β€œThe first question you must ask about any scientific study is who funded it.” β€”Kary Mullis

Went on a research trip:

I followed the $cience and found the money

I followed the money and found the DARPA

I followed DARPA and found the devil

I followed the devil and found the $cience

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

In the podcast with Childers, it was said that the DoD has sovereign immunity. This entire plandemic was designed, funded and orchestrated by the DoD against the American people. But they have sovereign immunity. DoD may have sovereign immunity but the individuals responsible inside DoD do NOT have sovereign immunity. These are CRIMES! And there is no immunity from criminal charges. There is no immunity for fraud. There is no immunity for pre-meditated mass murder. I do not care about the organizations. That is a political problem. We need to start going after individuals responsible on the basis of criminal charges. Go after the low hanging fruit and "plea deal" up the ladder till you get to the top. When you start charging people with crimes and jail time, watch them rat out who was directing them. Go after their financials and see who is getting paid off and go after them. There is no honor among thieves! When they know they are going to prison, they will rat out who was paying them and directing them. THIS is how we bring down the cabal behind this genocide. This is the ONLY thing that matters. DoD oligarchs are NOT untouchable.

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How about the individuals responsible inside Academia who get funded by the DoD?

Engineering PhD students and their supervisor profs, medical researchers, etc. drool at the opportunity to get DARPA and other DoD money.

Sad, sad people.

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That is exactly what I meant. Start with the low hanging fruit. Bring criminal charges against anyone inside academia, offer a plea deal and watch them become a fountain of information of who is funding them and who is directing them. Eventually, the whole web of crime and guilt will unravel. Until we do this, nothing will get accomplished and we MUST bring this cabal to it's knees.

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Start with the Walgreens clerk that actually injected the bioweapon. I'm serious.

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You know many have been on the take from BigPharma, doctors, hospital administrators, FDA officials, Congressmen/women, etc etc It's a target rich environment. BigPharma will fall but we are after the sociopaths that used BigPharma.

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But zat clerk vas only following orders.

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Order followers are the worst. When you know you're doing something wrong, you don't do it. There are a lot of cowards out there.

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You don't need to offer Academia a plea deal to know who is funding them.

DARPA grant applications are public, as are winners of the grants.

All you need to do is comb the websites and you'll find the proud winners.

Winners with no conscience.

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I just posted on the need for a law to require all funding sources for any medical or scientific study to be listed as part of the report itself. I understand that with a lot of detective work, you can end up finding out who funded something. But it shouldn’t have to be that difficult. Make it a required part of any published report

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Yes. More broadly speaking, total financial transparency to the American people should be REQUIRED for anyone holding public office. Now political office is a get rich scheme.

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Having looked, a lot, I can tell you that it’s often down a never ending 🐰 hole. Even when found, often obscured behind vaguely worded organizations. I did have to hand it to a NEJM article on β€œjab safety.” Front and center: designed, conducted, interpreted and written by Pfizer, but hey, the β€˜authors’ had a chance to review it!

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Yes. Start there but you need criminal charges against specific individuals. You can't charge a grant. You get them to rat out their controllers and you go up the ladder.

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The individuals are RIGHT THERE on the websites.


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In fairness, not all grant money breeds evil. The proof that you're using the internet itself is proof of that: it began as a DoD (ARPA) funded project in the 1960s.

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This may be true as to grant money. And yet grant money from government is a huge support in the maintenance of Tyrant Government. The Grant Conveyer Belt is always a conduit of favor and a source of lucrative corruption. Grant money, no matter the merit good or bad, is an unconstitutional transfer of wealth. And no one can ever say that the ever expanding Empire of Grant Money is the limited government modeling conducive to American presumptions of Liberty.

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Didn't say it did.

However, I do believe the internet is evil.

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Perhaps, but the β€˜internet’ is also a fabulous tool for the alphabet agencies.

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I suspect that Lawyer Childers, always a legal pragmatist, is right again. The DoD may well enjoy the right of Sovereign Immunity, and accordingly, also culprits within under this covering. And yet I beg to ask at what point is a captured government turned into a criminal organization and run by the The Few so as to line their pockets and perpetrate crimes of murder and mayhem against the larger number of humanity be permitted to persist or otherwise be terminated. The Declaration of provides some answers, and yet no one in the country understands what the document is really saying other than the obvious. Few for example, understand that the Declaration is framed as a legal document which establishes things like 'standing' and β€˜breach of contract’. So given the general level of gross ignorance rampant throughout the country, a Declaration solution would likely lead to catastrophic consequences which in turn are more apt to aid and abet, facilitate the further entrenchment of our enemies.

This state of affairs pretty much leaves Lawyer Childers 'solutions' of furthering the evidentiary base and of getting the AGs of various states to bring criminal indictments against whomever they can ... and there is a target rich field aplenty to be had in this enterprise. Such doings would invariably expose 'the government's' role, including the criminality of the DoD ... and may even hasten the end of that plague known as 'The American Empire'. This kind of exposure may in fact be the best way of getting back at the criminality of alleged agencies of 'government' involved and departments like the DoD, Justice, HHS to name a few. Imagine the eventual outcry ... and the impact among the nations of the world. (And the crimes are now so large that I can see no manner of accommodation by which these crimes can be concealed.)

It is a very unsettling thought that the outright collapse of the United States is required to bring back a truly normalized state of affairs. This is what it took in the Soviet Union … a complete sweeping away. Only when the Old Regime is thoroughly discredited can the new take root.

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

"It is a very unsettling thought that the outright collapse of the United States is required to bring back a truly normalized state of affairs. This is what it took in the Soviet Union … a complete sweeping away. Only when the Old Regime is thoroughly discredited can the new take root."

I also have had the same unsettling vision even though it is what I have been expecting since 1989/91. When the Berlin Wall came down and the USSR collapsed from within, I knew it was only a matter of time until the "other shoe dropped." I knew the western world was at the end of a 500 year civilization cycle that began with the Enlightenment. There were two branches of the Enlightenment. The Right Wing of the Enlightenment went through the British Isles and Scottish Rationalism and culminated in the American Revolution (as influenced by Christianity) and the establishment of the American Empire. The Left Wing of the Enlightenment resulted in the French Revolution, the German Nazi movement and the Russian Bolshevik Revolution culminating in the USSR Empire. When the USSR collapsed, I knew the writing was on the wall for the USG Empire. I just had no idea how it would end. It is SO ironic that the American experiment in liberty ends at the hands of a Bolshevik coup of the USG. There are so many possibilities for the immediate future. My hope is for reformation and revival but I believe it will take a new generation to produce this in America. This may be ironic but I believe the American people and the American church have more in common with the Russian people and the Russian Orthodox Church than we do with our own Government... or anyone else for that matter. We must repent and pray for spiritual revival in our culture and the church to effect a more sound establishment of the ideals of liberty and limited government.

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

Thanks ... and I have pondered this in my own inimical way for years and there were some 'missing links' in my mind for many years, mostly stemming from a dirth of proper Christian instruction.

My main edit is that the migration to the American shores for the first 200 years was more Christian than Enlightenment, that is more Wittenberg and Geneva plus throw in a liberal dose of Scottish Covenanters. Without this, largely Christian states in America would have been an impossibility. Regarding this, there is not one brain cell in most Americans which can fathom this at all. And absent this, there will be no restoration of American Liberty. The most to be hoped for is a stalking horse delusional facsimile ... pretend liberty but with the state the ruling god. So as Christianity authentic fell, so did the hope that was America.

The real American Exceptionalism lay solely in God's Higher Law. With American Liberty, God's Law ruled supreme and the secular, the civil state could not interpose itself ... could not infringe, trespass. The only exception was that being outlaw God's law, then the civil state could step in for redress or punishment. In other words, God the Sovereignty was real in the American mind, so much so that God's Law was a non-infringe-able jurisdiction unto itself. This should be obvious, but it is not. It should be obvious that any body of law requires a vessel, normal territorial boundaries within which that body operates. Though more complex than this, nontheless this was the gist of it.

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Been saying that last part for years. Russians and Americans are so much closer than any other countries on earth. But but but.

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Superb, Dave Killer Bee: Bravissimo! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

Yet … I feel the need to give you encouragement, to remind you of God’s infinite Grace, His Loving Mercy on us. Never despair or let the grim realities overshadow your hope. What they intend for evil, He turns to good.

God Bless and continue to uphold you. Peace in your heart, dear brother, strength and courage.


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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

Only thing is, look what the Soviet Union came back as! It seems like there were just too many holdovers from the old system still in place who wanted to reinstitute at least a semblance of the old system. And the public was still in a somewhat brainwashed state.

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I am not sure what you mean. The Federation is a huge improvement over the Soviet Union. Marxist Woke (that was what it was) social engineering is gone. Russia now has impressive gold reserves, a stable central bank which does not 'farm' its people. The Federation does not war against its own people like whatever it is that runs the alleged US government. The Russian Orthodox church is back and Christian moral precepts govern the country. Family businesses are promoted. Total sovereign debt is 19.99 percent of GDP. Russians and Russian media is not censored like us in the United States. Russia exports commodities including food stuffs to the world. And Russians are not going to go cold and hungry when we do. Compare this with the countries of the collective West and bluntly, there is no comparison.

No place is perfect. Some will complain that Russia does not allow dissent. It is better said that Russia does not tolerate subversives, infiltrators who want to take the Russian state down, just as has happened with the United States throughout my whole life.

Two things the Woke Globalist power hate about Russia is that Russia is a Christian power and that Russia did not and will not submit to rule by 'Globalism'. That is, Christian values over Marxist 'values' ... and a nationalist identity and not the forever festering rancor of 'identity politics' (really a reincarnation of Maoism).

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I’m not sure that Russia is that bad, but the info loop you’ve been force fed for generations is difficult to dissolve.

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I like the way you think! We just have to seize the levers of power. Which may require a tad more β€˜ruthlessness’ than some β€˜Karens’ and β€˜Nancy Boys’ are comfortable with. But I believe, with grim determination, it can be done

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Grim determination, and every able bodied shooter willing to give it all for one last effort to restore the constitution. I’m old, but accurate.

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Non-sheep hate spam, too.

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Why not just get all our phone numbers and you can text us incessantly about your lame ass tee shirts. Join the parade. You’re only reaching a few thousand here, and we hate you.

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I don’t hate you; your shirts are clever. So are many others I see. But your incessant pushing these has ceased to entice any orders.

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DOD is pervasive in funding stuff with Tax dollars - How The Atlantic Council Pulled Over The COVID-19 Matrix On The World - https://tinyurl.com/34pd3z2d

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Them, too!

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

I understand that last night's VSRF with Steve Kirsch was about the "news" that SV-40 was "discovered" in Pfizer's vials (it's not news--it's been known for well over a year that Pfizer's "vaccine" is "contaminated" with SV 40)---and how individuals can now "sue Pfizer" for not revealing that fact to "regulators."

Win or lose, suing Pfizer would be a very narrow avenue with a very limited result and only after years of litigation. It also overshadows the fact that these vaccines were not "contaminated"--SV 40 was a deliberate INSERT.

The most interesting part of the entire 1.5 hours of this VSRF podcast was Jeff's last line, "Most of my readers would say that the vaccines ARE working for their intended purpose." Everyone laughed and both Jeff and Kirsch said, "That is a whole other discussion."

Kirsch always pivots when it gets to this point and I understand that he did not want Jeff to go there-not blaming Jeff because that is not what he was invited to talk about. However, it should be noted that every time a guest brings up what is actually behind this democide, Kirsch pivots. He has done so with Dr. Mike Yeadon, Sasha Latypova and here, among many other instances.

