Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

Great work on the Dr. Boz story. Very interesting to see these people coming around to vaxxine injuries.

Will we reach a point where everyone will question The Shots?

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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

There seem to be three types of vax pushers in the medical establishment; the gullible, those in denial, and those that are complicit.

Dr. Boz seems to be in the first group, she really thought the vax pushers were acting in our best interests. She's since learned otherwise and has made a 180 deg reversal. Better late then never I guess, but why was she recommending an invasive medical procedure based on zero independent research of her own? However, these people do have a moral compass and come clean once they realize the truth. John Campbell is another one of these.

Those in denial know deep down this is all nonsense, but they go along out of fear. Their kids Ivy League education isn't going to pay for itself after all, and that's at risk if they rock the boat. This is the largest group probably, and these people are contemptible.

Last off are those that are actively complicit and are being paid by pharma to lie (laundered through grants and honorariums). This is a tiny group but they are hugely influential due to their positions in the medical hierarchy.

Bottom line is that you cannot trust the medical establishment to act in your best interests. Mea culpas years after the fact don't cut it. That doesn't mean that one should reject everything told by a doctor, but that you must check it out yourself using critical thought and independent sources prior to going along with pretty much anything they recommend. It's a sad state of affairs.

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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes! Very well stated. Regarding your last 2 lines, I was shocked in 2021 how people I admired and respected at work blindly took the shots and pressured everyone around them to also take them.

I’m talking about engineers and professionals who RESEARCH for a living. They are trained on cost/benefit, risk/reward, scientific method, SWOT and many other critical thinking analysis tools. We know about Group Think, Confirmation Bias and authoritarian influence.

Yet, when I made simple statements like, “everyone should consider their own health to evaluate the risk/reward”, these “smart” people pushed back on me. Soon I stopped discussing it with people. I realized it was not open to debate.

I only found one other person at work who thought like me during this time. The pressure to confirm was the most I’ve ever experienced as an adult and I will never forget it.

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Me too! And I'm talking PHARMACISTS! With advanced degrees! I literally have no pharmacist friends any more because of the "heresy" that came out of my mouth and made its way to FB

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Honestly I think Covid ruined more relationships than anything else has!

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I know my fb friends size was cut in half because I was outspoken. And I don’t miss any of them. Good riddance .

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I did lose a few and than I just stopped posting about it. I’m that crazy conspiracy nut, so be it. My pronouns are I TOLD YOU SO🤷🏻‍♀️

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I blocked my entire family first, before they could block me! Although that was probably when MAGA got going…the jabs were just the mattresses tied to the top of the station wagon…

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Covid and politics… I gladly list friends over these 2 topics.

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I have a sister who may be shunning me now over these 2 topics. The other sister did it early. I deigned to tell her don’t take anymore jabs. I just couldn’t live with myself anymore if I didn’t say something. They are both lost. I also revealed I am a conservative leaning, pro life Christian. Neither a dem nor republican but politically marooned. She within 5 minutes texted a link to “right wing Christian churches”. From the usual sources. I’m not even attending a church now because the liberal ones rolled over so quickly and easily. She is an atheist and I have never denigrated that nor pushed my faith on her. I pointed that out. I haven’t heard from her since. I’ll give her a call next week. Our brother, his family and some nieces are like me and both sisters know it but I’m the villain here. How much am I supposed to apologize to stay in relationship with them? I’m over it. I’m here if they need me.

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So who is behind Covid? Is one of their known goals to "fundamentally transform" western civilization into a replica of Somalia, or Niger?

This does not take advanced STEM-degree thinking, folks.

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Every time I get in a discussion with someone my question to them is some group were able to shut down the entire country the entire world who was it?

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This is the billion or trillion dollar question. And gets right down to Christy's comment. And I don't have firm final answers. BUT ... it is UN centered. There's clues in Event201 like things. And it has to be BIG in order to coordinate the lockdown of an entire planet.

We need some Pin the Tail on the Donkey over this. But I am not holding my breath. People don't want to be exposed and other people down want it admitted to the entire world that they are rank fools and/or in any way complicit. Cover-up City here we come!

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Steve Hirsch in his interview with Tucker said he lost ~95 % of his friends.

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Some friends! I don’t dump friends for what they believe, even if I strongly disagree. Friends are more than just the media they’re exposed to.

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But then they weren't really "friends ", they were merely acquaintances.

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that is called moral courage

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also shows who your "real friends" are!

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AMEN to that sentiment!

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I think that comes from the “deferring to experts” thing that seems very prevalent especially among educated people who want and expect others to respect THEIR expertise and to listen to them on matters relating to their field.

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But the recommendations for COVID were opposite to all the ones we had before, and those of us in the field knew it. Yet I still had to argue my case with former colleagues with whom I was in touch through Facebook. I couldn't believe the things they said.

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“Don’t aspirate, stay home and do nothing until you can’t breathe, it’s fine to vax in the middle of a viral pandemic, and we fixed the problem of the LNPs that caused all other mRNA trials to fail.” What am I missing?

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I spent $58 for a telehealth call, to be told to do “downward facing dog” pose to help with breathing…

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- Cover your face with a paper or cloth covering that we have known don't work for 100 years, at least since the Spanish Flu.

- Stand 6' apart.

- Walk only in this direction in this particular aisle of the store.

- Don't go outside, to the park, to the beach or to the gym; but, do go to the liquor store and strip club.

- Lockdown at home, even tough Western public health has said for the entirety of its existence that lockdowns harm people and are only used by authoritarian regimes for optics and control.

I'm probably missing a few...

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I agree, a lot of that made no sense, but I put it down to the whole propaganda about it being a “novel” virus supposedly unlike anything we’d seen before. They got a lot of people to accept that and used it to say that we had to act differently and take unprecedented measures. Which was of course a huge lie.

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In a way--it WAS "novel" in that our government "health agencies" worked with a COMMUNIST COUNTRY to develop "gain of function" viruses (now I know there are some who espouse there are NO VIRUSES in our world--I cannot assign my brain to that "school of thought" though).

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yeah, that was an impressive lie. I'd say, you know it is in the same family as the common cold right? It didn't matter to them.

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Absolutely. If they’d said: ‘it’s a coronavirus - we have anti-viral drugs for it’ there’d have been no panic. They wanted maximum panic of course, to create demand for the shots.

I do wonder, though, if Fauci & the DOD were worried at the beginning that the Chinese scientists might have put something worse than the furin cleavage site in the virus... Maybe they feared their paid GofF workers had gone behind their back & put a lethal element in there. Maybe one day the truth will emerge about the whole sorry CRIMINAL MESS.

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Excellent point

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24


The “novel” virus line allowed for so many lies. It scaffolded their carefully constructed evil edifice, whose girders & foundation run so deep, sheathed in its glittering facade.

The “asymptomatic spread” lie, with this “novel” virus, was disseminated, absorbed and used as a predicate for ever more lies —and crimes — all in coordinated manipulation.

“Novel” allowed the lie, “asymptomatic spread”, to become the first floor. The rest was constructed according to their carefully engineered plans.

“Novel” also allowed for the acceptance of equally novel methods of construction.

It was a manifold ploy :

Start with no care for those sick with covid (There’s nothing to be done except to “stay home til you’re really sick, can’t breath & need hospitalization, then come in”, they told the ill, especially elderly and vulnerable. )

> Let the vulnerable get very ill

> Cause the very sick to enter the captured hospital systems into the isolating “care” of compromised Drs and nurses

> promote & incentivize the murderous and novel Remdesivir/ventilation &c protocols

> Create high death statistics to inflate perceived “covid” deaths

> Create more fear & justification for yet more lies & crimes & yet further justify all other “novel” virus measures.

> justify novel forms of control.

Most people were caught in the machinery. Many victims were used as raw building materials themselves in the making of this diabolical edifice.

I know that we all know these things —& more — & all too well!

But your point about the “novel” nature of their bioweapon being the first lie in their ongoing propaganda, and upon & around which all of the crimes against us were built. It’s important to understand !

— But —

Truth is the dynamite for demolition and bunker bomb will destroy deep foundations.

There is an entire city of lies, many such buildings, with systems of intersecting tunnels and yet unknown structures both above and below.

And the people and God’s TRUTH will level it all in time.

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Even those of us not in the field could see. I considered shots the biggest consequential decision for me and my family at the time. The data about the terrible trials on experimental gene therapy was there. I just had to look.

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We always looked at the shots as a one-way bridge to a totally uncertain future. So no thanks just on that basis.

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Facebook is poison. I refuse to use FB.

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To each his/her own; we all get to make our own decisions, right? This is how I view Facebook, because I reach people on FB that I couldn't otherwise: "As for you, what you intended against me for evil, God intended for good, in order to accomplish a day like this—to preserve the lives of many people." - Genesis 50:20

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That makes sense. There’s so many things to deal with and we can’t be experts on everything. I researched and drew the line on my and my family taking experimental shots. PLUS we already had the 2020 illness and had immunity. Haven’t been sick since...

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Same here. But most of my family bought it. Still do.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

Yup, that's also the reason the trades are now able to screw over the laptop class. When a plumber tells someone who's never had a blister that repairing a pinhole leak is a $1000 job, they accept it and pay it. The plumber is the "expert" after all. The thought of picking up $50 in parts/tools at Home Depot, watching a DIY youtube video, and fixing it themselves never crosses their minds.

I'm on both sides of the fence as I'm part of the laptop class but also DIY everything. (And I do mean everything, I was reroofing part of my house a few weeks back.) I do enjoy seeing the trades exact their revenge on the overeducated, but would never in a million years pay their outrageous prices. Two hundred dollars an hour for a plumber? No thanks.

Edit: typo

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Clif High's last podcast dealt specifically with this. He said there are almost no so called college jobs that out earn (all in costs) a plumber over a lifetime. Even a doctor does not until he is 52.

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Been in my 1972 house twenty years and never called a plumber. Ditto for my 1959 house ten years prior to that. This has paid for itself many times over:


Also have this for smaller jobs:


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Yes. Especially if the unscrupulous is the norm. Grrrr


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Ditto. Replaced the friction wheel in my snow thrower yesterday and about to head out to jack up the pier supported sunroom that needs posts replaced. Still scarred from re-wiring the pump in my septic tank a few weeks ago, but the memory is slowly waning... I tally up the money I save by DIY every year and splurge on something nice for the fam.

The secondary plot of the South Park episode criticizing Disney wokeness was the laptop class now standing in Home Depot parking lots offering their services to anyone that could perform typical maintenance chores. In a complete reversal of the days of contractors heading down there to pick up laborers. Delicious!

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But they have overhead expenses! 😂

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If the Founding Fathers deferred to minds they thought had more to give and were smarter than their own, there would never be an America.

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Oh I agree just trying to explain why so many people who are otherwise intelligent and able to research didn’t do their homework or just did it partially and relied on directives from the “experts” for the rest.

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Intelligent people in this day and age are a different animal than even 100 years ago. People are so dumb. I was not in anyway meaning to put you on defense, if that is how you felt. Always agree with you and love your comments RL.♥

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Feb 24·edited Feb 26

It was a desire to conform in order to be accepted by their “smart” peers, and a severe lack of basic common sense. “Smart” people in particular seem more prone to both.

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I think we’ve all learned (at warp speed...) that many «experts» can be paid to say whatever the purchaser wants them to say.

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Indeed 😞

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This is a great point. Broadly speaking, we live in a post-industrial services economy. Which means the majority of people are now an "expert" in something. Like graphic design, writing, analysis, stats, public speaking, etc. And everyone in white collar professional roles (mostly college educated) has been trained to default to relying on "experts" for all sorts of things. "Stay in your lane" is a common critique in the work environment these days. So, laypeople who weren't trained in public health or medical fields just deferred to the "proper" "experts."

Obviously, the "experts" in the medical field got it wrong or flat-out lied and failed to sound a warning. Anyway, I think the fallout from covid (and the unraveling of the affirmative action scam) are going to redefine "expert" in the future and make people much more leery about what any "expert" says about anything. This will be mostly a good thing, IMO, but also has some downside.

