Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding the Montreal mayor.

Sometimes I feel like I need to sit down on the floor after I've had too many shots.

Of course, the shots are Jack Daniels and not Spikevax, but I know how she feels.

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I took a Whiskey University class last night. I really had to self monitor so that my lights didn’t go out.

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Sounds like my university experience. I learned a lot, I just don't remember names or places or people, but I sure had a great time (I think)!!

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1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila, floor. Brilliant response, CaliforniaLost!

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4 tequila, 5 tequila, 6 tequila; no shots more.

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Nice!! Now if only everyone could put 2 and 2 together and get something other than 34 or 667 or whatever number they make up.

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When you’ve drank that many shots, or shot that many snots you can’t add two plus too to ...💭💭

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well done!!

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She was lucky. Those clot shots are designed to kill. But she will never connect the dots. We are all playing Russian roulette sooner or later you will get the kill shot. Stop complying

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exactly. that is what I have been telling my jab happy family, too. but they don't believe me, as usual. I quit. They will have to see for themselves and then still not think any further.

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Incredible, isn’t it? So frustrating. They were so invested in shaming other people that now they cannot admit they were wrong.

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Me too. Sadly.

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I'm walking my own way this days puzzled

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at the beginning of the scamdemic, a friend told me she was doing jigsaw puzzles. I had a few and started doing so, too. It seems to help to get your mind together. :) so yes, puzzled here, too !

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I’ve known 3 people close to my family, 70+ who died from something related to the jabs. 😢

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Me too

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I have no sympathy for these covidiots. Reap what you sow. I hope she's worried big time. Serves her right.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Shots of JD have been known to cure many ills. Safe & effective.

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Hilarious! :)

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Valuable insight, CL. Odd thing about her and Trudeau’s vax photos is they both enjoy getting shots and neither has guns. I know charity demands I wish no harm on Mayor Valerie “The Face” Plante, but I’ve been told to “Rejoice, you nations, with his people, for he will avenge the blood of his servants; he will take vengeance on his enemies and make atonement for his land and people” (Deuteronomy 32:43).

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My relative hit the deck at an airport kiosk, ended up in hospital, and missed her trip. She is at about jab 7 or thereabouts, and zero lightbulbs went off.

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I am a fireman in CA, large city. 26 years on the job. The number of CPR calls, just for me when on duty, has skyrocketed. What used to be a bi-monthly occurrence is now DAILY. DAILY. Let that sink in. The past 4 CPR calls have all been under 50, all with recent (one year or less) cardiac diagnosis (a fib, etc) and all have died. I only know the vax status of one of them, since the wife handed me his wallet with his ID in it, along with his vax/booster cards...CARDS, because he ran out of space on the first, they were stapled together.

I find all of this incredibly pathetic, and NO ONE wants to address the elephant in the room, at least where I am. One year. One year to go, then I am done and getting the f*ck out of this liberal cesspool.

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Tommy- I live here too. Every time I hear a call I think another one is gone. What I want to know is do your coworkers connect the dots and believe its jabs???

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I live right down the street from a fire station in So. Cal. So many non-stop sirens.

It never used to be this bad.

When I check the PulsePoint app, 99% are "medical emergency".

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Tommy, did your coworkers take the vax?

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That statistic is downright hard to wrap my head around.

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Screen name reference to Rescue Me? Great show!

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And that's just one city! God help us and all of you first responders.

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Doctors are baffled? I hope they're cashing their big pharma payoffs. Because they all need to be locked up.

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They now have to rewrite all the medical textbooks to include a chapter or two on bafflement.

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in a few years the psychiatric wards will be filled with baffled doctors

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Can't blame covid vaxx for all of it. Most the covidiots in my area were already mental basket cases prior to the clot shots - libtards, TDS, over medicated loons. The clot shots is just speading up their demise.

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LOL you are probably right. Everyone in their right minds would ask themselves questions about the jabs - how come they got through so quickly, what is in it, wait until they have been tested. But no, most just ran in a panic to the jab yard for a sickness that resembles a flu. An old couple I know, both with several underlying conditions, said it was just that, they recovered in 4 days.

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Do you talk to people like that in real life, away from the keyboard?

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Sometimes. Why?

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And/or doctors dealing with the horror of realizing what they did and how they were lied to and thus harmed patients.

Waking up out of the conventional medical paradigm is not without genuine mental and spiritual difficulties. It can be exceedingly painful.

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true. but doctors should be the first ones to read the side effects, the website of the producers. It was on the pfizer website from day zero. I am not medically trained but if a product has 9 pages of side effects including the illness for which the jab is, and death, well, I will take my risk with the illness, specially since the jab contains mercury, aluminium and PEG (which I know from my days at a cosmitics lab)

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But they don’t.

Truthfully, doctors don’t have time to read that info for all the drugs and stuff they use. They are trained to assume that their professional organizations (American Heart Association for cardiologists, American College of OB/Gyn for OBs, American Academy of Pediatrics for pediatricians, and so on) have vetted the information and made recommendations that best serve the patients. I bet that 99% of docs have NO IDEA how much funding those orgs get from pHarma and the like. From processed food companies (AHA), and from formula companies (AAP).

I happen to know several docs who have awakened (the RIGHT kind of “woke!”) because of co vid, or because of their own experiences that remained unsolved by conventional med, and are now starting to think a bit more about what they are doing.

But yeah, you are 100% correct - they SHOULD be asking those questions and asking to see the data, at the very least, for new products.

They’ve been trained not to consider it necessary.

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Sincere question. Do you think the doctors who just followed orders will ever actually face up to what they did? I will NEVER go to a doctor again unless it's a true emergency. I was already refusing any tests or meds that they tried to push on me for many years already. Incompetent lazy fools. I usually would go in and know more than they knew. Always did my homework which only seemed to irritate them. Hurt their "big" brains. 😆

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Dr Aseem Mulhotra has. And in very public ways and at risk to his career.

And yes, some docs are coming to see reality. Some who observed with horror the recent debacle now have realized the harms of the childhood shots and have disavowed those. I know a few myself.

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It's a hard thing, to look into the abyss.

It breaks people.

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Yes. It truly does. Looking into the abyss is an apt description. It can be terrifying.

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sadly, along with their transgender patients....

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Crixcyon--The medical textbooks will read as such: 1% of illness is treatable; 99% will be untreatable systemic bafflement, sponsored by Pfizer and friends of the CDC.

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Uh oh Annie, you got some splainin to do. (Said in the best Ricky Ricardo voice possible)

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I wonder if "Baffle" will make its way to tge DSM-VI?

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Visiting with a jab happy friend recently. She said they had gotten the RSV shot at the request of their grandson who has an infant. But…she said that her DOCTOR told her she didn’t need another covid booster. 😂 Aha! Another one sees the light?

