Why do stupid people continue to test for Covid? It’s a damn cold! Just treat it like a cold! Stop swabbing your noses! Spray the diluted iodine in your noses and take vitamin D3! Geez Louise! People are so STUPID!

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they only got 2 brain cells to begin with an now being jabbed, these 2 only work half speed. Or maybe they just stopped completely. This week I had to go to Walmart and noticed all employees masked again, probably forced. I had on my Tshirt with 'tested positive - for critical thinking' and several people stopped to read it. I hope I woke some up!

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Recently travelled and there’s still plenty of covidiots with face diapers. I get visibly annoyed when I see masked people. I give them frowned looks hoping they’ll see my irritated face because there doing more harm than good. They need a good smack upside their mRNA heads.

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I always feel like ignoring them and acting like they’re invisible for some reason. But also feel annoyed by them at the same time 😛

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I should get really close to them and totally invade their “unscientific” 6 effing foot distance space. When I’m in Costco, I sometimes say to them, “Masks DONT WORK” as I pass them in an aisle. They’re such cowards that the say nothing. It’s pathetic.

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I’ve done that at times. In the grocery. Picked up something right next to them with an “excuse me” and little cough. Not many masks around me. We were in Wyoming camping for a month and all around the state. Never saw any masks in the stores or parks we went to. The poor ninny in my library finally took hers off in May. 4 YEARS 7 hrs a day! Bet it’s back on again.

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Last I knew, Wyoming was the "least vaccinated" state in the Union. Would love to see that on the license plates and postage stamps. (Will not be holding my unvaccinated breath for this, however. :)

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Does it become their safely blanket. Reminds me of being a child and hiding under the covers for whatever I was frightened of. Not sure what the covers would do to help, but it made me feel better.

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She probably has brain damage or immune system dysfunction after breathing in her own effluvia. At the very least, I bet her dentist isn't happy with her.

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I had a mask wearer come over to maskless me and do the same thing during the pandemic. I thought she was an inconsiderate idiot. I don’t get why people try to force their viewpoint on others for trivial reasons.

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Oh! Our library workers too- people still masked- it’s sheer insanity!

And why are the people most ‘book smart’… the least smart… there’s a thesis topic!!

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And a little cough 😂That's awesome!

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😂🤣🤧🤧🤪😏🤡🤧I’m going to try that!

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Jursey Gurl,

Why treat people rudely? It gains you nothing and doesn’t change a thing except that people think you’re a jerk. This is America. People should be free to choose how they want to live their life. Why do you think you have the right to dictate to others what they should or shouldn’t wear?

I think it’s silly to wear a mask, but I respect the right of American citizens to choose what they want to wear. BTW I was maskless throughout the pandemic.

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Maskholes were/are not just an annoyance. Those masks they wear are heavily symbolic of oppression, and they flaunt their membership in Team *Good German*. Those of us without masks are essentially marked by an invisible yellow star, from their perspective.

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Forcing, or demanding, someone to wear a mask was the ultimate in dehumanization and tyranny.

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Would have been nice if we had been offered the same choice about wearing a mask.

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I do feel like COVID along with BLM riots ushered in a new uncivil America. I spoke with a friend last night and she was telling me about a very rude young guy in the grocery store who had apparently left his cart somewhere in the checkout to return for another item. My friend was in line at the register and an older gentleman got in line behind her and then the younger guy got behind him and loudly began accusing him of removing his buggy from the line. My friend, a woman, told him that was a lie and that the man had been behind her in line. The man then got very rude with her. No one in the grocery store stepped up to the man's defense. But what gives a person the right to leave his cart and not expect anyone to move it and then try to start a fight. People are out-of-control.

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Perhaps because their decision is not benign and it really *does* affect everyone more than non-mask-wearing does.

They assist in perpetuating madness and tyranny.

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Maybe it’s because these people are the real “bitter clingers” that choose to cling to fear as they put their faith into a false god that keeps them sick and unhappy. These were the assholes that complied fully and the mask is the badge they wear proudly.

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Several years ago at a small outdoor event, there was a woman who wore a cloth mask. No one else was. I asked her why she was wearing a mask as nicely as I could. She said that she lives in a small, isolated village with lots of elderly people and did not want to bring anything bad to them. She then asked me why no one else was masked. I told her that unless she was french kissing an infected person while outside, her risk of getting infected was zero. She wasn't wearing a mask the next time I saw her.

