Jun 3Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes, what indeed happened in 2012?

For myself, I was still "Lefty" back then. I leaned into the whole "obamacare is here to save the world" propaganda. I thought conservatives just didn't want to help anyone.

Then, after a few years, I saw the dramatic rise in healthcare costs (as conservatives predicted). I saw the promotion of all things Rockefeller-esque and the continued deprecation of actual health (as conservatives predicted.) THEN, I saw them coming for my personal health care choices (as conservatives predicted.)

Took a few years, but I finally told the Left "I'm outta here..." 😊

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Jun 3Liked by Jeff Childers

I was happy to vote for Obama, and so happy when he won. Mainly because I had some black friends at work, so I was happy for them. Two months into his term, I could not stand the sound of his voice, his mellifluous voice.

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I remember the first time I heard Obama on the radio. I didn't even know who he was or what he looked like. But the radio had a clip of him saying something to the effect of "We are our brother's keeper." And I was like, hell no. I don't want the government saying that. That's the job of the citizens and the Church. I'm tired of lazy Christians outsourcing their charity and morality to the government. I was against him from then on. From there Obamacare, the racist politics, the obvious lies only cemented my opinion.

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Yes! I have been arguing with people for decades at this point who are Christians and think that Jesus would have endorsed the welfare state. Learned helplessness is enabling, not helping. It's OUR responsibility to care for the less fortunate, not uncle Sam.

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Yes! And depriving someone of the feelings of self worth they get from gainful employment and from trying and succeeding is actually very damaging, not helpful in the least.

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And don’t forget Obama’s pastor who wasn’t afraid to say he hates whites. Shortly thereafter if we said anything against Obama we were dubbed racist.

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And also don’t forget THREE gay men from that church were murdered in a month period right before he ran. Such a coincidence!

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The signs showing Obama (Barry Sotero) to be a very deceptive and dangerous individual were crystal clear. I couldn’t understand why any one in their right mind would vote for him.

But then our own vomity Republican candidate assured us he was just fine and we could safely vote for him. Can you believe that?

I don’t think I was ever able to stomach hearing Obama pontificate for more than 10 seconds.

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The problem is many people don’t have a church and act like the government is theirs 😕

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Exactly right! And some even have a Church and let the gov do it anyway.

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The government has taken over charity. There are so many rules to regulate what private charities can and cannot do. Want to feed the homeless? Your kitchen better pass inspection. The government has co-opted real charity so it can give its friends NGOs and government contracts. Of course very little of the money gets to those who need it. There was a teenage boy who was threatened with arrest because he would make baloney sandwiches and go pass them out to the homeless. Apparently he was a nuisance. Mother Theresa tried to open a facility in NYC to help the desperately poor and the city gave her so many hoops to jump through she gave up and left.

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Watch the movie put out by Angel Studios ‘Cabrini’ for a wide awake look at Catholic charities and NYC. Cabrini ended up as a saint for her dedicated work for the poor globally by defying every obstacle the church and state put in her way.

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deletedJun 3
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Serious question, could you save enough money by not wasting time on the guidelines, to make up the difference? (I'm assuming not, or else someone would have suggested it already... but one can dream!)

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Side Note: This was back when I was still registered Democrat and in the Ohio primary I voted....*wretching noises*... for Hilary Clinton.

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Retching indeed. what an un-likeable person she is. Cuddly as a gila monster...

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Hillary is not just unlikable, her evil instinctively repulses us.

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What was your logic, if I can inquire? Were you not aware of Mena and her actions as Sec. of State etc.... Not calling you on the carpet but I just don't understand why. We are dealing with some Orange Man bad folks and I think there is a connection so that is the basis for my inquiry.


Later Jay

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

Voted for her in the primary when she faced off against Obama. In the general I voted for Sarah Palin.... er, what's his name? ... uh, McCain. This was 8 years before 2016.

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you all are missing one of the main points Jeff has been trying to show us.

with AI THERE WILL BE VERY FEW JOBS LEFT. but no shortage of PROFITS for the owning class.

therefore LETS GET COMFORTABLE with the idea of a UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME. the only way to deal with this is to MAKE SURE THE GOVERNMENT is owned and run by US and not those same corporations who would turn us into SERFS>

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Let’s not get comfortable! Let’s fight like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s Ark 😡

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Hello Liz,

With all due respect, how would you propose we do that? Fundamentally they run the place now and are ensuring that more and more of our slice of the pie is theirs. House cleaning is the only way I see it happening.

Later Jay

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House Cleaning is the nice way of putting it. I think we all know what needs to be done, dont we? its just a matter of when that spark gets lit. Im too old for streetfighting these days, thats' why I live in Mexico, but I am cheering you guys on (for what its worth).

AND PS its so silly and shortsighted to dump on the kids protesting Palestine when they are getting the seasoned experience you all will need on your side (agents provocateurs, Cointelpro etc) when it happens, judging from the innocence I saw on Jan 6. Later, taters :)

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"House Cleaning is the nice way of putting it." well I don't want this crowd to think I am some sort of blood thirsty so in so, you know? I have an image to maintain.

Later Jay

P.S. did you get the Prez you wanted or is your money going to Israel soon?

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Jeff has not said this actually. He has correctly pointed out that every technological development was expected to end jobs for lower and middle classes, since at least the industrial revolution. The panic was never justified. Economies shift and adjust.

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you're kidding, right? we hear constantly in this column and EVERYWEHRE how shitty things are for working people - and you think the panic was not justified? LOL. SMH. I guess we can see which side your bread is buttered on!

