And the real women on that stage smiled and clapped and fluttered around the MAN dressed up as a woman, never batting an eye. In fact, they participated in the whole charade. Why why why are women allowing men to take their places, merely by wearing dresses and lipstick?!?! Women are not costumes!
And then you have women like Riley Gaines and others who have been tirelessly fighting back for true women's rights! This is disgraceful and any woman would buy into this garbage!
About fifteen years ago I was in a meeting with a group of engineers called by the project manager (a female). Somehow the topic of our wives came up (all stay at home moms by coincidence) and the project manager stated, "wait a minute, none of your wives work?" We each acknowledged it. "My husband never gave me a choice" she responded wistfully.
We all made good incomes but none of us were comfortable. We had made sacrifices to live on one paycheck because we valued having our wives raise our kids more than we valued what those dollars would buy us. And by God's grace we all married women on the same wavelength.
In some situations this just isn't possible for whatever reason. But often it is possible, particularly when one factors in that the second income comes along with significant added expenses (child care, auto/gas costs. wardrobe, etc.). But people have been conditioned to think happiness comes in material possessions rather than the joy of raising a family. Couple that with the brainwashing women receive that they aren't complete without a "career" (no one just has a job anymore) and it's a forgone conclusion for many that the parents won't actually raise their own kids. Just like that program manager's husband.
My wife has a science degree and worked in industry until she was pregnant with our first. She was a stay at home mom for eighteen years, and in that time we got used to living on less than we had before. She's now working part-time at a biblical Christian high school as a science teacher, but her salary is a pittance. She's there because we believe in the school and they needed someone, and we are blessed that we are doing well on just my salary (after two decades of living frugally it becomes a habit). She's a missionary in my opinion, as she works far, far harder than what she gets paid, but she gets to show the love of Jesus in doing so. Neither of us would change a thing.
Society has conditioned people to think they need more and more stuff. So they need two jobs to buy all that stuff. 11 years ago my husband and I agreed that I would leave the corporate world to stay home with our (then) 2 kids. Even though at that point I was the one making more money, we knew it was the right step. A total leap of faith. Now I homeschool our 4 children and he has worked hard to earn a significant income for our family. We are still intensely mindful of out budget. My vehicle was totaled last month (thankfully none of us were hurt) - we decided to use the opportunity buy a 15 yr old vehicle for cash and eliminate my car payment altogether. This choice has indeed meant sacrifices for our family but we'd never change it. I will encourage our children to follow their passions, but I do hope they all choose to consider modeling their family life like ours!
We did the same thing. I stayed home for 18 years and homeschooled our daughter while my husband worked very long days to make everything possible. I was so happy when I was able to go back to work and take some of that responsibility off of him. But my “career” has and always will be our household. Women have been sold down the river by feminism.
I would say that corporations, via advertising, have done the conditioning and opinion influencing to go out and buy buy buy. They were, and still are, the ones who profit.
This is our family's story too. I did work part-time, at night as an ICU nurse when the kids were small so they were only in the care of my husband and myself. That got old, quickly, though and I left the work force for 15 years to raise 5 kids. My husband, an engineer, made enough money to provide a nice home, food and activities for the kids. We have never really wanted for anything and that is in large part because we made financial choice very early in our marriage which paid off. Yes, we ate beans and rice and our first home was a true starter home (no granite countertops or hardwood floors), but at the end of the day we never wanted for anything. I wouldn't change a thing (except maybe have a few more kids, believe it or not).
My husband and I bought a “ starter” home right after we were married. We started having kids right away and decided that I would stay home to raise them. We had a modest home, old cars and often hand-me-down clothes but somehow we always had money for books and managed to send them to Catholic school. You have to set your priorities by your morals and things somehow work out. Regarding your “ starter” home- most young families could not afford your home. We have become a nation of materialists who don’t appreciate what we have because we’re always looking for something better. Gratitude is a gift.
Starter homes are where all of us 65+'ers "started" our lives. Because 90% of all urban housing in the US was "starter homes" in the immediate postwar years.
I love my starter home. It beats the hell out of anything constructed now. There are all these crappy apartments going up about 2 miles away. Since I drive by every day, I see the progress. They are literally made of 2x4s and plywood. No steel. No brick. No 4x8s. The roof is held up by 2x4s and cheap plywood. That won't stand a foot of snow. The building itself might not stand an EF1 tornado. And this is 3 stories of that! Oh, and not a bit of insulation. They're being billed as "luxury" apartments. I'd pay real money to see if they are still standing in 15 years.
I was a teacher and what you said, "abused emotionally" by cold teachers was common especially the difficult children.
As a child I probably had ADHD symptoms and was always getting reprimanded. It hurt me, but as a teacher, it helped me understand those kids and make sure they loved to learn and come to school.
My mother was a teacher. She 'loved' kids. She was excellent at her job. She didn't love those kids as much as most parents do but then they, including my parents, sent us to be 'loved' raised by someone else and they would not have liked what we were being taught and it cost them in the long run. Yup we got college educated but there were terrible sins committed and what a cost that we all paid MONEY, $$$$$$ FOR!!
I too was able to stay home with our three kids and I couldn’t be more grateful. Yes, we tightened the belts at times, but we wouldn’t change it for the world.
I can echo the project manager. I was never given a choice, either. My former husband made a 6 figure salary but he expected me to contribute in tangible financial ways. That, among other reasons, is why he is ‘former’.
I did the same thing. Stayed home in the 80’s and 90’s to raise our three kids, all of whom are adults, who are ”living the dream”, as they put it, though I don’t think they have a clue what that really is. After the kids were through college and on their own, I took a part time job helping start up and run an after school program at our parochial school. We had learned to live on one salary for almost 30 years, so while the job paid nothing, we were comfortable and I loved working with the kids. Then covid hit in March 2020, school closed the rest of the year. To reopen the next fall, our governor had a gazillion protocols and rules in place. Sanitary measures up the ying Yang, and masks on everyone, even the preschoolers, just to reopen. Many schools didn’t bother to reopen. School year 2020-2021 was a nightmare. I wanted no part of masking, contact tracing, and constant testing in the land of asymptomatic PCR tests. I talked until I was blue in the face to the principal about reopening without masks, social distancing and constant testing, but he went along with the guidelines. The principal is a very good man but he is a rule follower and non political. That’s the way schools in Michigan were reopening, and that’s the rules he would follow. So I ingloriously retired, and surprisingly did not miss it. For that year the school was like a prison. Parents went along with it because they wanted their kids back in school and many of them were scared by all the fear mongering. I wonder what would have happened if the principal and church had met with parents and told them they would be open without restrictions, but no one seemed to have any say in anything for that horrible two year span. Even though most would admit all of the mandates were not necessary, they seem more than willing to forget about it and get back to normal, whatever that is.
I joined a new church and found God hadn’t left me, I had dismissed him. I found new meaning in everything, and am constantly reminded we are ready for revival on all levels. Heard yesterday by our young pastor, “If it’s just me and God, we still have the majority”.
We won’t do that. It doesn’t make economic sense for me to go get another job just so we can use it to pay for childcare.
I’m retired and my wife luckily is an insurance agent who works from home. So I guess technically, we do have two incomes, though not as much as when I was working.
I get grief here from people when I take shots at the Baby Boomer generation (despite just barely being one myself) but it's for exactly this reason. They led the way in placing their kids in day care or forcing the kids to raise themselves when returning to empty homes. They led they way in divorcing their spouse to go "find" themselves or out of some other selfish desire. They led they way in consumerism and accumulating stuff as a status symbol. They led the way in rejecting traditional morality and embracing vapid pop culture as some sort of life philosophy.
And of course not all Boomers are like this. But far too many are and they wreaked havoc on our society. Many still have not changed after decades of living like this and still put themselves first. Their kids are struggling to buy a home or just get by, yet they are on their umpteenth Mediterranean cruise, the epitome of gluttony and drunkenness. Their Facebook page is nothing but pictures of them drinking alcohol off the coast of Greece or some other self-centered activity. Pictures from their grandkids softball game? Come on, they have busy lives and no time for that.
Many of these people are going to be shocked to find themselves dumped in nursing homes, alone, and wondering why none of their family visits them.
