Katie Hobbs stole the 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial election from Kari Lake. Bad things happen in Maricopa County. We need to win by such overwhelming numbers in 2024 that they can't cheat.

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I chuckle sometimes that Hillary lost in 2016 because the Demorats underestimated the number of votes they needed to steal. They didn't make the same mistake in 2020.

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And they got rino help too. The uniparty, both wings, are scum and traitors.

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Thatā€™s why we need that Epstein list, itā€™ll clear the swamp people out of Washington

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List or not, they are all suspect. I would say guilty until proven innocent.

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They sure are. & they all have much more money than a public servant ever should have. Howā€™d that happen? & letā€™s ditch the lobbyists while we are at it.

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I'd be careful Annie, throwing that statement around. That's exactly how Trump is presently being treated. Guilty and taken off the ballots, until proven innocent...

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Use the flight logs and start charging them all.

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Didnā€™t Trump want to do that?

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I'll have to defer to someone else on that issue, I'm pretty ignorant of the specifics. I seem to remember reading that Trump has flown on the plane, not sure if it was to the island. And I don't like, promote, or support Trump. I do not trust him ever since he thought he could ban bump-stocks after the Vegas mass shooting. I would not be surprised at all to find out that he was involved and complicit.

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How has that worked out so far? Nobody ever charged.

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Georgia's Kemp and Raffens-turd are great examples... those two skidmarks need to GO.

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Agree šŸ’Æ

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Preach it Sgt!

I used to love Sgt. Rock comics back in the '60s.

Later Jay

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Yes, the uniparty seeks only its own power.

Great explanation here, though very long:


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And thatā€™s why they overshot so bad. 81 million my ass.

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Agree! šŸ‘æ

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They rather overdid it. Nobody believes Biden got 81 million actual votes.

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A lot of Democrats _want_ to believe it so bad that they are willfully blind to the statistical anomalies which make the election literally unbelievable to anyone who looks.

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Totally agree!

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Completely right!!!!

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Almost did, though, and thatā€™s the good news. The bad news is that he wonā€™t be running against Mr. Peters. Iā€™m still hopeful though! Pray for PDTā€™s health and safety!

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I made this my ring tone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4XWiKZNMOU I let it ring in public.

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Righto! šŸ¤¬

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Mar 6Liked by Jeff Childers

We live in a deep red county in AZ - and Sheriif Mark Lamb is our candidate for US Senate, not Kari Lake. He has been ignored in the media but he more truly represents our great state than does Lake and is well-respected throughout Arizona. Too bad the media can only seem to focus on big names/big money.

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Mar 6Ā·edited Mar 6

Lake turned out to be quite the fibber, spreading them all over the place regarding DeSantis' and his stellar COVID Craze actions. She went so far as to say DeSantis mandated COVID shots and closed everything down before the White House advised states to, and then kept everything locked and masked up well beyond White House guidelines.

Don't trust her, because she's proven herself to be untrustworthy.

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I actually do trust her (as much as anyone running for office); she stepped away from a terrific future in MSM to speak the truth. And like PDT, sheā€™s taken a beating. She refused an immense bribe (from inside the GOP, BTW) to stand down ā€œfor two years.ā€ She could have been set for life. What more can we ask?

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Fred, I don't dispute your perspective, it's a plausible analysis of her character. I just hate the lying tool in most politicians' tool bags. We should all be above that, particularly when addressing fellow Cons.

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With all the Stateā€™s (Statesā€™ too) chaos and battling FL counties, it would have been difficult not to misspeak (disclaimer; I donā€™t watch media sources so I missed a lot).

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did not read that ! I think Florida locked up shortly as we did here in Ga, I know the beaches were closed because that made women waves here too, as lots of Georgians go to the Fl beaches.

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DeSantis declared the emergency, only way to get the Fed handouts, and then the blue counties went crazy with lock downs. DeSantis gave it 3 weeks before he started firing off executive orders and calling the State Legislature back to stop the Leftists from shutting down churches, beaches, schools and eventually nursing home visits. Schools were force open by DeSantis in August, with dozens of legal battles against the Teachers' Union.

I was so disappointed in Lake re-imagining Gov DeSantis' actions into a political spin to support DJT. She didn't need to do that, but she went out of her way to lie about it. Sad.

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Trump himself reimagined DeSantisā€™ record on WuFlu & you can bet there will be no reckoning on any of it if he gets back into the White House because it all started with HIM

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How would you compare Biden to TRUMP, yeasty loser?

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Lake and Tulsi Gabbard are cut from the same cloth. A pretty face and not trustworthy.

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I don't know enough about Lake - yet.

But there's something about Gabbard that I just don't trust. Can't put my finger on it.

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For the sake of Arizona, though I don't have a dog in the fight, I hope Sharif Lamb comes out on top. From what I've seen and heard he seems to be a squared away individual.

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Love your Sheriff Lamb! He's a hero for freedom!

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Lake is an actress

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And she's another 'send money to Israel' type. How about getting back to America first? Was the first $150B not enough?

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Not sure why funding Israel for billions over the years was needed, but we do have a lot of dual citizens in gov who should not be allowed since their loyalties are divided. That would be a great new ban-law but would never pass since we are so infiltrated with satanic traitors.

Baphomet decor (in Iowa's state capitol) and satan prayers (in Alaska gov meeting) have no place in gov... really, they should just live underground with the rest of the demons but their mission is to destroy God's creation so...

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Yes, a lot of divided loyalties. And I just can't square putting The Country That Can Never Be Criticized ahead of Make America Great Again ... or why is was ever to anyone's advantaged promote a Raze Christian America to the ground strategy?

Like you I am offended by the Great Satan promotion. Like ... 'they' even went after the little kiddies! How much more vile can one get.

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I got a glimpse of the big picture but why they cling to evil is beyond me. I guess they rather have earthly treasures for a short time.

satan has always had his people in power literally since before Babel and when the giants/nephilim desecrated the earth.

They have been torturing children and practicing witchcraft for 1000s of years.

2 Kings 17:17 And they burned their sons and their daughters as offerings and used divination and omens and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger.

Name ONE good man with great power... I can't think of one even in the Bible. Maybe Hezekiah or Enoch... All have sinned greatly so there is hope. Prayer is powerful against them and they know it.

