Jan 27Liked by Jeff Childers

Hooray C&C Army on the multiplier!

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Awesome she reached out to Jeff directly! Makes me proud be part of this multiplier! ❤️

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THATs how we move the needle! Great job and standing ovation C&C Army

👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

I text my husband with the update just now and said “We were part of that honey 💪🏻 “ So thrilled that she knows she has so much support. That’s how we unite.

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🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Bring on the MULTIPLIER’s 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

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Indeed, the power of the people is extraordinary, especially the C&C Army. I am glad Jeannette was able to speak with Jeff and share her perspective even further. As an ex-New Yorker, who appreciates how corrupt the state is (and getting worse under Hochul), I am thrilled that Jeannette is feeling the support in both spirit and monetarily.

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Me too. It’s a Hell hole. Blessings to a hero ! I’m retired from Pharmacy studying homeopathy now! I’ve done a 180!

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Agreed and now she needs to move!!

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She has 3 adult sons and 7 grandchildren so she probably wants to stay. Also, Long Island where she lives, is largely Republican. Trump won much of Long Island in 2020, which also explains why her services were in such demand. What a blessing she was able to help in the way she did.

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God may have called her to that area, of which I understand, since I am where He has called me to be right now. We go where we are called!!

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We don’t need to move, we need to fight, and keep fighting for our state! It is more red than blue. We are just spread out! Hochul got 13 out of 62 counties! Hope is eternal!

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Amen, ALL things are possible through Christ, who gives us strength!!!!

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please MOVE TO TEXAS lady. WE are pro-HUMAN here

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I'd say, by the cdc's definition, she definitly vaccinated those kids, and it looks like she has legal grounds to file a suit. If she, and the parents involved, choose to fight this for the kid's sake, I will be happy to give more support.

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I would call her a hero. Every parent should come forward and testify on her behalf and have the charges dropped because all those children are alive and well today we've got to put an end to all vaccines and maybe this will do it may God bless this woman she did the right thing 100%.

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I wish we had more like her.

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Me too!

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Time to sue the State!

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Me too! And some “ pharmaceutical “ guidance.

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Me too. I would definitely support that.

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Jan 27Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes! This is definitely a feel good thing! This C&C army is the best! And huge! I feel so good right now, that I was able to be a part of this great and growing movement. I wish I had millions of $$$ to help everyone being beaten down for doing the right thing for our sisters and brothers. Thankful for this platform though, it helps me every single day. We are never alone 🥰

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The fundraiser is almost $166,000 now. Hoorah!

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27Liked by Jeff Childers

Took video and pictures of Eagle Pass yesterday. We met an E7 national guard guy on the way down there. His stories are chilling and on point with every rumor going around about the border. He said he could tell us horror stories about all the insurgents crossing. If I can find a way to send the video and pics to Jeff. Lol. And we saw 2 FHP police cars!!!

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Send to suzette.witt @ smartbizlaw.com

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I did send pictures. It wouldn’t let me email the videos unfortunately.

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Anyone thinking of the irony of where this is all happening? Eagle Pass. Think about it

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Ok since I’m from Portland I need it explained 🤪

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🦅, our symbol of American freedom, is being bypassed. Did I get that right?

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Ohhhhh. I get that.

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I didn’t read Jeff’s comments until today, Sunday. It’s 6:45am here in North Carolina and I’m reading the comments. Yours cracked me up. The ability to laugh at yourself is a gift and you’ve got it! I love the Oregon coast! One of my most favorite books is written by Michael Burgess, “The Real Oregon Coast.” His sense of humor is similar to yours AND to Jeff’s.

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I am from Washington state and I was thinking the same- help explain please

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Eagle Pass...get it? The Eagle is the National bird! A powerful and mighty bird indeed...Eagle Pass TX is one of the hot beds of ‘migrant activity’ along the US Mexico Border. It’s where Texas Governor Abbott put up razor wire so the ‘migrants’ could not cross into Texas. Bob Peters’ government (aka Joseph R Biden’s) sued and took it to the Supreme Court that Texas had no right to do this. The SC ruling was a bit vague (and surely you would know about that if you are a daily C&C reader). So it was in reference to the name of the town in TX and the National Bird, the Eagle.

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Just like when the alternative community co-opted the rainbow as a middle finger to God’s promise to never destroy the earth because of sin by worldwide flood again.

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Thank you 👍🏽

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Lol, Barbara. I love your name (Portlander😵‍💫) 😂 I live in Oregon City so I can relate.

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Great to see other Oregonians here!! I'm in Oregon City, too!!

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Definitely ironic!

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Has anyone considered if there is escalation to the point of a civil war, would the election be cancelled? I’ve been considering this since last night when saw Tucker show with interview of Abbot, Paxton and convoy director. Monday convoys will be headed all over country to take out border back. Seems like a good manner to instigate something like did for J6. I don’t know maybe I am off but seems Biden or Obama might do anything to stop Trump.

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Maybe, but I think the whole thing is optics for politics. Closing the border would calm some people down and not allow Trump to make it an issue. WEF man Greg Abbott could have solved this problem when it started in December 2020. He waited until they got the desired 10 million into the US. The target was always 10 million, but it may be as high as 22 million.

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You are on the Money. I live in Texas and Abbott is a snake. I don't trust him. He has proven over and over again that he's a RINO and not trustworthy and most Texans don't trust him. Silk from 'Diamond and Silk' on facebook had something to say about it too. Remember she's close to Trump:

"How long has Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 which reserves to the States "The Right To Self Defense" been available for the States to implement?

And why, after 3 years of invasion at the southern border, is it just being enforced during an election year?

Just asking questions because something smells really fishy and it's not tuna!"


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It’s always good to question motives and be wary! I’m generally a wait and see/benefit of the doubt kind of person but I don’t implicitly trust any of these people.

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Is it true that TX has its own military and that Abbott is recruiting?

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Not sure. Conflicting reports are out. Bottom line is I don't trust Abbott but he may not make the decision. I think the good guys in the Military are going to call the shots on that one. Otherwise we would have a Civil War. This morning the BP said they are standing down to the NG and will defy Biden's orders. If they unite then maybe we can save our country.

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It is just that…

"Maybe, but I think the whole thing is optics for politics."

The parasites that run the country want immigrants flooding the country so they can hire them at very low wages and when they start asking for higher wages they fire them and then hire more at low wages. It’s illegal to hire them in the first place, but notice how none of the owners have been charged with doing it.

And like you said, Abbot waited 3 years to do anything.

Plus there’s Bush, Obama, Clinton and even Biden funding NGOs that help them get into the country. Biden has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund them.

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I don’t know about hiring them for low wages or then firing them when they want higher wages...I have recently seen ‘migrants’ being ‘interviewed’ by ‘journalists’ who are on the ground in South America (Quito Ecuador), Panama, and Mexico at these NGO funded ‘migrant camps. These ‘migrants’ are being asked where they are from, what they thought about Biden and or Trump, various questions...these people can BARELY speak or are able to speak English whatsoever. The Indians (from India) seem to have the best grasp of the English language. The ‘majority’ of these ‘migrants are single adult men from all over the world making the trek into the USA on our taxpayers $$$!

One thing they ALL seem to have in common is their LOVE for Biden, who they believe is making it possible for them to stream over the border, into the US so they can ‘get money’. And they hate or think Trump is a bad guy cause he closed the border.

How will these people be able to do ANYTHING in the US, if they don’t speak or understand English? They will likely exist in the various ‘communities’ in the US that speak their native language, or be a part of the ‘underground economy’ and barely venture out. They will not be ‘contributing (financially or even intellectually) members’ of our society.

I grew up in a small agricultural town in SoCA, in the 50’s & 60’s that was full migrants, mostly from Mexico, who came to work in the fields in agriculture. The people who now live in that town are 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th generation ‘Mexican Americans of those original ‘migrants’. They think what is happening at the border now (oh and BTW my home town is only 27 miles north of the US Mexico border) is horrible. Their grandparents and parents legally immigrated and became US citizens. What we have going on at the border now is treasonous at best.

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I’m sorry, but when only men are coming without women & children it’s for war.

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I thought Soros was paying for this influx.

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Soros (now his son) is but one of MANY who are supporting the NGO’s like the UN, UNICEF, The Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, that are providing ‘aid’ (financial, medical, informational) on the ‘illegal alien pipeline’ that stretches from Quito Ecuador all the way up to the US Mexico border. The USA Taxpayers vis a vis Joe Biden’s Government are a big supporters of these NGO’s!

Check out this video that a pair of brother ‘journalists’ made on their ‘journey’ from Ecuador, up the through the very dangerous Darien Gap in Colombia, into Panama, through Central America into Mexico and to the US Mexico border. It will open your eyes and mind way up!


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I always thought it was votes.

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Dan Bongino talks about this a lot using the democrats own words "the great replacement theory" pushing mass illegal immigration with the goal of boosting/replacing those leaving the democratic party


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We’ve had 2 elections in two different wars the war of 1812 and the civil war in 1864...so no excuses! Abraham Lincoln believed, “ if you suspend democracy in the middle of the war, you were basically undercutting the whole purpose of the war...” and it was feared at the time he might lose but went ahead anyway!

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Different times different criminals in charge. 🤪 hope this is the case. Last time voted I stood in line in flash flood conditions lost a shoe in a drain I went after head first and cast my vote soaked to the bone full of mud but with both of my favorite pair of Spanish shoes. 👠

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Shoes and suffrage a winning combination!

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I think you mean zapatos ; )

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Hispaniola black and white with block heal and decorative buckle on top I was not leaving without both of my shoes aka zapatos. I got these at el Corte inglés in Spain. No way losing these shoes. To be left with only one would have been truly depressing.

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They sound amazing! I was just being cheeky as I don't even habla espanol, though I have picked up un poquito along the way.

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Girl, you are killing me! I have a few friends named Diana, bet you are one of them. TOO MUCH FUN. diving for your Spanish shoes in the gutter

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What do you do with only one shoe? There was an odd hole when the rain came down and flooding started ran into grass towards the library and leg went into hole. Pulled leg out no shoe 😱 so I didn’t think I went straight in felt around found shoe thank god bc walking missing a shoe just would have ruined my day. I was at the polls 6am before it opened the lines were around the block and parking was packed 2020 presidential elections first day of early voting. This year I want to be last person to vote. No more early vote bad luck with this plan. Everyone in line was voting Trump and making sure everyone else voted Trump. Cubans can’t be any secrets in the line to vote. Haha.

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Great shoes dried out perfectly no damage to leather still wear them today.

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hahaha I LOVE IT!!!

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Words and Actions matter. And Actions speak louder than Words.

We were never meant to be a 'democracy' (which does not mean that the people, owners of government, are without voice). And second, Honest Abe suspended Liberty, particularly First Amendment rights. And the effect of the Northern Government by war's end in transforming itself into a 'national government' supreme was a big blow to the Old Republic and the Sovereignty of the many several states, both northern and southern and those yet to come.

When I look at things by present circumstances, I have to conclude that there is no government of the United States. There is, instead, a hijacked non-government dictatorial with a lot of disenfranchised, dispossessed enslaved people. But nobody wants to hear this anymore than anyone wants to hear that there was never a pandemic, only a weaponized bio-weapon medical product. And if one introduces phrases like 'gene editing technology, synthetic biology and self-assembling nanotechnology, emitters and transceivers and nano or quantum dots ... well then, one might as well be speaking from Pluto or Uranus because such a one will never be heard ... because dead space does not transmit sound.