That's what we've done as well, went single income so I could stay at home and homeschool the kiddos, however, hubby's company downsized a little over a month ago and gave him the boot after 19 years...He still hasn't found a new job yet and we're starting to stress :(
I will be praying for you and your husband. I just heard an 80 yr old story this morning about a 10 yr old who boldly prayed for provision and then watched as God came through when no one expected it! All they needed was a hot water bottle(to help keep a tiny baby warm) and, for a doll for the little sister, who had just lost her mother in childbirth. God provided both to a woman in a tiny African village who needed His help, but lacked the faith a 10 year old girl had...Both contained in a parcel that arrived from the states that morning, the first parcel the missionary woman had received during her 4 years in that village, totally unexpected but oh so timely!
I was reading your comment and had to scroll back to see who posted it! I have friends who are both PhD Nuclear Physicists. Mom became a stay-at-home mom and now teaches middle school science at the Catholic School associated with our church.
It’s funny how age gives you perspective. My husband and I are both engineers (both just retired). Because of my childhood, I decided early on to never be ‘dependent’ on anyone, so I worked full-time since my early teen years. (It paid for what my scholarship didn’t cover, and the minimal loans we both had were paid off quickly.) I was very involved with school (volunteered for everything, etc.), but if I could turn back the clock, I would 100% do things differently. Instead, I simply thank God for how my life turned out and will support my daughter in whatever her decisions are about family/career.
Kudos to you and your wife! I hope your children understand how fortunate they are. :)
Thank you! As to gratitude one kid gets it and the other is slowly coming around. God is using him to teach me patience.
It's funny regarding the school as it's not associated with our church but the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (a conservative, biblical denomination). We've grown really fond of the LCMS as these people walk the walk. They are very upfront that they are looking for people to serve rather than make a career, and the pay reflects that. But they give it right back to the community as tuition is around half that of other, local Christian schools (at this school at least, cannot speak for other LCMS schools.).
Both my boys went there after it became clear we could no longer keep them in public schools. The low tuition made that possible, so we are thrilled to be able to help other families make the same choice.
People don't want to sacrifice and have one car or drive an old van. It's what I did. I was a teacher on and off while raising 3 kids. I went back to work when they were of age and they came with me.
let's not forget that INFLATION and these oh so common economic downturns are ALSO ENGINEERED by the "elites" to keep us struggling - and fighting with each other for crumbs, all while blaming Socialists and Marxists - while the Elites laugh at our ignorance.
You're lucky you live in a society with capitalism or you wouldn't have enough time (and may not have lived long enough) to have the luxury of being a keyboard scold.
Your comments are wonderful! We have lived on one income since my husband's first teaching job out of grad school. One can hardly count my part-time pittance income doing temp services until our son was born. We also homeschooled all the way through. We both just began taking social security after my numbers crunching husband figured out the best time to start it. What's a complete blown away surprise to us is how God is using the government to bless us for what we are convinced were the best decisions for our family. We saved for retirement believing social security would provide basically nothing. Our surprise is now we have more money to give away because we don't have to take so much out of our retirement funds!
One usually expects Social Security to cover 40% of pre-retirement income, but in our cases the spousal benefit adds half of that again, making it 60%, but still based on the same pre-retirement single income. A surprise blessing for those who choose family in this way!
The generation that thought you had to work outside the home to be a successful person (as a woman)is also the generation that didn’t want to wait for anything. Whatever their parents had, they thought they deserved in the beginning of their life as opposed to gradually being able to afford the big house , all the new appliances, all the new furniture, the big expensive SUV, etc.
I’ve been a stay at home homeschool Mom since my oldest was born in 2004. It’s been the most fulfilling career I could ever hope to have. That said, i’ve had an entrepreneurial bent and have excerised that gift for the benefit of my family NEVER at its expense. Now that my youngest is 16 I am working more. However I’m my own boss and the kids are still my primary responsibility. Now that I have more time to work for an income we figured out that if I make X for the next decade and we follow our investment plan, we’ll be able to both retire early as planned.
Pulling women into the workplace instantly created more taxpayers. Even the government couldn’t figure out how to tax stay at home moms who do 15 jobs for no income. Get them to work outside the home- now you pay taxes.
2 incomes; more taxes; more stress and breakdown; more govt help required; no father needed, the State and the mother can raise the child; modern global culture is sick from the root to the leaves and everywhere between. More of it is the solution to every problem. Mental health crisis indeed
oh bullshit. CAPITALISM making our lives more expensive in the 80s is how women had to go to work in order for familiies to survive. you are confusing the chicken and the egg.
PLENTY OF WOMEN, given ample respect by their male partners for what they do and ENOUGH INCOME from one to support a whole family, would choose to stay home, raise their children and probably even homeschool to keep them out of the propaganda factories.
Just like plenty of young pregnant Single women would choose to KEEP THEIR BABIES< given enough $$$ support, rather than abort.
LETS make an attempt to revisit the REAL WORLD OF WOMEN once in awhile, just for the heck of it.
not to mention the REAL WORLD of difficult decisions under harsh conditions of capitalism which dont value women, children or families.
Riley is one of very few brave women in sports. I really think if every time a man shows up to compete in something or another pretending to be a woman, every real woman should refuse to compete with him. That might end things fairly quickly if these frauds never had anyone to compete against. This needs to be for every single sport to be effective.
I agree. Unfortunately, Riley didn’t stand up until after it was done. I appreciate that she is now in the fight. It does a disservice to women to all stand by and clap and pretend this is okay and hope someone else stands up and fights for you. Riley, and these other women could’ve moved the needle if they would’ve just stood up when it was happening like you said. Stand NOW! Later is too late.
Damn straight. Now is the time to speak out. You'd be surprised of how many people agree but are paralyzed by social tyranny.
What they are trying to "steal" is our will. They want us to believe there is nothing we can do about it.
They want our will replaced with apathy; that is exactly how the few end up with dominion over the many.
We are currently at indifference. Indifference at critical mass camoflauges the subtle, but quick, feathering into the point it is undetected by the masses
Men like this and women like Stormy Daniels used to be scorned by society. I am not saying to be cruel to them, but why is our culture embracing and celebrating such confused and immoral people?
IMO: It is demonic INDOCTRINATION to create more of these types by showing children that it is ok, it is normal.
I’ve been saying the end game is going after ‘the age of consent’… if gender is just a construct- so is age- and a group very much wants access to children… we have been made aware powerful people want access to kids since the Epstein story broke…
They are indoctrinating kids at the kindergarten level with books like ‘Julian wants to be a mermaid’… look that crap up… where they’re telling young boys it’s okay and good to aspire to be drag queens and go to the Coney Island drag parade
Where we used to encourage young boys to be brave … be firefighters and policemen and doctors and teachers and ROLE MODELS…
This is where things have gotten… aspire to be a boy dressed as a girl.
Those books are being funneled into every blue state elementary school
George and Alex Soros want to legalize sex work- likely because it’s a trillion dollar industry… but these are the forces driving the decline of our kids and morality.
It’s dark. The whole thing. I pray about it every day.
Hollywood started the "acceptance cycle" - look how many "major hit movies" involved DESPICABLE PEOPLE--the "Godfather" series for example, "Serpico", "Blow" - I could go on and on and on!! I now think of the Hollywood "crowd" as CLOWNS and MINSTRELS---period!!
yup. first silence....then indifference....then apathy
Then Manacles.
Things have to get worse. That's the worst part about the whole shit show.
But then again it is hard to separate people from their 3 meals and 4 manacles. But remember it doesn't take a majority of the public to turn the tide.
When you see how many of them use access to women’s private spaces like locker rooms and bathrooms to harass and abuse women, how many are asking to be transferred to women’s prisons then end up sexually assaulting the other prisoners, it seems pretty clear 😕
Well ER, yep and nope..... Went out to shoot pool last night after a nice meal with my family. In the back of the pool hall was a small venue full of a bunch of them having a show. Several of them looked like Ursula from the Little Mermaid but my wife judged that none of them were women. Kinda like an exaggerated Liza Minnelli on steroids if you know what I mean.
