' - a simplistic example is the horse and buggy whip industry, but lots of companies crash and burn for all sorts of reasons. This trend towards 'protecting jobs' and industries actually warps capitalism by 'saving' companies under the auspices of protecting the economy and jobs. I say let them fail. Government picking winners and losers has never worked out in the long run.

Over-regulation is what has helped companies get so large, especially banks and physician practices, since more and more regs means you have to have enormous scale to justify the costs of compliance. Big companies love more regs as they know the burden of them will put smaller competitors out of business, that they could then utilize cheap interest rates to buy them out at a cheaper rate. But that house of cards is going to fall. 3 highly leveraged PE backed companies have filed ch 11 in the last month, including physician behemoth Envision Health. PE has been on a buying spree for years and cheap capital era is in the rear view mirror. Things will get ugly, but think they are trying to prop things up until after the 2024 election. Remains to be seen if they can do it.


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some of these companies are weak financially and what better way to make tens of millions $$$$ is to short the stock,

push a psychotic woke policy and CRASH THE STOCK.

This is like an an owner burning down his building to collect the insurance money.

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Makes sense, unfortunately. Barbarians at the gate. In reality, already busted through the gate.

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With help from the captured government: https://bitchute.com/video/ZHv2yLdFHnyc

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. -Taylor Caldwell

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Ding ding ding!!!

Later Jay

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Ahh, the ole Victor Posner takeover strategy, brought up-to-date.

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I know Victor Posner...i have to look his takeover strategy up!

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Posner was (is?) a vulture capitalist, buying up businesses and then stripping off their assets for profitable resale ... leaving employees out to dry. Posner drove our independent (and financially strong) Peabody Engineering Corporation (Stamford, CT) into the hands of "white knight" Hamworthy Engineering Ltd., back in the 1980s. We employees tried to buy the company ourselves but failed to come up with enough capital.

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Do they only sell Made in America products, though? No, by far, so they're Potemkin 'American' companies. Also, it's a 'tails I win, heads you lose' situation as you describe it - boycott = fail, don't boycott = communist struggle session of proclaiming something one knows not to be true. I reject the false choice and have to go with supporting what I know to be true and not what I know to be false. I hope all of those companies go out of business, and more.

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Yes. The brands themselves are an illusion, but still a very strong one. People believe they represent American identity and strength. Break that illusion and a deeper demoralization sets in, which makes America more of a sitting duck because the denizens will not bother to defend it. Death by a thousand cuts.

The strategy is equal parts brilliant and wicked: heads they win, tails we lose.

If anyone reading this wants to know more about the power of demoralization, read this: https://tritorch.com/takeover

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Give the song ‘Boycott Target’ a Listen. It’s #1 on iTunes, leaped over Taylor Swift and other songs. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QUyV7MPAphI&pp=ygUfYm95Y290dCB0YXJnZXQgc29uZyBtdXNpYyB2aWRlbw%3D%3D

We need to multiply the number of listens this song gets!

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One option is to support companies like Public Square, which is all America First small businesses

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I’ve wanted to use them, but so far in my neck of the woods they only list service companies (homeowner repairs, auto repairs, cleaners, etc). Nary a retail store, market, or such in sight.

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I agree there is a communist manifesto in all that you have listed. I think there is another compelling reason for transgenderism and sexual freedom. That is to satisfy a FETISH these sickos have 1) to have sex with a young child, one that has been successfully indoctrinated to believe it’s okay to have sex with an older person (or with anyone else) and will not be as reluctant as they may be now; 2) to have sex with a man dressed as a woman or vice versa; 3) to reduce the male youth to a more feminine version which will reduce our fighting force. This is a war; a war against morals both financial and physical.

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Agree. These demons want to turn the unnatural into the natural and vice-versa because they despise God and all that is good, right, and true. They live to corrupt sacred innocence.

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IMO it's all about divide and control ... make us all hate each other and then the giant threatening mob who can crush "them" vecomes many, many, many small crowds who are powerless to stop "them."

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All of the above, but we whatever we can do we should do however we can do it. Talk about it with friends - a word here, a word there. That's how it will spread.

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Are you sure this is a communist plot? Sounds more like WEF and WHO who want to control the world.