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Now dig into the "Corporation named the United States". You may be amazed.

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Maybe not, but maybe some other people who might be better off reading The Dispossessed Majority. And then question just what kind of 'citizen' they might be. And who owns property and where the registry is.

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Not anymore. I thought that was changed by Mr Gould.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

LOLOL, you have such a great way with words. This right here explains everything, yet few comprehend:

"And the effect of the Northern Government by war's end in transforming itself into a 'national government' supreme was a big blow to the Old Republic and the Sovereignty of the many several states, both northern and southern and those yet to come."

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28

I am sure that the Comment Comprehension Index Section is used to monitor sentiment, and something very useful to any and all 'operators' whether inside or outside house. Striking the right tone in print is indispensable to any gain in traction.

Since public comprehension levels range from somewhere between Somnambulant Zombie to Abysmal Nonce (present White House occupant) ... prospects going forward appear bleak. There will be no return back to organic American constitutions. Maybe a more optimistic era of afforded relief is within the scope of possibility, but nonetheless, there will be no shedding of the chains. And thus no truer words were ever spoken than that the best slave is the slave that doesn't know he is a slave. It is all a stage crafted show with reality no more than a flickering of shadows. So when you say 'yet few comprehend', you say it right.

And all the more reason to give thanks in prayer for the Five Solas.

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I am afraid you are right. The concept of liberty we inherited I'm afraid will be lost to future generations. They will have to rediscover these concepts in different circumstances. I am thankful that the Word that inspired these concepts is and always will be eternal. Therefore, though my generation should fail their children, I am confident God will not forget them.

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Dave, I just read this for the first time. It explains so much and makes perfect sense... not only in the perception of evil but also of Righteousness. Explains why people can't see until the HS causes the scales to fall from the eyes.


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Viva Cinco Solas

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yeah too bad about that slavery thing, that Nikki Haley cant wrap her head around, even though she claims she was racially harassed as a young person

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NeoCon Nikki ... one of the most absurdly clownish creatures in the landscape. And as DJT said, low information/low intelligence and unfit to handle the job.

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When I see Milei shock and spook the WEF with his 'Big Announcement', two 'gods' of Wall Street say maybe DJT is not so bad after all ... and much more, it would appear that the Apex Rulers (the very high of the highest) have decided that a major roll back turn around is in the interest their pockets. And so, a reason conclusion might be that they real bad want DJT to be the next president and have already preselected him to be so.

If we see the Supremes in their germane rulings facilitate a clear path to a DJT presidency, this would be a clear seconding of the motion. How the Supreme Court rules in upcoming cases may tell us all we need to know.

Wall Street and the Apex Central Banking Establishment usually get what 'they' want. Sadly, it is not so much about us excepting vicariously.

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I hope and pray to God that this is not the case and he will actually deliver on his promises to destroy the Deep State. perhaps this is just nimble Uber Capitalist Oligarch Billionaires trying to kiss up to the obvious winner. they didnt get where they are by being dumb and missing trends.

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First, hope-ium is not a strategy nor is it conductive to the restoration of a real Republic based upon organic constitutions such as the early American constitutions. (Most Americans are unaware that most states have rewritten their constitutions many times or that the Constitution of the United States may well be a replacement document for the Constitution for the United States.)

As far as I can tell, nearly all candidates with a few exceptions operate totally 'within the box' as opposed to acting upon the box from without, and with a wholly different set of presuppositions. However, this statement does not imply that we should engage in all or nothing, just black or white terms. (The recent Kari Lake audio release certainly speaks to 'inside the box' by characterization.)

Also, and as far as I can tell, the Apex Elite appears to see a danger of its Money Power Monopoly being placed in jeopardy by the totally insanity of radical political theology (Woke/Marxism, Globalism for example), but also by a Deep State whose power independent of the Money Power (central banking) has grown to threat level. This the Money Power cannot and will not abide. The Money Power does not brook competitors. And the Money Power will clip any wings it has to in the bid to regain control. Any roll backs as you may presently detect are designed solely to re-assert the Money Power's firm grip once again over the levers of power and wealth. From this we the ordinary people are apt to experience some relief because the Money Power cannot wholly discount us and maintain control. That is, the Money Power will afford us some relief in order to head off a cattle stampede by its governed populations.

A year ago, a DJT presidency seemed unlikely. And now? Perhaps just the opposite. We will just have to see how this turns out in 2024 and make any re-evaluations along the way as events dictate. Nothing is all that simple. And re-evaluation is always an ongoing process.

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Yep. Like Corona (with mail-in voting) booted trump from 2020, they could use the border battle as a Jan6 2.0 and 'for public safety' suspend the election.

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Corona didnt do it, ELECTORAL MACHINES< which we STILL HAVE, DID IT.

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Well, we know there are always infiltrators at these sorts of events, so it has shades of J6. Any civilians involved should go strictly as citizen journalists and observe. They should obey laws and show common sense. They're not there to back up law enforcement acting within the law except as a moral support. Vive la Texas!

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Lisa, as you describe is how J-6 in 2020 began. Country loving Trump supporting patriots there to let their voices be heard, that they didn't believe the scripted outcome of the election. Fraudulent as we now know. The crowd infiltrated by bad actors "only following orders". I'll say again, today is International Holocaust Observance day. I fear we are in 1939 again. I pray Satan will not triumph, but our 200 years of world dominance may be over.

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that ol booger Slewfoot CANNOT triumph. Read :th Book". He already has been defeated, soundly and permanently. We are only left with the mopup.

Now that does NOT mean we can get lazy and complacent. That critter can still cause us some harm, But he IS defeated. We are left with the aftermath of his defeat, this "present unpleasantness".

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US dominance over is a good thing for the world. Cia is the scourge of the world and its to our detriment that we never got rid of them. JFK wanted to....

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What is FHP? Florida Highway Patrol?

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Yes. Florida is there.

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Gator Patrol!

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Seriously, release the gators and let them chomp. Illegal problem solved.

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So proud of my Gov. DeSantis, and happy to have my taxes spent to support Gov. Abbott and Texas!

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Here's a video I came across on Telegram - immigrants cruising in by boat:


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Yep, LaJolla, CA. They usually abandon the boats, so you know it’s a lucrative business.

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Yep - as I watched this, it struck me that THESE immigrants must have some $$ to be able to afford such a "luxury delivery" to "the promised land". Well - whatever.

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Too bad there are hardly any gunners in California. I see that here and I'm holding at gunpoint.

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Yes that was down at Windansea Beach in the sleepy little enclave of La Jolla CA this past week…La Jolla is an upscale beach community, which has it’s own town name and zip code, though is technically a part of The City of San Diego! Within a half a block from where this occurred, (and those ‘migrants’ scattered through the neighborhood), is an area with houses on the bluff above the ocean and blocks from the ocean , that sell for millions of $$$! I wonder if those folks know that there was a ‘migrant’ boat people ‘invasion’ in their neighborhood? And yes they abandoned the boats…as there were two ‘pangas’ (motorized open small boats) that came onto the shore…one had the migrants, the other had plastic vessels filled with ‘fuel’, that ended up in the water and local surfers swam out and brought them to shore!

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I used to, back in y "cawlidge daze" walk that beach from Scripps Pier down to those bluffs. One time barefoot in the SNOW!!! Yes, it happened.

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Where they came ashore was over at Windansea, at the foot of Nautilus St., down in town, past the ‘village’ to the south, past the Children’s Pool. La Jolla Shores, is the area I believe area you are referring to that you walked “that beach from Scripps Pier down to those bluffs”. Windansea is below Neptune Place between Westbourne St and Palomar Ave., and consists of small little coves of beaches, is a famous surf spot in La Jolla. There is a famous (and historical landmark) ‘surf shack with a palm frond roof’ on the rocks at Windansea. There are no bluffs at Windansea. You can easily walk up from the beach at Windansea, and walk (or run as was the case with the ‘migrant invasion this past week), into the neighborhood. It’s a popular neighborhood for surfing, dog walking, hanging out at the beach, and sunset watching!

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Oregon 97070, but not a webfoot.

I am skeptical of Abbott, I trust him about as much as I trust any politician. Why, with the potential of civil war breaking out in his state, would he flee to India? That is irresponsible in my opinion, no matter how much he trusts his Lt. Governor and his DA. Does Abbott already have a back door deal worked out with the Brandon administration? Something fishy about this whole chain of events. I pray this doesn't turn into another J-6 on steroids. What better way to determine which military and law enforcement personnel will turn on their own citizens. And today is international Holocaust Memorial day, imagine that...

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Totally agree. Talked to national guard guy who has been for 25 years and says what’s been happening the past few years is criminal.

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I saw a FHP car on a Fox News clip regarding the razor wire at the border!

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What is the NG's attitude about all this, are they all fired up Don't Mess w/Texas or they like the Border Patrol that turns their head while putting out their hand to be greased?

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They are not happy with what’s going on and are very aware of what this government is trying to do. Sad state of affairs. He said they won’t budge!

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That is promising to hear.

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Saw Jeff responded. Looking forward to seeing the videos and pictures. If you could...also give Jeff at least a summary of your talk with the NG guy.

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The national guy has been in for 25 and he says we are in deep trouble. Says there are so many true bad guys coming u to the country. He’s never seen anything like it. They guys down there are very ready and expecting another Jan 6 event. Needless to say he didn’t mince words.

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Jan 27Liked by Jeff Childers

Sir, your paragraphs on Ms. Willis might be the best written since the inception of C&C! Please consider having someone keep track of "the best of the best" for a future publication (Coffee table book). Without even having my first sip of coffee, your wit and humor had me laughing out loud! What great therapy!

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Brilliant idea. I’d buy one...and many more! Christmas gifts, Mother’s day, Father’s Day, birthdays....! Jeff, I think you have a task for your son ;).

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I have thought this too - a C&C book! We definitely need to preserve Jeff's writing, and include an annotated timeline / chronology of the events covered here.

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The timeline - yes! So often I think, “I want to preserve this as a history for our child to read 20 or 30 years from now.”

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This is so true! Jeff’s writing is not something you can skim over just to get the gist of what he is trying to say, because if you do that you miss out on the pearls of humor scattered throughout each paragraph!

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So agree laughed out loud numerous times

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It is great therapy here Steve Chamberlain

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So many replies to sort thru so since your comment was first to bring up Fani...I have to sneak in the Vote Rigger meme created by the fabulous Dilley Meme Team...one e you hear it, you won’t be able to get it out of your head. And my favorite part is the “good sax” at the end. Enjoy!!


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I must be slipping, I never thought of renaming her Fatty Willis 🤣🤣🤣

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

That was awesome! Thank you for sharing!

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“Coffee (Table) & Covid, the Best of the Best” Vol. 1

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Ooooo a C&C coffee table book! What an excellent idea. All Jeff's best and wittiest writings in one book. I would buy extras for sure!

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Though I felt he could have benefited from a line about Mr Wade being a "Fani Chaser". (You have to use the British meaning.)

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I’ve been thinking the same, a Best Of Compilation would be great!

