Regarding SADS, The medical and scientific communities couldn't have killed their credibility and quicker if they doused it in jetfuel and set it on fire.

We always hear it getting drilled into us to trust "the science". But why should we, when the elites running the NGOs, the politicians, and even the scientists themselves do not? How do we know this? Because they keep changing "the science":

The elites, politicians, and scientists can’t play by their own rules and keep moving the goalposts of this charade pandemic. So far they’ve banned Ivermectin and HCQ which have been on the WHO's list of essential medicines for decades

And have changed the definitions of:

Pandemic: no longer requires mass sickness and death. Disease merely needs to be widespread.

Herd Immunity: now only includes those vaccinated—They removed ‘natural immunity’ altogether

Vaccine: no longer grants immunity from disease. Now merely gives ‘protection’.

And now, "You're not fully vaccinated. You never will be."


So to all of you doctors, politicians, scientists, and talking media heads demanding that we trust "the science" while you constantly change it to fit your narrative - my only reply to you is: You first.

"I followed the science and found the money." -unknown

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If the geniuses leading the WHO et al truly have now defined a vaccine as having the potential to only ameliorate symptoms and perhaps prevent death, this actually weakens their positions regarding the need (there was never a need) for vaccine mandates. In fact even if the current modRNA vaccines actually DID work perfectly as claimed and prevented disease and its spread there would have been even less of a reason for mandates. This claim of near 100% effectiveness (a lie) argues that mandates are wholly unnecessary. Yet, mandates were pushed without remorse.

If one is worried, get a shot. According to the experts you won't pass on the disease and you won't get it either. Anyone else worried about themselves or worried about a particular subpopulation (still means ZERO people should have ever gotten these shots based on what we're seeing but I'll go along with this fantasy for the purposes of discussion), then they can get the shots or be given the shots and BOOM, they're protected too! If vaccination is not only excellent as a therapy but even produces herd immunity and is better than natural immunity, why would a safely vaccinated person ever fear sitting near an unvaccinated person; ever? Justin Trudeau made that a crime as he vilified and de-humanized non-vaccinated people continuously. And now as it turns out, it's the nonvaccinated who must 'fear' the vaccinated insofar as disease spread is concerned etc. Although that's just as much hyperbole as the other argument I mentioned above. With an IFR less that 0.1%, we really don't need to fear COVID and if someone gets it and is in a risk group, they can be treated.

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"...the WHO et al truly have now defined a vaccine as having the potential to only ameliorate symptoms and perhaps prevent death"

Sadly, thanks to public ed (I am a former reading specialist.), many people cannot comprehend language properly, and do not even consider the wording is subjective. They read without thinking. For instance, I had many students that could read beautifully, but could not answer basic questions, let alone ones that require making an inference.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

When my child was in public school (before I pulled her out), she had to read aloud. She’s a shy kid, didn’t know the teacher or the aide, didn’t like to read in front of even her grandmother. The teacher told me she needed help because she couldn’t read aloud as fast as the state deemed was necessary. I asked them about her comprehension. They didn’t care about her comprehension, only how fast she read aloud. Her vocabulary was far and away ahead of the other kids. By the time she was 8, she was reading 2 years ahead of the others. By the time she was in 9th grade, her comprehension level was that of a college student.

The schools have all of these stupid benchmarks that mean nothing. And that’s the point. It’s not about educating children. It’s about indoctrinating them.

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IDK that was not good teaching practice...

I have little comprehension when I read aloud because focus is on how you sound. I had kids read silently or from a novel and then answer questions together finding clues in the text via direct instruction and discussion... In 3rd grade

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It’s required testing by the state. They want to make sure every kid can read x number of words by each grade level. Not that it really does any good when you consider the reading comprehension level in the US.

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However we did do exercises to speed read but didn't record grades on the comprehension on it.

If your purpose is to comprehend, you don't speed read something, you read carefully and reread it.

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Not in Florida for the past 20 years... They only care about comprehension and they make the questions tricky.

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KUDOS to you, Garden--and bless you for removing your child from the public system!

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Thanks. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. We still have discussions regarding indoctrination, especially with college.

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I wish my youngest son's wife (who has her Masters in El Ed) was not so "bullish" on public education My son wanted his children home-schooled and my DIL absolutely refused. She even got the pastor of their church involved to convince my son home schooling was "unwise". Now I just pray my grandchildren will not give credence to the unGodly propaganda they are surely exposed to in both H.S. and college.

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Yes, they count how many words they read in a certain amount of time. This also causes the lids to think they just have to read fast rather than understand.

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She’s a very fast reader, but, yes, it’s state requirements.

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In what state did this happen? Recently or sometime in the past?

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Hence...the "sheeple syndrome" - critical thinking skills are very, very scarce and precious to behold!

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The plan is to keep kids on legal and illegal drugs, listening to horrible music, reading garbage, playing terrible video games, feeding them poison, and not educate them. A 12th grade Economics class basically teaches them to play the stock market and pay taxes.

It is hard to imagine they have any brain left at all.

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I see the "loss of critical thinking" in the "dead look" in most young people's eyes...it saddens me a great deal!

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Have you seen those vids of some guy going around asking young people basic multiplication and simple questions like, "How many states are there in the US?"

Some people can't even name 3 states or multiply 3x3x3!

It almost makes me want to go back to teaching...almost.

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I just read your Substack bio--appreciate the "Conspiracy Analyst" tag you gave yourself, Dawn!

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I watched a FB video of where Congress was voting on whether to censure Adam Schiff for all the lying he did about the Russian hoax, even when he had access to information that proved it was false to begin with. All the Dems and 9 RINOs voted YAY to "table the motion". 90% of the comments were positive, "Way to go, good job Congress!", "About time we see justice", "Finally! He should also be fired." I was like WHAT!?!? "Table the motion" means they would not take any action against Schiff and he gets off, scot-free!! 🙄🙄 I guess all they heard was "the YAYs have it" and thought that was good. 🥴

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All you need to do is be a dem. Pity! Maybe we should all be dems and join together to fight the true dems. One party rule where we can take charge. The Republicans kseem to not have enough power even when they unite. (Which is never!)

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

I agree except it's not a pity, it's criminal. These people, all of them, supposedly swear an oath to uphold our Constitution and by being "elected by their constituents", they promise to represent those people's desires, not their own, in their actions. That's what being a representative Constitutional Republic is all about. Where we've failed is that our Constituion is designed for a "moral and religious" people.


PS - I've read that none of Biden's cabinet members have signed an "oath of office", or no copies are on file, anyway. Idk if that's true, but I could see how that could be another "legal" loophole, if we ever get close to justice being served for what our government has done and is doing.

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Wow. People aren't paying attention. However, they are either uneducated/never educated, working so much they can't, or just do not care.

Even so, what can we really do about it?

It's just overwhelming and they get away with everything. What about Podestas? Hillary? Etc.

I can't even say here what it will take to make a real change.

I guess its not bad enough yet...

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I'll say it. Public hangings!

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This is the correct answer.

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I was thinking revolution and it would likely include hangings...

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So is reading comprehension not as stressed as it was back in the day..60s and 70s?

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Comprehension is most important but it depends on the teacher's strategies, training, and leadership. Schools are NOT equal. Approach and strategy has everything to do with making it fun and not stressful.

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You say it's the nonvaccinated who must fear the vaccinated and then go on to say that argument is hyperbolic as well, but I've read that those spike proteins shed in vaccinated people, that people who never received the vaccine wound up with the vaccine spike protein. I tend to think that shows that there is some danger for nonvaccinated folks around the vaccinated, and it's not hyperbole.

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The vaccine has literally killed my sex life as I will not only not date people who are vaccinated if they have had sex with vaccinated people they are also off limits.

