Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

Forgive me, this has nothing to do with anything (and yet everything to do with everything). I was feeling discouraged this morning and remembered this old prayer that I printed out 25 years ago. It always brings a smile to my face and courage to my soul. Hope it does for yours, too. The battle is already fought!

He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End!

He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all! He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times.

He always was, He always is, and He always will be... unmoved, unchanged, undefeated, and never undone!

He was bruised and brought healing! He was pierced and eased pain! He was persecuted and brought freedom! He was dead and brought life! He is risen and brings power! He reigns and brings Peace! The world can't understand Him, the armies can't defeat Him, the schools can't explain him, and the leaders can't ignore Him. Herod couldn't kill Him, the Pharisees couldn't confuse Him, and the people couldn't hold Him! Nero couldn't crush Him, Hitler couldn't silence Him, The New Age can't replace Him, and Donahue can't explain Him away!

He is light, love, longevity, and Lord. He is Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, and God. He is Holy, Righteous, Almighty, Powerful, and Pure. His ways are right, His word is eternal, His will is unchanging, and His mind is on me. He is my Redeemer, He is my Savior, He is my Guide, and He is my Prince of Peace! He is my Joy, He is my

Comfort, He is my Lord, and He rules my life! I serve Him because His bond is love, His burden is light, and His goal for me is abundant life. I follow Him because He is the Wisdom of the wise, the Power of the powerful, the Ancient of Days, the Ruler of rulers, the Leader of leaders, the Overseer of the overcomers, and the sovereign Lord

of all that was and is and is to come. And if that seems impressive to you, try this for size. His goal is a relationship with ME!

He will never leave me,

Never forsake me,

Never mislead me,

Never forget me,

Never overlook me, and never cancel my appointment in His appointment book!

When I fall, He lifts me up!

When I fail, He forgives!

When I am weak, He is strong!

When I am lost, He is the way!

When I am afraid, He is my courage!

When I stumble, He steadies me!

When I am hurt, He heals me!

When I am broken, He mends me!

When I am blind, He leads me!

When I am hungry, He feeds me!

When I face trials, He is with me!

When I face persecution, He shields me!

When I face problems, He comforts me!

When I face loss, He provides for me!

When I face death, He carries me home!

He is everything for everybody, everywhere, every time, and every way. He is God, He is Faithful. I am His, and He is mine! My Father in heaven has beaten the father of this world.

So, if you're wondering why I feel so secure, understand this: He said it and that settles it. God is in control, I am on His side, and that means all is well with my soul. Every day is a blessing for GOD IS!

I love the Lord and thank Him for all that he does in my life. Yes, I do love Jesus. He is my source of existence and my Savior. He keeps me functioning each and every day. Without Him, I am nothing; but with Him, I can do all things. Amen!

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Thank you for sharing this. I, too, am still functioning only because I belong to Jesus and my life is in His hands. This coming Sunday, I will be teaching my sixth grade girls about Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac, and how God provided a lamb. It brings back memories of the time when I had just committed my life to Christ, at age 23, and the meaning of the Bible had been opened up to me by the Holy Spirit. On that long ago morning, as my adult Bible class read the Isaac story, the repeated words, "your only son, your only son, your only son" pierced my heart. It was all pointing to Jesus, just as the entire Bible is. I am excited about sharing this with my girls on Sunday.

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I was in that exact same excited position several years ago. I said something to the effect that Abraham had to show God that he was completely willing to obey.

My girls were 12, going on 22; and one piped up that, oh, thatโ€™s like in The Walking Dead, when Rick was going to cut off his sonโ€™s hand to prove his loyalty. I hope that doesnโ€™t happen to you.๐Ÿ˜–

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I wouldn't be surprised! One little girl is a real character. Her prayer request a couple of weeks ago was that God would cause the service to end early so her family could get home and let the dog out before he peed in the house. ๐Ÿ˜

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๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚! That is hilarious!

Well, one Sunday I was just teaching away, par excellence I thought. I paused to breathe and one little darling shot up her hand, and I thought, ooh, she was listening, she has a question or comment.

Her question was, โ€˜How old were you, when you got your first phone?โ€™ (She had a birthday coming up, and was hoping to win an argument at home.)

Imagine her shock, when I said, โ€œSweetie, I didnโ€™t even have access to a phone until I went away to college.โ€

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They're so funny! Before sixth grade, I taught tenth grade girls for a year. I enjoyed the deeper conversations, but not the drama.

While teaching a kindergarten age group one night, I shared about a recent mission trip to Guatemala. That led to us discussing the Spanish words for various English words. The children were excited about participating. One little boy raised his hand and I asked him, "Do you know a Spanish word?" He replied, "No, but I need to go to the bathroom."

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Thank you. The one line about Donahue, dated this back to the end of the 70โ€™s, into the 80โ€™s. I was a young home wife and mother then and almost never missed Donahue. Back then he questioned everything and had some great guests. It brought National politics into my home everyday. We went a long way past just asking questions to being told what we must think. That prayer is special and I just copied it to keep. As true today as it was then.

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I never liked him, personally, but enjoyed the throwback reference ๐Ÿ˜

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Thank you for sharing your kind words of inspiration - they can't hurt!

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What an absolutely beautiful prayer. God bless you, and may He bless us and forgive us all in these strange, sinful and scary times our country is undergoing.

Pray for the powers of darkness which have so much power over our country to be rebuked in the name of Jesus.

Praying in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and unto the ages of ages, Amen. ๐Ÿ™โœ๏ธ

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Thank you, Angela!

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Do you happen to know who the author is of this prayer? I believe Priscilla Shirer has quoted portions of this prayer or something very similar before. Thank you so much for the post. These words are life saving and encouraging! They need to be shared!

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Deb, I do not know, unfortunately. I cannot even remember if someone sent it to me, or if I just stumbled across it....but it still buoys me as much today as it did when I first read it, long ago.

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Iโ€™m emailing it out to my Bible Study group and some friends and I am printing it off! Thank you ๐Ÿฅฐ

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Perhaps you could research it from the Donahue reference. That at least gives it a time frame.

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I might be mistaken, but I believe I've heard this on YouTube before. I think it's a pastor, speaking from the pulpit and if I recall correctly, it looked like it was filmed in the 70s or 80s. It's pretty powerful when it's typed for us to read; it was incredibly moving to hear the pastor go through the ways Jesus confounds and saves the world.

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If these words are from SM Lockridge, or even if they arenโ€™t, another great message that everyone should hear is his sermon, โ€œIts Friday, but Sunday is coming: https://youtu.be/uCZh9rxUL_g?si=wAqw2IyrLWdm6zJ9

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We do this at a service every Good Friday.

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Oh, thank you! I think I had this on a cassette tape, way back when. It literally carried me through a very dark time! Jesus carried me!

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Thank you! Dr. S. M. Lockridge is the speaker. I knew I had heard this before. It made me cry!

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Late Pastor Lockridge in San Diego, California. Very powerful message!

There are multiple versions of this with various backgrounds.

Do you know Him?

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Thank you for posting this wonderful prayer! The only thing I could add is that-

He is my sanity in a crazy world.

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Thank you for posting this. God allows things He hates to accomplish that which He loves.

This is a beautiful and grounding reminder.


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It has everything to do with everything LP. I hope it helped with your discouragement today and I pray that whatever is the source of your discouragement is diminished day by day and your strength of who you are in the Lord grows day by day.

Thank you a great poem. It will be the second from the CnC warriors I have printed this week!

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Thank you, Raptor!๐Ÿ˜˜

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Thereโ€™s a part of that that reminds me of a sermon I heard one time about bruised and pierced.

His sacrifice covers internal and external injuries. Bruises, damage that I brought on myself due to my sins, are healed. Wounds, damage done to me because of the sins of others, are healed.

I thought it was cool that he broke out both internal and external damage and sacrificed himself for all of it.

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Thank you. I needed just this today.

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Copied. Thank you for sharing.