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Doctors are only experts in making money. They don’t know anything about health.

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Well said.

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Asche and Milgram mind control experiments proved 60% or more will blindly follow a group or authority figure even if they KNOW something is a lie or morally wrong such as being ordered to kill a fellow human. Only 30% at best will consistently use their critical thinking skills or warrior/sheepdog brain to stand up and fight for what they know is right.

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Yes sadly true, as has been shown over and over throughout human history 😞

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

Funny that you mention "engineers and professionals who RESEARCH for a living. They are trained on cost/benefit, risk/reward, scientific method, SWOT and many other critical thinking analysis tools" as that's exactly what I do. And yes, I saw it in spades among my peers also.

The difference in my case is that I started as a technician (a long time ago) and learned the trade empirically. It was only after that when I pursued higher education and transitioned into an engineering role. Education further explained the phenomena I had already observed and understood.

Due to this, education helped teach me how to think, not what to think. It's comparable to how enlisted men that go on to officer candidate school (mustangs) often make the best leaders. Sadly, most highly educated people have never experienced this. They've be taught A happens because of B but have never really thought deeply about why it happens, how to apply the knowledge to their practical experience, or challenged their beliefs.

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You put that very well. I also started as a tech and worked my way through school with a full time job. I had not thought of that contributing to my though processes too much. But the way you explained it, now I see it too.

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As counter-intuitive as it sounds, I've come to the conclusion that college without relevant experience actually makes people dumber (not in an intellectual sense but practically). It can be overcome with work experience, but it puts people at a disadvantage starting out.

You and I were fortunate as we got the hands on experience first, as 47Yinzer mentioned, school helped us understand the theory behind what we already knew.

I had a new engineer ask me the other day who would "train" them to perform some new task. I almost laughed but held it back and explained that's not the way we operate. I would explain to them the goals we need to achieve, give them some possible ideas to get there, but I expected them to go think about it and develop some methods. Then come back to me and we'd go over the pros and cons. I find this to be effective in getting engineers on the path to thinking for themselves.

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Your comment reminded me of high school chemistry, specifically stoichiometry. Math was not my favorite subject, and a friend who had already taken chemistry told me, "don't try to figure it out, just follow the formula." Unfortunately, that advice didn't work for me - I had to know how it worked in order to understand what I was doing. Just following the formula caused confusion and made me feel mentally itchy.... hmmm, I see some definite parallels to recent events!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Heh. I had the same problem in college Biology, trying to learn/understand the Krebs Citric Acid Cycle (IIRC). Everyone kept telling me, “Just memorize it!” Well, I couldn’t memorize it if I didn’t understand it, but no one

understood that. I had to change my major (pre-Med) because I just could not embrace this type of (non) learning.

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Ditto those of us who were employees, then small entreprenerus first, THEN copped an MBA at night. Learning the theory behind the already-proved practices.

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Hubs as well. His company got a gubmint subsidy to have a 100% vaxxed crew. That is what I think. We are talking bad ass Bering Sea fishermen who were lined up like cattle to get shot. Boom!

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And sorry to hijack your post, but for those on the fence about other shots, remember that pediatricians are given a progressively increased bonus based on the percentage of their patients fully vaxxed. Remember that fully vaxxed probably means the C jabs too. (The disclaimer is because I thought the CDC included it only for liability protection; couldn’t believe they really wanted it given to our future generations. I was wrong.)

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I just looked up the Pediatric Association vax chart—it STILL has covid shots there plus one OR TWO annual flu shots. Children are being systematically poisoned.

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And the covid vax is STILL UNDER EUA. How can they add that to the childhood vax schedule???😡😡

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

I have concluded that almost all oncologist, psychiatrists , and pediatricians are soulless money grubbing scum. They are no value added disciplines without merit as they are conducted. There are other doctors who belong, but the rules of the road for thee 3 disciplines make integrity a job disqualifier. Sorry, but that is what 71 years of life on this planet has shown me.

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Roland, I agree. Pediatricians are the most evil specialty.

they did not exist before vaccines.

Never take a child to a pediatrician .

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More or less agreed. Except to add that the de-Christianization of the churches has removed any and all conception of moral instruction. And therefore, so easy to bend to the money grubbing tree of rotten fruit.

As to churches, this view is more or less correct.


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Have you seen the change in number of recommended childhood vaccines? It’s absurd! Annual flu shots for children? Why is no one pushing back on this?

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People have been pushing back on childhood vaccines for decades. However, thanks to censorship, this doesn't hit the news unless people know where to look. Hopefully, thanks to the C shots, more people are waking up to the truth about the childhood vaccines.

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It was a well-executed plan involving government, all types of media, and the trusted medical establishment. Considering this, it’s not surprising that so many people complied. It seemed that the more intelligent and educated they were, the more likely they were to ‘trust the science’. After all.. that’s what you do as an erudite person! We learned that critical thinking on an individual level is almost in a class by itself.

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As justifiably negative as I am about these people who have a sudden eureka moment way too late, I can tell you because I'm in the business that doctors and scientists are that brainwashed. Where the gray area is between brainwashing and the malice of ego is tough to say. The bottom line is, they are ultimately sheep and can use their IQ to rationalize anything, and did. And continue to. Dr. Boz was almost certainly acting on her changing economic interests, as all of Medical establishment is.

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I'm not sure my local doc is gonna be willing to see the light. He bought 2 brand new $90k vehicles, a $30k motorcycle AND remodeled his "ranch house" during the jab-rollout. My small, rural town's median income is $36k. 🤔

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That says it all. May God have mercy on his soul, for we will not!

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Follow the money! The medical industry is rotten with greed.

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As the late Charlie Munger used to say, "Show me the incentives and I'll show you the outcome."

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I believe that this is the correct view. And the bottom line in C19 experience is that the ENTIRE WORLD went along as sheep. However, as this C19 Terror Campaign unravels there may be large scale unintended consequences attached to it as to 'beliefs'.

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As a retired AF veteran, after 21 years of government programs I learned that their motives were never to my benefit. Anytime they initiated or changed a plan/ policy I always got screwed! For example with healthcare, which was promised for life but now the new policy is at 65 you get kicked over to Medicare. And so it goes, I’ve never trusted anything the government controls to include vaccines!!

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We didn’t let our youngest on social media until after high school. By then we saw how it screwed up friends. Now my adult kid doesn’t care for it. It can be a battle if you give it to them and try to take it away. But not so bad if you never give it to them until their old enough to decide themselves.

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Same here. Couldn't believe that people I worked with and admired as co-workers were pressuring others. Some still talk openly about how they are "behind" on their "boosters." (How can you be "behind" on something that you don't need and shouldn't be taking b/c it's more harmful than the thing it's supposed to - but doesn't - stop? It's like saying "I'm behind on my cyanide dosage.") Anyway, I've lost some respect for some people, but am thankful that at least the executives at my co. seem to have taken the wiser course and not mandated the shots.

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Most people are now BRAIN COMPROMISED because they are CONSTANTLY staring at the "small screens"--it's a biological syndrome that is probably irreversible!!

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The Disney World bots are all in a tizzy, because Governor Ron wants to make social media use by kids under 16 illegal in Florida. Apparently the typical teen cannot visit DW without live-streaming their totally awesome experience.

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I'm so sad that we allowed this nonsense to penetrate our children and grandchildren's thought processes. Alas....we trusted the "technocrats" - another despicable, lying, greedy pack of WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING.

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I recently told my wife that we need to take a victory lap. In the Information War, the battle takes place 100% IN YOUR MIND. We were subjected to a relentless information attack, the largest and most comprehensive propaganda campaign in human history, yet we achieved TOTAL VICTORY. We remain physically unharmed and mentally we are 10x more prepared for the next attempt to modify our beliefs or behavior.

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Thank you, that's quite encouraging.

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absolutely correct, as an RN a lot of my co workers jumped on board, which shocked me as there were no long term studies. OMG and happily posted all over FB how stupid they were. All I could say to them, was in 5 years if your still alive, I might consider it, but doubt that. As viruses mutate.

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lost my whole family and half my friends over speaking my mind on facebook over this. have new better friends who value the truth and some of my family now making overtures again, 3 yrs later.

we're all sadder but wiser!

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You're lucky that anyone is making friendly overtures again. I have not yet experienced that.

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The other thing is how EMOTIONAL some people get over the jabs and also Donald Trump. There’s no use talking sense to them…

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Vax Derangement Syndrome? There's a better option for people who live in fear.

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I still struggle to understand how some people hate Trump so much. OK, he looks a bit scammy, but objectively speaking, the economy was great under Trump (lowest black unemployment rate ever, eg) and he stayed out of wars.

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Many can't deal with his undiplomatic behavior or any other excuse to hate him. My favorite sport when faced with such Trump Derangement Syndrome people is ask if they can say anything nice about him such as his suits are well made. Most immediately say, "Nope!"

When Fauci & Co. shut down his White House press conference suggestions in Spring 2020 to use ivermectin ("horse paste!") or hydroxychloroquine ("Chlorox beach down your throat!") I knew we were in for a very rough ride as "expert" heath advice turned into 100% TDS.

Place your bets if he admits being by November 2024 having been rolled by the US military prototype deadly contracts for his Operation Warp Speed.

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"expert heath advice turned into 100% TDS."

Yes! That's exactly what happened. If Trump was for it, they were against it. This resulted in lots of people dying for no good reason. HCQ is a great example.

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Reminds me of how I threw my career experience and knowledge into the trash in 2008, by not reviewing “past predictors of future performance” prior to voting for one of the candidates for President. I fell for all the pretty phrases much to my regret.

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Me, as well! I work in a Trauma/Surgical ICU. I work with some of the best surgeons and nurses in our state, which means I work with some of the smartest, stupid people I know. There are a few of us who do not vaccinate AT ALL anymore, there are several who will never do another covid shot again, but there are many who fall for the ‘safe and effective’ mantra and will roll up their sleeves for anything. It saddens me tremendously.

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I say the very same. I'll never forget it, either.

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It would be hard to be famous for your medical knowledge, and then have to admit you were wrong. Not to mention the guilt she must feel. Kudos for Dr Boz for coming clean at all.

Drs with far less to lose aren’t speaking up. ‘Pride cometh before a fall’.

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It is good to see she confessed and if we pounce on her, others won't come forward.

If they are truly evil, they won't care and if they truly have a heart, living with the knowledge of being no better than Mengle is worse than death.

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I agree and good for her for coming clean.

OTOH, she's the one who decided to become a public figure "influencer" and to present herself as an expert to the unwashed masses. I don't know about you, but I'd never have the hubris to do that, particularly to pass along info *without checking it out myself*. She made the decision to do that, no one forced her to do it.

With fame comes responsibility.

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I am truly not trying to be preachy, as I have long, long way to go to be anything close to Christlike, but true contrition for Dr Boz would be far more dramatic. Not just admitting she was wrong, but admitting that as an influencer, her wrongness may have contributed to the death and debilitation of otherwise healthy people. She needs to extend the logic of how consequential her wrongness, blindness and advocacy is to other vaccines, to other experts, to other medical advice and government activity, to her entire industry. She seems to be doing this piecemeal, first with the food pyramid, now with one particular clot shot. Will she ever be truly redpilled? Only she can say. Much penance and contrition should be forthcoming, including much of her revenue stream going to the vax injured. That's real contrition, or a start. In the scheme of her peers, she is well above most. But that is not our standard. We are way past sorry at this point. With responsibility comes true contrition, and may she show it. Hopefully this is just a start.

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She would annihilate her revenue stream if she did that. Her career would be over and she’d have to find a new source of income.

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Indeed. Looks like YouTube is helping her see the light, as they have canceled her now unapproved opinions! LOL

One wonders why she and those like her aren't on Rumble. It's like continuing to use GoFundMe (awful) instead of GiveSendGo after all we've learned.

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And she’s paying a price, literally, since YouTube censored her.

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She’s paying the price because she understands the dangers of the jab and she vaccinated her children and loved ones. There’s no escaping the guilt.

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I could feel sorry for vaxxers who actually felt guilty about the crime they have participated in. But I haven't met one yet.