A lot of women (not all!) are also sheep. Who did you hear screaming the loudest during the scamdemic? Who got pissed off when someone walked the wrong way down an aisle? Who got furious when I wasn't wearing a filthy face diaper? Every time it was a woman. The term "Karen" exists for a reason, although my aunt by the same name is not and does not appreciate the use of her name by annoying, self righteous, holier than thou women.
Not only women. I had an older man ask me loudly if I’d always been a brat or was it a recent development - as I was arguing with the “doorman” and refusing to wear a mask at the entrance to Costco. I told him I’d always been this way. 😊
The nature of the female is to bring things into the world not change the world. To support and give life and to bring spirit into the world. Imagine what life would be like without women? Soulless.
I am woman I have to agree with Four Winds. Our sympathetic side is what gets us into trouble every time. I thank my father for making me strong and for teaching me to question things and not apologize for it.
Yep! I was daily accosted by a long time friend I'd met when my oldest three daughters were in elementary school. She too, had four daughters, my last came along after her daughters were no longer in elementary school. When covid hit she posted daily on social media, "we all must do our part." Only, that meant following all of the mindless rules, and there were those jabs you had to take to keep her alive, "I'm a cancer survivor, you are protecting me by getting the vaccine!" It got worse as time passed. She couldn't handle my true lack of fear and insistence that therapeutics worked. "I deleted your comment about therapeutics, they don't work and the hospital is full of all ages of people dying because they refused to get it knowing full well it saves lives!" She got really irritated and sent me photos of two who were in the hospital dying, a 9 month old and a 56 year old. There is no doubt those photos were violations but she sent them anyway to get her point across. My husband and I looked at the photos of the baby, and both knew that was a very ill child. Not covid, but kidney disease... We'd seen that before when our friend's baby was born with one barely functioning kidney. The 56 yr old woman, a heavy set diabetic she did not know we knew... I was furious with her for sending both groups of photos and stopped all communication with her after that. But she continued to post daily reminders to "get vaccinated to protect grandparents!" She took her 5 and 7 yr old grandchildren to get their own covid vaccines as soon as they were allowed. It is difficult to even imagine that kind of fear porn...
One of her four daughters reached out to tell me she was in full agreement with me... She texted that her mother refused to visit their new baby... but finally had to give in and stop demanding that the parents be vaccinated before she would arrive. LOL! Another daughter told me she couldn't wait for the jabs to be available for under 5 so that her 8 month old twins could get it!
I know some in sports were told they would lose their scholarships if they objected...the insanity infiltrates upper echelons of these organizations. IMO it's we the people that need to organize to have our voices heard.
That comment rings true so far beyond a "beauty pageant". I'd say stopping WWIII should be a far more important cause to "stand together" in opposition.
The US federal government is the most evil criminal enterprise IN HISTORY. And it's going to be the end of everything if we don't STAND UP TO IT.
Ya know, I started paying attention to how our .gov operated/operates about 20 years ago. Every year since, my eyes have opened wider and wider. And the atrocities keep rolling out like the floats at a Pride Parade. It's like when I found out Rock Hudson was gay.
10 years ago my mother, in her 80's, said she'd never been more frightened of her government. I know.
As a man rapidly approaching the close of my 60’s, I remember writing my first “letter to the editor” around the time I was 15. And, it was published.
I’ve watched aghast all these intervening decades as the political climate and the actions of our “leaders” steadily and relentlessly marched the road to tyranny. And, like many, I lost loved ones and friends over the *covid* debacle as I tried in vain to warn them against taking the experimental jabs. Which took me about 3 weeks to realize there were sinister motives behind.
As pessimistic as my experience should have made me, I still have hope that we can pull civilization out of this death spiral, the cause of which is clearly apathy and complacency. I must for the sake of my grandchildren. No, everyone’s grandchildren.
I, quite unfortunately, think we’re well past the time when these tyrants can be defeated in the voting booth. While we outnumber them by orders of magnitude, they by their nature will and do not hesitate to use violence against their own countrymen in pursuit of their nefarious domination schemes.
We must resign ourselves that we cannot save the good by negotiating with the evil.
The path of resistance is always fraught with danger and peril. And while the outcome is not assured, the outcome of continued complacency and meekness in the face of evil most assuredly is - lives of hellish desperation for future generations. We are maybe a little past the crossroads of history, but “there’s always time to change the road you’re on.”.
“The future’s uncertain and the end is always near.” Jim Morrison
Everything is rigged against us but besides that, living moral lives is key and it has gone out the window.
Everything they do is geared towards destroying the family. I was watching some show on neflix and said to my husband... "Can you see the message they are sending?" It's all climate change and cheating and self serving BS.
Yes, they would have lost scholarships. Instead, they've lost so much more. I'm old enough to remember when most people knew that your integrity, honor and principles weren't for sale. These young ladies have lost ALL for a few thousand dollars in tuition.
Exactly. What good is a scholarship if you have no ability to stand for your convictions, or for right and wrong. What kind of employee will you be once you enter the workforce doors that the scholarship opened?
The kind that will comply with unethical medical mandates? (just spit-balling, here.) TPTB _want_ compliant and complacent worker-bees. The earlier they can 'break' the high-achievers, the better.
If you watch Matt Walsh’s film “ What is A Woman?” he interviews several young, beautiful women who blankly stare at him when he asks them that question. They clearly cannot and WILL NOT answer because…well, you know, the men who think they are women would be betrayed! Or whatever the foolishness du jour demands…ugh
the biological women on that stage smiling at the "abomination" that won are all there for attention. they are women who crave attention or they wouldn't be there.
Pageants used to be a fun way for beautiful young things to get ahead. Those women used to be natural too..little by little, plastic surgery and cosmetic injections created pageants of fake this and fake that became the norm and now this: a fake woman!
Because we live in a fascist state, where if they speak up, they will be demonized, economically destroyed and maybe even get death threats or imprisonment.
I thought it was supposed to be only unmarried women so their year of extensive travel wouldn’t conflict with family life. My, how times have changed, and not for the better.
My mother taught me that at a very young age. I found out when I started working that she was right. "I don't really like women," she told me. In her era, I have to admit, they were constantly belittled in advertising. My mother wouldn't have swooned, for example, over the existence of a new laundry soap.
Jeffrey Tucker from the Browstone Institute just did a video commentary on Laundry and that very subject. Very interesting. Apparently laundry went downhill when they eliminated phosphates because that’s what removed the soap. He posits that it’s the corporate users that create the environmental issues and not an individual’s laundry. But you can use TSP (the real kind- that painters use) from a big box store to add it back into your laundry to remedy that.
omg I know!!! I saw this girl I know on instagram who constantly posts about how men put down women and this week she posted "taking my power back" - and she's in full makeup, showing off so much of her body it's basically nudity. How is that taking back your power? Someone explain that to me?
Me too. I've felt this way since my very first job at 17. The men I worked for were great, easy going, always willing to listen to other opinions, and so on. The female bosses I had were almost all monsters on power trips.
My husband did that in Army Basic Training back in the Vietnam era. End of conflict. The son of a friend made a joking, mild 'yo mama' comment in Basic last year and got reported and counseled. Then he was set up by the guy he said it to, by agreeing with him that their female Drill Sergeant (yes, they do that idiotic thing, mixing sexes) was 'hot.' He got kicked out of the Army for sexual harassment. So, yes, men of yore. Now? Maybe not so much.
true statement. I am disappointed in so many of them. The outright apathy and laziness in some in terms of knowing what the real issues are. And they don't want to understand finance and economics...don't want to face the reality of the policies they vote for and the damage they are doing to our lives. It's much more fun for them to be cool and vote for what's popular.
Couldn't agree more...always the most sniping, always the meanest. And talk about not inclusive. Their little groups exclude everyone they don't like. I learned a long time ago I didn't want to be part of these women when I noticed they sit around saying the most racist, rudest things. They pretend to be for these causes, but when you watch them talk in groups you see how they REALLY feel about people.
