

— Fixed date 🤦

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You also stated that the shooter was closer than 360 to 393 feet from the podium. That was about the distance - 130 yards or about 390 feet.

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Evidence we will probably never know ,( from the feds anyway ). Trajectory lines from PDJT'S ear back to point of origin, ( infinity ). Wonder if it goes to the shooters position on the roof or the next closest window in the next warehouse back. There is already private analysis of shot sound signatures - 3 differing patterns - Crooks?, ???, Counter sniper kill shot? Fed confirmation - I doubt it, they'll spin it! How many casings found at suspect location ( is possible that some rolled off that damn steep roof angle ), but casings can be matched to the rifle, which - where is the rifle, you know, rifling comparison to recovered slug maybe, how many rounds gone outa the clip ( subjective to if it was fully loaded ), speaking of casings, they are stamped with manufactor info, lot #,s?, wonder if the casings will match to bullet ( fragments ) possibly recovered? Different lots/manufacturer, different metals compositions. Saw a picture of dead suspect laying on that damn steep roof, looks like a deep gouge wound right side of head ( just my opinion from a poor photo ) ,bring to rear or rear to front - hot from behind??? Now how could it be from behind?? The wound line looks ( dependent on that damn steep roof line, to be on a near level trajectory line.

Oh, the questions!

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RemovedJul 17
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also, the CNN story wasn't "scrubbed / can't find it anywhere / memory holed":


jeff, for years, coffee & covid has been about holding MSM to higher standards, looking at real scientific data (not CDC spin doctors)... but ever since the election cycle started, you've been more than a bit sloppy.

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Good catch. Hoping Jeff will add this to the errata, and maybe explain how he was unable to find it. (I'm quite willing to believe it was at least shuffled off the front page, but who knows whether to hide it for a particular reason, or just because they still don't want "trump shooting" to be in the minds of their readers?)

I was also going to point out the mistake about the distance, if someone else hadn't got to it first. Charitably, I assume Jeff was confused between 130 *yards* / 125 meters, and 390 *feet* - most of the reporting I've seen gives the distance in yards or meters.

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Let's cut J. C. a break, guys--this blog is a SIDE GIG - not his 'bread and butter' exploit and we have all enjoyed SUPERB news coverage and also thought-provoking, gut-splitting acerbic wit from Jeff Childers' reports on an almost DAILY basis --even when he's on BUSINESS TRIPS and FAMILY VACAYS.

Cut him a break--OK?

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Thank you for your comment Sharon Beautiful Evening. The world is very lucky to have Jeff Childers.

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It is not there true but in the CNN interview with the s piper turned congressman, he mentioned ruins the same audio forensics so o guess it’s out there somewhere?

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Noah at 100% Fed Up interviews Jovan Pulitzer , who advised that there are audio ap programs available to do your own analysis and view the graphs

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Jul 17Liked by Jeff Childers

In 1969 we could put a man on the moon. In 2024, we can't put a man on sloped roof! Armstrong would be proud

One small slope for man one giant leap backward for mankind.

That's safe space liberalism in the new world

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

The deep state is exposed like they never have been before at this moment...

They expected Trump's brains to be splattered on live 4K Ultra High Definition live TV with tens of thousands seeing it in person. They expected things to be thrown into complete turmoil and utter chaos. They expected people to panic and stampede causing more death and a mass casualty event. Then they expected to scurry away in that chaos.

Instead, the hand of God reached down and turned President Trump's head at the exact nanosecond when needed. Trump rose triumphantly and defiantly, and assured the crowd he was okay. None of what the deep state planned happened.

Now they are caught with their pants down as none of the chaos, death, and rioting they were counting on to cover their tracks happened. Add to that an army of really smart people collecting and analyzing all of the evidence in real time, making dozens of copies, and disseminating it so it can't be purged. There is no way they can pull off a Warren Commission-style whitewash at this point. The head of the Secret Service is bumbling around with transparent, clumsy lies that would embarrass a four year old. They are caught completely flat-footed.

Folks, if you don't believe in Divine intervention at this point maybe it's time you started.