Not a hyperbole - it's common sense. It's called spikey balls because it goes into the testicles


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Recently I attended a high school reunion and shared a hotel room with a dear friend. She has turbo breast cancer as well as two spots in her lungs after taking both Moderna jabs. I took ivermectin twice daily along with quercetin, extra C & D every single day we were together. Otherwise I take ivermectin twice weekly.

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I didn't realize you can take Ivermectin continually--I do have a 5 day prescription in case I get symptoms of the Wuhan Virus. Why do you take it continually, Mary--and how long have you followed this regimen?

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Normally I take it twice weekly as a preventive, along with quercetin and my regular supplements. The reason for me is because I had long Covid and lingering inflammation issues. Ivermectin has so many benefits...anti-aging, cancer prevention among others. I’ve been using it this way for about a year. Haven’t been sick and before that I was always susceptible to whatever was going around.

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Wonderful! Where were you able to get a doctor to write a prescription for this usage of Ivermectin? And where were you able to find a pharmacy to fill that prescription--I didn't have difficulty getting my new, whole-health doc to write the script--but had a VERY difficult time locating a pharmacy that would fill it--and then they soaked me for over $127 for a 5 day dosage.

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I know this to be a fact - my aged brother contracted the Wuhan Virus from his wife who was jabbed and boosted (mandated by her employer). My brother had ZERO jabs--but now, at least he has natural immunity!

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Dr. Tnenebaum, "According to the experts you won't pass on the disease and you won't get it either." The experts called those who were jabbed but got Covid, "breakthrough" cases or infections.

Experts, Media, Pharma, Government will always have a rug to sweep under.

Below are the drugs the Government wants to fix the price on. Maybe they know there will be a significant increase in demand.

Eliquis to prevent blood clotting and reduce stroke risk

Xarelto to prevent blood clotting and reduce stroke risk

Entresto to treat heart failure

Imbruvica to treat various types of blood cancers

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They're not geniuses, they're demon monsters. And the people who adhere to their dictates are demons.

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Justin Trudeau is inhumane and vile. Most Canadians know this by now.

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The rebuttal I hear to your sensible arguments is “everyone needs to get vaccinated to protect those who cannot get vaccinated, like cancer patients and the immuno-compromised”. Apparently the “greater good” trumps your bodily autonomy.

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Except all of those cancer patients and immune compromised are advised to get vaccinated, so their argument is a shell game.

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Agree 100%. All the arguments are either circular or non-sensical when carried to their logical conclusion. Shell game is a good way of putting it.

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023

the problem with that argument is the fact that there is NO mechanism of action for the so called vaccine to prevent replication during the incubation period..... the antibodies that are produced by that vaccine are in the blood... NOT in the mucus, at least not in the mucus at any concentration that would make a difference.

the antibodies don't go into the cells... and they don't easily cross from the blood to the mucus, not withstanding any nose bleeds or something.

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Right? Even organ transplant recipients must be vaxed or they aren't put on the list. I heard that's a requirement from the organization that coordinates the donor/recipient.

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It is, and it’s been like that for a long time, which is completely stupid. These are the people others are supposed to get vaxxed in order to protect because they can’t do it themselves . . . Except they have to in order to get the organ transplant, so . . .

Also, I’m totally against organ harvesting.

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Idk who coined the phrase but the only variant we need to fear is


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Don't forget the term anti vaxxer was coined in 1855 - they have been trying this shit on us for centuries. It's only now through social media have their lies been exposed on a mass scale. The dark always works for the light.

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Fitting frame for Mr Bean's furrowed brow 😇


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haha, that's great, thanks!

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I am literally afraid to watch it. It has become so insane to watch our own government destroy us.

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Loved it. Thanks, Daiva

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And what was really suspicious was the list of exempt organizations- starting with the CDC!

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Illuminating and INFURIATING: List of Groups Exempted from Vaccine Mandates: https://bitchute.com/video/zBi7DMtmIYMY [1.36mins]

Says it all.

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wait, the bozos in congress and WH that pass laws and mandates forcing the vaccines on the populace are exempt? Shouldn't they be the first to "lead by example"? They are such hypocrites

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But of course. What were you expecting Peter? Politicians are among the lowest forms of life on the planet.

A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.

~Tex Guinan

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.


Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.

~Ronald Reagan

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But the first one is at least more honest.

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First question WHY?????? My mind goes to they know/knew that issues would come up ...strokes, heart issues turbo cancer.....it would be up front on news (like Feinstein Federman and McConnel), and the illegal and homeless no insurance and they would really dig into issues of medical bills.....

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Unreal, biggest tell of all , I had no idea , thanks for the link Tritorch

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Wish there was a written list

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I believe USPS employees are exempt also.

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TriTorch--if you owned a chunk of the billboards in this country and a budget for what would be on them, you wouldn't be too popular with the TPTB, the Media companies and the DOJ would be after you.

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I take that as the compliment I presume it is. Much appreciated Michael!

Making a difference like that? There's no place else i'd rather be, even if it put me in the cross-hairs of satan hemself.

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This doesn’t include the postal employees.

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But I’m still sharing this.

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Don't forget all the illegal foreign nationals flooding over the open border. They were exempt too.

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Believe I heard that NY school students are required to be vaccinated, EXCEPT for the illegal migrants. We have absolute fools running this country.

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Fools? Or just evil people?

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Your description is no doubt more accurate..

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once again "unequal treatment under the law"

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023

260,000 just last month! Apparently that was more than all the live births in America last month.

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Yeah, I admit I haven''t an updated list, but when the Federal vaccine mandates came out to me at least, it was unclear why the Judicial branch and the Postal Workers were exempt but it was urgent that hundreds of millions of others be shot up as quickly as possible so Grandma wouldn't die.

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And postal workers in many areas go from home to home! Oh the horror! Needed them live for the mail in ballots. Grrrrr

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I love that meme about showing a cashier stand in a grocery store with the plexiglass separating you and the cashier, pointing out how the plexiglass will save you even as the employee handles every single item you just bought.

I also wondered how all of it made a difference when people were stocking the shelves and touching everything with their hands. Even if they used gloves, I’ve seen workers wipe their nose with their gloves and continuing to make a sandwich without changing them. 🤮

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Exactly. It was all a giant load of nonsense 😡

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When they first put those up, I laughed.

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Yes....weren't exemptions extended to CDC, Congress and oddly, the post office workers. Hmmm......

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Because the Postal Union stood up for its employees with jab hesitancy.

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The Postal workers' unions gave a firm No to vaccine mandates. It was a blip on the radar screen of news, but I distinctly recall it

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I always trust the science, once I know I can trust the scientist.

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I like the scientist meme with them wearing a lab coat with a dozen corporate sponsor logos.

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no that ain't workin....money fo nuthin and the chicks are free.....

Easy easy money.....easy easy chicks fo free. Money fo Nuthin...Chicks fo free!

No that ain't workin! (Knofler spools guitar licks to the finish.)

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Yeah, I would say not even then. Plenty of anti-vax doctors are making money pushing supplements or through speaking engagements. Just because we agree with their general outlook doesn't make them trustworthy. Far too many people on our side fall for this IMO.

I only trust people that I know love me. Dr.s Malone and McCollough aren't on that list. While I'm more inclined to listen to what they have to say (as opposed to the CDC), it all gets checked out first before I believe it.

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Good point, and no specifics here, but recall that those with financial incentives have lost a great deal simply by speaking out.

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Agreed. But it's also worth mentioning that, just because someone has a financial motive, does not automatically disqualify his advice. In fact, at least to my mind ("such as it is" 💩 ) if a person disclosed up-front his potential conflicts of interest, it raises my trust in him.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

Well I think its pretty simple - when you aren’t selling or pushing a product you sell its more believable. Better to say you can get X for this here here or at an alternative source and it will help patient.

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There’s nothing stopping you from buying the products elsewhere, or not buying them at all if you don’t need them. Dr. McCullough and his company, doctors who lost all or part of their livelihoods for speaking out, are just making it easier by bundling the supplements. It would be far more expensive to pay to go to a doctor then be told about the supplements—plus some his co. provides are by prescription.

