PLEASE BRING AWARENESS TO THIS MAJOR LAWSUIT! I am grateful for your diligent work to keep us informed on many topics. It is especially interesting to be kept up to date on the many lawsuits, in courts currently, that have a huge impact on our freedoms.

There is one major suit you are missing and likely because the media, the government and the American Dental Association have worked extremely hard to squash any discussion on the topic. At the end of this month, a court in San Francisco will be covering a 9 day trial on the harms of water fluoridation. This is a controversial topic that spans decades and much like the anti-vaxxers have been attacked as tin foil hat wearing individuals, people on the side of concern about fluoride consumption have been equally maligned and the research suppressed.

As a dentist, I have been indoctrinated to believe that fluoride is the 'savior' of our profession. Any thoughts to the contrary were considered conspiracy. When COVID awoke me to the lies of the medical establishment, I became concerned that parallel lies existed in my profession. Researching the history of water fluoridation is eerily similar to the efforts to promote vaccination. Fluoride is to dentistry what vaccines are to medicine.

One might think that all dentists should be opposed to fluoride...it would certainly generate more business for the industry. But, fluoride treatments and fluoride products are income generating elements of dental practices. Much like vaccines are to pediatric medical offices. And much like vaccines, there is benefit to reducing tooth decay from fluoride but the systemic impact of consumption over a lifetime has consequences for the bones, the kidneys, the thyroid and pineal gland, likely intestinal (leaky gut) and the most harmful, the neurotoxic effects to the brain.

Most of the world does not fluoridate and has seen reductions in tooth decay that parallel what's been seen in this country since the introduction of water fluoridation. The CDC quietly changed its position in the late 90s to admit that topical application of fluoride is the primary method of benefit. I would argue that the sublingual absorption of toothpaste fluoride but that's a topic for another day.

The neurotoxic effects are what is on trial. Unlike vaccines, most people are unable to avoid water fluoridation. Nearly 80% of Americans drink fluoridated water and very few understand that the chemical used to fluoridate our water is the toxic waste of the phosphorus rock and aluminum industries. One can get an exemption from vaccination but the cost to filter fluoride from our water makes this exposure a forced medical treatment.

Please, please...bring awareness to this topic. As I talk to people in my awake medical circles, VERY few are aware of this trial and the impact it can have on our health....and our freedom to choose.

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While they are at it, how about addressing mercury amalgams? It's fine while it's in your mouth but hazardous material when removed and they are still being used. So sad.

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This is becoming less and less common in our field. Predominantly only used in the military and prisons. More awareness and perhaps the US could be like Europe where they have banned the use, the sale and the manufacture of amalgam.

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We are always last in the world to forbid these toxic things. So lucky we have the FDA, CDC, EPA et al looking out for us aren’t we? /sarc

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

Don't forget the ADA, they're just as involved with the acceptance and push of Fluoride in everything dental as the AMA was/is with vaccines. Both associations are members of Murderers-R-Us

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the irony is not lost, though there are still peeps that believe these ABC agencies are not woefully corrupt

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Hi Jessica, thanks for bringing this up. I’m a pharmacist (retired), but my grandfather, father, and husband were/are dentists. Our youngest son is a 4th year dental student and will be joining his dads practice. I have forwarded this info to them too.

I was surprised (why would this still surprise me?) to find out that they are using LOTS of amalgam fillings in the dental clinic. My husband stopped using them long ago, not necessarily because of the toxicity concerns, but simply because there are much better materials and technology available. Why would a college of dentistry be advocating for the use of such a product?

Follow the $$$, right?

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Dentistry, like Psychiatry is under the thumb of The Medical Mafia, i.e. Pharma. None of it is designed to create, maintain, promote health and wellness. It is designed along the principles of satanism: to kill, steal, and destroy.

Encourage your son to become educated in biological dentistry.

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What is "biological dentistry" and what schools teach in that mode, Gram?

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It is a philosophy, one learns most techiniques like using O3 post grad

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When I say “dental clinic” I’m referring to the clinic at dental school, where the students learn by hands-on practice and the patients benefit from lower cost dental care.

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Since you know the dental language, I think there are two reasons amalgam would still be in dental clinics….cost and the ability to establish an ideal contact. I am sure your husband knows exactly what this means. My issue with composite is that it’s a plastic. I place them all the time but I wish we had another option…

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indeed, some % of insurance will not pay for composites and foolish consumers therefor are cajoled into "silver" fillings that are ~ 55% mercury

Consumer education is the only viable solution, the corporate pig will not leave the trough

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My dentist always billed the insurance for amalgams and did the white fillings for the kids. I paid extra to not have amalgams myself. I don’t think they use amalgam any more, not sure when they stopped.

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It would be nice if we'd stop dumping all the worst stuff onto our military-- like amalgams and every vaccine known to man.

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Amen!!! A critical thinker would come to the conclusion that some may be trying to weakin’ our military 🤔

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Thank you, Jessica! I hope you have had a chance to dive into the observations of Weston A. Price. This talk by Blanche Grube, biological dentist, was eye opening for me. A recording of the talk I heard is for sale here. https://www.fleetwoodonsite.com/product_info.php?cPath=40_649&products_id=22621

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Dr Grube is a rockstar.

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Thanks for sharing!

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Jan 21·edited Jan 22

It almost should be a clue that the only regulation for fluoride as a water additive is as a contaminant governed by MCLs (maximum 'contaminant' level). Fluoridation quite simply is the deliberate contamination of drinking water where fluoride is more toxic than lead and slightly less toxic than arsenic. The MCL for lead is "0" where as the EPA allows up to 4 ppm of fluoride. The ADA supports fluoridation, so does every Surgeon General, CDC, all the medical associations.

Fluoridation has always been a house of cards. Lets hope the trial is done objectively on the scientific evidence and not the politics of fluoridation.

Thank you Jessica for alerting C & C readers the critical importance of the upcoming trial. I'm going make extra popcorn.

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and the reason is that "white" fillings are cosmetically and functionally better, not to mention require less removal to healthy tooth via undercutting. No admissions by the dental cartel, never an admission...

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Mercury amalgams are NOT fine in your mouth, at all. The American Dental Association back at the turn of the 20th century called the dentists who used mercury fillings "quacks", from the German word for mercury -quecksilber.


This is a great clip on the toxicity of mercury in vaccines. Yes, it still exists in the flu shot.

Post below features one of my favorite doctors, Ken Stoller, who resigned from the American Academy of Pediatrics over their corruption and harming of our children. He also has written many books, my favorite is "Incurable Me".


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while we are deep diving, might as well bring up adjuvants which are even worse than mercury Hg in the Quaxcines. An Adjuvant is purposely added to increase the immune response ~ by a huge order of magnitude. Although aluminum is far less toxic than mercury, used deliberately as an adjuvant it is far far worse...

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excellent history reminder, The medical cartel actually co-opted dentistry at one point, graduating DMD's

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Quack – Quicksilver – mercury!

Vaccine doctors are quacks.

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A theory of mine is that those long aisles of bottled (in plastic) water are because of the fluoridated/lousy water coming from our taps. We are animals. and just like wild animals turning up their noses at a tainted water source when there's another clean source nearby, we may not know exactly what makes us prefer bottled drinking water, but we gravitate toward better water. Plus, unless we distill our water, which is a costly and large energy-using endeavor, there is NO WAY to get rid of the fluoride put into it. Why would we put fluoride in our water for consumption when it is available in many topical forms, so many it's hard not to ingest it even if you're trying to stay away from it (toothpaste, mouthwash, dental fluoride treatments, etc.).

Thank you for "listening." And even more thanks for this information about the lawsuit. If you see this, would you please post the name, case number, and court hearing this case? I'd like to read the pleadings. Thank you.

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This is a big reason I like to live in a place where I have my own well. No flouride.

Some years back my Dad involuntarily entered into a long losing battle with Parkinson's Disease. Wanting to learn more I began to research it. I suspect Dr. Mercola was one of the critical HONEST resources I came across, by accident. (its been a few decades now...) He not only made the link he explained the etiology of mercury and aluminium in vaccines, and their near universal use as adjuvants. Boom!!!! Dad worked up high in the aerospace industry and as a "benefit" the company's "health" insurance provided all the vaccines free. So he, trusting that industry's "integrity" he dutifully rolled up his right sleeve every year for the current version(s) of the flu shot, shingles, and I don't know what all else. During his thirty plus years of that "help" he likely took a few hundred syringes full of those adjuvants. He DID a good job of not getting sick with the "seasonal" stuff but then, so did I and I never took ANY of them because I paid for all my medical care out of pocket. His Mom probably never took any either. Grew up in a farming community, bore ten children and raised the nine that survived the smallpox to adulthood, they ate food they grew and worked hard outside year round. She was still all there and fully functional on her 100th birthday, I was there. took a five generation photograph,too. Went to bed one night in her 106th year, and woke up in the Arms of the Lord. No shots no fluoride, healthiest woman I've ever known.

