I want to thank the C&C army for all the shares yesterday on homeopathy. I have a lot to read this weekend.

C&C is the only thing I read religiously. My health has improved since joining this Substack. ❤️

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After reading some of the very insightful posts over the last year, I have decided: no more mammograms, Pap smears or colonoscopies. I use arnica tablets for pain - no more Advil or Tylenol (emergencies, maybe). Thanks to RunningLogic, I don’t worry about my cholesterol in the same way, thanks to his suggestion to Dr. William Davis’s information (I listen to his podcasts). No more Truvia; only pure stevia.

I have more to learn, but I know if I have any questions, I can always come on here and there will be loads of folks sharing their information wanting to help. ❤️🙏

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I am with you on this. I have removed myself from the sickness establishment as well. I cancelled my colonoscopy and did a Cologuard instead. I got a breast ultrasound instead of a mammogram. No more yearly visits to the doctor just so they can make money off of me!

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I have been doing ColoGuard for 5 years now - I met a fellow brand ambassador years ago at a Best Buy store who shared with me he had been MIA for 6 months recovering from a near death infection he was afflicted with as a result of a botched colonoscopy (by a well-renowned specialist in our area). As the old saying goes, "Doctors bury their goof-ups"!! That REALLY affirmed my early-on decision when I turned 50 many moons ago to NEVER get a colonoscopy as a "preventive" measure.

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I read about botched colonoscopies. I had no idea the equipment wasn’t sterilized. They don’t tell you that. 🤬

Doctors TRY to hide things, but they can’t for very long. My mom passed away 6 years ago after a cosmetic surgery. She had surgery on a Tuesday and passed on that Friday.

We are suing the surgeon, not for money, although that’s the only way into courts. We were #19 in now 22 lawsuits against him. My mother didn’t give me his name to research. She didn’t want me to cancel the surgery, which I would have.

We had depositions. The surgeon admitted killing another patient with the same surgery in the last 10 years. So, we got through summary judgment and have been waiting for a trial date since FEBRUARY 2022! Since then 3 more lawsuits have been waged against him for malpractice.

I already went to NYS Office of Professional Medical Conduct to open up a claim to have his license removed. They won’t do anything except hold the complaint until after the case closes. UNFRIGGINGREAL!!

To your point, doctors do try to hide things. I vowed to take this case all the way so no other family goes through what we did. He’s still going strong and revamped his website with all 5 STAR REVIEWS. Crazy, right?

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The Admitted #3 cause of death in this country is medical mistakes. Add in cancer deaths, because chemo and radiation kill, and going to see your doctor is easily the leading cause of death in the US.

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My husband was one of those incidental deaths. Had lymphoma, had one a half rounds of chemo ( one half because he had an anaphylactic reaction to one of the two meds in the chemo cocktail. had a port placed in his skull to treat the spinal fluid, rather than submit to 3x weekly delivery via spinal tap. Within weeks, he developed meningitis, went into a coma for several weeks, miraculously pulled out ( well, not so much, since I begged prayer from everyone I knew) and the cancer was gone, as in no trace whatsoever. His neurologist told me he thought that would happen, since infection can actually be Mother Nature's cure. Anyhow, fast forward a couple of months, when in spite of the clean remission, his oncologist insisted that my husband take a drug called Revlimid (which is actually thalidomide, repurposed) , as *maintenance* to prevent the cancer from coming back. This was right before covid, so I regrettably hadn't developed the skeptical animus that I now have toward Big medicine and Big Pharma. The oncologist was insistent that he take it because the cancer would come back if he didn't. So ny husband took it...turns out the omcologist must deliver a pre-treatment cocktail to prevent what is called 'tumor lysis', i.e, any remaining cancer cells ( that we all have, turns out) die off and go septic when the body doesn't clear them quickly enough. His oncologist insisted that the cancer had returned, terminally, and refused further treatment. I made an appointment with another university hopsital---this was the Easter weekend---for the Monday morning after Easter. But my husband went into cardica arrest on that Saturday night, and the EMTs agreed to take him to the new hospital. The doctors there did their best, I will admit, to stabilize him and try to bring him out of it, because their assessment was that it was the lysis from the medication, not the cancer that was killing him. He died on Easter Sunday, of an easily and entirely preventable reaction to this *life saving maintenace drug*.

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AMEN, Roland! There is a huge hospital in our area (Milton Hershey Med Center) that just built an EVEN larger "citidel to medical misdeeds" (my moniker) only 30 miles from their original "citidel". This is the medical center that Milton Hershey helped to start 80 years ago. Then it really was dealing in HELPING the citizenry--NOT NOW!! I have vowed to NEVER go to the hospital again - for anything!!! If I'm unconscious--or unresponsive--I have plans to have DNR documens sent to EVERY HOSPITAL in my area. I am not wealthy and am on a Medicare "advantage" plan--I do not want what little wealth I have going to the "healthcare" system--I want it going to my GRANDCHILDREN.

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Take heart, Randi, that WORD OF MOUTH gets the truth spread better than any "5 star reviews" on websites! This creepy "doctor" will get their punishment--HANG TOUGH!!! Your fight is just and your Mom was "legally murdered"!! I am sorry that she felt the need to have "cosmetic surgery"--even if I had the funds to do that to myself--I wouldn't. I EARNED all these wrinkles just by being a VICTOR in life!!

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My mom was beautiful, but very vain.

😞 She got a recommendation for this surgeon who butchered her. She had a consult for one thing - her arms - and told me “the surgeon would do ALL the other things FOR FREE!” I have never met ANYONE who does things like this for FREE, but my mother was undeterred. 😞

For 3 weeks I pleaded with my mother to push off the surgery, but she wouldn’t listen. I didn’t have the surgeon’s name to research, but I did after she died. I took a VERY deep dive and found out he owned a small part of a medical research company. So, the WHY he would do something for free became clearer when I knew his company was testing how to dissolve fat. 😳 Why wouldn’t he want the fat from a 74 YO woman to test??!! The SOB got a chunk of the sale that was $465 MILLION! It sold in 2020, mom passed in 2016. Dad passed this past December after getting the booster. 😞

After the surgeon’s deposition, I asked our attorney if I could share it. He said it’s public record. SO. I sent it to EVERY association on his website with a very detailed write up. EVERY one of the associations was too chicken shit to do anything but keep the information “on file” and they said to let them know the upshot of the lawsuit. So, if you think any of theses fackackta professional associations do anything, think again. Board certified means VERY little if they don’t do anything when someone is killed.

I even found out he had a FL license and went to the FL medical board and advised them, too.

I just don’t want this man to hurt or injure another person. He has 22 lawsuits against him and those are the ones that made it past an attorney to file them.

Last thing, it’s a biggie! The insurance company defending him ALWAYS replaces their attorney with the surgeon’s “personal” attorney who has defended him in all these cases. Don’t you think this guy is crooked because I’m sure he is aware of the harm he has caused but still defends him??!! When anyone surgeon gets a judgement for malpractice in excess of $25,000 they become uninsurable. That’s what we want. He would never be able to practice again. And here we are waiting the last 18 months for a court date. I have a serious suspicion that there is some collusion of why we haven’t gotten a court date, but I could be wrong. 🤔

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Oh wow!! I’m so sorry for your loss but also so *angry* about this!! So government bodies and licensing entities can spend oodles of time persecuting medical professionals for “misinformation” on shots and masks, but people DIE because of malpractice and botched surgeries and they drag their feet???? 🤬🤬🤬 They’re worse than useless!!!!!

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There have been many people infected with Hep C by unclean colonoscopes in the VA. Was a big thing a few years back. I am a retired VA RN and remember this well.

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Woa! That's so crazy. Third-worldish.

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What surgery was it that killed your mom and another patient? I’m so sorry for your loss!

The instruments used during colonoscopies aren’t sterilized?

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Hi Michelle,

She had liposuction in her abdominal area. The surgeon was moving the cannula (the liposuction instrument) very hard (he had a heavy hand) and pierced her small intestines. My mother died of sepsis. My brother and I never spoke to her between Tuesday and Friday. Dad never told us what was going on. If he did, things would have been different.

There were several conversations between my father and the surgeons office after surgery. The surgeon knew my mother was in severe pain as soon as she got back from surgery - Tuesday afternoon. He told my father her pain was normal. He never said “if she is in that much pain go the the emergency room”. In fact he NEVER said those words. And that is part of the lawsuit. In NY we can sue not just for wrongful death, but for the surgeon knowing a patient is in pain and not doing anything. I forget the term right now. Anyway, the surgeon said if she’s in pain tomorrow, give me a call.

Dad called Wednesday morning. Dad told the surgeon “Barbara says she feels like she’s dying”. He said bring her to my office Friday if she is still in pain. Still never said - go to the emergency room.

I know what you might be thinking. Why didn’t my father take her on his own. The simplest answer is - because men in that generation did as the doctor told him. He was lead to believe that my mother wasn’t really in that much pain because the doctor said it was normal. So. He gave her more pain meds. I can’t imagine the pain she was in. I get upset even thinking about it.

Friday morning, my dad had a chemo appt (bladder cancer). He came back to the house to find the EMTs pumping my mother’s chest. They never made it to the surgeon’s office.

It was quite a shock.

The instruments used during colonoscopies are NOT sterilized. They are scrubbed/washed. I found A LOT of info from the NIH, of all places. Crazy, right?

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I know an ER NURSE of thirty years who had this happen AND bro in law! It's not so rare!

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My mom died of colon cancer and it was a terrible way to go. Colonoscopies every 10 years is not a big deal. I have to get them every three years and do have polyps. These polyps which are pre-cancer would not show up on Colonguard are snipped and this treatment is are 100 percent cancer preventative.

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Everyone should think about their situation and risk—like you did. Sorry about your mom. 😢

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Yes..my mom had no family history. The AMA moved the age for the first recommended colonoscopy from age 50 to 45. They know thousands of lives are saved by doing this. So I encourage everyone to get their baseline to determine their risk.

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Are they pre cancerous? Who told them so? How do they know that? What causes them? Can they go away without severe medical intervention? Cancer is booming. WHY???!!!!

See my note about the keto diet, fasting and hyperbolic oxygen treatments/cures. Internet search scientific info.

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There was a obstetrician who delivered a baby, sort of, here in N Georgia. She apparently pulled so hard on the infant it was decapitated! She then wrapped the baby and propped the head on and quickly she showed it to the parents and then convinced them a cremation should be done asap. The mortician reported the cover-up. That should be an interesting malpractice lawsuit. I cannot imagine the horror those parents must have felt.

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OH MY GOD!! That is horrific!! 🥲

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Oh my word!!! That is beyond evil!!

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Wait, what?! How the ...does someone pull THAT hard to... decapitate?!

That is unreal.

Push the baby back in and do a freakin emergency c-section. Or something.

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They said it was too late? I thought the same.

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One look at the doctor would be enough to keep me from having her deliver my baby. Here’s the article: https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/lawsuit-accuses-georgia-doctor-decapitating-baby-delivery-102143178

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

The only photo with this linked article does not include the obstetrician Tracey St. Julian; the only woman pictured with this article is the mother who lost her first-born in this tragic story ... ??? ... where did you get your "look at the doctor," I wonder?

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Curious as to what about her would make you say that. I had to search to find a photo of the doctor. What an awful situation.

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There but for the Grace of God go I and my children and grandchild

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Grow up! What kind of comment is yours? It's unnecessary. UNNECESSARY.

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Hope that did not occur at Union General ....

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

The hospital where it happened has been a mess for many years. 28yrs ago my sister had her twins there. Worst medical care I'd ever witnessed...like a third world country... Nursing staff was sadly lacking in experience and medical maternity knowledge... Waited for hours on end for basic medical assistance. Never did see her midwife after the delivery. Come to think of it.... reminds me of today's hospitals...

