So just 2 weeks ago Jane Fonda goes on The View to advocate the murder of Christians.

A woman identifying as a he/him goes and murders three 9-year-olds and some adults at a Christian school.

Hate crime?

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TN had just passed a bill outlawing child mutilation and there had been threats made. When I heard that the shooter was female, I immediately wondered if the person was transgender. This may be the beginning of serious persecution of Christians, at least those who refuse to deny scripture and affirm evil.

One of the children who was killed is the daughter of the church’s pastor. I can’t imagine how he could ever preach and minister at that church again. It will only be through the supernatural comfort and strength of the Holy Spirit if he is able to do so. It will be difficult for many to enter that place again.

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To quote you: "I can’t imagine how he could ever preach and minister at that church again. It will only be through the supernatural comfort and strength of the Holy Spirit if he is able to do so."

To comment on that quote: I don't agree with that, especially emphasizing the words "it will ONLY be through the supernatural comfort of the Holy Spirit..."

I agree with RJ&JB's comment below, how can he not stay? He won't stay only because of some supernatural comfort that comes from the Holy Spirit, he should stay because it is the right thing to do. Because he finds the strength within himself to make the right choice to stay.

My thought? To cower away in hurt and defeat only sends the message to these people that they have won. To stand and stay sends the message that we ALL are tired of this crap and we don't want to take it anymore.

Don't ever forget - When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

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You make good points, but I still say he CANNOT rely on himself for strength. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." We cannot fight a spiritual enemy (satan) with our own strength. Whether or not he stays, his strength will have to come from God.

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Right on with the light on, you do you baby... :-)

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"When the going get tough, the tough get going". https://youtu.be/-n3sUWR4FV4

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Ha Ha, I love this song!! :-)

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Yes, beautiful story! It was well with his soul because he belonged to Jesus and gained his strength from Him.

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I thought of this hymn while reading Anne’s post.

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How could he not stay where his support need to come from?!

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

i agree. it will be very hard and he probably end up crying, but that is his full right. if you loose someone at a young age it helps to talk. I remember talking about my husband for months on end. I am still grateful for the people who had patience with me and listened.

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I always look for evidence that these school shootings are no more than FEMA mass casualty drills... Like Sandy Hook, Parkland and many others.

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A "153News" network of very bright school shooting debunkers have already posted a dozen videos. Take a look


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Yes, looks sketchy.

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Wouldn’t load for me. Hmmm

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It loaded for me but VERY slowly. I use Brave search engine, might try a different SE Watched a couple of them, inconclusive in my mind, but of course, you have to question everything.

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I downloaded and uploaded the best one to RUMBLE - https://tinyurl.com/bddvdeyc

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That's kinda wild. Especially the video that the event was a hoax.

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yeah that seemed a little over the top -falls into the plausible but not likely for me. Although I would not put it past the CIA or whoever to help some of these nutbags along. Funny though, I am over at my Democrat, CNN watching 84 YO moms often as she needs a lot of help these days. She usually sings from the gun grab song book after a shooting is reported. And she shocked me yesterday saying she smells a rat with some of these shootings. Said at least the police went in this time, and that 'I don't think we are getting the whole story on these things'. I almost fell out of my chair.

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Yet, enter they must and encourage many more to follow them. This is God’s Way. We, who are awake and connected by our divine spirit to our creator, are commanded to love the “spirits” of our fellow man, as their spirits are divinely created by God. We do not have to abide their current evil manifestations. We must realize and accept that the pain and hardness of heart that has so removed them from their divine spirit can only being treated with God’s love. The reconnection to their divine spirit is humanity’s only way back to God and the heaven on earth he demands we, his followers, work together to create.

His guidance for following His Way is completely summarized in The Lord’s Prayer:


“Our father, who art in heaven.”

(We must have FAITH and sustain and daily demonstrate our FAITH in God in the face of evil.)


Hallowed be thy name,

(We must SURRENDER to revere and live out loud our willingness to promote God’s power and glory, not hide from it in shame or fear of persecution. It’s not any easier today than in the early centuries, but to be a serve God demands it. It’s that important to saving ourselves and future generations.)


On earth as it is in heaven.”

(Only by honoring our commitment to God’s SERVICE can His promise of heaven be created here on earth. Don’t we want that for our children and grandchildren?)


“Give us this day our daily bread,”

(God gives us the ABUNDANCE needed to do his work; we only have to ask...)


“and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.”

(... however, in return, he requires our FORGIVENESS of those who are not honoring Him and thus causing harm to his other children, just as he forgives us our sinful human characteristics. He knows and tells us through His Word that only love and FORGIVENESS changes a human heart.)


“Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

(He will protect us from the evil human response we naturally feel toward those who aren’t living His Way, if we follow His will, if we serve in His WAY of Love. Man-derived policies, laws and mandates that don’t support God’s Way have not and will never create His heaven on earth. Only changing the hearts of humans OVERCOMES EVIL. This is our work in doing God’s will. See above.)

“For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.”

(Again, His promise of heaven on earth with this simple daily guide to the following of His Way. The elements of The Lord’s Prayer are our only needed guidance for following God and creating His heaven on earth. When Jesus paid with his life for our Way to reconnect to our divine spirit, he gave us this simple daily tool. It’s the exact tool he used to begin the revolution of changing human hearts, marred and separated from their divine spirits by sin.

Will we do God’s work? Will we pick up the tool and use it to begin the revolution of changing hearts in our time? Humanity needs us more than ever to show them the Way back to their divine spirit. Humanity, more than ever, needs heaven on earth.

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People respond to grief and tragedy in many different ways. He may get strength and comfort from the church family there or he may find it extremely painful and difficult to stay where such a tragic loss occurred. In these cases where there is such a profound, senseless loss of a family member, particularly a young child who’s life was snuffed out by a hate-filled killer, there should be no judgment, just support, love and comfort shown to the pastor and his family. Until you’ve experienced the loss of a child or a spouse, it’s hard to imagine the pain, grief, heartache and suffering. A pastor is still human. May God be with him and the family every hour as they move forward without their precious child. 🙏🏻

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Disturbing that I read the shooter had communications with a former student in Instagram prior to the shooting at 9:57am, I believe. That former student called the sheriffs office and reported the communication at 10:13am. The shooter didn’t say she was gonna shoot up the school but did say she was gonna die and it would be on the news. The sheriffs office told the former student to call the NON-EMERGENCY line!!! She did and they didn’t get back to her until 3:30pm!!

The shooter also said in the Instagram message that she was leaving plenty behind to explain all of it.

So, failure at the sheriffs office? Seems so.

I can’t help but wonder if we’ll actually find out what she left behind to explain what she did. I doubt it. Especially if she explains the reason she wanted to die was because the trans thing was miserable and her head was all messed up because of it.

But, if she hated the Christian’s because they opposed her choices, then it’ll be plastered everywhere and they’ll declare open season on religious people….oh wait, Jane Fonda already did that.


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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

We need to start calling them (transgenders) by their birth gender. When you call a he a”she” (or vice-versa) you’re validating them. It was a male with a mental illness. It was a he that killed those innocent people. It was not a she.

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The shooter was biological female. This thread got confusing. They want us confused.