Sad but true, Kathleen. I say that as a woman, too. It has gotten so bad that when I hear about something really moronic being decided, said or done, I say to myself "I'll bet that person is a woman" and I'm almost always right. I always choke when I hear someone say how great it would be if women ran the world....well, an awful lot of women are in positions of great and damaging power and look how things are. There are some great and admirable women out there, but it sure seems like the stupidest ones aspire to positions of power and influence.
Isn’t it amazing how they can manage to sniff out every single J6er, no matter where they were standing, but somehow those looters escape detection every time? 🤔
At the risk of being branded a heretic, "Miss" Maryland looked damn good. An A for effort if nothing else. I'd have no idea if I bumped into him on the street, unlike most of these people.
But you are exactly right, as queer as a three dollar bill as we used to say. The fact that people play along with this (out of delusion or fear) is pretty messed up. We live in a post-truth society and it won't end well.
In the mid-90s, I went to drag shows in Columbus because two of my best friends we a gay male couple. My jaw hit the floor when I saw the performers - they looked and dressed better than 90% of the women I saw every day and I could not tell at all that they were guys. They were not over-done, tacky, or obnoxious. They looked like women attending a formal event. There was no nudity and no sexual motions or innuendos. Now, most of these guys look like they ran face first into one of those color festivals where everyone throws colored "talc" (I'm not sure what it really is) all over each other. They are garish, gaudy, and gross.
The man who won "miss" Maryland looks more like the old time performers, but it's still a dude in a dress. The performers I saw knew they were men, and at the end of the night, they went home as men. This guy knows he is a dude, too.
Bottom line - men don't belong in women's sports, pageants, or anything else. If they want to play dress up with other adults outside of that, it's not our problem. It IS a problem when they try to sell their b.s. to others, like kids or a potential partner without being honest. Not OK.
I think this is exactly the problem: it is indoctrination. it ALL is. The minute you tell children this and that is normal and fine, many of them, just by sheer *power of persuasion*, or wanting to seem cool, will join the ranks of the alphabet army.
After watching the movie “Kinky Boots”, which I loved! (😨😫😱) and of course, The Bird Cage with Robin Williams, oh, and let’s not forget Midnight in The Garden of Good & Evil, I used to think the Drag Queen thing was merely camp and restricted to certain cities and populations…but when the DQ Story Hours started to appear, I thought, “Pandora’s Box has been opened…” But now it’s more like Satan’s Gates of Hell have been opened and the demons are pouring out onto Earth. We need to fight back with prayer while wearing our Spiritual Armor! ⚔️🛡️⚔️🛡️⚔️🛡️
And knowing what I know now about people like Kevin Spacey and John Cusack, and all the other “actors” in Hollyweird…it’s obvious we’ve all been lulled to sleep by their spells and programming…and those “actors” are not worthy of the adulation they’ve received all these years. When I see the name of The Mook in Chief (De Niro) I want to spit. (Preferably Beechnut…a la Hank Williams’ song “A Country Boy Can Survive”)
I notice the trans (read: fake) women that do the best job of presenting as female tend to be asian - it has to do with body type and smaller features, I think.
You are the epitome of of a foolish, stupid person. Your first inclination is to call people names and make claims that you have no way of knowing if they are true.
I'll make my own unfounded claim, you are a closet homosexual and the fact that the tranny actually looks good scares you. So you lash out in angry emotion as you are incapable of conducting a intelligent, rational dialog.
Jeff, I disagree, I think he looks UGLY! He also looks plastic and faked….. anyone who is ever in any contest, which is faked in any way should remove themselves and explain why. Cheating is immoral, cheating is evil & spiritually contagious..
The women used to be naturally beautiful young they are all fake from their foreheads to their bottoms...cosmetic injections and plastic surgery, all to fit a certain impossible 'mold' or standard of beauty.
We shouldn’t be having “beauty “ pageants anymore regardless!!!!! Do men have “manly” pageants???? These pageants set real women and teenagers up for failure to reach unrealistic standards. 😡
And the real women on that stage smiled and clapped and fluttered around the MAN dressed up as a woman, never batting an eye. In fact, they participated in the whole charade. Why why why are women allowing men to take their places, merely by wearing dresses and lipstick?!?! Women are not costumes!
And then you have women like Riley Gaines and others who have been tirelessly fighting back for true women's rights! This is disgraceful and any woman would buy into this garbage!
I hate to say it but it's just as damaging to women pursuing careers at the expense of family.
Let's be honest that's the primary reason 2 incomes are needed to survive for most families.
That ideologic transformation is also how we became the "product" and not the consumer.
About fifteen years ago I was in a meeting with a group of engineers called by the project manager (a female). Somehow the topic of our wives came up (all stay at home moms by coincidence) and the project manager stated, "wait a minute, none of your wives work?" We each acknowledged it. "My husband never gave me a choice" she responded wistfully.
We all made good incomes but none of us were comfortable. We had made sacrifices to live on one paycheck because we valued having our wives raise our kids more than we valued what those dollars would buy us. And by God's grace we all married women on the same wavelength.
In some situations this just isn't possible for whatever reason. But often it is possible, particularly when one factors in that the second income comes along with significant added expenses (child care, auto/gas costs. wardrobe, etc.). But people have been conditioned to think happiness comes in material possessions rather than the joy of raising a family. Couple that with the brainwashing women receive that they aren't complete without a "career" (no one just has a job anymore) and it's a forgone conclusion for many that the parents won't actually raise their own kids. Just like that program manager's husband.
My wife has a science degree and worked in industry until she was pregnant with our first. She was a stay at home mom for eighteen years, and in that time we got used to living on less than we had before. She's now working part-time at a biblical Christian high school as a science teacher, but her salary is a pittance. She's there because we believe in the school and they needed someone, and we are blessed that we are doing well on just my salary (after two decades of living frugally it becomes a habit). She's a missionary in my opinion, as she works far, far harder than what she gets paid, but she gets to show the love of Jesus in doing so. Neither of us would change a thing.
Society has conditioned people to think they need more and more stuff. So they need two jobs to buy all that stuff. 11 years ago my husband and I agreed that I would leave the corporate world to stay home with our (then) 2 kids. Even though at that point I was the one making more money, we knew it was the right step. A total leap of faith. Now I homeschool our 4 children and he has worked hard to earn a significant income for our family. We are still intensely mindful of out budget. My vehicle was totaled last month (thankfully none of us were hurt) - we decided to use the opportunity buy a 15 yr old vehicle for cash and eliminate my car payment altogether. This choice has indeed meant sacrifices for our family but we'd never change it. I will encourage our children to follow their passions, but I do hope they all choose to consider modeling their family life like ours!
We did the same thing. I stayed home for 18 years and homeschooled our daughter while my husband worked very long days to make everything possible. I was so happy when I was able to go back to work and take some of that responsibility off of him. But my “career” has and always will be our household. Women have been sold down the river by feminism.
Agree, feminism sold us down the river!
And the beauty of a 15 year old vehicle is that it may have fewer spybots.
One of the reasons I eschewed a Buick in 2002 was that it had the "OnStar" system, plus I wasn't old enough then to drive a Buick.
I would say that corporations, via advertising, have done the conditioning and opinion influencing to go out and buy buy buy. They were, and still are, the ones who profit.
This is our family's story too. I did work part-time, at night as an ICU nurse when the kids were small so they were only in the care of my husband and myself. That got old, quickly, though and I left the work force for 15 years to raise 5 kids. My husband, an engineer, made enough money to provide a nice home, food and activities for the kids. We have never really wanted for anything and that is in large part because we made financial choice very early in our marriage which paid off. Yes, we ate beans and rice and our first home was a true starter home (no granite countertops or hardwood floors), but at the end of the day we never wanted for anything. I wouldn't change a thing (except maybe have a few more kids, believe it or not).
I currently live in the home I grew up in. Moved back home when I retired from the military.
A friend referred to it as a "starter" home.
I was insulted and offended. This was the home I grew up in. The place where I have good memories. The home my mom and dad worked so hard for...
My husband and I bought a “ starter” home right after we were married. We started having kids right away and decided that I would stay home to raise them. We had a modest home, old cars and often hand-me-down clothes but somehow we always had money for books and managed to send them to Catholic school. You have to set your priorities by your morals and things somehow work out. Regarding your “ starter” home- most young families could not afford your home. We have become a nation of materialists who don’t appreciate what we have because we’re always looking for something better. Gratitude is a gift.
