Why is the WSJ back on the lab-leak story?; Biden's surprising "regrets"; Trump's trolling Christmas tweets; top Dem fundraiser gets herself out of the progressive cult; Texas trans lawsuit vs NCAA.
While it was delightful to see my twin’s (Leslie Murphree) comment to Jeff’s stack of yesterday be the top comment, it was heartbreaking to read comments from so many who know people that died from the Covid shots or were injured. Their grief and distress is palpable.
Thank you Jeff, for encouraging everyone to donate to React19. I was happy to donate and want to remind those that haven’t yet, to please donate if you have the means.
And to anyone here that knows someone who still believes the lies of “safe and effective”, please share with them my Substack. It might just awaken them.
We will soon be releasing the results of our 2024 embalmer blood clot survey (85% of the embalmers that responded to our survey are seeing the clots - an increase from our last two surveys).
We also conducted a people’s blood clot survey that over 1700 people (and still counting) across the world responded to (these white fibrous clots are also being found in the living):
I got two shots. So far, I’m still ok. I’ve been given a gift from God that I will not take for granted . I will never stop talking about the harms they have caused.
At our Christmas gathering yesterday almost our entire group knew several in their circles who are battling vax injuries or have passed from complications due to those injuries. It seems to be getting worse by the hour.
When jab injuries started appearing very soon after rollout, it was merely the tip of the iceberg. Many of us theorized it would cascade within 2-5 years & that’s what seems to be happening now….
And our “betters” at all levels are trying to blame the surges in cancer, infertility & other damage (esp in children & young adults) on seed oils & such. That’s all true but they’ve obviously been trying to kill us for decades w/ what is & has been allowed in our food, water, air, cosmetics & other products but we’ve been unwittingly exposed to all of that for a very long time if we’ve lived long enough. The only common denominator to explain the tsunami of damage & death now is introduction of the jabs circa 2021
I’ve been on disability far too long, bad booster and Lyme in 2001, I was in my prime. Then I let them gaslight me for many years. When they don’t know what to do, they throw antidepressants at you and call you noncompliant if you refuse.
I am very sorry too. It saddens me no end that the vast majority of people pre pandemic lived by the 4 stupidest words in the English language; "I trust my doctor". I am as guilty as the rest, though I did wake up right after realizing 9/11 was an inside job.
"I'm going to let my doctors decide what's best," said by my more than a decade ago deceased younger sister when I proposed looking at alternatives to deal with her cancer. I was so shocked I didn't know what to say. Then I got angry but kept it to myself, not wanting to add injury to an obviously distressing situation. Enter 5 rounds of chemo over the ensuing 4 years. Complete surrender of power. It was a pattern in her life, unchanged by would-be lessons, including our dad killed by the chemo to treat his cancer 30 years prior. You'd think, but, no. Nothing I could offer was going to fundamentally change her. After that stated decision I knew she would likely not survive.
I suspect the same sort of pattern in the immovable sector of folks who continue to trust their doctors. They lack a sense of personal power. I wonder if there's anything that can stir them to realize what lay dormant in them, even the knowledge that they've been deceived, if they could accept it. I concede mournfully they are lost souls, many soon to exit, the end result of "stupid" this go-round. Bigger truth, we're all going someday, in our own time. Heck, for all I know, I could be a day away from my last breath. If so it would be due to accident, maybe even stupid, though I flatter myself that mostly I'm not. Can't discount the possibility of a moment. Rambling.
I am blessed to have had a father who was a pathologist and told we kids to avoid vaccines. He would say "don't mess with your immune system!" In my day, there were very few school vaccines, I got the tetanus vax every 10 years (?) because I had horses. But that's about it. I did get the two shingles shots in 2021, after a long hesitancy. I wish I had been on this Substack or X at the time, as I was on the fence and may have been talked out of it. Definitely avoided the Covid jab. Very healthy, active, no Rxs, almost 68 years old...
Rosalind, I know your struggles all too well. I’ve been struggling since receiving an influenza vaccine in 1985. It wasn’t until fairly recently that I started making the connection between various vaccines over the years since and my resultant health setbacks.
I’m now struggling with the extreme effects mold now bestows on me.
I swear I now suffer from PTSD with every encounter with a medical “professional”. My head will explode the next time they try to push me to another encounter with a psychiatrist. I just recently blew up at a VA shrink who was trying to prescribe a new medication.
I can recommend a wellness book from "Prevention" Publishing (Rodale Press) entitled "Giant Book of Health Facts" that is science based and WHOLE MEDICINE presented. STAY AWAY from the mainstream "health" practitioners and diligently seek a FUNCTIONAL medicine practice in your area.
You WILL be healthier and happier, John. Stay away from the V.A.!!
I KNOW this is a public forum, but did you get treatment? and are you feeling better? I have RA and haven't even started investigating the treatments... but I'm also hearing how much the intestines and intestinal flora have to do with your neurotransmitters.... literally the gut is a major component in endogenous major depressive disorder. So it took you 5 years to get the diagnosis? seems like they have a sed rate blood test which pretty much diagnoses R.A...... and ANA (USED TO work in a blood lab).
death and disability by dozens of means to mask it all, and keep the herd confused and divided. Put some flouride in my GMO-based High Fructose Corn syrup beverage with a touch of ester of wood rosin and yellow dye #666 in it, zero juice and some natural and artificial flavorings just to mask the chlorine and I'll chug a 20 oz daily. NO Lead in it however, so all good!
LAB LEAK my ASS, they would need to prove that, otherwise this was intentional... along with the lockdowns of Hong Kong and internally in China and the continued Chinese flights into Europe (Italy) and the resulting trade disruptions with EU and USA that made trade talks and tariffs a non-factor. The mRNA bioVaxx weapons' readiness to be finalized and mass produced and distributed under Warped Speed along with the assault on off-label treatments is also evidence of soft Intentional Deployment of the CoVid 19 in Aug-Oct 2019, with a Media-Gvt-WHO Focused Blitz in Dec-Febr to announce a World Premiere Pandemic. ALL are Victims of a Conspiracy to commit and/or participate as willing or mal-informed auxiliaries in War Crimes upon civilians.
Who will take up the cause to charge, prosecute, and carry out sentencing?
"LAB LEAK my ASS"............. Thank you! Saves me from having to say it.
Let's be clear (and I've repeated this ad infinitum), Dr. David Martin has documented that the so-called covid "virus" does not exist. The "virus" is a man-made synthetic, replication defective, poisoning agent based on a computer model of a coronavirus. This "poison" has to be manufactured and MANUALLY deployed to simulate a "pandemic". (BTW, pandemics don't really exist but I digress.) IN OTHER WORDS, covid is NOT a virus from nature.