1 Timothy 6:9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

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well what little I've seen of her I thought for sure that she was an honest truth speaking Believer....so if what ya'll saying is true, I'll have to dig some and listen more closely.

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Me too. She was probably looking at syndication in MSM before she walked away, and donā€™t forget that ā€œwhatever it takesā€ bribe that would have made her life pretty sweet.

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That recording is a bit suss, though. She knew what she was doing so her chosen words seemed scripted.

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It's quite possible that she took in Trump's talking points and didn't fully vet them for accuracy, which would make her sloppy rather than dishonest.

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No ... it is never, never enough for them. And it is always a them versus us Holly-Woke production for Winner Takes All ... including entire countries, entire Apex Money Control ... and entire mind controlled dissemination of all culture and learning.

Silver Lining? The Gaza Stage Show production did not book tickets sales around the world like it once did, a most intriguing development.

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Interesting you say that but I believe Trump referred to Mark Lamb as 'from central casting'. Now who knows if that's good or bad. Kind of like when he refers to the 'tv generals' which I believe is not a compliment. Didn't Lamb get his name out initially with the Constitutional Sheriffs stuff [Sherriff Mack] several years ago?

In February 2021, Lamb co-founded (with Republican strategist Nathan Sproul and others) Protect America Now, a coalition of 69 sheriffs with the stated purpose of "educating Americans about how our Sheriffs and the law enforcement community are standing for our Constitution and law and order".

In May 2021, Lamb launched the American Sheriff Network, a subscription service providing videos showing sheriffs and their deputies carrying out their duties.

This American Sheriff Network recently bought by TruBlue Network.

So maybe he is legit. I don't know. Maybe he saw an financial opportunity. I don't know. All of these folks have a little good mixed with greed and grifting IMO.

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I've seen them both in action. Starting in 2021. Summer.

Lamb has his work behind him.

Lake, she refused to back One day, one vote in AZ.

She endorsed Jim DeWitt. That whole recording thing with him? a scam.

10 meetings? Common sense.

She is a mouth piece, and has done nothing.

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What did you expect her to do... she has no position yet. All she can do is speak... in support of MAGA and conservative values. Are you a fat ugly porker that hates her for her looks?

Do you mean JEFF DeWit? What else did you get wrong? Why is the recording "thing" a scam?

You sound like a hysterical lefty douchebag yourself. Trump loves Lake, she is solidly MAGA.

That said, I'd be fine with Lamb too.

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Far better than any shitbag Lefty.

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She is a lefty

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Bullcrap. She may have made a few comments that caused you to spot your panties, but calling her a lefty is moronic...

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I love sheriff Lamb, and I follow him on Instagram, and I live in Pennsylvania

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Praying for Sheriff Lamb. He is a great man and believes in Faith, Family & Friends. Saw him speak two weeks ago and, WOW, he is awesome. We need more people in our government like Sheriff Lamb!

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Could not Agree More.

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Can you do anything about the Dems ā€œhelpingā€ the voters on the Rez? Apache County blue? šŸ˜–

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The Reservation is their own.

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Here's a link to the documentary "State of Denial". It's free. It tells the behind-the-scene story about state of elections in Maricopa Co. AZ.

State of Denial


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I helped canvas after 2020. Was all there. AZ gov. is corrupt.

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Free documentary about our elections.

Let My People Go


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watching this friday! thank you

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Hobbs just vetoeā€™d a bill to allow illegals to be arrested and/or deported. Sheā€™s awful notwithstanding she also has the voice of a 12 year old.

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In Arizona, we did the ā€œdata autopsyā€ for the Kari Lake Campaign. Kari used the RNC data for her election. Bad move.

The RNC data team missed the fact that days before her election 22,000 new voters were added to the voter roll in one county alone. 33,000 voters had their zip code changed the week mail-in ballots went out.

Kari Lake had no idea! She didnā€™t know until we told her lawyer - a month after the election.

Lake lost by 17,000 votes.

All this was invisible to Lake, since she depended on the RNC data team and their 1980ā€™s obsolete technology.

Above taken from this substack--


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You're seriously suggesting there wasn't rampant fraud that caused her to lose?

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Everything posted is from the substack I also linked. Read that. It's not long and explains further. To answer your question I'm not suggesting that all. Whether this omega4america substack is legit I can't say but it was shared by a Peter Bernegger, who is fighting the good fight it seems in Wisconsin. It's all about the voter rolls and sending out ballets to warehouses etc. And nothing apparently has changed and the RNC and all it's handlers in the states aren't doing a damn thing about it. They even listed AL, my state as having corrupt voter lists. The first part of the article refers to all the shenanigans going on after 2020 and all the grifters and how they made truly fixing this issue radioactive for a honest elected official to pursue it. Read the article.

So here we are in 2024 and once again not much as been done to FIX 2020. The grift is real.

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I saw a Twitter post where a man said heā€™s been voting in California, Republican, since 2005, and when he went to vote, they had no record of him under Social Security, his drivers license his address nothing! Down in the comments other people from other states said the same thing

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That's why I go in person to my closest Calif. polling station on election day and verify no one else has voted by ballot and that I'm still on the voter rolls, then I drop off my all-get-snail-mail-ballots close to poll station closing time. Then... the real fraud begins in earnest as Calif allows snail mailed ballots to count if postmarked by March 5 and arrive by March 12. Easy to spoof a postmark. And hack the USPO front and back mail scans.

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And do I feel robbed? Every single day!

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ā€œBeat the cheatā€

The last refuge of the benighted Republican voter in this State. Yes, this slogan really is used here by the Republican State party. It reads hollow and it sounds even more hollow in their adā€™s. Yes, Kari *was* cheated in the last election. Iā€™m not arguing that. What Iā€™m arguing against is playing at a ā€œfixedā€ game. And until the election process is corrected, thatā€™s all you are doingā€”playing cards at a crooked table.

Elections are simply frauds to keep the rubes busy thinking they have some say in who rules over themā€”they do not. After the big Trump steal, I simply stopped voting. Like an alcoholic, itā€™s one day (election) at a timeā€”but so far I not been disappointed. Each election cycle exposes the fraud more and more. Each term of the opposition brings more and more corruption into the process, both through new law and vetoā€™s of proposed corrections to the process.