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You are very welcome!

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Reading this, and my heart feels full. I can't even put into words this love our Father in Heaven has for me, for you, for all his creation. It's overwhelming.

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Thank you for sharing this beautiful prayer. I just copied it and sent it to some family and friends. It is so comforting.

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I love all of this. Minus the Donahue part. ๐Ÿคฃ Little dated.

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I changed the word to "skeptics".

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Donahue still trying to explain God away. Nobody listens anymore. Unfortunately there are many following in his footsteps.

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Thank you! Every word is so true! He said it! I believe it! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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The Jews then gathered around Him, and were saying to Him, โ€œHow long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us openly.โ€ Jesus answered them, โ€œI told you, and you do not believe; the works that I do in My Fatherโ€™s name, these bear witness of Me. But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perishโ€”ever; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Fatherโ€™s hand. I and the Father are one.โ€

โ€” John 10:24-30 LSB

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I listened to a BEMA podcast not too long ago that described shepherds and their sheep. Apparently, sheep get to know their shepherd's voice intimately; so intimately, in fact, that if something happens to the shepherd, the sheep won't respond to any substitute.

Jesus is my shepherd. This verse tells me to pray that I will become like those sheep so that I do not hear any other voice. Nothing will ever happen to my Shepherd and He will not lead me astray; His is the only voice I'll ever need.

Thank you Janice! I needed that.

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I find it somewhat amusing how enduring the image of the "good shepherd" caring for his flock is. The metaphor is true as far as it goes. What is never mentioned, however, is what happens to the livestock when the days of watching over them is over. In the case of sheep, there is little economic use for them beyond wool and food. Pink Floyd's darkly sarcastic song "Sheep" is, perhaps, a better view on how the real world operates.

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

There will never be a day when my Shepherd stops watching over me. And even if I go to the slaughter for His sake, He will be with me and I will not perish; I will be with Him for all eternity.

His thoughts are not our thoughts; His ways are not our ways. God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and the weak to confound the mighty.

You can't hear His voice so you'll never understand.

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Well said! ๐Ÿ’•

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SD, you painted the perfect picture of what the "sheep" are to our political leaders such as O'Biden and Co. Apparently, they have decided that the "flock" has become too burdensome to them and need to be severely culled. You know, when Jesus sent His disciples out into the world, He told them to take a sword. I'm pretty sure it wasn't an eating instrument.

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You mean a broken, sinful and corrupted world of course. God is not that.

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Yes!!! The proof was in what He DID!! He โ€˜fulfilledโ€™ all that had been prophesied about what Messiah would do......He didnโ€™t โ€˜changeโ€™ the Covenant, except in one aspect. He wrote it on our hearts.

But other than that, He simply said what His Father told Him to say and He did what His Father told Him to do.

What a plan.

What a Father

What a Savior

What a Word.

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He took upon Himself all the burdensome requirements of the Law that we could never fulfill and gave us His righteousness. Yes indeed, what a Savior.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding the heterosexual flag, Rules for Radicals works for all radicals. We are now the radicals.

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"We are now the radicals" will make a great tshirt.

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

Looking for suggestions for the back of the tshirt.

On the front will be "We are now the radicals" with a flag underneath. Color of shirt is a deep red. flag and text will be in white

On the back I'd like to list 3-5 principles: limited government, fiscal responsibility, US first,...

Any suggestions for principles to list on the back?

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Freedom, faith, facts, family, and fearless living. Radical!

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Saw a great t-shirt just recently, worn by Igor Chudov (Igor's Newsletter, here on the 'Stack - says " NO VAXXINE REQUIRED / I HAVE AN IMMUNE SYSTEM "

...not too bad.

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Yup--Igor told me yesterday about the new market opportunity for you clean men.

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"In a Time of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act"

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individual freedom; limited government; rule of law; peace through strength; fiscal responsibility; free markets; human dignity


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โ€œShhhh, DONโ€™T tell BROOKIE!โ€

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Laughed at his name--Jeff says 'at least he's wearing a suit'--Brooks Brothers comes to mind

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Pure blood! Pure sperm!

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Just the donโ€™t tread on me flag. It covers all the bases. Plus, it appears to trigger the crazies.

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Read The US Constitution for more details...

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Neil, a simple white cross would send the message perfectly. I love the KISS principle, โ€˜keep it simple stupidโ€™๐Ÿ˜‚

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Great idea, would love to see the final design. Iโ€™m a walking billboard, pretty much all I wear are t-shirts that express important things, Bible verses, freedom, etc. Iโ€™ll certainly buy one.

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A pic of the family sitting on the beach with the cops standing over them in 2021 would be perfect.

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Great ideas from the C&C family...you can always offer several options!

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I'm looking into this right now...

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Iโ€™m picturing conservatives on surfboards.

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Along with a shirts with the mottos โ€œFirst Do No Big Pharmaโ€ and โ€œControl Group.โ€

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This is a better shirt:


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I totally agree Mark. Your shirt is better and I wear it proudly.

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Or bumper sticker....

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In Oregon, a bumper sticker with that truth will get your car keyed by progressive, liberal, Democrat deranged folks. You will only get a glare from one of those folks if worn on a T-shirt. Of course they will be wearing a mask so part of the glare will be unseen.

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In Oregon we have to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

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"In these Orwellian times, I like to sell this tee . . ."

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Yes, I'd love one of those.

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We turned into the radicals when we refused the covid death shots.

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I knew that I lived in clown world when I, as a white, middle class, Christian and conservative mom stood up and said "Hell no!" I should have been firmly in the establishment camp.

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I can so relate this this ๐Ÿคฃ

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I kept saying what is wrong with everyone?

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And we are not dropping dead in our beds either. Those poor souls paid the ultimate price.

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I became a radical when we moved to a farm, started growing our own food and becoming self sufficient.

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I love being on this substack and seeing all this critical thinking and self sufficiency. โค๏ธ

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I didn't know I was......... until, thankfully, my family pointed it out to me ๐Ÿ˜‰

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lol that is great!!!!

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Iโ€™m having the straight flag made into car magnets, to add to my US flag and Back the Blue flags I currently display!

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

@Cyn I would imagine there would be a large market if somebody wanted to sell those online!

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Those little stickers of Bidenโ€™s mug saying, โ€œI did that!โ€ people put in the $5.25/gallon gas pumps sure did a booming business.

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That's because, KC, they are so very multi-useful.

I mean, think of ALL the things brandon has eff'd up in a short 2.75 years - that little sticker of the finger-pointing hair sniffer has such widespread application !

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think of ALL the things brandon has eff'd up in a short 2.75 years

I saw a sticker for sale on Etsy a while ago along those lines. It used fonts to resemble the Bounty paper towels logo and said "Joe Biden - The Quicker F---er Upper!

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For sure! I bought $30 worth.

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Iโ€™ll take a dozen please

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I'm even more conservative. I only have a Jesus bumper sticker.

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Could you also get 2 for me. I will reimburse.

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I thought you knew that. Grandma garland and corn pop said so. ๐Ÿ˜‰ you know. The radical parents and moms and worse yet - Maga Republicans. Oh the horror ๐Ÿ˜…

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Grandma garland and corn pop. Those are the best monikers.

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Agree. ๐Ÿ˜…

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We have to get smart! This Straight Flag is so simple, yet so brilliant. I think we have to stop being so emotional and become much more pragmatic.

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I was just reading about a small Canadian town that raised the straight flag for one day and then was forced to take it down. There must be a way we can get a "Straight Pride" month like the alphabet raindown people do. Where do we put in our order?

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What is going on with Canada?

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Not really surprised about Stanford (or similar groups) and censorship - just that it's starting to become more apparent. I do appreciate the quick notes on draining the swamp and securing elections, though. It's so easy to be discouraged and just wait for more 2am ballot dumps. I know some states have taken some measures to try to prevent that, but it's still been disheartening to see the blatant corruption just going through and dismissed.