My question is this: Who needs numerous years of β€œdebate” over the safety of an injection that was clearly shown to be a military operation intended to kill its own citizens? I would like the discussion to come out of "vax bad" to wtf was this all about and who was/is behind it?

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Hit the nail on the head!! Also, per Sasha Latypova, Pfizer could always be sued ... for fraud and only fraud.

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Exactly with regard to the Kirsch pivot. Heard him the other day with Stew Peters, who is all about extreme accountability. Couldn't get Kirsch to even flirt with the FACT that these jabs are achieving their intended consequence (death).

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I think the real intended consequence is mass infertility. Y'know, so we can have less people destroying the planet so we can save Mother Earth from Gorebull Warning. The immediate deaths are an added bonus.

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Maybe Mr. K is a data-collecting Entrepreneur? Did he ever work at a high level at infoseek? Is Mr K a Dem mega donor? Does he endorse RFK? Is he friendly with Thiel? What does Palantir do? SV peeps rub elbows all the time. Maybe he is just a node on this web of doo-doo -- allowed to play a role, but in a specific topic only? Do we have proof Mr. K jabbed himself? what about his kids? Lots of questions here...

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Kirsch (through his moderators) says that he doesn't have time to focus on these other issues, that he has "other priorities." That statement alone is a red flag to me, just like the DOJ didn't have time to look into Hunter Biden's laptop. Really, it's more about navigating the conversation around the elephant in the room. He doesn't have time it seems to ever discuss the main issue underlying this operation.

Yes, he endorses RFK, he is a Dem mega-donor and he also worked, PRIOR to Covid, with the development of Remdesivir and with the DOMAINE exercise, along with....drum roll please...Robert Malone. And more as you suggest. I suppose damning affiliation is not proof of him "playing a role" but it should raise questions. And it has. I have raised them and been banned as a result from his Substack. He has also challenged me to a debate on Space X where he has expressly refused to provide me with the rules, parameters and any other relevant terms to that debate, UNTIL I show up for it. We have never spoken.

These are simple, straightforward questions that he refuses to respond to in writing. You would think that anyone in his position would be eager to clear these things up.

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"He has also challenged me to a debate on Space X where he has expressly refused to provide me with the rules, parameters and any other relevant terms to that debate, UNTIL I show up for it."

Wait, what?

Are you serious?

Or, how could anyone construe his challenge as serious under those conditions? I would never agree to unknown terms and conditions in a public debate. The lightest, lamest charge would be something like... ungentlemanly? The worst, I dunno, manipulative? Cheating? Insane? Well, maybe not insane but really? No sane person would agree to such a challenge. Which he certainly knows, so... here's a leap πŸ€”...

...the dude's a con man? In on it on another level. Stringing hero worshippers along some long, drawn out, hopeful, but dead end road.

I saw the podcast (recording); his smile and nodding to Jeff's assertion that the DoD has sovereign immunity and can't be sued, the DoD fact/s he never addresses in his voluminous writing, speaking of elephants in the room; and comment in response to Jeff's observation that a lot of C&C readers would say that vaccines are working for their intended purpose, "...a whole other discussion." Yep, complete sidestep. No last minute thought or invitation expressed to HAVE the other discussion sometime. Why? Why avoid the potent and potential dam-breaking conversation? Doesn't have to be conclusive, only open the door. Or floodgates.

Another limited hangout.

Thanks for posting your experience.

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Which intended purpose are you referring to for the vaxx to be working? Killing us off, or preventing Covid? It can't be preventing Covid because everyone I know that got vaxx'd has gotten Covid multiple times over since getting the shot.

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Tricia Lindsay was reported to be unable to attend the podcast due to a flat tire on the road. I'm calling BS on that. I've seen her before and she would not have been as low-key as Childers. She would have been more of a challenge to Kirsch.

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"Another limited hangout."

Possibly a few Sageites visitng this Stack.

I find that ALL the bandleaders refuse to say what their favorite song is ( who and how to turn this genocide and tyranny around)

Self preservation ( and KO FI ) are top priority . Even for me

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Oct 28, 2023Β·edited Oct 28, 2023

Exactly! Limited hangouts are no different than red herrings, outright lies (if not worse) or any other shilling deceiving trick to consume our attention, obscuring crimes, cluttering crime scenes and covering for criminals. Away with them! Keep naming names!

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I agree with the entire thread here. And these things badly need saying over and over as being very constructive criticism. The upside is that Lawyer Childers got hear by many, many people. And a lot of them are smart enough to read in between the lines.

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I've had a few comments deleted / MOD'd off as well. They hate questions! πŸ‘Šβ€

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

Yes, what legitimate medical freedom warrior hates questions?

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Very Interesting.

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Exactly !! Just as the same old same old "we have to make laws" and "we have to hold people responsible" comments . THEY own all the lawmakers. And back all the people responsible !! THINK ABOUT IT !

And so SK and Malone and Jay somehow STILL have people cheering them . Might as well take the "next shot" if your critical thinking has not seen through their OP.

Problem is, AL , it ain't me that's gonna march out there with a loudspeaker to "wake the people up" . Seems like even on well-meaning forums the bandleaders don't risk doing that .

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I know. The real warriors get killed or doxxed or worse. Mostly they don’t even get a seat at the table to begin with. It makes you wonder- is anyone β€œspeaking out” that’s still alive legitimate?

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Why do you think Kirsch is doing that?

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Gotta be the best satirist here.

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How can you say this? I was double vaccinated plus boosters and it saves my life. I was on the brink of death (ICU and ventilator) and recovered. If I didn’t take that vaccine, I wouldn’t be here defending Science against MAGA republicans. There is no real proof of the contaminants. Anyone can make those up.

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"Jordan" is apparently new here. πŸ€“

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What do you mean? I’m confused

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What’s funny? I wouldn’t be here typing this comment if it wasn’t for the evidence-based scientific developments that Joe Biden helped develop so quickly. Credible, century old sources, like the Washington Post and New York Times, time and time again that the vaccine was and still is safe and effective. They also have displayed countless studies that empirically proved the vaccine save millions even billions of lives (Yes, that is is billion with a B. According to the Washington Post, who knows how quickly the virus would evolve and become more deadly and contagious). Now, I need to ask: Who is laughing now. It’s not you, that’s for sure. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ Educate yourself

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Bahaha. Luv it

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I gotta hand it to you. Some of the best satire I've even seen and you maintain without breaking stride. You should publish.

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You got 2 vaccines and boosters (plural) while you were on the brink of death and then recovered?

You were in the ICU for months and they just kept giving you vaccines (by your account at least 4)?

Wow, so glad you're here to tell the tale!

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"It" is a bot.

βœ” profile.

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Buddy. I’m not a bot.

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Wrong. Now it’s been nearly a year and I’ve almost made a full recovery and have had seven Covid shots (the original 2 + 5 supplementary boosters). According to one of the doctors, I have developed a benign (hopefully, it’s benign. They’re not sure yet, but apparently it’s growing extremely fast.) tumor, but after that should make a speedy recovery. I have no idea what I would’ve done if the Science was unreliable. Thank you for the kind words. I too am glad I am able to continue living

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Wow, not a single break in your front! Very good.

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Hmmm....who funds the Dod? Taxpayer's???

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And their other side projects ... the ones off the books?

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Taxpayers, yes. But ask around - who among those taxpayers, who know their dollars fund the DOD, are privy to what the DOD spends them on? My guess, a number lesser than zero.

Maybe appropriations should be posted on GoFundMe and people can pick and chose where their dollars go 😊

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The average citizen of Duckville has no clue. They want the new explosive LED day glo suit from China Mart.

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About time that more people become aware of the evil and filth that permeates what was once thought of as a national organization to be proud of. Mind you, I was a military spouse for 25 years and now, well, I am ashamed of what I didn’t know then.

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Of course! So why isn't it happening?

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I just got Jeff's Bonus post today. Should I subscribe so I can read the second half and comment in the comment section? I'm definitely going to restack it though. I can't do another paid sub until the first of the month.

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I’m all in!

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That's the beauty of all this. US taxpayers funded the plandemic, chem trails, the development of Facebook , the censorship of social media, the persecution of conservatives for non crimes, and who know what other evils they have been perpetrating upon mankind for decades.

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All without our consent or knowledge....

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But we know NOW!

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Not enough of us know now. The normies, all snuggled in their beds...

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I was talking to a couple of boosted Karens yesterday and mentioned Klaus Schwab’s plan for global control. They both looked at me quizzically and then said, β€œCharles Schwab? The investment bankers?”

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So funny. It's amazing to me how we seem to be living in two different worlds.

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

We pay for it all--our own enslavement, disease, and suffering in all ways.

We are so far away from what human life is supposed to be, we don't even know what that is anymore.

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We funded the BIGGIE all over......not just here, but around the world.....tied to β€˜financial aid packages.


Taxpayer money killing babies around the world.

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Oh, you mean like this?


Sundance commentary, you can skip if you wish and just read the 7-page letter, judging for yourself.

On another note, in middle of reading J H Kunstler’s World Made by Hand, published in 2008. Wanna see where we’re headed? This novel describes in explicit detail, lovely prose, with admirable mix of hope and despair.

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Kunstler's series is very good. I read all of them. https://www.goodreads.com/series/122632-world-made-by-hand

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I didn’t expect to enjoy his writing so much. I’ll check out his series.

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β€œThen they killed me”, Kerry Mullis

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Yep, they got Kary Mullis just months before this sh*tshow began, they got whistleblower Dr. Andreas Noack in late 2021 - who knows how many others ?

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They had to take him out because he could have easily shut it all down. Even his videos on YouTube were enough evidence to shut it all down.

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His book even more so

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We Also Lost Luc Montagnier, who warned about the dangers of mRNA vaccines causing prion diseases, even before the vaccines were rolled out. Don’t know if foul play was involved, but the timing was definitely terrible for the truth.

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We lost Dr. Zev Zelensky, too. He was really speaking out. He died from lung cancer, I'm really surprised he didn't know about or try to seek treatment with ivm. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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He knew plenty , pretty sure if it was an option, he would have explored it ....

Vladimir Zelenko, 48, Dies; Promoted an Unfounded Covid ... https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/01/us/vladimir-zelenko-dead.html

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And 🀬

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Congress should pass a law requiring that the funding sources for any medical or scientific study be clearly listed as the part of any published report.

Kind of surprised that we haven’t heard that idea before, unless I’ve missed it. Maybe the C&C community can get behind a β€œfull disclosure of funding sources” law.

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Congress is corrupt on all sides. Birds of a feather, cut from the same cloth, two sides of the same coin, etc. You know.

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Yes, that is why Ron Johnson is all alone defending the vaccine injured. I always thought the Republicans would come out and say that the vaccines were killing people and injuring them and get to blame it on the Democrats. I wonder if they did not do that because of the fact that the warp speed happened when Trump was still president. But like you said, both parties are guilty, but the Democrats are guilty as of all, because they know that these things are hurting people and they are covering up big time.

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Republicans hate PDT more than dems. He points out their ineffectual hypocrisy, weaknes, and uniparty status in outwardly brazen terms. They hate him for it.

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I’m sorry- I probably should know this, but who is PDT?

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President Donald Trump.

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

They won't do it because it will ruin their $$$ gravy train.

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TriTorch - have you seen this? Pretty interesting. Today's New Age "Science" is just old alchemy and mystical teachings of the Kabalah.

Aethreal - The Battle for Heaven and Earth


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Thank you for the link ConcernedGrammy, if I am able to find the time I will give it a watch. Here is a fascinating one for you that explains a lot of what we are going through today: https://bitchute.com/video/WcfUVDvjT81b [2:06 hours]

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Wow! 😳 This dovetailed right into some other stuff I've recently run across and the video I linked. We have been SO deceived, even (especially?) through our churches. It makes these scriptures even MORE important.

