Convention news as a new Republican party emerges; RFK gets security and leaks a call with Trump; Vance redeemed by sarcasm and Ukraine article; roundup of major shooting developments; more.
Evidence we will probably never know ,( from the feds anyway ). Trajectory lines from PDJT'S ear back to point of origin, ( infinity ). Wonder if it goes to the shooters position on the roof or the next closest window in the next warehouse back. There is already private analysis of shot sound signatures - 3 differing patterns - Crooks?, ???, Counter sniper kill shot? Fed confirmation - I doubt it, they'll spin it! How many casings found at suspect location ( is possible that some rolled off that damn steep roof angle ), but casings can be matched to the rifle, which - where is the rifle, you know, rifling comparison to recovered slug maybe, how many rounds gone outa the clip ( subjective to if it was fully loaded ), speaking of casings, they are stamped with manufactor info, lot #,s?, wonder if the casings will match to bullet ( fragments ) possibly recovered? Different lots/manufacturer, different metals compositions. Saw a picture of dead suspect laying on that damn steep roof, looks like a deep gouge wound right side of head ( just my opinion from a poor photo ) ,bring to rear or rear to front - hot from behind??? Now how could it be from behind?? The wound line looks ( dependent on that damn steep roof line, to be on a near level trajectory line.
jeff, for years, coffee & covid has been about holding MSM to higher standards, looking at real scientific data (not CDC spin doctors)... but ever since the election cycle started, you've been more than a bit sloppy.
Good catch. Hoping Jeff will add this to the errata, and maybe explain how he was unable to find it. (I'm quite willing to believe it was at least shuffled off the front page, but who knows whether to hide it for a particular reason, or just because they still don't want "trump shooting" to be in the minds of their readers?)
I was also going to point out the mistake about the distance, if someone else hadn't got to it first. Charitably, I assume Jeff was confused between 130 *yards* / 125 meters, and 390 *feet* - most of the reporting I've seen gives the distance in yards or meters.
Let's cut J. C. a break, guys--this blog is a SIDE GIG - not his 'bread and butter' exploit and we have all enjoyed SUPERB news coverage and also thought-provoking, gut-splitting acerbic wit from Jeff Childers' reports on an almost DAILY basis --even when he's on BUSINESS TRIPS and FAMILY VACAYS.
It is not there true but in the CNN interview with the s piper turned congressman, he mentioned ruins the same audio forensics so o guess it’s out there somewhere?
The deep state is exposed like they never have been before at this moment...
They expected Trump's brains to be splattered on live 4K Ultra High Definition live TV with tens of thousands seeing it in person. They expected things to be thrown into complete turmoil and utter chaos. They expected people to panic and stampede causing more death and a mass casualty event. Then they expected to scurry away in that chaos.
Instead, the hand of God reached down and turned President Trump's head at the exact nanosecond when needed. Trump rose triumphantly and defiantly, and assured the crowd he was okay. None of what the deep state planned happened.
Now they are caught with their pants down as none of the chaos, death, and rioting they were counting on to cover their tracks happened. Add to that an army of really smart people collecting and analyzing all of the evidence in real time, making dozens of copies, and disseminating it so it can't be purged. There is no way they can pull off a Warren Commission-style whitewash at this point. The head of the Secret Service is bumbling around with transparent, clumsy lies that would embarrass a four year old. They are caught completely flat-footed.
Folks, if you don't believe in Divine intervention at this point maybe it's time you started.
Jeff C…. “ There is no way they can pull off a Warren Commission-style whitewash at this point.”…. But history shows us they will try anyway… the horror of JFK exemplifies the attempted horror executed again…. and thank God… failure… against DJT…that they ~wanted~ the world to ~see~ a presidents “brains splattered” “again” to hold on to such devious heinous power is just beyond moral human consciousness….
You are absolutely right, they will try. But this isn't 1964 and there are already independent forensic reconstructions out there by really smart people. They can't put the genie back in the bottle. Plus they needed the chaos to cause the metaphoric fog of war to get away with it. It didn't happen.
What was truly beautiful that day when I watched it an hour later (I sleep during the day as I work nights) was the almost complete calm of the people gathered there that night. Outside of a few screams, most likely from folks who watched loved ones be shot and killed or seriously injured, the people there exhibited a truly remarkable display of self control and concern for each other and their nominee. It was beautiful to behold.
Intruth- In seeing it over again I’m afraid it is this age of social media that took over people. They were more concerned with seeing whats going on and recording it than protecting themselves. I’m not sure if that is good or bad but I definitely see it as our times. Also, the gun shots did not stop and then continue again. Or continue with rampage like some of the mass shooters who walk around killing people.
Normally I would agree with the social media recording, but in this case, there is now undeniable evidence from many points-of-view to flesh out a broader narrative, which makes it more difficult for those who are, right now, attempting to create a cover up.
Yes, If I was there I would be yelling at the shooter and trowing rocks, tree branches or whatever else I could find up on the roof to distract him while waiting for Law Enforcement help.
Here's an incredible simulation. This simulation tracks the first (3) rounds, with the assumption of fixed barrel angle and location. That's not a wild assumption for those first (3) rounds.
Or emotionally resilient. I’ve had a gun in my face multiple times during the course of a robbery and, while I wasn’t shot thank goodness, i could have been yet I didn’t fall apart and cry hysterically about my plight. I was angry that someone would stick a loaded gun in my face for a stupid bottle of cough syrup is what I was. You can either be destroyed by these people or you can have a reasonable response and move on. Calm, reasoned action is the response of a person who wishes to remain sane in a crazy world. To dehumanize people because they remained calm is disgusting. (I’m referring not to your comment but to the below one saying they weren’t human.) Seriously? Not everyone is an emotional travesty waiting to evacuate all their pent up toxic reactions on the world at the slightest provocation.
Can you imagine emotionally crippled firefighters or ER doctors? That is not to say that being emotional is a bad thing. Thank God we are all different in our ability to withstand stressful situations and respond differently.
Chaos, exactly. they have tried to increase the chaos potential with each progressive step. What's at stake is really unfathomable to us( trillions + power ),but were getting a picture of how they view the stakes. Can't help but think there's much more to come and many more acts of faith ( fallen retired hero firefighter / father)husband ) required.-
Well said. You could apply the same divine intervention to the 2016 Trump election. I believe tpb were caught off guard when Trump won the election. Can you imagine what shape our country would be in right now if Hillary had won? Would anyone of today know how fake the media is? Would anyone know how deep & corrupt our government is? Would anyone be able to compare a great economy with today's economy? I can think of many more examples. Trump is flawed, for sure, but he's real and he loves our country.
Yes, what a stark contrast we witnessed sandwiched between the Obama and Obiden admins. Lies from a corrupt and powerful media kept it from being obvious to the world.
Fascinating take....I really hope that's right. I hope this is finally enough to expose them. We need to take down the people in our communities that are saying things like "too bad he missed". I finally reported one in mine to his company. He's been terrorizing our town for years, so I got my list together complete with screenshots of every horrible thing he's done and added in the one with where he says the shooter shouldn't have missed. We'll see what his company does. Hopefully something. People need to be held accountable for their words. Enough is enough.
Yeah I can think of no other reason for CNN, who refused to even quote his speeches because they were dangerous misinformation, to “all of a sudden” want to broadcast a rally live on CNN other than the deep state ordered them to be there to record history “accurately “ so as not to rely on FOX news or cell phone coverage. They took their marching orders, no doubt confused as to why, and then spent the first ten minutes saying things like Trump fell and the secret service interrupted the event for some reason. Then they were confused for some reason when people started screaming obscenities at them for their constant lies about what a dangerous inhuman Hitler Trump is, which is why dipshits like Mr Crooks do the things they do.
Dipshits like Mr Crook was told he would be a hero!! Worshipped by all for what he would do!! We will provide your cover! Here’s the money for what you need. You will be well paid for your service to mankind. Poor, unattractive, probably bullied, possibly MKUltra’d.
Meanwhile the real shooters got away. We will never know who they were. And even they are probably dead by now……they can’t be allowed to live to tell the tale, can they? They’re probably just an unidentified DOA ‘John Doe’ in some county morgue, getting ready to fire up the kiln and ‘disappear ‘ him forever.
Good point Irunthis, why would cnn send a crew to orange man bad rally? Mrs. potato head was doing a rally as was bob marley. Surely those two events would be more news worthy...
I imagine they are extremely befuddled trying to figure out how a crowd of that size in Butler, Pennsylvania at this now infamous rally, did not utterly panic and trample people to death.
I think that may be why they made the security failures so blatant. If they just wanted Trump dead they would have found a way for a sniper to shoot from a concealed location, and wouldn't have made all the security stripping so obvious.
As a former military officer and Joint Planner, my instinct is that we have to ask "What's next?" and "Then what?"
What's next? Between now and November 5th, another/more attempt(s), probably. Getting DJT off the platform is essential because a reckoning is coming for them if they don't. DJT's VP pick will guard somewhat against that if the attempt is successful, but I too believe that the Lord God hears our prayers and is on the move, therefore the attempts won't be successful.
Then what? Will there be a reverse of the strategy and will Biden or Harris be targeted? God forbid, but it's been done before, successfully, so it is something that needs to be considered in case the servants of evil decide to go this route - they are backed into the corner now, and Biden never was their candidate of choice for '24.
Coincidentally, Oswald's killer and fellow CIA asset Jack Ruby (born Jack Rubenstein) was visited by CIA psychiatrist Dr. Jolly West in his cell just before the appeal ordered 2nd trial.
Dr. West had spent his career experimenting with LSD as a truth serum, and at one time massively overdosed an OKC zoo elephant to death.
West declared Ruby had had a massive psychotic break in his presence, and Ruby never spoke again, although Ruby had spoken to many others right up until that night.
Interestingly, Dr. West would later go on to oversee the CIA's Operation Midnight Climax (another MK ULTRA program) in which they operated a prostitution house in Haight Ashbury, where they secretly administered LSD to johns and filmed their behavior.
Oh my goodness! Please no! What an awfully dreadful thought!! But they are just that evil, right? I hope he's got one honorable person around him to make sure he is safe. Like the (seemingly) honorable sniper at that rally who disobeyed orders. He did what is right and then documented it publicly first so they wouldn't blame him and throw him under the bus and then STILL fire him. This world we are living in is a complete mess.
They don't care at this point who is on the ticket. After Trump's reaction to being shot, multiple Dem figures have reacted with "that's it, the election is over, let's just focus on not losing the senate now".
They might as well leave Biden in place to be the fall guy; why would anyone else jump into a losing race?
Good call Sir! While everyone is gloating about divine intervention and the like, the evil ones are plotting and planning and likely exercising. Or, we have missed some subtly that will effect our long-term peace and happiness. They are 3-dimensioal players, don't forget that!
Yes we have been blessed to witness divine intervention in real time. John Rich made the point in the Tucker interview that the fact Trump was attacked was also an act of God. Both the attack & the protection. A very provocative interview.
I watched that interview last night. I had no idea who John Rich was, so was unsure what to expect. I was riveted. Each and every Christian on earth should watch this. Even Tucker was flummoxed at times.
Not sure this will work. Tucker’s content is paywalled usually for a day for subscribers only. Rumble usually has it first, but I could only find this on TCN.
Thanks for sharing the link! HOW I wish John Rich would have stuck to his wonderful Revelation song and how it came about... He could have taken a standing ovation and gone out with a bang, UNFORTUNTELY he decided to give Tucker a teaching on the Rapture & the Antichrist...
I am not an expert on either topic, but one thing I do KNOW... the Bible clearly mentions the Antichrist, which John Rich stated that it doesn't...
He also said the Bible doesn't mention the word "Rapture" in English... which is correct, however it is translated to the term "caught up" (1Thessalonians 4:17) the Greek word is "harpaso" translated to "Rapturo" in Latin, which is where we get Rapture from.
I love how much scripture John Rich read out loud to Tucker, but he mixes up the Rapture scriptures with Jesus' Second Coming, two separate and different events. It normally would not bother me that he gets it wrong, only that he is teaching it to someone else incorrectly... Someone like Tucker, who seems to have no idea of the wealth of God's mysteries found in the Scriptures.
Angela, I don't buy into the whole thing. It's all wrong ... and nobody in 'top slots' want to talk about this whole thing. And if the table lady can see through it, don't you think everyone else can ... including people on the DJT side of the equation.
I also have to wonder what happen when Trump disappeared into that little huddle on stage center when any competent SS detail would have immediately hustle the target out of the kill zone. But no and instead, somebody emerges from the little huddle looking like Lady Liberty posing in the perfect photo op picture of the decade ... and so compositionally correct as to make one wonder?
The look hear, again as with everything else in 'the attempt' ... is not right.
I have to thank you. This, what you have sent to me by way of link, is one of best pieces of satire I have seen in a very, very long time. And after seeing the abomination of Republican National Convention last night, my spirits are raised. And rather amazing what one can do with words, and either to the good or bad.
We once again are being asked to swallow down Jonah's Whale as though it were just a wee innocent little sardine.
(For better or worse, I left a couple of Comments in may wake there.)
I went to a Trump rally in Arizona, and umbrellas were not allowed. They were allowed at this rally.
I was watching on RSBN and RAV and comments were made that maybe the security relented because of the heat.
Sure that's a nice gesture, but what about all those umbrellas at BLM-Antifa protests? I'm glad attendees in PA could have a little shade, and it doesn't appear that umbrellas there were used to hide bad guys, but was it worth the risk? Even President Trump doesn't get an umbrella or any kind of shade up there on the platform. (Granted the rallygoers are there for hours longer...)
Even AI admits: "The authorities that exist have been established by God." (Romans 13:1) And Daniel knew that "He changes times and seasons: he sets up kings and deposes them." (2:20)
Jeff C, I commented in a like manner about God protecting Trump and someone called "Irish" responded with this, "Don't be ridiculous. Trump turned his head,crouched behind podium and smashed fake blood capsule on his ear.orherwise one of those behind trump ought to have been hit. No one sitting there was ." Sure, Irish, a likely story.
God bless Anne, don't waste your time arguing with demons. Christ Himself told us to not cast our pearls before swine.
What people haven't quite absorbed is that this was a split-second in time that changed the world. In the deep state scenario, the right is now leaderless, our side is utterly despondent and at their wits end, people are rioting in the streets, the county is tearing itself apart, and they slip away.
Instead, the opposite has happened. Trump is more beloved than ever, appears to be unstoppable, and instead of rioting, people on the right are energized and meticulously dissecting every aspect of this satanic sanctioned hit. Every day the deep state exposes itself more with lies more absurd than the last one.
So do the evil ones admit defeat and go off to look for peace and happiness elsewhere or are they planning the next event? I think back to Molly Ball's Time magazine piece detailing all the layers the 'Shadow Campaign' had in place to steer the 2020 election in their direction.
That’s so implausible that it’s ridiculous 🙄 Trump is not anywhere near a good enough actor to fake that and the whole rest of the events would have to have been organized and executed in such a fashion that it stretches all credibility. But some people want to believe this because it fits their narrative and world view. The fact that a big democrat donor was caught trying to push that lie said it all.
I don’t believe for a second that Trump would participate in something so devious. He absolutely would not put himself or his supporters in a life-threatening situation. Anyone that believes it was staged needs to see a mental health professional.
Yes, it wouldn't fit his personality and character in any way to do such a thing. Not to mention, how foolish it would be to think you could arrange a near miss and not risk ending up dead. It would be utterly insane.
I believe it is also a result of so many lies and disbelief that peole are now over thinking and questioning every little thing beyond common sense. Its the opposite side of psyops.
The most realistic is that they have been trying to stop him since he came in office. Remember the impeachments and Hillary saying he didn’t win! Then everything else. The only thing left is taking him out. Obviously they do not want him in office. Who ordered it and who actually shot are the remaining questions.
One guy so nasty and aggressive that I couldn't believe he could be a regular c&c reader. He surely wouldn't have the patience to read things that don't match his views.
I was watching the Rally in real time. Shook me to my core. In addition to Jeff’s commentary I normally come here, in the comments, for solace. Something told me not to delve too deep, so I didn’t. A good thing now, I can see.
"It wasn't a blood capsule. He rubbed a fistful of Cap'n Crunch on his ear. The blood was real!"
; )
Edit: I was trying to mock CNN. I thought the quotes, smiley, and absurdity of the comment would indicate my sarcasm. I was mistaken! Hope I didn't make anyone's . . . blood boil.
My 'Reply' won't take me back to your comment, but I agree with you. And The Money tells the real story. People should watch this stuff, but they don't. The Walk Away movement (BRICS Plus, and more) is the real story, and the one story which now is beyond the control and long term influence of the Western Controllers. It is scaring the hell out them, and I think it's the reason why they are now so adamant on walking things back some.
There are hundreds of cell phone videos. Soon enough they will be compiled and people will be able to triangulate exactly where each bullet came from. Sound travels slow enough that the shots will show up earlier (maybe .01 second earlier, but that's enough) on someone's cell phone if they were near the shooter than if they were near Trump.