I like the "straight pride flag" idea. There's a lot of merit to that and some more fuel for the parents to use if they still put their kids in public schools. (Anyone else miss the days when public schools actually taught real skills and not pushed agendas?)

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Just like I wish parents that have kids in a classroom with an animal identifying kid would just go to the school and say that their child is allergic to "x" animal and needs to be moved to another class. The school administration's response would be interesting. Would they admit that the animal identifying child is really not a cat, for example?

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Oh interesting indeed! I would love to be there for that.

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Very radical thinking! Good job. Please, please, someone do it!

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Worth noting that giga-fraudster SBFs parents both taught at Stanford. Fine institution indeed.

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This Mike Benz 40 minute video is a primer for Stanford created Election Integrity Project (EIP) is the foundation of the Censorship Industrial Complex. The EIP was created to do the dirty work that the government FBI, CIA, DHS, CISA, Whitehouse wanted but is illegal. They needed something and Stanford created a group with about 120 people got the Censorship Industrial Complex up and running just before the 2020 election. Mike Benz has other videos describing in great detail how the parts are working together but still maintain the appearance of not government. https://twitter.com/MikeBenzCyber/status/1666925704334950402?s=20

This is not a wasted 40 minutes.

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WOW. That's crazy. I wonder if any congressional GOP members are talking about this??? Not that they'd really do anything about it.

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Meanwhile, in Oregon it only gets crazier:


The Oregon Secretary of State plans to surveil, compile and โ€œmitigateโ€ the speech of Oregonians expressing low confidence ahead of the 2024 General Election.

The Oregon Secretary of State recently completed an RFP [Request For Proposals] seeking the development of software to โ€œidentify and mitigate harmful information online as it relates to elections (mis-, dis-, and mal-information or MDM).โ€ Negotiations for the RFP closed October 20th, 2023 and is scheduled to execute October 27th, 2023.

The RFP refers to a โ€œsignificant increase in burdensome public records requests over the past two years seemingly fueled by MDM on social mediaโ€โ€ฆ And refers to MDM as โ€œthreatsโ€ throughout the RFP.

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Oh great. Now I am going to be in more trouble if this passes. Just like our jackass not-public servants to spend our tax dollars for more jackass laws.

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Thank you Michael. As a native Oregonian it's been very hard to deal with all of the liberal mentality in Portland and Salem and the other Willamette Valley cities. Our once beautiful and peaceful state is now a pig sty and overflowing with political pigs.

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RE: Sperm of the Unvaxxed

Donโ€™t trust the folks trying to identify who in the world is unvaxxed.

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Agree. And if you are unvaxxed why would you give your sperm to vaxxed women? Sorry. But as you didn't take the jab, why would you subject your future children to it via the mother?

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I just assumed that these are unvaxxed women, looking for real men.

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Getting past this, the fact that men masturbate to *sell * their seed to unknown women to have children created without love is DISTURBING in and of itself. It is sinful and just as demonic as gender changing. Let's not normalize it or forget that. Not being outspoken about that, as a society, has slid us down the slope to where we are now!

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

It is sinful. I have a naive young friend, young Christian, very troubled life from her conception. She has twin 7 year old boys acquired through in-vitro fertilization., sperm from her now ex-husband. I would wager there was a selection process, many embryos implanted, then most destroyed.

Her half sister has hired herself out for the past 3 years as a surrogate. She carried one baby to term, but now has had several distressing experiences.

It is now being said that any child we carry transmits cells to us that we have for life. Thereโ€™s so much science does not know. I think the failed attempts may be related to her body rejecting the embryos because there is so much genetic material involved, and not compatible.

I think itโ€™s dangerous. But where to begin to explain. It just seems very normal and modern to them.

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I agree.

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Thank you.

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@AngelaK not to mention all the ramifications with genetic testing and ancestry dot com ๐Ÿ˜ณ Iโ€™ve heard more than a few stories of kids popping up out of nowhere with a โ€œI have a 99% match to youโ€ email.

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You bring up a great point. I knew several who did 23 and me or other genetic testing and they got weird results. I don't think the testing companies care. They only want your DNA for nefarious reasons.

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To sell data for big profits to anyone. From bioweapon labs to big pharma. "Learn your ancestry! Learn about your genetic diseases" as sly lures to collect DNA data to sell to others. Don't forget 23&Me was founded and is still run by the first wife of Sergei Brin, one of the 2 founder of Google. Both companies are all about personal data harvesting and selling that data

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Agreed. Iโ€™ve always thought there was something very very wrong with having a man masturbate to porn for artificial insemination of his wife (when she could elicit the desired liquid). Itโ€™s disturbing being โ€œanonymousโ€ as well. I used to think โ€œhow unfairโ€ concerning fertility problems. Now I realize we are incapable of understanding Godโ€™s reasons for His timing.

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

They mentioned women, couples etc. The request was for unvaxxed sperm but didn't specifically mention requested by unvaxxed women.

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Itโ€™s UNvaxxed women who want UNvaxxed sperm. At least, at the moment

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You could get desperate and hope for more viable sperm. Not sure the medical term.

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Vaxxed women want unvaxxed?? I thought it was unV looking for unV ๐Ÿคจ Wow, yeah โ€ฆ No

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Because they arenโ€™t sane.

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Unvaxxed Litmus Test: still upright with no chronic wasting diseases.

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Plus, exudes testosterone and might also wear workboots. I can tell the difference between a real man and a faux-man. The difference is obvious.

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Also: unvaxxed could mean 1 or 2 death serums. They really mean to say Pureblood.

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And we need access to a pure blood supply, in addition to pure, uncontaminated sperm.

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Sperm=sperm bank= sin. Aka: men masturbating to donate their seed *for money* to unknown women who will have a fatherless child who will never know who her biological father is. How sad and demonic in 99% of cases in which this method is used for.

When we normalized this, it slid us further down that slippery slope of satan's tricks and confusion.

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Yeah. I don't see the appeal to having my offspring raised by people whose motto is: It takes a coven to raise a child.

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We donate blood and tissue and organs to help others, so I have no judgement in donation of sperm or eggs to allow others the opportunity of having a child they might otherwise not have. With this grand culling of humanity it might also be in our best interest to ensure the species continues and donation could be a viable option. Again, we must ensure the donated is not furthering the contamination of future humans.

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Men get **paid** to give their sperm. They do it for cash..

I am sorry but I find it morally wrong to do that, and to do that to an innocent child. No one should deliberately bring a child into the world without a father or mother to be able to genetically connect themselves to. It is unfair to the child.

If a woman is determined to have a baby as a single mother, atleast couple with a man and know who the father is.

Again, it creates confusion and further undermines the family unit as God created it.

It is moral relativity like this which has brought us to believing pediatric gender reassignments are fine.

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Donations of blood, tissue, organs do not result in the creation of a new person. Different entirely.

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Youโ€™re right.

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Del Bigtree interviewed a US based pure blood bank CEO on the High Wire 2 or 3 episodes ago. It happening.

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I just registered with...https://safeblood.com/

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I know there is a group out there that has pureblood.

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There are pure blood registries being set up around the country; Iโ€™ve registered with two but we must ensure hospitals in all states respect our rights to request our own or directed, banked blood is used. It will take organization and there will most likely be associated cost for the service. But most important is a legally binding directive to force medical care facilities to respect our rights. That is our greatest challenge at this point, I believe.

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I don't trust any hospitals, sorry, or any facilities that share blood with hospitals. I think that is a delusion that has been ripped away, from me. I have donated my own blood for a surgery, but that was 38 years ago, different planet.

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Amish? J. W's?

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^^^ Please donโ€™t answer that!

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With active shedding from the recently-jabbed, which I'm still trying to get my head around, it's possible that NONE of us is / will be untouched.

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Yesterday I read Pierre Kory's 8 articles on shedding. Very helpful, and I had been searching for this information for a year now.

