Mar 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Hallelujah and TY Jesus for Surgeon General Dr. Lapado! May many more leaders step up their bravery and Do The Right Thing

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I am so grateful DeSantis brought him onboard!

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Reading the comments below his tweet made me sick and sad.

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Just trolls and groomers. Don't pay them any mind. We have a lot more of us who choose life than them, who choose degradation and succumb.

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Twitter is a crazy place! That’s all they know, insults and defense .

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I tried Twitter after musk bought it. Those people are so mean. You have to have a thick skin. Not sure how much longer I’ll bother.

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I'll tell you what I like most about Twitter...... Since Musk bought it, and since the Twitter Files and now Matt Taibbi testifying at the House Subcommittee hearings, I believe that platforms such as Facebook and YouTube have been forced to loosen their reins on censorship, a bit.

Over the past few weeks, I have placed posts on FB that have NOT been pulled, and I have heard nothing from FB in the way of warning.

I had never before even attempted such posts, because I knew what the result would be. But posts of short vids of Dr. Ryan Cole talking about "Turbo Cancers", for example,

another vid from an international source, same topic, and a few others such as one from Dr. Drew, who has had an epiphany regarding the jab and adverse reactions. A couple others which, just a short while ago, likely came down the same day.

Try it out folks!

I have had a few "reactions" attached by friends, so they have been 'visible'.

Anyway..... Twitter and Musk has been a light in the darkness. Nothing is perfect - but this is just what the doctor ordered - a fact to which many Drs, recently released from Twitter Jail, will attest.

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Mar 18, 2023Β·edited Mar 18, 2023

I want credit for β€œ time served β€œ in Facebook’ jail’, Hunter laptop posts!

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Yes, but don’t forget that it sometimes takes Facebook five months or more to catch up and by the time they do, you might have so many β€œviolations” that they will yank your account all together, which is exactly what happened to me, with zero recourse. I had to start from complete, scratch.

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I use Twitter and find it valuable. I don't allow politics into my feed. I block any idiots. As a result I have a global network of mostly kind and often interesting people, come of whom make it onto my podcast. and even into my upcoming book. On Twitter I'm @CancerRoadTrip if you want to check it out

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Twitter is a PREMIER battleground for this war, this 5th Generation warfare... whether a person realizes we're at war or not doesn't change that they are involved, intimately/ directly, because the nature of 5th Gen warfare is in the mind, weapons are information and perception of which we all posses...to varying degrees of accuracy- which is the difference between winning or losing this war.

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I ignore them because they hate being ignored.

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Sometimes I like to troll the trolls cause ....well, it is fun.

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Part of the fun of being on Twitter was seeing how far I could push things before I was put in Twitter jail. I would insult that greedy bitch Zelensky almost everyday.

But, alas, I was finally permanently banned when I referred to that Twitter lawyer, who earned $17 million, and cried at work, a bimbo.

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You’d have insulted Churchill too.

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Yes, and as I understand it he is a Christian. Sad we miss him here in CA but he is doing a lot of Good

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I was brought to tears by the American Thought Leaders interview. I cannot comprehend the evil that denies that these injuries exist, gaslights and mocks anyone who talks about their injury, and refuses to help. I can't do anything but speak out about it, but the day is coming when these evil people will be held accountable by God. I hope they will repent before then (at least I try to maintain that attitude). I also hope they will be punished in this life. We must not let this evil go unpunished.

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I got a bunch of autoimmune issues from an mmr booster in 2001, on disability since 2003. The insurance dictated doctors gaslight and deny. Got an integrative medicine doctor a few years ago ( finally, thank God!) who is helping me heal and gives me HOPE. It’s heartbreaking what the injured are going through.

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Heartbreaking, indeed!! I'm thankful you found one of the good doctors and that you are improving. Covid changed my life. I lost all trust in our government and in healthcare. I will never take another vaccine of any kind, and if I had young children, I don't think they would receive any. It's been devastating to learn that it's all a house of cards, or as the new book about vaccines calls it, Turtles All the Way Down.

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I credit God answering my prayers for my doctor & for relocating to central Florida from upstate New York just before lockdown. I wasn’t looking for a companion but just celebrated my 3rd wedding anniversary. God blessed me greatly. I’m hoping to get back to work part time in the near future. Give back a little.

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So glad ❀️ Many more blessings to you!

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Thanks. God gets all the credit!

