The continuing relevance of the pandemic, and how to fix government; fabulous Ninth Circuit mandates decision; and an internet troll with alleged jury knowledge blows up the Internet.
Now, someone with real balls, needs to argue that the rest of the CDC childhood schedule vaccines “protecting others” needs to be cast into doubt, as the compelling evidence points to nutrition, hygiene, and sanitation.
Oh, the science is conflicted? Great. So there’s doubt. Let’s start prying at the cracks.
Begging as a mother on behalf of all rational parents everywhere.
What will you/we learn in the quick 87 pages (all reference sources are also included)? True 'placebos' have never been run on ANY vaccines.
Pharma knows this and has gone to great lengths to prevent them from ever happening (I suspect they've done the studies and know, and therefore don't want the unwanted truth to come out).
I learned about Dr. Mercola while walking my little rescue Maltese in a local park back in 2013 (from a fellow dog walker whose dog's issues were helped by the holistic veterinarian, Dr. Becker, who partners with Dr. Mercola - and have followed his essays and use his supplements as the Spirit leads me to do so. Good man!!
Dr. Mercola was my "go-to" for years but lately something seems to be amiss with him. I don't know what is going on but I am a bit skeptical when I hear things like he is consulting with a psychic. I do see a difference in him. I just pray that he is ok.
Kathryn I agree that something is amiss with Dr. Mercola. I am more and more uncomfortable reading the content of his daily articles. He has changed his stance on so many of his previous held health positions. It just unsettles me.
I love Dr. Mercola and am so grateful for all I have learned from him. A few days ago I watched this video related to what has been going on with Dr. Mercola. I recommend watching it rather than reading it to gain a better understanding. Click on the arrow to listen to Barbara Fisher talk. So heartbreaking! I really hope he will be ok.
I agree with you CitizenA. I started noticing a difference in his health positions since last winter, and not just one or two, but so many that I found it unsettling, and a red flag was raised.
I haven't seen anything glaringly different in Dr. Mercola's newsletters that I receive - mostly they come through bi-weekly or monthly. What is 'changing' in his advice because I haven't noticed it.
I'm not a close follower of his, but I suggest that anything he recommends that came as a result of consulting with his psychic should be avoided at all costs.
Yep, although I have never really cared for Mercola, I did realize that he was right a good bit of the time. But lately....I'm personally not going down that path and hope he comes to his senses soon....
next step: there are no virus* correction: no virus has ever actually been shown to exist. they appear to have always been the fraud invention that opens the door to vaccines.
I may be a lone dissenter here, but when you say viruses don’t exist to people, that’s when you start to lose them and their eyes begin to glaze over and they begin to think crazy conspiracy theorist and they tune out anything else you have to say and disregard anything you had said before. If there are no viruses (and I really don’t care if you call them viruses or something else) then explain what causes measles, mumps, hepatitis, Ebola, Covid, etc
If you tell me Covid wasn’t real, the many people who experienced it firsthand would beg to differ. I have never been as sick as I was with Covid (and no I did not get the shot) and it was totally different than any typical flu I’ve had before. I lost my sense of smell and it took over a year for it to come back. I’m not saying it rose to the level of a pandemic, but there was something different going around, and I don’t think it necessarily helps the “cause” to say viruses don’t exist until you’re prepared to offer an alternative to what has made someone sick other than “oh, it’s the 5G”, or “it’s just your body detoxing”, or “its really past traumas just coming to the surface”.
To be clear though, I am against any and all vaccines and pretty much every other pharmaceutical product and allopathic medicine in general, because I don’t think “scientists” are anywhere close to smart enough to have a detailed understanding of how the human body actually functions, to be able to develop something that will not have unintended and potentially devastating consequences.
I feel like I could have written this word for word. I'm ready to entertain the thought that there are no "viruses" but until a reasonable explanation is provided for how illnesses clearly move from person to person, I feel like it's just a semantics game. Our family stopped ALL shots over 12 years ago. We are all very healthy and rarely get sick - but with 4 kids, usually when one catches something, it does move through at least one or 2 other kids. We never tested for Covid, but we most definitely had it at least twice. The first time, I had to use literally everything in my holistic toolbox to get well and I remember thinking that any other person would likely have needed significant allopathic treatment to overcome it. Our family actually traveled full-time during the majority of the pandemic - and ironically, only had "covid" while visiting our homebase. It was quite interesting to live a life of such freedom while watching so many people succumb to the narrative and live life trapped in their homes.
I wrote this a few weeks back. I made it as short and concise as possible about what viruses are, and what they are not.
It's the most reasonable explanation I found about ten years ago and I've been using the knowledge to prove it to myself and my family ever since. It's solid.
Amazingly, all other causes of disease magically disappeared in 2020. Everything was Covid, Covid, Covid no matter what one caught or got. Ask anyone what they got and it was Covid and nothing else. This held true whether it was death certificates, hospital admissions, visits to local masked man pretending to be a doctor. So, to sum. Some people got real sick from something. Some did not. The people who got real sick from something called it 'covid' ... and the people who got sick with other things also called it 'covid'. So everyone got sick with 'covid' whether they did or not. Like Shakespeare said, "What is there in a name?"
By the way Russia, Russia, Russia is not Russia ... nor the Ukraine for that matter. Russia, Russia, Russia might be code for the United States, and only by some stretch of the imagination. But I would not know because I like mostly in the real world, even though this causes problems for me.
Yup. Even the guy who crashed his motorcycle in the LA Freeway and died because of his injuries didn't really sustain any life-thretening ijuries. He died of the covid thing, and the hospital, as a Big Prize" for ticking the correct box on the "cause of deah" form, got a bonus if $40K.