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Yes I admire her humility because it isn’t easy to admit something like that.

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You can just hear her sorrow, especially having her kids jabbed. As a mother I’d be beyond devastated!!!!

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Exactly. Imagine having jabbed your own children and then realized the truth. Horrifying.

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About time many of these medical professionals have come forward. They are far to late and no heroes. This agenda has been planned since the 60's and I am sure much before.

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She has skin in the game, and STILL took nearly three years to wake up.

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Now that absolutely nobody, not even the most intense branch Covidian, full on Covid Bolshevik terrorists, will take the damn clot shot now. What a time to convert!

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She doesn’t get off the hook in my book that easily. She took an oath to “First do no harm” but instead turned that into “First do harm, then investigate after a long time of people suggesting that she do so.” How many people that she influenced have lifetime injuries and/or are 6 feet under, not 6 feet apart? (There’s that special number again!) She was obviously fighting a huge superior ego to come clean. Which is a problem for many medical deities. I am sad & very mad as yesterday a good friend had her celebration of life, dying from the jab after spending TWO MONTHS IN THE HOSPITAL. Not only did the medical mafia kill her, imagine what that bill is. No to Dr. Boz. Too little, too late!

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She needs to lawyer up. The lawsuits will be forthcoming.

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I actually listened to videos before the pandemic. She lost me at recommending flu shots for a dumb reason - reduces the time they are infectious if they get the flu.

Yeah, it took her WAY too long, but I'm not surprised. And the irony is that she discovered the benefits of KETO and fasting because one of her parents (I think it was her mom) had cancer, and the diet helped. She wrote a book about it. I have to wonder how many of her viewers were attracted to her show because they got cancer from the jabs. How many of them tried to get her to see the light for THREE YEARS.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

Great point. One of the reasons I was immediately skeptical of the vax is because I've eaten low carb/keto for the better part of ten years. I long ago realized the food pyramid was a lie, evil saturated fat was a lie, heart-healthy vegetable oil was a lie, LDL cholesterol was a lie, etc. People are metabolically deranged from eating manufactured garbage, not from a statin deficiency. Why in the world would I trust the same industry that lied about all that on the safety of mRNA injections?

If you follow the low carb/keto docs, virtually all of them were skeptical of the vax right off the start, likely for the same reason I was. Really mind boggling that she was so gullible on this.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

"statin deficiency"

I like this. "You see, the statin bean became extinct long ago. Because of global warming . . . or climate change. Or over-harvesting by Christian Nationalists. So buy our pills, unless you're a hateful bigot."

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That sounded very Jeff Childers - like 😁

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Tom is a good student. A very good, attentive student.

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Same here. I'm a little l libertarian. A group of friends started buying raw milk and fresh eggs in 2010, and I thought why not? The raw milk changed my entire body. Then I learned I was at least a little gluten/grain intolerant. I went to a mini-conference/event at Joel Salatin's farm with a friend in 2013. It was sponsored in part by Weston A Price foundation. That's where I learned about everything else, the 7 nations study. Well that and Alex Jones, but it was the effect of raw milk that opened the door.

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I would love to hear what effects you noticed in your body from the raw milk!

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Me too!

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Reading Weston Price's "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" changed my life. An amazing book from an amazing man.

Price was an affluent dentist and a Christian, and he just couldn't reconcile the miserable pain and suffering of people with dental problems with God's will. He became convinced a western diet (sugar and white bread mainly) was destroying people's health, so he set out to prove it. He travelled the world with his wife in the 1930's documenting the remarkable health of isolated peoples eating traditional diets. He also documented the misery of those closely related peoples that had adopted a western diet. Just remarkable stuff.

The book can be found as a free PDF here:


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Love Joel Salatin!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

They’re still pushing the statin drugs. My brother recently had a heart attack, 90% blockage in his widow maker, and they put in a stent. Yesterday he said his cholesterol had been in the hundreds and now it’s 62!!! He complained of achy joints but believed that the drugs were working. I told him the brain needs cholesterol and 62 was too low, but I didn’t argue more because he’s convinced the docs are right. They saved his life. Kinda hard to argue, I’ll have to try again when he’s not so scared. And of course he’s boosted to the max.

His wife is having cognitive problems and out of control basal cell skin cancer, they have no clue why. She was the vax pusher, retired emergency room nurse. They are 66 and 68.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

Sorry you are going through this Karen. My dad's doctor put him on statins at age 80 solely based on his LDL cholesterol with zero history of heart disease. After several months on them, he was calling my sister in tears as he was having excruciating leg pain. Neither he or his doctor ever even considered that it was caused by the statin.

I convinced him to go off them for a month (without consulting his doc) to see how he felt and sure enough the pain disappeared. He's been off them ever since, and we also got him off insulin (with a low carb diet) that had been prescribed to deal with T2 diabetes that had emerged in recent years.

Had his 90th birthday last month and though he's slowing down, he's doing fine. They did cajole him to take the vax (without my knowledge) but he did wise up and refuse the boosters.

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My mom's dr wanted her on statins. I said no. I learned very early that statins caused several muscle cramping and the side effects were not worth the results. I was working in a cardiology clinic at the time.

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I have fought these battles with family constantly to try to help them, fortunately mostly successful, in an almost entirely parallel narrative to what you just wrote above.

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Thank you, it’s going to be bumpy for a ling time.

Sounds exactly like my story with my 91 yr old dad. But he doesn’t have any pain with the statins. I told him that Mayo doesn’t recommend them for 80 and above, I pushed hard, but his doctor scared him. I wish they lived here, I could go with him.

He does control his diabetes with a sugar uptake pill. But no insulin.

They took two jabs and then one booster after they promised to not take anymore. The doc is such a you know what. A god in their eyes. They read Epoch and are conservative and now understand how bad the shots are, but they keep forgetting. I have to constantly remind them.

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Karen, so sorry for everything your family is going through. Praying for truth to break through! May the Lord comfort and uphold you as you walk through this valley!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Thank you Mrs. I’m going to need the lord. A friend’s wife is dying, she’s anti-modern medicine so it wasn’t the shots, but maybe being anti-modern medicine hurt her in the long run. A tumor on her ovary spread, granted ovarian cancer is hard to detect (or is that uterine?). There’s got to be a balance.

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I had a discussion about statins with my doc. I told her they were a no go. Got my bloodwork done a few months later. They called and said the doc recommended a statin. I was disappointed, so I asked my friend about it who is her partner. (He won't see me because he won't see who he calls VIPs) Anyway, he said they are required by the medical establishment to recommend statins. And followed up with that he'd never take them. That made me feel better. As in, she didn't forget and isn't a complete moron. But they gotta check it off the list. So stupid. Anyway, getting a CACT test to put this to rest.

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💔💔💔 for your brother & SIL. I wish my husband would get off his statins but “he trusts his doctor”…heavy sigh… And lest I forget…he has Crohns and was heavily vaxxed while serving in Vietnam…he never met a needle he didn’t like. 😓

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😢 There’s been a lot of talk lately about gluten/wheat and Crohns. My two cents, it’s probably the glyphosate.

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I often wondered, and years ago, what all this 'cholestrol stuff' was about. I was highly skeptical ... and it seemed like a 'medical religion'. It was only this past year I found out how useful and necessary cholestrol is to body health.

I love your picture and I just love those BIG EARS. What a cute doggy.

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Years ago my naturopath told me about the dangers of low cholesterol and the brain. My mom and I both have it, but I think mine is now in a better range thanks to dark chocolate and whipped canned coconut in my coffee 🤣

Thanks Dave, that is Penny, she’s an excellent little corgi dog. 😊

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Sorry to hear about your brother, Karen. My younger brother had a heart attack 15 or 20 years ago and was put on statins. His wife is a smart lab tech but was all in for statins and all over me when I went on a keto diet and got skinny.

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And thank you for the kind words. Goodness, your brother was young. Glad he’s still around 👏🏻

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John, good for you! She still wants you to quit Keto? Geesh.

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so sad, sorry for the loss of your family.

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Thank you. I feel sad for their grown sons, she brainwashed them too. Hope they live a long life.

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That is exactly our story. The Keto journey saved us from the Covid nonsense and has changed our World view. 1 lie showed us all the lies.

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Yes! Thank goodness for keto, low carb and the people I read and listened to. The Fat Emperor was so upset at all the nonsense! And, anecdotally, of the people I knew who decided not to get the vax, they were all coming at it from a health perspective of gluten free, weight training nutritionists that hate seed oils, Keto, carnivore, etc. These people weren't politically aligned they just had experience of the wrong acceptance of society to promote putting crap in your body. What happened to my body my choice I kept wondering. thanks for your comments!

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

Pointing out too that Ivor (Fat Emperor) is an engineer by training and applied engineering principles to both diet and medical interventions. He's not part of the medical industry which is almost certainly why he's such a clear thinker on this.

When we engineers screw up dams collapse and planes fall from the sky, people are killed by the hundreds in spectacular fashion. It's on every evening newscast and we can't dismiss it as "just one of those things". It forces us to live in reality. The medical industry kills people one by one, and they then obfuscate the cause.

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"My body, my choice" only applies to killing babies in the womb.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Jeff, you were on the right track to start with. We’ve enjoyed a family joke for years that Dr. Mercola, is MY doctor. 😂

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Same, when I saw Dr. Mercola was on the WH’s “top misinformation spreader list,” I immediately started following the whole list!

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That was my journey too - governments lie and lie about diet, so how can we trust them on anything else, especially medical concerns. New Atkins, New You by Dr Eric Westman, a love.y man and the best diet book in my opinion (also Dr Jason Fung is excellent) although….I do t know what their opinions are on the scamdemic…

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I used to religiously take a flu shot every year because I trusted the doctors. I have an immune deficiency that I was born with and supposedly this makes my body very susceptible to upper respiratory infections. When a doctor advised me to do something , I would do whatever they suggested because they were the experts. And after all those flu shots, I still got the flu many times! My doctors told me if I hadn’t taken those shots, it would have been so much worse-I might have ended up in the hospital!

Even back when I trusted them long ago, I kept trying to make sense of how this shot could guarantee a better outcome when I got the flu. How would they know that?! My gut told me not to take them and it took until around 2019 for me to finally say no.

Jeff C I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of vax pushers. I’m so thankful for the discernment God gave me about the vax. And thank goodness for my functional doctor who warned me not to get it. So many people were not fortunate enough to realize the deception and are now beginning to realize their mistake.

None of my doctors are pushing it now, but they still assume I took at least one. Just saw a doctor yesterday and now they know exactly what I think of ALL


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What I never can understand is, why people think anyone can say what WOULD HAVE happened?? No one but God can ever know that for sure. You might guess based on research or data but you can never be sure and you can never actually prove it.

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The it-could-have-been-worse argument is illogical but handy because it can’t be disproved. The follow-up question, “How do you know?” gets a response as vapid as the mind that buys into logical fallacies.

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Agree. The “it could have been worse” argument is just self-soothing.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

And it’s not even “could have been”, leaving open other possibilities, it’s always “would have been” as if they really could know 🙄

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When I avoid processed sugar people can be sick around me but I won’t 🙏

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Our diet’s definitely make a huge difference! I don’t eat sugar or most grains (gluten free), take all my supplements, etc. With this regimen, along with the help of a functional doctor, I usually don’t get sick. But I was sick this school year in October, November, December and January. My immune function was very low after having been so good that my immunologist recommended 6 weeks IgG infusion rather than every week or two. So many people are sick around me that I couldn’t avoid it. But I had to go back to 4 weeks between infusions. I tried to eliminate infusions altogether as they are from donated blood, but I also can’t be sick every month. Kinda screwed there.

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Oh dear donated blood would be a hard stop for me. Look into organic astragalus. It boosts the immune system. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35713852/

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I have you have completely avoided seed oils, because they are the absolute worst thing you can consume. Mercola has written extensively about this, as have many many others . Sugar is not nearly as bad as seed oils, if you want a comparison.