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You GO girl!!! One of my favorite scriptures is Romans 8:28 and your are living proof. God Bless. :)

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I’m with you; I told my doctor in early 2020 that I’ll never take a vaccine of any kind again. I said you don’t even need to ever ask me again.

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I've had numerous health issues over the years and as a result, I no longer have any confidence in allopathic medicine. I'm lucky enough to be old enough to say "I've had a good life." Live life, enjoy the day.

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That is why they say the worst vaccine for babies is that one. Won't be giving it to our grandbaby. Praying that you feel better.

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My babe has NONE! Whew. Now to get her thru life without a card!

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Mar 17, 2023Β·edited Mar 17, 2023

I refused all vaccines when my kids were born but took my son in for a sports physical when he was 9 and took them all because that's how we lived. Dr and nurses guilted me into a physical fire them all. Did a vaginal check on my 12 yr old in front of ALL of the other three kids, 2 boys!! Then it got worse. They made me feel like they might take my kids away from me if i didn't allow them all to have their first round of vaccines!! I complied. 😭 So mad. Thankful that they aren't completely debilitated but two do struggle with anxiety and other health, autoimmune issues. 😑😑😑

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My children were babies of the 80s. There were many fewer vaccines back then, and the idea of not vaccinating wasnt anything anyone ever heard of, so yes they are vaccinated. At 12 their doctors gave them hep b. Thank God my daughter never went in at 18 to get that Gardasil one.

My daughter has struggled with anxiety a bit too and I really couldnt understand it because in my generation no one ever heard of anxiety which wasnt the average 'butterflies in the stomach' thing you feel when you are nervous about something.

I now see that so many young women her age and younger struggle with anxiety. Therefore it must be from vaccines which they got, but we boomers didn't.

On another topic, if a young teen or woman has any issue with heavy periods, the doctors immediately put them on not so safe birth control pills. My daughter was put on them at 17. When she came off them, she said that she felt 'normal' again and hadnt felt that way since before she was put on them.

These doctors have no conscience. Ugh.

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Yup, medications and similar interventions are always the answer for them. And no one ever tells girls that they are at higher risk of blood clots and stroke because of the birth control pills. One of my acquaintances had an issue with that in her 30s and was furious that she’d never been advised that there was any risk whatsoever. You really have to advocate for yourself and be skeptical because most doctors won’t tell you anything but the Pharma line of safe and effective.

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Mar 18, 2023Β·edited Mar 18, 2023

Well I agree that vaccines seem to have a link with increase in anxiety, I think it’s more complicated than that. My daughter was never vaccinated, born in the mid 90s and it seems like most of the girls in her age group struggled with anxiety, including her. I’m thankful it was never debilitating, but I never understood where it came from. Unfortunately, she grew up and went to college and decided I was wrong about my position on vaccines and not only did she get the Covid shot she started catching up on other vaccines. Broke my heart. πŸ’” we continue to pray every day that she’ll learn the truth. I wish I would’ve done a better job educating her on why we didn’t vaccinate when she was younger. Unfortunately she doesn’t want to hear anything about it now.. fortunately, I think we’ve done a better job educating our son, and I just pray that he doesn’t get brainwashed someday.

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Oh YES!! THIS!! I really hadn't thought of vaccines as the reason 25% of that age group is actually debilitated by anxiety!!

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I think we also need to reconsider how cavalierly medications and procedures are given for pregnant and laboring women, we don’t really know what adverse effects these might have on children because they’re too much of a cash cow for the medical industry.

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I had 3 home births with wonderful midwives. I would recommend that way to go to anyone who is healthy to begin with.

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That is how my daughter is leaning. Problem will be school if she is still in the 'no religious exemptions ' blue state she lives in.

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It's easy for me to say, since my children are long ago grown and on their own, but I think parents are going to have to abandon the public schools. We can't trust what they're telling them during the day. I just read in Steve Deace's book, Rise of the Fourth Reich, the story of a homeschool family who took ivermectin when they had covid. The son had trouble with insomnia and they took him to a doctor. The doctor found out he had been given ivermectin and CPS was sent to take the two children. (I'm condensing the story a bit.) The mom fled with the children before they arrived. That, plus the fact that they were not in the public school where CPS could have gotten to them, prevented them from being taken away. They still had to go to court hearings numerous times and spent $60,000 to prevent their children being taken. It seems like once children get into the school, parents essentially lose control. That's what they seem to be working toward, dividing parents and children.