I’m hesitant to get ‘in their face’ about the shots because I’m not doctor you know? But I genially said to her, ‘one thing we can all agree on now is that they don’t work’. To which she readily agreed.

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I guess I would just lie to my children, their demanding any kind of shot is the height of BS.

By the way, they kept telling us we weren’t doctors, now they’re acting like doctors?? 🤪

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It’s the good old fear factor. They had friends whose baby was in the hospital for weeks with it. Of course, these are people who never have a clue about self care for themselves or their children. No supplements, eating healthier food or anything.

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Yes, of course. My neighbor got covid shots while pregnant and then wondered how she had such complications at birth (cesarean, then infection in the incision, then covid, all while in the hospital for a month) 🤷‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Its baffling how stupid they are.

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She was fortunate to have a live birth. The number of miscarriages and stillbirths is unconscionable in women who have had the jab.

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Jabs for pregnant women is an issue that almost makes my head explode. The gold standard safety warning for years has been ‘Do not take if you are pregnant or nursing’! And yet some idiot doctors gave that horrific, terrible, experimental drug to countless pregnant women! It blows my mind!

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I am seeing a LOT of insanity among new parents with babies…at the moment

requiring caretakers to be vaccinated for all sorts of things to watch their kids.

I saw an ad- must be up to date on all vaccinations, including MMR, Tdap, Covid and annual flu vaccines

Madness. Too bad the babysitter will be too sick to work by then. 🤯

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And the caregivers then shedding on the little ones :-(

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I read an article not too long ago about all the jabs recommended for grandparents before they are “allowed” to even see their infant grandchildren. It was shocking. I forget what all was on the list, but it was about 10 jabs, including being “up-to-date” on all the covid jabs. Big Pharma pulling their strings from behind the curtain…

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Cradle to Grave… that’s pharma’s dream target market!

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It’s real. A lot of my friends are becoming grandparents. Some are demanding the grandparents get jabbed to see their grandchildren.

I’m amazed at how parents do these things for their children when they know they are wrong! One parent even raised his kids naturally no shots. He sold vitamins for living, he caved to make peace and went and got them!

I was like?!!! Why??!!

This nonsense has gone on long enough. We need leadership to get this truth out. It’s fracturing, dividing, harming, maiming, and killing families. 🙏🏼for the day we all unite

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Covid has been a spectacular opportunity to divide families. Remember the favored quote often expressed by lefties who think childrearing is best accomplished with government control, "It takes a village to raise a child"? Well, now that village doesn't necessarily include the grandparents, unless they are fully jabbed, whatever that currently means. And meanwhile, grandparents also need to go along with the latest woke ideology, like boys and girls can be whatever they are not. Or lose the opportunity to be part of their grandchildren's lives.

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Recently heard Dr Peter McCullough say that less than 1% of Americans get RSV, and that it's easily treatable. Makes the RSV vaccine seem like mostly risk w/ very little benefit.

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One more excuse to panic and inject some poison into unsuspecting people.

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and probably none jabbed. I know of several who did not take it, one told a friend of mine when no one was in the room. they probably all made fake 'passes' for each other. And keep on jabbing and getting bribed by bigharma

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I have been hoping that they are saving that ill-gotten-gain to pay the lawyers when the suits roll out (like a vax roll-out, but different).

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Better advice is to spend it on personal security teams. Laws won't matter when enough people realize the truth about their evil deeds. There's an old video of a man in Australia (?) confronting a doctor who killed his relative with the death jab...with a boomerang! He doesn't physically assault the doctor, but he uses the boomerang to damage the doctor's car, even smashing out the car window after breaking off the side view mirror. Boomerangs are tougher than I realized!

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Wish I could see this!

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My apologies, I remembered incorrectly. The man used two boomerangs, evidently breaking one. After hitting the window with boomerang(s), he actually smashed the window with his open hand!


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Thank you so much, Special Ted-- I was hoping that you would grasp my veiled request!

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Yes, and deadly, but really awkward for concealed carriers.

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Haha! "Is that a boomerang in your pocket...?"

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I KNEW I shouldn't have gone there ! : )

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Repeatedly jabbed, and and locked up

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No need to take a Florida vacation when my Pay grade after COV went to the moon.

Actually it was Hawaii/ Barbados/Taiwan/ Monaco/Spain/Bahrain/ Dubai/Etc....

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A friend and former work colleague said one of the most brilliant things I ever heard. "life is hard on stupid people"

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"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne, American actor

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Years ago I saw a documentary on John Wayne. Wayne said he always considered himself a democrat/liberal, as were the majority of Hollywood, until one day he took the time to really examine the positions they embraced. That is when he was shocked to realize he was a conservative and had alway been so.

I wonder how many people blindly follow a party or ideology without examining the truth of what they actually stand for?

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"Most" might be a good bet.

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My mother in law used to say “I may be dumb but I’m not stupid.” 🤣

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That is so good!! Gave my 1935er a big laugh along with me soon to be a double 7!!! 😊

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It's even harder on the smart people WATCHING the stupid one's.

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As I've said many times, did these people think this through to its ultimate end? The idea was to get mail in voting so pdt would be put out to pasture. Then it Looked like a great opportunity to cull the herd. But in culling the herd they've killed the sheep, and saved the sheepdog. Be careful what you wish for.

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The sheepdogs will be dealt with via CBDCs and other totalitarian measures. Just heard yesterday that insurance companies are writing up plans to stop insuring gas-powered cars down the road - one among many back-end ways of forcing these plans. (Also, things such as re-writing building codes - Green New Deal and such - so that bringing our homes up to code will be so costly we're forced into selling the property and going into a conveniently-constructed 15-minute city)

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I work for a very large P&C insurance company and have not heard anything about not insuring gas powered cars. This company also did not require jabs so they may not be as under the government thumb. But I don't see any insurance company being motivated to do this on their own.

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That's good to hear!

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Ugh, I don’t know why I’m surprised but those two points are terrifying!

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That could be another fear-porn technique to push people into doing what TPTB wish without their (TPTB) having to go to much trouble.

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Yep. It is unbelievable the web of entities they've involved to push their plans forward. I laughed when I first heard "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy." but I'm now seeing how they have schemed to bring this to fruition - pretty sure I would never be happy about it if shoved into it unwillingly. But plenty of people will be so "relieved" to find out these people are willing to take care of them in the manner which they deem appropriate.

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Also consider the sheer number of single family homes bought up by companies like Blackrock, who have first access to money printed out of thin air.

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Are you armed? I rest my case.

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Re: "did these people think this through to its ultimate end?"

What we are witnessing is what Thomas Sowell calls "Stage One thinking".

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One of my heroes. Top of the list.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023


Ignorance is bliss.