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absolutely tragic, your father and countless others

As a doc for over 30 years have consistently educated people about the dangers and the lies of Big P and their offerings. Front row and center are the Quaxcines. Integrity is what is on offer, your disclosures are telling. One of my patients is 83. Somehow she knew intuitively not to vax her 2 daughters who are now over 40. I consistently ask her how she knew...

Another friends mother also developed Parkinsons. Somehow we kept her alive for 4 years, certainly not in glowing health but able to function.

There are many details, one size does not fit all.

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You can go to www.fluoridealert.org to get updates on the trial. It is set to begin January 31 if I am not mistaken.

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Supposedly reverse osmosis removes it.

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fluoride is one of hundreds of potential contaminants but easy to remove

Heavy metals less so, organics a bit complex, pesticides, herbicides, forever chemicals, glyphosate the short list

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water treatment is a very deep rabbit hole

Have been using a high quality distiller for at least 26 years.

I also have a gravity feed ceramic unit. Neither is on par with an ionizer that puts a very small amout of H2 in the water post filtration...

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I can’t stand bottled water!!! When I heard that they were shredding plastics and putting it in water bottles to sell, I started telling everyone, do not buy Bottled Water!!!

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It is labeled as a toxic biohazard on route to the dental offices but miraculously becomes inert when drill and fill dentistry installs it.

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My dentist hasn't used the amalgam fillings for years. People want tooth colored fillings, anyway. They look so much better. It doesn't matter that they don't last as long as amalgams, because the aesthetic advantage is worth it.

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you are wrong about the longevity, and were likely wrong even 20 years ago...

Composites were always better by every metric, but especially since they bind to the tooth, unlike amalgam (mercury) or even gold

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

I'm simply going on my own experience, Paul. My own experiences are not wrong, they are simply what they are. I've had amalgams from 30 years previous that my childhood dentist apparently did make-work on; at least that was the observation of my current dentist, unfortunately. I don't think I've ever had any composite ones that lasted 30 years. I eventually had the amalgams removed by a different dentist who seemed to really know how to do it safely, but the composites he put in their place only lasted a year and a half.-- which is ridiculous. My current dentist has never done composites that failed that quickly or even close. But he's a lot better dentist than the other guy.

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Happy to hear fluoride is being put on trial. We’ve been using expensive filters to get rid of it in our treated water. The dangers of this substance have been ignored far too long.

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Same here! But even if fluoride is removed from our drinking system, there's plenty other unfortunate things coming through...not the least of which are hormones and medications.

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True and this needs to be more broadly understood. This lawsuit is a step in that direction. Why I am praying Jeff will cover this topic.

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Flouride also lowers IQ. And it kicks essential Iodine off the thyroid and displaces it.

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and it is no co-incidence that it is being used, you are spot on regarding iodine replacement and downregulating thyroid function...

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My comment was more intended to say "Don't get rid of your expensive filters just yet!"

And I do see step-by-step as essential.

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The first step in the litigation was in 2016 when the plaintifs first approached the EPA with the request (if I'm not mistaken) to review the massive evidence of the fluoride's neurotoxicity to the most vulnerable--our children.

The EPA said no. And here we are today.

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And now they have been caught lying under oath.

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and quite possibly poisons masquerading as 'covid' coming thru the tap of major cities

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Covidiocy is a catch all that has been used for literally everything by the medical cartel. Flu went to zero while Covid took its place, conveniently.

The medical cartel is not that stupid, they were not just complacent, they were complicit. There are details, always.

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I am thankful we have well water but the m sure it probably has round up in from our neighbors... you just can’t win

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there's natural flouride i think in some well water? it is in my city list on a well.

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'Natural' fluoride is not toxic, like the fluoride added to public water systems that is residue from aluminum processing.

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Suppressed is the better word to use! The history of this chemical being added to water and the obfuscation of the research are parallel to vaccines and any other questionable medical practice that becomes part of the mainstream narrative.

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Here's a history of how the vile practice of fluoridated water came to pass: https://fluoridefreegrandrapids.com/?p=879

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Jessica, thank you for sharing this important info. Question, my daughter is 10, should I buy her toothpaste without flouride? Just want to make sure I understand correctly. I am careful with drinking water purity but I thought her teeth probably need the brushing with fluoride. I’m happy to get without if you are saying she doesn’t need the flouride. Thank you!!

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H *** Yes!. Throw it out and go buy some today. Available everywhere, but you Must read the labels. For example, Maine family business Tom's was sold to one of the big boys. Now, most Tom's toothpaste has flouride. Flouride is toxic. Period. Even the story flouride helps prevent cavities is 100 % BS. Think of that story like "statins prevent heart attacks". Both are poison , with zero health benefits.

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Toms still has some fluoride free toothpaste.

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I stopped buying toothpaste years ago.

I use baking soda and coconut oil.

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Dentist friend called to mind what was used in past. Paste of hydrogen peroxide & baking soda.

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Not harmful if swallowed.

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When I was younger I remember hearing that baking soda would remove the enamel on your teeth so I quit using it. It wasn’t until recently that I figured out that was probably a rumor started by Procter & Gamble, or the other toothpaste manufacturers.

Never heard of adding coconut oil? Mix the 2 together? What is the benefit of adding coconut oil?

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Actually, I more often than not use only baking and water.

But coconut oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties

which help prevent tooth decay.

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I'm not a dentist, nor scientist but have read much in the past 3.5 years. Dentists are taught that flouride prevents decay without seeing any evidence, same as docs believing what they are told about vaccines. Just read what it says on the packet - DO NOT SWALLOW! And seek medical advice if so. It has not been proven to prevent decay and also is responsible for tooth discolouration in, not on, enamel. I'd say regular soft brushing is more important, avoiding fizzy sweet drinks and sugary things - limit to once a week treat.

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Thankfully she doesn’t like fizzy drinks or even apple juice or any sweet drink! She doesn’t even like candy! She prefers a steak and broccoli, crazy but true. Lol. We will get the non flouride asap!

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We buy Boka Nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste and love it!!! Follow the directions to not add water to it, so it foams well. It is non-Flouride.

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I buy Auromere toothpaste from Natural Grocers. But you can get it at TJMaxx and on Amazon, which is where I buy it in bulk. I love it!

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Thank you, shayne. Just put a tube in my cart to give it a shot.

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Hope you like it! Cheers.

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My kids do not use fluoride toothpaste or do fluoride treatments. I would be comfortable with this advice to any parent being mindful of his/her child’s diet and home care.

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Read the warning on the label. https://fluoridealert.org/articles/fda-toothpaste/

Brush with a little aluminum-free baking soda.

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Do most everyday baking sodas have aluminum? It’s not listed on the box….

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Baking *powder* usually contains aluminum. But not baking soda.

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Jessica, A really great read is the "Secret History of Lead" https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/secret-history-lead/

Some of the same bad actors and acting.

You're right--Fluoridation, Safe and Effective and anyone who challenged the narative, especially a dentist paid dearly for questioning one of the "Top Ten Public Health Measures" of the 20th Century.

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Thanks for sharing this article.

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I just moved from a place with well water to a place on city water. Would love to learn more about these expensive filters you speak of! I hate the idea of buying bottled water, creates needless waste.

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Just an fyi - many bottled water companies add fluoride back into their products, so even spring water or reverse-osmosis could still have fluoride. Google a list of bottled water that has no fluoride. We buy ours at Aldi's. Also you want non-bha plastic bottles. And don't get me started on micro-plastic particles found in plastic bottles. Ugh. All we can do is the best that we can.

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Microplastic! There are so many issues

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Exactly! Bottled water and K cups are so prevalent and many seem completely oblivious to the harm they can cause.

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Well, it could always be worse. I'm not exactly sure how, but they seem to be accepting the challenge, so we'll probably find out!

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Sadly, I think you’re right

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Do you know if they add fluoride to seltzer water? Hoping you may know since you’ve done research.

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Seltzer water is typically made from either carbonated tap water, mineral water or carbonated plain water.

If from tap water that already contains fluoride then the final seltzer water will also contain it. However, not all tap water is fluoridated, so this depends on your specific location.

Mineral water comes from natural springs and usually doesn't have fluoride added because its mineral content comes from the source itself.

Carbonated plain water made from purified water (like reverse osmosis water) generally won't have fluoride added unless specifically stated on the label.

Since fluoride is primarily added to improve dental health, manufacturers may not see the need to add it to seltzer water which is often seen as a healthier alternative to sugary drinks.

So what can you do? Look for any mention of "fluoride" or "fluoridated" on the ingredients list. Check the brand's website which may note whether or not they add fluoride. Or contact the manufacturer and directly inquire about the fluoride content.

Fun times, huh?

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I posted a reply but not sure where it went. Sorry if this is a dup. Thank you for your reply. I will need to research. The bottle says carbonated water and natural flavors so I can’t be sure. Thanks again!

