Dec 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“California Governor was grinning wider and more unnervingly than an over-caffeinated chimpanzee indulging in alternating bouts of wild self-gratification and feces flinging.”

Ah Jeff! Tell us what you really think! 😆

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A very ratty C&C today, from start to finish. 🐀

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Re rats and cars: rat plagues are common in Australia and rats really do like to eat the insulation around the electrical wiring system in car engines. This destroys the wiring and, in turn, does horrendous damage to the engine as a whole. We had a rat plague a few years ago in rural Tasmania and BOTH our cars had their engines destroyed by rats - very expensive to repair and it took over a month 😳

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Some years ago when my husband and I were looking at a used car from a private party, he popped open the hood and what should we find but a nest of mice babies that had conveniently chewed the wires of the car. The car's owner was surprised and of course we did not buy that car haha. But now the joke is every time we go car shopping, we have to open up the hood and check-- "Nope, no mice in this one"

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we just have squirrels eating our house. They chew on all the exposed wood especially where there are two roof sections that meet and leave a perfect place for them to hide. They like to get in attics, too, and eat your house from the inside out. And it's against the law to put squirrel poison out because squirrels are eaten by people. Yech!

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Are you sure it is squirrels??? We had birds, of the woodpecker type, but not the piliated type, but still a wood pecker type put many holes in our house, then I think it was either chipmunks or squirrels PLUS mice doing other damage, cats are a good investment in this type of carnage, my cats would get up into the drop ceiling and even hunt there, we were curious what we had up there because at times you knew where the cats were but you saw the tile bulge down like something was sitting on it and could hear the scratching. Squirrel, coon? dunno. But when we went to replace some of those tiles did find a dead mouse on one of them.

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Friend of a friend once had squirrels get into his car engine. $5K in electrical work later, finally got it running again.

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Yeow, I hope insurance covered it

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Allegedly it is because the plastics they use to insulate the wires are formulated with a sugar. More brilliance from The Science.

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We have squirrels eating the insulation off of wiring in cars because the insulation is soy based. I cannot verify that but something attracts the tree rats to engine wiring insulation.

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Have heard same re rats, the cable coating is soy based and they enjoy chomping away on those cables.

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My neighbors had squirrel problem and got some spray from Cabela that I think was a urine spray. I think from deer but don’t remember exactly. Sprayed it in the wires. Never had a problem again.

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WOW! Had no idea.

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We were pretty amazed ourselves! We now hang rat baits inside the engines of our cars and check them weekly: when the baits look nibbled, we replace them

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He’s like a male version of Kamala Harris only slightly more articulate. Cackling evil 🤡s, both.

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Beware of this rat. He is very shrewd. Says a Californian.

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He also has no issues with playing dirty . . . Just like a dirty rat.

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Another Californian here agrees completely. He's a total slime, and an obvious liar (obvious to everyone except Democrats).

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shrewd as in hooked up with election machine hackers perhaps.

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And simple old political machines. His grandfather William Newsom was a legal beagle fixer for Southern California Oil man "let my grandkid's ear be chopped off by Italian kidnappers" Getty to get special State tax breaks for his oil profits, then rewarded with judgeship by his big pal California Governor Pat Brown, father of Governor Jerry "Moon Beam" Brown.

Let's not forget former California Supreme Court Justice Warren, a product of the Brown machine, who popped up at the US Supreme Court and headed the Warren Commission to "investigate" JFK's murder. And facts Greusome Newson's aunt is Nancy Pelosi, a princess from the Baltimore political machine, after Greusome's parents' marriage imploded he was raised by a Getty heir who when his parent's marriage imploded was raised by the Newsomes! People in big power funded by endlessly deep payola pockets for over 60 years truly believe they are invulnerable royals.

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And equally dumb

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That is in incredibly funny line! And captures the true essence of Newsom!

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In "the once great State of California", we call him "Newscum"...literally

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And Grewsom Newsom for practically presiding over the burning down of the state of California!!!! And “fixing” his recall election vote!

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Gruesome Newsom works better! He’s gruesome. The feces issue is gruesome. Cali is rapidly becoming gruesome.

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That’s why he’s grinning. He knows the fix is in. I read he has dyslexia is that true?

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Or Grewsom Newscum because that is what he is. (This is from one Californian to another.)

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Another entry in the long and illustrious log of Jeff’s greatest hits. Keep them coming!

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And speaking of fecal shows......


It's a big club and you ain't in it!

Later Jay

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interesting or is it incestous?

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He looked like an over-drugged mental patient, honestly. Or a creepy Sci-Fi villain. And is it just me or do the gray streaks in the hair look fake? Along with the BJ Clinton vocal fry?

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To me, his hair always looks greasy and dirty....it matches his slimy soul.

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adrenochrome gets them all hopped up apparently

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Psychopath delibrately modeling his appearance on American Psycho.

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Interestingly, DeSantis mentioned California's "Command and Control economy." That is a direct reference to "planned capitalism" or the economic system better known as fascism. Sure, private industry owns the means of production, but government gives direction and controls those means often through some kind of "business-government 'partnership'." Judging by California's economic status and decreasing resident numbers, I think we can see how "planned capitalism" is working out for them.

See the Foundation for Economic Education for more information: https://fee.org/articles/economic-fascism/

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California has been very hostile to small businesses (as well as businesses in general) for decades. They do their best to tax them out of existence, and it’s not just our state government either.

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Hawaii does the same.

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I’m not surprised, sadly.

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I stomached 10 minutes of the debate just to watch Newsom get hammered by Desantis, that nodding head and smarmy face were too much for me!

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Caffeine is an understatement though... I myself wondered what his “upper” of choice was.

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my money's on Adrenochrome.

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I was going to C & P this exact line. Hilarious, until you actually begin to conjure up a vision of said primate 😅. I did LOL.

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I remember the days of old;

I meditate on all You have done;

I muse on the work of Your hands.

I stretch out my hands to You;

My soul reaches for You like a weary land. Selah.

Answer me quickly, O Yahweh, my spirit wastes away;

Do not hide Your face from me,

Or I will become like those who go down to the pit.

Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning;

For I trust in You;

Cause me to know the way in which I should walk;

For to You I lift up my soul.

Deliver me from my enemies, O Yahweh,

I have concealed myself in You.

— Psalm 143:5-9 LSB

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Do you ever have days where you read a passage from scripture and it reads differently to you that day? Not something you have spotted in the text previously unseen, but something akin to the light hitting it from a different angle allowing you to see the texture. Thus is my reaction to reading your selected verses today. Thank you..

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It's the Holy Spirit! 💜

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Amen !

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“For the word of God is LIVING and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

(Emphasis added)

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬ ‭NIV

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Sometimes when reading replies here I realize how very blessed I am to have you people.

Thank you Jeff for allowing us to bolster each other in faith.

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Even the occasional atheist inspires with the contrast of light and darkness.

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Yes. I see it as peeling back layer upon layer of meaning in His living Word, an experience that is never complete because the depth and breadth of God Most High is fathomless.

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It’s happened to me. Takes my breath away sometimes. God is so good!

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Scripture is God-breathed. It is living and breathing. Yes, every time we read Scripture, God's Word, we're being resculpted by His hands. Our minds transformed to His word because it is living and breathing. Thank God!

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The Living Word!

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Happens to me a lot, Raptor.

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That is the power of THE LIVING WORD.

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I needed this.

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Agree ♥️

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That is worthy of memorizing.

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Perfect 🙏🏻

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Do not hide Your face from me. Just the fact that the face Of the Lord, who is Spirit, is so important to the psalmist, that he begs Him not to turn it away from him, should everyone give pause before they don a facemask

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The Maranatha Singers put this to music....one of my old favs.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs1YtlNG1GA

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With the top cover provided by the MSM, Aunt Nancy and the Dem party, Newsom’s political career is in no danger. It doesn’t matter how he debates (or gets “owned”), Captain Coiffure is telegenic and supports all the correct left wing agenda items, making him a perfect puppet to install in the White House. He has zero thoughts of his own, tabula rasa is his nickname...probably.

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I absolutely agree! He’s already been groomed. They don’t want anyone who can think for themselves….case in point the current WH puppet……he’s fine. They just gave him more name recognition for the brain dead who vote for names they recognize and no other reason. Mission accomplished.

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That's why he is smiling....protected!

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This is how he acted during the recall. He was acting all unhinged for awhile because the recall was getting a lot of support. Then one day he just started acting all cocky like he knew the fix was in.

