☕️ SPONGEY ☙ Friday, October 27, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
DOJ attorney was 'too busy' to investigate Hunter; abandoned bio lab update and its not BS; Newsweek run excess deaths story; Israel's deadly Sponge Bob weapon; Mideast briefing; SADS; and lots more.
Your roundup includes: U.S. Attorney claims he was “too busy” to investigate Hunter Biden; abandoned Reedly Chinese bio lab story update — an arrest; DeSantis spars with reporter on red flag laws; Newsweek runs excess deaths op-ed; Sponge Bob is Israel’s newest secret weapon, or something; air attacks reveal Hamas tunnel system; guess how much Hamas is worth?; SADS surfer mystery infection; SADS update on Madonna’s mystery infection; SADS actor and Jamie Foxx buddy dies; and our Internet hero of the week.
🪖 I thought my Steve Kirsch interview went well last night and you might enjoy it if you’re surfing around for something to watch this weekend. Separately, I also interviewed with Jay Bhattacharya this week, and will get you the link as soon as it’s available. From time to time I receive feedback that this person or that person is a deep-state mole or a RINO sellout or worse and I should eschew any contact with them.
Governor DeSantis is a good example of this. Some people do not trust him. I have a lot of (indirect) positive history with the Governor from back in the most insane parts of the pandemic. While I do my best not to trigger anyone, I expect my little news item about him today will probably draw some testy feedback. Note: I promised not to get into the presidential primary politics, and I won’t.
I’m pretty confident there are deep state moles around. But since I have no idea who the actual moles are, or aren’t, I’m hewing to a biblical standard: I simply evaluate influencers by their fruits. So long as they are helping the cause, and my personal contacts with them don’t raise any red flags, I’m happy to keep working with them on our mutual objectives. If they ever stab the movement in the back, load a rainbow-colored Ukraine flag into their bio-pic, or send me a cheerful postcard from Davos, Switzerland, then I will move on.
I hope that helps explain my interview choices! Now, on to the roundup.
🔥 In the “you can’t make this stuff up” department, the UK Daily Mail ran a story yesterday headlined, “Biden-appointed prosecutor ADMITS he declined to prosecute Hunter for tax crimes because he was 'short-staffed.”
Diverse U.S. Attorney Martin Estrada, a Joe Biden-appointed DOJ prosecutor, tendered a sworn statement to Congress this week wherein he testified he declined to prosecute Hunter Biden — Joe Biden’s son — for very serious crimes because, and this is 100% true and not made up, Estrada explained he was ‘short-staffed.’
In other words, Mr. Estrada was just too busy. What can I tell you? Crime fighting can get pretty hectic. There is a very technical and complicated interplay between DOJ assignments that ordinary Americans cannot fully appreciate: “Every attorney you assign to a case means you can't do another case,” Estrada sniffed, according to his October 24th House Judiciary transcript.
But … somehow, the DOJ has not been too busy to prosecute thousands of regular citizens for misdemeanor trespassing. US Attorneys also weren’t too busy to investigate homeschool moms for criticizing school board members. And they weren’t too busy to investigate abortion clinic protestors for civil rights violations. And they aren’t too busy to investigate Tesla for “exaggerating” the range of its battery-powered cars.
A car company exaggerating car features? That is way more important than stopping a president’s son from peddling influence to shady oligarchs all over the worst parts of the world. I mean, be serious.
🔥 There’s been some bullish progress in the California abandoned bio-lab story. Last week ABC-13 WHAM California ran a local story headlined, “Chinese citizen arrested in California for misbranded medical devices, illegal bio lab.” Arrested was “Jesse” Zhia-Bhei Zhu, a Chinese national who back in in 2016 was ordered to pay eye-popping damages of three hundred and thirty million dollars.
The damages arose from a lawsuit against Zhu in British Columbia, for stealing technology related — and I’m being completely serious here — “to the separation of sex chromosomes from bull semen”:
Please don’t ask me what they were doing with the bull semen sex chromosomes or why it was worth so much. And don’t think too hard about how they got the semen out of those poor animals. The answers might just make you give up all hope in humanity.
According to a Vancouver Sun article at the time, the $330 million damages award was the largest civil judgment ever granted by a Canadian court. Later, in December of that year, Zhu was ordered to surrender himself to serve a six-month jail term for contempt for failing to make certain court-ordered payments.
I’m thinking that’s about when Zhu, probably viewing his Canadian prospects as dwindling, departed snowy Canada for sunny Los Angeles, later entering the lucrative covid test kit business, generously-funded by the State of California and the United States federal government, and all their dizzying array of big-dollar incentives, grants, forgivable ‘loans’, and ‘programs’ not requiring actually doing anything.
Last week the DOJ arrested Zhu, but just for selling non-EUA approved medical products (max 3 years) and lying to investigators (max 5 years). I reviewed the DOJ’s charging affidavit, and it doesn’t mention the biosafety level-five germs found in the lab or the blood or all the centrifuges and sketchy lab equipment. It really didn’t describe the lab at all, remaining tightly focused on the labeling violations and the false statements.