Oh shoot. I got confused! It was a male, right? Pretending to be a female. Oh crap. They have us confused on purpose! Dang it!

I edited the original comment to reflect the correct gender. Thank you for pointing that out. I do not validate this agenda. I lost one of my closest friends because I refused to refer to her son as a “she”.

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The author of this whole narrative is the devil himself. So yes confusion is part of the objective in my opinion.

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No, I was wrong. I’m very sorry. It was a female pretending to be a male. I just realized my mistake and I was hoping to delete my comment before you read it. This whole transgender validation is ridiculous.

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Ok. I went back and re-edited. They are trying to confuse us on purpose.

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I still don't know. Walked like a guy, looked like a guy but?

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Audrey Hale was a girl, pretending to be a guy.

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Every time the news referred to it/he/whatever as a she my stomach turned. They put so much emphasis on the trans part and not the families that were destroyed by this monster.

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May I refer you to SCRIPTURE that tell us who the AUTHOR OF CONFUSION IS: https://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/Topical.show/RTD/cgg/ID/10684/Satan-as-Author-Confusion.htm

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Yes. I do know this truth. Thank you for sharing it.

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You are most welcome, Sunny!

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Her mother made a statement to the press and said she had possibly just lost her daughter and would like privacy. Audrey was a female who transitioned or was transitioning to a male so we have no idea if she had received testosterone and all of the other stuff they do to try to become, in their minds, another gender. It's heartbreaking in every way. Seven humans beings were lost to death in this one incidence yesterday. God have mercy on us all.

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Yes...I read that comment from the mother. The photo of the family was so heart wrenching--they are "every good family" in our country. No family should go through what Audrey's family is experiencing now--and forever. She has a brother, Scott--and I'm betting he knew how truly disturbed and "distanced" his little sister was--and probably kept quiet about it because the parents just could not accept her mindset (which I would have real issues with as well--but I'd keep the "communication lines" open. Apparently Audrey (sometimes calling herself Aiden) would visit her parents looking "female") and then immediately change into her "Aiden look" when she left her parents' home. A truly sad, heart-wrenching true story.

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Is "biological female" redundant? Asking for a friend...

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If our world had not "gone mad"....YES!

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I'm still trying to figure out the oxymoron headline that "Doctors Report Startling Rise in Testicular Injuries Among Women Athletes"!

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Because DOCTORS are "all in" on the "tranny craze"--it's a real honey pot income stream for those who are depraved enough to mutilate people that are "rebels with a cause" to become a "sexual mutant". It's just plain LUDICROUS and SAD at the same time.

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That is satire, it's the Babylon Bee.

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Isn't it rather "strange" that we have to get some really extensive and accurate reporting on the Covenant church school shooting from a news source out of the UK instead from our own anti-gun MSM sources? You should see the "I hate guns and you should too" ranters on Twitter. A very attractive female (looks like a human Barbie) M.D. attacked me for my comment about the fact this young woman shooter was taking MALE HORMONES to transform herself into a "wannbe man" and how those hormones change your emotional responses considerably to a more "violent" bent. Oh well...let them "attack" me..I'm sticking to my beliefs no matter what!

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I just bookmarked Ajezeera news to keep an eye out on things. Foreign countries are not bowing down to America any longer. Everyone knows our nation is on the verge of collapse. :(

Watch out Venezuela, here we come.

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That clarified a lot.

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Your original post still says she sunnydayze. 854am PT.

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Shooter was a “she” biologically

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Sarahanne - you're absolutely right! Another instance of not believing anything the media says! Lies, lies, lies. Lies and confusion - that's what the media does best.

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I thought it was a woman pretending to be a man?

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That's what I read; a biological female who "identified" as a man.

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Comment deleted
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You were right. I was wrong and feel terrible about causing you any confusion. My husband had told me last night it was a male posing as a female. I didn’t read any articles until this morning which said the opposite of what he told me.

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Who can keep up with male but becoming a female? No, wait! It’s a female becoming a male. Ridiculously confusing & WHO is the author of confusion & chaos?

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I agree. I hate this "transwoman, transman" garbage. I never know what they are talking about. One small correction. Use the word "sex", not "gender". Gender is for grammar. Liberals are trying to change the meaning of words to suit their purposes.

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When will they call this a hate crime? It is! She was a former student and probably hated the Christian values that didnt condone her confused gender questioning head.

IMHO, I believe that her woke misery may have invoked a demon who guided and encouraged her to this act.

I pray for her family. They lost a child who also became a murderer. Her soul may also be forever perished.

I pray for the parents of children perished and also for families of the adults who perished.

I pray for Gods mercy on the adult deceased who may not have been spiritually prepared enough for their passing.

I pray for this hideously spiritually sick nation who believes in neither God nor Devil, and worships sexual themes.

May the Lord God have mercy on all involved.

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AMEN and AMEN, - may it always be so!!

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This is a difficult situation for MSM to report. Blaming inanimate objects definitely; but the mental issues must be handled delicately to protect the agenda. My heart is aching for all involved.

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If the story re the sheriff's office turns out to be true???

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I’m going to comment from the perspective of the Sheriff’s department as a LEO wife of 20 years and the person who gets a different view than the general public. 1. if it’s true, the story from the news channel, what a horrible thing to have a occurred!! 2. I am unsure of how many people are aware of the number of calls, like the alleged call to the sheriffs office are made every hour of every day, to every dispatch center in the country. I’m going to look for the stats, but I believe the percentage is in the 90s for fake/ over exaggerated calls of this nature.

3. Also, please remember that over the last, especially four years, we’ve defunded the police and the dispatch centers, because their funding is tied directly to police. Some departments have had funding cut by over 50%, and have been expected to maintain or increase the level of service they provide to their communities. 4. There’s also hiring crises in police/ Sheriff’s departments around the country because of the legalization of marijuana, and how many people actively use it. Drug use of any kind it’s still a disqualifier for the military and police/sheriffs departments. 5. If what the news article says is true, the dispatcher who took the phone call and de- prioritize it to the non-emergent line, and maybe an officer involved in the case will be vilified, lose their jobs, and maybe even have criminal or civil charges brought, for simply doing what they’re trained to do. Which is based on the department provided training, determine how do I prioritize this call? Put simply they are taught if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like a duck it’s a duck. 6. The personnel that were both involved in the alleged call are never going to be the same again as human beings. Most people who go into dispatch, law-enforcement, etc. do so because they have a desire to help people. The job is thankless, high stress, and involves more civil liability then most sane people will willingly ever embrace. In an ideal world, we would have the money and resources to Actively investigate every call like this that comes in. It’s entirely possible that that departments policies and procedures need to be updated, that the situation could have been mitigated because no organization or individual is free from all fault. As a LEO wife my heart is breaking because the individuals involved are going to earn the scorn of public, when in reality it’s most likely that the system failed, not the individuals. A convenient scape goat will be identified and the system itself won’t change unless we the people, refuse to buy the quick easy narrative, that police are bad and getting rid of one bad actor is all it takes. The other narrative that will be sold because of this tragedy, is more freedom restrictions on the American people (2A, electronic monitoring, etc), would have prevented this. As observers we need to be very careful not to instantly vilify the individuals involved or even the department as a whole, without looking at the bigger picture. Most of the individuals involved in law-enforcement are even more heartbroken then the general public when things like this happen. The Officers and the command staff are bound by the will of the people that elects the officials, who appoint the bureaucrats, who ultimately drive our public policy. Please be kind to these individual LEO’s/disbatchers as all the sordid details of this mess come out into the light, Until such a time that malfeasance is proven.