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So even IV shots qualify as vaccines?! This is huge, maybe the high dose vitamin C, ALA, glutathione, EDTA IVs will now be covered by insurance!!

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That would be a miracle... now that everyone is “required” to buy health insurance, they won’t cover things that keep you healthy !

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Everyone isn’t required to buy health insurance. That was ruled illegal. I used to have to pay fines to IRS since I don’t buy the hlth insurance. Now I haven’t for several years.

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That's what I thought, too. Why do we still get those stupid forms with our w2's, then?

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I don't get them. Maybe your company does that?

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True - we're into our 2nd tax year, health insurance free.

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Someone in a below comment is saying that teh requirement wasn't nullified by the ruling to no longer have the IRS fine you if you didn't join up. I don't remember the details. Do you?

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IIRC - I think the fine was ruled unconstitutional but the requirement itself wasn’t nullified by the ruling, and it hasn’t been rescinded by legislation.

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Yes the fine, but I'm not sure about the rest. It's been a while and I don't remember the details. What is IIRC?

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If I recall correctly.

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Would love to know more about your experience.

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Not sure what you mean

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People need to start asking their companies to carry high deductible emergency plans and give them health savings accounts to cover everything else. Insurance companies are a huge part of the problem. Health savings accounts give you more control over your own healthcare. When insurance companies cover things, it drives the cost up (more overhead due to having to bill insurance companies) & quality of care goes down.

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But that makes sense. The insurance industry has no incentive to make sense. Their raison d'être is to make money. Why would they want to give up control of health care decisions to customers? Silly RedLetterMom. /sarc

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Don’t hold your breath. The insurance cos are in cahoots w pHarma. They’ll only pay for things for which there is “evidence” of benefit. Of course, they are selective about what evidence they accept.

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We can all get the ball rolling if we all ask. They do accept massage and acupuncture, I think there is hope. After all, it will save them money in the long run. I think I will also send a letter to corporate.

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That’s the sad part. They don’t want to save money. The more they spend the higher they can jack the premiums. That is where they make money.

The only job of the insurance companies is to make money for the shareholders. Period.

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Read 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘭𝘺 𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘯 by Wendell Potter. Former PR exec for Cigna. Had a come to Jesus moment and left the industry. Insider story in the book. "The only job of the insurance companies is to make money for the shareholders. Period." 🎯Bullseye.

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I immediately went to Libby app and and actually found this book in the audio version. I borrowed it and plan to listen. Thank you for the recommendation

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Chiropractic is also covered, although I found out that I end up paying more if I put it on insurance. We pay out of pocket for that.

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Like a positive D-Dimer test? “You know it’s working if it hurts!”

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it cures cancer so they will not let it happen to cancer profits

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Many types of cancers, many types of people, and many cures. There is no one cure fits all. Cannabinoids is also one of those significant 'cures' (which is why it was demonized when the Rockefeller's took over medicine), and see the progress we made in that front! The truth eventually comes out, we just need to rush it along.

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and don't EVER overlook the wretchedrole the BloomBurg plqys in thee medicl industrial comples. Johns Hopkins "school of Medicine"? Yeah, right.

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How many people have been cured by smoking weed?

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Found this on waybackmachine just recently when most of my old bookmarks went down. Just think, there are more like this!! Maybe we should start purchasing old books and encyclopedia sets before everything is scrubbed. https://web.archive.org/web/20180622212318/http://www.dirtybigpharmatruth.com/cannabis-oil-and-the-existing-medicinal-science.html

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Kelly, - 2005...but then who's keeping count...

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deletedJan 27·edited Jan 27
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Wouldn’t that be great!👏🏼👏🏼

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Lots of legal immunity for harms then? You bet they would use that.

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Gregg Abbott has allowed the illegals to invade for over 3 years.

Note he's a Bush acolyte. But maybe he's seen the light?

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We all talk about how we need to judge the GOP by their actions not words, and that applies to Abbott here. Despite his waffling in the past, Abbott's actions here are right on the money. He deserves the benefit of the doubt IMO, as he's the only one (and I mean only one) doing anything substantive to get the border under control.

OTOH, take a look at Sen. Lankford from Oklahoma who is actively doing everything he can to undermine it. On top of that is actively pushing the "border deal" which codifies allowing a huge number of illegal aliens while giving Biden cover to continue flooding the country. This guy is from a state Trump won 32 points including winning every single county.

We need to stop go after guys who are doing the right thing even if they have been wobbly on in the past. Lankford though needs to be primaried ASAP and taken out. He's a Baptist pastor and apparently a social-justice Gospel type (i.e. Jesus commands us to give away free stuff and let everyone in which I can't find in my Bible). He acts corrupt as hell (and he may be) but even if he's just a fool he needs to go now.

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I hate social-justice Gospel types. It is reprehensible to use Jesus's authority to guilt trip people into doing anything. God's power doesn't need guilt trips. And I say that as a Catholic.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Exactly. It took me decades to realize that anyone trying to guilt other people into agreeing with them are fundamentally bad people. It doesn't matter if it's one's parent, spouse, kids, pastor, advertising, or a politician, if they are attempting to emotionally manipulate someone through guilt they are engaging in sociopathic behavior.

People that love others don't toy with their emotions attempting to change their behavior. It's reprehensible. People acting in good faith will attempt to persuade using reason, common sense, and Biblical examples (if they are Christians). That conviction comes then from the Holy Spirit, not a manipulative, guilt-tripping mother (or whoever).

I have long-lasting memories of my elementary school nuns telling us we were sinning and God would judge us if we didn't behave in class. In hindsight, it's pretty hard to think of more repulsive behavior toward children (short of physical abuse). Yet it was standard practice from my experience. And it's all too common among people claiming to act on Jesus' behalf.

This is why I cannot stand Ben Shapiro and his ilk, virtually every argument he makes is intended to emotionally manipulate people. It shows me he has no moral compass and believes the ends justifies the means (even if I do agree with him on some issues).

Edit: After rereading my comment here I realized some could take it as me guilt-tripping people to try and get them to stop guilt-tripping people. Hmmm, I need to think about that. I'll just note that this is how I've come to view world and I've found it's a very good indicator of character. Take it for what it's worth.

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Jan 27Liked by Jeff Childers

Your story of the nuns reminded me of a cute joke that went something like this: A class of young kids were lined up at a church lunch. There was a bowl of apples. The nun told little Billie, “Take only one, God is watching.” When Billie got down the line to the plate of cookies, he said to his friends, “take as many as you want, God is watching the apples.”

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Good opportunity for a sunday school lesson on the meaning of "omniscience", though. ;)

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Well said! And thank you for this mountain of truth!

And 'getting out from under' their crap is like being trapped under a mile thick ice shield and having to melt you way out with nothing more than body heat.

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Doing the “right” thing at the 11th hour … good but he could have done this from the start.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

So instead of condemning him for being late, why not encourage him for having seen the light?

Frankly, this is why we lose. We demand purity from people who are belatedly doing the right thing thus undermining them. We are our own worst enemy.

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I don’t mean to condemn him. I am thrilled to see the right thing being done but this isn’t his first time he’s waited too do the right thing that makes me question his motives.

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I agree. How come it feels like a script is being read from that is about stoking division and raising the specter of civil war? It feels like it is almost happening in a coordinated fashion on a few fronts....

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Yes. It's like Biden causing gas to go up a dollar, and when it comes down 20 cents, he takes credit for lowering the price.

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Maybe Susan is a glass half empty gal. Lots of them here. But I see abbots actions as progress. Filling that glass?

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I agree

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Maybe because we've learned the biblical lesson that one cannot pick good fruit from a bad tree. For three years we've been told to ignore our lyin' eyes. Now BOOM everything is jes' fine? Not for this ole boy.

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Politicians are not saints. Different job descriptions.

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You know the old saying, “It's always darkest before the dawn.”

I imagine Abbott had to strategically hold off until it was so bad he got the support from most of the country. If you think about it, Abbott had to proceed in steps.

Starting with Biden saying during the debates to “surge the border.”

First: Images of the onslaught of crowds with Biden T-shirts, phones, and new clothes “ surging the border.”

Second: Interviews with the illegals (mostly military-age males) from all the various countries making the trek without losing a pound.

Third, BP lets them in, and NGOs pick them up.

Fourth: The 85,000 missing kids.

Fifth, watching what we have all said, our schools, our hospitals, and resources would be overrun.

Finally, busing the illegals to the interior and east coast “sanctuary cities” to spread the pain.

Abbott's actions were strategically planned and executed perfectly.

If Abbott had done this any differently, the Democrats would have gone to the border, and AOC would have revived her “gut-wrenching despair” clothed in white at the chain link fence.

We may have won this battle. The war is to be determined.

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I totally agree and understand timing is everything. Still not convinced he isn’t a Rhino and only acts when he looks 100% demonrat. I’m happy to be wrong and I definitely wait and see about everything.

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Lucky Ken Paxton is AG.

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Has he denounced involvement in this?


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I tend to agree. Another problem with our side is we lack patience and want everything to be done right away. Even if by waiting a little longer we might have more solid footing for lasting change.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

While we were waiting a little longer, upwards of 12 million illegals have eneterd our nation, and in may cases, disappeared. That's not impatience, that's survival sense.

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I understand that but it’s also possible that making a move earlier would have backfired and put us in an even worse position 😕 I guess that while I understand the impatience to just do something, I also tend to think we too often go in guns blazing then shoot ourselves in the foot rather than carefully and methodically crafting our response to be rock solid and not some hasty poorly thought out plan. Faster would be ideal but only if it’s going to be effective and long term. With this hostile administration, the plan needs to be airtight.

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What is this Biden t-shirt you speak of? I've never seen one but I'm deep in the Heart of Dixie!

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I remember seeing the photos of people massing at the border after Old Joe “won” the election. They were waiting until Inauguration Day to cross, and there were a number of them wearing Biden t-shirts. I think that’s what Dana is referring to. In interviews, many said that they were responding to Biden’s invitation.

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I kinda said it in jest I thought. But thanks for the reply

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If someone corrects course do we concentrate on the old path or do we help them keep on course? We all know where he has been. Remember it. Stock it away. But at this point it is better to encourage him when he does the right thing.

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well think too about how many senators or governors we try to “get ON course” to no avail. We wpuld be shootig ourselves in foot if we do not encourage change of course!!!!

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I've always wondered if Abbott is controlled opposition. But it may be he is just a career politician with a weak spine. He's always gripped about the border but done nothing constructive till now. Maybe he finally feels politically safe enough to do something. I'll take it but we have to remember, it's now a fait accompli that the Obama/Biden regime already has the minimum 10+ million immigrants they were going for. The open border is now a mop-up operation. The real problem staring us in the face is what is the regime going to do with the millions of belligerent recruits who view Americans as adversarial aliens??? I think it is going to get very ugly.

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Watch for establishment Abbott to cave. You heard it here first.

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Are you from Texas? I don’t like it when people oversimplify hugely difficult problems.

Texas may not be able to “win” but that’s not the same as to “cave”. We may lose but we’ll go down trying to win. The majority of the state’s citizens want to close the border, not just Abbott. It takes the whole state political machine to fight the Fed. There’s no playbook for this. Never have we had the Fed directly break US law and facilitate mass illegal entry from across the whole world.