I like the movie coming out about how the moon landing was fake. CIA calling in Hollywood. 😂 I haven’t seen it but the timing is comical. It’s almost like they are trying to get ahead of the truth exposing. ORRRR they wanna be able to fall back on “you people are watching too many movies” to blame the “conspiracy theories” on so they don’t have to come clean. Deny. Deny. Deny. Lie. Lie. Lie. It’s the MO.
Just once I'd like to see these liars pinned to the wall - all the way, to the point where they have to ADMIT they're lying.
I shoplifted a matchbox car from a drugstore when I was seven. I told a string of lies when my mom saw me playing at home with this shiny new car that she had just told me a half hour before I couldn't have. I told her I found it; she wanted me to show here where. I took her up the block to my friend's house to show her "the place"; she rang the doorbell and asked my friend's mom if she'd ever seen the car before, and the lady replied no. When I finally admitted I stole it, Mom drove me back to the store and made me give it back to the manager of the store. She didn't ground me - the triple humiliation was enough of a punishment. I never shoplifted again.
Just once I'd like to see these liars have to undergo the same humiliation. It's obvious they weren't raised by moms like mine...
Thanks. She was a complicated person. Sometimes wise, sometimes wildly irrational and hysterical. It was nice to share that memory of her in this context.
Your mom did the exact right thing. We still laugh with my son because he was horrified when he and a friend were throwing rocks over the neighbors house…8-10yr olds…just to see if they could make it. 🤦🏼♀️ One big rock broke out their window. Utter silence and a pact to never tell. 🤦🏼♀️ Well one talked to a brother and the story made it to us parents. We marched the boys over to the house where they fessed up to doing it, then lying about it, then they paid to have it replaced out of their own money. The punishment was that and the fact the old crotchety lady who was a smoker and smelled like a chimney forced a hug to each of them. 😂 They were so grossed out. Clean slate ever since.
And YES! I would love just once to see these liars face actual consequences and have to admit what they did.
It’s called Fly Me To The Moon. Saw it. It was cute. Allowed for the possibility that the moon landing was faked, but came down squarely against that it actually was.
Not sure which film to which you are referring. I thought his "Eyes Wide Shut " was a truly bizarre film, but it's what got him killed, because I later found out, and rewatched , that this movie is an accurate portrayal of cabal ceremonies and rituals. Too close to home for them.
Thanks, now I know not to trust Brave. (My favorite alternate search engine is freespoke.)
The stupid summary Brave gave ignored the undebunkable: The kid in "The Shining" wore a handknit sweater with "Apollo 11" on it, for no discernable reason - and Kubrick always had a reason for the things he put in his scenes. There is also an overhead shot in that movie that supposedly looks like a launch pad.
But in general people think Kubrick faked the moon landing scenes because they know he could have done a very realistic job. I tend to believe he DIDN'T do it because there would have been a lot fewer errors like rocks casting double shadows, the shadowside of the lander having a lot of light, the horizon always ending 100 feet out and such. He probably could have made the moonwalks look more realistic. It's pretty apparent that they simply slowed down the videos to 1/2 or 2/3 speed, but they were in 1 G, not 1/6 G.
I wouldn't be surprised if NASA asked him to direct the shots of men walking on the moon, but he refused.
When you go to the Smithsonian and see what supposedly went to the moon AND made it's truly laughable. And just footsteps away there are replicas of Star Wars and Star Trek spaceships. I fully believe that's not a coincidence. It was ALL a show.
Beyond laughable. A little buggy covered in tinfoil. People believe that things just 'fall' from the moon to earth, which is what we were told. That craft would have had to be built like a tank and speaking of tanks, it would need a YUGE gas tank to hold enough fuel to propel it 238K miles.
I especially liked the phone call from the President of the U.S on a LANDLINE to the moon and people believed it. Our world populaion was soooo naive at the time. My parents believed it.
I mean I get that it looks weird on the surface, but to an engineer it's just electrical signals. It's literally a moment's work to connect two wires from a telephone output to the input of a radio (and vice versa).
Actually no... the engines don't boost the whole way there, just at the beginning and end. Most of it is just coasting because there's no friction in space. So the fuel is mainly required just to get into orbit in the first place.
Getting through Van Allen radiation belts without the astronauts getting radiation poisoned, vertical landings, and the rendezvous with the command module after landing on the moon were all extremely formidable challenges. They are still working on those and other challenges in trying to go "back" to the moon.
My 40ish yo daughter had for years scoffed about the moon landings and I hadn’t given it much thought until found his chronicles a few years ago and now I’m 😳.
Nixon was talking to them from a landline and the cameraman was already there to record that GIANT step for mankind!!!!! (They wanted us to believe we could become gods too!!!)
Absolutely not. No man on the moon. Sorry. Check out “Tuesday’s with Philberg” substack about the MOUNDS of evidence showing more deception used for a faked moon landing.
hard to imagine anyone still believes that. but by all means use siri and an out of date cell phone and blast off. meanwhile . . for an amusing and comprehensive take down.
once the absurdity is pointed out, you'll be amazed that others dont see it
Except for those of us that actually worked on some of the stuff that went there. Y’all are some dumb asses, but I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. I’m as rock solid as a conspiracy theorist as any, but yeah we went to the moon. And no it’s not impossible. And yeah the earth is round. And there are are no turtles.
TBF most of the reasons given for it being "impossible", really ARE pretty stupid reasons to an engineer. And devoalan didn't come off to me as nasty, just as incredulous about some of the things people will hold conspiracy theories about.
Why will they need 12 to 20 "tanker rockets" this time, when they didn't need any before? Any why is the program so far behind schedule, when they are just trying to redo what they did successfully - six times?
I assume it's because they want to send a full colony there this time, instead of three men in a tiny can. (Either that, or possibly you're confusing it with the plans for what's required to go to mars?)
Multiple other countries have been sending unmanned probes to the moon, which seems to contradict the idea that it's so logistically infeasible.
LMAO, with their 700 crates of technology that disappeared, which is why we can't go back. But they're working on a spacesuit that CAN WORK. Oh wait, they were, they scrapped it.
I wondered when someone would say this. I remember seeing the astronauts sitting at the table in front of the press. They looked as though they wanted the ground to swallow them, not like guys who'd just gone to the moon, landed, and returned.
DEIsteria: Best Woke Secret Service Memes (Foiled by a Sloped Roof!)
Boonie Fife, Three Stooges + Melissa McCarthy & Pat sightings, they don't do slopping roofs (but tell that to roofers), understanding the wage gap b/w men & women and more woke Secret Service memes!
That is what James McCanney said that the Russian cosmonauts that he knew when he was working for JPL told him. They learned the hard way by getting back several cooked cosmonauts and animals before giving up on the race to the moon.
watch "a funny thing happened on the way to the moon" documentary and tell me we actually went to the moon at all! I personally believe it was faked.....
The GOP isn't the "Christian" party. I'm a Christian, but also this is America. It is the prosperity party, the freedom party, the limited government party. (Or it was and should be.) There have always been non-Christians in the GOP and we should be welcoming all on the side of our values, not excluding anyone because of their religion or lack of. People can change - I thank God that at 59 I'm not how I was at 19 or 29. We are now in a good vs evil fight, and we should be welcoming all who are on the side of good.
I liked what Jeff wrote: "A political party is not a church." I would add it's also not a religion. Neither are political ideologies, though many want to wear them that way.
Unlike the Dems, the GOP is not openly hateful of religion, which is probably why all sorts of religious people are now drawn to it. They feel more welcome. Christians have seen that for a long time b/c they've been in the government's crosshairs for a long time. Some of the others, I think, are seeing it now with the trans agenda. Once you start openly saying you'd like to castrate other peoples' kids without their knowledge or consent, it feels like some important universal religious line has been crossed.
As long as the new people are coming in as the ones whose views have changed and are not coming in to change the views of those already there, I am fine with it. More than fine, actually. I like it. It's a good sign of life for a party that was dead to the world just 9 years ago. I know Jeff didn't like Harmeet's song, but as they panned the camera around the crowd, I saw a lot of people praying in their own way along with her. I can't see how that's a bad thing.
IDK, this feels like the most energy I've seen at an RNC convention, probably ever.
I actually watched most of it. The only weird part was when Nikki Haley spoke. I just don't like her. Trump almost pulled a Hindenbiden and nodded off. Not kidding. I'm like NOOOOOOOO. Ha. DeSantis did a good job and Ben Carson used his diaphragm and his voice came out pretty strong. There was a Black lady from Brooklyn who once she warmed up she was lit.
I watched most of it as well. Trump looks tired. Could be pain meds, though, considering he just got shot in the head. On night 1 he looked especially tired or disinterested. Night 2 he looked more engaged and relaxed. I didn't notice him during Haley's speech.
Haley's speech was...odd. You could tell they don't really like each other. But, under the circumstances, I thought she did well. She will speak more to the neocon/war-lover faction.
I've been critical of DeSantis and still have my reservations, but I thought he was a highlight. Absolutely nailed his speech. Good energy and some great zingers against Biden that had substance.
The black lady from NY (not sure if it's the same one you mentioned) was also great. Once she got going, it was powerful. You can tell she's still mad about what the regime did to her. As were the others that also delivered what I'd call victim impact statements, being victims of the regime's policies. They were all pretty moving.
I rarely watch these conferences. They're usually boring and kind of cringe-worthy. But, there seems to be a ton of energy at this one.
It's funny, because I don't mind people like Amber Rose and Harmeet Dhillon(sp?) and think Matt Walsh is acting like a putz (kinda disappointed, tbh) but I really wish they would show Haley, Graham, Romney and all the rest of the warmongers the door. They shouldn't be in the new party. Their beliefs align more with the DNC.
Walsh was too harsh, IMO. (He who has no sin...) Maybe Amber is growing up.
Who they give speaking time to can be a signal for where they're going. I have started to think about it like change management at a very large company. It has to be done in stages over time. Even the bad actors have loyalists working in important roles. Feels like that is what's happening. No clue if it will be successful.
I think having Haley up to speak was an overture of unity from Trump, to traditionally establishment voters. "This is *our* party now, but you can still be in it if you get behind us. And look carefully at what the alternative is..."
I'm trying to find a clip of the women from NY- she was preaching. And I usually only watch when the nominee speaks as well but there was a lot of good energy. Yay. Finally.
Seeing online about DeSantis tongue flicking! I forgot to mention I like WV Gov Justice sit down talk with his bulldog Baby Dog! Funny and Sarah Huckabee Sanders always does a good job.
I found Nikki ego getting in the way of her being sincere. I like most of what she said. I watched the whole thing and it is my first ever watching the convention… I watched part on Monday. I was left with a feeling of hope. I am glad to see diverse group of people. Most of what I believe the Republican stand for are human rights issues and not necessarily religious issue…Christians care about these issues but they are not the only ones. We have more in common than we do that divide us.
I had heard about a “porn star” (she’s on only fans I believe, not very knowledgeable about that) speaking at the convention, but then I heard Amber Rose’s speech on a radio program I was listening to, and found her very likable and could see how her speech could be compelling to people who may not naturally vote republican. She talked about how her dad challenged her to find evidence that Trump is racist, and she couldn’t… she had just previously believed media lies.
I saw this ALL THE TIME!!! Sorry for shouting, lol. It's just soooooo frustrating when you see liberal friend after liberal friend parroting that he's a racist. I am like "google it" - you can't even find a decent example other than that he said china flu about the pandemic. So dumb. Now do the reverse on Biden and you have a treasure trove. Now that man is a real racist. But we always say the Democrats are the real racists. I've known that for years watching what they say behind closed doors.
She was dressed modestly, respectfully and her words were sincere. I couldn’t help but like her and believe her words will resonate with younger voters.
Agreed. It's for this reason that I also never call myself a Republican. I'm conservative and the Republican party, at the moment, best represents my values and beliefs. I don't agree with everything and everyone, nor should I. But I will gladly accept someone to the team who is willing to give our small government values a shot and be open to hearing our ideas even if they don't fully agree with everything - including abortion. Frankly, for as pro-life as I am, I could care less about this as an issue on the ballot. It's the LAST issue I vote on. For a lot of the left, it's the first and only issue they vote on. If this woman wants to join us and place the abortion issue on a side table, even if she holds different views than I, than great! Welcome to the conservatives, freedom loving, small government team.
I am disappointed about the abortion stance being watered down, but I also wonder if politics is the best venue to oppose abortion (I mean how much do we really trust most politicians). In other words, those of us who are anti abortion can support organizations and do other things in our personal interactions that help women choose life for their unborn baby.
I urge everyone who believes in the sanctity of human life to volunteer for or financially support your local pregnancy counseling center. I have been involved as a crisis pregnancy counselor (I also counsel post abortive women who deeply regret their abortion) for many years. By loving women who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy, providing free ultrasounds for them and the father of their babies, and providing material support we have saved thousands of babies lives. It is not up to the government to save babies (although a government that encourages pregnant women to keep their babies and offers financial incentives for choosing life would be helpful) it is up to me!! Get involved - volunteer or make donations.
Abortion isn't just about whether people's morals align with it, it's HUGE business for the NIH & FDA who purchases 'fresh not frozen' aborted babies for medical 'research', i.e. humanized mice.
Abortion is a human rights issue. It is also a lightening rod and at the moment, it is time to unite. President Trump is the only President to speak at a Pro-Life Parade and look at Roe vs Wade. It is my hope he continues to lead from the front on it and start moving funding away from PP and move it into women health and maternity. Let’s really make a change a the local level. I hope at a Pregnancy Resource Center and there is not funding but fundraisers to support it. It is shameful how little go to helping a woman once she is pregnant.
Great point, and so, too, the one by Sir Jeffrey about becoming Pharisees. I agree. That judgmental, legalistic mind is a trap of the evil one and I spent years in it. My pastor shared a series on the book, "A Twelve-Step program for a Recovering Pharisee". I needed it. When our compatriots see the truth that the republicans (freedom-lovers- MAGA -- the 'R' word has a lot of stink on it to me these days) are welcoming and NOT the haters we are labeled as, we can rejoice. People are listening to people instead of the mind-warping msm. The truth comes by degrees for everyone. Let's keep seeking/sharing TRUTH together.
How about the religion or god party? Christians, Muslims & Jews have shared beliefs... Even Hindus, Buddhists etc at least believe in god or gods etc etc...
Muslims don’t have shared beliefs. They reject the concepts of the Trinity and Incarnation. Allah chooses from day to day what reality is and what constitutes goodness. He promotes killing people in jihad, to institute the Muslim order. God is bound by His own laws of goodness. Allah is not, but is pure will.
Shared beliefs is used to mean belief in one Deity and in Heaven and Hell. But the only guaranteed way for a man to reach Paradise is by dying while waging jihad. Which is a sin for everyone else. The only guaranteed way for a woman to reach Paradise is for her husband to be satisfied with her at the time of her death. Others may enter Paradise at Allah’s pleasure.
Exactly. The "Moral Majority" is gone, as it should be. Christians were hoodwinked into supporting forever wars in exchange for their unquestioning loyalty. Meanwhile, the establishment snakes that attracted us continued to do what they do - posturing against bad policy while never quite getting around to reversing it when they regained power. The Republican party is not a Christian party. It's a coalition of like-minded people that want responsible, limited government. Make some lemonade and enjoy the show.
Other former Dems: Trump; Steve Bannon; Andrew Breitbart. (I used to be leftist too. That changed after the Greens wanted folks to take shorter showers, made me turn libertarian immediately). People do change.
Yes, any Christian who thinks the GOP is a Christian party is clueless. No political party is righteous. It’s a group organized to CONTROL the population! I’m a Christ follower and I put no faith in politicians to instill morals. Gods works in each person’s spirit when they seek. Other than that, just vote for people that are less stupid than their opponent.
Read somewhere yesterday that the team was understaffed b/c Jill was also in town and they took some folks away for her. And that some of the people they assigned to Trump were temps. I found all of that insane. Jill's event should just have been cancelled b/c she's not important and no one cares what she has to say. And TEMPS? The USSS has TEMPS? Are they mall cops or something? I really hope that report was incorrect. But, it does explain the short chubby girl who couldn't holster her weapon, ducked and covered behind Trump, and then looked around like a startled squirrel.
I have to admit, when I saw the short pudgy girl, it was my first thought. So untrained that even I can notice it. Can't imagine what trained eyes thought of it.
By "temps", what I heard was that they were agents "borrowed" from a different agency, so still theoretically federal officers but probably not well-trained in secret service work.
But, that's just something I heard on the internet, so I'd wait for more confirmation before treating it as certain.
If not temps, then why not crises actors? I know, I know ... totally outlandish. But on the other hand what about the Photo of the Decade. As Trump would say, "a perfect photo."
(And maybe too perfect. Maybe too perfect in a landscape which doesn't make a lick of sense. Something is very wrong here and I notice that nobody at the top of heap anywhere wants to look at the mountain of jagged 'inconsistencies'. Nobody ... no matter the affiliations.)
I found this article an interesting analysis of the situation with visuals. No idea who he is, but was interesting to me to see how the buildings are laid out, where the lines of sight are, etc. (Also glad he pointed out that a hydraulic arm of the machine holding the lights got shot out and started spraying fluid. In one of the videos I could see what looked like a hose spraying and was wondering what the heck it was.)