And for those who will reply with the old refrain, ā€œIf you donā€™t vote, you canā€™t complainā€ā€”nothing could be further from logic or the truth. To vote is to give your consent to be ruled by the winner. I do not consent as Iā€™ll not trade my consent for a seat at a rigged table.

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The US government has been busy burning its legitimacy to the ground lately. Not only with election fraud and the mass human rights violation of mandated toxic injections, but also flagrantly "Trumped up" selective prosecution.

The managerial state demands total power and has no principles at all about getting and keeping it forever. https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/the-china-convergence

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Agreed, I've been saying the win needs to be so big there is no way they can cheat their way back into office.

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šŸ’Æā€¼ļø STOLEN!!!!! šŸ¤¬šŸ¤”šŸ‘æ

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Yuri, are you in AZ?

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they overcome our overwhelming numbers by overwhelming cheating. Impossible to beat rigged machines that give you a fraction of a vote and them multiples

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did you all see the fabulous video where she fires the maricopa county officials and they all run away? WOWZA.


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Vote in person, with ID, on paper, hand counted. Whoever wins it will be a legitimate win.

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Overwhelming numbers are good, but let's catch and prosecute and jail the perpetrators so they just stop doing their cheating.

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Gather yourselves together, indeed, gather,

O nation without shame,

Before the decree takes effectā€”

The day passes like the chaffā€”

Before the burning anger of Yahweh comes upon you,

Before the day of Yahwehā€™s anger comes upon you.

Seek Yahweh,

All you humble of the earth

Who have worked His justice;

Seek righteousness, seek humility.

Perhaps you will be hidden

In the day of Yahwehā€™s anger.

ā€” Zephaniah 2:1-3 LSB

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We still have time for repentance as a nation

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Mar 6Ā·edited Mar 6

Isaiah 55:6-9 NKJV

Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the LORD, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon. ā€œFor My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,ā€ says the LORD. ā€œFor as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts."

The point Isaiah makes reminds us that the Lord, while patient, is not necessarily infinitely so. Take heed.

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Amen. I think the all-out assault on children and innocence we're seeing now may be the final straw before God's judgment is unleashed.

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ANOTHER "Amen", Cynthia! See http://www.danielgreenfield.org/2024/03/castrating-kids-to-win-elections.html.

The globalists/elitists want We The People dead; aborted; medically/physically maimed; starved via "crickanery" and other means -- including burning down food and food-related factories, etc -- and much more. This includes providing the means to make children and young adults wholly insecure about who and what they are, thereby rendering them mute and trapped in their own distorted worlds.

Lord, deliver us from these dark Isaiah 5:20 days!

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Mar 6Ā·edited Mar 6

if we are created in the image of God then we must be somewhat like Him. We do have limits to how long we put up with BS. Also, even with your own kids... who wants to be around a perpetual negative victim mentality woke person or a manipulator? there might be grace but that doesn't mean you are in the favored place.

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Yes. As long as weā€™re still here.

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Yes, we do. And itā€™s the people of faith who stand as the bulwark against madness and destruction. God was gracious in dealing with Lot, and agreed to spare Sodom and Gomorrah if only 1 righteous person was found in the land. Sadly, there wasnā€™t even that tiny amount found, and we all know what then ensued. But the effective prayers of a righteous man availith much. We must go before the mercy seat and pray for grace and restoration, because of the blood of Christ, shed for us.

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Not to nitpick too strongly, but I think you may have typo'd - it was 10 righteous men, rather than just one. Lot and his family were found to be the only righteous ones, and had to flee the destruction.

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Thank you for the correction. Wasnā€™t nit-picky at all. I should have looked up the verses but I relied on my memory. Not so smart at my age now! lol

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all the nations hate Jesus and those who bear His name. They will all pledge allegiance to the antichrist.

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Like isn't good enough. I LOVE this. Very fitting for the times we are living in.

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It sure leapt out at me last night. God have mercy.

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So fitting! I always enjoy your sharing of the Word.

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Having lived in Vegas I know all about the scorpions. Get yourself a black light at the hardware store. You can find them at every hardware store in Vegas because you can use them in the dark to spot scorpions. I hunted them in my backyard with my kids. We would see who could get the most. On some nights we got as many as 40. They would randomly show up in my house too. Caught one crawling our the drain in my sink. I take a black light with me every time I go to Vegas. Safe travels

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Take a big black light to DC. You may catch big black scorpions there too.

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More like cockroaches and bedbugs šŸ˜

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No take some cheap cheese and you will catch many giant RATS

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that needs to be a seriously large one LOL

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Best comment of the day! šŸ‘

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GUARD THE FAMILY JEWELS.......that's all I got to say!

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People apparently need to get pet meerkats there šŸ˜†šŸ˜

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A mongoose or two could be quite busy in DC. Snout smacking mongoose delicacies on every corner, every watering hole, every secret spot DC snakes convene. No disrespect to biological snakes identifying as snakes.

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Chickens can be pest control for scorpions.


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I read somewhere that chickens will pick ticks as well, don't know if it is true

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Chickens are a natural pest control that can significantly reduce tick populations in your garden naturally.


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Guinea fowl are supposed to be the best for eating ticks. But they are dumber than chickens and loud. So. Very. Loud.

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Loud! Yessss! When our last guinea died we never got another one. Chickens are so much quieter and they forage for all sorts of pesky insects, including ticks. I prefer large breed (brown egg layer) chickens like gentle Buff Orpingtons. They make great pets too.

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Mar 6Ā·edited Mar 6

Possums/opossums too!

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thank you for that tip! I will stop immediately to chase them off ! (2 come and see if the cats had any leftovers at night, my dog is furious at them LOL) 5 or 6 years ago we had lots of ticks, but in the last 2 years only saw a couple.

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I had a newfound appreciation for them when I found out about that!

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I had a family that lived in my backyard. Never bothered my cats or dogs... and vice versa. My pets never had a tick and rarely got fleas. I had 4 oak trees and they kept it pest free mostly. My neighbors wanted one for their yard because they had problem with ticks all the time.

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And they donā€™t get rabies.... or rarely. They are very interesting animal. Very passive. When they would see me, they would turn around and slowly walk away.

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Scratch that, apparently itā€™s a myth and some scientists researched it and found there was no evidence for it šŸ˜•

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That has been debunked....