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Yup. Done for me. Cologuard. It’s easy. No family history of colon cancer and at 75 this test should uncover it. No regular mammograms either. I’m looking into thermal ones. The ultrasound one hurt like hell.

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Ditto, Janet! BTW...I had breast thermography done for 2 years back in 2008-2009. Then I moved to another area and there were no practitioners who performed this type of imaging. It's VERY helpful to detect "change of body temps" in whatever area of the body is scanned with the thermography wand. Totally painless and very reasonably priced back then (I believe I paid $125 for each time the practitioner scanned my breasts. But that person no longer provides that service - it's very difficult to find thermography practitioners and this area is filled with "alternative medical" facilities.

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Yeah, colonoscopies are dangerous. They don’t tell you that, but a lot of “routine” procedures are much more dangerous than they let on.

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Anything corporate medicine and/or the government "pushes" on citizenry - I immediately RUN THE OTHER WAY! I guess I am also a "contrarian"--along with our beloved Atty. Jeff Childers!

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I am definitely a contrarian and do run the other way as well. Much like the government run schools aren’t about education, corporate medicine is not about health, it’s about money. And, yes, I have been cynical for a very long time.

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Colonoscopies are a very lucrative revenue stream. Need I say more? And, yes, it’s true that the various components of the colonoscopy equipment are NOT sterilized throughout the day, between patients. Think about that (yuk).

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So much of what they do is a lucrative revenue stream.

There are a number of diseases that spread via fecal matter. (One of them is polio.) I wonder if regulations require it, and they just ignore it.

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My functional medicine doc doesn’t do those ridiculous Medicare wellness checks as soon as I’m in the office. Regular docs—ka-Ching. I’m refusing the next time I am unavoidably in a conventional docs office. If I get one more health newsletter from my supplement insurer recommending “low fat, tiny bits of red meat and healthy whole grains” I’m going to scream.

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Wellness checks. Good ways for docs to ignore why people are actually in the office. And nice ways to find excuses to put people on more drugs. 🤮

Wish my mom would see this for what it is.

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👆☝️👆☝️This. All day every day.

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Remember when we were younger, and no one went to the doctor unless they were seriously injured (broken bone, stitches needed, etc.); or we’re so I’ll their mom couldn’t heal them? No annual ‘well visits’, which are simply a revenue stream as well as a way to sell Rx drugs (Now I call them drugs, rather than medications). And now I view it like this: I can’t name one person I know, who is older, on a number of prescription drugs, and says, “Now that I’m taking all these pills every day, I’m healthier and feel better.” Instead, I see them as being technically alive, but being killed in slow motion.

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I have done Cologuard twice now and while it’s not the most pleasant to do, I will take it. I also have not yet done a mammogram (mid 50’s) and my doctor recommended the ultrasound which I am planning to do. She also told me that an ultra is what they do if something is seen from a mammogram so I don’t understand why they don’t just do that first.

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June-they don't do the ultrasound because its not standard of care and the insurance companies will not pay for it. As with everything else with medicine and insurance, if its more unhealthy for you, then they will pay for it.

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I had it and the pressure they used with the device hurt like hell. My chest muscles were sore. I worry about that kind of pressure just like the mammogram. Look into thermal. There are stand alone places that do it. I don’t know about insurance. I’m willing to pay if I need one though. I see a functional medicine doc now and insurance doesn’t cover it. Medicare does pay most blood tests. The peace of mind and safety I feel there and darn good doctoring is worth the cash to me. I’m now much healthier and just go for bloodwork now. She nor her staff are coV vaxxed.

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I quit my job during covidmania and am just milking my 401K (age 58). No insurance except for catastrophic ($10K detectable). So we do cash for everything.

"What's your cash rate?" and turns out lots of health providers like cash payers.

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El Rushbo would tell the story of paying cash for medical needs (before his lung cancer diagnosis) and relate the blank stares from the clerks when he told them he didn't have insurance, he was paying cash.

I always questioned why obummer pushed 'mandatory universal health care'. I'm sure he (and many other pols) has profited greatly from that law.

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Note- Fidelity Investments lets you use your 401K starting at age 55. That's how we bailed from work early.

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I have only had one and am not planning to have any more. I was 47 or 48 for my first one. They said I had dense breast tissue so had me go for an ultrasound to check further and I had the same thought—why not just do an ultrasound??

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After my BC treatment, my oncologist would write an order for a mammo AND ultrasound. The ultrasound kept finding things that were nothing, but because they "saw something," I would have to get biopsies so they would leave me be. After a couple of years of this craziness, I asked the oncologist to drop the ultrasound and he agreed. A lot of worry for nothing.

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The biopsies and the waiting. Too much stress.

I have rethought SO MUCH this last 18 months. I’m s glad to find folks on here who agree and understand.

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My biopsie was the absolutely most painful medical treatment I've ever had. Never again without total anesthetic.

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I’ve never heard of a breast ultrasound in place of mammo, and admittedly in spite of my personal medical awareness, don’t really understand the dangers of mammography... but you can be sure i’m going to check into it now!

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Mammograms use ionizing radiation. That is a danger. Plus the risk of finding things that aren't cancer but require interventions to confirm their benign nature.

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There is a concern that the pressure of the mammogram on breast tissue could rupture an existing cancerous spot, spreading it in the body instead of staying encapsulated.

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I’m not familiar with Cologuard, so I need to research it. But colonoscopy prep certainly isn’t pleasant either.

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Basically you send a sample with the kit they provide. Having watched my husband prep for a colonoscopy twice, I’ll take Cologuard!

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I’ve heard of cologuard but what is it?

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It’s really easy to look up.

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It’s an alternative test, non invasive, that can detect cancer cells. I have not done much research on it.

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FWIW, the single best anti-inflammatory I have found is celery and fennel seeds, which were discovered by reading Healing Spices: How to Use 50 Everyday and Exotic Spices to Boost Health and Beat Disease Kindle by Bharat B. Aggarwal.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

Vonu - How do you use celery and fennel seeds for inflammation? Have you experience reduction in inflammation using these spices?

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Several years ago, while working as a temp at a Walmart, I helped unload the truck every afternoon. This caused me to develop 9-10 point pain in my lower left back, where I'd suffered muscle damage from the Guillain-Barré syndrome triggered by the Swine flu shot I'd received in 1976. I'm not sure whether it is the celery or the fennel seeds, or the combination, but the relief was immediate and has been lasting, so the low cost of the seeds makes further investigation unnecessary. I can't prove that the seeds have anything to do with my 3 years of hs-CRP of .4, but it is a nice side effect if it does.

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I take one capsule of each twice a day with my other dozen supplements.

They are sold in capsules by Piping Rock, which provides excellent service in their sale.

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Where do you get the celery and fennel seeds?

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Piping Rock

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That's what we did, and much more, after my wife's cancer diagnosis and deciding to treat it holistically, and stop doing the things that cause healthy cells to mutate into cancer cells. do you need to know anything more about mammograms than Astra Zeneca, the maker of the best celling breast cancer chemo drug, invented Breast Cancer Awareness month? Use thermographs, and ultrasounds if you want to safely detect cancer. The rub? Insurance won't pay for thermographs, and will pay for an ultrasound ONLY after getting a mammogram. Thermographs detect cancer many years earlier than mammograms too, because the threshold of detection requires multiples lesss cancer cells to be present.

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I just posted this week

My gyn had been accepting thermography for years instead of mammogram… and my last appt she told me she can’t accept them anymore I’d need to get a mammogram

I think just like with vaccines…

The insurance companies are now applying pressure to gyn MDs to make sure women are getting them … monitoring their patients medical Files

And if women in their practice aren’t up to date- they’re applying pressure to MDs

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🎯 re docs being pressured.

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Why does your gyn need to "accept" thermography and why would you "need to get a mammogram"? This should be your choice - is she threatening to kick you out of the practice if you don't get a mammogram?

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I don’t really know… honestly

I was so shocked she said that… I was just processing it in the moment

It’s never been a problem in the past- prior to covid

I never wanted to do the monogram - something just didn’t feel right about it for me… and it’s why I’ve always done the thermography- out of pocket

I won’t be pressured into that… so if she kicks me out- so be it

But it’s definitely a policy change at her practice

Since covid …

Is it because she’s seeing a huge uptick in breast cancers in her patients - since the vaccine rollout? That could be it also… possible

but it’s a change.

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If it's because she's seeing more breast cancers, she should want everyome to go with thermography since it detects breast cancers about 10 years before a mammogram detects it. Must be something about iinsurance companies clamping down - surely has to do with money, but I'm having a hard time "following the money" rationale on this one.

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I think she means the doc won’t accept the thermography test results as valid…even though she had done so previously.

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Here’s something else I learned recently that may help some of you. I’ve been suffering from allergic reactions from a wide variety of “things” including anti histamine which means that none of the standard allergy treatments can work. At my last allergist visit the nurse practitioner as a last resort suggested I try raw honey.

She told me it has to be raw, un pasteurized, locally produced by a beekeeper in my local area.

As it happens there is one less than a mile from my home. I bought a jar of one of his honeys and took it home.

First of all it is delicious. But most importantly within ten minutes of taking about a teaspoon of it all of my symptoms started to disappear.

Rhinitis, sneezing, runny nose, all the typical allergic reactions to the environment.

It is the closest thing to a miracle drug I ever experienced. Some days I need more than others and I play around with the dosage.

Of course it is sugar with a high glycemic count so if you’re diabetic it could be a problem and I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet and eating sugary foods aggravates that so I say G-d gives and takes away. You have to figure what works for you.

I hope this little essay helps someone. Please share it as you wish

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Local raw honey is definitely good for allergies. Bee pollen, too. I have bought bee pollen and other honey products from Savannah Bee Company.


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homeopathic apis and histaminum 200c could be helpful to you as well, without the sugar rush. Allium cepa is another good one from sneezing and runny nose watery eyes. . each remedy is only about $10

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Thanks. Where do you get them?

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Let this blow your mind.

KetoDiet and HyperBolicOxygen treatments

PET imaging studies have confirmed that tumor areas with a high glycolytic metabolism are more radioresistant than those with a more oxidative metabolic phenotype [72, 73].

The decreased tumor lactate concentrations after a few days on a KD in head-and-neck cancer patients measured by Schroeder et al. [81] are of particular interest, as tumor lactate concentrations have been directly linked to radioresistance in a variety of xenografted head-and-neck tumors that were irradiated using a clinically relevant schedule of 30 fractions over 6 weeks [88, 89].

...the combination of a KetoDiet with IR against lung cancer xenografts using both conventionally fractionated (34 × 1.8 Gy) and hypofractionated (2 × 6 Gy) schedules. In both cases, adding the KD to RadiationTreatment achieved the greatest efficacy regarding tumor growth delay and mouse survival.

It is also noteworthy that, in autophagy-competent cells, various forms of mutant but not wild-type p53 were degradable through deacetylation-induced autophagy triggered by glucose restriction in vitro and a low carbohydrate diet in vivo; depletion of mutant p53 subsequently induced autophagy-mediated cell death [115]. These findings support the application of ketogenic therapy along with RT against p53-mutated tumor cells.

An important role for ketone body-mediated protection was obtained from the study by Dorff et al. [132] in which longer fasting duration prior to chemotherapy appeared more protective, yet only BHB, but not insulin, IGF-1 or glucose, were significantly different between 24 and 48 h of fasting prior to chemotherapy. This supports the hypothesis that KDs might be used as fasting-mimicking diets to reduce side effects from oxidative stress during prolonged treatment situations such as during several weeks of RT.