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Me too...read them last week. Enlightening to say the least. And...now I don't feel so crazy when I say I feel sick after being in a room full of coofja recipients! Last December I was helping inside a clubhouse, to organize sale tables with stuff for 3 days straight. Came home each night feeling so like crap...After the 3rd day I took the Iver for a few days and felt much better. But, my position is, I am ready to ask if they have been recently jabbed because I am highly allergic!

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I refuse to believe God would permit this. But I use Ivermectin prophalactically and expect it to shoot down all invaders.

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Do you have a prescription or use the one sold for horses? I have both, and wonder about dosage for a human with the one sold for horses. Do you know?

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You can find information at barnhardt.biz under the Ivermectin section at the top of the homepage.

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My poor nephew recently revealed he has not been laid in 20 years. He is 41. And guaranteed unvaxxed.(he and his sister are the only ones in my wife's family) . We have told him his time is nigh.

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He must be married.

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๐Ÿซข. Now Stop! ๐Ÿ˜

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Tee hee hee, stahp! ๐Ÿ˜‚

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My brother told me that on-line dating sites have women who say if you are vaxxed donโ€™t contact me. Maybe he should check those sites out?

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I am in a young womenโ€™s fb group that was discussing this! A woman stated that one of her requirements for dating was that the man be unvaxxed. Some went after her for having a standard that would make finding someone even more difficult. But, I saw her point. Being unvaxxed is a new litmus test. Most likely a lot of other valuable characteristics come with that!

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thanks. I'll let him know

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Sperm sales are always wrong. Never funny.

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Ahhh....that is apt and I totally didn't think of that. But now, we have to look at everything with suspicious minds. We are caught in a trap.

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Sadie ---

My favorite song of all time!

I can't walk out.

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๐ŸŽถBecause I love you too much, baby๐ŸŽถ

Elvis was the King!

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No argument.

Still, perhaps you might consider a new interpretation? I can't know for sure, but I think maybe the King might approve?


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Oh, that was yummy! Love the gravelly female voices; Janice Joplin, Amy Winehouseโ€ฆthis oneโ€™s hair reminded me of Amy. I sure hope she doesnโ€™t suffer a sad fate like Janice and Amy!

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Mm hm, yummy. She's only 17 or 18. Lots of promise. The story as I understand it is she's been nurtured and protected by her family and continues to be. Different from the sadness of Janice or Amy's young lives. Or any of the 27 club. Fingers crossed this gifted soul brings more yummy to the planet for decades to come.

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I wondered who would continue my train of thought...haha! I just wonder why they can't see?

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And don't trust people who want your dna. These women could be DARPA agents collecting dna for cloning people or who knows what other experiments. Or maybe they are just thirsty idk.

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Totally agree!!!!

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I forget my lessons from high school anatomy, but doesnโ€™t sperm regenerate every 3(?) days? Unlike women who are born with the number of eggs they will produce, or something like that? Iโ€™m thinking sperm can overcome the immediate affects of vax down the road? I hope this might reduce genetic problems later especially since my unvaxxed daughter will most likely marry a vaxxed man. And a lot of unsuspecting innocent kids fell prey to the vax plot.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My wife and I went to see a show at the Frost Amphitheater on Stanford's campus a few week's ago. When we arrived, my wife said, I would never let our kids come here! Bastion of woke idiocy that it is! I would not let them go there because I have recent first hand experience of this myself.

I run a business in an exciting, politically popular niche in the Bay Area real estate world, Accessory Dwelling Units (backyard cottages, in-law units...), and have been a prominent figure in that market for a while. A few months ago some Stanford students contacted me as they were working on a case study in the space. They wanted a tour, a description of the business, problems I face... and I was happy to oblige them. I am a graduate of University of North Texas, or as I like to say, The Harvard of Denton, Texas, so I was a bit nervous about the kinds of question I would be asked by the intellectual elite. When the students arrived, a cornucopia of diversity emerged from the dated toyota corolla and late model camry. Every flavor of race, gender, hair color, sexual orientation... It was not unexpected to see that, and I am used to it here in Berkeley. What surprised me was the palpable lack of intellectual heft that I had been expecting. Very little curiosity. No clear articulation of the project and its goals. No good questions.

I shit you not, the last statement/question the diminutive, gay, latinx kid asked me was, "so, it's basically like a house, only smaller?" WTF? Unlike UNT, Stanford is the Harvard of the West Coast. I felt like I got punched in the nuts with the reality of how bad it really has gotten!

The good news is that employers are waking up to the relative uselessness of the current crop of students at these woke institutions. In the next few years these universities will have completely devalued their brand. It will force them back into competing for the best and brightest or force their extinction.

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Did you find out the particulars on their case study, the class and their major? While your comment gave me a laugh, it did leave me seriously curious.

I went to college in Florida and California. Both state schools. Florida wins the academic rigor award. No offense to CA students - I went to public school there in elementary. It was terrible. The one except was that my writing skills were considerably better than Florida school kids seemed to be. When I went back to CA, I tutored underclassmen in math. It was shocking how few COLLEGE students lacked rudimentary math skills. People who thought they would leave school with a finance degree or go on to medical school. Completely delusional.

Unless my kid actually needed a degree from a university (like for engineering or medical field) there is ZERO chance I would pay for it. And there would be ZERO chance that kid would not be working.

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

I'm 74 and I finished grad school in late 1976. About 10 years ago I thought what the heck, I'll go back to my local community college and take all the classes I never had time to take while in college....I took every history class they offered...mostly pretty good, surprisingly, then I took all the art history courses....also good....and then I took some of the humanities courses, which were disturbing when evaluating the teachers. I also took some Spanish classes to refresh my Spanish. Throughout the approximately 4 years I was doing this, I was struck by how unimpressive the students were. This college also has a program in which really good high school students (senior level, I think) could go over to this college which is next door to the high school and take all sorts of classes they needed to graduate from high school but at the same time they would be getting college credit for the classes. Knowing this, I looked forward to seeing what the brightest high school students were like these days (this was about 2010 thru 2014). I was shocked at what I saw. They did not seem exceptionally gifted, they didn't appear to work all that hard, and in classes where I contributed all kinds of relevant things that came from my many years teaching abroad, very few had any questions or responses at all. There was a distinct lack of curiosity about anything at all, and their level of scholarship was very weak. One thing that struck me was that virtually none of them knew how to learn! I hate to think of how things are now, 10 years on.

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Most of them donโ€™t know how to write, or read, cursive. Unbelievable.

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Maybe it was because you were there to learn and for the pleasure of learning. My SIL is encountering the same sort of thing in welding class she is taking. I think she annoys the other students who would prefer to just get on with it and be done. She will get her money's worth. I smile thinking of it.

Also, they may have nothing to contribute. After all they are young and may be inexperienced and if they were interested they could shout out to Siri for the answer. I hate Siri. Too bad you don't have another older student in class who would probably be delighted to hear about your time abroad. I think kids are curious about different things.

Children who take college classes early are not required to be gifted. I think students would benefit from study and time management classes. My husband was a disciplined student. Later when I was learning something for work which was very difficult, he basically organized me into success. I had to do the work, but helped me lay out the plan. I could have used that eons ago.

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It was a design class but they were doing the case study on behalf of a very large lumber yard business in the area.

Our Superintendent of schools just gave her monthly update and was pleased to announce that 61% of Berkeley Unified students are proficient in math. Our kids are thriving and they do provide enough rigor for us to remain here, but I do wonder why. I do think exposure to all the woke madness is preparing them well to do battle going forward, and I have zero worry about them returning from college someday with purple hair and Marxist ideals. They have been so exposed to all of that already that they are insulated from that.

I generally agree with the need for a useless college degree at this point. A hard science, a trade, something useful, but grievance studies or any of the other BS, forget it. Get to work kids!

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Also: Go Gators! CHOMP!

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Ten to one your clown car collective of intersectional children captured just enough information about you and your business, to make a crapload of legal trouble for you someday in the future ... Like when a GOP nominee wins POTUS in 2024.

