8) Make money real again: End the Federal Reserve and return to the gold standard.

For pragmatic steps on implementation, see “A Plan for Eliminating the Fed” starting on p. 573 of “The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve”:


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Apr 17Liked by Jeff Childers

9. Flat tax of 15%, zero exemptions

10. Term limits for congress... 3 terms in the house or 2 terms in the senate, max of 12 years if combined

11. Make colleges fund their own damn student loans

12. Stop green energy initiatives that the public doesn’t want. If something really is excellent, the market will respond naturally

I could go on and on...

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We don't need an "income tax" at all, no flat tax. A sales tax is all the Fed needs, with exemptions for the poor and seniors.

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A User tax is solid; people have a choice to buy or not, the market will adjust naturally, and what good is money if it’s not spent?

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Plus you get taxes from people visiting or living here that aren’t traditionally employed, like the Uber rich who don’t get paychecks, illegals, tourists….

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For the gift of functionally bankrupting my family's businesses, 2 hotels in Arlington Virginia, built by my father in the 1960s, with the assistance of previous generations, the Governments, state & Federal, just siphoned off 1/3 of the remnants of 6 individuals' net worth through vicious levels of "boots on your neck" taxation, made possible by false "Public Emergencies" & illegal, & Unconstitutional "Lockdowns" created to bring in the Globalists "One World Order" where you own nothing, slave for the Government or it's proxy, the Corporations, and die the day you are no longer useful to them.

Everyone working to build these permanent prison systems for us all needs to quit their job and walk away, now, before it is too late.

Two thirds of the human race has been force injected with a genetic code which is potentially life threatening & looks to write into our DNA. This is not just WW lll, on an international level, (& btw, Jeff, Biden obviously works for the CCP in this fight,) but it looks like "something" wants rid of our species entirely to me.

Demons? Satan? Arhiman? Aliens?

Does it matter? I personally think not.

But we better wake up and quickly, if we are to survive & evolve as God intended & our Teacher, & Savior, taught.

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You said it straight up.

Most families have been utterly devastated, not only by what you described ... but also by tax looting, persistent inflation (and really just another tax) and prohibitive cost of entry into business by regulation, reporting requirements and more.

What have got for this? 1) Transfer of wealth by 'legalism/color of law' forced policy to the one percent, 2) functionally bankrupt families, 3) and a collapsing morally bankrupt country parading as an empire. Might as well re-brand 'ourselves' as the United Cesspool of America!

Can you tell that I am pissed too? And do we even have a country? Or have we been totally dispossessed?

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I think when the real story is finally unveiled, however long that takes, we're going to see that somewhere around the GFC time period (2008/2009), the US ceased to exist. Foreign agents infiltrated the gov't at the highest levels. People like Obama, Biden, likely also McConnell and Romney, are not actually US politicians, but foreign agents intended to slowly divest the US of everything and turn it over to someone else. This was probably facilitated by the intel agencies, who we know take their orders from someone other than our elected officials. The EU? China? IDK. But, they clearly have been working against the interests of the country for a while now, openly so. Which begs the question: what country are they working for if not this one? And where is this headed?

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I am guessing that you are right simply because nothing make sense in the United States, whatever that is, unless something else is going on in the background. Just another thing which 'they' have forgotten to tell us.

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Yes I can. And a lot of us, with minds still intact, are highly pissed off. Cold blooded murder is what the Covid Coup looks like to me, with it's Gain-Of-Function Virus, early safe and effective treatments burned at the stake, medical Nihilism, (stay home until you turn blue!) & the lethal hospital protocols & death certificate frauds combined to wake terror on Americans so they would accept the Lockdowns & the Experimental, deadly Genetic

Jabs, when the time came.

Problem is, most people cannot "grok" what has been done- it's too horrific. Too evil to be intentional.

Sigh. If only. Read history. They burned witches for hundreds of years, until there were no women at all, in some towns & regions.

Humans go mad in groups, it seems, but recover one individual at a time.

I hope everyone begins coming to their senses soon, this time around!

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It is all as you say. And indeed, it is Evil with a capital 'E'. It is Evil on a scaling equal to the worst examples of Evil to be found in the Bible. The Collective West and its captured now pretend governments are nothing more than organized criminal organizations pretending to be governments. In fact and by comparison, their criminal operations makes the Mafia look like a Boy Scout troop helping old ladies across the street. The Collective West has degenerated into a Death Cult ... pure and simple. It's presence by operation in instigating the Pandemic Scam has replaced an old word with a new word. Genocide has now become an indiscriminate Democide. But even that word seems somewhat compromised in that some populations appear to have been more targeted than others.

This is The Duran. The guest speaker is Jimmy Dore of whom I often wondered how much does Jimmy know and how has he gotten to be 'where he is today' on things in general. That is, what is the evolution of a man's thinking over time. Regarding this, the evolution over time is similar to mine over the many past twenty some years. And maybe yours two.


It is not so much a matter of new material here. It more the time line. What is know or not known. And the perception of studied people as to the fluid shifts over time as to people and cultures.

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Katherine, I'm so sorry this happened to your family. So much generational wealth was wiped out; kind of like instituting an inheritance tax through the back door when you can't do it through facts, logic, and persuasion, by passing a law. So probably not accidental in that regard.

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Thank you, Fla Mom. It is really and truly is horrible and I know my father is "rolling in his grave." That said, the facts are that our nation suffered a Coup in '63 and another one with the removal of Nixon afterwards by the Deep State, it appears. Then look at 911, and all the wars that came after along with the destruction of Constitution with the intentionally misnamed "Patriot Act."

Read Sasha Latypova & Katherine Watts on Substack along with ICENI & the Spartacus Letter.

I'm one of the "lucky ones" when you consider what has been done to a million Americans, frankly killed by their own Government. We REALLY need to wake up to the war we are in, and just be grateful if we are still strong enough to fight.

I am.

So I'll count my blessings and work for better times ahead & pray more Americans join the battle!

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I was on a British grocery store site the other day, just to check their prices against what I am paying for the same thing here in the US. Granted, there is an exchange rate in our favor as well, but to buy food in the UK?? WAY CHEAPER than it is here. Some items are one quarter of the price. And the ingredients in their cream? MILK. Ugh

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The destruction of British agricultural has been ongoing, for some time, I would guess, especially remembering

the entire "mad cow" craziness where farmers entire herds were killed, because some boy or girl genius decided it was smart to feed dead cows to the living ones.

Such insanity! At least in Germany for a long time the food was high quality and relatively inexpensive, very inexpensive compared to America, especially if you buy organic. And here you need to because of Glysophate and all the other poisons our food supply is saturated in..

But now after 2 years of deadly lockdowns and supply chain disruptions, plus all the sick, injured & dead from the jabs, food prices have jumped in Germany too. Sigh.

The "Cabal" is getting away with murder...

Literally & figuratively.

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I lived in the UK during the mad cow thing. It's the reason I cannot donate blood. At least in another world. I would not donate blood now except to family because, well, you know...I try to eat healthy but even then.. Lord bless or food!

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It is the WEF/WHO at work.

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"looks like "something" wants rid of our species entirely to me"

That is one of my theories. The extreme secrecy for 75 years about the alien ships, etc. Why? The truth must be very bad to have such collasol secrecy.

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I do wonder. And know people working very hard at disclosure. The cover-up is truly stunning. But many people do have interactions with benevolent or neutral "others." As opposed to the nastier sort, lol. That said,

Our Government has a high, high priority on recovering craft & technology & they even try to shoot them down I hear.

So who really knows what is going on?

But truly "demonic" behavior is out in the open now. Seems a bit like Revelations to me, and to others. Maybe the Bible & the Church are correct and Satan is real?

However you look at it, things are being done that are NOT in the interest of Humanity, that's certain!

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Katherine wrote: "Maybe the Bible & the Church are correct and Satan is real"?

I explored this possibility last year. As I was re-reading The Lord of the Rings, I grew curious about Tolkien's philosophy (he was a deep old fellow). Of course he was a Roman Catholic so yeah he believe in "Satan". But he had the vision to not put any religion, overtly, in the LOTR. Rather he used that 'entity' (i.e. Satan=Sauron) to great effect, and it was better that way on more than one level.

As I wanted to learn more about his Weltanschauung, I began reading several authors who did the same, and one in particular really captured my mind and heart, Fleming Rutledge. She wrote a book, The Battle for Middle Earth -Tolkien's Divine Design in the Lord of the Rings. It is a deep, deep book written by an Episcopal priest.

She and Tolkien convinced me of the reality of an actual personification of Evil in one locus, as opposed to the idea that evil is just some diffuse nature of the human condition, etc. The idea of "Satan" is long-standing in all cultures throughout the ages. So we should not cavalierly dismiss what our ancestors believed.

As for "the aliens", I reckon we have become so captured in our "normalcy bias" that we cannot really conceive of such a thing as being real. It is just so radically paradigm destroying! But, if one can adopt an open mind at least temporarily, and look at the situation we are in today, and see it through that lens of the alien reality, we do see some very, very interesting correlations.

As you said Katherine, "So who really knows what is going on"? That is the $64,000 Question.

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⬆️ Right Here ⬆️

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FairTax. Been advocated for years.

Most Congress Critters hate it- dries up all those lobbyists and $$$$$.

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The Fair Tax is dishonestly advocated for, which tells me that if they have to lie about it, it's not a good idea.

To wit: A $20 tax assessed on a $100 item is to ANY rational, honest calculation a 20% tax.