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No, the panic was NO justified, on any level.

EVERYTHING they mandated was either useless or downright harmful and deadly. Masks? They mandated them to keep a virus of .028 microns diameter from entering our lungs. The smallest holes in tose masks are 300 microns. YOU do the maths and tell me how a chain link fence will SOP the horde of mosquitos from coming into my house. MNot ony are they worse than useless stopping that tiny viral article, they make folks hypxic (oxygen depleting), harbour moulds, yeasts, bacteria, fungi, dispensing them INTO our lungs at elevated rates, they fprevent proper dispersal of carbon dioxide as we xhale, thus poisoning us by high CO2 levels.

That was one of the better mandates, too.

When I read that the new mRNA technology, I said WHAT is that tech? Never heard of it. So I looked it up. Once I read that I decided NO WAY will I EVER take that shot. Guaranteed trouble, no way out.

That will programme my own body to manufacture the poison spike protein indefinitely, no "off switch". How can that possibly benefit anyone? WHY would I think it is a benefit to reprogramme my own body to make more of the very poison I am trying to avoid? Then they began mandating THAT poison jab for certain classes of people.

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Things being bad for working people right now is not because of technological advancements, though. Like every advance, AI will disrupt the status quo, many people will have a rough time, but in the very long run it will be beneficial.

When you hear someone fearmongering about how something will "destroy farming jobs!" (for example), you should translate that in your head to the statement: "We no longer need such a large number of people laboring in the fields in order to produce enough food. Some of those people can now find other work, and society in aggregate now needs to work just a little bit less in order to have a comfortable life."

This is how large numbers of working-class people ended up with a 40-hour working week, instead of spending every daylight hour working the fields just to put food on the table as in the medieval days.

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What, in God's name, leads you to believe that things would be better owned by US...We are already a democratic republic (Owners).

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The church has certainly largely abdicated it role of benevolence by giving to “Caesar” what is due God. Shame on the church leadership for this.

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It’s funny, I always hear people praising his oratory skills but I think his delivery sounds jerky and I don’t find his speeches compelling at all. Just never saw it. When he was running for president and I first listened to one of his speeches to see what all of the fuss was about, I was left perplexed. I didn’t vote for him, because I didn’t like his stances or platform. I didn’t care what color his skin was. I did initially hope that his election would quiet sone of the “America is racist” crowd but it ended up doing the opposite 🤷‍♀️

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I could never...and to this day...tolerate his voice, having a visceral revulsion to his voice and mannerisms. Anyone who has ever bothered to parse his speeches, that he expects to be received as moral proclamations, quickly is astonished by the acute vacuity of EVERYTHING he speechifies on. Literally no substance, just a string of platitudes that appeal to those who emote rather than think. He used a great deal of neurolinguistic programming to appeal to emotion. I am a speechwriter, and I am familiar with many of the rhetorical and linguistic devices that are designed to bypass rational, critical interpretation by an audience and convince them they've just been awed by soaring rhetoric. He is a poseur, for certain, vapid, pompous to a high degree of malignancy. Short story...he, from the get-go, turned my stomach in a very physical way.

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I never really understood why, but I reacted much the same. He learned “politics” in Illinois, for heaven’s sake. The corruption runs deeeep in hellinois.

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Community Organizer in chief. “COC”? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/a-memo-to-the-community-o_b_164392 🤬

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Obama is a crook all the way through! He had to turn in his law license because he lied on his application. Remember the crooked organizationcalled Acorn?

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Same for me Tori! Yes I couldn’t remember what his language style was until you said it. Neurolinguistic programming!

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It’s for this exact reason that when I heard him give the response to the State of the Union address, I thought, “Hoo boy! We are in big trouble with this one.” I knew his empty platitudes would sound like sweet whispers to many people in this country. Those who operate on emotion rather than logic have always been his audience. They literally crave his voice/words. 🤢

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The talking head who said he got a thrill up his leg when listening to Obama 🙄

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And his "wife" chuckle-chuckle, saying "All that for a F Flag" or even better when he was elected "For the 1rst time in my life, I am proud of my country!!!".

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Nicely done! Thank you. Maybe you could write a speech for Trump...

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Totally agree. When he didn’t have his teleprompter, he was no longer smooth and hummed & hawed as if he had an empty head trying to remember his words.

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Like Kamala without the giggle.

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A colleague had a life-sized standing cardboard cutout of BHO in her office for years beyond his 8 in office. Hero worship was rampant. It was amusing that she did not see the similarities between her cutout and the real thing.

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I'm surprised it lasted so long without anybody using it for darts practice.

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Hahahaha! Shooting even better!

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I could never stand him, I sensed from the very start he was vacuity and vanity!

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I cannot stand to hear him speak. His voice seems very off putting... maniacal and stilted. One you should not believe or trust.

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His clipped manner of speaking is a tell that he is hiding who and what he really is. He always sounds, to this day, like he's impatient with being questioned, that whatever he says is a de facto moral diktat.

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Yes, the very tone of his voice carries condescension. And his manner reminds me of a little smart ass that has a big brother to protect him.

Later Jay

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

He does, as does Fauci and Biden and other demon rats who don't seem to give a damn about anything, cause big bro or daddy Soros and MSM and other party oligarchs will protect and shield.

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Yes and always speaking with his nose UP!

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Same RL (shocker, I know, lol). He wasn’t a black American. His father was a foreign black man, and his mother a white, loose woman. Now Herman Cain was another story. I was SO hoping he’d be POTUS. Only candidate who’s name I ever put on my car’s bumper.