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I think in these cases… no one should be blamed but the person who pulled the trigger… guns aren’t to blame, transphobia wasn’t to blame, religion isn’t to blame, the police aren’t to blame, the parents are not to blame… 100% of the blame rests squarely on the disordered person who executed these murders intentionally.

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Oh...the gun haters and lovers of all sexual perversions won't let this sad story alone--they'll "play" it for all it's worth - scum of the earth that they are.

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Truth. It’ll be spun and politicalized a dozen different ways…

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Thank you for posting this and for this perspective. I do wish this perspective would be propelled to the top so everyone could read it.

You bring up very good issues. And my heart does go out to whatever dispatcher referred the call to non-emergency. And you are spot on when you say so much of the police have been defunded and yet are expected to provide top of the line law enforcement. And I do know dispatchers and 911 operators have an extremely difficult job and there are a lot of calls that come in that are not emergencies that have to be investigated. It’s a lot.

I am extremely thankful for the police that responded so quickly and took action. They did what they were trained to do.

Again, thank you for your words of wisdom that come from experience and common sense too.

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I agree. No judgement. I guess she had been suicidal in the past so who knows what is an imminent threat and what is a call for help. Call her parents ? 911? Call HER and keep her on the phone for as long as possible until someone gets to her ? I think each would've been a guess as to FASTEST way to de-escalate and unknown if anything would've worked. And I don't think there was much time to think - I think she texted and then shortly thereafter, was off. Who would even know where to look for her, even if action had been taken within 5 minutes. It's just a tragedy. I will never understand why people need to take out others , innocent others, WITH them. Especially children. Nothing but absolute despair was created. No meaningful change, whatever that was meant to be.

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I appreciate this perspective. What was it about my question that prompted it?

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My husband handles regional interdepartmental investigations for issues like this or line of duty shooting etc. and I can see this from so many angles. Your question was a good place to post what’s been on my heart since I heard what happened. Because what if it is true?? How terrible! Often there are actionable policy issues in the departments because of lack funding, poor leadership etc... and the line staff are the ones who are scapegoated, paraded through the media, their families and friends harassed... It’s truly horrible how these issues are handled and my heart is breaking for the person that downgraded that call.

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Thank you, Laura. That was the intent of my original question -- if it's true...the coming excoriation of the individual, the sheriff's department, et.al. Even if undeserved.

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Well written and I cannot begin to criticize the response (or lack thereof) of any 911 or 411 staffer!!

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I know. That whole scenario the news channel wrote about is disturbing. That’s why I linked the story. So people could read for themselves.

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Thank you for sharing it.

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Sounds like Texas where cops stood down!

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From what I've seen, the TN police responded quickly and efficiently once they got the go-ahead. The Uvalde situation was handled atrociously and the video backs that up with the police doing absolutely nothing while the sound of gunshots kept going. I can't even imagine the mentality of "just following orders" that has to exist for that to happen.

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Thanks for sharing. I wonder if it is the trans surgeries that many have deeply regretted which made him loose it and go haywire. Aka, will

we ever learn the truth…?

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The body mutilation, the hormone altering drugs, the 'counseling'..... So sick.

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Yes exactly!

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It was a biological woman.

Daily mail reported her musings online..one of which was a sketch of Jack Nickelson in The Shining..he 'begins to unravel into a homicidal maniac hell-bent on terrorizing his family.'

As I believe: a sick society of darkness in music, entertainment, pastimes and obsessions.

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Once someone steps into “darkness” he/she has entered the territory of satan who claps in delight as he considers such a person as fair game now.

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I agree with Jeff that it might've been just her taking testosterone as "trans". Chemical rage.

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The hate crime they are hoping for, is shedding light and speaking truth. That sends cockroaches back to their dark holes. A reason to keep speaking truth, with as much gentleness and respect as God gives us. Onward.

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At that time, Jesus said to the crowds of Jews: Which of you can convict Me of sin? If I speak the truth, why do you not believe Me? He who is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear is that you are not of God. John 8: 45 - 47

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

A hearty amen to this scripture!

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We need to do some table turning!

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Each time we speak out against this kind of thing there is a tipping going on. We never stop speaking out against evilness.

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Her demons were heavy on her and her demons were supported by many who encourage and endorse sexual abominations on our young people who are indoctrinated by medical, school, political proponents and a host of others. They are systematically being erased and replaced by an evilness beyond our comprehension. Even her God fearing family could do nothing to stop what was started. Demonic forces and demons are real. To deny it is foolishness. Even Jesus was tested for 40 days in the wilderness. He passed. Audrey did not. Lord have mercy.

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They are going to have to rework their, “would you rather have a live daughter or dead son” mantra...

Would you rather have a murderer or seek psychological help?

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Agree mostly, only because the 'psychological help' needs to be heavily vetted. Coming from a psych back ground, I have watched in horror as the 'mental health' professions caved to the political agenda. In the 80's we still considered homosexuality and transgenderism deviant, diagnosable behaviors.

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Yes! These psychologists are another arm of the regime. Not to throw out every one of them. Hard to find one that hasn’t sold out. My friends son saw a counselor who rather than help his mental state, helped him transition. The whole thing was so wrong. I just watched footage of a council meeting in Texas where the female who went back to her biological gender described a horrific set of events where all medical professionals involved blackmailed her parents to help her transition. She herself said she met with the psychologist one time for maybe 20 min and that medical “professional” said she needed to be a male. She was clearly mentally I’ll from the beginning and they perpetuated their agenda on a fragile minor. The whole thing has made my stomach nauseous. I personally was mis diagnosed by a mental health “professional” and put on a lot of big Harma’s toxic pills until God spoke to me and said “get off the pills”. I had seen other doctors and told them I believed I was mis diagnosed, but they wouldn’t even entertain I might be right. I did find one that helped me off the toxic pills and life has been so much better. The biggest fix for me? Move to a sunshine state with lots of vitamin D and out door activities, where tyranny seems like a bad nightmare.

This is a travesty and the sooner people wake up the better.

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All driven by satan. As we as people move away from the Lord, we do NOT become better or wiser. The Old Testament is filled with examples of what happens when we turn from God's ways.

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and then we have the "Great Turning Away" which is part of the "birth pains". People who are unbelievers tend to think they will have a big party in hell with all the others but they will be so very disappointed when it is only them, all alone, with not one single other soul, no love, no nothing, only darkness, forever.

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So true-These psychologists are another arm of the regime.

They are groomers. Plain and simple. The majority of them are affirming the kids and encouraging them… no real healthy counter- counseling is going on.

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Or how about quit they messing with these kids. Give them something to do to occupy their minds like cleaning or a job or sports. Tell them to suck it up. Go out and play and be kids.

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That would TOO SIMPLE. These "educators" in public schools now are indeed psyop "warriors" and they feel "justified" to spread their MISinformation in order to be more "progressive"---AAAAUGH!!!!