But Fair Taxers say that it's actually just 16.67%, because they dishonestly add the tax to the denominator before doing the math, in order to make the tax rate appear lower than it actually is.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

In California, a huge percentage of home insurance companies refuse to insure homes (mostly due to wildfire danger) so California came up with a pathetic, dishonest plan they call the "Fair Plan". It covers virtually nothing if your home burns down, and it's extremely expensive. So much for that word "fair".

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If you pay a tax pn everything you buy everyone pays a share including people who only work for cash, drug dealers. Everyone. No exceptions. Stop making people dependent on the government plantation plantation. Give a hand up not a hand out. Student loans should be for education only. Sent to the school to be applied to books, housing and food, education

If unused returned to the institution who loaned it to pay down the loan.

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That’s even better. I was going for low hanging fruit, but honestly nothing oisses me off more than income tax. I pay 38% taxes on my part time job because my husband has a good income and that just BS. I don’t think that abolishing the income tax completely is really doable, so that’s where I was going with it.

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I hate to keep repeating myself but the tax code is grossly misunderstood by the majority of citizens. Most people do not legally owe income taxes of any kind on their earnings. See 26 U.S. code Section 3401(a) where we see the definition of employee as »an officer, employee or elected official of the United States, a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing ». Does that apply to plumbers or carpenters or software developers? Not at all. The Code is deliberately deceptive because this definition appears 1,000 words after the listing of « wages, rents, interest, dividends «  as supposedly taxable.

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Folks, pay attention to the info in this comment by @Peggy B.

In the same vein, ask yourself why other definitions used in the tax code (US Code Title 26) are in Chapter F subsection 7701. Subsection seven 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥 seven hundred one. Why not Chapter A at the outset? Why not define the legal terms used throughout Chapters A, B, C, D, and E at the outset, long before you ever get to Chapter F? Why is the framework for the entire code set so far back?

Are you aware that there is a definition for "𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘴" and "𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨" in §7701? These are everyday words, are they not? Don't English speakers know what they mean? Apparently not. Well, not in the context of how they are used in other definitions. Are you feeling maybe (maybe not, what do I know?) a little unsettled as you read this somewhat odd, purely informational, completely non-confrontational reveal? Here's more to confuse as opposed to clarify (I didn't write the code; I'm just the messenger).

In §7701(c): "𝘐𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘴 "𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘴" 𝘢𝘯𝘥 "𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨" 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥."

Does that seem straightforward to you? As a definition of what you think are English words? Words you thought you had a working understanding of? Let me clarify one small thing for you: the above definition, and all definitions in the code - any code - are brand spanking new legal terms. They are not to be construed as English words, even though they are spelled and pronounced the same. Most of us didn't go to law school. Bunch o' stuff we're in the dark about. Most law practitioners are perfectly satisfied to keep it that way.

Highly recommend the unraveling of what has been perpetrated on the American people via the more than three million word tax code in the book 𝘊𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘥𝘦: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘢𝘹𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢 by Peter Eric Hendrickson. Available to read for free on the author's website https://www.losthorizons.com . Not a light read by a long shot, nor a short one, but worth the investment of time.

Thanks again @Peggy for posting in an effort to educate as many as have eyes and ears.🙏💪

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Everyone believes they have to pay taxes…that is the fear that the Government has instilled in people through the IRS that they will take away everything from you if you don’t pay…and considering the “law fare” that’s going on all across the country with Trump, the J6 people who have been unlawfully charged and jailed on bogus charges, people speaking out on social media and being arrested, ‘they’ can and will do it. We now live in a ‘Stazi Surveillance State’, just like the East Berliner’s back in the day. People turning on one another, being the ‘mask and vaxx police’, chastising people because they elected to not get an EUA ‘experimental injection’ to “keep others safe”! The idea of personal freedom and rights have been completely obliterated in our present ‘system’, especially during and after the Scamdemic.

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I too was afraid of the IRS at one time but I gathered my courage and filed an amended return (1040x) and in March I received a full refund of several thousand dollars after pointing out that our « income » was not taxable according to 26 US Section 3401(a). I used Form 4852 to correct and rebut the W-2 we received from my husband’s employer.

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Does it change if you file separately vs joint?

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It doesn’t seem to. I only make around $20k per year and pay around $8k in income taxes. It’s because I’m 1099 but have very few offsets. I understand why, but it royally pisses me off.

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My blood pressure goes up substantially every time I write $20k+ checks to pay our quarterly “obligation”.

I say stop the automatic withdrawals from paychecks, make people actually pay their own taxes, so the REALLY know and understand what they’re paying!

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Just to clarify, that $8k isn't just "income" taxes.

It's both income AND self-employment (i.e. Social Security and Medicare) taxes, that is, both things that are withheld from W2 wages (and the SS and Medi portion of which is matched by the W2 employer, who is you in this case, so your SE tax is almost twice what a W2 employee pays because you pay both halves of the SS/Medi tax) such that W2 employees don't feel the sting quite as badly as you do, although they are stung just the same.

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If you are in the private sector, not working for the federal government or under government contract, the likelihood is high you have no federal tax liability. The truth is more convoluted than can be explained in a comment.

See my reply in this thread to @Peggy B for an instance of wording used in the tax code and for info on where you can get clarity on my assertion. I have no affiliation with what I am "promoting" via disseminating info. Only want to help educate.

Caveat/disclaimer: a few days ago in comments here on C&C, when I recommended the same info (book) someone did what was clearly a superficial search on the author and tarred him based on a wiki article. Didn't read the book and use discernment, just relied on a source that I hope most of us recognize as being captured. To each his own. In my experience of in particular the last couple of decades it takes time to dig in and learn the truth. All depends on what one is willing to put into the pursuit. 2¢

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Best response.

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The entire super-sized bureaucracy is on public assistance, enjoying unlimited printable cash, without having to work for it. We should fire its lazy self and evict it from our basement.

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How to empower megalomaniac sociopaths: "enjoying unlimited printable cash".

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My mom died in 2016 at age 95. I remember having a conversation with her about the government printing money and she just laughed and said, "Well, they've done that for a long time!"

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Make Tariffs Great Again. If they were good enough for the Founders, who couldn't imagine taxing income, I think, then they're good enough for me. And seniore are often among the most wealthy, btw, having had a lifetime to accumulate assets.

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My mother just paid the taxes on the sale of her home of 45 years. She worked 2 jobs (or the equivalent - 50 - 60 hours a week) for 40 years, to pay the mortgage on it and raise her 3 kids (my father split when I was 10). Between local, state, and federal taxes, the various levels of government have taken nearly one third of the sale price of her home, because it is almost pure "capital gains". The proceeds from the sale are to augment her Social Security and small pension (yes, we are grateful that the company she worked for the last 20 years provided a small sum.) While the sale price looked good on paper, between all the taxes paid and with the way inflation is trending, I am not sure that what is left will be sufficient to provide for whatever care she needs for the rest of her life. Her mother lived past 100 years old.

My mama took a bad situation (my father walking out and rarely paying child support) and said, "Right, it is up to me to provide for and raise my kids." She went out and got a job. When she realized that it would not be enough to support us, she got a second job. She refused to go on welfare and set a bad example for us kids. If we couldn't afford it, we did without. She continued to look for better paying jobs and eventually took the skills she had learned and applied for the job she had for the last 20 years of her working life. Even there, she still worked very long hours that equated to having 2 jobs.

What is truly galling to me and the rest of the family, is our mama did the right things. She worked her *** off, instilled in us solid moral values and a work ethic, didn't look for handouts, paid her bills, paid her taxes, paid off her mortgage, helped us kids get through college, and now when she needs the proceeds from her ONE major asset, the government at all levels has it's greedy hands out to grab over 1/3 of that which she spent 40 years working to build up. Not to mention all the horrible ways the government spends our money. She asked me, "Why should my taxes go to pay off someone else's student loans?" Why indeed?

I apologize for the rant. Doing this year's taxes had me snipping and sniping at everyone - I knew it was not going to be good for my mama, I just didn't know how bad.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Rant away, I think we all sympathize with your sentiments and your fury. It's wrong, and we all know it.

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Thank you. I appreciate your comments. Just thinking about ALL the taxes just chaps my hide. One is taxed on income, property, anything purchased, any real property sold, special tax this, bond/levy that, excise tax the other, and if a person somehow manages to hold onto a little bit to pass on to their kids and grandkids, taxes are paid on the estate (except for 2010, when my FIL passed away, so my MIL didn't have to pay any estate tax.).

And now, I am all riled up again! 😂 I think I will go outside and soak up some Vitamin D, since the sun is actually shining here in the PNW today.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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I'm sorry they did this to her. We need more like your mama.

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Thank you, Tom. She is a treasure - her children "rise up and call her blessed."

Mrs. "the Knife"

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I still don’t understand why they take any from the sale of a house when we pay property taxes. We’ve been paying on that property for years, and it’s adjusted for value, and even if it’s not, it sure seems like double taxation.

I have a friend who gets a small amount (~$10k)/year from a trust that was set up with a university by their parents for them. They were going off the other day how the university has to take out taxes from the trust income before they can disburse it, then they have to pay taxes again because it’s part of their income. It’s the same money that belongs to my friend. How is that not double taxation?

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Garden Lover, property taxes are local. Capital gains are (at least in Florida, with no income tax) federal. Every level of vampire has to get their blood.