See how that works? Dangle a bit of gelt in front of an hospital administrator/money-man, and there IS no other cause of death than the Woo Flew.
Karen, nancylee is correct that pathogenic viruses don't exist, though the way I prefer to say it is "those particles scientists call viruses have never been proven to do what they claim." The basic truth to understand is that Terrain Theory is backed up by science; Germ Theory is not. Here is an excellent video discussing this topic:
Each of the diseases you listed do have other possible causes, all of the causes falling into one of two categories--toxins (bad food, water, air, EMF, etc.) or lack of something (insufficient vitamins, minerals, proteins, sunshine, contact with the earth, contact with other humans, etc.).
There are many great books that discuss the above in detail. I recommend Can You Catch a Cold? (Roytas), Virus Mania (Kohnlein, et. al.), The Contagion Myth (Cowan, Morrell), or The Invisible Rainbow (Firstenburg).
I don’t agree or disagree with your statement or the linked videos assertion that viruses don’t exist. I simply don’t know as I am no expert. As I said in my original comment, I don’t necessarily care what it is called, terrain theory, germ theory, etc. My main concern is what I experience and observe firsthand. I don’t believe even our most intelligent scientists and doctors, including the ones you mentioned, have a clear and complete understanding of the complex and wonderful design that is our bodies and their interactions with the world around us. Only our Creator has that understanding and we are much better off to look to nature, which He provided for things to cure what ails us.
I believe this is backed up by the fact that I can’t think of a single disease that allopathic medicine has cured (but maybe I have missed something). Pretty much without exception, pharmaceuticals have unintended and undesirable consequences, at least in some people. Therefore, I think it is in everybody’s best interests to not only question the efficacy, or lack thereof, of any and all vaccines but also any and all pharmaceuticals (but no, I am not recommending someone discontinue all their prescriptions, this post does not constitute medical advice lest someone report me to the FDA).
When someone just throws out “viruses don’t exist” it goes against many people’s experiences and observations and it doesn’t move the needle in the vaccine or Covid debate, because many people experienced something that caused them or loved ones to be ill or possibly die. Call it Covid or call it the normal seasonal flu or something else but it was something. I’m not buying that it was 5G, an individual’s past or current traumas, stress, our psyche, or just our bodies normal detoxification process, all of which I have seen posited.
In my opinion, the debate should be, assuming for arguments sake that Covid exists, did the government have the authority to suspend our God given rights that are delineated in the Constitution and to require people be masked, distanced and injected with unsafe, ineffective substances? For me that would be a hard no.
I tried to like your post but the “like” button does not seem to work.
No Covid vax in our home
My daughter came home sick w Covid. Next day I had it. Two days later other two kids sick. I was really sick, I took a week off work, first sick time for me in over ten years. It was three more weeks before I was really able to function well.
I lost my sense of smell without getting Covid or being sick from anything. I also lost it every time I've had a cold. I don't think it's related to Covid (if there even is a covid). I just think we were poisoned. That would explain a nursing home out in the middle of nowhere getting it before anyone else. Say what? How did old people who never go anywhere, without visitors, get decimated by "covid"? Anecdotal "evidence" by people who say "I was never so sick... " well every year, someone has a bad flu that they were 'never so sick' from. This has happened anecdotally to me for 3 years running. Not that I was sick but that someone I worked with, am related to, or friends with got the flu and "it was the worst flu I ever had." I am guessing that that's how our memory works - we don't remember how bad the last flu was when we get the next one. The present one is always going to be the worst, esp. the older we get.
A 'virus' is a biological program designed to go in to action the very second a psychological problem is perceived. Say you were told you had cancer and had six months to live - Heaven forbid. That shock is registered in the brain IMMEDIATELY. The psyche is not biological, but the brain is. The brain's shock is relayed to a specific organ. For a death fright one will develop lung cancer (so-called). For a separation shock one will develop a skin cancer. There is a biological law involved.
The shock can be seen on a CT scan as a ring.
I wrote about it once if you have the inclination.
Daniel, I don't click on links that I don't know what they are. If you give a brief description of what the video is, you might get more people who will watch it.
This might not 'directly' answer your question 'do viruses actually exist', but this article tackles the timelines of what was "Covid" and was it in fact a virus, or an airborne toxin emitted around the world simultaneously (think chem-trails as most are sprayed around humans, not out at sea where they'd have a better chance of really deflecting the sun's rays), but take a gander and let us know your thoughts. Complicated, I know.
I agree -The virus or whatever covid is was made in a lab and is a bioweapon. The doctors treating the spike damaged know this. Others who deny it’s an issue just don’t know.
I totally agree with your consensus on "spouting off" to those who are SO ASLEEP they may never awaken. Perhaps couching the "virus discussion" with this phrase, "since science ALWAYS QUESTIONS medical discoveries, there have been NEW evidence to dispute the 'theory of viruses' their origin and modalities" or something on that order. can share what you have learned from the TRUTH-SEEKING scientists whose work you trust.
I totally agree with everything you say. I get a little tired of people saying covid was/is just a cold because I've never had a "cold" like that before. No taste/smell and the fatigue was off the charts. I could barely make it across the room. I've had walking pneumonia before and I thought that was hell. It was a walk in the park compared to covid. So it drives me nuts when people claim that there are no viruses. Then tell us exactly what we had. Also I'm not jabbed.
Exactly, I had the same experience. It took me a month to feel like myself again and that only happened after I had several Vitamin C infusions. Even then, I couldn’t smell anything for a year and a half., hardly typical cold or flu symptoms.
You are not the lone dissenter, that is for certain.