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“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.” Matthew 10:26

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"Let nothing upset you; let nothing frighten you. Everything is changing; God alone is changeless…"

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One of my all-time FAVE verses and I can’t wait. I’m darned near salivating at the prospect, like Fauci over a beagle pup, I’m almost

embarrassed to say.

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Beware. The. Cornered. Animal!

...author unknown, didn't survive, that was from his eulogy.

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I Peter 3:14 – But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. ‘Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.’

My personal fav

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Jeff C…. “ There is no way they can pull off a Warren Commission-style whitewash at this point.”…. But history shows us they will try anyway… the horror of JFK exemplifies the attempted horror executed again…. and thank God… failure… against DJT…that they ~wanted~ the world to ~see~ a presidents “brains splattered” “again” to hold on to such devious heinous power is just beyond moral human consciousness….

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You are absolutely right, they will try. But this isn't 1964 and there are already independent forensic reconstructions out there by really smart people. They can't put the genie back in the bottle. Plus they needed the chaos to cause the metaphoric fog of war to get away with it. It didn't happen.

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What was truly beautiful that day when I watched it an hour later (I sleep during the day as I work nights) was the almost complete calm of the people gathered there that night. Outside of a few screams, most likely from folks who watched loved ones be shot and killed or seriously injured, the people there exhibited a truly remarkable display of self control and concern for each other and their nominee. It was beautiful to behold.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Intruth- In seeing it over again I’m afraid it is this age of social media that took over people. They were more concerned with seeing whats going on and recording it than protecting themselves. I’m not sure if that is good or bad but I definitely see it as our times. Also, the gun shots did not stop and then continue again. Or continue with rampage like some of the mass shooters who walk around killing people.

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Normally I would agree with the social media recording, but in this case, there is now undeniable evidence from many points-of-view to flesh out a broader narrative, which makes it more difficult for those who are, right now, attempting to create a cover up.

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Yes, If I was there I would be yelling at the shooter and trowing rocks, tree branches or whatever else I could find up on the roof to distract him while waiting for Law Enforcement help.

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🎯… absolutely

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Here's an incredible simulation. This simulation tracks the first (3) rounds, with the assumption of fixed barrel angle and location. That's not a wild assumption for those first (3) rounds.


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but heartbreaking in its potential

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And they are emotionally shattered...

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Or emotionally resilient. I’ve had a gun in my face multiple times during the course of a robbery and, while I wasn’t shot thank goodness, i could have been yet I didn’t fall apart and cry hysterically about my plight. I was angry that someone would stick a loaded gun in my face for a stupid bottle of cough syrup is what I was. You can either be destroyed by these people or you can have a reasonable response and move on. Calm, reasoned action is the response of a person who wishes to remain sane in a crazy world. To dehumanize people because they remained calm is disgusting. (I’m referring not to your comment but to the below one saying they weren’t human.) Seriously? Not everyone is an emotional travesty waiting to evacuate all their pent up toxic reactions on the world at the slightest provocation.

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Can you imagine emotionally crippled firefighters or ER doctors? That is not to say that being emotional is a bad thing. Thank God we are all different in our ability to withstand stressful situations and respond differently.

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"Not everyone is an emotional travesty" is an excellent way to gauge who has their head on and in working order.

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Chaos, exactly. they have tried to increase the chaos potential with each progressive step. What's at stake is really unfathomable to us( trillions + power ),but were getting a picture of how they view the stakes. Can't help but think there's much more to come and many more acts of faith ( fallen retired hero firefighter / father)husband ) required.-

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They are not human.

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That's because Lucifer is in charge right now - but not for long!!!

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Well said. You could apply the same divine intervention to the 2016 Trump election. I believe tpb were caught off guard when Trump won the election. Can you imagine what shape our country would be in right now if Hillary had won? Would anyone of today know how fake the media is? Would anyone know how deep & corrupt our government is? Would anyone be able to compare a great economy with today's economy? I can think of many more examples. Trump is flawed, for sure, but he's real and he loves our country.

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We all the deplorables, probably in jail, expat or dead.

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Yes, what a stark contrast we witnessed sandwiched between the Obama and Obiden admins. Lies from a corrupt and powerful media kept it from being obvious to the world.

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this is so true.

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"The Lord works in mysterious ways."

