Thank you for the magnanimous stocking stuffer, Jeff, as well as for your tireless work continually monitoring the latest shenanigans; delivering your findings in a delectable daily espresso shot; and serving all of it up with a generous helping of humor, optimism, actionable solutions, and love β˜•οΈπŸ’—

You have created a phenomenally special community here, and I am grateful to be a part of the C&C Army.

Merry Christmas to you and the rest of the C&C foot soldiers!

Here’s to making 2023 the Year of the Good Reset:

β€’ https://www.bobmoran.co.uk/downloads-1/the-good-reset-download

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Thanks for saying it all for me! Merry Christmas everyone. I am very thankful to have found a warm and comfortable home for all my outrage and sarcasm here and on Substack. Love to you all!!

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I saw this art a while back.....if you notice my profile pic, I guess I really loved it! β™₯️

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Margaret Anna Alice, thank you for the story about Baby Alex. I read it this morning and gave a donation to the family. I cannot begin to imagine that kind of pain and loss. Bless you for spreading the word in support of this young family's tragedy.


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Thank you so much for your generosity, Susie. I heard from Cornelia yesterday, and she is deeply grateful for the kind comments and donations. They are proceeding with the lawsuit, so your support helps immensely πŸ€—

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Amen, MA2... but one could add, as well, 'eXpresso' to Your 'a delectable daily espresso shot' cheers

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How perfectly you articulated our thoughts of appreciation, Margaret Anna Alice! Thank you! My post-covid, brain fogged mind is incapable of putting two words together, so you made it easy to simply say…Hear! Hear!

Bless you and Merry Christmas! ❀️🌲

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Despite the crazy, mixed up world we currently live in, GOD IS WITH US. He was with us 2000 years when he came on that first Christmas Day and is still with us today. It’s not always easy to remember this when the craziness of the world gets us down, but He is there. I’m so thankful we have Christmas to remind us of this each year. He will see us through.

May all you commenters have a wonderful Christmas season with your family! Each of you help provide a community of people who support each other in this crazy journey. Thank you Jeff for your knowledge, your wittiness, and your Substack. It’s a wonderful gift!

Merry Christmas everyone! God bless you and be with you! πŸŽ„πŸŽ πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ

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Yes, He is with us. He is sovereign. He has given us everything we need to live a godly life, even in these awful times.

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Yes, He has! Especially now, we need him more than ever. Merry Christmas! 🎁

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Dec 24, 2022Β·edited Dec 24, 2022

Wonderful comment Jacquie. It’s why we sing Immanuel! God with us! Bless you! ❀️🌲

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Well said, Jacquie! Wishing you a Christmas blessed with love and joy! πŸŽ„β€οΈπŸ₯°

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I'm tired of hearing covid-related ads on the radio. The most ironic mentions a scenario in which a person decides to wait before doing something. The ad then says it's okay to wait sometimes, but when you have covid, it's important to get early treatment. This from the people who have done everything they can to suppress effective early treatment! I could complain about my taxes being spent on such ads, but at this point, my taxes are long spent and money is just being printed for whatever they want. Merry Christmas! God is still sovereign!

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Actual cold blooded murder went onβ€”government sanctioned! I wish I had access to a few scrawny rodent like necks right now. Arghhhhhh.

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Of course I’m talking about the Christmas goose or somethin’ similar.

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Of course!πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

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NIH, CDC, FDA Gooses and Media goslings.

Anne, print the money and launder it through Ukraine so they can suppress us more. Quite a racket. Where's RICO?

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When I first heard that β€œearly treatment” advice ad, I almost ran off the road! Fury!!They think we’re THAT stupid to not remember stay home, take ibuprofen & only seek doc or hospital when you can’t breathe (lips turn blue)?!?! A friend was told just that by her own doctor; she sought help from a β€œpatriot doctor” who prescribed ivermectin & in 2 days she was remarkably better.

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Oh yes… even Vitamin D would save lives.

But IVM and HCQ work…. and purposely scratch from authorized list. 😒

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My sister got the same advice. Her much sicker husband too. Both in their 60’s. They just rode it out. Hard core dems. He said if Fauci told him to cut off a finger he would. No lie. He did say that.

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It’s hard to see family being SO stupid. Stupidity is defined as someone thinking they know everything and not being open to listening to another view.

It will be inevitable, but in another 3 - 5 years (or sooner) many who took the jabs will have died, have incurable cancer or rampant heart disease.

If they would cut off a finger for a fake doctor, I guess they’re willing to give their life, too. Valuable lessons for all of us abound!

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Amen. God is the Sovereign. Psalm 46:10 β€œBe Still and Know that I am God. β€œ niv

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Especially on our conservative radio stations. The morning dj sometimes makes fun of the adds.

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I have turned those stations off completely there is so many places to get good info good music they are no longer needed. Ticks me that it’s my money being spent on them tho

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Oh believe me, I turn the radio down when one of those ads come on, and can't keep from muttering "those lying liars" over and over.