We were still fighting shot mandates in 2021 as the border was beginning to flow. Then Texas elections were at the end of 2022 which are a distraction not knowing how much change will occur. Then 2023 was wasted because house Dems were impeaching the AG. All the legal action against the US government on mandates, election fraud and open borders was delayed due to this. Now the AG is cleared and focus is on the border and the other pending cases. I have not heard one Republican politician in the state oppose the actions of Texas. This isn’t a one-man Abbott show.

We’re dealing with millions of people across a border of almost 2000 miles. More people have come than the population of our top 10 cities combined. We’ve basically added another Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio. It ridiculous to blame our governor for any of this. He was governor during Trumps term too and we did not have this issue.

Here the recent city populations if you interested to understand the massive volume of people we’re dealing with.


It’s visibly worse on the streets with beggars and our crime rates are increasing. It makes no sense to scapegoat a governor for the failures of a US President.

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The more realistic estimates I'm hearing are 22 million immigrants. I think we could spend all day discussing the ramifications of this. My biggest worry is all the obviously military types coming across. I do not for one minute believe that these were simply released into the general population. They have been recruited for a purpose and shuttled to secret US military training bases. Now what would a Marxist gov't want with extra-Constitutional military units?

My second biggest worry is the cartels. They are now operating in all 50 states and are building out their infrastructure across the nation. They are also recruiting from the so-called migrants to build up their operating force. When they are done, no law enforcement will be able to stand against them. It'll be in all our back yards.

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roughly the equivalent of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho together have slid across our southern border since the WooFlew was flung in our faces.

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I'm an Oklahoman, with a son who lives in Houston, so you might say I'm from the neighborhood.

I don't trust Abbott who has a record of talking like a conservative but acting like a liberal when it comes time to act.

Further, I'm not sure how you missed it but I'm on your side, which is to say shutting the borders.

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Fred, why do I think you're going to be right.

For example, Abbott is in India pitching for 3rd worlders to come take our jobs.

Such a patriot!

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You couldn't be too cynical about Sen. Lankford.

Here's another: his Okla. colleague Sen. Markwayne "HoldMeBackBruh" Mullin is also a POS deep state GOP establishment whore.

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I fully agree with you Jeff C

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I can't stand Lankford. Tried to get him primaried last time, but he seems to have way too much backing. I'm from Oklahoma. And couldn't agree more.

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Cole too!

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If Governor Abbot has seen the light he’s among growing group of folks who are “waking up,” my self included. YAY, GOD! “You have made known to me the paths of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence” Acts 2:28

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Great post!! 👏👏👏

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Even if by tomorrow no one crosses the border anymore, that doesn't fix the problems of the millions who are already in the country. You have to go after their employers and others who aid and abet this sort of thing, e.g. the human traffickers in and outside the USA. I would even propose an amnesty + green card for any illegal who rats out their employer.

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And... shut down the NGO's. They are aiding and abetting.

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Yep - and that includes Catholic Charities.

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It's funny. Ben Shapiro gave $100K to a Catholic charity that is a leading importer of illegals.

Even while he wears a cowboy hat (so tough!) and tweets we need to get a grip on the border.

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Curious- where did you find that information?

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Ben says the $100k was not from him. So, maybe not true.

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TriTorch posted this link in comments sometime this week:


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Wow. Thanks for sharing that.

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According to Alex Jones, the NGOs are funded by the UN, the State Department and other Soros backed organizations.

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There are no employers. These animals are coming here and being kept by the feds with our money. Our options are being removed. As soon as you start seeing them disappear you will know they are being outfitted. It will be time to open fire.

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Many of the groups of military age men that were picked up by white busses never reappeared. If they did reappear in the cities, they would be noticed. Outfitting and training has been going on since day 1.

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We need proof of that. Then we can declare

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Yep, that's what I told my husband. We've go to stop the tide but those who are here, are here now and forever.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

HELL TO THE NO. We must deport every last illegal. No exceptions, no heartbreaking stories of how they've been here since birth and addicted to Starbucks.

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"You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here"

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I sympathize but tracking down and deporting 22 million illegals is impossible. It's all academic anyway if these Marxists/NeoCons stay in power and frankly, they will find a way to get rid of Trump. How many ounces of lead did it take to get rid of JFK?

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I don't care. It's the starfish story in reverse: every one we track down and deport is one less we have. Fire the ICE director, hire more Admin Law Judges, and start the deportation proceedings by the millions.

This is the way.

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Maybe we can take a cue from Pakistan who deported hundreds of thousands of Afghans just in the past couple of months. It can be done.

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This is a very important point. Critical to let people know it CAN be done. I think more than just Pakistan and US *under DJT* will be following this playbook - therefore making it acceptable.

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Right now I haven't seen too many backbones showing. Trump has to have support of ALL the R's plus a few tards. Ha

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If I were president, I would give them 364 days to leave the country. If caught after that, they go to jail, are then deported, and never allowed to return under any circumstance. If they leave voluntarily, they are welcome to apply for a green card.

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364 days are too many by at least 330 days. If it takes most of them two weeks or so to make it from the border they illegally crossed to wherever they are now, they can figure out how to get BACK to that border and cross into AMLO's veritable paradise. Let HIM fuss and fume. HE has aided and abetted every one of them to come from Esquintla all the way through Mexico (it is a LONG way, I have driven it myself) to Texas or Arizona he'd better not have any issues with allowing them passage in reverse.

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Good idea.

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I agree. Though he did mention in the tucker interview that he has communicated requests for federal support 8 times in order to establish the fact that the feds are not helping to shore up his case to invoke the invasion clause. Don’t know what that took 3 years but here we are.

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Political winds and narrative starting to shift?

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We can pray it continues. 🙏

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And let’s pray that Governor Parson helps by sending MO. National Guard!

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It took 3 years because they met their goal of bringing 10 million into the US

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I think he dances on both sides of the line to stay where he’s at. A little to the left…oops…scoot my booty back to the right a little. Ah there. Just right. It’s called the Boot Scoot and Boogy! Someone should write a song 😉

Waiting to see the outcome of 2024 before he goes too far to one side. 😂

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Think about the state of Texas: Dallas is blue, Houston is blue, Austin is screaming blue, San Antonio (often call San Frantonio) is blue. Abbot has a very difficult needle to thread to keep the governorship Republican. So if he has to shift around, so be it. If he has to wait for voters to catch up to his position, so be it. Now that the border is recognized by most blue areas as a problem, he can finally move. Sure, I would have liked it to be earlier, but I also would have liked it if the Dems hadn't stolen the 2020 election (and the 2022 election)

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Has he bussed illegals to his own blue cities? I guess not, since it's too easy to send them to red areas of Texas. It would be nice to come up with a way to force the blue cities there to suffer the consequences of their own policies.

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With you 100%. Loved the Martha’s Vineyard bus trip. Showed the true colors. My only complaint is DeSantis should’ve kept sending them to every blue spot. Would love to see Abbott do it too. Every single bus load to a different blue hell hole. Make them feel the consequences of what they have done.

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This is why sometimes EVERYTHING looks like theater to me. It's a conundrum.

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Yes - the stories we tell ourselves - the Narrative.

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Forget the buses. Texas, Florida, all the Gulf and Atlantic States need to be putting illegals on cruise ships and sending them to Russia. (following along with Jeff's theory)

Russia could certainly use the manpower of so many fighting age, healthy young men!

Or buses straight into Canada. Let's see if Trudeau is down for that kind of fight or folds to his masters.

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Ooh yes let’s do this 😁 Or maybe we can add some other countries 😁

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just drop them in the south side of Mexico's boundary line. Let AMLO feed them on their return leg back to from whence they have come. Just like he has arranged for food and transport on their outbound leg, so as well on the return.

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Yeah I can't understand why none of the illegals were bussed to in front of Pelosi's home as well as the left SC justices' homes (as well as Roberts and Barretts), Bidens mansions, etc.

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There are already plenty in every Texas city, blue or red. No need to bus in more. It was the “sanctuary cities” like Chicago and New York and Martha’s Vineyard that had to be exposed as the hypocrites they are, and their citizens forced to bear the cost of taking that stand. Texas cities have been bearing the cost for years.

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I think you’re right. Both things are true. He’s scootin that booty around to try and stay where he is. I didn’t say he was wrong. I just pointed out what he’s doing. You explained the why. 👍🏻

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

I'm constantly AMAZED at how TX got so blue. You may be right about Abbott however I've tried to put myself in his shoes of 2 and 3 years ago and I've wondered if I would have KNOWN what action to take. I'm with him 500% but he didnt know he was exploring new territory by pushing back against the feds. I guess the straw that broke the camel's back was he realized how huge the illegal flow had gotten. Maybe the citizens of TX finally put THEIR feet down!

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"When he finally realized"?? Like when the normies finally realize that covid/jabs is a bioweapon, and they are the targets?

How come many of us dumbasses out here in the woods figure this stuff out within weeks ... and our esteemed leaders take three years to catch on?

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Yep, its a mystery why Abbott waited but he's a politician and I don't think we have more than a handful of completely honest ones in the whole country. Until this thing plays out, we'll not know. BTW, i came damned close to suspecting the "covid" thing was a scheme when the PCR tests were running rampant AND the swab had to be stuck way up near the blood brain barrier. I knew something nefarious was UP.

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I saw through the fraud a lot earlier than that. Remember the Pruncess Cruise Ship in Tokyo Bay, very early on in the breaking "news" of the disease? ALL the predictions had nearly every one of the three thousand or so souls aboard dying within a couple if weeks. They hauled her off to a remote corner of the bay to let "nature take its course". Funny how the story disappeared after the first few days.... hardly any of those aboard died, few got very sick then recovered. Half the ship's company contracted the wooflew but only half of those were even symptomatic. ALL those who died were well advanced in years and had multiple comoribities. That story all but disappeared from the lamestream media system. Because if the truth of that situation had leaked out and become widely known the whole scamdemic would have fallen apart right out of the gate.

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Cities getting bigger + influx from blue areas. Most city people seem to lean authoritarian wherever they are 😕

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You're probably right although I live in large metro area but I've got some years accrued so I'e learned how to stick to MY guns and not listen to the talking heads everywhere. Fortunately with age comes WISDOM from experience

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Oh yes of course there are exceptions, I am sure there are a certain number of people like you in all cities, but it does seem to hold true generally speaking that urban dwellers favor more government involvement, social programs etc.

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And the 2024 election.

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As for a ‘speak but little or late action’ song maybe look at Charles Druning as fictitious governor of Texas singing ‘Sidestep’ in the musical The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas:

Fellow Texans, I am proudly standing here to humbly say.

I assure you, and I mean it- Now, who says I don't speak out as plain as day?

And, fellow Texans, I'm for progress and the flag- long may it fly.

I'm a poor boy, come to greatness. So, it follows that I cannot tell a lie.

Ooh I love to dance a little sidestep, now they see me now they don't-

I've come and gone and, ooh I love to sweep around the wide step,

cut a little swathe and lead the people on.

Now my good friends, it behooves me to be solemn and declare,

I'm for goodness and for profit and for living clean and saying daily prayer.

And now, my good friends, you can sleep nights, I'll continue to stand tall.

You can trust me, for I promise, I shall keep a watchful eye upon ya'll...