Just because the official story regarding vaxxes is a lie doesn't mean every crackpot youtube "influencer" theory is true. Most of these people are either nuts, pushing crazy schemes for clicks, or chaos agents. Don't discount the last one as Pharma loves the "no virus" people as they make all pharma critics look nutty by association. It's similar to how the Flat Earth people are used to ridicule those who question the moon landings (based on solid evidence).
Obviously aspects of the terrain theory are true, people in poor health get sick easier. But that can be true and viruses still real, they aren't mutually exclusive. But these people play on humans inability to think in nuanced terms and propensity to swing to one extreme or the other. Hence they fall for every pied piper that comes down the pike.
same here. I will watch the video but think it is a bridge too far for most, certainly me as I was SICKER WITH COVID (no jab) than ever before in my life.
Interestingly, I watched a video with Dr. Mercola and Suzanne Humphries. They both seem to believe in viruses because of childhood diseases like measles and chickenpox. These are contagious and then people don’t get them again. Most develop immunity. Unlike colds & flu that we get multiple times and are a lot of times very similar.
I don’t fully believe colds and flus are contagious as most times in our household we don’t catch or pass on one another’s illness. I have slept in the same bed with my husband for 39 years through all our colds & few flus and we never passed one to the other.
Correct! The link you sent is good; Sam and Mark are warriors, as are Dr. Cowan, Dr. Kaufman, Stefan Lanka, and others. The science is on the side of terrain theory, not germ theory. Here's another excellent video that comprehensively explains the failures of germ theory:
Thank for this podcast link. Heads up to others… you have to listen to an intro that’s about 20-30 min. before the interview with Mark Bailey. The sound clip with Del Bigtree is one I have not heard before. He thinks the no virus theory should be ignored for now. He thinks that he’ll get more open listeners in government if the focus is vaccines are harmfull.
Right there with you. Like Dr. Peter McCullough said, 'vaccines are not the free lunch we thought they were. ' How succinct and accurate that has turned out to be. I think the long slow slide for the vaccine manufacturers has begun.
78 or 79 doses of assorted “vaccines” by the time they’re 18! In the 60’s it was 3, in the 80’s something like 13. And we wonder why there is such a surge in autism, ADHD, autoimmune disease, etc! People can argue all day long about whether vaccines cause autism, for instance, but for the love of God, who in their right mind cannot see that pumping kids with 79 doses of ANYTHING is going to cause problems!
Allergies too RL. The 4 A’s- Allergies, asthma, Autism and ADHD are all caused by vaccination per the Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed research and book by Dr. Brian Hooker and Dr. Paul Thomas.
Does that mean you are in favor of the US ruling elites' endless wars around the world? The deep state and social media's surveillance and censorship regimes? Serious questions.
Trump was so against endless wars that he didn't start any, the first President in a long time, for that, and of course he really doesn't like the deep state or surveillance and censorship, being their chief target for some time now.
I will never support the evil state of Israel, created by the Illuminati in Britain early 1900's Balfour Declaration to set Jews (not even jews, but Ashkenazi descended from KHAZARIANS- some of our REAL enemies) against Arabs (the REAL semites, btw.
its time to stop funding the MASS SLAUGHTER IN ISRAEL. cut them OFF.
I have many reservations about RFK - I've never voted for a non-GOP candidate) but he's literally the only one raising questions about Fauci and the link between autism and other diseases and the childhood vax schedule.
Unlike Trumpers, I don't just assume a candidate believes what he says.
his wife is a Hollywood Zionist. not much better than Jared Kushner's perverted stance, selling gazan beach real estate while children are still Bleeding on it.
RFK Jr is also against pesticide poisoning of our croplands, although (being a lifelong Democrat) he plans to use the police powers of big government to reach his goals:
And Trump is serial cheat who has refused to pay 100's of contractors he hired.
He's also a liar (remember "lock her up?)
He's also so incredibly incompetent that he hired Epstein associate Barr, who contemptuously ignored Trump and ran out the clock without doing a damn thing.
He also, of course, hired hundreds of deep state people from the swamp, and gave them power to run his administration.
He was so inept that he couldn't keep his promises to build the wall.
I could go on ad nauseum, but I'll just suffice it to say, we've all been voting GOP for decades. We've listened to GOP leaders (eg. Trey Gowdy, Lindsey Graham, and hundreds of others) promise to right the constitutional ship, cut spending, reduce the deficit, close the borders, etc. and not a DAMN bit of progress has been made.
At some point, you have to at least wonder "Are we being played?"
You know, folks keep claiming that he didn’t pay employees. Any evidence I’ve found was only when the work was so substandard as to require extensive revision.
As for “lock her up,” not pursuing that was the right decision. We DO NOT need more politicization and divisiveness. Does t make him a liar.
Does he say things at rally’s to play to his base? Surely. They all do.
Did you even bother to look at the resistance he faced at every single turn??? Yet he accomplished much; it’s there if you care to look. And I can personally vouch for many miles of new border wall in CA and AZ.
It was JB who immediately cancelled it, at terrific losses to taxpayers, and left huge piles of pre-constructed segments left to rust near Florence, AZ. Photos at your request.
If you think RFK, as much as there is to like about him, has a chance in heck to win this election, I implore you to review carefully the different States and Federal rules of the electoral college. And maybe review Perot - not a single electoral vote; not a single State.
Head of HHS? Sec of State? Sad that he cannot possibly get to 270 electoral votes. Impossible. Some States don’t have to honor their voter’s preferences, but that’s a fairly minor issue. I don’t trust the House to decide the election, so please pick a side for 2024 and don’t send us down that rabbit hole.