Being extremely stupid is only painful for ....*other people*.

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yes, stupidity hurts my brain. My brain has been in shock for 3 yrs by the massive amount of stupidity.

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Mine has been since 2008 when, after 9/11 stupidity voted for a man whose last name was ‘Hussein’.

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Very good!

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Also, stupid people have a blast radius.

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A family member who was also a psychologist would always say "never underestimate the stupidity of humans"

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Joe Rogan was just saying this on his Nov 29 podcast I was listening to today.

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Smart or strong. Lol

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Husband's employe called in yesterday--had taken booster Monday and 'it hit me like a truck'--heading for his flu shot next. PhD in hard science.

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Pretty heavily Disillusioned? PhD 🤪

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Not yet disillusioned--hence the shots (we don't know how many at this point)

On the other hand, one daughter and her husband are both PhD's--and unvaxxed, and he, heavily disillusioned. She never needed to be disillusioned apparently.

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Piled Higher and Deeper?

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Vast numbers of PhD's have knowledge a mile deep and a quarter inch wide.

They couldn't spot botched science in the form of absolute vs relative effectiveness. They couldn't spot a trial that was rigged by allocating numbers to the denominator that belonged in the numerator in the risk/benefit ratio, by the mere act of calling the intervention group unjabbed until two weeks after the second dose.

I don't need to be a PhD to know when someone didn't carry the two.

There was a Mars probe that crashed into the surface years ago, because one engineer used imperial vs metric. A third grader could have pointed that out, and these people would have mocked him.

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So true! And that deep knowledge is relatively useless. I had a patient tell me he was getting his PhD in squirrel research. He said, “Can you believe they pay me to sit outside and watch squirrels all day?” I thought he was joking. He was dead serious.

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Oh, and don’t forget the relative risk reduction vs. absolute risk reduction. Glad to see TX is suing Pfizer and including that whopper.

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A few years back, a European rocket (Atlas II maybe?) blew up just off the launch pad. Same thing, wrong measurement system, forgot to convert.

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Most science is PAID science. Besides that, Newtonian physics leaves out 99.9999999% of the quantum universe.

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When I was in grad school I quickly learned that to get a PhD, a person digs deeply into one, very limited and narrow subject and becomes "somewhat" of an expert in that one little subject.

Why so many people think having a PhD means the person knows a lot about just about everything is a mystery to me.

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Yes! They are mostly narrow minded, arrogant, often narcissistic, and have no "big picture" dot-connecting skills.

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Hubby better start planning the “help wanted” ad.

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Is it too soon to require 2 weeks notice from any employees who decide to take a jab?

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lol hurry they might run out. lol

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Yes, I fear so. And now people have to pay for their poison, I believe?

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Annnnd....you literally cannot tell these people otherwise. I. Can't. Stand. It. Nurses, retired or former educators are the absolute worst in their obtuse reality.

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And all with the know-it-all attitude that exudes from doctors and nurses.

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The retired ones, still believe that pharm is here to help man kind. They are so delusional it is beyond sad.

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Part of it is the Union mentality. Socialist group think I guess.

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just like my sis

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The covidians are many in number.

Although they don't seem to be holding up well.

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My husband who is only starting to believe half of this … says well why would they want to kill off the people who believe them? I said well maybe because they didn’t think it through. I don’t think they care who they off and they didn’t expect people to refuse.

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This seems to be a stumbling block to many...I have heard the same thing from people who are half awake.

1. TPTB don't care.

2. They are evil.

3. They think they can replace the died suddenly with AI.

4. They are evil.

5. They are evil.

6. Repeat #2, 4 and 5.

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Oh, I forgot one...

7. They think they can make the rest of us slaves.

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But AI doesn’t pay taxes. Aren’t the “useless eaters” valuable in that respect?

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Naw....they can just print all the money they need.

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Ultimately, we don't have to be adamant about exactly what their motivations were. Their actions were damning enough. There may have been all sorts of different selfish motivations among the powerful shot pushers, from murderous to greedy to simply cowardly. But their actions told us again and again that they didn't care what it cost the innocent.

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Because through their credulity, those who have and will die off have demonstrated their uselessness to those who despise them -- and all of us.

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they planned to get all of us, and useful, idiots are exterminated along with troublemakers when they are no longer needed. That's why they are killing off their minions in such high numbers.

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the powers that should not be probably exempted all those they want to keep. And those that unexpectedly refused, oh well, they will find another way

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And that will cause revolution #2. And that's not a hash tag.

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I kinda like that hash tag, it's very fitting!: #2

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"Why would they want to kill off the people who believe them?"

Sheer numbers. Kill enough of the people who believe them, and the supply chain breaks down. The remaining people who didn't believe them will then start to kill each other. When those are few enough, they will be broken and desperate. They will beg for ANYONE who will restore order.

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They want 2 billion slaves and don't care who they are.

The goal is extermination 8-9 billion.

This bioweapon just didn't kill enough.

There will be more unless these people all hang.

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True dat. A few years from now, there may be just two population cohorts left standing: We who are purebloods by choice, and the elites who (of course) never got jabbed.

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Sadly, "pure bloods" will not include those who had other medical issues and were given tainted blood "products"!

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And maybe not even us. The shedding factor is more than unsettling, given so much evidence that it exists.

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If the shedding factor is true or even partially true, then there are no more true purebloods anywhere, by choice or from the "elite".

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Yeah, my unvaxed son in law went in yesterday for an EKG due to chest pains. It was abnormal.

How much of that is due to ordinary stress and natural flaws in the body and how much is due to working with fully vaxed people?

We’ll never know.

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Dead right. Staying healthy is no longer simply a good idea, it can be a life or death choice. Lose the processed foods, seed oils, Twinkies, and almost all restaurant food. for starters Or, keep playing Russian roulette with staying out of the medical murder enters.

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My wife had surgery last week. When she handed in her DNR order, the nurses were surprised that she refused plasma transfusions.

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Surprise! No surprise there, they are all lacking the critical element of thinking and connecting the dots. And they have to believe in what they are selling, or else be too stupid to even ask. Ugh!!

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I wrote ‘no vaccines and no vaccinated blood’ on my DNR.

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We had the same issue but death is the greater immediate scare so....😭

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I also hope that the extra-toxic shots aimed at red states, where red voters eschewed the poison, but blue-ies lined up for them, will have the effect of further reddening those states. And by the same token, empurpling blue states. Will be interesting to see, five years or so hence.

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I'm so glad I lived a full life before this.

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Thus, by empurpling blue states, we embiggen our representation!

I'm going to smash that like button purely for the use of "empurpling!"

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I've noticed that a lot of them have apparently had realizations about their mistakes in getting jabbed, and have become rather silent as a result. They don't want to talk about it now.