‭Hosea‬ ‭4:6‬ ‭KJV‬

[6] My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

‭Matthew‬ ‭24:4‭-‬5‬ ‭KJV‬

[4] And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. [5] For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12:3‬ ‭KJV‬

[3] Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

And all the other many scriptures that warn - "let no man decieve you". πŸ™

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Thanks, I'll watch now.

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I guess there really is nothing new under the sun.

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Money (Greed) is only one motive. Nietzsche in his masterful "Beyond Good and Evil" beat up on philosophers, but his critique applies to most any human endeavor. We are, he argues, motivated by instinct (unconscious drives or needs), which often bias us to certain goals, even if they are not consciously apparent. To use the scientific study as a good example, not just money but any number of other factors is likely operative. Not the least of these is that, if an academic researcher, he must "publish or perish." The actual study may be garbage, but its one more citation in his portfolio. The graduate student helping out Professor X on his project might have some misgivings about some questionable data or dubious results, but he’s under even more pressures: like does he want a good grade from Prof. X, or indeed, to even remain in the graduate program? Similarly, he's dependent upon grants. Well, I guess "money" covers that one. But he's also dependent upon future grants and/or business (if a commercial researcher). His future income stream, his social circle, indeed even his career survival, are hugely contingent upon his only finding answers that the provider of the money wants found, but even more importantly perhaps, not asking questions that those in power would rather not be raised, much less investigated.

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 29, 2023

Correct. Which is why Scripture says the love of money is the "root" of all evil. But man is not an animal. Animals do not have a moral character like man, only instinct. Man is more than instinct. He is a moral creature. So Ecclesiastes 12:13 says this is "the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man." With only instinct to guide him, man tends toward evil because of his moral character.

We are to be motivated by more than just instinct. When we find ourselves in a compromising situation, do we serve our instinct as Nietzsche described or do we fear God more and conform our decisions to God's law? As a moral creature, this is the dilemma we always face: follow our instinct or fulfill our duty to our Creator.

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1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

Money is merely a tool, a means of barter. The LOVE of money is where the problem lies.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Oct 29, 2023Β·edited Oct 29, 2023

I stand corrected. I normally quote "the love of money" which I neglected to do this time. My fingers need to pay better attention to my mind. And...the correction makes my comment much more logical. Much appreciated!

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Ah, when the brain runs away and the fingers can't catch up! A common malady here on the 'stacks! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Pure gold, PP.

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The same thing is true of public opinion polls.

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Eliza, I am dumber for having listened to the first 2 and a half minutes of that video before bailing. Jay Bhattachayra can go follow the sheep over the cliff, but I doubt he'll be taking anything other saline.

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The end of the matter, all that has been heard: fear God and keep His commandments, because this is the end of the matter for all mankind. For God will bring every work to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.

β€” Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 LSB

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The end of the matter for all mankind is to what? Fear God and keep His commandments!

Maybe the church should start preaching God's law again. Time to get re-acquainted with the great, centuries old doctrines of the church that we used to study before church became nothing more than a gushy feel-good love service.

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If the β€˜church’ did that, they would have to start keeping the REAL Sabbath, and the CC does NOT allow that. Then they would have to actually keep the REAL Holy Days, instead of the pagan days. Then the church would begin to do what we were supposed to do in the first place, β€˜provoke Israel to jealousy’, so much so that even THEY would begin to Obey Him too. Too much money would be lost I.e.Christmas and Ishtar (sorry Easter) . And corporations would quit paying their β€˜indulgences’ to the CC and Black Friday would then be Red.


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CC? πŸ€”

Sunday is the day of Resurrection.

The Ressurection is the new Passover/ Pascha.

Pascha is the word in every language but English for the great Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord.

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From your lips to God’s ear!

The wishy-washy feel good stuff that passes for worship in most of the churches these days (not all…for God always keeps a remnant for Himself) is a HUGE part of why things are the way they are in our western cultures. We sowed the wind and are reaping the whirlwind.

May The Lord Almighty grant us grace for repentance and His Spirit work in us to restore the precepts & doctrines of scripture in our hearts. Let God be found true, though every man a liar.

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You enlighten my spirit. You must post more often and early.

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It’s been refreshing to read and see others who appreciate Reformation theology and are still holding fast.

Dispensationalism has proven to be a sucking hole that all too often spirals down into darkness. And I say this as one who who was called through the ministry of Calvary Chapel in the 70’s. What a long, strange trip it’s been.

God moves in a mysterious way

His wonders to perform;

He plants His footsteps in the sea

and rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines

of never-failing skill;

He treasures up His bright designs,

and works His sov'reign will.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;

the clouds ye so much dread

are big with mercy and shall break

in blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,

but trust Him for His grace;

behind a frowning providence

He hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast,

unfolding every hour;

the bud may have a bitter taste,

but sweet will be the flow'r.

Blind unbelief is sure to err,

and scan His work in vain;

God is His own interpreter,

and He will make it plain.

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Could I impose on you to post this poem to today's C&C? I thought of doing it but I think you should.


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I love that poem. Sounds like a Psalm.

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

Phil, sounds like you need to find yourself a new church... If it's not opening the Word of God and feeding you a Holy Spirit filled banquet, you must be starving!!!

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That's an odd judgement for you to make. I've never been RC. Was it the Bible verse you didn't like or was it what I said about historic church doctrine? The modern church in America today is, by and large, spiritually impoverished and of no consequence to American society. She is salt that has lost her flavor. To a large extent, this is the result of the church abandoning the great reformation creeds that the Holy Spirit brought forth in the church over the centuries. It's time for a new reformation and revival.

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Amen! In His Sovereign will may He make it so!

(Actually, every post of yours just above & in today’s threads have been stimulating & edifying & as usual have articulated well the crux of the matters at hand.) As for Faith, I was a lost lamb til late in life, but learned the Bible, church history and to love the doctrines, creeds, confessions worship, faith and practice handed down through the Reformed church β€” Sadly, it’s hard to find one that hasn’t been remodeled, to some degree, substituting a banal and insipid pottage for the depth and beauty of her inheritance. URC is close, but somehow, it has a weak grasp of the Holy Spirit, perhaps from far too much ivory tower navel gazing (I really don’t give a rip about 2 kingdom theology disputes) and the congregation seems to be far too insular.

Yet, the profound and gorgeous hymns are there (in hymnals… what a concept!) and all the rest is too β€”Psalms, Gospels & Epistles every week in depth, plus the glorious Heidelberg Catechism(!); The Law & The Gospel of Grace & the Solas in spades. Machen may be turning in his grave or maybe he’s just getting comfy. I waver.

Thanks for your posts and for letting me share.

Godspeed, brother!


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Thanks! I had the exact same reaction to a reformed congregation I was attending: "URC is close, but somehow, it has a weak grasp of the Holy Spirit, perhaps from far too much ivory tower navel gazing (I really don’t give a rip about 2 kingdom theology disputes) and the congregation seems to be far too insular." I found their weak grasp of the Holy Spirit to be very curious. I pointed this out to them in Bible study when I did a review of a Reformed scholar's work. The reaction of the elders was surprise at my insight as if they had never seen this before. You and Daverkb are the only two I have found here who have similar outlooks on today's church. It's a pleasure to have a bit of company. When people start posting about the "end times", I just cannot resist. I have to jump in and say something to try to bring a little Biblical sanity to the subject. I don't think I'm too well received...lol.

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Oct 29, 2023Β·edited Oct 29, 2023

…writing a response to your great and most welcome reply (in my phone notes). But it’s getting longer and longer! About Machen & Darby & Scofield & how disp’ism infiltrated the churches & Isr & what’s being made of this ME thing & how & which end-time/Isr peeps have massive followings since & πŸ€”πŸ§πŸ€¨πŸ€”.

Ah well… Many thanks to you and to Him for you (and daverkb, too) and Blessings(!) this beautiful Sabbath!


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Phil, you made mention of the church "becoming nothing more than a gushy feel good love service" I thought you were talking about your own church, bc that's not what I experience at mine. AND if I did, it would not be the ONLY thing experienced there. My personal relationship with Jesus, God the Father, and His Holy Spirit, take on many more aspects than what you're eluding to in your post. I wasn't making a judgement on you, merely a suggestion that now appears you didn't need.

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Trust me, I can always use good advice. It's difficult to caveat everything when writing a short comment but I was just trying to comment on the general condition of the American church today. But God always has His remnant even if it looks dire.

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May I suggest viewing this interview?



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And the sooner, the better.

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I needed this today! Thank you...

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Then I’m glad it was there. I read quite a bit all over the place until I landed on this and thought β€œthis is it.”

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Love that last pic! In case anyone is wondering, the sign-up site translates as "@gotohe11"

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Wonder if there were any takers?

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Love it!!!

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That Madonna quote sounds like a good ad for the new shots.

"I can’t complain because I’m alive."

*Individual results may vary.

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'Think how worse it could have been'

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Sounds like she just needs another booster.

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Yeah. Get your 5th booster, Madonna!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜„

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she is ownd by the illuminati/Masons. See her vid 2019 eurovision tribute. Her account used to have 6.66 Million subscribers. after much viewing, and internet chatter they bumped it to 6.69. lol. Quite evil imho (the video) --


For a deeper look into this - Search on Substack: "Third Paradigm + Hollywood" . I won't post the link, cuz family blog.

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She is immoral, evil, dark and satanic.

Her music, her concerts all display that clearly.

It is sad and ironic that she was named after the title which much of the Christian world gives to the saintly obedient and pure Mother of God.

If she feels that she has experienced a" #$%cking miracle " as she so crassly

labels it, then perhaps she should realize that such goodness and mercy comes from above, not below.

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I don't think her name is NOT by coincidence. The illuminati purposely defame what is holy. It is an upside inverted world.

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She's 3 years older than me and a has been. Been there and done that.

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Best part was when she was nutso and posing like a 19-year-old on Instagram, just SOOO pathetic. These bubble people, honestly. It sucks that they have power bc they sure don't have brains/common sense/wisdom.

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I’m sure Madonna probably drank some baby’s blood and prayed to satan for her recovery. She already sold her soul to the devil, but they don’t want her down south yet.

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Are you suggesting even Hell has standards? πŸ˜‚

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Not at all. They allowed her to continue to live to do more damage in the world with her depraved behavior. Like flashing her granny tits at her audiences.

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I’ve never thought of myself as old fashioned or prudish but there is just something incredibly unseemly about a woman Madonna’s age behaving the way she does. She was/is a talented artist in certain ways. None of us can escape aging and it’s weird when people try to in such freakish ways.

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She needs to just go away. Can't she just go away and leave us alone? All these idiots foisting themselves into the public arena. Let the lions out please.

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Haha she is like the Nacy Pelosi/Dianne Feinstein of pop! Can't admit age, won't throw in the towel!

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She would rather look and act like a monster than age gracefully and know when to EXIT the stage. Sheesh.

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Wow..you just caused me to have a flashback to the 40s and 50s. What a contrast to today as women become monsters instead of aging with grace and beauty...

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Truth be told, she was always unseemly, even for a young woman. She influenced and helped usher in unseemly (aka: sinful and inappropriate) behavior which has become acceptable.

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IMO Madonna has led an unseemly life. The first heavily promoted Satan-worshiping celebrity. I never saw her talent. I was more of a Captain and Tennille fan in that timeframe.

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Good point. Gosh C&T brings back memories!!

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Madonna came on the scene in '82 and C&T were in the 70's. I still listen to Love Will Keep Us Together regularly. One of my favorite songs.

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Typical Hollywood for sure and maybe elitist too?

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Satanists want to live forever. That is their whole objective with the agenda. They think in terms of limits where 'WE" the believers in Christ know there are no limits to GOD's creation. They want to depopulate because they think resources are limited and they want all the goods for themselves.