I’m inclined to think the doughnut excuse would have been better than the sloped roof excuse. I’ve always heard that the SS agents are obligated to literally take a bullet for those they are protecting. Doesn’t really mesh well will them being afraid to stand on a sloped roof, but we all know how much law enforcement loves doughnuts.😊 Also, the sniper team that took out the shooter was also on a sloped roof so that dog doesn’t really hunt anyway.
It amazes me how little self-awareness Democrats have. If I was in her position I would resign and go into hiding, possibly forever because this will go down as not only the biggest Secret Service failure (will memes living on forever about their Keystone Cop antics), but maybe the biggest law enforcement failure ever. Yet she gives interviews and will appear before Congress, without bowing her head in shame!
Yeah that's the focal point of the assassination conspiracy....whoever was supposed to be on the roof should be the investigation's main target. Don't worry though, the fbi will get to the bottom of it!
Sources say someone was supposed to be on that rooftop!
Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino: Someone Was Supposed to Be on Roof Where Would-Be Trump Assassin Shot from – Biden Regime Telling Secret Service Director to Shut Up (VIDEO)
Lol, yes sarcastic. Yeah exactly, makes a conspiracy a lot more compartmentalized and manageable when everybody thinks it's law enforcement on the rooftop. While the person on the rooftop replaces himself with the assassin.
Get that incompetent, ignorant and dangerously stupid woman out of there.
I bet she’s only there so the real people who run things can continue to do so right in front of her without her catching on. She’s an embarrassment to women who actually could direct an agency like the Secret Service.
As for those short, tubby women hopping around looking like startled rabbits - one of whom couldn't get her gun in its holster - what in the hell were they doing there?
I'm female. My idea of bodyguards for President Trump would be a group of very tall, fit, strong guys.
DEIsteria: Best Woke Secret Service Memes (Foiled by a Sloped Roof!)
Boonie Fife, Three Stooges + Melissa McCarthy & Pat sightings, they don't do slopping roofs (but tell that to roofers), understanding the wage gap b/w men & women and more woke Secret Service memes!
Don’t you all miss Pat? My mother recently turned 99. When I tried to explain to her how people wanted to use different pronouns because they were neither he nor she, she said, simply, clearly, and without animosity: “That’s easy. They should be called ‘it’.”
I hope no politician who needs Secret Service ever Comes to Mexico where I live. Not only is every sidewalk sloped, everyone is also made of broken flagstones which are never fixed because they add to the Mexican atmosphere. I have fallen four times already in my two years here and falling is what we do when we need excitement in our lives. I doubt the Secret Service would be capable of maneuvering like old people like me managed to do.
I don’t engage in the back and forth mainstream social media nonsense, but I do from time to time peruse the comments. The crux of the Trump haters' “arguments” are almost universally centered around “28 felony counts” and pointless hate filled nonsensical ramblings about “Orange Man." I mean, what do you say in the face of such inane babblings? "This is the best you got?!" Discretion being the better part of valor, I refuse to “take the cheese”. TDS is real. Given Trump’s successful run in real estate, he’s got to relish living rent free in the heads of these ding-dongs. Oh, the irony.
Oh so *now* they can tell the medical experts how to do their jobs 🙄🙄🙄 I thought people without a medical degree (according to them at least) aren't allowed to weigh in on this kind of thing ?
Some of the horrors I’ve heard about what someone will do with ordinance before using it on a person in order to make it “more effective “ or infective, I would want that thing to be cleaned to the nth degree, covered in Neosporin or Bactroban and some good oral or IV broad spectrum antibiotics onboard STAT. He’s probably lucky it didn’t have ricin or something else on it too. Hope they thought of that.
How does one bandage an ear... Looked like a large piece of gauze taped to his ear. An ear, by the way, that's going to be the most photographed in the world once it's healed and revealed.
I too can agree to bandage the ear! Really? Of course, it has to have a bandage. I stand amazed at God’s goodness to America in a nanosecond! What a difference it made.
Trauma surgeon here… not sure if the wound was cleaned and allowed to heal on its own, or some form of reconstruction was done by an ENT or plastic surgeon. There might even be a tiny drain under that bandage. That would be a legitimate reason for a sizable bandage. I like to think he’s just trolling the media though.
Fortunately, more and more people are starting to see the light. Don't give up on your sister yet. We still have 3+ mos before Nov 5. I would bet there are going to be more "surprises" that will convince people to vote for Trump.
And Joe is an unconvinced felon, who has actually committed crimes. Trump hasn’t actually committed a crime.
Trump is probably the most investigated person in our country, if he even did something questionable, we would know, and by the looks of all these lawfare cases, he’s pretty clean.
I type on my phone,and it is CONSTANTLY changing words on me lately (and going to settings to undo it hasn't helped). It also decides to make a period when I have hit a comma! It is so embarrassing and exasperating!
Where the biggest piece of evidence used to convict him was a laptop they spent years convincing the public was not real and a “Russian hoax”. The mind gymnastics these ppl use to discredit Trump is bananas. And the fact that so many people still believe it is unfathomable - just like those who think the covid vaccines work 🥴
I get it. Had a discussion last night with my daughter about J6. She was unaware of the Supreme Court decision,and besides, she saw a documentary on it. I don’t discuss politics with most people any more, I just want to knock on their forehead and ask if anyone is in there.
I automatically use this as a litmus test for someone's intelligence now. If they call him a felon for those joke of a misdemeanor charges trumped up into felonies, I immediately know I am dealing with someone not very bright.
Basically the illegitimate legal system in New York took a possible mistake in labeling of a quick book entry, and turned it into a felony. Then , the jury was instructed that they didn’t have to agree on which felony was committed, they could all have different bases for their guilty vote.
At this point is impossible to make sense of B. S. That’s why they just repeat the same talking points without any other context or explanation….other way they have to own the truth about being wrong (sleep) all along, just watch again the video of asking CNN about big guy brain. Crickets…. Dont argue with your sister. Just send her the video and ask about her opinion.
I think there are some women who have daddy issues and Donald Trump has become the image of their issues. Instead of addressing their own problems with males, then put all their focus on Trump. It is sad because they are living a bitter life.
I will definitely use that line, but I have been saying: “you should have your hatred for another human being checked and maybe engage in some prayer about that”
And, the President isn't is the issues.
Every time I hear the Democrats, it seems to me that they could give a damn about anything other than lgbtq and abortion, disguised as 'women's rights'.
And anyone using sympto-thermic knows conception within days after ovulation, when basal temp remains high--speaking from lots of personal experience. No need to wait for missed period. But Joe is an expert in these matters.
We also have to remember that the DNC, Soros, and other such orgs all have paid commenters to "seed" their ideas. Meaning, some of it is not organic and is intended to give the impression there is more of it than there is and attempt to sway opinion to their side. And bots, of course. I'm skeptical of much it. The TDS is there, but it's being intentionally amplified.
I too refuse. I wrote “Don’t take the bait” in my bible, near Ps. 91, in late 2022. I remember engaging a lefty loon in a jab convo that ended badly. Since that time, I type and delete.
Thank you for your advice about not engaging with featherheads. I often react too hastily and later regret taking the bait. There is quite a difference in declaring your opinion vs needlessly confronting those who embrace evil or stupidity.
I believe Jeff did a review of this trial. Someone can correct me if I am remembering incorrectly…
1-The 28 charges were literally “Trumped up” misdemeanors charged as felonies.
2-Jurors were allowed to pick and choose which charges they thought were proven. There was essentially no definition of any “felony.” So the 12 cafeteria-style jurors likely selected all charges to come up with 28.
3-there were so many grounds for appeal that occurred that this is being appealed. Attorneys make notes during the trial of what will be appealed.
I was talking to someone who mentioned the NDA like it was a controversial document to have someone sign. I responded with “do you realize that very successful business people and super wealthy individuals have vultures trying to entrap them in scandals all the time, and these people have gotten in the habit of just paying them off (even if fabricated) and having them sign NDAs because it’s less costly than combatting the scandal.”
So true Jeff ‘Like Jesus, we should seek to commune with sinners, while refusing to acquiesce to sin.’ Invite them in but do not let them set policy or promote a culture that goes against life and biblical teachings.
The Party is not a house of worship, but in being non judgemental and continuing to be true to its side of the culture war, maybe the war can one day be won and hearts can change.
We have seen , in the last few years, some seriously flawed human beings ditch their ways and embrace God, Russell Brand, Nala Ray (only fans girl), Kat Von D. We should pray for Amber and welcome her to the side of righteousness. This is exactly what Jesus taught.
I don't really have an issue with other people swapping parties. I do have an issue if the values of the party are changing just to attract new people. That's a bit more concerning. I mean, even the Democrat party was somewhat sane at one point. Democrats from the 80's and 90's wouldn't recognize the party today.
"I do have an issue if the values of the party are changing just to attract new people"--IMO that's just what the Church has been doing for the last decades.
Thought about this just the other day. Kucinich was considered a left-wing radical. Now, he'd be called "far right." All of Trump's positions just 30 years ago were mainstream (D) positions.
I think it's fine - and actually really good - if the new people joining have had their eyes opened to problems with leftist ideas and the people joining the party are the ones changing. I think the party needs to have a steady set of values. Life, liberty, pursuit, free from gov't intrusion, etc.
Of course, one could also argue the party's lost its way in the recent past (DHS, Patriot Act, Iraq war, on and on), before any of this influx of new people. And it was effectively dead in the public's eye before Trump brought it back to life. As usual, no simple or easy answers.
I see it as...the parties are just private companies owned by a small number of individuals with their own agenda. The party is comprised of the politicians within it. And led by some based on their agenda. There's nothing sacred about political parties, and they do change over time. Sometimes disappearing completely when the voters no longer see their value prop as relevant.
I think the core issue is that the parties are supposed to have BROAD overarching ideological bents that then need to be translated into specific policies and goals at a given moment in time.
E.g., many would say "limited government" is a GOP party core value. But, what does "limited gov't" mean in practice? It certainly didn't (and doesn't) mean small or un-intrusive government to the Bushes, Cheneys, McConnells, Grahams, or probably 85% of elected Republicans. It's just a slogan to them. To most, it seems to only mean lower marginal tax rates, while gov't size, spending, and power all increase. Is that in line with the party's ideology? Is it in line with the voters' view of the party's ideology?
I think what the ascension of Trump really means is that the people who vote (R) have decided it doesn't and that the party had lost its way and needed to be reoriented.
Yes. It used to be easy to find major problems with the Republican party. I used to be a very tribal Democrat, back when I thought they were the anti-war, anti-corporate greed, and free speech party. Now I am no longer tribal. I am probably a libertarian leaning independent. But I also see an awful lot of Uniparty/duopoly problems. I watch what people do, not what they say they will do. Anti-globalist and medical freedom are at the top of my list.
Everywhere my mind is in a psyops. Are these transformers permanently changing or are they just waffles, maybe unnatural implants? Are all parties the same mixed bag of nuts only some have salt? Who's in position and will "toe" the line? Who's following who and why? There has to be a higher ground than a man, any man or woman, alone.
Not a five foot ladder as Jeff Childers quoted the feds as saying. People found it on Home Depot's website and based on the rung count it's at least a ten foot ladder, maybe 12 feet (you can't see the bottom rungs in the news photos).
So the story is the shooter dragged a ten foot ladder from Home Depot to Trump's rally unnoticed. The lies here are getting hard to sort out.
Are we agreed that an assassination was the obvious next step to get Trump out of he race once the lawfare failed to have its intended result? I’m not saying it was a Democrat conspiracy per se, I’m just saying I was expecting an attempt. From somewhere.
Also ask yourself why Nikki Haley (the runner-up to Trump in the primaries) was invited to the GOP convention a scant 48 hours before the Butler rally. Did the Old Club believe they'd be coronating her, literally over Trump's dead body?
Also ask yourself why it happened before Trump declared his VP pick. Once that choice was made, it would have been nearly impossible to change the heir apparent if the hit had been successful.
I'm not saying Haley had anything to do with it, but that those who would benefit from Trump's demise like her and hate Vance. In the alternate timeline, Trump dies with no VP named. We go into the convention without a leader and Haley gets the nomination since she stayed in the campaign the longest. She also happens to be a neocon warmonger.
That's why Trump named Vance and moved the announcement up to Monday IMO.
@Roger Beal I thought Haley was invited *after* the assassination attempt? In the new spirit of unity (TM) and all. I remember thinking how quick of a turnaround that would be for her, to prepare a speech, travel, etc.
A lot of speculation about Haley’s last minute invite, releasing her delegates, and Facebook and Instagram releasing Trump’s accounts from jail just prior to assassination attempt. Not to mention FJB’s comment about how “Trump will soon face a great challenge.” All very sketchy.
The debate was a huge failure for the Democrats and they continued to spiral. I think she was invited because it looks like Trump is going to win. I don’t think it had anything to do with the attempt. I also don’t think it is wise to start rumors that have no foundation at all.
Perhaps globalists? Who have quite a bit of control over both parties. How the whole world acted in lock step to push those dangerous and deadly genetic injections. I think they view Trump as too unpredictable to be controllable.
And I'm sure it's standard protocol not to examine the private contents of a backpack at a Trump presidential rally. [Eye roll]
I've been to a 2020 Trump rally - they got up close and personal with my nut sack, please excuse the crudity.
I'm sorry but despite what y'all may think, I'm the opposite of a conspiracy theorist. I'm allergic to them.
But this is so crazy that you'd have to be willfully ignorant to put all these crazy facts down as "incompetence." I'm just a burned out, grey-haired former litigator, but even I - with no military or police experience whatsoever - would've known to put a security agent on top of THE NEAREST BUILDING WITH A CLEAR LINE OF SIGHT to the President.
I don’t know why you’re talking to me about believing it’s just “incompetence”. I never suggested that was the case, I just said what I’d heard about the backpack being where he’d supposedly put the weapon. Of course it’s ridiculous that they wouldn’t have seen or searched it. I didn’t speak to that part at all so no need to go off on me 🙄
Even without a ladder, the shooter could have simply climbed onto the building from a different location (see google maps street views; garden shed against the wall, AC units, etc)
Totally agree. I really like both of them. Scott Presler's energy is infectious (in a good way :)) and Brandon Straka has suffered for his defection from the D party.
At the end of the day, I want a political party that will protect my right to think what I want to think and say what I want to say. As long as there are no fidelity pledges requiring me to praise tattoos (I hate them) and I can still make the case that killing babies is bad, and traditional marriage is the best environment in which to raise human beings and ensure a future civilization, I'm good. I used to vote solely on the issue of abortion but as that has been essentially defanged as a political issue, I now vote on free speech. Whichever party promotes and protects THAT has my vote.
Yes. Check out some of the laws in England and you will see what I mean. A woman was arrested because she was standing outside an abortion facility saying prayers "in her head." That is no longer allowed there. A literal "thought crime."
We have decided we cannot in good conscience vote in The presidential election this year. We cannot vote for any person that is ok with continuing sacrifices to the gods Molech and Baal. We’re just going to write in Yeshua Hamashiach. That will not violate our belief system and ultimately, the Lord will place the next person who will orchestrate His will. We know we are in the end times,,, one world globalism/economy/religion is coming soon.
Purity is impossible. I can pick out flaws in every single person that complains about new supporters of Trump. You need to stop. Your negativity spreads like cancer. While we might not choose the lifestyle of new Trump supporters you need to embrace the positive aspects of someone from the other side coming to our side because they have been enlightened. Nobody is perfect so we need to stop judging others while pretending we are.
I voted for MccGovern also. I remember ranting to my mother about Tricky DIck. Twenty years later the tables turned, we had a discussion and I was defending Nixon and she was trashing him. I guess as we grow up we see things differently. Welcome to all who see through the curtain to recognize that Republicans are not fascists.
Never have been a liberal so apparently I have no heart 😆
I actually think the liberals just have a superficial and pretend heart, they’re like parents who never want to punish their kids or deny them anything because they don’t want to be “‘mean” but ultimately, they do their kids a huge disservice. Liberals are about feel good “solutions” that seem great on the surface, but end up causing more damage rather than doing anything to help solve problems.
I had great family role models, I have to say. And I’ve never been much of an idealist either. I had a lot of liberal friends and college and beyond, and actually appreciated the different viewpoints until everyone started with the blanket insults and gross intolerance on social media. It really soured many relationships 😕
Kathleen: I agree that people do change and when we change we historically overlook the flaws of the Party if those flaws don’t disrupt the reasoning for the change.
It was George W. Bush who ordered AT&T to divert (actually split) all incoming communications to the NSA.
And let us not forget the disastrous WMD hoax that got us into a tragic war that still haunts us today. I used to listen to a noncommercial radio station in New York, back when liberals were actually anti-war. I heard you UN chief weapons inspector, Scott Ritter in lengthy interviews with Amy Goodman, explaining that there were no WMDs and Iraq at that time, and that the proclaimed basis for going to or with Iraq was completely bogus. He also said that we would pay a terrible price for destabilizing the region. His comments have aged incredibly well. And now that same radio station has been captured and is gun ho on the proxy war in Ukraine. Things do change.