But sometimes he just throws it into your face!

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lol, like.

I love it when He throws it in our face!!

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Fascinating take....I really hope that's right. I hope this is finally enough to expose them. We need to take down the people in our communities that are saying things like "too bad he missed". I finally reported one in mine to his company. He's been terrorizing our town for years, so I got my list together complete with screenshots of every horrible thing he's done and added in the one with where he says the shooter shouldn't have missed. We'll see what his company does. Hopefully something. People need to be held accountable for their words. Enough is enough.

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Bravo, Jen!

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The right gets jailed for a fake insurrection, but the left can freely incite murder.

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HOO BOY- you go Jen. Love it

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Yeah I can think of no other reason for CNN, who refused to even quote his speeches because they were dangerous misinformation, to “all of a sudden” want to broadcast a rally live on CNN other than the deep state ordered them to be there to record history “accurately “ so as not to rely on FOX news or cell phone coverage. They took their marching orders, no doubt confused as to why, and then spent the first ten minutes saying things like Trump fell and the secret service interrupted the event for some reason. Then they were confused for some reason when people started screaming obscenities at them for their constant lies about what a dangerous inhuman Hitler Trump is, which is why dipshits like Mr Crooks do the things they do.

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Dipshits like Mr Crook was told he would be a hero!! Worshipped by all for what he would do!! We will provide your cover! Here’s the money for what you need. You will be well paid for your service to mankind. Poor, unattractive, probably bullied, possibly MKUltra’d.

Meanwhile the real shooters got away. We will never know who they were. And even they are probably dead by now……they can’t be allowed to live to tell the tale, can they? They’re probably just an unidentified DOA ‘John Doe’ in some county morgue, getting ready to fire up the kiln and ‘disappear ‘ him forever.

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3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead (H.A.)

Just saying

Later Jay

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Think Seth Rich. Robbery w/ nothing taken. 2 MS-13 dead 24 hrs later, "photographed in the area". Never investigated. Done and dusted.

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They had their news copy ready to go:

"What difference, at this point, does it make that <insert multitude of security failures here.>"

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Dipshits like Mr Crooks do the things they do because they are part of the MKUltra program.

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Agree. The poor brainwashed, miserable kid. Patsy, while the real shooter leaves quietly.

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Good point Irunthis, why would cnn send a crew to orange man bad rally? Mrs. potato head was doing a rally as was bob marley. Surely those two events would be more news worthy...

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Agree. Love the bob marley reference Monkey Werx!!!

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Good point! yeah I've never seen main stream media cover a Trump rally.

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IMO, they were trying to start a civil war for the purpose of instituting permanent martial law.

Then put together a "Warren Commission" led by some pinhead Never Trump bureaucrat.

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I imagine they are extremely befuddled trying to figure out how a crowd of that size in Butler, Pennsylvania at this now infamous rally, did not utterly panic and trample people to death.

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Yes they were likely hoping for that too 😡

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yup to "postpone" the election....temporarily forever....

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I think that may be why they made the security failures so blatant. If they just wanted Trump dead they would have found a way for a sniper to shoot from a concealed location, and wouldn't have made all the security stripping so obvious.

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Yep. Lots of head fakes to distract us from the lack of accountability at the top.

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As a former military officer and Joint Planner, my instinct is that we have to ask "What's next?" and "Then what?"

What's next? Between now and November 5th, another/more attempt(s), probably. Getting DJT off the platform is essential because a reckoning is coming for them if they don't. DJT's VP pick will guard somewhat against that if the attempt is successful, but I too believe that the Lord God hears our prayers and is on the move, therefore the attempts won't be successful.

Then what? Will there be a reverse of the strategy and will Biden or Harris be targeted? God forbid, but it's been done before, successfully, so it is something that needs to be considered in case the servants of evil decide to go this route - they are backed into the corner now, and Biden never was their candidate of choice for '24.

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I will not be the least bit shocked if Biden dies in his sleep. I just don't see any way he can be on the ticket.

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That is my prediction as well. By his own people. Before the Democrat Convention.

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Coincidentally, Oswald's killer and fellow CIA asset Jack Ruby (born Jack Rubenstein) was visited by CIA psychiatrist Dr. Jolly West in his cell just before the appeal ordered 2nd trial.