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Not plot, tactics. The same tactics used by the Soviet Union to acquire a country and expand their territory: Demoralization, destabilization, crisis, normalization. Ultimately however, all of these words – communism, fascism, socialism, authoritarianism, tyranny – mean the same thing in the end. They mean this:

“If You Want a Picture of the Future, Imagine a Boot Stamping on a Human Face – for Ever” -Orwell

As such, in the longview, they are interchangeable. The WEF calls it ESG/DEI/CEI, so that’s what I call it to make it relatable. It makes no difference either way. Power is not the means to the end. It is the end. By whatever route you take, you end up at the same place: Abject slavery, torture, rape, and genocide, with a few psychotic narcissistic Machiavellian “rulers” at the top, presiding over the proceedings and end-objectives.

Unless we put a stop to it. And put a stop to it we must.

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Jez Man! You are a machine.

I have to say, after you take the butt-hurt out of the equation, it's an absolutely fantastic plan, tactically. Sicken, but absolute genius. Enough said.

Later Jay

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Yes!! I watched these videos and my mind was blown. Thank you for transcribing them here. It makes perfect sense to the way he explained it. It ultimately has the US ban our own and put our own workers out of jobs.

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the Vanguard of the Revolution and Overlord Class and the subservient Worker/Shirker Class. Any middle class is prone to education, independence, a threat, a rabble that doesn't belong but would seek to influence the other 2 legitimate sectors of the society

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I was wondering the same thing. The only store that will be left is Amazon. No more brick and mortar. We already have no more baby stores. No more opportunity to look at and touch a multitude of options. You only see tiny pictures on your phone. Bed, bath & beyond gone. It’s all rather sad

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Corpocracy, writ large. The strong preys on, and then gobbles up, the weak. AB, if you - or anyone reading this message - have not seen this, I cannot express how important it is that you watch it: https://youtu.be/D2t4u_tEefM

Antitrust was one of the functions of government that actually counted for something...

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we have to fight back against the groomers, perverts, pedos, aka democrats and their supporters. It's the only way

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Yep. These companies are not that stupid that they would be willing to lose billions of dollars. I would bet my life they are being told exactly what to do. Either that or they have gone completely insane. I vote for the former. The love of money by their shareholders is just too great.

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Very insightful, thanks.

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This is what Donald Trump, Jr. was pointing out about the boycotting of Budweiser. We all jump on the bandwagon, me included. It feels like we’re doing something to help, but are we just playing the role the enemy wants from us?

I’ve participated in boycotts for 50+ years, while watching our nation sink deeper and deeper into the cesspool.😢

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There has to be an intelligent answer.

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Happy June, everyone! When you see the rainbow everywhere, just remember that God keeps His promises, both for blessing and punishment.

Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments; but repays those who hate Him to their faces, to destroy them; He will not delay with him who hates Him, He will repay him to his face. Therefore, you shall keep the commandment and the statutes and the judgments which I am commanding you today, to do them.

— Deuteronomy 7:9-11 NASB1995

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Yes. The rainbow is God's promise not the alphabet group crap.

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There is a reason the LGBTQ+ community is using the rainbow as their symbol. Blasphemy is their bread and butter. Not only that, but the intention from this symbolism is to transform the world, on their terms this time, into a gender-less, Godless, wicked society. They covet and strive to birth unnatural abominations into this world and to normalize them as an affront to the creator because they hate God with a burning passion.

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Satan is at work through them for sure. As we do things like boycott, etc. we must not forget the power of prayer..."For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12

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And it is quite telling that they use a deformed rainbow with only six colors. God's rainbow has 7, the perfect and complete rainbow.

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Psalm 2 applies — Psalm 2:

The Reign of the LORD'S Anointed.

(Acts 4:23-31 )

1 ¶ Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.

7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023

May I copy and share on fb with your name, or without?

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That's very flattering, sure, use tritorch =)

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You are 100% correct!

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Wow! You succinctly nailed it! Some Holy Spirit inspiration there.

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When I see rainbows I see Noah.

Or hope for a pot ‘o gold at the end.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers





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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

pretending to be women

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Put it on a t shirt!

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Well, they are male anyway.

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Joe Biden coordinating the trans movement?! Hahahahahaha! Joe can’t coordinate his own bowel movements at this point, just ask Pope Francis.

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I had the same thought. Someone must be doing it for him.

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Corn pop is just the puppet on the strings. Someone else works those strings.

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What if Corn Pop was just a normal dude who didn't like that freaky guy letting little kids play with his leg hair at the swimming pool?

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You know, that totally wouldn’t surprise me.

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Maybe a chip in his brain?

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The chip has malfunctioned.