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if that was their plan, I am not worrying about it! I have bigger problems here anyhow, as tonight I am going to self immolate (figuratively speaking) at the Berkeley City Council in protest of the recent Vax or Mask mandate for healthcare workers (...checks calendar...yes on November 7, 2023 this is actually happening). Pray for me.

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"Lord, this evening, please put into Dan's mouth the very words you would have him say. Cover him with your strength. Keep him calm. In the name of Christ, who feared not to overturn the tables of the wrong-doers, I ask this."

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many thanks VVV!

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Thinking of you now (9:14 EST)--that you are strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. That you (before your speaking slot) have put the full armor of God...having girded your loins with truth and havinng put on the breastplate of righteousness. God be with you, Dan McDunn.

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Praying with you.

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Love this prayer!

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Go get 'em on the "wings of eagles"!

My current favorite line to jar awake "required" maskers is, "Did you know after 20 minutes of wearing masks, a... dark ... and ... moist ... [big pause]... environment inside them is growing a ... flourishing ... biome of bacteria ... yeast ... and ... mold?

Then my step 2 for government elected officials is:

"Sunlight kills a lot of those bad things which flourish in dank and dark places. So similar to how our State of California's government sunshine law, the Brown Act, can be used to stop bad things happening in the dark."

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OH my gosh seriously?


They just can't let it go!

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Maybe some of your time could be spent advocating for mass non-compliance.

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That occurred to me also--was this a chance to case the joint...

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Great comment. I laughed out loud at your description of the woke troupe. As for UNT, as a jazz musician in a former life, your alma mater remains a top school. I crossed paths with a few very talented UNT alums.

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Itโ€™s true. Excellent Jazz. I was a marketing major! Lol

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I landed in HR back in the day when the โ€œpersonnelโ€ department morphed into โ€œhuman resourcesโ€, and parlayed my experience to specialize in staffing (not the gawd-awful staffing industry, I developed a unique approach). During those years, I became convinced that unless one were pursuing a specific career path like medicine, engineering, law, a college degree had become almost worthless.

At one time I could distinguish college grads from non-college grads by their written presentation on their rรฉsumรฉs. Over time that distinction disappeared. At one time I believed college students learned how to think critically, and that has also disappeared. I am hoping for a stronger emphasis on vocational schools.

It seems unrelated but I think it is relevant: Elon Musk expounded to quite an extent on the challenge of production/manufacturing (in this case, cars), in his Halloween discussion with Joe Rogan. An interesting point he made is that for each job in manufacturing, there are 5 jobs that in some way support that one job. Vocational schools in manufacturing & production would do much to rebuild the US ability to efficiently and effectively manufacture our own goods.

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Thanks for that commentary. Super interesting! Totally agree. Iโ€™m in construction. Major skills gap there for young people here in CA!

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-'basically like a house but smaller.' That sparkles from so many facets. Wonder if that kid had even heard of tiny houses?? But fear not, my entrepreneurial friend--by virtue of being enrolled at Stanford, that child and his 'peers' are surely heading toward zombification--death will come knocking within 5 years. Employers may not have to make excuses not to hire them. Cuz they just won't be there!

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This entire geographic region is an open air asylum. My friend in Texas recently reminded me that the door is unlocked and I can leave anytime.

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Mandatory jabs were imposed at Stanford. 5-7 years for the death data to become obvious unless there's a mainstream cure soon.

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Iโ€™m still trying to digest the magnitude of this. I know itโ€™s true. Thereโ€™s a special place in hell for those who created this.

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Been reading this month about the origins of the old Christian traditions to mark All Saints Day (Nov 1) and All Souls Day (Nov 2), the latter for people to pray for those stuck in purgatory. *All* those who created this bioweapon and helped to spread it I'm not sure they will all make it to Purgatory to get time to repent. "Vengeance is mine, says theLord," I have to keep reminding myself.

But my gut says there will be some cures soon using old healers' knowledge. Cheap, simple, and natural in grocery stores (anise in licorice or the spice section, Brazil nuts are loaded with zinc) and by foraging in wild places (dandelion salads to chelate out heavy metals). A kinder and healthier world instead of far too many human-sheep being led by truly evil and insanely stupid people.

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Hubs works on a fishing boat and one of the higher up 'helpers' aged 26 and a product of WA state school, could not multiply. AT ALL. Education in this nation is a forever failure, whether publick or private. Captured and producing an assembly line of intellectually bankrupt and literally stupid human beings. But, even in the adults, try having a conversation about anything with meaning and the capacity of grasping anything beyond what is for dinner and they are lost, not to mention BORING and unstimulating. My meter is always on the lookout for someone to have a great conversation with...my convo pool is shrinking with the population.

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Problem is by 1990, USA public school and most private school students were allowed to use calculators after they learned addition and subtraction. Never required to learn how to multiply or divide by memory or with pen & pencil. By 2000, teacher unions favored math text books which never have students master any math skills n grammar school. Just constant "circle back" to concepts not yet mastered while also requiring parents & guardians to assist students with homework to reduce teachers' accountability for the quality of their teaching.

Worse at college level. At US military academes in calculus classes students today are taught how to push buttons on calculators, not how to do actual math. At West Point if they need to solve a tricky novel math problem once out in the real world they are told to telephone someone at the Army Corps of Engineers who knows actual math.

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

Large employers are using quotas, so that Latinx will be highly desirable to meet somebody's ESG goals. Quotas are forced on every business group within a company, so that diversity hires cannot be safely housed in nontechnical groups away from the core competence of an employer.

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The Frost, eh? Were you there for Billy Strings, JRAD, or Bob Weir with the Stanford Symphony? Or was there something else? I was at the last two. Really nice venue but the university has been involved in certain disreputable activities for decades.

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Bobby and the symphony! Good show.

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Yeah, I taught at a State Univ in CA and was appalled at the lack of basic skills, and near total passivity. I had 2-3 students in every class who had some oomph and had not been destroyed intellectually by their K-12, but often they were from "project-based" schools, which was a thing we never had when I was a CA public school kid back in the previous century, lol.

Lotta cheaters, too.

Good luck tonight!

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Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, โ€œVengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.โ€

Romans 12:19

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I find he does a better job than I ever could!

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

While I am totally against in-vitro fertilization because it injures the dignity God set up via the marital embrace between husband and wife [and also involves other sins like lust, envy, jealousy, masturbation, etc], another reason these women could be seeking the unjabbed "offerings" is because it would come from a guy who resisted the societal pressure to conform . It shows the guy is smarter than the "elite" and those genes are worth having in offspring.

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Some things are just not in God's plan, like IVF.

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I'm not religious but any person smart enough not to get jabbed probably also knows not to get roped into paying child support after an innocent "donation". It doesn't sound like they are looking for unvaxxed husbands after all.

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No. It appears like they are "older" women , which in today's society would be women who wants to be married but can't find a guy because she is 28+ or older [and most likely put career first thinking they could find a guy later]. So having a child becomes another "thing" to acquire by whatever means society is offering, never considering that bringing a child purposely into the world knowing he won't know his father, is not good. [That is in no way to give any shade to a pro abortion argument, because with abortion a conception has already occurred, whereas with in vitro someone is forcing a conception outside the marital embrace for their own purposes. The former always has an innocent. The latter is about creating g that innocent in the first place.]

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Could never understand why a woman would have a child then dump them off in daycare for someone else to raise them.

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

Oh Kathleen--you have dared to say clearly what I have always held. And ~1970, one of my two 'requirements' for a prospective was that he want his wife to be at home raising their children (the second--that he be a tool user--homo faber). 51years later, it's all good.

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The ultimate flex: Your wife raises your children instead of spending her days serving a corporation.