Are your grandkids homeschooled? I imagine they are, because you have to be seriously vaxxed up according to the Childhood Vaccine Schedule, to attend public (an a number of private schools) in most states. Very few states allow for any ‘exemptions’ to “the schedule”…California NO exemptions! The majority of people who choose to not vaccinate their kids who live in CA, have been into homeschooling them for many years.
Actually, most states have some form of exemption. I think there are only 5 that have no exemption or only medical exemptions. The other 45 states have at least a religious exemption and a portion of those have a philosophical exemption as well. The schools will not offer up this information, you have to find it yourself.
The CDC knows vaccines cause autism. It’s been 10 years and Congress still hasn’t subpoenaed the CDC Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson. Pharmawhore Dr. Julie Gerberding became the President of the Vaccine Division at Merck for shredding the documents of the study the CDC performed, which showed a 260% increase in black male babies regressing into autism after the MMR. So, here’s a perfect example of a lack of transparency.
When I worked with autistic children in the public school system (retired in 2018), the vast majority were black males. Females of all races were probably less than 10% of that population.
So it would seem that black male children were most vulnerable. And for some reason, female children were a lot less affected.
It was discovered that black females were more susceptible to adverse reactions to the DPT vaccine by Dr. Aaby in Guinea -Bissau when he was able to look at his records comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated. The Highwire reported this sometime in 2019.
Brian Hooker MD wrote a book called "Evidence of Harm" that discussed studies that showed that young black males were much more likely to develop issues from the MMR if they had it before the age of 3 than any other demographic. The CDC made him throw that data away.
The "vaccines" have nothing to do with health, they make us un-healthy. But they do make the giant pharmaceuticals and their captured "government regulators" immensely wealthy, with our tax dollars and those of virtually every country on the planet. Human cockroach mr fauci and his underlings in NIAID, and others in NIH, CDC, etc made hundreds of millions of dollars in royalty payments. WTF??? How are civil servants allowed to make millions in royalties off the pharmaceutical companies they are supposed to regulate to protect us?
I was born in 1960. 1971 is the year they lined us up at school and gave us a shot. I don’t know what it was. I wonder if it was a measles booster because soon after I had my left eardrum burst and I failed all the school hearing tests. All the little kids getting tubes in their ears is tied to the MMR.
Born 1947. Ditto those two. Being a Pittsburgher, I was in one of the early trial groups for Jonas Salk's jab. Got it in a building which is now part of the UPMC complex. I bear a faint ring-shaped scar on my upper arm to this day from the Salk vax.
I like that “vaccine cult” is a good name and or “vaccine worshippers” for sure. They sure love throwing around the label of “anti-vax “ if you don’t believe in jabbing.
Now, someone with real balls, needs to argue that the rest of the CDC childhood schedule vaccines “protecting others” needs to be cast into doubt, as the compelling evidence points to nutrition, hygiene, and sanitation.
Oh, the science is conflicted? Great. So there’s doubt. Let’s start prying at the cracks.
Begging as a mother on behalf of all rational parents everywhere.
I agree completely! Babies today are getting a sickening amount of vaccines before they are even a year old! Way more than 20 years ago even!
I’ve come to the conclusion we need no vaccines. And, the number of shots forced upon children is truly horrifying.
Me three. Mine are grown but if I had to do it again ....
And we have an infant godson who I'm terrified for.
LOVE on that godson, Fred--pour the Holy Spirit love over that child!!
this should get some flames going in the CDC/FDA is conflicted??? story.
Here's chapter 1 of "Turtles All the Way Down, Vaccine Science vs. Myth" FREE online to read and learn what a scam jabcinnes have always been.
What will you/we learn in the quick 87 pages (all reference sources are also included)? True 'placebos' have never been run on ANY vaccines.
Pharma knows this and has gone to great lengths to prevent them from ever happening (I suspect they've done the studies and know, and therefore don't want the unwanted truth to come out).
Enjoy, learn and pass along
I am downloading it to a thumb drive right now, Walking--many, many thanks!
Dr Mercola agrees with you
(Long time follower of Mercola. He was my “gateway” into understanding health.)
I learned about Dr. Mercola while walking my little rescue Maltese in a local park back in 2013 (from a fellow dog walker whose dog's issues were helped by the holistic veterinarian, Dr. Becker, who partners with Dr. Mercola - and have followed his essays and use his supplements as the Spirit leads me to do so. Good man!!
"holistic veterinarian, Dr. Becker"
Does Dr. Becker have thoughts/solutions to canine cancer?
Treating mine with IVM currently but always looking out for extra input/help/suggestions/tools that have helped. and
are two locations I frequent.
Go Mercola! No jabs no seed oils no leaky gut.Thank you Dr.
Dr. Mercola was my "go-to" for years but lately something seems to be amiss with him. I don't know what is going on but I am a bit skeptical when I hear things like he is consulting with a psychic. I do see a difference in him. I just pray that he is ok.
Kathryn I agree that something is amiss with Dr. Mercola. I am more and more uncomfortable reading the content of his daily articles. He has changed his stance on so many of his previous held health positions. It just unsettles me.
I love Dr. Mercola and am so grateful for all I have learned from him. A few days ago I watched this video related to what has been going on with Dr. Mercola. I recommend watching it rather than reading it to gain a better understanding. Click on the arrow to listen to Barbara Fisher talk. So heartbreaking! I really hope he will be ok.
I agree with you CitizenA. I started noticing a difference in his health positions since last winter, and not just one or two, but so many that I found it unsettling, and a red flag was raised.
I keep hearing that but his newsletter seems fine to me. Same great info.
I haven't seen anything glaringly different in Dr. Mercola's newsletters that I receive - mostly they come through bi-weekly or monthly. What is 'changing' in his advice because I haven't noticed it.