The transparent, phoney wet-market theory first floated for the virus was a psyops to get us to accept the replacement theory that the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab. In reality, the Wuhan lab was set up ahead of the plandemic to provide cover and divert blame away from the actual perpetrators of the Plandemic, the USG Department of Defense and those who control it. Both the so-called covid virus and the follow-up bioweapon deployment had been developed years before the plandemic in the US and US controlled foreign bio-labs. This was all financed by the unlimited budget of the USG military/industrial complex.
The revival of the lab leak theory is an obvious deception to deflect attention away from those actually guilty of the mass democide we are now witness to. As long as they keep us arguing about this phoney deception, we will never recognize the truth of who is actually murdering us.
I agree, "covid" was not a virus, in the commonly accepted meaning of the word, IF viruses even exist. Was it developed in one of the Ukraine bioweapons labs? It was most certainly used to get the party started toward implementing the years-long lockdown and reset.
They relied on their lies about it being contagious and deadly, when it never was. They suppressed actual therapeutics that were the only treatment needed, otherwise their plan for lockdowns and social distancing would fall apart. Their actual murder weapon was the vaxx rollout, planned months, if not years, in advance.
In that regard, covid was a hoax, a scam. Dr. Paul Alexander has said this all along, including today in this Substack:
I agree. I don't believe any virus was leaked or came from any animals and it's become a common argument of two sides fighting over where the alleged virus came from rather than asking if there really was a virus. Either side is the wrong side with the narrative of both controlled by the powers that be. The deaths can all be explained through the horrible lethal "vaccines" and many, many people receiving lethal treatments for anything that (falsely) tested as Covid. Vents, Remdesivir, shots all lethal. Not to mention that there was a large financial incentive to label anyone that stepped into a hospital with covid. So you die of a heart attack but dying of covid pays nicely so guess what your death certificate said? I still recall the many fools waiting in parking lots to get tested, not because they felt sick but because the media/gov't fear campaigns said you could be the next Typhoid Mary and must find out if you are an asymptomatic carrier and as soon as you got that false positive, you were doomed.
It would be interesting to give them a shot of this vaccine and see if they claim that the shooter should be charged with murder - being safe and effective....
Amen to all that was said here! The Wuhan Lab Leak theory is utter BS! It’s all contrived…just like the HIV/AIDS BS, was. Just ask Celia Farber who writes here on Substack…The Truth Barrier. She lived through all of it, as a journalist writing about it, was scorned and beat up over what she and others wrote, “throwing back the curtain” on it all, and now we have the C*V*D Scamdemic!
so any whistleblowers on deployment teams globally? so much compartmentalization. Was Wuhan China truly ground zero or just saturated by the release as it was somewhat pro-Western and China wanted to quash (disappear) so many there in quick fashion? I KNOW it was in Utah and Colorado in Nov-Dec 2019 long before the "first case" was officially announced by our Fake Media and Lying Govt.
"I KNOW it was in Utah and Colorado in Nov-Dec 2019 long before the "first case" was officially announced by our Fake Media and Lying Govt."
Right on.
I live in the community from which the ground zero case emerged, and I can attest to the fact it had already burned through here like a wildfire months prior to the "first case" announcement.
But we also knew this wasn't just the typical flu, because although it wasn't killing people, it was seriously kicking butts and knocking people down in a way the "normal" flu did not.
We'd all survived it by the time they'd declared the "2 weeks to flatten the curve" scam, and after that the deadly protocols kicked in. That's when the fatalities began.
This was an orchestrated, malicious and deadly attack. Many heads need to roll.
Except for those already immune compromised, I don't think the bio-weapon "virus" symptoms amounted to anything more than the like results of a cold or flu. And thus all flu disappeared during the plandemic as all such symptoms were classified as covid to hype the "pandemic deception." They will keep pushing this narrative to keep two-thirds of the population corralled. It is the pesky one-third that didn't take the shot that is a problem to them.
I spoke to a guy in early 2020 who said he went on a ski trip to Colorado in November 2019 and he was sick as a dog. He’s a conservative retired oral surgeon and he was questioning everything as was I.
But how do we really know there even was something different called SARS-Cov-2 or Covid-19? How can anyone claim they had this when PCR tests are not reliable. Tucker keeps saying he had it and his wife had it. How does anyone know? Flus vary in severity, so this whole thing could have been nothing more than a real bad Flu. Or the alternative I can believe is that a poison was dispersed. I and my family members never had anything horrible in 2019, 2020, 2021 here in So Cal.
Remember the Wuhan death explosion and maniacle lockdowns happened when they blitzed the city all at once with 5G amounts equivalent to the entire 5G capacity of the US at the time. The symptoms of radiation poisoning are synonymous with so called Covid/
Thank you.... Exactly right. And we are being irradiated here in the US now. Their democide war against us is NOT over just because we "elected" Trump. It's just taking different forms and we always seem to be behind the power curve in recognizing what is going on.
Spanish Flu started 1917 at Camp Riley, KS where large-scale radio wave use was being employed right? Then widespread aspirin use to treat the infected caused deaths. How did the Spanish Royal Family get targeted and infected i wonder--to throw everyone off the scent (perhaps assassination), then the swine and bird flu theories from British Army herds/flocks in Belgium also blamed to get ever more $$$$ to bio-research.
And now there is this................................
The new COVID vaxx that replicates itself; what??!
....Here’s a clue to how crazy they can get: how the hell did they come up with the idea of the spike protein…when the virus which is supposed to contain the protein has never been isolated, never been discovered, and doesn’t exist except as a fairy tale?
Exactly. Money and the love of money has been the means of deploying their bio-weapons upon an unsuspecting population for the purpose of depopulation and control. The actual death rate is going through the roof and it is going un-remarked. Even the disability rate has to be multiples of the death rate.
Understand, with that kind of devastating shrinkage of the population in the West, the results are going to be extremely hard economic times ahead - regardless of who is "elected".
Yet it is based on a "higher humanistic morality", the Money and power are the wages paid out for EVIL to advance. Occultic ties and forces promise these to the eager Middle Management for our global human misery.
So the initial Bio-Chem Weapons programs in Europe (and elsewhere) in preparation for the Great War were initiated by Industrialists and how easily the Centralized Royals and Govts were persuaded to sanction and fund them...along with other sales pitches these rulers were putting their own heads and those of their peoples in the noose.
INFORMED CONSENT has been negated. When everyone gets out of the weeds we should really look at how these people got away without informed consent???? I feel so ashamed for not speaking out more! I spoke out a lot and made a lot of people and family mad....... some don't speak to me to this day. But it's informed CONSENT!!! if you don't have informed consent..... and you must show that the person, if they were able and were of sound mind (without legal guardian need for minors or incapacitated persons) had the OPPORTUNITY to understand the treatment and then were free and not coerced in ANY WAY to consent or to decline.
either you consent to care
you decline care!