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Are you rudely trying to dictate to Jursey Girl that she’s being a jerk, and dictating that she shouldn’t say anything to mask wearers, or is it just me?

Oh, the irony…

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I believe the most charitable assumption I can make is that these masked folks have comorbidities and are being proactive in their efforts to take care of themselves.

As an aside, there do seem to be a lot more comorbidities in the general population these days, but I see little to be gained personally from making any other assumptions.

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They haven't chosen to wear a mask. They've be mind laundered into thinking that masks work. They've been mentally damaged to the point where they truly believe that a poorly fitted cloth mask can stop aerosolized viral particles.

It wouldn't be so bad but their insistence over the last 4 years that EVERYBODY must do what they do is bound to get some payback.

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Yes, why annoy and be annoyed by mask wearers? Are they really harming you? I feel sorry for them because they are so fearful. They fell hard for the false narrative and haven't shaken it yet. Maybe a little kindness, a smile, and space will help them along.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

I actually agree with this. And making oneself feel good (by being rude) with no gain is an indulgence. However, push back on social media, etc., is warranted. We have to push back on the stupidity.

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I get not being rude at the start of all of this but now I’m over being nice. I’m going to treat people like they treated me. I was mask-less throughout the pandemic. Sick of being nice

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Maybe they do say something but you just can't hear it through the mask!

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If it’s someone trying to have a conversation with me I usually keep saying “what” AND “I don’t care if your sick, I have a great immune system but I can’t hear you with that thing on so just take it off”

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My adult daughter’s Dr (who I have no choice to go to because of guardianship and Medicaid for her - special needs) was STILL trying to force mask patients. A month ago we walked in and they tried to hand us masks. I said “no thanks” and the nurse was stunned. She said “the doctor is a little sickly today” and I said “that’s fine we still don’t need a mask”. Then in the room the next nurse came in repeating the babble to which I declined for both of us…again. Then doc came in all masked up. I was like - 🤔 wonder why you are working if YOU are sick? But at least SHE was muzzled! I wasn’t going to play along with her covid hysteria. 🤦🏼‍♀️ That was a month ago. We’re still fine. I guess our immune systems did what they were supposed to do. 😉

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

Perfect! Go Gigi! Go Sunnydaze!

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All the mask wearers are pathetic, especially when confronted with the stupidity of them even wearing one!

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I’m annoyed with them too, but then I try to remind myself that there are people with real health issues for which masking is important. And then I give them grace, but I’m still annoyed.

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Which health issues? Can you provide more information on that? I have not read anywhere that cloth or surgical masks do anything for health issues in terms of preventing illness and there are significant downsides to wearing them as well. I think it is psychological, it makes them feel like they’re doing something 😕

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Especially in the heat. Can you imagine the soupy mix of bacteria that is being brewed in those masks?

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Yes, I agree, fresh air and natural sunlight would help anyone who has any health issues. Having great air exchange is crucial for mitochondrial function and that where the energy needed for all human functions is created. Consume "lacto-fermented" live sauerkraut, go out into nature, get some sun on your body and chill out.

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For years, cancer patients have been told by their doctors to wear masks and have everyone around them wear masks. I think it's just to make them feel better. I'm not sure why it would be helpful. Again, the analogy we've brought up over and over again with a chain link fence keeping out mosquitos.

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I have a client with CREST syndrome, one facet of which is pulmonary hypertension. She lives a full life, travels, even on oxygen, but Covid, particularly because it can affect the lungs, can be dangerous for her. So even if a mask only has moderate effectiveness, that little bit can help so she will wear one if she’s traveling. Just as an example.

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"Masking" for "COVID" is virtue signalling - no health benefit - even the human cockroach finally admitted it. Before the pLandemic, how many people did you see walking around with their glitter masks on?

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Where were people with these “health issues” prior to 2020? The ONLY people I ever saw wearing blue face diapers were the ever obedient Asians

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I lived in Korea for 4 years. They do it to virtue signal they are doing everything they can to minimize the spread of the cold they've got - except staying home.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

Yes, all those people who claim to be immunocompromised but never even heard of such a thing before Covid.

I was at a play in San Francisco right after all the restrictions were lifted. A man that was probably a little older than me (I'm 67) was sitting in my row along with his wife. He asked me if I had a mask. I said no. Then he explained how they were immunocompromised. I said nothing. He didn't get up and move.