YES! For heaven’s sake you aren’t marrying these people. Love your neighbor as yourself. Love is what will change hearts and minds. And it is not my heart and mind I want to win anyone over to. Ultimately it is to the heart and mind of Christ. But getting someone to step away from hate, globalism and divisiveness surely can’t be done with hate, exclusion and decisiveness.
Greg Koukl from Stand to Reason Ministries ( says something to the effect that, "Even God catches His fish before He cleans them." This is said in a religious context, of course. But the truth is applicable to the issue of politics as well. When someone starts seeing the light, it is a process.
“For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin.”
" No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39
Meanwhile, Fauci has been granted 6 more Secret Service snipers, a tank, machine gun proof windows and siding, and a Nobel Peace Prize. To plead his case Kennedy is forced to dig up the Zapruder film and headlines from the Ambassador Hotel in 1968 out of the archives.
Yes, because honorable people doing honorable things to help humanity always need Secret Service snipers, a tank, and machine gun proof windows and siding.
I have friends who are still glued to their lamestream media. It’s become a cult following. They are also obviously brain dead and know NOTHING about what is REALLY going on.
America is even more divided. 1) Brainwashed. 2) Awake. 3) Too apathetic to care. I am giving it one last try to convert my Brainwashed family. The theme of my message will be “who wants Trump dead, besides you?”. If they align with this list: The CCP, Iran, Dictator of Ukraine, Terrorists, Criminals, Global Corporations, they are officially hopeless.
I am a weed smoking old hippie with back tattoos who voted 3rd party since 2000. Wiiliam Kunstler was my hero in law school, and I have down criminal defense since day one. I am now MAGA all the way-just like Ms. Rose. Are y'all sayin' ya don't want me because I wouldn't fit in at church??
We welcome any and all. At least I do. Republicans come in all shapes and sizes. I'm a ordinary NaNa, mama, and wife in NE Texas. I've been a Christian nearly all my life but I grew up living What Would Jesus Do slogan before it came out. Welcome and I hope you never leave.
People hold our pasts against us, even Christians. Jesus doesnt, as He sees our heart. But it is harder for humans to let the past go and believe a person.
Generally, people dont change, (oddly enough). So when one DOES change, it isnt easily believed. It's nothing personal.
I usually love old tattooed, hippies, except for the ones like Neil Young, who somehow became frightened fascists and wished death on the unvaccinated! obviously that is not you or you wouldn’t be on this page!
Interestingly, there is NO reference in Scripture that ever says Mary Magdalene was a "woman of ill repute." Jesus cast demons out of her and she became a faithful follower. She was a woman of means who helped support His ministry, but the false teaching that she was a prostitute traces back to a homily given on Sept. 14, 1591, by Pope Gregory the Great in Rome. Sadly, many people believe that to this day.
I named my youngest child - and only daughter - after her ("Madeleine Grace".)
As a teen she asked me why I named her after a rumored prostitute.
I told her that Mary Magdalene was proof that we are all sinners who are nonetheless loved by God. Even more so when we repent and turn back to Him.
"Therefore, stand firm, brethren, and hold fast to the traditions that you have been taught, whether by word of mouth or by a letter of ours." 2 Thess. 2:15
I believe that "traditionally", Mary Magdalene has been also identified with the "sinful woman" who poured perfume on Jesus' feet, though nothing in the Bible makes this connection. There's just the "seven demons were cast out" comment, with no further detail. For that reason, I understand most scholars support your view (that she was a woman of means who supported Jesus).
Agreed - calling sin, sin is necessary, but judging sinners is God's undelegated role. I will forgive Matt Walsh, and I think I understand his underlying concern that the Republican Party is being co-opted by amoral factions. However, the answer is to pray for steadfastness, and to use persuasive arguments, not denigrate and belittle new converts.
I can appreciate people who are concerned that inviting "someone like that" is an endorsement of their lifestyle or past actions. But I didn't see any of that in her speech (and in fact I didn't even know the context of what she was "famous" for until afterwards). IMO, don't criticize people for something until they ACTUALLY DO IT. (In this case, "it" would be if she gave a speech advocating for pro-sex-work or something - which she didn't.)
— Fixed date 🤦
You also stated that the shooter was closer than 360 to 393 feet from the podium. That was about the distance - 130 yards or about 390 feet.
Evidence we will probably never know ,( from the feds anyway ). Trajectory lines from PDJT'S ear back to point of origin, ( infinity ). Wonder if it goes to the shooters position on the roof or the next closest window in the next warehouse back. There is already private analysis of shot sound signatures - 3 differing patterns - Crooks?, ???, Counter sniper kill shot? Fed confirmation - I doubt it, they'll spin it! How many casings found at suspect location ( is possible that some rolled off that damn steep roof angle ), but casings can be matched to the rifle, which - where is the rifle, you know, rifling comparison to recovered slug maybe, how many rounds gone outa the clip ( subjective to if it was fully loaded ), speaking of casings, they are stamped with manufactor info, lot #,s?, wonder if the casings will match to bullet ( fragments ) possibly recovered? Different lots/manufacturer, different metals compositions. Saw a picture of dead suspect laying on that damn steep roof, looks like a deep gouge wound right side of head ( just my opinion from a poor photo ) ,bring to rear or rear to front - hot from behind??? Now how could it be from behind?? The wound line looks ( dependent on that damn steep roof line, to be on a near level trajectory line.
Oh, the questions!
also, the CNN story wasn't "scrubbed / can't find it anywhere / memory holed":
jeff, for years, coffee & covid has been about holding MSM to higher standards, looking at real scientific data (not CDC spin doctors)... but ever since the election cycle started, you've been more than a bit sloppy.
Good catch. Hoping Jeff will add this to the errata, and maybe explain how he was unable to find it. (I'm quite willing to believe it was at least shuffled off the front page, but who knows whether to hide it for a particular reason, or just because they still don't want "trump shooting" to be in the minds of their readers?)
I was also going to point out the mistake about the distance, if someone else hadn't got to it first. Charitably, I assume Jeff was confused between 130 *yards* / 125 meters, and 390 *feet* - most of the reporting I've seen gives the distance in yards or meters.
Let's cut J. C. a break, guys--this blog is a SIDE GIG - not his 'bread and butter' exploit and we have all enjoyed SUPERB news coverage and also thought-provoking, gut-splitting acerbic wit from Jeff Childers' reports on an almost DAILY basis --even when he's on BUSINESS TRIPS and FAMILY VACAYS.
Cut him a break--OK?
Thank you for your comment Sharon Beautiful Evening. The world is very lucky to have Jeff Childers.
It is not there true but in the CNN interview with the s piper turned congressman, he mentioned ruins the same audio forensics so o guess it’s out there somewhere?
Noah at 100% Fed Up interviews Jovan Pulitzer , who advised that there are audio ap programs available to do your own analysis and view the graphs
In 1969 we could put a man on the moon. In 2024, we can't put a man on sloped roof! Armstrong would be proud
One small slope for man one giant leap backward for mankind.
That's safe space liberalism in the new world
The deep state is exposed like they never have been before at this moment...
They expected Trump's brains to be splattered on live 4K Ultra High Definition live TV with tens of thousands seeing it in person. They expected things to be thrown into complete turmoil and utter chaos. They expected people to panic and stampede causing more death and a mass casualty event. Then they expected to scurry away in that chaos.
Instead, the hand of God reached down and turned President Trump's head at the exact nanosecond when needed. Trump rose triumphantly and defiantly, and assured the crowd he was okay. None of what the deep state planned happened.
Now they are caught with their pants down as none of the chaos, death, and rioting they were counting on to cover their tracks happened. Add to that an army of really smart people collecting and analyzing all of the evidence in real time, making dozens of copies, and disseminating it so it can't be purged. There is no way they can pull off a Warren Commission-style whitewash at this point. The head of the Secret Service is bumbling around with transparent, clumsy lies that would embarrass a four year old. They are caught completely flat-footed.
Folks, if you don't believe in Divine intervention at this point maybe it's time you started.
“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.” Matthew 10:26
"Let nothing upset you; let nothing frighten you. Everything is changing; God alone is changeless…"
One of my all-time FAVE verses and I can’t wait. I’m darned near salivating at the prospect, like Fauci over a beagle pup, I’m almost
embarrassed to say.
Beware. The. Cornered. Animal! unknown, didn't survive, that was from his eulogy.
I Peter 3:14 – But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. ‘Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.’
My personal fav
Jeff C…. “ There is no way they can pull off a Warren Commission-style whitewash at this point.”…. But history shows us they will try anyway… the horror of JFK exemplifies the attempted horror executed again…. and thank God… failure… against DJT…that they ~wanted~ the world to ~see~ a presidents “brains splattered” “again” to hold on to such devious heinous power is just beyond moral human consciousness….
You are absolutely right, they will try. But this isn't 1964 and there are already independent forensic reconstructions out there by really smart people. They can't put the genie back in the bottle. Plus they needed the chaos to cause the metaphoric fog of war to get away with it. It didn't happen.
What was truly beautiful that day when I watched it an hour later (I sleep during the day as I work nights) was the almost complete calm of the people gathered there that night. Outside of a few screams, most likely from folks who watched loved ones be shot and killed or seriously injured, the people there exhibited a truly remarkable display of self control and concern for each other and their nominee. It was beautiful to behold.
Intruth- In seeing it over again I’m afraid it is this age of social media that took over people. They were more concerned with seeing whats going on and recording it than protecting themselves. I’m not sure if that is good or bad but I definitely see it as our times. Also, the gun shots did not stop and then continue again. Or continue with rampage like some of the mass shooters who walk around killing people.
Normally I would agree with the social media recording, but in this case, there is now undeniable evidence from many points-of-view to flesh out a broader narrative, which makes it more difficult for those who are, right now, attempting to create a cover up.
Yes, If I was there I would be yelling at the shooter and trowing rocks, tree branches or whatever else I could find up on the roof to distract him while waiting for Law Enforcement help.
🎯… absolutely
Here's an incredible simulation. This simulation tracks the first (3) rounds, with the assumption of fixed barrel angle and location. That's not a wild assumption for those first (3) rounds.
but heartbreaking in its potential
And they are emotionally shattered...
Or emotionally resilient. I’ve had a gun in my face multiple times during the course of a robbery and, while I wasn’t shot thank goodness, i could have been yet I didn’t fall apart and cry hysterically about my plight. I was angry that someone would stick a loaded gun in my face for a stupid bottle of cough syrup is what I was. You can either be destroyed by these people or you can have a reasonable response and move on. Calm, reasoned action is the response of a person who wishes to remain sane in a crazy world. To dehumanize people because they remained calm is disgusting. (I’m referring not to your comment but to the below one saying they weren’t human.) Seriously? Not everyone is an emotional travesty waiting to evacuate all their pent up toxic reactions on the world at the slightest provocation.
Can you imagine emotionally crippled firefighters or ER doctors? That is not to say that being emotional is a bad thing. Thank God we are all different in our ability to withstand stressful situations and respond differently.
"Not everyone is an emotional travesty" is an excellent way to gauge who has their head on and in working order.
Chaos, exactly. they have tried to increase the chaos potential with each progressive step. What's at stake is really unfathomable to us( trillions + power ),but were getting a picture of how they view the stakes. Can't help but think there's much more to come and many more acts of faith ( fallen retired hero firefighter / father)husband ) required.-
They are not human.
That's because Lucifer is in charge right now - but not for long!!!
Well said. You could apply the same divine intervention to the 2016 Trump election. I believe tpb were caught off guard when Trump won the election. Can you imagine what shape our country would be in right now if Hillary had won? Would anyone of today know how fake the media is? Would anyone know how deep & corrupt our government is? Would anyone be able to compare a great economy with today's economy? I can think of many more examples. Trump is flawed, for sure, but he's real and he loves our country.
We all the deplorables, probably in jail, expat or dead.
Yes, what a stark contrast we witnessed sandwiched between the Obama and Obiden admins. Lies from a corrupt and powerful media kept it from being obvious to the world.
and who isn't
this is so true.
"The Lord works in mysterious ways."
But sometimes he just throws it into your face!
lol, like.
I love it when He throws it in our face!!
Fascinating take....I really hope that's right. I hope this is finally enough to expose them. We need to take down the people in our communities that are saying things like "too bad he missed". I finally reported one in mine to his company. He's been terrorizing our town for years, so I got my list together complete with screenshots of every horrible thing he's done and added in the one with where he says the shooter shouldn't have missed. We'll see what his company does. Hopefully something. People need to be held accountable for their words. Enough is enough.
Bravo, Jen!
The right gets jailed for a fake insurrection, but the left can freely incite murder.
HOO BOY- you go Jen. Love it
Yeah I can think of no other reason for CNN, who refused to even quote his speeches because they were dangerous misinformation, to “all of a sudden” want to broadcast a rally live on CNN other than the deep state ordered them to be there to record history “accurately “ so as not to rely on FOX news or cell phone coverage. They took their marching orders, no doubt confused as to why, and then spent the first ten minutes saying things like Trump fell and the secret service interrupted the event for some reason. Then they were confused for some reason when people started screaming obscenities at them for their constant lies about what a dangerous inhuman Hitler Trump is, which is why dipshits like Mr Crooks do the things they do.
Dipshits like Mr Crook was told he would be a hero!! Worshipped by all for what he would do!! We will provide your cover! Here’s the money for what you need. You will be well paid for your service to mankind. Poor, unattractive, probably bullied, possibly MKUltra’d.
Meanwhile the real shooters got away. We will never know who they were. And even they are probably dead by now……they can’t be allowed to live to tell the tale, can they? They’re probably just an unidentified DOA ‘John Doe’ in some county morgue, getting ready to fire up the kiln and ‘disappear ‘ him forever.
3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead (H.A.)
Just saying
Later Jay
Think Seth Rich. Robbery w/ nothing taken. 2 MS-13 dead 24 hrs later, "photographed in the area". Never investigated. Done and dusted.
They had their news copy ready to go:
"What difference, at this point, does it make that <insert multitude of security failures here.>"
Dipshits like Mr Crooks do the things they do because they are part of the MKUltra program.
Agree. The poor brainwashed, miserable kid. Patsy, while the real shooter leaves quietly.
Good point Irunthis, why would cnn send a crew to orange man bad rally? Mrs. potato head was doing a rally as was bob marley. Surely those two events would be more news worthy...
Agree. Love the bob marley reference Monkey Werx!!!
Good point! yeah I've never seen main stream media cover a Trump rally.
IMO, they were trying to start a civil war for the purpose of instituting permanent martial law.
Then put together a "Warren Commission" led by some pinhead Never Trump bureaucrat.
I imagine they are extremely befuddled trying to figure out how a crowd of that size in Butler, Pennsylvania at this now infamous rally, did not utterly panic and trample people to death.
Yes they were likely hoping for that too 😡
yup to "postpone" the election....temporarily forever....
I think that may be why they made the security failures so blatant. If they just wanted Trump dead they would have found a way for a sniper to shoot from a concealed location, and wouldn't have made all the security stripping so obvious.
Yep. Lots of head fakes to distract us from the lack of accountability at the top.
As a former military officer and Joint Planner, my instinct is that we have to ask "What's next?" and "Then what?"
What's next? Between now and November 5th, another/more attempt(s), probably. Getting DJT off the platform is essential because a reckoning is coming for them if they don't. DJT's VP pick will guard somewhat against that if the attempt is successful, but I too believe that the Lord God hears our prayers and is on the move, therefore the attempts won't be successful.
Then what? Will there be a reverse of the strategy and will Biden or Harris be targeted? God forbid, but it's been done before, successfully, so it is something that needs to be considered in case the servants of evil decide to go this route - they are backed into the corner now, and Biden never was their candidate of choice for '24.
I will not be the least bit shocked if Biden dies in his sleep. I just don't see any way he can be on the ticket.
That is my prediction as well. By his own people. Before the Democrat Convention.
Coincidentally, Oswald's killer and fellow CIA asset Jack Ruby (born Jack Rubenstein) was visited by CIA psychiatrist Dr. Jolly West in his cell just before the appeal ordered 2nd trial.
Dr. West had spent his career experimenting with LSD as a truth serum, and at one time massively overdosed an OKC zoo elephant to death.
West declared Ruby had had a massive psychotic break in his presence, and Ruby never spoke again, although Ruby had spoken to many others right up until that night.
Interestingly, Dr. West would later go on to oversee the CIA's Operation Midnight Climax (another MK ULTRA program) in which they operated a prostitution house in Haight Ashbury, where they secretly administered LSD to johns and filmed their behavior.
Things that make you go "Hmmm."
Blamed on a MAGA "dressed up person" (as revenge).
Oh my goodness! Please no! What an awfully dreadful thought!! But they are just that evil, right? I hope he's got one honorable person around him to make sure he is safe. Like the (seemingly) honorable sniper at that rally who disobeyed orders. He did what is right and then documented it publicly first so they wouldn't blame him and throw him under the bus and then STILL fire him. This world we are living in is a complete mess.
Well, Julie Young, it was just mentioned on the news this evening that Bidet has covid, so....
I think that’s a real possibility.
They don't care at this point who is on the ticket. After Trump's reaction to being shot, multiple Dem figures have reacted with "that's it, the election is over, let's just focus on not losing the senate now".