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& Barry / Barack in the earpiece

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Jarrett. Pulled Obeyme's strings the whole time. She answers to tte mullahs, who answer to wef and the like.

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Hasn’t Hunter been sticking to Joe like a tick on a dog. Hunter, in charge of perversion seems logical.

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My money is on Beijing.

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Yeah that thought crossed my mind too.

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I had the exact same thought. That guy has no idea what day it is. So who is behind this? Gates has to be in the mix somewhere, but who is the real driving force behind this? Day in and day out pushing perversion to get everyone to accept it?

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🤣🤣🤣🤣So true!!

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Or he is sly like a fox.

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Good point

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I agree that this trans hype must be internationally coordinated by non trans people, and that someone got to Joe very quickly on Uganda, but in this case isn’t it more of a pedophilia thing? Or is it all intended to normalize pedophilia… “same difference”?

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“Holy Bobbing Borscht, Batman, it’s Ukraine — again!”

🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 Way to get me laughing right from the start!!

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463 days into the 3 day war.

Ukraine is still alive and winning.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023

Ugh go away with your useless propaganda prattle 🙄 We’ve heard it all 100 times before. Your comment isn’t even relevant to mine.

Great, they’re winning, yay underdog Ukraine, more power to them, I just don’t want to fund them since we are up to our eyeballs in debt here in this country.

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Yeah they’re winning. Like winning all our money. To them war is synonymous with lottery. Super powerball!

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RunningLogic…..Except I would’ve stopped the comment after the 🙄 emoji.

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Yeah there’s a reason why I added that part though 😬

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Ya. I knew. 😬 But honestly I get so sick of that commenter that my hope is that every one of his comments goes silent because we ignore it. Just my take.

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I have been but I was just too annoyed at the irrelevant response. Have you noticed how similar the approach is to the Covid psychological manipulation?

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"Your comment isn’t even relevant to mine."

Seen this over and over with our resident Ukraine defenders, at first I thought they were shills but now I think it's simply ASD. They are so hyper-focused on the topic they can't distinguish between a relevant vs. irrelevant comments.

My son is on the spectrum so the pattern is pretty clear to me. This difference being that we are teaching our son this type of behavior is really annoying to others (even if they don't recognize or understand why) so they should refrain from it. He's gradually learning that he's not entitled to foist his opinion on every person he encounters, and it's often better to keep his mouth shut than be seen as an opinionated buffoon.

Looks like some on the spectrum never learned that lesson which is unfortunate if they want to have actual lifelong relationships.

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I think they must do a search for key words and then comment.

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Substack needs a MUTE button the notifies the commenter they have been Muted!

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

It's all good - raise the debt ceiling, print mo' cash..... smile for the camera, and fund Ukrainian pension programs.

All good, here.🤕

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You were okay with funding Ukraine when it was trump. So was he. We had numerous training missions going between the army and Air Force helping Ukraine. We even sent them

Lethal aid, reversing bidens policy.

Now it’s only a problem because it’s Biden in office.

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What are you talking about? Did you know me then? You have no idea what I supported or didn’t 🙄 Some of us don’t just blindly follow and support politicians’ actions and positions.

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I don’t blindly support any politicians actions.

I have been supporting Ukraine since they kicked their Russian oppressors out in 2014.

I evaluate the action first then decide if it’s worthy.

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Facts are facts.

If this was trump in office you guys (including Jeff) would be all about cheerleading and saying how good and efficient trump is.

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We wouldn’t be in this position in the first place with Trump in office I don’t think. So it’s a moot point. Anyway, you can prove a “would have”.

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I believe that is correct. Trump several times stated he would bomb Moscow if Putin invaded. Not to mention he massacred Russian soldiers in Syria.

None of the buildup started until after the election.

Trump sent lethal aid to Ukraine that was vital in the early days along with emergency flights of javelins and nlaws to Ukraine.

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You know, I personally would be more receptive to your point of view if you didn’t come across as so condescending and rude most of the time, and actually gave a more nuanced take rather than what imo seems to be blind uncritical support of this whole thing. Maybe that’s not the way you see it, but that is how it comes across to me, and clearly to many others here as well. Instead of convincing people, you’ve turned everyone off so much that pretty much nobody takes what you say seriously, if they even bother to read your posts. And that is assuming you are actually who you represent yourself to be, which I am skeptical about. So if you’re trying to change people’s minds or open them to a different viewpoint, you haven’t succeeded very well from what I’ve seen here. Quite the opposite. Anyway, I have other more pressing and important things to get to today, so I’m going to leave this discussion.