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The Calif public schools receive Fed funding for spreading trans BS, and calling kids by the pronouns the kids are brainwashed to want, and the teachers are fired if they don't comply, and no one is allowed to tell the kids' parents!

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Then I would HOME SCHOOL!! This is not the norm for PRIVATE SCHOOLS is it, Gram?

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It depends... Follow the money.

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drop social

media video games and perpetual disgusting TV and movies.

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Avoid them like the plagues they are. They are the true pandemic!

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And judging from the trans flight attendant celebrated by the airline who recently committed suicide, who was so grateful for the company’s and family’s and friends’ support and validation, that is false framing of the argument. In either case the person might be dead 😕

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Sadly, suicide has historically been an outcome of transgender patients. :(

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Yes 😞

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THIS ⬆️!!!!! Spot on!

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40% suicide rate of transgendered.

80% have suicidal thoughts.


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It is very sad and even sadder that more and more people seem to be captured by this evilness.

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I believe she was or had been in therapy.

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In a country where lies are routinely trafficked like woman, children, body parts and drugs (and not happy about it), I don't assume I know anything at all from 'news' reports of incidents.

For example, I looked into Sandy Hook and found 'irregularities'. And God help anybody who dared to question that little piece of work save at severe penalty and impairment. Just ask Alex Jones. I looked into the biggest and most promoted shooting 'event' in the history of the country, Las Vegas ... and I found 'irregularities'. And guess what? Las Vegas rapidly and mysteriously faded from the 'news cycle' ... maybe due to too much sunlight ... too many people looking into it, climate change, earthquakes or something. I looked into a few other things and found 'irregularities', including nearby Charlottesville where I found a hellhole of irregularities.

And here's something from The Duran on shootings in 2014 in the Ukraine. It appears that 'somebody' sent in snipers, protected the snipers' location and then blamed the legitimately elected government for the atrocity. This, as is suggested by the video, just might be the same power which routinely stages color revolutions, blows up buildings and pipelines, promotes plandemics and goes about the world staging endless false flag wars. And somehow, I have to believe the government and/or the government within a government that does this kind of stuff routinely abroad does not, or will not exhibit the slightest demur at doing the same kind of atrocious operational crap domestically. I think we are much further down a dark horrific rabbit hole than any of us want to believe.

Perhaps a bit hard to understand in places due to accents, but one can get the gist.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E56IVQY_Sx4&t=5381s (you can use captions here, but you will see more ads)

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

You have to wonder if the police did not respond- like Sunnydaze said - because they knew this was happening and were participating in it!!!!

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Like Texas?

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I don’t know about a TX incident but if its similar I don’t doubt it!

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Last year. A child, or teacher, inside called the cops. Took the cops awhile to get there, then they stood around for almost an hour before they did anything. I can't believe you don't remember, that was all over the real and fake (MSM) news. Even Substack. I'm sorry, I can't remember the name of the town.

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Uvalde, Robb Elementary.

And worse, when a parent who was I think a Border Patrol agent, wanted to go inside and help, he was restrained, from what I recall 😕

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Eek. Sorry. I just got on stack a year ago. And i try to avoid msm all over!

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More Putinoid repetition from the poofs at The Duran. Same crew that wanted the US to unilaterally disarm against the Soviets.

The attempt to deflect on the snipers being part of a Putin plan is scummy and not new.

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Of course it is. But "hate crimes" only apply to when a minority, a LBGT-etc. or a Muslim (or possibly some other non-Christian religion) has a crime perpetrated against them. If the person is white, straight, and/or Christian, the hate crime laws do not apply. Watch what happens with this one - that person's actions, even though she, will never be labeled with the term "hate crime".

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exactly Four winds!

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Evil is always present. And they hate themselves. Hateful is what best describes them best.

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I quickly thought: Christian school: Hate Crime. The sad part is, the kids and the staff are white. They are Christian. This will probably not be charged a hate crime, and no visits from Joe Biden or Kamala Harris either. Even more so because the perpetrator is trans. If the kids and staff were not white or Christian, and if the shooter were a white man, the Democrats would be there in an instant, demanding 'justice' and the mob would be holding their pre-prepared signs about guns and white supremacy. We have a spiritual rot in this country.

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Spiritual rot and moral bankruptcy that won’t be solved by more gun legislation — anyone who had that much hate and did that much planning ahead would have no hesitation to use some other method, imo.

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Biden didn't go to East Palestine so I doubt he will visit Nashville. They are trying their best to keep him away from the camera as much as possible. Nothing to see but a deranged white woman in men's clothing filled with hate.

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Well, Joe got to chime in about his ice cream so there's that.... :/

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I quit being "Fonda" Hanoi Jane Fonda, decades ago with her foolish hair brain impulsiveness.

Even Ted Turner had to burner. Toxic nut jobs are pretty much all the same. 1973 /50 yrs ago.

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I haven’t heard the phrase “domestic terrorism” used yet to describe this evil and am not holding my breath — but if it ever is, I figure the left will want us to ask ourselves why the terrorists hate us, the way they did with 9/11.

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"Transgender terrorism" perhaps? Don't cancel me, just looking for the applicable phrase.

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Maybe. But all the focus on the motivation just rewards an attention-seeking population with more attention. I think we need to drop the modifiers — I consider any crime this violent a hate crime because the criminal obviously hated *her* (I will not honor her by using false pronouns) fellow humans, and if a particular religious, political, or ideological group is the target, I consider it terrorism and don’t care whether it’s domestic or international in origin.

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That was somewhat tongue in cheek. Motivation? Not sure mentally ill combined with hate requires any motivation/motive other than finding a soft target. Schools are soft targets that get lots of publicity. These people would not last 2 seconds if they tried this at a police precinct. Okay, maybe not in woke Minneapolis at the 3rd precinct back in 2020.

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I always reserve judgment until the ever changing "evidence" can be subjected to the passage of time. My default assumption is that every one of these mass casualty events is a Gladio 2.0 type operation, and in most cases staged. Spare the faux outrage.

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The very first thing out of the residents mouth was gun banning. So it it possible this could be another Sandy Hook type theory. But, like you, Chevron, I'll wait for evidence.

Another thing we all need to do is never refer to these mentally ill transgenders with their preferred pronouns. They are male or female and nothing else. Our society has bent over and over giving them more and more, and look where it has gotten them. They are suicidal, murderous, hate-filled tyrants. They should be treated as mentally ill until cured. Just my opinion, but I'll bet most all here feel the same.

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I tend to agree. Playing into the Cultural Warfare aspect of the gender mash-up is not a good move. They are trying to force everyone to play the game and really the only way to win is not to play at all. XX-XY.

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*Chevrus* I really hate the spell check feature. It's never correct!!!

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That's possible, but how many of the dead are staged? I believe the body count is real, at least in this case. There are actual freaks out there that have no regard for human life and will commit mass murder, and the freak that did this in TN is quite possibly one of them. Just think about gang or mob hits - just people killing because they feel like it.

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GUN CONTROL Revealed as Motive for False Flag Nashville School Shooting with

a transgender shooter added to the script. -SANDY HOOK II - https://tinyurl.com/2cy93sey

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How do "they" know it's fake body cam footage? Because it's so soon after the shooting?

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Based on a majority of past casualty events, it is safer to assume that they are fake.