Then at the end all his politic ads called his main opponent Larry Elder, who is black, a white supremacist. And that was his whole response. Nothing about policy at all.

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I thought it was odd that Newsom was laughing and smiling so much. Almost makes me think this was all pre-arranged.

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Groomed by Obama in both ways...

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Groomed by the WEF

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I just don't want to even think about that. Oh the pain (like Dr. Smith on Lost in Space {the 60's version of course!}).

Later Jay

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I think Gov Gav has a drug problem. All the DS will need to do is keep him coked and he will play ball. No problem.

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Can someone tell me if he is indeed Nancy Pelosi's nephew? I've seen that posted several times on FB.

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I believe he was Pelosi's nephew by marriage, but that the person who was the link either divorced or died. So, I don't know if the "nephew" relationship survives.

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I read years ago that indeed he is pelosi’s nephew. I also read that he has dyslexia. He’s protected clearly.

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First of all, since it was hosted by Hannity, I doubt very many Democrats actually watched the debate. And if they had, most would vote for him anyway. Secondly, I expect he will soon be undergoing a debate makeover by political consultants to train him to take the smug off his face and appear more "presidential" while listening to his opponents' talking points.

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Plus he will be given the questions in advance.

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But he looks so sleazy on video. How would they overcome that problem?

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Put a pair of aviator sunglasses on him like they do with Bob Peters :)

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Carlisle from twilight.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

It doesn't matter. The left votes in lock step. There may be numerous democrats who want Biden off the ticket but they will go vote for whomever. Unlike the republicans who get irritated and don't show up to vote, the dems will show up and they'll vote for whomever has the D by their name. I suspect Biden will stay in office because all the Rs who don't want Trump just won't vote. Dems will always vote party, Reps, not so much.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

I don’t agree that Dems vote and Republicans get discouraged and don’t vote. Where I live Conservatives vote. They vote in person and show up. The Leftist control wants everyone to believe that Dems vote and once they control an area, (take any major city), they vote en mass. What they control is the apparatuses for counting votes, and the msm to be their water carriers.

Consider that this debate was moderated by Hannity, a shill for the Republican elites. No Liberals were going to watch this, I bet most Conservatives didn’t either. If the Deep State want Newsome, it will be Newsome. I am not sure what the plan is going forward, but as long as they control the means of vote counting, it will be whoever they pick. The idea is it makes news to moderates across the board, distracting from other things. It’s always about the distractions.

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I watched an interview with Seth Keshel after the 2020 election and he said something very interesting about how Dems take control of red counties. He said they will use fraud to give Democrats more votes with each election cycle so that at some point everyone thinks that county has turned blue when in actuality it hasn't. Case in point, Carroll County MD. The population of that county has stayed steady over the years and based on voter registration there are more Republicans than Democrats but that county has somehow turned blue in recent elections. It is an anomaly (sarc). The problem is that we have a Uniparty but Democrats also play the long game and slowly take control without anyone realizing what has happened.

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Well, I know several who aren't going to vote if it is Trump on the ticket. I think he changed things as voting goes. Or they'll vote for the Libertarian candidate. And if it really is because they cheat then why the heck haven't republicans done something about it in the states they control?! I'm not a fan of Hannity but one thing he repeatedly says that I completely agree with is that as long as ballot harvesting is legal, and it is, in numerous states, the republicans will never win because the dems ballot harvest and the reps don't. The reps have to start playing the game the dems are playing. Feels like dems are playing voting chess and reps are playing really bad checkers.

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I heard the same thing about Trump in 2016, and 2020. He destroyed the algorithms in place both elections, but in 2020 they had put in place the means to override the algorithms..six swing states stopped vote counting at midnight. Why? It was reported then hushed up. The Republicans have never done anything because it benefits them as well in many instances. There are not two distinct parties as they want you to believe. There is one ruling class in DC. Entrenched bureaucrats make the decisions. It’s been that way. What you read is what is allowed to be read.

Trump is killing in the polls. Will that translate to the nomination? No idea, and I refuse to get caught up in it. The Republicans in his own party didn’t help Trump one iota, the first two years they held Congress. Why? Because it was not to their advantage.

I will vote either Conservative or Libertarian depending on how it all shifts out. I have never not voted, and I don’t plan on starting now.

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Pennsylvania cheated.

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Yep, folks forget that many Republicans are Deep State members who hate Trump. Why?

Because he outed the Deep State for starters. Then he did his own thing (they couldn’t control him).

It was obvious on so many levels 2020 was stolen - manipulated - rigged to prevent a Trump pt. 2.

Look at how inept our GOP has been the last 3 years; Marjorie Taylor Green recently listed big issues they could have tackled.... but didn’t. Sat in their hands like good little boys & girls. Useless.

The Republicans who speak up, try to address egregious matters Dems perpetuate & try to move common sense legislation that restores constitutional liberties (which is crazy bc any constitutional liberties & God-given liberties are ours because we are born or naturalized into citizenship) are shut down!

By whom? The Deep Staters.

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Exactly the same in 2016. Trump couldn’t possibly win.

It’s MAGA who will be done with voting if the next election is stolen or Superman ‘killed’ and not the nominee.

DeSantis is in battle with Nikki for that far distant second spot.

They’re both polling in single digits now.

They have to be hoping and praying and believing that soon President Trump will have been removed, one way or the other. And the one way has blown up in their faces, as the prosecution persecution just increases his popularity. That makes them evil in my book.

A sense a giddiness in some that this unusual debate will skyrocket DeSantis into an actual competitive spot.

That’s some fantastic optimism there.

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Agree. Several of my neighbors have told us how much they hate Trump and blame him for all the chaos. Trump wasn't the one who created the chaos. The Marxists in our government created the chaos because that is what Marxists and Communists do to get people to beg them to fix the problem. Sheesh it is so hard knowing this and not being able to convice people otherwise.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

There is a lot of room for legitimate fault complaint here, but Trump Agent of Chaos is totally absurdly unfounded. And there is no convincing of these people otherwise because they are incapable of thought mostly because they all mostly grew up in a system which teaches people not to think. Refusal To Think Syndrome is now killing the American Empire, something for which maybe we out to be grateful for.

Asian countries et alia are now discreetly dumping bankrupt US Treasury obligations and buying real goods, like gold. This is a process which cannot be reversed because nobody wants to own an inherently worthless asset now ripe for freefall devaluation. When the musical chairs of US Treasures grinds to a halt funding dries up and there will be no Woke discretionary funding for Woke Everything. Reality will return with wrath forcing people to either think or perish. Many sadly will perish.

(Caveat: if there is no favorable to thinking outcome in 2024, the goose is cooked.)

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Critical thinking has not been taught or used in education for 50 years now. It shows.

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Sadly, most Trump haters could not recognize or explain Marxism even while it's staring them in the face.

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Reps are playing voting tic tac toe vs. Dems playing voting chess.

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Get your point, but I’m picturing Republicans as the addicted gamblers and Dems as the Mafia owned and operated bookies.

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Good for you and the area you live in that Republicans don't appear to be easily discouraged. But I see Republicans and conservatives getting discouraged and refusing to vote every election season. So many want a perfect candidate. They want Jesus on the ticket. Then they will vote. But Jesus is never going to be on a ticket. Instead of voting for an imperfect candidate, (which by definition all candidates are because they are flawed human beings), they will act like they are morally superior by not voting at all. And then we end up with the candidates who brings more evil. Personally, I vote for less evil. Example of this: How many conservatives got their panties in a wad because Trump used the "p" word when he didn't realize he was being taped? In my state we had a fairly decent Republican congressman who made a big deal about his "shock" at the word. And ended up losing reelection. We got a slimy democrat in congress instead.

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Where to draw one's moral line remains a challenge. Degree/amount/evidence of evil may be more important than party affiliation.

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Democrats support the abortion platform that has killed 60 million preborn children. That’s evidence of evil enough for me.

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...and there be so many distractions - look there - look over here - oooou shiny!

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When I was a Democrat it was said the same of republicans. I saw plenty of evidence of it. Why I am politically marooned. GOP had better do better as 2024 I am not going to vote just to punish democrats. But then politics is a scam from the get go and I will not expose myself to the brain and soul damage 2024 will bring--even here on substack. Just an observation from an old lady.

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If you don't vote, you added one more to the democrat side. Get over the TDS and think about what's best for the country. Bought groceries and gas lately?