Enjoy your weekend.

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If they're "winning" so much, why do they need the US to prop them up? Asking for a friend.

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Why did the USA need to keep pushing

Into Japan after midway? Wasn’t the destruction of 4/5 Japanese fleet carriers good enough?

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Comparing Japan -- who attacked the US -- with Ukraine is irrelevant. I don't see Ukraine attacking US here. I do see the weapons we gave Ukraine now being used by Mexican cartel against US on our border now. Another "benefit" of the Ukraine's "winning" war.

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It’s more of a statement about aid.

Why did the USA have to go and keep taking islands even after midway? Japan wasn’t defeated.

Russia isn’t winning in Ukraine. They’re losing and have failed at meeting every one of their goals. But they can still make headway in some of those areas if the aid is stopped. Ukraine doesn’t have a large enough arms industry on its own.

Where are weapons being used against the USA? Please be specific. I was on the border and we never encountered any of that.

I know you’re wrong, but continue

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Shows up. Spouts freeze dried astroturfed bullet points that have no bearing on reality, leaves...hopefully for a 2 week hiatus.

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Still here.

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When I read your post - for some reason it sounded like Charlie Sheen's voice. WINNING! Thanks for the laugh.

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Bakhmut sure doesn't look like a 'win' for Ukraine. A city gutted by war - if that's 'winning', hate to see losing.

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Or trostyanets, Chernihiv, Kyiv, hostomel, snake island, Kherson, Kharkiv, balakliya, izium, etc.

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What does vuhledar look like? There are 20k dead and wounded Russians and 500 destroyed vehicles in the fields surrounding it.

Jeff never covered that, I wonder why

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Bakhmut took 70k Russians and a huge amount of combat power. Russia laid siege to the city for 10 months.

10 months.

And finally took it. They advanced along the center, Ukraine advanced along the flanks.

The battle for bakhmut took longer than the entire American invasion of Iraq x10.

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B2Ns is a clown LARPing as a ringmaster.

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Thanks for the support in enabling me to keep larping and get closer to retirement and keep my job :)

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LOL. If they are doing so well, why are we sending our troops in?

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What troops? Where? We aren’t sending troops.

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Not that he cares, but do any of you have a military background? Check Benjamin's Substack. He does. I am guessing he knows more about this than most readers here.

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Sure, because low-level mechanics have all the inside intel about foreign affairs worldwide. Working with the military is like having twenty bosses. But THIS guy...he's probably different, right?

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I’m not a mechanic.

I was directly involved with a lot of the fed response to Covid (it was pants on head stupid) and left me shaking my head. But the per diem (when I did my dts) paid for a lot of stuff and helped me pay off my wedding.

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I don’t put much out there beyond the basics for a reason.

I stood against the Covid mandates, lock downs, and mask mandates because they were immoral, unethical, and violates a lot of personally held beliefs.

I supported Ukrainian troops in my own time and on the clock because standing against evil is the right thing to do.

You may or may not support Zelenskyy but at the end of the day Russias stayed goal was genocide and ethnic cleansing. That is wrong on every level.

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I understand the Russian's goals as to be: 1) protecting ethnic Russians from Ukrainian genocide in the contested oblasts. 2) not allowing a military threat along their frontier. 3) "denazifying" the region. Is this not correct?

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1) They aren't "protecting" ethnic Russians. They're killing them by the tens of thousands. Russia flattened Bakhmut, Marinka, Avdiivka, and numerous other cities with area weapons. That's not how you protect ethnic Russians. Zelenskyy by Russia's account is an Ethnic Russian and they've been trying to kill him. He originally spoke zero Ukrainian and only Russian and had to learn Ukrainian when he was running for President. They deny Ukraine is a seperate culture and people and claim they are Russian, not Ukrainian. They also kidnap Ukrainian children and forcibly "adopt" them into Russian families and send them into the far east. Sending the LPR and DPR troops into suicidal charges into heavily defended positions isn't protecting ethnic Russians, it's using them as cannon fodder. DPR and LPR folks aren't getting paid for injuries or deaths because Russia isn't funding them.

2) Ukraine is a military threat because Russia made it so. Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic are threats to Russia because they suffered secret police, torture chambers, mass executions, and the communist secret police. Russia committed ethnic cleansing in all nations bordering it. Russia forcibly deported native people from every country bordering it and sent them to siberia or the far away parts of Russia and imported Russians to live in those areas. That's why you have "ethnic Russians" in parts of Ukraine. Those same Russians are also fighting against Russia, ironic enough.