I'm not a close follower of his, but I suggest that anything he recommends that came as a result of consulting with his psychic should be avoided at all costs.
Interesting news from the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) re Dr. Mercola.
Yep, although I have never really cared for Mercola, I did realize that he was right a good bit of the time. But lately....I'm personally not going down that path and hope he comes to his senses soon....
next step: there are no virus* correction: no virus has ever actually been shown to exist. they appear to have always been the fraud invention that opens the door to vaccines.
Drs Sam and Mark Bailey for much more info
I may be a lone dissenter here, but when you say viruses don’t exist to people, that’s when you start to lose them and their eyes begin to glaze over and they begin to think crazy conspiracy theorist and they tune out anything else you have to say and disregard anything you had said before. If there are no viruses (and I really don’t care if you call them viruses or something else) then explain what causes measles, mumps, hepatitis, Ebola, Covid, etc
If you tell me Covid wasn’t real, the many people who experienced it firsthand would beg to differ. I have never been as sick as I was with Covid (and no I did not get the shot) and it was totally different than any typical flu I’ve had before. I lost my sense of smell and it took over a year for it to come back. I’m not saying it rose to the level of a pandemic, but there was something different going around, and I don’t think it necessarily helps the “cause” to say viruses don’t exist until you’re prepared to offer an alternative to what has made someone sick other than “oh, it’s the 5G”, or “it’s just your body detoxing”, or “its really past traumas just coming to the surface”.
To be clear though, I am against any and all vaccines and pretty much every other pharmaceutical product and allopathic medicine in general, because I don’t think “scientists” are anywhere close to smart enough to have a detailed understanding of how the human body actually functions, to be able to develop something that will not have unintended and potentially devastating consequences.
I feel like I could have written this word for word. I'm ready to entertain the thought that there are no "viruses" but until a reasonable explanation is provided for how illnesses clearly move from person to person, I feel like it's just a semantics game. Our family stopped ALL shots over 12 years ago. We are all very healthy and rarely get sick - but with 4 kids, usually when one catches something, it does move through at least one or 2 other kids. We never tested for Covid, but we most definitely had it at least twice. The first time, I had to use literally everything in my holistic toolbox to get well and I remember thinking that any other person would likely have needed significant allopathic treatment to overcome it. Our family actually traveled full-time during the majority of the pandemic - and ironically, only had "covid" while visiting our homebase. It was quite interesting to live a life of such freedom while watching so many people succumb to the narrative and live life trapped in their homes.
I wrote this a few weeks back. I made it as short and concise as possible about what viruses are, and what they are not.
It's the most reasonable explanation I found about ten years ago and I've been using the knowledge to prove it to myself and my family ever since. It's solid.
Covid ... real or not real?
Amazingly, all other causes of disease magically disappeared in 2020. Everything was Covid, Covid, Covid no matter what one caught or got. Ask anyone what they got and it was Covid and nothing else. This held true whether it was death certificates, hospital admissions, visits to local masked man pretending to be a doctor. So, to sum. Some people got real sick from something. Some did not. The people who got real sick from something called it 'covid' ... and the people who got sick with other things also called it 'covid'. So everyone got sick with 'covid' whether they did or not. Like Shakespeare said, "What is there in a name?"
By the way Russia, Russia, Russia is not Russia ... nor the Ukraine for that matter. Russia, Russia, Russia might be code for the United States, and only by some stretch of the imagination. But I would not know because I like mostly in the real world, even though this causes problems for me.
Yup. Even the guy who crashed his motorcycle in the LA Freeway and died because of his injuries didn't really sustain any life-thretening ijuries. He died of the covid thing, and the hospital, as a Big Prize" for ticking the correct box on the "cause of deah" form, got a bonus if $40K.
See how that works? Dangle a bit of gelt in front of an hospital administrator/money-man, and there IS no other cause of death than the Woo Flew.
Exactly. How would someone even know they had 'covid' when the tests are so nonsensical. There was so much obfuscation.
And influenza just….disappeared. Both are in the same family of viruses. Why was this fact ignored?
Karen, nancylee is correct that pathogenic viruses don't exist, though the way I prefer to say it is "those particles scientists call viruses have never been proven to do what they claim." The basic truth to understand is that Terrain Theory is backed up by science; Germ Theory is not. Here is an excellent video discussing this topic:
Each of the diseases you listed do have other possible causes, all of the causes falling into one of two categories--toxins (bad food, water, air, EMF, etc.) or lack of something (insufficient vitamins, minerals, proteins, sunshine, contact with the earth, contact with other humans, etc.).
There are many great books that discuss the above in detail. I recommend Can You Catch a Cold? (Roytas), Virus Mania (Kohnlein, et. al.), The Contagion Myth (Cowan, Morrell), or The Invisible Rainbow (Firstenburg).
thanks for correcting my comment. the honest virologists say that virus have never been proven to exist. I'll be more careful in future.
I don’t agree or disagree with your statement or the linked videos assertion that viruses don’t exist. I simply don’t know as I am no expert. As I said in my original comment, I don’t necessarily care what it is called, terrain theory, germ theory, etc. My main concern is what I experience and observe firsthand. I don’t believe even our most intelligent scientists and doctors, including the ones you mentioned, have a clear and complete understanding of the complex and wonderful design that is our bodies and their interactions with the world around us. Only our Creator has that understanding and we are much better off to look to nature, which He provided for things to cure what ails us.
I believe this is backed up by the fact that I can’t think of a single disease that allopathic medicine has cured (but maybe I have missed something). Pretty much without exception, pharmaceuticals have unintended and undesirable consequences, at least in some people. Therefore, I think it is in everybody’s best interests to not only question the efficacy, or lack thereof, of any and all vaccines but also any and all pharmaceuticals (but no, I am not recommending someone discontinue all their prescriptions, this post does not constitute medical advice lest someone report me to the FDA).