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I am sick to my stomach reading this. Your mom sounds fantastic! It wasn’t even mentioned that the cost of borrowing money for that house was also probably more than her capital gains. So her paying, say $100k (guessing) 45 years ago + the interest + the repairs and maintenance + any upgrades + property taxes….your mom paid well above the actual cost of that home and any “capita gains” is probably less than everything she spent on it. Then the ****!!! government takes 1\3 of HER sale. Makes me want to vomit. They just stole from her right out in the open with the govt cheering themselves on. They are THIEVES!!! And I blame every generation all the way back for letting this happen! We are now the recipients of sound asleep, head in the sand, generations. You think our kids and grandkids are gonna pay for what we’re doing and not doing? They are. But we are paying for what those before us did and didn’t do as well. This govt is all one big SCAM and system of THIEVES!

I’m sorry for your mom.

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Thanks, Sunnydaze. I think the thing that aggravates us the most is how cavalierly the government throws our tax dollars away on frivolous, immoral, or deadly things (Covid, anyone?, anyone?, Bueller?, Bueller?) When I think of how many years she got up at 5:00 am, left the house before 6:00 am, didn't get home before midnight, all the weekends she worked... She was bound and determined she was not going to lose the house because she couldn't pay the mortgage. Many things ended going by the wayside (cars that continually broke down - I got pretty good at patching some of them back together!) but the mortgage payment always came first. If that meant we couldn't afford oil for the furnace, well, we just layered up in sweatshirts or sweaters and made sure the fire was kept going in the fireplace.

I am so very grateful for her example in the face of adversity!

Mrs. "the Knife"

** Edited to fix spelling of Bueller. I can't believe I misspelled that!

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Multiply "him mom" by millions of hard-working Americans who are in this vise.

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" And I blame every generation all the way back for letting this happen!" - I feel the same, but what could they have done about this? Can't future generations say the same about the current generation/s (letting it happen) I'm stumped to know what action can realistically be taken to stop it from happening. BTW I work with someone who thinks the income tax rates of 60% + in other countries are justified because of all the perks they receive ( medical insurance, etc.)

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Your Mamma is the freak'in awesome! Take it to the bank!

Later Jay

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Thank you, Jay. Yes, she is!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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And her Medicare payment will likely go up as well. They consider it income, which puts you in a "privileged" bracket. Be prepared to pay a lot more for a year.

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Such a sad story happening to most of us. I’m sorry it happened to your mom. I have a very similar situation.

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At the end of life is often when it is the toughest to get by😞

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One of my grandmothers was born in 1908, first generation Slovene/Croatian. Embedded in my memory is her talking about the disbelief that anyone would "go on the dole." All the boys left school by 9th grade to work in the local tin mill and contributed to the family finances. Her parents worked in the tin mill, and did cleaning and laundry for the more well-off families in town. Grandma was allowed to graduate from high school but then went to work in the tin mill. One of the last things she talked about at the end of her life, whilst in hospice, was regret they had bought new furniture for their parents' house after 40 years as they could have saved the money for expenses - her mother died at 60 soon after the purchase and a valuable source of income was gone.

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My grandpa was the oldest son. His father died when he was 13 in the height of the Depression (1933), so Grandpa quit school and went to work to help support his mother and 4 siblings. His mama took in washing and cleaned houses. His siblings worked in the fields during the summers. He joined the Navy after Pearl Harbor and got his GED after he was discharged in 1945.

Grandpa worked incredibly hard his entire life. He instilled that in my mama.

Once, when he and Grandma were up for a visit, I was headed out the door in my "barn" jeans. Grandpa stopped me and asked where I was going dressed like that. He said, "Even during the Depression we did not leave the house looking like that! Helen! Get your purse, we are going to buy this child a pair of jeans!" And he did just that. Important lesson: no matter where you are going, you should always look your best. (Unless it is actually to the barn, in which case wear your barn clothes!! 😂😂)

Mrs. "the Knife"

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They only raise our prices, so no.

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Agree 💯.

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We basically don't need ANY tax.

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Right!?!! Why continue funding our own demise?

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Why seniors? They're not necessarily poor. George Soros is a senior.

Exemptions for the poor. Period.

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Some seniors are living off of savings accumulated over many years. Most of that is money they have already paid taxes on. the exception would be distributions from tax deferred pensions, 401k and IRAs. Creating a system that taxes spending is double taxing that savings.

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Now how am I going to get the image of your monkeypox invention out of my head. 😇😇😇

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I agree! Please Jeff, sell on Amazon! You'll be an instant gazillionaire and might be open to lowering your subscription fees!

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A sales tax without all those darn loopholes. I don’t know how it would work, but if you can afford a Lear jet, you should pay at least some tax on it. Not in the same league, but those 2-4M Prevost RVs have to pay tax (or move to Montana).

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Not sure how to answer the why, but it it’s the Montana part, they’re known for no sales tax, and for setting up LLCs for non residents to register their rigs.

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Actually we don't need any tax on earnings, profits, or transactions. Just a single tax on privileges granted by governments at all levels would generate more revenue than governments at all levels could legitimately use.

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I forgot another couple of my favorites:

13. Abolish the department of education and return it to the states

14. All federal groups must be moved from DC and housed in the region of the country where they work and not in DC… for example department of the interior - Montana, South Dakota, etc; border patrol - Texas or Arizona, etc.

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Love your ideas Valerie! Especially moving agencies out of DC. And whatever other measures are necessary to make them “for America”, run by Americans, not a bunch of deep staters.

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revoke JFK's EO allowing federal employees to join a union (or at least make it optional) - even FDR opposed that - like removing the SALT deduction this would be a giant slap in the face to democrats

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14 was attempted by Trump with lots of pushback and gnashing of teeth resulting.

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I believe if God does deliver President Trump out of the fiery furnace of persecution he is enduring, he will be strong and cold as iron. Pushback and gnashing of teeth can go to hell!

The demonic globalists destroyers are rightly fearful.

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#13. All day every day.

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Okay! You have MY vote! 🤗

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13. Corporations are not people. Unions are not people. Organizations are not people. Change the law that gave these groups peoplehood. 14. Citizens (notice the word) can only contribute X amount of dollars to individuals or PACs in total, per year. Some low number (1000, 5000, 10,000), so that politics isn't controlled by the millionaire/billionaires. NO MONEY FROM GROUPS/CORPORATIONS.

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I agree 100% this was a huge mistake especially as their recognition didn't come with putting the corporation in prison for wrongdoing- meaning at least dissolvement. A utility company in California was found guilty of murder for their faulty equipment starting the Paradise fire. No one went to jail. The corporation was to pay victims of the fire. They may still be waiting as Newsom gave the corporation a sweetheart deal. The lobbyist for the entity was at the French Laundry dinner with Newsom.

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DING DING DING !!! Corporations can only pay fines, never go to prison. MAYBE they could be forced into bankruptcy, but even then, it would only hurt the creditors, suppliers, and employees. The officers and board members who actually "do the crimes" get off scott free, with a golden parachute.

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Yes, a friend pointed this out. So, the best solution is to remove the farce that corporations are individuals. If they can't get the same punishment they shouldn't have the same benefits.

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CA Paradise fire was, like Lahaina, started by microwave DEW's, not by a utility company. They were just the patsy. Done by the Usual Suspects

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Help Needed, how would we control PAC donations to other PACs? It's a shell game, with individuals controlling dozens of deceptively-named PACs, which they use to launder money to politicians and groups they want in power or want 'favors' from. Limit the number of PACs a person can control? They'd pay another guy to do some. It's a real swamp.

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A swamp is correct. I don't know how to control PAC-to-PAC interactions. Ban PACs from moving $$ between themselves? Ban PACs altogether? I know whatever would be proposed, much effort would be paid into finding loopholes!

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I read a bio on Pamela Churchill Harriman and thought I remembered her starting one of the first PACs for the dems back in the 80's. "With her new American citizenship in one hand and her husband’s influence in the other, Pamela Harriman dove headfirst into the world of politics. She helped create a fundraising system for the Democrats—a political action committee nicknamed “PamPAC.” In 1980, the National Women’s Democratic Club dubbed her “Woman of the Year.” Clinton later appointed her as ambassador to France. Turns out sleeping around has it's perks.

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Excellent KS! Total agreement!

Sometime in the 2009/2011 period I looked up government branches, department and agencies on Manta and I found out that they were all separate corporations. The Supreme Court is a corporation. The House of Representatives is a corporation. The Senate is a corporation. And the same for all the rest of the 'units' of government. I cannot find that information any longer on Manta. It all has been scrubbed.

Some years ago, about 2015 or 2016, I looked up Roanoke County at Manta and it said something like Roanoke County and doing business as a private company. But that also is now scrubbed.

Furthermore, everything we 'own' is held in Trust of which we the people (us) only have a beneficial use. That's our houses and cars, our brokerage accounts, our bank accounts. That is, 'they' let us think we own things. But in point of fact, we already own nothing. (And so shades of WEF ... are we happy?)

The signature line on you checks, for example, is a fuzzy line. It used to say AP. And if you magnified the fuzzy line you would find out that it said 'Authorized Person'. Yes! You are an 'authorized person' authorized by another authorized person (another fictitious incorporation like a bank) to 'legally' use something that does not really belong to you and in some kind of tangle of corporatized fiction held in a network of 'trust' arrangement. Another words, you have been abstracted out of life, out of existence. That is, you function everyday as a virtual peoplw living in a virtual world of abstractions. And so, this being the case, it any wonder that the world we live in is insane? Checks now have MP on the signature line which stands for 'microprint'. It seem to say the same thing, only made even harder to read. Notice in the below, you are never really told what is going on. Only that 'something' is going on.


It seems that 'they' forgot to tell us something!