This is a part of the medical and dental practice acts of every state. How did they get around this very important statute that carries with it grave penalties for each and every instance! So at $1000 per incident...... you are looking at bankrupting every doctor, pharmacy and hospital...... or was this their intent all along.
note: our local hospital just filed bankruptcy in Feb., 2024. I went there in oct. 2021 and they gave me ivermecting, budesonide, luvonox, Z-pac and got me to sign and decline an informed consent refusing remdesivir.
I never met the doctor. I looked for him and can't find him. iT'S LIKE he was a ghost or even an angel.
China started making changes at Wuhan well before the vid became a threat. The scientists were replaced by military personnel and the bug got out in Aug 2019.
From Tucker’s interview with Jenner Furst, “Thank You Dr Fauci” movie.
My gut intuition in Jan. 2020) said "Chinese military was a instigator or a co-conspirator in Bioweapon release to completely crush Hong Kong and other pro-Western Chinese (esp in Wuhan) also derail any and all trade negotiations with EU and USA." My PhD Libtarded older brother irate at my postulation answered with "proof of EVOLUTION" maybe one of his Humans are a Cancer anyway and need to be culled remarks...we ALL Know the type intimately (Over-educated Progressive Death Cult Kooks. EvilYouShun. Nature is trying to kill off overpopulating humanity and correct Climate Change (with the help of evil wicked depraved elitist occultic Commie-Conspiracy Freak Criminals)
I think everyone does. The dead and injured are so numerous, everyone must know of the vxx injured even if they don't recognize it yet. They just remain in denial or they still feel un-affirmed in their realization. I'm not an expert on group dynamics but there has to be a point where the population as a whole reach "critical mass" in this knowledge and, like a herd, will suddenly react to it.
Too many people are still talking as though The Release was the pandemic, not the Kill Shot.
And this is how real disinformation works: mis-label, mis-ascribe, muddle and befuddle. And finger point until Truth becomes a poor tincture of its former potent self.
It really was "Turtles All the Way Down" (I've yet to read that book). There was no "wet market" origin, no "lab leak", nobody falling down dead in the streets in China, no hospital "covid" deaths (all were iatrogenic due to Ramdesivir, ventilators, failure to treat properly with anti-biotics, withholding of fluids and blanket DNR orders). There was no excess mortality til right after the shots were rolled out, and then it was dramatic.
I'm with Mike Yeadon and Sasha Latypova: ALL of it was the flu, repackaged as a "deadly novel virus". Utter bullshit.
The Release was merely the set-up (soft-controllable and manageable by all gvts everywhere to shut down everything) and perfect pretext to the half dozen kill shots offered globally ($$$$). We were told initially not to mask but then to mask, to test often, that a vaccine was 10 years away even as every death possible around us was FAKED as CoVid related to hype the data and increase fear. 8 Billion people were sold on the Vaxxes as their only hope as even a prior infection was NO protection. MIND Fking on Global Scale by nearly every funded legitimate entity in existence all at once. AMAZING.
Aye! And like a buffalo herd never moving as the hunters kill every member of the herd without ever reacting to the death around them, the psyops is so effective there may never be a reaction. Besides the pervasive psyops, humans seem to be incapable of recognizing that the blame for the mass death and destruction around them in any major "killing field", such as WWI, WWII or the Plandemic, falls squarely upon their own Governments.
On my mother’s side of the family I have had older two cousins (71 & 78) ‘die suddenly’ from heart events in 2022 & April 2024. One of them was my 93 year old Aunt, my mother’s older sister, only child/son. Then my Aunt’s caregiver’s husband died suddenly in bed at age 57, as well as her 34 year old niece from a ‘heart attack’. Those deaths were this year within months of each other. They were all proudly ‘vaccinated’, as they told me so.
The deaths of the caregivers husband and niece were chalked up to be “poor health in the 57 year old husband” and “previous drug use in the 34 year old niece”. Utter and complete BS.
It's called "willful ignorance" - it's way too "scary" to believe that our government is in bed with huge pharma in order to use our population as GUINEA PIGS!!
Like everyone else, we have several folks in our circle of friends, family, coworkers, etc. who have died suddenly, had sudden onset of turbo cancer and/or various other maladies. I had a conversation with a very good friend who was telling me how 2 teachers had died suddenly at her school in October. She was baffled by it, as the deceased were young (mid thirties & forties). She is jabbed and boosted and isn't interested (yet) as to the likely causes. I just said, "Yeah, there is a lot of that going around." I will be available when she is ready to hear the truth.
I wrote up a questionaire for my local active Repubs in my county...one question was A). were you or anyone you know a victim of CoVid 19 or attempted medical treatment for the condition?
B) were you or anyone you know vaxxine injured?
C) have you been the victim of violent crime?
E) Have law enforcement of the court system ever been abusive toward you? ..and other such normal everyday questions to get a feel of people's life experiences
That's terrible to hear, and I'm sorry for your friends. But it supports a theory I've seen that injuries are due to "hot lots" of bad batches sent to differing parts of the country. I live 20 min from DC surrounded by high-level govt workers and don't know a single person claiming a vax injury or death. (My family and I are purebloods) No way would Those Who Know want their own friends and family in the DC area taking the dangerous shots.
Yes, the extension of the jab maker's liability shield MUST GO, as well as the Big pHarma vaccine liability shield entitled The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. Dr. Andy Wakefield, my personal hero, made a great movie about this debacle https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17313358/
Never forget that childhood vaccines are the primary cause of autism. It is NOT better diagnosis. My friend Laura Hayes sent me this great quote the other day:
“Saying autism rates are higher because of better detection is like saying obesity rates are higher because we have better scales. Let’s not pretend we can’t see what’s happening with our own eyes."
Author - Elie Jarrouge, MD
The latest research in 2023 from the CDC shows that one in 36 children is now diagnosed with autism. This is an increase from one in 44 children two years ago.
The rate is one in 22 children in CA and FL. Trump misspoke in a recent interview when he said the rate of autism is one in a hundred. I wish someone would inform him of the current CDC rate which by all estimates is lower than the real numbers.
That is just Autism. Then there is the reality of rapidly rising rates of autoimmune disorders in our children - asthma, type 1 diabetes, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, lupus. Also the rapidly rising rates (more better diagnosis hogwash) of learning disabilities, ADD, epilepsy, encephalopathy, chronic allergies, eczema, obesity, and childhood cancers. I am sure in my haste I forgot more.
Trump needs to eliminate the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and restore liability to ALL vaccine manufacturers and also restore liability to those who distribute and administer those vaccines. Only THEN will we see a healthier childhood population.
I would love to see the powers around the world who worked SO diligently to FORCE this bioweapon jab on the world's populace HANGED for their terror tactics. However, "money talks" and the power potentates aren't going to allow JUSTICE to be done. I wish I were wrong - it would take a God miracle for any kind of 'justice' to be wrought!
