The Fifth Circuit upholds a Texas parent's rights law and exposes the real conflict; and Congress gets Special Counsel Robert Hur to admit Joe Biden's secret-selling crimes.
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay each one according to his deeds.”
“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” - We see so much of this in today’s world. May we all fight together against forfeiting our souls. 💪
We mortals have no right to judge anyone--even crooked politicians. We can have opinions - Jesus saves unto the UTTERMOST any soul who will REPENT and turn from their crooked ways and invite Him to live in their souls. WHAT A WONDERFUL TRUTH!
Some fact “chucker” said it’s actually only TWO towns with the name of Nineveh that are directly in the path of the eclipse…but who knew that we had ANY places named after it? Amazing.
I must still be asleep because I wasn’t even going to attempt figuring it out! Thank you, Janice, for getting me up to speed. BTW, that would make a good personalized license plate, replacing WWJD!!
When I allow the evil and tyranny of our present age to "overcome" my spirit - I hear this Christian hymn in my mind. "Hie me to the Rock Who is higher than I"...don't you miss hearing these wonderful "full of Gospel truths" hymns being sung in our churches today? I do--especially now that I'm "older and wiser".
Thank you, Janice, for always sharing SCRIPTURE that the Holy Spirit lays on your heart and mind.
I am so glad I live in TX! Last weekend I went to the VA hospital to visit a friend who’d had surgery, and immediately inside the door there’s a big sign saying that masks are required in all VA facilities and I rolled my eyes but I took one, because I really wanted to see my friend and spend time with his wife, who was super stressed. I didn’t put it on, was hoping to make it to his floor before someone insisted, but.... once inside I saw that NO ONE was wearing a mask that wasn’t an employee. Hallelujah! This was true even in the SICU where my friend was. Saner times, thank you Jesus.
I live in the more conservative part of TX, near Fort Worth. This week we are visiting the San Antonio area and I've been shocked to see how many folks are wearing masks. In Costco, on the Riverwalk, just outside on a walk by themselves.... shows how the liberal mentality must be strong in SA!
I was in the Corpus area in last August and did not see more than a handful of Texans wearing masks. Coming from the People's Republic of Maryland, it was a welcome sight! Here, there are still more than a handful of people wearing masks in stores, while driving, and even while riding a bike. Nutcases!
I live outside SA city limits and there are still too many wearing face diapers, but the further away from the city the better it gets. SA mayor and Dem council members have ruined SA. I haven’t worn one for / years and only then at doctor’s office. I refused to wear a mask as much as possible and wherever possible.
Berkeley CA retail outlets are ~ 20% masked still. Yesterday at the original Peet's coffee at Walnut and Vine, 2/3 of the staff was masked. Young people, the baristas, masked up and ready to brew. It’s so friggin sad!
My 16 year old said back in 2020 and 2021 that many of her friends WANTED to wear the masks because they didn't like the way they looked - crooked teeth, breakouts - a way to hide from real/perceived judgment. Sad.
I liked wearing a mask because I could leave my dentures out. Once I stopped wearing it I still left it out. I have so much nerve damage in my bottom gums it is damn uncomfortable. No one seems to care.
I always think of BANDITS when I see people masking - FCOL, the only reason doctors and nurses wear masks is because they want to keep bodily fluids from patients erupting into their "facial orifices". MASKS DON'T PROHIBIT VIRUSES OR ANY OTHER MICROSCOPIOC 'CRITTER' FROM ENTERING YOUR SYSTEM.
Haha, right? My college aged son wore a bandana while working at the local grocery store back in 2020. But we're in Texas so wearing bandanas was somewhat acceptable, lol!
The Asian masking was once explained to me as a common daily defense to airborne particulates.. open burning of Coal, trash, etc. That and I'm sure once you've been sneezed upon a few times it's like...okay masking beats moisture and mucus on my face.
I see it the same, Sharon. Like walking dead ... minds captured. Their humanity locked up. This is why 'they' want to control information from day one of birth.
No one, for example, would consent to a birth 'certificate' if there were a informed consent consent at what happens with that certificate.
I was traveling from Texas to Florida last week. Two of the reddest of the red states, and out of the thousands of people encountered in airports and planes, I saw only about 15-20 max wearing masks. Each time I saw one I wondered what weakness of mind or mental illness that person had acquired. It’s sad. I sat next to a woman and her grandson on the plane and they didn’t have one on through the crowded boarding process, but she told her grandson to put his on after they were seated on the plane. Ignorance or insanity on display! They at least wore them under their nose so they could breathe! 😂😂
FAITH OVER FEAR! My wife and I live in AZ having moved from Oregon(3rd world) a year a go. She wears her Faith over Fear shirt when we go out and she gets compliments all the time. There are still some virtual signal folks that wear face diapers here. We pray for them every day.
I need one of those tee shirts! Faith over Fear - love it! I so wanted to ask our church friends when they were wearing masks or rushing to get vaxed - where is your faith? Putting your faith in an ill-fitting flimsy rag of blue stop germs and protect yourself or others - isn't that the same as having a false god? A belief in something to protect you, other than God Almighty?
I have a WONDERFUL tee I bought off the Merch Store on J. P. Sears' website - it has a huge lion sitting on a platform and underneath are the words, "FEAR IS NOT A VIRTUE" 'nough said!!
I wear that one proudly as well as the other one I bought from J. P.'s merch store, "STOP THE THOUGHT POLICE' with the "crossed out circle" verboten image above the words--both are very effective "statements" to make while "out and about"
Sorry to have lost a good family DS, but I fully understand. If/when my kids with my grandkids decide to move I'll stay put. It gives me a part time job of fighting against DEI and for election integrity. Never a dull moment in Oregon on those two topics!
I think the same thing when I see masked people now…wonder what kind of horrible illness they have, if they have mental illness issues or just high anxiety.
In my little blue corner of MO, there is a family that goes to our church, don't know them but the mom and 2 pre-teenish aged girls are masked up every week, as are a couple of elderly couples. See one here and there at the grocery store and such but seems like it's pretty well faded out here. Took my mom to the doc last week for what turned out to be bronchitis, and she was going to wear a mask in the waiting room as she was coughing, and they said they were out of them. Just as well, told her she didn't need to be breathing those plastic fibers anyway, she can just cover her mouth with her sleeve.
Permanently dumb and scared sheep. Nervous Nellie prey animals. I try to have pity for them as a fellow human but usually find myself just saying silently, "R.I.P. far too soon for you!," as I give them the biggest sincere smile I can do as I hope they fully engage their brains soon.
On average I notice abut 30% of humans are perpetual prey animals; 30% are sheepdogs, warriors, and a few of them are predators; and the remaining 40% will go either way depending on which 30% side looks strongest.
I'm still stuck in Commiefornia, unfortunately. We're addicted to the nice weather and redwood trees. That means we still have to see masked-up idiots both inside their electric cars with the windows rolled up and walking the streets on sunny afternoons. It's exhausting having to deal with the conflicting emotions of pity for their weak minds and hatred for their feeding the madness and knowing these would be the dorks recommending that I be hung before a firing squad for resisting being experimented upon by madmen 2 years ago -- oops, I mean for insisting on staying in the control group.
Thanks, Jay. I take it you're down south of here? I moved here from SoCal 36 years ago and never looked back. I just wish it wasn't a haven for libtards, many of whom are friends - I just avoid talking politics with them if possible.
I always wonder the same thing! What is wrong with these people, I wonder? I walked into Hobby Lobby in Florida today and was an older couple all snot pouched up. I then went to Walgreens to pick up something and the whole pharmacy was snot ragged up and the pharmacist had on a snot rag AND a face shield! And in between the registers at the pharmacy they had up some sort of little walls to separate people!
All I thought was ok. Here we go. The regime is gonna tell us what next plandemic is coming. The big stores must’ve already gotten the memo. 🙄
We refuse to spend one penny at Walgreens or CVS, because back in 2020 they both refused to fill scripts from licensed physicians for hydroxy. "Not approved treatment ptotocol", doctor be damned.
That is a great option! I know of one I have used. But it’s 45 min away from me. Not always able to make that drive depending on circumstances. I will say I HATE Walgreens and all of the others. HATE isn’t a strong enough word either. And the shameful display I saw today verified that (as if I needed reassurance 🙄).
Kristi Noem just signed into law a bill that criminalizes speech in SD and says this law will be a model for the whole nation. That should scare everyone. And supposedly, she is a Republican! Stew Peters says it like it is and probably offends everyone. 24 minutes.......
Kristi Noem DESTROYS Free Speech: South Dakota Governor Bows To Jewish Power
Scottish government’s Hate Crime Bill comes into effect next month; Orwell’s totalitarian nightmare has arrived
For three years, Scotland’s ‘Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill’ has been lurking in the shadows. It is now going to come into effect from 1 April meaning that “misogyny” and “stirring up hatred” will be recorded as a criminal offence.
“It has taken 40 years longer than Orwell predicted,” the Scottish Daily Express wrote, “but we have finally arrived in the totalitarian nightmare that he feared.”
My personal preference, the one I've used the most, is the New King James Version or, alternatively, the 21st Century King James Version. But I also have a copy of the 1599 Geneva Bible for use.
I use Bible Time in computer use with the Geneva Bible and I put the Geneva and the Matthew Henry notes on the side.
And by the way, your link to the Dr. Anna Mihalcea video was excellent. That is where the spot light should be. And I have to think and in a big way that our attention is being diverted away from the real crime of C19 Terrorism (Synthetic Biology and Transhumanist Transformation) by a sole focus on symptomatic adverse reactions.
Dr. Anna is right to say what is in the shots (also the air, the food, etc.) could be the extinction of organic Man, replacing such Man by a hybrid species and/or machines. But sad to say, this may be too much for the cattle to take in. But who knows, happy surprises and reversals spring eternal.
Civil disobedience stands between us and 1984 even better than 2A. Get 10,000 Scots to "stir up hatred" with misogynistic words, homophobic words, racist words, Islamophobic words, transphobic words. 10,000...100,000...1,000,000 Scots flood Scotland with words that stir up hate. Directed at those who would have them arrested and fined for words.
Overwhelm their system to render it inoperable. That would stand between us and 1984 much more effectively than 2A.
One needn't even agree with the use or sentiment of a word to use it and direct it at another. Think of offensive words like George Carlin and countless other comedians of years gone by who used offensive words to make the same point: Freedom of speech includes the freedom to offend. Use it or lose it. Obedience and compliance is the surest path to 1984.
I agree with your sediments, but in America everytime someone stands up to the big guy they die, go to jail, get sensored etc. in a perfect world I’d love to see civil disobedience, oh wait, we have from the left and nothing happens. We are the side of law and order, plus FOX news and trump shows us what happens. I hear what you’re saying, but noway do Americans do anything while they have football, porn and Hollywood.
This is because there are still far too many sheep who are far too comfortable in their pathetic shallow lives. Life is still to good, too easy. We do not have critical mass, and so long as the most important thing in these coward's lives is their phones, that will not change. Courage is the first and most important attribute of a stoic. My beloved John Wayne former boss said 30 years ago "We have become a nation of pussies". 'Nuff said.
Lmao. Funny not funny. We def are and it’s just getting worse. And even worse I don’t have a solution. It’s easy to complain and thank GOD for all those willing to stand up to all the shit going on!!!
To reclaim freedom young men landed on beaches facing a hail of lead that cut them down and turned the tide red.
"Land of the free, home of the brave." Can't have the former without the latter.
The persecutions are meant to intimidate. They are effective. But we must want freedom more. And have faith in the Almighty that we are serving him, his laws, above the laws of wicked, fallen men.
I'm in no hurry to become a meal for lions. We do have to be smart, cunning, adaptive to the real threats we face. But reliance on 2A to solve our problems isn't going anywhere. If you think we'll inspire more allies to join us in exercising our 2A rights than we'll be able to inspire exercising our 1A rights I don't think you've fully assessed the football, porn and Hollywood majority as you describe.
I’m on the same side as you, you just have more faith in your fellow mankind. And what allies are going to come help us??? My dad husband and kids are all military so I’ve seen what it’s become. Who’s gonna protect you? And are YOU doing what you claim will fix America? I know I’m exercising my 2A rights, which is the only thing the govt hasn’t taken from us. I think we can cordially agree to disagree.
You are right. The unalienable rights inhere within us. This means that we either demand the free and uninhibited use thereof, or they go dormant. But even so, they never lapse, disappear.
Passive civil disobedience! Do not comply! This is how we win.
Yes this is merely repackaging of speech crimes against The King and His Church...the Commies actually were envious of Royalty and decrees and the unquestioned infallibility of that system even as they sought to destroy it with socialist-democracy as a first step and then supplant it with their own Revolution and Party Rule. Enforced Equality by the Superiorists will keep the population down and at worst have them at one-another's throats as the Party dispenses punishments and favors with impunity.
The Commies are actually a creation of the Royalty. As are the Fascists. Both are governing models that elevate a central, core of elite minders of society to control the masses. Oligarchy, technocracy, monarchy, all authoritarian systems. These are shape-shifters, who will embrace any governing model that keeps them atop society and in control of those they consider inferior. It's not a coincidence that most all of them are eugenicists. Believing they are cut from a finer cloth of man, their blood more pure than all others.
Did you know that the Windsor bloodline atop the UK (an assumed family name, they're really German royalty Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) had become so inbred that they feared becoming disfigured freak show acts if Charles had children with Camilla? His ears, nose and overall facial features were so alarming they had him breed with a far enough removed bloodline Diana. They knew of the Habsburg Jaw and how inbreeding produces deformities.
They want pure bloodlines, eugenics and all, but not the freakish deformities that come with it. They want to rule without being mocked. Which is why we must mock them anyways. And speak against The King and His Church. Including the Commies, Fascists, oligarchs and technocrats who serve him. They have weak jaws. That cannot take a punch. So we punch away.
The Global Sovereigns at the Apex Unburdened by a Sovereign GOD, as ALL Royalist Systems; Japan, China, Europe, Pre-Col. America, etc declared themselves some manner of deity; semi-divine, gods, or God-chosen but under authority themselves and not approvingly allowed to savage and brutalize their own subjects. With Neo-Royalism asserting deviance from a higher moral authority and either seating themselves at the pinnacle, or in debased adherence just below the Adversary to The Creator, they can then treat human subjects as livestock and slaves, a resource to be ill-treated for whatever purpose is desired and no remedy for the victim(s). Yes, the sickest most EVIL form of "governance" for mankind.
I especially agree about the monarchy morphing into other authoritarian forms of government because they think their are superior and will use any means to keep control. I think that’s spot on.
The only disclaimers may be the results of Great (Reset) War; Romanovs perished, the Kaiser fled Germany, the Hapsburgs evaporated, the Ottoman rulers were booted, King Emmanuel well he got to stick around and see how to make the trains run on time. Maybe the infighting in "the Family" was just an inevitable squabble about empires and attitudes and some won and others lost in the feuding. America was forced and made into an Empire and Global power by these same forces; traditionally content only to be a Regional Power until 1898 then a calm of sorts til 1917-19, then the complete whacked out Empire on a tear by 1944 with full U.N. implementation and DeepState Globalism at the helm.