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I FULLY FULLY agree. I personally believe these doctors. But for those skeptics it soes seem when someone is not selling or profiting it removes possible question.

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However, there is such a thing as a "kick-back."

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Excellent summary of the situation.

Note that Dr. Tashjian was fired for doing his job and not participating in a coverup. Think about that for a minute. It’s not enough that the medical establishment refuted his findings. He must be destroyed.

The mRNA injections are the central sacrament of a new religion. No dissent is allowed, and heretics will be punished. I have not trusted the medical establishment for a long time, but I never truly expected it to sink to this level.

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They have great plans for the mRNA technology going forward, cancer, diabetes and every other "disease" you can think of. It's a huge moneymaker because it can be produced so quickly. Forget the fact that it kills people. That's just a bonus towards the depop agenda until/if people ever wake up.

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What is Dr. Tashjian doing now? Can he sue?

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RE: "my only reply to you is: You first."

That's what I said when I first heard about the so-called vaccines. That's what I demand now. You vaccine pushers.....line up and get jabbed. I'll watch what happens over time. You be the guinea pigs.

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My first thought was, “No, not me and I won’t jump off the bridge after you either.”

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‘Unconscionable' Targeting of Pregnant Women


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I would argue that "pandemic" no longer means a darn thing. With "covid" tests boosting an impressive (sarcasm) 97% false positive rate and the flu no longer existed - magically - I'd say disease was not widespread. Brainwashing was and stupidity most certainly was (and is). "Pandemic" means whatever the morons in charge says it means, which means it means nothing.

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The only 'virus' that spread through the population was 'Fear'.

They freaked people out and were able to convince a lot of people

that every possible symptom, or even a lack of symptoms, meant you had Covid.

They are still pushing the narrative.

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Amen on that one! And you are 100% on target... the sheep are still out there, terrified as ever thanks to the narrative push. We just pulled my dad out of a facility he was in because the idiot staff there went from no problem with "covid" to today requiring face diapers and it's literally a red alert there. I can't believe how stupid people STILL are over this.

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I've been questioning doctors decisions regarding mine and my families care for many years. It has always bothered me that people put doctors on pedestals (and blindly follow their decisions) when just like in all other occupations, there are doctors that are very good at their jobs and others not so much.

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Tritorch, I always value your insights so thank you for taking the time to comment on various substacks.

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"Vaccine: no longer grants immunity from disease. Now merely gives ‘protection’."

I posted, and gave the definition of the word vaccination, from an old dictionary, months ago.

I'm hoping the rest of the world is finally starting to wake up.

These COVID shots are not vaccines, I doubt they ever will be.

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Herd immunity was not originally based off of vaccination rate. It came from a doctor who studied the effects of natural immunity on populations. (Herd immunity was later found to be false.) The term was stolen by the vaccine camp to push their scam shots.

They’ve also changed the definition for outbreak. It used to be an outbreak was a couple thousand, but anytime there are a couple of cases of the measles (whatever disease), it becomes an outbreak. Why? The word “outbreak” is much scarier than cases. It’s how they scared people about the 147 cases of measles at Disneyland in 2015, which they then linked to the “unvaccinated”. How many were actually unvaccinated? What does unvaccinated actually mean? Well, if you are not fully vaccinated, they will often term you unvaccinated. They’ve been doing that for years.

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GL, here is the before COVID plandemic and after COVID plandemic definition of 'herd immunity': https://tritorch.com/degradation/!WHOChangesDefinitionOfHerdImmunity.png

Do you happen to have access to the original baseline definition that never included vaccination at all? That would be useful.

Agree with you. Fear is a powerful control mechanism. I do not envy the fear-mongers who purposely destroyed the world over a mild cold virus. Life is short in comparison to an eternity in hell.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

That may be what it was, but they have pushed the herd immunity as vaccine immunity for decades. Remember, at least 90% of the population had to be vaccinated against the measles in order to prevent a measles outbreak (actually that’s all of the vaccine “preventable” diseases). Originally, the herd immunity threshold was somewhere around 70%. As not enough people were getting vaccinated (and people were still getting the diseases, which they still get, by the way, but the names have been changed to hide their perfidy), they had to change the goal posts . . .

What’s new?

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Nothing under the sun.

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Excellent summary of what is happening.

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“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and his “patient” Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch the hit music video TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/trust-the-science-rag

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Beautifully and succinctly stated, Tri--KUDOS!!

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When they came to the crowd, a man came up to Jesus, falling on his knees before Him and saying, “Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is a lunatic and is very ill; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. I brought him to Your disciples, and they could not cure him.” And Jesus answered and said, “You unbelieving and perverted generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him here to Me.” And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon came out of him, and the boy was cured at once. Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not drive it out?” And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.”

— Matthew 17:14-20 NASB1995

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"Because of the littleness of your faith." That describes our society today. I know I have been guilty of this throughout my life. Something I am trying to rectify now. 🙏

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I have a mustard seed in a tiny glass bulb ..on a necklace. I need to put it back on as a reminder to pray without ceasing.

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My aunt always wore hers. The morning after her extremely excruciating, yet unwavering faithful death from massive breast cancer (1970) my mother noticed that were there was a seed, in her beloved necklace, there then was a empty air bubble.

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I have one as well, was given to me over 55 years ago and I treasure it and where it often.

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I had one as a kid. No idea what happened to it. I need to see if they are still available.

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Hi CGranny, I sent one to the daughter of a family friend for a graduation gift. Purchased it from Etsy. Beautiful. It has a mustard seed in a necklace with a tiny mountain. Came with the faith message in gift box. Can add persons birth gem to the chain also, which I did. She loved it.

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To that I humbly cry, “Lord, help me in my unbelief!” And I add-->He remembers how we are formed. He remember we are dust.

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At these end times, many have succumbed to Satan's influence, as the world has reached it's most materialized status. Holding Christ within one's heart while letting go of the love of the material will prove the path to salvation and our initiation into higher worlds. Pray for those that have yet to awaken, rather than calling them names and dividing us into groups. When we follow the teachings of Jesus we make a difference not only for ourselves but for all.

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I just talked about believing and trusting God will do what He says He will do. We specifically talked about moving mountains. It happened!

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding FBI agents assigned to pedophile cases - I know a retired agent who had to perform that work. She said the FBI was aware of the detrimental effects, rotating agents in and out of that unit. She absolutely HATES pedophiles, and now works with local prosecutors to maximize the perp's punishment.

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Hats off to that agent. That has to be the toughest job on the planet.

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Watching The sound of freedom really gave me a great appreciation for those agents who subject themselves to the horror for protection of innocent.

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Sound of freedom is a psyops. These people are involved in trafficking our children.

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You're a psyop.

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Do you know what a psyop is out of curiosity and have you done any research on the governments human trafficking system? Or understand how victims of abuse heal? Do you have personal experience with this system? All of these things are important when making analysis of which programs they are running are pysops.

Please can you verify your expertise to make such a flippant comment. Thanks.

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I'm sorry to be so thankful for men and women who serve the public this way!!!

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I can’t imagine. Puts a whole new spin on hating your job. God bless them all.

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You only have to look at the handing of the us gymnastics team to question the FBI - but I do think this is getting so big that if they don't act, we will have a revolution. They question is, how will they be punished as the evidence shows they are not.

I put this together for others to see a wider picture...

Facebook blocked my report on Meek, so we know its true. Thanks Jeff for digging out the report.

Here is one of the many list of people in power who are associated with sex crimes. This list is focused on republicans, and we need to stop saying this is only Democrats. It really is the pedo party vs the peoples party at this point


I collect a lot of evidence on this topic, but i just wanted to highlight that we should all be focused on the work of Nancy Sheaffer and her exposure of Clinton - which we can all help locally fight for the 700k children trafficked through the family courts.