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The last year of Trump was some of our biggest spending. Biden is a disaster when it comes to inflation, but some of what we're seeing now is that awful early pandemic spending. "Free" vaccines, "free" tests, subsidies to hospitals, a relatively paltry sum directly back to taxpayers ... sadly, it's a long list from that spring, and it all happened on his watch.

By all accounts Trump is much less likely to get us entangled in more wars, and I wish more Dems noticed that.

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The Truth is that we are by and large a disenfranchised dispossessed people with no political representation. We have been sold out by the uniform ruling class to international and/or foreign powers for whatever pottage falls into political pockets. And it is not just the Biden Crime Family.

The Republican Party in Virginia is a tragic disgrace of status quo sell out with no credible push back on anything (including 2020 Nova election fraud). The only reason I voted at all is that I wanted to vote for a local credible Republican lady for the school board who is fed up with demonic Woke Everything. This said, I will vote to preserve myself where possible.

Realpolitik consideration says that the Cretinous Woke game of musical chairs stops once an empire is seen to be functional bankrupt, no longer able to pay its bills. At this point, the old broken institutions are discredited and the failed political parties along with it. This is the real fate of the American Empire ... and it cannot be stopped because things have long ago been driven into an abyss from which nothing escapes.

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A setup for the Global governance takeover of WHO/WEF.

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I think Trump changed things. There are reps now who will not vote if Trump is on the ticket. I know many of them.

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Trump did change things. He won Michigan, PA, Wisconsin, in 2016, all of which are purple leaning blue. They even demanded a recount in Michigan and found he had 12000 votes MORE. He was a 24/7 newsmaker for msm, but for the blue collars across this Nation, he got them. None of you were ever to a Trump rally. If you had, you would understand why he beat all the odds. He got us.

What has he done that is so bad? He’s arrogant, he’s loud, he never admits mistakes? Tell me one who isn’t. What has he done? Against Congress he got a wall started. He wanted Obamacare dissolved, something the GOP in Congress had been promising if they got control, then they turned around and sank that ship. Purposefully. He visited troops quietly In Afghanistan on Christmas. He helped lay wreaths in Arlington cemetery for the Wreaths across America project. He got passed the “Right to Try” law. He bolstered the infrastructure as much as he could with executive orders. So many things that the media never talked about. He was attacked like no President ever and what was his crime? The msm was 24/7 against him. Covid made me realize how fixated and insidious the msm was in destroying this man. The fact that he is leading every poll ought to tell you something. He is not Superman and no candidate is going to get us out of this mess until we realize it took years in the making, it will take years of fighting back.

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He had heart and a sunny warm longing for a better America from a better time. Who else was like him in 2016?

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I agree he has done a lot of good and is also a very flawed person. But all the tantrum throwing over his being mean comes off so disingenuous as Hillary, Biden, etc are not nice people either and it seems you can't criticize any off them without it being deflected to Trump.

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The MSM vilified Trump so that people watching only saw the bad things. They never showed his true nature. I've said all along there was no way Biden truly won because of the sheer # of people that would show up for Trump's rallies. I think there are a lot of Republicans that say they won't vote for Trump but in the end will change their minds based on who the choices are. I agree that our country is lost if he loses in 2024.

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What he did wrong was go against the machine. They adored him long before they despised him because he spoke truth the machine didn't want out.

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Plus, Trump gave us The Vaxx and The Lockdowns! What a guy -

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He was a sea change in current politics. Not sure where this will end up. I kind of believe tucker that we ain’t seen nothin’ yet. The trump derangement in democrats around me bodes ill. Bad vibes.

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Unfortunately, many on the right have Trump derangement syndrome, too.

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I pray continuously for his safety. He’s still alive because they haven’t come up with their perfect plan yet.

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Trump held candle light against a sea of dark corruption. Who else could have done this in such an effective way?

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Can you ask those non-Trumpers what specific policy they don’t agree with. And make sure they at least vote for what effects them most: local politics.

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It' like asking a climate cultist to iterate any facts that support their position. You may as well talk to a turnip. After the 2020m steal I had a conversation with a rabid TDS black I know from familiarity at the gym. Did not know about the TDS, and he initiated the conversation. He said Trump lost all of the cases appealing the selection. I told hm no, none have been tried. The courts all refused to even hear them. The killer was when I told him Trump once had a black girlfriend. He said he was a racist. I repeated, and made sure I said girlfriend, not a date, not a lay, someone he was seen with regularly in public, " I don't care, He's a racist". How do you respond to that type of stupidity.? Haven't talked to him , or even said Hi since.

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IDK, they just hate him. Think he's arrogant. Can't get past it to see the good he did. The area where some of them live always goes conservative anyway so their argument is also that their vote doesn't matter.

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There are MAGA who will not vote if President Trump is somehow ‘removed’. And they will not vote for the duration of the conceivable future. I am one and I know many.

That ‘removal’ would signal the end of the usefulness of voting, except possibly in very local, tribal sort of contests.

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So if Trump is the candidate, these people will vote for Biden (or another D puppet)?

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Take heart with this from my favorite TCTH commenter, Dutchman:

“ DeSantis was by far and away their “Plan A”.

They put a LOT of work into sculpting his image as Americas Governor.

The plan was the others on the debate stage would just act to support his candidacy, to give versimilatude to the lie that the primary process was a contest (this after PDJT was knocked out of the running early on by the MAL raid and indictments.

And yes, Nikki would be positioned to be Rons VP.

Point is, with RDS crash/burning they are trying to promote nikki, without 2-4 years of sculpting and propping.

If RDS couldn’t cut it, Nikki or anybody else has no chance.

You heard Ryan, they still believe 50% of Republican voters really want “somebody other than Trump to save the R party from MAGA”.

They believe that cause thats what their internal polling data SAYS; That around 40-50% of REPUBLICAN VOTERS THAT RESPOND TO THE POLL, say they are open to somebody other than PDJT.

But they ‘don’t know what they don’t know’, which is that MAGA do not do polling, and if they DID, that # would shrink to 10-15%.”

The Trump haters are annoying and noticeable like mosquitoes at a picnic. But they are definitely not the force they wish they were.

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Vote libertarian or leave it blank. Which are both votes for Biden unless they live in a really red area

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In my early years of voting (I first was able to vote in 1972) I mostly voted R but when good Dems or Independents popped up, I was comfortable voting for them too. No more. The Dem party has been thoroughly captured by the sorts of people I saw trying to destroy our country in the 1960s, and at this point in time there isn't a single Dem I would vote for anywhere. Dems vote as a block, no matter what sensible thing a D might say. Until the Dem party gets rid of the many extremist leftists, no D votes from me. I'm fully aware that there are a great many undesirable R's, but votes have to be more strategic now and there is more possibility of change that we all want if the R's control things over the D's. Third party candidates can't prevail either, and that's a fact of life. People told me they may vote for 3rd party candidates to "send a message" to the Republicans. Guess what....that message isn't being seen or received. It's a non-vote essentially. Too bad it's this way, but that's the way of things. I don't see any way to build up (quickly) a third party that could seriously challenge the Uniparty.

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They voted for Laurie Lightfoot, and keep voting in Hank Johnson - one of the dumbest people in the world. He’s so infamous for being dumb, you can enter in “Guam” on YouTube, and he’s the first related subject that appears.

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I live in the Chicagoland area - what is so appalling about the former mayor of Chicago - to whom I refer to as “Darkheart” instead of Lightfoot... she won a majority of the votes that year with ONLY a 30% turnout in the city of Chicago according to a Chicago Tribune article.

When I moved to the Chicagoland area over 3 decades ago I was literally shocked at the apathy of the political arena - they KNOW the elections are stolen for decades & cartoons were showing “dead people voting” - it was referred to as “The Chicago Way”.

I asked why was nothing being done about it?

The response was always - there is nothing we CAN do about it. We vote for a better candidate & the media is in the tank with the Demorats & the Repugnants won’t take a stand & fight - only moderate or somewhat liberal Repugs win every once in awhile fir mayor or Gov.

The one bright spot was when a state Senator by the name of Fitzgerald (a truly respectable businessman from the suburbs) won a term & was amazingly fiscally responsible. He did not chose to run for a second term & that opened the door for a win for a young Obama in the Dem side.

It is a very sad state politically if you are even ven remotely libertarian or somewhat conservative to very conservative.

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Detroit is the same way.

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Baltimore too

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

As Chicago goes, the entire state goes. But God sees everything!

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Like almost mitt Romney sleeze right? Gosh that was a hurdle no one could figure out. I didn’t mind him all those years ago but his face made me want to slap someone ... poor Ted Cruze has the same problem!