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There’s many available! Even simple pitchers. Please check out the info here: https://truthaboutfluoride.com/water-filters-that-remove-fluoride/

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We use a Zerowater pitcher. You can access their certification results at https://zerowater.com/pages/results.

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Mazel Lee--The city water department publishes a yearly water quality report. It will tell you what the contaminants present in the water or whether there is naturally occurring fluoride, and other contaminants or a fluoride chemical additive i.e. hydrofluorosalicic acid. By the way hydrofluorosalicic acid has many industrial uses like etching glass, rust remover, silicon chip production.

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A water distiller will remove the fluorine. cost $75 an hour.

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Culligan attached a RO filter to my kitchen tap.

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We use items from Clearly Filtered.

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I do too, but how do we know that filter is taking it all out? I don’t think we do.

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I believe Del Bigtree's Highwire program has interviewed those involved in this trial. It's worth looking up if anyone's interested.

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To Natalie's great point, please check out this interview which aired October 6, 2023: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/fluoride-lawsuit-captures-shocking-admissions-on-the-record/

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I love Del 😍!

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Me too! Del, Jeffrey Jaxen, and Aaron Siri are IMHO three incredible resources, all of whom I look forward to hearing from each Thursday. 😊

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I hope everyone that reads C&C also watches The Highwire and supports ICANDECIDE.ORG The information and legal efforts are truly invaluable and have been for many years.

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I watched the whole video and I’m appalled and yet totally understand why all this happened. I see at the underlying of all this a deep desire for wealth and power over the health and concern for people. I’m encouraged and thank you Renee for sharing and watch on Zoom 1/29/2024 the trial.

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Ok, so watched the whole interview. Thumbs up. Until the last minute when Del shakes hands with his guest. Me, when I shake hands, I go all in. It's a full handed grasp. The Masonic handshake is not. And there is the thumb brushing the top of the knuckles or back of the hand of the recipient of your (Mason's) handshake. Del's thumb is obscured, not visible, but having not studied his style and not taking the time at the moment to dig into other handshakes of other guests, I don't know if he habitually has a woose handshake or... this is a bad look for me but here goes... his handshake is conveying what the club conveys. Take a look. Castigate me for thinking the "unthinkable" of this to-date perceived amazing warrior for truth. Am I reading too much into things? This is what this climate has done to my eye for detail. Every. little. thing. is suspect. Help.

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Del does great work to educate about vaccines, BUT... if the whole truth were revealed about the germ theory hoax, the vax industry would instantly collapse! Why is he mum about this???

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I understand the basics of terrain theory vs germ theory. I *want* to beleive in terrain theory but after 4 decades of germ theory- there's still some holes in terrain theory that can't make my brain switch 100%. I beleive it could be a mixture of both.

I saw this in action when I had to work *very hard* for my kids to get chicken pox years ago. We went to three pox parties. I stopped all immune boosting (vit d, probiotics, etc - it was over the winter when I do those daily) z AND I fed the kids sugar every day. It truly took 3 solid exposures for my kids to catch CP. And my oldest daughter needed 4 exposures. Talk about a "super contagious" pathogen 🙄

So - my kids clearly had a healthy terrain. BUT they only got CP because we purposefully exposed them to the CP germ. Hence my feel that the truth lies somewhere between the two theories.

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I agree. It’s fascinating stuff. Hard to wrap one’s mind around though, having had viruses drilled into our heads our whole lives. There’s compelling evidence for germ theory though.

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Thanks for posting. Haven’t used it in 20 years. The look my dentist gives me when I say no fluoride for my kids....

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I always hiss and make the sign against evil when a dentist suggests fluoride, just as I do when a doctor suggests a flu shot. They give me a strange look but I don’t care.

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It’s unfortunate reality that so many dentists cling to this practice. Just the way my profession clung to the vaccines and heralded anyone who fired employees for not participating in the largest human experiment ever.

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Dumped ,mine and found a biological dentist. Only way to go

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“the cost to filter fluoride from our water makes this exposure a forced medical treatment.”

Very good point. Regardless of its supposed benefits, everyone should be able to choose for him or herself if they want a medical intervention or treatment. It should never be automatic.

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Folic Acid being sprayed on all our grains and wheat beginning in the 90s. My adult adopted daughter has gene mutation where she cannot process folic acid....it seems to be toxic in her body. We just figured it out. She has been treated for years for adhd, depression, bipolar, anxiety, nightmares with heavy duty psychotropic medications without cessation of symptoms. All of her symptoms are now gone just with diet. Forty percent of population has difficulty processing folic acid... think high blood pressure, depression, autoimmune disorder, leaky gut, anxiety.....the list goes on.....all because our government decided to spray a man-made product on our food. Sure looks suspect to me. NOT one dr ever said diet.....not even the one who ordered the genetic testing.

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Did you listen to the interview that Joe Rogan did with Gary Brecka? If not, it's worth a listen.

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Yes, Gary Brecka is great. He is probably the one who helped me the most to put it all together.

Also, the book. DIRTY GENES is a must read for anyone with anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, thyroid, skin rashes, inflammation, adhd, bipolar, obesity. I bought on audible for $10 and listened to it while doing chores. All of these issues are rooted in our genes and how they are functioning. Cleaning up how we treat our body results in cleaning up how our genes function. Big pHARMa just wants to give us a pill for an ill.

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Thanks for the book recommendation, I’m going to purchase a copy.

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also avoid enriched flour. Those with that genetic mutation are unable to process folic acid added to flour.

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Yes, it is in almost everything in a box. If they add folic acid to the priduct they have to list it in the ingredients. But, if it is made with flour or grains, which is required to be enriched with folic acid it won't say it....it just says flour. You must buy organic flour....or it must say organic flour in the ingredients. Many people won't have any obvious issues young but as life gets to them they start showing up in 30s and 40s. My daughter's has been evident all of her life. Her biological family ALL have severe mental health issues that cropped up early in life... siblings, cousins, parents. Sad, very few will ever be able to change their diet to heal from the damage done......hard to change habits and it isn't cheap to eat healthy. I'm happy for her at 23 to be able to find answers but sad for the 23 years she lost. Her mental health issues were debilitating. One piece of bread will give her anxiety and hearing voices within 30 min and last for 3 or 4 days.

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I agree re flour as it's added to other products. I came up with my own recipes for breads that use non-enriched flour such as organic oat flour or flaxseed flour, but even using those things, you have to research brands to ensure you're not getting other bad stuff. Desserts are harder to deal with as I refuse to use almond flour, which seems to be what most people use to avoid gluten (as well as added folic acid).

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Check out Organic Bread of Heaven.

I just found them and ordered this past week. I dont even have order yet.

Family business and they have the MTHFR gene. Allow their products are free of enriching and are sourdough. It is my understanding....I am so new to this.....that sourdough is ok.

Prices are good. A loaf of sourdough is 5.99 which is what I pay for keto bread at grocery store for a loaf my daughter can't

eat. They have buns, breads, muffins, bagels.....we are gonna try it out.

I will learn to bake gluten free if I have to but would rather not. It is like keto baking.....hard to get it right.

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Cat: Why not almond flour? Do you use coconut flour?

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I was diagnosed with this MTHFR genetic anomally at 58. (at least 10% of the population can not process folic acid). I eat gluten free now even though I don't have celiac and my health is so much better. My 33 year-old daughter is has had issues and is also now gluten free. I suspect that this drove my mother's health issues ultimately resulting in her death from non-altzheimer's dementia. Her neurologist had put her on high dose folic acid and her health declined precipitously. I tried to convince them to at least switch to the more expensive methylated folate but her doctor and medically trained family members told my parents that was not an issue. They wouldn't even have her tested to determine if she was lacking in the genes to break down folic acid. I am so sick ot the "but you are not a doctor" argument.

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Wow! If I was a conspiracy theorist,.....I'm not though, I'm a conspiracy realist.....I'd say it sure looks like they are doing this on purpose.....create patients for life.

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Avoid anything but organic flour. Starting in the '90's, farmers were encouraged to drown their wheat and buckwheat with Roundup at harvest time. it kills the grain, and they can dry and process it all at the same time. So, they aren't GMO like corn, but they are still loaded with glysophate.

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Roland, you are correct. I read recently that glyphosate is also possibly used for organic flours too but I've not had opportunity to research if this is true.

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And multiple miscarriages. They are murdering our children!

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Yes! I left that out!!!......it is like almost every disease can be linked back to our genes not working right... and folic acid makes at least 40% of populations genes not work right. Big pHARMa hasn't gotten enuff of our $$ yet?

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This may be helpful in understanding the distinctions between naturally-occurring folate, and manmade folic acid: https://youtu.be/3gt2GlVUWYQ

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Absolutely and was the main point of a recent newsletter to my patients. My position is a 180 from the way I was trained and have practiced for 25 years. I needed to delicately present this information to bring awareness.