Nobody would have cared if Russia voluntarily re-settled them into Russia within the internationally recognized boundaries. But it was never about "protecting" ethnic Russians. It was about invading another country to keep it from becoming untouchable, just like Russia invaded Moldova and Georgia to "protect" ethnic Russians there. Russia can't invade nato countries because they would be utterly curb stomped even worse than they are now.

3) "De-nazifying" is a bit hypocritical when the largest neo-nazi army in the world is on Russia's side. Wagner, Russian Imperial movement, Slavonic Corps, Alexei Michalkov, Dmtiry Utkin (Ask him to show you his SS lightning bolts and Waffenamt on his chest and why his call sign was Wagner, a German composer). Ukraine has a legitimately elected Jewish president. That's pretty hypocritical. There are only a handful of elected Jewish leaders in the world-I can count them on one finger. Borne, Herzog, Levits, Netanyahu, and yes, Zelenskyy.

When Germany annexed the sudetenland they claimed it was to "protect ethnic germans". They then invaded Poland in an alliance with Russia.

Russia uses extremists to suit it's own purposes. They have no problem with them when they work with them.

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

His data is all usa/ukraine/UK based. All bunk. '70K dead russians in Bakhmut - totally false'.

'Russia is taking too long compared to usa in Iraa' just woke/western talking points. The strategy is to take is slow and reduce the opponent (artillery) and minimize losses on Russia's side.

Compare Jeff Childers (not a medical guy) to Tony Fauci (a medical guy). Who is the biggest propagandist about covid?

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It doesn't take a military background to see that Russia is falling flat on it's face.

Even the largest Russian faction's warlord, Prighozin, admits the war is a failure.

I use a lot of Russian data too. I even qoute it here, for example when the Russian MOD stated 4 bradleys had been destroyed in January, 3 months before they were even in Ukraine, that's qouting the RU MOD directly.

And when they claimed to destroy 44 Himars out of 18 delivered, what's that?

70k doesn't refer to just dead, but casualties of all kinds.

When you use prisoners and force them to run into prepared emplacements it's not going to be good for your force.

And Vuhledar? The mighty Russian winter offensive? What happened? It killed 10,000 Russian soldiers and 500 armored vehicles. Russians were fleeing in panic and running over their own men to get away from the carnage.

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Hmm, so according to Biden, the death penalty for same-sex rape of a child is human rights abuse, but the same-sex rape of a child is NOT human rights abuse. Why do I fail to see the logic here?

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That is what struck me first too. Rape of a child or anyone is no one’s human “right”.

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That’ll be the next thing, people claiming that rape is ok because that’s their sexual preference 🙄😡

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Of course. The normalization, protection, and promotion of paedophelia, as per the UN docs. Dr. Rima had a recent show about it. On peopleforpeople.ning.com or Rumble.

Allowing rape of minors is the logical next step in this depravity.

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Doing it in Afghanistan for centuries?

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I wouldn’t be surprised if they extend it to non minors too.

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That's prison stuff, you know that.....

Later Jay

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Ick, we simply cannot allow that. Someone on FB posted this morning about those UN docs describing children as sexual beings and saying they need sexual partners - and those disgusting fact checkers wrote "partly false: does not claim that sex between adults and minors is ok" - gross, gross, gross. Do these people realize how sick they are? Anyone who even starts to defend this logic..."well, we didn't quite go here yet, so it's still ok".

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It’s absolutely revolting and turns my stomach 🤮

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biden doesn't equal logic. it is more chaos and evil.

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Logic?? They have no clue what that is!

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Ok I'll give it a shot.

It appears to be part of the Slippery Slope that has become all to familiar.

The faux outrage over capital punishment for HomerSectional PedoPhillic Rape is to grease the skids for....yup that's right, you guessed it: The transformation of Pedophile in to the Magical Butterfly of "Minor Attracted Person"! See how that works? Remember how just a few years back it would have been broadly unacceptable to have trannies vamping the kindergarten? Now it's a hate crime of you question unattractive and sexually provocative crossdressers right to read to your gradeschoolers.

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You don't see the logic? Maybe ask Ted Cruz. He is pretty logical. And he was fit to be tied that Uganda passed this.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023

Yep, odd indeed. Why did Cruz feel obligated to comment on this? If he said nothing no one would have even noticed but instead he threw himself right into the middle of it, even started arguing with Jenna Ellis about it.