Finally, it is important to note that the human STF studies have failed to reproduce the reductions in insulin and glucose levels seen in the mouse studies because corticosteroids were routinely administrated during chemotherapy [134, 136]. This could have prevented some further reductions in side effects or blunted the effect sizes. More alarming are findings that corticosteroid use prior to RT was associated with significantly shorter overall and progression-free survival in 3 large cohorts of glioblastoma patients [137]. This was linked to a corticosteroid-induced redistribution of tumor cells from the relatively radiosensitive G2/M phase to the relatively radioresistant G1 phase, with maintenance of cell viability. Additionally, the corticosteroid-induced elevations of blood glucose levels would provide a radioprotective environment. We have argued that this could be countered with ketogenic therapy [138]. The proof of principle was provided by Champ et al. [139] who showed that consumption of a KD during RT lowered the blood glucose levels in glioblastoma patients even under concurrent corticosteroid treatment.


Nevertheless, two systematic reviews on HyperBolicOxygen treatment and cancer have concluded that the use of HBO in patients with malignancies is considered safe. To supplement the previous reviews, we have summarized the work performed on HBO and cancer in the period 2004–2012. Based on the present as well as previous reviews, there is no evidence indicating that HBO neither acts as a stimulator of tumor growth nor as an enhancer of recurrence. On the other hand, there is evidence that implies that HBO might have tumor-inhibitory effects in certain cancer subtypes, and we thus strongly believe that we need to expand our knowledge on the effect and the mechanisms behind tumor oxygenation.


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I've seen lots of references to colonoscopies being useless at best, deleterious at worst. Does anyone have any links with more info on this?

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Epoch video. Cost benefit. Risk benefit of colonoscopies


According to a systematic review and meta-analysisopens in a new tab or window they cited, roughly 26 per 1,000 individuals age 65 and up experience an adverse gastrointestinal event (perforation, bleeding, or cardiovascular or pulmonary complications) and one of every 1,000 die. And the risk for an adverse gastrointestinal event increases to 35 per 1,000 for people in their 80s.


Of nearly 10,000 adults 65 and up undergoing surveillance colonoscopy due to a prior polyp, colonoscopy turned up colorectal cancer (CRC) in 0.2%, advanced polyps in 7.8%, and at least three adenomas or sessile serrated polyps in 8.7%, according to researchers led by Audrey Calderwood, MD, MS, of the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire.



COLONOSCOPIES: Via CNN, VERBATIM: “Colonoscopies are a dreaded rite of passage for many middle-age adults. The promise has been that if you endure the awkwardness and invasiveness of having a camera travel the length of your large intestine once every decade after age 45, you have the best chance of catching – and perhaps preventing – colorectal cancer. It’s the second most common cause of cancer death in the United States. Some 15 million colonoscopies are performed in the US each year. Now, a landmark study suggests the benefits of colonoscopies for cancer screening may be overestimated. The study marks the first time colonoscopies have been compared head-to-head to no cancer screening in a randomized trial. The study found only meager benefits for the group of people invited to get the procedure: an 18% lower risk of getting colorectal cancer, and no significant reduction in the risk of cancer death.” READ: https://fluence-media.co/3CO67B6

Colonoscopies reduce risk of death by 0.15%. Also link to colonoscopies debate.


Colonoscopy study. Is it worth it


Alternative to colonoscopy in diagnosis. Colon cancer. Stool bacteria signature of abnormalities.


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My mother insists in still having her colonoscopies (and cvd shots) despite being pushed to discharge from the clinic despite uncontrollable vomiting from probably fentanyl reaction after a colonoscopy. I save this info hoping my own family could avoid being harmed, but my credibility is shot due to being antivaxxer.

I must share that my mother DID decide not to spay her dog after I dug this up, which, fortunately, was confirmed by the highly expert kennel club:

Dr. Benjamin Hart of the University of California, Davis, has been researching the effects of spay-neuter for a decade, with support from the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation. His first paper on the subject, published in 2013, revealed that Golden Retrievers that had been spayed or neutered had a correlation of being three or four times more likely to develop certain cancers, including lymphosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma, and also more likely to develop joint problems such as hip dysplasia and damage to the cranial cruciate ligament. The team later published data on German Shepherd Dogs and Labrador Retrievers, finding that early spaying and neutering had varying effects on these dogs’ likelihood to develop joint disorders, cancers, and urinary incontinence.


"There were no cases of MCT mast cell tumor in intact females, but the occurrence was nearly 6 percent in late-neutered females." That's pretty serious, and that is just one condition that was studied. Zero cases in the non spayed.

Now, I also have a son who recently went trans and excommunicated me over it. I wonder why it is OK to see that dogs are harmed by neutering, but a person is a transphobic bigot if they ask whether it could harm the young people that we hopefully value more than dogs.

Also, I had bleeding this past year that signaled to the local medical establishment that I be put on the standard of care treatment that goes like this: biopsy and uterine D and C (basically abortion treatment), maybe birth control hormones, and then on to hysterectomy. This is happening to lots of women!

When you start to see the medical machine teleologically drawn in a straight line to death in one area, you start to see it everywhere. Rant done.

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Before you go the hysterectomy route, look into bio identical hormone replacement therapy. Many, many women are estrogen dominant and need progesterone supplemented.

If I knew what I know now before I had mine, it would have been a game changer.

I started following and using products from Dr. Platt. Here is his website. https://plattwellness.com

I also recommend a book by Dr. John Lee - “What your doctor doesn’t tell you about menopause”.

We have to be the CEO of our own health. It can be a lot of work, but it’s worth it.

I’m sorry about your son. I’m sure it must be very hard not communicating with him. 😞

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I will look into the information you referenced. I stopped bleeding (and having painful joints) when I determined that I would stop believing that my son's troubles are my fault and so helping to punish myself. That stopped the pain and bleeding almost entirely, and then seeing a gynecologist who released me from hanging on for a doctor to fix me. I am not currently interested in having the doctor fix me, so that is a true relief as well. I am concerned that when the summer sun turns to winter that I could have health trouble again. I take great care to wish my son the best health and to find true insight and acceptance for himself. I won't punish myself, and I will stay welcoming and ready, just like when he was still unborn and I had yet to meet him. I will expect good to come, even if the present could be seen as dark, and I will be ready.

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I’d try to avoid hysterectomy. I think i read most women who have them end up needing bladder retention surgery within a decade. The uterus is a major support structure.

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I am extremely leary of any intervention in my body that I cannot sensibly do on my own.

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I love your ‘rant’.

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I've had 2 (3 maybe?) and fortunately no recurrent issues nor adverse effects. However, since age 60 I've become less trusting of many medical interventions, especially preventions. Thank you for the information. I've stored a copy, to research when they next recommend that I get a screening colonoscopy.

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Thank you for these links Runemasque, much obliged.

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Yahoo! Thank you! Great job! Appreciate this!

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Great info, thanks!

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

Beware of ANY INVASIVE A medical treatment. Even dye dye scans stays in liver, brain and bones for years. They don't know how many exactly they just started using it and MRI is NOT without many side effects. May be useful but beware!

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Gadolinium from MRI contrast has now been shown to stay in body and brain for years and is extremely hard to detox from. Do a bit of research before ever letting them inject this stuff into you

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Yes just found out too late. They don't tell you they are found to do the contrast dye then they set it has no side effects! MORE LIES......infinuim

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I had NO idea. This is good information. Thank you.

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Read over a dozen cancer books, some twice. Virtually every one says Do Not ever get a colonoscopy, nor ever remove your prostate. For the latter, something else is going to kill you first. Two of my best friends ending up in a death spiral after having their prostate removed.

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Wow, that's some heavy advice. Much to consider.

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Thank you for that info. 🙏

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The Epoch Times has amazing health articles that cover this and the personal comments are very helpful there too. Like minded people. It’s totally worth the subscription price but some articles are free.

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Dr. Vinay Prasad wrote recently about the comparison between sigmoidocopies and colonoscopies. I believe it was over the winter 2023. He's an oncologist.

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I can’t take the credit for that unfortunately, but I’m very glad you’ve found alternatives! The C&C Army is the best!!

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023

If you have chronic inflammation, turmeric is really good for that. In order to get enough, though, you have to take it in pill form. It needs to be paired with black pepper oil in the pill, then also take some type of fat (fish oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, etc.) with it so your body can absorb enough of it it. Otherwise, it will flush right through your system. This advice came from a friend who had Type 1 Diabetes and struggled with neuropathy in her feet. I had blown out my knee —tore the ACL 95%, completely tore the MCL, and damaged the meniscus—10 years ago (no surgery) and still couldn’t bend all the way down a few years later despite religiously doing PT exercises because of the pressure in my knee. A few weeks after I started taking it, I could bend all the way down with no pain and even sit on my heels on the floor. I still have to be careful of what I do, but I am very active: I hike, swim, bike, garden (even use a shovel when needed), and have been cleared to snow ski without a brace if I wanted to.

An herbalist once told me that our bodies respond better to herbs and plants because our bodies recognize them as food and absorb them better. However, I also learned in college while researching a paper that the top 10% of the most effective drugs were plant-based. In that, the drug companies took a plant they knew helped with a certain health issue, isolated the “active” ingredient, and turned it into a drug. Since you can’t patent plants, they did this instead.

I have a theory about why there are so many side effects from these drugs, even the ones that are “plant-based”. When you take out all of the other ingredients that act as a buffer and balance the active ingredient’s effect on your body, you get side effects, many of which can be deadly or highly dangerous. In other words, Mother Nature knows better. We’ve spent millennia with these plants evolving together. Suddenly, we humans with our hubris think we know better.

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Can you tell me more about Arnica tablets?

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Hi Pamela,

Arnica can be used for:

Bruising and Swelling Relief, Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief and Muscle Soreness Relief.

I use this brand and you can get it on Amazon - Hyland’s Naturals Arnica Montana 30x. It’s a natural alternative to pain relievers. I use a lot of Hyland’s products. They do work and I know what’s in it. 🙂

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Is it something you take everyday or as needed?

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As needed.

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Boiron also makes Arnica tablets as well as topical treatments: feel and cream. It works best for bruising when applied immediately after the injury. I discovered it works wonders on bee or wasps stings as well. I carry it with me in my purse.

Healthy food stores carry it and it can sometimes can be found in big chain drug stores for those of us who prefer not to support Amazon.

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I wouldn't give up on colonoscopies and mammograms. They save lived every day

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I'd say investigate real hard. Lots of contrary evidence to the common narrative.

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Read the comments above about other options such as thermography and cologuard. If your eyes were opened to the fraud of the medical establishment during the covid stuff, it is time to open those eyes further unfortunately. There is more to the story.

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That’s your choice, of course. However, I recommend you read information from a wide variety of sources, so that you are TRULY informed.

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@RandiG, I learned about the dangers of mammograms but not Pap smears or colonoscopies. Could you enlighten me?

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Hi Nette,

Anything invasive like a Pap smear that disturbs tissue isn’t good. Just like mammo that puts so much pressure on a breast and then radiation. 🙄

The instruments used for a colonoscopy are not sterilized. They are washed/scrubbed, but not sterilized.

These are 2 good articles. The first one is very good.



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Stevia is OK? I thought it was so highly processed it was no longer recognized as a healthy alternative? I have so many health notes from this wonderful community I hope I can find them all if needed. 😅

Anybody compile them all into a handy shareable pdf? 😁

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Hi Susan,

Sucralose, Aspartame, and Erythritol are all cancer causing. Info that came out very recently has shown they are cancer causing. 🤦‍♀️

I switched to pure stevia (no fillers). I get it on Amazon - here is a link to the one I buy - https://a.co/d/1fS1bkk









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There is a very real possibility that colon cancer is caused by parasites. Here is an article from NIH website talking about this very thing: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6789455/

BTW-mammograms and colonoscopies are a billion dollar business.

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Here are two PDF books that speak to this. Hulda Clark, was a pioneer in this area. I use her zapper. I had floaters in my eyes and now they are gone!



Her books are about how to kill parasites. The more I learn the more I think she is correct.