Actually, the 2nd amendment gives us nothing if the right is understood to be an unalienable right, which inheres within us and cannot be sold or transfered (unalienable in the law dictionary). The rulers can only suppress and/or defraud us out of unalienable Rights. They have in fact done this, defrauded us by a clever strategem of bait and switch. They have substituted civil rights law in place of unalienable Rights. And thereby pulled the wool over our eyes. And this is only one such thing which they have defrauded us out of.
We are not following the constitutions. We are following United States Code.
A simple reading of the Bill of Rights reveals that the amendments are nothing more than restrictions and prohibitions upon the Federal Gov't not to infringe upon the rights that all men are created with (as was stated in the Declaration of Independence). As Dave has pointed out, the US Constitution has been side-lined and bypassed and is no longer of any effect. We are no longer a constitutional republic. The US is a corporation governed by the United States Code (USC) and we are taxed by the international banking cartel via the Federal Reserve system that is owned, not by the USG, but by the banking cartel. This is where our taxes go because it is the banking cartel via the Fed Reserve that funds the entirety of the United States Government Empire overseas and domestically. We are slaves to this system and as slaves more than half of our productivity is taken from us in taxes. When you add in the invisible "inflation tax", that figure is much more than 50%.
To get back to the Constitution and reconstitute the Republic we would have to negate the entirety of the USC and defund 80% of the USG including the military. What Congressional representative is going to advocate that? Nearly everything the Federal Gov't does is a violation of the Constitution. Anytime the USG wants to do something, some nameless bureaucrat writes a new "law" which is added to the USC. The USC is the law of the land , not the Constitution. As Youry Roshka said, "One of the reasons for the overwhelming success of our enemies is that we continue to operate under conditions of world tyranny and state terrorism with our outdated liberal democratic frame of reference... But this effort of awakening (to the globalists' Great Reset) must find its immediate continuation in the Great Uprising. Anything else would be a sterile intellectual exercise..."
We are in a war that is progressively subjugating us because we have abandoned God and the righteousness of His Law and if we are to regain the humanity in which we were created, there will have to be a Great Divide that separates us from the Marxist totalitarianism of the globalists. But we will never accomplish this if we do not understand the realities of the battlefield upon which this war is being fought and that first requires repentance and a return to the righteousness of God's eternal Law.
So the unalienable Rights of Liberty requires Higher Law (God's Law) ... but also, a Highest Jurisdicition which cannot be invaded by the civil magistrate. So any other 'rights' other than absolute unalienable rights are 'permissions' just as the old American Law dictionaries say.
The 'churches' don't know any of this and so they cannot teach it. Because of this, we get 'democracy' instead. And 'democracy' is a code word for 'theft'. And the the 'Civil Rights Movement' was really 'The Enslavement Rights Movement.' And 'civil rights' are simply what Simple Simon the State says they are. And MLK simply dug the hole deeper as 'civil rights' morphed into 'you can do anything you want rights' including cutting off a little boy's penis or making little girls into make believe boys or sex trafficked sex kittens. And then there's the crown jewel of Queer-dom ... Drag Queen Story Hour. Cannibalism and Bugs are right around the corner.
People cannot do that of which they have no consciousness, and so people also get MAGA instead of God's gift of Liberty. While MAGA may be better than Pedo Pete's administration of insurrectional chaos, it is still not the real deal which made America great. And incidentally exceptional, rule of law under God's Higher Law. So where does that leave us? As Forrest Gump says, "Stupid is what stupid does."
Right there you just laid out the premise for theocracy and it makes perfect sense to me. The missing piece is the "Highest Jurisdiction". The Ten Commandments is the model. Moses acted as the Highest Jurisdiction. Just implying this highest jurisdiction in the Declaration of Independence was not enough. But instead of stating this in the Constitution, the country adopted a "separation of church and state" concept. Inalienable rights were quickly forgotten.
I've just been in Scotland learning their history for the past 10 days and I think they can't fathom standing up to the government any longer. Their history is that they always lose to England and so why fight is I think what transpired as I've pondered their acceptance of surveillance literally everywhere. After the last great battle, England took their bagpipes, their language, their land, their clans, their tartans, turned families against each other, the list goes on. It is a travesty.
Omg, i liked Noem a lot too before this. Such nonsense with these hate crimes; it is straight up thought crime from 1984.
And Brian Mast in his IDF uniform in OUR congress?! I have a basic dress code rule at my retail coffee shop that says when on shift you may not wear clothing promoting competing shops. Duh! Who does he think he’s representing?!
Both parties are not to be trusted! Good luck to U.S.
DeSantis went to Israel to sign away Florida's 1st amendment. Libs are still saying that republicans are taking money from Putin, but they have no problem with both parties taking money from Israel. You cannot get elected at any level unless you swear fealty to Israel and if you go against them you find yourself facing a candidate supported by Israel.
Israel flies members of Congress to Israel every year. We’ve put up with this for far too long. People don’t even object.
I think that would be the best place to go for all these people who hate America. The diversity would be just as good for them as it is for all western nations. (sarcasm, lol)
South Dakota remained open (except for schools for two weeks) because the South Dakota Legislature "reminded" little Miss Kristi that she had no lawful authority to close anything. If it weren't for the SD Legislature, little Miss Kristi could count herself among the other 49 doofuses and lawbreakers who helped wreck the country -- along with the vast, vast majority of "Americans" whose cowardice and/or obsequiousness aided and abetted.
And now this BS? She has now removed all doubt about who and what she 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 is.
Stop already with the "little Miss Kristi" technique. Reminds me of a brain-dead commenter on American Thinker who always refers to DeSantis as "Little Ron DeSantis". If you have something substantive, fine. The name-calling, especially of a fellow conservative, is extremely offensive. Do you have a link quoting her bemoaning her inability to shut down? Now that, I would be very interested in.
I live here and did already when 2020 rolled around. The legislature received an order to sign declaring emergency powers for the DOH, like everywhere else. There were something like 21 representatives that refused and fought it tooth and nail. Plus no way would the locals, at least west river, accept that. We successfully shut down mask mandates on this side. Eastern SD has quite a few colleges and resembles more of a light weight liberal metro area but spread out so with more variability in pockets. What happened next was very concerning. All but 1 survived a primary challenge, which was attributed, in part to her. The surviving sole legislature is also West River and I attended meetings in which she was present. They claimed that she supported, including financially, those primary opponents. The pro liberty crowd has a dim view of her here from the get go. I didn’t want to accept it given how she went at the media. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, kind of deal. Given subsequent steps, up to and especially her recent approval of private companies using eminent domain to take private property so they can build their carbon capture pipelines (recently passed thru the legislature and will be signed by her any day now), I consider her to be thoroughly incompatible with my values.
Haha! Oh, dear..."offensive." Oughta be a law, I say!
Oh. Wait...
As for using that epithet, interestingly, it's the first time I've done so. Secondly, you might just be reading the wrong newsletter if name calling -- especially against liberty-destroying, Constitution-violating "conservative" nitwits -- offends you.
Nothing upsets a progressive more than mocking them. I know many conservatives don't like it, but it's a weapon and we're in a war of words and perceptions.
She always bowels to the progressives, unless she is forced through much media and outcries from her constituents to do the right thing and example is when she wouldn’t sign the bill to keep men out of women’s locker rooms
If ANYONE finds a politician with a backbone, please let me know. My Gov DeSantis is also saying the "right things" and is without a backbone as far as I can tell.
Seems to be a lot of controlled opposition here. DeSantis has only done EVERYTHING right, at least almost. Instead of a lot of bluster, he takes on the wokesters and wins. He appointed Ladapo, while Trump (who I support, nobody's perfect) stuck with Fauci and Birx, instead of going with Scott Atlas's advice. Give me a break. DeSantis has been a rockstar to COVID contrarians, and the anti-woke.
"Controlled opposition"? Them is fightin' words. Don't think I've ever been called that before. I'll have to add it to my Merit Badge sash.
"Everything right" - Hmmm, what would be the right thing? How about using the authority of his office - which we elected him to - to protect the citizens of this state by BANNING THE BIO-WEAPON? What? He hasn't done that? Now why would that be? Well, has he at least ordered his Surgeon General and law enforcement to perform a forensic analysis of the contents of the bio-weapon? No? Why not?
Well, gee whiz, what has he done? Well, he was one of the first to end the lockdown. Notice I didn't say he refused to lockdown the economy like Gov Noem. But he did end it... as soon as it was politically safe to do so. He told woke Disney off and got their special tax exemption removed earning him LOTS of political points with the conservative electorate at very little risk. He got legislation passed penalizing anyone mandating the "vaccine".... but only after it was politically safe and the mandates had accomplished their purpose. BTW, he still does not call the shot a bio-weapon and supports the "vaccine" description.
Why is the bio-weapon still being ALLOWED to be administered to children in the state of Florida? When DeSantis actually uses the authority that is invested in him as Governor to protect the citizens of FL from this murderous bio-weapon genocide, THEN I will consider that he has finally acquired a backbone.
DeSantis appears to be making rock-solid policy by working through the legislature, which is a lot more durable than executive orders that can be reversed by the next executive with a pen.
Yes, an Executive Order should be followed up by proper legislation either codifying the action or revoking it. But when people are being slaughtered without hindrance then the state Governor has the duty to protect the innocent.
Thanks for the reply, it does seem you are on the right side. There are fifth-columnists among us, sowing disruption and tearing us apart. Attacking the governor who's done more for my side than any other seems extremely counter-productive, which is exactly what fifth-columnists would do. I see your points, mostly I disagree, not on your veracity, but on what it means. I think you're holding him to an impossible standard. We have 50 governors, around half Republicans. None have done a better job of challenging wokeness and COVIDiocy than DeSantis. He has to play smart politics or he will fail. You're lucky not to live in Indiana. Our Republican governor is a midget compared to yours, and that's putting it mildly. One of my peeves is how many criticize DeSantis for things that pale in comparison to Trumps epic COVID fail, but strangely idolize Trump, saying he's learned his lesson, will drain the swamp this time, and seek accountability for the COVID response travesty. He won't, most likely. Applying the same standards, DeSantis smokes Trump. He's not as compelling a speaker though.
Steel...Phil isn't CO, he's a long time vet here at C&C and regular commenter. You're correct, though...there are subversive agents here and have been for a while. They don't make much headway with this group, but they're here.
I am in Indiana too and agree about our RINO weak sauce governor. Looking forward to getting someone new, and hopefully much much better, in soon!
I have also said that those who criticize DeSantis don’t seem to realize that as imperfect as he may have been, how much better he was than pretty much any of the other governors, whether R or D. My family travels back and forth from Indiana to Florida regularly and the contrast during 2020 and 2021 was stark. Even between our Republican states.
To be clear, if anyone asked me, I would say vote for DeSantis for Gov and vote for Trump for POTUS. But all politicians have feet of clay that must be held to the fire. There is a truism that goes something like this: Money talks and (then) Bullshit walks.
We have limited choices in who we get to support and we must do our best to pick the best one. I appreciate the fact that DeSantis is certainly better than the alternative. But I will tell him to his face that he has failed in his duty to protect the innocent lives in his state that are being killed by a bio-weapon that he could have banned by Executive Order pending a forensic analysis. There is no excuse for not putting his office on the line in their defense.
Politician…backbone? Oxymoron as far as I can tell. As someone beautifully said yesterday, these stewards of the constitution daily and nightly sit, walk or limo through the dark DC jungle of child prostitution, broken souls, graft, corruption and every kind of depravity — in their in their own offices, streets and gatherings AND THEY DO NOTHING TO STOP IT.
I saw her defend that position on Tucker's Fox show a few years ago. Everything she said made perfect sense, that it was a trial lawyer's dream, and she wanted a law that accomplished the same thing without costing her state, which she has a responsibility to look out for, tons of cash defending inevitable lawsuits. And, she DID get such a law, and signed it. Tucker is my favorite public figure, he's great. This is the ONE TIME he came off as unhinged, he NEVER addressed her concerns, but like a brain-dead idealogue, just kept attacking her with superficial sound bites. I'll never forget it. Tucker always seems to see the forest beyond the trees, it was weird to see him the opposite. Maybe Noem isn't who I think she is, my mind's open. So far I just see orchestrated attacks to discredit her without any substance. Like what happened to DeSantis. If she wants to enhance her appearance, that's nowhere close to a disqualifier. I've had teeth fixed, and age spots frozen off my face. Which is fine whether anyone else thinks so or not. What's really going on here?
Sigh, Well the way I see it, we are still faced with electing HUMANS. The minute someone fails the ideological purity test, there are those waiting in the wings to pounce/denounce them. Politics is an ugly game and no one is going to make every decision like we want them to, as they are not us, I have a friend running for Congress against a long time D who has won every re-election in the last decade by 12+ points. He is guaranteed to LOSE just like his predecessors have if he runs as a full on Trump conservative. I am just a fly on the wall in strategy meetings, ground game is my thing. But lots of battles on what hills he is willing to die on vs those he needs to moderate his position at the risk of alienating his base. There is a hard core faction of conservatives that are likely to NOT support him if he does not completely toe the party line. In most races, we are stuck with supporting pols who do cross one or more of our personal 'red lines' and we have to decide if that is still better than the Democrat. No easy answers, there ARE some legit RINOs that need to go. but once the primary is over I think we have to get on board, or face another 2022.
David Webb this morning (3/13/24) said, "If you don't win, you don't make policy. And then you're just complaining." I think Republicans had better understand that and get on board. That includes the RINOs who mistakenly think they'll have a seat at the Dem table, not just the GOP Conservatives who want to unseat them.
Well in this case, we already have enough generals, what we need is more soldiers. Has a couple of young hotshots who have worked on national campaigns but they are new to the area and don't know squat about the local electorate. I sit in on the weekly meetings but it's to the point where the candidate needs to stop talking and make some decisions. I get it, it's a minefield but need to know his stances before we start hitting the doors. I've knocked thousands of doors for various candidates in the last few years and see what messaging resonates, and think he needs to go with his good instincts, let the chips fall where they may, and not lean so much on 'the experts'.
Pray for them! Pray that God will speak to each of them individually and reveal his glory to them. (Same for all of us...hello again Willing and God bless you!)
I do pray for them. And the Christians among them pray for us. There are many Messianic Jews. Especially in Israel. You may have heard of the incredible Rabbi Johnathan Cahn.
Their witness work amongst their fellow Jews would probably be easier if some ‘Christians’ weren’t actively and vehemently denying their Biblical right to the Promise Land and making outlandish claims (in line with radical Marxists) that they are committing genocide. This after the slaughter of October 7!
And if some ‘Christian’s’ didn’t display such prejudice and obvious feelings of superiority, that would be helpful too.