Dr. West had spent his career experimenting with LSD as a truth serum, and at one time massively overdosed an OKC zoo elephant to death.

West declared Ruby had had a massive psychotic break in his presence, and Ruby never spoke again, although Ruby had spoken to many others right up until that night.

Interestingly, Dr. West would later go on to oversee the CIA's Operation Midnight Climax (another MK ULTRA program) in which they operated a prostitution house in Haight Ashbury, where they secretly administered LSD to johns and filmed their behavior.

Things that make you go "Hmmm."

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Blamed on a MAGA "dressed up person" (as revenge).

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Oh my goodness! Please no! What an awfully dreadful thought!! But they are just that evil, right? I hope he's got one honorable person around him to make sure he is safe. Like the (seemingly) honorable sniper at that rally who disobeyed orders. He did what is right and then documented it publicly first so they wouldn't blame him and throw him under the bus and then STILL fire him. This world we are living in is a complete mess.

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Well, Julie Young, it was just mentioned on the news this evening that Bidet has covid, so....

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I think that’s a real possibility.

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They don't care at this point who is on the ticket. After Trump's reaction to being shot, multiple Dem figures have reacted with "that's it, the election is over, let's just focus on not losing the senate now".

They might as well leave Biden in place to be the fall guy; why would anyone else jump into a losing race?

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Yep. He may well be offered a booster from Pfizer in a week or two...

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This is not the end. The Democrats have said they'll keep Trump out of the WH "by any means necessary". We now know what that includes.

As for Biden, there's no reason to believe he's safe.

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I worry what they will try next. We are still several months out from the election and no one is safe even after that.

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Good call Sir! While everyone is gloating about divine intervention and the like, the evil ones are plotting and planning and likely exercising. Or, we have missed some subtly that will effect our long-term peace and happiness. They are 3-dimensioal players, don't forget that!

The devil's boots don't squeak. Scottish proverb

Best to everyone! Happy Hump Day!

Later Jay

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Brandon made a prophecy that predicted this shooting AND that Trump would be elected President this year.

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Brandon? The president Brandon?

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Brandon is one of God's prophets that I found on YouTube. Trump said that God saved him.

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I still think they will try to get Newsom on the ticket.

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No. Newsom doesn't want to risk losing. He wants to wait till next time.

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Yes we have been blessed to witness divine intervention in real time. John Rich made the point in the Tucker interview that the fact Trump was attacked was also an act of God. Both the attack & the protection. A very provocative interview.

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I watched that interview last night. I had no idea who John Rich was, so was unsure what to expect. I was riveted. Each and every Christian on earth should watch this. Even Tucker was flummoxed at times.

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Does anyone have a link to that interview? I would love to see it!

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Not sure this will work. Tucker’s content is paywalled usually for a day for subscribers only. Rumble usually has it first, but I could only find this on TCN.


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Thank you what an amazing interview. Gave me tears and chills listening.

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Thank you Janet! That worked!

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The interview is accessible, but it's over an hour long. At what point do they talk about the shooting?

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Thanks for sharing the link! HOW I wish John Rich would have stuck to his wonderful Revelation song and how it came about... He could have taken a standing ovation and gone out with a bang, UNFORTUNTELY he decided to give Tucker a teaching on the Rapture & the Antichrist...

I am not an expert on either topic, but one thing I do KNOW... the Bible clearly mentions the Antichrist, which John Rich stated that it doesn't...

He also said the Bible doesn't mention the word "Rapture" in English... which is correct, however it is translated to the term "caught up" (1Thessalonians 4:17) the Greek word is "harpaso" translated to "Rapturo" in Latin, which is where we get Rapture from.

I love how much scripture John Rich read out loud to Tucker, but he mixes up the Rapture scriptures with Jesus' Second Coming, two separate and different events. It normally would not bother me that he gets it wrong, only that he is teaching it to someone else incorrectly... Someone like Tucker, who seems to have no idea of the wealth of God's mysteries found in the Scriptures.

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It's free on several sites. Load this in your browser.

John Rich: Donald Trump, the Darkness of Eminem’s New ...