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Flouride is a waste product, principally from the aluminum industry. FYI aluminum workers have horrible health, usually by the time they are 40

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Add the cost of your filtration equipment to your other out-of-pocket medical expenses on your 1040 Schedule A. If the bastards are gonna force me to damage myself, they're gonna at least cover some of the repair cost.

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Hmm good idea!

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Amen a thousand times to this. No fluoride for me, and I use an enamel building toothpaste with nano hydroxyapatite, which I regularly inform my dentist they should be suggesting to their patients. They actually admit it is a good product.

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Is this NoBS by Better Biom? That is what I use and love. I am doing some investigation on the nano part of this dentifrice. There are some concerns that nanotechnology (what is used in the COVID shots) is poorly understood as it relates to long term effects on the body.

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I read somewhere that they are also putting nanoparticles in eye drops and in insulin drugs! Criminal!!!!!

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The independent microscope people are finding all this nano stuff in many products - insulin, contact lens fluids and in dental injections too! Very worrying, indeed.

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Are you saying that NoBS might have nanoparticles?

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It is listed as their remineralizing agent.

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I use great oral health by Dr o”malley.... maybe we should just use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

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Yes that seems to be the same. Premio, a Japanese toothpaste makes one as well as Pearlie Whites.

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Glenda Gallagher what is the name of the tooth paste you use? We are desperately seeking a good one. We presently are using doTerra’s natural whitening and mineralizing toothpaste which xylitol is main ingredient for prevention of tooth decay.

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I use baking soda for toothpaste after reading what some independent dentists mention on their websites, that it is softer than some popular name brand toothpastes (and they listed the Mohs hardness of various popular toothpaste vs baking soda.) Baking soda only rates 2.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness, so baking soda’s not as abrasive as one might think. It also freshens breath.

Someone said their dentist told them that you can even just plain water to brush your teeth and it will do an acceptable job.

If you use mouthwash be sure it’s fluoride free.

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Dr. Tennnant recommended we sprinkle baking soda on our toothbrush, with or with our toothpaste

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I just wet my toothbrush and dip it into a shallow jar of baking soda I keep at the sink. 🪥

A few years ago “ALL” toothpaste brands cause my mouth to have a painful burning sensation, including some pretty expensive “sensitive mouth” brands, so that is when I researched an alternative to traditional toothpaste. The baking soda has worked well for me.

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Be sure you tap most of the water off your toothbrush before dipping into the baking soda or it will just liquify and run off your brush’s bristles before you get it into your mouth. The idea is to have a thick paste like consistency on your brush.

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I've been using Tom's for yearus. I've also been preaching the dangers of fluoride for years. I would brush my teeth with water before I'd use a commercial toothpaste. They are downright nasty.

On a side note, when they started selling gallons of fluoridated water to be used to mix baby formula, every chance I had when shopping, I would draw a big "X" on the labels of the ones on the shelves, in the hope that maybe someone would wonder why and, maybe, make them start doing their own due diligence.

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BOKA, David's. Risewell are all excellent brands.

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Wellnesse is another good brand that uses micro, not nano, particles of hydroxypatite in their toothpastes--apparently the first company to do so. I use both their whitening and charcoal toothpastes and like both a lot.

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I will have to check all ingredients when finished here.

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Oma, I’ve researched a bunch of them and the best one I’ve found is BETTER AND BETTER. It’s a subscription plan but it remineralizes the teeth. But, they’ll send you an email a couple of days before your order is sent to remind you in case you need to postpone. Good luck!

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Bobby from Flav City on you tube has an app that you scan the products UPC code and the app will show you all concerning chemicals. There are a probably thousands of products on this website. He gives the products a 👍 or👎 and explains what the chemicals are for. It’s really helpful, and as a label reader it helps explain a lot of those unpronounceable concoctions.

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I just looked up Better and Better and they sell it on Amazon. Also David's, Boka and a few others. I'm not familiar with any of them. I guess it's cheaper to by on their website using the subscription plan.

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I used Boka too. I can’t recall why I switched.

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Have you compared yours to Apagard from Japan, available on Amazon? Read somewhere that it was the only one with the adequate %. Hoping Glenda will chime in.

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I have tried that one too but there are some problems with the ingredients (harmful) but I don’t recall. The ingredient list is in Japanese as well. After much research, I decided not to reorder due to ingredients.

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We use Boka Nano-hydroxyapatite and love it. Just be sure to follow the instructions to NOT add water to it, so it foams well. It is non-Flouride.

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I brush with water, it’s just to remove plague after all & then do a rinse with Young Again Thieves mouthwash.

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I use Dr. Christopher's herbal Tooth Powder. Wonderful stuff, and helps heal teeth and gums.

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Give this info to your dentist and hygienist when they try to sell you on fluoride varnish. “Just say No” to a product whose best feature is for the income that goes into the dentists!

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Glenda, I researched and found several on Amazon and other vendors and ordered. My doTERRA doesn’t list the “nano” bit doe have the other ingredient. Thank you for the info.

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But does - autocorrect is the real killer 😏

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I use either the Japanese toothpaste Apagard Premio or the Pearlie White toothpaste both have the hydroxyapatite in it. Get if from Amazon (I know 🙄)

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Read that Apagard from Japan, (available on Amazon, but costly) is the only one on the market with the adequate %. I’d appreciate your input on all. TIA!

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I’m really liking Frau Fowler’s tooth powders, especially Mouth Medic. Took a little getting used to, but now I love it. Www.fraufowler.com.

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Will check it out. Thanks!

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Thanks for the article. I will keep an eye out for what you said. I know Pearlie White is made in Singapore and Apagard Premio in Japan. I also have read that keeping the product on your teeth after brushing and not rinsing or disrupting it for a period is time is useful. I try to brush in the shower in the morning and not rinse my mouth out. Also just spit after brushing in the sink, no rinse. And Apagard is costly, though when compared to dental work, it is probably a bargain...

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can you provide the name or a link to this toothpaste please?

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See if Glenda provides some insight. We’re using Apagard from Amazon.

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Fluoridated water failed several times in San Antonio,Texas. The push just wouldn’t go away. The third time they pushed to pass it, it finally was approved. I believe one small community in San Antonio (Castle Hills) does not fluoridate their water supply. Have you ever noticed how the push for change is relentless. Seldom have I seen a push to undo a mistake like fluoridated water.

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You vil keep voting until you vote ze vay ve vant you to!!!!!

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Happily - Portland, Oregon 3 times voted down strong campaigns to fluoridate city water!

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The last time it was a route. The fluoride zealots never recovered and it likely killed any further attempts to mandate fluoridation in Oregon. Oregon is one of the least fluoridated states It was always pointed out that Portland was one or the largest cities unfluoridated and a source of ridicule in the main stream media. Oh the CDC boiled over Portland's refusal.

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Why??? I don’t understand the relentless push, esp after a study showed increased risk of hip fx despite “improved” DEXA results.

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Thank you Jessica! I raised our kids in non fluoride toothpaste and we have a well so no fluoride in it. This was after my daughter developed fluorosis at age three from Florida tablets. I did the research and learned exactly what you have revealed here. we use baking soda for brushing now. My husband refuses fluoride treatments and has fought with dentists and their staff for years. He finally gave up going and so have I. It’s frustrating and difficult too go against the grain. Heartening to hear you are raising the sword against fluoride. Our country is so corrupt. All of our processed food has stuff in it other countries ban as well. No wonder America is so sick.

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,It is all about money 💰 💸 ..

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Find a biological dentist. Whole different (holistic) approach

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Fluoride was given to people in concentration camps in WWII. I don’t think Hitler was concerned about their teeth.

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Thanks for the tip. I’ll look for one!

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I would say find a dentist that respects you! I do not practice the ‘biological way’ completely but I respect a patient’s wishes for their treatment and that is how you should be treated!

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Question for Jessica: What about the "required X-rays" that dentists want to do every time I go for a check-up. I have never had a cavity and I started refusing X-rays and that made my dentist very angry. It seems to be a money maker. I don't want to expose myself to unnecessary radiation and I think dental X-rays are way over utilized.

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My dentist dismissed me from his practice because I refused x-rays. Why did I refuse? What’s the point in exposing myself to radiation if I’m not going to treat a tooth with no pain? I told him that I would let him know when I had a cavity, not the other way around. (Obviously there’s some history here).

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Same here. I don’t get it. Radiation can cause cancer

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My dentist dismissed me (a patient of 40 years) for not taking the Covid vax!

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Was there a requirement to be jabbed and there was an intake form before a visit? Was this dentist also doing children's HPV jabs as well?

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Given the law of averages, he's jabbed and will have an early death or retirement so you'd have had to find a new dentist anyway.


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I think the CDC is trying to conscript dentists to give vaccines.....

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My thoughts exactly.