Starter homes are where all of us 65+'ers "started" our lives. Because 90% of all urban housing in the US was "starter homes" in the immediate postwar years.
youre' SO LUCKY to have a home you own, these days.
I love my starter home. It beats the hell out of anything constructed now. There are all these crappy apartments going up about 2 miles away. Since I drive by every day, I see the progress. They are literally made of 2x4s and plywood. No steel. No brick. No 4x8s. The roof is held up by 2x4s and cheap plywood. That won't stand a foot of snow. The building itself might not stand an EF1 tornado. And this is 3 stories of that! Oh, and not a bit of insulation. They're being billed as "luxury" apartments. I'd pay real money to see if they are still standing in 15 years.
How rude of that ‘friend’
Dr. Laura: "Day care is where busy working parents send their kids to not be loved by anyone all day."
I would always ask women, "why did you have a child so you could dump them off in some daycare center cared for by a perfect stranger?"
While the family puppy was fine to stay home all day alone?
Oh yeah Oops, it's not nice or legal to leave kids home alone.
There were a few movies about it. (turn on canned laughter)
And to be abused; emotionally, if not physically and sexually. Quite possibly all three.
I was a teacher and what you said, "abused emotionally" by cold teachers was common especially the difficult children.
As a child I probably had ADHD symptoms and was always getting reprimanded. It hurt me, but as a teacher, it helped me understand those kids and make sure they loved to learn and come to school.
My mother was a teacher. She 'loved' kids. She was excellent at her job. She didn't love those kids as much as most parents do but then they, including my parents, sent us to be 'loved' raised by someone else and they would not have liked what we were being taught and it cost them in the long run. Yup we got college educated but there were terrible sins committed and what a cost that we all paid MONEY, $$$$$$ FOR!!
Repeated by generations.
I too was able to stay home with our three kids and I couldn’t be more grateful. Yes, we tightened the belts at times, but we wouldn’t change it for the world.
I can echo the project manager. I was never given a choice, either. My former husband made a 6 figure salary but he expected me to contribute in tangible financial ways. That, among other reasons, is why he is ‘former’.
I did the same thing. Stayed home in the 80’s and 90’s to raise our three kids, all of whom are adults, who are ”living the dream”, as they put it, though I don’t think they have a clue what that really is. After the kids were through college and on their own, I took a part time job helping start up and run an after school program at our parochial school. We had learned to live on one salary for almost 30 years, so while the job paid nothing, we were comfortable and I loved working with the kids. Then covid hit in March 2020, school closed the rest of the year. To reopen the next fall, our governor had a gazillion protocols and rules in place. Sanitary measures up the ying Yang, and masks on everyone, even the preschoolers, just to reopen. Many schools didn’t bother to reopen. School year 2020-2021 was a nightmare. I wanted no part of masking, contact tracing, and constant testing in the land of asymptomatic PCR tests. I talked until I was blue in the face to the principal about reopening without masks, social distancing and constant testing, but he went along with the guidelines. The principal is a very good man but he is a rule follower and non political. That’s the way schools in Michigan were reopening, and that’s the rules he would follow. So I ingloriously retired, and surprisingly did not miss it. For that year the school was like a prison. Parents went along with it because they wanted their kids back in school and many of them were scared by all the fear mongering. I wonder what would have happened if the principal and church had met with parents and told them they would be open without restrictions, but no one seemed to have any say in anything for that horrible two year span. Even though most would admit all of the mandates were not necessary, they seem more than willing to forget about it and get back to normal, whatever that is.
I joined a new church and found God hadn’t left me, I had dismissed him. I found new meaning in everything, and am constantly reminded we are ready for revival on all levels. Heard yesterday by our young pastor, “If it’s just me and God, we still have the majority”.
I am stil so angry at all of the adults who sacrificed and abandoned the children for their own comfort 🤬
We won’t do that. It doesn’t make economic sense for me to go get another job just so we can use it to pay for childcare.
I’m retired and my wife luckily is an insurance agent who works from home. So I guess technically, we do have two incomes, though not as much as when I was working.
I get grief here from people when I take shots at the Baby Boomer generation (despite just barely being one myself) but it's for exactly this reason. They led the way in placing their kids in day care or forcing the kids to raise themselves when returning to empty homes. They led they way in divorcing their spouse to go "find" themselves or out of some other selfish desire. They led they way in consumerism and accumulating stuff as a status symbol. They led the way in rejecting traditional morality and embracing vapid pop culture as some sort of life philosophy.
And of course not all Boomers are like this. But far too many are and they wreaked havoc on our society. Many still have not changed after decades of living like this and still put themselves first. Their kids are struggling to buy a home or just get by, yet they are on their umpteenth Mediterranean cruise, the epitome of gluttony and drunkenness. Their Facebook page is nothing but pictures of them drinking alcohol off the coast of Greece or some other self-centered activity. Pictures from their grandkids softball game? Come on, they have busy lives and no time for that.
Many of these people are going to be shocked to find themselves dumped in nursing homes, alone, and wondering why none of their family visits them.
Love this -appreciate you and your wife living your values and being an example to those around you.
Family Life "managed" day by day not a sin.
Often a sacrifice of 100 or more things that come into view.
That's what we've done as well, went single income so I could stay at home and homeschool the kiddos, however, hubby's company downsized a little over a month ago and gave him the boot after 19 years...He still hasn't found a new job yet and we're starting to stress :(
I will be praying for you and your husband. I just heard an 80 yr old story this morning about a 10 yr old who boldly prayed for provision and then watched as God came through when no one expected it! All they needed was a hot water bottle(to help keep a tiny baby warm) and, for a doll for the little sister, who had just lost her mother in childbirth. God provided both to a woman in a tiny African village who needed His help, but lacked the faith a 10 year old girl had...Both contained in a parcel that arrived from the states that morning, the first parcel the missionary woman had received during her 4 years in that village, totally unexpected but oh so timely!
I was reading your comment and had to scroll back to see who posted it! I have friends who are both PhD Nuclear Physicists. Mom became a stay-at-home mom and now teaches middle school science at the Catholic School associated with our church.
It’s funny how age gives you perspective. My husband and I are both engineers (both just retired). Because of my childhood, I decided early on to never be ‘dependent’ on anyone, so I worked full-time since my early teen years. (It paid for what my scholarship didn’t cover, and the minimal loans we both had were paid off quickly.) I was very involved with school (volunteered for everything, etc.), but if I could turn back the clock, I would 100% do things differently. Instead, I simply thank God for how my life turned out and will support my daughter in whatever her decisions are about family/career.
Kudos to you and your wife! I hope your children understand how fortunate they are. :)
Thank you! As to gratitude one kid gets it and the other is slowly coming around. God is using him to teach me patience.
It's funny regarding the school as it's not associated with our church but the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (a conservative, biblical denomination). We've grown really fond of the LCMS as these people walk the walk. They are very upfront that they are looking for people to serve rather than make a career, and the pay reflects that. But they give it right back to the community as tuition is around half that of other, local Christian schools (at this school at least, cannot speak for other LCMS schools.).
Both my boys went there after it became clear we could no longer keep them in public schools. The low tuition made that possible, so we are thrilled to be able to help other families make the same choice.
People don't want to sacrifice and have one car or drive an old van. It's what I did. I was a teacher on and off while raising 3 kids. I went back to work when they were of age and they came with me.
Absolutely beautiful….Your way of life is so much more important and fulfilling.
Your point about living frugally is on point, it becomes a habit.
let's not forget that INFLATION and these oh so common economic downturns are ALSO ENGINEERED by the "elites" to keep us struggling - and fighting with each other for crumbs, all while blaming Socialists and Marxists - while the Elites laugh at our ignorance.
You're lucky you live in a society with capitalism or you wouldn't have enough time (and may not have lived long enough) to have the luxury of being a keyboard scold.