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I want my votes back for both GHW Bush and son, Romney and McCain. All of them are just establishment politicians. F'ers

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Do they see a problem?

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He is really "plastic". Having said that I don't think Gruesom is so worried about his debate performance because he knows that he will get the Dem nomination if he is the selected one.

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He is the epitome of the antichrist to me. When I see him I want to scratch his smarmy smile off his face and sign the evil eye at him at the same time. Exactly what I picture when I envision “the devil”.

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I always felt that way about HRC too. Kinda funny how your gut kicks in with some people.

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I've been searching for the best adjective for Newsom...it's definitely SMARMY.

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Agreed. His very corruption is the "lipid nano particle" that will ensure his entry into the cell of the White House. As the saying goes, it's a feature, not a bug.

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Yeah, I viewed his non-performance as just more "Fuck you, American People. We dems don't have to make sense, tell the truth, or even acknowledge what you care about. You'll listen to my non-answers and Kamala's word salads and Joe's moans and whispers and you'll like it, and if you don't we'll throw you in jail for posting a meme. And how do I know you'll keep listening? Because you take it, every day. You settle for it and you demand nothing better. I have no reason to think you're intelligent or thoughtful. Suck it, sheep."

They don't care, and they don't care that we notice they don't care.

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Here is Emerald Robinson's piece from the other day:


If you can't figure out how our current goof happened, re-read.

Later Jay

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Tabula rasa implies there having been something there ab initio.

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Love it!!!!!! Tabula Rasa. Perfect.

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He’s so white …It’s so funny to me any dem would stand by all that male whiteness ….

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You have forgotten the #1 trait of a Bolshevik is hypoocricy

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That is the TRUTH!!!!!

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Same with Biden …so old, so paper white….they hate our Rich-White-Man created country…I shouldn’t be surprised…but I always am !! I mean ‘De Santis’ for trying out loud , dems should support that by name alone !!!!! They are so unoriginal….

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Agreed. His very corruption is the "lipid nano particle" that will ensure his entry into the cell of the White House. As the saying goes, it's a feature, not a bug.

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Ugh....the cheesy smugness of Gruesome is cringe worthy. An exemplary greasy political rat....with all due apologies to rats worldwide. All hail King of the Feces, exorbitant taxes and coked up transient hookers!!.......go 9'ers!

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There was an older male chimpanzee at the San Francisco zoo, Cobby was his name I believe, who would throw his poop at unsuspecting onlookers. It was a hoot to watch. Seems to be catching on in the city.

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When in Rome....

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Wonder if Gruesome had one of his own turds bronzed, as a gift to Xi. Or maybe, he's starting a business in bronzed turds (all those cleaned off the SF streets in preparation for the Potemkin village visit of Xi) : souvenir of San Francisco.

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Xi probably gifted Gavin with a bronzed turd of his own.

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He inherited Pelosi’s zombie smile 🤣

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So when is DeSantis going to make Ivermectin over-the-counter like TN did?

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At first we could order from a Tennessee pharmacy & have it shipped. TPTB (or THE) shut that down. As of today we are still free to drive to Tennessee & purchase IVM if you locate a pharmacy willing to sell it.

Quick fix - OTC across the nation like other nations.

BTW, the supplement, Quercetin, is endangered as a mere supplement. Yep, it’s on the target list of supplements the FDA intends to require prescription for.

I get the feeling our runaway govmint is closing us in evermore each day.

We must get rid of the myriad of govmint agencies, commissions, etc. which are encroaching upon & removing our liberties.

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Just buy ivermectin from a vet supply. It is the same product.

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Agri-Mectin for Cattle & Swine.

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If you find a link/story about quercetin being endangered, will you please post it here? Thx!

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FDA is targeting many supplements as well as homeopathic meds. Go to Alliance for Natural Health for information and petitions.

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If I remember right, quercetin is ubiquitous in food, especially apple skin. It may be after all that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

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Watch out for apples now. Most are sprayed with apeel. Courtesy of Bill Gates. This also applies to organic.

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I watched an interview yesterday with Dr McCullough (either X or IG) on this very topic. All OTC meds are being targeted, ie Benadryl/diphenhydramine, NSAIDs, everything. The show was a man last name of Gruber- wasn’t familiar with him. You can get pandemic kits from Dr M’s The Wellness Company. Veterans I believe get discounts.

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I looked at that kit from Dr McCullough. There's another one from Dr Syed Hadier (mygotodoc.com). They seem expensive for the quantities of meds you get (one was only 3 pills?). I keep meaning to do a one-to-one comparison of that kit vs buying the same drugs individually through AllDayChemist. I bought ivermection, doxycline, azithromycin and budesonide from AllDayChemist last year. No RX required, very reasonable pricing. It takes at least 3 wks to receive. I wrote a paper check and sent it to a Florida address because I didn't want to give my CC info.

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Aren’t you the one who told me to put the iver paste on pre-cancers on my skin? Well, it worked! Thank you!

One on my nose comes back every 6 months or so, I just treat it again for 15-20 days! Beats burning it off at the dermo.

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Yes! This works for me, too!

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I’m going to have to try that. I have a spot on my shin...

Adding “horse paste” to the grocery list now 😊

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That's great! My husband used it on his temples, where the pasty-white dermatologist burned them off at $500 a pop and they kept coming back.

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I use echeck for alldaychemist. Routing and acct #s and no problem with fraud. I remember getting ivm from there during vid panic. They told me the pkg was labeled a tech co so DEA would not confiscate it. Mumbai knew our gov was corrupt before we did.

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Correct. I ordered IVM from KiwiDrug in late 2020. I tracked the pkg over 3 wks to my PO. When I tried to pick it up, the PO said that "somewhere" 🙄 along the line, the pkg had been opened so they couldn't give it to me, even though the order was still complete and everything in the box was still sealed. (Small town, I know our postal workers, it wasn't them but they still had to follow the rules.) The pkg listed IVM on the outside of the box. (I contacted KiwiDrug and they reshipped the entire order for no charge. It was rec'd ok but it took another 3 wks!) My order of IVM/antibiotics from AllDayChemist just listed "medical supplies" on the box and there were no problems with it.

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I also used AllDayChemist and was pleased with their service.

Used a paper check too.

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TWC ran a big Black Friday sale. Unfortunately I had already ordered my kit a month ago.

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Bummer. Hate when that happens. It appears there are several options. Will explore. I live where there are tons of farms and feed stores so IVM shouldn’t be an issue. Probably start there.

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This company also has emergency meds. Most of the companies are adding IVM and HCQ as an addition. They can also set you up for scrips of your prescribed meds.


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That just pisses me off, I just bought a couple of things, a Thorne product for my dog, and some makeup. Then they went on sale 😬

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I want cheaper Ivermectin. Live up in the NW. anyone know where we can purchase?

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Check your local livestock feed stock. We buy the 1% sterile injectable solution (taken orally). 1ml per 110 lbs of body weight, put in juice or coffee. 50ml bottle is $32.50. 200ml bottle is $72.50.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

I take a pea-sized dose each day of the IverCare 1.87% ivermectin paste. Apple flavored. Buy it at the Tractor Store. Great stuff.

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I just can't do the paste. For some reason, it makes me gag. I can't even taste the liquid in a small glass of cranberry juice.

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Is this daily? For prevention? For any type of respiratory illness?

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My husband takes it prophylactically 1x a week. I take 2-3 doses (a day) for a day or two, if I notice a scratchy throat coming on, start to cough or sinuses get stopped up. Symptoms go away by the 2nd or 3rd day. The sooner I take it, the sooner I get better. I also take zinc and load up on vitamins A, C and D. I've done this for most 3 yrs now and it's only NOT worked one time - I think that was allergies to cedar or ragweed. It's dang near miraculous. I used to get 2-3 colds EVERY year. 🤷‍♀️

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I haven't yet tried any form of IVM because my husband and I for at least 2.5 years have nipped in the bud every.single. thing we felt was coming on with Dr. McCullough's recipe (on FLCC site) for povidone iodine nasal spray mix. We spray it in each nostril and also in the back of the throat (spit it out afterwards) and in most instances we've only had to do it once or twice at the most. Just 2 days ago my husband used the spray in the evening because he felt like something was starting in his throat. Next day the symptoms were gone. Sometimes we'll use the spray if we are around people who appear to be sick with something. Neither of us have had a cold or anything at all since we started using the povidone spray. We make the mix ourselves, although I think I saw a ready made one on Amazon for $17 or so. An 8-oz bottle of Povidone iodine is $6 on Amazon, and you can buy a bunch of little spray bottles for your mix and it costs next to nothing for each one.