Outrageous you say? Well I suppose so is faking the thing.

Here is an example of a more "forgettable" event which is far less emotionally charged.


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Good report except the date (August 3, 2019) is missing from the PDF header ---- The media lies about so much many careful readers are assuming the story is fake until they find independent sources to verify the "official" CIA version or discover it was either exaggerated or a complete lie.

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Yes, it was quick search…hampered by today’s search engine bias.

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Archive,org BLOCKED my account a few years ago when I uploaded the PDF version of "NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK", published by Dr. Jim Fetzer. I was forced to create a new account. But last week, I chanced a search for the PDF book on Archive,org to see if anyone else had succeeded. I was very surprised to discover the book was back in my (new) account but with the artwork on the front cover removed. It turns out that master Librarian and computer genius, Bruster Kahle is under lawsuit for copyright infringement for acting as a digital librarian where a single book is loaned out to a single user just like a standard Library. Here is his March 20th press release - https://blog.archive.org/2023/03/20/press-conference-statement-brewster-kahle-internet-archive/

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Official body cameras encode the date and time in the corner of the video. This video appears to be GO-PRO or something else

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yes because no doubt they were significantly bullied like 20 years ago and were too butt hurt to ever simmer down.

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Yes, it's a hate crime. Will it be prosecuted as such? Or did they kill the it that did the killing? (I haven't read about the incident.)

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It is dead.

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Which is yet another indicator that we are seeing the shelf life of the post WW2 BrettonWoods ecosystem going into free-fall as the RoW actualizes The Great Turning Away.

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I saw a video of the Kenyan prez telling ppl to drop their US dollars. So who knows.

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...and that is but one example. When BRICS and Friends ditch the Dollar, it's value will plummet.

This is not arcane economic theory, it's linear simple math. They are very much doing it, and arming to the teeth on weapons that actually work so as to repel the retaliation which has always happened in the past.

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And not to mention where all the gold and silver is. Some disturbing stories coming out about that too.

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Thus the talk about Resource Backed Currency.

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I was wondering what real news this 'event' was distracting everyone from...

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Was about 2-3 weeks ago so who knows. But totally agree with you!!!!

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^^^ Qtardia Alert ^^^ SGT was a long time Qtardia grift operation $$$

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Good to know. Not a Q fan

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“But this Friday is Trans International Day of Visibility.”

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

Isaiah 5:20

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Every time I read that verse these days, I get chills.

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Huh. Every time I read it I think "Sheesh, it would be easier to point out those that DON'T do those woeful things that those who do." We are hurdling toward His glorious return. Time to stand out among them.

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EXACTLY--this is what I stated above. If we are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ...FOLLOW HIS WORD--and stop "pandering" to the "Godless narrative" floating around the world now.

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We here bolster one another to be brave and stand for Him. Don't be afraid of satan and his own who can only hurt the flesh.

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AMEN and AMEN - it will always be so!

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It's worse than just Trans Visibility Day. It's Transgender VENGENCE weekend. And they raising money to purchase firearms.


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I heard that on Glenn Beck earlier while I was driving to an appointment 😕 This needs to be shared far and wide. And like I said last night, to the leftists and their tools calling for gun bans, maybe they should just ban trans from having guns 🤨

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Did you see the news clip of the woman visiting TN from the NE who inserted herself into the story of death and grief to talk about banning assault rifles. Shameless freak. She is akin to the Westboro Baptists invading funerals. IMO.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

She had to be a plant. Pretty convenient that she is a DC gun control activist and "just happened" to be in TN when this shooting took place and "just happened" to be at that press conference and "just happened" to get on camera. We really are in a pandemic of "coincidences"!

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Right?? 😡

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Isn't that ever the truth! She got a full airing of her nonsense. They weighed keeping ppl up to date on what the lunatic was up to and whether the kids were OK versus letting another loon run her yap. Yap won. Shameless. Both sides of the camera.

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I saw it live too - it was so "in your face" and beyond coincidence that she (anti gun lobbyist) just happened to be there and inserted herself into the news report!

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

She just "happens to be" a "survivor" of the Highland Park, IL shooting...TOO!


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No I didn’t, but that’s disgusting (though par for the course for these people 🙄).

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Grammy, the gun has a vengeful heart, not the innocent trannie.

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I was about to say WHAT?!? Then re-read it with the sarcasm that was meant. We really do need a "sarcasm" font!

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Perhaps Attorney Jeff can find one to "load" to the C & C website--he'd be the biggest user of it--HANDS DOWN--LOL!

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AMEN!!!!! Woe!!!

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Gov Ron signing that Home Schooling bill is indeed huge. Third largest state in the union now has school choice.. This funds students instead of systems - a big distinction. ALL Florida families now have school choice. Here's a photo of the signing ceremony: https://twitter.com/CricketSurfing/status/1640430943600033792

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I like to call it the "Defund the teacher's, I mean Groomers, Union.

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I would love this to happen in California (yes I always have hope) - what a huge win for Florida and so many families! Praise!

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Texas needs to get the ball going on school choice.

I have to pay taxes to a public school system I refuse to use because it's incompetent and corrupt. I know teachers. They're fine folks, but I disagree with public education as of the 70s or 80s.

I was home schooled.

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In many cases, it's the system that is broken,not all the teachers. Fund students and good teachers will find a school that will let them educate properly.

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They've had a bunch of hearings on it this year - it's moving up the agenda. Would move up faster if people would stop voting for Phelan and his cronies, but it _is_ moving. The biggest concerns are government money getting tied to those currently decent private schools - many concerned parents don't want the strings that typically come with that money.

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Funding should follow students, exactly. That's who it's about, right?

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Yes it's a great day for Florida students and Governor DeSantis himself.

I always get a kick out of statements that this will lead to the collapse of public schools. With this argument the teacher's unions are admitting that their product is so awful, that if parents have any choice what so ever that they will take it. Yes, that is correct.

As someone paying both property taxes and Christian school tuition I'm happy for the parents in Florida that they now might get a financial break. But as bleak as things are (and no one can pretend they aren't at this point) if people are using money as an excuse to keep their kids in public schools then I really have to question their priorities.

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I hope the public schools collapse. Your kids are better off not going to them. Period.

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This bill will make a tremendous difference for my home schooling family. Very excited.

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What curriculum will the Federal government require of thos e who take Federal funds? Won't the Feds have oversight of Federal funds? When I hear the government is going to help I wonder what they might be up to.

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I’ve long thought school choice was a great solution, but a homeschool friend in Texas shared this recently. The TX hs groups are sounding the alarm on some of this legislation. It seems our globalist overlords can and will use anything to further their vile agenda 😒 They count on parents not reading the fine print… beware, just saying.


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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“The United States and its allies OPPOSE the Russians’ legal request for an international investigation, even though the State Department claimed Russia blew up their own pipeline, so you’d think we’d welcome the investigation, to shame Putin and whatnot.”

Not if you’re committed to hiding the horrific truth.

“The righteous hate what is false, but the wicked make themselves a stench and bring shame on themselves.”

Proverbs 13:5

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Truly laughable.

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Making sense or being righteous is not in the top 20 of our government.

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Putin asking for an investigation from the international community while he's continuing his murderous aggression in Ukraine is pretty special.