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Half the west is being inundated with forest fires, so I have to endure masks not knowing if it's for fire or covidiocy. Very annoying.

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There’s no smoke or fires in Newark NJ. Airplanes are supposed to be circulating clean filtered air. If you’re fearful compromised, don’t fly! I’m tired of fearful assholes. And please tell me where masks in public is necessary with health issues besides a worker cutting grass or painting a home or some such job like that. Never when shopping in a store or traveling on a plane.

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Yeah for the smoke/fires it makes sense at least.

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It's still idiocy. They don't work against smoke either.

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The N95s are the only masks that work for wildfire smoke. We in smoke country knew that before cvd. At it's worse, our county gave out N95s.

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Been there done that and thankful for anything to put over your face that will keep the ashes out of your lungs.

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I was just going to bring that up. The smoke level here is at unhealthy and my dog needs a walk. 😢 He’s actually my husband’s hunting dog and very high energy.

I can go to Zumba, but I’m not wearing a mask to and from, I think I threw them all away anyway.

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Or constantly ask them to repeat themselves like you have a hearing problem and can't understand without seeing the lips move LOL.

The great thing about that is they have no way of knowing if you are hearing impaired or not.

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I'm tempted to ask them if they are diseased and if so why they are out in public

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When I see masked people, it seems to trigger some sort of PTSD.

Brings back all those horrible memories of government overreach on the road to a dystopian society.

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I dont think it is PTSD Kathleen - it's a natural human reaction to being confronted with stupidity.

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Me too! I have to control my anger. Sometimes I tell maskers I would love to see their smiles as I smile at them.

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Right on. It reminds me of the tyrannical treatment I got as a non-mask wearer.

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That is a super duper RIGHT ON for that one! I was told to leave many stores and a sprouts employee went off on me and started screaming I was endangering her.

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Haha, weren't they crazy back then? We could just look on in amazement.

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Yep my town is full of them...on a bike, in a car..

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Could be a Dr Seuss book😏

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I do not like mRNA

I do not like it--I say "no way."

I will not jab it in my arm

I will not let it cause me harm.

Do your research

You will see . . .


Is not for me!

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Pulitzer for you!!!!

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Clever, Tom!

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But do you like it on a boat?

Do you like it with a goat?

Do you like it in a car?

This rhyming thing has gone too far.


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lol, like

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That's what I was thinking as I typed!🤣

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I had the exact same thought 😁

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Haha! I went with Dr. Seuss on that comment as well:)

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What is your town? i have friends in the south, NO MASKS in any stores. I am So cal.

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Where are you? We are in Commie California!!!!! No makes here on 7/30/2024

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I couldn't have said it better myself- I am right up there with you when it comes to these virtue signaling MORONS who still wear face diapers!

Yesterday I saw woman in a car BY HERSELF wearing a freakin' mask like it was still peak CVD.

People who wear masks are symbols of everything that's wrong with our Country.

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this weekend the Dutch Frontnieuws reported that 5 countries are going to start with electronic passports (including jab passports obviously).. Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Latvia and Greece. I wonder what consequences this will have for travelers.

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I will not comply.

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Good for you!

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Those are also leading states for pushing anti-Russian fear.

Meanwhile they're running around in masks and having their euros stolen for endless warmongering.

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and probably all very high % injected. Portugal was something like 95 %, I know Belgium 80+ %. Don't know about the other 3.

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I saw Portugal listed as a great place for US expats to retire. It is beautiful and historic.

But as you mention, the vaxx push there was as bad as Australia. I couldn't deal with that.

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You should post that on a fresh thread, it's an important topic and just gets buried here.

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it is on this web site, which is quite widely read

https://www.frontnieuws.com/deze-5-landen-starten-een-test-met-een-europees-digitaal-vaccinpaspoort/ It translates automatically and if not, chose your language top right

I also posted it on several Substacks.

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I will not travel so no worries. I have un jabbed friends who got VERY ill from "traveling." I say stay at home, be at peace, meditate pray. There is not need to go anywhere.

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well, shoot. I always wanted to see Greece. I hope it's not too late.

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In a momentary moment of frustration and pure nastiness, I actually said out loud to a masked Covidiot, “since even St. Fauchi has admitted masks don’t stop Covid, you must be wearing that because you’re ugly” Not proud of myself but the response of her eyes said it all.