When someone just throws out “viruses don’t exist” it goes against many people’s experiences and observations and it doesn’t move the needle in the vaccine or Covid debate, because many people experienced something that caused them or loved ones to be ill or possibly die. Call it Covid or call it the normal seasonal flu or something else but it was something. I’m not buying that it was 5G, an individual’s past or current traumas, stress, our psyche, or just our bodies normal detoxification process, all of which I have seen posited.
In my opinion, the debate should be, assuming for arguments sake that Covid exists, did the government have the authority to suspend our God given rights that are delineated in the Constitution and to require people be masked, distanced and injected with unsafe, ineffective substances? For me that would be a hard no.
Your not alone in your dissent.
I tried to like your post but the “like” button does not seem to work.
No Covid vax in our home
My daughter came home sick w Covid. Next day I had it. Two days later other two kids sick. I was really sick, I took a week off work, first sick time for me in over ten years. It was three more weeks before I was really able to function well.
When the tests are so ridiculous, how would you know if you guys had covid? Flu can do similar reactions.
Not throwing shade, just asking questions.
I lost my sense of smell without getting Covid or being sick from anything. I also lost it every time I've had a cold. I don't think it's related to Covid (if there even is a covid). I just think we were poisoned. That would explain a nursing home out in the middle of nowhere getting it before anyone else. Say what? How did old people who never go anywhere, without visitors, get decimated by "covid"? Anecdotal "evidence" by people who say "I was never so sick... " well every year, someone has a bad flu that they were 'never so sick' from. This has happened anecdotally to me for 3 years running. Not that I was sick but that someone I worked with, am related to, or friends with got the flu and "it was the worst flu I ever had." I am guessing that that's how our memory works - we don't remember how bad the last flu was when we get the next one. The present one is always going to be the worst, esp. the older we get.
Yup there are no unique symptoms for convid, it's other diseases relabeled.
A 'virus' is a biological program designed to go in to action the very second a psychological problem is perceived. Say you were told you had cancer and had six months to live - Heaven forbid. That shock is registered in the brain IMMEDIATELY. The psyche is not biological, but the brain is. The brain's shock is relayed to a specific organ. For a death fright one will develop lung cancer (so-called). For a separation shock one will develop a skin cancer. There is a biological law involved.
The shock can be seen on a CT scan as a ring.
I wrote about it once if you have the inclination.
The point is, a virus is a biological program for a specific section of the body.
Karen, you urgently need to watch this video, I'm certain it is the most important one you can watch today:
Anyone else reading this post, please watch it, and share it, its only 7 minutes.
Daniel, I don't click on links that I don't know what they are. If you give a brief description of what the video is, you might get more people who will watch it.
This might not 'directly' answer your question 'do viruses actually exist', but this article tackles the timelines of what was "Covid" and was it in fact a virus, or an airborne toxin emitted around the world simultaneously (think chem-trails as most are sprayed around humans, not out at sea where they'd have a better chance of really deflecting the sun's rays), but take a gander and let us know your thoughts. Complicated, I know.
I agree -The virus or whatever covid is was made in a lab and is a bioweapon. The doctors treating the spike damaged know this. Others who deny it’s an issue just don’t know.
I totally agree with your consensus on "spouting off" to those who are SO ASLEEP they may never awaken. Perhaps couching the "virus discussion" with this phrase, "since science ALWAYS QUESTIONS medical discoveries, there have been NEW evidence to dispute the 'theory of viruses' their origin and modalities" or something on that order. can share what you have learned from the TRUTH-SEEKING scientists whose work you trust.
Amen! Well said 🌟
I totally agree with everything you say. I get a little tired of people saying covid was/is just a cold because I've never had a "cold" like that before. No taste/smell and the fatigue was off the charts. I could barely make it across the room. I've had walking pneumonia before and I thought that was hell. It was a walk in the park compared to covid. So it drives me nuts when people claim that there are no viruses. Then tell us exactly what we had. Also I'm not jabbed.
Exactly, I had the same experience. It took me a month to feel like myself again and that only happened after I had several Vitamin C infusions. Even then, I couldn’t smell anything for a year and a half., hardly typical cold or flu symptoms.
How do you know it was covid? Aren't the tests known for scamming?
Perhaps it was the flu? The CDC reported the flu somehow dissipated, as they were simply counting flu cases as covid cases.
Just asking questions...
You are not the lone dissenter, that is for certain.
Just because the official story regarding vaxxes is a lie doesn't mean every crackpot youtube "influencer" theory is true. Most of these people are either nuts, pushing crazy schemes for clicks, or chaos agents. Don't discount the last one as Pharma loves the "no virus" people as they make all pharma critics look nutty by association. It's similar to how the Flat Earth people are used to ridicule those who question the moon landings (based on solid evidence).
Obviously aspects of the terrain theory are true, people in poor health get sick easier. But that can be true and viruses still real, they aren't mutually exclusive. But these people play on humans inability to think in nuanced terms and propensity to swing to one extreme or the other. Hence they fall for every pied piper that comes down the pike.
Sasha Laptyova wrote a stack on this subject this week you may find interesting...
same here. I will watch the video but think it is a bridge too far for most, certainly me as I was SICKER WITH COVID (no jab) than ever before in my life.
Interestingly, I watched a video with Dr. Mercola and Suzanne Humphries. They both seem to believe in viruses because of childhood diseases like measles and chickenpox. These are contagious and then people don’t get them again. Most develop immunity. Unlike colds & flu that we get multiple times and are a lot of times very similar.