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Wow - thanks Grammy!

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We use the same products and they work well.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

I bought 4 tubes from the Tractor Supply store. It was $11.99 a box. There is enough in there for a 1500-pound horse and it's easy to dose in 50lb increments. It's chemically the same as the human Ivermectin and all the ingredients are the same except for one. It turns out the one ingredient is an additive in some foods. My Marine buddy took it because he refused to go to the hospital like me when we got covid whatever that may be. He got really ill and started running 105-degree temp. He started to take Ivermectin and plunged himself him in an ice bath. He doesn't recall much over the next 24-hours, but he woke up feeling much better. He's fine now but still very pissed off right now.

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Can you say what the specific brand and description is? I could not find any ingredients listed anywhere on a single dose tube of Zimecterin ivermectin paste, and I can't find any details on line, either. The only thing listed is ivermectin 1.87%. No idea what "inactive" ingredients are in the product.

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I took the same 'horse paste' IVM when I had 'covid' and lost all taste and smell. Slept well and 12 ours later was about 85% better. I took it on a Saturday evening and never missed a day of work. The 1.87% Zimecterin was the same I've always given my horse. Always measure dosage by body weight.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

It's been a while since I looked at all of this information again. Here is the one we got from Tractor Supply. It's for a 1250lbs horse, not 1500lbs.




Inactive Ingredients from NIH: (This one doesn't list any inactive ingredients). NDC means National Drug Code and printed on the dispensing tube.

NDC 30798-835-81 - https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=1fd56c44-11ee-4d47-acad-4da867376eee

Same product with a different NDC. These list the inactive ingredients.

NDC:30798-970-81 https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=4a96e490-378c-4380-a229-70874cbef839

Picture of one I purchased. You turn the ring to adjust the dose close to your approximate weight. These also last much longer than the expiration date. I know this since many ranchers out in my rural area that use it. This picture will auto delete in 5 days.


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Hi Alan, we ordered in early October for the first time from All Day Chemist, after being referred from another commenter in Substack. https://www.alldaychemist.com/.

It took about 3.5 weeks to receive our order. Highly recommend!

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2nd Smartest Guy in the World substack.

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The Wellness Company. I ordered medical and covid kits all including ivermectin. Dr. McCullough. Check it out.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

I have ordered from AllDayChemist.

But you can order Agri-mectin, used for cattle; it’s safe for humans. Dosage for the 1% livestock injectable, taken orally by drinking it, for humans. See this link: https://www.barnhardt.biz/ivermectin/

My friends and I have taken the Agri-mectin when we have come down with the flu/colds.


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I’m in NW too. Genius marketing here - no script needed. https://www.virex.health/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=53

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Virex sells their ivermectin under the name “Petmectin”, but the foil packs don’t have a brand name on them, and they are labeled for humans. (I’d rather take pills than paste.)

I took the “Petmectin” for five days last week when I suddenly became very ill with an upper respiratory bug of some sort (cold/flu/sinus infection/“covid”/whatever). I felt absolutely terrible for two days - as bad as I’ve ever felt - and then day 3 woke up nearly normal. My husband took a 2-day regimen (per FLCCC guidelines for preventative after exposure), and he stayed well.

I have no way of knowing whether it was really the ivermectin that did the trick, or the handfuls of vitamin C (per https://open.substack.com/pub/syedhaider/p/is-high-dose-vitamin-c-a-panacea?), or if it was just a 48-hour thing that would have resolved just as quickly on its own. But I have ordered more of it from Virex to have on hand.

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I’ve upped my daily dose of C because of the Haider info. If I get sick I’ll bump it much higher, but I haven’t been sick all year.

Hope I didn’t just jinx myself 😂

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Valley Vet

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If you need it to save your life what does it matter if if is $.63 or $2.93?

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I dont always take it on my deathbed

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Lots of sources. But if you want the most affordable, get the horse paste on Amazon or a farm store.

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You can make Quercetin at home. Recipes available on the intraweb.

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I'm old enough to remember when the Clintons wanted to control the supplement industry. That didn't go over well.

The FDA is a joke and always has been. They haven't done any studies or approved any supplements. But they have approved over 100k pharmaceuticals. I wonder who's paying them the most. Our tax dollars or big pharma. I think we all know this answer.

It wouldn't be wise to enclose people in too much. Many are on edge. I've already read countless comments online saying they have nothing to lose and have made memes that are now targeting politicians.

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Dick Durbin (D-IL) is still after the vitamins and supplements manufacturers. I understand they did get some high-dose supplements restricted in one of the last jumbo bills Congress passed. The battle is not over by any means.

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Isn't he the one who just blocked the public from seeing the Epstein flight log list? I think it was him. If it was, you know his name is in the logs. I remember Amazon pulling NAC off their website. Now, why would they do this. It's very clear as to what's going on. I did find some and bought like 10 bottles of it. People are getting wiser and finding ways to make it themselves or from someone else.

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Yes, same evil dude. NAC is still available and Amazon started carrying it again. (I have a subscription from LifeExtensions for NAC and other supplements.) I can't find proof but I bet ol' Dick had a role in getting Laetril (B17 or amygdalin) banned in the US because it was working to cure cancer. Can't have anything that might dig into the cancer industries profits from poison, slash and burn.

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Dickie D comes off as a sanctimonious overlord, always knowing what is best for his subjects. Makes my skin crawl.

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I get it from here. No script necessary- Genius marketing. https://www.virex.health/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=53

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For 12mg tablets, that is a good price.

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Thanks for the heads up. Just went to iherb.com to reorder my Now quercetin. Marked down right now so also ordered Now magnesium, also marked down. Ships free over $25

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Check out the Substack of Second Smartest Guy in the World. He has links for purchasing this and more.

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Does DeSantis even think about Florida any more? He has moved on and only uses his term here for his resume. He has a political ladder to climb!

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He needs to ask Jeb Bush for permission

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The 32nd of Never.

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I didn't even know this and just drove through there; I can be there in 14 hours. LOL

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Childers Law of Baffledness [Baffledment?]:

“The Public Health Establishment (PHE) acts most confident when it knows the least about what’s going on. When they admit to being baffled, it means the opposite: they know exactly what’s going on, but don’t want to admit it.”

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Baffleation? (the state of being baffled).

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Baffleitis? Baffleaches? Here a baffle, there a baffle?

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The most perfect sentence!

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I will NOT watch anything and I mean anything with that snake, Sean Hannity.

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Totally agree. He makes my stomach nauseous!

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Hannity gets on my nerves. I can't watch him either.

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I lost any shred of respect for Hannity back in 2020 when he actually had George Floyd's "pastor" on his show and talked all about how poor George was "turning his life around" when he was killed. Yeah, right....

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Turns out it was all lies. Our own government and media fanned the flames to incite riots. We got riots, looting, and murder. Armed with this new information, Derrick Chauvin, filed an appeal and the nutjobs who sit in the Supreme Court refuse to hear the case. Now, Derrick Chauvin has been stabbed in prison since they put a LEO in GP. It sounds like they want him dead.

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Have you seen the documentary "The Fall of Minneapolis"? Kinda weird that video comes out and then just a few days later, Chauvin is stabbed in prison. It's almost like they just need to rekindle tye news cycle that cause all the division that started in May 2020.

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I haven't seen it. They're really good about stirring the pot. I don't believe in coincidences. Everything looks like it's by design.

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Excellent documentary. It explains so much about the lawlessness we are living through.


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I saw it. Sickening. We are being ruled by gangsters.

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Tucker and Marjorie Taylor Green talked about Chauvin and other things last night. Good interview.

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Though I haven’t watched him in ages and didn’t even know he did that. Sounds just like him.

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War monger Hannity

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I heard a clip of him a couple days ago talking about how he met and got to know Gavin Newsom and developed love and friendship with him. I just thought... sounds about right.

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I can't stand him either and I cut cable because Fox was no longer something I wanted. That said, I watched a YouTube stream of it and can say Sean was fair in fact my estimation of him went up a bit.

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Worst. Interviewer. Ever.

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Tick, tock, tick, tock 🤮

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I don’t think I can get the full debate (no cable for us) so clips will work fine.

As a moderator though, Hannity shouldn’t be doing much talking anyway. I’m good with that!