It’s really good & well documented— big Pharma has consistently avoided doing proper RCTs by giving control groups an alternate vaccine instead of a placebo! Infuriating 😠
And don’t even get me started on how they REFUSE to do a study comparing the vaccinated against populations that don’t vaccinate at all (like many Amish)! It’s almost like they’re hiding something.
They (huge pharma/government 'health' agencies) ARE hiding something - IN PLAIN SIGHT and most people are too busy and too "weak thinking" to investigate the 'root cause' of all of these autoimmune disorders and 'early years' deaths since the bioweapon was rolled out on the world's populace!
I just learned last night that my sister's rare, aggressive cancer (leiomyosarcoma) has spread to one of her lungs. It was first found in the lining of blood vessels in her abdomen. She's 52 (twenty years younger than me) and totally believed in the covid shots. It's another reminder that this horror is not over. People are still paying the price for their blind trust.
My sister in law died this morning of stage 4 pancreatic cancer. She had all the shots and boosters. She was diagnosed in July. She was 64 just 18 months older than my husband. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy.
I'm so sorry. One thing I find difficult is that we aren't allowed to talk about it being due to the vaccines. I have spoken up a bit to individuals and occasionally in a church group, but it angers me that most people don't want to know. I haven't mentioned it to my sister and I wonder, what is the point? It doesn't change anything; it just upsets the victim.
There is a point in trying to wake them up. . There are things you can take to ameliorate the damage, like Nattokinase, D3, Ivermectin, and NAC. Not aware of anything that will undo the damage, but that was just a short list of things that can help the jabbed. A friend who got transverse myelitis badly from the jab goes to the same Dr. as Robert Malone for help (~ 1 hour away), and she said her symptoms are about 50 % better now.
My experience has been they would rather pretend everything is fine.
Yes! It's so weird to walk among people and not have anyone seem concerned, unless I mention it. I have a few friends I can talk to, but most people are just living life and ignoring it.
My neighbor has been to two celebrations of life this holiday season, both aggressive cancers. It was all so unnecessary. I worry for my son who was forced to do 4 shots total to keep his hard won spot in college. One booster had to be completed by a certain date when he’d just had covid a week before AND it was finally admitted that myocarditis was a risk for makes in his age group! Maddening.
It is maddening that your son was forced to take these shots! I don't think I will ever recover, in this life, from what they've done to so many people. If I didn't have faith in Christ, I would be in total despair. I pray your son will be okay.
Susan I'm so sorry- the suffering going on in families as a result of this bio weapon is beyond evil. May perpetual light shine upon your dear sister in law and may we all gain strength to continue pushing back on these lies. Pancreatic cancer used to be so incredibly rare.
Truly, sad that anyone has to see their loved one sick-or-die from a shot that NEVER should have been taken, let alone FORCED to take! So sorry, Susan, you lost your sister-in-law this morning! 🙏 God’s peace be upon you….
Wishing you peace and comfort Susan. It’s so odd how many women are suddenly and unexpectedly getting pancreatic cancer. Before when it was rare, it was typically men that were stricken.
I am so sorry. It is so frustrating when we think about the fact that this is another preventable death.... The "experts" knew this was going to happen.
I also just learned that a long time friend in her late sixties just died of stage 4 pancreatic cancer. It was stage 4 when they found it and had already metastisized. Their daughter lives in Hawaii and they got the "safe and effective" jabs so they could visit her.
An acquaintance from my church, fully vaccinated, was diagnosed with diabetes and almost immediately after, with pancreatic cancer. It was too advanced for surgery and she died a few months ago. Another church member who got the shots to protect her elderly mother, now has triple negative breast cancer. I have a long list of likely vaccine injuries and deaths.
I'm probably going to refer her to Dr. William Makis. I can't imagine she will consider anything other than traditional treatment, but I won't know if I don't try.
Shocking, he said that even just one shot puts people in that category. I don’t see a date for immunologist Bossche’s statement. I’d like to hear an update from both of them as to whether they still stand by their grim predictions 3 years in.
I believe they first came out with those predictions sometime in '21
So we should be hitting their time-frame anytime... perhaps this winter's flu season. People are certainly dying in large numbers already... Ed Dowd is a VERY sharp guy...
Oregon--Cant read it. One family member with one J&J jab. Sickened to even think about it. DILaw with series, unsure how many. Dr. Tenpenny warned of this years back, near the beginning. She said 5 years but has begun sooner. One of her reports spoke of lasting for 5 generations, I am unable to remember exactly--but there is also that to consider
I have been keeping an eye on Dr. Bossche. He is controlled opposition protected behind a pay-wall to protect him from being challenged. He still hypes the same line that the "covid virus" is going to cause massive death. The so-called covid virus produces nothing significant. This is a deception to deflect from the truth that the bio-weapon shot deployed by the DoD in partnership with the pharma/medical complex (motivated by $$) is causing massive disability and death.
In the article, clearly stated: "Dr. Bossche warns that a “huge, huge wave” of illness and deaths among those vaccinated for Covid is now “imminent.”
I have never heard him claim that the Covid "virus", and not the vax, would be responsible. The above quote hardly qualifies him as "controlled opposition".
It's very bad, no question about that, but I don't put much credence into these kind of extreme doom predictions. They're much like those being put out by the Gorebull Warning crowd.
While it was delightful to see my twin’s (Leslie Murphree) comment to Jeff’s stack of yesterday be the top comment, it was heartbreaking to read comments from so many who know people that died from the Covid shots or were injured. Their grief and distress is palpable.
Thank you Jeff, for encouraging everyone to donate to React19. I was happy to donate and want to remind those that haven’t yet, to please donate if you have the means.
And to anyone here that knows someone who still believes the lies of “safe and effective”, please share with them my Substack. It might just awaken them.
“A picture is worth a thousand words”
We will soon be releasing the results of our 2024 embalmer blood clot survey (85% of the embalmers that responded to our survey are seeing the clots - an increase from our last two surveys).
We also conducted a people’s blood clot survey that over 1700 people (and still counting) across the world responded to (these white fibrous clots are also being found in the living):
I got two shots. So far, I’m still ok. I’ve been given a gift from God that I will not take for granted . I will never stop talking about the harms they have caused.
Yes, and the extension of the jab makers' liability shield MUST GO!
Reminder from Russell Brand:
At our Christmas gathering yesterday almost our entire group knew several in their circles who are battling vax injuries or have passed from complications due to those injuries. It seems to be getting worse by the hour.
When jab injuries started appearing very soon after rollout, it was merely the tip of the iceberg. Many of us theorized it would cascade within 2-5 years & that’s what seems to be happening now….