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Yup. If only more people understood this stuff - and more. Keep pounding away at getting the info out there. Appreciate what you contribute in this public space. 👍👍👍👍

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Two things do a lot of damage.

The first big killer is knowledge not known, knowledge deliberately obscured, hidden away from view and yet so badly needed. And those who hide histories, write false histories and/or narratives, who manufacture distorted realities and outright false realities are, and boiled down ... nothing more than liars.

The second big killer is knowledge thought to be known but isn't truthful and/or accurate, or just plain out not complete enough. What we think we know as truth, but is not truth, this is the Great Destroyer of Humanity. The Pandemic in all of its various and sundry incarnations is is Exhibit A.

At any rate, the sentiments expressed by you are a tad more sunshine on a sunny day. Thank you.

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@Help Needed (me, too: all the time!),

Seems like splitting hairs, but a point of clarification.

You used the word "people." <Unions are not people. Organizations are not people. Change the law that gave these groups peoplehood.>

The word used in law is "person." The legal concept is personhood. Doesn't seem like much of a distinction but I have learned that, particularly as applies to law and codes, statutes and their interpretation, words matter.

I don't want to be an a-hole but ultimately we are in the territory of the arcane, the keepers and crafters of words, the happily smug (not all, I should take care not to use a broad brush: herewith apologies to our esteemed host) sect of lawyers. The mighty pen. And is it ever.

If we, not in the club, persist in using the wrong words, we demonstrate our inability to be a collaborative partner on par with the keepers of the words. Maybe we don't need to be on par with. That's what law schools are for? To train the keepers? To keep the goodies to themselves? And create personhood for corporations and organizations and slide the like into use to more or less walk all over the little guys?

Maybe I'm taking up too much space in my split of the hair. I didn't go to law school. I'm not in the club. I do see that members abuse their "privileged" status (again, not all of them) to mess with the power structure - to their own advantage. Do we learn better so that in discourse we at least use their words, for or against them? I don't know. Just 2¢ or less worth. Thanks for reading my detail-oriented perspective on the importance of words matter.

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Like you, I'm not a lawyer. I used the wrong word and I apologize. You are correct that we need to be specific when writing our comments.

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Thanks for taking the observation kindly and under advisement. I am certain to get a thing or two wrong along the way myself. No claims to perfection. I had to give that up when the effort became too stressful - decades ago. Now a flexible perfectionist 🙄 and try not to take much too seriously.😏

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Your general premise is excellent. But mandating ethical behavior never works. You can’t force people to be decent.

The only way to get money out of politics is to get money out of the government. Once USG stops spending trillions per year, it will no longer be worth spending millions to get billions in govt contracts. I see no other way.

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Good one! Sick of the dollar winning! It should be who the people want

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Ohhhh these are good Valerie! I’m big advocate of term limits

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Thank you! Since I do massage and have waaay too much time to think, I actually make this list in my head on the regular. ‘What are the easy things that probably 80% of people would agree on that would make our lives so much better and could easily get through congress?’ My full list is probably at least 20, but it’s in my head so this is what came to mind today.

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I like massages but I need good legislators more than a massage. Have you considered running for office?

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Wow, that’s probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me! Thank you.

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All good ideas... but I'll focus on this for a minute:

11. Make colleges fund their own damn student loans

a. There's absolutely no reason people who never attended college should be taxed to pay for other people to go to college.

b. Colleges currently have no "skin in the game". They can inflate tuition and expenses without limit and without consequence.

c. College isn't for everyone. Trying to make it so devalues the quality of education.

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Amen and amen!

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I think Stephen Forbes forecasted a flat tax of 3% when he suggested it years ago. IL went from a long time 3% to 5% under Prickster, so I don’t think we should agree to anything higher than 5%. The government needs to scale back just as we all have had to do.

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I’m pretty sure he is even higher now.

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13. Ban all voting machines. In person voting with legal id only. Hand counted; one day of voting and results by end of day. Mail in only for military and confirmed infirm or disabled. No ballot harvesting, no drop boxes, verified chain of custody and ability for every voter to see how and for whom their vote was counted.

14. Make all insider trading by Congress illegal.

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It took 15 minutes to read down to your post Carol M, I was sure someone would make my point. I'll add make vote day a federal holiday, take one of the other holidays away is fine with me. Our vote is our voice, our only influence in this bastardized political system called a democracy, when it's supposed to be a representative Republic.

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Facts. Without integrity in our election system that we can fully trust, we have nothing. No country and no need to be concerned about any of the other issues because they will simply continue to select who they want to continue the destruction of our beloved Republic.

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Term limits for congressional staff, as well, or they'd be running the asylum while running circles around the 'temporary help' (the electeds).

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Excellent point!

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That’s already happening I fear

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AB, likely it is, and they likely overlap with lobbyists and special interests. What a mess.

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Excellent! I never considered colleges funding their own loans, BUT THAT would certainly cut out the nonsense!!!

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Harvard’s correct name is ‘The Harvard Corporation’ and they’re sitting on something like a $50 BILLION dollar endowment. Yes, they can fund their own student loans. It would make them more careful about who they loan to and what they’re studying.

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Yup, exactly.

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Elect Childers to public office. Wait. No. Then he wouldn’t have time to write. 🤦‍♀️

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To add to the fun. What would I want a reform government to do? (To be clear, I am saying this is what I think a government looking to reform, reclaim, and rebuild the country should do, not vigilante stuff.)

- End all entitlements. They are Ponzi schemes and intended to buy votes from indentured servants. 68c of every tax $1 goes to social safety net entitlement programs. End them.

- End the parading around the world as the world's police. We cannot afford it. And Europe should have to pay their own way for once. So far as I can see, we live in a taxation w/o representation system, where the EU is driving our policy while we pay them indirectly for privilege.

- End the income tax. It is illegal. That money is best used by the people who create and earn it, not the government doling it out to its clientele.

- Reduce the federal gov't by at least half. Cut entire agencies on Day 1: Education, Interior, ATF, Homeland Security, IRS, to name a few. Many more could go w/o a single negative thing occurring.

- Reform and substantially reduce the intel/security state.

- Make it illegal for congresspeople (pre, during, and post-term for some duration) to invest in the stock market.

- Raise awareness of and outlaw all foreign influence psy-ops like DEI, CRT, the "trans" movement, and "climate change."

- Close the border and deport all illegals. Declare those who refuse to comply enemy combatants and act upon that accordingly.

- Invest in energy exploration and work towards energy independence.

- Rebuild a manufacturing base so we are not dependent on hostile foreign governments for the stuff we need to live.

- Restore trust in the gov't, requiring a few major steps:

First, find those in the intel community who have been blackmailing elected officials, arrest them for treason, try them, convict them, and carry out the appropriate punishment swiftly and publicly.

Second, arrest Fauci, Collins, Birx, Bourla, Gates, et al for treason, try them, convict them, and carry out the appropriate punishment swiftly and publicly.

- Third, identify the elected officials who are acting on behalf of foreign countries to undermine the US, arrest them for treason, and repeat the process outlined above.

These are some minimum things I think a reform-oriented gov't would need to do in order to reclaim the country. Seems unlikely, but I can dream, right?

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Did you mention DHS, particularly the sub agency TSA? The rights of American citizens are trampled and degraded with every flight.

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Absolutely would like this times 100!!

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How about No. 11: Make student loans illegal.

If Albert Einstein wants to go to college but is broke, the college can waive his tuition and other fees, and find him a job to pay for everything else.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

I would like to think that if all Americans (except the rich elites, of course, who don't care about such things) could analyze a list of all the "ignored" and hidden taxes they pay...not only income tax, but all the various sales taxes, taxes on propane, taxes on other energy sources, taxes on phones....they would be horrified. And maybe they would speak up and get angry about it.

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15? How about 9.

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How about none.

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There has to be some taxes. The military has to be paid. I can't work for free-my mortgage needs to be paid, food, etc.

How much is another story.

Far too much taxes are taken out for pointless and unconstitutional spending.

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I mean, that would be great. Zero even better.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Zero tax. The Government should have to raise all it's funding through bond sales to the American people. If the people do not support the programs the Gov't is trying to fund, then the programs are terminated. This is how the citizens have absolute veto power over what the Government does. This is a true republic. The power lies with the people, not the Government enslaving the citizens for programs the citizens don't want.

This would eliminate 90% of the Government and produce a very productive and just society. This is all predicated on Margaret's #8 point.

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That's the ticket. The House claims it has the “power of the purse,” but it doesn't represent taxpayers. The people would have the power of the purse if the IRS wasn’t armed.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

In a true republic, an IRS is illegal. We have a central bank and an IRS and a social security number because the USG is a corporation, not a republic. This is reality. We are "assets" the Gov't sells to the international banking system via the Federal Reserve.

Childers, tell me this isn't true.....

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It's a beautiful dream but will never be allowed to happen. For those who think slavery has been abolished think again. The middle-class white-collar worker are the slaves of our times and has nothing to do with skin color or gender.

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You are quite right. Not that I oppose Childers' 7 points of reform (except for #3), but all that is going to do is quite Americans' discontent and return them to more productive slavery. Nothing of substance will change as long as the NeoCon Oligarchs are in control and they WILL be in control as long as our present form of Gov't exists. The only possibility of true reform (though a Trump Presidency would improve our environment as compared to the Marxist sociopaths we have now) will only occur when the Fed Gov't hits the same brick wall of financial insolvency that the Politburo of the Soviet Union hit and collapses. This will be a result of God's judgement on this nation and we will all go through the ensuing chaos. Then - perhaps - we will repent and God will hear us. Russia's example gives some hope.