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so sad we lost him :-(

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Are you the Jen who asked for book titles about liberalism morphing into fascism? When I click on the email with your name on it, Jeff's Substack isn't opening to the place where you left your comment and now he's got nearly 1,000 comments!!! If you are the Jen who left me the comment, off hand I can think of 2 books. One is by Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascism," and a second book written by an academic historian and right now I can't think of the author's name or the title. I read it several years ago and had to borrow the book from a university library. Toby Rodgers had mentioned it in one of his early Substacks. Spoiler alert: it's virtually unreadable, but I take the author's point. There is also the history of the Weimar Republic, a liberal state that quickly morphed into German Nazism. Most people think fascism is a wing of conservatism, but history shows us otherwise.

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So few understand that Nazis were from the left! And even fewer want to see that we are literally living under a fascist regime. Everything is inside, for, and of the corporation-government partnership. Even NGOs.

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yes! that's me. Thank you for the recommendations! I would like to read more on this. Because fundamentally, I see it too. Communism and Fascism are almost like kissing cousins. I can't even see how fascism is even remotely related to freedom lovers like us. We would chafe under that system. How many of us would agree to put the Party above everything including God? But liberals are only too happy to do that. They happily surrender their children to the state, we do not. They are perfectly content with censorship, we are not. If you ask me, them trying to say fascism is right wing is simply more gaslighting and changing words like they love to do. Someone would really have to show me what concepts from fascism even correlate to freedom loving conservatives. I just can't think of anything we have in common. It's time to change the narrative. Let's start calling them what they are - the true fascists.

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His father was a citizen of Kenya, thus a British Subject. This right there makes Obama NOT a Ntural Born Citizen. Funny thing (no, disgusting) is that NO COURT would ever entertain a case to disqualify him to run for President on that basis. He had also been forced to renounce his citizenship when attending that mozzie school in Indonesia as a youth. No record of ever restoring that status as US Citizen. I am convinced he is not a US Citizen and has not been since the time he attended that school. A fraud on many levels from the git go. I am also nearly fully convinced that he remains the kingpin behind the entire functional US government. Far too much of the history of the past eight years smells strongly of his "style" and MO.

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There are a lot of things that are very murky about him and the way any questions about him were immediately shut down is suspect.

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I fully believe he was born in Kenya. I recall his brother saying so, and by the way Kenyans received him and celebrated him, I do not doubt it.

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where he was actually born is irrelevalt to his eligibility to be President. Which is why all the fuss about the Hawaii birth certificate was a smokescreen and diversion.

The Cinstitutional requriement that a president be a "natural born citizen" is fixed. The definition of "natural born citizen" is also fixed in law: must have been born of TWO parents who were US Citizens AT THE TIME of the birth of the candidate. With his pappy a British Subject, he could have been born in the WHite House and he still would not be a Natural Born Citizen.

Kamala Harris is ot NBC either. Her Mum is citizen of I believe India, thus also a British Subject if I am not msitaken (depending on when she was born) , and her pappy is Jamaican, again, a British Subject. This NEITHER of her parents were US Citizens when she was born. Yes, I believe both have naturalised since her birth, but too late. that was AFTER her birth. . Thus SHE cannot be president either.

And they're so fussed about some checks signed to shut the mouth of a tramp.,

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When I first heard him speak his voice made me sick in the pit of my stomach. It was a visceral reaction to the cadence of his voice. I knew he was bad news and whenever he came on the tv I would change the channel. I read that he studied a certain style of speaking that has a way of almost hypnotizing people.

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Let's not forget that he also had, either inherently or acquired, the Black style of oration.

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He has been awful for this country! And sadly he continues in its destruction! Aka OBiden 😈😈

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Jun 3·edited Jun 4

Today on Twitter he explained Biden’s new stand for Gaza peace ...eloquently written ofcourse. It seems that they know they are not in a good place, so Obama has to talk for mumbling pathetic Joe.

So yea, he's back!!!


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Ugh 😝

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Omigoodness... that's how I deemed the one (and only) B.O. speech that invaded my hearing. Jerky! Stop/Start! (like my daughter's college roommate who drove me to the airport and must've partially braked 20 times in the half hour ride!)

From that first speech, his voice actually nauseated me... much like the aforementioned car ride.

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I love that analogy, excellent!! 😆😁

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because he IS very racist himself. His upbringing was very priviledged, elite, and I am convinced this causes him (even today) to look down upin and revlie those of his own race that are not his equals.. What is even kore disgusting is that he utterly despises many brilliant men I have come to appreciate and respect who are full black.. Thomas Sowell, the SCOTUS justice, and others. His unjustified glorification and defense of that Florida punk criminal who got himself killed when trying to kill George Zimmerman was the final decisive point for me. He even disparagingly referred to George as "white hispanic" Not racist? And the sun don't ever shine in Florida either.

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I agree. He’s an elitist through and through.

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that is what MIK ULtra sounds like. Manchurian Candidate

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You and I are sharing the same brain, RL. These are my exact thoughts about "The Lightbringer."

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

Everyone has their own opinion, but to be fair, he did have a deepish voice which was nice and is attractive for a man.. Neither Trump or Biden do, nor did Clinton or Bush come to think of it.

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Huh I don’t think of his voice as deep for some reason? But it’s an interesting thought, I wonder how much those kinds of things influence people?

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

Lol, well it didn't influence me at all! Just listened to a clip..maybe it wasn't that deep, perhaps 'resonant' is more applicable?