Next its facebook. Who not only blocks the #pizzagate hashtag, but has resently blocked my #pedopayroll hashtag exposing the system, particularly school board meetings and the World Health Organization agenda to sexualize children from birth.

Stopworldcontrol.com has a lot on this topic.

Here is how the caselaw should work for facebook taking down child porn


Read the full case: United States v. Bebris

The reality is that facebook has been caught red handed, warning Instagram users that they are viewing pornography that may be harmful to a child, and are offered a 'view anyway' buttom.

This is after...

'A February 2020 letter to Facebook, signed by 126 leading child protection organizations from over a dozen countries, also resulted in negative media coverage for the company and further tarnished the company’s reputation among the NGO community and their organizations members.'


Its worth noting that the NSCPP is highly connected to Prince Andrews and many people on the Epstein list. During the Maxwell trial, this charity offered zero support for victims, and instead worked to clear Prince Andrews name on their twitter feed. All twitter post were focused on donations only. I have my own personal experience with this charity and I would like people to take this information with a heavy heart of the charities over all intention.

Meanwhile, people like me are getting a suspension on our account for sharing the police report of Meek.

You can read how facebook stats actually look, and what is their offical stance in this anual review in 2020 by the securies and exchange commision. They are fighting to protect pedophiles.

In 2019 there were nearly 17 million reported cases of online child sexual abuse material (CSAM), 94% of which stemmed from Facebook. The growth of CSAM is directly tied to the growth of the internet. Facebook and its platforms, including Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp account for over six billion monthly internet users. Facebook’s plan to apply end-to-end encryption to all its platforms, without first stopping CSAM, could effectively make invisible 70% of CSAM cases–an estimated 12 million instances–that are currently being detected and reported. Governments, law enforcement agencies and child protection organizations have harshly criticized Facebook’s planned encryption claiming that it will cloak the actions of child predators and make children more vulnerable to sexual abuse.


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Perusing the internet news sites today and even here, my heart just cannot take any more, especially when it comes to children. Our politics are also making me literally sick.

I respect that Jeff keeps it light, and I love the enlightened conservative individuals who comment, so I will try to just keep myself here and not too much elsewhere.

All I can say with tears in my eyes is Lord have mercy on children and on this satan infused country. 🙏🙏🙏

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I’m heartsick as well at the depravity we’re seeing, particularly when it’s directed at infants and children. I often wonder “how much longer can this evil be allowed to happen Lord Jesus?” but I trust His timing when He will make all things right.

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If they don't repent, these sick, perverted people will spend all of eternity in hell horrifically paying for the sins they've committed in this lifetime. I imagine the demons will do to them all the perverted disgusting things they did to the children. Over and over, never ending....

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There is NO hope for pedophiles. They must be destroyed

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Screw that. These people are all going to spend eternity in hell. They don't get to do this their whole life then repent on their death bed. This teaching encourages this behavior

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Your ways are not Gods.

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Oh that's right there is only one way to teach the creators word and that's through a book translated by the man who wrote the satanic temple guide and anyone who questions why they gave black people a different version or the harm any of the teaching causes to society is sentenced to death - 😂😂 only the bible has the correct teaching so in that case lets roll out the red carpet to the pedophiles on the stairway to heaven. If that's where they are going, I'll go the opposite way, thank you.

Please don't forget people have the ability to critically think when it comes to 'God'

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Jesus is not going to make it right unless you realize that you have the power of Jesus within you to do gods work and stand up. Waiting for a savior is how we are in this mess.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

I know, it's just too much. Did you see the Sound of Freedom? A very hard movie to watch, but important. Sometimes I just can't believe we're dealing with this. And I get so frustrated with those who refuse to wake up and deal with this.

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I cried thru 60% of it!

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I know, me too. It just made me so angry. I was so angry at the people involved in taking the children, in the horrible perverts that do what they do, in the people in the system who cover it up...all of it. But I think I am in agreement with what someone else said below. We can't just keep chasing the ones who are trying to make money from this...we have to start destroying the demand for it. As long as there is money to pay for this, people without souls will kidnap children and turn them over. We have to get to the source and take them out.

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I get frustrated when people don't realize that it's happening through the family courts via Cintons laws. Google Nancy Scheafer

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I am with you, Angela and am not sure how to get through all of this.

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Together. The only way for us to get through this is together.

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Rudolph Steiner says that in our time, the people will be frustrated that evil is everywhere, yet we can't seem to do anything about it. There is but one cure and that is FAITH that Christ will. Christ is more powerful than all adversaries.

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Thank you. 😥


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The only consolation is to know that the law of karma - what goes around comes around, do unto others, an eye for an eye - is inexorable, except by true repentance on the soul (if there is one left) level. The perpetrators will not escape pay back - all their money and power will not save them. I would hope to see them all brought to justice in my lifetime.

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No such thing as Karma to a Christian. Period. Full Stop.

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I think do unto others is very similar. Different word but same meaning - what goes around comes around.

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Well, my Karma ran over your Dogma.

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No dogma either...

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Maggie, have you ever read the definition of Karma?

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Yes. And, no, it is not the same....

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As a man sows, so shall he reap...

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Sometimes the only justice of evil persons is God's judgement.

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“Let the bountiful table set before them become a snare and their prosperity become a trap.” Psalm 69:22. God is sovereign. Trust him.

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I hope they are all reborn as starving raped children in Africa - and I told the CIA that too.

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Agree AngelaK. Also, thank you Jeff, for reading responses to your NL and then humbly, apologetically (& usually humorously) posting updates & corrects!!! Praying God continues to provide a hedge around you, your wife, marriage & family. We so appreciate your commitment to bringing truth.

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Jeff, yes - thanks for your quick corrections. That sets an excellent example for all of us fallible humans.

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Angela, the evil in our world is depressing, if we dwell too much on it, our spirits will be oppressed. I sometimes think I bury my head in the sand, but like you, I can’t take much of that without feeling despair. Over and over, I turn back to God’s word for comfort.

“You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭119‬:‭114‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I have to remember that God puts a shield about us, physically and mentally. I pray He does that for you today. 🙏🏻

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I pray, Lord, let the wrong fail and the right(eousness) prevail. (From an old Christmas hymn)

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

Yes! I love that hymn. ‘I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day’, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep; "God is not dead, nor doth he sleep;

The wrong shall fail, the right prevail, with peace on earth, good will to men."

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

I don’t say Lord have mercy I say Lord have your justice aginst those evil and perpetuating evil!

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Yes! Agreed! In my tradition it kind of means to also help us in our sorrows as well as to forgive us.

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And have mercy on us that we have allowed it to get to this point.

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I must confess hate was stirring in my heart yesterday as the latest DC judge gave a J6 protestor 17 years for trespassing and breaking a fence. I despise the wicked judges and prosecutors, Lord do your justice on them and help me not to hate the flesh but the spirit in them.

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Well, said Alan. Speaking of the J6 prisoners, Allan Stevo has started an online group to support, campaign for and even send letters to the J6 prisoners. They are heroes who are bearing the unjust penalty that all of us who seek justice and freedom eluded by not being at the capitol on that day.

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I immediately went to his sub Stac to participate in this worthwhile project but in order to participate, you need to be a paid subscriber, the least amount being $40 monthly! If we had a list of those being held, published for those who want to support with communications, more would participate. Think how great that would be for those j6 political prisoners!

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Sadly $40 a month is out of reach for many people, especially those who lost their jobs during COVID.

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There is another group that has been actively supporting J6's for the past year: The Prisoner's Record: https://t.me/s/theprisonersrecord

It's organized by (the ex-)Prof David Clements and his wife. I highly recommend.

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Those who were not planted by the evil cabal.

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Do you have a link?

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Me thinks the motivation for harsh sentencing of the J6'ers is to create a deterrent for anyone else who might be thinking of protesting.