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Thank you, I wasnā€™t aware of that! Ugh I guess you have to check every single thing you hear or read šŸ˜• I was so pleased to hear that about the poor maligned animal that I didnā€™t check it šŸ˜”

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I wasn't happy to hear it either. My big brother used to find baby opossums and would bring them home and we'd care for them until they could live on their own... He put them inside his t-shirt and ride around town on his bike. They'd crawl all over him, like it was a carnival ride!

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Yeah. Bring a chicken with you. šŸ˜‚

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Plenty of scorpions in central TX too. One night I had to jump out of bed because our animals were sounding an alarm. I threw on my jeans and was stung six times as the scorpion fell down the inside of the pant legs. After three, I think they were dry stings, but I still felt it.

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Another reason to remain in Ohio. oof.

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Well, we don't have scorpions, but we do have Dewine.

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Or as Pam Popper calls him D E S W I N E

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aw Neil does not sound good for TX. Saw one years ago in Ga where I live, but heard that these are not poisonous

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Iā€™ve been stung by them many times in my life (in Texas) and it burns like heck for a several minutes, but their sting is not going to kill you. Well, I guess if you are allergic to their venom it might.

I actually have a phobia of them, and even seeing a photo triggers raised heart rate and panic. Iā€™m glad Childersā€™ photo of one was extremely tiny and I scrolled past in a hurry.

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They all are, but if I recall correctly, only the ones near the border are actually dangerous. No time to look it up - too many comments to read! šŸ˜†

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Brings to mind a bite from a brown recluse spider (So. IL) that took up residence inside the pant leg of jeans left on the floor overnight. šŸ˜«

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East TX too- was warned as a child to be careful walking around barefoot in the old farm house.

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And always shake out your shoes before putting them on! I learned that lesson too!

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And did you go straight way yo ER? Aren't they poisonous and lethal?

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A friend called his doctor after he was stung putting on shoes one morning, his foot and entire leg numbed, painful, was creeping up his side and even his face.

Doctor asked if he had trouble breathing, irregular heartbeat, major swelling. He was fine in that respect.

Doctor told him if he wanted to come see him all he could do was prescribe painkillers. Or he could grab a bottle of Jack Daniels and numb himself.

He proceeded to down the Jack and called into work drunk - doctor's orders. Even brought his work the doctor's note the next day!

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Smart doc!

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Just my 2 cents worth of inputā€¦ There may be lethal ones in other countries, (thinking of those giant black ones) - the ones here I donā€™t think any are lethal unless you are allergic to their venom. Iā€™ve been stung many times in my life and all I experienced was localized burning pain for several minutes. However, I cannot say positively that we do not have lethal ones in the USA but I donā€™t think we do.

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Be careful with a blacklight in the hotel rooms, you may not want to sleep in the beds when you see what shows up if ya catch my drift, just sayin.

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LOL. True dat!

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And they arenā€™t the only thing that shows up under a black light.

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They are territorial, so if they have moved into the Venetian (as opposed to this guy bringing it in on his clothes from outside), then someone needs to call pest control. My bug guy says they are drawn by roaches and other sources of food. Maybe there are scorpions in DC....

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Omg šŸ˜²

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oh my God...that sounds like torture. I really could not live there. The desert is not for me.

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Eww gawd. Strike Las Vegas from anywhere Iā€™ll seriously ever consider living. šŸ¦‚

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Adjacent Henderson reportedly very nice.

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I live in Vegas and work in Henderson :)

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Pretty much like Vegas... family was there before moving closer to work and into Vegas... we couldn't tell the difference.

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close the drains at night. We had to do that in West Texas to keep the water bugs (great big cockroaches) out. They'd come up the drain & you could hear them trying to crawl up the sides of the tub.

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šŸ˜± and Texas. That is horrifying!!!

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Hunted them? Aren't they lethal?

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Nope, but one species can be. Not these lil guys.

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I'm laughing so hard on these roach and scorpion comments! Too funny. No doubt roaches will survive a nuclear holocaust! I'm in the South and it is what it is. They also can fly like an Apache helicopter.

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Thanks for the info!!

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Happy and safe travels

Enjoy your family time

May the Lord bless you and keep you always.

Thank you for all you have done and keep doing for all of us and humanity.

Only in time we will be able to tell our grandchildren of your great courage and wisdom.

Big Thanks

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The fact that Resident O'Biden would get ANY electoral college votes is __________ ( <-- fill in the blank).

"We have a country full of smart phones and STUPID PEOPLE!"

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Jack if you need a good laugh about just how ignorant and absurd these people can be, check out Lefties Losing It, an Aussie daily news blurb poking fun at (mostly) American Dems.

If America is going to remain a laughingstock to the rest of the world until Trump gets back in office, we may as well join in the fun! šŸ˜


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She does the best commentaries! Worth watching!

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I love her!!

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That was awesome! Thanks for the link.

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Unfortunately, Biden or any dem - insert name here______ will get many electoral votes. I don't buy these polls. Are they polling the 15 million 18-21 year-olds who have come to voting age the last 4 years (and are overwhelmingly indoctrinated leftists)? Are they polling the millions of illegals, some of whom will surely be voting in November? Are they polling Republicans who will not vote for Trump a third time due to the horrific Covid response? If voters like this affect swing states like North Carolina, it would only take 5% of previous Trump voters to not show up in order to hand that state to the Dem by 200,000 votes and swing the Electoral by 30. Same with several other swing states. The left may not even have to cheat (they will anyway of course) in order to win in November.

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Donā€™t forget all those who would rather see open borders and ww3 than lose their unlimited free abortions.

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I no longer answer any pollsters, I would rather not have anyone knowing my conservative vote so it won't be misused by liberals to set their cheat algorithms to push democrats just over the top for a false win...

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My 19 year old step-daughter is putting herself through college w grants and loans while working 30 hours a week. She was very liberal when she left us in August but said at dinner last week, ā€œYou guys were right.ā€ About everythingā€¦including trans issues. She took her ballot and voted for TRUMP! A dose of real-life and sheā€™s now wide awakešŸ™šŸ™.

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And theyā€™re getting more stupid by looking at fheir phones 24/7!!

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Knew that was coming. Had the 2020 not been stolen,i think the demretards won two states. Hawaii and California.