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Government schools are government control. Never forget that.

Homeschoolers aren’t always safe from government clutches either. Stay vigilant

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Wow. I’m so sorry Rosalind. The vax industry is truly so evil. God gave us all we need for immunity.

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I’m on a bunch of supplements ( tested for purity) based on my blood work and a peptide spray to help get the plaque out of my brain from biotoxin mold illness, it took 7 years to get to this point, very thankful. My autoimmune issues are usually manageable now, very blessed. Reverse osmosis water and non gmo / organic food. All helpful. I didn’t realize it was a vaccine injury for a few years, I’d been recovering from ptsd and insurance dictated doctors blamed my mental health for my physical injuries! I had adrenal exhaustion and nobody would help, it’s easy to heal from if you know what to do!

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Like IBS is a stress issue!

Yet smart doctors have finally realized the gut microbiome link and health.

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Mar 17, 2023Β·edited Mar 17, 2023

Rosalind, if I may ask, at what age were you when you got a MMR booster? An adult? If so why or who suggested it and why? I am 61 now and only have been offered flu shots, tetanus, and HPV(when first came out) by doctors. I never took a flu shot, (stupidly before I knew anything about how bad shots are)have had 2 tetanus shots in adulthood, & declined the HPV shot. Never been offered any others by a doctor.

May God bless you through your road to recovery!πŸ™β€οΈ

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Be careful if your doctor tells you to take the shingles vaccine.

It has a FDA black box warning on it for Guillain-Barre Syndrome.


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My dad contracted GBS two years ago. It is not a disease you want.

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Was it from a vaccine or a virus?

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His docs suggested it was from his flu shot a few months prior. No one mentioned whether he had a shingles shot. I should ask him. He’s 85 and this happened two years ago.

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I was 34. Ironically I took it because it was required as a teacher assistant for special needs, an autistic kindergarten class. (& My most rewarding job ever).

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Wow! That is insane to require adults to get a MMR booster. I am so sorry!

I pray to God that more and more truths be revealed to all about how injections are harmful and someday soon the poisoning will stop.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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I didn’t think a thing of it at the time. Blind trust. Duh.

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Most of us had blind trust. So sad we thought we could trust doctors.

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In upstate New York.

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And then we have these β€œcaptured” unethical doctors going on TV and ignoring the vaccine injuries and saying that it is d/t not getting the chicken pox vaccine. I hope Justin Bieber would come out and admit he is vaccine injured


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& Mrs Bieber too

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I figured they’re pressured to stay quiet. Danae Hamlin too.

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Pressured and maybe even paid.

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God sees everything. He will hold everyone to account.

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I just returned home from a two-week trip to Israel. Our God is powerful and fierce.....These evil-doers who are behind these jabs, and ANYONE who administers them, absolutely has it coming at the end of their lives.....God is watching and taking notes no doubt.

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Their god is money. I hope they repent before it is too late.

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it needs to be on CNN so the sheep are exposed to it.... they might stop and think given that she's a celebrity

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And then we have these β€œcaptured” unethical doctors going on TV and ignoring the vaccine injuries and saying that it is d/t not getting the chicken pox vaccine. I hope Justin Bieber would come out and admit he is vaccine injured


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Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble;

He saved them out of their distresses.

He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death

And broke their bands apart.

Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness,

And for His wonders to the sons of men!

--Psalm 107:13-15 NASB1995

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Mar 17, 2023Β·edited Mar 17, 2023


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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

So talking with my 21 year old and she calmly says to me, β€œ I don’t think my generation sucks, I think we feel like things are hopeless.” What a view point to have.

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And this is exactly why all the "adults in the room" pissed me off beyond description. You stupid a-holes...crushing young people, so myopic and self-centered as to be unable to see the destruction your cooperation with this crime will bring them...specifically.

All of the dopes who thought this was a good idea, this is what you have aided and abetted. This...this beautiful young soul looking out at the world and asking, "WITA?"

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Take your anger and use it to find a way to encourage young people. I am 70 years old and co-teach tenth grade girls at my church. I struggle with thinking that they don't want me around because I'm so old, but I think God led me to do this because of my burden for them and what they face. You can make a difference. Take care.

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Believe me, they may not seem to value you now, but you will be their core stabilizing memory in the future. God bless you abundantly.

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Thank you for the encouragement.

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I also feel that I'm here to share what I can. People are going to need to look within and find their individual strength for what is coming.