I have to comment on Childers' point #3: "Support historic allies like the British (and Israel) and also stop mucking about the rest of the world..." Supporting Britain and Israel *IS* mucking around in the world! Remember the founding fathers' advice: trade with all but alliances with none?

The British Crown is our historical enemy. Remember the Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812? When the British Crown couldn't conquer us by force, they then snuck in subverting the Republic by supplanting the US Constitution with a corporate Federal Government outside the jurisdiction of the several States and then shackling Americans to the international banking system via the Federal Reserve and the United State Code (USC). This is how the Empire conquered and enslaved us. Is the USC in the Constitution? Is a central bank in the Constitution? What is, supposedly, the law of the land? The Constitution, not the USC. The USC is corporate law that Americans NEVER VOTED FOR OR WRIT IN THE FOUNDING DOCUMENTS. The USC is our chains.

As for the political state called Israel, the US is nothing more than a "sugar daddy" being manipulated by the "charms" of a seductive, narcissistic, gold digger. She literally has more influence in Congress (all of whom are on the take) than all Americans put together and the MSM sells us on it.

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I agree with term limits, but simultaneously we *must* do something to reign in the "permanent " non-elected government positions or we will end up being "ruled" by the Deep State instead of having true elected representatives. First, eliminate union protections so that there can be proper turn-over. I’m not sure what we do about the most powerful unelected/unappointed positions, but it must be considered so that our elected officials hold the reigns and not the 3-letter agencies or other shadow people.

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Apr 17Liked by Jeff Childers

9. Pray

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Prayer isn't a part-time position. America the Great HAS Fallen into 'cold heartedness '. Our knees Should have calluses, not our Souls.

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Everyday Amen 🙏🏻

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The best Idea ever!!

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Yes to gold.

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Eliminate or vastly reduce the majority of government agencies.

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There is so much overlap and redundancy in so many federal agencies…for example, I was researching emergency preparedness for a DAR meeting program. There were so many gubmint agencies that covered that topic/situation! Talk about duplication of effort! And I dare say they all had fat budgets with bloated bureaucrats at the helm. (I was a GS-6 Forestry Technician in Fire Prevention with the USFS, whose job was cut in 1996/97…a person on the ground actually doing WORK and serving the public, but I’m sure all those GS-12s & 13s in the Washington (DC) Office kept their cushy desk jobs…hmmmm, do I sound bitter? 😕)

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That does not surprise me one bit. Way too much money for way too pathetic results.

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And take the ones left out of DC and put them in the part of the country they affect the most.

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Drill Baby Drill- become energy independent again!

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Yes, this is probably the most important point. Fiat currency makes possible all kinds of malinvestment. It also funds the war machine. The "Cantillion effect," which benefits those closest to the money creation and punishes those farthest from it, has resulted in class warfare. If you need a map, THIS is the road to serfdom.

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Make Money Gold Again! 💛

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

'Return to the gold standard'?

This was abandoned by Nixon back in the good ol' days when the US $ was actually worth something. Since then The Fed have printed so much money there must be whole forests missing somewhere - and they still keep ramping it up.

I doubt if there is enough gold in the whole wide world to support how many $ are now in circulation! And then of course there is the US national debt of $30+ Trillion.

Reminds me of Germany between the wars when you needed a wheelbarrow of currency for a loaf of bread. BRICS could destroy the US economy - without a shot being fired.

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Amen!!! End the FED!!!!!

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Yes, but silver is more practical than gold for everyday use.

Gold should be legal tender, but always priced in terms of silver.

And silver should be valued by WEIGHT alone, and not bullshit units like "dollars" which are subject to redefinition. A British pound was literally a pound of silver, and should be once again.

We could all just literally start using silver by weight with each other for everyday transactions. Problem solved.

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Absolutely . Sound money means snall gov

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Now and again you hear the long low honest cry to return to sound money.

But the words never get out of the forest and into the breeze.

Got Gold? How bout New Skills to Barter?

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1) Recognize they won, we lost, get used to it, but pretend laws or the legal system will eventually lead to justice.

2) Never fight back.

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Apr 17Liked by Jeff Childers

Look at the source of Trump related polarization. It's not anything he actually does or says. It is simply "we hate him (don't know why, but we hate him) and we must get rid of him because he has now polarized us".

Like the child who kills both parents and asks the judge for mercy since he is an orphan...

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Everyone I have ever spoken to about Trump who hates him (and I encounter a surprising number of these ppl at work who think everyone agrees with them), hates him for two reasons: 1) aesthetics and 2) the MSM lies about him. They don't like the way he looks and they believe the media's lies. Which are about the stupidest reasons in world history for hating an elected leader. The vast majority don't even know what his policies are.

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Don't forget "he's a racist".. to which I reply "he had a black girlfriend". "But he's a racist". I respond " I said girlfriend, with whom he appeared in public. I didn't say he just slept with a black woman", to which they triple down "I don't care. He's still a racist". It's like trying to talk to a turnip.

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“It's like trying to talk to a turnip.”


Except the turnip probably has better critical thinking skills…

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I like the turnip comment! 100% true. Cannot have a conversation just spews hate 🙄

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I put that under the media lies category. The whole "very fine people" hoax the media pulled on him. And the "Muslim ban" hoax. The funny part is, everyone should know better. It's not like he wasn't a cultural figure for decades before running as a (R) candidate in 2015. He's never been a cultural conservative. But the low IQ masses just lap up that lie, too.

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He was never a cultural conservative, but he acted like one while in office. That's what matters. Just look at the new, and soon to be ex, speaker.

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This happened in Harlem yesterday, so there’s hope! Not for the poor TDS sufferers, of course, but for the rest of us.


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Nice. I have heard in more than one place that Trump carried 49 states in 2020, including CA. And I believe it.

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You know it!

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If nothing else, this legal charade is another point over which Trump and black voters can bond. "He knows what our people have been through!"

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And that he’s antisemite - when he has Jewish family. Of course now that charge won’t be considered a slur because Gaza...

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Because why? Because he was against the open border and criminals. Tell them that is why!

As far as them not liking the way he looks, ask them how they feel about Biden's overly botoxed forehead which makes him squint so much?

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Turnips have feeling too! LOL!!

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My daughter hated him bc Eric years ago killed an elephant. She loves elephants. Was probably a young male terrorizing villagers. I told her that wasn't Trump. She didn't care.

Funny thing she was a Ron Paul fan. We don't talk politics since then.

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We were big Ron Paul fans too. My T shirt is now unreadable. Had bumper stickers too. He got hosed.

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They are brainwashed... The ones with TDS who believe "orange man bad" also go around saying "My body, my choice" and "Trust the science". They are programmed and cannot critically think for themselves.

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Tucker interviewed Dr Daniel Nehls who just released a book “The Indoctrinated Brain”. The interview is worth a watch. Helped me understand certain family members regarding covidhysteria and/or TDS.

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It was excellent! I have listened to it a few times... I just subscribed to Dr. Michael Nehls' substack today.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Yes! It helped me understand why people still wear masks. Now I just feel sorry for their indoctrinated brains when I see them. Oh, here's a free view. https://www.bitchute.com/video/7UHYGnR37RB6/

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Yes! They say my body my choice except when it’s a vaccine then no choice because you can infect others even tho that has been debunked but yet they are still back in early 2021 with information.

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Patti, and without the insight, the science, that it's *not* their body they're aborting - not your DNA, not your body.

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Right! When it comes to vaccines, it's your body my choice, because they don't feel safe unless you get it, too. lol

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All are due to the brainwashing technique of creating catchy mantras.

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"My body, my choice", "your body, my choice"

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Maybe liberalism truly is a mental disorder! lol

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Right! As if it’s his fault for the ‘polarization’ and not the media for characterizing him as a cartoon villain for years.

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Cartoon villain is exactly right! Witness the ridiculous nicknames they have for him “Orange Man” “Cheeto Man” 🙄

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I love Cheetos

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I have been puzzling about the excessive and irrational hatred for Trump that exists among the elite class, media and many politicians. I think this explains a lot: https://wltreport.com/2024/01/19/yuval-harari-if-donald-trump-is-elected-again/

The central struggle of our era is between nation states (systematically being destroyed) and a globalist world order.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

The Intelligence Community (and their neocon minions or maybe it's the other way around) hate him because they can't control him, it's pretty simple. The rest hate him because they have been told too and cannot think for themselves. They have been whipped into a frenzy of fear and hatred that has actually disabled their critical thinking facilities.

There's a bunch of research on this that shows a constant state of fear actually shrinks the hippocampus, the part of the brain that processes new information and causes our natural curiosity. Just look at how most people reacted to covid and the constant fear-mongering, they became as gullible and docile as puppies.

This is all planned, and the jabs adverse effects very well may exacerbate the problem. Dr. Michael Nehls has done a lot of work on this, and has many interviews, including one with Tucker.


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And they hate him because the people love him. They hate we the people.

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The Uniparty's Last Ditch Plan To Stop Trump

The GOP-Democrat establishment has hatched a plan to nullify the 2024 election


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We are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator. Serotonin is what is lacking in so many bodies these days because of the induced fear. https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-serotonin-5189485

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Soros hates him and has said that he will defeat him. Soros practically owns the country's influence.

soros wants his satanic vision of the new world order and Trump is a thorn in his side politically as he doesn’t have a puppet string on him.

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Is it not illegal to gain a monopoly on radio stations?

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When ppl say we live in a capitalist society, it is things like this that I offer as proof we do not. I noticed it first with Clear Channel, who bought up just about everything in the last 90s/early 00s, I think.