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Oh yes I get what you mean better with “resonant”. More about the timbre of his voice then.

And I wasn’t implying that you were influenced, sorry if it sounded that way! Just musing about how much things like that might unconsciously affect people’s perception.

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It was all his affected "folkism" which grated on me the most. I hate being referred to as "the folks." Ugh. And the accents (one of the most refreshing things about Trump is he never presents himself as anyone he isn't - you won't find him donning some costume to go to the UFC fight and you won't hear him adopt a fake accent to fit in at a NASCAR race).

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Yeah. I even went to his inauguration. But when he showed no inclination to actually fight for us, I quickly became disillusioned. He was just like the rest of them. Beholden to someone or something

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I’m happy you found the way out of your psychological corn maze. Now, help as many out as you can.

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I actually think it is much worse than just being fooled by a resonant, nicotine-stained voice.

People need to wrap their minds around the obvious fact that Ubu was and is a Trojan Horse, inserted in the American political system by the globalists that are still running it to destroy our culture and economy. (Remember "I'm a citizen of the world," and pastor "America's chickens coming home to roost"?) Who do you think desperately needs for us to fight two wars with other super powers, neither of which we have a chance of winning?

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I always found something amiss in him as if he was hiding a deep secret, had sold his soul.

He was articulate, yet nothing ofsubstance came out of his mouth..he spoke out of both sides of it, albeit eloquently.

IMO, his wife is far more normal, like her or not.

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I think we now know his secret: he's gay and it's possible his wife is/was a dude. Speaking out of both sides of one's mouth is pretty common for closeted gays. See also: Graham, Lindsey.

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I think it is far deeper than just being gay or bi or asexual or whatever. I think it is what Castellato above said..he was put in by the NWO globalists.

I do know that George Soros said at the end of his terms that he was disappointed.

I will assume that was said because he did not fully and completely accomplish what they

had him set out to do.

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sounds about right.

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I I think that if you want to convince people that Obama was shallow, had bad policies was only interested in money, and was a bad president you may do so legitimately and perhaps convince people with a deep analysis of where Obama went wrong. However, if all you say about him is that he's gay and his wife is a dude you lose a lot of people including me. You have no proof of either and are doing exactly what we excoriate conservatives for doing , spreading lies and gossip I don't frankly care what their sexual orientations are or what deep Secrets they have. I am interested in what their policies were and how they LED this country astray. The other is just gossipy rumor-mongering and all we would do is convince the people that our side is as nutty as theirs

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Actually there is good but suppressed evidence of his homosexuality, just like there is good but suppressed evidence that he was born in Kenya (look through my posts & check out papers when he was running for Senate that identified him as Kenyan born & his fake Hawaiian birth certificate that identifies him as black when the official term was Negro, long before black was a thing.

You can be offended by the truth, but don’t wear it as a badge of honor, it only makes you look stupid and petty.

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Ha! Well, first I was half-joking. Second, we do have evidence. You may not like the evidence. You may not think it's enough, but it's there. The real question is: why dismiss the evidence? Reminds me a lot of how Lewinsky was dismissed as just a "vast right wing conspiracy" or Epstein was a "right winger's wet dream."

The point is: if someone is deceitful regarding something so central to who they are, then it calls into question everything about them, everything they say they are or say they believe. If they can lie about that, they can lie about anything. So, it is 100% germane to them as a leader. To live as someone you are not would be the very definition of "shallow" and deceitful.

FWIW, I don't personally care if he's gay. I was just answering the question as to 'why' he always seemed to be hiding something. Which BTW is also an entirely legit feeling to have and question to have of leadership. Transparency, authenticity, etc. matter.

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It's not gossip-mongering, when he himself admits in a written letter to a friend, that he fantasizes about making love to other men, every day. His words, not mine. This coming from a *married* man, who apparently acquired a wife as a beard, at the *Reverend* Wright's down-low we'll-find-a-beard-for-you club. So his being gay is actually material to how he allowed the gay activists to elevate LGBQ into special rights* that were used as a wedge to deconstruct the churches' and public's guarantees of freedom of religious expression.

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Agree. I contacted congress weekly in those days. From the Iraq war debacle. Faxed and watched votes closely. I sent letters to the editors and contributed to who I saw might be good candidates. I don’t believe it helped a tinkers d@mn now. I’m old. I’m over it. I will vote however.

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Rising Star by David Garrow has probably the most accurate account of who Obama really is. He began writing the biography out of admiration until sources began speaking out. The book has been suppressed for year since it came out in 2019.

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Boom! There it is....... 2 war mongers in nice suits.

Later Jay

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Comedian Joan Rivers was dead following a routine surgery after revealing this.

O’bummer is simply creepy and disturbing.


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Normal, MO? I think not. If you think so expose yourself and list 5 things you think are normal...

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

Lol, I knew that would trigger somebody. I don't want to hate just to hate. I like to be objective. I don't find her particularly charismatic or likeable, but atleast she has some semblance of a personality which isn't a facade, like her husband.

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Could be. I don’t even think about him much any more. I threw out all my inauguration memorabilia although it was a very exciting event I’m glad I got to go to. It meant more to me then. Represented what I thought about my country back then. My thoughts have changed on that subject now, sadly.

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I will never forget M Obama saying he/she was now proud of his/her country after BHO was elected. 😡

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He was attracting flies also!