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That and the fact that they are nihilists.

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Judging by the looks of her face her threshold for complaint against her doctors and health is high.

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BAM! Lol...good one.

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she is gross. her voice is also decaying.

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She needs to retire.

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*Individual results may vary. πŸ˜„

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"We need fair, due-process-providing involuntary commitment processes". Here's the problem I've always had with involuntary commitment: it's into a medical/psychiatric system that is way past broken. It pretty much guarantees the person will be drugged into submission. I'm willing to bet most would have no say-so in their own treatment because they are "crazy", which means they become a medical pincushion. No way those people can reject jabs of any kind. I think it's way to easy for so-called mentally ill people to be taken advantage of because if they fight back, say they are not crazy, say they don't want drugs, don't want jabs, etc., they will be ignored because they are "crazy". (I am not referring to them that way, I'm using the word that is most often assigned to them by society.) I have never felt mental wards have any desire to actually heal people. With chemical-laden crap for food and heavy doses of drugs, no one is going to heal unless they can break out.

Maybe I should not be saying this publicly, but what the heck: I had a nervous breakdown in late 2020 due to the loss of family because of the scamdemic, the scamdemic itself, and my dad agreeing to be jabbed. I knew it would kill him. I was wrong (so far), thank God. He is not dead, but has a number of problems that I believe are jab related and he keeps declining.

I thought I knew what a nervous breakdown was until I had one. It was terrifying. I was completely out of control. I destroyed the 50s kitchen I'd worked so hard to create, barricaded everything from my family (furniture, old gifts, photos) into a back bedroom, covered all the windows with black paint (water based, but it was still a nightmare to get off) and newspaper and tape, and would not speak to him for weeks. I could not sleep, eat, or function and I cut my hair off. I was absolutely out of control of myself. I did not, however, harm anyone else nor did I want to. It never even crossed my mind.

If anyone in a place of authority had seen what I did to my home and to myself, no doubt they would have locked me up, drugged me into oblivion, and I'd likely still be there if I was not dead from being jabbed. As it was, after some time, I calmed down and came to my senses. It took months to repair the damage to my home. But for me, the whole thing was a blessing. I came out of it calmer than I had ever been in my life. I was clear-headed. I knew then and there that I was not crazy, that everything I felt about the scamdemic being orchestrated was correct, that the jabs were deadly, and that no way was this situation going away any time soon. It didn't matter so much that I turned out to be right, but rather that I knew what my gut told me and I was going to stand by it, right or wrong. In short, I trusted myself for the first time in my life and I was at absolute peace with myself. No drugs, no alcohol, no doctors, and absolutely no outside help. I didn't do anything special to heal. I came out of that state when my mind was ready.

So no on involuntary commitments. I never would have stood a chance. If nothing else, I believe I would have died from psychogenic death because death would have been preferable to being a prisoner.

But, I certainly agree we don't need more red flag laws.

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Forgot to mention probably the most important thing - I came out of that determined that I would NEVER allow anything or anyone to determine how I felt again. I was and am going to live my own life my own way, regardless of any scamdemic or any family member's decisions.

The worst thing that ever could have happened to me actually happened - which for me, was the loss of my family. I never thought it was possible, but it was. I used to think that would destroy me. It didn't. And now I've finally learned to rely on myself and only myself for emotional support. Only took over a half century. Better late than never. :)

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Thank you so very much for sharing!!!! The past few years have been very hard for most of usπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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Agree. This scamdemic was an eye opener. I was blind but now I see.

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There are schools of psychology and old school psychologists that believe these kinds of crises can be transformative for the soul. I think of Jung, James Hillman, Marie Louise von Franz etc. Also many indigenous cultures have deep cultural ways of bringing people through crises like this. I think of Leslie Marmon Silko's book, Ceremony, in which (if I remember correctly) a PTSD'ed Vietnam vet is healed through a community ritual. The answer is not always medication, and it seems profoundly normal to go a bit mad from loss. One thing that is allowing the barbarians to try to take over is the terrible unhealed loss people are feeling and experiencing, which is being quite purposefully repressed. We all carry the load of what is unnamed and ungrieved and unresolved in the world at large. Coming through always confers strength. Good for you!

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Thats why scripture speaks of how a friend is closer than a brother. πŸ’•

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Thank you for sharing! I needed to hear that, because CA is instituting β€œmental health courts” where frankly psychotic folks can be held (and medicated) against their will. I was on the fence about that, because seeing them suffering on the street and abused by the lowlife’s doesn’t seem humane either.

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Thank you for sharing. In a similar life changing event, I sold my house and gave away most of my things. The scamdemic made me re-evaluate my life and realize I wasn’t living but coasting through life. A friend offered me a place to live, on a beautiful farm near Shenandoah National Park so I could decide what I wanted to do. It was isolated and very calming. My biggest step was retiring from a job I loved because I didn’t believe in the military command I was working for or for the Navy leadership either. I believe that God would take care of me... and he has. On a side note, I cut all my hair off too... it was the one crazy thing I did to stop coloring my hair. I love how it looks now. Thank you again for sharing because I think there are more of us who had had to shed the chains that were holding us tight to what many considered normal but we knew better.

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On another note, the other problem with involuntary commitment is all you need is one corrupt individual to declare a person is unfit to get them locked up. Kinda a good way to get people a person does not like or won't follow the narrative locked up.

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I agree, which is why I support guardianship by a family member instead. The last people we should trust with our loved ones are the state/medical establishment/Pharma operatives who see them as an endless source of revenue to be exploited.

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It takes more than one corrupt individual. Usually multiple psychiatrists have to come to the same diagnosis before a commitment can be ordered.

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Never say never

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Most states will only do a 72 hour β€œinvoluntary commitment” for evaluation purposes, it’s written into their state laws. This is one of the reasons Red Flag Laws aren’t necessary, it can be determined if someone is a danger to themself or others. RFL’s can be initiated by a disgruntled ex and the accused gets no due process and has their property confiscated.

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

I can relate since I went through years of my own personal hell. Once I came out of it, I had become a better and stronger person. They would have said I was crazy during my run. What angered me the most was the VA was partly responsible for what happened to me. The VA made me change clothes, asked if I had anything sharp, and placed me in a padded room when I went to the ER just to get help. I was there for 1.5 hours speaking with a doctor and they let me go home. I had no intentions of harming myself or anyone else. I was struggling with panic and anxiety again. It's something I've dealt with since I returned from the Gulf War. They are the ones who even classified me as having Gulf War Syndrome. It was surreal and now I avoid them. I will never again be placed in a situation like this again. I have no issues in letting them know since everything is documented and I have all of those records. I lost a lot of trust in the medical system in 2015. Any trust I had left was completely lost during Covid. They're the ones who are liars and insane. I will even say they are mass murderers after everything I've witnessed over the past 3 years. I've spent a little over 2 decades in and out of the medical system. I'm really surprised I'm not dead. If you want to live a long healthy life, stay active, eat right, and most importantly stay away from doctors and hospital if you can help it.

I don't agree with red flag laws. Your being punished for suspicion. Suspicion isn't a crime. This is just a maneuver to take away one's rights and guns. Notice how they always frame these shooters. They were mentally ill and on a watch list.

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I don't agree with red flag laws either. It is good to know which of your elected officials are for them and against them. I haven't dug for any comprehensive voting information but from what reading and listening to news reports, Florida congressmen Matt Gaetz and Mike Waltz have voted for red flag laws, and congressman Byron Donalds voted against them. It doesn't make Gaetz and Waltz bad people, just Donalds a person with more good sense.

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I've read so many comments all over the Internet where people are now saying they can pass whatever they want, it isn't going to happen. They have seen and know too much now over the past few years. They couldn't even get people to turn in their high-capacity magazine in NJ or the bump stocks in CO. I good law-abiding citizens will not use one unless they have to use it. A criminal will always get one and use it for evil. There is no way I would turn mine in after what I've witnessed over the past 3 years. I might as well go ahead and shoot myself.

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Yes, it is much better to leave psychotics completely untreated so they ruin not only their own lives, but those of their spouses, children, and parents. I think what needs to happen is guardianship be granted to spouse or other adult family member who can then get their loved one the care they need without them being swallowed up by the medical complex. As a mother of a psychotic daughter, the frustration and heartache caused by watching my loving daughter transformed into an abusive and hateful person is distressful beyond words. I know she is not choosing her illness. Her ability to reason has been destroyed. It is insane and cruel to believe she has any choice in the matter.

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I’m so sorry, Debbie. Seeing our loved ones self-destruct, without being able to offer help, is beyond heartbreak.

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You are absolutely right, Four Winds. One of my siblings has been in an out of psychiatric institutions since his early 20s (for 30-some years) and this last time they've managed to keep him for four years for no good reason.

What people don't know is that people like him are on government disability payments and most of their monthly check goes to the psych institution for 'rent' and to a non-profit to manage their 'case', which for him is Catholic Charities. When he needs some clothes they take him to a charity shop for used clothes (!), and there's no money for a phone card so he can keep calling his family. We his family are convinced that he is a cash cow to keep the psych center and Catholic Charities in business, and to keep the kickbacks rolling for a drug injection that he has protested against many times because it makes him obese and drugged-out. He's willing to take other psych drugs that have worked better for him, but his assigned psychiatrist won't listen to him, clearly because he's getting paid to prescribe this drug to all of his patients (per my brother who's talked to other patients).

My brother has never been violent, but he has seen quite a bit of violence by the staff against the patients -- which shows you how corrupt these institutions are. I've now gotten power of attorney and health care proxy for him so I can battle on his behalf, something I couldn't do before because I was overseas. Apparently he's told them this, because all of a sudden they're moving very quickly to release him, but that will not be the end of it because I want a detailed accounting of what they've done and am willing to be a thorn in their side.

Likewise, a friend's son had a bad breakup in college, got depressed, and the university health service convinced his parents to put him on a psych drug for life. That kid can no longer do anything but low-level work like driving an uber and living at home. He's furious with his parents for doing this to him and I think he's absolutely right to be. He had a very bright future ahead of him and it's been ripped away. All because he had a bad break-up.

The other thing people don't know is that there is no research proving most psychiatric conditions or the efficacy of psychiatric drugs. They are the vax equivalent on the mental health side, given that there isn't convincing legitimate research for vaxxes either. (See the book Turtles All the Way Down.)

If you go to third world countries without a psych establishment, they give people space and emotional support when they struggle with life, not diagnose them as mentally ill and make them zombies with drugs. Let's not forget that western societies used to chain people up in attics and treat them horribly if they 'lost their mind'.

The question should be, why wouldn't people have a reaction when they're living in an 'insane society'? Maybe the question ought to be why more people aren't having a reaction?!!!

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You need to read the book Brain Energy by Dr. Christopher Palmer. He shows the science proving all mental illness is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction in the brain, in addition to trauma of some sort , and that it can be effectively treated with a ketogenic diet, therapy, and limited meds, just as epilepsy is. I can guarantee that the facilities your brother has been trapped in are feeding the exact opposite of this, a diet high in processed carbohydrates, which exacerbates the illness. Most psyche meds also damage metabolism, causing obesity and diabetes. I remember Bill Clinton’s campaign slogan β€œIt’s the economy stupid!” When it comes to chronic disease, physical and mental, it’s the mitochondria, stupid! The poor outcomes of conventional psychiatry is due to the entire profession ignoring the dietary causes.

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Thank you so much for that book suggestion, which I've just ordered.

If I can get him away from the clutches of that system, I hope to do so, as he is a really big-hearted, well-intentioned, creative and funny guy whose potential and life force have been squandered and suppressed by his involuntary incarceration in that system.