There's an index to different topic times on the interview.

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There were so many people videoing because of what happened on J6!

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This is true too.

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that's a great point!

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Sounds just like Jan 6 doesnt it?

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They wanted Trump dead.

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And I am starting to suspect they wanted the security lapses to be so bad that Republicans would start rioting so that they could impose martial law.

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Angela, I don't buy into the whole thing. It's all wrong ... and nobody in 'top slots' want to talk about this whole thing. And if the table lady can see through it, don't you think everyone else can ... including people on the DJT side of the equation.

I also have to wonder what happen when Trump disappeared into that little huddle on stage center when any competent SS detail would have immediately hustle the target out of the kill zone. But no and instead, somebody emerges from the little huddle looking like Lady Liberty posing in the perfect photo op picture of the decade ... and so compositionally correct as to make one wonder?

The look hear, again as with everything else in 'the attempt' ... is not right.

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The whole thing is rather strange.


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I have to thank you. This, what you have sent to me by way of link, is one of best pieces of satire I have seen in a very, very long time. And after seeing the abomination of Republican National Convention last night, my spirits are raised. And rather amazing what one can do with words, and either to the good or bad.

We once again are being asked to swallow down Jonah's Whale as though it were just a wee innocent little sardine.

(For better or worse, I left a couple of Comments in may wake there.)

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Thank you very much for saying so. As our essence is language or words, control of words to good or bad as you indicate is the ultimate power.

I like the idea of Jonah's whale and sardine!

And you left comments for better I say.

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Thank you.

I went to a Trump rally in Arizona, and umbrellas were not allowed. They were allowed at this rally.

I was watching on RSBN and RAV and comments were made that maybe the security relented because of the heat.

Sure that's a nice gesture, but what about all those umbrellas at BLM-Antifa protests? I'm glad attendees in PA could have a little shade, and it doesn't appear that umbrellas there were used to hide bad guys, but was it worth the risk? Even President Trump doesn't get an umbrella or any kind of shade up there on the platform. (Granted the rallygoers are there for hours longer...)

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I pray Gods Angels will wrap their arms and wings around him and "Coals of Fire Be Heaped Upon The Heads" of those doing the works of "The Destroyer"!

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Even AI admits: "The authorities that exist have been established by God." (Romans 13:1) And Daniel knew that "He changes times and seasons: he sets up kings and deposes them." (2:20)

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Jeff C, I commented in a like manner about God protecting Trump and someone called "Irish" responded with this, "Don't be ridiculous. Trump turned his head,crouched behind podium and smashed fake blood capsule on his ear.orherwise one of those behind trump ought to have been hit. No one sitting there was ." Sure, Irish, a likely story.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

God bless Anne, don't waste your time arguing with demons. Christ Himself told us to not cast our pearls before swine.

What people haven't quite absorbed is that this was a split-second in time that changed the world. In the deep state scenario, the right is now leaderless, our side is utterly despondent and at their wits end, people are rioting in the streets, the county is tearing itself apart, and they slip away.

Instead, the opposite has happened. Trump is more beloved than ever, appears to be unstoppable, and instead of rioting, people on the right are energized and meticulously dissecting every aspect of this satanic sanctioned hit. Every day the deep state exposes itself more with lies more absurd than the last one.

It's a historic moment.

Edit: typo

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So do the evil ones admit defeat and go off to look for peace and happiness elsewhere or are they planning the next event? I think back to Molly Ball's Time magazine piece detailing all the layers the 'Shadow Campaign' had in place to steer the 2020 election in their direction.

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That’s so implausible that it’s ridiculous 🙄 Trump is not anywhere near a good enough actor to fake that and the whole rest of the events would have to have been organized and executed in such a fashion that it stretches all credibility. But some people want to believe this because it fits their narrative and world view. The fact that a big democrat donor was caught trying to push that lie said it all.

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I don’t believe for a second that Trump would participate in something so devious. He absolutely would not put himself or his supporters in a life-threatening situation. Anyone that believes it was staged needs to see a mental health professional.

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Yes, it wouldn't fit his personality and character in any way to do such a thing. Not to mention, how foolish it would be to think you could arrange a near miss and not risk ending up dead. It would be utterly insane.