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Not so much hope and change after all, just another, a. Neocon tool, b. Another democrat chicken shit who wasted his congressional majority. The backlash against him nullified anything worthwhile he may have done or tried to do. The whole party though dreads bold action and constantly snatches defeat from the jaws of victory. Both parties are captured by their owners but put on little displays to convince us otherwise

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

And not to mention the criminal level of racial discord he sowed.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

I saw through him from the time I saw his first interview. He had a very sketchy past but checked all the boxes for the DemonRATS. He was a useful puppet being used by the globalists to destroy the USA while enriching himself and his leftist masters.

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also went from senator for what a year to all of a sudden president?!

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Jr. Senator of Illinois. He had a meteoric rise that reminds one of the Biblical description of the Anti-Christ.

As scripture says, there have been many antichrists going back as far as the time of the apostles. Every age seems to produce a prime one, waiting in the wings for Satan to possess when the time is right for the final drama.

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I didn’t vote for him, but thought, maybe it would be good for blacks since he would focus on problems particular to blacks which may improve race relations. As we all know he did the opposite. He bonded with and supported Muslims, not black Americans. He divided us just like the Marxist playbook taught him. There are the liberal educated white & blacks vs America-loving citizens.

It got to the point where I refused to watch his arrogant swagger or hear his stilted voice. He hates America even though he’s gamed the system & enriched himself while doing his level best to destroy our freedom.

I pray to God there is retribution

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CIA candidate, groomed from birth. check out his parents.

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deletedJun 3
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Cleans up well and is articulate. LOL

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Yes, and White Guilt works wonders, doesn't it?

Later Jay

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I’m not guilty about anything. Big fat brush you use here. I’m a convert. I see the hate from both sides now. You guys don’t have much to be proud of either.

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Lot of retards out there.

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O'Biden said that he was "Clean and articulate." Seriously? I'd think that would only be a complement to someone living under a bridge.

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... what Biden said. God Almighty, the hypocrisy of the Dems.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

I don't listen to one thing that despicable liar and NWO puppet says. 🤷🙄😕

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When I hear him speak I hear a condescending tone. A friend told me his rhythm and hand movements are hypnotic 🤷🏻‍♀️and he mass hypnotized people into buying his persona.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

He does not seem like a real person. Does anyone really know him well, like a friend?

Infact, the last interview before they left the WH was with Oprah. She was speaking to Michelle, and he happened to walk by and stopped to speak for a minute..but there was a sense of hate (?)in him, definitely not friendliness or warmth (which you would think he would have for such a supporter). It was wierd.

Or was it? We were *told* that he was warm, but was he?

I remember hearing that he didn't speak to people the way Bill Clinton did with staff. He didn't want conversations.

Strange man.

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He seems disconnected to human emotion. A narcissistic empty vessel.

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Yes an empty vessel describes it well, sort of, but maybe just empty of goodness and instead filled with something kind of dark.

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His own biographer admits to *Barack Obama* as being a 'composite character' and that his autobiographies are best read as fiction, novels.

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Always with his nose stuck firmly skyward. Thought he was above everyone else.

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He used neurolinguistic programming...yes, basically hypnotizing susceptible listeners ( we are not all susceptible to hypnosis...I am not...whew! ). That is one of the reasons, I think, that so many of us were/are physically repelled by his voice and linguistic mannerisms. His manipulative tics are recognizable even on a subconscious level, leading to the physical disgust.

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Yes! That’s what my friend said, he learned about in a college class. That’s why all the politicians, he said it started with Kennedy, use the hand gestures. He said once he saw Obama speak he just knew. I talk to a lot of different people all day long, so I have a pretty good BS meter.

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Ever notice how so many public figures, when speechifying, use the gesture of touching the tip of the index finger to the tip of the thumb when *making a point* that they want you to remember, and usually followed by applause? It's a useless, inane gesture, unlike pointing or stabbing the air, which are instinctive to most people trying to make a genuine point, not an affect like the thumb/finger gesture that is a forced cover for dishonesty.

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I remember Clinton using that the most.

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Trump does that gesture a lot...

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I kinda get a little sea-sick when I focus on the hand-thing that the politicians are doing. Kamala and Trudeau are especially prolific.

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Yes, someone told me they're "pure NLP." (neuro-linguistic programming)

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I recall my older sister feeling uneasy and telling me don’t look at him or listen to him speak. She was convinced he was the antichrist. Definitely something creepy and insincere and even evil about him.

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Obama is a Narcissist!!

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It's interesting you say that your black friends were a factor, so were mine! One was from Zimbabwe and and one from Dominica, and they weren't fooled by Hussein. They did their best to warn their black friends.

But then again, we all attended an Assembly of God church back then that taught the Bible, and hung out Sunday after church to discuss ''EVERYTHING.''

It was a period in my life when I studied doctrines and comparative religion (including the rudiments of Buddism, Islam...) and more firmly developed my personal worldview for the first time, including working through a Bible Study by Del Tackett which helped me build my own personal worldview compass for things I'd never been focused on, including creation science, politics and government.

I also attended a talk with the Dali Lama in San Jose, CA, and I figured it out, you cannot logically believe that all religions lead to the same place... their doctrines are mutually exclusive. For instance, Buddhism denies the existence of a Creator.

What you believe about God determines everything about how you see the world! Even the Dalai Lama said, it would nice to believe in a Creator, but Buddhism believes matter is what is eternal, and basically that macroevolution ''created'' everything in the world. (Utter materialism...) IMO (from evidence and belief), ''NOT""! Then there's the whole reincarnation bit. Don't get me started.

I read through the Bible multiple times during those years. Highly recommend it! Now, my sister and I are reading it through together, out loud, taking turns. Makes a big difference in my life.