Ooh I love to dance a little sidestep, now they see me now they don't-

I've come and gone and, ooh I love to sweep around the wide step,

cut a little swathe and lead the people on.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

I think Abbott had little choice but to drag his feet on this for so long. It bothers me too (I'm a TX resident). Call it "optics" or any other dirty political description you want but I think he had to tread carefully and show proof that he's done everything within his state's constitutional power and further proof that he has requested the feds to uphold their constitutional duty to protect our borders. I could be wrong. Abbott has done other things that I haven't been on board with and I have always thought he was 10 steps behind DeSantis during the covid years but in this case, I think he’s winning the political & legal chess game. He’s the ONLY Governor fighting this battle.

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Sometimes a leader has to take small, seemingly too small, steps to bring along his/her constituency. Some don’t “need” such steps - such as those of us here. We want action & results. Now.

But perhaps he was slowly bringing skeptics on board. As well as setting up his case legally.

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I think those are fair points.

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LuAnne, I really ‘want’ to think well of Abbott, he’s a likable guy, and everything you said is true. But it still infuriates me that we’ve allowed millions to cross before stopping this.

Your description of optics and political games reminds me once again of what I love about Trump…he doesn’t play those games.

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Since DeSantis started running for POTUS, he has been MIA in the fight.

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2022 was the Texas election, so... and the attorney general was being impeached through 2023 (failed impeachment). Most everything was out on hold during the Ken Paxton impeachment trials. The timeline makes sense considering these factors.

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I guess he had to see 10 to 16 million illegals, mostly military age males, cross the border before he had enough. Doesn’t add up.

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Looking back U think he held his punches for ling enough t=for the size and seruousness if the problem couild no lminger be easily ignored. Now we have major dyed in the wool deep blue cities screaming and moaning "something's GOT to be done, we're getting buried under this INVASION. Every time I read more of the mess in New York City I have to bust up laughing. Ten years ago they had a serious immigration problem, refused to examine OR deal with it, but it was tolerable. Now NYC's mayor s going bonkers trying to deal with it. He is now forced to take public tax dollars, pt them up on rented hotel rooms by the tens of thousands, on the PUBLIC's ickel, meaning those nickels cannot be spent to make his constituents happy. HE id getting buried, and desparate about the mess he's in. And at this point sees no way out. Many other major cities are crying the same blues, loudly. Thus what was a local problem plaguing local Texas ranchers has korpohed ito a BIG problem playing out well on the national stage. NOW when Abbott makes moves to deal with it, he's got widespread support and backing from places that two years ago were shrugging their shoulders and saying "meh!! WHAT problem". Now its everyone's problem almost everywhere. When city governments of deep blue cities all across Texas are siding with their governor, there HAS been a major sea change. He may have been wandering across the lane and not going forward in a straight line hese past three years, but I think he has stabilised and is now barreling right down the middle of the lane and gathering speed.

BUT, as always, we shall see, shall we not?

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Knowing how many times we’ve been played by the ‘bad cop, good cop strategy’, I too am skeptical of Abbott. Of course we’re all glad to finally see some action to close the border, but it comes AFTER 12 million (by some estimates) illegals have come in. Is that the magic number decided upon by TPTB, as enough? Unless Trump is elected and deports at the very least, the bad characters who’ve come…we have a huge problem.

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Yes...."Houston, we have a problem" - you are right. A huge problem.

Ever have someone bring home that cute, stray kitty ? You know - the one with fleas ?

They ain't "cute kitties"....... but sure as hell will be as difficult to eradicate as fleas.

Maybe MORE difficult!

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I started to use that phrase…”Houston , we have a problem”…epic understatement. I like the stray kitty metaphor.

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I’ve never felt more like I am living in a scripted production than I do now. It also seems “they” are treating Trump like he has already won the Presidency.

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Yeah I have wondered why he hasn’t done something like this for 3years ,so why now? Better late than never I guess but something smells!

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Based, in the next segment of that show, Tucker interviews TX AG Paxton and asks him why Abbott is suddenly a border hawk. He doesn't really have an answer.

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My guess is that a ruling Apex Elite now want borders because they cannot save their now severely troubled Money Monopoly with still more unrestained chaos and yet more Woke free-roaming insanity. What is required is a walk-back to stable conditions. And so, border control is appears to be apart of the new plan.

I remember reading that Governor Abbott has attended Davos. This was my first tip off that Abbott is a team player. His role is 'conservative' Republican and as such, Governor Abbott never steps outside the boundaries of his role. And in my opinion, all of this ongoing high media exposure of the border problem is not by accident. Like shadows against the walls of Plato's Cave, we are meant to focus on border chaos as a part of the 2024 election issues. In short, we are being prepped to vote for a strong border candidate. Guess who?

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Doubtful. He is in India promoting H1-B Visas. Another weak governor that doesn’t really care about citizens.

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Instead of tax policies and initiatives to encourage the productive White populations that created this country to have larger families. our politicians sell us out to the 3rd world populations.

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I wonder if there is a shortage of the skills, talent, education required for the H1-B visas? https://www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/h-1b-specialty-occupations

Are there just too many in this country who are skilled in gender studies, or lack the work ethic to hold an 8-5 job?

Nard below may have answered my question.

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We’ve severely dumbed-down our education system and finding recruits competent enough to fill positions that require specialized knowledge is next to impossible. Seriously, I have a hard time finding truly qualified teachers (imagine how many resumes I comb through that include their PRONOUNS under their names). I’d rather have super smart Indians in important roles than unqualified DEI recruits...but that’s just me 🤷‍♀️.

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Good point. Our country has not been prioritizing the right things for quite some time 😕

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

I work in the tech sector. More often than not the H1-B Visa candidate is only good at following step by step instructions. With few exceptions are they able to think dynamically about a problem.

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Anthony, a friend in the tech sector said the H1-Bs ask him how to do things, yet the company is systematically replacing the American employees with H1-Bs.

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This is exactly what is happening. I was laid off because leadership wanted cheap overseas developers. They sought them in India and Poland. What they came to learn was that developers as good as the American ones were just as expensive over there.

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Easiest way to meet DEI requirements / goals whatever.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

It's less DEI and more cutting costs to value the stock/company for sale. At least in my experience.

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Good point. But they probably see the DEI part as a bonus to the cost cutting too.

I think there are big issues about how companies are valued in our system and the way they are nudged or outright pushed to make these kinds of choices that really hurt our country and our workforce in the long run 😕 Cutting costs for short term benefit but causing long term harm has been a problem for a while now 😕

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Thank you!

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Is it happening BECAUSE he is out of the state? 🤔

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It occurred to me that given the sad state of education in the US there is a shortage of intelligent, technically capable people available in the job market. Big Tech is moving to Texas in a big way. Abbott may be looking for a way to find people with tech skills for the growing TX economy. India would be an obvious choice. They are not Muslim and they tend to be highly competent.

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Too bad he didn’t do this sooner. Reasons?

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Remember, he's a politician first...

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And he has a profile at the dreaded WEF. Not sure how deep he is in it.

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For me, that would be an issue.

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I hope that he has “seen the light” and that he’s genuinely committed to this course of action. (I haven’t forgotten that Abbott was all in for lockdowns and masking 🤬 - until DeSantis started showing him up.)

It may be too little/too late, but I do agree with some other comments that the situation had to get so bad that even the blue states and cities were feeling the pain before this kind of action could be taken. The media outrage would have been blistering, but now, as Jeff pointed out, they’re mostly just ignoring it.

On another Substack yesterday, someone commented that this was Abbott’s “Hail Mary” to get a VP chance with Trump. 🤔

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Jan 27Liked by Jeff Childers

Yay Ohio! I'm not thrilled about the grandfather clause, but at least no new kids can be drugged up or chopped up in the name of "care". By all means, that woman and her kids are welcome to leave the state. I'll help her pack since she likely lives nearby.

Hats off to Jeanette. We need a million more people like her!

Off topic but I believe jab related, our family could use some positive energy/prayers right now. My aunt just got diagnosed with ALS, the same thing that killed her sister (my mom) 8 years ago. She's in a bad place because my uncle is in bad shape physically and can't possibly care for her. She's 82. Jabbed and boosted. My dad thinks big pharma does not have a darn thing to do with it. I think they do. When you go screwing up your genes with a bioweapon, bad things happen. My non-scientific self is convinced the clot shot rewires our body's natural systems.

I can't go through watching two people I love die from that. I can't.

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FourWinds, what devastating news. I offer my prayers and sympathy.

I’m not sure how else to help, but know that the C&C Family care and hurt with you.

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Thank you. Honestly, I got pretty intoxicated after hearing it. I am in shock. How this happens twice in the same family is beyond me. My aunt is the last piece of my mom alive (I'm adopted.)

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I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for you and your family. My heart goes out to you.

May you be strengthened and encouraged knowing we care deeply about you and your loved ones.

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FourWinds, I feel your pain. My Dad and his mother both died from ALS. I’m assuming the potential for myself or one of my 3 siblings might develop the disease one day. Two took the shot, I think the other 2 of us had the risk reduced somewhat after that. We’ll see. 82 is really beyond the usual age for the genetic version to emerge. I wish you the best. It is horrible and traumatizing to watch a loved one go through that hell. ❤️

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Praying for you FourWinds❤️

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Praying for your you with so much empathy.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Hugs FourWinds. I’m so sorry about this bad news and am praying for God’s strength and comfort to sustain you 🙏

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Double that ↑↑....Prayers and sympathy sending your way.♥

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(I hesitated to “like” this post, but I’m sure you understand that in this case, a “like” is a symbol of support) I will pray for you and your family. ALS is a horrid disease, and to have it strike twice in the same family must be devastating. I hope the support from your C&C family will give you some comfort.

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I understand. I wish there was a "sad" reaction on here. Thank you and everyone for their love and support.

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Devastating. I’m so sorry FourWinds. Prayers to you and your family.

My husband is visiting his cousin currently and saying his goodbyes as he is on hospice and deteriorating quickly from glioblastoma which he got after the poison shots. Only 50. It didn’t have to happen. So wrong.

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Sunnydaze - heartbreaking. 😢🙏🙏🙏

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I'm so sorry. Prayers and love to you and your family.

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Oh Sunnydaze 😢 I’m so sorry 😞 Prayers for you and your family as well 🙏

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Praying for you & your family. 🙏🙏🙏

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Dr. Tennant is successfully treating ALS patients at his clinic in Irving TX. We saw some of them when we were there last April

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Thanks for the info rolandttg !!

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I will investigate - THANK YOU.

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Please keep us posted FourWinds🙏

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I’m sorry Four Winds

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Oh my dear, that's the MOST DEVASTATING disease. I'm so sorry for your family! Love and prayers. . .

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I’m pretty sure you’re right AND that it’s been proven through the studies showing the spike protein messes up your immune system. You can even let your relatives blame it on the spike protein, used in the jabs and it’s also in the virus. Maybe that can help your dad.

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So terribly sorry Four Winds! 💔🙏🏻💔

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FourWinds - prayers for your aunt and you as well. My heart goes out to you.

John Beaudoin said during his recent interview with Del Bigtree - (paraphrasing) the tide will turn when everyone has a loved one who has been negatively affected by the shots.

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I’m sorry to hear that Four Winds. My prayers will be with you and your family. Just heartbreaking. God will give you all the strength you need to go through this.