Let me know what you think. 🙏

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

Thank you for posting. I think she is correct, also. I am going to read through the PDF. My youngest son has Down syndrome and got leukemia when he was 7 years old after having a nasty lice infection 3 months prior. I did not think this was the cause of his cancer until recently after reading about other cancers being caused by various types of infections. It is a known fact that certain cancers, like cervical, liver and stomach cancers, are caused by infections so I think it is likely that many cancers are caused by viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections. (On another note-you can also find articles on PubMed that show feline leukemia is caused by fleas.) Cancer can also be caused by environmental factors so I do not think those can be treated the same way as cancers that are from infections. I also think cancers caused by infections can likely be cured with inexpensive drugs, like doxycycline, fenbendazole, ivermectin and HCQ. What if it has been known since ivermectin was discovered in the 1970's that it could be an inexpensive cure for cancer? How many lives could have been saved? What if we walk around for years without knowing we have some type of infection? Your body would be fighting off that infection for years without you knowing it and then at some point cells around this infection mutate because our bodies cannot cure itself of the infection? That would explain why many people develop cancers when they are older. Chemo drugs are big money for pharmaceutical companies so it would be in their interest to suppress inexpensive cures. In addition, I know people who had cancer who are now on "maintenance" drugs to keep their cancers from returning. Cancer also would be beneficial to people who believe the world is overpopulated, but I digress (that is a whole other rabbit hole). Having said all of that, this PubMed article has a lot of info about cancers being caused by infections.


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RandiG I learned about homeopathy and being sustainable from an organization I belong to called CORAC. We are international. Our mission is faith, family and freedom and our goal is to prepare people for what’s coming. It’s free to join and we keep adding more videos and other resources every day. Check it out. https://corac.co/

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Agree. I have learned so much from the C&C community. They also have given me hope when I sometimes get down and out. Janice especially with her Bible passages have been a must read for me. God bless you all. 🙏 ❤️

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Annie, what a blessing your words are to me. These verses are my motivation: 2 Corinthians 1:4 and 1 Peter 3:15 . . . Well those, and the other 31,100. There’s an image of a blessing that I wrote back in 2020, and it’s on my Substack for August 8. May it be so for all of us, in Jesus’ name. -Janice

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Thanks for this. That Maria Zeee. Man has she been doing the hero's work from down under. Now subs for Alex Jones here and there. (Though he's not my fave; something ego happened there even before the scamdemic.) Point being, her great work has earned her a good name and connexions all over the planet. Great source. 👍And the terrific work of Dr. Ana 😊

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I, too, received a lot of suggestions for finding doctors who are interested in healing their patients, not drugging them, and lots of links for homeopathic health. I spent a couple hours last night looking at elderberry, what it takes to grow them and how to process them so you don't kill yourself.

My sister introduced me to this blog and I also read it religiously. I love Jeff's snarky commentary and the community in the comments. It blesses my life.

There's so much to read and learn and do, but so little time!

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One must remember that the function of AMA-approved medical schools is to inculcate an understanding that all disease is caused by a deficiency of pharmaceutical drugs and/or remediated with modalities involving expensive procedures requiring exorbitantly priced therapeutic and imaging equipment.

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It's almost like the AMA is in business to make money, not heal people...

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We are the product.

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When has it been proven differently?

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One must remember that the function of AMA-approved medical schools is to....generate revenue!

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It is the AMA's installed false paradigms that generate the revenue.

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Learningherbs.com offers a low cost monthly subscription with bucketloads of great info.

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Yes, Jeff has a gift for making all the nonsense out there more palatable and less depressing. I love his wit and wisdom.

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Especially referring to AG and his knit classes

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Elderberry syrup is simple to make (especially in an InstantPot) and it is deelicious! Kids love it too, which is great when they aren't feeling well. I've used this recipe for years from Wellness Mama: https://wellnessmama.com/remedies/elderberry-syrup/

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Add your Bible to reading regularly and watch your life improve as you apply the principles that grace the pages! Scripture reading should be on all of our daily calenders. Carry on.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023

Many are the plans of man but it is the Lord's purpose that will be. Life and death are in His hands. Hezekiah was near death but in humility he prayed and God used figs. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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God can use anything! He's that wonderful!

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Indeed! He chose me and I'm the worst.

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I am right there with you! Hallelujah, what a Savior!!

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I have lots of books on homeopathy, but my go-to is: https://mirandacastro.com/shop/miranda-castros/complete-homeopathy-handbook-by-miranda-castro/

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Their store isn't far from Jeff Childer's office.

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No way!

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I agree as well. It is nice to be a part of community of critical thinkers who do their own research. I have also gotten a lot of great advice regarding health regimens, and books and articles to read!

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The book Perfect Health Diet by Paul and Shou-Ching Jaminet. It’s my “bible” for physical health. “Diet” is used as a way of eating vs weight loss, though that is also addressed. You won’t be disappointed.

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Thank you for the suggestion. Just ordered, found an almost new used copy.

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That’s awesome!

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Homeopathy has been a lifesaver for me. I learned the art through Joette Calabrese, who is the foremost homeopathy teacher. You can get friends together and start a Gateway to Homeopathy group using her study guide. Then you have friends to help in coming up with proper remedies and dosages. Or just search her website whenever an issue comes up, and you’ll find advice on how to treat an issue.

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I hope Dana Ullman's works were on that list. Homeopathic education services might be his website, iirc.

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Dana Ullman has a substack https://danaullman.substack.com/

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Thanks Cynthia. I just subscribed. ❤️

After reading some of the very insightful posts I have decided: no more mammograms, Pap smears or colonoscopies. I use arnica tablets for pain - no more Advil or Tylenol (emergencies, maybe). Thanks to RunningLogic, I don’t worry about my cholesterol in the same way (a thanks tomDr. William Davis). No more Truvia; only pure stevia. And I know if I have any questions, I can come on here and there will be loads of folks sharing their information.

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Cholesterol is a huge money maker

I remember in third grade we checked our cholesterol. I was a fit child and my cholesterol was high.

My husband was a high level athlete and he did the same test in third grade. His cholesterol was also high.

Both our cholesterol is high and we are now middle age

Here’s my question. What if some people just run high… their whole lives and that’s just their chemistry…. I don’t think our cholesterol has shifted … our whole lives

It’s high since childhood.

But the MDs wanna medicate us both til we eventually die.

No thanks. We’re doing just fine. And have been since we were 10 -with high cholesterol.

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I'm well into the medical skeptic camp for over a year now. Tossed my statin into the rubbish nearly a year ago. I haven't totally sworn off the medical system, but I am going to inquire of my GP why I need three or four lipid panesls yearly, particularly if I have no underlying "issues" save for "high cholesterol" and "borderline hypertension" -- just as do half or more of the entire population!

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FWIW….had high BP since a teen. 135-142 over 85-92. 12 years ago I cut out all highly processed vegetable seed oils…corn, sunflower, safflower, canola, etc. Since then, I’ve been 115-122 over 68-75. No weight loss, no increase in exercise. Just that one thing. But consume plenty of natural fats from animals, coconut oil, olive oil and butter.

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Hbp is mostly a farse! Look up HOW it MUST be taken to be accurate. Read how many things affect it, coffee, exercise, stress, coughing, sneezing, cold, white coat syndrome, and taking it improperly which 90% DO! Then read history of it AND how they've changed the parameters but Drs disagree and they will fight over you to get you to bow. "It's a tiny pill, only$5/mo AND this one doesn't have ANY side effects like all the others. !!??🤔 Cholesterol is the same. Eat foods that hbp, magnesium, POTASSIUM!

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doctors like cholesterol because they prescribe statins for the kickbacks, though I'm not sure they really know how to treat it. It used to be olive oil was bad. Now it is good. Eggs were bad, now they are OK.

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You might want to consider a cardiac plaque CT scan, if your doctor will order it. It measures the plaque buildup levels in the coronary arteries. High levels of cardiac plaque narrow the coronary blood vessels, which can lead to clots blocking the arteries thus leading to heart attacks.

My doctor was a bit concerned about my LDL triglyceride levels being somewhat elevated so she had me get a cardiac plaque CT scan. She also wanted to put me on statins, to which I said "hell no". Since she's a D.O. she asked if I'd take Red Yeast Rice, which is still a statin, but more of a natural kind. It has the same ingredient that Big Pharma statins use, so if that's the case, why in the name of Satan (i.e. Big Pharma) would I take a Big Pharma drug product? Sheesh.

Btw, I get my Red Yeast Rice at Walmart. Since I've been taking it, my triglyceride levels have come down nicely.

Anyway, with a cardiac plaque CT scan, there are four levels to monitor:

Zero: No plaque. Your risk of heart attack is low.

1 - 10: Small amount of plaque. You have less than a 10 percent chance of having heart disease, and

your risk of heart attack is low.

11-100: Some plaque. You have mild heart disease and a moderate chance of heart attack. Your doctor may recommend other treatment in addition to lifestyle changes.

101 - 400: Moderate amount of plaque. You have heart disease and plaque may be blocking an artery. Your chance of having a heart attack is moderate to high. Your health professional may want more tests and may start treatment.

Over 400: Large amount of plaque. You have more than a 90 percent chance that plaque is blocking one of your arteries. Your chance of heart attack is high. Your health professional will want more tests and will start treatment.

My plaque CT scan revealed plaque levels at 24, which my doc said was great news. What it means is that 23% of folks my age (66) have less plaque than I do, while 76% of folks my age have more than I do.

When it comes to cholesterol levels, my thoughts about what's most important are the existing cardiac plaque levels.

What I need to determine now is, if the triglyceride levels come down, do the existing cardiac plaque levels also come down?

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You can lower TG naturally with a well formulated low carb high fat diet. As RandiG says below. My spouse did so quite easily. And lost weight amd lowered BP as well. Easily.

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I bet the dr didn’t tell you how to reduce your calcium score. It should be 0.

Here are 2 podcasts I highly recommend. I learned A LOT from both of them.

This is the dr who wrote THE book on K2:


This is a retired cardiologist, dr. Davis. He has many great podcasts, but this one is especially good.


My suggestion is to stop the red yeast rice. I threw mine out. It has the same side effects of a statin - diabetes. Low carb will negate the need for RYR.

Let me know what you think after you listen to the podcasts. 🙏❤️

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Truth seeker,

Check out the comments I made below to Hot Tub Marmalade. Those podcasts will put your mind at ease.

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I agree: laughter and great tips, comments, and links from very wise people. Much appreciated!

I must say that the knitting Grandma Garland is right up there with Cockroach Fauci. Today, I smiled when Jeff wrote about the looters, etc., as he appeared to drop into the vernacular among some in DC with “So the woke criminal justice policies are now hurting the people they was supposed to help, ...” I’m sure it was unintended.

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And now I want to go find the homeopathy thread from yesterday, lol! Love learning about homeopathy.

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anything on ALS ? (for a friend)

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Hi Axons,

These links are to Hulda Clark’s books. They are very, very interesting. I have a ‘zapper’ and it’s pretty amazing. I had a couple of floaters in my eyes and now they are gone!!



Let me know if you have any questions. 🙏

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wow - thanks - that's a lot of reading!

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good one! Unfortunately I live in FL so it won't be as effective

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Regarding the shoplifting: George Soros is working overtime to destroy America by destroying the rule of law in America by inserting DAs all over the country who refuse to prosecute a large number of crimes ( https://tritorch.com/soros ), but that is just a small part of the deliberate engineered destruction of the United States - which is the only thing standing in the way of total domination leading to universal global slavery:

● The divide and conquer strategies of the vaxxed vs unvaxxed, the masked vs the unmasked, the left vs right, the gay vs straight

● The weaponization of the corporate owned and controlled mass media against the world's population

● The current and impending massive volume of world-wide vaccine damage and death

● The relentless push for poison vax mandates in order to force inject them into every man, woman, and child on the planet

● The rush to the requirement of mandatory vaccine passports which will quickly evolve into panopticon slave bracelets

● US DHS reveals that Venezuela is emptying their prisons and sending their convicts across the us border

● The influx of "migrants" being flown in to cities all around the by the FBI in tandem with George Soros's destroying of the rule of law by refusing to prosecute crimes with his bought and paid for DAs

● The coming hyperinflation as our politicians fully loot the treasury–the conventional last act of a failing empire—followed by the intended consequent CBDC slave protocol

● And the announced incoming cyber attacks/total supply chain meltdown combined with the famine that will bring...

are all a deliberate controlled demolition of the current global order, executed for the purpose of bringing about the New World Order.