And our “betters” at all levels are trying to blame the surges in cancer, infertility & other damage (esp in children & young adults) on seed oils & such. That’s all true but they’ve obviously been trying to kill us for decades w/ what is & has been allowed in our food, water, air, cosmetics & other products but we’ve been unwittingly exposed to all of that for a very long time if we’ve lived long enough. The only common denominator to explain the tsunami of damage & death now is introduction of the jabs circa 2021
I’ve been on disability far too long, bad booster and Lyme in 2001, I was in my prime. Then I let them gaslight me for many years. When they don’t know what to do, they throw antidepressants at you and call you noncompliant if you refuse.
I am very sorry too. It saddens me no end that the vast majority of people pre pandemic lived by the 4 stupidest words in the English language; "I trust my doctor". I am as guilty as the rest, though I did wake up right after realizing 9/11 was an inside job.
"I'm going to let my doctors decide what's best," said by my more than a decade ago deceased younger sister when I proposed looking at alternatives to deal with her cancer. I was so shocked I didn't know what to say. Then I got angry but kept it to myself, not wanting to add injury to an obviously distressing situation. Enter 5 rounds of chemo over the ensuing 4 years. Complete surrender of power. It was a pattern in her life, unchanged by would-be lessons, including our dad killed by the chemo to treat his cancer 30 years prior. You'd think, but, no. Nothing I could offer was going to fundamentally change her. After that stated decision I knew she would likely not survive.
I suspect the same sort of pattern in the immovable sector of folks who continue to trust their doctors. They lack a sense of personal power. I wonder if there's anything that can stir them to realize what lay dormant in them, even the knowledge that they've been deceived, if they could accept it. I concede mournfully they are lost souls, many soon to exit, the end result of "stupid" this go-round. Bigger truth, we're all going someday, in our own time. Heck, for all I know, I could be a day away from my last breath. If so it would be due to accident, maybe even stupid, though I flatter myself that mostly I'm not. Can't discount the possibility of a moment. Rambling.
I am blessed to have had a father who was a pathologist and told we kids to avoid vaccines. He would say "don't mess with your immune system!" In my day, there were very few school vaccines, I got the tetanus vax every 10 years (?) because I had horses. But that's about it. I did get the two shingles shots in 2021, after a long hesitancy. I wish I had been on this Substack or X at the time, as I was on the fence and may have been talked out of it. Definitely avoided the Covid jab. Very healthy, active, no Rxs, almost 68 years old...
Rosalind, I know your struggles all too well. I’ve been struggling since receiving an influenza vaccine in 1985. It wasn’t until fairly recently that I started making the connection between various vaccines over the years since and my resultant health setbacks.
I’m now struggling with the extreme effects mold now bestows on me.
I swear I now suffer from PTSD with every encounter with a medical “professional”. My head will explode the next time they try to push me to another encounter with a psychiatrist. I just recently blew up at a VA shrink who was trying to prescribe a new medication.
Stay away from doctors and you will be much healthier!
I can recommend a wellness book from "Prevention" Publishing (Rodale Press) entitled "Giant Book of Health Facts" that is science based and WHOLE MEDICINE presented. STAY AWAY from the mainstream "health" practitioners and diligently seek a FUNCTIONAL medicine practice in your area.
You WILL be healthier and happier, John. Stay away from the V.A.!!
I’m so sorry about your struggles Rosalind.
I got the same treatment with 5years of RA and SLE prior to finally being diagnosed. I feel your pain.
I KNOW this is a public forum, but did you get treatment? and are you feeling better? I have RA and haven't even started investigating the treatments... but I'm also hearing how much the intestines and intestinal flora have to do with your neurotransmitters.... literally the gut is a major component in endogenous major depressive disorder. So it took you 5 years to get the diagnosis? seems like they have a sed rate blood test which pretty much diagnoses R.A...... and ANA (USED TO work in a blood lab).
death and disability by dozens of means to mask it all, and keep the herd confused and divided. Put some flouride in my GMO-based High Fructose Corn syrup beverage with a touch of ester of wood rosin and yellow dye #666 in it, zero juice and some natural and artificial flavorings just to mask the chlorine and I'll chug a 20 oz daily. NO Lead in it however, so all good!
LAB LEAK my ASS, they would need to prove that, otherwise this was intentional... along with the lockdowns of Hong Kong and internally in China and the continued Chinese flights into Europe (Italy) and the resulting trade disruptions with EU and USA that made trade talks and tariffs a non-factor. The mRNA bioVaxx weapons' readiness to be finalized and mass produced and distributed under Warped Speed along with the assault on off-label treatments is also evidence of soft Intentional Deployment of the CoVid 19 in Aug-Oct 2019, with a Media-Gvt-WHO Focused Blitz in Dec-Febr to announce a World Premiere Pandemic. ALL are Victims of a Conspiracy to commit and/or participate as willing or mal-informed auxiliaries in War Crimes upon civilians.
Who will take up the cause to charge, prosecute, and carry out sentencing?
"LAB LEAK my ASS"............. Thank you! Saves me from having to say it.
Let's be clear (and I've repeated this ad infinitum), Dr. David Martin has documented that the so-called covid "virus" does not exist. The "virus" is a man-made synthetic, replication defective, poisoning agent based on a computer model of a coronavirus. This "poison" has to be manufactured and MANUALLY deployed to simulate a "pandemic". (BTW, pandemics don't really exist but I digress.) IN OTHER WORDS, covid is NOT a virus from nature.
The transparent, phoney wet-market theory first floated for the virus was a psyops to get us to accept the replacement theory that the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab. In reality, the Wuhan lab was set up ahead of the plandemic to provide cover and divert blame away from the actual perpetrators of the Plandemic, the USG Department of Defense and those who control it. Both the so-called covid virus and the follow-up bioweapon deployment had been developed years before the plandemic in the US and US controlled foreign bio-labs. This was all financed by the unlimited budget of the USG military/industrial complex.
The revival of the lab leak theory is an obvious deception to deflect attention away from those actually guilty of the mass democide we are now witness to. As long as they keep us arguing about this phoney deception, we will never recognize the truth of who is actually murdering us.
I agree, "covid" was not a virus, in the commonly accepted meaning of the word, IF viruses even exist. Was it developed in one of the Ukraine bioweapons labs? It was most certainly used to get the party started toward implementing the years-long lockdown and reset.
They relied on their lies about it being contagious and deadly, when it never was. They suppressed actual therapeutics that were the only treatment needed, otherwise their plan for lockdowns and social distancing would fall apart. Their actual murder weapon was the vaxx rollout, planned months, if not years, in advance.