In a capitalist society, government would serve the role of ensuring fair and free markets, breaking up monopolies, and fostering competition. Instead our gov't encourages and creates virtual monopolies, punishes competition, picks favorites, rewards allies, and pushes out small entrants with insane rules, regulations, and bureaucracy they can't afford to deal with.

Actually, it's exactly analogous to the way the gov't should approach the Constitution and the way it does.

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The American dream was crushed by those who are filled with greed, power and hate. It's been gone for decades and the citizens did nothing.

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Yes!! This!! Another spot on comment, RU!

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Already has happened. My brother had radio and television stations years ago. There isn’t any individual ownership anymore.

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Gone the way of family farms, mom & pop shops... Where are the trust-busters?

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It's not a monopoly, but an oligopoly. In any given market, there will be several (or more) radio stations, with several different owners. Each of the owners may control dozens or hundreds of stations, but in many different markets. "Public" radio is supposed to provide an alternative, but ....

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That makes perfect sense. Thank you.

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Actually, speaking of oligarchy, Princeton put out a study in 2014 analyzing the USA and concluded that we are now an oligarchy, as the people have little to no say in matters compared to Special interest groups, mega corporations, strong lobbies, and influential individuals (like Soros).

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citation? or link?

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Illegal? If you haven't noticed, we have been living under the Just Us system for quite a while. As George Carlin famously said, "it's a big effin' club, and you and I aren't in it"

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Hahahahah! Great question

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It is absolutely disgusting how the media has been able to get away with lying about Trump! Very rarely does anyone ever speak about the things he does quietly in helping others. They hate him because he can't be bought and he loves the USA!! He doesn't "fit" into their self serving mold of those who actually hate America and want us to fail... And then become a "member" of the one world order!!! All in the name of democracy!!! What a joke!!!

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I believe they also hate him because he must have a ton of dirt on big names. I seem to recall people said he was getting close to revealing it! (Thinking things like Epsteins island etc)

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@AngelaK hate is an acid that ultimately destroys its container. Soros will face that reality one day soon, either here or in the hereafter.

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But then there is his son. 😩

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And further evidence of him being behind ALL the chaos in this country: (I googled and found my suspicion to be true):

Israeli ambassador to UN slams George Soros for funding Hamas-supporting NGOs:


Obviously. all BLM, Antifa, anti Israel movements needed a lot of money for coordination, travel, payments!

Follow the NGO money on anything destroying our country and Soros will be funding it.

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The media loved him until he DARED to beat the Queen in 2016

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When Trump stated in the debates that we were lied to and there where no weapons of mass destruction, the GOP turned on him as well. Only the people were able to get him elected and then those who were supposed to work with him did all they could to undermine him.

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It's very simple. The world has various political aristocracies. These are people who would have been kings, dukes, duchesses and barons in previous generations. They are the rulers. You are not allowed to enter this group via the side door. They hate Trump because he is not one of them. He was not supposed to succeed.

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They hate the ones they can't control... like Trump & Putin.

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Yes, only one side can prevail.

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I *love* to hate politicians. I mean, I loathe pretty much *all* of them. I've been begging for someone to give me a good reason to HATE Trump since 2016... so far, no one has been able to give me one credible reason why. I remain baffled why there is so much hatred for this guy.

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You hate the politicians because 99% of them lie through their teeth and if they were not bought up front they are converted and bought in office. Trump defies that. And that as well as speaking frankly are why people, who do, Love him. I heard many people say he speaks things that are on others minds but they would never say.

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I don’t hate president Trump and I will vote for him, but warp speed is absolutely HORRIBLE! Just look at the Cancers 😱

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Thats what brainwashing does. It doesn't tell you why you must hate him juat that you do. Morons.

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I have a partially formed theory about Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

Basically, my theory is that those who hate him are also narcissists, like Trump, but they are jealous of his fame, so they hate him for it.

There is more to this theory, but that's the main gist.

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Apr 17Liked by Jeff Childers

By snoozing Trump is broadcasting that this case is unserious.

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Had the same thought!

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I'm bored, too. The left will turn it against him.

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#. Make Election DAY (not season) a national holiday. Voter ID (like even Mexico has, for Pete’s sake!) required. No electronics in elections. Paper ballots. Counting done by representatives of both parties, with results reported on voting day or the day after, like France (!) and Florida. Maybe dip your finger in purple ink after you vote. It would become a badge of honor in the new system. Hey, I can dream, right?! And I can most definitely pray 🙏🏻

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Ohhhh love this! Inked finger to say this is A badge of honor & yes I was thoroughly vetted and approved to vote legally and so I did so with honor!

No more mail in voting! Enough is enough ! It took California over a month to figure out who won this past voting cycle. Enough is enough

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I could rephrase the comment “to figure out who won,” but don’t think that’s necessary for the C&Cers.

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Voting by mail shouldn't make any difference as long as your records are accurate. California can't count the fingers on one hand so they are a bad example. I registered to vote in person with my ID and have voted in every election since I registered in my new state in 2013. I updated my address once when I moved. My old roommate has never gotten a ballot for me. I voted in person once. The rest of the time has been by mail. I can find out if my vote has been received and counted by phone or online. If you don't sign and date the envelope, your vote doesn't count. Real basic and straight forward. It could still be miscounted but as long as the registered voter records are accurate, there's no more problem with mail in than there is in person voting. I know many people want to believe that mail in voting is where the bogey man is but I don't agree. Not the way my state runs it. I cannot physically make it to the polls so it is the only way I can vote.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

@Bobbi “as long as your records are accurate.” I would venture to say that that is not the current situation in a single state in this country. If you’ve read any of Jay Valentine’s work at Omega4America dot com, he explains the problem of phantom ballots very well. States have no incentives to clean up voter rolls, because dirty rolls give them the padding to create the necessary votes for their candidate to “win,” as we have seen clearly in recent elections. Add that to easily hacked electronic voting systems and what you get is non-auditable, fraudulent “elections” that thinking people know are a farce.

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In my state, if you are on the mail in voter list, you have to vote to stay on the list to receive a ballot. If you don't vote in 2 consecutive elections you are removed from the mail in list. Nothing will ever be perfect but we can certainly make things better.

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I understand mail voting for disabled and overseas military. One of the key problems with mass mail voting is that the voter can be influenced out of view of the election officials. Voting in a private booth in presence of officials is key to incoerced voting.

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Voting absentee isn't the same thing as mass mail in voting. I'm reasonably sure that every state offers the former. It can be a great way to cast your vote.

I know in my state, you must have a valid photo ID to vote absentee. You have to write the ID number on the ballot request form.

Ironically, that's MORE secure than voting in person here because you aren't required to show ID at polling locations. You just tell them your name and they check the registered voter list.

In states with mass mail in, ballots are sent out to the last known address of everyone on the registered voter list. Obviously, fraud can be a significant probability with that method.

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No. they knew who won. It just took a month for them to arrange the window dressing for the winner's victory.

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A national election day is not practical and is not American, imho. Who is the federal government to tell me I can't run my hotel on that day, because I have to give every employee the day off? What will the travelers do that day? How about restaurants? No plumbers get to eat lunch? Oh, no plumbers are allowed to work - they're on a federally-mandated 'holiday.' Too bad your toilet decided to overflow today. Having a heart attack? Too bad - the hospitals are closed, the ICU patients tossed out for the day. Would you make exceptions for all of that? For every self-employed person? For every person living hand to mouth? Or would you also mandate that every employee get paid time off that day, possibly putting business owners out of business, because inflation, insurance costs, etc., have put so many on the edge of financial sustainability? I really don't get this idea. It seems to be a top-down, centrally-planned, un-American idea. And voting rates were much higher back in the day when we had a single day of in-person voting and having to show your birth certificate to register to vote. It's not the lack of opportunity that's doing it.

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So how does the country continue to operate on the eleven federal holidays we currently have? As a firefighter I worked every holiday throughout my 40 year career, on election day the off going shift 'held over' until the oncoming voting shift voted and made their way to work. Many fire stations were voting stations, a special and patriotic day I enjoyed.

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*Federal* holidays are just that; they are not *national* holidays. We have no *national* holidays, because we're a federated Republic, not a unitary nation (the united states; states (i.e., nations, in the language of international affairs) that chose to unite, for defined, limited purposes as written in the Constitution).

Do we really want to give government workers even more time off, to interfere in elections?

I don't, and I spent my career as a fed (in the Army) getting *federal* holidays off.

Your example is a perfect explanation of why we don't need to give people time off to vote; you all figured it out for yourselves, without the federal government making it a new law.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 18

A national Election Day was all I knew for many decades and it was not a holiday. People went before and after work, at lunchtime; retired, or work from home, or independently wealthy sorts went throughout the day. All but the meanest of employers would accommodate their employees leaving for a break to go vote.

When the idiot Dan Rather failed to realize (?) that Florida has two time zones and declared that polls were closed and Al Gore had won Florida in 2000, ( and the rest of the stupid corrupt media went along), in the ultra conservative panhandle, thousands were still waiting in line to cast their vote after a hard day at work, and those thousands of votes were lost because tired people left in disgust.

And that ladies and gentlemen was why we had the silly saga of counting chads, while the elderly were blamed.

In truth they should have given that hour of voting back to the people of the Florida Panhandle from whom it was stolen.

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And Dan Rather should have been tried, convicted and hung for Election Interference. That would have prevented what we suffer now.