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I stare and shake my head

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I always walk by singing "fear, fear, fear,how do you like it? How do you like it?"

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That’s good!

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Send them love instead because they’re hopelessly deceived

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Just think of all the CO2 they are returning to their lungs and everywhere else. Hello! Time to be real. Where are they made? 🤔

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Same place the virus was made....

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If you can... wet your fingers, come up behind them and flick the water (or whatever) onto the back of their necks as you let out a loud, harsh cough.

The simpletons, terrified of Covid... will go BANANAS!! 🤪

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Hee hee!

I give them looks too. And then I rub my nose and then rub my eyes so they can see me doing it. 🤣

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We are peas in a pod. When I see masked people I tell my family, “We need to knock some heads together!” I think my Mom said that years ago when people were acting like fools. 😂

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These tactics don't work and they never will. Sure, maybe get in their space a bit to make them uncomfortable, but if we have no compassion for people living inside of their fear we'll never get through. I have no problem with confronting anyone who would actually be aggressive as happened early on, but these people are cowed by inexplicable fear and lack self-awareness.

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Better hurry while

there’s still time!

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Yuh can't fix stupid but yuh can suffocate it!

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As George Carlin said, common sense is anything but common

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George Carlin was sooooo ahead of his time. Great comedian.

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agree, "Its a big club and you're not in it"

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He knew so much about them it seems like he a friend on the ‘inside’ of the club. He was so smart and looking back I wish I’d listened earlier.

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I often get looks when wearing my Mark Oshinskie “I survived coronomania” t-shirt. Also hoping to wake some people up, and letting them know I haven’t forgotten what they put us through.

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Just wait, Chicken flu is on next. CDC, TODAY, recommended face masks indoors and granted the FDC Emergency Authorized vax for bird flu. MNRA based, of course, and recommended for 6 months and up.

It's happening again.

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Great shirt - but can they read? Or think?

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Do they understand the term “ critical thinking “ or “ discernment “?

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Ingrid, your comment is spot on. I often see a gal in our local grocery store who has worn a mask continuously since the beginning of covid. She’s obviously a low IQ individual, as I believe many of these hyper-obedient, totally unable to think critically people are. I really feel sorry for them because they only harm themselves further by wearing the stupid mask. But there’s a lot of those types around and I don’t think anything I could say or do would hold any sway with them at all.

And then you have the category that may be a step up on the IQ scale, like the Walmart employees, who’ve been told by their employer to wear a mask. If they want their job, they must comply. I’m not going to deride them either.

The next group are those with an at least average IQ level, who believe everything their “doctor’ says. For whatever reason, they weren’t blessed with critical thinking skills either, and since they believe the ‘authorities’, they surely wouldn’t listen to me.

Therefore I ignore them all, and occasionally have the opportunity to express my disdain for masks in conversation with those who may be inclined to respect my words, among those that may be within my sphere of influence. The others are a total waste of time and just an aggravation to myself.

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Great T-shirt - I need to get one of those - where???

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leave a note on Mark Oshinskie's Substack Dispatches from a scamdemic. He will tell you if there are any left, and give his email address

for the Sharyl Attkisson, just type her name and open the store section

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just read one of Mark's stacks - then immediately subscribed (free for now)

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Oh man

I want that tee shirt!!

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I want that tshirt!!

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Right on!!!!!

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My Motto: If you don't test, it's not Covid!

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Every time they stick a stick in your nose they are collecting your DNA!! When they have your DNA they can make a clone of you. IDK about y'all, but one of me is enough!! 60% of people walking around right now are Humanoids!!! Not all human. Look Human. With no Genitals. That's what they are. The more the Dems make and MK Ultra them. Hence, all the Idiots running around lately!!!

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For home tests (if you feel you must) spitting on the stick works just as well. Who knows what chemicals are on those swabs.

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Good point. I’ll remember that if and when I ever do a home test. Had 2 quick tests when I was in the hospital for surgery but that’s it. I finally threw out the unused box of tests I bought before I traveled in 2021. Now I have to keep my ears open for my senior friends chattering about their coming booster jabs so I can stay away from them for a while. 🙄. I think they still test.

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I spit in a tube for my Ancestry DNA sample. There is a really devious reason they want to stick something in a person's nose clear up to the brain blood barrier.

It is especially interesting that nurses sent the test swab back unused with a fake name and the ghost tested positive.