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We made many sacrifices so I could be the one raising our kids. Hubs has a monetary pension while I have a human pension. I raised 2 of the best kids ever, and it was my honor to do so. God gave them to us...now they are married to equally awesome people and we have 7 grandkids. We have been blessed beyond measure. We moved to a small town (hubs works on a ship, so we could live anywhere). Picked our spot because of the school, daughter was 1st grade, son was 4th. My son now sits on the school board of that school and his daughters attend there. It was all about the school when we made the decision to move. It is one of the top schools in the state now, in it's division. I have never regretted it for a minute and would never trade my mom-years for any amount of dollars.

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Sadly, we are on the third generation now of kids in daycare. So many women now grew up themselves having been in daycare too. So they see nothing wrong. They don't know what they don't know. And they don't know what could have been. It reminds me of when observers from the old Soviet Union would come to America and our diplomats would take them around. Many of the Soviets thought our people were scamming them when they were taken to a normal supermarket. They couldn't believe the variety and quality compared to what they had in the USSR. I had a chance in the mid 90's shortly after the Wall came down, to visit Russia. I lived as a 'middle class' person over there. It was no where near what we enjoy and take for granted here. Girls/women today are raised to think daycare is ok and a good norm, when it isn't. No worker at a daycare making $15 an hour to watch over 10-20 kids is going to show even a decent fraction of the love and bonding an infant/toddler will get by being with their own mother during those years. And what is compounding the error is parents giving young kids screens (tablets, phones, etc) to "babysit" the kid even when mom is home. It's a real spiritual hurt that keeps on going now generation after generation.

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I totally agree. Weโ€™ve had discussions on here before about the detriments of the womenโ€™s lib movement. It played a huge role in the breakdown of stable families in our society. I didnโ€™t enter the workforce until my kids were in high school and Iโ€™m so thankful for the years of being โ€œjustโ€ a mom. Itโ€™s the most important job in the world.

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Totally agree!!!!

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That was also my comment yesterday on Igor's post

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Conform not confirm. Do not conform!โค๏ธ

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Anyone who still watches the NFL at this point is supporting a black mass ritual, gambling, and 5G:


Turn it off, and the masks lose their power. My humble opinion.

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Football fell the day Peckerneck took a knee. No coming back from that.

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๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Peckerneck! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

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Agree ๐Ÿ’ฏ

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Too true - total political garbage

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Dayum!! ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Thereโ€™s so much I donโ€™t do anymore bc of politics, no Starbucks,Disney, target, bud lite etc etc.

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I was thinking the other day about my now years-long boycott of Starbucks. I wouldn't go in there to get a glass of water if my hair was on fire.

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hahahahah! Too true, too true. I call it butt-fcks, like Paulie Walnuts did in the Sopranos

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I might venture back in when it becomes as it is shown in Idiocracy. But probably not even then.

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Nice! And isn't it such a blessing?!

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Only turned it on long enough to see if theyโ€™d trot out the DH double. Had to ๐Ÿคฎ at the child mannequins. Teaching CPR and ACLS back in the day, there were none to be found.

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Here's how NBC covered Damar Hamlin's return non-return. He did not play, but said the words he was required to say to maintain the official narrative.


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Didnโ€™t watch it, but thanks!

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Well that's a different story- you're watching it more for intel and news than entertainment, or maybe satire. At least you're not in the trance like so many. Mannequins don't throw back up in our mouths, do they ? (: You still practice CPR?

That's fantastic that you have the old-school training.

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

I miss the days when corporations shut their mouths and attended to the business at hand. They weren't as verbal or divisive. I miss the days of truth, but more and more realize it was and is all a giant illusion to conquer our minds, wealth, and children to an ideology that leads only to destruction. We must pull ourselves out and form a new, limited government and allow people to live their own lives doing as they please. The slavery we have endured is all encompassing and has destroyed our humanity. Time to find it again and send the rats elsewhere.

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I don't think we have ever had "days of truth" quite honestly.

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Who is John Galt?

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After all, they are people too. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿค”

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Brought to you by the See Eye Aye and Allen Dulles. He believed that corporations should rule the world or some such nonsense.

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" We must pull ourselves out and form a new, limited government and allow people to live their own lives doing as they please. "

Hmmm....great idea but didn't we already do this? And it only took a couple of hundred years to solidify the un-doing. We've come full circle.

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There are only 2 solutions I have found. Get involved in the politics (running, helping in the voting booth, helping a campaign etc) or live off grid and donโ€™t support big govt as much as you can!

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Don't take this the wrong way - I enjoy your views.

But really? After 43 yrs of political activism (my own and hundreds of other people I've worked with) I see ZERO results. I've done everything on your list except run for public office. (I *have* run for GOP political positions and won those, however.)

My state has not voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1964. Not a single county voted for Obama in either race. It is solidly GOP: governor, state house, state senate.

And yet, its conservatism is only skin deep. The state supreme court overturned our anti-abortion laws, and anti-masking schoolchildren laws without a peep from our legislature or electorate.

I don't see any benefit whatsoever to what I've spent my life doing. I also see zero benefit to our supposed "freedom-machine" - "'Muh Constitution." If it worked at all, we wouldn't have to work so freakin' hard just to watch the continual, non-stop slide into despotism.

So just vote harder?

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Well stated. It will take us Rising Up.

But, 'they' will put us down. We're not allowed to organize.

So, we watch as our civilization slides away.

Like England where they tear down the churches to build mosques, and the indigenous population pays for it.

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

I am watching the civilizational collapse of Europe (due to its suicidal refusal to stop Muslim immigration) with sadness bordering on pathos.

It's all going straight down the toilet - 2000 years of Christendom swirling the bowl.

Met a neighbor in the street this morning - she's just back from an extended trip to the British Isles and Paris. When we got to the Paris part, the sadness that I saw in her eyes immediately told the tale. And I knew.

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

I spent 1977 to 1987 living and working (as a teacher) in Iran and then Saudi Arabia, so I know the Muslim world very well. I found it all fascinating and eye opening. I met large numbers of lovely, wonderful people. Iran's history and artistic heritage is amazing. That said, no way I could ever become a Muslim and no way I would want to spend my life in that world.

What I can say with certainty is that the Muslim world, with the accompanying, deeply embedded and often very disturbing and strange value system most definitely does NOT meld with the Western Judao Christian nations nor does it have any possibility to do so. It cannot and will not happen. Liberal near total ignorance about what Islam actually teaches, believes, and stands for is stunning. Send a transgender, a gay, a liberal activist to Gaza or Tehran to protest and they have no idea what would happen to them. Let's just say their lives would be shortened at that point. They would not be welcomed with open arms as they probably imagine.

This very basic incompatability of value and moral systems is why Muslims are destroying Europe and why if this continues unchecked, it will ruin America. They do not change, they do not integrate, they are not tolerant of other beliefs, and they are taught that people who do not convert to Islam are to be eliminated. It's in their daily prayers. Read the Qur'an and it's absolutely clear.

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Hubby did 3 tours over there and that was his conclusion too!

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Did you mean to respond to me? I would never recommend voting harder. I only vote cuz hubby still believes in it.

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Living in California and being conservative, I often feel my vote is meaningless. On a national level, that's true. Yet I know that my failure to vote at all would mean I'm letting others choose. And recently, my vote helped elect a Republican Kevin Kiley to the House, he beat a Democrat, and he is turning out to be a really good and responsive representative. I'll take a victory where I can.

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Love Kevin. Even though I'm down here in SoCal I donate to his campaign. Down here where I live only Demonrats. Won't vote for even the less of 2 evils bc they're all evil IMHO.

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Yes; by "vote harder" I was making the connection between your suggestion that we get politically active.