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a dying species

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They are still out there, in great numbers, spouting their poison.

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Hee, hee😂

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Some seem to relish the attention they get from their medical emergencies. I think JC called them ‘medical fetishist’. They probably die happy to get something so life threatening happening to them. Bizarre.

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Munchausen by Fauci

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Good one!

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All of upstate NY far as I can tell

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Not all of upstate NY. I know many who are not vaxxed (okay about 5. 😪)

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Raises hand - not shotted. Smack dab in the middle of this God-forsaken state.

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Holy cow

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Are we up to 7? I stopped counting at 4. Good Golly.

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I'm not sure your relative has any lightbulbs left after that many shots.

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I know a couple, good friends of mine ... they are very pro jab, “vaxxed to the max” is what she said when it came up. Both she and her husband are now being treated for “blood infections” ... I do not know when they got their last round but they are both being treated right now. I love them but they are not open to comment so I do not. It’s sad but validating in the sense that my husband and I are in lovely health although we paid for it with our stubborn refusal to be injected with lightly tested ingredients

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I’m so sorry. Yikes. Hope she is ok

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She appears to have recovered. Our relationship has been very strained since the shots rolled out and me and mine didn't take them...so our contact is not what it was...

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Wow. 😳

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Congress was exempt from being forced to take the covid deaths shots.

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While mandating those who defend our country get Jabbed or else.

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I don't remember one member of Congress sounding the alarm about the military being forced to take the covid death shot.

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In July '21 Thomas Massie introduced a bill to prevent any member of the armed forces from a mandatory requirement for a Covid vaccine.

Your point is well taken, however. I sure don't know of anyone else. Ron Paul's son's lackluster performance has sure been a disappointment to me.

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Rand Paul is good at fund raising attempts. He’s probably due for making some strong statements soon.

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Oh goody. 🙄 I remember feeling optimistic about Ron Johnson's roundtables and strongly worded letters regarding vaccine injuries too. #nothingeverhappens

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I'm pretty sure he was (and is) trying as hard as he could, but he's just one guy, and congress gets so much money from pharma.

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Yep, I’ve resolved to NOT getting overly optimistic about anything regarding this scamdemic and poison shots. Too many times disappointed.

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Love Massie :)

He’s maybe one of the only decent politicians out there.

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Ya know, if a particular person with a bunch of clout said " OK, k street

Is closed, from here on out, there is no such thing as lobbying, and no one in congress can accept any money from bribery, not one of these cretins would run for office. They would be forced to work for us and there would be no incentive to fuck us the way they do. And then, only then, might you see good people run for office. I know, I'm dreaming , but it's a nice dream.

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I think I saw a video this summer of Biden meeting with a group of construction workers, and one of them said “well, you work for us, right?” and he thought that was hilarious.

Public servant- we’ve forgotten what that means. Or, rather, they certainly have.

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Or any of them sounding the alarm over the FAA's and the airlines' violation of FAA guidelines on the use of experimental and/or unapproved "medicines." A complete violation of the FAA's own effing guidelines!!!


"Do Not Issue. AMEs should not issue airmen medical certificates to applicants who are using these classes of medications or medications.

Investigational/experimental study drugs:

These medications may currently be in clinical trials and have not been review by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They have not been evaluated for a complete safety review.

FDA approved less than 12 months ago:

The FAA generally requires at least one year of post-marketing experience with a new drug class before consideration. This observation period allows time for uncommon, but aeromedically significant adverse effects to manifest."

The "leaders" of all the airlines need jail time, IMHO.

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I think Senator Ron Johnson did.

Also, the FAA lowered their standards, so more pilots would pass their medical examinations.

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It is shameful as they had whistleblowers come forward too.

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It’s clear to anyone with eyes to see that this was an intentional take down of the military and the airline industry. Combined with the perpetual open border it’s a complete design to destroy the US. I continue to sit on the edge of my seat with the recent interviews that Tucker has been conducting.

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It is the deliberate destruction of the US.

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It sure does seem like it. Destroy the culture, destroy the family, destroy the military, destroy business and industry, destroy the farming, destroy education, flood the country with who knows how many useless and unemployable people....and this is just part of a very long list of destruction. I wish everyone realized this.

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I have heard but haven't fact checked this, that if people serve in the military from another country, for a 4 year term, they automatically become American citizens, with all of our rights.

If that is the case, we are teaching terrorist how to kill us, & vote for them. Like I said I haven't fact checked it, but would like to know.

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You bet it is Kathleen! Many of us knew this years ago. And, many are waking up now!

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Have you looked into the eclipse over the US that happened in 2017 and will happen again7 years later in 2024?

Those eclipses form an ‘X’ over the US.

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob said

“There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars. And upon the earth nations will be confused by the roaring of the sea and its waves. People will lose heart from fear and anticipation of what is overtaking the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭21‬:‭25‬-‭26‬ ‭TLV‬‬

Interesting that very few people know, or have heard about these things, and due to ‘light pollution’ that most people can barely see a star in the skies any more.

But it looks to me as though judgement is a-coming. But we are told to

“Look up!! Redemption is near!!”

Mercy always rides with judgement.


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Amen, in Jesus Christ’s name.

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I agree, I love tucker on twitter.

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Is anyone else having issues watching Twitter/X videos? I do not have an account. So many times when I try to watch something, the video won’t play or will stop in the middle and not continue… no matter how many times I exit and try to come back to it. ??

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I can't watch it on my pc, but I can on my phone, and I have an account.

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Mary Miller and Thomas Massie. Other than those two, I can't think of any off the top of my head.

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2 out of 535 members of Congress.

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There are ten. Out of 535.

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Nope. And you will still hear apologists saying things like "well, if you're in the military, you follow orders. No questions!"

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It was encouraging to see so many refuse.

It was extremely heartbreaking to see how they were punished.

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And Kathleen, you are probably familiar with the whole Anthrax fiasco, but I wasn't until a few days ago. It's just hard to believe the ran the same exact playbook with the Covid shots after the disastrous results of the Anthrax rollout in the military.

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I missed that fiasco/crime by being able to retire just a few months earlier.

You can thank Clinton for signing that Executive Order 13139 in 1999.

The DoD and the VA demonized active duty and veterans who complained about medical problems caused by those shots.

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Check Meryl Nass' archive. She wrote about the horrific effects of the anthrax vaccine and she was involved in exposing the dangers back when it was being given. The horror stories from the vaccine were much more horrific than the Rona jabs if you can believe that.

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"Just following orders."

I've heard that before, somewhere . . .

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But, I believe that getting the jab is an illegal order.

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And yet so few said "NO" and stood their ground. Tough guys fold like cheap lawn chairs when their paycheck is threatened. Posers and pussies the lot of them. Now the authorities know exactly what they need to do to get compliance out of them for the "next thing".