Back to BHO, I DID know (in 2012) that centralized government was a horror just instinctively. I definitely didn't want Big Brother into peoples' (and MY) private healthcare information and it being stored in their big database cloud...

AND I was SO against forced healthcare premiums and the ''personal mandate.'' Why should I subsidize abortions, and trans surgeries on my limited income? I didn't smoke or drink at that point, and didn't much relish paying for those who do! But that's just me. I recognized that healthcare would be used as another mechanism of control if possible.

[I truly DID believe that Hussein wasn't a citizen as defined in the Constitution either... but who knows? (Even Trump backed off on that track when it became a quagmire.)]

[In retrospect, with 20:20 hindsight, I don't like ANY of the candidates I voted for, but look at the choices we are given!]

In 2012, I was busy dealing with my only child being diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at age 27. So, I was too tied up with practical matters to get into political activism on ANY level. Except to read, think and analyze. AND I squeezed in a few free courses online at Hillsdale College on The Constitution, and ''Progressivism.'' Which I highly recommend if they are still offering them.

When the plandemic hit, I was heavily invested in the idea of beneficiant healthcare and hospitals, due to all the time I have spent in them with my daughter, but I also have to say I was exposed to how much human error there is there in healthcare and hospitals.

Oh, wow, I am going on and on. I feel SO GRATEFUL for so many things that influenced me over the course of my life that allowed me to see through so much propaganda in 2020 and beyond.

More than enough said. (Sorry?) Thanks for ''listening.'' I love the C&C Army!

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PS: Disclosure, I AM truly grateful for Medicare and Disability taking care of my daughter's expenses. Even though I don't use mine (since I won't go to a doctor or hospital...) and pay the premiums for the minimum... I think of it as paying it forward in that regard, as others did to supply what insurance she had on disability.

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Thank you for sharing Anita.

Very interesting post! I didn't know that about Buddhism, though they do seem peaceful.

I pray that you and your precious daughter are doing OK or atleast better. ❤️

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Thank you for your kind words. My precious daughter is with Jesus now. She passed into eternity May 1, 2021. I am doing okay now, but the first 2-1/2 years were the toughest.

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So sorry, Anita, what an incomprehensible loss. Glad that you had your faith to get you through it. Del Tackett is excellent with the Christian worldview perspective. I try never to miss anything he puts out.

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I appreciate you for knowing who I was talking about and sharing that, and for spelling his name correctly! I've corrected my comment! :)

TY for your comforting words.

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So sorry for your loss.

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I’m so sorry Anita 😢

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I'm so sorry for your loss

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I am so sorry. 🙏

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Bless you.

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I voted for him in 2007. Regretted it before the end of that year and I know what you mean about that voice. He thinks he’s so smart. His comment about Robert Peters can just as easily be applied to himself.

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I always despised him. His voice is slithering

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I always thought as Obama opened his mouth flowers would ascend into the sky. Nothing made sense, nut somehow many never saw the flowers. They were really words of hate, anger, and division. I saw flowers so I could escape! Odd, but true. His words never matched his actions.

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As he was campaigning, before being elected the first time, my wife and I were dumbstruck that it looked like the American public was going to elect a president who hates our country. And an even worse first lady, if that's possible. No sympathy for anyone who voted for him, they're getting what they deserve. Very sad for the rest.

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And all along the alarm was ringing.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

Jeez, you and Kelly remind me of people who enthusiastically took the jab and belatedly woke up. The whole scam was obvious from the start. The idea ANY criticism of ANY vaccine was verboten for decades had already awakened any thinking person something was very rotten. Same with leftist dogma, it's ALWAYS about virtue signaling, and anti-freedom and destructive of all vestiges of human dignity. Equally obviously as vaccine lies. Seriously, what were you thinking? Not thinking, obviously. If that sounds harsh and uncalled for, I'm not sorry. Easily fooled people are why societies self-destruct. Ya'll sound downright proud to have been enthusiastic fans of the destroyers..

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OK. Good for you.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

It's not about me. I'm 73, lucky to have lived in the good times. Although I'm pissed about the effect of the inflation on my retirement, which I've had to put off. It's about the loss of a decent life for those coming after my generation. Millions are able to see through the manipulators as it happens, I'm hardly alone. It's a bit late to be waking up. The damage is done. They've taken over every institution. The younger generations are brainwashed by the destructive dogma of their educators, cheered along by libs. They have all the money. So some have come to their senses now? Sure, better than never, we can probably agree on that. Is there a workable plan to take back the media, academia, science establishment, government, and NGOs? It's like not paying attention at the wheel, crashing and killing your family, and then saying "Wow, I'll never do that again!".

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I am similarly lucky and comfortably retired, but supporting my adult kids to a large degree. There are so many comments I can't find yours that seemed dismissive and prompted me to be dismissive back. I think you implied I was an idiot to vote for Obama and you knew better from the get-go. I was not so political back then, just loathed Bush and the ME war. Anyway, I'm moving onto the next part of my day. Have a good one.

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I loathed Bush and the ME war too. Still, an easy call not to vote for a man who made it clear he hates America and loved talking about "fundamentally transforming" it. Good luck with the kiddos, sounds like a challenge.

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Whoopee for you.

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Are you another who voted for the destruction we're living with now? And proud to have finally seen the light? You should be deeply ashamed. Seeing truth should be easy, it's nothing to be "whoopying" about. Millions are able, I'm not special. It's been in your face all along. Problem is, there are far more who are suckers for propaganda. We all pay the price. Waking up after you've destroyed everything? So what? It's too late, almost for sure. Even if things turn around, immense damage has been done already, because of virtue-signalling Obama/Biden voters and covidiots.