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They also won Washington State and possibly Oregon based on the blue numbers in the major population centers. the purple people are very quickly counteracting the remaining red base of both states.

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"Purple People" - this might be where the aliens come in to play for us, heading for the purple states first? Purple People Eaters:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jV-E09efRE

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Jack, a thousand times ā¬†ļø this!

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Nailed it šŸŽÆ !

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So far only American Samoa voted for the other guy!

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Mar 6Liked by Jeff Childers

Go get them at the litigation conference Jeff make us proud!

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Wish there was an Election Litigation Conference.

A girl can dream!

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Yā€know, when i actually give it some thought, it seems as though it would be easy enough to have a tamper proof, fully translucent election system if the desire to do so was thereā€¦Sumphin aint quite rightā€¦

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Held at a shooting range?!?!

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For reals!

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Look, I realize this is a negative opinion, but has anyone fixed the system that got the hair sniffing, senile fool resident in chief in there in the same place? It's called election fraud, and so far as I can tell, not many states have done a darn thing about it. So who will win by a landslide, if it's honest? A republican. Who will really win? Another fool. The system is still broken. Someone please convince me otherwise.

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I am on the same page as you. For starters, we all know we need one -day voting with paper ballots and voter ID and yet, we are no closer to that now than we were the last time around.

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Many other countries are astounded at our system.

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And it should be a popular vote!

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It is. In 50 different States.

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No... the elections are not secure!!! Very sad to say! The powers at be have had 4 years to fix things and all they have done is spew lies like.... election deniers or conspiracy theories... this coming from liberals as well as many so called conservatives. Disgraceful!!!!

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In 2000 and 2004 the Democrats were the ones claiming that the elections were stolen, that the machines were hacked, etc. I expected that Obama would ā€œfix thingsā€ (back up paper, ballots, etc. )so that neither party could ever claim that again. Hereā€™s a thought. Is it the deep state that is in control regardless of party? It makes sense that they donā€™t want Trump, who is more unpredictable, and would be just fine with either Biden, some last-minute Democrat, or Niki Haley. Is it Blackrock and Company that are in control of the elections?

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Of course the deep state (permanent state) is in control. Trump isn't, Biden isn't, Obomber isn't, etc....They can only tinker on the fringes.

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Iā€™ve been pondering, when did the bureaucratic state ( deep state) take over our country completely? I think it happened in 2000 when GHW Bush became President. Events were orchestrated so that the Patriot Act could be passed. This is the loophole that allows our intelligence agencies to legally spy on citizens. Each President after Bush has been more unbelievably incompetent then the previous one, culminating in Resident Biden. Each President has forced legislation that has quickly eroded our republic. Itā€™s been a planned demolition of this Country, in pursuit of a Globalist, Marxist utopia. With the opposition using weaponized American ideals to destroy us from the inside out.

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Iā€™m going back to lbj.

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It doesn't seem to have been fixed. It's scary. Now Republican voices are saying we should vote early. I'm not sure, because it gives Dims a target for how much they need to steal. But past a certain point the outcome would be absurd to everyone. In the 2020 election there were a few more votes tallied than there are adults registered to vote. If 2024 produces even more votes, at some point it's an absurdity. What if the total of Biden votes + Trump votes = 6,000,000. When there are 308M American adults. Absurd. Something amiss. Even the blind will have to see. But definitely more must be done about this.

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Don't vote early. Vote on election day.

Please watch this:


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I don't want to vote early. I'll watch.

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I would NEVER vote early.

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I know, right? But all the War Room hosts I watch regularly are saying it! I don't see how it could help, but I clearly see how it could hurt us.

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What is their rationale for voting early? Even the conservatives are pushing this but Iā€™ve never seen an explanation for this strategy. Early voting and mail-in insure there will be fraud.

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It started after the Arizona election was stolen from Kari Lake, when machines wouldn't print ballots in Republican strongholds on election day. The rationale was get your vote in early, or maybe not al all.

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Thanks for the explanation. Itā€™s weak though ( not your explanation). If ballots could not be printed/processed in AZ it should have AUTOMATICALLY resulted in invalidating the entire election instead of piecemeal attempts to jam it through.

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My feelings exactly. All the talk about polling and landslides and plans mean nothing if we havenā€™t bothered to stop them from stealing the elections.

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The repair to this system, which is designed to work as it does, will require toxic masculinity to annihilate a class of humans. Or it will not happen. They work in dc and on K street.

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I know this isnt related to your post I'm replying to but I saw your article on infrasound on your substack page. Watching those covid commercials again got my blood boiling. Interesting article about the sound though, I think they use those sounds on political commercials when they bash their opponents.

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Mar 7Ā·edited Mar 7

YES. I forgot to mention that in my article. I absolutely expect them to use sound, and likely infrasound, in political commercials. If nothing else, listen for the sad music... like, with candidate X, you god bad stuff (cue bad music) but with candidate Y, your life will be great! (cue happy music). It's so manipulative! Edit: yes, the commercials make my blood boil, too. They were very difficult to re-watch.

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You're correct. Free link to the documentary Let My People Go. It's all about our elections.


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Agreed, unless it is such a huge landslide they can't fix it, I'm assuming we'll be stuck with Biden again. Many states still allow legal ballot harvesting, too. I don't necessarily like Hannity but he's the only one I hear talking about that and as he says, until ballot harvesting is illegal, the fix is in.

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I'm trying to decide between getting stung on the nuts versus listening to the flailing death rattle of a stolen presidency. How bad is a scorpion sting, really?

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šŸ˜‚ go find out and let us know!

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Best comment ever!!!

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The local news reported the scorpion victim is considering legal action. Only the Fani Willis court proceedings would be more entertaining.

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šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚! Cannot.watchā€¦

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Itā€™s not as bad as a jack Spaniard sting! Iā€™d choose the scorpion

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Happy to pray for a hedge of protection surrounding you and your family while in Sin City. ā™„ļøā™„ļø

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Kinda ironic, really. A hedge of protection you need and have by your C $ C family!!

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Thank you for the laugh this morning. Our favored Congressional candidate came in third below two candidates bankrolled by PACs run by their fathers. Legal PACs, but unethical IMO.

Next I opened my email from incredible warrior, Dr. William Makis and was treated to photos of young people with legs and hands amputated due to sepsis. Maybe we need to put up billboards so people have to see this horror.