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Oh my gosh!!! That is crazy!!

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Another recruit for the conspiracy side🥰

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Never tested but knew we had it. Hello? Husband once when we had to go to ER. So crazy! Again where were those sticks made?

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I believe you're onto something, Susan! It certainly 'splains a couple of other issues.

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Uggh!!!Ugh!!!! My Barbies!!! My childhood was a lie!

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According to a scientific paper I read, they only need 2 cells to create a hybrid human/alien baby.

Other things whistleblowers have disclosed is that they can take someone back in time at the age they now are and have them serve 20 years in secret military service then bring them back here at the age they are when they left. Nobody here even realizes they were ever gone.

According to these whistleblowers they can clone them back then and have clones here that are the same ages. Supposedly that is where all the Joe and Hillary clones popped up.

Supposedly both Obama and Hillary as well as others were seen working on Mars.

We have had anti gravity propulsion since October of 1954 according to Dr Greer.

Others say we can move far backward in time but can't move very far forward because the backward time loop is fixed from here but the forward time loop can vary by choices made.

The further forward the less accurate as choices branch out.

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Where are you getting this info?

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A LOT of books but a great amount of information is on Amazon Prime on the GAIA channel.

Cosmic Disclosure program and Beyond Belief on there.

I saw my first UFO I can remember when I was 8 and am now 77.

I was frequently abducted in my younger years and sometimes awake on the ship seeing the same people on several episodes. A neighbor lady that was on the program, "Beyond The Skinwalker Ranch" evenworks in our shop with us.

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A kumquat (sp) tested positive, a goat tested positive, a lime tested positive!

The African President who submitted them died.

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‘COVID’ is all some people got, sadly.

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"FEAR" is it's name.

Confusion is it's game......

Wanna play?

Nah....me neither.

.GOV Dumb game.

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That and " Trump is bad for democracy"....yep Covid & Trump, that's all they can talk about. Oh no I forgot now they have warrior Kamala! 🤣

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Got my first taste of “Kamala is amazing” today. A neighbor was on a conference call with 40,000 (?) women including senators and other politicians. Not our Mayor Karen Bass who is in Paris now with Jill Biden. Good grief!

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Crap! What if she has clones?

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She already does

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And masks

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"My vaxx card shows my compliance with science. Why aren't you complying?"

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Ha, perfect! Sounds like a country song: "If I ain't got COVID I ain't got nuthin'!"

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

We should do a C&C crowd lyric thingy! 🎼 🎸

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A T-shirt would be better.

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They recommended those, remember? Masks out of t-shirt cloth. 😖

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Waaay back at the beginning, I began a hobby of making t-shirt yarn during lockdown because of the t-shirt mask. Still love t-shirt yarn but laugh at my naivete at the time because I, too, made a few homemade masks.

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Some co-workers, who transport the public, still wear facial coverings to hide while working. No one dares to call them on that.

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Ya, or anything. It was a freak show everywhere

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I had a coworker who wore a bandanna as a mask - truly looked like a train robber. I loved the look:)

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I wore mine in Walmart and most always wear my cowboy hat. Got a few laughs but I have Carhartt capwit a full face cover with just the eyes showing. I went to get diesel in my truck and my wife called and asked me to go in and get her Powerball tickets. Wearing this black mask inside with my grubby work coat after dark into a C Store station that had been robbed a couple weeks earlier sure got some worried looks from customers and clerks.

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The propaganda is real! And every year the propaganda gets people to do silly things — even though the virus itself doesn’t exist: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

However, that’s the role of propaganda— and we can see it’s still effective

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Just prior to Pearl Harbor, 80 % OF Americans opposed getting into WWII. When have 80 % of Americans ever agreed on anything in your lifetime? Then Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen. You know the rest of the story. Never underestimate the power of propaganda on the sheeple.

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Mary H. - so true. C19 debacle awakened me, but I was always a rebel.

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Learning that this was the policy of the deep state for WWI also. Wilson and the Committee on Public Information -DISGUSTING!

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Seems true for all wars since the Revolutionary War, but definitely true for wars since the turn of the twentieth century. We were warned-Industrial Military Complex.

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Which is why, when Alex Jones said that they want to kill Trump in order to galvanize starting WWiii with Iran (see Netanyahu and others and MSM pushing the idea), it makes me very wary.