Yes, he is indeed addicted to carbs and sugars, which he gets plenty of at his facility. He and the other patients are all smokers too, which he knows is unhealthy, but I think the patients pursue feel-good chemicals because their lives are so controlled and lacking in other pleasures. He dreams of a girlfriend too, because of course sex is verboten and repressed by the drugs.

I look forward to reading that book. Thanks so much, Debbie!

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you may the Breggins already? Dr. Peter Breggins spoke out against psych meds for a long time ... https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/.

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Best wishes for your brother getting real healing. There is a charity called Metabolic Mind that may be helpful, founded by parents of a son with bipolar disorder. The keto diet has given him his life back. They have videos on YouTube that are excellent. It is exciting to see more doctors coming onboard with metabolic therapy for mental illness.

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Thanks for that recommendation as well. I will look into it. And thank you also for the best wishes for my brother.

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I agree Debbie that a lot of the problem are being caused by our foods. These grocery stores are toxic. Not only food but hygiene, cosmetics, and cleaning supplies. We have been growing our own food. We supplement any food by purchasing it from our neighbors who are farmers and ranchers. All the meats we buy are from ranchers who let their livestock live off the land. Same for all our dairy. If it's not organic and non-GMO, we don't get it. They don't vaccinate or feed them GMOs. We then swapped out all the hygiene products with ones that only have 4 or 5 ingredients and many are made by our neighbors. My wife makes some of her own. And cleaning products are the same. I can read every ingredient and know what every one of them are. Since we made these changes, we rarely get sick. If we do, it's just a sniffle here and there. Our overall wellbeing has improved greatly. I used to get sick 3 to 4 times a year and it would linger for 3 to 6 weeks. I was dumb for going to see a doctor who would provide more toxins. We got back to the basics when one of us becomes sick. It didn't happen overnight. It took a while to research and learn.

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It is hard to believe what we have been eating for decades. People have no idea what has happened to our food supply. The sad thing is that it is just here in the US. I went to Mexico last spring and Italy last month and the food is different.

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Yes, it is hard to believe! They even put up a fight when people were asking for proper labeling. That was telling. There are so many toxins in the grocery store foods. If people would take the time to read and look up the ingredients, maybe they would change. They are deceptive. It makes sense why we're a sick nation and overweight. I can't believe I weighed 250lbs at 5' 10'. After changing the diet, my weight now stays between 155-160lbs. I felt so much better. I stopped snoring which was nice since I would get pushed and poked. LOL I lived in Spangdahlem, Germany for almost 4 years and traveled all over Europe and their food was much different and good. They don't have GMO crops in Europe or Russia. Why does it continue here. It's safer to grow your own and buy from people you trust. Just the taste of homegrown veggies and fruits is so much better. I'm happy people are waking up to this. I also do the microgreens and sprouts. I'm in the middle of making up 2 trays to put under the grow lights. I compared 2 bottles of Heinz Ketchup from Canada and US. They were identical except for one thing. Canada uses sugarcane and the US had high fructose corn syrup which I personally believe causes liver problems.

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Good for you! I agree that Americans are overweight and sick due to the food we eat. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are responsible for high fructose corn syrup being used in our food instead of sugar.


Like they always say: follow the money. It is disgusting how many wealthy people have made themselves wealthier at the expense of other people's well-being.

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I’ve been reading these comments on institutionalization and my head is spinning. I lived adjacent to a β€œmental hospital” in Upstate New York in my early years. There was a plot of land - 15 or 20 acres - used for farming vegetables. During the growing season, I would watch the patients come out with the rakes and hoes and work the land. They weren’t a harm to themselves or others. One patient would yell up into the clouds β€œkill that monkey” for reasons known only to himself (???). We kind of chuckled but never worried about him. I’ve mentioned this before in these comments. It went on for years; then suddenly it was gone, the land plowed over and the hospital closed down. What happened to our β€œkill that monkey” fellow? If incompetent, politically-motivated and money-grubbing bureaucrats, etc. was the source of the horror show, can we do better the next time?

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There was a big push in the 1980's to close all mental institutions because they were deemed to be cruel and were expensive to run. I think they turned many out into the streets. The beginning of homelessness.

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It is my understanding that Reagan did it. I don't know a lot about it but I do remember when that happened.

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Dr Georgia Ede is a psychiatrist who has a history of helping her patients using a very low carb diet.

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If you need any help with this type of thing, Citizen's Commission on Human Rights fights the good fight against the abuses of psychiatry: https://www.cchrint.org/

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Wow, thank you so much! I will look into them and see what help and resources they can provide.

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Thank you for sharing your story. β™₯️

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Thank you for sharing your story. We are all a few brain chemicals away from losing control in our lives. It’s understandable that you felt devastated by the changes in society, and by the realization that there was something very dark and evil going on. I wish you the best in your continued healing. Hope you are eating healthy, exercising, and getting lots of sunlight. You are right about those institutions. I had a friend years ago who was bipolar and would have a manic episode, and there was a hospital called Grasslands in Westchester county, and they drugged my friend so badly to keep her there longer. They needed a certain amount of bodies in the place to get money from the state. At one point she was being chased around by another patient, who was trying to molest her. And when she complained and was very upset about it, they said. β€œ you’re still manic”. It was some kind of hell. Bless you and may you have better times ahead.

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Turns out it wasn’t brain chemicals, which explains the abysmal success rate for conventional psychiatry. They refused to look at diet for all these years. It is maddeningly tragic the unnecessary suffering so many have endured, when correcting the diet to heal the mitochondria is a cheap solution with no harmful side effects. I am opposed to long term hospitalization, and thankfully, so are all decent psychiatrists. Today, hospital stays are only a few weeks to get the patient stabilized. Then they are released. And no one should ever be hospitalized without a family member or close friend acting as their advocate.

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I believe that diet controls/alters brain chemicals. And yes, strategies like intermittent fasting , near infrared , the low-dose naltrexone, immune modulating, herbs, etc.. are great and gentle ways to help the body get back in balance. And the spirit must be considered as well.

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Diet has been scientifically proven to determine mitochondrial health. All the alternative therapies combined cannot overcome an improper diet. If the mitochondria are healthy, the rest of the body will be also.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Hey Jeff I congratulate you for holding anyone accountable to their own behavior (Biblical behavior ) before you put them on the guilty side of the spectrum, which is very typical from major news cable when they try to destroy someone’s reputation.

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We will know them by their fruits.

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I remember the first State Agriculture Committee hearing I sat in on with several bull semen bills up for public testimony. It's kind of a big deal in the livestock industry, breeding for the heartiest, best stock. For dairy v. beef, types of feed, climate appropriate for region of country they'll be raised in. The terminology for how the semen is collected and stored, marketed and sold. It's fascinating, Jim. Fascinating.

And then as the issues are discussed by legislators with zero understanding about Ag, typically legislators from urban city districts (why are they even on Ag to begin with?) is hilarity, as they stumble over words, eyebrows and facial expressions of befuddlement adds its own comedy value. And that's just in a committee hearing. Then when a bill is up for debate on the House or Senate floor with even less familiarity. It's gold, Jerry, I tell you! It's gold!

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My fist real job was in a large bank. I had to call a customer and read him some documentation relating to his export of a product overseas (50 years ago, before faxing). I was in my early 20s and the product was bull semen. I was so mortified I could hardly speak! 🀣

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I would have been as well. 😁

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One has to ask... what’s the point of collecting the semen from the heartiest, best stock for artificial insemination (the method is via electroejaculation, which applies mild electrical stimulation to the accessory sex glands and allows breeders to collect a sample without a female, or decoy, present) .... when the globalist plan is to destroy the hardiest natural cattle breeds with MRNA? Seems answers may be rooted in commercial interests. The North American Germplasm Program (NAGP) has determined that collections are needed for all commercially important breeds.... have they now instituted mRNA across all commercially important breeds. WHY?

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The eugenicists aren't species-ists, are they? We're all cattle to them. That's actually what Jeffrey Epstein and his lolita island and Lolita Express was all about. Collecting the bull semen of the wealthiest, the most powerful and the most accomplished scientists of the world and inseminating the supermodels and pretty celebrities in the world. Sames. Look up the publicly available guests lists, black book names leaked. That's who they are.

It's why Epstein money went to so many evolutionary design geneticists at Harvard and MIT. The eugenicists are trying to design mankind to be the elite rulers, the managerial stock, the athletic entertainment stock, the enforcement stock, the laborer stock, etc.

Humans are cattle, livestock to these privileged, entitled POS's. The subject is actually interconnected to pandemic, climate, trans, digital currency, social credit, etc. All of the authoritarianism, Fascism, Marxism, oligarchical governance emerging from the shadows. Comes down to bull semen science. It's the future plans for humanity on display. It's what eugenics is predicated on.

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"Why?" Same reason the dead Queen Elizabeth of the UK cared more about the family trees of her gun dogs and race horses than those of her own human family much less her masses of human subjects. She loved her animal pets more than anyone from her human family or human servants. People like her love to control others using selective breeding while demanding constant bows and genuflecting to their oh so "blue" blood. Never forget all that aristocratic primogeniture with interbreeding of human heirs to big new fortunes is to keep the old big fortunes big over many generations. It's all about maintaining power and money, and thinking by picking their brood stock they can produce healthy heirs. Add eugenics by shuffling DNA in labs and it's a crazy dangerous Frankenstein time. Note this irony: in thoroughbred horse breeding there is no artificial insemination allowed. Instead, stud fees are paid to stallion owners who earn the biggest money in that horse business when the brood mares are brought to the stud farms' breeding barns. The other money maker in that business is the bookies feeding off gamblers.

Learned a lot about USA dairy business from Derrick Josi, a member of the Tillamook co-op. He wrote a book last year with lots of good info on dairy artificial insemination. He's online as TDFHonestFarming. Dairy bull semen and cows' genetics are tracked for healthy offspring, milk quality, and easy births. Dairy cows who are not top milk producers are bred to beef cross bulls to produce offspring for the beef markets. Each year cows come into heat genetically programmed to become pregnant just like wild bison. If a cow does not produce enough quality milk to justify staying in a milking herd - in the cut throat world wide dairy products commodity market - she becomes beef jerky and other beef products. All this genetic tracking means dairy cows today in the USA produce more milk with less food which helps to keep our diary food prices reasonable. Under a professional nutritionist's care they eat cheap "waste" things like cotton byproduct and mill run from processed wheat. Derrick's herd also eats corn silage and other crops grown on his fields where he sprays their manure meaning he uses little chemical fertilizers. Yummy butter, milk, cheese, and beef jerky. Better products than horse racing's bread & circuses!

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Truth in farming.🀒

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Oct 29, 2023Β·edited Oct 29, 2023

Glad I get my pastured raw milk from the three-cow jersey farm up the road, I can tell you!

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Cotton byproduct? That is what Crisco is and it is disgusting.

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The TDF dairyman had a video showing his cows' typical "daily ration." Often included are the husks and seeds of the cotton balls and some of the other parts of that plant not used for cotton which used to be thrown away by cotton mills. Just like the "mill run" of husks of wheat seeds which are a byproduct from making white flour. Most of wha he feeds his cows seems to be things like cracked corn, entire corn plants chopped up and put in bunkers to ferment ("silage") and alfalfa.

He also has no bulls on his dairy farm. "Too dangerous" to let them mount his cows. Bruises, scrapes, broken bones. Dangerous also to humans to move bulls around. Safer for his cows to get A.I. He often shows on his social media his female cows mounting any cow in heat. Their wild forbears do that in nature. It's all normal bovine herd dynamics. He usually when that happens quickly turns his camera away saying. "Ladies! This is family show!!" But, he shows it as a debating point to explain why dairy cows being artificially inseminated are not being "raped." They want to get pregnant when in heat.