Thought he score cheap points for virtue signaling is my guess, without really understanding the details. That's what happens when people supposedly on our side take mainstream media reporting at face value.

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Ted Cruz was likely just following orders from whomever has dirt on him. None of these politicians ever make up their own minds...they all just follow orders.

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For me, just one more indicator that Congress is largely a waste of taxpayer $$$$.

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“That's what happens when people supposedly on our side take mainstream media reporting at face value.”

Exactly this ^^

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Speaking of Uganda refusing the gay agenda pushed by the West... remember the African nations that refused the Death Jabs? Well, the something bad happened to all of them. Of course Western media disputes it was for being anti-vaxxers.

"Fact Check-No evidence five leaders were killed for opposing COVID-19 vaccines"


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Wasn’t the African leader who found COVID in a papaya using the PCR test eventually offed? I think there were many others who were disappeared or who died under mysterious circumstances. Billions of dollars at stake, what’s a few African leaders and researchers.

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He inspired me to test random items at home. A tomato tested positive. Sad he was murdered.

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Maybe it was the test, not the fruit!

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“No evidence” 🙄 Uh huh. Nothing to see here…

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Remember the American Academy of Pediatrics tweet that said there was "no evidence" that masked caregivers led to speech delays in infants/toddlers? They were rightly ridiculed and it finally woke many people up that they are a corrupt hack organization.

"No evidence" are weasels words that *always* indicates deception. If it's not true then say so and explain why. Normal people don't talk this way. When my wife asks me if I ate the last piece of pie I don't say "there is no evidence of that". When organizations torture the language it means they are pushing a narrative that is usually a lie.

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Very true.

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Can also be described as, "We never looked," and anyway absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

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A very common stratagem for them. Like with vaxxes for example.

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I was wondering if Uganda was one of those countries. I wonder if Uganda has been standing up against the West’s agenda in other ways.

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The recent split in the United Methodist Church was driven by the churches in countries not accepting the gay marriage/gay pastors agenda. The ‘conservative’ Methodist church is now called Global Methodist to reflect the bond between churches around the world adhering to biblical teaching.

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What? That is dreadful. However, not surprising.

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Biden isn't spearheading the trans movement, but clearly the people behind him are orchestrating it.

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Once again, Biden is in the middle of this story, I believe the trans activists are being funded by the left and George Soros as was the BLM riots, the left praises satan and what does he like, he likes chaos and division. When this era comes to an end it will go down as one of the worst times in history, people will be talking about it for years to come, that is the people who weren't jabbed and still have a functioning brain. I never thought I would live to see a world so screwed up, after 71 years of living in a world I understood most of the time to this f*cked up mess is simply breathtaking. I fear what kind of world we're leaving for our grandchildren.

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God sees everything and He is in control. No worries! 🙏🏻

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Can we just acknowledge for a second that it may be exclusively Bill Barr's fault that we're in this current mess? He could have prevented so much, but instead he denied and burried evidence.

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I wonder the same. Trump was not good at selecting people and I had reservations about Barr right off the bat (along with many others he hand picked). I understand Trump was at a disadvantage simply because he had zero political experience however, he's spent his whole life running businesses. He, at least, had to understand the importance of selecting the right people to run things.

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Wow - what a coincidence that Trump, the Swamp Drainer, hired all of these Swamp Creatures to work for him?

It's baffling.

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I think it may be near impossible to find someone even circling wide up around the swamp who is not a swamp thing. He was, though, terrible at picking people. Seriously. That is a major problem with him. That and his attacking people who even mildly annoy him. Dude needs to grow up on that account.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023

This is exactly why i won't vote for him again. He arrogantly set himself up to be a great judge of character in spite of his own character flaws and he hasn't apologized about the prick scam yet AND he's older now. On the other hand he had the money to protect himself, maybe. 😝

God is Sovereign over ALL THINGS at ALL TIMES.

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Have you heard his latest stunt? He actually had the gall to accuse DeSantis of mishandling covid and bashing FL as being an absolute worst place to live. EVEN THOUGH TRUMP’S ENTIRE FAMILY MOVED THERE. And then, Trump proceeded to imply NY handled the pandemic better than FL for which Andrew Cuomo instantly appeared from the depths of hell to publicly agree with him. Something with Trump has changed. I can't put my finger on it but the more I hear him talk lately, the more turned off I get.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023

Hubby says he's going from all for the country/constitution to a personal agenda to get power and revenge and although I'd like to see JUSTICE I'm not sure that's only what he wants. I'm not sure about DeSantis either. 😑 What choices do we really have or how much truth can we know.