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When I was a young teenager, the pastor's very elderly mother came and taught a lesson or two of our Sunday school when the regular teacher was out. I remember those lessons when I've forgotten nearly every other Sunday school lesson I had. Those two Sundays stuck with me because she answered questions I had and said things that struck me as very profound.

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Aww, you brought tears to my eyes. Now that I think about it, the one Sunday School teacher I remember was when I was quite young and she was elderly. I firmly believe she had a part in my profession of faith later in life.

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Mar 18, 2023Β·edited Mar 18, 2023

God bless you, Anne, for using your time to teach young girls. They need people who really care and take an interest in them at that age!

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OK, I admit I'm much older than I feel. But the acronyms drive me crazy.

What does WITA stand for? A websearch revealed onl "War is the answer"

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I'm sorry, Fred. WITA means "What in the actual..." Its more common usage is WITAF...and I'll let you guess what the "F" stands for. It's a way of emphasizing the question, What the hell is going on or similar. It's that question's more p-off "cousin."

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TY. (See what I did there?)

No, really, thanks for the response.

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I did see what you did there. LOL. You're welcome!

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Thanks for the explanation. As the kids say, β€œMom, you are not up with the lingo!” πŸ€ͺ

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My son tells me I'm dial-up in a 5G world.

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WTF where F stands for the big word you aren't supposed to say or else you get your mouth washed out with soap, LOL. Also WTH (same deal with the H, word lol). You can also say What in the Blue Blazes.. but then you are pretty old if you say that, ROFL.

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Thanks for asking Fred; I didn’t know what it meant either.

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The more common alternative is "WTF". There, FIFY!

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Hear, hear!!!!!

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Totally agree

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Went to a fundraiser where a 24 year was the main guest speaker and he shared many

Gen Z facts like the one your daughter shared - living in a hopeless age, constantly barraged with images and articles on social media that they spend at least 10 hours a day viewing. We need to let them know we are there for them and they can get through this - they are our hope for a better future!

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Mar 17, 2023Β·edited Mar 18, 2023

But what about past generations of war parents, or the drug and sex generation, or everytime the dems are in poweror is it worse when the Repubs act like De'masses? Made us not want kids or get married or go on... But God. Every generation has a test who to trust.

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Ha. πŸ˜› Thanks. Tried to fix as much as i could remember based on my bad spelling clues. Swype. No personal editor. 😝🀭

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Bingo, exactly how the evil corrupt elites want you to feel!! A hopeless generation is easy to control.

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Totally agree. Personally I think my parents generation (70)s was easier to control. They trust the news much easier. Who knows. That’s my opinion and experience.

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Maybe... if you are referring to Gen X.... but as a boomer” our productive years beginning in the seventies with college and careers, my government opinion was formulated literally in 1970. I was at Kent State on May 4, 1970... when the peaceful student gathering more than the reported so called organized protests were dealt with by Ohio Gov James A Rhodes, par equal to the Pelosi, Pence, Schumer, AOC rabid indictments of January 6...

Perhaps too young to grasp the gist of β€œWoodstock....We’re not going to buy your corporate drone mentality, rather just cut loose”, we were a generation with a national objection to Viet Nam, no where near the government obey authority drones our WW2 parents were. We were early years β€œhippee” a reckless abandonment of all rules, β€œboomers made love not war” .... we ~were~ counter culture, rejecting authority... far from β€œeasier to control.” After May 4th, 1970... >zero< trust in government... first among my circle of friends and family to recognize government corruption... JFK, 9/11, weapons of mass destruction, .... stopping a presidential vote count at 7:30 pm!!!!!

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I was born September 1946; original crop of baby boomer. I was very traditional (still am for the most part), & would never have protested Re: Vietnam. I would (& won’t) ever take drugs. Appalled that Bill Clinton protested our government & Vietnam policy in England (treason to do so on foreign soil. My friends & I were good teens, obeyed our elders & authorities. We’re respectful.

I remember the day Kennedy was shot; heard talk in hallways, then awful announcement over intercom which also dismissed the rest of our school day.

Driving myself home I was terrified - wanted my momma. We trusted our government & government officials. Our state & local too.


I question everything!

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This is why we need to show them where true hope comes from. But I understand. I struggle with feeling hope filled too.