I hope the attorneys get encouraged and riled up and can sue for trillions of dollars in order to help all the vaccine and hospital protocol harmed people.

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I also would love to see trillions of dollars go to the victims. However, the drug companies have complete immunity. The vaccine compensation plan has thus far paid 11 individuals a combined total of about $41,000. The amount is a joke, and at the rate they are processing them, the backlog of cases That are on the books right now would take 2000 years to process. Hopefully Jeff and Company will find a way for people to sue employers that coerced the vaccination, and perhaps the states can sue the federal government for fraudulently, claiming the vaccines were tested to be ā€œ safe and effectiveā€. Those three words will turn my stomach for the rest of my life. I was always waiting for Republican Congress people to come out and admit the death and destruction from the vaccines, and blame it on Democratic Party for covering it up and continuing to push them. to me that couldā€™ve ended the Democrats. That says to me that they (Republicans) are all on the big Pharma payroll as well. As Iā€™ve said before, if Trump is your guy, he needs to be pressured to admit how awful the vaccines are, so that we can prevent this from ever happening again. At the moment, the only candidate who has expressed plans how to do this and directly attack multi agency capture is RFK. Ad I said, everyone voting Trump must pressure him to do this. Some very reputable scientists, and epidemiologists estimate that this shot may have killed as many as 675,000 Americans. And others are the walking wounded. And hardly any time has passed. This issue, along with avoiding nuclear war, are the most important things to me. And the fighting between the two major parties is what enables these atrocities to keep happening.

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ā€œ ā€˜safe and effective.ā€™ Those three words will turn my stomach for the rest of my life.ā€ Amen!

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totally agree with you. accountability is key. we just cannot allow this to stand. It'll happen again.

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Last week on the Highwire Del Bigtree was railing on that 2000 year wait on the compensation on the COVID vaccine claims.

I wish he had mentioned instead, that with an average claim of under $4000, without attorney fees being reimbursed, those are all negative cash flow claims. They want a LOT of documentation for those claims; they take a lot of attorney's time.

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I'm fed up with Trump, not that I was ever a big supporter. I don't think he'll ever admit his horrendous mistakes.

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The amputations are horrific.

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But the stories are just anecdotal. Correlation doesn't equal cause. Safe and effective. It would have been so much worse if they hadn't been vaccinated. šŸ˜ 

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Billboards are a great idea. But likely to draw the wrath of county council members and state DOTs.

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As Jeff says, "So"?

I wouldn't actually do that. If I was going to spend that amount of money, it could be directed in far better ways. Maybe help a vaccine injured person. Maybe Steve Kirsch will put up some more billboards.

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I've been saying for along time that we need to buy billboards, in traffic-heavy areas, and drop truth bombs. it's the only way to reach some people.

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Billboards are fairly cheap compared to the old days. They have the added bonus of potentially going viral (pun intended)

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I like the pun.

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Didnā€™t Steve Kirsch put up some billboards just outside the CDC during Covid?

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He did! Steve is not shy. šŸ˜

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One, just one quadruple amputee from meningococcal meningitis in 30 yearsā€¦so many now. šŸ¤¬šŸ˜­

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Meanwhile in Hollyweirdā€¦the P-Diddy lawsuit dropped. Itā€™s 70 pages and has stunning (to some people) revelations. Who hasnā€™t figured out by now that people are being ā€œhandledā€ and killed. Especially in our government. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

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Soooooooo much coming out of pedowood!! I always told people who wanted to be famous you had to sell your soul.

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I think the same about people wanting to succeed in politics...

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Accurate, and the music industry is the same.

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I bet!

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I read some of what Jeff linked the other day and couldnā€™t go on it was too icky. It sounds like Usher is involved too in the sense he partakes. Makes sense now when Bieber was trying to warn everyone.

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TY; not aware.

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Thank you! I dont often follow the links, and couldnt remember where this one was.

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I think the reality is that she has become an ā€œinconvenienceā€ to Biden who is about to follow up his Afghanistan retreat act with another retreat this time from Ukraine. He has an election to win. Ukraine is an albatross around his neck. And so was Nuland. Apparently Steve Bannon advised Victoria to hold onto as many documents as possible and to ā€œlawyer up!ā€ šŸ˜†

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She was architect of Iraq War and should be in prison.

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And the Ukraine coup and the Ukraine war on Donbass and Lugansk, and the current war there.

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Talk about scorpions. šŸ¦‚šŸ¦‚šŸ¦‚šŸ¦‚šŸ¦‚.

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Letā€™s include her husband and his friends as well?

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Entire Kagan family. Yes

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I hope they all choke on a chicken bone, just saying.

Later Jay

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I personally prefer the unusual ending that Ricardo Montalban faced with the steamroller and marching band in that Police Squad movie. ā€œHeā€™ll be alright in a few minutesā€. https://youtu.be/jQts7E1FvrE?si=9ElMOp6-4djX31MO

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I believe you are on to something Sean. The following weeks should be quite revealing to the American people as truth is laid bare in Ukraine. The timing of her retirement is suspicious. She had just popped in to CNN a week or so ago assuring us that billions of American dollars was keeping Putin at bay and if we would be so kind as to drop another bundle she could assure that Ukraine would prevail. She reminded Christiann Amanpour

that she, Blinken and Zelinsky were managing the funds and all was well with the war mission.

Her longtime devotion to Ukraine has come with great aim to support and protect the Bidens, both Joe and Hunter. She was committed through the firing of the prosecutor investigating Burisma, and the Impeachment of the sitting President over a phone call with Zelinsky.

Now, with Ukraine at the brink of defeat and Biden with only months to go before his election, she is bolting? We shall see. The one person, both the boss of Biden and Nuland at the time of Hunterā€™s Burisma stint, has remarkably had very little to say regarding Ukraine. Do you think he will be subpoenaed for a deposition when the curtain is lifted? Or do you think SCOTUS will provide cover with its upcoming decision on Presidential immunity? Regardless, it should be interesting.

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I agree. Something Big is going on. Nuland is just one more conspicuous piece of the puzzle.

1) In the back of my mind I wonder if a big 'peace settlement' is in the works.