Now those military who said "NO" and stood their ground come hell or high water? Those are tough SOBs. They have toughness where it matters, mentally!

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Yep. A dear friend whose husband works for the Army Corp of Engineers told me, "well, my husband didn't want to get the shot, but they mandated it and we need his paycheck, so he got it." End of story. Didn't even file an exemption request. Just caved. I'm afraid many people did that. No connecting the dots for that mentality.

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I would love to see the parallel military comprised of real men who,did not take shots.. no fake men allowed

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Amen. Agree 💯. Too many caved.

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Those men are the ones we’re gonna need if this all goes sideways. I hope they have some way of finding each other.

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"Posers and pussies the lot of them"


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Because "everything is fine. It's all going to be fine."

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Well, I didn't stand "tough" in the stupid sense. I found a legal way to manipulate the idiots into approving my accommodations. Some fights in life go to the strategic figher instead of the brute.

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If you found a way out, even outright cheating, I salute you LOL. Legal is always best but when society is doing literal war crimes on us I think cheating is perfectly fine. There were a couple of cases that I've read about where stalling worked. Just keep throwing their own processes at them and stall it out. One fellow in Canada sued his union to make them do their job, then went through 5 different appeal pathways until 14 months passed and the company dropped the requirement.

Necessity is the mother of invention and desperation the father, Glad you made it. Like others have said we're going to need a lot more but it's a great start.

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Took a lot of hours and a (very cheap) locals.com sub for Barnes Law to get his advise on the strategy to request the accommodations. I was lucky, to some extent. I was red pilled in '03 (I think) when I learned Bush the younger was rigging the data to match the policy to invade Iraq (Downing Street Memo). Was reading about the history big pharma mafia starting with IG Farben in pre-WWII Germany when all this crap went down. Already knew everyone lied about smoking, numerous drugs that killed, and had seen a lot of very useful and inexpensive supplements get banned because they wanted to sell patented drugs. So I was 150% skeptical from the jump.

After all this, the unraveling of all the conspiracy theories into facts the past 3+ yrs (and a lot more), I bet the folks behind all this gotta be kicking themselves for not building the censorship into the internet from the jump. That, or wondering why the hell they let us do more than shop and read their propaganda on it.

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You beat me by 2 years. It was 2005 after they found SFA in Iraq that I really got pissed off at being lied to on something of that scale. After that I was amazed at how many obvious things I'd missed like 9/11. So when the 2009 "pandemic" rolled out I was full skeptic mode.

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I think we need a new mandate: any politician or bureaucrat trying to force us serfs to comply with their experiments (I.e. jabs, EVs) cannot be exempt! Our response should always be “You first”.

When the elites trade in their gas guzzlers and private planes for electric powered transportation, I might be willing to consider the possibility of getting an EV. Until then, not a snowball’s chance in hell.

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And now we are finding out about high temperature battery fires which fry everything to a crisp, including EV occupants (like at the Canadian border recently).

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

And in the States, an unoccupied EV (parked in the garage) catches a house on fire. I no longer have the link to share, but you can search for it using a search engine that is not heavily censored. I’ve heard of several of these EV batteries catching fire. I’m not sure, but I think when driven, in heavy rains, where water splashes the undercarriage causes some of these.

Perhaps Jeff Childers will do a deeper dive into thIs subject for us, with documented cases listed.

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Who knows what for sure? However said, I won't be parking one of these things in a house attached garage ... not ever. Because I like to sleep will at night. And also, if one of these things catches fire in the house, then the whole house it gone. There no conventional way (apparently) of putting the inferno out. (Communism and having no choice is a great idea because it simplifies life. No one has to think.)

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Ebikes and Ecooters can do it too. They may be more of a danger because there are more of them, and people can't really leave them outside at night and expect them to not be stolen. Also, cheaper Ebikes and Ecooters from China don't have very good safety measures in place.

The Washington Times had an opinion article a few weeks ago about this, it cited stats showing that a fair number of people in the US had died from fires started by these things.

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Country home near me had solar power assist on the property. Fire started in the garage, would not be extinguished. Firefighters were unable to stop the flames. The entire home burned. Luthium storage batteries were found to have been the culprit(s).

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Thanks MaryAnn for the information. Right now, I am highly disinclined to let lithium batteries into my house, home, life. I just don't trust them now ... even is 'the statistics' on misadventure are extremely low. And if I were young and wanted to be 'off the grid', the battery storage facility would have to be totally detached and separated by distance from all functional living spaces.

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Absolutely agree.

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Electric vehicle? Never, under any circumstances.

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Never for me, no matter what the criminals decide.

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Only Chyna benefits from our military weakened.

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There now exists kompromat on everyone in every US military chain of command who went along with this.

Every one of them violated the Nuremberg code.

Everyone who abandoned their career was purged.

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All branches, including the judiciary were not mandated to take the shots. That is why, when a sitting judge with NO jab, enforced a mandate from a company who took a worker to court to fight an exemption, you knew it was dirty shite all the way to Hells Half Acre.

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USPS as well. Heard this a year ago, this a.m. Nurse Dee does a graphic on it. Involvement in 2000 Mules?

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They had to be healthy to deliver the bogus and multiple ballots.

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We all know of one New Zealand needle Nazi nag-noggin who got her exemption before clip-clopping off to Harvard to make hay.

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Which would mean her tv covid vaccination was faked

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As was all 8 million Chinese in this countries, all Whitehouse staff, all illegals, all PO workers all jab manufacturer employees, all homeless.

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Don’t forget the CDC itself.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Fellow conspirators: 1 TB external SSDs from SanDisk are cheap. A 4 TB ruggedized SSD is under $300.

Back up your data and KEEP IT IN YOUR OFFICE OR POCKET, not in the cloud. Remember that the cloud is just someone else's computer.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

A lot of people can't think beyond their immediate convenience unfortunately. People carry a GPS tracking transmitter (i.e. a cell phone) with them at all times that the government can access. They buy smart TV's and things like Alexa that allow others to snoop on the innermost conversations in their home. They store thing like their tax records and extremely personal information "in the cloud". They buy smart cars that track their every move (such as their speed vs. the speed limit) that is easily accessed.

If the government were to force them to do this there would be riots in the streets. Instead they do it willing to save a few bucks or because it's convenient. After everything we've seen the last few years does anyone think the government or multinational corporations can be trusted to not abuse it?

This stuff can pretty easily be avoided, or at least minimized, but people don't even think about it. The naivety of people is really hard to comprehend at this point.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My dad, sadly, is in that bunch. He said he does not give a f--- (his word) what the government knows about him. He gets mad because I won't get a smart phone because then - the horror - I can get caught in traffic. Never mind I know the area and can actually read a map, which is in the car for emergencies. So many people are so sold out.