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Your dentist should honor your request to avoid but establish some interval that you both feel comfortable with….I typically move to a 3 year interval between X-rays and always honor those who never want them. You should not be forced into treatment but they are an excellent tool and dynamics change in the oral cavity over time.

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Thank you for your reply and insight into your use of X-rays.

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The dentist I've been to doesn't usually suggest xrays at all unless he's found decay by visual inspection and wants to know how deep it is to decide if it needs filling or not. My guess is that the reason some dentists have "required xrays" every visit is because they can charge $$$ for 2 minutes of work... if they already know there are no cavities, they don't even have to look at the images.

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You have a good dentist. I'll keep looking for one that won't require unnecessary X-rays. I've had way too many for a person who has never had a cavity.

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Even from the (faulty) perspective of thinking flouride is good for teeth and harmless, what gives the government a right to dose me without my consent?

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THANK YOU. The whole reason I moved to a house with a well was to avoid fluoride. It's just so toxic. I am thrilled someone is going after this practice!

Can you kindly tell me if you know anything about nanotechnology that could potentially form spike in dental numbing agents? I'd like to separate fact from fiction. Having two bad teeth, I have refused to see anyone over this. I will not put anything in my body that has or can generate any spike proteins or mRNA. If I'm off base, please tell me. Thanks much!

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Similarly- I hope Jeff brings attention to the NATIONAL lawsuit to bring back religious exemptions to childhood vaccines !! Yes! Brought by AVFCA with 3 families they are going national and may end uo in Supreme Court. They believe they have a good chance for success given precedent with MS court decision to return religious exemptions. ! Plus I would add the widening awareness of vaccine harms.

Many should donate to AVFCA if they can for high legal costs on this!

Jeff please speak to it. Multiply? It could end all childhood shot reqs.

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That would be amazing.

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Yes. If you are able to donate to them please do! So many people are unable to donate. I’m trying to bring awareness as I cannot give.

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21

For more information on this please see replay here.


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I'm a dentist with a 40 year career, mostly in private practice. My story is similar to Jessica's: I dispensed and promoted fluoride, topical, systemic, and in the drinking water, untill about 5 years before retiring. At that point I had read enouugh to begin to question fluoride but not enought to buck my patient's desiring it and the militant propoganda of the American Dental Association. The last few years of my career I was very conflicted. Once I began to research and learn the truth of the Covid plandemic, I realized I had been indoctrinated in Dental school and I came clean and rejected floridation. I agree with Jessica to bring attention to this important lawsuit. A small group of informed dentists and health scientists have spent years trying to get the truth out and have sufferred significant persecution. To get this far is a major accomplishment but they are up against very powerful organizations with vested interests, the massive ADA being the most significant with their control of the dental profession.

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Thanks for being awake. I feel professionally homeless right now. I believe a lot of what the holistic side says but some topics they take too far, ignoring key factors in oral health. But I am far more aligned with them.

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This oral surgeon is grateful for your message here Dr. Funk!

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I just want to add that Dentists have not only been bought by floride lie but also by the lie that your teeth and gums cannot heal by themselves and after spending my whole appt measuring gum loss, which i investigated and discovered was minimal, didn't get the cleaning I went for, and was referred to get a deep root blaster treatment, my gums are now all better without interference! "Give a dog a bone' in every profession!!

I make own toothpaste coconut oil, activated charcoal, xylitol, baking soda and have been for thirty years.

Also found out that my childhood dentist was "FINDING" caries that weren't so real just for the insurance! 😡

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Jessica, are you aware of this issue with dental anesthetics? Please reference this substack, plus she has more of them I can provide: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/torsion-spectroscopy-analysis-of?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=140525499&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=rm9im&utm_medium=email.

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Yes! In fact another dentist and I are investigating. We’ve reached out to the manufacturer, Septodont. They deny that nanotechnology is part of the anesthetic. But they have not responded to us sending them these links and the possible fraud this doctor could be convicted of for publishing false data about Septodont’s product.

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Thank you! I’ve been worried ever since I had dental work done last spring. As much as she has been investigating and releasing I would error with her judgment more than the pharmaceutical company right now. She has done all kinds of studies to warn people with the details. I would like to see their data. One of these dental companies actually produced covid vaccines in Canada. I’ll try to locate that data. Since Pfizer and Moderna have lied and covered up all the side effects of the jabs, I believe most of these companies have credibility issues since the governments have even gone along with this deception throughout the world and when asked to release the contracts they agreed in, they are refusing to release them. Canada just had this happen. The FDA and the Biden administration has also covered up the Pfizer lies.

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Here is information right from the companies own corporate pages: https://novocolpharma.com/moderna-and-novocol-pharma-announce-fill-finish-agreement-for-canadian-made-mrna-vaccines/. It’s a Septodant Company! Here is an add on the Septocaine: https://www.septodontusa.com/product/pain-management-septocaine-epinephrine-1100000/, and medical info on it: https://www.septodontusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Articaine-Epinephrine-2021-SDS_2.pdf?x26960. It still doesn’t mean mRNA or graphene aren’t in it since Pfizer and Moderna don’t have to report on it either, Goverments have given them a pass to kill people off with the toxic jabs! They were already on thin ice, but now they have been contracted to kill with no ramifications.

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I had my hubby bring home the package insert from the Septodont anesthetic. Of course nanotech not listed. Can you keep us updated with your findings?

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Yes! If we get anywhere with Septodont or the MD who posted the videos, we will share findings. We may invest in our own dark field microscope to evaluate ourselves.

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You'd think the mfr would send a courtesy thank you to you for pointing out the purported fraud. If, that is, Dr. Mihalcea is wrong and publishing info that implicates them. Maybe not. Maybe, if Dr. Mihalcea is wrong, the next you hear is about a prosecution. Or, if Dr. M is being truthful in her reporting, well, it's an interesting case study, innit? The sound of silence is so telling. (And a great Paul Simon composition, too.)

Thank you for being open minded and taking off the indoctrination blinders. DDS friends regard my point of view as misinformed. They know, I don't, because they have the degree.

Dr. Jack Kruse opened my eyes a decade ago or more. You tube. Before he had a website, I think. Smart guy. DDS > oral surgeon > MD > neurosurgeon. He's way past the fluoride issue nowadays. I'm not a devotee. Not invested. Just saw a smart guy back when. Bit of an ego, but he addressed that in one of the early vids I saw. There's a measure of humility in the mix. I think his intentions are good. Your mileage may vary.

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Novak Djokovic is the GOAT of tennis and bodily autonomy. Hope he wins his 11th Australian Open Title next week. Never forget the fascist anti-science bans by Australia and America in 2022, which stole 2 Grand Slams from him.

Highly recommend reading his only autobiography: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/novak-djokovic-servetowin-devotion

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I wander if Dickson and Djokovic ever “patched up” their relationship.

Djokovic was absolutely a hero of the time and a great example of standing on principle. Dickson is an example of “might does not always make right”.

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Dickson is also a great example of being "dead wrong."

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💯 👏👏👏

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🤦‍♂️. That is funny

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They kept him out of the US while million walked across the border who were not required to have the shot. He’s a hero and smart man.

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I seem to recall someone proposing to him that he could come into the US by boat (maybe Florida?) because the vax mandate only applied to entries by air, but he refused because of principle.

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My respect and admiration for Djokovic (and Aaron Rodgers) grew exponentially after his bold and wise decision to not take the vaccines despite the consequences. He’s a hero for showing how to stand up to big pharma and power hungry governments who try to control us.

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Both did it as everyone should. They said "No". Refuse, resist. Stand your ground. To all of their tyrannical measure, vaccines, adulterated foods, masks, lockdowns, social distancing, flouride, adulterated cosmetics and cleaning supplies, vaccine passports, and the biggest ones, digital ID's and CBDC's.

To quote Nancy Reagan, "Just say No".

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Agreed, especially considering that both could have gotten fake vaxx cards and just been quiet about it all.

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We are with Novak!

Mainstream media has become little more than a mouthpiece for officially approved rhetoric. Anything outside approved rhetoric is quickly quieted, taken out, vilified, and or discredited.

I like wearing this "Don't let mass media tell you what to think" T in front of sheeps: t.co/QbmH10SE3N

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We will all remember Djokovic as the GOAT! Great tennis player and for his personal convictions and refusal to back down to the vaxx nazis, led by dickson etc. Dickson will soon fade from memory. This is appropriate as his usefulness is over to tptb. Dickson reaped what he sowed.

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Well said, Annie

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They always use wording as though unjabbed are being petulant children. He refuses, he's stubborn as if it is something he is doing to himself rather than it being forced on him.

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That’s exactly how they see us! 😡

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Jan 20·edited Jan 21

I have seen him exposing just one eye.

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We keep losing our best people. Not Novak! Dang.

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

Sometime last week, the good Lord peeked down on earth between the clouds and asked himself a question. How did I miss all those misgivings of fools and sinners down in the state of Georgia and all those other crazy places too.