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I never used to get the flu shot. I would get a cold usually, but never the flu. When I got married, my now ex, worked with the elderly so I thought I should get it. I got it 2 years in a row. Both years I got the flu. Now, I'm a logical guy who programs computers. That was all I needed. No flu shot ever for me after that. This was round 2007-08. So I was immediately skeptical when the COVID shot came out. I even used that in my religious exemption that I had reason to believe based on my flu shot experience that getting the COVID shot would give me COVID.

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From day one, as a young boy, I immersed myself in logic, science, and productive argumentation. I always retained a slice of doubt in my mind on any subject to avoid the known sin of hubris, but I essentially bought the Expert Wisdom at the time that vaccines had indeed saved humanity from painful death by infectious disease in numbers justified by claims being made by the establishment. It was either our Creator or the fates who sent me a rude awakening and destroyed the health of my family one by one, one of the healthiest families I've ever known, with vaccines and other ill-advised and unneeded interventions. Of course, never to be acknowledged by anyone. I cannot tell you how sympathetic I am to the tens of millions in this country who have debilitating autoimmune disease simply because of the so-called childhood vaccine schedule, these mandated poisons for many (spoiler alert: it's a cruel crapshoot). I am here to tell you that if you truly look into it with an open mind, it is impossible not to be redpilled into reality. The focus on infectious diseases should always be on treatment, not an arrogant belief in prevention which has never and can never be truly safety tested, and has proven to be a disaster for a slice of the population with the wrong genotype and phenotype for artificial immune stimulation. The fact is people who do everything exactly right are still going to get this disease or that. We can mitigate or cure almost all of it, but that's not where focus of money or power is, for reasons that this wonderful C&C army seem to understand better than almost anybody. As a final note of optimism, the perseverance and indefatigable good humor of those horribly wronged and horribly injured in my family is inspirational almost beyond comprehension. Every single day is, physically, a sysyphian lift and quiet struggle, but they keep rolling the stone up the mountain and back again as it rolls down upon them, every single day. With few even knowing what it takes or what's going on. I'll leave it at that. No sympathy sought, just wanted to affirm that so many of you are on the exact right track more than you may even know. Covid aside, we have already destroyed the health of countless children, now adults. The explosion of autoimmune disease is not because of diagnosis, it's because it's actually happening, and we all know why. Our immune systems are under constant artificial assault and, for many, have gone haywire, and it is as simple as that when you break it all down. Please forgive my long-winded screed, I pray for all of you!

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Wonderful post, thank you!

Do you read The Midwestern Doctor substack? He is a wealth of information on the history of vaccines.

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My Mom's sister developed polio and after that she was going to be sure I got all my vaccines. Between the ages of 9 and 12 months, I got very sick, losing over 10% of my body weight. I was constantly fighting upper respiratory infections through childhood and early adulthood. It wasn't until I was in my mid-20s that a doctor was able to diagnose me with primary immune deficiency. I was also diagnosed with autoimmune disease. After starting the IgG infusion to correct the low IgG, I wasn't sick anymore! It was wonderful. And now the supply is tainted.

After working with a functional doctor, eating a very healthy diet and supplementing, my immune numbers jumped up! My immunologist was floored. So, we were able to lengthen the time between infusions. With everyone around me sick (and I strayed slightly from the diet), that did it for my lack of infections. I seem to need to continue taking the IgG as I cannot be sick every 4 weeks. I am a teacher and need to be at work. I am back on the diet and still supplementing and getting better.

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My husband took the flu shot every year for over 20 years when he was in the military. He started getting bronchitis each winter and would need an inhaler to get through it. He retired 2 years ago and has not had a flu shot since. He also has not had the bronchitis flare up 2 winters in a row. I am convinced the flu shot was causing it but of course “correlation doesn’t equal causation”.🙄

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I don’t doubt it! Those shots are no good.

I was diagnosed with asthma in college and have found that the diet I am on eliminated the asthma entirely. If I’m off the yeast free diet for too long, the asthma returns.

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the demons can take "correlation doesn't equal causation " and STUFF IT UP THEIR ASS

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I started "intermittant fasting" about 2 years ago and it has helped reduce my inflammation (and osteoarthritis) greatly! I just "feel better" - more mobile and flexible and I lost about 12 lbs too!! My jeans fit much better--LOL! I typically start the process around 10:00 P.M. and do not eat anything (just drink water) until after 12:00 Noon (usually start eating around 12:30 P.M. and stop at 10:00 P.M. It fluctuates sometimes--but not much!

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I just watched her video (40 min). Dr Boz incorrectly refers to EUA as a European version of the FDA. Just shows you how ignorant many “doctors” are.

But glad she’s seeing the truth and humbly admitting it.

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so if a serial killer "repents" then should he not have to pay for the murders he has already done??? THERE IS NO AMNESTY FOR THESE "DOCTORS " who didn't bother to do their own research but expect forgiveness now??? What a load of crap. HOW MANY DEATHS/INJURIES IS DR "BOZ" RESPONSIBLE FOR???


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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

You nailed it Jeff!

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Amazing find on Boz. I want to say "better late than never" but now that the damage has been done, all we can do is repair as much damage as possible. Maybe Boz will join the C&C army now?

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I agree completely, and will put it more bluntly: deep into 2020, you had to be a a true idiot to be going along with the destructive nonsense, as C&Cers have known for years. I suspect that Dr. Boz (if that's her real name) looked at her revenue streams and changed her mind about the audience more so than about a sudden eureka moment. I believe many of us have lost patience for these sudden conversions years after the fact were abundantly clear to anyone, not to mention doctors and scientists. Two little, too late. We want a reckoning, and Trump had better goddamn well provide one, which doesn't look promising. Appreciate JC'd reporting of it all the same, it gets the McCullough paper out there.

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*Too little, and excuse other obvious typos and omissions as well

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Hit those three tiny dots at the extreme bottom right of the post to edit away any and all your grammatical misgivings.

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Here, here--wonderfully worded "other Jeff C." - (smile).

My sons still cling to the fact "but the government has my best interest at heart" - even though I have sent them wonderful data and articles from Drs. McCullough, Malone, Kory, et al. My heart and mind are still saddened by this fact and yet...I raised them in the Bible and to revere the Lord Jesus Christ as our ONLY SAVIOR--not any other person or entity--so I must "rest in that truth".

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John Campbell is part of the PsyOp. He has millions of YT followers and is still “allowed “ to post anything without being censored like MANY others have. Once you see it you can’t unsee it. It’s upsetting because I too was fooled- cheering for him as one of the Good Guys.

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I think he puts some of his content on Rumble. He has had YT strikes against him.


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Understand but The REAL TRUTH TELLERS HAVE BEEN REMOVED. You see he gives some truth allowed by the powers that be- it’s the LYING BY OMISSION that lets them get away with their grifting.

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I agree with this. Nice analysis Jeff C. However, I think I would expand the denial group to include those who maybe just can’t face the idea that they might have been complicit in the harm done to others or themselves. They prefer looking the other way because it’s too horrible to realize what they’ve been a part of. Not really so much to keep their status or money. Or maybe you’d say they really belong in the first group?

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I agree. As an engineer I like to break things out into nice orderly groups but reality doesn't always play along. You are right though, the idea of being an involved in something with such awful consequences is likely overwhelming for many. It's probably also a factor in why it took Dr. Bos two years to come to this conclusion.

As Feynman said, "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool."

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Seems to me she came to that conclusion sooner, but was afraid to eat crow.

Crow is not tasty.

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I checked out an antibiotic a doc gave me if I needed dental work. Apparently it’s recommended after replacement surgeries. I pulled the full bottle out the other day after hearing via YouTube disturbing and black box warnings on a certain antibiotic. Yup. That was the AB I had. It could cause life changing side effects. Nope. I’ll take my chances without that one. How do these docs NOT CHECK ANYTHING. My trust is in the minus department.

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Right there with you. I was told the same thing after a hip replacement , and all of the anticancer books say antibiotics are bad news, I asked my holistic Dr if there is anything I can take instead, and he recommended this supplement.

Nature Reigns Health tonic. It's a liquid.

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Excellent summary. I think you could add media/journalism figures to this same list, playing similar roles. Certainly I'd also include public health officials (federal, state, and local). IMO, each of those groups needs to be punished according to their level of complicity. It's astounding to me still that these people basically demanded or cajoled others to go to some van in a parking lot and be injected by a stranger with a completely unknown substance "to save grandma." Actually, many are STILL doing this now.

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My favorite part of those parking lot mass jabbings is none of the "free" jab cards given there had guv'ment records kept for which jab batch everyone got. And "One and done!" propaganda but space on the card for 4 or more jabs?! Then US gov't said that first jabbing summer it's OK to mix and match jab manufacturers I knew the whole human experiment data set was being deliberately corrupted. Multiple IQ tests for sheep led to the slaughter.

I want punishment too if only as a deterrent effect on stopping the same horror show in the future. But, I fear the most punished are those who got jabbed thanks to their own gullibility and/or stupidity.

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I appreciate very much when someone truly admits being wrong. It is the one thing that could turn all this around. Since so many people were wrong, the only way forward is for a lot of them to recognize it. Admitting it once they've recognized it persuades others. So I respect anyone who will say he or she was wrong publicly in a genuine apology (versus a fake smarmy half-baked statement we can't make sense of, as some have done)!

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Interesting that you site 3 types of vax pushers. There is a great book called Jabber by Brett Wilcox. It was published before the pandemic but the book forecasted what soon after came. In the book he describes three categories of people in regards to vaccines: 1) the vaccine informed - these people know the vaccine paradigm is fiction (the fastest growing group) 2) the vaccine believers (the largest group) - these people "believe" in vaccines like a religion 3) the vaccine sociopaths - these people know that the vaccines are harmful and mostly ineffective yet they don't care and push the dogma. Fauci and most pediatricians are in this group.

The book is an excellent book and addresses the history of vaccines including the lies and propaganda. It also reviews in detail all the vaccines on the childhood schedule (as of 2017 - the list is constantly growing) and shoots gigantic holes in the propaganda. Every potential parent, every medical student, and every pediatrician should read this book.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

Why? Because they indoctrinate you from birth onward to believe that vaccines are the be all end all when it comes to public health. Then, if you attend a medical school, you are required to be fully vaccinated or you can’t attend (in other words, fully brainwashed) and only get a few hours about vaccines—basically to tell you they are safe and effective, because that is all that’s really needed for people have already drank the Kool-Aid. Mind you, these are schools that receive huge donations from pHarma.

And they’ve laid the groundwork to ensure anyone who speaks up about the possibility of vaccine injuries or questions vaccines is labeled as a kook. You combine that with state boards (and the FDA) going after any medical professional who doesn’t vaccine toe the line, and you have where we are now.

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I’m only a lowly rehab professional with a Bachelor’s degree and 30 years of experience working in the field. However, right off the hop, I could see glaring potential problems with these shots - number one being that they are not the traditional “vaccines” and that though they may have been experimented with for years (without success and not for the purpose of preventing respiratory viruses and not in humans). Even without seeing any hidden Phizer documentation, there is no way one could make a blanket claim of safe when there are zero LONG TERM safety studies. They clearly were genetic therapies (which our Canadian constitution says people cannot be forced or coerced to take), people could not reasonably give truly informed consent to (something that was drilled into my profession over the past 30 years for ANY treatment we prescribed to an individual). People were actually berated and belittled for asking questions about them! The idea that mandating these experimental shots for all our healthcare and military would not be something that could be considered “safe” for our national security. What if something went dreadfully wrong? Mandating experimental shots for children and pregnant woman is unconscionable. Discounting the evidence of heart complications in previously healthy young males. I also found it suspect that no information was provided by public health as to how to avoid getting sick (other than washing your hands and wiping your packages with Lysol wipes!) and the denial of any treatments for the symptoms-just go home and don’t come into the hospital until you cannot breathe. I think that the fear factor was ramped up so high that most people completely lost their ability to think rationally. The fact that our own medical professionals seem to have so easily fallen for all of this just boggles my mind and has created a huge loss of trust in them. Now we are in the position that we cannot even rationally look at data because it has all been so thoroughly corrupted and confounded by eliminating control groups and administering multiple shots of different manufacturers as well as giving multiple types of vaccines at one time. That’s what following “THE Science” has led us to in 2024. I see with my own eyes that my friends and their family are dying in their sleep and suddenly getting cancers and dying quickly (eg. within 16 days of diagnosis and another within 30 days) or having recurrences of previously in remission cancer, antibiotic resistant infections and “rare” cancers. Until proven that these are not due to the shots, I refuse to rule it out and am so disgusted that the gaslighting continues to discourage people from even asking the question. If public health really was concerned, they would be DEMANDING that these be investigated. Finally, I will say, I live in the only province in Canada that is still MANDATING the shots for ALL of our healthcare workers.