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I believe it is also a result of so many lies and disbelief that peole are now over thinking and questioning every little thing beyond common sense. Its the opposite side of psyops.

The most realistic is that they have been trying to stop him since he came in office. Remember the impeachments and Hillary saying he didn’t win! Then everything else. The only thing left is taking him out. Obviously they do not want him in office. Who ordered it and who actually shot are the remaining questions.

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Yes. And I get that but for goodness’ sake I wish people would take a step back and actually analyze the likelihood and logic of these theories!

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Oh absolutely! I was merely trying to explain that for those who don’t realize its pretty ridiculous.

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Speaking of the Hildebeast, has anyone heard anything from the Clintons? 🤔

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That was my very first thought. It was her who ordered it. On sat i thought it

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"Hillary Clinton was unavailable for comment, as she was attending the funeral of a close family friend who had tragically died by suicide."

(/joke) I bet the Bee would publish that, though.

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Just have to ignore the trolls that occasionally emerge from under their bridge (likely in the form of their parents’ basement).

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Yeah they were out in force the other day and posting furiously all over this comment section and I haven’t seen those particular people since 🤔

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I noticed that, too!

One guy so nasty and aggressive that I couldn't believe he could be a regular c&c reader. He surely wouldn't have the patience to read things that don't match his views.

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I was watching the Rally in real time. Shook me to my core. In addition to Jeff’s commentary I normally come here, in the comments, for solace. Something told me not to delve too deep, so I didn’t. A good thing now, I can see.

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One of those behind Trump WAS hit, and killed.

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This is true! Poor corey

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I believe that gentleman was in the bleachers to Trump's right. I've heard other people shot were in the bleachers on the opposite side.

Someone in the bleachers to Trump's right would have been shot if the shooter aimed too low.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 18

"It wasn't a blood capsule. He rubbed a fistful of Cap'n Crunch on his ear. The blood was real!"

; )

Edit: I was trying to mock CNN. I thought the quotes, smiley, and absurdity of the comment would indicate my sarcasm. I was mistaken! Hope I didn't make anyone's . . . blood boil.

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That makes the roof of my mouth sore just thinking about it. THANKS TOM!!!

Later Jay

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My 'Reply' won't take me back to your comment, but I agree with you. And The Money tells the real story. People should watch this stuff, but they don't. The Walk Away movement (BRICS Plus, and more) is the real story, and the one story which now is beyond the control and long term influence of the Western Controllers. It is scaring the hell out them, and I think it's the reason why they are now so adamant on walking things back some.

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You know that BRICS banking is managed by central banks so.......



The same unholy alliances that are assisting in the failures of our current system of commerce; same hand different finger (or something like that).

Later Jay

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Ridiculous comment from a troll.

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I was trying to mock CNN.

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There are hundreds of cell phone videos. Soon enough they will be compiled and people will be able to triangulate exactly where each bullet came from. Sound travels slow enough that the shots will show up earlier (maybe .01 second earlier, but that's enough) on someone's cell phone if they were near the shooter than if they were near Trump.

I hope.

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I was trying to mock CNN.

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I saw blood on the USSS coat and hands.

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I was trying to mock CNN.

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I heard that they were also putting up fencing/barriers in DC again…in anticipation of riots maybe?

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But walls

don’t work. Ask Nancy and Joe.

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Yeah, well before this rally and cia attempt on his life. Hmm.

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Very well said. Sir. Amen to that.

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Did we ever really put a man on the moon or was that another psyop?

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Ladies and gentlemen we have now entered the twilight zone.

Do dee do dee

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No, we have been there since 1776 when we believed we had gotten rid of government tyranny.

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The creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 on Jeckyll Island was indeed the beginning of our enslavement.

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Listening to the serpent in the garden was the beginning of our enslavement.

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I think we have been there since 2020!

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We've been there since at LEAST 9/11/01...

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I like the movie coming out about how the moon landing was fake. CIA calling in Hollywood. 😂 I haven’t seen it but the timing is comical. It’s almost like they are trying to get ahead of the truth exposing. ORRRR they wanna be able to fall back on “you people are watching too many movies” to blame the “conspiracy theories” on so they don’t have to come clean. Deny. Deny. Deny. Lie. Lie. Lie. It’s the MO.