Time to send some angels down to fix some clowns.

Urgent care ASAP.

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I didn’t know what that meant and unless he is hanging out with other who know or his actions say otherwise, I am going to assume he doesn’t know.

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What does that mean?

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Part of the satanic cabal. They have hand signals and rituals ppl are forced to go thru if they want the proper backing and support to "make it big", whether in Hollywood, sports, politics, etc Look up black eye photos and you may be surprised how many "popular and we'll known" ppl you'll see with those.

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Oh no!

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Many people do the "one eye" for photographers without knowing the symbolism. I'm aware of it (as a photographer). It's not an automatic label. I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt, here. Unless he starts wearing Elon's favorite costume...

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I need verification of that....I’m not saying you’re not telling the truth, I just don’t want to repeat it unless it’s verified.

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

I've seen many videos of dozens and dozens of celebraties making the one eye signal. Look at your one dollar bill. The all seeing eye. They shove their symbology in your face, like the inside joke it used to be. It's all coming to light now, and evil cannot live in the light.

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Also...check out Mel Gibsons interview about the Hollywood elite. He's says no one makes it big unless they're Satanists and drinking the blood of kids.

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I’ve heard that too and it’s the same in the music industry. A bunch of sick, morally bankrupt people who choose fame and fortune over morality.

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Huh? Please clarify your comment, Jaci

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Novak was demoted today playing at 1:30pm Melbourne time instead playing prime time at 7:15pm. Another slap in the face. He just smashed his opponent 6-0,6-0,6-3. GOAT

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Free lesson in the differences between GOATs and Sheep.

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Wonderful post!

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Guess I’m naive - what does GOAT stand for?

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Greatest Of All Time

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Thank you for asking, I can never figure out these acronyms!

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Very interesting. Thanks for posting!

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Jan 20Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, it was very refreshing to hear you speak of your salvation and relationship with Christ and discernment this morning.

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Love it too! One of the best parts of C&C is Jeff's biblical world-view.

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I love that Jeff shares his faith. It has given him additional credibility and insight as he looks at the world and shares from a Biblical perspective. I thank God for Jeff!

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Yes, and I appreciated the discernment caution with Robbins on that note. At first when I saw Jeff recommending an interview with him, I was thinking “uh oh!”

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Jan 20Liked by Jeff Childers

Maybe it was already posted and I've missed it, but one day of these days I'd love to read a full post on Jeff Childers' conversion experience. Then follow up in the comments with us telling how God's grace changed out lives. Former alcoholic/drug addict and skirt-chaser here, who is now happily married twenty-five years, two great (albeit challenging) teenage boys, and chief engineer at a giant company. That is God's grace in action.

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There are so many God-moments in my life now that I look for them. Since before Christmas our 34 year old gas furnace has been making a kind of humming noise. My husband is recovering from surgery which means he couldn’t get into the basement to hear. Two weeks ago the noise grew loud enough that he could hear it. We called a young man who had changed our thermostat and worked on our AC about 5 years ago. He was 20 at the time, but a friend gave us his name and we were desperate. Heating and cooling, plumbers, and electricians who make house calls in rural Michigan are like gold. He told us then, he went into business with his dad in his heating and cooling business. So, we called and he and his dad came out the next day and promptly diagnosed a failing internal combustion motor. It was what was making the ever louder noise. The dad said, if he could get a replacement motor, it wouldn’t pay as a 34 year old furnace needed to be replaced. It didn’t come as a complete surprise as our old furnace guy had told us before he retired we were existing on borrowed time. The price for replacing the furnace, AC unit and all new piping to code was hefty, but we had the money, so we told him to order the new furnace. This was on a Wednesday; the new furnace would be there Tuesday and they would install this coming Wednesday and Thursday. We happen to be having a big cold spell here. Temps into the single digits at night and only high teens during the day. We have a smaller auxiliary furnace in our garage put in the same time as our big one. It mainly is for garage heat, if we need it and an adjacent utility room and half bath. Most winters we never kick it on, but we put her into overdrive, just in case. That night, the noise level on the big furnace sounded like a buzz saw. I didn’t know how we were going to stand the noise for 7 more days. Early Friday morning, the motor expired. No way was the auxiliary furnace going to heat our house in this cold weather. Husband called our young furnace guy only to find out he was in the upper peninsula ice fishing for the weekend. But he said he had a friend who worked with him sometimes and he would call him to see if he could get over. My husband wondered if we could switch the motor out of the garage furnace into the big furnace to get by. The furnaces were the same and put in at the same time. The friend showed up and within a half hour we had the motors switched out. I had prayed for the motor to last until the new furnace could be installed, but God had a better plan. A switched out motor, heat, and blessed quiet. Btw, the young man who came to our rescue is a journeyman electrician not a heating guy. Switching out the motor was more electrical than anything else! I know this was wordy but had to share.

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Still need the new furnace or will the switcheroo last you a while? Nice to have a spare motor around!

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A new furnace was ordered last week when the furnace guys were out. It’s supposed to get here on tomorrow, installation later in the week. This should hold us until the new furnace gets here and can be installed.

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I bought and read "Case For Christ" by Lee Strobel quite some time ago because of Jeff's discussion.

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

And Lee Strobel’s life story is enlightening as well. He went from full on atheist who was angry that his wife became a Christian during their marriage. He even considered divorcing her. Lee spent a couple of years traveling, researching, and investigating in an effort to disprove Christ to his wife, only to become a believer himself.

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His story is remarkable. He’s spoken at our church a few times.

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Yes! full conversion

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Jan 20Liked by Jeff Childers

I don't think that I have said it for bit, so THANK YOU, JEFF for being you. You make the news more palatable with your wit and humor, you have given me hope during this bleak time.

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I second that.

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I third that! 😁

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I fourth that

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I posted much the same

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I agree!!!! The news is much more palatable these days!!! Thank you so much, Jeff!

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Jan 20Liked by Jeff Childers

“Fani Willis wants to be deposed about these topics about as much as she wants to fly to the moon in a rocket designed by John Fetterman.”

Killing me today!!! 😂😂😂

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And, "The Fani Willis scandal is expanding faster than the DA’s dress size." Hahahahahahaha!

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"Remember: Wade filed for divorce one day after signing his lucrative contract to work under Fani Willis." Dude, that's serious insider info!

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Masterfully done. (On this comment, as well.) 😂😂😂

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😂 Straight fire today!

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I loved that comment!

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Wonder when governor Kemp of wef/Georgia finally stops protecting and supporting fani. You know he is part of the wef uniparty. Both are traitors.

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Jeff’s presentation of the sinking SS Fani Willis made me laugh more than most of his posts, which is saying a lot! This DA is getting ready to cost George Soros a BUNDLE. “Vengeance is Mine,” saith the Lord. “I will repay.” I suppose, as a good Christian, I shouldn’t enjoy this so much, but I can’t help it.

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Brain-damaged individuals are harder to control and have fewer (if any) social filters. I have autistic kids. I know this for a fact. 😂 Who knew this would work in our favor? ?

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And your poor kids were most likely damaged by the frickin childhood vaccines. My son got a seizure disorder from his 😢

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Fedderman will blow where his keepers tell him to go. Same as Biden.

So I have to wonder if all this ‘progressive walking back’ is simply intentional strategy before the November election to appear more middle ground democrat… because they know full well how unpopular their leftist ideology actually is with real sensible normal people.

I think you’re seeing a narrative shift before the upcoming election. Same as Davos allowing a few conservatives to speak there…

I think you’re seeing strategy change.

Not a change of heart.

These people don’t have hearts. We saw that clearly in covid.

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Good point, makes more sense because I don't believe for a minute they've changed their goals.

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Fetterman, at heart, is a fellow Yinzer. Born and raised in The Valley Of Work, a/k/a the Mon Valley. One can fool a solid blue-collar man or woman only so long before they denounce progressives as the jagoffs they really are.

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I know!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Jan 20Liked by Jeff Childers

“Back in my twenties, I was a full-on Tony Robbins fan, and I went to half a dozen of his personal development seminars. Since I was saved, I don’t put nearly as much stock in any personal growth strategies, having been completely fulfilled by prayer, theology, and my personal relationship with Christ.” YES! This, thank you Jeff Childers.!

Yesterday was the March For Life in DC. I read a synopsis from the Daily Caller which didn’t get much correct, but we are here, never forgetting….never stopping fighting for life.

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Agreed! "Yes! this..." I always appreciated seeing Tony Robbins speak at conferences. He has great energy. But I never felt right about buying into the personal growth strategy. Jeff puts it well--now I understand why my brain and body didn't do it. I didn't need it. I had a savior.

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I save a lot of money not buying ‘self help’ books. 😁 But there was a time I had to try each new formula looking for the one that would fix me. I finally realized the Bible is the only book I need/ever needed.

