Mar 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Any bill promoting medical freedom shouldn’t be limited to a single disease or virus. What happens when they release another GOF virus? We’d be fighting the same battles all over again. If you are going to do this, do it right the first time.

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Medical freedom is medical freedom. There is no halfway to it. It includes all drugs, vaccines and other substances like mRNA poisons. No matter what Florida does or any other state, The Dummy in the DC Swamp will sell our freedom of choice down the river when he signs the WHO pandemic treaty and revised world-wide health regulations. This is some deadly gruesome treachery coming down the pike. Beware!

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I often wonder how education in public schools has veered so far from what I remember in the classroom so many years ago. Regardless of why, the Department of Education clearly needs a serious makeover or it needs to be eliminated completely.

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LEGISLATORS: In light of all the evidence, please have the moral courage to enact the following law in your state -- simply change the name of the state:

“No law, statute, or ordinance may require or coerce an individual or other mammal in the State of [insert state name here] to receive or use a medical product, or impose a penalty or deprive a benefit for refusing a medical product or refusing to disclose whether an individual or other mammal has received or used a medical product.”

Above is modified from the Aaron Siri, Esq proposal here: https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/cdc-now-recommends-children-and-adults. Attorney Aaron Siri has won many vaccine-related cases and FOIA requests for Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and others

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

Hope you have a wonderful birthday with your beautiful family. Here’s a birthday gift of a poem:

Because of Some Good Act

Let me today do something that shall take

A little sadness from the world’s vast store,

And may I be so favored as to make

Of joy’s too scanty sum a little more.

Let me tonight look back across the span

‘Twixt dawn and dark, and to my conscience say

Because of some good act to beast or man—

The world is better that I lived today.


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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

@Jeff. You need to use your bat phone and get DeSantis backing the original SB 222.

SB 252 is a farce and a slap in the face of individual liberty. I don’t like this switcheroo at all.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

If it is happening in the New York and Florida schools, it is happening everywhere!! I will always ask why aren't the classrooms equipped with cameras and video that a parent can log into anythime they want...this would put an end to a good portion of this crap! If we can access live video feed from an eagle's nest 24/7, we surely must be able to get live video feed from these instructors "teaching/grooming" our children!

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Love that photo of Weinstein smiling behind Oprah and behind Mike, I mean, Michelle Obama. Birds of a feather.

There's lots of connections of Oprah and pedophila (I can drop links). And Obama - is there a single photo of this person pregnant? (For example, there's plenty of pix of a pregnant Melania Trump).

That Weinstein/oprah/obama triangle has lots of pedo connections. Will certainly come up if Big Mike runs for president.

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Hind sight 20/20 or better. We’ve surely made some terrible miscalculations and that is to say it mildly; when in fact we made some gross mistakes

The first was allowing sodomites freedom to venture freely and infiltrate society.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I applaud the parents for showing up but that type of revelation has been happening all over the country for 2-3 years now. Are people not paying attention? I read about this stuff happening over a decade ago, yes, it has been happening a long time. Parents need to stop taking the path of least resistance, thinking "my school is fine, they don't do that stuff." YES, YES they do, they simply haven't been exposed for it yet. Get the kids out of gov't schools, they are NOT your friends! And, all you good teachers, find another job. It is past time for a national walkout (protest, marches, pull the kids out, all of it) of teachers, parents and students. THAT would be heard and national news.

Book Banning: Anyone see Tucker Carlson when he showed a very innocent looking 11 yo reading a sexualized book in front of the school board? Yea, that kinda put it all into perspective.

Thanks Jeff for training us all to be lawyers. I spotted the problems in both statements.

Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

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Great as usual Jeff. I do disagree about Project Veritas. They have destroyed their own credibility. This is just more of James's work they are taking credit for. They will run out and then it will be a bad shell of it former self.

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If Desantis wants to run (and potentially win), he needs to fix this medical freedom bill. If not, he's just another politician. If not, I might just vote Dem if Robert F. Kennedy runs.

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The bait and switch of SB 222 for SB 252 is very disturbing, and as its rapid advance through the bureaucracy. I just found out a week ago a former employee of mine, great guy, full integrity, but almost certain fast asleep, lost his wife of 60 years after gong into the hospital for a broken hip. He kept saying he was angry, During the call I placed I asked him how she died. He said, "to be honest, I think rehab did". Without going into the details, it was basically a story we have all read about, and know people who have lost loved ones the same way. Wrong medications, stroke while there and they kept saying was not a stroke, and refusing to let her leave with him, calling security, and not backing down until he pulled up his shirt. When I told him without knowing their status that the stoke as likely jab induced, that the improper and overmedication , as well as the refuels to acnwlede her stroke, were probably what killed her, there was zero pushback from him. In fact, he said I was the first person who believed him. everyone else said he was angry because she died, not because rehab and the hospital killed her. He thanked me repeatedly for believing him. From normie, to well on his way to being fully awake in just a few months,, the very hard and painful way.

If Desantis goes along with this, you have your first tell. This is a Very important bill, revolutionary precedent. I for one have never used membership in a required cabal club as a defect indicator a so called good guy is a double agent bad guy. It's a given that you can't get into the club to infiltrate and later represent the people instead of their masters if you don't first get in the door. Putin is a WEF young world leader graduate. Trump was schooled by Roy Cohn, and much more. Desantis is a member of the nefarious Pilgrim Society. Duly noted, and forever watched. Now, let's see what you do, because I care not what you say. So much of what I have read says the people will be presented with a savior which almost everyone seems to be waiting for, only to find out, like the Who song, "Meet the New Boss. Same as the Old Boss". Max Igan says there are no saviors, and he is not along there. So called saviors allow people to keep on keeping on instead of getting involved and doing what is necessary. So follow this bill closely.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Around Christmas I had a tense conversation with an older friend who is a former Marion County teacher. I brought up the fact of these books with pornographic content being in our school system and she lambasted me and said it absolutely IS NOT TRUE and that nobody in the schools is trying to share this with children. When I calmly said it was true, she demanded I give some titles of the books. I gave her one and she still denied it. I bet if she saw the Governor's press conference, she STILL wouldn't believe it. Truth is so inconvenient when you want to keep believing lies.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Schools have been weeding out conservative teachers for 20 plus years. The lib teachers would make unfounded complaints to the administration about the conservatives to stop them from being tenured, get students to bring accusations against tenured teachers and just plain harass teachers into quitting. When my husband did his student teaching in a Los Angeles Unified school in the late 70s, the teacher in the next room was a self-proclaimed Satanist/witch. She had even painted a pentagram on the classroom floor. There's a reason I homeschooled my kids....

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Although I would never agree to political affiliation being a disqualifier for school employment, if any group should be prevented from working in schools, it would be the left, not the right. It would be much better if schools had NO instruction in matters of sexuality or race than having the distorted view the left is pushing.

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