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When you think of all the fresh young adults who were idled right when they should have been embarking on careers, marriage, children... life - who wouldn't be depressed. BUT it is our job (we the older folks with a few more notches on our belts) to bolster them and help them relaunch with extra vigor. Help them discover how to reboot because they need that skill now and certainly as life continues. Life is not hopeless. If you let them live with that thought, count it as failure. If you help them dig out, everyone wins (except the dark empowered).

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If I had my way, I would grab their smart phones and throw them all in the ocean. (Apologies to Willy and his friends.)

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Yesterday I was out to lunch with friends and one of us could not stop answering and reading texts. Finally, someone who I wish was me said "shall we invite your text friend to lunch? We haven't ordered yet. They must be quite the interesting conversationalist".

Have you noticed people are walking around with their hand in the shape of their phone as if looking at it even with no phone in hand?

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What a great response! I’ll have to remember that one.

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They carry the smartphone around everywhere like it is a medical support device.

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This is why I refuse to give my kid one until she is 16. I hope to make it to 18 but at least 16.

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Mar 17, 2023Β·edited Mar 17, 2023

Give your kid a non smart phone. They can have it for emergencies, but texting is annoyingly difficult and there is no selfie taking.

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she would hate me more

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Haha. You must be doing something right.

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A phone that is just "smart enough" to text and take photos ... but not stream video nor TikTok-type social media.

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You can purchase a flip phone just for emergencies.

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eh. she can use a friends. lol

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Part of life is learning to navigate the bumps as soon as humanly possible. Wisdom helps. We need to share that wisdom and the sense of possibility that can come from it.

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Totally agree. She has her own biz while going to college. She teaches swim lessons in Gainesville. She’s an amazing young lady. But all her friends are jabbed😒

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All friends jabbed is what makes it harder. Maybe you can introduce her to a young person who is not. There is strength in numbers!!!!!

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It’s hard when they are in college. Especially in Gainesville. And she was ROTC and got out bc of the jab, while her friends stayed in.

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Your daughter sounds like an amazing young woman -- a woman of character. Yea you, Christy.

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Thank you. She truly is, just a little biased. Lol

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She does sound terrific. High five to y'all avoiding her getting jabbed while in college. I hope more and more ppl her age wake up to what has been done. Then there will be more ppl for her to socialize with.

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So true Raptor.

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Turn her onto www.turningpointusa.com. Charlie Kirk is amazing! He travels the country to different colleges and despite the usual protesters, he is hopeful and inspired by the many who do show up and listen, and ask great questions. Have your daughter check out the site to find out where he’ll be next. Candace Owens (Blexit), another wonderful millennial, recently joined turning point, which is so exciting. Charlie has a podcast too (the Charlie Kirk show).

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That is an excellent idea! TPUSA is joining with churches to talk about how people of faith can get out there and make real, concrete change in our nation. They did a thing a couple nights ago with Prager.

Speaking of Prager, when you watch his fireside chats it really leaves you with a feeling of hope for the next gen. They write in with questions for him and he answers them as he sits by the fireside with his dog.

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And Candace is brilliant! She is very hope inspiring!

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I have but she doesn’t wanna get involved in politics. I’ve tried. Lol. She prob will eventually

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She will find her thing Christy. Keep encouraging her. There are benefits to getting out and taking chances in life. Being cloistered is not vibrant self actualized living. For kids or oldish farts like me.

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Thanks!!!! We travel a lot and she comes with us when she can

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This makes me angry and sad. May the evil ones who caused this fall into their own traps!

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There, now my comment actually makes sense. 😜

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This is also why there is so much suicide.

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Yes, that viewpoint does suck.

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Ha, who is "we"? You want to think it's hopeless, then it is. Your choice. When the focus gets too narrow I tell the kids to go stick their head in a book about the Thirty Years War. If they can stand it.

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Unfortunately it isn’t just young people who feel that way. That’s why Yeshua (Jesus) asked the question: β€œWhen I return, will I find faith?”.........I’m asking the same question.

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My kids say the same thing Christy

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I think they are the first generation that feels that way maybe. I know I didn’t feel that way and I’m 50.

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I’m 60 and didn’t feel that way , it’s so sad.

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Maybe because the noise of everything 24/7 around us is so conflicting, devisive, chaotic, confusing, scary, etc..we are like a banana republic..For us boomers we have a moral foundation from our youth. Integrity and honesty were important virtues and God and faith were our anchor. That isnt the case for the younger generations. Example:

Now Trump is saying that he is going to probably be arrested (hush money to stormy Daniels before campaign). This is what I think: yes, it has been more or less established that he gave it to her. God only knows how many have been offered the same by Clintons and others. Be that as it may, she came out and announced it to bring him down. I think that she was probably paid a ton more by some evil demon crat entity to do that.