I'm calmer and happier now that I've ditched the smart phone and will never own one. Pay cash everywhere except gas pumps. Won't use one of the stupid grocery cards (I use someone elses's number for the discount, pay cash, and don't care if they get the points.) No alexa. No wifi. No cable. I rarely use my flip phone. Can I still be tracked? Sure, but I'm making them work for it, not handing it over on a silver platter.

And yes, people, if it's important.... BACK IT UP. In several places. Encrypt it. On several devices. Print it, at least twice, and file it in different places. Tech is unreliable, even though this was not an accident. BTW, the police can compel fingerprints to unlock a device, but the last time I checked, they can't force you to hand over a password. Obviously I'm no lawyer.

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Even if one does carry a smart phone, for goodness' sake turn off precise tracking (i.e. GPS tracking). Without it your location is only known within a general area based on cell tower access or known wifi nodes. With precise tracking it's known within a few feet.

You are right though in that many people can't read a map and are utterly dependent on a machine to think for them.

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I also try not to use my phone to buy things. I had an amazon return yesterday. I printed the return code. After standing in line for at least 5 minutes waiting for another lady to find the return code on her phone (why she wasn't bringing that up while waiting in line is a good question), I happily handed him my printed copy and left in about 30 seconds. Pls don't lecture me about using amazon. My life is complicated and a 5 minute search on amazon can save me hours in the store. I usually only buy things I'm not sure where to find in a store or not convinced I could find it in a store or haven't been able to find in a store.

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Not a lecture but years ago Amazon admitted they were not trying to be the cheapest anymore.

I started looking elsewhere and at least 80% of the time I can find same item for less even including shipping.

It does not require an arduous search effort.

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I will be honest. I use Amazon. Otherwise I have to go out in public and deal with humans. I know it is harsh. But most of them don't deserve to deal with me. Sounds arrogant, but most of the humans on this planet at least, are pretty much fucked.

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This faith in technology is the weirdest thing. My sister got booted in Oakland California and the GPS kept trying to make her take a right turn into Jack London Bay. She kept driving in circles thinking somehow it would give her the right advice until I made her turn it off. This has happened in MI too, with my friend being utterly betrayed and baffled when the technology failed to get him to his destination. I truly think it comes from all those millennia of being hunter-gatherers and any new weapon or stone tool chipping innovation allowed the tribe an advantage. Men seem more seduced by tech, which would make evolutionary sense. Or then again maybe Skynet was flexing its muscles with my sister, and it will start driving us all off the cliffs at some point.

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Plus it won't tell you to avoid bad areas even though it could easily be programmed to do this using crime stats. Doing so though would surface some uncomfortable realities.

Best to use common sense IMO, but that seems to be in short supply.

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Such programming would violate most of the left's narratives.

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This seems to be an open secret in life... locate high or violent crime areas -- they're highly concentrated -- and avoid them like the (real) plague.

Old school way to do it was to listen to the evening news every night for a month, plot yellow and red stickers on a big map for drug and violent crimes. End of the month, you know the hot spots to avoid.

Now-a-days, there's at least a website for that.

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Jeff C - I've just changed tracking settings on my phone - do you know whether this gets set to the original default to track everything each time the phone gets updated?

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Not sure about Android but on Iphone it retains the location settings after updating.

You can turn location off entirely but that can break some apps. I usually use location on, but precise location off. I do a lot of driving in Southern California and am always checking traffic. This way it pulls up a map of the general area without knowing exactly where I am.

Most secure though is location off entirely.

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I have an iphone and I have to ask, how do you turn off tracking, and keep location on, but not precise? I am not super proficient with computers.

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Android allows turning location service on or fully off for the entire phone or for specific apps ... or turned on only while a specific app needs the data. I find no way to make location data less precise - just on or off.

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Just went from iPhone to a galaxy. Wtf was I thinking?

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Those privacy features might be cosmetic though...

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You are right in that a bad actor could certainly use a back door. That's why the camera and mic on your computer should be physically covered, not just disabled. There was a picture of Zuckerberg at some public event and he had both covered on his computer with heavy tape. Enough said.

I've done some testing on my Iphone and for commercial services at least the privacy features seem to work in that they don't have my precise location. I have no doubt there's a back door for the Intelligence services though.

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Covering a mic with tape would not be effective though.

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Amish have lived this way forever.

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You’re my hero!!!!!!

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Pls explain how you use Substack without a Wi-Fi? I don't have Alexa or cable, just not understanding the Wi-Fi comment.

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Same way we did prior to wifi, connect with an ethernet cable directly to the modem.

Personally I don't have a problem with wifi provided it's properly encryption configured and secure. You don't want a bunch of IOT devices connected to the same wifi network as your computers though (if you have them make a dedicated network just for them) and you don't want it being unsecure. Make sure it's password protected and change the default. Otherwise you risk having your wifi used by scumbag neighbors and it looks like you visited the sites they went to.

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So explain it to everyone like they're 5... why do you avoid WiFi but not internet in general? Other than EMI, what do you gain? Do you fear hacking the signal? Something else? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Not sure if that was aimed at me but I don't avoid wifi. From an EMI/RF exposure level it's thousands of times lower power than a cell phone (I'm an RF engineer). I set my phone to use wifi when it's available rather than the cell network to reduce my RF exposure.

What I do though is ensure IOT devices (like a firestick, Nintendo, ring doorbell, etc.) are on a separate wi-fi network than my computers. (Most routers will let you set up more than one network.) The reason for that is because devices on the same network can see each other. I don't want some cheap potentially untrustworthy device to be able to see my computer. I generally avoid IOT devices like smart appliances but do have a few firesticks and my kids have Nintendos.

The only other thing is make sure full encryption is active so people need a password to log on. You don't want your neighbor's anti-social teenager posting to racist message boards or downloading who knows what (as an example) from your IP address.

Lots of good stuff here if you really want to go down this rathole:


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Ah yes that makes sense. I've been wanting to do Ethernet for years. I need to figure that out already.

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Yes, you are 100 percent right. Convenience has destroyed America.

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"The naivety of people is really hard to comprehend at this point." Nailed it. Baffling.

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People should know better by now. Once Parler was shut down because Trump was on that platform, people should have put 2 & 2 together. "They" can pull the plug at any time.

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Worse case scenario...have paper copies.

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You tree killer! You can kill people - jabs, abortion, suicide inducing lockdowns - but how dare you kill the trees!

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I love the smell of paper books in the morning.

It smells like...victory.

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"I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library."

― Jane Austen

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I had a Verizon tech come to the house to update the Fios box in the basement.

When he came in through the front door, he remarked, "You sure do have a lot of books. Most people don't."