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The Prophets make it very clear that the Lord also despises wicked judges and "gatekeepers". But I don't understand the supposed dichotomy between flesh and spirit as if to say the person is not responsible but rather the alien spirit in them. Man has a spirit and a soul that cannot be separated from the flesh. At judgement day when God renders judgement, I don't think He is going to be making that distinction.

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Yes Phil it is challenging for me to grasp. I was more thinking Math 5:44. “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” the actual possession by an evil spirit I am not so sure.

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I hate them too!

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We can perhaps focus on hating the evil spirit within them?

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Jesus said Love Everyone. That doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room.

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Do you realize the bible was translated by satanic worshipers? Of course they want you to not give negative energy to them. Screw that. The law of nature says love everyone and rid the earth of those who harm others.

Total propaganda to manipulate people into not holding criminals accountable. Love them, but punish them.

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AngelaK - focus on hating rather than on loving!? Wouldn't that be detrimental to your own spirit?

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I was saying that if you hate a pedophile, dont hate the person, hate the demon inside. I think I was responding to someone about them hating. These threads get confusing and comments seem out of context sometimes.

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WOW! That is just nuts. smh!

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And yet the hired actor, the shaman, who staged this whole thing is set free. Make it make sense

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C&C Army please help spread the word and if you’re a praying person please pray about this case - my sister, her husband and their colleague were fired from their symphony jobs in NC. It’s been a long road so far but big milestone - their lawsuit was filed yesterday. Here are links (will share more as they happen)...

The link to the filed case complaint is at the bottom of this summary:


Jay agreed to share to his network:


Thank you to Jeff 🙏❤️ for recommending James Lawrence as their attorney.

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I was placed on "Leave of Absence" status with my small symphony in 2021. I was invited back for this season, but I don't know how things will play out as the season progresses and panic over the latest variant ensues.

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I’m sorry to hear that happened to you, Jean - you are not alone - not even in the relatively small classical music community. Most of those musicians, like you, have been permitted to return but none should have been put into this position in the first place.

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My daughter as a freelance musician lost many gigs. I wish you all could “band” together and create a no mask no vaxx symphony orchestra!

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My son the same!!

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Jeff recommended James to us too here in NC for some vax mandates and ridiculous affidavits they are forcing our kids to sign (at our Christian school! 🤪🤪) He is brilliant and amazing! I am so thankful for this network! Praying for your case and also thankful your sister and colleagues stood up to this. 💕💕

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Good luck to you, Jean! The ensembles I played with required the shots and I got pretty far into a lawsuit before deciding that I wanted to focus my energy on something more productive (for me). Musicians were almost completely captured. It was crazy to watch.

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Captured indeed. I saw all my local choral groups requiring jabs, masks and constant testing for any unjabbed with those rules in place long after the County stooped mandating them for indoor work or gatherings. I walked away unwilling to be tested at my own expense nor be jabbed or masked. Now they are begging for singers to come back after 1 year of total lockdown and 2 years of the choruses having to be masked at all times but, of course, never the soloists Looney tunes! Which I ascribe to way too little scientific skills among them and one too many control freak panicking conductors who love childish drama shows.

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Change occurs when couragious people stand up for their heartfelt beliefs. Their pain and suffering will not be in vain. They've already won!

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

Praying!!!! Definitely keep us posted!!!

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Does anyone know why the mailing address for them is a PO Box in Pittsburgh? They were listed in VA.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The pedophiles and child abusers are sickening enough — but the real stomach churning today comes from the people who fired the medical examiner who concluded Jacob Clynick likely died from the injections. What kind of person actively covers up the murder (which make no mistake, that is what it is) of a child?

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I wonder if there is a way to publicly expose the precise CDC people who disputed what the doctor wrote about Jacob. Blaming the CDC is too vague. Which people exactly did this?

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A criminal accessory to murder by covering up who and what actually did the murdering.

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Yep. THAT'S a pisser, that is. But, that's where we're at, in this crazy, mixed up, money-talks world.

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Well, that sucks. I had to stop reading right in the middle of the Meeks pedophile barforama. I've been in the process of expanding my colorful, off-color sentence enhancers over the last few weeks and today I'm just plum tuckered out. Even the dog is starting to raise his brow. Hell with it...I'm stepping out to get a Frappe Mocha Something or Another with double whip cream and golf balls sized chocolate chips. Do humanity a favor....Just eliminate this creep as quickly as possible and get it over with. I'll check back later.

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Same reaction, I had to skim over that because it was making me ill ☹️ But I wanted to read the rest of the round up since I’d been waiting all morning for it! I agree with you that this piece of trash needs to be removed from this earth. Then there will be zero chance of him ever harming an innocent child again. This is a case when we should be able to bring back cruel and unusual punishment. He deserves no less!! I can only imagine how much time and care it will take to help those poor children work through their trauma 😢😢😢😞😞😞

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I was thinking that as well. If they just made it legal for parents to take out these pieces of trash, well maybe we wouldn't have this disgusting epidemic at all! It's legal to take out some piece of garbage who enters your house unlawfully (which I just heard on the news in FL when they were threatening looters - good for them, I say). So why can't the parents take out the garbage who do these disgusting and awful things to children? Seems to me protecting my children is more important than my home anyway.

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I agree! I’ll have to see if my FL rep can get this into a bill! Florida, the Wild West of law and order! Yeehaw!

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Yes! Lead the way! Those of us in SC appreciate everything you guys do! I just emailed my AG this morning asking for similar laws against mandates in schools like what you guys have in FL and what TX just passed this morning. This is the way!!

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Tell your rep we want public hanging in the square brought back!

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Here's the FL law:


Just like Jeff, I'm not offering legal advice. I will only observe that my AR15 magazine holds 20 rounds.

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Hmmmm...time to edit your list ?

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I've used this against Ashley Moody and her team of PPP, pedophile protection professionals. Might I add, law enforcement do not like the use of deadly force for attempting to loot your soul on your property to cover up child abuse, however with the right evidence, they do respect your 2a rights.

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A father killed a known pedophile who he thought was stalking his daughter while she was at school. He tried to get restraining orders, but could not. The historic family of the pedophile, siblings, came out in support of the father, as they had been abused by their brother. The father immediately turned himself in. This was recent, in Grand Marais, MN. I also read about a lady who, when she discovered her husband was abusing children in the daycare she ran, she shot him, not killed. The prosecutor asked for two years of jail for the lady. The judge gave her 4, double!

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So there are brave souls willing to do the right thing. We just have to support them now. That's the answer to stopping this. And if liberals keep standing in our way then we're going to have to make them watch that movie Jeff described over and over again until they can act like a normal human being and have one ounce of empathy for what that poor infant went through.

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Who would offer up a child to be used so horribly? An animal has more care for her offspring.

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It's hard to imagine, but this is a big business. I guess the kids are considered animals? It's a real serious issue then to assert a morality when faced with the opposite.

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I’d be afraid that would desensitize them 😕 If the first time doesn’t have them wanting to leave the room screaming and crying, there’s something wrong with them 😕

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Yes that’s a fair point. I just can’t help thinking what if we could’ve eliminated this plague on society had we dealt with it appropriately. So much suffering could’ve been prevented.

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I think it is relevant to question at what point someone is unredeemable. Maybe that is between them and God. Then the question is at what point someone is not fit to be free where they can hurt others.

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My concern is always that they might escape prison or get out on a technicality and I don’t want them to EVER have another chance to harm any children!!!

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I just wonder how they are supported. There are parents who have run away with their own kids after being treated as delusional regarding abuse, even with evidence. It would be nice to imagine the courts effect moral justice, but I do not think that is integral to the institution. If it is not, then wherein lies the responsibility to attend to a more moral justice?

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It's called the PPP, pedophile protection professionals - it's a pandemic

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That is not justice 😞

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Yes they should have that right.

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But expecting less jail time than Trump. God help us.

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I know that is just 🤬🤬🤬

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Or...perhaps a well placed surgical wack in the right place would take care of him...