The corruption, the money love to betray others or even ones family (a certain Prince comes to mind) is utterly revolting these days. I think that famous people have probably also been bought (or threatened)to not speak about their vaccine injuries as well.

It is all so discouraging and repulsive.

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Totally agree. Not one politician has gone to jail. Not one!!!

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The question: Should Ukraine Surrender.

Are they simply lacking bodies? Easy solution: Anyone flying a Ukrainian flag outside their house or using it on their social media will be immediately conscripted and sent to help the Piano Player. Next, all Congresscritters, public officials, media employees who support arming Ukraine will also be drafted.

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β€œLet’s see how tall or long you *stand* with Ukraine! Probably about as long as I can stand you, Neighbor Virtue Signaler.”

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Since they revolted against their Russian backed oppressors.

So now you’re okay with American combat troops?

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I'd send Congress first. Lead from the front.

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that is a brilliant idea!

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Great idea! I’m all for it!

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Now you can go strap on a scba suit and start cleaning east Palestine. Or

Failing that go to the southern border and patrol.

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Meant for FBM πŸ™ŒπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

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And you can go lead the first wave against China πŸ˜‰

Ukraine isn’t lacking people.

Russia is going to start another mobilization soon. Have you applied? Wagner is hiring people. With your experience it should be a quick victory.

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Re the detransition bill, there should be a requirement for a bond or a trust set aside by the employer for the payment of detransitioners like they do to homeowners with dangerous dogs. Just in case those those wokesters go out of biz.

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The video of William Kelly addressing Lightfoot was great except for one thing. Those council members are painfully disrespectful! Shame on them also. They walked around and talked back and forth as if no one were addressing them. What a pitiful display of disrespect…and if they show that much disrespect and disregard for their constituents at a public meeting just imagine what they do when no one is looking. Shame on all of them!

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Seems it's a thing. This is one of my favorite transcripts-- I love her always dignified but fiery spirit-- Peggy Hall made a public comment before the Orange County California Board of Supervisors in which she lambasted them for their disrespect while she was speaking.


The Healthy American Peggy Hall

posted March 13, 2021



Peggy Hall, whose website is thehealthyamerican.org, is a noted advocate of religious freedom based in Orange County, California. This transcribed excerpt is of Hall's 3 minutes for speaking to item 13 on the agenda of the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting, the local emergency related to COVID-19. In the approximately 9-minute long video Hall also provides commentary both before and after the clip of her 3 minute testimony, which commentary has not been transcribed.



PEGGY HALL [unmasked, at podium, addressing masked supervisors sitting on dais]: This is Peggy Hall. I'm the former director of teacher education at the University of California Irvine. I'd like to educate you on some of the laws that are very important that you have been elected to uphold.

Today on agenda item 13 you're going to be speaking with Health Officer Chao* and getting an update. You are required by law, which is California Code 101080 to terminate, and Mr. [inaudible] knows this very well because we've had conversations about it, you are required by law to terminate the local health emergency at the earliest possible date. This is a law. And I just want to know if we have the assurance that we can rely upon the law in this county or whether they're just words on a piece of paper. So Health Code 101080 gives authority to the Health Officer to call an emergency. In California we have a definition of the word emergency–

And none of you are looking at me. Gosh, that's so disconcerting.


Supervisors? Yes, thank you, thank you very much I do appreciate the courtesy. Um, I've waited to speak and I would appreciate the courtesy of your attention.

Supervisor Bartlett** has replied to my concern. Supervisor Wagner*** hasn't. Chairman Do**** congratulations on your position. And I would like you today when you speak to Supervisor Chao* to add an additional exemption to the unlawful health orders.

I just snapped a photo here on the door because it says what the exemptions are. [reading from the photo on her smartphone] It says that the cloth face covering shall not apply to any of the following persons: Children under the age of 2, anyone who has trouble breathing or who is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the face cloth covering without assistance, or persons with a medical or mental health condition.

You need to add a religious exemption. Tens of thousands of Christians are being persecuted in this county. I am not Muslim, I do not veil my face. I was made in the image of God. You started this meeting with a prayer, are those just empty words? I was made in the image of God, I am an image-bearer of God, and I do not veil my face, that is a Muslim practice.