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And so many are too blind to see … I pray that they are exposed before they try something to prevent the election .

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I never knew my paternal grandmother , a poor cockney with 8 kids who died at 55. My dad said her favorite saying was just that. "There are none so blind as those who won't see".

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99% of what you hear from the government is pure propaganda. If they ever told the truth, we would discover we didn't need them at all.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

Remove their ability to legally lie and propagandize us by repealing the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act that Obama signed into law.

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Call it what you want, there’s still a transmissible disease. Correlation may not be causation, but when the symptoms repeat and match a known correlation, all other factors being the same, then there is something there. I’ve learned how to treat it and my immune system is stronger, but this disease released 5 years ago, intentionally, from a lab, is real.

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Luckily it’s mutated to very mild. The only people I know still getting it are the vaccinated.

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I am not vaccinated and I have it right now.

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I think those of us unvaxed are still getting it, but it’s just not dangerous for us.

But I still believe it’s a bioweapon and it leaves lasting damage, so when I get anything that I suspect might be it, I hit it with all the health protocols like IVM, nattokinase, vit D, vit C, etc.

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True. Job-wise, i'm around people on a nationwide basis. Seems to be an uptick now. I'm a bit under the weather but just follow the protocols and move on. It ain't ending anytime soon. Just do what do can to build healthy immune system and enjoy life 😀

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Would you please share your protocol and how you obtain ivermectin? I'm not familiar with nattokinase? I feel the urgency to be prepared!

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Meaning you have a cold that registered as positive on a bs PCR. So you have a cold

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Yeah, me too. Not near as bad as the first time, but the headache at the start is a real bummer. Ivermectin took care of that and the headache told me it wasn’t the flu. All my glands in my scalp inflamed and I get a special kind of headache. Now I’ll be coughing for a month because of the crud. Messed up situation. I only tell y’all here that it’s the c word; everyone else hears that I got the flu. Don’t want to give it any power. Won’t take antihistamines because of their link to late age cognitive decline. Just grinning and bearing it.

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Had a terrible horrible flu back in 1996. I sure remember how miserable it was. I never really treated it and yet here I am. Last time I had the flu. My covid was a runny nose for 5 days before jabs came out. When I was 72 yo. Antibodies 5 months later. Most of deaths were basically murder in the hospitals and only 6% of deaths were FROM covid. Death certificates were ordered by CDC to be diddled with. CDC admitted both FACTS. Early treatment was DENIED leading to patients being admitted almost too late so remdisivir (RunDeathIsNear as the nurses called it) and a nearly70% death rate from ventilation. These are FACTS I will never forget. More importantly my dear sister died after her 1st shot. Quickly. This flu was hardly unique. Deaths and harm were from lockdowns, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals. Big study has now proved it.

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Mostly agree, but saw many of the “come back when you can’t breathe” folks die before even getting to the hospital. The complement inflammatory cascade was real.

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The original, most potent form had a 0.2% fatality rate for anyone under 70 and less than 5 co morbities. That is far less than common flu. That was also based on never knowing exactly how many people were infected but weren't sick enough to seek medical care, likely in the millions! Inpatient deaths were driven by intubation and kidney failure secondary to the ONLY approved treatment remdesivir and steroids thus covid "related". Hospitals were incentivized for admission, intubation, and death certificates that said Covid or covid related on them. If you died from a car accident you were swabbed and if positive, your death was marked covid related!

If masks and "vaccines" worked virtually no hospital workers would have gotten covid. No group was more" protected" from it.

The death porn count on TV every day served to terrify people. To this day every covidian I know gets a cold and it's" the worst I've ever had" and half the time they test negative. Did you know they've NEVER publicized a single case of a child in the States that died of covid who didn't have underlying major disease? Did you know the vast majority of deaths were in the greater than 80 year old category? This age group is not only past life expectancy, they are the most likely to die due to any other cause and frequently die from complications falls and broken bones and plain old flu?

I wish I could say the same about the advanced "turbo" cancers I'm seeing in previously health people in their 30-40's or the massive amounts of blood clots heart problems and strokes in all age groups post vaccine. Working in a hospital, you got a front row seat for this. It's truly criminal what this virus and "vaccine" and the people that created it and profited from it did to humanity. Our government did everything they could to make it worse and not let the"crisis" go to waste.