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Just once I'd like to see these liars pinned to the wall - all the way, to the point where they have to ADMIT they're lying.

I shoplifted a matchbox car from a drugstore when I was seven. I told a string of lies when my mom saw me playing at home with this shiny new car that she had just told me a half hour before I couldn't have. I told her I found it; she wanted me to show here where. I took her up the block to my friend's house to show her "the place"; she rang the doorbell and asked my friend's mom if she'd ever seen the car before, and the lady replied no. When I finally admitted I stole it, Mom drove me back to the store and made me give it back to the manager of the store. She didn't ground me - the triple humiliation was enough of a punishment. I never shoplifted again.

Just once I'd like to see these liars have to undergo the same humiliation. It's obvious they weren't raised by moms like mine...

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You had a very wise Mom.

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Thanks. She was a complicated person. Sometimes wise, sometimes wildly irrational and hysterical. It was nice to share that memory of her in this context.

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Sounds like me.

I raised six. I lean heavy on the hysterical side 😏

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Your mom did the exact right thing. We still laugh with my son because he was horrified when he and a friend were throwing rocks over the neighbors house…8-10yr olds…just to see if they could make it. 🤦🏼‍♀️ One big rock broke out their window. Utter silence and a pact to never tell. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Well one talked to a brother and the story made it to us parents. We marched the boys over to the house where they fessed up to doing it, then lying about it, then they paid to have it replaced out of their own money. The punishment was that and the fact the old crotchety lady who was a smoker and smelled like a chimney forced a hug to each of them. 😂 They were so grossed out. Clean slate ever since.

And YES! I would love just once to see these liars face actual consequences and have to admit what they did.

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I think those people are incapable of feeling shame or humiliation.

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which is why they should face a firing squad or a gallows.

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Or, they process it in a different way and the outcome we all have to deal with.

Later Jay

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I'm rather partial to 'drawn, hanged and quartered'

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It’s called Fly Me To The Moon. Saw it. It was cute. Allowed for the possibility that the moon landing was faked, but came down squarely against that it actually was.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

ck this out. https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/

you'll laugh til you cry, then wonder how we could have ever believed it

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I really like Hidden Figures better than any Kubrick film.

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You're kidding , right? "Paths of Glory" was one of the best movies ever made.

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Haven't seen that one, so I will amend my statement:

any Kubrick film that *I've* seen,

or just swap out ''any'' for ''the'' or something like that.

(I was basically referring to the Kubrick film involved in the moon landing controversy, okay?)

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Not sure which film to which you are referring. I thought his "Eyes Wide Shut " was a truly bizarre film, but it's what got him killed, because I later found out, and rewatched , that this movie is an accurate portrayal of cabal ceremonies and rituals. Too close to home for them.

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Most of the controversy/conspiracy revolves around The Shining and 2001:A Space Odyssey, believe it or not.


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a lot of occult symbolism and of course, atrocious behavior

pretty sure it also killed the marriage of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

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Let me try again.

I have seen Clockwork Orange (shudder) and Eyes Wide Shut (creepy), 2001: A Space Odyssey (long time ago now), parts of Dr Strangelove, The Shining.

Not sure where the faked moon landing connection controversy started but here's a taste of what Brave Browser search engine came up with.


There's never been a Stanley Kubrick movie that I have seen that I could say I enjoyed.

But I did enjoy Hidden Figures enough to purchase it.

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Thanks, now I know not to trust Brave. (My favorite alternate search engine is freespoke.)

The stupid summary Brave gave ignored the undebunkable: The kid in "The Shining" wore a handknit sweater with "Apollo 11" on it, for no discernable reason - and Kubrick always had a reason for the things he put in his scenes. There is also an overhead shot in that movie that supposedly looks like a launch pad.

But in general people think Kubrick faked the moon landing scenes because they know he could have done a very realistic job. I tend to believe he DIDN'T do it because there would have been a lot fewer errors like rocks casting double shadows, the shadowside of the lander having a lot of light, the horizon always ending 100 feet out and such. He probably could have made the moonwalks look more realistic. It's pretty apparent that they simply slowed down the videos to 1/2 or 2/3 speed, but they were in 1 G, not 1/6 G.