Believe it. Excerpt from https://tritorch.com/NWO

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All truth here tritorch. Thank you for the outline.

Any other Christians on here struggle with what to do about the clear movement toward globalism and whether or not we should push back or let God's plan (as outlined in the book of Revelation) happen? I'm very confused. I trust God. But I also feel like I can't just sit back and watch the destruction of the world. 😬😔

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Thank you for saying so. Regarding sitting back, please give this a read Becky, along with my replies in the comments (the primary push-back to this essay has been addressed there) :


Not acting in the face of evil is a bad move for the soul, regardless of anything that has been written - there is zero doubt in my mind about this.

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God is sovereign in this, there is no doubt! His word stands and never once in it did He tell us to sit and wait. He commands us to STAND and be ready! He tells us to finish the race! He tell us to be good stewards of the talents He has given us as His children. STANDING for God will mean something different for each of us. For some it will be attending school board meetings, for some it will be ministering to the broken ones, and for others it will be fervent prayer for this nation and for our communities. There are countless ways God can use you in this time.

Let the Holy Spirit lead you into the path that God has set down for you, and don’t be afraid to be different from your neighbor in how you approach that! God made you for this time, and He will lead you!

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All good points Angie, but the heartache comes from realizing that the vast majority of my fellow believers are still asleep and don’t want to or even resent being shaken awake from their comfortable slumber. I feel a profound lack of liberty to speak about the issues we CC’ers agree on here with folks in my church. So, I pretty much trudge along alone. But I know God has my back.

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It is heartbreaking I know. But you are NOT along sister! There are many of us out here crying the same tears, fighting the same fights. Deception is the number ONE sign of the end times and we grieve for the deceived, believer and unbelievers alike. Find just one like minded believer and cling to one another. God is there with you in this struggle and I am praying for you!

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"Deception is the number ONE sign of the end times"

This is why people won't touch it. They believe that it puts them in the camp with "date setters."

It does not. One can know the season without setting dates.

I want to ask them, "Since you believe we should ignore this because others made foolish mistakes and gave false interpretations, what other parts of scripture should we ignore on that basis." Every single doctrine has been abused and twisted by the enemy.

Every single one.

The things we were told, we were told for a reason.

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Thank you Angie.

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Maybe you're in the wrong church....but I get it, it's a very personal thing.

I looked for MONTHS for a church that taught truth.

Most were psudo-rock concerts (including smoke on the stage) that spouted fluff and vigorously ignored over 30% of the Bible, the parts that enlighten us about God's prophecy.

In addition to prophecy, I finally found one that actually talks about sin.....go figure.

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There is a large group of "leavers" of the health wealth and brag about it churches. It's called Post Charismatic Stress relief group. Very helpful and encouraging. Run away from Strange Fire and mystics!!

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Yep. Been trying to share what I've seen as a nurse with family, friends. Many shunned me.

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Stay the course. Thanks for speaking out.

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When you know God has your back, you know you can be brave. More power to you!

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They may not actually be believers. Those who trust in themselves or others more than God's truth may or may not be being saved but that isn't due us to know but to understand that professors aren't always believers.

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That is absolutely fantastic, thank you!

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I posted the following comment before I finished C&C and then I saw your comment. Excellent and well detailed. My comment is better posted here thanks to you....

"...The answer is: billionaires benefit...when smaller businesses are forced to close up shop. In other words, it’s the literal, textbook definition of fascism..."

Well Jeff... you really ripped the duck tape off of that severed artery! Indeed it IS time to take the rhetorical gloves off. This has been going on unchallenged too long.

When the lockdowns started (how long ago?), I told my sons that this is the biggest heist in world history. The most significant effect of lockdowns was the bankruptcy of a third or more of America's small business's and their families resulting in the largest transfer of wealth in history from America's middle class to the multi-national corporations and their billionaire oligarchs. This is the rape unto death of the American middle class and it is STILL on-going as evidenced by the wealth transfer of city real estate that has been hammered by the self-imposed lawlessness of our woke Communist politicians. This is exactly how a society is reduced to rubble and human misery as a Communist cartel takes over the country. Go read about the Russian Bolshevik revolution and the subjugation of the Russian people to get a glimpse of our future. Or just watch the 1966 movie "Dr. Zhivago".

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Well said!!!!

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Boiling the frog: https://tritorch.com/boiling

Good to know you recognized this for what it was instantly. We need more people like you!

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In line with your comment regarding the need to fight back, here's how. Yesterday I commented about Karen Kingston being on the run from assassins and hiding out in Mexico. Well, here is why she is targeted. They target anyone that goes beyond words and actually takes action.

EVERY county sheriff in this nation has the authority to enforce the law and confiscate all the death shot vials in his county. Kingston here lays out exactly how this can be done. Here is where we can do something that will hurt the enemy and protect our children.

Here in FL, Surgeon General Ladapo has determined that NO ONE should take the cv shot. Yet the shot is still being pushed into the arms of children and adults. Why are Ladapo and DeSantis waiting? Why is the shot still on the market even though they have all the evidence they need to determine that the shot is KILLING people? Is this all theater? Why is Governor DeSantis not taking charge and commissioning all the county sheriffs in Florida to confiscate all the vaxx vials in their county and perform a forensic audit on the contents to expose the vaxx death protocol to the world? Why???

Here Karen lays out how to do this. So they want her dead because she just became an existential threat to the NWO program.


July 5, 2023: We’ve all been struggling with how to stop this hostile medical takeover of our nation, our communities, and our children. Like many of you, I’m exhausted from listening to the barrage of defensive strategies and futile tactics that have enabled innocent adults and children to continue to become disabled, diseased, and sometimes killed by being injected with engineered COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle injections, aka ‘vaccines.’

The answer is simple. It’s not easy, but it’s simple. Remove the weapons from our communities. Empower and mobilize law enforcement to remove the COVID-19 nanoparticle injections from your county starting with this DEMAND letter. Every law enforcement authority across America has the authority to remove the COVID-19 nanoparticle injections from every community...

...The following DEMAND letter, combined with affidavits and/or testimonies from victims can be used to seize the shots in the state of Florida. The letter and cited references can stand up in any court of law...


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I think when more Americans realize they have more to lose by doing nothing, they will act.

When they turn off our bank accounts, stop our cars from moving and won’t allow us out of our neighborhoods, we will act. If we have to March cross country on foot to get to Washington D.C., we will do it. There won’t be any way to stop us. I don’t think they realized the pandemic has a different effect than they planned on. More of us have moved away from MSM then ever before. And I don’t miss it.

There are more people who think like us, but we’ve been the silent majority. When they poke the bees nest a little harder, I believe we will act. Right now, I’m waiting to see what they do to Trump.

The Cabal doesn’t realize we’re ready for them and we know their plan. They sucker punched us, but we’ll be ready the next time. 🇺🇸

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Excellent breakdown on your link. Thank you.

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Ironic that the 'facists' hire (rile up, use, discard) anit-facists to do their dirty work. Or not ironic. Just evil. Pure EVIL.

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or read Son of the Revolution...

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Just looked at that. I believe that to be true. If we are silent, then we are complicit in God's eyes!

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Loved that writing Tritorch. Have kept it to refer to regularly. Thank you. 🤗

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Love your last paragraph, I agree ❤️

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Even throwing sand in the machine a la saboteurs is action...anybody remember the monkey wrench gang?

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God created us, He loves us, He believes His creation is good. He wants us to love Him and love others. He wants us to look out for the widows, orphans and the needy. I think if we focus on those things, while trusting that He is good and knows what He is doing, we don't have to worry about watching the destruction of the world. God is trying to reach every man, woman and child on the planet. He can do that in all circumstances if He has children who love Him and will do what He says.

I go back and forth, too. I struggle. But I know we don't see things as He sees them; we don't understand the things He understands.

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I struggle with that daily but God says for us not to worry and He clearly says to follow His laws, SO doing that, we are helping. He allows opportunities to make a difference in His plan be it a small or big part. I figure I should pray for the opportunitites... Here am I.... Luke 10:2 He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

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Amen! One thing I find most difficult is to pray for my enemies. I always pray for deliverance *from* them, but rarely think to pray *for* them. It’s hard when their attacks are so relentless, but God didn’t include that exception in his command 😬 So. This comment thread is a timely reminder for me to do that 🙏🏻

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This helps me and I find satisfaction at the evil thought that being kind will cause harm.... Romans 12:20

To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”

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I find that I pray for the person... not the demon inside them who is doing the evil. In the Bible, Jesus was casting many demons out of people... so I look at my prayers as trying to help cast those demons out of them. It might be a juvenile way to think about it but it helps me to look at my enemies in a compassionate way.

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Good point. We can cast them out with the power of Jesus.

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My tack: pray for their immortal souls, versus them the person. They, too are children/creations of God. These brothers and sisters (ick, right?) have no insight or inkling about their soul. Human ego rules their existence. They live in darkness. There is no light save a tiny, tiny Godspark at their core, overwhelmed by their complete focus on the material world. I pity them, for their journey toward God will be quite different, more "arduous" than those wide open to the Creator with love and gratitude that is impossible to measure. It's the story of the prodigal son. The Father joyfully welcomes all His creations/children after this life; the creation/child woefully recognizes their turning away, and return; their immortal soul has much "farther" to travel/much more work to hone aspects of Godliness. One prayer, not constant prayer, sincere and heartfelt is enough. Release it, know so it is [done] (the meaning of Amen), and dig in for the earthly fight.

One perspective. 2¢

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I fu d that

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Amen to all of that, DB. If your gift is teaching and witnessing, answer that call, and then step up and prosper in God’s power. God bless you.

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I taught elementary school for 25 yrs until they said I had to wear a mask. I'm sad that ship has sailed but other opportunities await.

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The CDC was paying millions to schools in order to enforce the mask mandate: https://bitchute.com/video/VZDUxbGnLhzD

There is a reason why the love of money is considered to be the root of all evil and it’s not just what people are willing to do to for it, but also the control it grants to the person giving it over the person getting it.

Washington, for example, controls the states by granting them money on a rolling basis, and once they are hooked they threaten to take it away if the states do not do what Washington tells them to do. So they do it.

So is it any wonder then, to learn that the reason schools require and strictly enforce masking children - one of the biggest crimes against humanity in history - is because they are paid to do so by the CDC?

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Wow. That was a powerful speech she gave.

There wasn't enough informed parents or teachers to say no. Fear was the biggest factor. I really don't blame them with all the repetitive brainwashing of the news and CDC etc. Very few people were not believing it. I had to convince my own family and turn off the TV.

I quit teaching after 25 years because I would not wear a mask or smother children. If all the teachers quit, they wouldn't have been able to enforce it. We have power but few are willing to make the sacrifice.

People are becoming aware now and maybe there are enough to stand against them the next plandemic they already have up their sleeve. I wonder if agenda 2030 is still on schedule. They are messing with the food supply and that would make us dependent on the gov. God help us. We will have to depend on God and it's not always easy.

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I struggle with this as well Becky. Does God want us to fight back? Would it be a sin? Should we be able to defend ourselves if need be? I personally feel that God wants us to fight back; especially against abortion, pedophilia, and all of the other depravities that are going on in our world. But, you are right. Revelation does not say that the world is going to get better, only worse before our Lord returns! What should we do?