Your comments are wonderful! We have lived on one income since my husband's first teaching job out of grad school. One can hardly count my part-time pittance income doing temp services until our son was born. We also homeschooled all the way through. We both just began taking social security after my numbers crunching husband figured out the best time to start it. What's a complete blown away surprise to us is how God is using the government to bless us for what we are convinced were the best decisions for our family. We saved for retirement believing social security would provide basically nothing. Our surprise is now we have more money to give away because we don't have to take so much out of our retirement funds!
One usually expects Social Security to cover 40% of pre-retirement income, but in our cases the spousal benefit adds half of that again, making it 60%, but still based on the same pre-retirement single income. A surprise blessing for those who choose family in this way!
The generation that thought you had to work outside the home to be a successful person (as a woman)is also the generation that didn’t want to wait for anything. Whatever their parents had, they thought they deserved in the beginning of their life as opposed to gradually being able to afford the big house , all the new appliances, all the new furniture, the big expensive SUV, etc.
100%. Had them as renters. 30's, never paid rent on time, told everybody it was "their" house, drove 70+$ vehicles. Facade-all of it a facade.
The Book of Ecclesiastes circa 2024.
I’ve been a stay at home homeschool Mom since my oldest was born in 2004. It’s been the most fulfilling career I could ever hope to have. That said, i’ve had an entrepreneurial bent and have excerised that gift for the benefit of my family NEVER at its expense. Now that my youngest is 16 I am working more. However I’m my own boss and the kids are still my primary responsibility. Now that I have more time to work for an income we figured out that if I make X for the next decade and we follow our investment plan, we’ll be able to both retire early as planned.
You are a warrior.
It's possible to strike the right balance. Job well done, Laura!
We're trying to do the same. You got it right given your circumstances and family goals.
Pulling women into the workplace instantly created more taxpayers. Even the government couldn’t figure out how to tax stay at home moms who do 15 jobs for no income. Get them to work outside the home- now you pay taxes.
2 incomes; more taxes; more stress and breakdown; more govt help required; no father needed, the State and the mother can raise the child; modern global culture is sick from the root to the leaves and everywhere between. More of it is the solution to every problem. Mental health crisis indeed
oh bullshit. CAPITALISM making our lives more expensive in the 80s is how women had to go to work in order for familiies to survive. you are confusing the chicken and the egg.
PLENTY OF WOMEN, given ample respect by their male partners for what they do and ENOUGH INCOME from one to support a whole family, would choose to stay home, raise their children and probably even homeschool to keep them out of the propaganda factories.
Just like plenty of young pregnant Single women would choose to KEEP THEIR BABIES< given enough $$$ support, rather than abort.
LETS make an attempt to revisit the REAL WORLD OF WOMEN once in awhile, just for the heck of it.
not to mention the REAL WORLD of difficult decisions under harsh conditions of capitalism which dont value women, children or families.
You're taking it personal.
What if that were a trick comment to test your emotional intelligence.
How do you think you would've scored?
I see you’d rather have everyone equally poor and destitute. You don’t have to have the best of everything in order to make it work.
Riley is one of very few brave women in sports. I really think if every time a man shows up to compete in something or another pretending to be a woman, every real woman should refuse to compete with him. That might end things fairly quickly if these frauds never had anyone to compete against. This needs to be for every single sport to be effective.
I agree. Unfortunately, Riley didn’t stand up until after it was done. I appreciate that she is now in the fight. It does a disservice to women to all stand by and clap and pretend this is okay and hope someone else stands up and fights for you. Riley, and these other women could’ve moved the needle if they would’ve just stood up when it was happening like you said. Stand NOW! Later is too late.
Deb Kelly Jay in the UK is wonderful... fighting for women ❣️
Did she fight before she finished school?
Pushed into compliance. We need to stand up and take back our spaces from these men who want to pretend they are women.
Damn straight. Now is the time to speak out. You'd be surprised of how many people agree but are paralyzed by social tyranny.
What they are trying to "steal" is our will. They want us to believe there is nothing we can do about it.
They want our will replaced with apathy; that is exactly how the few end up with dominion over the many.
We are currently at indifference. Indifference at critical mass camoflauges the subtle, but quick, feathering into the point it is undetected by the masses
It was the ‘indifference’ that led to the ‘apathy’ that led us to where we are today. (In society and culture.)
Men like this and women like Stormy Daniels used to be scorned by society. I am not saying to be cruel to them, but why is our culture embracing and celebrating such confused and immoral people?
IMO: It is demonic INDOCTRINATION to create more of these types by showing children that it is ok, it is normal.
I’ve been saying the end game is going after ‘the age of consent’… if gender is just a construct- so is age- and a group very much wants access to children… we have been made aware powerful people want access to kids since the Epstein story broke…
They are indoctrinating kids at the kindergarten level with books like ‘Julian wants to be a mermaid’… look that crap up… where they’re telling young boys it’s okay and good to aspire to be drag queens and go to the Coney Island drag parade
Where we used to encourage young boys to be brave … be firefighters and policemen and doctors and teachers and ROLE MODELS…
This is where things have gotten… aspire to be a boy dressed as a girl.
Those books are being funneled into every blue state elementary school
George and Alex Soros want to legalize sex work- likely because it’s a trillion dollar industry… but these are the forces driving the decline of our kids and morality.
It’s dark. The whole thing. I pray about it every day.
GOOD--PRAYER is our most POWERFUL tool - first, we have to REPENT and SEEK OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S WILL for our lives...then PRAY without CEASING!
Hollywood started the "acceptance cycle" - look how many "major hit movies" involved DESPICABLE PEOPLE--the "Godfather" series for example, "Serpico", "Blow" - I could go on and on and on!! I now think of the Hollywood "crowd" as CLOWNS and MINSTRELS---period!!
True, but I did like the Godfather movies.
Because the entire culture has become confused and immoral.
I don't think that any President will be able to change that. The evil agenda is rapidly gaining more and more momentum.
That is why so many said that gay marriage would be a slippery slope.
Well said, Ryan.
Well said 👏👏 now is the time before too late. Refuse to go along with this nonsense. Do not be controlled by this evil.
Ryan, Yes. If there is an enemy, surely it is Apathy.
yup. first silence....then indifference....then apathy
Then Manacles.
Things have to get worse. That's the worst part about the whole shit show.
But then again it is hard to separate people from their 3 meals and 4 manacles. But remember it doesn't take a majority of the public to turn the tide.
Damn straight, apathy-easier to control.
"It’s the globalist’s favorite trick: make them vote again."
The globalist's favorite trick is to "BE IN CHARGE OF COUNTING THE VOTES"
Not a real woman, though. Do you know any women that dress like they do when they are indoctrinating children at a publicly-funded library?
They dress up as garish caricatures of what they think a woman is. My husband's theory is that they actually hate women.
When you see how many of them use access to women’s private spaces like locker rooms and bathrooms to harass and abuse women, how many are asking to be transferred to women’s prisons then end up sexually assaulting the other prisoners, it seems pretty clear 😕
Well ER, yep and nope..... Went out to shoot pool last night after a nice meal with my family. In the back of the pool hall was a small venue full of a bunch of them having a show. Several of them looked like Ursula from the Little Mermaid but my wife judged that none of them were women. Kinda like an exaggerated Liza Minnelli on steroids if you know what I mean.
Later Jay
Yeah the Circus is really not hiring folks like that any more,
to sit on Huge chairs in Big top tents on the Midway of the fair grounds.
Most circus freaks are on welfare. Flippo the seal boy lives in a trailer in Fla.
Stop watching anything to do with of this kind of lie and tell your family and friends you will not waste your time on this kind of deception.
The judges should have done that..
Yeah, but a lot of women are just plain stupid.
A lot of women (not all!) are also sheep. Who did you hear screaming the loudest during the scamdemic? Who got pissed off when someone walked the wrong way down an aisle? Who got furious when I wasn't wearing a filthy face diaper? Every time it was a woman. The term "Karen" exists for a reason, although my aunt by the same name is not and does not appreciate the use of her name by annoying, self righteous, holier than thou women.
Not only women. I had an older man ask me loudly if I’d always been a brat or was it a recent development - as I was arguing with the “doorman” and refusing to wear a mask at the entrance to Costco. I told him I’d always been this way. 😊
Yes! An older man yelled at me at the retirement community where my mom resided because I wasn’t wearing a mask outdoors 😷
The nature of the female is to bring things into the world not change the world. To support and give life and to bring spirit into the world. Imagine what life would be like without women? Soulless.