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The demand for unVaxxed sperm reminded me of something I wanted to share with you all. There is a worldwide group called safe blood.com which is a Network of unvaccinated blood donors. It is not a blood bank, at least not yet, but you can register yourself to be a donor, and you can also contact them if you are in need of some unvaccinated blood for a procedure. They cannot provide blood on an immediate crisis situation yet. Unfortunately, you would have to rely on the blood that the hospital provides, and there is at least an 80% chance that it would contain lipid nano particles or mRNA. You can sign up with Safeblood for free, or you can support them for $10 a month and have unlimited access to both donating and receiving. Itโ€™s a great cause, and a great idea. We need to help them so someday there will be unvaccinated blood banks. Maybe they will branch out someday into unvaccinated, sperm and eggs as well. The human race is going to need this.

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Del Bigtree interviewed safeblood.com recently. I read everything on their website. I'd be happy to donate but I'm undecided about receiving. My takeaway is that it's an honor system; donated blood is not tested. (A test may not exist.)

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I wrote to them some time ago to ask about that very thing, they are working on it. There are indeed tests, and more precise ones coming soon. Watch this space............

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I started looking into this about two years ago. You may laugh at mytin-foil hat, but I see a great deal of potential danger in such a list--especially given that currently it is nothing more than a list. Bad actors, you know--might love to know where to find your blood. Oops--just another sudden and mysterious death. The corpse even more pale than usual for a corpse.

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This might be a repeat comment, because I am not sure if the last one went through. I understand your concerns, however, I would like to know how I might be able to get unvaccinated blood if I should need it. I also want to help others. and I believe that anyone who wants to know who we are already knows or would not have a difficult time finding out. I think Safeblood is the first step in the direction of having an unvaxxed Blood Bank. For the good of humanity.!

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With shedding, is there safe blood? Or if youโ€™ve had covid but not the vax, is your blood safe?

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The link is safeblood.com. All one word.

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Where is benny with 3 n's at to tell us about how Z and Uke are about to whip up on Putin and the Ruskies?

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Give it time - it's early yet. :/

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๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ Been kinda quiet as of late.

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If the poser is really in the military as he alludes to, maybe they shipped him out to Syria.

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Oh no it hasnโ€™t. HorsefCe appears to have left the building but Ben is still very active. But heโ€™s very busy fighting Russians right now.

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I've seen him (Horsey) somewhere else recently - Taibbi's Racket maybe?

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Bro it's day 666 of the Putler's 3 day war. Putler is such fail.

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Thanks. Kinda brings back nostalgic memories. <sniff>

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I think you might appreciate this video I made a few years ago:


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That reminds me of a video I made about Putler way back when I prognosticated about this very thing in Ukraine (back in 2014).


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Did Putin actually claim it would be a 3 day war? Anybody know?

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Not from any source I've seen. It was all the Western sources saying such.

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Good question.

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I did get a reply a couple of days ago. I choose not to argue with his posts so no response from me.

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I started typing a reply, but my head kept saying โ€œDo not engage!! Do NOT engage!!!โ€

Maybe he has family there or something.

Poor guy.

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I enjoy him. I don't agree with him on Ukraine, but he does make comments that are interesting outside Ukraine. He MUST have family there. I would want funding for my family's safety too. He thinks it is found in Zelensky. Not a lot of good choices there. Sort of like like where the US is quickly going. Not quite yet, but not for a lack of trying.

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Yes! Donโ€™t take the bait.

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His agenda is idiotic, and always was.

The truth of the entire fiasco is but white genocide in full action. Something Benny Boy refuses to acknowledge.

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Wonder if Billy is going to slip in and buy up Europe's breadbasket. Bet the land will be sold for pennies on the dollar (as it were).

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You might consider the replacement Khazars coming home to roost after their nemesis is genocided.

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why? why?

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from epoch times

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will increase its airport surveillance for respiratory infections, said statements from the federal agency and a private partner on Monday.

The private firm, Ginkgo Bioworks, said that it is expanding its work with the CDC's Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance program "to test for more than 30 additional priority pathogens, in addition to SARS-CoV-2," the virus that causes COVID-19.

It then described the program as a "flexible, multimodal platform that consists of three complementary approaches of sample collection from arriving international travelers at U.S. airports, including voluntary nasal swabbing, aircraft wastewater, and airport wastewater sampling to enhance early detection of new SARS-CoV-2 variants and other pathogens, and fills gaps in global surveillance."

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I saw that this morning!!!! I wasnโ€™t shocked theyโ€™d been doing it already. What a violation of every single person. What a scam! And itโ€™s all BS. The CDC needs to be dismantled. Their โ€œrulesโ€. Pppffttt. I spit on their โ€œrulesโ€. Figuratively of course. Iโ€™m sorry I read the article. It just got my blood pressure rising again.

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I am sure there are enough people who know the murders that the CDC has committed that the CDC would be buried in spit. What a fitting ending it would be.

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Thankful that I have no need to ever enter an airport again.

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Voluntary usually leads to compulsory. Insane. DNA samples? Of course.

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The problem is people will do the nasal swab thing because they think itโ€™s harmless, just as they wore masks to travel by air when that was allowed. They wanted what they wanted and it seemed harmless at the time. How many will submit because they think itโ€™s harmless?

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Mercola today has a warning about those 23 & Me DNA tests. The company is in league with Google and has plans to become a gene based healthcare giant, flogging treatments and pharmaceuticals. They already report and sell dna info to the pharmaceuticals. I have an ancestry test sitting here for 4 years. Iโ€™ve never done it and donโ€™t plan to swab for that ever. It was a gift.

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Do your dog

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Or cat, or pet gerbil, or any livestock. ๐Ÿคฃ

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Ever tried to get a urine sample from a cat? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ. I think they have a contraption for that now. A cow would be easier the way they do it. Our country town has a milk festival with the annual cow chip lotto. My videographer son in law followed the hind end of one around one year but it didnโ€™t plop on his lotto numberโ€” but the video is a hoot. Poop would work too. Enough on this. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ.

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I thought 23... was owned by a company connected to the CCP. Anyone know? There is evidence that they have a massive DNA database and that their transplant business is booming. From the L, ๐Ÿฆ—๐Ÿฆ—๐Ÿฆ—.

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Iโ€™m sure most will. They will not see it as allowing assault on their bodies. However I will not be in line and I wonโ€™t see you there as well. Thatโ€™s a good thing! If I could get rhinoceros pee, I might drop a vial or 2 in the airport toilet. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” elephant might be easier.

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Never have taken one of those filthy tests and never will.

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I flew into Dulles Airport in Sept and there was a free COVID CDC testing station as you came out of arrivals. No one stopped to get tested as I walked past. They will never give up trying to control us.

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Need to travel? Drive. Want to go overseas? Change your plans.

Between airport surveillance and SADS in the left cockpit seat, this yinzer ain't flying commercial again.

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In keeping with the surveillance theme, check out the marriage made in hell between DNA information harvesters company 23 and Me and the intelligence, Pharma, and big tech companies


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when do US Border centers start this? Only on returning vacationers and truck drivers of course... and on Canadian border only at this point, I'm NOT that racist

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I wonder what the pay scale is for the position of aircraft wastewater tester.

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๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ. โ€œMultimodal sample collectionโ€. Geez our Goobermint sure likes to dig into the poop. I have this image in my head, of swine on top of a manure pile. It seems fitting that those in power like there own poop, and want to group everyone elseโ€™s poop. From day one of the Peters Administration itโ€™s been a big pile of BS. Do not comply.

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Our Goobermint IS a pile of poop.

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And yet one can just commando across the southern border with naught a test in sight.

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Adding on...all reeks of WHO Pandemic Treaty preparstion - find anything to declare a pandemic over, etc

"...CDC to monitor more than 30 NEW (emphasis added) viruses, bacteria, and antimicrobial resistance targets including several seasonal respiratory pathogens, such as influenza A and B, RSV, and SARS-CoV-2." Question: What 30 new things?

"The program expansion will launch at four of the program's seven major international airports (New York, JFK,ย San Francisco,ย Boston, andย Washington DC, Dulles)."

"As of October 2023, TGS has enlisted over 370,000 travelers and maintains an ongoing enrollment of around 6,000 volunteer travelers weekly. The program covers travelers from all World Health Organization regions and more than 135 countries. Since its inception, the program has sequenced more than 14,000 samples and made the genomic data available on several public health platforms to enable further analysis."

