☕️ STUNG ☙ Wednesday, March 6, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
A quick, punch-packing roundup to help tide you over.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Wednesday! The Childers Team is en route to Las Vegas for the Covid Litigation Conference and some quality family time in our great national parks. If I can figure out how to work it, I may drop a couple Twitter live events from the conference, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, enjoy today’s admittedly shrinkflationed mini-roundup, but remember, it’s not the size of the post, it’s the motion of the ocean. (Or words to that effect.)
🔥 The New York Times ran a story yesterday simply headlined, “Kyrsten Sinema Bows Out of Arizona Senate Race.” Sinema dropped out to spend more time with family and work on her magic spells and potions. That leaves only long shot democrat State Representative Ruben Gallego and celebrity standout Republican Kari Lake, former candidate for governor and close Trump ally. Needless to say, Kari Lake enjoys much more name recognition and brand power than does Representative Gallego.
🔥 Given my family’s current travel plans, I was greatly alarmed when I saw yesterday’s New York Post headline: “Las Vegas hotel guest stung on testicles by scorpion while sleeping: ‘Felt like sharp glass.’”
Apparently, California native Michael Farchi was peacefully slumbering in his $400-a-night Las Vegas hotel room at the Venetian, minding his own business, not hurting anybody, when he was rudely awakened after being stung by a scorpion on his testicles.
The good news is, we aren’t staying at the Venetian. The bad news is … what?? How could this happen? Is this really a thing? Testicle-seeking midnight scorpions? In hotel rooms? What kind of third-world hellhole is Las Vegas anyway? Is this some strange new kind of Russian attack?
Pray for us.
🔥 On Sunday, Florida’s Voice ran a story headlined, “March electoral college forecast: Trump maintains path to victory as polls hold steady.” Despite 90+ criminal charges, federal investigations, racketeering claims, fraud and sexual assault verdicts, out-of-control judges, special prosecutors, attempts to strike him from ballots, relentless, over-the-top negative media, and every deck stacked against him, current polling shows Trump winning the projected electoral vote 293 to 245.
That encouraging electoral college news is masked by national polling that only shows Trump up +2.3%. But that slim lead should be compared to the polls on the same day in the 2020 election, when Biden led the popular vote by +5.1%. So.
Here is an even more detailed and optimistic state-by-state analysis, concluding based on recent polls that, if the elections were held today, President Trump would win with 314 electoral votes compared to only 224 for Joe Biden.
2024 Election Map Based On the Latest Poll Taken in all 50 states (19:19).
Any minute now we will begin hearing, once again, about how the electoral college needs to be abolished to save democracy.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden plans to deliver his belated State of the Union tomorrow, which will be the first time that Americans and Joe Biden will hear it. Biden is expected to expand his War On Snack-Food Shrinkflation, unveiling his cunning scheme to crack down on corporate greed and their reprehensible price gouging of Americans who enjoy full-sized Ho-Ho’s, Cool Ranch tortilla chips, and double-stuffed Oreos. Political observers also expect Bidenesque rage over any abortion restrictions and over Russia. Joe’s SOTU will oddly highlight the widow of a dead Russian — not any dead Ukrainian — to stoke anger against another Russian, President Putin.
In other words, Biden is expected to completely ignore the real issues of inflation, out of control shoplifting and violent crime, and the uncontrolled invasion of illegal immigrants destroying America’s big cities — including America’s bluest cities, which are experiencing rapid controlled demolition. (Well, in fairness, Biden plans to address inflation by blaming “big corporations” for rising prices due to their “greed,” but that tired rhetoric is unlikely to resonate with anyone except Democrat partisans.)
You never know. Biden may surprise the nation with a strong, vigorous, meaningful speech, but I doubt it. He’ll be lucky to complete the carefully stage-managed event without losing his place on the teleprompter or getting over-excited and calling for NATO strikes against Mexico. Maybe, if we’re super fortunate, Biden will remember the Constitution’s name and won’t just call it “you know, the thing.”
Trust me, I already miss you guys. Have a wonderful Wednesday! Please pray for a hedge of protection for the Childers family — especially against scorpion stings. Coffee & Covid will be back tomorrow morning with a delicious daily update for you.
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Katie Hobbs stole the 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial election from Kari Lake. Bad things happen in Maricopa County. We need to win by such overwhelming numbers in 2024 that they can't cheat.
Gather yourselves together, indeed, gather,
O nation without shame,
Before the decree takes effect—
The day passes like the chaff—
Before the burning anger of Yahweh comes upon you,
Before the day of Yahweh’s anger comes upon you.
Seek Yahweh,
All you humble of the earth
Who have worked His justice;
Seek righteousness, seek humility.
Perhaps you will be hidden
In the day of Yahweh’s anger.
— Zephaniah 2:1-3 LSB