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Yes, Jeff C. If you replace any of those groups,

the GULLIBLE (trusted CDC, Fauci, etc),

the DENIERS, or

the COMPLICIT, with people in Nazi Germany, it really hits home.

Some truly believed that somehow Jews were suddenly dirtier and more disease-riddled and deceitful than everyone else. Some knew this was a complete lie and a huge power play but they played along to maintain their status quo.

Then there were those who made up all the propaganda and lies, and planned heinous atrocity after atrocity with power, money, other people’s homes, land, artwork and valuables. They were all in, the devil may care, in the rush to obtain wealth and status, and had zero regard for the families, the humanity that was forever harmed by their actions and inaction.

Even when the hoots were leaking out, when it became fairly clear that it was all so unbearably unimaginably horrific, some stick to their guns.

I have to hope and pray that this too will end with the whole wide world knowing exactly who did what, who is to blame, who needs to

now be publicly shamed and hung. I pray nobody escapes the spotlight on their evil doings.

I know fully and well that God sees all and He will take vengeance. I just hope we get to witness a good portion. More than that, I hope the vaccine injured and the families of the ones who lost their jobs, their homes, their health and their loved ones will get to see it.

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Good thing we rescued all those Nazis after WWII- Operation Paperclip. Otherwise the bad guys might have had to start from scratch....

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You know I JUST learned abt that THIS past year!?!

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"Enjoy" learning about the Paperclip counterpart in the old Japanese Empire.


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IMO it's too effing late. People are tools. Folks like Boz are the reason we're in this shithole situation. It was clear before the shots rolled out that mRNA transfection (which has been used for 20 odd years now) is NOT immunization, regular immunizations against respiratory infections don't work anyway (due to the nature of mucosal immunity) and that the best treatment is not for a viral infection itself but to help modulate any immune overreaction with steroids, use antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infections and the use of other treatments like NAC, nebulizers and such to provide respiratory support.

You don't need a singular virus to cause havoc. Just stop treating people the right way for ANY severe respiratory infection and you can sentence them to misery and death.

Doctors who refused to administer early treatments because their patients tested positive for "covid" and who pushed for transfection are responsible for the misery and destruction of their patients.

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Definitely too late for my husband who was murdered by UF Health following Covid Protocols and denying me access to advocate for him. These doctors hid behind policy and protocols to cause harm to their patients and families. I seriously doubt these protocols were “evidence based” and their policies were certainly NOT patient-centered. Being his Healthcare Surrogate gave me No Rights to advocate for his care at his bedside. He was medically kidnapped and they murdered him. I will spend the rest of my days seeking their punishments.

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Terry, I think it’s important to never go to a hospital. Home births. Home deaths. Go to a homeopath, or a chiropractor or an herbalist.

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That is so awful! I am so sorry this happened!

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Terry, I’m so sorry. I can relate to the anger and betrayal you feel. My dad was killed by hospital protocols in FL in 2021 as well. You are in my prayers.

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Just heartbreaking 😢

I'm so sorry!! May you and everyone with stories like yours see justice served.

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I'm So sorry!🙏

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So sorry. Such heinous crimes played out before our very eyes.

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"Just stop treating people the right way for ANY severe respiratory infection and you can sentence them to misery and death." RIGHTEEEO!!!! How that made sense to any person in medical practice, who also passed his/her HS biology classes IS SO BEYOND COMPREHENSION. There is no excuse. To me it clearly shows how "dug in" our enemies were and how vast the battlefield, and instense the strongholds against We The People and the TRUTH, at the moment this whole plandemic was launched. WITH EVERY MOLECULE IN MY BODY, I BELIEVE THERE WAS IN FACT, A MOMENT, AND IT WAS, IN FACT LAUNCHED. You can blame DJT all you want, but the enemies had many moles dug in within the administration as well. Very early on, DJT spoke up about HCQ (+Zn+azithromycin) and issued an exec order/eua to have it stockpiled and made available to every American. When the enemies own the press, the medical journals, and have their censorship armies deployed, they control the information. Trump's order was blatantly ignored and re-posited as making HCQ available to hospital patients only...when it would no longer be effective to rid the body of the virus in its early stage. The good Dr's around the world, who remained true to their hippocratic oath AND their patients, risked their livelihoods by treating patients with a variety of off label drug cocktails, known to combat respiratory infections. Oh, and they made them BETTER. Whenever in 2020 Fauci and his minions were repeating "vaccine vaccine", DJT did not disagree, but added "and therapeutics" to the mantra, but that comment always got buried in all the daily HAMMERING of positive test numbers, cases, cases, and death from (WITH) covid NOISE. Ivermectin met the same fate. And so, the people were denied the medicine that could have (inexpensively) cured thousands upon thousands, while at the same time the NEED for a vax would have been NON-EXISTENT. You might recall the POTUS contracted the virus and endured a serious bout, which he recovered from due to regeneron (antibody cocktail) Zn, HCQ, and actual healer docs at Walter Reed. All this was transpiring while the economy was tanking and huge portions of the country were still locking down, masking up, and canceling businesses and events left and right, and loving it. I think his push for vax creation was a way to switch gears on the enemy. Generals need to make difficult decisions in war. Now my perspective may be warped, but I watched it intently in real time, while becoming an email-buddy with Dr. Harvey Risch, and a texting buddy with late hero doctor, Zev Zelenko. (Trust me, I am A NOBODY retired grammie in Florida- but these heroes of our lifetime responded to me!!!!) Having spent a semester in the USSR in 1976, I developed a sniffer for Marxist schemes and caught the stench of a big ol' rat in the propaganda machine, called the MSM. At any rate, today's C&C issue was a big WOW for me, and I know I would rocking in a padded room in the boobyhatch if it weren't for Sir Jeffries' fabulous news brief to start my day! Love to all the C&C Army!!

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Thank you for your fantastic synopsis of the shamdemic and DJT’s peculiar role throughout the hysteria. I watched everything as well and researched everything I could get ahold of. Those nasty WHO members and Fraudchi went full blown NAZI on the world. IMO, DJT was targeted with a major dose of a nasty strain of something that we will never actually know about with certainty. I prayed for him and his family constantly. WE THE PEOPLE love him and I honestly feel he loves us too. While he was in the hospital, a huge crowd of supporters gathered outside to stand in support of him. Every afternoon/early evening he would send hundreds if not thousands of fresh pizzas to the people outside. I seriously doubt that the lame media even mentioned it. He gave a speech in Wisconsin (?) and briefly mentioned his ongoing battle with big pharma. He actually said that the middlemen were the profiteers and that “they “ wanted to kill him. I know he was not joking about that.

Many people act as if a leader like President Trump owes them a living personally. They also act as if leaders like him are a dime a dozen. We know they are not. This is a very special moment in our country and our world history. I wish my parents and older brother were still here to witness what we are living through. I also wish others would get their heads out of their behinds.

Early on in his presidency I mailed a handwritten letter to DJT to thank him and his family for putting themselves in the cross hairs of our enemies. (foreign and domestic). Before the year ended I received a letter back from him. I was amazed by that and actually still am!

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Yes! Great reminder about DJT's comment about big pharma. That's wonderful that you wrote him and received a response. I never knew about the pizzas, but it aligns with other stories of his generosity that I have heard. I'll join you in your prayers for his return to leadership and draining the swamp for all time so MAGA will be realized. God bless

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Preach it!

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And there it is folks! No excuse, no equivocation, black and white.... All are guilty.

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I think the denial of normal treatment and the switch to either nothing or the rem/vent/midaz is all the evidence I need to see guilt. The existence of SARS-CoV-2 or its lethality is kinda unnecessary to cause the death and harm. Add to that the transfection and it s pretty clear..

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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

I’m glad Dr Boz came around and publicly acknowledged her errors. More people of influence should do that rather than use the whole ‘mistakes were made’ non-accountable BS.

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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

Agreed. It is really hard to admit you're wrong, especially so publicly, and ESPECIALLY when you have to simultaneously admit that your wrongness meaningfully harmed people — real people — who trusted you.

Kudos to her for biting that bullet. I hope more will now follow.

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Couldn't agree with you more Valerie.

These doctors better get on the bus before they get thrown under the bus.

Big pharma won't take the fall before all their many scapegoats have fallen first and that includes docs and 3 letter agencies.

Pray God punishes them not just after, but before they leave this earth too, leaving them nowhere to hide and living in fear... Like what the Bible says He will do. When you live that kind of life, there is no rest.

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And hopefully, they’ll learn and become more like us here at C&C who don’t trust the government at all because we know they aren’t acting in our interests, and create problems to divert us from that fact while solving absolutely nothing.

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All true...When I step back and look at the big picture and history, I realized it has always been this way. It is a spiritual battle for human souls since the beginning.

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And to keep themselves in power and increasing their wealth 😡

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Now, if only Trump would admit he was wrong!

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Is it cold in hell today?...

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I said “if only “. Leveling with we the people would be a good move imo. And unexpected. The left would go even more nuts.

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LOL. Much more likely that hell will freeze over than Trump will admit he was wrong.

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You must be a dem.

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Not in your wildest dreams.

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PDJT should not be expected to apologize for the actions of the "experts".

That's on them.

He didn’t force the jab on anyone

The monstrous Big Pharma O'Biden cartel members did that.

His showed millions in America what these demons are capable of.

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It's not like you would accept his apology, anyway. You would just slam him for having taken so long; accepting the jabs as facts to begin with; etc etc etc

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You have no idea what I would do, unless I tell you. Trump is not perfect but I voted for him before & will do it again. He would have even stronger support if he’d level with us. Imo.

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Ok now I’m waiting for Ken Berry MD to have the courage to do a public reversal. I’ve watched him but no longer completely trust him because he won’t tell the truth. He has a huge following and I wonder if the YouTube money is just too precious to him.

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I didn’t know Berry was a pro vaxxer?

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I’ve watched Dr. B for years. I’ve never heard him promote the bio weapons?

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I need to correct a big mistake. I’ve followed him for a long time and really like the guy but I used the word “reverse” implying that he had taken a public stand for the jabs. I don’t think he’s ever pushed them but he has done the exquisite tippy toe just like all the others. I’m sure he’s received tons of comments about the jabs because he’s into “ancestral health” and all that so his silence was always noticeable. He could have done much good by adding his strong voice but, money I guess.

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Sounds like she's surprised at the YouTube violations so she may not have known what was going to happen by taking this route of honesty. For which can all be grateful for her naivete of the depths of this. Her world is being turned upside down right now.

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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

I watched the International Covid Crisis summit at CPAC yesterday and Dr. Jessica Rose, one of Dr. Mcullough's co-authors, presented the paper, then came back to the stage to announce that the paper had been retracted just yesterday, and that they were going to fight like h*ll to get it back up. So it must be convincing people. Dr. Nass presented on the WHO, and how in three separate places in the IFR and treaty documents, all liability for medical interventions is removed, but CPAC took a stand against the pandemic treaty. Free CPAC main stage link for today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4bwWTIGWlw

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I believe I started paying attention to Dr Rose EARLY on in this mess when she was on a podcast to talk about one of her studies (collaboration with McCullogh) that was published and then suddenly no longer published. I took notes. She is brilliant and honest.

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She is all of that, and a bag of chips! She is sharp, and so grounded - just a "gal next door", who happens to be quite - yes, brilliant.

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Dr. Rose has been a Godsend to the anti-vax community for over a decade at least. She is not a 2020 newbie. Glad to see her getting her time of being listened to and valued by a larger audience.