They might as well leave Biden in place to be the fall guy; why would anyone else jump into a losing race?
Yep. He may well be offered a booster from Pfizer in a week or two...
This is not the end. The Democrats have said they'll keep Trump out of the WH "by any means necessary". We now know what that includes.
As for Biden, there's no reason to believe he's safe.
I worry what they will try next. We are still several months out from the election and no one is safe even after that.
Good call Sir! While everyone is gloating about divine intervention and the like, the evil ones are plotting and planning and likely exercising. Or, we have missed some subtly that will effect our long-term peace and happiness. They are 3-dimensioal players, don't forget that!
The devil's boots don't squeak. Scottish proverb
Best to everyone! Happy Hump Day!
Later Jay
Brandon made a prophecy that predicted this shooting AND that Trump would be elected President this year.
Brandon? The president Brandon?
Brandon is one of God's prophets that I found on YouTube. Trump said that God saved him.
I still think they will try to get Newsom on the ticket.
No. Newsom doesn't want to risk losing. He wants to wait till next time.
Yes we have been blessed to witness divine intervention in real time. John Rich made the point in the Tucker interview that the fact Trump was attacked was also an act of God. Both the attack & the protection. A very provocative interview.
I watched that interview last night. I had no idea who John Rich was, so was unsure what to expect. I was riveted. Each and every Christian on earth should watch this. Even Tucker was flummoxed at times.
Does anyone have a link to that interview? I would love to see it!
Not sure this will work. Tucker’s content is paywalled usually for a day for subscribers only. Rumble usually has it first, but I could only find this on TCN.
Thank you what an amazing interview. Gave me tears and chills listening.
Thank you Janet! That worked!
The interview is accessible, but it's over an hour long. At what point do they talk about the shooting?
Thanks for sharing the link! HOW I wish John Rich would have stuck to his wonderful Revelation song and how it came about... He could have taken a standing ovation and gone out with a bang, UNFORTUNTELY he decided to give Tucker a teaching on the Rapture & the Antichrist...
I am not an expert on either topic, but one thing I do KNOW... the Bible clearly mentions the Antichrist, which John Rich stated that it doesn't...
He also said the Bible doesn't mention the word "Rapture" in English... which is correct, however it is translated to the term "caught up" (1Thessalonians 4:17) the Greek word is "harpaso" translated to "Rapturo" in Latin, which is where we get Rapture from.
I love how much scripture John Rich read out loud to Tucker, but he mixes up the Rapture scriptures with Jesus' Second Coming, two separate and different events. It normally would not bother me that he gets it wrong, only that he is teaching it to someone else incorrectly... Someone like Tucker, who seems to have no idea of the wealth of God's mysteries found in the Scriptures.
Link to music video:
It's free on several sites. Load this in your browser.
John Rich: Donald Trump, the Darkness of Eminem’s New ...
There's an index to different topic times on the interview.
There were so many people videoing because of what happened on J6!
This is true too.
that's a great point!
👉NEW!! EYEWITNESS accounts of lapsed security:
Sounds just like Jan 6 doesnt it?
They wanted Trump dead.
And I am starting to suspect they wanted the security lapses to be so bad that Republicans would start rioting so that they could impose martial law.
Angela, I don't buy into the whole thing. It's all wrong ... and nobody in 'top slots' want to talk about this whole thing. And if the table lady can see through it, don't you think everyone else can ... including people on the DJT side of the equation.
I also have to wonder what happen when Trump disappeared into that little huddle on stage center when any competent SS detail would have immediately hustle the target out of the kill zone. But no and instead, somebody emerges from the little huddle looking like Lady Liberty posing in the perfect photo op picture of the decade ... and so compositionally correct as to make one wonder?
The look hear, again as with everything else in 'the attempt' ... is not right.
The whole thing is rather strange.
I have to thank you. This, what you have sent to me by way of link, is one of best pieces of satire I have seen in a very, very long time. And after seeing the abomination of Republican National Convention last night, my spirits are raised. And rather amazing what one can do with words, and either to the good or bad.
We once again are being asked to swallow down Jonah's Whale as though it were just a wee innocent little sardine.
(For better or worse, I left a couple of Comments in may wake there.)
Thank you very much for saying so. As our essence is language or words, control of words to good or bad as you indicate is the ultimate power.
I like the idea of Jonah's whale and sardine!
And you left comments for better I say.
Thank you.
I went to a Trump rally in Arizona, and umbrellas were not allowed. They were allowed at this rally.
I was watching on RSBN and RAV and comments were made that maybe the security relented because of the heat.
Sure that's a nice gesture, but what about all those umbrellas at BLM-Antifa protests? I'm glad attendees in PA could have a little shade, and it doesn't appear that umbrellas there were used to hide bad guys, but was it worth the risk? Even President Trump doesn't get an umbrella or any kind of shade up there on the platform. (Granted the rallygoers are there for hours longer...)
I pray Gods Angels will wrap their arms and wings around him and "Coals of Fire Be Heaped Upon The Heads" of those doing the works of "The Destroyer"!
Even AI admits: "The authorities that exist have been established by God." (Romans 13:1) And Daniel knew that "He changes times and seasons: he sets up kings and deposes them." (2:20)
Jeff C, I commented in a like manner about God protecting Trump and someone called "Irish" responded with this, "Don't be ridiculous. Trump turned his head,crouched behind podium and smashed fake blood capsule on his ear.orherwise one of those behind trump ought to have been hit. No one sitting there was ." Sure, Irish, a likely story.
God bless Anne, don't waste your time arguing with demons. Christ Himself told us to not cast our pearls before swine.
What people haven't quite absorbed is that this was a split-second in time that changed the world. In the deep state scenario, the right is now leaderless, our side is utterly despondent and at their wits end, people are rioting in the streets, the county is tearing itself apart, and they slip away.
Instead, the opposite has happened. Trump is more beloved than ever, appears to be unstoppable, and instead of rioting, people on the right are energized and meticulously dissecting every aspect of this satanic sanctioned hit. Every day the deep state exposes itself more with lies more absurd than the last one.
It's a historic moment.
Edit: typo
So do the evil ones admit defeat and go off to look for peace and happiness elsewhere or are they planning the next event? I think back to Molly Ball's Time magazine piece detailing all the layers the 'Shadow Campaign' had in place to steer the 2020 election in their direction.
That’s so implausible that it’s ridiculous 🙄 Trump is not anywhere near a good enough actor to fake that and the whole rest of the events would have to have been organized and executed in such a fashion that it stretches all credibility. But some people want to believe this because it fits their narrative and world view. The fact that a big democrat donor was caught trying to push that lie said it all.
I don’t believe for a second that Trump would participate in something so devious. He absolutely would not put himself or his supporters in a life-threatening situation. Anyone that believes it was staged needs to see a mental health professional.
Yes, it wouldn't fit his personality and character in any way to do such a thing. Not to mention, how foolish it would be to think you could arrange a near miss and not risk ending up dead. It would be utterly insane.
I believe it is also a result of so many lies and disbelief that peole are now over thinking and questioning every little thing beyond common sense. Its the opposite side of psyops.
The most realistic is that they have been trying to stop him since he came in office. Remember the impeachments and Hillary saying he didn’t win! Then everything else. The only thing left is taking him out. Obviously they do not want him in office. Who ordered it and who actually shot are the remaining questions.
Yes. And I get that but for goodness’ sake I wish people would take a step back and actually analyze the likelihood and logic of these theories!
Oh absolutely! I was merely trying to explain that for those who don’t realize its pretty ridiculous.
Speaking of the Hildebeast, has anyone heard anything from the Clintons? 🤔
That was my very first thought. It was her who ordered it. On sat i thought it
"Hillary Clinton was unavailable for comment, as she was attending the funeral of a close family friend who had tragically died by suicide."
(/joke) I bet the Bee would publish that, though.
Just have to ignore the trolls that occasionally emerge from under their bridge (likely in the form of their parents’ basement).
Yeah they were out in force the other day and posting furiously all over this comment section and I haven’t seen those particular people since 🤔
I noticed that, too!
One guy so nasty and aggressive that I couldn't believe he could be a regular c&c reader. He surely wouldn't have the patience to read things that don't match his views.
I was watching the Rally in real time. Shook me to my core. In addition to Jeff’s commentary I normally come here, in the comments, for solace. Something told me not to delve too deep, so I didn’t. A good thing now, I can see.
One of those behind Trump WAS hit, and killed.
This is true! Poor corey
I believe that gentleman was in the bleachers to Trump's right. I've heard other people shot were in the bleachers on the opposite side.
Someone in the bleachers to Trump's right would have been shot if the shooter aimed too low.
"It wasn't a blood capsule. He rubbed a fistful of Cap'n Crunch on his ear. The blood was real!"
; )
Edit: I was trying to mock CNN. I thought the quotes, smiley, and absurdity of the comment would indicate my sarcasm. I was mistaken! Hope I didn't make anyone's . . . blood boil.
That makes the roof of my mouth sore just thinking about it. THANKS TOM!!!
Later Jay
My 'Reply' won't take me back to your comment, but I agree with you. And The Money tells the real story. People should watch this stuff, but they don't. The Walk Away movement (BRICS Plus, and more) is the real story, and the one story which now is beyond the control and long term influence of the Western Controllers. It is scaring the hell out them, and I think it's the reason why they are now so adamant on walking things back some.
You know that BRICS banking is managed by central banks so.......
The same unholy alliances that are assisting in the failures of our current system of commerce; same hand different finger (or something like that).
Later Jay
Ridiculous comment from a troll.
I was trying to mock CNN.
There are hundreds of cell phone videos. Soon enough they will be compiled and people will be able to triangulate exactly where each bullet came from. Sound travels slow enough that the shots will show up earlier (maybe .01 second earlier, but that's enough) on someone's cell phone if they were near the shooter than if they were near Trump.
I hope.
I was trying to mock CNN.
I saw blood on the USSS coat and hands.
I was trying to mock CNN.
I heard that they were also putting up fencing/barriers in DC again…in anticipation of riots maybe?
But walls
don’t work. Ask Nancy and Joe.
Yeah, well before this rally and cia attempt on his life. Hmm.
Very well said. Sir. Amen to that.
Did we ever really put a man on the moon or was that another psyop?
Ladies and gentlemen we have now entered the twilight zone.
Do dee do dee
No, we have been there since 1776 when we believed we had gotten rid of government tyranny.
The creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 on Jeckyll Island was indeed the beginning of our enslavement.
Listening to the serpent in the garden was the beginning of our enslavement.
I think we have been there since 2020!
We've been there since at LEAST 9/11/01...
I like the movie coming out about how the moon landing was fake. CIA calling in Hollywood. 😂 I haven’t seen it but the timing is comical. It’s almost like they are trying to get ahead of the truth exposing. ORRRR they wanna be able to fall back on “you people are watching too many movies” to blame the “conspiracy theories” on so they don’t have to come clean. Deny. Deny. Deny. Lie. Lie. Lie. It’s the MO.
Just once I'd like to see these liars pinned to the wall - all the way, to the point where they have to ADMIT they're lying.
I shoplifted a matchbox car from a drugstore when I was seven. I told a string of lies when my mom saw me playing at home with this shiny new car that she had just told me a half hour before I couldn't have. I told her I found it; she wanted me to show here where. I took her up the block to my friend's house to show her "the place"; she rang the doorbell and asked my friend's mom if she'd ever seen the car before, and the lady replied no. When I finally admitted I stole it, Mom drove me back to the store and made me give it back to the manager of the store. She didn't ground me - the triple humiliation was enough of a punishment. I never shoplifted again.
Just once I'd like to see these liars have to undergo the same humiliation. It's obvious they weren't raised by moms like mine...
You had a very wise Mom.
Thanks. She was a complicated person. Sometimes wise, sometimes wildly irrational and hysterical. It was nice to share that memory of her in this context.
Sounds like me.
I raised six. I lean heavy on the hysterical side 😏
Your mom did the exact right thing. We still laugh with my son because he was horrified when he and a friend were throwing rocks over the neighbors house…8-10yr olds…just to see if they could make it. 🤦🏼♀️ One big rock broke out their window. Utter silence and a pact to never tell. 🤦🏼♀️ Well one talked to a brother and the story made it to us parents. We marched the boys over to the house where they fessed up to doing it, then lying about it, then they paid to have it replaced out of their own money. The punishment was that and the fact the old crotchety lady who was a smoker and smelled like a chimney forced a hug to each of them. 😂 They were so grossed out. Clean slate ever since.
And YES! I would love just once to see these liars face actual consequences and have to admit what they did.
I think those people are incapable of feeling shame or humiliation.
which is why they should face a firing squad or a gallows.
Or, they process it in a different way and the outcome we all have to deal with.
Later Jay
I'm rather partial to 'drawn, hanged and quartered'
It’s called Fly Me To The Moon. Saw it. It was cute. Allowed for the possibility that the moon landing was faked, but came down squarely against that it actually was.
ck this out.
you'll laugh til you cry, then wonder how we could have ever believed it
I really like Hidden Figures better than any Kubrick film.
You're kidding , right? "Paths of Glory" was one of the best movies ever made.
Haven't seen that one, so I will amend my statement:
any Kubrick film that *I've* seen,
or just swap out ''any'' for ''the'' or something like that.
(I was basically referring to the Kubrick film involved in the moon landing controversy, okay?)
Not sure which film to which you are referring. I thought his "Eyes Wide Shut " was a truly bizarre film, but it's what got him killed, because I later found out, and rewatched , that this movie is an accurate portrayal of cabal ceremonies and rituals. Too close to home for them.
Most of the controversy/conspiracy revolves around The Shining and 2001:A Space Odyssey, believe it or not.
a lot of occult symbolism and of course, atrocious behavior
pretty sure it also killed the marriage of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman
Let me try again.
I have seen Clockwork Orange (shudder) and Eyes Wide Shut (creepy), 2001: A Space Odyssey (long time ago now), parts of Dr Strangelove, The Shining.
Not sure where the faked moon landing connection controversy started but here's a taste of what Brave Browser search engine came up with.
There's never been a Stanley Kubrick movie that I have seen that I could say I enjoyed.
But I did enjoy Hidden Figures enough to purchase it.
Thanks, now I know not to trust Brave. (My favorite alternate search engine is freespoke.)
The stupid summary Brave gave ignored the undebunkable: The kid in "The Shining" wore a handknit sweater with "Apollo 11" on it, for no discernable reason - and Kubrick always had a reason for the things he put in his scenes. There is also an overhead shot in that movie that supposedly looks like a launch pad.
But in general people think Kubrick faked the moon landing scenes because they know he could have done a very realistic job. I tend to believe he DIDN'T do it because there would have been a lot fewer errors like rocks casting double shadows, the shadowside of the lander having a lot of light, the horizon always ending 100 feet out and such. He probably could have made the moonwalks look more realistic. It's pretty apparent that they simply slowed down the videos to 1/2 or 2/3 speed, but they were in 1 G, not 1/6 G.
I wouldn't be surprised if NASA asked him to direct the shots of men walking on the moon, but he refused.
And for those interested...
Paths of Glory, ''a 1957 American anti-war film co-written and directed by Stanley Kubrick, based on the novel of the same name by Humphrey Cobb.''
Since I was born in 1956, I didn't see it at the time, lol.
But hey, I learned something new just now about Stanley Kubrick, so that's something.
And wonder why we've never been back?
Because it's impossible?
Since 1969, they can't replicate the technology. LOL.
Maybe because there's nothing really interesting to actually do there, and nothing except bragging rights to be gained...
When you go to the Smithsonian and see what supposedly went to the moon AND made it's truly laughable. And just footsteps away there are replicas of Star Wars and Star Trek spaceships. I fully believe that's not a coincidence. It was ALL a show.
Beyond laughable. A little buggy covered in tinfoil. People believe that things just 'fall' from the moon to earth, which is what we were told. That craft would have had to be built like a tank and speaking of tanks, it would need a YUGE gas tank to hold enough fuel to propel it 238K miles.
And dont forget they would have to bust through the dome first. (See operation fishbowl right after the Antarctic treaty)
I especially liked the phone call from the President of the U.S on a LANDLINE to the moon and people believed it. Our world populaion was soooo naive at the time. My parents believed it.
Only 30% of the population bought it at the time.
... of all the reasons, THAT is your reason?
I mean I get that it looks weird on the surface, but to an engineer it's just electrical signals. It's literally a moment's work to connect two wires from a telephone output to the input of a radio (and vice versa).
Actually no... the engines don't boost the whole way there, just at the beginning and end. Most of it is just coasting because there's no friction in space. So the fuel is mainly required just to get into orbit in the first place.
Getting through Van Allen radiation belts without the astronauts getting radiation poisoned, vertical landings, and the rendezvous with the command module after landing on the moon were all extremely formidable challenges. They are still working on those and other challenges in trying to go "back" to the moon.
you should both get a kick out of dave mcgowan's
My 40ish yo daughter had for years scoffed about the moon landings and I hadn’t given it much thought until found his chronicles a few years ago and now I’m 😳.
You know it has to be true!!!