And so far as converting them by showing what superior works the Christian Church has wrought in the world; don’t make me laugh.
Why would God the Father be more pleased with Christians than Jews?
Not a big Stew Peters fan here, but thank you Phil!
The first 7 mins is great & really all people need. A First Amendment lawsuit is abeggin…
To me tho’ it pretty much got into the weeds after that — discussions of ancestry groups & Noem’s Norsky origins only echo the problem by obliquely affirming the very idea of identity based on one’s racial origins ( Ok, sure - I enjoy my Norsky roots — helped form who I am but, like my immigrant grandparents who saw themselves as simply Americans, I let that origin enrich, not define, who I am.
The IHRA definition of “Antisemitism” states: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
Much of this is already law: destruction of property, physical assault, &c.
The problem in this current discussion is that nobody can or does really define with any consistency or historicity what “semitic”, “Jew,” and “Israel” refers to!: A race of people? A land? A political nation-state? Is “Jewish” An identity? A tradition? A culture? A religion? So…which religion? Torah? Talmud? Kabbalah? Gnostic? Theosophic? Godless? Any of these can be “Jewish”. Are they the same?
If it refers to a race, is “Jewish” the same as “Semitic”? And how do converts to or from “Judaism” now and over time fit in? Is a Jew of European descent a “Semite”? Is an atheist “Jew “the same as one of the myriad variety of religious observers?
Within any one of these exists varied beliefs, teachings, persuasions, practices and applications.
Listen carefully to what is spoken and we find that the various meanings of these words are spectacularly conflated and equivocated — with zero consistency even with the same word or combination within a same sentence. When all three come into play (Jew, Israel, Semite) in their various meanings & forms, we have what we see today: a manipulation of sentiment and political persuasion. And basketfuls of lies unwittingly carried by all kinds of well-intentioned (and not so well-intentioned) people. How we have romanticized reality into oblivion!
The State of Iz is not, nor should it be, a sacred cow —which to many, many Israelis and religious Jews there & in America, it most certainly is not. Even less so should its leaders, who since before Statehood have committed crimes against those they were positioned and expected to protect and respect. Promises broken. Two-faced. While we, the groomed and manipulated by a public face and our own ignorance, are led to collude. We should endeavor to call out the State of Israel fairly whenever it does wrong and to not be muted or muzzled by cries of “Antisemitism”. Open discussion must be possible. And it is obligatory for those who of us wish to do justly.
Unfortunately, many Christians’ Biblical, political & historical understanding has thoroughly been muddled by a novel exegetical teaching. This hits home to me as it has resulted in egregious ethical and moral transgressions all in the name of Christ — who, contrary to those teachings, told us to love our enemies and to pray blessings for them (especially the blessings of Christ).
So I pray for these benighted Christians, fervently. And for the peace of Jerusalem. …And if that, to anyone, means only a city in the State of Israel, Christians, you can find the truth in the Word of God, sans Scofield and Oxford adultery.
Amen! Well said Dick. The militaristic, pagan state of Israel is like a "third rail" that can't be touched... a sacred cow that all American politicians must bow to and kiss. Let me state it plainly for all: The political state of Israel is NOT the Israel of the Word of God.
You stated it plainly when you said that this erroneous view of Scripture has resulted in the American church supporting "egregious ethical and moral transgressions all in the name of Christ." The One Who has ascended and now sits on the throne at the right hand of God, Whose kingdom rules and reigns in history, will hold us accountable for maligning His name if we do not repent.
You need to be careful about what you so adamantly claim as the Truth.
You may not know all you think you know about God and the Jewish people.
If I ask ‘How many Jews live in your town?’ You can find out.
If I ask, ‘How many Hittites live in your town?’ We both know there are none.
And yet the Hittites were once a vast warmongering nation at a time when Jews were wandering tribes of God’s chosen people. Why do they still exist and why are they now back on the land God gave them?
I am not against Jews or the Jews. I am calling out the political state which calls itself Israel. That is a deception of Satan which was addressed by Jesus before he was crucified.
That is just my position. I respect the sincerity of your belief. I would only like to ask one question. When you say, "Salvation is From the Jews", from your understanding, please explain to me exactly what that means?
Of course you are opposing Jews. Israel is their God given homeland. Genesis 12:1-3 Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves.
It is the only refuge they have against a world that wants them all dead. Why do you feel it necessary to attack Israel? Isn’t it interesting to you that you are lining up perfectly with some of the most evil people in the world when you do so? You have some fine demonic beings with you in that camp.
You deny the legitimacy of modern day Israel. You apparently would have had another solution back in 1948 to the Jewish problem.
When Jesus came with signs and wonders, the Jews denied he was the Messiah. He didn’t fit their narrow minded expectations or personal plans.
You deny that God has resurrected the nation of Israel. It doesn’t fit your narrow minded expectations and personal plans.
What would your desired outcome be for the Jews of the world? Their continued existence is an issue. You are for it or you are against it.
I think you can very well work out for yourself why “Salvation is From the Jews.”
Would you show me where Jesus said a fake nation of Israel would appear two thousand years later and be sure to oppose it, because it’s from Satan?
I do know Isaiah wrote this; “ New King James Version
Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, She gave birth to her children. (Isaiah 66:8). This was the rebirth of Israel in 1948. A blind man can see it.
What religious leaders are you following that teach hatred of the Jews?
"When Jesus came with signs and wonders, the Jews denied he was the Messiah. He didn’t fit their narrow minded expectations or personal plans."
Exactly. And what did God say in the OT and Prophets concerning what would happen when Israel rejects the Messiah? And what did Jesus say in the Gospels about the religious establishment of Jerusalem? Why did God destroy both Jerusalem and His Temple in 70AD? Perhaps reviewing what God has said in both the OT and NT concerning the ending of the Old Covenant and the establishment of the New Covenant with the coming of the Messiah would be helpful.
(BTW, if the nation of "Israel" is the OT Israel, then where are the other 10 tribes? Just saying.)
As for your last question (which is really quite presumptuous), the answer is , None. The rest of your comments are a complete mischaracterization of my beliefs. I'm simply saying the 20th century political state called Israel is not the Israel of the OT. I don't view the people who live in that area any different than any other people of the human race. And I view their Gov't with the same skepticism with which I view ours.
But you nicely sidestepped the one reasonable question I asked, "When you say, Salvation is From the Jews, from your understanding, please explain to me exactly what that means?" If you don't have an answer, that's fine. I just wanted your understanding of this statement.
Amen and Amen. Thank you very much for your good thoughts — and for responding at all! …I do not expect my diatribe, though well-meant and honest, to be generally very well received.
To wrap it up, I’m reminded of this crude but rather apt meme from decades ago:
‘Jesus is back and is He pissed!’
May He turn the hearts of the many to Him and His Truth alone.
There was once a young scholar, head of his class, who knew that he knew the scriptures better than anyone else, except those who completely agreed with him.
He saw a massive threat to his beliefs and he set out to destroy, even kill those who professed this threatening faith.
His name was Saul of Taurus. He came to know he was wrong and guilty of the shedding of innocent blood.
Be very careful. God gave this land to Israel. There is a blessing and there is a curse connected to the treatment of Israel.
Genesis 12:1-3 Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves.
The apostle Paul says do not boast that for a time God is chastising Israel and that Christians have been grafted into that tree. He says God’s promises are irrevocable. He has not disowned Israel.
Read Romans 11. Section 11:1-10 says Israel’s rejection is not final.
Section 11:11-24 speaks of the salvation of the Gentiles and ends with this message for Gentiles; vs.22-24;
22“Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity towards those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you too will be cut off. 23 And even the others, if they do not persist in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again. 24 For if you have been cut from which is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree.
Vs. 25-36 say Israel will be saved. Vs. 25….a hardening has come upon part of Israel, until the full number of the Gentiles come in, and so all Israel will be saved; as it is written, the deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob”; 27 and this will be my covenant with them when I take away their sins.”
Vs 28 As regards the gospel they are enemies of God, for your sake; but as regards election they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. 29 For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable. 30 Just as you were once disobedient to God but now have received mercy because of their disobedience, 31 so they have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you they may also receive mercy. For God has consigned all men to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all.
Vs 33 (I hear angel wings and get chills every time) O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! 34 For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?”
35. Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?”
36 (angel’s wings and chills again) For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.
I ask myself, Why is Jesus Jewish? Why is his second coming prophesied to take place on the Mount of Olives.
Israel is a physical place that is very near and dear to the heart of God. Of this, I have no doubt.
I’m not sure what y’all are studying that has either turned you against Jews or is confirming prejudices you held already. Whatever it is, it sounds like it would have been on Hitler’s reading list. Beware the spirit of Haaman.
The U.S. sends money everywhere. Israel has been an ally. The Jewish people are absolutely among the smartest and most industrious in the world. I am no expert on international money exchanges, I doubt you are either. I have to question, why focus on Israel for your concern?
My recommendation is that you personally get an appointment with Jesus. Sit with Him and ask Him to reveal the heart of God in this matter.
WR, would you be able to explain the significance of this to you?
To clarify, my point in posting that dumb meme was not to say that He’s back (no, the 2nd coming will yet be), but to say that He would not be pleased by the sins committed by Christians in His name.
Your questions about how to define a Jew with regard to hate speech are good ones and I have asked similar ones with regard to defining any race. It’s such a nebulous thing. Makes it very difficult to enforce something when you can’t define who or what is involved. While I am appalled by the attacks on Jewish people, I do disagree with hate speech laws. Freedom of speech shouldn’t be regulated and honestly, I think it only makes things worse because it drives the speech underground and causes resentment. I believe it’s better for people to be able to be open about their feelings and views.
Our big job is to love God with all we are and our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus told us how to do this. While we render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, we paradoxically must call out the sin and unrighteousness our rendered money might facilitate — when we do see it — and speak the truth in love.
A present lie is that if we’re not backing Israel, then we support the egregious acts of Oct 8 and its perpetrators. And vice-versa. Neither is the way of Jesus and peace. There does exist a long chain of abuses, though, that must be seen and acknowledged, free from the taint of simplistic and error-driven thinking. For we Christians, it’s imperative that we follow Christ first and to prioritize expedient geopolitics, or our misperceptions about our fellow man, last.
To draw on another discussion topic here today, what are we teaching our children?
Interesting that so called "Progressives" never really say where exactly we're supposedly progressing to - best I can see is the end result is socialism or communism which certainly is not progress
Seriously. I do not understand the left's voters' fascination with the outdated and idiotic ideas under the Marxist umbrella. I understand the left's leaders' fascination with it since it amounts to: give me and my friends all the money and all the power and we'll divide things up evenly; then, we'll magically dissolve government once we've reached the state of perfect equality of outcome. What could possibly go wrong with such a "progressive" theory, lol? It's like something a child would come up with. How is it "progress" to demand equality of outcomes? It's all regressive, idiotic, backwards, immoral nonsense.
"About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter [the Declaration of Independence]. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers."
It's fascinating, right? Here we have with the US, these foundational documents, something that was pretty much never before done in human history. That upended the to-that-point typical beliefs, assumptions, and organization of society. That said government should serve the people and protect the God-given rights of the people as laid out in those documents. Government is not God. Government is not the chosen one and spokesperson for God. Government does not own the people. It does not own their property or their labor. It does not own their opinions, attitudes, or beliefs. It cannot tell them what happiness they should - or are required - to pursue. It's as "progressive" a doctrine as has ever been created, and yet, somehow those of us who advocate for these incredibly forward-thinking - even to this day - ideas are referred to as conservative. It's all backwards. I'm guessing that's intentional.
RL, yes, I was so impressed with it when I read it, which was in the free online Hillsdale College course, Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution. What a great course, and you don't have to do the quizzes if you don't want to. The lectures alone are incredibly valuable, but to get a more full understanding of the regressive "Progressives," it helps to do the readings.
It’s so much more wonderful to have 100 billionaires and millions living in tents. That’s so much more fair and just the way everything should be. That is the possible option imaginable for social organization and the very best way ever! (for someone who’s had their imagination beaten out of them in capitalist education camps). There is no other way!
Funny how a "philosophy" that is supposed to end up with equality for all ends up with a handful of extremely wealthy rulers and an entire populace of oppressed, impoverished, often starving and typically murdered people. And yet, somehow, the left has voters (mentally stuck in sophomore year of college) who can't see the con for what it is.
I don’t know the meaning of “left” anymore, language has been so corrupted in the last decade or so. I do trust my eyes and the conditions now compared to in other nations, and despair at what the US has become under what’s called “late stage capitalism.” I don’t care to label ideologies, just look at results of whatever this is.
Well, we're all despairing b/c we care about human life, but to be fair, it's not like it's demonstrably better anywhere else. Europe is broke and falling apart. They're also living off the US's wealth. Central and S. America and Africa have terrible living conditions. In some countries, you're lucky to get a cardboard box. Asia has stagnation and high living costs (with low home ownership) in the "rich" places and abject poverty in the poor places.
Here, we have far fewer people in poverty - and much higher rates of home ownership - than just about any of the regions I mentioned above. There is always a ton to improve. But, so far as I can see not many are much better off right now. I have heard Dubai has a good standard of living right now, but haven't been there myself.
As far as systems go, every time Marxism has been implemented the result has been the same: corruption, impoverishment, and mass deaths, usually genocide. I think the # is now something like 100M+ dead due to Marxism.
As far as I can tell pure "capitalism" has never actually been tried. All current day "capitalist" countries are bogged down, with large and powerful governments skimming money out of the system to manage the slew of "regulations" that they impose by virtue of their monopoly on the use of violence. In the US, e.g., we pay close to 70% of what we earn to the government, if you add up all that goes to the varying levels of gov't (not just federal income tax).
All systems suffer from an oligarch problem, which is a function of human nature, not of the systems themselves. Life is always going to be unfair b/c some people, regardless of system, are always going to find ways to game and abuse the system.
I’m not a Marxist. Pure socialism has never been tried either, people keep getting in the way of these utopian systems we design.
Corporations buy off politicians with accrued profits and write the regulations that afflict us, no safety inspections, planes falling out of the sky, trains falling off the tracks, bridges collapsing, poisoned food in the grocery store, dangerous products sold, scarce resources - all that money saved goes where, to the oligarchs, who seem to be a global pestilence affecting the lives of those who have no control. I’ll be damned if the ideology in your head or mine make a whit of difference in this. I ain’t gamin’ nothin. I missed the semester on How to Exploit Others and Get Ahead. Every now and then the pitchforks and torches come out, and it seems we’re about due.
"The ultimate project of modernity, I have come believe, is to replace nature with technology, and to rebuild the world in purely human shape, the better to fulfill the most ancient human dream: to become gods. What I call the Machine is the nexus of power, wealth, ideology and technology that has emerged to make this happen."
yes, by definition "Progressive" is advancing society away from individualism, family, religion, connection to land or ancestry, property ownership and capitalism; and steering toward full global communism dependency that receives all adherence, allegiance, conformity and compliance. One Mind, One State, One Party, One Ruler of it all. It's clearly discussed and spelled out that way...just a matter of the details and timing that's debated. It is demented and hateful, corrupting and controlling to the extreme. The best Communist Leader is the most ruthless.