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Agreed as well. I listened for a while, but after 20-30 minutes listening to him go on about obtaining material wealth, I had to skip. Since God fully got through to me, I haven't been able to make that my first priority. :-)

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Thank you!!

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Jan 20Liked by Jeff Childers

And let’s wait and see how Wade traveling to DC to meet with the DOJ BEFORE the indictments were dropped plays in.....

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This is the most important revelation. As salacious as the tawdry affair is and damaging to the case against Trump. The involvement of the Biden administration in “get Trump” is huge.

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...and met with "someone" in the White House.

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That someone will be a low level flunky who will happily go under the bus for several thou&and.

Speaking of going under—I did not miss Jeff pointing out Nathan was under Fani. I saw what he did there!😍

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That White House flunky might do a "House of Cards" nosedive under a Metro train.

...tying up loose ends.

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Jan 20Liked by Jeff Childers

The latest word on Celine Dion's health crisis following her COVID jabs is that she no longer has control over her vocal cords. Celine cancelled all her tour dates last year after her diagnosis of an extremely rare and incurable neurological disease called "stiff person syndrome." Her sister, Linda, has moved in with Celine to care for her.

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How incredibly sad...

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It is sad. And I think this occurs in 1 in a million of the population and it was even on Pfizer's side affect list. Yet the media goes out of the way to 'debunk' it was the jab.

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My heart will go on.

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This really is so terribly sad. She had an amazing voice

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I can't help but think that this is the perfect analogy of what happens with the jabs. God gives us this beautiful gift (life, made in His image) and a talent like she had, and man pollutes it and destroys it when we acquiesce to the will of man. Her gift was stolen, just like so many lives.

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To all who took the jab: You bent your knee, showed you were a slave and not a free man/woman. You were browbeaten, bribed and pressured. And you caved mindlessly. You made yourself into a slave for temporal benefits material wealth and benefits and now, you are paying because you sold your infinite soul and spiritual freedoms, GOD GIVEN RIGHTS not man made rights down the stream. As time goes on you may even become a 'gmo organism' with NO Human Rights due to the gene tampering nature of these 'jabs'. You will become 'not human'. Instead you are and your children to be are homoborgensis - one of the borg. And your overlords and masters the ones promoting this whole hellish kill and modify your genes job can do whatever they want to you *and your children, grand children etc* in perpetuity. Because you made yourself a slave to material things. Once done, damage cannot be undone. This is why I never liked much Tony Robbins. He focused so much on the material benefits - too much of a focus on the temporal at all costs. Remember: what you do or do NOT do in this life echos through time.

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Didn’t she also design/produce a line of children’s occult clothes?

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I didn’t want to like this, but to point, yes, this illness is a prison no one would want to be in. My MIL suffered from Multiple System Atrophy and I likened Celine’s disease as similar, something I would never want even my worst enemy to go through.

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There's a good reason these died suddenly types almost always seem to have been rabid vax partisans, they took the boosters.

As with any poison, the magnitude and duration of exposure increases morbidity and mortality. These people, driven by dogma, continued to take dose after dose long after it was clear to most people the jabs did more harm than good. Many people fell for the initial two dose series but didn't take the boosters. These ideologues were all in however, and are now paying the price.

Hubris and arrogance are really ugly traits, with real world consequences.

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And ignorance. Life is hard and it's REALLY hard if you're stupid.

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

Stupid and sure one is right is an awful combination. Successful people (generally, not just financially) learn from their mistakes and always question their assumptions.

There's a great term "midwit" popularized by Voxday. These people aren't stupid in raw intelligence, typically being around 115 IQ or so. So above average but not brilliant by any stretch. However, they think they are a lot smarter than they actually are, and never question their assumptions. Their lives are a string of disasters caused by their absolute certainty of their superiority.

Fani Willis being the latest poster child in a long string of high profile screw-ups. She's not dumb in that she got through law school and got elected, but she is no where near as smart as she thinks she is.

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Mark Twin. "It isn't what you don't know that is going to kill you. It's what you think you know for sure that just ain't so".

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Poster child for dei.

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Midwit. I like that. Add that to nitwit, halfwit, and dimwit

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I got a mental image of Wile E. Coyote from your description 😂

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They will cover all the corruption up as usual. I am amazed that this story got national news attention.

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Yes well said!

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Yes well said!

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There is a difference in ignorance and stupidity..ignorance can be fixed. You are ignorant when you don't have the facts. You are stupid which can't be fixed when you have the facts and refuse to see.

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My step sisters dad just got boosted. Had his second stroke right away. If at first you don’t succeed...,,

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

Just saw that Snoop Dog's 24 year old daughter also had a stroke. She had LUPUS so you know her doctors pushed her to be fully vaxxed because she would surely die if she caught COVID. So sad to see all the devastation brought by a bunch of lies and those who perpetuated the lies.

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She’s rich, so I wager that her medical appointments brought in lots of money for the doctors.

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That's effin crazy!!

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I know right

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And many of the ones pushing the vax and scorning those who didn’t, to the point of wishing a painful death on the unvaccinated, deserve what they get in the end. Just a bit of karma in the scheme of things. Ooops.

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Truth and consequences...they get you in the end.

I like the way Jeff described the journalist as ultimately a victim, though. TPTB preyed on people's emotional vulnerabilities, including pride and the need to feel righteous.

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My wife and I loved actor , Matthew Perry. Miss him.

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He was a victim of the medical industry.

They’ve advertised us into being a nation of hypochondriac. We all need to be satisfied with small suffering, and our natural, vigorous life force defense cure us. . Dr. drugs get in the way of our natural bodies cures.

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Saw a photo of him wearing a T shirt "Could I Be any more vaccinated?"

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I believe they were selling those...

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I just finished reading his book he wrote about his struggle with addiction. Worth a read. It made me laugh, cry and feel a deep empathy for him.

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me too. Just told

my husband yesterday I loved that guy!

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Jan 20Liked by Jeff Childers

So many quotable lines in the Fani Willis story here, thank you. Have you seen the montage video of her played by Jimmy Dore some weeks ago, fashioning herself in many protests and speeches as the righteous destroyer of Trump? Oh, how the (self-proclaimed) righteous have fallen. And I'm still not over her using a church - a church! - to try and revive her political fortunes.

She and her fraudulent prosecution can't flame out fast enough.

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Jan 20Liked by Jeff Childers

She’ll be Harvard’s next President. 😆

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From prison??

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hate to break it to you but Fulton County is one of the most corrupt in the USA. Nothing will happen to her.

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From your mouth to Gods ears

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And after that she will have to compete with Gay for Ed Markey’s United States Senate seat.

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What arrogance to get up and lie about these things when so much is out in the open anywhere especially a church.

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I wonder how many people in that church service bought her lies.

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@DPFlorida would love to see that! Link please 😊

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I've been looking for it, but I know you could find it on Rumble

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I'm looking down deep to find any compassion at all for these pro-vaxxers like Mike Dickson who waged war on the no-vaxxers.

There was never any science presented showing The Shots did diddly squat. Yet the inner tyrant in so many people came out when the mandates become popular.

And now they're paying with their lives from the very thing we were concerned about: the shots are not safe.

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I am still trying to come to terms with the fact the VA knew 6 months after the shot roll-out that there were problems with myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot.

A VA doctor in Massachusetts brought it to the attention of the CDC, and both remained SILENT.

VA knew. VA never warned us. VA forced their employees to take the shots. VA still pushing the shots on veterans.


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The FDA and CDC KNEW there were problems too. They held a meeting in June 2021 about it. Everyone should watch that meeting. They played with stats to make it look like it was rare. One doctor on the panel noticed it wasn't rare, but with the Zoom meeting forum, she was quickly silenced and her point discredited. All of this while I knew an ROTC student had been feeling like he was having a heart attack daily for 2 months. It makes me sick.

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Once again Kathleen, everyone needs to accept , as painful as it is, that the breadth and depth of evil all around us is exponentially greater than the normal mind can comprehend. While psychopaths and sociopaths are a small minority of the population, it should be clear by now the percentage of people who are morally flexible are in the majority.

A former close friend and business partners' parting words to me were " X, you would have done the same thing if you were in my position ". He had screwed us over in our business deal after the opportunity presented itself . We had put up all the money, and all the risk even co signing the business loan. After hurricane Iniki leveled Kauai, our business was the first one up and running , and every night was Saturday night, so he felt he did not need us anymore. My reply, "No , Y, that's where you and I are different . I would never have done that to you". And we both went our separate ways.

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The whole covid debacle brought out the worst in people.

Guess we should look at it as they did us a favor by showing their true colors and agenda.

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And we wondered how the Holocaust could have been allowed to happen. Now we saw it in action in our very families and neighborhoods. 🥹

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If you read the NYTimes comments on articles that have to do with US politics you may end up being very afraid.

My take on the vast majority of commenters is that they would happily kill any Trump voters they could find if Biden told them to do so, and if the DOJ granted them immunity. The hate and demonization is that bad.