God knows. I only know my end not how I get there.

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I know, that was really bizarre imo and it made me angry that he praised POS Cuomo 🤬😡 I hope he had a really good reason for doing that although I can’t imagine what it could possibly be.

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The heritage foundation is putting together a suggested presidential team for 2025. Hopefully, whoever wins will take it into consideration, to avoid that problem. I think it’s a brilliant project. https://www.project2025.org/training/

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I believe he selected the right people at the time, but that those people were coerced after the fact, either by blackmail, personal threats against family members, etc by the deep state members like Soros and the rest. People will do anything to protect themselves and/or their family when it comes right down to it.

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Barr knew Epstein's father.

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Epstein Barr 👀👀😆

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Didn't Bill Barr cover for the federal agent who murdered Randy Weaver's wife at Ruby Ridge WHILE HOLDING her baby?

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Exclusively? No. But was that ugly Teddy Ruxpin a big part of it? Yep.

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We could ... but how is that really helpful to changing things?

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Who is money bagging for trannies?



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This is a great article on these weirdos. With a bonus Bates Motelesque photo.


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Good article, thanks

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mental illness running amock

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I was just thinking this morning that all the “gender affirming” psychiatric care is akin to the doctor telling the paranoid schizophrenic “You’re right, evil scientists have secretly implanted medical devices in your body to torture you, and your family members are in on it!”

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I think you may have nailed it.

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The top ten U.S.-based funders of trans issues in 2011 and 2012 combined were (according to a LGBTQ+ site:

Open Society Foundations – $2,730,808

Anonymous – $1,325,000

Arcus Foundation – $1,107,500

Tides Foundation – $707,500

The Paul Rapoport Foundation – $678,500

American Jewish World Service – $455,000

Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice – $377,510

New York Women’s Foundation – $360,000

Gill Foundation – $317,500

amfAR, Foundation for AIDS Research – $305,531

In 2013, significant developments for trans funding included the launch of the Trans Justice Funding Project and a $1.35 million grant from the Tawani Foundation to the Palm Center to examine transgender military service.

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Should I point out the Semiteness of that list?

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I think you just did. They are very concerned with third world social justice. Snort.

I will note the anti-Semiteness of some on the list. It is OK to have prejudice if it is directed at the correct group. Their rule number one I think.

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wow, this is so hard to accept as reality, I feel like I am stuck in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Where they have control of your tv etc......... Keep praying to God for help.

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Yes! Keep praying. Satan will continue to corrupt and pervert and ruin until Christ returns. We know it, so we are not surprised or afraid. We know how this ends. : ))

Satan may have control of the TV, but God is in control of ALL things.

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Every Time.

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Had to look it up and of course the Pritzkers are of those that must not be named. EVERYTIME

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If the lunatics we have in government think aliens and ufo 🛸 nonsense will divert most people's attention from the narrative, they are wrong. I get it. A large portion of our population is easily manipulated. Just look at the behavior during the scamdemic. Too many are awake now. I applaud the Ugandan President, parliament and people to saying no to the alphabet rainbow brigade. America and western Europe is run by pimps, prostitutes and groomers. FJB!!!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The behavior behind the scamdemic is brilliantly explained in this 1-hour interview between Tucker and a Belgian psychologist named Mattias Desmet. The guy blew Tucker's mind - you can almost hear the gears in his brain clicking into place. Desmet has a book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism. I've just started reading it. Explains everything!


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🗨 They have been damaged perhaps irreparably, they are not there. Can’t reach. So many people you just can’t reach.[...] They can’t think and they don’t want to think. Asking them to act alive is asking them for too much.[...] Their bodies are dragging, their brains aren’t working, and all they want is a metaphorical lollypop. ~~Tessa Lena

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My own brother and sis in law. Vaxxed out the ass, boosted like a pin cushion, and keep getting covid like illnesses. I'm waiting for the light Togo on, but it's not happening. Otherwise very intelligent people. Just trust the government, obviously have doctors swaying them. Don't bring up the fact they buy tests by the gross, and my sis in law just went through six weeks of not being able to hold up her head. And sick the whole time. But it's not the shots!

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Is it just me, or does anyone else think the DoD is really just a propaganda tool? Manufacturing war, crises, protests, ufos, domestic terrorism..etc?