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@Fla Mom Good points. I suppose I know a national holiday will never happen, so I didn’t think through those scenarios. And you’re right about voter participation being much higher when we had a single day of voting. I think the drawn out process, besides providing excellent opportunities for fraud, reflects our culture that is addicted to ease and convenience. Microwaves, iPhones, social media, DoorDash… instant gratification and lack of awareness of any kind of hard work and sacrifice have all contributed to the coddling we see now. Honor, accountability, self-respect are the backbones of any successful society, and they are in serious decline today. Our problems are much bigger than one-day voting, but who knows? Easy times make soft men, who make hard times, who then make hard men. Turning the corner will be painful but necessary.

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Grace, truth. All we can do is struggle to find ways back to the true, the good, and the beautiful.

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It isn’t un-American. It’s the way prescribed in the Constitution.

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Oh, if you meant a *day* on which elections would be held, I agree with you and I apologize. I thought you were advocating for a national holiday on which everyone can vote, because magically they didn't have to work that day.

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Ban political ads and require live debates.

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France has 48.7 million registered voters. Only 7.7 million actually voted in the 2022 election. Easy to count. We have 161.42 million registered voters. 52% voted in the 2022 election or 83.93 million voters. See the problem. I agree counting should be done by hand with heavy oversight but that will require patience. You just can't get quick and accurate.

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Not difficult to hand count. Precincts should be sized so as there aren't thousands of voters in each precinct. That was part of the concept of the left, eliminate precincts and make the remaining precincts unmanageable.

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In my county you can vote in any district. It makes it much easier for people to vote while they are at work or running errands outside of their precincts. However, the Republicans in the house passed a bill this month that says we have to vote in our own districts and we need 2,700 voting places to accommodate our almost 3,000,000 voters and 16,000 people to run them in my county. Our senate also has a Republican majority so it will pass there but will probably be vetoed by the Democrat governor and I doubt we can overturn the veto. When you live in one of the largest counties in the country things get a little harder to do than if you just have 300,000 in your district.

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There's been simple methods of accurate machine counting available for decades. Scantron, for example. It was fairly cheap, easy to understand and easy to recount if needed.

The only reason to stop using it was to open the door to...fortification.

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Have toake the ink toxic if more than one badge is applied...

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8) Bring God back into our churches and our lives. Preach about sin and its consequences. Stop coddling the people and speak the truth!!

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Amen!! Worth a listen . The US needs to return to God !


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During the Revolutionary War, they were outnumbered, outtrained, and outsupplied. The patriots designed a flag with a pine tree with “An Appeal to Heaven” written on it. It is time to start flying that flag again. We can use the help.

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Actually someone has one flying here in Delco/Chesco. Every time I pass it I think I need to look it up. Thanks for the explanation!

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Yes. Churches are guilty of the sin of secularism.

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Thank you so much for providing this link. I heard that 8-minute Twitter tidbit of this interview, but really wanted to hear the whole thing.

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Jesus certainly did not coddle the religious rulers and leaders.

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Ah, but the preachers cater to the itching ears of the congregation that wants to know when the rapture will rescue them.

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Heaven forbid they upset anyone who is a giver of money. Jesus told His followers to get to work and forget about what is coming.

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I've loosely followed the juror selection for Trump's trial and "unbiased" is not the word I'd use by a long shot. I also wouldn't use any terms that implied "ready to give a fair hearing". Personally, I'd listen to the arguments and if the prosecution could prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, I'd follow the law. From what I've seen so far, that would be really hard to do for any reasonable person - but the NYC folk are just not likely to be reasonable.

The Soros radio buy-out is concerning, if only because radio has long been an area that the far-left just haven't been able to take over. I see a lot of conservative talk show hosts moving on in the near future, which is sad because that's one of the places they have been free to really talk and connect with people. I stopped listening to most talk radio because I realized it was just constantly getting me upset for no good reason - different topic to be upset about daily. Still, the reality was getting out there that way and painted a very different picture than what one saw on the MSM.

I agree with all of your final points - so much that could be done to actually fix things and move in the right direction, but that's going to take a while. Our schools have lost their focus. Our nation is led by people who hate us. Many of us are waiting to see just how bad the cheating will be in November because we don't foresee a fair election. I appreciate the hope that you keep providing, though. I know that this world isn't our home, but it's still sad to see so much spiraling downward.

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It is especially difficult to watch the downward spiral knowing much of is was/is avoidable and the wounds self-inflicted. But, we have been run by arrogant fools for too long. A reckoning is coming. We, believers, must gird our loins then pray, fast, give alms and repent and do so especially for those who do not believe.

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Yes! I was annoyed this month to have to cancel my gym membership at Planet Fitness after waiting a year because the pandemic forced the last one to close. Love that gym but can’t support their trans policies and lack of concern for real women. If we don’t stand up, then our values mean nothing.

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I just did that last week after hearing what their locker room policy is. It was a good price with everything I needed. So now I'm building my own sets at home.

The good thing is that the poor employee that took my cancellation fully agrees and hates what corporate is doing to the company. I'd a suggest she change jobs...but I know that's rough going these days, too. I don't know her circumstances.

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I can relate to all of what you have said here. The downward spiraling 🌀 feels like it’s happening faster everyday.

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I agree fully- we don’t see a fair election happeming

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On the Soros radio station “coup,” watch for those stations to be federally funded, like NPR, with our tax dollars and support from Leftist organizations.

I agree with you, if left to the consumer market, they’d tank.

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That is true. Our nephew does not have a computer or the internet, and listens to talk radio for his news. I know of others who also rely on it daily

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Can't remember the last time I listened to radio.

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The US needs to return to God .

2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

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Churches need to turn to God.

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Why have churches anyway? If your god is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient why would they care what puny humans do in a manmade edifice? Wouldn't they prefer that people get out and enjoy their 'creation'?

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Churches exist for the benefit of the Lord's followers to gather together as a community. You're right that God doesn't in any way "need" humans to do any particular thing.

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“What do you think needs to go on that list? Let me know in the comments.”

Although I think it’s way, Way, WAY too late — because I don’t have any optimism whatsoever, that could be called “rational” or “reasonable”, about the restoration of a republican form of government — a small central federal (or confederated) government, with deeply divided branches of power, and with strictly limited and enumerated powers — with all remaining powers being reserved to the states and to the people — ought to be reformed. The strong central federal government of the USA is a murderous and thieving and malevolent and malignant beast. It’s run by psychopaths.

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Agree Gary.

We're in post-overthrown America.

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Once a republic is transformed into the beast (i.e. a strong central government, which takes more and more power unto itself), how can the beast be starved to death in order for the republic to be restored? The states and the people must assert our sovereign power OVER the federal government. If that’s possible. Is it?

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Yeah, I'm not black-pilled yet, but it's not going to be easy. When you consider just how monstrously huge (and monstrous) the gov't has become, it's going to take catastrophe of some sort to turn it around. By definition, something can't be rebuilt until it's been destroyed.

I see a lot of conservative voices talking about needing to "rebuild" and think they must live in a bubble. A good 30-40% still think this is working. They're getting their rent, food, transportation, and student loans paid for and they're not giving that gravy train up. In their minds, how could they possibly afford their weed and liquor without "the government's" money paying for everything else?

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I’m not exactly sure what the definition of “black pilled” is — there are a few definitions — but I’m reasonably certain that my pessimism isn’t going to be lessened anytime soon.

I agree with the sentiment that before a structure — even the structure of government — can be rebuilt, it needs to be torn down. Maybe taken down to its foundation. The Constitution itself provides for the solution — even a revolutionary one — to the federal government becoming too powerfully strong. That solution is for the states and the people to starve the beast, i.e. cut off its funding. If the people would force the House of Representatives, which branch of government is closest to the people, to cut off funding to various departments of the executive branch, then that would go a long way toward starving the beast. I suppose that that presumes that the Federal Reserve can no longer create money from nothing and then have the US Treasury buy those Federal Reserve Notes with Treasury Bonds. I guess that I am black pilled regarding unsustainable sovereign debt growing into the stratosphere.

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I guess by black pilled, I just mean the thought that nothing could ever get better, it's all doomed, we're all going to die or be speaking Chinese before the 2028 elections. But, mainly it's just a flippant way of saying I'm not totally off the ledge yet...but edging closer.

I also think we need to tear everything down to the bones. Every aspect of government has grown beyond its intent and usefulness. Starving it is as good an idea as I've heard. I also think we could go the route of a strongman President, who basically declares an invasion and coup has occurred, martial law is needed, and starts cutting everyone and everything to weed out the invaders and the foreign agents.

I do have some hope that our system is resilient and someone will find a way to use it to get things back under control. Like how someone always finds a way to subvert government mandates and such. But, I have no clue what the best solution is.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

My survival instinct won’t put me off “the ledge”. I’ll do my best to endure to the end, whatever “the end” turns out to be.

I wonder if the USA is already some sort of a technocratic & bureaucratic dictatorship. I don’t know of any other type of dictator who could tear down the technocracy and the bureaucracy, without (like you said) having the military power to suspend habeas corpus and to authorize firing squads. That sounds too much like Maoism and Leninism and Stalinism and Bolshevism to me. Not a “solution”.

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This is correct.

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And perverts.

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Yeah. It’s difficult to distinguish between psychopaths and perverts.

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Ugh, all I can think when reading the list of Biden’s disastrous presidency, is that his supporters want us to believe that Trump is the threat to a democracy. I can’t imagine how much further this country will fall in the global economic picture if Biden wins another term.

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Biden won't win another term, but that doesn't mean he won't be president from 2025-2029.

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He's not President now, he's the puppet of the Obama regime.

By the way, Trump is still the acting CiC.