Nixon was talking to them from a landline and the cameraman was already there to record that GIANT step for mankind!!!!! (They wanted us to believe we could become gods too!!!)
We all know the camera man was 'My Favorite Martian'
Absolutely not. No man on the moon. Sorry. Check out “Tuesday’s with Philberg” substack about the MOUNDS of evidence showing more deception used for a faked moon landing.
We had Russians to beat, even if we didn't actually do it.
too, too true-we had Hollywood
Ha! True, dat!
It was a psyop.
Of course not. God bless and keeping thinking for yourself and using your God-given senses.
hard to imagine anyone still believes that. but by all means use siri and an out of date cell phone and blast off. meanwhile . . for an amusing and comprehensive take down.
once the absurdity is pointed out, you'll be amazed that others dont see it
Psyop. Easily proven as well. At the time of the psyop, only 30% of people even believed it happened. Now everyone does. Psyops age well!
Except for those of us that actually worked on some of the stuff that went there. Y’all are some dumb asses, but I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. I’m as rock solid as a conspiracy theorist as any, but yeah we went to the moon. And no it’s not impossible. And yeah the earth is round. And there are are no turtles.
It's always interesting that people who are in the "no conspiracy" camp often resort to simply calling the other side stupid.
As you’ve just proven,the other side is stupid. See?
TBF most of the reasons given for it being "impossible", really ARE pretty stupid reasons to an engineer. And devoalan didn't come off to me as nasty, just as incredulous about some of the things people will hold conspiracy theories about.
Have you ever read David McGowan's series "Wagging the Moondoggie"?
Van Allen belt?
Why will they need 12 to 20 "tanker rockets" this time, when they didn't need any before? Any why is the program so far behind schedule, when they are just trying to redo what they did successfully - six times?
I assume it's because they want to send a full colony there this time, instead of three men in a tiny can. (Either that, or possibly you're confusing it with the plans for what's required to go to mars?)
Multiple other countries have been sending unmanned probes to the moon, which seems to contradict the idea that it's so logistically infeasible.
NASA needs you back devoalan, seems they are having problems getting qualified scientists/engineers to return to the moon.
LMAO, with their 700 crates of technology that disappeared, which is why we can't go back. But they're working on a spacesuit that CAN WORK. Oh wait, they were, they scrapped it.
So quick with the name-calling. If you're so sure why do you care what we're talking about?
I wondered when someone would say this. I remember seeing the astronauts sitting at the table in front of the press. They looked as though they wanted the ground to swallow them, not like guys who'd just gone to the moon, landed, and returned.
It was a LIE It was filmed in a studio.
To all who commented….i was asking that question facetiously!
I haven’t believed they put a man on the moon for quite awhile. So many lies!
Unfortunately, a psyop.
People trained and expected to TAKE A BULLET for their protectee might get hurt on an almost-flat roof!
Flat roof-flat earth, what's the diff?
Sloped earth
She, maybe.
DEIsteria: Best Woke Secret Service Memes (Foiled by a Sloped Roof!)
Boonie Fife, Three Stooges + Melissa McCarthy & Pat sightings, they don't do slopping roofs (but tell that to roofers), understanding the wage gap b/w men & women and more woke Secret Service memes!
Dang I knew Crooks looked familiar!! He's fricken Waldo!
He is!!! You found him!!!!
👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🙌🙌🙌👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Definitely needed humor!
dude. the "wage gap" is brilliant....and hilarious.
well done!
Secret service can block a bullet for someone, but can’t be placed on a sloped roof!?!?!
Heed, you’re humour makes me laugh out loud each morning!!
Great comment!
It certainly looked like a sloped roof where the men were who killed Crooks, but I guess that’s different.
We have the best Karens, don't we folks?
Yes, we do, usually. 😏
Great comment. But I’m now skeptical we actually put a man on the moon.
Cause of the slope?! 🤣
There is good reason to doubt that.
Have you seen "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon?"
Good one!
Later Jay
**IF ONLY**...the FBI were as awesome and speedy and clever as the writers make it on two excellent CBS shows: FBI AND FBI INTERNATIONAL.
The FBI was much better before it gave up its initial mission and became a spy agency.
We didn't put a man on the moon, but that argument can wait for another day.
At this point in history, I’d say that the moon landing and round vs flat earth theories are the least of my worries… Seriously!
It’s a ‘sloped earth’.
Thanks for the short take history lesson. I can't wait for the complete lecture.
Man on the moon? Really? Please stop believing what comes out of your television (and Disney, Hollywood, NASA.)
We could but we didn't.
Yeah we did. AFTER the tragic shooting investigators were all over the roof. Lol.
🤫 Stop pointing out the obvious! Maybe no one will notice. 🙄
You seem to be having a problem following the thread, which was about putting a man on the moon, not on a roof.
Lol. It was my comment that started this thread. Keep up!
Your supposed beginning of the thread must be your reason for failing to follow it.
Cannot travel beyond Van Allen belts.
That is what James McCanney said that the Russian cosmonauts that he knew when he was working for JPL told him. They learned the hard way by getting back several cooked cosmonauts and animals before giving up on the race to the moon.
Well, it’s doubtful we went to the moon in that tinfoil spaceship I saw at the Smithsonian, but I get your point.
watch "a funny thing happened on the way to the moon" documentary and tell me we actually went to the moon at all! I personally believe it was faked.....
The GOP isn't the "Christian" party. I'm a Christian, but also this is America. It is the prosperity party, the freedom party, the limited government party. (Or it was and should be.) There have always been non-Christians in the GOP and we should be welcoming all on the side of our values, not excluding anyone because of their religion or lack of. People can change - I thank God that at 59 I'm not how I was at 19 or 29. We are now in a good vs evil fight, and we should be welcoming all who are on the side of good.
Thanks. I’m Jewish with many Jewish friends who are Republicans and have been for many years.
It is truly a fight of Good v. Evil.
I liked what Jeff wrote: "A political party is not a church." I would add it's also not a religion. Neither are political ideologies, though many want to wear them that way.
Unlike the Dems, the GOP is not openly hateful of religion, which is probably why all sorts of religious people are now drawn to it. They feel more welcome. Christians have seen that for a long time b/c they've been in the government's crosshairs for a long time. Some of the others, I think, are seeing it now with the trans agenda. Once you start openly saying you'd like to castrate other peoples' kids without their knowledge or consent, it feels like some important universal religious line has been crossed.
As long as the new people are coming in as the ones whose views have changed and are not coming in to change the views of those already there, I am fine with it. More than fine, actually. I like it. It's a good sign of life for a party that was dead to the world just 9 years ago. I know Jeff didn't like Harmeet's song, but as they panned the camera around the crowd, I saw a lot of people praying in their own way along with her. I can't see how that's a bad thing.
IDK, this feels like the most energy I've seen at an RNC convention, probably ever.
I actually watched most of it. The only weird part was when Nikki Haley spoke. I just don't like her. Trump almost pulled a Hindenbiden and nodded off. Not kidding. I'm like NOOOOOOOO. Ha. DeSantis did a good job and Ben Carson used his diaphragm and his voice came out pretty strong. There was a Black lady from Brooklyn who once she warmed up she was lit.
I watched most of it as well. Trump looks tired. Could be pain meds, though, considering he just got shot in the head. On night 1 he looked especially tired or disinterested. Night 2 he looked more engaged and relaxed. I didn't notice him during Haley's speech.
Haley's speech was...odd. You could tell they don't really like each other. But, under the circumstances, I thought she did well. She will speak more to the neocon/war-lover faction.
I've been critical of DeSantis and still have my reservations, but I thought he was a highlight. Absolutely nailed his speech. Good energy and some great zingers against Biden that had substance.
The black lady from NY (not sure if it's the same one you mentioned) was also great. Once she got going, it was powerful. You can tell she's still mad about what the regime did to her. As were the others that also delivered what I'd call victim impact statements, being victims of the regime's policies. They were all pretty moving.
I rarely watch these conferences. They're usually boring and kind of cringe-worthy. But, there seems to be a ton of energy at this one.
It's funny, because I don't mind people like Amber Rose and Harmeet Dhillon(sp?) and think Matt Walsh is acting like a putz (kinda disappointed, tbh) but I really wish they would show Haley, Graham, Romney and all the rest of the warmongers the door. They shouldn't be in the new party. Their beliefs align more with the DNC.
Walsh was too harsh, IMO. (He who has no sin...) Maybe Amber is growing up.
Who they give speaking time to can be a signal for where they're going. I have started to think about it like change management at a very large company. It has to be done in stages over time. Even the bad actors have loyalists working in important roles. Feels like that is what's happening. No clue if it will be successful.
Agreed - out with the old. The new party needs to be for the middle class populist crowd all the way.
I think having Haley up to speak was an overture of unity from Trump, to traditionally establishment voters. "This is *our* party now, but you can still be in it if you get behind us. And look carefully at what the alternative is..."
I'm trying to find a clip of the women from NY- she was preaching. And I usually only watch when the nominee speaks as well but there was a lot of good energy. Yay. Finally.
Seeing online about DeSantis tongue flicking! I forgot to mention I like WV Gov Justice sit down talk with his bulldog Baby Dog! Funny and Sarah Huckabee Sanders always does a good job.
Yes, Sarah!!
I found Nikki ego getting in the way of her being sincere. I like most of what she said. I watched the whole thing and it is my first ever watching the convention… I watched part on Monday. I was left with a feeling of hope. I am glad to see diverse group of people. Most of what I believe the Republican stand for are human rights issues and not necessarily religious issue…Christians care about these issues but they are not the only ones. We have more in common than we do that divide us.
The key word is 'openly'. But by actions seen?
I agree about the energy and joy.
that's great news!
I had heard about a “porn star” (she’s on only fans I believe, not very knowledgeable about that) speaking at the convention, but then I heard Amber Rose’s speech on a radio program I was listening to, and found her very likable and could see how her speech could be compelling to people who may not naturally vote republican. She talked about how her dad challenged her to find evidence that Trump is racist, and she couldn’t… she had just previously believed media lies.
I saw this ALL THE TIME!!! Sorry for shouting, lol. It's just soooooo frustrating when you see liberal friend after liberal friend parroting that he's a racist. I am like "google it" - you can't even find a decent example other than that he said china flu about the pandemic. So dumb. Now do the reverse on Biden and you have a treasure trove. Now that man is a real racist. But we always say the Democrats are the real racists. I've known that for years watching what they say behind closed doors.
The Dem party caused the civil war to keep racist slavery. Then they fought integration. They project onto others what they are.
She was dressed modestly, respectfully and her words were sincere. I couldn’t help but like her and believe her words will resonate with younger voters.
Agreed. It's for this reason that I also never call myself a Republican. I'm conservative and the Republican party, at the moment, best represents my values and beliefs. I don't agree with everything and everyone, nor should I. But I will gladly accept someone to the team who is willing to give our small government values a shot and be open to hearing our ideas even if they don't fully agree with everything - including abortion. Frankly, for as pro-life as I am, I could care less about this as an issue on the ballot. It's the LAST issue I vote on. For a lot of the left, it's the first and only issue they vote on. If this woman wants to join us and place the abortion issue on a side table, even if she holds different views than I, than great! Welcome to the conservatives, freedom loving, small government team.
I am disappointed about the abortion stance being watered down, but I also wonder if politics is the best venue to oppose abortion (I mean how much do we really trust most politicians). In other words, those of us who are anti abortion can support organizations and do other things in our personal interactions that help women choose life for their unborn baby.
Well since it’s a state level issue now, maybe it’s not needed at the federal level so much anymore?
And maybe more babies can be saved outside the political realm
Yes. RL
this is exactly what Inthought as I was also disappointed but then felt reassured as a state issue.
I urge everyone who believes in the sanctity of human life to volunteer for or financially support your local pregnancy counseling center. I have been involved as a crisis pregnancy counselor (I also counsel post abortive women who deeply regret their abortion) for many years. By loving women who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy, providing free ultrasounds for them and the father of their babies, and providing material support we have saved thousands of babies lives. It is not up to the government to save babies (although a government that encourages pregnant women to keep their babies and offers financial incentives for choosing life would be helpful) it is up to me!! Get involved - volunteer or make donations.
Abortion isn't just about whether people's morals align with it, it's HUGE business for the NIH & FDA who purchases 'fresh not frozen' aborted babies for medical 'research', i.e. humanized mice.
The University of Pittsburgh sewed dead/alive baby scalps onto the back of mice.
With Fauci's money.
Abortion is a human rights issue. It is also a lightening rod and at the moment, it is time to unite. President Trump is the only President to speak at a Pro-Life Parade and look at Roe vs Wade. It is my hope he continues to lead from the front on it and start moving funding away from PP and move it into women health and maternity. Let’s really make a change a the local level. I hope at a Pregnancy Resource Center and there is not funding but fundraisers to support it. It is shameful how little go to helping a woman once she is pregnant.
Great point, and so, too, the one by Sir Jeffrey about becoming Pharisees. I agree. That judgmental, legalistic mind is a trap of the evil one and I spent years in it. My pastor shared a series on the book, "A Twelve-Step program for a Recovering Pharisee". I needed it. When our compatriots see the truth that the republicans (freedom-lovers- MAGA -- the 'R' word has a lot of stink on it to me these days) are welcoming and NOT the haters we are labeled as, we can rejoice. People are listening to people instead of the mind-warping msm. The truth comes by degrees for everyone. Let's keep seeking/sharing TRUTH together.
Yes, very well stated!
How about the religion or god party? Christians, Muslims & Jews have shared beliefs... Even Hindus, Buddhists etc at least believe in god or gods etc etc...
Unnecessary. Religious beliefs should be personal to each person.
Muslims don’t have shared beliefs. They reject the concepts of the Trinity and Incarnation. Allah chooses from day to day what reality is and what constitutes goodness. He promotes killing people in jihad, to institute the Muslim order. God is bound by His own laws of goodness. Allah is not, but is pure will.
Shared beliefs is used to mean belief in one Deity and in Heaven and Hell. But the only guaranteed way for a man to reach Paradise is by dying while waging jihad. Which is a sin for everyone else. The only guaranteed way for a woman to reach Paradise is for her husband to be satisfied with her at the time of her death. Others may enter Paradise at Allah’s pleasure.
Yikes, I’d hate to miss out on heaven because my husband wasn’t satisfied with me at the time of my death.
I like that!
Exactly. The "Moral Majority" is gone, as it should be. Christians were hoodwinked into supporting forever wars in exchange for their unquestioning loyalty. Meanwhile, the establishment snakes that attracted us continued to do what they do - posturing against bad policy while never quite getting around to reversing it when they regained power. The Republican party is not a Christian party. It's a coalition of like-minded people that want responsible, limited government. Make some lemonade and enjoy the show.
Other former Dems: Trump; Steve Bannon; Andrew Breitbart. (I used to be leftist too. That changed after the Greens wanted folks to take shorter showers, made me turn libertarian immediately). People do change.
You can add me to that list…my mother, too😉.
Agreed 100%!
We are also the party of Innocent Life. No abortion or war!
Yes, any Christian who thinks the GOP is a Christian party is clueless. No political party is righteous. It’s a group organized to CONTROL the population! I’m a Christ follower and I put no faith in politicians to instill morals. Gods works in each person’s spirit when they seek. Other than that, just vote for people that are less stupid than their opponent.
You could call it a party of Judeo-Christian values. Just a half baked thought.
Well said!
The slope excuse/reason is one of the most bizarre and stupidest explanations I have even encountered. For that reason alone she should be sacked.
What could she say? The team in question was sent for donuts?🤣
Bongino reports source told him the team for that roof never showed up.
Read somewhere yesterday that the team was understaffed b/c Jill was also in town and they took some folks away for her. And that some of the people they assigned to Trump were temps. I found all of that insane. Jill's event should just have been cancelled b/c she's not important and no one cares what she has to say. And TEMPS? The USSS has TEMPS? Are they mall cops or something? I really hope that report was incorrect. But, it does explain the short chubby girl who couldn't holster her weapon, ducked and covered behind Trump, and then looked around like a startled squirrel.
'Mall cops' I LMAO when I read that. Best comment of the day!
I have to admit, when I saw the short pudgy girl, it was my first thought. So untrained that even I can notice it. Can't imagine what trained eyes thought of it.
From what I've seen and read, trained eyes are spinning hay into gold.
Ha ha! Kevin James would have gotten the job done!
By "temps", what I heard was that they were agents "borrowed" from a different agency, so still theoretically federal officers but probably not well-trained in secret service work.
But, that's just something I heard on the internet, so I'd wait for more confirmation before treating it as certain.
That would make more sense and be somewhat less concerning.
They should have sent the Barbie squad to guard Jill. There couldn’t have been more than 5 people there.
All the females ducked first….none of them were experienced at all. They sent Barbies for a real world job. What a joke.
If not temps, then why not crises actors? I know, I know ... totally outlandish. But on the other hand what about the Photo of the Decade. As Trump would say, "a perfect photo."
(And maybe too perfect. Maybe too perfect in a landscape which doesn't make a lick of sense. Something is very wrong here and I notice that nobody at the top of heap anywhere wants to look at the mountain of jagged 'inconsistencies'. Nobody ... no matter the affiliations.)