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It’s been both harsh and amazing. However, I am amazed that I know so many weak, frightened people. I guess I understand. : (

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We are no longer a tough people in the US.

Not like we grew up during the Depression or WWII. Not like our cities were destroyed during WWII and took years to be rebuilt.

We had it too easy...it made most of America soft.

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"....most of America soft" insert most of America and Western Europe.

The only pushback on Brussels / EU is from formerly east bloc countries.

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Now we have the” opportunity “ to toughen up.

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Agreed, but I think people are choosing to be soft and stupid or enabled to be soft and lazy.

I grew in the shadow of WWI, WWII, & the Depression experienced by my first generation German Grandparents and Mom. O, then the hoarding of food in the pantry to prepare for nuclear war.

I firmly believe, people are choosing to be lazy. They are too comfortable, yes, soft. They have forgotten their roots. They forgot the very important concept: there is no free lunch. Nothing is free.

The destruction of the extended family is a huge factor in this laziness.

Just thinking out loud

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Veterans seem to be “expendable” even in retirement. Less to pay out for service rendered if they are killed off by sudden deaths. No one will notice s/he is “old.”

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It's one thing to have your life in danger in a war zone.

We just don't expect it from the medical establishment.

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CDC and the FDA also know about the vaxx creating a heightened myocarditis risk in young people, but deliberately continued TO THIS DAY to push vaxxes on kids and young adults. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/fda-cdc-covid-vaccine-myocarditis-safety-signal/

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Every parent should be outraged.

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I am with you. Looking deep down for compassion and not having much luck. Inner tyrants is a very apt term. If you put closet bullies in a position to bully with permission, this is what happens. I will never wonder how normal Germans did the Nazi's dirty work again.

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You can see a good example of how that works in The Sound of Music. The boy Liesl is in love with (Rolf) gets a little power and prestige and it completely goes to his head 😕

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I hope everyone understands this now. And how we treated the German soldiers and civilians right after the war is as shameful as anything they did. You just were never told about it. The victors write history.

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Good point

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Did we arrest them in their homes, load them onto cattle cars and take them to concentration camps, where they were starved and murdered? Did that happen to the German soldiers and civilians? If not, what treatment did they receive that was worse and more shameful than what they did?

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I'm convinced that something really demonic was released into the spiritual realm with the onslaught of covid. I realize fear plays a factor, but something really reached out from certain people to partner with something very vile, and in turn, set out literally to destroy other people who wouldn't be vaxed. I mean, look at this tennis sports coverage guy who died. He deliberately tried to ruin the career of Novak. Other ppl were spewing hatred and wishing death on ppl who wouldn't get vaxed. Just seems that a portion of this whole thing is very much tied into the spiritual realm. After all, Scripture says Satan is a liar and a man killer.

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Vicky - I think this scripture is what will help us all realize what is happening:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

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The 1599 Geneva Bible adds more meaning to this verse. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in the high places." - Ephesians 6:12

Do you see what's missing?

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“Worldly governors”. Even more prophetic.

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Yes, definitely a spiritual war.

Mike Dixon can now explain to God why he Intentionally scorned a fellow human.

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How do you say “Death to the tyrants” without saying “Death to the tyrants”? Well done, Based Florida Man. (Note: I’m referring only to vax-shaming career-ending tyrants, not their victims who were coerced, brainwashed, or tricked into jabbery.)

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It ultimately was their choice. STOP blaming the "fear" and all the other BS

It is called personal responsibility.

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Based Florida Man: You're "looking down deep" inside your own heart to discover what's there. Bravo! So many people don't do that. Knee-jerk judgement is so much faster, even tho the standard for who gets to cast stones is whoever is without sin themselves. Go figure!

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“I'm looking down deep to find any compassion…” part of the reason I love comments is because of the humanity that I relate to.

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“I told you so” doesn’t cover it. So.

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Crazy thing is we were more concerned about their own children's safety than they were. Live by the shot, die by the shot.

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Argentina PM Milei told the WEF to shove it this week! Maybe I should move to Argentina?

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Also, Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, was fantastic. His comments at Davos are worth watching.

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The winds of time move it all. “Put not your trust in princes.” was not spoken by a fool.

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Not yet...Argentina's inflation rate is something like 200%.

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Majority of these countries have no sound Judeo Christian Constitution bound by Natural Law like ours; thus, Socialism (short term) and Marxism ( end goal) always appeal to the masses.

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But, Milei may have invited trouble for Argentina.

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Argentina is already in a world of hurt, with or without Milei. At least if Milei survives, the country has a chance to pull itself out from the grasp of the WEF.

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Totally love Milei and hope more brave people can be elected in many other Nations.

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The grasp of the WEF ... or China's belt and road initiative. We pave the road to serfdom and smack your behind with a belt if you do not agree!

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He may be assassinated by the Illuminati/Elites soon

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He may very well be. They almost got Bolsonaro a few years ago then they stole the election with the help of US (obama biden)?

So you have the following over the last 20 years. Chavez a convict wins the presidency of Venezuela nationalizes the entire country then dies whereupon Madurao takes over and finishes the job. Brazil now gone to the statists then Canada under Trudeau now USA next. Chile, Peru and Ecuador already gone.

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But, but, they invited him!

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

Possibly a limited hangout. Dangerously arrogant the WEFfers may be, but stupid they are not.

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That speech was AWSOMELY "in your face" to Klaus and his minions. LOVED it!!!

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Remember when Trump did the same thing? Good times!

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I’m wondering if Sidney Powell et al are kicking themselves for pleaing out.

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If she hadn't pled out then she might be in jail. Look what they did to Rudy and before that Alex Jones to name a few. What we have here is 1917 and 1949 but on an international basis.....Welcome to the new Comintern.

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Jan 20Liked by Jeff Childers

I rank today's post in one of your top five EVER in the history of C&C! Not only am I a Fulton County resident emerging from the dark cave of embarrassment over the ludicrous treatment of our former President, therefore rejoicing, but to see such GOOD and LIGHT and TRUTH overtaking so many additional areas of evil and darkness in our world - there is MUCH to be grateful for! And amen to your last sentiment. Christ alone is all we need, Snark King. He's the One behind all that good, light and truth.

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Amen! And by the way, I recognized your name right away! My girls and I are huge fans of your Epic Order of the Seven Series. I homeschool my girls and we love listening to your audiobooks! So fun to see you appreciate C&C as much as I do. :)

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Hooray!!! That makes me so happy to hear. Thank you for sharing this, and for being Epic fans. Are you in SC? I’ll be at Historic Camden and speaking to Homeschoolers March 8. 😊

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Yes, we are in SC but about 2 hrs. away! What time are you speaking & would we need to sign up? Would love to come if the timing works. 😊

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I’ll be speaking from 10-12 on Fri March 8 at Kershaw County Library. Contact Lauren at

803.425.1508 Ext. 3208. I don’t have my Sat schedule yet at the Historical Society. I’ll have that info posted on my website in the next week. I hope to see you! 😊

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Today's post hit me the same way today, Jenny. Encouraging in every way!

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Jan 20Liked by Jeff Childers

Snoop Dogg’s daughter just had a stroke. She has suffered from Lupus since she was six years old.

The very person who shouldn’t take the shot probably did, the persons who were compromised physically were the worst candidates to take the shot. But, they were told the opposite.

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Exactly. They were targeting older and sickly people. As I have pointed out a few times, my mom was on hospice when her physician kept pushing (and I mean pushing) the shots. We pushed back and said "NO!" By the way, she lived 10 months on hospice. We never gave her the shots, nor did she get COVID.

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You did the right thing. Sorry about your mother though ❤️

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So sorry about your mom. They push hospice like they get $ for each person they put on it. It is also supposed to be for comfort and they aren't supposed to get treatment yet they push the jab.

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I have lupus. I knew better. They were angry. O well

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Jeff, have you seen the debacle at Sports Illustrated? Another go woke go broke story.

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Since Trump mentioned Kaepernick at Judge Roy Moore’s AL Senate race in 2017, I have stopped watching professional sports. I Watch college football. Pete Rozelle cared about quality football. Roger Goodell states he is a socialist. NFL is gone. ESPN Classic is the go to now.

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ESPN is part of Disney = Mega Woke!

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Yup. ESPN might not be around long either. My wife sent me a NYPost article yesterday noting SI laid off almost their entire staff. Went to SI website, and they say nothing about it there.

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College football? ESPN? LOL!

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They are all woke

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Yeah, but Classic channel plays pre 2000 sports. NBA/NFL/MLB were traditional up through early 2000. After Kaepernick and Floyd they went Woke.

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How about you stop watching men play with their balls,and do something valuable with your time. Bread and circus, and you appear all in.

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What is the SI debacle?

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They are literally about to go out of business. Laid off all but some key personnel this week. https://apnews.com/article/sports-illustrated-layoffs-fd731d842f378305b4ddbb115538ed58

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