I am woman I have to agree with Four Winds. Our sympathetic side is what gets us into trouble every time. I thank my father for making me strong and for teaching me to question things and not apologize for it.
Absolutely same here.
Excellent points.
Yep! I was daily accosted by a long time friend I'd met when my oldest three daughters were in elementary school. She too, had four daughters, my last came along after her daughters were no longer in elementary school. When covid hit she posted daily on social media, "we all must do our part." Only, that meant following all of the mindless rules, and there were those jabs you had to take to keep her alive, "I'm a cancer survivor, you are protecting me by getting the vaccine!" It got worse as time passed. She couldn't handle my true lack of fear and insistence that therapeutics worked. "I deleted your comment about therapeutics, they don't work and the hospital is full of all ages of people dying because they refused to get it knowing full well it saves lives!" She got really irritated and sent me photos of two who were in the hospital dying, a 9 month old and a 56 year old. There is no doubt those photos were violations but she sent them anyway to get her point across. My husband and I looked at the photos of the baby, and both knew that was a very ill child. Not covid, but kidney disease... We'd seen that before when our friend's baby was born with one barely functioning kidney. The 56 yr old woman, a heavy set diabetic she did not know we knew... I was furious with her for sending both groups of photos and stopped all communication with her after that. But she continued to post daily reminders to "get vaccinated to protect grandparents!" She took her 5 and 7 yr old grandchildren to get their own covid vaccines as soon as they were allowed. It is difficult to even imagine that kind of fear porn...
This crap still makes me very angry 😡
Seriously brainwashed. Her poor kids.
One of her four daughters reached out to tell me she was in full agreement with me... She texted that her mother refused to visit their new baby... but finally had to give in and stop demanding that the parents be vaccinated before she would arrive. LOL! Another daughter told me she couldn't wait for the jabs to be available for under 5 so that her 8 month old twins could get it!
Oddly, the only people who gave me a hard time about not masking were three older white men
I’m with your aunt, Four Winds! I hate the term!
I know some in sports were told they would lose their scholarships if they objected...the insanity infiltrates upper echelons of these organizations. IMO it's we the people that need to organize to have our voices heard.
Then they should ALL object. Standing together would make a difference.
"Standing together would make a difference."
That comment rings true so far beyond a "beauty pageant". I'd say stopping WWIII should be a far more important cause to "stand together" in opposition.
The US federal government is the most evil criminal enterprise IN HISTORY. And it's going to be the end of everything if we don't STAND UP TO IT.
Ya know, I started paying attention to how our .gov operated/operates about 20 years ago. Every year since, my eyes have opened wider and wider. And the atrocities keep rolling out like the floats at a Pride Parade. It's like when I found out Rock Hudson was gay.
10 years ago my mother, in her 80's, said she'd never been more frightened of her government. I know.
An early skeptic you are, Austin. Good for you.
As a man rapidly approaching the close of my 60’s, I remember writing my first “letter to the editor” around the time I was 15. And, it was published.
I’ve watched aghast all these intervening decades as the political climate and the actions of our “leaders” steadily and relentlessly marched the road to tyranny. And, like many, I lost loved ones and friends over the *covid* debacle as I tried in vain to warn them against taking the experimental jabs. Which took me about 3 weeks to realize there were sinister motives behind.
As pessimistic as my experience should have made me, I still have hope that we can pull civilization out of this death spiral, the cause of which is clearly apathy and complacency. I must for the sake of my grandchildren. No, everyone’s grandchildren.
I, quite unfortunately, think we’re well past the time when these tyrants can be defeated in the voting booth. While we outnumber them by orders of magnitude, they by their nature will and do not hesitate to use violence against their own countrymen in pursuit of their nefarious domination schemes.
We must resign ourselves that we cannot save the good by negotiating with the evil.
The path of resistance is always fraught with danger and peril. And while the outcome is not assured, the outcome of continued complacency and meekness in the face of evil most assuredly is - lives of hellish desperation for future generations. We are maybe a little past the crossroads of history, but “there’s always time to change the road you’re on.”.
“The future’s uncertain and the end is always near.” Jim Morrison
Everything is rigged against us but besides that, living moral lives is key and it has gone out the window.
Everything they do is geared towards destroying the family. I was watching some show on neflix and said to my husband... "Can you see the message they are sending?" It's all climate change and cheating and self serving BS.
Bug's Life LOL...
Hear, hear
what's the saying?...stand together or hang separately...
Yah, like unmasking. Or not "social" distancing.
Then they should have lost their scholarships.
Yes, they would have lost scholarships. Instead, they've lost so much more. I'm old enough to remember when most people knew that your integrity, honor and principles weren't for sale. These young ladies have lost ALL for a few thousand dollars in tuition.
Might as well be a least hookers know it is just business.
"I'm old enough to remember when most people knew that your integrity, honor and principles weren't for sale".
Ask young people today what integrity, honor or principles mean. Infact, even ask what 'character' means! I am sure they won't know...
Exactly. What good is a scholarship if you have no ability to stand for your convictions, or for right and wrong. What kind of employee will you be once you enter the workforce doors that the scholarship opened?
The kind that will comply with unethical medical mandates? (just spit-balling, here.) TPTB _want_ compliant and complacent worker-bees. The earlier they can 'break' the high-achievers, the better.
The school would lose women's sports and funding for it if all women declined to participate. No teams...
Which then impacts male-dominant, aka revenue, sports teams through non-compliance with Title IX. That would get a reaction!
That works!
Oh the Almighty Scholarships!! Please NO! DON'T TAKE MY SCHOLARSHIP AWAY!!
Complicit with the evil in front of their eyes.
I bet some of them don't even realize there is evil before them.
Even sadder.
If you watch Matt Walsh’s film “ What is A Woman?” he interviews several young, beautiful women who blankly stare at him when he asks them that question. They clearly cannot and WILL NOT answer because…well, you know, the men who think they are women would be betrayed! Or whatever the foolishness du jour demands…ugh
Could it be women are socialized to be nice? Nice is not biblical but is often confused with being kind and good (two of the fruit of the Spirit).
So, was he sure they were really women? 🤔😶
You got that right-virture signal WAY more. Poor, stupid women.
the biological women on that stage smiling at the "abomination" that won are all there for attention. they are women who crave attention or they wouldn't be there.
they got the attention they wanted.
so, it's all good with them?
Pageants used to be a fun way for beautiful young things to get ahead. Those women used to be natural too..little by little, plastic surgery and cosmetic injections created pageants of fake this and fake that became the norm and now this: a fake woman!
All of it is so sad.
Sad, but predictable, even 30 years ago.
Because we live in a fascist state, where if they speak up, they will be demonized, economically destroyed and maybe even get death threats or imprisonment.
Please please make that: A lot of people are just plain stupid!!
Yes why limit that to women?? Lots of men are stupid too.
Isn’t it Miss Maryland & Miss USA? I thought besides being a woman, you couldn’t be married to compete. Special rules for the protected species?
Despite any pretense to the contrary, they are not, by any truthful definition of the word, married.
I thought they had to be unmarried also.
Guess they are pandering to the alphabet mafia.
The rule was changed in August of 2022 and was effective for the 2023 competition, allowing married women and mothers to compete.
I thought it was supposed to be only unmarried women so their year of extensive travel wouldn’t conflict with family life. My, how times have changed, and not for the better.
Was wondering that also.
I mean sometimes it's just easier to punch someone...there's some advantages of being male...just sayin'
Then we make up and move on instead of the long drawn out drama-rama.
Women have a lot they're better at but this malicious conniving gossip business ain't one.
I always preferred to work with men.
Mean girls in high school grow up to be mean girls in the workplace.
My mother taught me that at a very young age. I found out when I started working that she was right. "I don't really like women," she told me. In her era, I have to admit, they were constantly belittled in advertising. My mother wouldn't have swooned, for example, over the existence of a new laundry soap.
I would actually swoon over a new washing machine.
You know, one that actually cleaned clothes properly.