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Amen! Uggghhhhhh

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Stop 😩

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I always insert “Their” to keep me sane! He is a threat to Their Democracy. Therefore I say Yes! Tick Tock! Bring back the Republic, for the people by the people and let’s make government small again!

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Yes, or I think, "threat to THE REGIME." These people couldn't define a constitutional republic if their lives depended on it.

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💯 but we know and we need to make it happen. Get these long term regime installs OUT! Of course first we need voting to be cleaned up 😭

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Kind of like the alcoholic or drug addict.

Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can see the light.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Like the people who are addicted to voting harder? 😊 “If only we elect [fill in the blanks], then they’ll fix the government.” Someone once came up with the quip — with “they” probably meaning the psychopathic powers that be — “If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it.”

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Amen!!!!! ALL politicians are controlled by one thing. 💰

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💰 equaling campaign donations, i presume?

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It is their typical dishonest tactic..keep repeating a mantra and the clueless, unthinking masses will believe it.

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That sound bite “threat to democracy” is REALLY starting to get under my nerves 😟 when I hear it on mSM I almost have to laugh

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"Support historic allies like the British (and Israel) and also stop mucking about the rest of the world."

Neither ally is worth supporting at this point. Both are arrogant war mongering nations, like the USA. Israel is currently genociding their ethnic opponent, and the UK is the protagonist who busted the Ukraine/Russia peace deal arranged with Russia surrounded Kiev.

Could we stick to better friends, like Argentina, Australia, and Japan?

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Or just remember George Washington's advice ("avoid foreign entanglements") and focus on Making America Great Again? We've been hollowed out from within, and that's where our focus needs to be.

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Agreed- the Back On Track Agenda (BOTA) needs to include allying with good countries- whether or not we’ve been historically aligned. Countries that are currently embracing goodness and freedom need to be supported. We don’t need to be cozying up to nanny states or disorder and perversion.

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"Israel informed us that it will respond by attасking Iranian territory, and we support it"

- British Foreign Secretary

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Nailed it BFM! Jeff’s list was pretty good, but not that one. British leadership has been nonexistent since Margaret Thatcher. And I used to support Israel, but no more.

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You are exactly right.

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I have a hard time thinking Japan really wants to be friends. They are the only country to have been nuked, and we did it to them twice.

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While I'm no expert in the history here, what I've read suggests that the shock of being beaten so severely caused the Japanese to reevaluate their attitudes, and respect America for their power/success and tried to emulate it. Plus, anyone who was even born at the time the bombs were dropped would be over 80 years old by now - to repeat the old joke about the school student, "history sucks, they keep trying to give exams on things that happened before I was born!"

Consider that Britain and France have been at war with each other for years, on and off, over the past millennium, but are currently more-or-less friends. So.

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Pilgrim's Society. Serco. Cecil Rhodes . Financial City of London. And all of my relatives save my sister are British, so ....

And the other "ally"? USS Liberty June 8th , 1967 for one. Only people arrested on /11 were Israelis. Too many more to mention.

Allies like that, who needs enemies? Sorry Jeff. I'm with Based Florida Man here.

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Russia surrounded Kyiv but ran away bravely.

Got it.

Just like they ran away with another peace deal In Kherson and Kharkiv.

All those hundreds of dead Russian soldiers would say something else about a “peace deal”

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For the Past 30 Years ...... Alex Jones has broadcast, but not enough listened, not enough listeners acted, and Here We/Me/You are Today. Are We listening Now??? No.

A People Surely Do Deserve the Tyranny they Ignore Even Today. PS: It's Much Worse than You/Me/We know.

InfoWars.com is also on Rumble & Bitchute just in case .......

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Who else was right for 30 years? Conspiracy theory accusers? No? Jones is the one we should be listening to and he now needs our help.

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Explosive video reveals coordinated deep state attack on Alex Jones

A bombshell undercover video has just emerged, revealing the coordinated CIA / FBI assault on Alex Jones, which was designed to "cut him off at the knees" and drain all his financial resources to shut him up.

Caught on video, a CIA / FBI operative spills the shocking tale of how Alex was deliberately lied about, smeared, defamed, and then hauled into civil court cases with the "nudging" of the FBI.

Alex has just announced he's going to sue the CIA and FBI for their criminal racketeering operation targeting American citizens. This is going to be huge.


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I watched him during J6, he was begging ppl to not go in the White House.

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I first heard AJ years ago on Coast To Coast radio. He was exposing a lot back then, including Bohemian Grove. He was persecuted and prosecuted for speaking the truth about Sandy Hook. I stopped listening to him when he cursed Trump back when Trump was in office, but I still have a couple of his bumper stickers on my car - "Arrest Fauci" and "Arrest Bill Gates". Along with one I had printed - "Caution - MOHAP".

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Anger is like that, mistakes get made, but Trump has not always pleased me either. AJ has been excellent in exposing the NWO Mother WEFers.

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Operation warp speed.

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Jones's recent bootlicking of Musk is highly suspect...

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Musk could be a Patriot and looking out for himself. Not necessarily mutually exclusive as We also do the same, trying to balance Self Interest with 100% Patriot MAGA. My wife still orders from Amazon as an example. Should I be highly suspect? Perhaps😎:-)

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Yeah I’ve been suspect of that too. Just don’t know who to trust, so I trust none.

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Jones should ask the Texas socialists he simped for about getting some of that money.

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I'm more concerned about the untold billions you simped for the Marxist NeoCons for Ukraine.

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Mainstreamers like their TV, Radio, and media personalities polished, coiffed, and with stellar vocal tonality. The Fake News is more easily digestible than the topics, warnings, speculations that Alex covers. The perfectly crafted NPR with such diversity of voices, breathy pauses, guests and fine editing; what a fantastic mind-directing media for its listeners and contributors and sponsors; Nazi Politburo Radio IS THE VOICE of the LEFT.

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People have not come to realize that somewhere along the line, their media, on whom they rely for all things, turned into a propaganda machine for the NWO.

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Yes, indeed! Yelling in combat is very impolite, it is "InfoWars" afterall.

Estab. Repubs favor the golf course over the obstacle course, which when in this current foreign & domestic situation is either cowardly or treasonous or both. imo.

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"Establishment Republicans favor the golf course over the obstacle course"

Spot on! I'm going to be sharing this quote.

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Happy I could oblige.😁

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Exactly. Glen beck was who reached me 15ish years ago!!! I would LOVE to shake his hand! But love some Jones too!!!

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Trumps Manhattan jury is just like the O.J. Simpson jury but the opposite. The Simpson jury admitted that he was a murderer, but they let him go anyway. Trump’s jury knows these charges are a political fraud, but they’re going to do everything they can to convict him anyway

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My thought exactly. As in O.J.'s case, the outcome has been predetermined and exercises like voir dire and a jury trial are simple formalities. What's the opposite of "jury nullification", "jury affirmation"?

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Suggestion No. 8. Eliminate participation trophies.

It's the misconception fed to children at a young age by helicopter parents and school systems in loco parentis that has created the illusion that everyone's a winner, entitled, and you can have anything you want without effort and experiencing failure.

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Funny story…we coached our son’s youth soccer team and after a couple of season told our director “no thanks” to end of season participation trophies for our team before the season began when they were like 8.

Fast forward to middle of the season. one of the new parents on our team heard we weren’t doing the trophies. End of season party rolled around. We did our presentation recognizing each kid specifically & talking about how they had grown during the season. Everyone clapping & it was great.

New Dad walks up and says he has something to say. Dude went out and bought damn participation trophies on his own dime for the team. Proceeds to hand them out. Tells us thanks for a great season. 🤦‍♀️

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One of my proudest moments as a father was when my youngest son was playing soccer. He was nine years old and was playing on the worst team in the league. After the last game of the season, the coach was passing out participation trophies to the kids on the team. The coach called out to my son and my son just stood there. I asked him if he wanted a trophy. He replied somewhat angrily, "Why are we getting stupid trophies, we lost every game?" I politely declined on his behalf.

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That's the irony. The kids KNOW. We're not fooling them. In our rec leagues, the policy was not to keep score. I guarantee, every kid knew the score of every game. It's actually insulting to them.

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I totally agree.

Insulating children from consequences does no one any favors. Kids need to learn that much of life involves failure and/or frustration and how to learn and rise from it.

My first travel hockey experience as a kid was in a new league in the Detroit suburbs. It was cool to play travel hockey but objectively we were pretty bad. I still remember vividly one game when we played a Canadian team in Sarnia ON that we lost 18-1 or something like that. We knew we stunk and no one got a trophy. The experience stuck with me, particularly as I got older, and the chance to play on better teams.

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I played on a "recreational" football team as a kid for two years. We sucked and were usually just destroyed by the other teams. We only won a single game in those two years, about halfway through the second season.

That celebration has stuck with me in the 40+ years since, far more than all of the losses. But it was all those defeats that made the victory so sweet.

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That dad's kid is probably one of the customers at my pharmacy yelling because there are people ahead of him. Entitled brats grow up to be entitled adults.

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"Entitled brats grow up to be entitled adults."

That, in turn, become the majority in an entitled society of manipulable, dependent consumers and not producers or independent thinkers, to paraphrase Tyler Durden. They're playing the long-game as Yuri Bezmenov confessed decades ago.

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💯. This is where false merit indoctrination begins !

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Be a nation whose leaders honor the God of the Bible, our Creator and Lord Jesus Christ.

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We have to make snacks bigger again. These shrinking snacks are destroying our democracy😉.

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And causing our gray matter to shrink.. more snacks are definitely needed..

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