Let me tell you the law in California is California Government Code 129262. Please write this down and please research it. 129262. It's a definition of my religious liberty as protected that you have taken an oath to uphold.

[reading from paper] Religious dress practice shall be construed broadly to include the wearing of face coverings.

That means I have the ability to not wear a face covering.

I am calling on you today to have this conversation with Health Officer Chao and within 10 days I want to see that added to this exemption. If not, there will be a file of a notice of claim for legal action against you for not upholding your oath of office. Thank you.



#Β Β Β #Β Β Β #


* Dr. Clayton Chao

** Lisa Bartlett

*** Donald P. Wagner

**** Andrew Do

* Health Officer Dr. Clayton Chao

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Being in OC myself I need to look up this delightful woman and her organization.

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She models so well how to do it.

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Mar 17, 2023Β·edited Mar 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I think Jeff wants the OLD Project Veritas to succeed. Not the new one bought off by Pfffft. They are done. Done! Long live OMG.

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Every time I got an email from them, I respond, "You will get a donation from.me when your entire board resigns and James O'Keefe is returned to his rightful place."

They stopped sending me emails. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜…

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PV may be able to do some gotcha journalism but what whistle-blower would trust them?

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Here is the latest "bombshell" interview with James O'Keefe and Debbie Bernal (Pfffft whistleblower) describing her firing and a very compromised PV (that will fall harder).


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She was a little hard to follow. If she was locked in the room or told she could not leave, she should report that to the police (or should have called while locked in). She also should have walked out the door after she was told she was released from her contract. Shoulda shoulda. Going fw groups that ask ppl to whistleblow should provide a lawyer's number and a set of services for them.

The legacy PV is quite the devoted little lady to her sugar daddy.

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I hope that’s what he means, because I want nothing further to do with the original project veritas. I stand with James and OMG.

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what do I have to do for someone to send me 3 million bucks? no Nigerian princes please.

As for Kamala, she reminds me of a brand of cheese with an animal laughing on the package. Sorry dear animal, I did not mean to offend you.

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If I recall it was a laughing cow. πŸ„

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you got that right. but I did not want to upset the cows. they might start making yet more farts

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Oh no!! Causing global warming no less

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Maybe you could try some abstract β€œart”!

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Say you will go on air about a vaccine injury, and I bet you will be offered hush money. 😯

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I 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 Dr. Ladapo, but what's with the "...at this point in the 'pandemic'..."? "Pandemic?" WITA is he talking about? Does he use that word despite its having been shown over and over...and OVER...to be a lie? Or...perhaps stated less harshly...π’„π’π’π’•π’“π’Šπ’—π’†π’…? Does he -- or anybody -- need to keep saying that for all the NPCs? Or what?? What is the point of continuing to use that word to describe what was, in fact, a π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘šπ‘’?

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Great point.. though sadly he is correct b/c it is still going on, the response anyway. When I can walk into a CVS or Walgreens and not see a β€œget your free covid 19 vaccine here,” that’s when it’s over. Can’t wait!!

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I thought the same exact thing! Pandemic? Blah. I’ve never said that ugly word. I have said plandemic and scamdemic. Listening to Jeff has sharpened my critical thinking skills a lot. As soon as I heard Lapado say that ugly word I thought, WITAH! I get why he said it maybe.

But, let’s just stop pretending it was anything other than a criminal enterprise to control the globe and grow back accounts to take even more power so they can continue to control the people. Around and around it goes.

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I’ve copied Robert Bork who famously referred to his lynching as β€œthe recent unpleasantness.”

Problem is in some quarters the unpleasantness still lingers. Masks, ads for shots, boosters, pharma docs, censorship, eyes askew when I mention shot injury, etc.

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"At this point in the plandemic" fixes it.

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Mar 17, 2023Β·edited Mar 17, 2023

Maybe to better reach those people who are still convinced there was one. Incremental steps. First, children and young men shouldn’t get the vaccine, then everyone, then stop using the word pandemic?

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Mar 17, 2023Β·edited Mar 17, 2023

Yep, I don't think he uses that word, 'pandemic ', because he's a believer - I kinda think it's more 'appeasement' to those that try to maintain the bullshit narrative.

He'll let them have that small slice......if he can have the rest of the pie.

And he's GOING FOR IT.

Really like this guy.

BFM right - pretty good team, DeSantis/Ladapo.

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Yes. Agree. One needs to use some of their rhetoric to be heard.