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Have you looked into detoxing methods? Nattokinase or methyl blue? There are things you can try, such as TCM or homeopathy. 🙏

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I have not. She is like my mom was - 100% sold on western medicine. However, I will try. The worst she can do is say no.

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Prayers lifted up for you and your family!

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Praying for you and your family FourWinds 🙏🙏🙏

Having lost three close members of my family in the last four years and several from my extended family as well as work colleagues, I hear you 😞 It’s really hard to bear all of this death and sadness 😢

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Praying for your family.

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Saying a prayer for your Aunt’s healing.

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there is a solid well documented association (and some causality mechanisms too) linking those WooFlew shots with rapidly progressing cases of

prion diseases", such as Parkinsins, Alzhaimer's, Lou Gherig's (ALS) and Guillaine-Barre. I am near certain that's what took out a very dear friend of mine, early eighties, strong and healthy, took the shot. was dead of Gherig's in about four months. The namesake of that disease hung on for many years before finally losing the fight.

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Thank you for breaking down the Trump scenario. I am so tired of deciphering what the current situations mean (especially legal ones, of which there are so many). Always appreciate starting my days with you and your Substack. You are much appreciated!

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Now if the rest of the world would inquire for an actual explanation 😒. As it is now people will believe the headline and think he’s “obviously” guilty or why would that evil minion have gotten awarded so much…which is what they are counting on. Our stupidity. Except for anyone with half a brain that already knows it was a sham from the beginning. Hoping those people are multitudes of people. 🤷‍♀️

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Exactly. There are not enough ughs in the world!

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Now I have that in my head to the tune of “Not Enough Love in the World” with love replaced by ughs 🤪😂

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That's funny. :)

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Apparently she said somewhere on media that she thinks rape is sexy

She is not well.

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CNN interview with Anderson Cooper awhile back. You can tell he was a little shocked by that comment.

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She’s crazy as f*ck. So is Judge Kaplan.

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And her lawyer too apparently 😕

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Considering that Trump is drawing massive crowds of supporters and polling far ahead of any contenders, obviously the lies are far too blatant to be believed.

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For people without their heads up they’re a$$ anyway. 🤷‍♀️

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People are waking up. Slower for some but it’s happening.

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Jeff, the multiplier is great, but what about the kids' parents? The charge against Jeanette Breen includes an order that none of the children she treated will be allowed back in school without being vaccinated, presumably with an "official" vaccination. Time for homeschooling? I thought Democrats "followed the science." Not so much anymore, I guess.

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I would imagine they would pull their kids and homeschool. None of those parents at this point would be likely to go inject poison in their kids just so they could go to the indoctrination camps of a NY “school”. They went to Jeanette Breen in the first place for a reason. 😉

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They avoided the shots but are still willingly sending their kids to educational indoctrination centers. IDK if there is any hope for these people or kids. I understand a little why some still resist homeschool but most of the reasoning is ridiculous. The only true reason is financial especially if you have young kids who can't be left alone and you MUST work. Otherwise, I'm telling people, honestly and truly, your kid is better off at home while you work, studying on their own than in public educational indoctrination centers. Get. Them. Out.

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Let me express my solution to this problem here. I’ve expressed and presented a guideline of an educational program for a Mission Based Church Homeschool to several places to date with some modified programs started but not to the extent needed, only what they had the ability to do. It’s a start.


It should be run by accredited personnel (Principal and board paid for by the mission budget of the church)and have an active weekly Co-op in operation. Teachers could be retired teachers who need to minister to children with their gift, parents of grown children who they have homeschooled, etc. The people are there sitting in pews - mostly chairs now!

This would be for single moms/dads, working parents who both need to work to live, those who can’t afford to choose private schools or the ability to personally homeschool (although I believe any parent can homeschool. You just need the desire to try.) There are MANY resources available and co-ops to help. The Church should be the main resource. We’re missing the mark if we don’t try.

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Prior to the Great Apostasy (Vatican 2) the Catholic Church as full to the brim with nuns whose calling was to educate children. Nearly every parish had a teeming enrollment which was either free (supported by the tithes of the faithful) or so affordable a one-earner family could send their 6 or 7 children there.

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My dad of seven kids would argue about the affordable. My mom worked nights as a nurse to pay that tuition. And from my personal experience with 12 years of Catholic education, most of the nuns were subpar teachers, and some were downright horrible.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Thanks for the alternative view.

Well without the nuns, it became so expensive that the diocesan high school my eldest son attended had a majority of Protestant students, as the few remaining Catholic families who didn't contracept, couldn't afford to send multiple children there.

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Catholic school from K through 2nd year of university. EVERY ONE of my teachers were wonderful people, excellent educators, very dedicated, and 200% FOR we students. If memory serves, monthly tuition was $30 for grade school and I think about $50 for high school. I did not realise it at the time, because I had no other exposure, but as my own hears have run on, I have become aware that my own education is far superior to almost anything available today. Large classes (55 per grade/room, only one teacher, no assistants, etc) I am the eldest of nine. Later, after the folks split up, the younger four went to public school. NONE of them did well, except the one that, at fifteen decided he wanted to become an airline pilot. So he did, and still is. Mostly pad for it himself working his mediocre jobs and spending all he had on air time.

Later in life I was able to reassess a lot of the "doctrine" we were taught and have found much ot it wanting, not being consistent with God's\Word as written.

I am quite certain today's catholic schools are nowhere near what I experienced.

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That's not a homeschool, that's a private school. I'm all for churches setting up a place for the kids to meet daily and be in a safe place to study, but the parents must be in charge of the curriculum. Extra-curricular like art, music, and PE would surely be welcome.

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They could still do a co-school or a co-op though, my state stipulates that parents must be in charge of the teaching but help is allowed (ie tutors, co-ops, co-schools that do 1-2 days of instruction, etc.).

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Both are excellent venues. I mostly homeschooled but when I did use a church school, what I wanted was important to the school and they catered to any requirement I had. They provided excellent service.

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Please read my comment about "Classical Kids" above, on SB's post.

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Shoulda woulda coulda. Great dream.

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I don’t disagree. However, everyone’s situation is different and we can’t lump everyone into the same bucket. There are reasons why some can’t or won’t homeschool. Some reasons are pathetic, yes. Some are valid. Maybe some are working towards being able to yank their kids out. But we should continue to advocate for homeschooling and strongly encourage it every chance we get.

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I'm sure there are legit reasons but I know so many who are doing so much so they can homeschool and giving up so much so they can homeschool. So, it frustrates me that some people still think it isn't doable because I also know many who won't homeschool because of stupid things like socialization or because they don't want to give up the house or the cars or the vacations. They are so blinded by what society tells them they should have that they don't see the joy and peace they'll get every day nor how they are possibly ruining their kids.

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For me and I have heard many others also express this fear, it’s more about feeling inadequate in terms of teaching skills and patience especially for more complex concepts and subjects ax they get older. I think certain personalities also just naturally do better at homeschooling. Kids who love to read, for one.

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deletedJan 27
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One word of caution from experience. No matter how grounded your child is, don't underestimate their vulnerability to indoctrination. Until their minds are matured, they are vulnerable until after they get out of college.

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Never underestimate the power of peer pressure over time and getting in with the wrong crowd.

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When kids reach middle school age, they may be enrolled in a "Classical Kids" curriculum program, which will take them thru HS graduation. Classical Kids is sort of a group home school, often housed at a reformed church. The curriculum is based on the time-proven tenets of western education, philosophy and literature, starting with Aristotle. Worth your time to search out a campus, IMO.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Unfortunately one of the nearby classical programs that I was excited about turned out to be a huge disappointment when they admitted they followed the mask mandates because they had an epidemiologist and some doctors on their board who assured them it was helpful and not harmful. I kind of got into it with the admissions person because during the tour they kept touting the idea of not being afraid to stand alone or of persecution for your faith and I wondered how that could square with the fear based kowtowing to bureaucrats 😑😕

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Well ... it does not square with it. That outfit was not leading by example.

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Completely agree which is why I scratched the idea 😕

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They likely go to private schools. I think my still requires the shots for private schools. I feel for the parents.

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Not to mention, I guarantee that by new new year, a whole host of exemptions will be in place in schools. Perhaps by that time, the use of the C19 "thalidomide" will be outlawed. Stuff is moving FAST.

Vive la resistance!

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How did she get found out?

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That order that unvaxxed kids are banned from public schools could be the next best thing that happens in this case! There are several home schooled families in our church and the kids are the most well mannered, socially adept, intelligent and disciplined children you could imagine. I applaud all home schooling families!

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I've followed an east coast Catholic home schooling mom for about 20 years now. She's ostensibily done everything right, but her eldest announced he was trans, and the family is supporting him. I guess the whole Catholic education thing didn't take.

I see a lot of kids in our remote small town attend our local public school. I never see them on devices - they spend a lot of time outside, playing, and helping their parents (I saw one of them on a roof yesterday, roof raking the snow off). It's really a conservative culture - the homeschooling mom with the trans son is an east coast liberal, and all of them are vaxxed.

I suppose it's less of a "public school vs. homeschooling" issue that the values with which children are raised in the home and broader community.

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Homeschooled AND vaxxed is an unusual combination! I suspect there is a children’s vaccine that causes transgender confusion ... with one ingredient being the cells of an aborted baby girl. 😢

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Yes. I wish more people realized this.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

All of my now adult children attended Novus Ordo Catholic parochial and private schools.

It is my greatest regret.

While we scrimped and did without (even though I was a practicing attorney they were surrounded by billionaire spawn while we dropped them off every day in a Chevy behind Bentleys) they could not help but be inculcated in the modernist Novus Ordo garbage they breathed in.

Today 2 have outright left the Catholic faith, 1 claims to go to Mass, and only my Marine son still practices regularly.

Vatican 2 is even a greater disaster than public schools. Flee.

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Fred my brothers and I went to mostly public school and grew up with the NO as all we knew. In the 90's my mom had a Medjugorje "reversion" which reshaped of our home life. I now attend a TLM. My kids go to a conservative private Catholic school. It admittedly is not a rich person's school which i particularly think is an important aspect. I mention all this because there are a lot of aspects that play into anyone's Faith journey. There is hope for your children to find their way back. I'm going to be starting the 12 year novena of St Bridget in February and one of the promises is that all your offspring will be saved up to the 4th generation. I will pray for your family!

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I've done the 1-year 15 promises novena, but haven't heard about a 12-year! novena 😲

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You cannot overstate the home values.

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Yes, I agree that the values and influence of the family and, to a lesser extent, the community is the most important factor in your children’s lives. I would add to that the influence of faith in Almighty God and teaching your children God’s Word!

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Good point!

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I live in So Cal and we are doing that to families right now. Kicking 5 th graders out if they are not fully vaccinated. I work in an elementary school and see it first hand. It enrages me. This vaccine thing is so out of hand. No one should be forced to be given something so toxic and damaging to the body against their will. The parents pay for public school. It isn’t free. Their taxes go to it. If they are banned, then they should get their tax money to pay for private or homeschool pods. Adults aren’t forced to get all these shots to be working in the schools. Not yet at least.

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I'm wondering if that order applies to the illegals too? If not, it seems a good lawyer could contest it and get it thrown out... assuming there are any good lawyers remaining...