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

You are exactly right. Even small trauma has very big ripple effects. :(

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And that kind of trauma… 😢Simply horrific 😞

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Anthony Weiner is making laws to help child abusers after being in jail, unless we all push through and not only read it, the same will happen with this pos. We need to fight for capital punishment for all these people.

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Yes I read that. He’s such a scumbag 🤬

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Did you see the interview with him where he got called out on Hilary hit list. It's hilarious 😂. I didn't know who he was but I had already phoned all his office numbers and gave them an earful on his policies

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I didn’t see it but read about it. Are you in CA or from a different state?

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deletedSep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023
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Trump started the first day in office going after pedophiles...a good friend was one of them who joined the fight. What have you done?

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You forgot about the guy that actually did more against child crime than any da, or president before him. Cmon, your tds is showing. It's blue.

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I read Austin’s comment as saying the investigators were too busy with the fake investigations of Trump to bother with pedophiles. I don’t *think* he’s slamming Trump here...

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Me too. Though I think it was a tad ambiguous, to be fair.

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Agreed. I had to read it a couple of times to be sure.

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Guillotine should be the only sentence for raping an infant. Or castration with lobotomy for the states who are too soft to punish that kind of filth.

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Castration followed by a life-sentence in a hard labor camp/prison with basic food/water, access to religious texts (no TV or other entertainment), and no chance of parole, ever.

I'm also fine with a firing squad. But for those who feel taking a life of even scum like pedophiles is too harsh, I'd be okay with the castration + austere labor camp option.

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Dull guillotine.

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I read that as dual guillotine. 🤔

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That would work too!

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He doesn’t deserve a quick death... a long and painful one. I have no sympathy for those who hurt ones who are weaker than them especially children.

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I heard about a man who raped and murdered an infant, who is now in prison. The ACLU is standing behind his "right" to have transgender treatments, paid for by tax payers of course.

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Feet first into the woodchipper.

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My feelings, exactly. Is there even a punishment worthy of such SCUM???


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Public stoning would be too kind.

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But appropriate. And the first stone cast by the parents.

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Millstone, huge and heavy.

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There is nothing that infuriates me and sickens me more than this pedo stuff which is ALWAYS sadistic. The Meeks account is actually pretty tame compared to the account of Mike Pence. I believe it was this past Tuesday someone here posted links about Pence's sadism. I went through it but I do not care to re-visit that material though I know God wants us to be aware of what is happening. If you don't have a strong constitution, don't go very far into this material. I'll repost the links below..........

Deep State child murders and Mike Pence

On June 2nd, 2016, Tory uploaded a video titled “Mike Pence has raped 186 children.”

On July 13, 2016, Tory Smith uploaded his last video, “Will this be my last video.” He died a week later on July 20th, 2016.

Tory Smith did what no one has ever done; he pulled back the veil of child trafficking, naming names, agencies, politicians, military officials, bases, Milabs, everything and everyone he knew to be involved in child trafficking and The Deep State.


Now....here is Tory's video which has been scrubbed from most platforms. He's graphic.


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I always found something wierd and zombie and cultlike about Pence..cant put my finger on it, but that is hard for me to accept...by all accounts he is a practcing Christian?

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

Well he is a practicing something. I have seen no reason not to believe these reports. Since I was born in 1950, I come from an age where children were protected from this and I grew up assuming - there's that word - that this kind of perversion was only on the very extreme fringe of society and not tolerated by the mainstream. Wrong assumption! I have not wanted to look at this subject for many decades, if for nothing else, just out of revulsion. Over the last 5 years, I have not had a choice and now recognize it as the threat to our way of life and to our children that it is.

At this point, anything that starts out, "by all accounts", is a red flag. Apparently, even Joe OBiden is a practicing Christian. Jesus ran into the same kind of hypocrisy in the religious ruling elite and you can read how he reacted to that.

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There is a reason the judge sealed the Epstein court records. They will never see the light of day.



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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding Sepsis, I recently read Dr. Pierre Kory's book "The War on Ivermectin" in which he spends a bit of time at the start giving his back story - to include using a ground-breaking, curative treatment for Sepsis & Septic shock (primarily high dose IV Vitamin C) developed by another great mind, Paul Marik. Since there is no money in Vitamin C, the hospitals quickly forced him to stop using that protocol and so began his awakening to the power of Big Pharma. I highly doubt the protocols being pushed out currently have anything to do with intravenous Vitamin C.

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I saved this info about the Marik protocol.

Vit C and sepsis

If sepsis is even suspected, start immediately in emergency department; don't wait for confirmatory testing/diagnosis. Time is of the essence.

*hydrocortisone: 50 (or 100) mg IV q6 hourly for 4 days or until discharge from ICU

*thiamine: 200 mg IV q12 hourly for 4 days or until discharge from ICU

*ascorbic acid: 1.5 g IV q6 hourly for 4 days or until discharge from ICU


(Start at 33:28)

NPR: National Public Radio


BeckersHospitalReview: How a mix of vitamins and steroids could cure sepsis: 6 things to know


CriticalCareReviews: Video with Paul Marik


DailyMail: Has this doctor found the cure for sepsis? Emergency care physician says vitamin C can prevent patients from going into organ failure


Emory: Clinical trial testing vitamin and steroid combination in sepsis patients underway at Emory


LifeExtensionMagazine: Sepsis: Is There Now a Cure?


NursesUSA: Could Vitamin C Be the Simple Solution for Sepsis?


PhysiciansWeekly 2018: IV Vitamin C, Hydrocortisone, & Thiamine for Sepsis


PulmCCM 2018: Vitamin C cocktail for sepsis: randomized trials to test efficacy


WebMD 2018: Vitamin Cocktail for Sepsis Getting Wider Test


WholeFoodsMagazine: The Marik Protocol for Deadly Sepsis Is Already Saving Many Lives: The Roles of Vitamins C and B1 (Thiamine) - An Interview with Dr. Paul E. Marik, MD, FCCP, FCM, MBBCH


ClinicalTrials.GOV: Vitamin C & Thiamine in Sepsis


CritCare: Vitamin C: The next step in sepsis management?


CritCare1: Ascorbic acid, corticosteroids, and thiamine in sepsis: a review of the biologic rationale and the present state of clinical evaluation


CritCare2: Evidence is stronger than you think: a meta-analysis of vitamin C use in patients with sepsis


NEJM: Vitamin C, Thiamine, and Hydrocortisone for Sepsis Patients


PharmTher: Vitamin C for the treatment of sepsis: The scientific rationale


PulmCCM: Vitamin C cocktail for sepsis: randomized trials to test efficacy


PulmCCM2: Could vitamin C save lives in sepsis? These hospitals aren’t waiting for proof.


PulmCrit: Metabolic sepsis resuscitation: the evidence behind Vitamin C


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Thanks for this great compilation of links and information, Tonya. I'm going to share it via a note, so I can save and access it when I need to.

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The previous comment said that the hospital stopped them from using the vitamin protocol. And your comment from Dr. Marik says start these vitamin protocols in the emergency room, you can’t make them do what they don’t want to do…

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Stopped him - Dr. Marik specifically. It will vary by doctor and hospital. Privately owned small hospitals may be more cooperative than large hospital systems. It's also important to know your rights as a patient, get an advocate involved, etc. I would advise speaking to your primary care physician ahead of time to see if he/she would cooperate with this treatment, and if not, find a new doctor. Family members should let the hospital know that they know your legal rights, as well, and that you expect the hospital to uphold them.

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Truth: I know of 2 in hospital covid cases where family obtained a doc who would order Ivermectin; each denied & their loved ones died.

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This is so wrong!

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Can you ask for a vitamin c infusion if you are already in hospital? do they even do it?