It's a special brand of hypocrisy, the old KGB bait and switch. Poor Putin, woe is my blackmailing pipeline. 🤣

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What evil?

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

NASEM also left off turbo cancers from their list. My husband & I know 3 people who have died within the last 6 months from lung cancer. All of them were in stage 4 upon discovery and died within 3 months of diagnosis. All were non-smokers, in their late 50's/early 60's, and all were considered healthy & very active for their age groups. Also, we already know the reported VAERS numbers are grossly understated. Watched a Glenn Beck interview just yesterday where a nurse was fired from her hospital job because they claimed she filed TOO many jab incidents to VAERS. They said she wasn't being a "Team Player". Sounds & smells like an easy & successful lawsuit to me. Then, how many doctors & hospital staff have the time to spend on this reporting? She said it takes 30 or more minutes to correctly report an incident because a ton of patient information has to be included. She was doing these on her off time because she said it was impossible to do during her shift.

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Yep, please add turbo cancer to the list. My 68 year old brother died January 31, 2023 of ‘turbo cancer’. He was a physically fit (same size as when he was in high school), strong and lean person who was shoveling gravel on his driveway a month before he died. I still can’t believe how fast it happened. He was convinced to get the two jabs, to my horror. I can never prove it, but I know it was those evil mRNA shots. I am seething with anger.

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My husband also diagnosed with stage 4 in September and for some reason they couldn’t figure out what kind of cancer it was, after he passed they say it was from the radiation he received 13 years ago for Hodgins Lymphoma, the pain he was in was horrific, he passed in the middle of October, it was his choice to get the 2 shots 😢💔 we were married 45 years 😭

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OMG… heartbreaking

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I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband! Prayers for the comfort only God can bring.😕💔

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I am so sorry, Kime.

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So sad. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. ❤️ 🙏

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I'm so sorry Kime. I am right beside you. Mine (age 81 - married 40 yrs) took 3 shots. Me zero. He was mowing lawns and enjoying retirement in 2021 and died in Sept. 2022. His rheumatoid arthritis dealt him a long term disability but I am positive the shots took out the rest of his immune system. The kids and I were with him and he was here at home on hospice for 12 days. He was at peace about it all but knew the shots took away any extra years he may have had. He is healthy and whole now but here you and I are trying to make sense out of a senseless world. I pray God's peace around you!

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So very sorry for your loss. 😕💔

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🙏🏻🙏🏻 for you and yours too 🤗

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Oh my Kime! My heart breaks for you!!! Tears 😭😭😭😭😭

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I am so sorry for your loss Kime. May you find peace. ❤️‍🩹

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Add my FIL to the list. Died within 5 weeks of diagnosis of grade IV glioblastoma despite a successful resection of the tumor. His condition deteriorated quickly with the surgeon thinking the tumor had already started to grow back. Prior to that finding, he also developed multiple basal cell CA on his face/head. He had (3) shots of poison.

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I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother Cathleen!

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I am sorry for your loss. 😔

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So sorry for the loss of your brother. 💔😕

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So very sad!

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And how about all the mental illnesses caused and or exacerbated by the vaxx or the lockdowns. I am surrounded by covidians who were not of sound thinking to full blown covidiots.

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Someone posted this interview yesterday that I found very interesting. This guy talks about fear vs instincts and how so many people can't overcome their fears because they've been conditioned, in one way or another, to ignore their instincts. For me personally, my instincts kicked in big-time as soon as the "two weeks to flatten the curve" turned out to be a huge lie. By the time the jabs were released, my instincts were in the "code red" zone.


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Even now if all the truth was explained to these covidians, I believe at least 50% would do it again.

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Yes, and they would still want those of us who will not comply in camps.

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I have zero tolerance or sympathy for them.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

I bet it's higher than that. They did what they had to do to save.... They'd do it again. And I'm talking most of the Christians I know.

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I have ALWAYS questioned authority, I personally think that’s healthy. If we see an injustice, question it! AND if the answers seem wrong or light on facts keep pushing. What is wrong with challenging others opinions? Glad I do, it’s kept me jab free!!

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I watched that interview with Gavin de Becker on Foxnation. It was very inciteful.

He's been around a long time, and worked with a lot of people. (Including Reagan).

He also wrote the afterward in Ed Dowd's book "Cause Unknown". (also excellent).


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I was mesmerized listening to his life story. He could have easily turned into an adult mess with his mother, stepfather, and completely dysfunctional life he had. This proves my theory that hardships early in life doesn't mean a lifelong sentence. My mother taught me that. She had an awful, very abusive, childhood. She told me a story about when she was around 8 yrs old, an old lady, who lived in an apartment above, would invite my mother for tea on occasion. My mother told me how this elderly lady assured her that Jesus loved her deeply. My mother said she hung onto that message during all the abuse she was experiencing in her home. My mother grew up to be a wonderful parent, God loving, smart, forgiving, talented, and a loving/dedicated wife to my father for 60 yrs. She's the strongest woman I've ever known.

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Such a sad story but with a beautiful light.

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Yep. Family friend was fine in October, dead in January from turbo cancer. Perfectly fit woman who walked 5 miles every day, even in her 70s. Jabbed and boosted. No one can figure out why she got cancer. Duh.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Exactly, I have a friend recently diagnosed this way. Stage 4 lung cancer out of nowhere. I am praying for her but worried that she is another victim.

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I remember hearing a radio commercial in late 2020, early 2021. It stated statistics that 1 in 3 Americans were diagnosed with some kind of cancer. And by year X (can't remember) that would rise to 1 in 2. Predictive programming, I believe. Kinda like the rise of autism, now at 1 in 32. In the 80s, autism was something like 1 in 10,000. But, it's all just due to better diagnosis.🤥🤥

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Add a variety of auto-immune diseases taking all shapes and forms.

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LOL, it looks like Microsoft's AI will have to spend time at a re-education camp!

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Yeah, the gov isn't going to do away with AI. They will seek to control it and weaponize it against us....

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Just like what they are trying to do with Tiktok.

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Have you read the bill that want to use to ban TikTok? The RESTRICT ACT (Bil 686). It grants the government MASSIVE power about any device, software or even an internet connection.

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I also heard they can use that bill to jail people who go against the current narratives.

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They can use that bill to declare and lock up anyone for anything they deem fit!

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And these geniuses want this crap to run a fully automated vehicle system?

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Compare to a human driver who's a total idiot, yelling at their kids, playing with their phones. I think the automated driving will have a better track record.

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Until you violate one of their social credit rules and you're auto-driven to lockup or re-education camp.

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Don’t forget the vaccidents as well.

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I have a problem with an automated vehicle that has a kill switch that can be regulated by others. Just sayin'. :)

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Yep - all the text-groomers recently de-empowered at Twitter can join the upcoming effort to sanitize ChatGPT.

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Hat tip !

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That study funded by CDC and HHS…sorry, cannot help but think/know its gonna be tilted to give a pass to those agencies

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I see that one of the people on the committee is Dr. Thomas Ortel, chief of hematology and professor of medicine and pathology at Duke University. I can't imagine he would be allowed to say anything negative about the shots, since, as of a few days ago, the Duke system still had lies on their website about the shots being safe and effective, even for pregnant "people."