Right, it’s appalling 😳
I found this article an interesting analysis of the situation with visuals. No idea who he is, but was interesting to me to see how the buildings are laid out, where the lines of sight are, etc. (Also glad he pointed out that a hydraulic arm of the machine holding the lights got shot out and started spraying fluid. In one of the videos I could see what looked like a hose spraying and was wondering what the heck it was.)
Oh that’s very interesting, thanks for sharing!
I’m inclined to think the doughnut excuse would have been better than the sloped roof excuse. I’ve always heard that the SS agents are obligated to literally take a bullet for those they are protecting. Doesn’t really mesh well will them being afraid to stand on a sloped roof, but we all know how much law enforcement loves doughnuts.😊 Also, the sniper team that took out the shooter was also on a sloped roof so that dog doesn’t really hunt anyway.
It amazes me how little self-awareness Democrats have. If I was in her position I would resign and go into hiding, possibly forever because this will go down as not only the biggest Secret Service failure (will memes living on forever about their Keystone Cop antics), but maybe the biggest law enforcement failure ever. Yet she gives interviews and will appear before Congress, without bowing her head in shame!
As long as the check clears....
'Securing it from the inside'??? How was the inside of a flat building a threat? 🤔🤔🙄
They could look out the windows, silly!
Yeah that's the focal point of the assassination conspiracy....whoever was supposed to be on the roof should be the investigation's main target. Don't worry though, the fbi will get to the bottom of it!
They'll get Peter Strzok to investigate....
I am assuming the last sentence was sarcastic?
Sources say someone was supposed to be on that rooftop!
Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino: Someone Was Supposed to Be on Roof Where Would-Be Trump Assassin Shot from – Biden Regime Telling Secret Service Director to Shut Up (VIDEO)
Lol, yes sarcastic. Yeah exactly, makes a conspiracy a lot more compartmentalized and manageable when everybody thinks it's law enforcement on the rooftop. While the person on the rooftop replaces himself with the assassin.
Get that incompetent, ignorant and dangerously stupid woman out of there.
I bet she’s only there so the real people who run things can continue to do so right in front of her without her catching on. She’s an embarrassment to women who actually could direct an agency like the Secret Service.
Cheatle HAS to go but probably won't.
As for those short, tubby women hopping around looking like startled rabbits - one of whom couldn't get her gun in its holster - what in the hell were they doing there?
I'm female. My idea of bodyguards for President Trump would be a group of very tall, fit, strong guys.
At least have guards as tall as the protectee.
SOME SLOPES ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS:,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
DEIsteria: Best Woke Secret Service Memes (Foiled by a Sloped Roof!)
Boonie Fife, Three Stooges + Melissa McCarthy & Pat sightings, they don't do slopping roofs (but tell that to roofers), understanding the wage gap b/w men & women and more woke Secret Service memes!
I hope that SS woman has a thick skin. Melissa McCarthy was obvious until I saw 'Pat'! That was a blast from the past.
Don’t you all miss Pat? My mother recently turned 99. When I tried to explain to her how people wanted to use different pronouns because they were neither he nor she, she said, simply, clearly, and without animosity: “That’s easy. They should be called ‘it’.”
Words of wisdom from someone who has lived and probably seen it all. Keep it simple!
I totally agree with her! It is much less confusing and more grammatically correct than 'they'.
It drives me crazy when they use “they” to refer to a known, named single individual, I keep looking for the second one 🤪🙄
Showing your age... 😂
Everyday! LOL
I just can’t with these people.
They say such outrageous statements with straight faces.
And worse, I imagine some people saying- “Oh, well that makes perfect sense”…
No critical thinking skills & most definitely no common sense.
Ms DEI SS Director thinks we are stupid, gullible—and for a certain segment of the population, she is correct.
Babylon Bee stuff & she doesn’t “get it”
I hope no politician who needs Secret Service ever Comes to Mexico where I live. Not only is every sidewalk sloped, everyone is also made of broken flagstones which are never fixed because they add to the Mexican atmosphere. I have fallen four times already in my two years here and falling is what we do when we need excitement in our lives. I doubt the Secret Service would be capable of maneuvering like old people like me managed to do.
Proverbs 15:21
“Stupidity is the delight of the senseless, but an understanding man walks uprightly.”
I don’t engage in the back and forth mainstream social media nonsense, but I do from time to time peruse the comments. The crux of the Trump haters' “arguments” are almost universally centered around “28 felony counts” and pointless hate filled nonsensical ramblings about “Orange Man." I mean, what do you say in the face of such inane babblings? "This is the best you got?!" Discretion being the better part of valor, I refuse to “take the cheese”. TDS is real. Given Trump’s successful run in real estate, he’s got to relish living rent free in the heads of these ding-dongs. Oh, the irony.
Also, they're upset that Trump outrageously wore an oversized ear bandage. He's a literal tyrant!
""Trump's ear bandage was so unnecessary"
Oh so *now* they can tell the medical experts how to do their jobs 🙄🙄🙄 I thought people without a medical degree (according to them at least) aren't allowed to weigh in on this kind of thing ?
Only if it's about Covid and vaccine mandates ... then people without medical degrees are welcomed. See: Fauci, Hotez, Bourla et al.
Being an ER nurse in my past, I had to have a look at the bandage….I couldn’t stop laughing! Thank you for that!!
As a former registered nurse with 32yrs of experience I can think of plenty of reasons why that wound needed to be covered.
Some of the horrors I’ve heard about what someone will do with ordinance before using it on a person in order to make it “more effective “ or infective, I would want that thing to be cleaned to the nth degree, covered in Neosporin or Bactroban and some good oral or IV broad spectrum antibiotics onboard STAT. He’s probably lucky it didn’t have ricin or something else on it too. Hope they thought of that.
How does one bandage an ear... Looked like a large piece of gauze taped to his ear. An ear, by the way, that's going to be the most photographed in the world once it's healed and revealed.
I looked at the photo and Trump might want to get one of those face shields- only make it bulletproof!
I too can agree to bandage the ear! Really? Of course, it has to have a bandage. I stand amazed at God’s goodness to America in a nanosecond! What a difference it made.
Oh, that is hilarious!!!
Trauma surgeon here… not sure if the wound was cleaned and allowed to heal on its own, or some form of reconstruction was done by an ENT or plastic surgeon. There might even be a tiny drain under that bandage. That would be a legitimate reason for a sizable bandage. I like to think he’s just trolling the media though.
The responses to _that_ have been pretty funny. LOTS of mask + face shield pics following up on those comments. :)
Oh that’s hilarious!! 😆
Yet another reason not to engage the severely twisted and maladjusted in conversation.
Mark Hamill has TDS really bad. Doofus.
My Sister brought up the felonies yesterday. She refused to have an open mind. I just gave up
Does she realize that they were misdemeanors, at best, deliberately made into felonies?
Does she know that even Democrat lawyers like Dershowitz (well known) have commented about this! Infact, they can't even figure out the crime.
I think that the American people have to learn to separate their like or dislike of a person with objective facts.
Objective facts are “racist”. And don’t bring up facts unless you want a deluge of name-calling assertions.
Fortunately, more and more people are starting to see the light. Don't give up on your sister yet. We still have 3+ mos before Nov 5. I would bet there are going to be more "surprises" that will convince people to vote for Trump.
I am not gibing up. It’s just amazing how closed minded or deaf some can be.
October surprise or is this ground hog day?? Which is it????
Did you mention that Joe Biden’s son who has now become one of his closest advisors (🙄) is also a convicted felon?
And….Joe is a unconvicted felon due to our corrupt judicial system and media!
That won't convince someone who hates Trump. But I do agree!
I LOVED when, during the debate. Biden called Trump a felon, and Trump snapped back: "so is your son"!👍🤣
Hahahaha! ❤️
And Joe is an unconvinced felon, who has actually committed crimes. Trump hasn’t actually committed a crime.
Trump is probably the most investigated person in our country, if he even did something questionable, we would know, and by the looks of all these lawfare cases, he’s pretty clean.
Oops… unconvicted felon… although the leftists are unconvinced 😀
I type on my phone,and it is CONSTANTLY changing words on me lately (and going to settings to undo it hasn't helped). It also decides to make a period when I have hit a comma! It is so embarrassing and exasperating!
I share your pain
A REAL convicted felon…
Where the biggest piece of evidence used to convict him was a laptop they spent years convincing the public was not real and a “Russian hoax”. The mind gymnastics these ppl use to discredit Trump is bananas. And the fact that so many people still believe it is unfathomable - just like those who think the covid vaccines work 🥴
Did you tell that, no, he hasn’t yet been convicted of anything?
I tried
I get it. Had a discussion last night with my daughter about J6. She was unaware of the Supreme Court decision,and besides, she saw a documentary on it. I don’t discuss politics with most people any more, I just want to knock on their forehead and ask if anyone is in there.
Yeah. My son-in-law. He tried to tell me I couldn’t talk about politics in MY OWN HOME!!! Because I was making him mad.
Wow!! That is ballsy.
—“I just want to knock on their forehead and ask if anyone is in there.”
This!! 😁
The dc courts should be disbanded. That whole court is an arm of the Democrat party and the DOJ.
I automatically use this as a litmus test for someone's intelligence now. If they call him a felon for those joke of a misdemeanor charges trumped up into felonies, I immediately know I am dealing with someone not very bright.
Basically the illegitimate legal system in New York took a possible mistake in labeling of a quick book entry, and turned it into a felony. Then , the jury was instructed that they didn’t have to agree on which felony was committed, they could all have different bases for their guilty vote.
A true kangaroo court presided over by a corrupt clown.
Ask your sister if she ever fills out the memo line on her checks. Then warn her to be extremely careful what she writes. LOL
We already joke about that. I have more success with humor than anything else
Get back with her after they successfully appeal those convictions.
At this point is impossible to make sense of B. S. That’s why they just repeat the same talking points without any other context or explanation….other way they have to own the truth about being wrong (sleep) all along, just watch again the video of asking CNN about big guy brain. Crickets…. Dont argue with your sister. Just send her the video and ask about her opinion.
And wait for her answer.
I absolutely refuse to discuss politics with my family. It’s a mistake every time so I don’t make that mistake.
I dropped it. She brought it up.
I think there are some women who have daddy issues and Donald Trump has become the image of their issues. Instead of addressing their own problems with males, then put all their focus on Trump. It is sad because they are living a bitter life.
Big pharma will no doubt come out soon with a vaccine for TDS.
Not until it becomes part of Operation Warp Speed.
Awww….have you gotten your bird flu shot yet???? I could send it to you!! FedEx will warp it to you.
In my experience, my history with GBS in 1987 serves as a contraindication for all of them in my case.
I made a mistake.
In my experience, my history with GBS in 1976 serves as a contraindication for all of them in my case.
haha very funny... *sarcasm*
Ignore this person who evidently doesn’t have a life filled with other more important things than coming here repeatedly with snarc
At least he's consistent, haha.
*apologies if I got the pronoun wrong, lol
It would have been followed by :-) if I'd been being sarcastic.
And the best part is they will run to take the vaccine
My new phrase to them…I’m going to pray for you…if that doesn’t shut them up then they are too far gone. 🤣
I will definitely use that line, but I have been saying: “you should have your hatred for another human being checked and maybe engage in some prayer about that”
And, the President isn't is the issues.
Every time I hear the Democrats, it seems to me that they could give a damn about anything other than lgbtq and abortion, disguised as 'women's rights'.
Democrat Party: Party of Abortion.
Abortion is health care....well, not for the baby😔
The ironies abound. Feminists fighting for abortions so female babies in utero can be killed.
@AngelaK right?! It’s just ghoulish. “I demand the right to kill unborn babies!!” Dear God 🤦🏻♀️
Kill their own baby… how horrible it is that some celebrate.
It isn't as if it is completely illegal or has been made completely illegal, either!
(and rapid pregnancy tests confirm it with almost 100% accuracy right after a missed period).
And anyone using sympto-thermic knows conception within days after ovulation, when basal temp remains high--speaking from lots of personal experience. No need to wait for missed period. But Joe is an expert in these matters.
DemonicRATS = Cult of Death.
EVERYTHING with them is about killing off humans.
It really seems like their whole platform is somehow centered around having sex and making other people pay for your stuff 🤨
Love that. Kind of like “bless your heart”
We also have to remember that the DNC, Soros, and other such orgs all have paid commenters to "seed" their ideas. Meaning, some of it is not organic and is intended to give the impression there is more of it than there is and attempt to sway opinion to their side. And bots, of course. I'm skeptical of much it. The TDS is there, but it's being intentionally amplified.
I too refuse. I wrote “Don’t take the bait” in my bible, near Ps. 91, in late 2022. I remember engaging a lefty loon in a jab convo that ended badly. Since that time, I type and delete.
If someone says "34 felony convictions" I would respond "... for inaccurate bookkeeping notations describing payments which were legal."
Thank you for your advice about not engaging with featherheads. I often react too hastily and later regret taking the bait. There is quite a difference in declaring your opinion vs needlessly confronting those who embrace evil or stupidity.
I believe Jeff did a review of this trial. Someone can correct me if I am remembering incorrectly…
1-The 28 charges were literally “Trumped up” misdemeanors charged as felonies.
2-Jurors were allowed to pick and choose which charges they thought were proven. There was essentially no definition of any “felony.” So the 12 cafeteria-style jurors likely selected all charges to come up with 28.
3-there were so many grounds for appeal that occurred that this is being appealed. Attorneys make notes during the trial of what will be appealed.
It doesn't say much about their IQ. One could retort with 'dementia botox' man, but that would be sinking as low as them.
I was talking to someone who mentioned the NDA like it was a controversial document to have someone sign. I responded with “do you realize that very successful business people and super wealthy individuals have vultures trying to entrap them in scandals all the time, and these people have gotten in the habit of just paying them off (even if fabricated) and having them sign NDAs because it’s less costly than combatting the scandal.”
Wait...only 28? I thought it was 34!...;-)
So true Jeff ‘Like Jesus, we should seek to commune with sinners, while refusing to acquiesce to sin.’ Invite them in but do not let them set policy or promote a culture that goes against life and biblical teachings.
Exactly. Hate the sin not the sinner. BUT. Do not change your beliefs to accommodate theirs. They have to change THEIR way of thinking.
Change takes time. Little by little.
Yes! Hoping that by example, not judgemental or holier than thou attitudes, the culture and its people might change.
Young people have been indoctrinated to call the Republicans a 'party of hate'.
... and they should repent, if they are truly serious.
The Party is not a house of worship, but in being non judgemental and continuing to be true to its side of the culture war, maybe the war can one day be won and hearts can change.
And remember we are all sinners, some saved by grace, and some not (yet).
I am of the camp that you earn your stripes, not just declare them. These new ‘campers’ - watch their actions, observe their hearts.
The Ten Commandments did not go away with the advent of the New Covenant. We have to start somewhere, just keep it simple and un-distorted.
We have seen , in the last few years, some seriously flawed human beings ditch their ways and embrace God, Russell Brand, Nala Ray (only fans girl), Kat Von D. We should pray for Amber and welcome her to the side of righteousness. This is exactly what Jesus taught.
Exactly. Meet them where they are doesn’t mean staying there with them. It means giving them the opportunity to hear and accept the Truth.
I don't really have an issue with other people swapping parties. I do have an issue if the values of the party are changing just to attract new people. That's a bit more concerning. I mean, even the Democrat party was somewhat sane at one point. Democrats from the 80's and 90's wouldn't recognize the party today.
"I do have an issue if the values of the party are changing just to attract new people"--IMO that's just what the Church has been doing for the last decades.
Thought about this just the other day. Kucinich was considered a left-wing radical. Now, he'd be called "far right." All of Trump's positions just 30 years ago were mainstream (D) positions.
I think it's fine - and actually really good - if the new people joining have had their eyes opened to problems with leftist ideas and the people joining the party are the ones changing. I think the party needs to have a steady set of values. Life, liberty, pursuit, free from gov't intrusion, etc.
Of course, one could also argue the party's lost its way in the recent past (DHS, Patriot Act, Iraq war, on and on), before any of this influx of new people. And it was effectively dead in the public's eye before Trump brought it back to life. As usual, no simple or easy answers.
Maybe we're confusing "the Party" with the "politicians" who often have their own agendas?
I see it as...the parties are just private companies owned by a small number of individuals with their own agenda. The party is comprised of the politicians within it. And led by some based on their agenda. There's nothing sacred about political parties, and they do change over time. Sometimes disappearing completely when the voters no longer see their value prop as relevant.
I think the core issue is that the parties are supposed to have BROAD overarching ideological bents that then need to be translated into specific policies and goals at a given moment in time.
E.g., many would say "limited government" is a GOP party core value. But, what does "limited gov't" mean in practice? It certainly didn't (and doesn't) mean small or un-intrusive government to the Bushes, Cheneys, McConnells, Grahams, or probably 85% of elected Republicans. It's just a slogan to them. To most, it seems to only mean lower marginal tax rates, while gov't size, spending, and power all increase. Is that in line with the party's ideology? Is it in line with the voters' view of the party's ideology?
I think what the ascension of Trump really means is that the people who vote (R) have decided it doesn't and that the party had lost its way and needed to be reoriented.