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most people I know have NONE. it always shocks me

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Reading is becoming a lost art.

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Even brief emails. How is that possible? I re-read what I sent and am baffled (coming soon to the new DSM-6?) at replies that completely miss some salient point of my message. The perils of being a detail person in a world that glamorizes the highlights.

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Beyond sad. Worlds of excitement, joy, sadness and imagination open up from a book.

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Yes, it really has. So sad. But tick-tocking (sp? Is that even a word?), now that’s something people of all ages are into these days🤦‍♀️

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Best. idea. ever.


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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

47Yinzer---back at end of last decade, my school district was pushing, pushing us (faculty, staff) to put everything into the cloud. As I created all my materials for my own students, and have some concept of intellectual property, and as also I had witnessed how many times? in previous decade the school secretary, on our arrival in morning, announcing, "The internet is down."--in which situation, of course, we had no access to whatever we had stored in that much-hyped cloud, I continued to use my flashdrive and my own personal laptop for storage. Got a little teased for it. And I prefer to keep sensitive info in tangible storage--reasoning that houses burn down much less frequently than computers crash, or refuse to accept a password.

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excellent, I love that, houses burn down less frequently than computers crash lol

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Ah, but wait until that hard drive with your 3+ decades of only-digital photos crashes and you got no backup! Fun times!

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My avocation now is photography and I have a lot of digital images stores on hard drives. 47Yinzer has it right. Disk storage is inexpensive and there is no excuse to storing important data online/in the cloud all one is doing is adding to their bottom line. My message is that even if one stores their data at home there is no security to that data being lost. Earlier I used to leave my computer on all night and the next morning I found all my images had been scrubbed. Fortunately it was on my second computer and had a backup. It is very easy for adversaries to get your IP address and get access to your computer. I have two systems in to separate locations besides having multiple backup drives that are off line and this is just for pictures. I keep reading about all of these NGO's dedicated to fighting the truth and wonder how some could be oblivious to their capabilities.

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Hard drives also crash. They're increasingly chatty with errors before the fully die, but if you treat them like a young driver does a car... just fire it up and use it, never take care of it... well, you're going to lose files...

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This warning is timely. I haven't had an external drive die -yet- but just got another to back up my nearly decade old previous one, showing no signs of demise. Any hints on what's involved in maintenance? Or a glowing resource? For an essentially tech illiterate person. Thanks for anything related! PS - I got nuthin stored on the gloriously hyped cloud. Baffles me why anyone would rely on something that, as a practical matter, they have zero control over. (Shot free, no medical or advanced degree, but baffled nonetheless.)

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Well said, Earl. I've got an inventory of some 30K analog images going back to the 1950s. As these get scanned, the RAW files go into folders on one SSD. Once I get to edit and finalize them, they go to folders on a second SSD. The ones destined for blogging and publication get a watermarked copy made, and those are also stored on the SSD. Scrubbing images is one thing ... stealing them and using them either for profit or nefarious purposes is another.

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Thanks for the reminder

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Encrypted and password protected. And don't get me started on biometric unlocking... use a dadgum password so you can at least claim you forgot it. If it's biometric, they'll just get a warrant and force you to open your eye...

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Florida needs to reconsider it's open border policy to the north. At the very least they need to set up polling booths, much like toll booths but at the Georgia and Alabama borders they need to ask questions like are you a registered democrat? have you ever voted for Charles Shumer? and so on. Before you know it the same type of political reasoning that has destroyed New York State will have insidiously taken hold in Florida.

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"Florida needs to reconsider it's open border policy to the north." I do not live in Florida, but I approve of this message.

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I said that about TX and all the loonies moving in from CA 🤦🏻‍♀️ these people should have to make a declaration.

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Put 'em on no-vote probation for a decade. By then, they'll see how much better being conservative is for them.

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Florida needs to build a northern border wall and make NY pay for it

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New Yorkers please come to ColoRaidO! OUR Libertarian (Clever Commie) Governor opened us up in MAY 2020, we're getting into honking our horns now like never before, sirens most hours of the night, we could use more East Coast Migrants with their one fingered wave to balance our Central American Wave of underskilled underhoused that are contributing to making Denver Mayor Johnston's job to give proper gvt. housing for 1,000 so difficult.

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Well put William. I'm in NC. We've seen it here for several decades and are barely holding our own.

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Announced: 300 more arriving this week (just to Denver); half of them are children; City wanting to hire 150 more to process and care for them--they mention night shift work???? Also Denver providing bus tickets to ANY other city the migrating masses want to go to next. I'll coyote them in my 12 passenger van for $1000 each--Worland Wyoming or Bust!

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I used to live in Worland. 😳

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We're out hunting as we speak. When we find them, we bag them, put them in a room with food and water and Trump speeches over the p.a. so they eventually break down, give in, and admit there are only two genders, the border was secure before the deep state took over, and the 2020 general was stolen. Then we release them far away. It seems to be working.

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Love it. I would suggest some of the swampy areas for release sights but reconsidering that swampy areas might provide a too natural breeding ground. A desert might be a better choice. Maybe Joe Arpaio could offer suggestions. He seems to have had some success in containing unwanteds is such environments.

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Actually, all water ways here in Florida have gators, just FYI, they even show up in people's swimming pools. Lol

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I'm thinking three miles west of me would work.

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That was my concern, for the indigenous wild life. It's never good to introduce an invasive element. Though I guess that even in the desert they would be of environmental concern.

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It's one thing if they are a predator. Entirely different when they are food.

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Alan, I am still laughing. Priceless. lol

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Good job!

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Means a lot coming from you.

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Maybe they’re conservative refugees finally escaping.

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Not a chance

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I bet they’re happy to escape. But on their ability to connect the dots about why escape was called for, I wouldn’t bet a dollar.

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Exactly. They will vote the same way because they can’t believe their great policies are what brought the trouble.

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Vermont, New Hampshire (license plate: Live free or die) and Maine were damaged badly by escapees from Taxachusetts to the south.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

A friend from HS - mostly woke but her husband is a police officer and jabbed is having strokes at 40. They wont admit to any side effects of the clot shot but instead blame his hockey playing and ‘sudden sickness syndrome’ or some made up BS. They will never admit it is the jab. Their minds are possessed and they need deliverance!!

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Yea, I was really wishing I had flyers for the "right" therapist when I saw a guy driving a car STILL wearing a mask yesterday. I would've followed him and put a flyer on his windshield. Maybe I should make some that at least say "get help because that mask still is NOT working."

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Do not confront the totally insane or partially demented, they maybe Karen at heart or just plain weird?

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Hockey playing! Just baffling …

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I sometimes wonder whether the jab itself has addled their brains. I have seen odd behaviors in people who used to be feisty and now just take the path of least resistance in everything.