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Ironically it’s the managerial class who is so opposed to dog breeding. Yes rescuing dogs and cats is important work but there is a point to good breeding - leads to happier, healthier animals if it’s done correctly (which it often isn’t).

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Evolutionary Design Geneticists: Sounds like something right out of the Book of Revelation.

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Martin Nowak. Program for Evolutionary Design (PED). An Epstein BFF.


He's just one of many in the field. Harvard shuts down, opens another, ongoing at other research institutions. Bull semen. Sames.

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They do think we are livestock without souls, but their eugenics is just like them-- arrogant, Dunning-Kruger https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect, inflated like that Harry Potter relative floating off by the gas of their power psychosis, or a balloon being shot down by Governor Poisy Hat over Lake Huron. No one yet understand epigenetics, and no one even knows what else is undiscovered about human beings, they just embrace a sort of Neo-Darwinian materialism, which is extremely simplistic, though they think of themselves as the crown of creation, which would be funny if it wasn't dragging all the souls on the ship of earth with them. Take a look at Epstein, who, no doubt has had plastic surgery and is now somewhere else trying to get his genes in the next generation---who'd want more of him? Or more of Man Boobs? Besides, there is also a phenomenon called "regression towards the mean," which means there would be lots of slack jawed inbred Gates and Epstein spawn wandering around their 15 minute kingdoms.

But the cattle thing is being promoted by the WHO. Here's Dr. Nass, who is tasering WHO gluteus maximus valiantly.


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Yep. They needed to inject less blue-blood into the UK royal bloodline so they pulled a half-breed, Diane, in to mate for Charles's offspring, known as Harry and William. Charles was so malformed, what happens to inbreeds, that they knew he wouldn't produce normal looking heirs. And inbreeds are unhealthy.

The Habsburg Jaw became the signature of royalty in Germany-Austria from inbreeding. That's what the Windsor's were becoming, Charles' appearance scared them about what was the beginning of a similar deformity being passed down.


They've learned they need to keep around some healthy stock for genetic injections when the inbreeding gets too obvious. Even the best bull semen has its limitations.

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And pre-flood. As the flood was a clearing of both humans and animals, as the Nephillim were actually modifying DNA even back then.

The mythical β€˜gods’ with part-man, part-animal were not a myth, but a reality. God was not doing an evil thing, apparently Noah was the last line of purebloods on the earth.

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Sound just like Hilter trying to create a perfect race.

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Doesn't just sound like. It is exactly the same. Hitler's perfect race was inspired by the eugenicist movement that US and European leaders were all on board with leading into WWII. Buck v. Bell is a SCOTUS 8-1 decision (never overturned) that said "three generations of imbeciles is enough" about sterilization, euthanasia and other eugenics practices ordered/coerced by the state. Buck v. Bell was even raised as a defense by Nuremberg defendants, "you did it too in the US, what's the big deal." The eugenics movement didn't go away after Hitler was defeated. It just went underground. To emerge at a later date, like, say, today. Bull semen. Sames.

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The Nazi's didn't go away after WWII either. Operation Paperclip.

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Epstein wanted to use his ranch in New Mexico as a breeding place for himself.

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Glad you brought up Epstein, Freedom Fox. I recall that on his ranch in NM they were experimenting with impregnating cows with human fetuses. Any connection here?

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Perhaps they are banking "clean" sperm and eggs to boot the bloodlines back up after the depopulation goals have been reached. After all, you really think that the elites want to eat bugs and seaweed? That's only for the plebs!

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Heard about the incubator babies in the late 1800s? What was that about?

Were they growing babies to repopulate after the mudfloods? Are they up to their old tricks again?

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Definitely never heard of that one! Could you explain more?

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well, those globalists will still need their beef...

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It is my understanding they don't want to do away with beef or gas powered vehicles, etc. They just don't want us "sheeple" to have any of that.

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I saw a collection method used on a horse while binging on YellowstoneπŸ™ˆ

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I saw it firsthand when I was a teenager involved with horse training and breeding. A neighbor raised Trakehner horses, a breed which can be artificially insemenated. We bred Thoroughbreds, which cannot be JC registered if AI was used. TBs are a breed that is already way over-inbred.

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It's science.

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That’s the veterinary industry wide hand collection into a leather sleeve, the accepted method of equine stallion collection.. for bulls the method is electroejaculation...just fyi.. no where near safe for the handler with bulls...

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Sounds painful

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The reason urban types are on the AG committees is money for free and subsidized food programs are in the same bills. Used to be the source of food was coordinated with feeding poor people. Now most of the money goes to NGOs who funnel a portion back to the politicians for campaign contributions and employ the family and friends of the politician--all legally but with strong potential for fraud.

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The idiot legislators have to start their meteoric plummet to the bottom somewhere (why not bull se on) so they can rise to the top positions like the scum they are. Real scum is more bioavailable than these scumbags. Consensus (TM) agrees. Or does it?

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See my reply to Maureen's comment. It's that.

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Video on Bitchute soon?

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Lol. You'll find videos on state General Assembly websites in states that record hearings and share links. States with big cattle industry, a lot of the Midwest and West states. Search bill titles for "semen." Aside from the criminal offender bills you'll find the ones for livestock. Somewhere in the legislative history you'll find both hearing notes and video or audio recordings. Gold, I tell you!

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VAERS is now 3 WEEKS behind. They usually update weekly with all reports processed by the previous Friday. They are still stuck at reports processed by September 29.

Are these new shots generating so many new reports of injuries and death that they can't keep up?

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

Read somewhere (may have been Jessica Rose?) that the CDC announced going forward VAERS will be updated monthly rather than weekly.

So in the midst of an unprecedented explosion of excess deaths, almost certainly caused by the shot they recommended and pushed, they are cutting back their reporting frequency. It defies any logical explanation except the obvious one, the CDC is corrupt to the core.

Edit: It was on Ethical Skeptic's twitter, not Jessica Rose.

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Well said Jeff C.

"You could hook the revolving door between the CDC and the corporations they govern up to a turbine and light up the Vegas strip, meanwhile congress invests heavily in these enterprises based on legislation that they are going to pass in the future because they are exempt from insider trading laws.

This collusion between government and their subordinate industry is cartel/cabal/banana-republic levels of criminal. The only way out of this is to dismantle and rebuild the system from scratch because the system is rotten to the core and is woven together by blanket webs of interlocking incestuous corruption. It cannot be untangled or fixed as each corrupted entanglement has a stranglehold on the ones surrounding it - everyone is compromised and has incriminating evidence on everyone else." β€”https://tritorch.com/criminal

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

Yup. Julie Gerberding was my wake up moment back in 2009. She ran the CDC during the Bush administration and even met with ASD parent groups saying she would get to the bottom of the link between autism and vaccines. She lost her job when Obama was elected as he did a wholesale firing of Bush appointees. Less that a year later she became president of Merck's vaccine division.

(Side note: Obama's replacement Tom Freiden was director for eight years and somehow even worse. Not only was he a pharma shill but also a sexual predator.)

Revolving door indeed, and this was fourteen years ago. It's much worse now. And its not just a revolving door as that would be bad enough, Gerberding was all to happy to lie to parent's faces while directly undermining them behind their backs. These people are demonic.

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It will soon be ten years since the CDC Whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, has come forward regarding the destruction of data showing a 250%+ increase in Autism in Black male babies receiving the MMR prior to the age of three years. Gerberding was in charge of the CDC. Congress still hasn’t subpoenaed Dr. William Thompson. In 2018, she was named Cunt (oh, sorry) Woman of the Year. She cashed out millions of Merck stock in January 2020. In 2022, she became the CEO of the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health.

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I will never forget Katie Wright's (daughter of NBC exec Bob Wright and autism activist) reaction when when Gerberding took the Merck vax gig, "I think I'm going to be sick".

This was back in the mid-2000's when ASD first exploded and we learned shocking things regarding the cumulative levels of thimerosal and aluminum salts administered to infants. Parents believed Gerberding when she said she was going to look into it. That single duplicitous act ended many parent's innocence as we realized the true evil we faced.

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TriTorch... your link results in a 404 error msg

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Thank you for the heads up Maureen. Fixed now

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Even my husband, on numerous occasions, mentions that there seems like less traffic, or where are all the people. And this isn't something he follows. We are looking to buy a house in another area. We get emails daily on for sale listings. The last year or so we noticed so many of the houses for sale are completely empty. Where did these people go?

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Annie, I don't know where you live, but I live in Colorado and it seems to be exploding with people moving here from ..... CA? Not sure WHY... our taxes are insane and the cost of living is off the charts! And traffic and crazy drivers???? AWFUL.

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Legalized Pot may be one reason

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Or that our State (CA) is bankrupt, homeless/mentals everywhere, crime is up ~40%, top 3 income tax, and things are not getting better. And Gov Newscum.

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Yup, probably a more feasible move for most people who end up there - my NP friend who has a clinic there says downtown Denver is becoming more and more like San Fransisco which is sad.

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We are looking to buy in SC.

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Yes, and it's also noticeable that stores are emptier, which could be because there are fewer people plus so many people are struggling just to keep up with monthly bills.

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Grocery stores seem less crowded to me, but there is also Instacart, and Kroger’s Click List, drive up.

Interesting because Instacart is more expensive than going in, fees and tips. If people don’t have money, perhaps their credit card debt is up?

The department stores like Macys are virtually empty. Inventory is way down and it’s more casual. Lots of jeans and leggings. Perhaps since people aren’t working they don’t need dressier clothing. And they don’t bother shopping as much. Wonder how Nordstrom and Ann Taylor are doing? We don’t have either here. They kicked out Chico’s in favor of an Anthropology, I haven’t been in. Maybe it’s just with retirement that I see things differently, or it’s all different since 2020?? Probably both.

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I am sure the higher prices are part of it. The Whole Foods store in our area is frequented by well-off hipsters. Always busy and full of products. I was just there after an absence of 6 months. Pretty empty and the inventory was thinner. I was thinking bidenomics and clot shots were to blame. I never saw so many masked people. They bought into the scamdemic.

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Oh, they totally did. Masks for Everyone like Oprah’s cars. They were rabid about it.

I stop in once in a while cuz it’s super convenient. Usually just to get clamshell lettuce, sometimes berries. But since Amazon took over the supplements department is junk!

They trained me NOT to shop there with their mask requirements and expensive merchandise and crappy selection. Pretty funny actually.

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I'm in the rural area and I may see a handful of people wearing a mask in a city of 18k people. It's about a 30-minute drive from me. I don't see anyone out near me wearing one unless they're mowing grass. I know they wear it due to allergies and debris. I was actually surprised when I had to make a 2-hour drive into Houston. I wasn't seeing many wearing a mask at all. I know people here were getting fed up with it. So fed up that the state passed SB29 to prevent and government entity from mandating masks, jabs, or closures. The people said it didn't go far enough. They're about to pass SB7 which states no employer can do the same. I drove to PA for a funeral 5 weeks ago and I didn't many wearing masks their either. I don't recall seeing anyone wearing one when we stopped either. Where are you see this at? My favorites are the ones who wear a mask in the car by themselves. LOL

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Even the budget stores seem empty -- Walmart, Target, dollar stores -- not to mention the department stores you are mentioning. Just two registers open at Walmart and about 15 ummanned (plus self check-out). Same at the grocery stores.

It's what you get when you destroy an economy with lock-downs, high government spending and inflation, and a shot that has caused a huge increase in both deaths and the working age disabled, leading to labor shortages. Small businesses can't get the labor and are having to cancel reservations.

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And I think a lot of mothers are staying home, homeschooling their kids. So, not in the job pool.

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I have noticed that as well...!!! I am like "All the middle is missing. Where did they go?" I see it and I am not stupid.