Well put
Yes. It used to be easy to find major problems with the Republican party. I used to be a very tribal Democrat, back when I thought they were the anti-war, anti-corporate greed, and free speech party. Now I am no longer tribal. I am probably a libertarian leaning independent. But I also see an awful lot of Uniparty/duopoly problems. I watch what people do, not what they say they will do. Anti-globalist and medical freedom are at the top of my list.
No more of that kind of "tolerance"! It got us where we are now. We had a corrupted understanding of turning the other cheek.
But that's the dangerous part, isn't it? Easier said than done.
Everywhere my mind is in a psyops. Are these transformers permanently changing or are they just waffles, maybe unnatural implants? Are all parties the same mixed bag of nuts only some have salt? Who's in position and will "toe" the line? Who's following who and why? There has to be a higher ground than a man, any man or woman, alone.
Exactly what I said but you said it more eloquently.
Not a five foot ladder as Jeff Childers quoted the feds as saying. People found it on Home Depot's website and based on the rung count it's at least a ten foot ladder, maybe 12 feet (you can't see the bottom rungs in the news photos).
So the story is the shooter dragged a ten foot ladder from Home Depot to Trump's rally unnoticed. The lies here are getting hard to sort out.
Are we agreed that an assassination was the obvious next step to get Trump out of he race once the lawfare failed to have its intended result? I’m not saying it was a Democrat conspiracy per se, I’m just saying I was expecting an attempt. From somewhere.
Also ask yourself why Nikki Haley (the runner-up to Trump in the primaries) was invited to the GOP convention a scant 48 hours before the Butler rally. Did the Old Club believe they'd be coronating her, literally over Trump's dead body?
Also ask yourself why it happened before Trump declared his VP pick. Once that choice was made, it would have been nearly impossible to change the heir apparent if the hit had been successful.
I'm not saying Haley had anything to do with it, but that those who would benefit from Trump's demise like her and hate Vance. In the alternate timeline, Trump dies with no VP named. We go into the convention without a leader and Haley gets the nomination since she stayed in the campaign the longest. She also happens to be a neocon warmonger.
That's why Trump named Vance and moved the announcement up to Monday IMO.
@Roger Beal I thought Haley was invited *after* the assassination attempt? In the new spirit of unity (TM) and all. I remember thinking how quick of a turnaround that would be for her, to prepare a speech, travel, etc.
You're correct about the timing. My error.
A lot of speculation about Haley’s last minute invite, releasing her delegates, and Facebook and Instagram releasing Trump’s accounts from jail just prior to assassination attempt. Not to mention FJB’s comment about how “Trump will soon face a great challenge.” All very sketchy.
Remember Trump recently said that Neo-Con Nikki would have a place in his administration. 🤮🤮🤮
Be aware of his ‘pivot’ to the center and over to the neocon side.
The debate was a huge failure for the Democrats and they continued to spiral. I think she was invited because it looks like Trump is going to win. I don’t think it had anything to do with the attempt. I also don’t think it is wise to start rumors that have no foundation at all.
Perhaps globalists? Who have quite a bit of control over both parties. How the whole world acted in lock step to push those dangerous and deadly genetic injections. I think they view Trump as too unpredictable to be controllable.
Yes. He used a five foot ladder to hoist himself up 15 ft. Huh?
And how did the security people not notice he had an AR 15 rifle on him?
There are a lot of unanswered questions.
From the one grainy photo I saw, it looked like an AK dustcover above the receiver.
But who knows what they will claim?
I read it was disassembled and in his backpack? But who knows?
And I'm sure it's standard protocol not to examine the private contents of a backpack at a Trump presidential rally. [Eye roll]
I've been to a 2020 Trump rally - they got up close and personal with my nut sack, please excuse the crudity.
I'm sorry but despite what y'all may think, I'm the opposite of a conspiracy theorist. I'm allergic to them.
But this is so crazy that you'd have to be willfully ignorant to put all these crazy facts down as "incompetence." I'm just a burned out, grey-haired former litigator, but even I - with no military or police experience whatsoever - would've known to put a security agent on top of THE NEAREST BUILDING WITH A CLEAR LINE OF SIGHT to the President.
N*gga, PLEASE!
I don’t know why you’re talking to me about believing it’s just “incompetence”. I never suggested that was the case, I just said what I’d heard about the backpack being where he’d supposedly put the weapon. Of course it’s ridiculous that they wouldn’t have seen or searched it. I didn’t speak to that part at all so no need to go off on me 🙄
No, I wasn't intending to go off on you at all.
Wasn't aimed at you, but only replying to the ridiculous things the official story is trying to get us all to believe.
Sorry if I offended you and was unclear.
Supposedly climbed an HVAC unit to get up there.
Or he had spider man super powers 🤷.
One never knows these days.
5' to top of HVAC with gear, pull up ladder, set it up again against wall...?
There are so many questions about this shooting. I find it all F’ng BS. Some wanted him out before the convention and millimeters away from success
That ladder was already there. Another SS fail.
Do they mention the SS team that helped him at Home Depot.
And how did that ladder fit into whatever car he was driving?
roof rack
Last night, I read a article that the FBI says the 5' ladder was not found at the building (still in his car?). That 10'/12' ladder is a mystery. Was the ladder placed by the police to access the roof before or after the shooting? When was the photo taken by the helicopter?
Even without a ladder, the shooter could have simply climbed onto the building from a different location (see google maps street views; garden shed against the wall, AC units, etc)
I have owned that very ladder. It weighed at least 50 pounds, and toting it around, as long as it was, was a challenge for one man.
And this kid toted it a MILE?
Yes, I thought that the ladder was probably much taller than that. This whole thing really reeks of a horrible plot.
Was it a Little Nephilim brand ladder?
Oh, that is rich! How many beautiful daughters of men does it take to hoist a ladder?
Dear Matt Walsh: Pick a different battle. Not this one. Leave it alone. There must be something better for you to do.
Matt gets a ton of credit as he might be singularly responsible for changing the direction of and conversation on the transgender issue.
I agree but people like Scott Presler and Brandon Straka have also done a whole lot for the Republican Party and conservatives.
Totally agree. I really like both of them. Scott Presler's energy is infectious (in a good way :)) and Brandon Straka has suffered for his defection from the D party.
I usually agree with Walsh, but the left needs to be allowed baby steps over to the other side.
I agreed with Matt and Jeff's take. Thank you Counselor.
Maybe he should become a drag queen?
At the end of the day, I want a political party that will protect my right to think what I want to think and say what I want to say. As long as there are no fidelity pledges requiring me to praise tattoos (I hate them) and I can still make the case that killing babies is bad, and traditional marriage is the best environment in which to raise human beings and ensure a future civilization, I'm good. I used to vote solely on the issue of abortion but as that has been essentially defanged as a political issue, I now vote on free speech. Whichever party promotes and protects THAT has my vote.
Agree. The most important thing should be limited government and protection of our God-given rights.
Agree completely.
Free speech is everything.
Protect your right to think???
Yes. Check out some of the laws in England and you will see what I mean. A woman was arrested because she was standing outside an abortion facility saying prayers "in her head." That is no longer allowed there. A literal "thought crime."
How sad is that! Minority report, here we are!!
We have decided we cannot in good conscience vote in The presidential election this year. We cannot vote for any person that is ok with continuing sacrifices to the gods Molech and Baal. We’re just going to write in Yeshua Hamashiach. That will not violate our belief system and ultimately, the Lord will place the next person who will orchestrate His will. We know we are in the end times,,, one world globalism/economy/religion is coming soon.
Yes! Every single one of our rights depends on free speech!
Purity is impossible. I can pick out flaws in every single person that complains about new supporters of Trump. You need to stop. Your negativity spreads like cancer. While we might not choose the lifestyle of new Trump supporters you need to embrace the positive aspects of someone from the other side coming to our side because they have been enlightened. Nobody is perfect so we need to stop judging others while pretending we are.
Welcome to all new Trump supporters!
I used to be a Democrat.
Proof that people can change.
My first vote in a Presidential election was for George McGovern. I was in college. I was so very dumb.
Yes, my first vote (cringing) was for Jimmy Carter. Happy to admit my next presidential vote was for Reagan. We can learn.
I voted for MccGovern also. I remember ranting to my mother about Tricky DIck. Twenty years later the tables turned, we had a discussion and I was defending Nixon and she was trashing him. I guess as we grow up we see things differently. Welcome to all who see through the curtain to recognize that Republicans are not fascists.
I was a 10 year old politics geek, and a big fan of Nixon then.
I voted for McGovern also.
I still have a campaigm t-shirt from his run... my older brother was sucked into that mess...
I still have a button that reads "McGovern/Shriver."
I have one of those somewhere. I used to collect "loser" campaign memorabilia.
Don’t feel bad. I was a couple of years too young but I really WANTED to vote for McGovern.
It's the people that can't change-in politics but more importantly in life-that worry me.
"If you're not a liberal by the time you are 20, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you are 30, you have no brains".
I know some of them (over 30 liberals) and can attest to that (no brain.) They are "nice" but clueless.
They like to think they are “smart” and “educated” but all they can do is parrot the narrative.
Never have been a liberal so apparently I have no heart 😆
I actually think the liberals just have a superficial and pretend heart, they’re like parents who never want to punish their kids or deny them anything because they don’t want to be “‘mean” but ultimately, they do their kids a huge disservice. Liberals are about feel good “solutions” that seem great on the surface, but end up causing more damage rather than doing anything to help solve problems.
I wasn't that smart. My freshman roommate was, but all my friends were, and those who are still alive, libtards.
I had great family role models, I have to say. And I’ve never been much of an idealist either. I had a lot of liberal friends and college and beyond, and actually appreciated the different viewpoints until everyone started with the blanket insults and gross intolerance on social media. It really soured many relationships 😕
Kathleen: I agree that people do change and when we change we historically overlook the flaws of the Party if those flaws don’t disrupt the reasoning for the change.
It was George W. Bush who ordered AT&T to divert (actually split) all incoming communications to the NSA.
I didn't like I consider him a warmonger.
Scherff, not Bush. They are and always have been Nazis.
And let us not forget the disastrous WMD hoax that got us into a tragic war that still haunts us today. I used to listen to a noncommercial radio station in New York, back when liberals were actually anti-war. I heard you UN chief weapons inspector, Scott Ritter in lengthy interviews with Amy Goodman, explaining that there were no WMDs and Iraq at that time, and that the proclaimed basis for going to or with Iraq was completely bogus. He also said that we would pay a terrible price for destabilizing the region. His comments have aged incredibly well. And now that same radio station has been captured and is gun ho on the proxy war in Ukraine. Things do change.
🙋🏼♀️Same here, Kathleen!
Yes, I equate it to criticizing new Christians. We all have our baggage that we bring but we need to welcome them with open arms!
Perfect analogy.
YES! For heaven’s sake you aren’t marrying these people. Love your neighbor as yourself. Love is what will change hearts and minds. And it is not my heart and mind I want to win anyone over to. Ultimately it is to the heart and mind of Christ. But getting someone to step away from hate, globalism and divisiveness surely can’t be done with hate, exclusion and decisiveness.
Greg Koukl from Stand to Reason Ministries ( says something to the effect that, "Even God catches His fish before He cleans them." This is said in a religious context, of course. But the truth is applicable to the issue of politics as well. When someone starts seeing the light, it is a process.
“For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin.”
Hebrews 12:3-4 NKJV
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9 ESV
" No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39
Meanwhile, Fauci has been granted 6 more Secret Service snipers, a tank, machine gun proof windows and siding, and a Nobel Peace Prize. To plead his case Kennedy is forced to dig up the Zapruder film and headlines from the Ambassador Hotel in 1968 out of the archives.
Yeah seriously, great point. Let the little punk pay for his own security out of the millions he's pulled in from pharma. /sarcasm
Human cockroach 🪳
For real 😡🙄
Yes, because honorable people doing honorable things to help humanity always need Secret Service snipers, a tank, and machine gun proof windows and siding.
But, of course. Here in Biden's Bozo World anything is possible.
We are the media now. No one trusts MSM anymore. Time to golden bridges with people who are newly questioning all the lies they’ve been fed.
I have friends who are still glued to their lamestream media. It’s become a cult following. They are also obviously brain dead and know NOTHING about what is REALLY going on.
America is even more divided. 1) Brainwashed. 2) Awake. 3) Too apathetic to care. I am giving it one last try to convert my Brainwashed family. The theme of my message will be “who wants Trump dead, besides you?”. If they align with this list: The CCP, Iran, Dictator of Ukraine, Terrorists, Criminals, Global Corporations, they are officially hopeless.
How many boosters are they up to now?
I don’t ask. I really don’t want to know. 😕
How many boosters?
The NIH is on track to break Chicago’s (music group) numbered releases which currently stands at XXXIV.
VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.
It’s laziness too. It takes a little more effort to read different sources and links and sort out what makes sense to your hopefully independent mind!
Tell them that OAN is much better.
I am a weed smoking old hippie with back tattoos who voted 3rd party since 2000. Wiiliam Kunstler was my hero in law school, and I have down criminal defense since day one. I am now MAGA all the way-just like Ms. Rose. Are y'all sayin' ya don't want me because I wouldn't fit in at church??
We welcome any and all. At least I do. Republicans come in all shapes and sizes. I'm a ordinary NaNa, mama, and wife in NE Texas. I've been a Christian nearly all my life but I grew up living What Would Jesus Do slogan before it came out. Welcome and I hope you never leave.
People hold our pasts against us, even Christians. Jesus doesnt, as He sees our heart. But it is harder for humans to let the past go and believe a person.
Generally, people dont change, (oddly enough). So when one DOES change, it isnt easily believed. It's nothing personal.
Just watched Jordan Peterson state this same thing. God will forgive our wrongs but consequences exist in this world.
I usually love old tattooed, hippies, except for the ones like Neil Young, who somehow became frightened fascists and wished death on the unvaccinated! obviously that is not you or you wouldn’t be on this page!
He sold out and always sang like a dishrag in heat.
That’s the best description of Neil Young’s voice I have ever read.
Neil Young should remember Southern man don't need him around, anyhow.
Gonna go put that album in my turntable. Lol
Nancy Knox-bierman: Nice!!!!! You stated that perfectly, thanks.
Hear, hear.....cretin.🤣
We'd get along just fine, Nancy... I assume you like rock music..
absolutely!! I have a hearing loss to prove it :)
All are welcome…. We are all Americans and bleed red, white and blue!
How blessed are the people who know the loud shout of joy!
O Yahweh, they walk in the light of Your face.
In Your name they rejoice all the day,
And by Your righteousness they are exalted.
For You are the beauty of their strength,
And by Your favor our horn is exalted.
For our shield belongs to Yahweh,
And our king to the Holy One of Israel.
— Psalm 89:15-18 LSB
I learned something about Matt Walch: he is quite pious in his remarks about Amber Rose.
Clearly he missed the part in the bible where Mary Magdalene was a woman if ill repute before finding Christ.
I take someone like Amber Rose becoming red pilled as a fantastic step in waking blacks up about their virtual serfdom on the Democrat plantation.
Sorry, Matt, but you dropped several level in my eyes.
And the same with Russell Brand, a new Christian.
JP Sears not so many years ago left New Age for Christ.
I adore Russell Brand. I consider him a peace warrior.
He is fierce for Christ … he lights a fire in me when I listen to him get excited about Christ!
Interestingly, there is NO reference in Scripture that ever says Mary Magdalene was a "woman of ill repute." Jesus cast demons out of her and she became a faithful follower. She was a woman of means who helped support His ministry, but the false teaching that she was a prostitute traces back to a homily given on Sept. 14, 1591, by Pope Gregory the Great in Rome. Sadly, many people believe that to this day.
Goes back way further than that.
I named my youngest child - and only daughter - after her ("Madeleine Grace".)
As a teen she asked me why I named her after a rumored prostitute.
I told her that Mary Magdalene was proof that we are all sinners who are nonetheless loved by God. Even more so when we repent and turn back to Him.
"Therefore, stand firm, brethren, and hold fast to the traditions that you have been taught, whether by word of mouth or by a letter of ours." 2 Thess. 2:15
I believe that "traditionally", Mary Magdalene has been also identified with the "sinful woman" who poured perfume on Jesus' feet, though nothing in the Bible makes this connection. There's just the "seven demons were cast out" comment, with no further detail. For that reason, I understand most scholars support your view (that she was a woman of means who supported Jesus).
I never said prostitute.
I'll repute can mean promiscuous. Adulterous.
Agreed - calling sin, sin is necessary, but judging sinners is God's undelegated role. I will forgive Matt Walsh, and I think I understand his underlying concern that the Republican Party is being co-opted by amoral factions. However, the answer is to pray for steadfastness, and to use persuasive arguments, not denigrate and belittle new converts.
I can appreciate people who are concerned that inviting "someone like that" is an endorsement of their lifestyle or past actions. But I didn't see any of that in her speech (and in fact I didn't even know the context of what she was "famous" for until afterwards). IMO, don't criticize people for something until they ACTUALLY DO IT. (In this case, "it" would be if she gave a speech advocating for pro-sex-work or something - which she didn't.)