From the DOJ’s affidavit:
From at least December 2020 through March 2023, Zhu caused the companies to manufacture and distribute, or attempt to distribute, hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 IVD test kits across the United States, many of which were mislabeled, without obtaining an EUA from the FDA as was required. Zhu also caused the companies to import over 47,000 pregnancy IVD test kits from China and distribute, or attempt to distribute, the test kits on Amazon without being registered with the FDA as was required. Therefore, all of these IVD test kits were misbranded medical devices under the FDCA, which Zhu caused to be received, introduced, or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 331(a) and (c).
Moreover, when Zhu was questioned by FDA officials, and warned that making false statements to them was a federal crime, he repeatedly lied about who he was, his involvement with UMI and PBI, and the activities of the companies in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3).
Hopefully you didn’t use one of Zhu’s test kits. Who knows what was in there? (Two words: bull semen. Just saying.)
It’s worth reflecting on the fact that the only reason Zhu got caught was because lab employees left a hose running in Reedly, California, where residents are banned from using outdoor faucets on weekdays, and an alert, climate-aware citizen named “Karen” called codes enforcement.
So … How many other Zhu-like operations got away with it?
🔥 Last night, in a delightful clip, Governor DeSantis sparred with a CNN anchor over “Red Flag” laws. This kind of thing is really the Governor’s best element: arguing with reporters. It’s almost not even fair.
Effortlessly citing the Fifth Amendment and Constitutional due process, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis handily tangled with a CNN anchor who wanted to get him to endorse so-called red flag laws, especially since Florida has one (it was passed before he was Governor), and since popular Florida Sheriff Grady Judd supports the laws.
CLIP: Florida Governor DeSantis argues with CNN anchor pushing red flag laws (9:47).
She thought she had him, but she wasn’t even close.
The Maine shooting was the context of the interview. Red flag laws allow courts to “flag” a citizen who is then not allowed to own a firearm, and they are banned from buying (legal) guns. But Governor DeSantis breezily dismissed Red Flag laws in the Maine context in the first 30 minutes of the interview by pointing out the obvious fact that, “look, he already owned guns.”
As the Governor said, we don’t need any more red flag laws. We need fair, due-process-providing involuntary commitment processes.
💉 Question asked! If only we had some kind of gigantic, massively over-funded health bureaucracy in this country that could …. oh never mind. At least we’ve somehow managed to hang on to a couple dozen independent doctors who haven’t yet been hoovered up into the medical-industrial complex or brainwashed in woke medical school struggle sessions.
Anyway, yesterday Newsweek ran an op-ed authored by one of those brave independent doctors, Pierre Kory, headlined, “Why Are Death and Disability Rising Among Young Americans? | Opinion.” Unlike our public health officials, Dr. Kory is shocked with the baffling jump in disabilities in working-age Americans as shown in federal data:
According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of American adults considered ‘unable to work’ ballooned by more than +3.5 million since January 2020, with +1.5 million added just in the first nine months of this year. You can see in the chart above there was a baffling inflection point in 2021, when the number of cases, having been flat for a decade, started heading for the skies.
Dr. Kory also noted the “open secret” of off-the-charts excess deaths, with people permanently leaving the workforce younger, in greater numbers, and from diseases usually seen in older folks until after the jab-demic. According to federal data, an extra +25% more 15-to-19-year-olds—about a thousand young people—died during 2023’s first five months.
In total, according to federal numbers, +87,000 “excess” people died during the same five month period — Americans who should still be alive right now, if they hadn’t been slain by a mysterious secret murderer stalking Americans.
Heavily-massaged CDC data — almost certainly understated — shows liver disease deaths in 20-to-44-year-olds up an unbelievable +58% (averaged across the three pandemic years, compared to the 2019 baseline), which comes to +8,000 more people lost to sudden and unexpected liver disease. Kidney disease deaths in 40-to-44-year-olds mushroomed +30% in 2022 compared to 2019. Deaths from cerebrovascular disease — i.e. strokes — in the young (35-to-39-year-olds) jumped +17% in 2022. Heart disease rates in the same youthful group surged +12%.
Dr. Kory wants an independent review:
We need an unbiased, nonpartisan investigation into this troubling trend. Record-high rates of incapacitation threaten our economy and signal continuing waves of early death.
In other words, for some reason, Dr. Kory does not trust the CDC to handle this investigation. To be honest, the CDC no longer has any appearance of being “unbiased” or “nonpartisan.” In other words, the so-called “health” agency (or, the sickness agency) is biased and partisan.
We need to vaccinate the CDC.
Kudos to Newsweek for running the op-ed. Anyone reading the article will naturally expect some kind of response from the government, which will remain silent, leaving the ugly question hanging right in the air in front of everybody’s faces. We’re making progress.
🔥 In a confluence of gun-control and local news, this headline popped up in my feed yesterday: Gainesville man shot by homeowner defending himself, his children.