These stories of our two tier justice system are so fun to read. It’s great that J6 participants languish in prison, with no one helping them, while Creepy Uncle Joe, scum bag Hunter, et al. blithely flaunt their freedom.
"If your system of government relies upon the sagacity and ethics of the leaders who run it to keep you safe and free, you are engaging in utopian thinking and you’re going to get the tyranny you deserve.
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Stephen Hawking
My evildoer sibling is buying his way out of an arrest. I don’t care about the unregistered firearms or the drugs. It’s the woman he held hostage in his house for sex that needs attention.
Small town near Cooperstown New York. I thought he’d finally be held accountable for a lifetime of crimes and abuse.
I’m so disgusted. When I reported a registered sex offender for getting kids off the school bus, this crew gang stalked me for years. I’d still do it again. I have an obligation.
Being gangstaked got me to repent from some new age stuff like reiki, I was looking for healing. A few months later, I met my integrative medicine doctor. God was waiting for me to repent and a bunch of longstanding prayers were answered!
a fiction of justice, an approximation only, judicial theater with actors, with plea deals that are baseless and non-factual but expedient and only feed the ravenous beast the more.
"In that sense, this case highlights a critical distinction between modern liberals and people free from mental illness." Rush always said that liberalism is a mental disorder. He had so many prescient observations on that. As we head further into this election year and the endless battles ahead, let that truth stoke and encourage us to keep fighting the good fight against it.
"Whatever you want to call it, socialism, liberalism, this is who they are. They corrupt everything. Folks, their targets are the institutions and traditions that have given the world its morality, its virtue. The institutions and traditions which have defined freedom and liberty. That's what the left attacks."
Mental illness is sooo close to the bullseye. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2).
I used to listen to Dr Savage and "The Savage Nation" when he was one of the top conservative commentators in the nation. (Remember "red diaper doper babies?") Borders, Language and Culture, boy did he have it right! Absolutely brilliant man. His books, including "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" are spot-on. Rush might have said liberalism is a mental "illness" vs. "disorder; " that might be simply a matter of semantics, so while I don't know who said what first, the idea is the same. Today's liberals are completely irrational haters whose ideas and behavior can only be explained by mental defect. Unfortunately the implementation of their ideas is destroying this nation.
More Rush wisdom: "Liberalism is a scourge. It destroys the human spirit. It destroys prosperity. It assigns sameness to everybody. And wherever I find it, I oppose it.” Learn it, love it, live it!
I listened to dr savage for years. He’s genius. And now I’m prepared to go one step further. These fuckers need to realize that we will overwhelm them them by force. Get ready, it’s coming.
Jeff, wishing you and your family a great vacation, however we enjoy this meatier post today. Tuesday's was, understandably, light.
How about RINO Buck's no-notice resignation!?! Follow the money to where he makes his post-Congress landing and we'll find out who paid him off, which didn't take much money I'm sure.
Had to take my bride to the doctor yesterday. No mask needed, no mention of covid, but still had to take her temp. My bride has multiple myeloma, so she doesn’t get around so good thee days. I told the new diversity hire that she was fine, and doesn’t have a fever. Nope. I had to bring her up to the desk so she could prove it. Wtf?
I think it’s at the very least, EXTREMELY irresponsible not to notify parents if their child is taking contraception. Especially for girls taking hormonal forms. These can have side effects and sometimes involve life threatening conditions like blood clots. If parents don’t know the child is on this medication, if there is an issue they might not realize what is going on and seek care until it’s too late 😕
And what exactly does it mean to “encourage family planning”? That is so vague that it could also mean encouraging abstinence couldn’t it? Waiting is a form of planning!
I thought the same thing about birth control pills. There are risks and side effects to them and they can be serious. Not to mention the risks of STI’s, which will also increase.
What good is information getting out if somebody who actually CAN do something about it, DOESN'T do anything about it?!!?!!! We are out here absorbing it all and watching our kids futures go down the drain !
* Dr. Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has widely stated that “gender-affirming care is medically necessary, safe, and effective for trans and non-binary youth”
* Nonprofit watchdog Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records of scientific evidence to support gender-affirming care
* In response to the FOIA, HHS gave only one document totaling two pages in length — a brochure posted on its website, titled, “Gender-Affirming Care and Young People”
* In a complaint obtained by The Daily Wire, PPT wrote to the HHS Inspector General, calling for an investigation into Levine’s statements — and whether they violate HHS’ scientific integrity policies
* Describing the FOIA submission as “essentially a piece of marketing material with cherry-picked data and agenda-driven assertions,” the complaint to HHS states, “This is the opposite of science and evidence-based policymaking …”
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder even for the insane! I didn't realize Levine and his wife Martha Peaslee were trained in pediatrics and psychiatry [Tulane Medical School- go figure]. Married in 1998, divorced in 2013. Wikipedia has Levine and Roberta Kaplan [E Jean Carroll attorney] together in 2005. He transition in 2011.
The moral of the story- avoid psychiatrists at all cost. Probably not a bad idea to avoid New Orleans as well.
Like an ole song playing over & over in my mind, I can’t get that image of Levine out of my head. Even worse than his attempt to look fetching as a woman. Thanks, Doc! 😵🤣
So how do “we the people” charge the public officials with crimes, and then convict and enforce punish,ent. Biden had no business as vp with that info, regardless his age, ineptitude, mental deterioration. He committed treason. Wtf do we have todo? Wtf do we have to do to prove the 2020 election was totally fraudulent? At what point do enough patriots get together and put a stop to it?
This is my question also. When the people (DOJ,FBI, Congress etc) who would be the ones to charge the oligarchs with crimes are just as guilty and corrupt and controlled by the oligarchs, how is justice served peacefully? And I don't like it when people say if we can just get Trump in there he will clean it up cause we all know thats BS.
There are still a few in PA [Leah Hoopes and Greg Stenstrom] and WI [Peter Bernegger and Sheriff Dar Leaf] who are fighting. Robin Vos [RINO in WI]is being recalled. Lawsuits against the people mentioned above are being dismissed cause the plaintiffs were caught lying.
Great question. What follows "when in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation"?
Lived next door to one of those MacA winners. She was a self-centered user of anyone she could use. Sucked up to anyone she thought could be useful to her, punched down at or ignored everyone else. A brazen law breaker running an home "non-profit" biz violating clear local zoning rules.
As a physician, I can tell you that there is no difference between oral contraceptives and any other pharmaceutical. They need to be prescribed after a responsible, physical examination and thorough discussion with the patient of the pros and cons
Indiscriminately give these things out is an aberration
Our society has lost all sanity
The other thing which should come as no surprise is that all of the hormones used in these contraceptives are synthetic analogues, which means that the body reacts with some degree of stress to them, since they are not exactly with the body is designed for. Big surprise, correct? Sounds like Pharma doing with Pharma does best, which is screwing with the body
Regarding Robert Peters' secret-selling CRIMES as revealed by Robert Hur, the double standard regarding mishandling of classified information is incredibly egregious. Any military member -- from the lowest enlisted troop to the highest General Officer -- who handles classified information knows that minor security violations (truly accidental in nature) sometimes happen. Deliberately ignoring and/or violating rules and regulations though is a different matter. Then the penalties can be and sometimes are quite severe or should be. Everyone who is given access to classified reads and signs an SF-312. They also swear that they understand their duties and responsibilities surrounding the receiving, handling, storing, and transmitting classified information and that oath is witnessed. The SF-312 also informs them that they can be prosecuted and fined up to $10,000 and confined for up to ten years for EACH violation under the National Security Act. Carelessness or ignorance of their responsibilities is not a reasonable excuse for violating the National Security Act.
That's what makes Hillary's crimes as Sec of State so heinous, and the FBI's "pass" on her prosecution so untenable, and now Biden's conduct (and the MSM defense of it) is just repeating the same pattern. Today there are indeed people in prison for doing far less than what Hillary and Biden most certainly did. When we are no longer a nation where all citizens are judged according to the same standard of law, the republic will crumble. But the "press" (left-wing/liberal) is complicit in this destruction by their outright ignoring the facts of the case.
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay each one according to his deeds.”
— Matthew 16:24-27 LSB
“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” - We see so much of this in today’s world. May we all fight together against forfeiting our souls. 💪
Do you mean to imply that Biden still has a soul to forfeit?
She's right. Soul sold long ago to a new owner, for consideration.
We mortals have no right to judge anyone--even crooked politicians. We can have opinions - Jesus saves unto the UTTERMOST any soul who will REPENT and turn from their crooked ways and invite Him to live in their souls. WHAT A WONDERFUL TRUTH!
Though at times it is difficult, as Christians we must pray for the souls of those who are lost .
Which is TRULY Christ's love IN ACTION.
It’s getting closer …..HE IS COMING
Let’s get this viral, April 8 24. National day of repentance
Thanks Jeff, nice update
Keep enjoying your vacation.
As the eclipse passes over 7 cities named Ninevah…
The more you know the more amazing is the grace and mercy of the Lord.
April 8 24= Nissan one
Check Mark Biltz videos about it, I heard that the time between the two American eclipses is 6years,6months, 6days…
I’m not sure of it, but I’m looking for that information.
But what I’m sure of it is that is the judgment of the nation
You adjust your sampling like Pfizer. As my father used to say, "Somewhere in the world it's noon."
Use Standard time, Daylight time, or sidereal time, I am sure you can make the connection. Adjust localities as needed.
For extra points, the QR code is the Mark of the Beast, see how it may fit the data.
Best, R
And one named Jonah.
It’s the same as the Lord commanded to Jonah, to go and preach repentance to Ninevah…….
And they did.
Is HIM that granted gracefully, NOT any human being….
But He will appointed a man to lead.
Some fact “chucker” said it’s actually only TWO towns with the name of Nineveh that are directly in the path of the eclipse…but who knew that we had ANY places named after it? Amazing.
No Babylon?
My weather app quick check came up w/ 4 with weather stations:
Nineveh, NY
Nineveh, IN
Nineveh, PA
Nineveh. TX
There might easily be several more small towns.
I did. There's one in my state and I've been through there.
Aha! I figured it out! Even though I am half asleep… 🙌🏻
Come quickly . . .
Lord Jesus (?)
Too many acronyms in this life, just say it. In this case often and loudly.
I must still be asleep because I wasn’t even going to attempt figuring it out! Thank you, Janice, for getting me up to speed. BTW, that would make a good personalized license plate, replacing WWJD!!
Yes it would!
My favourite was "WJV"- would Jesus vote for these people, or at all?
When I allow the evil and tyranny of our present age to "overcome" my spirit - I hear this Christian hymn in my mind. "Hie me to the Rock Who is higher than I"...don't you miss hearing these wonderful "full of Gospel truths" hymns being sung in our churches today? I do--especially now that I'm "older and wiser".
Thank you, Janice, for always sharing SCRIPTURE that the Holy Spirit lays on your heart and mind.
Nothing like those covidiots still in face diapers. They are all over my store. Are these people brain dead or what?
I am so glad I live in TX! Last weekend I went to the VA hospital to visit a friend who’d had surgery, and immediately inside the door there’s a big sign saying that masks are required in all VA facilities and I rolled my eyes but I took one, because I really wanted to see my friend and spend time with his wife, who was super stressed. I didn’t put it on, was hoping to make it to his floor before someone insisted, but.... once inside I saw that NO ONE was wearing a mask that wasn’t an employee. Hallelujah! This was true even in the SICU where my friend was. Saner times, thank you Jesus.
The world has woken up
It was a very short slumber in my part of Texas.
I live in the more conservative part of TX, near Fort Worth. This week we are visiting the San Antonio area and I've been shocked to see how many folks are wearing masks. In Costco, on the Riverwalk, just outside on a walk by themselves.... shows how the liberal mentality must be strong in SA!
I’m in the Houston suburbs and it’s conservative here, but downtown is 180 degrees different. Weird how the cities work.
I was in the Corpus area in last August and did not see more than a handful of Texans wearing masks. Coming from the People's Republic of Maryland, it was a welcome sight! Here, there are still more than a handful of people wearing masks in stores, while driving, and even while riding a bike. Nutcases!
I live outside SA city limits and there are still too many wearing face diapers, but the further away from the city the better it gets. SA mayor and Dem council members have ruined SA. I haven’t worn one for / years and only then at doctor’s office. I refused to wear a mask as much as possible and wherever possible.
here on UT Arlington campus I'm seeing a few walking the sidewalk alone masked. socialists indoctrinated for life to be self delusional fools.
Berkeley CA retail outlets are ~ 20% masked still. Yesterday at the original Peet's coffee at Walnut and Vine, 2/3 of the staff was masked. Young people, the baristas, masked up and ready to brew. It’s so friggin sad!
I see more young people wearing a mask, rather than older people.
My 16 year old said back in 2020 and 2021 that many of her friends WANTED to wear the masks because they didn't like the way they looked - crooked teeth, breakouts - a way to hide from real/perceived judgment. Sad.
I liked wearing a mask because I could leave my dentures out. Once I stopped wearing it I still left it out. I have so much nerve damage in my bottom gums it is damn uncomfortable. No one seems to care.
Sorry Sam...
You go Sam!
I always think of BANDITS when I see people masking - FCOL, the only reason doctors and nurses wear masks is because they want to keep bodily fluids from patients erupting into their "facial orifices". MASKS DON'T PROHIBIT VIRUSES OR ANY OTHER MICROSCOPIOC 'CRITTER' FROM ENTERING YOUR SYSTEM.
I always got a kick out of the guy at work who (on purpose, to somewhat rebel) wore a bandanna instead of a mask, bandit-style:)
I did the bandana thing too. Back in the day all the stores thought it was fine. I felt like a robber, but hey, they asked for it!
Now that's a political theater statement I can "dig"--LOL!
Haha, right? My college aged son wore a bandana while working at the local grocery store back in 2020. But we're in Texas so wearing bandanas was somewhat acceptable, lol!
Yes I heard that about adolescents too 😕
Very sad.
And for some reason, blacks, which I find incongruous. As a group, they took less jabs, so why are they masking up?
Probably don't want to be shedded on by the jabbed.
Masks won’t stop shedding for the same reasons they don’t stop any viruses.
maybe because they will appear 'safer' to people who are reflexively wary or afraid of them because they're black.
Seems unlikely. Consider that Asians mask up more than any other group, and they are much less prone to violence against others.
The Asian masking was once explained to me as a common daily defense to airborne particulates.. open burning of Coal, trash, etc. That and I'm sure once you've been sneezed upon a few times it's like...okay masking beats moisture and mucus on my face.
It seems that many DID take the jabs because people they trusted pushed them and insisted they were safe.
The blacks probably haven't forgotten about the 40 year Tuskagee syphilis study. And they shouldn't.