I wouldn't be surprised if NASA asked him to direct the shots of men walking on the moon, but he refused.

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And for those interested...

Paths of Glory, ''a 1957 American anti-war film co-written and directed by Stanley Kubrick, based on the novel of the same name by Humphrey Cobb.''


Since I was born in 1956, I didn't see it at the time, lol.

But hey, I learned something new just now about Stanley Kubrick, so that's something.

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And wonder why we've never been back?

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Because it's impossible?

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Since 1969, they can't replicate the technology. LOL.

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Maybe because there's nothing really interesting to actually do there, and nothing except bragging rights to be gained...

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When you go to the Smithsonian and see what supposedly went to the moon AND made it back...it's truly laughable. And just footsteps away there are replicas of Star Wars and Star Trek spaceships. I fully believe that's not a coincidence. It was ALL a show.

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Beyond laughable. A little buggy covered in tinfoil. People believe that things just 'fall' from the moon to earth, which is what we were told. That craft would have had to be built like a tank and speaking of tanks, it would need a YUGE gas tank to hold enough fuel to propel it 238K miles.

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And dont forget they would have to bust through the dome first. (See operation fishbowl right after the Antarctic treaty)

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I especially liked the phone call from the President of the U.S on a LANDLINE to the moon and people believed it. Our world populaion was soooo naive at the time. My parents believed it.

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Only 30% of the population bought it at the time.

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... of all the reasons, THAT is your reason?

I mean I get that it looks weird on the surface, but to an engineer it's just electrical signals. It's literally a moment's work to connect two wires from a telephone output to the input of a radio (and vice versa).

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Actually no... the engines don't boost the whole way there, just at the beginning and end. Most of it is just coasting because there's no friction in space. So the fuel is mainly required just to get into orbit in the first place.

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Getting through Van Allen radiation belts without the astronauts getting radiation poisoned, vertical landings, and the rendezvous with the command module after landing on the moon were all extremely formidable challenges. They are still working on those and other challenges in trying to go "back" to the moon.

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you should both get a kick out of dave mcgowan's https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/

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My 40ish yo daughter had for years scoffed about the moon landings and I hadn’t given it much thought until found his chronicles a few years ago and now I’m 😳.

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You know it has to be true!!!

Nixon was talking to them from a landline and the cameraman was already there to record that GIANT step for mankind!!!!! (They wanted us to believe we could become gods too!!!)

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We all know the camera man was 'My Favorite Martian'

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Absolutely not. No man on the moon. Sorry. Check out “Tuesday’s with Philberg” substack about the MOUNDS of evidence showing more deception used for a faked moon landing.


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We had Russians to beat, even if we didn't actually do it.

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too, too true-we had Hollywood

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Ha! True, dat!

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It was a psyop.

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Of course not. God bless and keeping thinking for yourself and using your God-given senses.

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hard to imagine anyone still believes that. but by all means use siri and an out of date cell phone and blast off. meanwhile . . for an amusing and comprehensive take down. https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/

once the absurdity is pointed out, you'll be amazed that others dont see it

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Psyop. Easily proven as well. At the time of the psyop, only 30% of people even believed it happened. Now everyone does. Psyops age well!

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Except for those of us that actually worked on some of the stuff that went there. Y’all are some dumb asses, but I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. I’m as rock solid as a conspiracy theorist as any, but yeah we went to the moon. And no it’s not impossible. And yeah the earth is round. And there are are no turtles.

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It's always interesting that people who are in the "no conspiracy" camp often resort to simply calling the other side stupid.

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As you’ve just proven,the other side is stupid. See?

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TBF most of the reasons given for it being "impossible", really ARE pretty stupid reasons to an engineer. And devoalan didn't come off to me as nasty, just as incredulous about some of the things people will hold conspiracy theories about.

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Have you ever read David McGowan's series "Wagging the Moondoggie"?

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Van Allen belt?

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Why will they need 12 to 20 "tanker rockets" this time, when they didn't need any before? Any why is the program so far behind schedule, when they are just trying to redo what they did successfully - six times?

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