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As one who *never* voted for Obama, I think this is the wrong way to react to people who have changed their thinking. What good does it do to excoriate them for past mistakes and for you to assert your superiority for not having been duped as they had? Can they go back and change how they voted or how they thought? No they can’t. They’ve recognized that they were wrong then and are doing things differently now. I guess I just don’t see what purpose it serves to continually scold and berate people. I get that you are angry with them for being fooled but isn’t there a better approach? I don’t understand what you are trying to accomplish ? Or are you just venting?

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Venting. I'm not supposed to be pissed that everything has been ruined by gullible, clueless virtue-signalers? Not only that, as they voted for and cheered on the ruinous policies, they thought they were better than anyone who disagreed? I'll never forgive. Immense damage has been done, and it's NOT OK. I'm no genius, the truth about over-the-top liberalism (as opposed to sane, classical liberalism) and the medical system has been obvious to millions for decades. You don't have to be smart, just not really stupid and easily led, by the very worst people one could possibly choose to follow. There are no excuses for those past mistakes, and they've ruined Western civilization, irrevocably.

You're right, they can't go back. You also may be right that it serves no constructive purpose to call a spade a spade. Doesn't change my feelings. Those of us they vilified tried to see truth, and be constructive while they destroyed. I'm not trying to accomplish anything, except maybe prompt some self-reflection, which I don't really expect. What do you think there is to accomplish? The damage is done. We're past the point of no return. I'm not so smug as to think I couldn't be wrong about that though, and hope to God I am. Not for me, I won the lottery living in the USA when I did. The younger ones are the losers.

If you haven't seen it, I think you'd enjoy the Tucker Carlson interview with Aaron Rodgers. They feel as you do on this topic, and it's a great interview. You, and they, may be right. I see it differently, is all.

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Oily voice. Oleaginous Obama the Fraud.

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Maybe Obama has been placed into the position so Anglos cannot criticize him?

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! Speaking of Obama, look who's sharing Biden’s policy on Gaza today!


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I had the pleasure of having to listen to him incessantly because I’m on the South Side of Chicago 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ sooo many friends and family thinking he was Gods gift. I met him because I was in local government and a friend had a fund raiser…shaking his hand just felt wrong 🤮. My sister knew someone that had a gay interaction with him, he truly wasn’t/isn’t what people think he is.

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You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach when something isn’t quite right? I got that early in his campaign when he spoke. I couldn’t even listen to him at all.

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Hahaha!!!! You + tons of others!

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I’ve always for the policies and not the man.

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Welcome to a bright new morning - we are glad you've joined Team Reality!

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I honestly do not get how anyone could have voted for Obama. As a former Illinoisian, why in the h*ll would anyone TRUST a politician from Illinois?!? It is one of the most corrupt states in the union. At least half of our governors (and many politicians) have gone to JAIL.

Don’t even start to think Pritzger would be a good president. He’s tax happy and has driven people from the state in droves. Like me.

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Remember when liberals actually believed in free speech and speaking truth to power?

Makes you wonder if it was all talk...

“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop”

- Mario Savio

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“ ‘Liberals’ are just democRATS turned sideways, so you can’t see the absence of humanity in their eyes.”

The only reason they called themselves by ‘other’ than democrat is to hide from the absolute rot of the Rat party.

The assassination of Lincoln, the conception and funding of Jim Crow Laws, then the KKK. The voting against freeing of the slaves, against allowing women and blacks to vote. The assassination of JFK, Robert Kennedy Jr and MLK, their push for abortion and any kind of deviant behavior. Their new KKK as exhibited in Antifa and blm.

Liberals are for all of that, but ashamed that it has been made public, so they hid behind a new label. Our nation is rotted from the head down…..so much so that we now actually have a rotted head as Resident.

It is heartbreaking.

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Well now they don’t even want to be called “liberals” but “progressives.” 🙄

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I like being called a Conservative... stability and learning from history are a good thing!

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I agree. Being slow to change is a good thing. Slow change is less disruptive and more durable than quick revolutionary style change. Plus you can change course more easily if things start to go awry.

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I could be but Iraq and the bush years need to be answered for. All the repubs I knew personally were extremely bloodthirsty then. And the criminals are still walking around so that side isn’t much to brag about either. Oh, right. History begins the minute one side gets into office. I’m old. Over this crap.

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That’s why I said conservative… the Republicans are part of the uni - party. You’ve seen the video of Clinton Bush Obama all pushing the vax??? Which Trump does too so don’t get me started on the ego side of him.

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Progs for short.

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The only reason we are where we are is that people have ceased to live Christian ways. We are not rotting from the top down…we, the people have stopped sacrificing to live a better way. Greed, lying, theft, jealousy, and selfishness have replaced the Christian value system this country was founded upon. The people voted in leadership that is nihilistic ignoring accountability and it is time that Americans see their responsibility in what is happening. The corruption has been building up since at least the 1990s.

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I think long before that. 1970’s perhaps, at least 1980’s.

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I assume you meant RFK Sr. in your list of assassinations. Since Jr is currently running for president.

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Several books have been written demonstrating how liberalism morphs into fascism/authoritarianism. I now understand it.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

That is why it annoys me to hear them use those words to describe Trump and what they believe he is going to do.

Their projection tactics and/or delusions have taken on new extremes lately.