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That link takes me to the Weirdest Homes for Sale video.

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I like Dr. Boz. She's pretty, engaging, and right about health. It's good to see her taking the red pill. My vaccine story? I got a flu shot in late 2020. After my next scheduled blood donation a month later, I received a letter informing me that my blood tested "reactive" to HbSAG (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen), though thankfully non-confirming in subsequent steps. I was deferred from donating my "Neo" blood (O-Neg, CMV Neg, just what neonatal infants need). After repeatedly attempting reentry, I am now (as of two weeks ago) officially permanently deferred from donating. Was it the shot? Of course it was. I am a happily married well-behaved man. It's the only thing that changed between donations, which were carefully timed on a nine-week cadence to get around donation limitations. I had a gift, and THE SCIENCE took it away.

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Wow, it's like they're trying to ruin us. Thanks for sharing!

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Hmmmm. I had been banned from donating blood because I had Hep A, way back in the 90’s. I had to go to the Red Cross and have my blood tested in order to be reinstated. When I was reinstated in 2022, I made an appt to go donate blood and they screwed up my appt and wanted me to wait two hours in order to donate. Pissed me off and I have not been back since. Now, I simply will not cooperate with the Red Cross on anything, given their sketchy history.

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I’m O+. I used to donate regularly, and my blood vessels were small, do they would use small collection bags with me. Then one day they informed me they couldn’t use small bags anymore. After filling half a bag, my blood clotted in the needle, and they threw what I had just donated away. I was furious, and haven’t been back since. This was probably a decade or more ago. They still call me . I don’t answer.

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This makes me sad. We all look for ways to contribute that make us happy and to have it stolen like that is frustrating. I hope you find another way that you can be proud of.

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Dr. Boz: This isn't the first time she has admitted to being wrong and reversing against the establishment. In her book "Any Way You Can" she tells the story of her mother's battle with cancer and the things she learned from it. She had to admit to her patients and readers that she had been wrong for years. The idea that we should expect more from those with an MD is intuitive but wrong. They go through an indoctrination boot camp followed by more intense indoctrination working under master indoctrinators. These are the most intensely indoctrinated people alive today. Dr. Boz is a welcome anomaly, but an anomaly nonetheless.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

God bless Peter McCullough. This highly-credentialed man stood up for us from the beginning. He spoke out, and kept speaking out, despite censure and hatred and ridicule. I am so grateful to him, from the bottom of my heart and soul. To me, he is a hero. Right up there with Jeff Childers.😉

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How terribly sad this is!!! Can you imagine just now coming to the realization that you literally killed so many people bc you trusted the experts. I pray for their souls.

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Weve questioned the shots since may 1st 2021 when two nurses came down from Kingston ontario canada to cornwall ontario. You can all look up the rally. Anyhow their patients were dying so they refused to administer nor take themselves these deathjabs and warned the world not to take them and were ignored

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Doubt it. Besides heart attacks, strokes and cancer the amount of people getting some type of autoimmune disorder is 😳 My jabbed sister has been “so sick” so many times since jab, a prior “healthy” person but she still doesn’t see it.

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Encouraging story on Dr. Boz. I wonder if she’s aware that it’s a bio-weapon? She probably still has some rude awakenings coming.

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I do hope!!!!

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Ask them to comment on the adrenochrome patents since the 60's and or the thousands of patents to this ridiculous deathjab since 2003 or the CYM group or the OECD. They rarely mention anything of the sorts

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Publisher Retracts Valid, High Quality, and Widely Read Cureus Paper Calling for Halt in COVID-19 Vaccination


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One of my friends’ husband was just diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer, stage 3. He’s maybe 53 years old, was a triathlete, is very healthy, and eats well. They moved to France last year. There is no question in my mind that he got the C-shot. They were never able to have children, and he is the love of her life. Both a very strong faith. I hope that he beats this diagnosis.

This should not be happening, and the people who forced this on the world should be brought to trial and convicted with whatever sentence is appropriate for the mass murderers that they are.

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Hopefully she holds her ground and doesn’t recapitulate to ‘the science’ now that Cereus has retracted the paper And she has experienced demonetization for holding a dissenting opinion

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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

I must say Jeff Childers writes a “home run” every single day that provides insights to understand the chaos that surrounds us, challenges us to think more deeply than we typically do - or sometimes want to,

calls us to a moral, logical and common sense conclusion and then beckons our courage to take some level of action in our area of influence to restore sanity and “good” for all people. We are all indebted. Thank you, Jeff Childers

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I am always amazed at the quality of information he puts out day after day. He is a gift.

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I read a lot of covid news. But Jeff still breaks fresh stuff I've not yet encountered.

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All while making us laugh! Such a terrific combination!! 😁

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Yah, that comment about Fanni squeezing Wades lemons 🍋😂

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Right??? 🤣😆

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No one actually believed the affair started after he was hired. Nice to have evidence to support the skepticism.

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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

Let's not minimize this: "Dr. Boz explained that it was the relentless pressure of subscriber’s jab comments — comments she pretended to ignore but actually noticed — that kept her attention secretly on the science related to the vaccines."

So keep the pressure up! Don't curb your speech. Let it rip! Relentless pressure.

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Good callout! Frankly, I'm so tired of the black-pilled views. Yes, there is a deep state, there are bankers up to no good, and there is the WEF/EU trying to take over the world. But, they are not aligned and they do not have the future mapped out and fully in their control. The future has not been decided.

If the PTB had total control, this Substack wouldn't exist. Substack itself wouldn't exist. No one would have changed their mind about the mRNA "vaccines," much less the sea change we have seen wrt vaccines more generally b/c none of that info would have gotten out.

If our voices didn't matter, the PTB wouldn't spend upwards of 70-80% of their time and billions of $$$ trying to control what we think and say...so that others don't start to think and say the same things.

And if our votes didn't matter they'd have no need to control anything we think or say. Why bother at that point?

The only conclusion to draw from the fact that they spend nearly all of their time and unimaginable amounts of money trying to control our thoughts and words is that our voices and votes do, in fact, matter very much. The only thing we need is more open and vocal pushback from more people.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

The Dr and so many other leaders in professions took the advise of nasty nurses, and others, over research and wisdom. This is what having a following can get you, ARROGANCE. 😡 Thankful to be a nobody. 🙌 Sadly the shepherds were following a wolf.

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Is this true?

"Did you know the current CFO of AstraZeneca is on the Board of Governors of the Red Cross?

Did you know the former CFO of Moderna is on the Board too?

Now do you see why Red Cross won’t segregate vaxxed blood donations from unvaxxed blood?

Why does Big Pharma control our blood banks?!"


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I am SO GLAD that Ken Paxton filed suit against one of the NGOs on the border for contributing to child trafficking. I think these groups - including the Red Cross, which is why I mention it here - are doing the government’s bidding and pushing/enabling things that are illegal or difficult for the government to do due to that damn bipartisan legislative approval they must get. Our government is just so corrupt. I would say our federal government… there are probably some groups that still provide actual value, but I think most real value is coming from local governments, like Abbott and Paxton here in TX, and DeSantis in FL.

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Ken P is sincere and on the side of truth. That’s why he has a target on his back.

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I think the NGOs are a much bigger and corrupt mechanism than I ever imagined!!

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Media reports none of this. The NGOs pulling in the invaders. Media says nothing about all the gibs like credit cards, hotel rooms, flights etc given to these illegals.

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I’ve been coming to this conclusion too. Covid opened my eyes to a lot of rings.

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Oops, things…

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Their big red cross gives them away. Many of us know enough about the real history.

All the big non profits were became or were created for nefarious reasons.

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Red Cross is not what we have been told.

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So... On this... There's a blood shortage caused by the shut down and thankfully, tic, they have made it much easier for infected, injected to give and please wear a mask. I'm curious how many adverse reactions happen while giving blood like clots, heat attacks, strokes, and then there's the obviously TAINTED bank of blood AND they will no longer allow you to bank your own blood or designate for someone having surgery. 😡😡😡 Not giving any more.

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I not only refuse to give blood now, I refuse to take it or let them give donated monoclonal antibodies to my son for therapy because they can’t guarantee it’s not vaxxed. In addition, I changed my status from being a donor to not donating anything when I die. They refused to let my brother-in-law get his kidney transplant because he was not vaccinated and he died a year later. So F them all. They never cared about “saving lives”.

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I was in a bereavement group and recently a mom (a nurse) shared her story. In Fl you can check a box on your drivers license to be an organ donor. Her daughter checked the box at 16. Seven years later she was dying, but not dead when the organ transplant people showed up. The mom says they were like vultures and wanted the daughters entire body: skin, bones, organs, everything. They came to the hospital every day and tried to get the parents to let them “kill” her for 5 minutes so she could be declared brain dead, then they would bring her back to life so they could get whatever they wanted. This girl wasn’t dead or brain dead, but the vultures were circling. Finally the mom ( bless her) contacted hospice and was going to take her child home to die. That alarmed the transplanters and they started negotiating with the family for what they could take. Mom looked up the values of some organs. A heart was a million dolllars. Lungs were $900,000. each. Some things everyone should know- if someone checks the box to be an organ donor at the DMV ( or whatever they call it now) the family has no rights at all. I don’t understand how this can apply to a sixteen year old, as they cannot legally sign contracts, but that’s the way it is. The family requested some testing but the hospital said they couldn’t or wouldn’t do it. In negotiations the family asked for some testing to be done and the organ transplant people agreed. The testing was ordered. Within an hour the daughter was declared brain dead and the testing ignored. A person is alive when the organs are harvested and to my knowledge not anesthetized. Don’t check the box on your drivers license. Make your wishes known to next of kin. Let the next of kin make the decision according to your wishes. I’m waiting for my license to expire so I can the organ donation off my license.

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This is not the first or second time I've heard a story like these!

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How horrible for that mom! What is wrong with people to approach a family facing such a heartache!

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"So F them all."

100%, NetteJoy. 100%.

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I cringe whenever I see the blood bank roll up to collect blood at the church I have an office in. Unfortunately, my family went through a horrific tragedy almost a year ago which resulted in massive blood transfusions to save my daughter’s life. My gut tells me that she has been infiltrated with tainted blood. We stood strong all through the scamdemic to the point of my husband losing his 20 year career and starting all over. I asked at the big city (Seattle) hospital if I could be a direct donor for my daughter due to my concerns about tainted blood and they told me the research does not bear out my concerns and no, it wasn’t possible. Right :/ I am forever grateful for the care we received there and the fact that my daughter is still alive due to the skilled doctors there but they had C-vid policies in place well after the time it was no longer necessary and I got kicked out of the hospital one night by a male nurse who set out to show me who was boss. He was very harassing and made my daughter, who was completely vulnerable, feel unsafe. I filed a complaint that went absolutely nowhere. Fun times.

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…my concerns about tainted blood and they told me the research does not bear out my concerns… Riiigggght! Not gonna bother looking back at those data, but color me skeptic.

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So grateful you daughter was saved! I’d have done the same. ❤️

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Risk vs reward

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I am so sorry you were forced to leave! Advocating for our loved ones while they are in the hospital is paramount .....her not feeling safe is another level of terrible.....not good for healing! For this reason I have often thought that it was a crime that people were forced to be in the hospital alone during COVID.

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I took the first 2 jabs but no more. I have always felt like an anti vax person because I get so angry about what has gone on. I have not given any blood since the pandemic Because of my concerns about possible spike protein remaining. Never had any reactions to my injection, not even a sore arm so I pray that I got one of the ones that was basically a placebo. I have only had but Covid once and that was last fall.

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Shortage predates Covid. They also recently lowered the standards for those with "alternative sexual behaviors" donating.

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They have; hard to trust that those donating are all being honest.

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There is a company called SafeBlood you and work with to receive and give and store un-vaxxed blood!

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Have they Inverted the Cross symbol yet?

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The perfect Big Pharma logo.

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yes, and they can keep the writhing snake(s) on it as if to say; the Great Serpent will triumph over religion, piety, and redeeming sacrifice for humanity.

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Man, is that an understatement. It is `100 % Swiss Khazarian controlled evil

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I stopped donating when I found out they donated to the DNC. They should not be political.