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Eric Metaxes had a great comment on this in a discussion he had with Pastor Jack Hibbs. God's Word commands us to stand against evil, it's not optional. He gave the following example:

Suppose someone is being murdered in an adjacent room. We hear the cries in anguish and for help. Are we supposed to just pray about it or take action?

When put in black and white terms like that it's pretty straight-forward. Those who ignore evil are disobeying God. A huge part of evangelicalism has fallen for the con that we can't act against evil as it might alienate the lost and make them harder to reach. These people are saying we must disobey God (as He clearly says in His Word) in order to save souls. It's unbiblical at best and bordering on heresy IMO.

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I do agree with you Jeff. Christianity has been watered down to appease the sensitive groups. We are no longer standing for the truth because we are afraid to hurt people's feelings. If we are silent; we are complicit!

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I would offer an example of how we decide not to break into the adjacent room and stop the murder. We do know that unborn babies are electively killed in wombs inside rooms in hospitals and clinics in every town of size in this country. We have spent 50 years accommodating ourselves to that reality and to the fact that we do believe it is murder and we do not break down the doors. It's a long story why, and better told by others in the pro-life movement than me.

I offer this example because we forget how we have been accustomed to not directly intervening in this grave matter; we try to stop the murders in other ways. So we do step back from what is black and white and straight-forward. And it has made it harder to intervene in, say, gender mutilation.

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So true, Tamsin. Timidity breeds timidity until timidity becomes a habit. If we think of inaction in the face of evil as simple cowardice, maybe we’ll get righteously fired up and go to work.

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Respectfully, God does not say you should work 6 days. That is man's rule. He just said He finished his work on the 6th day and made the 7th holy in Gen. 2:2,3. The Bible does say work is good in many verses.

Why do you say God brought forth His S on in the 5th day?

Jesus said that the antichrist was already in the world while He was here. It's not a man but the spirit of antichrist. This is why they persecute Jesus followers more than any other group. They are antichrist.

No doubt signs tell us we are closer to the end but I don't really try to guess.

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I agree completely, JC. Our love for peace and our fear of conflict is why we’re soft and sidelined while the call to battle is loud and clear. God told His people to attack the Amalekites, Canaanites, Amorites, and Ephraimites, and Jesus Himself attacked the corrupt financiers defiling His temple. We cannot allow Obamites, Bidenites, Garlandites, Sorosites, and Schwabians to continue defiling the name of Jesus Christ and the minds and bodies of our children on our own turf. Our God will break down the walls and stop the sun from going down when we stand up, trust Him, and pick up the sword of the Spirit. Pray because it all depends on Him; Fight because it all depends on us.

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The Gospel is a message of being saved by the ONE Truth from the depravity of a barbarous, rebellion borne of resentment, pride, violent and unjust world system in its many varied and defectively false forms. The Kingdom and Body and Fellowship of believers are exhorted to forsake the world system, join unto Universal Good, resist evil (even unto death) on behalf of the innocent and oppressed. KNOWING full well that the world will oppose and infiltrate (FBI, Commies, racists, non-normative sexuality, liars, cheats, etc) and adulterate the Gospel so that we can be "welcoming of ALL just as they are" with unequal and ailing standards and allow redefining of good and evil; even emphasizing pacifism and not being of this world (I will not repay evil done to me with evil) to mean allowing evil and injustice to grow like cancer and destroy goodness and decency and then saying well at least 'I' didn't commit any offense.

Some means of resistance Must be undertaken whenever possible even low level or counter-infiltration of these Agencies and Agents of Evil. Saying that God set them in Authority is even a worse take as it validates the evil perpetrated upon those they are entrusted to serve and care for. WHEN they violate this position they must be called out (David, Herod, Caesar, Leo X, King James II) and resisted --though entrusting God to fully judge and humble them by whatever means so chosen (Pharaoh, David, King George III, Adolph H.)

We are to radically deal with the sin and its' position within our own lives/hearts/minds/speech mainly be being fully given over to goodness and wisdom and desire for holiness and fellowship with the Divine.

No perfect formula, no endorsed Jihad/Crusade, or unalterable instruction manual for individuals to follow, but all are tasked to not sanction, approve, excuse, comply with, nor participate in the profane and anti-human, (anti-Tao: CS LEWIS) anti-Christ spirit of the age and its activity upon the earth.

Repent (acknowledge and reject EVIL in your life), and be immersed (daily) die to your own evil impulses and base selfish motives, be washed new, (given to a power greater than self) God and the Word and be set apart from and Saved from this quicksand of rebellious, human-constructed slavish system overseen by the Evil One which shall shortly be unseated and Peace and Order restored.

Doing our part--oppose Evil with GOOD (and sometimes this may very well be that physical force is required) while discerning what that is but not worrying about the final outcome as the Commander In Chief of the Universe has that role.

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Well said! It is what it is on this earth.

1 John 5:19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Mark 10:42-44 ... “You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 43 Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. 44 And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

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Its true. Clearly put. I shared this with my dad

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That’s the best question ever, EK. I believe the answer is in a prayerful reading of 1 Corinthians 12. But we can't stop there! His Word reveals specific and personal plans for each of us. You reminded me of this excerpt: “You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret?” The answer is, of course not! But we’re each a vital part of Christ’s body, and there are endless needs to fill. What He calls you to do, He will empower you to do effectively and with boldness. Amen?

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Agreed. How do we plan for this in a Biblical way? Remember that we are told to not let these things trouble us, and that these things must take place.

We are also told to not give way to wickedness. Jeff is an example of that.

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We need to keep searching Scripture for answers. Imagine all of us spread across the bottom of a triangle with Jesus Christ at the top. The closer we get to Him through the Word, the closer we get to each other and knowledge of His assignment for each of us. With Christ in the forefront, our army will coalesce and crush “the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil,” and “the gates of Hell will not overcome it.” That’s here and now and for eternity. Ephesians 6:10-20 & Matthew 16:13-19 aren’t the only places in Scripture that say so.

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"We need to keep searching Scripture for answers."


In the beginning was the Word.

Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.

We are His subjects, and His kingdom is not of this world.

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There is a definite struggle within me to figure out who I was born to be as a daughter of the Almighty. I am blessed in my journey and am so thankful for the peace that passes all understanding. I have that peace. I can only do what I can do, and God has got this. Whether it be Revelation come to our door, or a false flag. I do have a super hard time with 'Christians' ignoring the elephant in the room. This has forced me to seek out like minded souls, even if it is on Substack as the starting point. I have made wonderful friends on here and have met them in person. I love them. It is about how we also perceive ourselves in the Kingdom. Take care of who God gave us (family) and those with whom we bear witness. That feeling is priceless. Where TWO or more are gathered in His name, there will He be also. I do not think it is limited to physical distance, as it is God after all. When you feel just Oh-So-UNO, call a sister or brother in Christ and have a fellowship. The devil hates that. We know God has the end game and I ask Him lots of times, "Really God? Isn't there someone else better and more spiritual than me to be here to see the end of days? I will trade places with Elijah or Moses! Send them on down!" Yet, here I sit. Taking care of my mind and knowing I am limited in my scope of being able to "fix" anything. I can't. But I sure as heck can pray and have open eyes to the kingdom and wealth of being a child of God.

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I’m on board with ALL of that, SadieJay. The shutdowns intentionally isolated believers, but only for a time. Isn’t it amazing how the true body of Christ cannot be separated and silenced? Holy Spirit power! We get persecuted, we get stronger, and it’s about time. We’re finding and building each other up online, of all places. Calls to publicly speak up are flushing many, many God-fearing people out in the open where we belong, rising up for righteousness and getting louder. Hats off to folks like Jeff Childers who run to the sound of gunfire and pull the army together. Glory to God.

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I believe Christians should resist the immorality and corruption in our government; however, if you study Bible prophecy, you know what’s coming. And, no matter what we do, God’s plan will be fulfilled. No “letting” about it. He is in control. I watch a lot of Tiff Shuttlesworth’s teaching on YouTube. He’s a prophecy scholar. You might find his teachings helpful.

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Agreed Becky. Have the same thought

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You’re right you can’t. You need to read Eric Metaxas book letter to the American church. Pronto.

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I feel the same way! 🙏🏻

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

George soros wouldn't be able to do anything if the locals didn't vote for the demonrats. Reap what you sow. Leftist = losers = delusional. Giant is a virtue signaling company. They are losing too. Unfortunately a large swath of this country, its institutions and corporations need to be totally taken down and rebuilt. If the rising vaxx injuries and continuing deaths are any indication, this is going on right now. I am in an area of brainwashed covidians and there will be no change if they remain this way. Sorry if this is negative but it is reality.

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You say that, but Soros funds them, advertises for them, pays for oppo research against their opponents... Yes, democrats vote for them, but maybe it would be better to say that the "uneducated" vote for them. How many times have you heard a political ad where the person's party wasn't mentioned and you thought what they were advocating for sounded like something you could get behind? I'm very wary of political ads that don't advertise party affiliation. These people are sneaky. (I also understand party affiliation isn't the end all be all, but it's a place to start.)

What Soros has done is go to the very lowest levels, inserted his people there, and then branched out to the next level and repeated the process. If we were smart, we'd start doing the same thing, yesterday! We should use the same strategies and operations they're using. Fight fire with fire.

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You can reason or argue with people, but in the end, what they believe is “the TV said so!”

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Exactly right. Getting elected comes down to name ID and Soros spends big on making that happen.

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🗨 Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

Sharp wit H. L. Mencken knew a thing or whole three ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

Even more to the point:

“Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - both commonly succeed, and are right.” H. L. Mencken

(Not that we have a democracy, but still...)

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Increasingly many words have recently fallen into bad habit of departing from their original meanings 😒

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Well, in this case, the truth is that we have never had a democracy; the Founding Fathers thought it was a terrible form of government. Which is why they created a Constitutional republic, which is based on voting, of course, but is not simply 'majority wins, period', which explains the reason for the Electoral College, for instance. They understood the 'tyranny of the majority', although nowadays it seems we have a purely political (and created) 'tyranny of the minority'...

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Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Tyranny of the mob action.

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I'm no professor of political science. But I would describe the US, as founded, as a republic yet with desirable (?) aristocratic features. Mother country England was technically a democracy then, I think, but the Founders wanted to do better. Hereditary nobility was to be avoided. Yet, initally, only wealthy male landowners could vote and serve in government. Unique in world history (?) early in US law was the concept of maximizing the rights and powers of the individual, or at least of the smallest units of governance. In many cases this still exists at the State level (e.g. carrying a concealed gun in FL is now perfectly legal for nearly all adults, not even requiring a special permit. Yet doing the same in other States could earn some stiff prison time. Or liquor laws: one county may be dry, the next wet.) But the concept of States' rights today is very different from what it was when our nation was young.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

Sure, goes w/o saying 🙂 Neither Plato nor Aristotle were big fans of democracy either, not to mention scores of serious thinkers throughout subsequent ages 😏

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Absolutely agree! I too would choose a GM pickup over a Ford any day! 🤡

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Supposed to have a Republic.

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Democracy is 2 lions and a sheep sitting around trying to decide what to have or lunch. We are supposed to be a republic not a democracy.

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Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner. The founding fathers knew democracy was not the right thing. That word has changed in meaning.

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Uniparty, sadly

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Thank you Tritorch . As a hospital laborist, unjabbed , I understood the scam jabs and the lies behind the “science “. ( I am very upset at my own profession) . But it was you Tritorch , who exposed me to the deep state and the DOD and alphabet soup agencies that are corrupt. To be so naive about the government , yet knew the jab was bad on so many levels, I thank you and not embarrassed to say so . Peace and safety and blessings to you and your family… 🙏🌞🤗

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That is very kind of you, but I couldn't have done it without the work of others. Everyone in this movement is standing on each others shoulders doing their best to contribute, expose, shine light in the darkness, and bring the torch of freedom, wisdom, and courage forward.