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

I am a conspiracy theorist, so here goes. Maybe, just MAYBE we're having respiratory issues here in Ohio because of the unbelievable number of chemtrails in the sky. If there is a sunny day, it won't take long for "contrails" to combine and cloud us over. The only day I did not see this recently was early Thanksgiving day. I guess the government gave them the day off. I am not exaggerating. This is worse than I have ever seen the skies here. Everyone I know, myself included, have a cough we can't shake. Edit: I'm in Columbus, not Warren county.

As for Newscum.... good. We don't want the rest of America looking like LA or SF, covered in needles and feces. He needs to be gone and right now.

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In Florida( near ft Myers ) they did it HEAVY last week for all the thanksgiving company . 4 am & 4 pm seems like.

East Palestine still being ignored and neglected.

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Ugh... we're trying to head to Lehigh Acres to visit my MIL since her health has tanked after taking the clot shot. She literally has clots in her lungs now. FIL took it too and he passed away a little over 2 months ago. Sparing all the details, it looks like we will be going to a lot of funerals.

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I’m very sorry. We’re in the boarder of Lehigh Acres and LaBelle, still rural. Safe travels, the drivers in Lehigh are insane. My jab injured mom & companion are in Alva. They say old age and now long covid to stay in denial. I’m thankful I’m nearby to help but I had shedding issues.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

We were in Lehigh Acres about 3 weeks before the hurricane devastated Fort Myer's. The wife and I can't believe a lot of it is gone. I know the drivers can't be as bad a driving through Houston. That's a nightmare and people just lose their minds. I swear these injections are changing people's brains. Thankfully, I rarely have to travel there but I'm carrying when I do. Alva isn't too far away. What a small world. I hope your mother is doing okay. I've read many of your comments on Substack and I recall you were helping your mom while trying to take care of yourself. I think it was mold. All of this can become overwhelming.

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My husband sold his dream home in LaBelle for me, water damage. Making slow progress! My dr has been overwhelmed, he hired help because they’re overwhelmed with new hurricane patients. & the free clinic he’s with is overwhelmed as well.

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Feels like Mad Max out there with some of the drivers on the road.

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It may be a combination of Mad Max, Hunger Games, and The Purge in the near future.

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So sorry :-((

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That’s definitely a possibility. The issue is two-part: SRM (solar radiation management) and cloud seeding. Both pollute the sky in the name of dubious “science” proven on computer modeling. The SNOWIE project actually names their proven science “supercomputing” evidence. This practice must be stopped. Several states are working toward bills to end this risky experiment. Sadly, previous bills passed gave water resources agencies special liability protections. You can find weather modification applications on NOAA.


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This is also happening all over Switzerland FYI. Tic tac toes almost.

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Graphene & the Skynet Grid Control

Long and somewhat technical but worth the watch.

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Ohio isn't alone with the chemtrail spraying. It's happening in every state. We watch them almost daily in Texas. We also try to look up who owns the planes on FlightAware.com. Many are unidentified, but we've seen banks like WellsFargo and UBS.

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I’m near Houston and we are in a flight path, although we aren’t that close to the airport. Planes all day and night. I hadn’t thought to check the flights overhead in a long time. But we definitely have Chem trails a lot!

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Plenty in VA too. They really ramped it up about a month ago. It's like the old days now.

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Well, us Conspiracy Theorists have been proven right several times recently. It makes me sad though and I am certainly not cocky about being right. I can't tell you how many times I read something and then pray that it really is just a theory.

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Yes, we certainly have a good track record these days. I'd like to be wrong once in a while.

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The term "conspiracy theory" needs to be replaced with "spoiler alert." Since spike-shedding, pizzagate, J6, and UFOs have all proven to be spoiler alerts I don't write off anything any more.

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All I can repeatedly say is, https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

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Same in TX. I see the cities getting hammered. It does happen out here in the rural areas but it's not as often. They usually do it right before a high-pressure system moves through.

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I've noticed that timing, too. Always heaviest before it rains here.

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I was going to bring up rain. Our forecast will show 2 to 4 days of rain but none falls after they spray.

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Yeah that is our experience in CA. Seems to do something to dissipate what moisture was gonna fall.

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I've often wondered why CA has been in a drought for so long. This is what I believe is happening here in West TX. It's like they're steering the precipitation to other areas. I do believe the geoengineering is for multiple purposes which isn't good.

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Texas had a politician who “served,” carved out a bunch of money for cloud seeding, and then went and started a weather modification business to get all those funds. The corruption behind this practice is in most states. Start looking into the history. It’s sad that politicians sold us out and disappointing so many citizens were asleep while it happened.

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When you have a hammer....

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don't forget the train "accident"

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I’ve had that same cough - feel great otherwise but can’t seem to get rid of the cough. Ivermectin does not seem to be helping 😬

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Heavy chemtrailing here in North Florida lately also. It's been bad since Thanksgiving.

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Good point!

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Seeing the same in Michigan. Had very few sunny days in the summer ("Canada Fires"), and every sunny day this fall has ended with chem trails and cloud cover by late afternoon. I can't tell you the last time I saw blue sky.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

Also in MI, GR, same here. Blue skies aren't really even the blue skies I saw as a child, at this point the blue has lots of silver (aluminum) in it even on a cloudless day.

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Agree, how I long for a sunny day with blue sky. I fear those days are over.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

We had about 7" of snow last week, here in NE Kansas. When it melted my driveway was basically dry. Tell your kids not to eat the snow. We had chemtrails constantly up to the day it snowed.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Yes, chemical ice nucleation https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/aftermath-of-chemical-ice-nucleation/ and vapor pressure deficit cause this. Commonly discussed (although not in this broadcast) on Dane Wigington's weekly Saturday broadcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ow59pJAxdY&pp=ygUUZ2VvZW5naW5lZXJpbmcgd2F0Y2g%3D&pbjreload=102

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It would be interesting to collect some snow and then analyze it for chemical content.

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Northern Indiana here; the spraying has been really heavy here too

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Just popping in to say hi from Columbus! So often it feels like my husband and I are alone here. It’s good to know there’s at least someone else who thinks like us in the city.

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I'm glad to know there is someone else here, too! I'll bet there are more of us, they just haven't found C&C yet! :)

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Graphene & the Skynet Grid Control

Long and somewhat technical but worth the watch.

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I am so so glad that we start talking about this here. I brought it up to one of my friends the other day and she believes it’s because of all the added air traffic to our local airport. So harmless contrails only. I am not convinced.

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Jeff, I pray that you become a bigger voice for all of us soon, really soon!

We are witnessing a decay in so many institutions, but we need people like Esther, to be raise to positions of change, such as Mike Johnson (New Speaker of the House).

God will keep providing as we all pray together for His will to be done among us as it’s done in Heaven!

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Did you watch Tucker’s recent interview with MTG? She’s skeptical of our new speaker. And I trust her.

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I just read another substack saying that not much has really changed since Johnson became Speaker. I have to agree and am not impressed. All of our political leaders are competely useless and make me sick.

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I watched it. Everything she said was very disturbing. I suspected such was going on but to hear her say it...was very unsettling, to say the least.

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??? She backed McCarthy which I never understood. Must have made some kind of deal or was threatened somehow

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I should also add...she routinely is threatened. She's been swatted several times (I think she said 7 times) but law enforcement are baffled and can't figure out who's doing it. The same law enforcement who can hunt down every single J6'er and what they ate for breakfast that morning.

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She addressed this question during the interview. My take....Johnson wasn't any better. Watch it and make up your own conclusions but she does elaborate further about Johnsons first priorities as Speaker.

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I don't trust her. She's invested heavily in Pfizer, and many other globalist companies.

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me too. She is more in touch than most in DC

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I heard he appointed an ex-Pfizer exec to something.

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I had my answer:

“No, I was there for the bill in question. Mike Johnson had nothing to do with this bill, it had to do with our state legislature. The bill had no support, the house speaker was a compromised republican who did Gov. Edwards bidding.

The two guys are hypocrites in the interview.”

There you have it.

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I have been heartsick since I looked into Mike Johnson's influence in defeating Louisiana's strong anti-abortion bill proposal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl-3tTfeZ-8

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I watched the video and definitely it’s hard to believe, but I do believe that politics is a dirty business.

I contacted a pastor in that area asking the veracity of the story.

Thanks for sharing.

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Just looking at that map....sitting here in my chair I can just smell the stench! It brings to mind how cities must have smelled before sewer systems were installed. It also brings to mind the diseases that were present when people were just pitching the contents of their chamber pots out the windows. The biggest and best improvements in health came when water and sewer systems were installed. Disease went down. Health went up. THEN they introduced shots and said that was the greatest help to mankind.