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I’m done with all the big “non-profits”. Now I only donate to local churches, individuals, and small local charities when I know the people who run them.

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I donate to the legal groups defending liberty, and I make donations that are not tax-deductible because the groups are too political.

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I only donate to organizations cleared by the Lepanto Charity List.

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Have been trying to get into a refresher first aid/cpr class for two years. Cannot find red cross anywhere offering these. Why is that?

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It's like they really don't want us doing well.

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No way. Ugh.

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I donated from the time I was 18 until Covid. I won't donate again until they segregate blood.

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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

I heard it’s a weather barroon and

Totarry not for spying

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Diana--Finally a comment on this balloon. If it isnt ours, why hasnt it been shot down.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

Turns out it is one of ours, per sdeveral stories this morning.

Apparently our incredible FAA does not know what US vehicles are traversing controlled airspace. What a comforting thought.

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Yeah, thanks, Dr. Boz. Now just bring back or fix my family and friends who are dead, injured or dying. (Edit: she is not directly responsible, but was one of thousands who went with the narrative that killed/injured millions.)

It's great she is apologizing, but the dead are still speaking and this is not over. My heart is still broken. All the apologies in the world will never fix that.

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I am so sorry, and pray for you to have comfort. Justice will be slow, and I doubt it helps.

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I remind myself frequently that whether or not we see justice served in our lifetimes, God will serve ultimate justice in the end.

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She was elevated for her advocacy of the tenets of National Socialism Vaxxination

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And that's a great thing. But in the process, I can't and won't forget those killed and maimed.

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We are now in a civil war. Yesterday Google locked me out of my business email account for 30 days. I lost my password and when I went to recover it I got this message

" In 30 days you will receive a password reset link to your alternate account while we verify your identity. You cannot reply to the email and there is no followup or place to request clarification"

Also, equipment and materials are complete rubbish. The rubber breaks down, cements won't set, labs come back all messed up. The D.E.A. is making it harder and harder to comply with their "digital prescriptions" platform. All kinds of databases you have to check prior to even issuing the prescription. Then when you write the prescription you get all kinds of "feedback" asking if "you are ok" basically from the patients insurance company. It's crazy out here folks!

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Time for a new email provider.

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protonmail, although it's clunky.

twitter is about to have a big gmail competitor. very soon.

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Warning: Do not trust X, ever.

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Probably not bad advice. It’s better than it was but I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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Two weeks ago I went into one of my Google email folders to retrieve something I had needed to save for reference.

Lo and behold, the folder was EMPTY! All of my Google mail folders are empty.

I have no idea how to even contact them to find out where my stuff is, or if I’ve been hacked (no notification from my identity theft insurance agency).

One more time drain brought on by technology…

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I know an elderly woman who is very vocal and she has had this problem several times. I've long suspected something nefarious.

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I’m a Republican Precinct Delegate, have lively conversations with like minded people (phone ever present), belong to a Patriot group, had a huge Covid folder started in 2020, file natural healing and diet information. Do you think there’s a target on my back? 😬

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all your data is belong to us

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someone set up us the google bomb

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Make backup copies of EVERYTHING IMPORTANT OFFLINE. Don't trust your Google drive or email for anything.

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I don’t like “the cloud” for many reasons including that one.

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The ‘cloud’ is just other people’s computers. It depends on the trustworthiness of the cloud service provider whether you are safe to use that particular cloud

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Even better, get rid of your Gmail account and replace it with a Proton mail account (or a iCloud account if you’re an Apple user)

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

It's sad to feel like you are potentially being spyed on 24/7. It reminds me of Joni Earkson Tada's comments after traveling to communist countries and being warned that there were "bugs" in the walls. It's much easier today with all communication taking place on-line and on cell phones.

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Technology is being used to emulate a counterfeit of omniscience.

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False god...

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One terabyte Samsung SSD costs $110.

Now tell me why you need to store ANYthing in the cloud, other than an individual file which you wish to share?

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Same happen to me. I was cleaning up my google emails and went to put a email into a certain folder and it was empty. All my emails are gone... it had a lot of personal email I did not want to lose.

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Yahoo deleted all my mail in my inbox. One day, while driving to the airport, I went to check my mail (I have used this email address for 20+ years for purchase receipts and advertising) for any airport updates and all of my mail was simply gone. Not in the trash bin, not anywhere. Technology is the bane of my existence. I absolutely hate it.

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Proton mail might be better? IDK

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Remember their motto "do no evil". Bit of a freudian slip with a dash of projection.

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Everything... everything is set up to appear good, but their language and beliefs are opposite.

You know what I mean?

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I have given up trying to find any logic in the left. A very kind man and a (soon to be former) friend still thinks George Floyd is some sort of hero and was killed by the police. I can no longer talk to him. He lives in a bizarro world where up is down and down is up. I need to stay grounded.

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What is logical about giving your soul to evil?

How do we stay grounded and help others see the truth?

Patience and longsuffering... a lot of it and the Biblical truth. It is the only thing that makes sense of it all.

Just looked longsuffering up and what the Bible says...noun-Long, patient endurance of insult, abuse or mistreatment; longanimity.

Numbers 14:18

‘The Lord is slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generations.’

Matthew 24:48-51

"But if that evil slave says in his heart, 'My master is not coming for a long time,' and begins to beat his fellow slaves and eat and drink with drunkards; the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour which he does not know, read more.

and will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

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So is Proton not a good choice and if not, what is?

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Proton is a fine choice. I've been using it for about 3 years now.

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Been with them since 2014, "Visionary" member; believe Snowden was the one that put it on my radar. I've seen some things that concern me (Bellingcat was a recipient of one of their recent fundraising efforts for example, and one of the commenters here pointed out that they did hand over some info to authorities once), but I've found it far better than any other. Have never had anything go to spam that wasn't truly spam or phishing.

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I've used proton, it's a good enough choice, especially if privacy is your goal. The only downsides are the UI is not quite as nice as gmail's.

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Proton is the best choice that I know of but IDK much. LOL

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It's been said, their motto used to be "don't be evil", but some time along the way they quietly removed the "don't".

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Wow 😳

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The abandonment of promotion by merit was sabotage.

We're seeing failures in every industry and institution, and when you peel the onion, you get to the layer where you realize this. It was sabotage.

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Are you a pharmacist or a prescriber in the RX industry?

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I'm a prescriber with a DEA license for 36 years. They know me very well and they know my political opinions, and now I realize they have been spying on my bank accounts.

I got protonmail right after Jan 20 , 2021. I found Google had been putting into spam and trash all the republicans and other types of emails they hate. We are under a social credit score system just like China. The only difference is it is being done by the I.P. providers and the banks as well as all social media accounts. This is why I have no facebook, twitter, snapchat, tik tok, don't use facetime, won't accept voice print verification. The prison is being constructed; only a matter of time before the door slams shut. KEEP FIGHTING OUT THERE. WE ARE WINNING!

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Where is your domain hosted, assuming your biz email is connected to that. You can move your current email asap, via that domain change if not also hosted by G.

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Poor Dr Box, what a naïve dope. Reality bites

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How many people were injured or killed because of her advice?

No forgiveness.

No amnesty.

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I’m conflicted between demanding justice and accountability with no forgiveness or amnesty, and welcoming new converts to the fold so that the message is amplified. Another commenter pointed out that if we attack those who realize they were wrong and speak up, no one else will be willing to come forward and join the fight. I don’t know the answer.

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Some did all of this *knowing* exactly what they were doing - pure evil. No quarter for them. Others trusted that those whose jobs it was to do the research and inform others were trustworthy. Why would people think that? Imho, because they themselves are trustworthy and couldn't imagine that others, whom they thought they had reason to trust, are not. For those who can see the light, such as Dr. Boz, welcoming forgiveness and offers of information she still may not know. Those who want to send everyone to the guillotine, regardless of the above, please re-read Paul (of the Bible) talking about his former behavior, which included advocating murder. But he learned and repented. We must allow for repentance and forgiveness, as we repented and were forgiven our own sins in our old lives.

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There but for the grace of God....I was thankfully awakened in 2020 and I can barely understand how it was that I believed things that, to me now, are so glaringly obvious falsehoods. Talk about turning one's world upside down at age 60 with a lifetime of memories requiring updates which can never be.

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Exactly! On a long car trip a couple of years ago, I listened to both Inventing the AIDS Virus (Duesberg) and Dissolving Illusions (can't remember the authors' names, but showing the historical data that "vaccine-preventable" disease rates dropped dramatically before the vaccines became available). I could feel my energy, my morale, my confidence, all draining away, as I finally had to wonder if I had ever learned anything real or done any good in my medical/public health career.

And how many times in my life have I literally said, "There but for the grace of God go I?"

Too numerous to count.

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Suzanne Humphries: author of Dissolving Illusions

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I wonder if this how former cult members feel when they wake up or are de-programmed.

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Thank you for that reminder. I remember being puzzled why people would steal, kill, destroy…..my Mom would quote this to me

Titus 1:15 To the pure, all things are pure; but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure. Indeed, both their minds and their consciences are defiled.

So. She was either brainwashed or naive.

I too trusted our government until 9/11/2001.

Was I brainwashed or naive? But once my eyes were opened to the evils of our bureaucratic democracy, I realized just how brainwashed/stupid I had been……..(yes, we were founded as a ‘Republic’, but we have already lost that…..we are now ruled by the most craven, despots in the world).

We are taxed into our graves, our government has free-range to hunt us down, lock us up without trial or outright murder us and nothing will happen.

I went turbo from trusting to jaded. But I wouldn’t go back to believing the lie for any amount of money or power.

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That’s such a great verse! I’m sure I must have read it before without it really sinking in. It’s likely the foundation for the old saying about measuring other people’s corn by your own bushel basket.

Those of us who are not psychopaths can’t conceive of doing to others what our psychopath “trusted experts” have been plotting to do to us for a long time.

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Well said.

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Depends on where they stand. If their eyes open and they admit they were wrong, we should forgive them (but certainly not trust them again). I think it's possible to say "I'm mad at you b/c you were wrong and what you did hurt people, but I forgive you b/c you've admitted it." We should also use it as an opportunity to open their eyes to other things. Now is our chance to really shift the Overton window on a number of important topics.

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That very "attack and scare off" tactic is what kept sensible people from speaking out IN THE FIRST PLACE.

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Good points.

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I think the reality is these new converts are going to experience both reactions from people…some will be angry and unkind to them, others will welcome with open arms. I actually think both reactions serve a purpose. We must welcome them and forgive. And the ones who are angry with them and show them our anger are hopefully motivating them to think more in the future and not blindly go along with evil agendas just because of peer pressure.

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We must forgive but not give them total amnesty. The problem is that they were trained and brainwashed by bigger fish, and THOSE are the ones that need to hang.

It is like punishing the street drug pusher that just gets replaced, and does nothing to stop drug trafficking. The heads of the drug cartels (snakes) are the ones we want.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

I had 5 friends die in a 18-month period.

Nope for forgiveness.

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Forgiveness is for us to heal and not really for them. It's so we can heal. We hate what they did and ignorance is not a good excuse, so forgiveness... but not without punishment...

I had 3 living relatives and now I have 2 and one of them is sick so I get it.

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I really miss the people who died.

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God help us. I'm so sorry and you made me cry. Thank you for that because if we don't have pain or suffer, how can we feel joy as well?

Yesterday I was on the thread about dementia and I am dealing with my mom slipping away from me... The last surving blood relative besides my kids. I think I should live for others because life here is short. This passage came to mind. God bless.

Philippians 1

21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

22 But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not.

23 For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:

24 Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.

25 And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith;

26 That your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for me by my coming to you again.

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A sane and just society wants ALL of them, beeg fishies and minnows alike.

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Yep. My biggest hope is that out of this cultural shift that's happening we get serious about crime. If you take a step back and look across societies at how they treat criminals, it's obvious we are a far-left outlier, with our law-abiding people being essentially oppressed by a small criminal segment of society. We have conflated forgiveness with pity and lack of consequences.