Thanks to Jursy Gurl for posting press release link.

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Yeah, I saw that...sneaky way to collect DNA.

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I'm sure that 'surveillance' includes testing all who cross our borders illegally, as well ....

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Careful...anal swabs next.

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Every participant in the Chinese Gaylympics had to get an anal swab

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Spot on with your analysis of the university system in this country, but realize that while the "top " universities may be leading the charge, almost all of them are fully on board with the LBQ$XYIS THIS woke CRT agenda. They all need to be completely defunded from all tax dollars, then the citizenry hopefully can defund the private monies. As you made clear, they are nothing more than finishing schools for communism/ fascism. With the exception of a few disciplines, medicine not being one of them, they teach nothing useful. There is hardly a discipline you could pick that is not indoctrinating lies instead of teaching real truths. We are paying once more for our own enslavement , stupidification (new word) , and the destruction of America. Why?

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

Oh, but you have missed a huge change, if you didn't catch it before now. Medicine and the teaching of medicine has changed for the worse! Forgive me for pointing out that back in the day a complete physical was far more than just a list of questions and a cursory check of blood pressure and listening to ones heart... The average physical today takes 8 minutes or less. No hands are required. The information gleaned takes the rest of the 40 minute time slot for new patients because it takes time to type in all that "new patient" info. Back in the day when real medicine was practiced and there was no internet to surf for answers, you had to have much of that info stored in your brain... But alas, new medicine is what one can find on the internet, not from book knowledge and serious study. Things have changed! No longer are the most qualified of students accepted into medical school. Top tier grades, hard work, over-achievement, ambition, strong work ethic, test scores... those are so passรฉ.

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Earlier this year, hubs and I attended a medical freedom event on the Florida Panhandle. A medical doctor from Mississippi named John Witcher (sp?) spoke. In his remarks, he expressed worry and real concern about who was coming out of so-called medical schools these days. He said, "They are nothing more than 'protocol drones.' They input symptoms into a computer and wait for it to tell them what to do."

Nice, huh? As my Aunt Tillie said to me just under 15 years ago before her death at 92, "I have oatmeal and an orange for breakfast every day. I take my vitamins, and I stay away from doctors."

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Hubby says, choose an MD 55 yrs or older.... ask how they treated covid and if they recommend the vax. Flee those who pushed the govt mantra! I had to have surgery recently and they required that I have a primary physician. (I lost mine when she departed for private practice in a small town as the covid plandemic reared its ugly head). So, for the first time since Nov 2018, I saw a new primary. That 8 min "physical" was enough to open my eyes to the reality that there is little medicine practiced today! I did "see" a dermatologist in July 2020 for a questionable/possible basal cell. The dermatologist stuck his head into the exam room where I sat 12 ft away, being "examined" by a 1st year resident... "sure, that looks like a basal cell, biopsy it..." It wasn't. Told my former 75yr old dermatologist. "That was not an exam by any stretch! They do zoom for those as well! He wouldn't know his a** from a basal cell at that distance! What happened to physically examining your patient?!?"

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That's probably very good advice re choosing -- if one must -- a doctor. Your recent experiences sound terrible...and typical. I'm taking my Aunt Tillie's advice. :)

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Aunt Tillie is alive and well, I'd go with her too!

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About a year ago I bought a book called, How Not to Die. There's a complete chapter on iatrogenicide!

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Besides all the data-entry requirements of doctors nowadays, I'm guessing that you got your "physical" under Medicare. The Medicare "wellbeing" physical is a farce--there is no hands-on examination and some time is spent with medical underlings who quiz you about remembering 3 words and ask lots of nosy questions. You have to specifically ask for an annual physical outside of Medicare and agree to pay when Medicare denies this. That's my understanding of the overall "benefit" of Medicare.

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Because of being free and all, we're forced into/onto Medicare, which happened for me recently. I dreaded it for so many reasons. Thankfully, I got myself connected to someone who could help me figure out the different plans, etc. Well, once I enrolled, the calls and mail starting coming in. Ignored it all until one day, decided to speak to whoever was calling in the hopes that it would help them "go away."

The questions -- as you point out -- to make sure I knew about all my "benefits." "Any trouble getting adult diapers?" WHAT? Don't use 'em...Any questions about your prescription plan? No, don't use any...

Every question -- and she was a young woman, very sweet, just doing her job, poor thing -- I found stupid and intrusive. I was nice to her, though. The last thing I'd do is be mean or short with her, but geez Louise! I ain't answering those calls again! LOL!

Leave me alone. Please, for the love of God, just leave me alone. :)

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I hate to say it, but also both being in Medicare, and then opting to treat my wife's cancer, and my hyperthyroidism holistically, you pretty much are forced to go to holistic (meaning, you pay, and have to sign a form saying you will not submit any bills to Medicare) doctors. More $$, sure, but you get real medical advice, tests allopathic MD's have never heard of , and probably, the addressing of the cause, not the symptoms of your ailment. Wish I could offer hope within the system, but for the most part, our medical insurance and Medicare is close to worthless. And Big Pharma has jacked up the prices of even generic drugs to obscene levels, so normally not much hope there either.

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Yep, have to go outside the system or have insurance that will cover whatever Medicare refuses to cover. It's appalling that Medicare annual "physical exams" entail no touching at all.

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They want to know if youโ€™re depressed and if youโ€™ve fallen. Like I would tell them!

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I have been having chest pains for over a week now. I will not go to my local hospital - they suck and I dont trust them. And the next nearest hospital is 45 mins away. Neither one is a real option. If they dont kill us one way, they will get us another.

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One of my clients is a nurse. She told me that she never sees a doctor, only nurse practitioners. She said nurses avoid doctors.

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Where I live this is unfortunately TRUE in my experience. I was just thinking about this, my husband and I don't even step foot in main stream purveyors. Almost everyone I know who are dealing with health issues: lots of tests but "we don't know what wrong with you." Surely it couldn't just be about money, but big bucks in tests, drugs and insurance?

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Very true. No hands on assessments except the old school doctors. So much can be detected on just the simple head to tie assessment.

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Absolutely! An old doc who retired yrs ago told the AOA honor award recipients... "If you don't touch your patient, you have not examined them. Touch is essential to your medical practice! Failing to do so is a failure to connect."

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Nov 7, 2023ยทedited Nov 7, 2023

Personally, I donโ€™t like them touching me. And if they want to check out your ovaries, I suggest you say, โ€˜Hell, no!โ€

Iโ€™m sure mine were fine until they were squeezed in a Vice grip. That took some recovery.

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To each her/his own! I've been to my last gyn appt! Primary physicians don't do those exams! Thankfully!

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This is Medicare fault--as I commented above:

Besides all the data-entry requirements of doctors nowadays, I'm guessing that you got your "physical" under Medicare. The Medicare "wellbeing" physical is a farce--there is no hands-on examination and some time is spent with medical underlings who quiz you about remembering 3 words and ask lots of nosy questions. You have to specifically ask for an annual physical outside of Medicare and agree to pay when Medicare denies this. That's my understanding of the overall "benefit" of Medicare.

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If you take time to go through the MK Ultra documents on archive.Org it seems like there is a long history of experimentation upon people both physically and psychologically at hospitals, veterans admins, and many universities. I think doing things this way is well established. https://archive.org/details/mkultrafiles

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They are not top institutions anymore. Haven't been for a couple of decades.

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Howโ€™s about at least 5 decades??

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And many enjoy significant funding for climate change research.

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Release the Jan 6th prisoners!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"All we men had to do was not get a shot."

Finally it's a marketable skill. I'll be making money hand over fist. (rimshot)

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Just don't use your real name or you might get shaken down for child support. "Robert L. Peters" has a nice ring to it.

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Good for you. Go for it. Get some of your taxes back...

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