In that regard, covid was a hoax, a scam. Dr. Paul Alexander has said this all along, including today in this Substack:
I agree. I don't believe any virus was leaked or came from any animals and it's become a common argument of two sides fighting over where the alleged virus came from rather than asking if there really was a virus. Either side is the wrong side with the narrative of both controlled by the powers that be. The deaths can all be explained through the horrible lethal "vaccines" and many, many people receiving lethal treatments for anything that (falsely) tested as Covid. Vents, Remdesivir, shots all lethal. Not to mention that there was a large financial incentive to label anyone that stepped into a hospital with covid. So you die of a heart attack but dying of covid pays nicely so guess what your death certificate said? I still recall the many fools waiting in parking lots to get tested, not because they felt sick but because the media/gov't fear campaigns said you could be the next Typhoid Mary and must find out if you are an asymptomatic carrier and as soon as you got that false positive, you were doomed.
bacterial i have also heard postulated
That is because the people at the tippy top who ordered this genocide are the people whose names you don't even know.
It would be interesting to give them a shot of this vaccine and see if they claim that the shooter should be charged with murder - being safe and effective....
Amen to all that was said here! The Wuhan Lab Leak theory is utter BS! It’s all contrived…just like the HIV/AIDS BS, was. Just ask Celia Farber who writes here on Substack…The Truth Barrier. She lived through all of it, as a journalist writing about it, was scorned and beat up over what she and others wrote, “throwing back the curtain” on it all, and now we have the C*V*D Scamdemic!
Right?! We forget about the HIV/AIDS bullshit. Nothing new under the sun.
so any whistleblowers on deployment teams globally? so much compartmentalization. Was Wuhan China truly ground zero or just saturated by the release as it was somewhat pro-Western and China wanted to quash (disappear) so many there in quick fashion? I KNOW it was in Utah and Colorado in Nov-Dec 2019 long before the "first case" was officially announced by our Fake Media and Lying Govt.
"I KNOW it was in Utah and Colorado in Nov-Dec 2019 long before the "first case" was officially announced by our Fake Media and Lying Govt."
Right on.
I live in the community from which the ground zero case emerged, and I can attest to the fact it had already burned through here like a wildfire months prior to the "first case" announcement.
But we also knew this wasn't just the typical flu, because although it wasn't killing people, it was seriously kicking butts and knocking people down in a way the "normal" flu did not.
We'd all survived it by the time they'd declared the "2 weeks to flatten the curve" scam, and after that the deadly protocols kicked in. That's when the fatalities began.
This was an orchestrated, malicious and deadly attack. Many heads need to roll.
Except for those already immune compromised, I don't think the bio-weapon "virus" symptoms amounted to anything more than the like results of a cold or flu. And thus all flu disappeared during the plandemic as all such symptoms were classified as covid to hype the "pandemic deception." They will keep pushing this narrative to keep two-thirds of the population corralled. It is the pesky one-third that didn't take the shot that is a problem to them.
I spoke to a guy in early 2020 who said he went on a ski trip to Colorado in November 2019 and he was sick as a dog. He’s a conservative retired oral surgeon and he was questioning everything as was I.
Yes, it was in Albuquerque NM in Nov/Dec 2019 as well!
But how do we really know there even was something different called SARS-Cov-2 or Covid-19? How can anyone claim they had this when PCR tests are not reliable. Tucker keeps saying he had it and his wife had it. How does anyone know? Flus vary in severity, so this whole thing could have been nothing more than a real bad Flu. Or the alternative I can believe is that a poison was dispersed. I and my family members never had anything horrible in 2019, 2020, 2021 here in So Cal.
Remember the Wuhan death explosion and maniacle lockdowns happened when they blitzed the city all at once with 5G amounts equivalent to the entire 5G capacity of the US at the time. The symptoms of radiation poisoning are synonymous with so called Covid/
Thank you.... Exactly right. And we are being irradiated here in the US now. Their democide war against us is NOT over just because we "elected" Trump. It's just taking different forms and we always seem to be behind the power curve in recognizing what is going on.
Spanish Flu started 1917 at Camp Riley, KS where large-scale radio wave use was being employed right? Then widespread aspirin use to treat the infected caused deaths. How did the Spanish Royal Family get targeted and infected i wonder--to throw everyone off the scent (perhaps assassination), then the swine and bird flu theories from British Army herds/flocks in Belgium also blamed to get ever more $$$$ to bio-research.
And now there is this................................
The new COVID vaxx that replicates itself; what??!
....Here’s a clue to how crazy they can get: how the hell did they come up with the idea of the spike protein…when the virus which is supposed to contain the protein has never been isolated, never been discovered, and doesn’t exist except as a fairy tale?
Saved me from saying it, too. YES, all courtesy of the USGDOD.
thanks and agreed. can't be said often enough
"LAB LEAK my ASS"....
thank you! they are already trying to run from prosecution
^^This! Point by point you nailed it.
It was a Murder/Cripple for profit scheme ... plain and simple truth.
Exactly. Money and the love of money has been the means of deploying their bio-weapons upon an unsuspecting population for the purpose of depopulation and control. The actual death rate is going through the roof and it is going un-remarked. Even the disability rate has to be multiples of the death rate.
Understand, with that kind of devastating shrinkage of the population in the West, the results are going to be extremely hard economic times ahead - regardless of who is "elected".
Yet it is based on a "higher humanistic morality", the Money and power are the wages paid out for EVIL to advance. Occultic ties and forces promise these to the eager Middle Management for our global human misery.
Transnational biowarfate against humanity......many are culpable but start with Bill Ghate$.
So the initial Bio-Chem Weapons programs in Europe (and elsewhere) in preparation for the Great War were initiated by Industrialists and how easily the Centralized Royals and Govts were persuaded to sanction and fund them...along with other sales pitches these rulers were putting their own heads and those of their peoples in the noose.
"Who will take up the cause to charge, prosecute, and carry out sentencing?"
INFORMED CONSENT has been negated. When everyone gets out of the weeds we should really look at how these people got away without informed consent???? I feel so ashamed for not speaking out more! I spoke out a lot and made a lot of people and family mad....... some don't speak to me to this day. But it's informed CONSENT!!! if you don't have informed consent..... and you must show that the person, if they were able and were of sound mind (without legal guardian need for minors or incapacitated persons) had the OPPORTUNITY to understand the treatment and then were free and not coerced in ANY WAY to consent or to decline.
either you consent to care
you decline care!
This is a part of the medical and dental practice acts of every state. How did they get around this very important statute that carries with it grave penalties for each and every instance! So at $1000 per incident...... you are looking at bankrupting every doctor, pharmacy and hospital...... or was this their intent all along.
note: our local hospital just filed bankruptcy in Feb., 2024. I went there in oct. 2021 and they gave me ivermecting, budesonide, luvonox, Z-pac and got me to sign and decline an informed consent refusing remdesivir.
I never met the doctor. I looked for him and can't find him. iT'S LIKE he was a ghost or even an angel.