Not the crap ones out now that never use enough water and have a locking lid.
Jeffrey Tucker from the Browstone Institute just did a video commentary on Laundry and that very subject. Very interesting. Apparently laundry went downhill when they eliminated phosphates because that’s what removed the soap. He posits that it’s the corporate users that create the environmental issues and not an individual’s laundry. But you can use TSP (the real kind- that painters use) from a big box store to add it back into your laundry to remedy that.
omg I know!!! I saw this girl I know on instagram who constantly posts about how men put down women and this week she posted "taking my power back" - and she's in full makeup, showing off so much of her body it's basically nudity. How is that taking back your power? Someone explain that to me?
When did women start thinking it was OK to show a ton of cleavage?
Especially in the workplace. They will be the first ones to file a complaint if a man looks at their boobs.
...and don't even get me started on bare arms while men have to wear suits.
Like a 5 yr old-please
Working under female principals in the public school system was like working for your neurotic mother.
I had a nice mother.
It was probably like working for a neurotic mother-in-law.
lol, I get it, been there, different career, but same/same.
Me too. I've felt this way since my very first job at 17. The men I worked for were great, easy going, always willing to listen to other opinions, and so on. The female bosses I had were almost all monsters on power trips.
My husband did that in Army Basic Training back in the Vietnam era. End of conflict. The son of a friend made a joking, mild 'yo mama' comment in Basic last year and got reported and counseled. Then he was set up by the guy he said it to, by agreeing with him that their female Drill Sergeant (yes, they do that idiotic thing, mixing sexes) was 'hot.' He got kicked out of the Army for sexual harassment. So, yes, men of yore. Now? Maybe not so much.
That's just ridiculous.
More men of yore imo
Sadly, this is true.
true statement. I am disappointed in so many of them. The outright apathy and laziness in some in terms of knowing what the real issues are. And they don't want to understand finance and economics...don't want to face the reality of the policies they vote for and the damage they are doing to our lives. It's much more fun for them to be cool and vote for what's popular.
White liberal women are the worst!
Couldn't agree more...always the most sniping, always the meanest. And talk about not inclusive. Their little groups exclude everyone they don't like. I learned a long time ago I didn't want to be part of these women when I noticed they sit around saying the most racist, rudest things. They pretend to be for these causes, but when you watch them talk in groups you see how they REALLY feel about people.
And they’re incredibly self righteous too 🙄😡
And there is no beauty in any of them because most beauty comes from within.
Sad but true, Kathleen. I say that as a woman, too. It has gotten so bad that when I hear about something really moronic being decided, said or done, I say to myself "I'll bet that person is a woman" and I'm almost always right. I always choke when I hear someone say how great it would be if women ran the world....well, an awful lot of women are in positions of great and damaging power and look how things are. There are some great and admirable women out there, but it sure seems like the stupidest ones aspire to positions of power and influence.
Well to be fair if you look at the men in power they’re not necessarily the brightest or most ethical either 😕
And usually highly educated but with no common sense to know how wrong they are
Instead, please make that, “A lot of people are just plain stupid!!”
No. I stand by my comment.
As are a lot of men 😉
Yes, but I can criticize women because I am one...without being called a misogynist.
True 😁
Trans is the new PC blackface.
And wearing a mask while protesting/destroying property is the same as wearing a KKK hood.
They're hella good for lootathons though!
Isn’t it amazing how they can manage to sniff out every single J6er, no matter where they were standing, but somehow those looters escape detection every time? 🤔
At the risk of being branded a heretic, "Miss" Maryland looked damn good. An A for effort if nothing else. I'd have no idea if I bumped into him on the street, unlike most of these people.
But you are exactly right, as queer as a three dollar bill as we used to say. The fact that people play along with this (out of delusion or fear) is pretty messed up. We live in a post-truth society and it won't end well.
In the mid-90s, I went to drag shows in Columbus because two of my best friends we a gay male couple. My jaw hit the floor when I saw the performers - they looked and dressed better than 90% of the women I saw every day and I could not tell at all that they were guys. They were not over-done, tacky, or obnoxious. They looked like women attending a formal event. There was no nudity and no sexual motions or innuendos. Now, most of these guys look like they ran face first into one of those color festivals where everyone throws colored "talc" (I'm not sure what it really is) all over each other. They are garish, gaudy, and gross.
The man who won "miss" Maryland looks more like the old time performers, but it's still a dude in a dress. The performers I saw knew they were men, and at the end of the night, they went home as men. This guy knows he is a dude, too.
Bottom line - men don't belong in women's sports, pageants, or anything else. If they want to play dress up with other adults outside of that, it's not our problem. It IS a problem when they try to sell their b.s. to others, like kids or a potential partner without being honest. Not OK.
I think this is exactly the problem: it is indoctrination. it ALL is. The minute you tell children this and that is normal and fine, many of them, just by sheer *power of persuasion*, or wanting to seem cool, will join the ranks of the alphabet army.
After watching the movie “Kinky Boots”, which I loved! (😨😫😱) and of course, The Bird Cage with Robin Williams, oh, and let’s not forget Midnight in The Garden of Good & Evil, I used to think the Drag Queen thing was merely camp and restricted to certain cities and populations…but when the DQ Story Hours started to appear, I thought, “Pandora’s Box has been opened…” But now it’s more like Satan’s Gates of Hell have been opened and the demons are pouring out onto Earth. We need to fight back with prayer while wearing our Spiritual Armor! ⚔️🛡️⚔️🛡️⚔️🛡️
And knowing what I know now about people like Kevin Spacey and John Cusack, and all the other “actors” in Hollyweird…it’s obvious we’ve all been lulled to sleep by their spells and programming…and those “actors” are not worthy of the adulation they’ve received all these years. When I see the name of The Mook in Chief (De Niro) I want to spit. (Preferably Beechnut…a la Hank Williams’ song “A Country Boy Can Survive”)
Awesome song and very intune with today. My peeps! Very Thankfull.
Here it is
Brings to mind the song “Lola” by the Kinks, being surprised your crush is a tranny.
Don't buy into it or accept these degenerate behaviors.
Lol, I'm not buying into it as I thought my comment made clear. Just admitting a truth, no one can say he looks ugly unlike 99% of these specimens.
I agree, Jeff. I really can't tell from the picture that he is a male. That stuns me. And frightens me just a bit.
I notice the trans (read: fake) women that do the best job of presenting as female tend to be asian - it has to do with body type and smaller features, I think.
They’re called “ladyboys.”
In the Phillippines, they're called fenooks. It's really hard to tell, honest.
Deep Flakes*
It is a mask you idiot.
You are fooled by Hollywood make up. 🙄
Get bent.
You are the epitome of of a foolish, stupid person. Your first inclination is to call people names and make claims that you have no way of knowing if they are true.
I'll make my own unfounded claim, you are a closet homosexual and the fact that the tranny actually looks good scares you. So you lash out in angry emotion as you are incapable of conducting a intelligent, rational dialog.
And an emancipated man's gay body!
Surely you mean emaciated
Jeff, I disagree, I think he looks UGLY! He also looks plastic and faked….. anyone who is ever in any contest, which is faked in any way should remove themselves and explain why. Cheating is immoral, cheating is evil & spiritually contagious..
The women used to be naturally beautiful young they are all fake from their foreheads to their bottoms...cosmetic injections and plastic surgery, all to fit a certain impossible 'mold' or standard of beauty.
100%, a regular homegrown beautiful girl has no chance.
Botox commercials for mid 30 yr old women and men. Gay as shit.
We shouldn’t be having “beauty “ pageants anymore regardless!!!!! Do men have “manly” pageants???? These pageants set real women and teenagers up for failure to reach unrealistic standards. 😡
Funny that we are discussing beauty pageants today. On my Instagram feed this came up: (from St. John Chrysostom of Constantinople, 407 AD)
"Don't talk to me of female beauty, rather virtues of her soul.
A beautiful woman who has not decorated herself with virtue is like a painted coffin".
Yes men have pageants same as women. Body builders.
Which are equally toxic and disgusting and also promote unhealthy habits and eating disorders.
and the WWW (the men's part of it)