I don’t fully believe colds and flus are contagious as most times in our household we don’t catch or pass on one another’s illness. I have slept in the same bed with my husband for 39 years through all our colds & few flus and we never passed one to the other.
I do believe more investigating needs to be done.
Correct! The link you sent is good; Sam and Mark are warriors, as are Dr. Cowan, Dr. Kaufman, Stefan Lanka, and others. The science is on the side of terrain theory, not germ theory. Here's another excellent video that comprehensively explains the failures of germ theory:
Thank for this podcast link. Heads up to others… you have to listen to an intro that’s about 20-30 min. before the interview with Mark Bailey. The sound clip with Del Bigtree is one I have not heard before. He thinks the no virus theory should be ignored for now. He thinks that he’ll get more open listeners in government if the focus is vaccines are harmfull.
I agree. this "science" is completely corrupted by $$$$$
Right there with you. Like Dr. Peter McCullough said, 'vaccines are not the free lunch we thought they were. ' How succinct and accurate that has turned out to be. I think the long slow slide for the vaccine manufacturers has begun.
Trust Nature to sort things out.
True. The US has the highest infant mortality rate in the developed world, and has worse rates than quite a few semi-developed countries.
78 or 79 doses of assorted “vaccines” by the time they’re 18! In the 60’s it was 3, in the 80’s something like 13. And we wonder why there is such a surge in autism, ADHD, autoimmune disease, etc! People can argue all day long about whether vaccines cause autism, for instance, but for the love of God, who in their right mind cannot see that pumping kids with 79 doses of ANYTHING is going to cause problems!
JudyC your right, no one needs to wonder. Autism, ADHD &autoimmune disease, is caused by vaccine. Period.
And allergies, I would not be surprised about that being linked to vaccines either.
Peanut 🥜 most RFKJR says, we boomers knew NO one with such an allergy. Peanut butter and jelly was a staple for every child!
Allergies too RL. The 4 A’s- Allergies, asthma, Autism and ADHD are all caused by vaccination per the Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed research and book by Dr. Brian Hooker and Dr. Paul Thomas.
50% of children today suffer from some chronic medical/mental condition…all due to the Vaxx schedule.
Yes RL lots of evidence that the explosion of peanut allergies was linked to a vaccine adjuvant derived from something to do with peanuts...
And so many other allergies too, dairy, soy, eggs, tree nuts, so many that were basically unheard of until relatively recently.
And cancers, and neurological disorders…and on and on!
Indeed 😞
Austism absolutely has to be. There is one common denominator: vaccines.
You know who's the only candidate who has called this vaccine schedule into question?
That's the ONLY topic on which I agree with him.
Does that mean you are in favor of the US ruling elites' endless wars around the world? The deep state and social media's surveillance and censorship regimes? Serious questions.
Trump was so against endless wars that he didn't start any, the first President in a long time, for that, and of course he really doesn't like the deep state or surveillance and censorship, being their chief target for some time now.
Hello!!! he's a committed ZIONIST supporting the WORST excesses - GENOCIDE- in Gaza. doesnt sound too anti war to me.
Please read his full stance. It is not what he began with, I believe is not what you are thinking.
I have researched RFK very carefully. What is it that you think we don't know?
Thank goodness I'm not alone here.
Never! your FB buddy here :)
Which I admired him for at the time. Unfortunately, RFK is a staunch supporter of the genocide in Palestine.
There is no Palestine.
By which do you mean, supporter of Israel?
Another warmonger state who we are stuck paying billions of dollars to each year. All for the fun of being subverted by them.
He hired the pres of the Zionists of America to his campaign
Lynn, posted below/here regards CHD. Perhaps that is where I read his true stance on vaxxines.
yup! cant get around it.
Anyone hoping to become President will be a supporter of Israel.
It is complicated. This country will always stand with them having a right to exist, though they are heavy handed in their retaliation.
who is this "we", white lady?
I will never support the evil state of Israel, created by the Illuminati in Britain early 1900's Balfour Declaration to set Jews (not even jews, but Ashkenazi descended from KHAZARIANS- some of our REAL enemies) against Arabs (the REAL semites, btw.
its time to stop funding the MASS SLAUGHTER IN ISRAEL. cut them OFF.
RFK Jr. is not ‘anti-vaxx’ per se. CHD has come out against the ‘childhood vaccine schedule’ and the EUA mRNA ‘shots’.
That is light years beyond Trump and Biden.
I have many reservations about RFK - I've never voted for a non-GOP candidate) but he's literally the only one raising questions about Fauci and the link between autism and other diseases and the childhood vax schedule.
Unlike Trumpers, I don't just assume a candidate believes what he says.
What's his stance on the trans agenda and the Green New Deal/green-washing, ESG an DEI?
his wife is a Hollywood Zionist. not much better than Jared Kushner's perverted stance, selling gazan beach real estate while children are still Bleeding on it.
RFK Jr is also against pesticide poisoning of our croplands, although (being a lifelong Democrat) he plans to use the police powers of big government to reach his goals:
RFK is a socialist and a lawyer.
And Trump is serial cheat who has refused to pay 100's of contractors he hired.
He's also a liar (remember "lock her up?)
He's also so incredibly incompetent that he hired Epstein associate Barr, who contemptuously ignored Trump and ran out the clock without doing a damn thing.
He also, of course, hired hundreds of deep state people from the swamp, and gave them power to run his administration.
He was so inept that he couldn't keep his promises to build the wall.