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I have some choice words myself.😎

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Many of the ads are heard on fake conservative media.

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Are you talking about the ad where at the end it says "sponsored by pfizer"?? I was so mad / laughing hysterically when I heard that ad. They're like, "Well shoot, now nobody trusts our vaccine so maybe we can still make money with this fake early treatment thing that doesn't work near as well as ivermectin and HCQ and probably has way more side effects" ?????

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I'm not sure about the end. By then I've either cut it off or am yelling, "Liars, liars, liars!!"

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Haha I laughed out loud at that.

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I sold medical supplies for over 20 years until I was fired for refusing the mRNA juice against my religious beliefs. Here’s a study I shared with my customers when they were screaming for N95 masks. It’s a pre-covid study which makes it a little more trustworthy in my opinion, but comes to the same conclusion. They don’t do what they are telling you they do.


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From the start my son who works in the mold remediation industry said that masks would not work and that included N95. Unless an N95 has been properly fitted to your face and made especially for you, it will not keep mold out nor any small virus. All of this has been political theater for control and to make people sicker. There were 15 bacteria that were cultured from worn masks in one study. (I haven't found it in my files, but I am sure it would be on Dr. Mercola's substack) besides lower oxygen levels and higher carbon dioxide levels which are especially devastating to children.

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The only products that work are a fit tested P100 respirator or a PAPR.

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Sweettea71, you may know… if heart surgery needed, NEEDED… will religious exemptions be enough to avoid the required poison jab?

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Depends on the facility and not sure about surgery, but for most organ transplants you will need the shot which is why EVERYONE should remove yourself from the organ donation system and be sure to tell them why. Discriminating based on vaccination status should be illegal. If the organ supply dries up they will be forced to reconsider their policy.

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Thank you.. much. Heart aneurysm πŸ™πŸΌ praying never needs surgery.. my blood is organic.

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Can hardly believe they're still requiring the kill shot to get a life-saving transplant! Something is desperately wrong--

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Yes… shear murder.. I’m praying for their family. A disgrace.

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Yes, very true.

Another Conceptual Problem with Masking:

If fit-tested respirators do reduce COVID exposure, they might also reduce exposure to competing or interfering viruses too. We inhale a large quantity of virions each minute, and any reduction in COVID might reduce the less virulent, but potentially protective viruses too.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Lmao!!! The mask is the democrats MAGA hat🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Jeff. May you be richly blessed for the heavy lifting you are doing for truth and sanity preservation. I believe it is truly God’s work you are doing for us all.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Merry Christmas from Canada. Breaking news: Dr. Byram Bridle is suing the University of Guelph, the Dean, the VP, the CEO, etc. for tortuous conduct including creating a fake website and Twitter account impersonating the courageous doctor with the intention of defaming him. Dr. Bridle has used his position as a top immunologist and vaccinologist to speak out truth about the jab from day one. Some people didn’t like that, so they decided to ruin him. (So much for the myth about polite Canadians, eh?!)

For your bedtime reading, here is the 73 page Statement of Claim.


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Good for him!!

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Dec 24, 2022Β·edited Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Dear Mr. Childers,

For those of us flying through blue-infected Dr. Fraudci areas, there can never be too much scientific data on the lunacy of publicly wearing face masks against a less than nano micron-sized respiratory virus.

Thank you and Merry Christmas! 🐴

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horsey I love that reply ! it reminds me of the meme of the man fencing in his yard and comparing it to the woman 's mask ! I won't ever forget that pic !

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And if the masks worked wouldn’t cv19 have been stopped in it’s tracks?

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if any of the things they did had worked it would be long gone. If they had not interfered it would be long gone ! it is people trying to interfere with nature that causes all kind of mayhem!

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

On a plane Thursday. Just a couple of masks there and hardly any in the airport. Poor flight attendants were decked out with holiday masks though. Sadly a man in our boarding gate dropped and certainly was dead as the defibrillator didn’t work and manual compression was going on as they ushered us down the jet way. It was shocking. So Sad. Looked like he was traveling alone. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ». I’m going to a big family thing tonight but I’ll be taking some X-clear nasal spray and listerine throat spray spritzers just in case.

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people are dropping dead all over the place for over a year now. This week 2 within 10 minutes in an Italian street. Most of them younger then myself. I am unjabbed and hope that is the difference.

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Americans are whistling past the graveyard refusing to acknowledge that it is there. I don't know anybody that doesn't know of more than one person who died SADS or acquired turbo cancer or heart attacks etc etc etc, usually someone(s) in the extended family and friends and total strangers. It's mind boggling to me! Do the math. If EVERYONE knows at least of one (and who knows only of one?), how many does that equate to??? It has to be millions and no one is talking about it! When we do talk numbers, everyone is referring to the phoney VAERS data as if this is a manageable situation. It's not. This is a devastation, in every sense of the word. Just in terms of economics, the results are going to be catastrophic. Why do we play their stupid games? This has to be what mass insanity looks like.