The safety, protection and security of the US is the least of their concerns.

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Right? They just keep getting sick and the light bulb STILL won't go on for them! It's shocking. The rest of us haven't been sick in years now. What do they think we have going for us? Good luck?

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Wow! The really are devout covidians.

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That name really does apply. The Maskers and Jabbers are clearly a cult.

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One conspiracy we’re still watching for is project blue beam. What they can do with holograms is amazing.

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DoD's Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick says the small metallic spheres are the most common UPA reported worldwide - I might add that these spheres have been reported for decades. In 2017 one of them did a 1,700 MPH fly-by of the SpaceX rocket launch test pad apparently causing the rocket to explode. https://youtu.be/pwCWj3xd6v0?t=108

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Ben Davis comments on UFO fly-by and U-turn captured by the SDO satellite cam - https://youtu.be/l8b0mvmjt1I

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SpaceX Rocket Explosion and UFO - Spherical, metallic UAP recorded during the event (2016) - https://bit.ly/2ZQGT1P

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

—“a baby trading scheme with a now-jailed Native American Indian chief wherein Leavitt purchased a daughter in exchange for a used car, a peyote-fueled gay hypnotherapist — now arrested for abusing hypnotized patients, a bigger-than-life scam to bilk the federal government for funding shipments of live buffalo to Eastern Europe from Native American lands, and the weirdest, timeliest connection of all: Leavitt’s business partner was the former president of, wait for it, Ukraine.”


Truth really IS stranger than fiction!!!

👏👏👏 Museveni!! Well said, sir, I’m glad you’re standing strong against the pressure to go against your own culture and values and interests! Saying it would make them like a prostitute, that’s spot on!!

Looks like Zelenskyy is an avid festival goer 😬 Hope he got the monkey pox vaccine!

My first thought seeing that DoD UFO info sheet—how do we even know they didn’t totally make that all up???

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What a refreshing sight, to see a leader actually speaking and standing on principle that aligns with right-thinking populace. Museveni is a model in this area (don’t know much about him otherwise). Oh, that we would see this more and more. Of course, several leaders that did so during COVID wound up dead…aka Burundi and Tanzania.

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They have quietly been building a great country over there. https://www.yowerikmuseveni.com/securing-your-future

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Looks cool but I get triggered by them highlighting photos of masked people, and 'Ensuring Justice & Equity'. Although reading that section, it seems more like they're rooting out corruption. https://www.yowerikmuseveni.com/ensuring-justice-equity

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I have no proof, just a hunch after paying attention to what George Soros is doing since 2012 (in sum, nothing good), that he is behind the promotion of the worldwide trans agenda. Good ol' George loves to create turmoil and destroy countries from within and I suspect the U.S. is target #1. If you could somehow follow the many tentacles of the non-profits pushing the trans agenda, I'm guessing (just a guess!) that at the end of the line there's a picture of George. With a smile.

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Biden doesn't seem smart enough at present to coordinate anything, let alone a worldwide agenda. He is a useful puppet.

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Useful idiot.

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Is there a way we can boycott Soros’ sources of funding?

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No. He's very old, an investor (for lack of a better word), and has donated $32 billion of his earnings to the Open Society Foundation, a private grantmaking network that he founded. Checking out what George is up to will send you down a very deep, dark hole.

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Mao used trannies as assasins. This is even more serious than it seems.

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It's so crazy how people's minds are just clouded or turned off. To be for the raping of children in the name of all this evil? Their minds/hearts can't see it because God has turned them over to their depraved ways, but we who still have hearts and souls CAN see it. Everybody has to get on one side or the other. I believe many Ugandans are Christian, and not in name only. They've see God work in their lives and hopefully will not turn their backs on His ways. Pray for them to keep the wisdom and strength.

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And, as we all know, PRAYER WORKS! Recently a “Jubilee Prayer Night” was organized by Uganda Jubilee Network, an association of Anglican, evangelical and Pentecostal churches. The network, coordinated by Dr. James Magara of Intercessors for Uganda, has been guiding Christians to fast and pray for Uganda to be a God fearing nation in the next 50 years.

In a Historic moment President Museveni repented for his sins and the sins of Uganda as a nation. He dedicated Uganda to God to be His nation anchored on His principles and values.

The President, indicating that the next 50 years belong to the young generation, advised the young people to be God-fearing referring to the Biblical verse in Proverbs 9:10 which says, “The fear of God is beginning of wisdom.”


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Ummm that was a lot ...

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