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Yep. Nailed it. Origin of “vaccines” to spare mankind!

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Gardyloo!! There is a you tube video.. on the great stink in London. Victorian times. ( I am teaching 19 th century history at the moment.). The stench coming from the Thames was so bad even queen Victoria had to order her boat turned around to go home. There was a man who came to the rescue and designed their sewer system after that.

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In the book "Dissolving Illusions" by Suzanne Humphries, she discusses in great detail the utter filth and stench in which people lived in the late 1800s in London. People dumped their chamber pots into the streets. Sometimes there was a foot of sewage in the streets that people walked through. I can't even imagine the stench, it's disgusting to even think about. This info was given in the context of smallpox as scientists were developing and pushing smallpox vaccines. When the filth was cleaned up and sanitary conditions improved, it was that which eliminated most smallpox, not the vaccines. The whole book with its discussion of vaccine development and fraud is fascinating, by the way.

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I have referred to many of her examples to my middle school students when I try to describe the industrial revolution and what it brought with it

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I am almost done with that book. I have it on audible. Absolutely amazing information

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

And all that raw street sewage has been washed into the bay for several years now.

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Go to X and follow Dr. David Martin. He’s on other platforms as well.

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Dr. Martin comments........................

Dr. David Martin


Hey folks...STAY ALERT. While


has filed a case, he's conveniently left out the parts that would pierce the EUA immunity. This is a civil win at best but won't end the PREP ACT Tyranny. DON'T SETTLE for the "best of" argument. DEMAND CRIMINAL accountability.



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Whatever is in the biochemical weapons bearing Pfizer and other pharma labels, is there because US SecDefs and their WHO-BIS handlers ordered it to be there.

Military contractors who work in the information space are erecting firewalls between that truth and the public, using “adulteration,” “contamination” and civil suits against Pfizer to delay/deflect.


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Oh that’s awesome! Thanks for sharing!

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Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Tucker:

“We're over $33 trillion in debt. Our government must hate us, must truly hate the American people to do that to Americans. Our border is wide open. That's not just Joe Biden, everybody, that is the Democrat Party. Every single one of them are solidly on board with that. We have crime erupting all over the country. Innocent people are dying every day because the crime is so, so bad... Here's why I hate Republicans right now: they don't do a damn thing to stop it."


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Politico Phil - while I am really not a fan of MTG for several reasons - she is correct on what you state. Our Fed govt is in an abysmal mess & affects the country in an appalling way.. No one there seems to be seeking GODly wisdom or even a common sense approach to basic, good governance. I am becoming an Anti-Federalist like Samuel Adams & Patrick Henry, even tho I greatly admired Madison & his brilliance.

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Yep, the dems unlike the reps are in lock step and will vote that way no matter who is on the ticket.

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It's so much easier to just say you're a Dem and automatically vote for anyone with a D beside his name.....then you don't have to think at all.

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MTG is spot on!

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The Dems will still vote for Newsom because he has better hair. There is no bottom to their shallowness.

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Dems garner 40% of any votes cast in most elections. Just bc.

Now add in 20+ million new voters (courtesy of Biden non-borders) & therein lies a huge problem.

Add on ballot harvesting & machine manipulation.....

Lord, we truly need an election miracle!

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he's not a mean tweeter or confrontational; DeSantis just kissed away the Woman Vote by pointing out Newsome is a fake and a failure at all levels other than grooming, grinning, makeup and personal training.

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Next up; Fetterman-Vivek Christmas Eve Debate hosted by Pat Boone

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It would be good exercise for Vivek. He'd make his point, then have to run over to the Fetterman podium to make the counter point then run back to his podium to counter counter point...

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You, sir, win the award for best reply of the morning!

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🤣😂 That image cracked me up!!

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F comes on stage; first words, "Good Night".

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Perfect.... can’t wait! I’m 🤪😂

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

For women in California maybe (and even then hopefully not all). Some of us have sense and cringe at these smarmy slime balls. I also despise Clinton and always have. Could never understand why women would swoon over him (same with Andrew Cuomo 🤮).

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Strong godly women ended slavery and curbed other societal/national ills, they will save this country if at all possible. American Men mostly weak apathetic and our women generally too dam liberal and soft and malleable. Bless all the REAL men and women who resist the plunge into depravity!

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It is always heartening to see the real ones step up and I hope more and more do!

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I don't know if you meant the funny twist in the second sentence, but if you did, thank you. Made me smile. First funny smile of morning AND I had already read the CnC sub. I cheer you with my mug.

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"There is no bottom to their shallowness."

Block that metaphor!

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Gavin likes that a woman and his/her/they gvt-funded health worker can freely and profitably abort fetuses, embryos, and babies til 3 weeks after delivery; DeSatanist would force raped 13 year olds into prison for wanting their unwanted fetal tissue to stop parasitizing their uterus after a 12 week start. Our Sodomizing Gamorrah'd Culture of selfishness and hate sees the stark difference and so do the Commie-Crafted Court System that will soon allow prostitution (of children). Newsome would legit get 45-50% of the Vote, and with Enhanced Democracy and advocacy on his side, he'd pull off a win against ANY Republican Candidate.

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Depressingly accurate.

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ABT syndrome - Anybody but Trump

If Kamala could be VP with no votes, he could be VP or President. Just need 2000 Mules in 43 more states.

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😳there was a debate? Did anyone watch?🤣🤣 both NOT going to be president anytime soon IMHO

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I watched a few minutes of the debate and could not stomach the talking over each other and switched channels. Newscum looked like a commercial for teeth whitening. 😁

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Or, a preppy porn star who's in love with himself. Lol!

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Exactly my impression of the creep.

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Same! I turned it off but find myself wondering is anyone asked: where did they move all the people when they cleaned up SF for Xi??

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Crowded homeless shelters. They were allowed to take 2 bags with them. People who couldn’t deal with being too close were told to go somewhere else but not the area set aside for a international viewers.

China does the same to anything unfavorable in the line of sight for visitors. Welcome to SF China.

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Mayor Daily erected walls to block the view of the projects from the interstate when Chicago hosted the DNC. Nothing new in the world of perception politics.

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I heard they were all just a few blocks away. And guess what...soon as the Commies left, they came right back. And the San Franciscans who live and work in these areas voted for all this, and they aren't saying much. So they get what they deserve. San Fran used to be a breathtakingly beautiful, unique city. It has been ruined and I will never go there again.

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And that gravely, too-much-cocaine voice. Worse than nails on a chalkboard!

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He should just keep his mouth closed and wear sunglasses so people can’t see his pompous, arrogant, condescending looks.

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He's as slick and phony as it comes. I didn't watch because as a Californian I already have to listen to him more than I care to. His gravelly voice annoys me no end. He's a mindless fool. And Dems love him.

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One reason we left the state after the recall failed.

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He should get a refund on his set of ‘chicklets’. Just awful fake dentistry.

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Exactly. What was the reason for the debate?

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As I recall, it was a personal challenge Newsom made to DeSantis.

I didn't watch it. I live in California (San Francisco, actually) and I have seen more of Gavin Newsom than I care too. Besides, looking at him makes me sick. Good to know that DeSantis mopped the floor with him.

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That smile reminds me of The Joker. Evil.

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Yes, I was trying to place that smile - the joker, how appropriate!

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"I live in California (San Francisco, actually) ". I'm sorry.

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It was a nice town until the politicians ruined it. I think, though, that a lot of the problem is that many people in this town will tolerate almost everything. Except for people who didn't want to wear masks when they were "required"!

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Newsom seems popular/charismatic so yes, nice to hear DeSantis won handily.

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I didn't know that popular/charismatic were interchangeable with slimy/disgusting...

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Ha Ha Only in rare instances like this one. Lol

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Two words: Bill Clinton.

Two more words: Barack Obama

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Not nearly as popular in California as he once was. Some women swoon over him, though. Not me.

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Women swooned over JFK also, and voted for his face. [??]

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True but JFK wasn't the idiot that Newsom is and maybe people were also aware of that?

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The Dem controlled MSM wouldn't agree with you....they apparently think Newscum did a fabulous job.

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I know you meant "wiped butt".

I never talked like this before Covid. Its NOT brain damage.

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Just another forum for Sean "I am worthy" Hannity to parade his massive intellect and skill at talking over his guests.

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Yeah, not a fan of Hannity. Fake Hannity on Faux News.