Also the history with slavery and forced masking 😕
It is! It is totally tragic, and imagining their recovery is getting harder and harder.
There seems to be no cure for these maroons.
yes, they are dead in a way. I see dead people daily, walking around like they're safe or something
I see it the same, Sharon. Like walking dead ... minds captured. Their humanity locked up. This is why 'they' want to control information from day one of birth.
No one, for example, would consent to a birth 'certificate' if there were a informed consent consent at what happens with that certificate.
I'm there. kb, I argued with my grandkids when the "zombie " movies started coming out about the reality if human zombies.
that was before fentanyl.
but lots of folks who don't use are walking around already dead now.
they just haven't stopped moving yet
I was traveling from Texas to Florida last week. Two of the reddest of the red states, and out of the thousands of people encountered in airports and planes, I saw only about 15-20 max wearing masks. Each time I saw one I wondered what weakness of mind or mental illness that person had acquired. It’s sad. I sat next to a woman and her grandson on the plane and they didn’t have one on through the crowded boarding process, but she told her grandson to put his on after they were seated on the plane. Ignorance or insanity on display! They at least wore them under their nose so they could breathe! 😂😂
FAITH OVER FEAR! My wife and I live in AZ having moved from Oregon(3rd world) a year a go. She wears her Faith over Fear shirt when we go out and she gets compliments all the time. There are still some virtual signal folks that wear face diapers here. We pray for them every day.
I need one of those tee shirts! Faith over Fear - love it! I so wanted to ask our church friends when they were wearing masks or rushing to get vaxed - where is your faith? Putting your faith in an ill-fitting flimsy rag of blue stop germs and protect yourself or others - isn't that the same as having a false god? A belief in something to protect you, other than God Almighty?
I have a WONDERFUL tee I bought off the Merch Store on J. P. Sears' website - it has a huge lion sitting on a platform and underneath are the words, "FEAR IS NOT A VIRTUE" 'nough said!!
Love that!!
I wear that one proudly as well as the other one I bought from J. P.'s merch store, "STOP THE THOUGHT POLICE' with the "crossed out circle" verboten image above the words--both are very effective "statements" to make while "out and about"
Sorry to have lost a good family DS, but I fully understand. If/when my kids with my grandkids decide to move I'll stay put. It gives me a part time job of fighting against DEI and for election integrity. Never a dull moment in Oregon on those two topics!
I think the same thing when I see masked people now…wonder what kind of horrible illness they have, if they have mental illness issues or just high anxiety.
Probably "BOTH", Valerie.
How ludicrous - oh well..."stupid is as stupid does" - (Forrest's quip was quite brilliant)!!
In my little blue corner of MO, there is a family that goes to our church, don't know them but the mom and 2 pre-teenish aged girls are masked up every week, as are a couple of elderly couples. See one here and there at the grocery store and such but seems like it's pretty well faded out here. Took my mom to the doc last week for what turned out to be bronchitis, and she was going to wear a mask in the waiting room as she was coughing, and they said they were out of them. Just as well, told her she didn't need to be breathing those plastic fibers anyway, she can just cover her mouth with her sleeve.
Yes, from too much mask wearing. The masks facilitated the loss of the few brain cells they had left.
Yes, they are.
Into the 5th year of covid theatre & they’re still wearing face muzzles. Totally bizarre.
You just can't be too safe.
Face muzzles! Good one!
Terrified. Manipulated by monsters.
Masks serve two useful purposes:
1. They clearly identify hypochondriacs. No need for expensive Psychological assessments.
2. They clearly identify people who have a strange need to be led by authoritarian governments. These people are the opposite of ungovernable.
The Venn Diagram covering these two modes--I would guess--overlaps a fair amount.
Permanently dumb and scared sheep. Nervous Nellie prey animals. I try to have pity for them as a fellow human but usually find myself just saying silently, "R.I.P. far too soon for you!," as I give them the biggest sincere smile I can do as I hope they fully engage their brains soon.
On average I notice abut 30% of humans are perpetual prey animals; 30% are sheepdogs, warriors, and a few of them are predators; and the remaining 40% will go either way depending on which 30% side looks strongest.
I'm still stuck in Commiefornia, unfortunately. We're addicted to the nice weather and redwood trees. That means we still have to see masked-up idiots both inside their electric cars with the windows rolled up and walking the streets on sunny afternoons. It's exhausting having to deal with the conflicting emotions of pity for their weak minds and hatred for their feeding the madness and knowing these would be the dorks recommending that I be hung before a firing squad for resisting being experimented upon by madmen 2 years ago -- oops, I mean for insisting on staying in the control group.
Doug, I get it. I have visited that area in the distant past and love the same as you. It's so beautiful up the coast.
Best to you.
Later Jay
Thanks, Jay. I take it you're down south of here? I moved here from SoCal 36 years ago and never looked back. I just wish it wasn't a haven for libtards, many of whom are friends - I just avoid talking politics with them if possible.
I always wonder the same thing! What is wrong with these people, I wonder? I walked into Hobby Lobby in Florida today and was an older couple all snot pouched up. I then went to Walgreens to pick up something and the whole pharmacy was snot ragged up and the pharmacist had on a snot rag AND a face shield! And in between the registers at the pharmacy they had up some sort of little walls to separate people!
All I thought was ok. Here we go. The regime is gonna tell us what next plandemic is coming. The big stores must’ve already gotten the memo. 🙄
We refuse to spend one penny at Walgreens or CVS, because back in 2020 they both refused to fill scripts from licensed physicians for hydroxy. "Not approved treatment ptotocol", doctor be damned.
I agree and normally I don’t go in either of those places. What I saw was added confirmation. Not that I needed any.
We found a locally owned independent compounding pharmacy, which now gets all our business.
That is a great option! I know of one I have used. But it’s 45 min away from me. Not always able to make that drive depending on circumstances. I will say I HATE Walgreens and all of the others. HATE isn’t a strong enough word either. And the shameful display I saw today verified that (as if I needed reassurance 🙄).
Snot pouch. So apt!! …and hilarious!
I have the same reaction! They are completely ridiculous!
Yes, they are brain dead
By now probably yes due to breathing their own toxic CO2 for far too long
Did somebody repeal the First Amendment???
Kristi Noem just signed into law a bill that criminalizes speech in SD and says this law will be a model for the whole nation. That should scare everyone. And supposedly, she is a Republican! Stew Peters says it like it is and probably offends everyone. 24 minutes.......
Kristi Noem DESTROYS Free Speech: South Dakota Governor Bows To Jewish Power
Scottish government’s Hate Crime Bill comes into effect next month; Orwell’s totalitarian nightmare has arrived
For three years, Scotland’s ‘Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill’ has been lurking in the shadows. It is now going to come into effect from 1 April meaning that “misogyny” and “stirring up hatred” will be recorded as a criminal offence.
“It has taken 40 years longer than Orwell predicted,” the Scottish Daily Express wrote, “but we have finally arrived in the totalitarian nightmare that he feared.”
The only thing standing between us and 1984!is 2A.
And the Bible, with one in each hand both of which we need in our lives.
Which version, Phil?
My personal preference, the one I've used the most, is the New King James Version or, alternatively, the 21st Century King James Version. But I also have a copy of the 1599 Geneva Bible for use.
I use Bible Time in computer use with the Geneva Bible and I put the Geneva and the Matthew Henry notes on the side.
And by the way, your link to the Dr. Anna Mihalcea video was excellent. That is where the spot light should be. And I have to think and in a big way that our attention is being diverted away from the real crime of C19 Terrorism (Synthetic Biology and Transhumanist Transformation) by a sole focus on symptomatic adverse reactions.
Dr. Anna is right to say what is in the shots (also the air, the food, etc.) could be the extinction of organic Man, replacing such Man by a hybrid species and/or machines. But sad to say, this may be too much for the cattle to take in. But who knows, happy surprises and reversals spring eternal.
Civil disobedience stands between us and 1984 even better than 2A. Get 10,000 Scots to "stir up hatred" with misogynistic words, homophobic words, racist words, Islamophobic words, transphobic words. 10,000...100,000...1,000,000 Scots flood Scotland with words that stir up hate. Directed at those who would have them arrested and fined for words.
Overwhelm their system to render it inoperable. That would stand between us and 1984 much more effectively than 2A.
One needn't even agree with the use or sentiment of a word to use it and direct it at another. Think of offensive words like George Carlin and countless other comedians of years gone by who used offensive words to make the same point: Freedom of speech includes the freedom to offend. Use it or lose it. Obedience and compliance is the surest path to 1984.
I agree with your sediments, but in America everytime someone stands up to the big guy they die, go to jail, get sensored etc. in a perfect world I’d love to see civil disobedience, oh wait, we have from the left and nothing happens. We are the side of law and order, plus FOX news and trump shows us what happens. I hear what you’re saying, but noway do Americans do anything while they have football, porn and Hollywood.
This is because there are still far too many sheep who are far too comfortable in their pathetic shallow lives. Life is still to good, too easy. We do not have critical mass, and so long as the most important thing in these coward's lives is their phones, that will not change. Courage is the first and most important attribute of a stoic. My beloved John Wayne former boss said 30 years ago "We have become a nation of pussies". 'Nuff said.
Lmao. Funny not funny. We def are and it’s just getting worse. And even worse I don’t have a solution. It’s easy to complain and thank GOD for all those willing to stand up to all the shit going on!!!
Ya imagine the whistle blowing Boeing employee who was suicided this week.
Exactly what I thought. And then we have Biden speech. Either way, death stalks in America in search of truth to kill.
You think it was a suicide for speaking his mind??? (Sarcasm)
Oh oops, that was supposed to have a 'd' on the end. I will make that edit. My phone must have disagreed.
And the Romans fed Christians to the Lions.
To reclaim freedom young men landed on beaches facing a hail of lead that cut them down and turned the tide red.
"Land of the free, home of the brave." Can't have the former without the latter.
The persecutions are meant to intimidate. They are effective. But we must want freedom more. And have faith in the Almighty that we are serving him, his laws, above the laws of wicked, fallen men.
I'm in no hurry to become a meal for lions. We do have to be smart, cunning, adaptive to the real threats we face. But reliance on 2A to solve our problems isn't going anywhere. If you think we'll inspire more allies to join us in exercising our 2A rights than we'll be able to inspire exercising our 1A rights I don't think you've fully assessed the football, porn and Hollywood majority as you describe.
I’m on the same side as you, you just have more faith in your fellow mankind. And what allies are going to come help us??? My dad husband and kids are all military so I’ve seen what it’s become. Who’s gonna protect you? And are YOU doing what you claim will fix America? I know I’m exercising my 2A rights, which is the only thing the govt hasn’t taken from us. I think we can cordially agree to disagree.
It comes down to this, that there are some things worse than death. And that Liberty sometimes has a price to be paid.
Most people don't want to pay that price. And so they walk around dead and on their knees.
Completely agree and very much my point! Hubby and I were debating who would win, the Middle East jihads or the Mexican cartel?
You are right. The unalienable rights inhere within us. This means that we either demand the free and uninhibited use thereof, or they go dormant. But even so, they never lapse, disappear.
Passive civil disobedience! Do not comply! This is how we win.
Yes this is merely repackaging of speech crimes against The King and His Church...the Commies actually were envious of Royalty and decrees and the unquestioned infallibility of that system even as they sought to destroy it with socialist-democracy as a first step and then supplant it with their own Revolution and Party Rule. Enforced Equality by the Superiorists will keep the population down and at worst have them at one-another's throats as the Party dispenses punishments and favors with impunity.
The Commies are actually a creation of the Royalty. As are the Fascists. Both are governing models that elevate a central, core of elite minders of society to control the masses. Oligarchy, technocracy, monarchy, all authoritarian systems. These are shape-shifters, who will embrace any governing model that keeps them atop society and in control of those they consider inferior. It's not a coincidence that most all of them are eugenicists. Believing they are cut from a finer cloth of man, their blood more pure than all others.
Did you know that the Windsor bloodline atop the UK (an assumed family name, they're really German royalty Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) had become so inbred that they feared becoming disfigured freak show acts if Charles had children with Camilla? His ears, nose and overall facial features were so alarming they had him breed with a far enough removed bloodline Diana. They knew of the Habsburg Jaw and how inbreeding produces deformities.
They want pure bloodlines, eugenics and all, but not the freakish deformities that come with it. They want to rule without being mocked. Which is why we must mock them anyways. And speak against The King and His Church. Including the Commies, Fascists, oligarchs and technocrats who serve him. They have weak jaws. That cannot take a punch. So we punch away.
The Global Sovereigns at the Apex Unburdened by a Sovereign GOD, as ALL Royalist Systems; Japan, China, Europe, Pre-Col. America, etc declared themselves some manner of deity; semi-divine, gods, or God-chosen but under authority themselves and not approvingly allowed to savage and brutalize their own subjects. With Neo-Royalism asserting deviance from a higher moral authority and either seating themselves at the pinnacle, or in debased adherence just below the Adversary to The Creator, they can then treat human subjects as livestock and slaves, a resource to be ill-treated for whatever purpose is desired and no remedy for the victim(s). Yes, the sickest most EVIL form of "governance" for mankind.
Great comment!!
I especially agree about the monarchy morphing into other authoritarian forms of government because they think their are superior and will use any means to keep control. I think that’s spot on.
The only disclaimers may be the results of Great (Reset) War; Romanovs perished, the Kaiser fled Germany, the Hapsburgs evaporated, the Ottoman rulers were booted, King Emmanuel well he got to stick around and see how to make the trains run on time. Maybe the infighting in "the Family" was just an inevitable squabble about empires and attitudes and some won and others lost in the feuding. America was forced and made into an Empire and Global power by these same forces; traditionally content only to be a Regional Power until 1898 then a calm of sorts til 1917-19, then the complete whacked out Empire on a tear by 1944 with full U.N. implementation and DeepState Globalism at the helm.
I understand what you are saying.
Actually, the 2nd amendment gives us nothing if the right is understood to be an unalienable right, which inheres within us and cannot be sold or transfered (unalienable in the law dictionary). The rulers can only suppress and/or defraud us out of unalienable Rights. They have in fact done this, defrauded us by a clever strategem of bait and switch. They have substituted civil rights law in place of unalienable Rights. And thereby pulled the wool over our eyes. And this is only one such thing which they have defrauded us out of.
We are not following the constitutions. We are following United States Code.
And therein lies the problem!
A simple reading of the Bill of Rights reveals that the amendments are nothing more than restrictions and prohibitions upon the Federal Gov't not to infringe upon the rights that all men are created with (as was stated in the Declaration of Independence). As Dave has pointed out, the US Constitution has been side-lined and bypassed and is no longer of any effect. We are no longer a constitutional republic. The US is a corporation governed by the United States Code (USC) and we are taxed by the international banking cartel via the Federal Reserve system that is owned, not by the USG, but by the banking cartel. This is where our taxes go because it is the banking cartel via the Fed Reserve that funds the entirety of the United States Government Empire overseas and domestically. We are slaves to this system and as slaves more than half of our productivity is taken from us in taxes. When you add in the invisible "inflation tax", that figure is much more than 50%.