Take you for instance and all of the people you have healed both psychically, mentally, & spiritually. Like ripples on a pond these good deeds echo and propagate through society, chipping away at the darkness, bringing joy to others and those around them, and who can say where that will take us? The following song and video attempt to encapsulate this:


Nothing I've done from my couch with my keyboard even compares with what you've done from your hospital and your offices for your patients and students. The world is far better for you, and I am honored to call you my friend.

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Thank u but that’s my job , but you put your name down, I have not … deep respect and thank you .

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Jordan Peterson, great video … I’m all in 🎯😘👍🏼

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

I've been screaming this from the mountain top for over 15 years. I am so happy that people are finally starting to listen , inform themselves, and get mad. It wa awful lonely out there for many years. I can only imagine what people like Max Igan and David Ickes felt like knowing this for over 40 years.

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Great responses to your comment, tritorch, with one exception, and I know this is beating a dead horse, but: tptb don’t need *voters* anymore. All they need are ballots. So even if the folks most impacted by these horrific policies decide they want to “vote out” the responsible parties, it matters not. Why would the evil progs relinquish power, now that they know how to cheat successfully?? Until that problem is fixed, we can expect more of the same, unfortunately.

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The anti America forces are hitting us in every direction.

They are also buying up the farmland and poisoning the crops and livestock with vaxxes and pesticides...MRNA??? They got rid of the farmers and corporations took control doing Lord knows what.

Here is a REALLY GOOD example...RFK talking about what Smithfield did to the pork industry.... https://www.bitchute.com/video/Mx521PAaLPLK/ ....RFK personally made video starts at the 24:30 min mark. It discusses Wendell Murphy, former dem politician who is now a BILLIONAIRE, passed laws, then used them to get rich!!!

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Right after China bought Smithfield

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

Everybody should listen to that 3 minute clip you posted. People need to get off their ass and do something before the Khazarians turn this planet into a living hell for everyone but them

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One more thing... The Ks are so embedded in everything, God can only fix it. We can fight back but we can't do it all because the evil will just regroup. God will finish them.

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Yes, the K satanist mobsters have been wreaking their evil havoc since the beginning and the Bible said it will be like the days of Noah toward the end. We are witnessing it happen.

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[New post] Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Figures are a Target; not an Estimation. Because you’re no longer needed due to the birth of Artificial Intelligence & the next stage of the Elite’s plan is to use Global “Boiling” Propaganda to convince you that you are the Carbon Footprint that should be Eliminated

...Because current real-world data on excess deaths in the West strongly suggest Deagel’s depopulation forecast is not just an estimation but in fact, a target that is on track to be hit thanks in part to the deadly effects of Covid-19 vaccination...

...As we wrap up this exploration into the unthinkable, let’s consider this: The mainstream narrative portrays carbon dioxide – a gas we humans exhale – as the planet’s arch-nemesis...


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Right! I’ve always suspected they think we don’t know the difference between dioxide and monoxide. Maybe we don't. If they think we’re stupid and we don’t push back, what does that make us, besides lambs to the slaughter?

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GW Bush, I mean Joe Biden doesn't care if the world is using America's open borders to dump it's human refuse here. He's got taxpayer funded security teams guarding all his (and Hunters) properties. That much is obvious.

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It is far worse than that unfortunately. It is a literal military invasion - set up and facilitated by the pentagon: https://bitchute.com/video/ZHv2yLdFHnyc [17mins]

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Wake up everyone

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Floating spy balloons across military installations, destroying livestock and the food chain, derailing trains and releasing toxic chemicals in the heartland, rioting in major cities, amassing illegal aliens at the borders and stationing them around the country, devaluing the currency.... The list goes on with the same results hostile forces in the 20th century accomplished with subterfuge, blockades, low-altitude bombing, and troops. We’re being conditioned to escalation. I'm sending that link to my county, state, and federal reps and demanding they respond publicly, stop this, get to the bottom of it, and call out the traitors in our government.

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Add one more thing: the coming declaration of a climate emergency, hubby reading Watts up with That today, post asserting all signs pointing to it happening

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I see it as a problem-reaction-solution situation. High crime rates will be the problem the people will be begging for a solution to. I believe the global cabal will offer the solution they already want— massive surveillance and profiling etc.

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Get comfortable with killing and death.that's next.

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If it hurts people it is being done. The beast empowered by the dragon. By the one who hates God and figures the best way to get at him is to hurt people.

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He, George thinks he is a god, as he stated in an interview at least 2 times


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Indeed. And Here he is laughing while: Just George Soros Explaining How He Stole Property from the Jews in Germany During WW2 & Felt No Guilt Doing It:


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Tritorch =wisdom and discernment.

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That's a tough standard to live up to, but I keep trying =)

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District Attorneys are elected and have jurisdiction over Counties. DA Steve Descano serves in Fairfax VA, northern Virginia, and is Soros-backed and does not prosecute what he calls low-level crimes. Descano has no connection to Washington DC.

The Giant grocery store in SE Washington DC that is plagued by shoplifting is under US Attorney Matthew Graves, who declined to prosecute 67% of cases in 2022. See Washington Examiner newspaper 03/29/2023.

Other recent news stories involve Loudon county VA Attorney Buta Biberaj. Probably some in Maryland, also.

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Excellent website, Tritorch! I recommend using the essays on this site to change minds about our situation. Please take the time to read articles on this site.

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Well stated. The day we stop pushing back is the day we’ve lost faith in ourselves. We can’t let that happen. It’s ironic but no joke that Confucius said, "Lacking in confidence from the people, a state cannot survive." We the people are the state. We must remain confident in ourselves and our righteous cause.

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Thank you so much for the link! (and the numerous links at the end of the article)...👍

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That's great news that Dr. John Littell has been reinstated, after being punished for exercising free speech (i.e., telling the truth).

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Good news for this doctor.👏. Unfortunately, just this week, Dr. Sherri tenpenny one of the brave truth warrior physicians that lead us through the scamdemic got called in front of the Ohio medical board just this week with a threat to pull her medical license. I wrote a letter on her behalf asking the medical board not to penalize Dr. Sherri tenpenny for helping the masses sort through all the conflicting information that was being pushed. I need to follow up to see what the outcome of this weeks hearing was.

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https://news.yahoo.com/medical-board-suspends-license-doctor-153042029.html, I thought her license was suspended?

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I believe it was suspended.

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I'm sure she will eventually be vindicated.

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Becky, my friend and I participated in one of Dr. Tenpenny's early on-line presentations discussing the injections and what she saw as the potential issues. It was incredible. I took notes that day and when I review them now, I see that she was right on every, single concern. Amazing woman.

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I listened to the two California docs (who got de-platformed early on), Dr Tenpenny and Dr Lee Merritt in one video, and Rat-face Fauchi himself who said it takes 10 years to develop a vaccine. That and zinc, Quercitin, and C kept me healthy and vax free throughout the whole thing.

There were others, Del Bigtree’s football analogy and Dr Gold too, and then Jeff!!! It’s been a great awakening!

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I remember those California doctors! Dan Erickson and Artin Missihi owners of Accelerated Urgent Care. Boy, were they ever proven right about EVERYTHING!!

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NAB - Any idea what has become of these two doctors?

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Good memory!!

I think the one I saw was on natural immunity, then gone, poof!

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Yup, I remember them too!

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FluChi pushed FEAR with the "10 years to get an effective VAXX" comment. It also was intended to prime people for the miracle VAXXes that were a god-send at just this time and take away some of the inhibitions and hesitations that might arise, plus effective treatments were non-existent and even FURTHER away than Vaxxes-- credit to global science and industry and innovative biotech for the rapid development and production of the billions of doses, but CERTAINLY these were NOT under development Prior to the Novel Virus Evolving and attacking humanity on a global scale. It also was the straw Trump grasped for as a pre-election miracle that he'd get credit for and they pressured him to take it and played him easily while simultaneously beating him down on a FAILED CoVid response and blamed for thousands of infections and deaths on a daily tally-board. TEN YEARS of CoVid running rampant ravaging the overrun hospital, locked-down, masked up, globe waiting for a potential vaccine OR the WOW! factor of miracle vaXXes to save millions and get back to NORMAL!!! Which would a trusting mass of customers of Global Health and Science, Media and Government, Celebrity Culture choose? Well played Doc Fluchi, well played

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You are so right. That sums up the evil plan. I’m glad I remembered the 10 year part when they did come out, it confirmed for me that he is a liar.

This was on FLCCC’s newsletter today from Dr Gold.


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She is an amazing woman. I listened to her early on in the pandemic and knew that what she was saying was the utmost truth!

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Becky - I attended the hearing on Wednesday. Her license was suspended indefinitely.

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That is terrible news. And OH has that mask-loving, Covidstan governor.

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Yep. And so is our assistant AG

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Ohio used to be one of the most 'based' states.

Maybe a new crew of patriots will displace these RINOs.

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Wait, someone above said it was reinstated? It’s horrible if she got it suspended indefinitely 😞 Very discouraging.

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Thank you, so discouraging and infuriating at the same time!

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Apparently information I saw online may have been incorrect. Friend just sent me info saying dr. tenpenny's license was suspended. 🤷‍♀️😤

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This is great news indeed.

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Florida is leading the way for good doctors, but the doctors in blue states are not so fortunate.

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Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.

— Jude 24-25 NASB1995

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"causing everyone in the area to suddenly drop their phones and pens in shock and surprise as though an actual horse had just trotted into the courtroom,". Oh my goodness. Freaking hilarious! Thank you Jeff

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Really funny! So was the comment about Grandma Garland being late for knitting hour!

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We knitters might be offended by that remark!

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The article on the lawsuit against the FDA is wonderful. I wonder if they have also addressed the fact that due to the FDA's so-called guidance, pharmacists were not filling the Ivermectin prescriptions. I got a prescription from my doctor for Ivermectin and the pharmacy filled it, but the pharmacist refused to give it to me, saying "the FDA has recommended that Ivermectin not be used for Covid, therefore I cannot sell you this medication." I was so angry as the pharmacist did not have my medical records nor did she examine me. How can they just disregard a prescription from my doctor? I filled a complaint with CVS, and I filled a formal complaint with the state licensing board. The licensing board later notified me that it was within the pharmacist's rights to refuse the prescription. This needs to be changed. Pharmacists ARE NOT doctors. Who do they think they are superseding a doctor's orders? I hope they will address this as well.

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To be fair, there were pharmacists who refused to vaccinate.

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Your logic is spot on.

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Bankman-Fried didn’t kill himself yet.

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Yet is doing a lot of work in your sentence 😊

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Epstein didn't either

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He was "suicided". ;)

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Leftist Conspiracy discussed today; the Saudi's had him whacked--he had Saudi passports and various ties there.

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As soon as I saw him going to jail, I thought " now there's a guy that knows something, and he's not long for this world". Anybody care to wager?

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Also, sends a signal to Trump. The DC judge has warned that his free speech only goes so far, similar to SBF. And...hope he gets right with God. Can you imagine realizing you’re a tool to be tossed aside when there’s no need for you anymore? I think that’s why Devon Archer sat down with Tucker.

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''“Impeachment ought to be rare,” McConnell explained. “This is not good for the country."'

Because other impeachments were recent - not to mention frivolous - it does not follow that impeachment is never justified. There is such a thing as right and wrong after all. One would think that conservatives would understand that. But McConnell's stance is typical of cowardly Republicans who haven't the courage of their convictions, have no convictions at all, or have those of the Left.

Regarding the appointment of Weiss, many pundits, lawyers, and politicians have pointed out that the appointment is illegitimate in that the statute says that a special counsel must be from outside the government.

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And you know what else isn't good for the country, Mitch ol' boy? Geriatric senators having strokes on camera and then returning later to opine about what isn't good for the country. These. People!