I find it very curious that the number of unexpected and sudden deaths are proportionately so much lower for our elected officials than the general population. And that they are pushing a"vaccine" on children that we KNOW is magnitudes more likely to cause life time health problems and/or kill them than a virus that has a virtually zero death rate for their population.

They fooled us. Don't let them fool you again .

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A flawless summing. And American Empire (of lies, murder and mayhem) still attacks us every day, every second of the day, in one way or another and across multiple disciplines, platforms. Their business model is 'creative' destruction and grifting. And they want to kill of humanity, either outright or by transhumanism, either genetic or technological substitutes.

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You’re right. I’ve had it and had friends hospitalized with it. People that deny it exists are not facing reality.

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If u haven’t looked into getting the PREVENTION protocols, you’re going to continue to be fearful. We get sick, we heal, we get immunity. The next time you get a variant it will else’s severe. Your body’s immune system will adjust and attack the variant faster.

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Partial immunity…

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Go listen to one of the smartest men I know "Ben Carson" on Turning Point. It was bad in the beginning before the C word even came out. He had it in 11-19. He almost died. Now "his words" it's nothing but treating a "common cold" so stop Denver Dad with he fear porn! Just to let you know, I didn't need Ben Carson to know this. I know I have to have facts, evidence, and receipts, so here ya go.

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My hubby had it in 01/2020. That man NEVER gets sick and I was scared for him. We were in the same airport terminal as the susposed “patient zero” on the same day in the same timeframe🙄. He then left for a work trip so very sick and I had to use delivery service to get remedy’s to him in another state after he was incommunicado for 17hrs. It took him a month to completely recover after finally being well enough to travel home. Then in October 2020 the kids and I had it ( Delta variant). I laid in bed with 103-104 degree fever and bone pain that narcotics didn’t touch and moaned for seven days. My kids had the same symptoms but for 36-48 hrs and then they were fine. Hubby just couldn’t smell/ taste anything when the rest of the family got Delta, but was otherwise fine. His work was doing mandatory testing so he got two free paid weeks off and we went on a recovery road trip. I never tested so it’s possible it was something else but our friend group all contracted it at the same time, following a get together so… In late February of 2021, my kids brought omicron ( other parents tested their kids) home from church winter camp and they were under the weather for 24hrs and I had the same symptoms as I experienced in October 2020, but much milder and it was over in 36hrs. The early strains were no joke and i’m very glad that a man made virus still followed the rule of virus’s and becomes much less virulent as transmission increases.

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Susan Banks: I’m not promoting fear porn, hon. I’m only saying it’s a disease that does exist. People say it’s not real and that viruses don’t exist. Call it what you will, it exists and it’s still worse than a common cold (for me) but I’ve learned how to fight it back once I recognize it. I’m here to glorify God and then leave this weak old body behind as I enter his glory.

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Agreed. The flu on steroids was created to bring in the ‘cure’. Now we have heart problems & cancer on steroids.

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Could it be, what is tested and being called covid today, is actually a very weak mutation from the original strain? And the swab tests were made for the original strain…so when tested today, it will always show up covid? , because coronavirus is a form of the common cold….which has always been with the human population. So getting a covid test seems to only promote fear…just saying….

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Do you think that people didn't get sick from mysterious illnesses (sepsis, bad flu) before 2020?

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Not as much as AFTER the mandated jabs. So much disability and death AFTER jabs. Cmon man! Look at Joe! He’s a demented covidiot!

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And in many, an entirely new skill set, thanks to GOF. 🤬 Fortunately, the complement cascade activation leading to severe illness is virtually unheard of now. But to those still calling it a cold, that part was real. I can only say that about the people who died enroute to the hospital. Many iatrogenic (?) deaths.

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Let’s make it ineffective.

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I listened to a biologist on Dr Lee Merritt's website and she talks about biologists never having isolated viruses. My only questions, and there might be simple answers: what is the common cold or flu? What are chicken pox, herpes and shingles?

I think, but don’t know, a cold is the body’s detox mechanism 🤷‍♀️

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Exactly! I asked someone recently why they tested. They said, well I didn’t want to get anyone sick. I asked, what did you do before Covid, when we simply had the flu? Didn’t you just stay away from vulnerable people then? They said, yes. I said, it’s the same thing now, just a flu. If you’re sick, stay home until you’re better.

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Flu cases dropped to zero during "the Covid". What a miracle!