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Would think every member of that expert panel has, either directly or indirectly, ties to Pharma. Difficult to believe we will see any truthful revelations come of this. But I suppose one can dream .....

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I wouldn't trust anything coming out of anyone's mouth who is associated in any way with Duke University or Duke Hospital. I speak from personal experience.

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For many years, we went to a family practice affiliated with Duke. They recently sent me an email, urging me to make an appointment. I replied that I didn't trust a doctor who is still pushing the shots and asked if they had faced reality. They sent me a link which contained the lies I mentioned in my original comment (and more). Also, I had cancer in 2008 and my oncologist was affiliated with Duke. I received good care from him and really liked him, but I saw in 2021 that he was promoting the shots and my respect for him evaporated.

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Plus isn't that the Alma mater of Melinda gates. So that says it all. They took all that gates grant money.

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A committee comprised of toadies and criminals.

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This "unbiased committee" will be a WHITEWASH expedition--I don't expect ANY REAL TRUTH to be exposed and disseminated to the public at large. In fact--I doubt the "public at large" knows anything about this "impartial committee"--nor will they EVER know about it!

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They will use it to brainwash the brain dead into believing yet again, the shots are safe and effective and we’re all double crazy for saying otherwise. It will justify their lies. It’s their attempt to bury the actual truth even farther down.

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We have NO reason to believe that it will be anything else.

Difficult to believe that should they return honest findings, that panel would not face the same gaslighting seen by Atlas, McCullough, Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, Gupta, Yeadon - just to name a few.

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With this panel of experts, it looks as though the government has figured out how to slickly "acknowledge" vaccine injury and then use an excise tax (ultimately, our money) to provide/improve compensation, whilst bypassing a lot of uncomfortable issues.

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That infuriates me

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It follows what happens with the childhood vaccines. Only specific, approved ADRs can file a claim under the 1986 NCVI act. Aaron Siri has a substack about it. He helps the vaccine injured, or tries to. If an injury isn't on that list, people are SOL.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Amen to that Jeff! Your SUV, and my company Jets, gas oven and stove and my RAM diesel pickup🤨

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Couldn’t agree more! AND I want to know where Greta and Al are regarding all the whales and dolphins dying on the east coast because of those “climate safe” windmills!! It’s allllll BS!

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And birds. Those windmills are decimating bird populations.

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Illinois! We were told, by the University of Illinois, not to invest in a windmill here 27 years ago because there isn't enough wind. Now we have thousands of acreage of wind turbines and Chinese solar panels. Come to Illinois we are doing great! 🤨😡 Ruled by The Fat Man

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The Fat Man, aka Fred Flintstone (he bears a striking resemblance). I keep hoping that saber toothless tiger of a state legislature will pitch him out of office.

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And all of the methane producing cows!

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Dont forget that humans fart and belch, too. We're just not specifically named on that list. Much to their delight, the jab is taking out a bunch of methane producers.

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The money should follow the student - have thought this for many years. It’s the most effective way to bring accountability to our schools.

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The tricky part is keeping government strings from following the money….

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This is very true. We homeschooled our kids and that issue was always a concern in the homeschooling community. That being said, I still think the money following the student is a step up from the current system.

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It would be wonderful if parents could receive vouchers so they could afford to stay home and teach their children. It’s the safest place for them.

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Here's my concern - as a homeschooler (former...they're all in college now) who would have loved to be paid for that very serious work I undertook:

*IF* homeschoolers receive funds, there will be those who want more $ more than the education of their children that will milk the system. I don't know how many. BUT...it leaves the possibility of government oversight of my home education to *prove* its effectiveness (i.e...I'm not just taking the money and ignoring their education) to ensure the $ is being properly used.

No problem in Florida right now...but with this on the books...extend out another 20 years when, say, Florida swings purple again, or blue. It could be a disaster waiting to happen.

I'd rather have the freedom to educate my children as I see fit without government interference.

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Same. Former homeschool parent here too!

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Yes I can see this being a potential issue. What burns me up is that they might ask parents to prove they are educating their kids and yet there are untold numbers of public schools where the students learn little to nothing.

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Exactly. The good news is there’s a very strong homeschooling community in Florida and I don’t see the homeschool laws changing very easily. But that’s only one state.

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I believe I read that with this bill homeschoolers DO get funds to cover tutors, textbooks, etc.

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As a homeschool parent, I want no part of any government oversight into how or what or when I reach our young human. Unfortunately, even though it is “our” money that we’d be getting back (and still leave a bunch of our tax dollars w the state, as I can homeschool for FAR less than it costs the state to group school, as others have said, the folks who give the money out will want to be sure it’s being put to good use and not used fraudulently. Therein lies the rub.

Homeschooling can be done pretty inexpensively, and for some students, even for almost free.

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Bingo! 💯 this.

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It still gives gov control.

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See my comment above. ^^

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"We really need to expose whoever is handling and training all these administrators. I don’t believe for one second this is any kind of organic movement." Take note that the CPUSA, ( Communist Party USA,) about two yrs ago, commented in their email newsletter , of their wonderful working relationship with the Teachers Unions and other Unions. Take note also that most universities ( and those who train teachers) support socialism / communism. They have been in this country for over 100 yrs. They have not been sleeping. They are very patient. Get their newsletter so you can read next weeks Headlines in our media.

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James Lindsay has numerous podcasts on the takeover of our educational system by Marxists. Paulo Freire and Henry Giroux were instrumental in getting the university system to adopt Marxism. All those hippies from the sixties went into the educational system and have now been running it for years.

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2009-10, I did a 15-credit program via PennState on English as a 2nd language, to add another certificate to my CV. Required reading of a $75 PAPERBACK included a very long, very boring chapter on Paulo Freire. What that chapter had to do with how to teach immigrant children to speak English I could not see. When course was over I satisfied my inner disgust by tearing up that book, fascicle by fascicle, and sending each in its turn into the flaming fireplace. There actually is a place for book burning.

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Yeah, Freire's intention to teach poor Brazilians English was only a ruse. His intention was to use words to create envy and disparity between classes in order to bring about a Marxist revolution. Total BS. Glad you burned that thing!

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Teachers’ Unions.

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The commies have taken root in education and are moving into other areas to further their destruction of America.

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Are we anti-communist or pro communist? Folks here are fairly pro-communist.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Funny, because if you hear some of the arguments people make around foreign policy, you hear a lot of communist anthems, dictums and rationality used in the 80s and 90s.

A lot. What's funny is how they are using some of the same communist complaints while retreading Soviet day and Putin propaganda, all with absolutely no self-awareness whatsoever.

Putin would tongue it out with The Duran. Not much love from anyone more than those tools.

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Congrats to DeSantis on the school choice bill. Interesting when opponents go straight to the "public schools will suffer" argument. Why? Because people will have a choice?

What if public schools are exposed to a bit of competition? What if they have to try a little harder and change some things that clearly aren't working? What if they have to let go of some dead weight staff who aren't open to change and aren't contributing to good educational outcomes?

What if those things happened broadly across schools and most/all students got a better education because there was a sense of urgency among administrators / teachers / school boards.

Let's not assume the outcome has to be about winners and losers. A lot of kids are losing in the current system. This pressure to perform might (and I suspect will) help most students in the long run.