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Mister "I buy my own groceries" Hannity. 🙄 I stopped listening to him when I noticed he mentions this just about every time he's on air. I just want to scream "Well, I do, too! So what?". That and his "I've own a gun since I was 12, and my mother was a prison guard." Blah, blah, blah. He couldn't wait to get jabbed just so he could go to a baseball game. 🥴

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Don't forget to add all the jibber jabber about his martial arts skills. Good Grief, the man does nothing but talk about himself. Gave up on him long ago.

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My favorites? "I washed dishes and worked in construction", thus [he thinks] proving his street cred. Blecch!

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Yes, and if you ever listened to his radio show while traveling cross country, you know he bought a Cadillac from the local dealer in every city in America.

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I can't stand Hannity. It's all about "I think, I said, blah blah blah". He sometimes has good guests but he doesn't let them speak much. And he's a good buddy to that idiot Lindsay Graham, that says it all. I stopped watching him long ago.

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Cuz Desantis will be your nominee. You'll see come Jan.15

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Please explain.

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I might have replied to the wrong reply; not sure. Was my reply to you about Hannity or the viability of Desantis?

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Viability of Desantis.

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I do think it is significant to show people which state they should emulate.

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Never watch any of that nonsense. Thank Jeff for doing it for us. Don’t know how he can stand to put up with such filth.

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The search for 'Desantis' became the number one trending search during and post debate. People watched, but not you.

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Jeff - I thought you were describing Liberals for a moment there -

“They’re causing havoc with everything,”

“They’re eating anything and everything they can get their hands on.”

“they’re quite destructive when they get into such large numbers,”

“There’s rats everywhere. They’re just like, bold as hell.”

Cause they are definitely rats for sure! 🐀 🐀 🐀 🐀

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I believe he was talking about our government officials.

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Aren’t they one in the same? 🙃

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Jeff. Regarding the "Chinese mystery pneumonia" I would say we need to be careful about direct vaccine associations. My daughter who is very young has this Pneumonia (timing and symptoms fit) and our family did not partake in the vaccine study for Flu or COVID, so it is not in our case a direct correlation. That said, there are some potential in-direct connections to "vaccines" in general. The in-direct relates to one set of parents in our family who continue to get vaccines (yes, we know). They got the Flu shot about a month ago and got very sick. We came in contact with them about 2 weeks after not knowing they were 'A' sick several weeks earlier and 'B' that they had gotten the shots directly before being sick. After this contact where one of them had a bad cough (which, is when we asked questions and found out the information) we ended up getting something similar. It was mild for the boys who are grade school, but older, however, my youngest has gotten significantly sick with a very bad cough. Fortunately, my wife who practiced medicine until the Pandemic (She left for our daughter being born just before the pandemic) then decided not to return due to her disagreement with the illogical logic that was happening at that time. So, we can handle most medical situations on our own and my daughter is improving now after a week. We have had great success with alternative medical approaches over the years since this all started. I bring this up because we have begun to see a correlation between our family members getting vaccines, getting sick and then us contracting something similar (based off symptoms). We have had 3-4 similar events and from this past event informed our family that they cannot participate in Holidays at our home if they have been vaccinated within the past 4 weeks. This now begs the question is there a correlation between current vaccines (covid/flu/etc) and the spreading of illnesses. This could relate to the original vaccines changing biological response or current vaccines still being used as biological weapons (let's call it, what it is) or a combination. We now, based off our experience that the cause/effect is something bigger and perhaps still going on. I believe we need to be careful in drawing one-to-one relationships between vaccinated and unvaccinated (though important) when looking at current illness trends, in some cases. The 'Fog of War' is keeping us from realizing that something is likely still going on that impacts both unvaccinated and vaccinated. Whether or not the vaccinated are the vehicle or not is one of the many questions that need to be answered by/for the unvaccinated.

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Interesting. My daughter is a junior in public school and has always had a strong immune system, missing very little school. This semester she is now sick for the third time and I’m sick for the second time. No one in our immediate family took the vaccine. Both my daughter and I are around people who are vaccinated at our schools (I’m am a teacher), and they tend to be sick often.

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Shedding is for real.

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No one is safe

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It would appear that 'the bioweapon platform' modeling is multi-tiered and will go on it merry destructive pathway for decades yet to come unless stopped. And it is only prudent to distance oneself from immediate risks because of the potentially existential nature of the risks.

As usual, and in regard to this, what was said of us by the Vax Freak Army, applies more to them than it ever did to us. Everything 'they' say and do is the complete opposite of what is alleged, stated, etc.

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There are many who say there was no covid, it’s just a cold or the flu.

They ‘proved’ it was covid with inaccurate PCR tests, thus spreading the fear. So, they locked us down destroying everyone’s immune systems. Here’s the clincher...

It was a way to get shots into people. Shots are the real killers. They succeeded on that count.

So, is it shedding, or just that the rest of us who didn’t take the shots are compromised too?

We can’t fight off their constant germs because they keep getting all kinds of injections making themselves sicker and sicker. Spreading to us constantly?

I don’t know, just spitballing here, but there are many who say that there are no viruses, it’s actually parasites.

Check out Dr Lee Merritt. She interviewed an East Indian woman who’s a scientist. It’s long but very very good.

Read 2nd Smartest Guy substack.

He’s big on Ivermectin, Fenben, and doxycycline and talks about these cures all the time. He does not give medical advice, but he does sell those three. So take that with a grain of salt.

I’m taking Ivermectin and Fenben right now, I have a chronic sinus problem but it clears up when I take them. I think it’s the ivermectin but not sure. Do I have parasites? Maybe, they’re hard to get rid of. It’s a monthly 3-day treatment plan, but I extend the ivermectin. You have to take fenben with olive oil.

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Thought some symptoms and treatments could be indicative of parasites, this is likely not the case. We need to realize the simple fact is that COVID was bioengineered to be effective for a specific goal/task. This was designed and is likely a combination of things put together (very simplified statement). This takes us out of atypical methods for diagnosis and creates confusion and assumptions on what this is or is not. Again, this is by design. What we need to understand is why is something like ivermectin effective. What was bioengineered (designed) and what systems within our body were changed from getting the virus (if that is what we can even call it - think hybrid) in the first place. So, we had an initial (I got COVID) infection and this changed our bodies in ways we do not understand and can only guess at (until we can study and have long term data OR we get the data from the Lab on what they created) what this initial infection has done to us initially. Then we add the introduction of vaccine programs, which we assume is one vaccine type when it could likely be several different targeted vaccine types, which do additional biological changes to the human body system. At that point predicting what changes the body will make given exposure levels, levels of infection and divergent DNA sequence make predicting long-term outcomes nearly impossible without sophisticated computer modeling and the base data-sets we will likely never get. Right now, we need to look at this as a shift in humanity away from modern medicine to alternatives and like Jeff preaches move the local systems to protect us working from the bottom up. Truth is hard to come by and we have about Zero Truth on COVID, except early data research, since it entered our world. We equally need to be careful of taking treatments, yes Ivermectin works and we have tested 3-4 week treatments for long COVID with much success, we equally need to know that this can kill the good thing in our body (e.g. Gut Health). So, like many things isolated treatments in moderation are likely the best approach, unless they are extreme cases. Alternatively, we need to be looking at the shift in outbreaks and how to respond. They are not likely done, nor is this attack over. Nor, do we know the longterm changes by getting these illnesses and the impacts to people in general. We all need to take the JC approach and not jump to conclusions or buy into information to easily because the internet has no 'truth' anymore. We each have to become Doctors, Scientist, Researchers, Academics to survive, yet thankful we don't have to all be Lawyers, yet.

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I don't think there is any drug that has been as proven safe as ivermectin has been used by millions around the world for decades. As for covid, that is a smoke screen. Dr. David Martin has demonstrated that "covid" is a laboratory created, chimeric, REPLICATION DEFECTIVE pathogen based on a computer simulation of a corona virus. IE, impossible to spread on it's own much less cause a world-wide pandemic. They simply trotted out their laboratory creation, put it on display and then CLAIM that anyone getting sick and/or dying was due to covid by bribing all the hospitals to mark ALL illness as covid with a PCR test that would turn back a positive with distilled water. They then bribed all the hospitals and doctors to treat all illness ONLY with remdesivir and intubation, both of which are highly lethal. People that got the flu or a cold were told it was covid and could NOT offer ANY early treatment.

But even then the total death rate or all-cause mortality rate did NOT go up until AFTER the death shot was deployed. There was NO pandemic. It was ALL psy-ops.

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All good comments. Thank you.

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