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Exactly... SheThinksLiberty..... and everyone else who continues to pander the usurped occupied rogue government coup agenda by words and ignorance... why Jeff is not collaborating with Katherine Watt (Baliwicks substack) truly puzzles me... https://open.substack.com/pub/bailiwicknews/p/contracting-for-facilitation-of-crimes?r=697d8&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"But time, the great salve which healtheth all wounds, has begun fixing it."

Time wounds all heels. --Annon.

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"Time wounds all heels." Hilarious! Thank you for that. I was a bit cranky today...

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My only regret is, I didn't coin the phrase.

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Well, that may be the case, but you did share it. ❀️

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Babylon Bee’s headline about Steven Colbert’s Show was a true classic!

Kudos to Babylon Bee and their ability to make us smile during the horror of the last three years.

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Pamela - So right! The Babylon Bee is genius in their use of humor to share hard truths. Besides the fact that we all need something to make us smile.

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Would Dr. Joe Ladapo have any chance of being a political entity, such as a VP? I know he's more a Doc than a politician.

But that would be quite a team if Doc Joe and Governor Ron ran on the same ticket.

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Maybe Surgeon General of the US?

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I suspect that that's the plan if DeSantis ever gets into the Oval Office.

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Governor of Florida? Would prefer him over the career politicians and the uniParty Swamp RINOs like Wilton Simpson.

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Think Dr Oz...he woulda, shoulda been senator and I think a good one.

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Pennsylvania cheated.

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Without a doubt.

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Mar 17, 2023Β·edited Mar 17, 2023

Or at least be on the public health team.

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I believe Dr. Ladapo's birth in Nigeria to Nigerian parents makes him ineligible to be President or Vice President.

Thank God for small favors.

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Then, our next governor it is!

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Is your 'small favor' that he would then be 'forced' to serve at state level, or at least not as Pres/VP? Or does it imply a problem with Dr. Ladapo's character or policy positions?

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My reference to "small favors" refers to my thankfulness for the the fact that as someone born outside the U.S. to non-citizens of same means that that fine man -- one Dr. Joe Ladapo -- is spared even the possibility of becoming involved at that level.

That thing in the swamp? I lack sufficient vocabulary to describe my utter disgust and revulsion. It is a murdering, thieving, vile organized crime syndicate responsible for causing the misery and death of millions of human beings around the world -- and here in this country, as well.

If there is any "fixing" to be done, which I doubt, it will come via the States, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 by sending fine men like Joe Ladapo and his family to that sh*thole. and expecting him to somehow "bring change."

P.S. Apologies for the vehemence, Fla Mom. I just simply cannot stand every single thing the crime syndicate represents. It brings out my "evil twin."

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Thanks for the clarification, and I understand.

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Lightfoot says after the election loss it was her gender and race that caused her loss. This coming from the current Mayor, eg it didn’t impact her getting in the first time. This is their psycho liberal reasoning. If you think hard about the logic of her comment what she actually said was β€œblacks elected me until y’all white folk got involved due to crime rates” which is a racist statement.

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Did you notice how fast Chicago police Chief David Brown put in his resignation/retirement notice after she lost the election? I think he saw the writing on the wall real quick. Two peas in a pod.

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LOL @ "I hope that, after today’s City Council meeting, you will pack your bags and get the hell out of my city. You ARE a pandemic" - that just brought the biggest smile to my face! Bye Beatlejuice!!! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!!! Way to go Chicago! We're all rooting for you!

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Mar 17, 2023Β·edited Mar 17, 2023

"More than anything, it illustrates the absurdity of our U.S. corporate media which NEVER carries legitimate debates anymore."

I'm a news junkie. I know it's embarrassing to admit, but I long ago resolved to always tell the truth - even if it's inconvenient.

I grew up at the time of Watergate investigative journalism, so the (probably false) impression I had of journalism was the "intrepid investigative journalist" out to right wrongs and expose corruption. (Turned out that Deep Throat whistleblower to Woodward and Bernstein was actually a literal FBI plant, but don't get me started.)

Decades later I become friends with a lefty investigative journalist. I asked him many times: "When did the US press and you "investigative reporters" become so damned incurious? Why did your entire profession suddenly fall silent and stop asking questions?

It drives me nuts. There is literally NO JOURNALISM being done by the networks. All they do is report the CIA's Operation Mockingbird spin handed out by the intel spooks.

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