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Organizations like black rock are buying every house they can. For what purpose I don’t know.

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They want to turn us all into "subscribers" that own nothing.

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Doubt it’ll happen during my life time, but maybe my kids. So damn sad! But I know it’s out of my control. Now I pray.

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What Blackrock is doing may be out of your control but your kids/grandkids future isn't. We all need to be setting aside money for our kids future that is protected. That's' the only thing that will give them a leg up going against this.

As of today, a family must make $117k/year to afford a median priced home in the US using traditional metrics. The median US household income is $74.6k. There is no way young families can afford it and it's intentional.

Proverbs 13:22: "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just."

Those in their "golden years" might want to consider setting up protected trust funds for their kids/grandkids rather than blowing $80k on a BMW that will be worthless in ten years.

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15 min gulags, ooops, cities?

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Who's going to live in these cities? If the clot shots do what they are designed to do that means not too many people left.

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You'll pay rent for the rest of your life. They already said you'll own nothing and be happy. This is all planned.

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We are ready.

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I'm ready and so are many around me.

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Thart's interesting. We signed up for Zillow alerts back in 2015 and we were not getting many hits in the area we wanted to move into. We finally found a place. I never unsubscribed from the alerts and would get maybe 5 alerts max in a year. Over the last 2 to 2.5 years, I get alerts almost daily for something that is available. And they're not filling many of them since I will get another alert for the same property a week or 2 later. Some even saying they reduced the price or rent.

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Same here. I recognize properties coming back on the market. Many have dropped their prices. The pictures show a house with no furniture etc. 2 years ago that was rare. Now it's about 1/3 of the houses are empty of any furniture etc.

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I think they are currently in Oregon. Why I don't know; when they finally get to experience Oregon's finest they may not stay. HIGH yearly rent increases, HIGH taxes, HIGH insurance premiums of all kinds, HIGH traffic in urban areas, Toll roads and last but not least Oregon Legislators/Governor demo insanity to erase the farmers and ranchers. You will eat bugs, dirt, air???

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Not to mention, literally (well, lotsa) people are HIGH and no punishment because of the lovely new law. Guy running around in Ontario NAKED and nothing the cops can do about it, because being over the top doped up is A-OK!

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Fighting the tolls. We are collecting signatures to get it on the ballot.

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What area are you talking about? I’m in coastal Southern California and houses are still selling like hotcakes and inventory is very low.

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Yeah I wish. All the northerners showing up here to live? Our eight lane roads are packed constantly, ty.

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And they have discontinued the V-Safe program which those "vaccinated" could use to report their vax issues.

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Corrupt to core and clearly hiding explosion of deaths and issues

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And VAERS is not accurate. Many incidents never get reported. Vaers is like the tip of an iceberg. So much more lies below the surface.

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Do you want happen to have any info from about a year ago when the VAERS numbers were drastically reduced because there was β€œno evidence of causation.?” I don’t think I saved it :(

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Estrada explained he was β€˜short-staffed.’

Jeff, you missed an opportunity for another weewee joke...

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Little D energy is so unsavory!

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β€œI simply evaluate influencers by their fruits. So long as they are helping the cause, and my personal contacts with them don’t raise any red flags, I’m happy to keep working with them on our mutual objectives. If they ever stab the movement in the back …”

This articulates my philosophy precisely, Jeff! As I wrote in the β€œReflections on Finger-Pointing” section of β€œRites of the Tear-Downers” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/rites-of-the-tear-downers):

β€œMy general rule of thumb when assessing claims like this is to examine the net actions of the accused versus the accuser. Who is focused on doing good work and taking on genuine threats like tyrants, philanthropaths, and colluders, and who is spending their time attacking those within the movement, usually garnering clicks and attention in the process? Who is building up versus tearing down? Who is uniting versus dividing? Who is inspiring versus gossiping? It usually becomes pretty clear who is contributing to the overall cause as opposed to those who are sowing FUD; encouraging in-fighting; and distracting from the causes of resisting tyranny and ending democide.”

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I think we need to make a distinction b/w politicians and non-politicians. IMO, words and actions are often part of the propaganda machine wrt elected officials. There are lots of examples just from my lifetime. There were lots of conservatives cheering for W in 2000. Not so much in 2023.

So far as I've been able to tell, looking at where an individual's money is coming from - what is their source of income, who is funding their campaign or administration, what ties/dependencies do they have on the MiC - pretty much tells 90% of the story. Obviously, this can't be done for everyone, like talking heads/influencers/pundits and it's counterproductive to engage in character assassination based on gossip, hunches, and suspicions.

But it can be done pretty accurately for elected officials and those campaigning for office. We can see who is funding their campaigns and how they make their money while in office is also pretty well-known. Who elected officials are aligned with and dependent upon is important. More important than their words or actions, IMO. Same for much of the MSM and large media co's. It's pretty obvious whose side they're on. It's not gossip to say Hannity is a deep state ally, for example. Or that the WaPo is intelligence agency aligned.

That said, I've found folks have differing perspectives on what is important in the conservative "movement." There is a genuine difference in goals. Some people are happy to live with the forever wars - and the debt, and consequent destruction of the middle class that those wars create - so long as the "culture war" issues fall in their favor. Others deprioritize the culture war issues and focus on the financial side. Obviously, one's priority drives who one sees as an ally or a "mole."

I see everything as ultimately serving the primary grift - the forever wars - so I tend to focus on who is funding candidates and where they stand vis-a-vis the transfer-of-wealth mechanism we call 'forever war.' And I try not to get tied up in arguments about heterodox talking heads or influencers b/c I just don't know their personal financial incentives or entanglements. As you point out, with those folks, I think the best we can do is look at what their work is achieving. They're not politicians so we can't see who is financing them.

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Excellent distinction and points, RU!

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Good judgement and gut feeling is my compass. So many people I have grown to respect, online and off, have been smeared in one way or another. I used to doubt myself, then realized I wasn’t the problem.

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"In other words, Mr. Estrada was just too busy [prosecuting White J6 protestors at the behest of (((Merrick Garfinkle)))]."

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He has a smarmy smug face. 😝

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

We need to make #vaccinatetheCDC trend on X. That was brilliant, Jeff.

Also, I am really glad for your explanation of your gauge for evaluating folks in the Not A Movement Medical Freedom Movement. It's so easy to see dark motives and moles planted EVERYWHERE. It becomes disillusioning and kills all hope. I know that's not what God exhorts us to embrace. So carefully assessing the "fruits" of these people's actions is a great equalizer in terms of judging character. Thank you for this simple, but powerful, reminder.

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Also 'diversity for Israel'. They promote it for White countries, but shun it there.

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Interesting enough, all of big pharma CEO's, the CDC, and 80+% of congress is comprised of Zionists.

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As is media. Hmm. Notice a pattern?

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And banking, porn, politics, all the agenda's, etc. Yes, I noticed the pattern years ago.

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Meh. I don't really care whether Israel is diverse. I just want the USA to stop meddling. Israel did a pretty good job kicking ass the last time they were tested by the Islamists. I say we let them handle the response to the rape and pillage of their citizens.

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Israel wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for the US taxpayer giving them money every year which goes against the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Any country who has nuclear weapons and doesn't sign this treaty is not allowed to have any foreign aid. Israel didn't sign it so why are they getting aid.

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The Israel lobby is extremely strong. What bugs me is that congressman who showed up in the House wearing an IDF uniform. Talk about dual citizenship loyalties. It should never have been allowed. Which country did he swear an oath to?

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I'm still waiting for someone to explain how someone can hold office with a dual citizenship. And they're all from the same Rothschilds created state of Israel (Balfour Declaration). We make everyone else denounce their citizenship. Why not them? I think we know why.

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God also uses evil to forward progess his plans. HIS. He is not the author of evil.

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I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. - Isaiah 45:7 Yes, he uses it to move forward.

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Agreed. Evil is the absence of God's restraining Holiness. (I don't think I said He is its author.)

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That’s kind of how I feel about Alex Berenson. He’s been helpful on vaccine injuries and deaths, but terrible on early treatment. Seems to have a personal vendetta against ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. But I am grate for the work he is doing to expose the deaths. Maybe he has a lot of money invested in big Pharma (on patent) antivirals, most of which have sucked so far.

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Yeah I never understood that. It’s like he personally was indignant about IVM. Maybe it is part of his TDS problem.

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Yeah, don't leave out any from big pharm since many of them were exempt.

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But that Travis Kelce guy who plays for KC Chiefs and his singer girlfriend Taylor Ham Swift said shots are safe and effective. Perhaps they can do Halftime Show together at Super Bowl sponsored by Pfizer and have special surprise guest of Tom Selleck hawking his disingenuous Reverse Mortgage line of predatory loan crap. Package it altogether with a Blue Angels flyover message β€œWorld War Three Is Patriotic and Godly”.

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Mr. Pfizer. And Mr/s Bud Light. He/She/It is a walking billboard for woke. In the old NFL he'd/she'd/it'd have his/her/its career ended prematurely.

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No doubt.

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We can still hope!

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Bread and Circuses. Pfizer's just another big money sponsor and the NFL and its players understand their larger cultural responsibility. I still can't wrap my head around the 'Taylor Swift' thing.

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Kelce is just another greedy sellout and TS is using him for publicity. He’s a fool.

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They deserve each other---rwo irrelevant super egos. Meh...

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TS is his assigned handler.

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"Cultural responsibility"? To promote a billion dollar sport as a worthier goal for youth than a genuine education? I call BS on that.

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I should have added /S after "cultural responsibility".

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Kelce appears to be the living embodiment of Dunning Kruger effect. Too dumb to realize how dumb he is! It would be laughable if it weren't so dangerous.

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Travis is a loser. It is bad enough he shilled for bud light but he crossed the line taking money from big pharma. Screw him.

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Wow I must be old. I don’t have a clue who any of these people are in the last 10 posts.lol

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You aren’t really missing anything lol

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Actually have a reverse mortgage. You know not of that which you speak. Obviously

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I actually do. They are a bad deal. My parents lost their house due to foreclosure. Hope you read all the fine print. They will screw you in a heartbeat especially if housing prices come crashing down. The Asbury Park Press who is owned by USA Today/Gannett interviewed me as a feature article highlighting the inherent dangers in these loans. Tom Selleck is an asshole selling them.

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Agree and was super disappointed in Selleck for hawking that crap.

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And btw, using gannet as a point of reference isa little silly,being that they started sucking worse than anyone,earlier than anyone. They’ve sucked since the fifties.

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The Asbury Park Press was still operating independently at the time and the article was written by local reporters. Gannet had bought them but they were not fully integrated at the time. They actually held back part of the story as it was much worse than published (it was bad enough). As I said, over time and if housing prices drop significantly, they will use any means possible to screw you. Trust me. It was a sad story. Be careful.

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Actually since the feds got wind of the predatory practices, they’ve had to comply with all forms of safeguards. In the beginning, this was true. Now you are required to take classes yourself before getting one. We got lucky. No one of any consequence to leave our home to, and for at least the first ten years of this loan, we aren’t touching equity. So if we live long enough, we might see the first payment that is lowering equity. So yeah, did a ton of research, and if I kick before my bride,she will be able to stay as long as she wants. That was the point. And we can pay it off if we want which is a thought, and that will cost us a few bucks, but so what. At this point in life, aren’t we supposed to be enjoying retirement?

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Everything on the jab front feels like it is accelerating … in one week, I learned of a HS classmate who died suddenly, a friend brain aneurism, and a 16 y o XC kid to the ER from collapse.

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Oh it is. We had a record year of estate settlements as clients died. At least triple of what was normal. Count in all the incidents of cancer, illnesses, pneumonia, never ending colds etc. The covidians notice it. Even talk about it. It is not slowing down.