To get back to the Constitution and reconstitute the Republic we would have to negate the entirety of the USC and defund 80% of the USG including the military. What Congressional representative is going to advocate that? Nearly everything the Federal Gov't does is a violation of the Constitution. Anytime the USG wants to do something, some nameless bureaucrat writes a new "law" which is added to the USC. The USC is the law of the land , not the Constitution. As Youry Roshka said, "One of the reasons for the overwhelming success of our enemies is that we continue to operate under conditions of world tyranny and state terrorism with our outdated liberal democratic frame of reference... But this effort of awakening (to the globalists' Great Reset) must find its immediate continuation in the Great Uprising. Anything else would be a sterile intellectual exercise..."
We are in a war that is progressively subjugating us because we have abandoned God and the righteousness of His Law and if we are to regain the humanity in which we were created, there will have to be a Great Divide that separates us from the Marxist totalitarianism of the globalists. But we will never accomplish this if we do not understand the realities of the battlefield upon which this war is being fought and that first requires repentance and a return to the righteousness of God's eternal Law.
So the unalienable Rights of Liberty requires Higher Law (God's Law) ... but also, a Highest Jurisdicition which cannot be invaded by the civil magistrate. So any other 'rights' other than absolute unalienable rights are 'permissions' just as the old American Law dictionaries say.
The 'churches' don't know any of this and so they cannot teach it. Because of this, we get 'democracy' instead. And 'democracy' is a code word for 'theft'. And the the 'Civil Rights Movement' was really 'The Enslavement Rights Movement.' And 'civil rights' are simply what Simple Simon the State says they are. And MLK simply dug the hole deeper as 'civil rights' morphed into 'you can do anything you want rights' including cutting off a little boy's penis or making little girls into make believe boys or sex trafficked sex kittens. And then there's the crown jewel of Queer-dom ... Drag Queen Story Hour. Cannibalism and Bugs are right around the corner.
People cannot do that of which they have no consciousness, and so people also get MAGA instead of God's gift of Liberty. While MAGA may be better than Pedo Pete's administration of insurrectional chaos, it is still not the real deal which made America great. And incidentally exceptional, rule of law under God's Higher Law. So where does that leave us? As Forrest Gump says, "Stupid is what stupid does."
Right there you just laid out the premise for theocracy and it makes perfect sense to me. The missing piece is the "Highest Jurisdiction". The Ten Commandments is the model. Moses acted as the Highest Jurisdiction. Just implying this highest jurisdiction in the Declaration of Independence was not enough. But instead of stating this in the Constitution, the country adopted a "separation of church and state" concept. Inalienable rights were quickly forgotten.
And Canada has a “hate” bill saying people convicted of “hate” can be jailed FOR LIFE.
Stalin would be proud of these villains.
Hard to imagine anyone controling the speech of a Scot 😏
I was surprised when the Aussies put up little resistance when their government
went full Totalitarian on them. They just laid down, and stayed home.
I've just been in Scotland learning their history for the past 10 days and I think they can't fathom standing up to the government any longer. Their history is that they always lose to England and so why fight is I think what transpired as I've pondered their acceptance of surveillance literally everywhere. After the last great battle, England took their bagpipes, their language, their land, their clans, their tartans, turned families against each other, the list goes on. It is a travesty.
Omg, i liked Noem a lot too before this. Such nonsense with these hate crimes; it is straight up thought crime from 1984.
And Brian Mast in his IDF uniform in OUR congress?! I have a basic dress code rule at my retail coffee shop that says when on shift you may not wear clothing promoting competing shops. Duh! Who does he think he’s representing?!
Both parties are not to be trusted! Good luck to U.S.
DeSantis went to Israel to sign away Florida's 1st amendment. Libs are still saying that republicans are taking money from Putin, but they have no problem with both parties taking money from Israel. You cannot get elected at any level unless you swear fealty to Israel and if you go against them you find yourself facing a candidate supported by Israel.
Israel flies members of Congress to Israel every year. We’ve put up with this for far too long. People don’t even object.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin calls it the 'third rail of politics,' as in...don't expose Israel's influence if you want to be successful.
!srael Firsters ought to leave the U.S. and live in their favorite country since they like it so much.
I think that would be the best place to go for all these people who hate America. The diversity would be just as good for them as it is for all western nations. (sarcasm, lol)
Stomping on the 1st Amendment to schill for VP spot.
Nikki Haley: Out
Kristi Noem: In
@KristiNoem Mar 12, 2024
I have always been proud to stand with the State of Israel and support the Jewish people.
This important bill will ensure their continued safety and security here in South Dakota.
(South Dakota governor signs law requiring use of IHRA antisemitism definition, which is anti-White and anti-Christian)
And she didn’t close during Covid. They must’ve gotten something on her since than!
South Dakota remained open (except for schools for two weeks) because the South Dakota Legislature "reminded" little Miss Kristi that she had no lawful authority to close anything. If it weren't for the SD Legislature, little Miss Kristi could count herself among the other 49 doofuses and lawbreakers who helped wreck the country -- along with the vast, vast majority of "Americans" whose cowardice and/or obsequiousness aided and abetted.
And now this BS? She has now removed all doubt about who and what she 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 is.
Everytime I see her I just think doctored. Her face is plastic🤮🤮🤮
Exactly! She’s made a fool of herself in policy and appearance. Anyone who looks that fake - is a fake - inside and out!
So true!!!!!
Check out the before and after of Kristi Noem.
"Kristi Noem went from a wholesome PTA mom to a wannabe Instagram thot in like 5 years. "
Ugh. What a shame!!!! She needs more Jesus and less jabs!
She looked great when she was naturally pretty. Now with her too-long extensions, filler and Botox she looks fake, self absorbed and ridiculous.
I know! I find her harder and harder to look at. She looks ridiculous.
Yeah I don’t mean to be so shallow but it seriously offends my female eyes!!!!
You’re not shallow. She looked friendly before getting elected. I also have a hard time looking at her. There’s something about her that disturbs me.
“False messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24).
Stop already with the "little Miss Kristi" technique. Reminds me of a brain-dead commenter on American Thinker who always refers to DeSantis as "Little Ron DeSantis". If you have something substantive, fine. The name-calling, especially of a fellow conservative, is extremely offensive. Do you have a link quoting her bemoaning her inability to shut down? Now that, I would be very interested in.
I live here and did already when 2020 rolled around. The legislature received an order to sign declaring emergency powers for the DOH, like everywhere else. There were something like 21 representatives that refused and fought it tooth and nail. Plus no way would the locals, at least west river, accept that. We successfully shut down mask mandates on this side. Eastern SD has quite a few colleges and resembles more of a light weight liberal metro area but spread out so with more variability in pockets. What happened next was very concerning. All but 1 survived a primary challenge, which was attributed, in part to her. The surviving sole legislature is also West River and I attended meetings in which she was present. They claimed that she supported, including financially, those primary opponents. The pro liberty crowd has a dim view of her here from the get go. I didn’t want to accept it given how she went at the media. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, kind of deal. Given subsequent steps, up to and especially her recent approval of private companies using eminent domain to take private property so they can build their carbon capture pipelines (recently passed thru the legislature and will be signed by her any day now), I consider her to be thoroughly incompatible with my values.
Thank you for providing some "meat" instead of ad hominem attacks. Much appreciated.
Thank you very much for these additional details, Dorothy, especially given that you live there. Appreciate it very much and I hear ya!
Thanks for the local viewpoint! Always appreciate that!
Haha! Oh, dear..."offensive." Oughta be a law, I say!
Oh. Wait...
As for using that epithet, interestingly, it's the first time I've done so. Secondly, you might just be reading the wrong newsletter if name calling -- especially against liberty-destroying, Constitution-violating "conservative" nitwits -- offends you.
I have to agree that mocking people and making fun of them does not give you any points.
It just makes you look like a scornful person to avoid.
Funny names help describe their bad behavior. Hiden Biden, Pocahontas, etc.
Nothing upsets a progressive more than mocking them. I know many conservatives don't like it, but it's a weapon and we're in a war of words and perceptions.
You will love this re her new smile.
She’s looking more and more like Morticia from the Adams family!
Still pretty hot.
If she didn’t she would face a candidate supported by Israel’s millions. Not sure if she’s up for reelection and if not then why do this?
She always bowels to the progressives, unless she is forced through much media and outcries from her constituents to do the right thing and example is when she wouldn’t sign the bill to keep men out of women’s locker rooms
If ANYONE finds a politician with a backbone, please let me know. My Gov DeSantis is also saying the "right things" and is without a backbone as far as I can tell.
Seems to be a lot of controlled opposition here. DeSantis has only done EVERYTHING right, at least almost. Instead of a lot of bluster, he takes on the wokesters and wins. He appointed Ladapo, while Trump (who I support, nobody's perfect) stuck with Fauci and Birx, instead of going with Scott Atlas's advice. Give me a break. DeSantis has been a rockstar to COVID contrarians, and the anti-woke.
"Controlled opposition"? Them is fightin' words. Don't think I've ever been called that before. I'll have to add it to my Merit Badge sash.
"Everything right" - Hmmm, what would be the right thing? How about using the authority of his office - which we elected him to - to protect the citizens of this state by BANNING THE BIO-WEAPON? What? He hasn't done that? Now why would that be? Well, has he at least ordered his Surgeon General and law enforcement to perform a forensic analysis of the contents of the bio-weapon? No? Why not?
Well, gee whiz, what has he done? Well, he was one of the first to end the lockdown. Notice I didn't say he refused to lockdown the economy like Gov Noem. But he did end it... as soon as it was politically safe to do so. He told woke Disney off and got their special tax exemption removed earning him LOTS of political points with the conservative electorate at very little risk. He got legislation passed penalizing anyone mandating the "vaccine".... but only after it was politically safe and the mandates had accomplished their purpose. BTW, he still does not call the shot a bio-weapon and supports the "vaccine" description.
Why is the bio-weapon still being ALLOWED to be administered to children in the state of Florida? When DeSantis actually uses the authority that is invested in him as Governor to protect the citizens of FL from this murderous bio-weapon genocide, THEN I will consider that he has finally acquired a backbone.
DeSantis appears to be making rock-solid policy by working through the legislature, which is a lot more durable than executive orders that can be reversed by the next executive with a pen.
Yes, an Executive Order should be followed up by proper legislation either codifying the action or revoking it. But when people are being slaughtered without hindrance then the state Governor has the duty to protect the innocent.
Thanks for the reply, it does seem you are on the right side. There are fifth-columnists among us, sowing disruption and tearing us apart. Attacking the governor who's done more for my side than any other seems extremely counter-productive, which is exactly what fifth-columnists would do. I see your points, mostly I disagree, not on your veracity, but on what it means. I think you're holding him to an impossible standard. We have 50 governors, around half Republicans. None have done a better job of challenging wokeness and COVIDiocy than DeSantis. He has to play smart politics or he will fail. You're lucky not to live in Indiana. Our Republican governor is a midget compared to yours, and that's putting it mildly. One of my peeves is how many criticize DeSantis for things that pale in comparison to Trumps epic COVID fail, but strangely idolize Trump, saying he's learned his lesson, will drain the swamp this time, and seek accountability for the COVID response travesty. He won't, most likely. Applying the same standards, DeSantis smokes Trump. He's not as compelling a speaker though.
Steel...Phil isn't CO, he's a long time vet here at C&C and regular commenter. You're correct, though...there are subversive agents here and have been for a while. They don't make much headway with this group, but they're here.
I am in Indiana too and agree about our RINO weak sauce governor. Looking forward to getting someone new, and hopefully much much better, in soon!
I have also said that those who criticize DeSantis don’t seem to realize that as imperfect as he may have been, how much better he was than pretty much any of the other governors, whether R or D. My family travels back and forth from Indiana to Florida regularly and the contrast during 2020 and 2021 was stark. Even between our Republican states.
To be clear, if anyone asked me, I would say vote for DeSantis for Gov and vote for Trump for POTUS. But all politicians have feet of clay that must be held to the fire. There is a truism that goes something like this: Money talks and (then) Bullshit walks.
We have limited choices in who we get to support and we must do our best to pick the best one. I appreciate the fact that DeSantis is certainly better than the alternative. But I will tell him to his face that he has failed in his duty to protect the innocent lives in his state that are being killed by a bio-weapon that he could have banned by Executive Order pending a forensic analysis. There is no excuse for not putting his office on the line in their defense.
Amen! I am extremely grateful that DeSantis is our governor.
Politician…backbone? Oxymoron as far as I can tell. As someone beautifully said yesterday, these stewards of the constitution daily and nightly sit, walk or limo through the dark DC jungle of child prostitution, broken souls, graft, corruption and every kind of depravity — in their in their own offices, streets and gatherings AND THEY DO NOTHING TO STOP IT.
…tells us all we need to know.
Hear O Nineveh!!!
And that pretty much sums up my whole complaint! At this point I think even Nineveh would judge us.
Thomas Massie (Rep-KY) is one of the best, but he's one of "The Coward 20" who voted with Democrats to protect Adam Schiff from censure & fines.
Bowels? Freudian slip? 😉
I saw her defend that position on Tucker's Fox show a few years ago. Everything she said made perfect sense, that it was a trial lawyer's dream, and she wanted a law that accomplished the same thing without costing her state, which she has a responsibility to look out for, tons of cash defending inevitable lawsuits. And, she DID get such a law, and signed it. Tucker is my favorite public figure, he's great. This is the ONE TIME he came off as unhinged, he NEVER addressed her concerns, but like a brain-dead idealogue, just kept attacking her with superficial sound bites. I'll never forget it. Tucker always seems to see the forest beyond the trees, it was weird to see him the opposite. Maybe Noem isn't who I think she is, my mind's open. So far I just see orchestrated attacks to discredit her without any substance. Like what happened to DeSantis. If she wants to enhance her appearance, that's nowhere close to a disqualifier. I've had teeth fixed, and age spots frozen off my face. Which is fine whether anyone else thinks so or not. What's really going on here?
Sigh, Well the way I see it, we are still faced with electing HUMANS. The minute someone fails the ideological purity test, there are those waiting in the wings to pounce/denounce them. Politics is an ugly game and no one is going to make every decision like we want them to, as they are not us, I have a friend running for Congress against a long time D who has won every re-election in the last decade by 12+ points. He is guaranteed to LOSE just like his predecessors have if he runs as a full on Trump conservative. I am just a fly on the wall in strategy meetings, ground game is my thing. But lots of battles on what hills he is willing to die on vs those he needs to moderate his position at the risk of alienating his base. There is a hard core faction of conservatives that are likely to NOT support him if he does not completely toe the party line. In most races, we are stuck with supporting pols who do cross one or more of our personal 'red lines' and we have to decide if that is still better than the Democrat. No easy answers, there ARE some legit RINOs that need to go. but once the primary is over I think we have to get on board, or face another 2022.