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It’s not just school choice for students, but school choice for teachers...build those school and let the good teachers out of a failing system :).

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Here is a clip from a debate between the education establishment and Thomas Sowell/William F. Buckley about school choice being the path to better schools: https://youtu.be/KytyESCJ7sQ. It's amazing that when you offer equal opportunities to lower income families to attend the same private schools as higher income families, those on the left are the ones who object...well, those on the left and teachers' unions (six of one, half dozen of the other).

Another great resource is Thomas Sowell's Interview regarding his book "Charter Schools and Their Enemies." It's not the exact same issue, but it rhymes. Interview: https://www.hoover.org/research/economist-looks-90-tom-sowell-charter-schools-and-their-enemies-1.

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Huge fan of Sowell. His book: Discrimination and Disparities should be required reading by all high schoolers.

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Couldn’t love this more!! I believe Sowell is one of the greatest thinkers of all time.

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I've read Sowell's book. The evidence is pretty compelling. I'll check out the clip.

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Love Sowell!

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I would posit that the staff who are not open to change are not the problem. Just saying as one who escaped only two years ago.

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Not not?

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What do you think is?

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See Project Veritas' expose last spring of the Cos Cob principal who would 'never hire' a teacher who was Catholic, or mature. Because these are not malleable people. But younger teachers are very malleable. I would lay the guilt in the lap of the administrators who are under 50 years of age. Or a good part of the guilt, anyway. Based on my personal experience as a public school (secondary) teacher.

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“[S]chool shooters are almost always males.” Yes, but they are probably without exception chemically (think Ritalin and other drugs prescribed for ADHD) and/or psychologically emasculated (think separated or divorced parents). Plus, there is a spiritual vacuity generally inherent in society and specifically so in public schools.

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And SSRIs, like Prozac and its ilk.

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I recently saw a rather defensive tweet from a pretty well-know conservative pundit/reporter regarding the Adderall shortage. She stated that Adderall made it possible for her to function as an adult (she is around 50) and castigated those denigrating it.

It was both surprising and disappointing. This was someone who's opinion I had grown to respect defending taking speed daily just to get through the day. How is that any different from an addict? Even if it's true, some things really should be kept to oneself. I suspect this is much more common than we know.

I'll be the first to admit I drink too much coffee, and caffeine is an addicting crutch, it's not something I'm proud of. Yet so many people actually celebrate their various addictions and parade them around like a virtue. It's the sign of a very unhealthy society.

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I lost a good friend to suicide who was taking Adderall. Those drugs may help short term for the intended goal but may carry many, many more dangerous side effects in some.

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Mine would be sugar. Very addictive.

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Exactly! I found out that since this pandemic the majority of people, including their kids, are either on some type of antdepression med or ADHD med. It is a modern version of Valley Of The Dolls but with entire families.

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Something like 60% of Americans are on some sort of RX "mood enhancers". And most of these drugs are made in China. What's gonna happen when China shuts off the drug supply and these people devolve with withdrawals? It's not going to be pretty. 😢

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God! and I feel like a dud for using sinus spray......

Later Jay

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Regular saline works great. You can even make it yourself.

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Haha, be careful Jay as sprays like Afrin can become addicting themselves as the body will compensate to counteract the drug. I fell into that trap myself many years ago and my nose was completely plugged every morning unless it took a few snorts. Had to go off it cold turkey and it took several days to get back to normal.

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Had some sinus spray from four years ago and it ran out about three years. No Lasix or anything but an ibuprofen in over three years. No illness.

God bless Dr. Zelenko, wherever he is.

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No way, can't be 60%. Can it?

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I heard that on some podcast. Don't remember which one now, tho. It really doesn't surprise me, especially with how popular antidepressants and ADHD drugs are.

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Hmmm..March is women’s history month and the last day is for international trans visibility? They couldn’t give them April 1st ⁉️🤷‍♀️

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Just one more way to erase women.

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As a real woman I do not intend to go down without a fight. My grandmother's and great grandmother's suffered as women and stood up to the men who tried to keep them subjugated. I am woman hear me roar.

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April Fools Day would be perfect.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"AI will never survive. Sooner or later, the Deep State is will assassinate it in its electronic crib."

In other words, they'll inject it with the recommended 72 childhood vax jabs and let "SIDS" do its thing.

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It's funny how those AI systems (Chat GPT) keep leaking big truths about bad actions of the Deep State. They give odd answers as to 'how many genders are there'. 'Who killed JFK?' I guess they will need constant 'training' to sanitize the output...

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

ChatGPT will provide job opportunities for all the text-groomers Musk tossed off the Twitter payroll.

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I trust Chat GPT about as much as Big Tech fact checkers.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

As evil as that young woman's deeds were, did you read her final communications with her friend? Tragically sad and defeated. I'm guessing it was largely the poisonous trans ideology that was force fed to her by our current society, and from which she vomited the evil onto those poor children and adults at her former school. I am NOT defending her actions, I'm just pointing out that we are bearing the tragic fruits of the poisonous seed that has infiltrated our society.

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The drugs that these poor deluded individuals take along with their preexisting mental disorders are causing ticking time bombs all over the country. I expect many more such incidents..

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This is going to sound cold hearted, but if she wanted to die, then she should have only taken herself out. She had no right to take 6 innocent people with her. My cousin killed his entire family and them himself September 2021. I wish he had killed only himself as opposed to his family and himself. (Obviously I would rather have him alive.) This girl had no right to do anything to others regardless of what she was force fed. I get where you are coming from and not trying to argue, but I have zero sympathy for this person. What she did was pure evil and she has only herself to blame. I'm sure the chemical cocktail of testosterone in a body that was not designed to have it did not help at all.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

We've always had desperately unhappy people taking their own lives, it's been around forever. But it used to be that some tormented soul would shoot themselves alone in a motel room or some such place. The classic "good bye cruel world".

What has changed over the past few decades is that these people now view themselves as victims and use their own deaths as payback. They aren't only going to end their own misery but are going to take a bunch of people with them that they view as responsible for it. School shooters, workplace shooting, family murder-suicides, it's everywhere.

It's a level of narcissism on a truly demonic level, and it's a relatively new phenomena.

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Was thinking same thing. They are inflicting their pain and death on those they can best perceive as responsible.

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Yes, while it has always existed, I also believe the incidence has significantly increased.

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The Blame Game just keeps escalating.

Luke 12:53 (NIV) - They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”,

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The fact that she was not only homicidal but also suicidal is reminiscent of one of the Columbine shooters. Some very eerie similarities (I don't recall anyone reaching any conclusions about why the shooter was compelled to kill others in addition to himself). My brain cannot process what a person's state of mind must be to take not only his or her own life, but especially the lives of loved ones (as in your cousin's case) or the truly innocent (as in the killing of children in this case).

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No disagreement from me. How horrible for you and your family. I cannot imagine it at all.

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MKUltra can't be ruled out.

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I am wondering if there has been a study on the effects of combined quantities of natural estrogen and synthetic testosterone has on ones body chemistry. Vice versus too. Natural testosterone. Synthetic estrogen. Something seems to be creating a lot more mental illness today.

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Agreed. Blood from this event is on many hands. What did her final communication say?

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