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Footnote: The Harvard study of VAERS done pre-covid concluded that only 1% of adverse events are captured by VAERS. That's under reporting by a factor of 100 to 1. And we know acknowledging adverse events from the shot has been highly discouraged. I would estimate now that the numbers in VAERS are, at least, under reported by a 1000 to 1. And that is just the short term effects of the shot. Long term, people are dying all the time from cancers and strokes and heart attacks etc that are NOT recognized as shot related. The only statistic I trust is all cause mortality. I expect the CDC will begin to falsify that number soon also.

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This is exactly right. It’s absolutely appalling at the deepest and most of visceral level. The sheep are rushing to the slaughter and demanding we come with them. Mandating it.

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The numbers are huge! According to an Indiana insurance company after the shot there was a 40% increase in deaths in working age Americans with a 10% increase being like a once in a century effect like a war. Why is the government letting in millions into the country without vaccines? It is not just for voting purposes, but also to take over the jobs of the dying Americans!

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Me too. Shocking to see it personally. Takes it out of the happening someplace else realm. Even if it was something else and not what we fear it may be. I send greetings to you, Ingrid.

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Listerine not known to counter a terminal case of SADS.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

No, of course not. But gargling kills germs which enter the body via the mouth. I gargle twice daily w/ 1/2 hydrogen peroxide & 1/2 water. Plus use nasal spray w/ providone iodine twice daily. Both kill viruses. Viruses also enter our bodies via noses too. I think it was Dr. Zelenko who said if we’d discovered those two simple preventative measures earlier many could have avoided the plague (bio-weapon)

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Gargling with a low percentage (0.5%) iodine solution is also helpful for killing whatever is brewing in the throat/mouth. Also helpful to use in a nasal spray daily.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Twitter is supposedly now pitching advertising opportunities to small businesses. Local biz.

The idea is that your ads would be shown to people in your regional operating area.

Pretty cool! Hopefully more 'big tech' will become more responsive to their actual customers and businesses.

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I will definitely consider advertising my small business to the local area on Twitter.

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Dec 24, 2022Β·edited Dec 24, 2022

Might be worthwhile for our churches to buy a "spot" on the Twit. Craft it to appeal to the children who spend their hours on social media. That field is indeed white for harvest.

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That's a brilliant idea! Let's get our churches and ministries advertised on Twitter. Man, what did you put on your Wheaties this morning?!

This thought never would have occurred to me because I'm still so brain-washed about keeping my religion to myself....

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Go forth boldly! The fields are white for harvest.

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Make sure to show plenty of dancing and shouting ppl of African American colors, Oriental, and South of the Border because those ppl have the mostest fun wherever they are.

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I for one want Elon to stay as CEO. Libs & fired Twitter folks with their woke comrades skewed the voting.

As someone said he should declare that he really won when all the mail-in ballots were counted!

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Fakebook has made a ton of money selling that kind of advertising. I used it sparingly, but I think it can be helpful. I still think advertising in local publications, billboards etc is better. Local, right, Jeff Childers?

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Merry Christmas!!! Your daily publication is the BEST GIFT EVER!!! May God richly bless you as you have blessed us!!

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œAnother example is Substack, where the best journalism on the Internet is now found, and where the people can directly interact with reporters, cutting corporate media out of the middle. Substack’s innovation was eschewing censorship, understanding that its readers don’t like that.”

Substack has contributed to my emotional well-being! The ability to bypass corrupt news and social media, and meet like-minded conservative and faith-filled readers warms my soul.

Thank you.

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Aha now I know what channel people in town are watching ! it is one blocked years ago from my news feed for spreading misinformation. Sigh. At least I blocked the right one.

How did I come to Substack? probably through a philosophy blog I was following, but I still thank God every day for it!

Happy Christmas to the christians, Kwanzaa and other holidays to others, and merry return of the light for all !

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Let not forget Festivus!

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I wonder too. Probably a link. But after one substack all the rest became available.

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Kwanzaa is a fake holiday made up in 1966 by radical black nationalist, convicted felon, and FBI informant named Ron Karenga. Among other things he was an accessory to the murder of two Black Panthers, that group not being radical enough for him.

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Let's apply Occam's razor to long COVID and cut out all unnecessary explanations. What we are left with is this: The recent mass injection campaign is the cause of long COVID.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

This is one of my favorite sub stacks - I look forward to reading it everyday. Merry Christmas everyone!

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Back at ya. πŸŽ„

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Doesn't why Twitter employees were never asked about how Twitter could be made better have something in common with why there are never national referendums on the big questions? Like whether we really want to have needless, senseless, endless wars? Or whether the borders should be locked shut? Or should we all at least try Ivermectin to see if it works? Stuff like that?

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