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Couldn’t agree more. A friend recently told me she has covid and ten other people she was with recently have it too, and agreed they should abide by the five-day rule of isolation. I responded with something very similar to your comment. And added stop paying for these tests. It’s a virus; respond the way you did before the scamdemic.

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I wish I could "like" this comment 100 times.

The dual answer to your question: Because they're stupid. They want to be special.

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I also wonder if it’s like a medical ‘earworm,’ rather than a musical one.

earworm (plural earworms)

A tune that keeps replaying in one's head or that one keeps thinking about, especially if unwanted.

Synonym: brainworm

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A "brainworm" that has eaten their brain. 😉

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Mind virus.

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For real, ROD Rapid Onset Dementia

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Ha! 🎯

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Like the jabs apparently.

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Fear and its resolution are a feedback loop. Your body releases dopamine and the feedback loop is reinforced.

Fear only Yahweh! This is one way to put to death the deeds of the flesh. The feedback loop atrophies until it is no more.

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Best answer I have heard yet!

The answer Messiah said during his temptation in the wilderness;

“It is written………”

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Here’s to atrofear!

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AMEN. After "masks" the next tool of compliance is "testing". If someone requires you to test for something you don't have symptoms for: SAY NO. People should have said NO in 2020 as well. If you are required to test for a trip, a restaurant, a job, or anything: SAY NO. Cancel you plans. Change your plans. Change your job. We have to power to change this narrative if people will be willing to lose a few things like many of us chose to do in 2020. Living in medical tyranny is MUCH worse than not taking that vacay or cruise. NO to masks, distancing, testing, shots or anything else you know is not right (or doesn't feel quite right). NO to fear. YES to courage and liberty.

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Better an inconvenience now to say NO, than be dominated from here on.

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And take Ivermectin prophylaxis dose.

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If you’re close to the Mexican border, you can buy it over the counter there for a few bucks. In tourist places like Tulum it costs a fortune at the tourist pharmacies.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

Or if you are in TN you can get it at a non big retailer pharmacy. They passed a law that it can be sold over the counter. The pharmacist just needs your weight to calculate the proper dose.

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Walgreens, Kroger, CVS, Target all still refuse to sell Ivermectin.

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But where in the world can you purchase ivermectin? And do you need a scrip?

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Go to Dr. Syed Haider. MyGoToDoc.com I think. That’s where I got mine. I keep it with me when I go visit dirty NJ. That’s where my sick family members live. They are mentally unable to wake up and they are sickly or dying. Also you can do lots to prevent Covid. Get metabolic healthy with fasting, and organic eating and movement. Your body may need to detox. Start with those. Make nose spray for pennies on the dollar using iodine and distilled water.

High Quality Nasal Spray

1 3/4 tsp. Povidone Iodine

1 cup distilled water

Combine and store solution in a brown bottle(like peroxide)

Pour into a nose spray bottle and spray 2 times in both nostrils and spit out. Store remaining amount in a brown bottle (empty peroxide bottle) Gargle with Listerine and spit out

**Used twice a day for prevention especially when in large crowds and traveling and up to every 4 hours in acute treatment.

OTC brands Cofix Rx , Xlear


Colloidal Silver and Listerine for throat

20 Studies

OTC Bundle

Zinc 50 mg/day (mote fore treatment than prevention)

Vitamin D 5000 iu/day to maintain D level over 50

Increasing to 20,000 iu for acute


Vitamin C for acute treatment 3000 mg/day

Quercetin acute treatment 500mg twice/day

Pepsid 80 mg (famotidine) for acute treatment a higher dose than normal


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All good except the Listerine. I used it for years. dad used to work for Warner Lambert, bought by Pfizer. Commercial mouth wash is toxic. We make our own. Xylitol, baking soda, water, some type of essential oil. We use lemon .

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Listerine is excellent to clean the toilet bowl. that says it all

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Homemade mouthwash:

1 cup of filtered water

4 teaspoons of baking soda

• 4 drops of tea tree essential oil

4 drops of peppermint essential oil

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Thanks Mary H. 👍

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I rarely use Listerine. Actually I prefer to nasal flush with saline and xylitol once I looked up Xlear ingredients. I bought those packets and it’s so expensive so I just thought why not just buy a bag of xylitol and add it to my nasal flush? I love it.

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Be careful with Xylitol around your pets. Highly toxic to dogs. You probably know that.

Sometimes called birch sugar in peanut butter.

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