You’re absolutely 💯 percent right!
You got it
China started making changes at Wuhan well before the vid became a threat. The scientists were replaced by military personnel and the bug got out in Aug 2019.
From Tucker’s interview with Jenner Furst, “Thank You Dr Fauci” movie.
My gut intuition in Jan. 2020) said "Chinese military was a instigator or a co-conspirator in Bioweapon release to completely crush Hong Kong and other pro-Western Chinese (esp in Wuhan) also derail any and all trade negotiations with EU and USA." My PhD Libtarded older brother irate at my postulation answered with "proof of EVOLUTION" maybe one of his Humans are a Cancer anyway and need to be culled remarks...we ALL Know the type intimately (Over-educated Progressive Death Cult Kooks. EvilYouShun. Nature is trying to kill off overpopulating humanity and correct Climate Change (with the help of evil wicked depraved elitist occultic Commie-Conspiracy Freak Criminals)
No powerful person in today's world--that's for certain. It will have to be
a MASSIVE UPRISING by the citizenry! On the order of the "Les Miserables"!!
JW - I can’t bear to “like” your comment.
The dam breaks when everyone has someone in their circle affected by these bioweapons.
I think everyone does. The dead and injured are so numerous, everyone must know of the vxx injured even if they don't recognize it yet. They just remain in denial or they still feel un-affirmed in their realization. I'm not an expert on group dynamics but there has to be a point where the population as a whole reach "critical mass" in this knowledge and, like a herd, will suddenly react to it.
Too many people are still talking as though The Release was the pandemic, not the Kill Shot.
And this is how real disinformation works: mis-label, mis-ascribe, muddle and befuddle. And finger point until Truth becomes a poor tincture of its former potent self.
It really was "Turtles All the Way Down" (I've yet to read that book). There was no "wet market" origin, no "lab leak", nobody falling down dead in the streets in China, no hospital "covid" deaths (all were iatrogenic due to Ramdesivir, ventilators, failure to treat properly with anti-biotics, withholding of fluids and blanket DNR orders). There was no excess mortality til right after the shots were rolled out, and then it was dramatic.
I'm with Mike Yeadon and Sasha Latypova: ALL of it was the flu, repackaged as a "deadly novel virus". Utter bullshit.
The Release was merely the set-up (soft-controllable and manageable by all gvts everywhere to shut down everything) and perfect pretext to the half dozen kill shots offered globally ($$$$). We were told initially not to mask but then to mask, to test often, that a vaccine was 10 years away even as every death possible around us was FAKED as CoVid related to hype the data and increase fear. 8 Billion people were sold on the Vaxxes as their only hope as even a prior infection was NO protection. MIND Fking on Global Scale by nearly every funded legitimate entity in existence all at once. AMAZING.
Aye! And like a buffalo herd never moving as the hunters kill every member of the herd without ever reacting to the death around them, the psyops is so effective there may never be a reaction. Besides the pervasive psyops, humans seem to be incapable of recognizing that the blame for the mass death and destruction around them in any major "killing field", such as WWI, WWII or the Plandemic, falls squarely upon their own Governments.
On my mother’s side of the family I have had older two cousins (71 & 78) ‘die suddenly’ from heart events in 2022 & April 2024. One of them was my 93 year old Aunt, my mother’s older sister, only child/son. Then my Aunt’s caregiver’s husband died suddenly in bed at age 57, as well as her 34 year old niece from a ‘heart attack’. Those deaths were this year within months of each other. They were all proudly ‘vaccinated’, as they told me so.
The deaths of the caregivers husband and niece were chalked up to be “poor health in the 57 year old husband” and “previous drug use in the 34 year old niece”. Utter and complete BS.
It's called "willful ignorance" - it's way too "scary" to believe that our government is in bed with huge pharma in order to use our population as GUINEA PIGS!!
I hope so except my circle is extremely stupid
You are not alone. I'm surrounded by ignorance, and quite a few are injured but never the shot & boosters.
The psyops is very effective.
"The only things that are infinite are the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe "
I agree with the critical moment observation that a time will come when even Ahnie and Rachel Madcow have to admit they've been had.
Like everyone else, we have several folks in our circle of friends, family, coworkers, etc. who have died suddenly, had sudden onset of turbo cancer and/or various other maladies. I had a conversation with a very good friend who was telling me how 2 teachers had died suddenly at her school in October. She was baffled by it, as the deceased were young (mid thirties & forties). She is jabbed and boosted and isn't interested (yet) as to the likely causes. I just said, "Yeah, there is a lot of that going around." I will be available when she is ready to hear the truth.
Mrs. "the Knife"
I wrote up a questionaire for my local active Repubs in my county...one question was A). were you or anyone you know a victim of CoVid 19 or attempted medical treatment for the condition?
B) were you or anyone you know vaxxine injured?
C) have you been the victim of violent crime?
E) Have law enforcement of the court system ever been abusive toward you? ..and other such normal everyday questions to get a feel of people's life experiences
Like to think that is true, but my wife's family is proof it isn't.
We are still mourning our loss of our dear friend and musician Jimmy Sellers. He didn’t make it through the turbo cancer radiation treatment at 88.
So very many heartbreaking stories Rosalind. 😢
That's terrible to hear, and I'm sorry for your friends. But it supports a theory I've seen that injuries are due to "hot lots" of bad batches sent to differing parts of the country. I live 20 min from DC surrounded by high-level govt workers and don't know a single person claiming a vax injury or death. (My family and I are purebloods) No way would Those Who Know want their own friends and family in the DC area taking the dangerous shots.
Was your group super aware or was it newly awake folks? I'm surprised at who I still know who won't acknowledge any of it.
Yes, the extension of the jab maker's liability shield MUST GO, as well as the Big pHarma vaccine liability shield entitled The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. Dr. Andy Wakefield, my personal hero, made a great movie about this debacle https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17313358/
Never forget that childhood vaccines are the primary cause of autism. It is NOT better diagnosis. My friend Laura Hayes sent me this great quote the other day:
“Saying autism rates are higher because of better detection is like saying obesity rates are higher because we have better scales. Let’s not pretend we can’t see what’s happening with our own eyes."
Author - Elie Jarrouge, MD
The latest research in 2023 from the CDC shows that one in 36 children is now diagnosed with autism. This is an increase from one in 44 children two years ago.
The rate is one in 22 children in CA and FL. Trump misspoke in a recent interview when he said the rate of autism is one in a hundred. I wish someone would inform him of the current CDC rate which by all estimates is lower than the real numbers.
That is just Autism. Then there is the reality of rapidly rising rates of autoimmune disorders in our children - asthma, type 1 diabetes, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, lupus. Also the rapidly rising rates (more better diagnosis hogwash) of learning disabilities, ADD, epilepsy, encephalopathy, chronic allergies, eczema, obesity, and childhood cancers. I am sure in my haste I forgot more.