2) Biden running again only makes sense if the Puppet Masters want Trump to win. I cannot think of any other more perfect future failed presidential candidacy bid than Pedo Pete.

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Yeah. She's an inconvenient truth now. Arkancide comes to mind. What about that Seth guy they offed because he became a no longer useful idiot that served his purpose?

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not a useful idiot . He was the one who downloaded and sent out all of the incriminating info on HRC and the DNC.

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His name was Seth Rich and was a victim of the Clintons.

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They use the same ā€˜cide people.

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She is a nasty vindictive person and could really damage Biden. So a touch of the Cold War flu may be in order.

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He was a fan of Bernie Sanders, not of Hillary. Thatā€™s what got him killed (but not in the streets of DC, like MSM likes to pretend. He was able to communicate with first responders, died at a hospital. The storyā€™s quite murky, some say it was an old hospital no longer in use, some say Donna Brazile and the (black female šŸ™„) DC mayor showed up at the hospital to visit him - thereā€™s video of it on the hospital camera. And then he died. My source of information came from Instagram at the time, @hisnamewassethrich ā€¦ On MSM Sean Hannity paid attention to it but to no avail.

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Another big 'under-investigation' ... and accent on 'under' ... as in reporting interest nowhere to be seen.

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Did you happen to catch the story in todayā€™s WSJ about Ukrainian SpecOps fighting Wagner in Sudan? Obviously it has more to do with Sudan serving as a convenient location for the Ukrainians to train to fight Russian SpecOps and mercs on their own soil but it's an interest twist in the ongoing story.


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The person who replaced Nuland was in charge of the Afghanistan withdrawal so youā€™re probably right. Iā€™d be glad to see this war end because enough people have died already. And it could have been avoided if Biden didnā€™t order Zelensky to walk away from the peace agreement.

Zelensky has said that 30,000 Ukrainians have diedā€¦he left off a zero.

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This a great mystery to me:

1) Does Nuland just see the writing on the wall and is getting out of Dodge while the getting is good?

2) Is this another forced exit in what appears to be a string of forced exits? (We can only guess, but might never know ... at least for a very long time.

3) And is this resignation just part of a far bigger 'reversal' going?

I don't believe in 'accidents' and/or 'coincidences' when I see unmistakable patterns evolving. But what to make of it all is very, very difficult.

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I am no ā€œinsider.ā€ In fact I was purged from a tenured faculty position for my politics. But all of your speculations seem to have merit. Biden regime like many other authoritarian ones in which a wrinkle in the current Party Line leads of the purge of hundreds. At least they get to keep their pensions and health benefits.

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I think that there is a big roll back going on, and involving purging if you will. Too much power has been lost to the Mexican cartels, the DoD, the CIA, people running radical groups/proxies and so on. In short, the Apex Banking Establishment sees that if they don't reverse things in a big way they will become irrelevant. A lot of this has to be guessed at, at least for now. But as a tip of the iceberg, a lot of big names are now gone. And as I said, I don't believe in coincidences and accidents (maybe a few, but not a lot).

Here's an example. Ronna McDaniels, RNC head since 2017. A big Trump supporter, well-connected, part of the Romney political family ... and so why would she be out of a job? Maybe this from Wikipedia is why:

"Since McDaniel's 2017 election as chair of the RNC, the Republican Party has had a net loss of seven governorships, three seats in the United States Senate, and 19 seats in the House of Representatives, and the presidency. In December 2022, Axios wrote that McDaniel "has thus far failed to preside over a single positive election cycle."[1]

So, if you are the Top of the Money Pyramid and you see everything going down the drain, domestically and internationally, world and Collective West and you are doing a multi-generation pivot away from the Collective Insanity, you have to cut way all the dead wood in you way ... especially the dead wood than cannot perform and yield results. You need new powerful voices like Milei that can get things done. Maybe that is why we are now seeing all these things never before seen.

Alas, with all of this being orchestrated in a semi-covert way, it can only be guessed at. My hunch is that we are only beginning to see stunning changes. And that it will be throughout the entire culture. I am guessing that Woke is on the way out because it has gotten to laughingly insane. Bankers cannot be having that. The laughter at their expense has just gotten to loud, so loud that it cannot be longer ignored. (If I am wrong, then it will be total collapse and a very long dark night. It might be excruciating as it is to repair some 75 years of really bad policy, bad social and cultural 'engineering'.

(Hopefully you ended up in a better place than academia.)

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Mar 6Ā·edited Mar 6

Well you know that verse (Romans 8:28) that in all things God works for the good of those who have faith in Him: I was delivered from a toxic work environment and I left academia just before the plandemic turned universities on their heads with imposed ā€œdistance learningā€ (a farce) and forcing weird seating arrangements in class held in person. Then CRT and DEI hit the universities requiring all faculty to have to include their diversity work into their departmental evaluations. Even STEM disciplines not spared: if you are an astrophysicist writing a grant proposal you must now include a section describing how your study of the stars will promote ā€œdiversity!ā€ Then the preferred pronouns nonsense hit the campuses. All this weaponized student griping against faculty and sowed discord between all these loving liberals almost like the Cultural Revolution in China. The campus has become a hellish environment for the very progressives who purged me. I was spared all of that and I can laugh at their misery. Retirement means I can catch up on a lot of other things that make life worthwhile.

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Amazing! DEI in the sky ... like Lucy with Diamonds ... Little Star-like Twinkling Diamonds.

Exactly Right! It is the Cultural Revolution with an 'American Face'. Speaking of which, I now understand why the All Useful Idiots, All the King's Puppets of Academia can believe this stuff as being real (which it is not). It has to do with transforming by Word Sorcery ideas/ideology into 'property' ... and indeed! A very clever piece of work! Pay also attention to the part on Volk/Folk. I don't have endless hours for video and therefore delete most of my Substack mailbox, but this one takes the cake. Very instructive. It put me over the top on a couple of key points.


The guy emphasizes Mao-ism, and that is a huge, huge part of it. But Woke is actually a hybrid Marxism, a blending of all key schools of Marxist thinking. My wife says that James Lindsay claims to be a New Atheist, whatever that is. That is pretty amazing given the analysis.

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Mar 6Ā·edited Mar 6

From the mouth of Anthony Blinken: (and thanks for the news, btw) "a role in which she has personified President Bidenā€™s commitment to put diplomacy back at the center of our foreign policy" Yup---"personified Biden's commitment"

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She should be brought up on charges of crimes against humanity. Between her and Fauci et al, millions and millions of people would still be alive.