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IMO, it's not really about lacking conviction. McConnell is playing the role he has been assigned. There is no daylight b/c McConnell and "Joe Biden" or Pelosi or Schumer or any other establishment shill. They are all playing the same game: "you play the 'leader' now and we'll play the 'opposition'...OK, now let's switch roles!" They are all aligned against the general populace and the success of America, and working for the 1% who see themselves as world citizens, not Americans. That 1% quite literally owns both the DNC and the GOP. The entire R vs. D dynamic is nothing but theater: a show designed to stoke anger and division in order to generate donations. The McConnells/Pelosis of the world just want a slice of that giant international war chest pie. And their obedience to their masters gets them just that.

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IMO McConnell isn't afraid of an impeachment precedent but that of powerful Washington families being investigated for influence peddling. Biden is a piker compared to McConnel and his crooked, CCP-connected wife.

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There is a epidemic of people infected with a need to be impeached. Let's just issue a Mandate!

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Mitch is not good for the country!!!! But why would he want to impeach Biden???? He and his wife are in bed with china in the same way. The corrupt protect the corrupt.

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Impeach McConnell

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I posted a similar thought.

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I'm wondering...would those shoplifters "try that in a small town"?

Maybe the mayor of DC should consult some small towns for suggestions about how to handle the problem.

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They need those two Sikh gentlemen from the 7-Eleven to run security.

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Hear, hear, I like this suggestion :)

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They got him good! I winced with every blow 😁 Hard to watch but that guy will never do that again.

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But I was also cheering him on while I was wincing 😆 Play stupid games, win stupid prizes as they say!

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Hoping it's a valuable life lesson he can improve from learning and pass on to his son.

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I like that saying!

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Since they've been cleared and won't face charges, would this give license to other store owners to protect their property? Probably depends on who the D.A. is in the town? https://www.ktvu.com/news/no-charges-for-stockton-7-eleven-workers-in-viral-beatdown-of-alleged-robber

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Yes!!! I was thinking the same thing 😁

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I am triggered. Lol 😉

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You so racisss.

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The drug and prostitution part of the impeachment might be there to pique public interest.

Of all the corrupt and illegal things Slick Willie did, the blue dress is what people remember. No one remembers him selling our military tech secrets to China, but mention him and cigars and you’ll get a chuckle.

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But that works against us, in a way, as in, "no one remembers him selling our military tech secrets to China." Give 'em circuses, and they'll remember the circuses. I wish we had a serious adult population in the majority again. RFK, Jr., is an example of a serious man with whom I have policy differences, but he can debate policy on an adult level.

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If we can get Americans to pay attention at all, I’ll take drugs and prostitution. As far as I’m concerned, those are perfectly valid reasons for impeachment.

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They are, as was Clinton's perjury, but there's a term I'm sure you're familiar with - Pyrrhic victory. Not the kind of victory I want; I want an effective victory. The Senate will never convict anyway, and during any hearings the dominant leftist press will 'educate' voters in this election season about dumb, ineffective Republicans impeaching *again* over 'personal decisions' or whatever the exact excuse was for Clinton's sexual/power abuse of his subordinate. I was doubtful that impeaching Clinton was the wise course at the time, and I still hold that view. Opportunity cost is another important concept, because there are only 24 hours in Congress' day, too, so if they're doing 'a' they can't be doing 'b.'

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Agreed, but most times I think them being unable to do ‘b’ is the best outcome for us! Like when there’s a government “shutdown,” I’m always thrilled, because it means delays in pushing through all their detrimental policies.

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I always want them to shut down as long as possible 😆😬

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I'm all for the shutdowns, even though I was classified as 'essential' and always had to go to work anyway. Hopefully it will dawn on some people that when the government shuts down, nothing happens. The 'b' to which I was referring was when they're NOT working to make sure that Queen Hotchibobo's comment, "no one remembers [Clinton] selling our military tech secrets to China," never happens again. The 'a' they were doing instead at the time was the loser strategy of impeaching Clinton over his perjury about 'that woman.' The House is (finally) doing a good job exposing to those who didn't know what the Biden business is, e.g. That's the 'b' they need to do, vs. so much of what they do that is showboating and wasting precious time.

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I'm thinking they know something we don't. Like signed checks or bank deposits to some madam somewhere, with the big guy paying for hunters picadillos

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Yes, I was wondering if they had access to this kind of information as well.

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Unlike Adam ShiftyShif, Nadler and Pelosi, one hopes the committee has hard evidence of the allegations. Perhaps the laptop and bank records?

We might see. But they are experts at delays.

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and forgetting that his perjury resulted in the denial of civil rights to another citizen...

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If the Rs are serious, now that Grandma Garland has illegally appointed Weiss, they will start impeachment hearings against Garland and Weiss.

Otherwise, all testimony will be prevented.

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Once again we get a glimpse of what would have happened if Garland's nomination to SCOTUS was approved

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Nothing will happen for either impeachment. It never does. It's all political theater.

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I hate to agree with you, but you're correct. House Oversight, impeachment, etc. - it's all become toothless theater designed to generate cash flow for the DNC and GOP, enabling them to fund campaigns against the handful of legitimate, non-establishment grassroots candidates that pop up. Re: "Joe Biden's" impeachment, they'll just replace him with a different but similar puppet if his baggage becomes too burdensome to both parties.

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Yesterday evening, a died suddenly news headline came across my phone about Caleb White, a 17 year old star basketball player who collapsed and died on the court. I mentioned it to the company I was with, and they said wow like Bronny James, so strange, I said yeah it’s from the vaccine, they looked bewildered and almost laughed. I said what would it take to make people realize it’s the vaccine causing myocarditis in young people that it never did before? They looked at me blankly. I said, only if it’s on CNN would anyone believe it’s true. Then to my shock, the gentleman blurts out Oh, Shut Up.

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How rude of him, and good for you for speaking up! They will never accept that they might be wrong.

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So many people will NEVER wake up.

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They are mostly likely jabbed and if they have any sense at all, they are petrified! Keep speaking the truth, Lily!

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The news alert was from The New York Post, and this gentleman I know did take the vaccine. He also said he votes Trump but he can’t stand Trump’s ego/comments, behavior.

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People don’t want to hear about it because it scares them.

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RFK Jr. says the scamdemic was a plot to raise over $200 billion.



Others say the primary goal was DePop.


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I say both.

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Perhaps these goals are aligned.

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BFM - was the interview with Bobby and Megan recent?

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I think it was from Aug 3.

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You would think that Megan would have dived into this scam when her sister died suddenly.

I saw an interview from quite awhile ago with Megan and Bobby. She was argumentative with him about childhood vaccines. The cult has her on its firm grip.

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Laura Kasner - I though Megan Kelly was outright rude to RFK, Jr. in that video from a while ago! He did a good job of keeping things rational.

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Peace - I agree! Hard for her to accept that she got her kids all their shots and possibly harmed them.

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Megan Kelly just learns about treatments being suppressed in order to facilitate vaccine EUA. There you go.

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Surprised no mention of the Chief of Police/Tucker interview on J6, Jeff.. big news no one is talking about.. 🤔 https://x.com/tuckercarlson/status/1689783814594174976?s=46&t=Bc45ESP21Gfh11xAGqYnkw

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Excellent interview worth listening to. Basically points out that there we’re subversive plans to create J6.

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Yes, no plan to infiltrate and thwart an impending insurrection, ONLY plans to ENHANCE and/or CREATE a Visual Spectacle of ONE that could then be vigorously put down for ALL to WITNESS, and allow endorsement of MORE STATE SECURITY OPERATIONS against MORE and MORE Americans that Requires MORE and MORE FUNDING. FBLie (that conspired, incited, and fomented the entry and confrontation with police, abetted planting pipe bombs, and with the AIM OF Entrapping many and Discrediting ALL who questioned the validity of the official 2020 Election Results is the ENEMY of the People and an Arm of the DeepHate that Interfered with the ELECTION on behalf of BIDEN. This is their tradition truly and we excused it when used against Commies but now the NeoCommies own it and have made it ever more effective much like the Tsarist Police Force was crafted into KGB.

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Watched it yesterday. No one wants to talk about it. I wonder why...

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That was incredible!!! Tucker is so awesome! A must watch interview!

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When I mentioned taking ivermectin for covid to some of my VA providers, they pooh-poohed it and even demonized the drug.

..."NIH already has a protocol for treating covid"

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NIH Official Covid Treatment Protocol:

1. Deny immediate care

2. Return to ER when lips are blue or you can't speak a sentence on one breath

3. Insert ET tube and ventilate vulnerable lung tissue (extra high PEEP preferred)

4. Administer Remdesivir to finish off the job, ahem, address viral load

5. Apply toe tag and send to the morgue after - and this is the most important step - denying family member's access to patient.

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You forgot Step #6- receive federal funds for patient who was a. tested positive for covid, b. put on Remdesivir, c. put on a ventilator. Big bucks for that patient.

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Yes. You're right. THOSE are the most important steps.

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Exactly what happened to a friend of mine. She was in her 40's and left twin 18-year-olds behind.

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I am so sorry, Jean. I pray for justice.

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And it is as deadly as the vaxx. Oops. I wasn't to say the last part out loud. 😉

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Shout it from the rooftops!

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Health Providers were blissfully uninformed. Took me about 3 hours in 2020 to find decades of published ivermectin studies to show its potential. Then India. They have no excuse.

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Same! I tried in vain to get doctors at my hospital to look at published research on ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. I saw people I thought were intelligent, become zombies for CDC guidance. Later learned of the powerful financial incentives hospitals received for compliance. I finally left and will never return to a corporate healthcare setting. Put my RN license on inactive status and will likely never use it again. Never gave a shot, never took one and fought with all I could to expose the lies.

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EASILY peer pressured into the new NAZI medical movement; fear + opportunity + gvt. blessing + shielded and given every excuse and dodge; with zero negative impact on image, status, future = societal ruination, death, injury all for the greater good no matter the deadly results. "Think how MUCH WORSE it could have been!"

Only following orders and protocols and ever-changing data, NEVER speaking out with dangerous Mis Dis Mal information that WOULD certainly ruin your career and station and caused a ruckus with anti-science rhetoric and postulation of alternatives

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They wanted us to die.

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And they still do KJ

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Can imagine if lives depended on your job? What lazy jerk gives treatment directed by CDC advice memos without doing any self learning?

Many Doctors exposed their incompetence at the most critical time.

Thank God for the real Doctors who investigated.

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I ask several providers at the VA if they had read RFK Jr.'s book on Fauci.

Glazed look...disinterest...never heard of it...had no interest in reading it.

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What’s crazy is ivermectin has decades of history before JFKs book. I, a layman, easily found it with little effort.

In contrast, the history of mRNA was mostly empty and worrisome based on data that WAS available.

Back in 2020 Ivermectin was already known to be 1) harmless and used off-label, 2) readily available, 3) cheap, 4) potential to drastically reduce symptoms.

Advisors pushing mRNA while simultaneously suppressing ivermectin are guilty.

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"guilty of murder for suppressing ivermectin"

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Also used routinely for asylum seekers coming to the US 😑🤨 Apparently those people are actually horses.

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Spot on!!! Lazy jerks is right! I’d add lazy, incompetent, unscrupulous, self important jerks!

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I refer to them as technicians at best

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I’m going to call my local pharmacy and ask them if they fill ivermectin prescriptions.

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Good idea...they had no right to ever refuse to fill in the first place.

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Post back what you find, Oregon Kathy!

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Tell them the fda said so.

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RE the impeachment filing. This “gas lighting” term has only been on my radar a few years and now I see it constantly. It’s a main tactic.

Ignore it and pretend it isn’t happening.

Deny when you can’t ignore any more.

Blame it on something totally unrelated when you can no longer deny.

Blame it on the people investigating when you can’t blame anything else.

Defend only when denial and blame fail.

Defend until totally defeated.

“Gas Lighting”, a psychotic approach to lying.

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Also, vigorously accuse you're opponent of the things you are doing.

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Last one- old news!

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