Trump needs to eliminate the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and restore liability to ALL vaccine manufacturers and also restore liability to those who distribute and administer those vaccines. Only THEN will we see a healthier childhood population.
I would love to see the powers around the world who worked SO diligently to FORCE this bioweapon jab on the world's populace HANGED for their terror tactics. However, "money talks" and the power potentates aren't going to allow JUSTICE to be done. I wish I were wrong - it would take a God miracle for any kind of 'justice' to be wrought!
I just started reading: Turtles All the Way Down…
It’s really good & well documented— big Pharma has consistently avoided doing proper RCTs by giving control groups an alternate vaccine instead of a placebo! Infuriating 😠
And don’t even get me started on how they REFUSE to do a study comparing the vaccinated against populations that don’t vaccinate at all (like many Amish)! It’s almost like they’re hiding something.
They (huge pharma/government 'health' agencies) ARE hiding something - IN PLAIN SIGHT and most people are too busy and too "weak thinking" to investigate the 'root cause' of all of these autoimmune disorders and 'early years' deaths since the bioweapon was rolled out on the world's populace!
I just learned last night that my sister's rare, aggressive cancer (leiomyosarcoma) has spread to one of her lungs. It was first found in the lining of blood vessels in her abdomen. She's 52 (twenty years younger than me) and totally believed in the covid shots. It's another reminder that this horror is not over. People are still paying the price for their blind trust.
My sister in law died this morning of stage 4 pancreatic cancer. She had all the shots and boosters. She was diagnosed in July. She was 64 just 18 months older than my husband. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy.
I'm so sorry. One thing I find difficult is that we aren't allowed to talk about it being due to the vaccines. I have spoken up a bit to individuals and occasionally in a church group, but it angers me that most people don't want to know. I haven't mentioned it to my sister and I wonder, what is the point? It doesn't change anything; it just upsets the victim.
There is a point in trying to wake them up. . There are things you can take to ameliorate the damage, like Nattokinase, D3, Ivermectin, and NAC. Not aware of anything that will undo the damage, but that was just a short list of things that can help the jabbed. A friend who got transverse myelitis badly from the jab goes to the same Dr. as Robert Malone for help (~ 1 hour away), and she said her symptoms are about 50 % better now.
My experience has been they would rather pretend everything is fine.
Or they pretend that everything is ‘normal’, just ‘what happens’ while they are dying of turbo cancer or Lewy Body or anything else.
What makes this situation all the more sorrowful is if this was happening by any other means, there would be talk a plenty.
Yes! It's so weird to walk among people and not have anyone seem concerned, unless I mention it. I have a few friends I can talk to, but most people are just living life and ignoring it.
My neighbor has been to two celebrations of life this holiday season, both aggressive cancers. It was all so unnecessary. I worry for my son who was forced to do 4 shots total to keep his hard won spot in college. One booster had to be completed by a certain date when he’d just had covid a week before AND it was finally admitted that myocarditis was a risk for makes in his age group! Maddening.
It is maddening that your son was forced to take these shots! I don't think I will ever recover, in this life, from what they've done to so many people. If I didn't have faith in Christ, I would be in total despair. I pray your son will be okay.
Susan I'm so sorry- the suffering going on in families as a result of this bio weapon is beyond evil. May perpetual light shine upon your dear sister in law and may we all gain strength to continue pushing back on these lies. Pancreatic cancer used to be so incredibly rare.
Susan - I have no words. 😢
Truly, sad that anyone has to see their loved one sick-or-die from a shot that NEVER should have been taken, let alone FORCED to take! So sorry, Susan, you lost your sister-in-law this morning! 🙏 God’s peace be upon you….
Wishing you peace and comfort Susan. It’s so odd how many women are suddenly and unexpectedly getting pancreatic cancer. Before when it was rare, it was typically men that were stricken.
Oh Susan. I will pray for peace and comfort for you and your family. ✝️
So very sorry ❤️
I am so sorry. It is so frustrating when we think about the fact that this is another preventable death.... The "experts" knew this was going to happen.
Susan, I’m so sorry for your loss.
So sorry Susan. Prayers!
I’m so sorry for your tragic loss.
I’m so sorry Anne.
I am so sorry.
I also just learned that a long time friend in her late sixties just died of stage 4 pancreatic cancer. It was stage 4 when they found it and had already metastisized. Their daughter lives in Hawaii and they got the "safe and effective" jabs so they could visit her.
An acquaintance from my church, fully vaccinated, was diagnosed with diabetes and almost immediately after, with pancreatic cancer. It was too advanced for surgery and she died a few months ago. Another church member who got the shots to protect her elderly mother, now has triple negative breast cancer. I have a long list of likely vaccine injuries and deaths.
Get her to look into fenbendazole and ivermectin and Artemisinin, FAST!!
I'm probably going to refer her to Dr. William Makis. I can't imagine she will consider anything other than traditional treatment, but I won't know if I don't try.
Makis is very sharp.
If she sticks with traditional treatment... her chances are slim.
But yes, only so much you can do.
I’m so sorry. People were so propagandized and trusting. None of what happened was right.
IT is getting worse and will continue to do so... from 2021:
Check out Dr. Ardis for ways to mitigate the damage.
Shocking, he said that even just one shot puts people in that category. I don’t see a date for immunologist Bossche’s statement. I’d like to hear an update from both of them as to whether they still stand by their grim predictions 3 years in.
I believe they first came out with those predictions sometime in '21
So we should be hitting their time-frame anytime... perhaps this winter's flu season. People are certainly dying in large numbers already... Ed Dowd is a VERY sharp guy...
Oregon--Cant read it. One family member with one J&J jab. Sickened to even think about it. DILaw with series, unsure how many. Dr. Tenpenny warned of this years back, near the beginning. She said 5 years but has begun sooner. One of her reports spoke of lasting for 5 generations, I am unable to remember exactly--but there is also that to consider
I have been keeping an eye on Dr. Bossche. He is controlled opposition protected behind a pay-wall to protect him from being challenged. He still hypes the same line that the "covid virus" is going to cause massive death. The so-called covid virus produces nothing significant. This is a deception to deflect from the truth that the bio-weapon shot deployed by the DoD in partnership with the pharma/medical complex (motivated by $$) is causing massive disability and death.
In the article, clearly stated: "Dr. Bossche warns that a “huge, huge wave” of illness and deaths among those vaccinated for Covid is now “imminent.”
I have never heard him claim that the Covid "virus", and not the vax, would be responsible. The above quote hardly qualifies him as "controlled opposition".
It's very bad, no question about that, but I don't put much credence into these kind of extreme doom predictions. They're much like those being put out by the Gorebull Warning crowd.