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Was she born female?

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Question should be: was she born human?

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That unadulterated PoS is a fellow alum where the 3 of us attended college . As is Psaki, and James Commie. I'm so proud.

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Besides you, what good has come out of Brown?

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The Ron Paul/ Daniel McAdams interview discusses this and calls out the unintentional humor in Blinkens statement šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


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That was bigger news to me than satanic Haley giving up. Ding dong, the witch is dead. For now. One of the first thing Trump did was fire her.

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Mar 6Ā·edited Mar 6

Nuland is a sanitized name. She and her father are of the NUDELMAN lineage. Dig a bit and you'll conclude they are Khazarian mafia.

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Kagan Criminal Family

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The criminals are fleeing their posts left and right. So many multi-generational members of the cabal have been stepping aside, as well as some relative newcomers. This is not normal. It feels like big news of some sort is going to come before November and these people are trying to get out of the spotlight before that happens. (As an aside, have you ever seen anyone ravaged by their own evil the way Nuland has been? Look at pictures of her from just 30 yrs ago and pictures of her now. It's exactly like the dude in Star Wars. She's been mutated by her evil.)

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Very much so. Greenwald had a piece on her on last night's System Update. It included an interview she did with someone early in her career and I had the exact same thought.

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Dorian Gray Syndrome

Melvin Belli in original Star Trek

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Rats itā€™s blocked by a paywall

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just put any link you got into archive.is

if you use mozilla, get the add-on at the top of the page. then you can just hit that and it'll hook you up automagically.

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Wait, the cunt nuland is stepping off? Before she can be executed for treason? And crimes against humanity? Say it ainā€™t so!

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Later Jay

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Many years ago my daughter-in-law's father was stung on the penis when he got out of the shower and grabbed a towel that had a scorpion passenger on it. I was stung in the toe a few years ago---what an experience. In 45 minutes, I felt the venom move up my body to my head. Worst night of sleep ever and that toe was numb for over a week. I can't imagine what happens when one is stung in the gonads.

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Please do share where this most unfortunate incident occurred so i can add it to my ever growing list of places never to retire to.

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Ha! In Phoenix.

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Thanks Susan. āœ”ļøAZ is off the list. šŸ˜‚

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Scorpion sting? Homeopathy to the rescue. "Androctonus: This is the first choice for scorpion bites otherwise, use Ledum." This less common remedy can be found at https://hahnemannlabs.com/cgi-bin/htmlos.cgi/00385.1.732410420716129859/hahnemannlabs

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I'll have to remember that. I don't even take tylenol but the night I was stung was so awful (extreme discomfort, moving my legs, painful throbbing toe) that I woke up and searched the house for something. My husband had an oxycodone prescription from a surgery (which he barely used). The bottle said take 1 or 2--I took 2!

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Aren't they poisonous? Dont you go to ER?šŸ¤”

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Not near as poisonous as the latest booster, but they havenā€™t decided itā€™s best in the balls yet. Thatā€™s coming.

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They certainly have venom but thereā€™s nothing that can be done unless a person has a serious reaction like foaming at the mouth or a seizureā€”which I hear is rare. Iā€™m no expert but thatā€™s what Iā€™ve learned word-of-mouth in this desert land. The weirdest thing was feeling the venom progress through my body.

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Omg, how frightening!

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What?? I canā€™t even imagine!

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Happy good morning C&C peeps šŸŒžā˜•ļøšŸ£

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Good morning Beth!! ā˜•ļø

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Good morning runninglogic!šŸŒž

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Top o' the morning

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And the rest of the day to yerself!

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Good morning all!

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Every time I hear someone say the Electoral College (EC) needs to be abolished I point out the fact the Democrat party, the ones who claim the EC is antiquated and needs to be abolished, is the party that has "Super Delegates" who can, and very possibly will this summer, over-ride the votes of their constituents.

They seem to thrive on hypocrisy.

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The EC is the only thing stopping a few massive cities from controlling national outcomes. A few coastal states would dominate the whole country without it. EC helps level the playing field for states that have different interests yet may not be as populous.

I think a lot of people donā€™t know the difference between Representative Democracy and Popular Vote (majority rule). EC is another hurdle to tyranny.

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I remember reading an article with the numbers. Don't remember the specific numbers, but basically, without LA, Chicago, and NYC, Dems would lose every national popular vote. Cities are like quarantine centers for people afflicted with mind viruses.

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Too bad something like the EC canā€™t be done at the state level when it comes to choosing our governors.

Portland, Salem and Eugene control all of Oregon.

Perhaps, and this is a huge understatement, getting rid of mail-in voting would take care of the problem šŸ˜

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Democracy is what the retardicans and devolvocrats are trying to get to happen here. Because itā€™s so faaaiiirrr. They donā€™t realize itā€™s two wolves and a sheep deciding whatā€™s for dinner. Well, they do as long as they are the wolves. Iā€™ve totally lost faith in humanity. Most people are retarded.

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ā€œFly-over-statesā€ maintain relevancy with the EC.

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The real problem with using the popular vote is that, in a close election, every vote in every state becomes suspect. With voting by state, only those few states with close results need to be scrutinized.

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Looking at Jeffā€™s map, I couldnā€™t help but think, ā€˜if we move a few C&Cers toward the center and shave off the NE and W coast, we could take CO and NM.ā€™

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Proud to report that a conservative Christian homeschool mom upset the status quo in NC and won the republican spot on the ballot for superintendent of education! She beat the incumbent who spent over $300K to her $37K. She basically led a grassroots campaign (ps her son and my son played soccer together on the homeschool team). Now, she'll have to win in Nov but it can be done!

Just a thought: homeschoolers outperform on tests and college graduation rates (and many other areas), IDK, maybe public school could learn a thing or two?

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Our grandchildren are geniuses compared to the average. The seventh grader is taking college level courses. Itā€™s not genetics. Itā€™s home schooling.

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I home schooled my two boys and have had the same experience. Home schooling is not exceptional. It is the institutional public school model that is an abject failure and American school children are in the gutter in educational and intellectual standards. Home school children set the standard for what should be normal for American children.

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