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Bobbie Anne Cox! Doing great work in ny!

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Love her!! She’s a rockstar and a warrior!!

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My daughter and hubby homeschool their 2 boys. I agree, intelligent, well-adjusted, disciplined, loving and God- fearing grandkids.

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I'm proud to report my homeschooled son was just accepted to the NCSU Engineering School! We started homeschooling when he was in 6th grade but we came from private schools (which have their own problems). My only regret: not starting sooner! I'd give anything to go back and start homeschooling from day 1.

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I'm with you!

Our oldest was homeschooled 6th through 12th.

He's getting a PhD in Chemistry from MIT right now.

(Ignore the nutcase president.... Many pure science professors and researchers are still quite sane and reasonable!)

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I forgot, that's another excuse I hear. Some people still think their kids won't get into a "good" college if they homeschool. Sigh.

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Actually, the reverse is true. When my oldest son's college counselor interviewed us for admission, the counselor told us that they never have any problems with home schooled students and they are always superior students. He blamed this on the fact that home schooled students already have the self-study skills necessary for college.

Colleges do not care where you went to high school or even what your grades were due to the fact that grade inflation has made high school records meaningless. They go strictly by ACT and SAT entrance exams. My sons took all the advance placements tests that were available and tested out of as many entrance courses as they could.

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That is fantastic!! Congrats!!

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Wow! Congrats!

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That is awesome!! Huge congratulations!!

We started homeschooling during the mask mandate nonsense and I also wonder if it would have been different/better if I had started sooner and if I am failing as a teacher because going from standard school to homeschool was too much of a leap too late 😕

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RunningLogic, good good good. My daughter and her husband have homeschooled all 8 of their children. The 5 oldest, all boys, are out in the world and starting their own families. #1 grandson is a carpenter, #2 is a mechanical engineer, #3 is a part time UPS driver and a full time student in seminary, #4 is a chemical engineer, #5 has his own landscaping business. They ALL have children (10 total) and their wives are stay at home moms. The other 3 grands are the girls. 2 are adopted. The best part, they ALL KNOW JESUS! The second best part, none have been vaccinated. I wish I had homeschooled my 3 kids. You are awesome. PS they ALL run. 🏃 🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

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What an awesome family you have!! ❤️ AND they’re runners too 😁

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Good question... but how will that ‘private’ info about the children or the parents be visible?

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This is certainly my thought. How they will weaken the whole 'movement to freedom' if they both kowtow to the govt and poison their children. For me, three years ago yesterday marked the beginning of my freedom from the public school system. I grieve for my lovely students who are still ensnared in it.

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so the CDC definition of "Vaccination" is malleable and ever changing to keep pace with science; mRNA spike shots were not vaccines pre-2020 and would have been medical malpractice if administered and fraudulent if presented to gain school admittance. Pfizer needs to buy up all the homeopathic producers and re-work the system so that they control it all and market and lobby for more $$$ for their effort.

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For the choir director. A Song. A Psalm.

Make a loud shout to God, all the earth;

Sing praise for the glory of His name;

Establish His praise as glorious.

Say to God, “How fearsome are Your works!

Because of the abundance of Your strength Your enemies will cower before You.

All the earth will worship You,

And will sing praises to You;

They will sing praises to Your name.” Selah.

Come and see the works of God,

Who is fearsome in His deeds toward the sons of men.

He turned the sea into dry land;

They passed through the river on foot;

There let us be glad in Him!

He rules by His might forever;

His eyes keep watch on the nations;

Let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.

— Psalm 66:1-7 LSB

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I love the Psalms! This one is perfect today! Thank you Janice for turning our hearts and minds towards the Word of God every day! I so appreciate you!

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Thank you Janice ,I always appreciate your including Scripture in the conversation,it helps me keep my focus on track.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 28Liked by Jeff Childers

On the 6-1 Fani vote, my dear friend was the 1. She keeps doing the right thing, making the right decisions and EVERY time, the others publicly slander her, saying her decisions are racially motivated. She calmly explains why her vote was the right move for the city, and the right thing to do. Some call her the

“white lady”, (though she is part Mexican)Every. SINGLE. TIME. https://x.com/kanekoathegreat/status/1750617588043010164?s=46&t=UiZGU6xmdmVnVcX8dhYT5A

Here she is, explaining her vote.

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I must have misread as I thought they denied the request....so then thought you were being sarcastic about your friend doing the right thing (in my mid-reading world, she was the only one to vote to approve it)....I guess my eyes see what should be instead of what IS.

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I am confused also.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

I'm trying to find how he is even related to Wade Ford. Wade Ford started in 1933 and since 2002 is owned by Steve Ewing [from NJ]. Yes it's the largest black owned car dealership but... If you know for a fact he is related and not just same last name would love to know. Nathan's from Houston TX originally and attended Eisenhower High School graduating in 1991. Then he went to Texas State for undergrad [I've got to take notes but I think thats correct] then law school at John Marshall in Atlanta. Married his wife in 1997. She was from Odessa, TX. Parents were Nathan Jerome Wade Sr and Clara Mae Minniefield. Anyhoo, this is funny. Ancestry in searching him lists this as his address in Marietta GA......3754 Honey Pot Way NE. Sounds about right. Ha

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PERFECT! Honeypot Ln!!!

And PLS correct me if you find I’m

wrong abt WADE FORD. That was sent to me by a friend who I’d think would know whether the dealership is THAT Wade, but I may be wrong.

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28

I'm thinking the Wade name has nothing to do with Honeypot baby. The name apparantly has been in place since 1933 and call me a bigot but would have been almost impossible to have a black owned car dealership in 1933. Steve Ewing who bought in 2002 is black but can't find who owned prior. Now it is one of the few black owned car dealerships but Wade Ford also recently sold to this company https://investors.lithiadriveway.com/about-us and then you have this bit where Blackrock may behind it all. https://s3.amazonaws.com/sec.irpass.cc/2051/0001086364-24-003188.pdf. And the Corporate Secretary listed at the bottom of previous is Andrew Dickson experience is at State Department - no wonder he ended up at Blackrock. https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-dickson-b2a4627/

I'm not a true researcher but something smells. Regardless I think the only coincidence is that it's black owned and Fulton county is controlled by the blacks.

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You are correct. I asked my friend who confirmed that she was just kidding— pointing out that it was Wade Ford.

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Or is Lithia Driveway which owns like 280 car dealerships big money in getting government contracts to buy their cars with help of Blackrock?

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deletedJan 28
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There is no connection to Lithia the company [Medford OR hq] and Lithia Springs.

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Thx. I’ll delete the


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They. Are. Racists.

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Idk whether they are racists or they simply play that card to shush anyone saying anything against their narrative. Some people seem to simply use that as a weapon to shut down what they perceive as “noise”. Many of the others are quite amicable and make good points/do the right thing. The ones playing the race card just don’t seem to like to hear anyone point out the misuse of funding / improper wielding of their power.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Fani needs more than a spanking - they should put her ‘fani’ in jail.

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As I stated in an earlier Substack, when we lived in the UK 30 years ago, I was informed to not say "fanny" as it means the vagina part of the female, not the butt. Fits in better with the UK descriptor for this story!

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Yup. Parents were Brits. When GI's dated Brits during WWII and told them to "sit your fanny here", they got slapped. Fag is a cigarette to the Brits. My native mother used my dad's pet name for her as her first online ID, 'Plum duff". She kept wondering why she got all of these unsolicited hits from gays. When I told her, she changed her oil line ID.

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Made me laugh. Thanks.

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I had no idea what the UK meaning of fanny might be…strictly the US term - fanny= butt. Since the beginning of this story I’ve been amused by the apropos name Fani/fanny. 😂

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oh wow, that could get....ugly. I mean they go around calling each other c^nts all the time so you'd think it might not be a big deal but I think that means something else there too...or maybe it doesn't. LOL!

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That's Australians, it's considered pretty vulgar in England - hence the term fanny.

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Though, to be fair, the kind of Aussie culture that goes around regularly using the c* word is probably similar to the kind of Brit who would use the same word. It's more the case that Aussie culture expects you to take vulgarity in stride when engaging with a person who uses it; if you take offence, it means you "think you're better than everyone else".

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I think it's also a signal of social class in the UK. In the US there is a lot of language around signaling political affiliation, e.g. the ever changing words for African Americans from negro and colored to Black to Person of Color where this change in language has also accelerated - if a word is widely adopted it is promptly changed to maintain the image of progress.

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That is an EXTREMELY VULGAR word.

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Yep - the "three scoop size" cell.

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lol Freebird 😁

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Jan 27Liked by Jeff Childers

I wept when I saw our multiplier. The midwife potentially saved 1500 lives because we have no idea what the long-term consequences of this shot are. Thank you Jeff and C&c army!

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🔺What she said 💗💗.

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I kept checking the fundraiser. Made me so happy, I only managed a few dollars. Wednesday evening it was around 11 thousand dollars, so exciting to see it grow.

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For the record, I believe this was about "regular" childhood vaccinations, not the COVID shot. So it's likely that most of the kids wouldn't have actually *died*, though you may well think she saved them from serious consequences nonetheless, depending on your views.

(Even the COVID shot doesn't appear to cause inevitable death in the majority of recipients, at least so far - though the long-term results, especially in children, remain unknowable until they happen.)

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

I'm confused about the Trump defamation lawsuit. How is Trump’s denial of her rape claim against him considered defamation? I've heard defamation is really hard to prove and I don't see how denying her claim is considered defamation.

If anything, it seems like Trump has more of a claim of defamation against her than she does against him.

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The whole thing is absurd. As Jeff pointed out, the time to go after him for this has long run out. If they get him on denial, they can get any man alive on every denial. Beyond ridiculous!

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That other Trump case in NYC where they're going after him for "over valuing" his properties is another huge scam. There were no victims, his lenders were paid back in full + interest, and anyone who has ever applied for a loan knows those property asset values are subject to the lender's value estimations. If they get him on this, every NY developer or any business relying on loans, better run from NY, and fast!

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Definitely, equally ludicrous!

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This is where we all need to pay attention. If these horrors can be carried out against President Trump, they can be used against any of us.

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Trump repeatedly has stated, "They're not after me, they're after you, and I'm just in the way."

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Yes, I think the same thing. Why can’t he countersue her for defamation?

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I pray for sanity and justice to prevail in the appeals.

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It’s certainly political

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Only in NYC, where TDS has hit foaming at the mouth and convulsing levels, could this happen.

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My understanding is that it has to do with him calling her "crazy", and other dismissive / insulting things about her. Though IMO it doesn't seem like it should reach the standard of "defamatory" to say someone is crazy for accusing you of something you claim never happened. (And the lady does DOES seem kinda nutty, based on one TV interview I saw of her.)

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Me too- I’m confused on that and also dem term thrown loose and frequent “existential threat”- Seems like the concept of labeling everything that ( trump, conservatives, climate change etc ad nauseam) is the same type of insurrection speak the dems claim trump should be imprisoned for? (albeit in far milder language - and not to mention hypocritically and historically another widely-used term by dems of “election interference”)

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Also how is bob peters border situation not easily impeachable insurrection.. during a supposed lock down for public health - or his alias names... seriously I don’t know why I bother following - it’s like the soap opera from the 90s called passions.