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You can ask for it, but many hospitals will refuse. If you can get a patient advocate that will stand up for your right to try it, that would be helpful. I would also discuss this with your primary care physician when you ate still well at a regular visit, share the research, and see if he/she would support the use of this protocol in the event you were hospitalized. My family knows a man whose family requested vit C when he was hospitalized for covid. The hospital merely gave him 500 mg orally instead of high doses intravenously. He eventually died.

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That amount of vitamin c is a joke...I have taken up to 7000mg at times when I needed it. Better to have a failmily member bring it in to give you then!

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I was given 38g (38,000mg) of IV vitamin C for a heinous shingles infection last year. My ND told me it was her “starter” dose for her cancer patients. It knocked out the shingles immediately and I had been struggling for a month.

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That's great! What kind of doctor?

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If your family member is allowed in..,

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Marik is cited in Kendrick's "A Statin Nation" (ch. 8). Lengthy quotation as URL is not up to date.

"After hundreds of trials failing to show benefit of drug treatments for sepsis, could a simple, cheap and effective treatment – high-dose vitamin C – be hiding in plain sight? A respected leader in critical care medicine thinks so, and his hospital system is all in.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is depleted during sepsis. That might be bad, because ascorbic acid helps maintain the integrity of the endothelium, and is required for the production of catecholamines and cortisol: hormones needed for survival from shock …

The renowned Dr Paul Marik et al will soon publish in Chest their own small before-and-after unblinded study, born of an anecdote that should intrigue any intensivist: three patients with ‘fulminant sepsis … almost certainly destined to die’ from shock and organ failure, infused with vitamin C and moderate dose hydrocortisone out of desperation. All three patients recovered quickly and left the ICU in days, ‘with no residual organ dysfunction’. [ICU = intensive care unit]

Inspired by that experience, they went on to enroll and treat 47 septic patients with a cocktail of 1.5 g vitamin C IV (intravenous) every 6 hours, hydrocortisone 50 mg IV every 6 hours, and thiamine 200 mg IV every 12 hours (thiamine has potential benefits in septic shock). Controls were 47 patients matched in baseline characteristics.

Hospital mortality was 4 of 47 (8.5%) in those treated with the cocktail, compared to 19 of 47 (40%) in those not … Renal function reportedly improved in all patients with acute kidney injury."


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Interesting. My stepdaughter (who’s taking chemo for uterine cancer) had a vitamin c infusion this week

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Chemo kills every growing cell, and does not kill cancer stem cells. Cancer seldom kills you . The chemo, radiation or underlying causes of what made normal cells mutate into cancer cells are what kills you. The more chemo you take, the more you destroy your immune system. The plandemic is merely the cancer protocols rolled out in different form to the general public.

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I agree. I do not know a single person that died from a cancer that went untreated.

I lost many friends and acquaintances that died from cancer 'treatments'.

And most suffered through their last days with a horrible quality of life.

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I’ve watched many close loved ones die from cancer treatment. I’ve already told my children that if I get cancer I will not be taking ANY chemo, radiation,etc. I’ll Definitely give fenbendazole a shot but that it. I’ll take long walks in ancient woods until a predator( bear or wolf) takes me out. If you don’t fear death you have many more options.

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My mother died from her cancer. She had no treatments and atleast, with hospice help, and her faith, did not suffer.

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I bet her quality of life was much better than if she’d gone through cancer protocols

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I know quite a few people who have had very serious cancers who have recovered with chemo. One friend was pregnant with her eighth child when she was found to have breast cancer. She refused to have chemo because of the baby but then lost the baby, so she then had heavy-duty chemo. She recovered, and she and her husband adopted three children from Ukraine, one with Down Syndrome.

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I agree It is her choice.

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I agree that chemo is poison and bad, but my mom died of her gastric cancer with no interventions whatsoever., because of her age, hospice care

She did live a little longer than expected (9 months vs 6) in other words, the cancer did kill her.

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My mom also didn’t have any chemo or radiation treatment—when she was supposed to start, she got an abscess and they weren’t able to treat it appropriately so she was then too sick and weak to have treatment. It was a turbo cancer, she passed away last March about 5 months after her diagnosis 😞😢

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I am sorry. Losing a mother is tough. My mother was 87 at the time of diagnosis so her doctors advised against treatments (ofcourse not the oncologist or radiologist!)

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I’m sorry for your loss too. It is indeed very hard to lose a mother. My mom was one of my favorite people in the world and we were very close. She was not in poor health until just before she was diagnosed at the age of 72. I do suspect the shots played a part though I don’t have proof.

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Your daughter should look into Dr. Seyfried's cancer protocol. Here's a good interview of Dr. Seyfried.


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I just watched this video! Game changer! It amazes me that allopathic medicine will shoot you full of toxic chemicals and irradiate the body but never give dietary advice to shore up the immune system.

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Yes. Follow the money. 🤑

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

That young man did NOT die from sepsis. He'd have had to be quite ill symptomatically to go to bed with a 'mere' stomachache, but then die in his sleep. The enlarged heart tells it all, and even absent appropriate immunostaining, the pathologist was right... myocarditis from the shots.

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Case closed, slam/dunk.

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My cousin died of sepsis in his sleep. He was T1 diabetic and had injured his foot at work, refused to go to the ER. After about a week, he told his mom he had a really high fever and went to bed, never to wake up. So it took a while to progress to that point.

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Before I even read on, let me just say, I agree with many who say that pedophiles need to be severely punished OR even put to death. Our children are not for sale OR for your disgusting perverted acts. I know our Lord has the final say but there truly needs to be justice in our world.

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Amen. The ABC/pedo reporter needs to be severely punished as well as all involved in this heinous crap. That brief description of his crime made me sick.

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Death would be too kind.

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The punishment should reflect the crime. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth…you get what I mean.

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Hammurabi speaks! Loudly.

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Exactly; I have some truly malicious ideas in mind!😈

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Unfortunately, according to stories I read this morning, they want to make it legal and normal. Kinda like shoplifting in California, but with kids. This world sucks.

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Big time.

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I'm all for public hanging in the case of a pedophile. But, even a low class, disgusting, bag of barf needs a fair trial.... and after they get one and are found guilty beyond question, hang them.

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I think we should just put them down. They are beyond redemption. It is such a heinous crime deserving of death. So I say if we prove it in the court of law, just let the parents (or whoever is willing to step up and do it) take them out. Instant. These people can't be around anymore.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

To start with, anyone who has sexual desires for kids should be hung, they will never change.As for the jab injuries, sadly I know many who are jabbed, including two boys 12 and 13, they're very active in hockey. I found out recently their mom is going to give them the fall jabs, I really fear they will die. Sometimes the only thing left to do for these people is pray for them because nothing I say works to stop them. We have schools here showing kids reprehensible crap too, my sister works as a librarian and her daughter teaches grade one at the school, I had a conversation with my sister about what's going on in schools, she denied its happening at her school and refused to name the school in fear of what I might do. I truly believe satan has gathered many demons to help him destroy everything that's holy, we as Christians and God fearing people must fight them and stop this insanity.

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Agreed: public hanging for pedophiles. I bet you there would be fewer.

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I’m a retired teacher and had lunch with a few retired teacher friends recently. I tried explaining what’s happening in many schools and they absolutely refused to believe me. They refused to believe that porn was in schools and that kids are being transitioned in schools without parental involvement. So discouraging...

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My sister is 73 and she taught school for a living, I don't understand how someone of her age and knowledge can fall for the grooming of kids, she thinks if a kid feels they're the wrong gender, then they can choose, oh by the way, she's had 4 jabs, I wonder if they've rotted her brain, Im 71 and know everything that's happening with kids today is evil and satanic.

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I, too, shared with a retired teacher not long ago about what's going on in the schools with the pornographic books, grooming, pushing the trans agenda, etc. She got angry and told me it wasn't true. She demanded I name one of the books. I told her a title and she still said it's not true. These people won't believe the truth even if you present it on a silver platter. The fact that one of her grandsons recently came out as "trans" no doubt played into her refusal to accept the truth. Quick! Head back in the sand where it's "safe."