Great comment, as always, Donna!! 👏👏👏
Donna is wise!
Thanks, volunteered on lots and lots of campaigns over the years. Seen every which way things can go off the rails.
Thanks. Just really tired of the infighting in our party and hope we can all come together in November.
I hope so too! Praying for it!! 🙏
Wasn't it though.
David Webb this morning (3/13/24) said, "If you don't win, you don't make policy. And then you're just complaining." I think Republicans had better understand that and get on board. That includes the RINOs who mistakenly think they'll have a seat at the Dem table, not just the GOP Conservatives who want to unseat them.
You belong in every strategy meeting you can get into, as a lot more than a fly on the wall.
Well in this case, we already have enough generals, what we need is more soldiers. Has a couple of young hotshots who have worked on national campaigns but they are new to the area and don't know squat about the local electorate. I sit in on the weekly meetings but it's to the point where the candidate needs to stop talking and make some decisions. I get it, it's a minefield but need to know his stances before we start hitting the doors. I've knocked thousands of doors for various candidates in the last few years and see what messaging resonates, and think he needs to go with his good instincts, let the chips fall where they may, and not lean so much on 'the experts'.
But (they) are free to speak like this about us:
But if the vast majority of Jews are Eastern European, doesn't that make them "white," too?
Depends on who they are voting for.
They switch sides at will. "We whites should be ashamed of ourselves" and then "Don't criticize me, I'm Jewish".
Those awful Jews😣🤔. What is to be done?
Pray for them! Pray that God will speak to each of them individually and reveal his glory to them. (Same for all of us...hello again Willing and God bless you!)
I do pray for them. And the Christians among them pray for us. There are many Messianic Jews. Especially in Israel. You may have heard of the incredible Rabbi Johnathan Cahn.
You can find their worship services on YouTube.
Their witness work amongst their fellow Jews would probably be easier if some ‘Christians’ weren’t actively and vehemently denying their Biblical right to the Promise Land and making outlandish claims (in line with radical Marxists) that they are committing genocide. This after the slaughter of October 7!
And if some ‘Christian’s’ didn’t display such prejudice and obvious feelings of superiority, that would be helpful too.
And so far as converting them by showing what superior works the Christian Church has wrought in the world; don’t make me laugh.
Why would God the Father be more pleased with Christians than Jews?
Frightening stuff........Following in Trudeau's footsteps is NEVER a good idea:
We are becoming too "thin-skinned" as a society - a side effect of WOKE, I fear.
Not a big Stew Peters fan here, but thank you Phil!
The first 7 mins is great & really all people need. A First Amendment lawsuit is abeggin…
To me tho’ it pretty much got into the weeds after that — discussions of ancestry groups & Noem’s Norsky origins only echo the problem by obliquely affirming the very idea of identity based on one’s racial origins ( Ok, sure - I enjoy my Norsky roots — helped form who I am but, like my immigrant grandparents who saw themselves as simply Americans, I let that origin enrich, not define, who I am.
The IHRA definition of “Antisemitism” states: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
Much of this is already law: destruction of property, physical assault, &c.
The problem in this current discussion is that nobody can or does really define with any consistency or historicity what “semitic”, “Jew,” and “Israel” refers to!: A race of people? A land? A political nation-state? Is “Jewish” An identity? A tradition? A culture? A religion? So…which religion? Torah? Talmud? Kabbalah? Gnostic? Theosophic? Godless? Any of these can be “Jewish”. Are they the same?
If it refers to a race, is “Jewish” the same as “Semitic”? And how do converts to or from “Judaism” now and over time fit in? Is a Jew of European descent a “Semite”? Is an atheist “Jew “the same as one of the myriad variety of religious observers?
Within any one of these exists varied beliefs, teachings, persuasions, practices and applications.
Listen carefully to what is spoken and we find that the various meanings of these words are spectacularly conflated and equivocated — with zero consistency even with the same word or combination within a same sentence. When all three come into play (Jew, Israel, Semite) in their various meanings & forms, we have what we see today: a manipulation of sentiment and political persuasion. And basketfuls of lies unwittingly carried by all kinds of well-intentioned (and not so well-intentioned) people. How we have romanticized reality into oblivion!
The State of Iz is not, nor should it be, a sacred cow —which to many, many Israelis and religious Jews there & in America, it most certainly is not. Even less so should its leaders, who since before Statehood have committed crimes against those they were positioned and expected to protect and respect. Promises broken. Two-faced. While we, the groomed and manipulated by a public face and our own ignorance, are led to collude. We should endeavor to call out the State of Israel fairly whenever it does wrong and to not be muted or muzzled by cries of “Antisemitism”. Open discussion must be possible. And it is obligatory for those who of us wish to do justly.
Unfortunately, many Christians’ Biblical, political & historical understanding has thoroughly been muddled by a novel exegetical teaching. This hits home to me as it has resulted in egregious ethical and moral transgressions all in the name of Christ — who, contrary to those teachings, told us to love our enemies and to pray blessings for them (especially the blessings of Christ).
So I pray for these benighted Christians, fervently. And for the peace of Jerusalem. …And if that, to anyone, means only a city in the State of Israel, Christians, you can find the truth in the Word of God, sans Scofield and Oxford adultery.
Amen! Well said Dick. The militaristic, pagan state of Israel is like a "third rail" that can't be touched... a sacred cow that all American politicians must bow to and kiss. Let me state it plainly for all: The political state of Israel is NOT the Israel of the Word of God.
You stated it plainly when you said that this erroneous view of Scripture has resulted in the American church supporting "egregious ethical and moral transgressions all in the name of Christ." The One Who has ascended and now sits on the throne at the right hand of God, Whose kingdom rules and reigns in history, will hold us accountable for maligning His name if we do not repent.
You need to be careful about what you so adamantly claim as the Truth.
You may not know all you think you know about God and the Jewish people.
If I ask ‘How many Jews live in your town?’ You can find out.
If I ask, ‘How many Hittites live in your town?’ We both know there are none.
And yet the Hittites were once a vast warmongering nation at a time when Jews were wandering tribes of God’s chosen people. Why do they still exist and why are they now back on the land God gave them?
I wouldn’t take sides against Israel.
Salvation is From the Jews
I am not against Jews or the Jews. I am calling out the political state which calls itself Israel. That is a deception of Satan which was addressed by Jesus before he was crucified.
That is just my position. I respect the sincerity of your belief. I would only like to ask one question. When you say, "Salvation is From the Jews", from your understanding, please explain to me exactly what that means?
Of course you are opposing Jews. Israel is their God given homeland. Genesis 12:1-3 Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves.
It is the only refuge they have against a world that wants them all dead. Why do you feel it necessary to attack Israel? Isn’t it interesting to you that you are lining up perfectly with some of the most evil people in the world when you do so? You have some fine demonic beings with you in that camp.
You deny the legitimacy of modern day Israel. You apparently would have had another solution back in 1948 to the Jewish problem.
When Jesus came with signs and wonders, the Jews denied he was the Messiah. He didn’t fit their narrow minded expectations or personal plans.
You deny that God has resurrected the nation of Israel. It doesn’t fit your narrow minded expectations and personal plans.
What would your desired outcome be for the Jews of the world? Their continued existence is an issue. You are for it or you are against it.
I think you can very well work out for yourself why “Salvation is From the Jews.”
Would you show me where Jesus said a fake nation of Israel would appear two thousand years later and be sure to oppose it, because it’s from Satan?
I do know Isaiah wrote this; “ New King James Version
Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, She gave birth to her children. (Isaiah 66:8). This was the rebirth of Israel in 1948. A blind man can see it.
What religious leaders are you following that teach hatred of the Jews?
"When Jesus came with signs and wonders, the Jews denied he was the Messiah. He didn’t fit their narrow minded expectations or personal plans."
Exactly. And what did God say in the OT and Prophets concerning what would happen when Israel rejects the Messiah? And what did Jesus say in the Gospels about the religious establishment of Jerusalem? Why did God destroy both Jerusalem and His Temple in 70AD? Perhaps reviewing what God has said in both the OT and NT concerning the ending of the Old Covenant and the establishment of the New Covenant with the coming of the Messiah would be helpful.
(BTW, if the nation of "Israel" is the OT Israel, then where are the other 10 tribes? Just saying.)
As for your last question (which is really quite presumptuous), the answer is , None. The rest of your comments are a complete mischaracterization of my beliefs. I'm simply saying the 20th century political state called Israel is not the Israel of the OT. I don't view the people who live in that area any different than any other people of the human race. And I view their Gov't with the same skepticism with which I view ours.
But you nicely sidestepped the one reasonable question I asked, "When you say, Salvation is From the Jews, from your understanding, please explain to me exactly what that means?" If you don't have an answer, that's fine. I just wanted your understanding of this statement.
Listen to this Jew. This is now for Jews in Israel.
Amen and Amen. Thank you very much for your good thoughts — and for responding at all! …I do not expect my diatribe, though well-meant and honest, to be generally very well received.
To wrap it up, I’m reminded of this crude but rather apt meme from decades ago:
‘Jesus is back and is He pissed!’
May He turn the hearts of the many to Him and His Truth alone.
Jesus is a Jew.
Yes indeed. The seed promise. The scriptures are fulfilled in Him.
There was once a young scholar, head of his class, who knew that he knew the scriptures better than anyone else, except those who completely agreed with him.
He saw a massive threat to his beliefs and he set out to destroy, even kill those who professed this threatening faith.
His name was Saul of Taurus. He came to know he was wrong and guilty of the shedding of innocent blood.
Be very careful. God gave this land to Israel. There is a blessing and there is a curse connected to the treatment of Israel.
Genesis 12:1-3 Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves.
The apostle Paul says do not boast that for a time God is chastising Israel and that Christians have been grafted into that tree. He says God’s promises are irrevocable. He has not disowned Israel.
Read Romans 11. Section 11:1-10 says Israel’s rejection is not final.
Section 11:11-24 speaks of the salvation of the Gentiles and ends with this message for Gentiles; vs.22-24;
22“Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity towards those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you too will be cut off. 23 And even the others, if they do not persist in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again. 24 For if you have been cut from which is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree.
Vs. 25-36 say Israel will be saved. Vs. 25….a hardening has come upon part of Israel, until the full number of the Gentiles come in, and so all Israel will be saved; as it is written, the deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob”; 27 and this will be my covenant with them when I take away their sins.”
Vs 28 As regards the gospel they are enemies of God, for your sake; but as regards election they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. 29 For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable. 30 Just as you were once disobedient to God but now have received mercy because of their disobedience, 31 so they have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you they may also receive mercy. For God has consigned all men to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all.
Vs 33 (I hear angel wings and get chills every time) O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! 34 For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?”
35. Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?”
36 (angel’s wings and chills again) For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.
I ask myself, Why is Jesus Jewish? Why is his second coming prophesied to take place on the Mount of Olives.
Israel is a physical place that is very near and dear to the heart of God. Of this, I have no doubt.
I’m not sure what y’all are studying that has either turned you against Jews or is confirming prejudices you held already. Whatever it is, it sounds like it would have been on Hitler’s reading list. Beware the spirit of Haaman.
The U.S. sends money everywhere. Israel has been an ally. The Jewish people are absolutely among the smartest and most industrious in the world. I am no expert on international money exchanges, I doubt you are either. I have to question, why focus on Israel for your concern?
My recommendation is that you personally get an appointment with Jesus. Sit with Him and ask Him to reveal the heart of God in this matter.
WR, would you be able to explain the significance of this to you?
To clarify, my point in posting that dumb meme was not to say that He’s back (no, the 2nd coming will yet be), but to say that He would not be pleased by the sins committed by Christians in His name.
Your questions about how to define a Jew with regard to hate speech are good ones and I have asked similar ones with regard to defining any race. It’s such a nebulous thing. Makes it very difficult to enforce something when you can’t define who or what is involved. While I am appalled by the attacks on Jewish people, I do disagree with hate speech laws. Freedom of speech shouldn’t be regulated and honestly, I think it only makes things worse because it drives the speech underground and causes resentment. I believe it’s better for people to be able to be open about their feelings and views.
I agree with you. Thanks much for your reply, RL!
Our big job is to love God with all we are and our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus told us how to do this. While we render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, we paradoxically must call out the sin and unrighteousness our rendered money might facilitate — when we do see it — and speak the truth in love.
A present lie is that if we’re not backing Israel, then we support the egregious acts of Oct 8 and its perpetrators. And vice-versa. Neither is the way of Jesus and peace. There does exist a long chain of abuses, though, that must be seen and acknowledged, free from the taint of simplistic and error-driven thinking. For we Christians, it’s imperative that we follow Christ first and to prioritize expedient geopolitics, or our misperceptions about our fellow man, last.
To draw on another discussion topic here today, what are we teaching our children?
You might want to catch up currently with what’s happening in Israel. Do you know about the slaughter of the innocents on October 7?
Hopefully, you don’t agree with this moderate ‘Palestinian’.
Hitler didn’t go far enough…
To your Question: Of course I do.
To your concern: Of course I do not.
There is no contradiction here to what I wrote, W. S.
WS, You did not respond. Did my answer to your question and concern here make sense to you?
Your mistaken presumption of my and others uninformed state of ignorance is telling. Do you understand how these answers are not contradictory?
Interesting that so called "Progressives" never really say where exactly we're supposedly progressing to - best I can see is the end result is socialism or communism which certainly is not progress
Seriously. I do not understand the left's voters' fascination with the outdated and idiotic ideas under the Marxist umbrella. I understand the left's leaders' fascination with it since it amounts to: give me and my friends all the money and all the power and we'll divide things up evenly; then, we'll magically dissolve government once we've reached the state of perfect equality of outcome. What could possibly go wrong with such a "progressive" theory, lol? It's like something a child would come up with. How is it "progress" to demand equality of outcomes? It's all regressive, idiotic, backwards, immoral nonsense.
"About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter [the Declaration of Independence]. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers."
- President Calvin Coolidge
It's fascinating, right? Here we have with the US, these foundational documents, something that was pretty much never before done in human history. That upended the to-that-point typical beliefs, assumptions, and organization of society. That said government should serve the people and protect the God-given rights of the people as laid out in those documents. Government is not God. Government is not the chosen one and spokesperson for God. Government does not own the people. It does not own their property or their labor. It does not own their opinions, attitudes, or beliefs. It cannot tell them what happiness they should - or are required - to pursue. It's as "progressive" a doctrine as has ever been created, and yet, somehow those of us who advocate for these incredibly forward-thinking - even to this day - ideas are referred to as conservative. It's all backwards. I'm guessing that's intentional.
Exactly. They want to move back to authoritarianism all while claiming “progress” to fool people about their true intentions…
That is a great quote!!