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Some doctor said that there would be a 50% mortality rate within 5 years of getting jabbed. They would only last 5 years post jab. And the rest won’t make it to 10 years.

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Dr. Dolores Cahill. University College Dublin.

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I thought it was a man, but thanks!

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I believe McCullough mentioned it as well...

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I heard the same. If this is true, whatever the parasites have planned will be unleashed in the very near future.

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Soon the only ones left standing will be the purebloods and the Young Leaders. Tag team combat for humankind to follow.

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I actually think unvaccinated people should bank their sperm and eggs. There is a new group called Safe Blood which connects unvaccinated donors to people who need blood. So at this point, it is not a Blood Bank, but a network of people who are willing to help . Of course, it takes a little time, so at this point, they could not help you out in an immediate crisis. You can sign up to become a donor for free, and then there is a $10 membership level where you can both volunteer to donate and receive blood. I don’t believe you have to be a member in order to apply to receive blood. But membership will help the organization grow. I think they are working on sperm donation too, or will be in the future. I would really like to find a good unvaccinated dating website. Not sure how I am going to find an unvaccinated and awakened man!

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Maybe you could both explain your transition for the benefit of those on this site that just can’t or won’t admit that the progressive tenet is faulty from the gitgo, and maybe help them grow. Just a thought. Still a ton of tds, and progspeak here to deal with. And they will never change, as far as I can tell.

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Kathy there is a dating app called the Right Stuff for conservatives and many of the guys on there speak of their own vax status. They know it’s a big deal. It’s important to guys too, especially ones who want to have children with an unvaccinated female. A 52 year old male friend of mine just married a 35 year old woman he met on that site.

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Thank you so much Lily I will check it out. It’s amazing to me how much my politics and values align with conservatives these days. I call myself a recovering Democrat (hopefully you are familiar with the 12 step program speak!) I’m so grateful for Coffee&Covid and FLCCC and all of the great heroes and heroines we have come to know in the last few years. Thanks again.

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Me too! I was a democrat until 2020 and now align Conservative. Best of luck with finding love!

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Good news, that. I'll search them out, and read their legalese regarding protecting plasma integrity carefully.

The man you're looking for? Probably over 60 and already married!!

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And the folks pouring over the border.

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I get the feeling it is accelerating right now too.

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Yep me too. Three this week alone.

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I was looking at Google Earth and I just happened to pass over a cemetery while looking for another place and I couldn't help but notice all the fresh graves. It's easy to spot since the graves were just dirt and no grass. I wanted to look into this more but I haven't had time. They update the ariel view of the cities often and you can view previous imaging. I've seen a lot of estates sales. My children are hearing about some of the people they knew in school dying. This is when we lived in the suburbs.

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I can’t wait to see the CDC completely destroyed and vilified. It’s personal for me because someone in my husbands family has a daughter who’s been there all through pandemic and she made it very uncomfortable for anyone who wouldn’t get jabbed, especially during summer of 2021, when we were living temporarily in NJ. It was like living in a communist country. All I wanted was to catch the damn Covid so I could be naturally vaccinated but even if I did, the stupidity of jabbing was to say you STILL NEEDED A JAB AFTER INFECTION.

I can never be in the same room with that bitch because she β€œmandated” my sister in law and nephews to get jabbed so that my sister in law could spend holidays with them. I would’ve said GO FU@&YOURSELF.

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I knew the jab was bad and begged anyone who would listen not to get it. But I was the crazy one. The most mind boggling experience has been the amount of sheep.

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Have you driven by the CDC campus in Atlanta? It’s quite imposing and in another location could easily be mistaken for the Capitol of a decent sized sovereign nation. πŸ™„

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No, I will never go there. After Delta, 2021 vax campaign, you can see how older population still alive has aged so dramatically. It’s depressing to see the accelerated aging of those who took up the jab.

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Remember how all the CDC employees we’re working remotely while that whole campus was probably sitting there. No one was tracking the important info, like death after jab, they were counting, dbl and triple counting CASES, calling the delta the pandemic of unvaxxed because the hospital coding made it easy to label jabbed people as unjabbed.

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And it is almost across the street from Emory.

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May be a little bit, like the buildings of the church of Scientology!

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You can give up people in your life to their jab requirements, but in the end we are all responsible for our own behavior. You can never get your health back again if you get anywhere The Needle. I take a mandate from NO PERSON and am with you. People have no spine and when they are fearful, the bullies always win.

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I guess that says it all...brave and perfectly said!

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I have family in NJ and those 2 have gone completely bonkers. I won't get into the details about what she has done but I don't think I will shed a tear when she's gone. She's even crazier after the jab.

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Steve Kirsch does not believe the jabs were done on purpose, to kill and maim, he thinks it was bad practice making them. He also refuses to call them bioweapon injections and continues to call them "vaccines" which we all know, they are not.

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It's weird how some of us figured it out from the start. Jeff Childers and most of us on this stack knew to avoid the shots.

Yet Steve rushed out and got multiple jabs, and forced his kids to as well.

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AND now questions all vax’s. REALLY?! I guess it’s never too late to wake up but....

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I think we should applaud people whenever they finally wake up. If he is so liberal then of course it would take a long time to wake up.

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More stuff I didn’t know! He was pro-vax?? Kirsch is like most reformed whatever’s. Reformed smokers can smell cigarette smoke on the head of a pin. It’s become personal to him and by dammit he’s gonna let the world know about it. Okay, you said it, it’s never too late. He’s one that is not letting a crisis go to waste, for sure.

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I agree with Alison Smith. I don't think many of us are the same people we were 3 years ago. If we are it's because we choose to be blind. Cheers to Steve Kirsch for doing an about face. So many people will hold onto the belief that they did no harm to themselves or those they love because that is just too awful to admit.

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He is a libbie.

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He made the mistake of trusting our agencies. But boy, did you see the list of drugs and supplements he took when he got Covid? I think it was about 25 things, no joke. He was truly scared. I love Steve for all he is doing now, and trying to help with the child vaccine schedule as well.

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Yes Steve Kirsch is indeed awesome with his advocacy exposing the vaccine industry. Glad he's using his wealth to fight Big Pharma.

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

OK, that bothers me about him. There were former attempts at mRNA "vaccines" in which all of the test subject - animals - died. The technology existed and surely he knew about those studies. So if it killed all animals, why wouldn't it kill people? 2+2=4 and so in my opinion, he had to know it was dangerous from the get go and the only reason that new tech was used instead of old style vaccine creation was to kill, maim and destroy. All this IMO.

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Agreed. This was common knowledge at the beginning.

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I think people were so frightened that they lost ability to reason, and they operated on trust and hope. I credit children’s health defense and Gary Null for saving my ass! Gary was around during the aids years and told me all about the evil of Fauci and also how the doctors and health practitioners who were bringing people with HIV back to health, were attacked and ignored. I hadn’t thought about Fauci in years. And when I saw him, I said oh no, not that guy.!

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Lol me too! I was around during his heyday with AIDS and I remember how he pulled the same stunt with a crappy drug called AZT which hurt and killed a lot of people. AND like this time, he withheld access to the drugs that worked.

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Exactly!!! Even I knew that in previous attempts ALL the lab animals had died. And the unrelenting pressure, the insane insistence that every man, woman, child, dog, cat and zoo animal get jabbed made me suspicious of the whole thing. I feel good about convincing one person who was under heavy pressure from docs and family not to get the jabs. She has told me many times now how grateful she is that I was so adamant that she hold out.

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Yup! Absolutely no excuse.

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Oct 27, 2023Β·edited Oct 27, 2023

I'm not 100% sure myself, but I lean towards it being on purpose to depopulate. I also think that even if Kirsch knows that it was, he might not be ready to say it yet. The timing matters. People are still resistant to even the idea that the shots were unsafe. That's the point they need to accept to stop them from continuing to take them. That's first priority. If he just yells out that it was depopulation, he will be disregarded. We need everyone to understand they are dangerous first, even it that means easing them into the truth. Most are catching on, but some still can't admit it.

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I really wish he would stop calling them "vaccines" though, that doesn't help people to understand how dangerous they are. He could at least call them genetic injections. We won't defeat the enemy unless we name it first, he has to start naming it.

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I think genetic injections would be very appropriate. I would prefer him to say that as well. I just feel that some of those like him, who are in the public eye, trying to get the truth out there are being cautious to not say everything they know to be true yet. I think they give information and see how it is received before they dish out things that are even harder to accept. We are all in slightly different stages of being red-pilled. It's more of a course of pills than a single dose. If I had heard everything at once, I would have rolled my eyes and walked away.

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I don't know if you saw Jeff on Steve's podcast last night. At the close, Jeff made a comment about how we can't sue the DoD since they have sovereign immunity. Steve just smiled and nodded his head. I believe Steve has had Sasha Latypova on his podcast but it would have been quite some time ago. Point being he knows about the DoD's role. He never writes about it. Why? Curious, no? And Jeff gave him a great big wide opening he could have driven a truck into. Nothing from Steve. What's up with that? There's plenty of factual information he could be pointing to. No conjecture necessary. But, nope, complete silence on the elephant in the room. How is expending all his energy on the pharmaceutical firm angle helping a vast audience understand what has really *really* happened? He could take it one step at a time, but he's not taking step #1. Why? I said somewhere else earlier in comments I think he's another limited hangout. This Consumer Reports low rating on mpg. ...Everybody's got an opinion.

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If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck....! I don't think there is much to debate about your conclusions. The only reason people don't see this is a bad case of cognitive dissonance.

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Thanks for the observations. Interesting, and lots of questions.

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Well, that’s possible. I guess time will tell.

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That is a very good point. He may be keeping his opinion to himself. It is hard enough to be taken seriously when you are showing the data, much less when you are saying that there is an intention to the populate. I know I did not used to want to believe it either. Now I have no choice.

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I didn't know this. That raises a lot of red flags because it can't be any more obvious as to what's going on. 4 different pharmaceutical companies created gene therapy jabs all using mRNA tech along with similar ingredients. At least the ones we know about. Anyone who has seriously looked into all of this knows it was planned years ago. Regardless, I stopped taking all jabs back in 1995 because I learned that's what was making me sick.

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I think there were good doctors and scientists, who never did look into it until they saw people starting to have very bad reactions, and people dying. Even in The flccc and Peter McCullough did not come out at the very beginning against the jabs. Even as they were focusing on early treatment, they wanted the jobs to work, hoped they would work. Now they have all become β€œ never Vaxxers” or you can also call them vaccine risk aware! VRA!

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I won't argue with you on this one. I know there were many who were against it and many lost their jobs over it. These doctors would be the ones I trust the most because they were willing to sacrifice it all. I believe many have good intentions and now they're seeing it for what it really is. I get them walking that fine line too. We still need some good ones in there to keep exposing to the world what's happening. Those who are flat out denying at this point in time are complicit as far as I'm concerned. There's too much evidence out there now. I hope they get sued into oblivion and then strung up on a tree. I'll buy all the rope. This has caused a lot of death, suffer, and grief.

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My last injection was 61 years ago, I was 10.

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Good for you! I hope for the day where no one is taking them. Knowing what I know now, I would have never taken one back then. I guess it better late than never.

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I think he is a really good person, and has a hard time imagining other scientists, PhD’s, and doctors having evil intentions. When Neil Degrasse Tyson went on the highwire and had a debate with Del Bigtree, I felt the same way. Neil does not want to think that other scientists could be compromised, because he is an honest person. Part of his self image is that of being part of a group of good honest people. But it is naΓ―ve. Do people think that Hitler and Stalin and Pol Pot and Idi Amin and Mao are just relics of the past, and an extinct specie? There have always been psychopaths, and there will always be psychopaths. Or if you want to take the religious view, there will always be people tempted by evil.

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