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Exactly what I thought. She put her claims about him in writing, in the book she published. Seems that’d be worse.

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This last week I watched Tucker and his speech to Canada. I then watched Dan Bongino. They both repeatedly said “they HATE you”. Not once, but many times. I wondered had they been given talking points to stir up civil war? The natural man says, the government hates me, that’s not good, that needs to be fixed. Then I thought I don’t think like the world, what does the Bible say to do when people hate me? PRAY for them. I just want to warn people to not react to all the propaganda. There might be a plan, even from Tucker and Bongino who are “trusted “ voices. We still have our faith. Also, who takes vengeance on our behalf? God does, with prayer.

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Some months ago I began to pray for all those in positions of authority, of power, that their hearts be turned to God, that they may see the error in their ways. (note: error, from errare--to stray [from the path])

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Me too.

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Adam Townsend (@adamscrabble on X) has been saying that hate bit for a very long time. Maybe people (influencers) are starting to listen.

Meanwhile, James Lindsay on X is warning conservatives not to take the bait. J6 never really ended, in his opinion.

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I quit listening to Tucker even when he was on Fox. The best speech I heard him give was for a Christian Conservative Summit. He actually talked about faith. Both he and Bongino have to be dramatic to get listeners. It’s click bait of a kind. Tucker was always telling me I should be terrified of this or that. It most assuredly was happening, but to just terrify with no solutions helps nothing. Faith tells us not to fear. When we are not fearful we can go towards the challenge, not ignoring it, but also not being afraid. It is why I miss Rush Limbaugh, he was always an optimist and believed in a better tomorrow. There are more good people in this country than bad, we need to let them know they can make change if we give them the tools.

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Jan 27Liked by Jeff Childers

And our Jeff - always finding some reasons for optimism! Thanks, Jeff!

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I truly appreciate that about Jeff!! Always positive and optimistic, knowing God is in charge!

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Yep! I had to return to my lessons today after seeing this and listening to the Daily Mail audio. https://open.substack.com/pub/emeralddb3/p/kari-lake-just-blew-up-the-arizona?r=8yuuy&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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There will be a better tomorrow. But there will also be trials before that time.

James 1:2-4 (ESV)

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

We are heirs by adoption to a Kingdom that is not of this world. We need fear only the Lord. This is the antidote to fear-based manipulation, it is a sure one, and it is what THEY fear and hate.

Romans 8:17 (ESV)

". . .heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him."

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Bongino repeatedly says to not be fooled into taking aggressive action though....

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Absolutely! TPTB badly want an excuse to impose martial law.

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Yeah, I'm not taking the bait. I feel like it's not so much they HATE us as it is the DISDAIN us. We are the great unwashed masses, useful as long as we obey.

And I can't let "them" set up camp in my head. I can't do anything ABOUT their disdain for me, just keep trying on a very local level to effect change from the BOTTOM UP.

My very good friend moved to Nevada "because Newsom". Really? Really. Left the land she loves because she let HIM set up camp in her head. He's not even on my radar.

I recently asked her if her life is measurably better away from him, and she said she has "peace of mind" now. Oki-dokie.

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Love your stance, but don’t judge her too harshly. Taxes and prices alone are enough to run any sane person out of CA. Add exploding neighborhood crimes - multiple per area per day.

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This being my home state, I'm staying and fighting for it, even if by "fighting" I mean "staying". Maybe in the future I'll decide it's not worth it, but for now...

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I left upstate NY which is beautiful, because taxes and politics. Living in my head? No. Living in my wallet. Waterfront on lake Ontario 13,000 a year in taxes. Waterfront to ocean access on saltwater, 5,000. Now. 13 k in NY was twenty years ago. I'm sure it hasn't gone down.

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My husband and I left Seattle a few years ago for a small town in AZ. It was absolutely the right thing to do. You can “stay and fight” if you want to, I don’t judge you for making that decision. Why judge others for dealing with the situation differently?

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“ Set up camp in my head”. Very apt. That’s why I turned everything off March 2020. But that was to prevent a doctor from setting up camp in my head”. Stress and fear. But then Covid followed up immediately and I knew the same thing could happen so I kept everything off. Still is. It was a life saving thing for me and later God was able to reveal what was really going on. I walked by the room where hubby watches tv last night and CNN had some dunce woman literally having a tantrum about trump. I laughed loudly and went to bed. My mind was clear. Slept like a baby.

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You may change your mind when you get your new tax bill...just saying.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Ha! Well *I* have disdain for them too, so there! 😛 I mostly just roll my eyes at how superior they think they are and how they preen 🙄 And I think about what the Bible tells about pridefulness…

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Jesus told us that His followers would be hated for His Name's sake.

It's our response to the knowledge that we are hated that is important. Gina, thanks for the reminder that a Biblical response is in order.

Edit: If "they" (the world) didn't hate me, what would that say about my relationship with the world?

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We also, with biblical authority, disobey the civil magistrate when he/she issues ungodly edicts.

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Jan 27Liked by Jeff Childers

Below is the text of an email written in November 2022 to a friend of mine. The person who wrote this has a ranch along the Texas border. This is a first hand account of what is happening every single day there. If you get "triggered" by people owning legal guns, don't read this.

Well, I drove in to Del Rio yesterday afternoon, was supposed to get my annual physical this morning... so,,, I start down our driveway, see our gate is open (locked it when i left the 3rd.), look over and the ornamental grille door is open at back door...big sinking feeling... go down driveway and around to front of house...all sorts wide open, garage is open, storeroom open and boat storage open and boat gone... Boy did we get hit... they trashed our house completely, kitchen appliances gone, clothes, furniture, jewelry, you name it it was taken... big deal was they tied webbing straps on the back door ,and used a pickup to pull the door completely off the frame, went in and literally took the safe which was absolutely full of guns...all of my dad’s guns, our guns, knife collection, and all of my mom’s jewelry I inherited..... etc. I have never seen a house trashed this bad... all the doors broken, window panes in door broken, everything trashed, most all of my clothes, footwear etc., gone... every drawer in the house had been emptied in the floor, luggage stolen, china, crystal, all my sterling silver, and the list just goes on and on. Called Sheriff’s dept since we are out of City limits...they showed up then detectives, then B got in late. today it has been insurance companies, claims, the detective back on all the guns etc., they put a BOLO out on the boat not even a blip on that. Utter chaos... about half the contents of the house are literally gone... they even took B’s grandaddy’s saddle, B’s saddle and mine, my old spur collection, everything. Stripped the beds took off mattresses and box springs, it basically looked like a tornado hit the house. they even stole the artificial Christmas trees, wreaths, decorations... potted plants on patio... INCREDIBLE! what a mess!

Been with detective half the day, rest of the day with insurance companies, adjustor will be here tomorrow, then we start. Putting it back together. the contractor we use has already been here so he will have his estimate ready tomorrow on damage to inside of house and outside...

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Del Rio, 5 years ago this coming march, Good Man that I grew up with was in the area and had just called his wife on his cell phone saying his hunting trip went great and he would see her in a couple of hours.

The next phone call was from the police. The official report was SUICIDE! The man was white.

The border is a hellscape. It's really bad. My whole friend group got the Texas RAngers to investigate.... they got nowhere.

PLEASE, stay away from the border unless you are heavily armed and with a large group. It's no joke.

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This administration could fix the problem in 5 minutes but they have chosen not to. I'm sorry about your friend. My friend is thankful that she was not home at the time because she likely would have been killed. So sad.

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How absolutely devastating! I can’t even imagine that degree of being invaded, robbed and having your home and life destroyed. This family deserves our prayers and support.

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Thank you, I agree.

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Awful. Why don’t home owners STK every effing alien they see on their property. As long as it’s posted private property I don’t know why they don’t

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They need to set det charges before leaving their property.

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Maybe all these border houses need to be booby trapped in some way.

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They are lucky they weren't home, they likely would have been killed by whomever ransacked their house

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Wow, that story needs to go viral. People need to know!

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You are welcome to share it if you would like to.

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I have an acquaintance who used to live near the border in either NM or AZ. They moved from there because it was too nerve-wracking to come home, not knowing if you were about to get into a gunfight. But your friend's account reminds me more of what was happening in Miami in the late '70s and early '80s, with home invasions, often by people who knew what was in the house, or likely to be (though usually the people were home during the Miami home invasions, usually tied up, even watching their house being emptied). They weren't necessarily stranger-invasions. Your friend's situation was pre-planned and organized, and it sounded like they might have known when the house would be empty long enough to bring, what, a moving van? Is that sort of home invasion-like burglary common there?

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These types of burglaries are happening all along the border, they just don't get covered by the mainstream media.

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There needs to be a way to get the word out more widely about these criminal activities!!

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Damn, that was tough to read and “like.” Robberies every day now in our previously safe neighborhood.

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Imagine if someone was home when that happened. It may have been a large number of looters or gang. I would move away from the border. Would not live there or have my family there.

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Yes, they are fortunate that they were not home. Many people don't have the luxury of choosing where they can move. They have a working ranch and moving is not possible.

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Wow. Thank you for sharing. How devastating! Can we do a multiplyer ?

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So nice of you to think about a multiplier. Lucky they have insurance and they were able to recoup some of their losses monetarily but the sentimental family items will never be replaced.

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As a show of moral support. Can’t imagine living on the border right now or the last few years.

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OMG! My heart sank when I read this. The utter cruelty of it. The people who did this are less than dirt. They are filth. I'm gutted for you.

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Thank you.

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This is just horrible!!! 😳 I am just stunned but also in a weird way not surprised. It is scary how ruthless and violent these people are 😳

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My guess is that was members of one of the drug cartels that control the border now. It's a very sad state of affairs.

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Yes that would seem likely 😕

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OMG. So horrible.

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Wow that’s crazy.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Dewine, the governor here in Ohio, supports EVERYTHING transgender. He also supports paying 5 year olds to go to kindergarten. He tries to pretend that he and FRAN, his wife, are so down-home and real, but he is as bought off by the donor class as the next crook.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

As an Ohioan, I want him out now. No, make that yesterday. Not only does he support the tranny movement, but destroyed so many businesses during the scamdemic with his lockdowns. The only positive thing he did during the scamdemic was suggest that people go outside to Ohio's parks, which remained open, and get some sunlight and fresh air. That actually was a good suggestion. But, he still needs to GO. Now.

During the scamdemic, there was a group of people who protested at his house every week. I could never go because I worked every night, but I wish I could have.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

I couldn't agree with you more. I don't know how he got re-elected as no one I know voted for him.

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re selected you mean

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We live just over the border in Michigan. During the Covid Crap, we started going to Ohio to do our shopping because it seemed things were more relaxed in Ohio (I’d been keeping tabs on the ever changing EO’s from both states).

We even started a tradition in 2021, going to the Classic Rock concert or demo derby at the Fulton County Fair every year, getting there early afternoon, having dinner and enjoying an “official” date!

On DeWine, I admit I looked him up because his backing of the legislation recently made me wonder about his private life (what can I say? I was curious 🤷🏻‍♀️).

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The sooner his phony rino self is ousted the better.

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People who are such ardent supporters of the transgender crap are imo either 1) profiting from it financially in some way 2) totally naive “be kind” bleeding heart virtue signalers 3) somehow involved in abusing children or some combination of those 😕

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Blackmailed, no doubt.

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