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Proverbial heads in sand. Next time take some written proof - print outs of real stories where parents outed their schools

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They just say that those are exceptions and anomalies 😕

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Amen. Agree 💯

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“I’m a lawyer, not a nocturnal aquanaut.”


You’re forgiven, Jeff. I’ve never heard of such a garmentry practice myself.

We needed that comic relief before trudging through the putrid and heartrending news that followed.

I touched on Jacob’s tragic death in the following pieces and appreciated learning more of the back story from you, especially about the brave Dr. Randy Tashjian:

• “50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the)

• “Letter to the Washington State Board of Health” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-washington-state-board)

There are thousands of reports of sepsis in VAERS (4,397 for the COVID vaccines as of right now: https://www.openvaers.com/vaersapp/reports.php). I looked it up when Glenn Greenwald’s husband was first diagnosed with it, a brutal trajectory that would turn out to be fatal. Several of us tried to gently encourage Glenn to look into Dr. Paul Marik’s protocols, but I doubt he ever did. He has a massive blind spot about the injections, and I don’t know if he’ll ever be able to come to terms with the facts of David’s death. Denial is too comforting a blanket, even for an intrepid reporter like Glenn, which leaves little hope for the diehard Covidians who are protesting to bring masks back.

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"Massive blind spot" indeed. Livin' dumb and deluded on a River in Egypt: Da Nile!

I've stopped trying to get anyone out of their cosseting denial. Instead, I stand firm in reality ready to help them like opiate addicts once they ask for help. Anyone I see wearing a mask I give good eye contact with a warm and hearty smile sending them "Don't panic!" good vibes as I pray they will wake up.

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I’m going to try and follow your compassionate lead.

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Yes, I remember "promises by federal government officials that the covid shots’ mRNA stayed at the injection site and fully degraded within a few days," and I remember that my questions about how they knew that (as in what tests were performed with these specific products) were met with "because we know," basically.

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8 dead mice.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

The mice never even got to tell their side of the story. I bet they were destroyed to hide evidence.

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No doubt burned as medical waste in an incinerator.

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Aka Maui

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I believe they were killed at the end of the study - 2 months comes to mind.

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Yeah. "Shut up and do what you're told" (or some slightly less brusque variant) works in basic training or Stalin's Soviet Union. But in my world? Not so much.

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Oh my hackles were raised when I heard FauciScumbag say that!!! 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬

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My simple thinking wondered how that could be effective... stays in one spot and degrades in a few days.... how is that supposed to work??? Not so well it turns out! 🙄🤷‍♀️

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Or is it something else? Is the Nation possessed?


A good portion certainly is.

The only known cure is frequent doses of Vitamin P,

aka Prayer to the Good Lord, expressed joyously and often!

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This country has been infused with demons. I do not say that figuratively or lightly.

Lord have mercy. Or as they say in Greek: Kyrie Eleison!

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Revelation 18: 1 ¶ And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

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I believe we’re living it.

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"New study claims jabs depress the immune system."

New study PROVES jabs suck you dry of keen perceptions and mental acuity. That's depressing.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This explains why I have been hearing sepsis as a diagnosis a lot lately. 🤔 and I witness every day people coming down with colds, strep, rsv et al again and again because their immune system is compromised. I dread the normal cold and flu season as it will be so much worse.

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Dr. Marik of the FLCCC, whom Dr. Pierre Kory says is the best, most accomplished intensivist in the history of the freaking world, has developed a protocol for sepsis, which naturally is ignored because it doesn't contribute to vax injury or cancer as a leading economic indicator. https://www.faim.org/interview-with-dr-paul-marik-on-vitamin-c-protocol-for-sepsis And if you have been influenced by the campaign against C that is decades old, beginning with Linus Pauling, check out the literal TONS of vitamin C being trucked into Wuhan in Spring 2020 http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n13.shtml Should you have fallen for the initial shots or boosters, there is hope for sepsis, though you may have to sue the Mengele Industrial Complex to get the treatment. I'm guessing the dissident doctors will be working on how to do that should this get bad in fall and winter. "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul" Emily Dickinson

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Those are some good links on IV -VitaC.

At just a few hundred bucks at a local IV clinic per treatment, I'd be doing this if I had any chance of getting some infection or cancer diagnosis.

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This is no doubt available some place (I"m in FL) but the downside is that [to my understanding, I'm not in the field] that Marik's Vitamin C IV is needed in emergency situations, which would likely be in hospital where, unfortuantely, are the most restrictions on alternative therapies. A doctor being even allowed to offer these treatments in her private office is novel enough. But expecting her to have hospital privileges makes it more unlikely. But I'm in agreement: if you can find alternative practitioners, consider what they may offer. Accepting insurance probably isn't one of them, though. 🤑

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There is a clinic here in Panama City Beach called "Anti-Aging Clinic" that offers IV-C among other things. I think the cost just for the C is about $100 per bag.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

You also can choose not to do IV but take as much Vit C as your stomach will tolerate.

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I love Dr. Andrew Saul of orthomolecular.org

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Dr. Saul is amazing! His was the first protocol for saving hospitalized Covid patients. Of course this was in China with a colleague, using high dose vitamin C. Of course, no one in this country would consider such a common sense protocol. Very difficult to think of the lives that could've been saved, if only . . .

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Thank you I shared with my bro.

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For the Covidiots; smart folks keep their immune systems healthy!

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And, although it's probably "preaching to the choir" here, that would include being very selective of what drugs and (especially) vaccines you let enter your body. Folks, if the past three and a half years haven't taught you the entire medical system is not to be trusted, well, I guess do whatever the government or doc suggests! 👹

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I've been a medical skeptic since I was 16 and observed how horrible doctors were to my mother, who almost died from undiagnosed celiac disease at 46. They were too stupid to figure it out and tried to tell her it was all in her head. What saved her life was a doctor who DID know about celiac disease. So as I said, that along with my own experiences with ineptitude over the years has all made me careful and always skeptical about any drug or treatment. But now, after the last 3 years, I have almost no trust left at all. I'm sad about that, but it's what it is. But I know of so many people who act as if those who are medically trained are little gods and believe every single thing they say.

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Or ageism. "Now that you are 40," insert why your health and life is going downhill. I was so mad that I asked my doctor if the coffin I was dragging around with my one foot was getting in her way. 😡 I cannot believe I tolerated this BS as long as I did. Well no more.

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“I was so mad that I asked my doctor if the coffin I was dragging around with my one foot was getting in her way. 😡”


Would’ve loved to see your doctor's face upon hearing that!!! 😁

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Agree! I looked at my (now former) doc like he had three heads when he said that since I was over 50 I should have already been taking a statin. I asked, “For what reason; simply because I’m over 50?” He stated it was “just a good idea”. I refused based on my Cleveland Clinic bloodwork results, the reason for which I was there and which showed no indication of need for a statin drug. Did he even read the results?

I’m wondering now, after the past three “follow the money” years, how much the docs get paid to push all the new “popular, trending drugs”?

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Now there is sexism. I don't know how many times I have heard about a Dr telling a female patient "It's all in your head" just because he is too stupid and too lazy to figure it out.

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Not to be sexist but I prefer female doctors over males because they are less condescending and more open to discussion, but prefer male surgeons because I believe that the male mind is better inclined to function better during the complexity of surgery.

Just my own preferences and ofcourse there are exceptions..which I have had, bad and good.

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Age 13 I first heard that. My pain wasn't real? F you. Sowed distrust at a very impressionable age. In retrospect, more than half a century before the debacle of the past 3 years, it was a good thing.

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At 63 I’ve had no vaccines since the forced childhood shots and polio sugar cube. That alone has done enough damage and the reason I’ve become my own health advocate along with select, well vetted practitioners. Will definitely not get future ones knowing the M.I.C. Is hell bent on offing us. I’ll be one of those shot in the head by the Gestapo for refusing to comply.

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