I could go on ad nauseum, but I'll just suffice it to say, we've all been voting GOP for decades. We've listened to GOP leaders (eg. Trey Gowdy, Lindsey Graham, and hundreds of others) promise to right the constitutional ship, cut spending, reduce the deficit, close the borders, etc. and not a DAMN bit of progress has been made.
At some point, you have to at least wonder "Are we being played?"
You know, folks keep claiming that he didn’t pay employees. Any evidence I’ve found was only when the work was so substandard as to require extensive revision.
As for “lock her up,” not pursuing that was the right decision. We DO NOT need more politicization and divisiveness. Does t make him a liar.
Does he say things at rally’s to play to his base? Surely. They all do.
Did you even bother to look at the resistance he faced at every single turn??? Yet he accomplished much; it’s there if you care to look. And I can personally vouch for many miles of new border wall in CA and AZ.
It was JB who immediately cancelled it, at terrific losses to taxpayers, and left huge piles of pre-constructed segments left to rust near Florence, AZ. Photos at your request.
If you think RFK, as much as there is to like about him, has a chance in heck to win this election, I implore you to review carefully the different States and Federal rules of the electoral college. And maybe review Perot - not a single electoral vote; not a single State.
we had this discussion a few days ago and came to the conclusion that rumor is likely not true.
Trump has a lot more money than RFK that he earned by building stuff people wanted to buy.
The Kennedy family are socialists who acquired their wealth in the stock market and joining with the socialist democrats.
RFK is a 'liberal' lawyer and never created wealth.
TDS poster child.
Wiser voices with a longtime inside access tell us that Trump's choices for many key positions had to be blessed by Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell.
Always refreshing to see another TDS knee-jerker pipe up. LOL.
Head of HHS? Sec of State? Sad that he cannot possibly get to 270 electoral votes. Impossible. Some States don’t have to honor their voter’s preferences, but that’s a fairly minor issue. I don’t trust the House to decide the election, so please pick a side for 2024 and don’t send us down that rabbit hole.
How many 28 year olds are even going to know that when they enroll their kids in school?
Not many I reckon. Little "Tommy" will be getting his shot 90% of the time.
Something wicked this way comes.
Ya, especially my former compatriots north of the border. They are devoid of questionable thoughts. It’s as if the past four years hadn’t happened.
Not my grandkids cuz I’ve been educating my own kids on the vaccine and medical fallacies for years!🙌🏼
Are your grandkids homeschooled? I imagine they are, because you have to be seriously vaxxed up according to the Childhood Vaccine Schedule, to attend public (an a number of private schools) in most states. Very few states allow for any ‘exemptions’ to “the schedule”…California NO exemptions! The majority of people who choose to not vaccinate their kids who live in CA, have been into homeschooling them for many years.
Actually, most states have some form of exemption. I think there are only 5 that have no exemption or only medical exemptions. The other 45 states have at least a religious exemption and a portion of those have a philosophical exemption as well. The schools will not offer up this information, you have to find it yourself.
The CDC knows vaccines cause autism. It’s been 10 years and Congress still hasn’t subpoenaed the CDC Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson. Pharmawhore Dr. Julie Gerberding became the President of the Vaccine Division at Merck for shredding the documents of the study the CDC performed, which showed a 260% increase in black male babies regressing into autism after the MMR. So, here’s a perfect example of a lack of transparency.
When I worked with autistic children in the public school system (retired in 2018), the vast majority were black males. Females of all races were probably less than 10% of that population.
So it would seem that black male children were most vulnerable. And for some reason, female children were a lot less affected.
It was discovered that black females were more susceptible to adverse reactions to the DPT vaccine by Dr. Aaby in Guinea -Bissau when he was able to look at his records comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated. The Highwire reported this sometime in 2019.
Brian Hooker MD wrote a book called "Evidence of Harm" that discussed studies that showed that young black males were much more likely to develop issues from the MMR if they had it before the age of 3 than any other demographic. The CDC made him throw that data away.
Black babies, eh? Margaret Sanger (Hillary's idol) is applauding in hell.
The "vaccines" have nothing to do with health, they make us un-healthy. But they do make the giant pharmaceuticals and their captured "government regulators" immensely wealthy, with our tax dollars and those of virtually every country on the planet. Human cockroach mr fauci and his underlings in NIAID, and others in NIH, CDC, etc made hundreds of millions of dollars in royalty payments. WTF??? How are civil servants allowed to make millions in royalties off the pharmaceutical companies they are supposed to regulate to protect us?
Same way our elected officials are allowed to engage in insider trading, or get paid $900,000 for a forthcoming book deal….
The bipartisan Bayh-Dole Act is the culprit.
Can't imagine why it was bipartisan?? Perhaps because all of the uniparty dems and rinos steal from us like bandits!
In 1982 when my first child was born, it was 7.
that's what i thought. i was born in 71'. I think it may have been less than that back in the day.
I was born in 1960. 1971 is the year they lined us up at school and gave us a shot. I don’t know what it was. I wonder if it was a measles booster because soon after I had my left eardrum burst and I failed all the school hearing tests. All the little kids getting tubes in their ears is tied to the MMR.
born in 52 I remember 3 during my entire childhood. Polio, MMR, and maybe one other.
When I was born in 1952, there were no vaccines at birth and I think I got the Diphtheria/Tetanus and Polio. That’s it.
Born 1947. Ditto those two. Being a Pittsburgher, I was in one of the early trial groups for Jonas Salk's jab. Got it in a building which is now part of the UPMC complex. I bear a faint ring-shaped scar on my upper arm to this day from the Salk vax.
Smallpox vaccine left that scar.
I like that “vaccine cult” is a good name and or “vaccine worshippers” for sure. They sure love throwing around the label of “anti-vax “ if you don’t believe in jabbing.