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Well-stated. Americans have ofttimes replaced thinking with feelings, and are wrecking our own house as a result.

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No amnesty. They had access to the same information you and I did.

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Did they, though? If literally everyone they trusted was telling them "this is fine", and they aren't in the habit of following "conspiracy theorist" youtube channels and blogs, then were they even exposed to the truth in a form capable of penetrating?

This is a good case to ponder on the saying - "Don't judge, unless you're willing to be judged on the same standard you judge others by."

(IOW: If they actively pushed it for $$$ despite knowing it was bad, then YES punish them, I would equally expect to be punished for doing the same. But if they sincerely didn't realize until later, then well... I would not want to be judged for failing to know that I didn't know something...)

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I want to like this 100 times.

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I’m not about forgiving these ppl but to realize you jabbed your kids? That’s more cruel than any karma.

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Yeah I just don't get people who's smell meter couldn't detect the massive amounts of bullshit being slung around in 2020. Shame on all of them. But kudos for admitting her stupidity (and right out loud too).

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Right with you, Irunthis1. I saw through the bs almost from the beginning and was staggered when the whole world fell for it. The lockdowns nailed it for me. No rational, normal person would expect ordinary people to go without a paycheck for months--- only government workers and global elitists.

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Amen! I watched it all go down pretty much gobsmacked at what was happening that went against everything I was ever taught or learned as a medical professional. It was a giant wake up call at how badly I had underestimated the rot in the medical community. I knew it was there and had contrary opinions on many things but none of this was on my radar until 2020. I willingly took vaccines (and gave them occasionally) up until they changed the very definition of one and told us that natural immunity wasn’t a thing anymore. I find it amusing and depressing how much my world view cleared in the year 2020. Grateful to have been awake enough to fall on the sane side of it. And no, I will never take or give another vaccine unless ten years of study vs true placebo shows true safety and efficacy. And even then only if it’s for something horrific that would endanger me or mine. I’m grateful to be in a position where I don’t have to give vaccines anymore because the reality as a pharmacist today is if you want to work retail and don’t own your own business (which I have done and which is getting harder to do) you have to give vaccines. I pray that those who are doing it are being honest and giving true informed consent but doubt many are because 1. They don’t have time, 2. They don’t want to get fired , and 3. They believe what they’re told to believe and aren’t actually using the education they received in an honest way. I was taught to question things, to research answers and to know that I don’t or can’t “know it all”. But I’m Gen-x and the indoctrination didn’t really stick so good with a lot of us. Blessings!

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Agree. They all had access to the same info. we did.

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That's the cleverness of the Left. She didn't want to be kook-fringe "antivax". It's all in the framing. Antivax, climate denier, election denier - it's all marxist rhetorical framing. They (the CIA) know EXACTLY what they're doing. If you've ever gotten fooled, you should consider dispensing badly-needed grace.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

They have it down to a science. They evaluate linguistic trends for emotional response, and then use their algorithms to shape and adjust narratives for more effectiveness.

Layered narratives. Layer upon layer of lies, crafted to provoke an emotional response. They are digging their tentacles into the collective limbic system.

No one should make the mistake of discounting that they also know well how to place truth next to error. The one who establishes a track record of being helpful will be easier to believe when it is time to sell the lie.

Earlier I said "They have it down to a science." Except it's not "a science." It's witchcraft. "Lesser magick."

Only useful against those who did not receive the love of the Truth. Fear only God. Believe in His Son. These are light and momentary afflictions in comparison to the eternity He has promised.

It's not possible to manipulate by fear one who firmly believes that "to live is Christ; to die is gain."

This is why they hate those who believe.

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"linguistic trends for emotional response" - SO many issues are discussed/dominated by emotional arguments these days. As someone who has always been a data nerd and not very emotional, it frustrates me to no end. I guess the indoctrinators are doing well.

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It reminds me of Saruman from Lord of the Rings. His greatest magical power was his Voice.

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Call me a kook..

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

Despite our many advances in technology, communication, physics, etc…our “elitist programmers” put much more value in DEATH via concocted proxy wars, manufactured pandemics, processed racial hate, criminalizing the truth while legitimizing the criminal, and by perpetually serializing division amongst the tribe, than they do LIFE. NOT exactly the hallmarks of an "advanced" species. We may be the smartest dumbasses in the galaxy. The tribe must remain vigilant. Dr. Boz - "I was wrong." Progress....albeit, a tad too late. 💀

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Dr. Boz's mother passed from covid and she wasn't allowed to be with her to say goodbye. I cannot imagine the guilt I would feel if I vaccinated my children with the covid shot.

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My husband allowed his 17 yo to get vaxxed so she go on vacation w her bf and his family🤦‍♀️. She got two shots. I told him if he allowed her to get boosted, I would leave them both. I gave her detox supplements, but I’m not sure she took them. I worry and pray for her everyday. I can’t imagine the guilt hubby will have if her health takes a terrible turbo turn. He was against it (we are both unjabbed), but succumbed to her pressure. {{SIGH}}

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My daughter’s bf ( no longer with him, thank goodness) was exerting pressure for her to get vaccinated while they were attending the same Catholic University in Florida. When she came home from school that summer and told me she was thinking about getting it, I told her that if she had any issues related to the shot, we would be unwilling to take care of her and she would have to find her own health insurance. I also asked her to explain to me what the mRNA vaccine was, and how it worked and she couldn’t do it. That solved that problem pretty quickly. Fast-forward three years, and she told me this past summer that she is so glad that she never got the shots and would never get any vaccines ever again..

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Sorry, I got distracted by 17yo daughter being allowed to go on vacation with her boyfriend and his fam.

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Soooo many issues….

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amen I was very clear with my granddaughter and son. No shots!!!

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Reminds me of the movie Idiocracy. Lots of R content but makes its point.


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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

It should be sadly noted that the McCullough article was retracted by Cureus for no particular reason other than pressure from pharma. So it will soon disappear. Get your copy while you can.

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Downloaded as pdf and printed :).

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reddit: Why isn't that McCullough guy in jail yet for antivaxism? What's taking so long?

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Also reddit: My parents said they won't pay for my castration, so I told my teacher that I don't feel safe at home.

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I believe the paper will remain available but with a big fat "Redacted" disclaimer, essentially destroying its credibility for those who wish to keep the narrative afloat.

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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

Pedophilia is definitely immoral. And when acted upon, is not only illegal, but should be rewarded with the greatest punishment possible, the death penalty.

These experiences stay with the victims for life, and lead to many adverse consequences including substance dependency and suicide.

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I saw a news piece on the internet a few days ago that said Idaho was going to pass the death penalty for pedophilia. I don't know if that is true or not as I have not seen anything since.

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When my son was raped by much older kids, it put this exact scenario into play. He compartmentalized the trauma for a while until his body couldn’t contain it any longer. He recovered memories at 29. The average age of boys who are raped to recover memories is 18 YEARS! He got into drugs and tried to kill himself. He flatlined twice and was brought back. We tried so hard to find help for him but we could never find anything or anyone that could really help. He relapsed around a sordid anniversary and bought some drugs. The drugs contained fentanyl and he’s now at peace. My sons life was stolen at 11. He never wanted to live after that. Hug your children. Protect them from sick, evil pedophiles.

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So so sorry. I’m having tears in my eyes reading this. I have a friend who was sexually abused as a child and committed suicide (shot herself in the head) several years ago. She was quite an accomplished woman, but could never accept a loving relationship, and always felt haunted by demons.

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Just so very sorry about your son. ((hugs))

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I am so sorry about your son. I can not imagine how infuriating it must be to see much of society trying to protect pedophiles. I pray for justice now and I rest assured there will be justice when God returns to judge the earth.

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I gotta agree. Everything I've read indicates that incarceration does not change their mindset. They will always be pedophiles. Once released they still have those evil urges. Another thing I have read in many places, regular prisoners really don't like pedophiles so just put the pedos in the general population and.......weellll......So.

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And those experiences (pedophilia) not only stay with the victim themselves, but some victims will act out toward other innocent individuals in a myriad of ways so it isn't just one victim but we must think of the people the victim will interact with throughout their lifetime.

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"...exciting text: “New Fani Willis evidence is an "earthquake," Geraldo Rivera warns." I'm astounded by that comment.

1. That Geraldo Riveria is still alive.

2. That he is still reporting MSM "news".

3. That anyone still listens/reads his schlock.

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he should be still shoveling in Al Capone's Secret Vault, Gerry the Joke Rivers

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Haha! I was on a road trip a while ago flipping AM stations and he was on Hannity’s radio show or maybe it was someone else’s show. But I’ve also seen him pop up on Fox and other networks as a commentator. Media whores keep coming back as long as they can get paid.

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My dad was a neighbor of Geraldo in the 80`s in NJ. At halloween instead of candy he gave out pictures of himself. Nobody liked him

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I bet a lot of people went home and gargled to get the bad taste out of their mouths.

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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

Dr McCullough et al paper - according to co- author Steve Kirsch on Feb 18, the journal is retracting it - hopefully they will win in fighting yet again another retraction travesty.

I certainly pray Dr Boz is aware enough now to realize what's happening and doesn't retract her views, comments, etc if she hears of the retraction.


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Retraction has happened to Dr Rose before.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

It’s a sign they are over the target.

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And McCullough. But it's the Streisand effect, these leftist liars just don't get it.

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Dr McCullough just announced the paper's retraction - including the authors' quite extensive objection.


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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

I love our multipliers but I REALLY hope we can avoid WinRed in the future. I have been bombarded with spam emails and texts ever since my Trump donation!

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Gotta use your "spare" email for things like that.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24


I had to edit out the @ . . . it made a hyperlink. I don't want to have a paddleboarding accident.

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I put a phone number in my donation that is a landline. Texts sent to it are immediately shot into the sun. Haven't gotten any emails yet, but it's very easy to mark them as phishing and that should make them go away. Agree with staying away from WinRed, but Jeff explained why that wasn't an option this go-around and that anyone who couldn't find peace with it just this once was excused.

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“Shut it down. Pedophilia is not an identity.”

How can anyone promote this awful, destructive, criminal activity? I DO NOT understand

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Americans have been so sheltered, they don't recognize evil anymore. Even Christians don't because the church has become heretical, a purveyor of the "love generation".

We are not meant to "understand" evil. We are meant to recognize that evil is absolute, that there is NO common ground between us and them, that evil has NO EMPATHY... Only when we recognize this do we begin to understand the war we are in.

Never ask "how can they...?" Only recognize the evil for what it is and then ask "how do we destroy it?"

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I completely agree Phil, we are not capable of understanding evil, we just have to be able to recognize it and destroy it. Never has black and white, in my lifetime, been so clear. I thought I was morally right, because I could see gray. WRONG! I was blind and naive.

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Many "Christians" are not even Christians. There are too many "Pastors" preaching a false gospel.

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I suppose understanding your excellent post, is a bit of understanding.

I do find those who embrace evil mind boggling. Perhaps that’s all I can hope or want to understand

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As they say in AA: "Understanding is the booby prize."

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Well said Phil!

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Around 10 years ago I guess it is, the NY Times (of course) published an op-ed piece which claimed that pedophilia was really not that bad, that these people couldn't help it etc. The people commenting on that article were very angry and didn't agree with any of it.

I used to know a guy who seemed nice enough. He turned out to be a pedophile. Ugh.

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Well, look at who runs the NYT. And all the large media.

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Which is why I said "of course".

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Romans 1

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Feb 24Liked by Jeff Childers

Maybe Dr. Boz could watch how a master of YouTube censorship evasion does it. John Campbell did his 180 some time ago, and has been thwarting the algorithms ever since. At least she's speaking publicly, though, and to a large audience.

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He was likely demonetized ages ago.

It's not removal or shutting down content, just no pay goes to content creator anymore, even if YT runs commercials.

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Possible. He's always been very upfront about any strikes his account received, and the few videos that were actually removed (very few). I was under the impression that any money his account generates goes to help that doctor in Africa that he occasionally profiles, and whose clinic he sometimes visits. I could be wrong. I know that when the censors first turned their beady eye on him is when he started a substack and branched onto other platforms as well.

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