On a side note, I am very upset because I think they actually may send him to Riker's.

I can tend to be a bit empathic, so I tend to feel more upset than others might when I hear that someone is going through something.

The sheer evil of what is being done to Trump is more than I can wrap my mind around.

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Isn't that the toughest part?:

Knowing how it all goes and having to watch it in super slo-mo.

It always ends this way with the left. Always.

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Can you recommend any books on this? Having read about a million books on ww2 at this point, it's very disconcerting living in the US these days. I feel like we're watching nazi Germany start all over again.

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We are. Make no mistake

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Ah! Here you are. In case I responded to the wrong Jen, there are two books that make the strong case that it is liberalism, not conservatism, that morphs into fascism. One is Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg and the other is a book I can not recall either the author or title, but it was recommended by Toby Rodgers several years ago in one of his early Substacks. And there is also just the history of how fascism arose out of the liberal Weimar Republic, not to mention how it has also happened to American liberals/Democrats.

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The same Jonah Gold erg aka Never Trumper. He pretty much called Trump fascist one night in Brett Bear. He’s the last one I’d read!

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Check out In Order to Live by Yoemni Park. She goes into how North Korea wound up with a tyrannical government and her early life and her defection. It's a hard read but eye opening. She has another book out too While Time Remains. She is our canary in the coal mine warning us as she sees in the US what happened in NK in her grandmother's generation.

I read it before all the Covid crap started and was also reading WW2 historical fiction.

After reading Yoemni's books I could see what was happening here.

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It was all talk. It was always phony. Free speech for me, not for thee. It's "their democracy" after all. In their minds, our rights only apply to them. Because in their minds, our rights are government-given, not God-given. So, if you "attack" the gov't as conservatives do, then your rights are rescinded.

The way they see it is: the "right wing conservatives" want to "destroy our democracy," and so in their minds have given up their rights as citizens, much like convicted criminals do. There are too many examples to count.

The only time they ever stood up for anyone's rights was when it was politically expedient for them to do so: see example below of ACLU/KKK. It was basically the left being okay with their own dark side, standing up for their own Frankenstein monster. No different than them today standing up for antifa.

I can't think of one other instance where they stood FOR 1A instead of against it, unless it was for their own people. Abortion protestors? Nope. 2A advocates? Nope. Prayer in schools? Nope. Sometimes they just outright attacked all artistic free speech: e.g., Tipper Gore.

Really, I can't think of one instance where they were genuinely for 1A and not just for more of their own pro-gov't, pro-technocrat, anti-Christian (Islam, satanism, paganism, furryism...it's all good so long as it isn't Christian) speech.

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Most liberals seem like useful idiots to the leftist narrative. And the ones that are not are too cowardly to disagree publicly. They live their lives through immature, narcissistic emotion, like “follow your heart” - never learning that the heart can deceive.

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Agreed, they are useful idiots. The whole "but it will hurt someone's feelings" is no way to govern, yet they try. They get used for leftist means b/c they can't distance themselves from their own feelings.

That said, Liberalism itself seems to me to be untenable. Very unstable as a philosophical point of view. Like trying to forever sit on a fence (as in: "sure, they rape kids and sew up little girls for marriage, but that's their right, since all cultures are equal" isn't exactly compatible with the idea that all humans have rights.) I'm still waiting for someone with a philosophical bent to explain how liberalism will not always devolve into leftism. It seems to usually do so.

Either that, or it evolves into conservatism, realizing you can't govern based on feelings and identity groups, some ideas (and thus cultures) are better than others, some traditions (and thus religions) are better than others, every country needs its own boundaries (real and ideological), government needs to stay out of the way of flourishing, etc.

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I would argue that the tension between old school liberalism and conservatism, that friction, creates progress. Progressives are not old school liberals. Os Guiness said "Contrast is the mother of clarity"

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Spot on

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Excellent perspective. Agree 💯 %!

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I think libs believing in free speech was genuine - recall the ACLU defending the KKKs right to march, for instance - but it began eroding many decades ago and they are now open advocates of censorship.

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The ACLU defending the KKK was just the Democrats defending their own.

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That is not true. The ACLU defended the braindead throwback neonazis who wanted to march in Skokie, a community of Holocaust survivors, no doubt to get off on the trauma and fear, but they defended them due to the First Amendment, which used to be sacred. It used to be that an American citizen subordinated their wishes and desires and prejudices and politics and religion to this principle, which was taught in schools. We old school liberals would say "You've got to let the Nazis march in Skokie" rather than trying to deplatform or cancel or extinguish speech. That education and that training in critical thinking and against getting sucked into a cult allows me to think for myself even in the presence of intense social pressure to conform.

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I sit corrected and regret my erroneous use of the word 'just.' I try to be more accurate in my typing. Thank you for the correction. The ACLU may have had other reasons for defending their own.

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ACLU received $10 million from Arcus Foundation to push the Trans agenda

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Free speech does not support corruption!!!! Free speech is meant to support freedom…get a clue J-O! Free speech is totally tied to the philosophical principles of freedom, liberty, and the Constitution! Do you ever read the Declaration of Independence on occasion? 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Before being a jerk for no reason, maybe you could realize I said nothing of the sort. I was simply giving a standard definition used by many people, which doesn't have anything to do with your ramblings. Good grief

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Liberals still do. The Democrat party has morphed into Marxist/Communist ideology.

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Where are all the classical liberals?

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I honestly don’t think there’s many left. Two prominent ones that I can think of are Glenn Greenwald and Naomi Wolf.

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