A “Gainesville man” was locked up in the Putnam County Jail on Wednesday. Back in June, Semaj Atkins, 21, knocked on someone’s door, and when the homeowner answered, Atkins pulled a gun on him. The alert and apparently quiet spry homeowner darted inside while Atkins fired into the house. The defiant homeowner snatched up his own gun and returned fire, protecting himself and his children, who were home.
Pro tip: practice your shooting before you invade somebody’s home in Florida. We shoot back. Between the two, the homeowner had much better aim than Atkins. The failed home invader was injured, and fled the scene in a very cowardly manner.
A short time later, Atkins was stopped by Putnam County Sheriff’s deputies while driving away, bleeding from a gunshot wound to the chest. Apparently Atkins informed police that the homeowner started it. It took until this month for ballistics to come back proving the homeowner’s side of the story.
Buh bye!
🚀 Middle East War Briefing 🚀
💣 NDTV ran a story yesterday headlined, “’Sponge Bombs’: Israel's New Secret Weapon To Block Hamas Tunnels.”
Wait! Sorry. I meant, Sponge Bomb, not Sponge Bob. Here’s the right picture:
That’s better. According to the story, the Israelis are now deploying a new secret weapon. They are using chemical ‘grenades’ that, when thrown, create a “sudden explosion of foam.” In other words, it makes a giant hardened foam wall, which is pretty handy for sealing up tunnels and things like that.
💣 A photo of a series of recently-collapsed tunnels in Kahn Yunis, Gaza, gives you an idea of what Hamas has been doing with all the aid money and construction materials it has received from the U.S. and other countries over the last decade.
In Gaza, there are cities above the ground, and there is a giant insectile tunnel city under the ground:
💣 Question asked: NBC News ran a story yesterday headlined, “Gaza is plagued by poverty, but Hamas has no shortage of cash. Where does it come from?” The sub-headline explained, “Hamas has an investment portfolio of real estate and other assets worth $500 million, say experts, and an annual military budget of as much as $350 million.”
How about that? Qatar and Iran are Hamas’ largest funders. One suspects the U.S. is also somewhere on that list, paying U.S. tax dollars over for “humanitarian assistance” to a group worth half a billion. And that net worth is just what Hamas publicly admits to, the legal side of the operation.
So don’t worry. Financially, the terror group is doing very well.
💉 Last month, surf legend and four-time Australian surfing champion Mark Richardson was evacuated from Bali to Australia, fighting for his life, after being suddenly and unexpectedly hospitalized while on holiday for "severe upper gastrointestinal hemorrhaging."
In the latest update this week, Richardson fortunately reported being on the mend. He told 7News Australia that "an infection and an ulcer in an artery" nearly ended his life. The former surfer has now had four surgeries and explained on his GoFundMe website, "I will have ongoing health issues to deal with from this and am not sure when I will be able to start back with my coaching."
In the many articles on Mark’s traumatic near-death experience, there is no curiosity or speculation at all about what might have caused it. It’s just one of those things, I guess.
💉 Speaking of sudden and unexpected infections, the San Fransisco Chronicle ran a story this week headlined “Madonna says it’s a ‘miracle’ she’s alive ahead of Bay Area concerts.”
During her latest concert in Antwerp, Madonna, 65, commented to the audience about her summer hospitalization for a sudden and unexpected septic bacterial infection. “Less than four months ago, I was in a hospital, and I was unconscious, and people were thinking, predicting, that I might not make it,” the singer grimly explained. “So, it’s a f—ing miracle that I’m here right now.”
Four months later, the A-list artist has yet to fully recover. “I must tell you, I don’t feel really well right now,” Madonna confessed to the audience. “But I can’t complain because I’m alive.”
💉 Actor and producer Keith Jefferson, 53, has died after a two-month bout with an undisclosed type of cancer. Keith was close friends with Jamie Foxx, who also recently experienced a sudden and unexpected ‘medical emergency,’ but unlike Keith, Jamie did not die.
Keith was best known for his roles in Django Unchained and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Keith stayed positive after his diagnosis and held onto to his faith:
Our thoughts and prayers are with Keith’s family during this difficult time, but we celebrate Keith’s transition to his Eternal Reward.
💉 Trying to keep the numbers down, I did a one-week “medical emergencies” roundup of regular non-celebrity folks — for just a one week period — but it still has 24 entries. It’s just too long for the daily post. I plan to publish them as a separate, standalone bonus post.
🔥 Finally, my Internet hero-of-the-week, spotted online:
I’m in to be a sponsor! Where do I send the check?
Have a fabulous Friday! I’ll see ya’ll back here tomorrow for the gala C&C Weekend Edition.
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“The first question you must ask about any scientific study is who funded it.” —Kary Mullis
Went on a research trip:
I followed the $cience and found the money
I followed the money and found the DARPA
I followed DARPA and found the devil
I followed the devil and found the $cience
The end of the matter, all that has been heard: fear God and keep His commandments, because this is the end of the matter for all mankind. For God will bring every work to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.
— Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 LSB