RL, yes, I was so impressed with it when I read it, which was in the free online Hillsdale College course, Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution. What a great course, and you don't have to do the quizzes if you don't want to. The lectures alone are incredibly valuable, but to get a more full understanding of the regressive "Progressives," it helps to do the readings.
I need to do that and maybe also have my son take that course. Maybe not right away, he might be a little young still.
We used some of them in high school.
It’s so much more wonderful to have 100 billionaires and millions living in tents. That’s so much more fair and just the way everything should be. That is the possible option imaginable for social organization and the very best way ever! (for someone who’s had their imagination beaten out of them in capitalist education camps). There is no other way!
Funny how a "philosophy" that is supposed to end up with equality for all ends up with a handful of extremely wealthy rulers and an entire populace of oppressed, impoverished, often starving and typically murdered people. And yet, somehow, the left has voters (mentally stuck in sophomore year of college) who can't see the con for what it is.
I don’t know the meaning of “left” anymore, language has been so corrupted in the last decade or so. I do trust my eyes and the conditions now compared to in other nations, and despair at what the US has become under what’s called “late stage capitalism.” I don’t care to label ideologies, just look at results of whatever this is.
Well, we're all despairing b/c we care about human life, but to be fair, it's not like it's demonstrably better anywhere else. Europe is broke and falling apart. They're also living off the US's wealth. Central and S. America and Africa have terrible living conditions. In some countries, you're lucky to get a cardboard box. Asia has stagnation and high living costs (with low home ownership) in the "rich" places and abject poverty in the poor places.
Here, we have far fewer people in poverty - and much higher rates of home ownership - than just about any of the regions I mentioned above. There is always a ton to improve. But, so far as I can see not many are much better off right now. I have heard Dubai has a good standard of living right now, but haven't been there myself.
As far as systems go, every time Marxism has been implemented the result has been the same: corruption, impoverishment, and mass deaths, usually genocide. I think the # is now something like 100M+ dead due to Marxism.
As far as I can tell pure "capitalism" has never actually been tried. All current day "capitalist" countries are bogged down, with large and powerful governments skimming money out of the system to manage the slew of "regulations" that they impose by virtue of their monopoly on the use of violence. In the US, e.g., we pay close to 70% of what we earn to the government, if you add up all that goes to the varying levels of gov't (not just federal income tax).
All systems suffer from an oligarch problem, which is a function of human nature, not of the systems themselves. Life is always going to be unfair b/c some people, regardless of system, are always going to find ways to game and abuse the system.
You won’t turn the Marxist. It’s in their blood.
I’m not a Marxist. Pure socialism has never been tried either, people keep getting in the way of these utopian systems we design.
Corporations buy off politicians with accrued profits and write the regulations that afflict us, no safety inspections, planes falling out of the sky, trains falling off the tracks, bridges collapsing, poisoned food in the grocery store, dangerous products sold, scarce resources - all that money saved goes where, to the oligarchs, who seem to be a global pestilence affecting the lives of those who have no control. I’ll be damned if the ideology in your head or mine make a whit of difference in this. I ain’t gamin’ nothin. I missed the semester on How to Exploit Others and Get Ahead. Every now and then the pitchforks and torches come out, and it seems we’re about due.
The historical record is there for everyone to see. Socialism fails every time it's tried... the only difference is the body count.
The only place socialism ever worked was with the American Indians.
I don’t think they were socialist. They were small dictatorships where the dictator was actually full of noblesse oblige.
It works the most in small, very homogeneous societies.
Try reading Paul Kingsnorth essays on the machine
"The ultimate project of modernity, I have come believe, is to replace nature with technology, and to rebuild the world in purely human shape, the better to fulfill the most ancient human dream: to become gods. What I call the Machine is the nexus of power, wealth, ideology and technology that has emerged to make this happen."
yes, by definition "Progressive" is advancing society away from individualism, family, religion, connection to land or ancestry, property ownership and capitalism; and steering toward full global communism dependency that receives all adherence, allegiance, conformity and compliance. One Mind, One State, One Party, One Ruler of it all. It's clearly discussed and spelled out that way...just a matter of the details and timing that's debated. It is demented and hateful, corrupting and controlling to the extreme. The best Communist Leader is the most ruthless.
These stories of our two tier justice system are so fun to read. It’s great that J6 participants languish in prison, with no one helping them, while Creepy Uncle Joe, scum bag Hunter, et al. blithely flaunt their freedom.
"Justice" is merely a middle class illusion.
The rich know better
The poor know better
Each from opposite directions.
Stay strong, the only easy day was yesterday. RMS
"If your system of government relies upon the sagacity and ethics of the leaders who run it to keep you safe and free, you are engaging in utopian thinking and you’re going to get the tyranny you deserve.
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Stephen Hawking
My evildoer sibling is buying his way out of an arrest. I don’t care about the unregistered firearms or the drugs. It’s the woman he held hostage in his house for sex that needs attention.
Small town near Cooperstown New York. I thought he’d finally be held accountable for a lifetime of crimes and abuse.
That's insane Rosalind! We're devolving into a bona-fide banana republic...
I’m so disgusted. When I reported a registered sex offender for getting kids off the school bus, this crew gang stalked me for years. I’d still do it again. I have an obligation.
100%, we are the guardians of the most vulnerable among us. Thanks for never backing down.
Being gangstaked got me to repent from some new age stuff like reiki, I was looking for healing. A few months later, I met my integrative medicine doctor. God was waiting for me to repent and a bunch of longstanding prayers were answered!
Very blessed.
a fiction of justice, an approximation only, judicial theater with actors, with plea deals that are baseless and non-factual but expedient and only feed the ravenous beast the more.
"In that sense, this case highlights a critical distinction between modern liberals and people free from mental illness." Rush always said that liberalism is a mental disorder. He had so many prescient observations on that. As we head further into this election year and the endless battles ahead, let that truth stoke and encourage us to keep fighting the good fight against it.
"Whatever you want to call it, socialism, liberalism, this is who they are. They corrupt everything. Folks, their targets are the institutions and traditions that have given the world its morality, its virtue. The institutions and traditions which have defined freedom and liberty. That's what the left attacks."
- Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh ~a brilliant mind and national treasure, so sorely missed in these times.
Mental illness is sooo close to the bullseye. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2).
Actually it was Michael Savage that coined that phrase. Actually a book title. One of the 40? He wrote.
I used to listen to Dr Savage and "The Savage Nation" when he was one of the top conservative commentators in the nation. (Remember "red diaper doper babies?") Borders, Language and Culture, boy did he have it right! Absolutely brilliant man. His books, including "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" are spot-on. Rush might have said liberalism is a mental "illness" vs. "disorder; " that might be simply a matter of semantics, so while I don't know who said what first, the idea is the same. Today's liberals are completely irrational haters whose ideas and behavior can only be explained by mental defect. Unfortunately the implementation of their ideas is destroying this nation.
More Rush wisdom: "Liberalism is a scourge. It destroys the human spirit. It destroys prosperity. It assigns sameness to everybody. And wherever I find it, I oppose it.” Learn it, love it, live it!
I listened to dr savage for years. He’s genius. And now I’m prepared to go one step further. These fuckers need to realize that we will overwhelm them them by force. Get ready, it’s coming.
Your comment reminded me.... I just saw this video this morning... this is how we need to respond :o)
Yep. We just need to realize our strength. It’s beyond anything they can fathom.
Jeff, wishing you and your family a great vacation, however we enjoy this meatier post today. Tuesday's was, understandably, light.
How about RINO Buck's no-notice resignation!?! Follow the money to where he makes his post-Congress landing and we'll find out who paid him off, which didn't take much money I'm sure.
HEY!! Put your mask on or you will kill your grandma!
Oh sorry, wrong substack🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Covidiot rules are so funny. Why do you need a mask if you're vaxxed? If you're vaxxed, why worry if I'm not? etc.
And people are STILL wearing them! LOL
Yeah I’m California right now and they are everywhere. Hope my posts make people laugh🤷🏻♀️
Lol…I’m in northern VA just outside of DC….masks still in use…🙄🙄🙄
Had to take my bride to the doctor yesterday. No mask needed, no mention of covid, but still had to take her temp. My bride has multiple myeloma, so she doesn’t get around so good thee days. I told the new diversity hire that she was fine, and doesn’t have a fever. Nope. I had to bring her up to the desk so she could prove it. Wtf?
Weird how we don’t want to save grandma from the flu. I guess some deaths are better than others?
Or save them from vents or remdesivir or medical neglect or…
Crazy isn’t it!
I’m thinking of an old song…….do you remember…..
. . . back in 1966. Country, Jesus, hillbilly blues, that’s where I learned my licks?
ah, Jim Jordan. Ohio loves their native son. buckeyes I know will die rather than back down. we're stubborn like that
I think it’s at the very least, EXTREMELY irresponsible not to notify parents if their child is taking contraception. Especially for girls taking hormonal forms. These can have side effects and sometimes involve life threatening conditions like blood clots. If parents don’t know the child is on this medication, if there is an issue they might not realize what is going on and seek care until it’s too late 😕
And what exactly does it mean to “encourage family planning”? That is so vague that it could also mean encouraging abstinence couldn’t it? Waiting is a form of planning!
Yes, my niece had blood clots from taking pills for her acne. Very sad!
It’s very sad and definitely something that is not as widely known as it should be.
I thought the same thing about birth control pills. There are risks and side effects to them and they can be serious. Not to mention the risks of STI’s, which will also increase.
What good is information getting out if somebody who actually CAN do something about it, DOESN'T do anything about it?!!?!!! We are out here absorbing it all and watching our kids futures go down the drain !
My thoughts exactly, Levans.
* Dr. Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has widely stated that “gender-affirming care is medically necessary, safe, and effective for trans and non-binary youth”
* Nonprofit watchdog Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records of scientific evidence to support gender-affirming care
* In response to the FOIA, HHS gave only one document totaling two pages in length — a brochure posted on its website, titled, “Gender-Affirming Care and Young People”
* In a complaint obtained by The Daily Wire, PPT wrote to the HHS Inspector General, calling for an investigation into Levine’s statements — and whether they violate HHS’ scientific integrity policies
* Describing the FOIA submission as “essentially a piece of marketing material with cherry-picked data and agenda-driven assertions,” the complaint to HHS states, “This is the opposite of science and evidence-based policymaking …”
That bastard needs to be stripped naked on the Capitol steps on national television and his gonads put on display for God and all the world to see.
Then he needs to be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.
Is that your opinion within a reasonable degree of medical certainty, doctor?
Dr, be sure to give him vax and many boosters before you apply the tar.
Cruel and unusual punishment that would be & besides dollars to doughnuts he is already vaxed up.
take his lawyer bride with him
whoever he/she/it/they/dem/dumb is/are/were/was
I didn't know that f-ugly bastard could be attractive to anyone.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder even for the insane! I didn't realize Levine and his wife Martha Peaslee were trained in pediatrics and psychiatry [Tulane Medical School- go figure]. Married in 1998, divorced in 2013. Wikipedia has Levine and Roberta Kaplan [E Jean Carroll attorney] together in 2005. He transition in 2011.
The moral of the story- avoid psychiatrists at all cost. Probably not a bad idea to avoid New Orleans as well.
Like an ole song playing over & over in my mind, I can’t get that image of Levine out of my head. Even worse than his attempt to look fetching as a woman. Thanks, Doc! 😵🤣
my sincere apologies, I hadn't considered the risk of inducing PTSD when I posted. I will have to take that in consideration from now on.
The data does not quite support mrs. Levine
Mr. Levine on these stacks, if you please.
where was this from (publication)?
So how do “we the people” charge the public officials with crimes, and then convict and enforce punish,ent. Biden had no business as vp with that info, regardless his age, ineptitude, mental deterioration. He committed treason. Wtf do we have todo? Wtf do we have to do to prove the 2020 election was totally fraudulent? At what point do enough patriots get together and put a stop to it?
This is my question also. When the people (DOJ,FBI, Congress etc) who would be the ones to charge the oligarchs with crimes are just as guilty and corrupt and controlled by the oligarchs, how is justice served peacefully? And I don't like it when people say if we can just get Trump in there he will clean it up cause we all know thats BS.
There are still a few in PA [Leah Hoopes and Greg Stenstrom] and WI [Peter Bernegger and Sheriff Dar Leaf] who are fighting. Robin Vos [RINO in WI]is being recalled. Lawsuits against the people mentioned above are being dismissed cause the plaintiffs were caught lying.
Great question. What follows "when in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation"?
Besides that, he didn’t do it yesterday
So if I commit a crime in my 50’s and I get cot on my 80’s I’m safe?
Biden’s ghostwriter will win a MacArthur genius grant. The left is not only above the law, but they find each other through patronage networks. That’s why they win the culture. Will conservatives step up here?
Yuri, he will probably get a .Nobel prize.
Lived next door to one of those MacA winners. She was a self-centered user of anyone she could use. Sucked up to anyone she thought could be useful to her, punched down at or ignored everyone else. A brazen law breaker running an home "non-profit" biz violating clear local zoning rules.
As a physician, I can tell you that there is no difference between oral contraceptives and any other pharmaceutical. They need to be prescribed after a responsible, physical examination and thorough discussion with the patient of the pros and cons
Indiscriminately give these things out is an aberration
Our society has lost all sanity
The other thing which should come as no surprise is that all of the hormones used in these contraceptives are synthetic analogues, which means that the body reacts with some degree of stress to them, since they are not exactly with the body is designed for. Big surprise, correct? Sounds like Pharma doing with Pharma does best, which is screwing with the body
Regarding Robert Peters' secret-selling CRIMES as revealed by Robert Hur, the double standard regarding mishandling of classified information is incredibly egregious. Any military member -- from the lowest enlisted troop to the highest General Officer -- who handles classified information knows that minor security violations (truly accidental in nature) sometimes happen. Deliberately ignoring and/or violating rules and regulations though is a different matter. Then the penalties can be and sometimes are quite severe or should be. Everyone who is given access to classified reads and signs an SF-312. They also swear that they understand their duties and responsibilities surrounding the receiving, handling, storing, and transmitting classified information and that oath is witnessed. The SF-312 also informs them that they can be prosecuted and fined up to $10,000 and confined for up to ten years for EACH violation under the National Security Act. Carelessness or ignorance of their responsibilities is not a reasonable excuse for violating the National Security Act.
That's what makes Hillary's crimes as Sec of State so heinous, and the FBI's "pass" on her prosecution so untenable, and now Biden's conduct (and the MSM defense of it) is just repeating the same pattern. Today there are indeed people in prison for doing far less than what Hillary and Biden most certainly did. When we are no longer a nation where all citizens are judged according to the same standard of law, the republic will crumble. But the "press" (left-wing/liberal) is complicit in this destruction by their outright ignoring the facts of the case.
Exactly. My brain screams TREASON, but I suppose that concept only belongs in second class.
Patraous (sp) also gave classified information to his mistress to write a book and nothing happened to him either.
There has long been 2 justice systems in America.
There is no rule of law.