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"Instead, Mayor Plante plans to plant herself in front of a few Netflix binge sessions, taking it easy for a few days to recover from her condition, which her office optimistically labeled as “overwork” leading to a sudden and unexpected “dizzy spell.

She will also get reacquainted with her two cats, Ben and Jerry. She likes red wine from a box, and spends most of her time staring at her frozen eggs wondering if she will ever meet "the right guy."

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I loved Jeff’s segment on her. This part…”Don’t go starting rumors that people collapsing on live TV is any kind of sign of anything. Misinformation kills. So, repeat this to yourself until you believe it: everything’s totally normal. Or you can just skip that part if, like me, it’s too late now and you are already a lost cause. Whee! Give me more misinformation!”

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Love this!

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oh...that's cold...and very funny

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Sure is. We're seeing people that go with 'trad lifestyles' (traditional) are much happier and healthier than progressive, selfish lives.

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Go figure 🤷‍♀️

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The Bee's take on the trad wife was a good one (having been one for 51 years, I especially appreciated it)

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Be careful … the FBI might be knocking on your door. 😉

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Us too!! 51 years in April this coming year!

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

New stats from the UK. Things not good for the vaxxed.

DEATH SENTENCE: 1 Million COVID Vaccinated have died in England compared to just 61k Unvaccinated in 2 years; despite 30% of the Population refusing a single dose of the COVID Injection


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With UK information like this, let's put the NZ info on the way back burner except for all the satanic spying going on.

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Has this been validated?

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I don't know if it's been validated. He provides links to the ONS data. The Brits have tracked vax status much better than most countries.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Still waiting for Aaron Rodgers and Novak Djokovic to collapse on the field.

I'd put up a Steve Kirsch size bet against it but I'm not that flush.

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Aaron Rodgers is my hero. He actually has a place of honor hanging on our Christmas tree as a Hallmark ornament. If they sold a Novak Djokovic ornament I'd buy that one too. PS I am not a football or tennis fan. I am a fan of freedom.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Love this column and your witty, sardonic comments! You make me laugh everyday!! Laughter is a beautiful thing and I expect to be reading your column into my 90’s ...especially since I am a pure blood and don’t even get the flu shots. Have a happy and healthy holiday season! 🎄❤️🎄

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"I’ve been beating this drum for years now: Number one, keep your critical data on your own server. Or at least keep a current local backup. Data stored on someone else’s server is not your data anymore. You’re just allowed to access the data — for now. Number two: cloud data is not private, so don’t put anything on the Internet you wouldn’t want the world to see. It doesn’t matter what the providers tell you. Just read their EULAs and you’ll find lots of exceptions for subpoenas." 100% CORRECT!

If you want something kept private, DO IT YOURSELF. I work in IT for a health insurer and one of the big initiatives is to put a lot or most of our data in the "cloud", so that clients/customers can access it anywhere and also because it's cheaper to have a 3rd party hold our data rather than do it ourselves. And the 3rd party, I assume, holds some of the liability if something goes wrong with said data. I'm old school: I want MY own Mainframe, MY own servers, My own databases, My own data, etc.

It's all sugar and spice until someone hacks the data.....

Also, "Are there any honest politicians left in New Zealand?" Are there honest politicians ANYWHERE?

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Its so funny. And why I was happy to keep my windows 7 computer—- except it literally is about to stop starting. it has been shutting down on me and I cant update browsers. But I bought 2 new computers and nearly had a heart attack said I wont use the damn thing when it was forcing me to log in to MSN to set it up. Um hell no! I’m not logging in to any server. My iphone is not bavked up to cloud! Thankfully I spent 2 days reaearching and figured how I can set it up all local. I knew there had to be a way!!!!!!

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I wonder what kind of leverage $$$$ the New Zealand health authorities had over Wasabi that they would delete Kirsch’s account. Kirsch is smart but it really wasn’t a good idea to advertise where his data was stored. We should all drop these Wasabi clowns a note and let them know that we now know where their loyalties lie.


“WE VALUE YOUR PRIVACY. We’re in the business of protecting data, so you better better believe we’ll protect your privacy.”

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"Value" does not equal "protect"? And then one might wonder further, 'protect' from what?

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David Friend is obviously NOT your friend.

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Fantastic job by Jeff, in that he saw the previously undisclosed capability to track down and wipe that data. This kind of meta analysis is priceless!

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December Update on Corona Committee Lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich.


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Thank you for posting the update on Reiner.

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Thank you so much for posting this. Treatment of Frau Fuellmich was abominable--to what end? Purely to terrorize.

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Who is the woman sitting behind him in the photo (part of your Fuellmich Expose News article) She always struck me as odd.

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I don't remember her name off the top of my head. She is a lawyer and I remember her along with a shy and observant Malone when Fuellmich first started producing videos of their investigation into the plandemic. She is the one the German authorities turned and/or bribed to accuse Fuellmich of financial improprieties. Completely bogus.

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I have wanted to think that the financial accusations made against Reiner were false, but I just don't know. It doesn't sound good.

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Do you believe all of the charges against Trump? Do you believe Jan 6 was a planned insurrection.? Do you believe Russia blew up their own pipelines ?

I have never, not even once, been wrong in disbelieving everything uttered by an official agency, or agency stooge AKA MSM.

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Seriously, stop and think. You really gonna believe these morons in Gov't after everything that has happened the last 4 years? Anyone threatening their positions of power gets the same treatment...or worse. Next we'll see people Epsteined. It's the same playbook every time. The charges are always about money or sex. Trump is still in court defending himself against charges that even the bankers, the "victims" in the case, say are bogus. They are literally trying to take everything Trump has to ruin him and keep him out of the election race.

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What better way to ruin someone's reputation than accusation of theft or other crimes?

TPTB will stop at nothing to make sure the truth doesn't get out.

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This is an old tactic, and very effective against political dissidents.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding " Number two: cloud data is not private, so do not put anything on the Internet you wouldn’t want the world to see."

I upload political memes to my Google photos account, just to piss off those censoring Nazis.l who go through our data. Sure, they are gonna lock me up and kill me for clowning them, so what, they deserve the ridicule!

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Occasionally I get an alert that my photos can’t back up because storage is full. Would I like to pay for more storage? Nah, I’m good! Thanks anyway!

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"To me, today’s story mainly proves that the globalists were so panicked over the New Zealand data that they accidentally revealed capabilities we didn’t know they had yet." 🎯🎯🎯

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This is confusing to me. My computer engineer husband says it’s easy to track who is hosting any link? Like anyone can do it. And the fact the data was leaked, ie stolen, I’m sure it was against the hosting company’s guidelines no?

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Mr Childers at his most brilliant sarcasm! Applauds

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