Jul 16·edited Jul 16Pinned


— Dhillon title fixed

— Glenn Close role fixed

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Jul 16Liked by Jeff Childers

Also I believe Glenn Close played JD Vance's grandmother, as his mother is much younger than Ms. Close.

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Was it Amy Adams that played his mother?

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Anyone alarmed that JD Vance’s wife was a Gates scholar (studied at Cambridge), clerked for Justice Roberts and clerked for Brett? All Leftists.

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Nope. She married Vance. By today's standards, I would have been classified a "leftist" for my cliche feminist views coming out of college. We age, we have life experiences, we change.

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Also can we stop acting like a person’s spouse controls their opinions?? I am sure most of us don’t always agree with our spouses on all subjects. And saying because someone graduated from XYZ college or whatever defines them—I am and always have been a conservative but I went to an extremely leftist small liberal arts college. That’s what leftists do, say X person is in this profession, this race, this sexual orientation, drives this kind of car, graduated from this college, so must vote like this. No. People are individuals and the groups they are part of don’t define them.

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My spouse died 21 months ago but for the 40 years we were together we had an agreement that we would not say everything we think. It worked!

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Interesting agreement. Certainly an exercise in control of the tongue.

I hope you are healing in your grief.

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My wife of 44 years have a similar situation. We often disagree,but respect each other’s opinions.

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Exactly. But the left does believe it defines them. A huge difference between right and left

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I have loved this scripture for a long time! Sheep of the flock = right.

Matthew 25:32-33

All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

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They can’t help themselves. If they can come up with anything that will cast the most minor of dispersions on DJT, they will vomit it up.

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Very "christian" of you.


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Yes it is. Aka truth.

Did you find your rug yet?

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Well said!

I went to a leftist college too and didn’t come out brainwashed. It was all I could do not to puke my way through the required American Government class though.

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Agree, Running! Can we also stop acting like people can’t evolve & change opinions on things like…o, say Trump or stupid WuFlu policies?

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Yes, because J D Vance was earlier a non Trump person.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Yes that was exactly my point & he freely admits he was anti-Trump. Someone else found a quote where he said unvax’d nurses should be fired. There was a lot of that attitude even in red states & the Republican Party at the time. I am confident he has evolved on all things WuFlu also., as have many others

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Controls, no. Influences, sure.

Vance's wife is a democrat and a pretty far left one. She would be happy to verify that. The San Fran law firm she worked at was radical lefty progressive. Roberts is indeed a compromised turd.

Don't let facts scare you.

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Amén. I would’ve considered myself a feminist but the first time I saw my son I knew it was all a lie

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You hit the target. I knew the moment I found out I was pregnant that’s what I was born to do. Militant feminism can go back to hell where it came from!!! I’m a proud wife, mother and grandmother!!!! And I love my life

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I was a Phyllis Schlafly supporter back in the mid 70s. That woman is a true unsung heroine, who single handedly stopped the feminist evil agenda in its tracks at that time. ERA. Had it been allowed to progress, we would have already been facing then what it has taken fifty years of evil regrouping to bring about; homosexuality on steroids, gender confusion and child mutilation, and the like.

At that time, God looked for a man to stand in the gap, but didn’t find one. They were all giddy at the thought of ‘free love’ and unlimited abortion to cover the consequences.

Then He found Phyllis Schlafly, who must have one of the biggest mansions in heaven. I can’t wait to meet this incredible woman and hear her personal story.

It is an abomination what weaklings have done to her organization; The Eagle Forum.

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I so agree with you, Willing. Phyllis deserves FAR more credit than she is given.

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There is a spinoff group/organization that purports to be “her group.” Too long here but suffice to say the head of that group has tried to undermine Eagle Forum National since Mrs. Schlafly died in 1996.

I’m an active member of Eagle Forum of Alabama which was founded back during the ERA fight. Our president is still active & is considered the Phyllis Schlafly of Alabama. The two were close friends.



Check out these websites & corresponding social media to see how we do our best to further the work begun by our mentor.

You might be interested in attending the annual Eagle Council in St. Louis this fall.

Is there a way for us to contact each other without putting our phone numbers here?

I trust true C&Cers, but there are others.

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I have always asked why women would want to lower themselves to the level of a man? Men are strong in ways we are not, but WE are strong in ways they can never be. I really think I could life a car off my kids or grandkids if I needed to. I am fierce so don't eff with me and my tribe. https://sadiejay.substack.com/p/imprint

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Are you a redhead? Or just channeling my alter-ego Red Sonja? ⚔️🛡️⚔️🛡️⚔️🛡️⚔️ (my Twatter handle is THERedSonya59) 😇💚😇

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Jeeze!!! My clackers just shrank and I spotted my panties! 🤪

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My son is wonderful!! Today he is fighting wildfires in WA so prayers would be appreciated.

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Father God, I join with Debra and others to ask for your hand of protection for her son; this day and every day of his life.

In Jesus precious and most Holy name.

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♥Praying for all these firefighters and praying for rain out here. Oregon fires are bad and zero % contained. The biggest one was human caused, they think. Probably so. We are breathing all the smoke here in Idaho.

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Praying for him and the other firefighters!

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Your reaction to seeing your son is the precise reason the other side works so hard at rendering women childless.

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All good points. When I met my boyfriend in 2008, he had to suffer through me voting for Obama. Haven’t voted Democrat since. We can learn and grow!

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I voted for that maggot too... both Bush and McCain were/are the scum of the earth... I thought BO would be better... I was badly mistaken... by a very smooth-talking jogger POS.

I am a hard-right authoritarian/Populist... and support ANY means necessary to clean up this once-great country... that includes bringing back renditions (for political enemies/traitors/bureaucrats/corrupt judges) and deporting ALL illegals, including the DACA lice.

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Are you kidding or just blowing smoke.....?

Later Jay

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I am not kidding at all.

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Here here! I concur. Gloria Steinem did a lecture in my women's study course and I thought she was fabulous.

I was 20 and it was 1983. Young, impressionable and completely without hardships.

Thank God (the only one true God), He had other plans for me. 😉

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Interestingly, Tucker said he's the only one in there with a happy marriage!

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Tucker's advice? Marry a girl who loves her dad.

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Marry a girl who loves watching The Three Stooges.

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Aww!! I adore my Dad and he loves The Three Stooges! My husband can’t lose! 😂😂😂

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Kathleen Janoski, agree. I'm one of the few who love The Three Stooges.

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Does that advice go both ways? Marry a guy who loves his mom?

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Yes…!! I hope so. I have a great Hubs and he loved his mom very much. Of course, she was super easy to love!

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Yes, nice NAB. Live and learn. That's what we are supposed to do.

Later Jay

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Yes, nice NAB. Live and learn.

Later Jay

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Yes, nice NAB. Live and learn.

Later Jay

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I like JD... but what makes you think his wife has changed?

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Oh, I have no idea. I'm just suggesting we don't go all "doom and gloom" immediately. I will wait to see if her conduct gives me a reason to be concerned.

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Yeah, can we have a few hours of celebratory happiness before the weeping harpies descend?

You’re not going to kill my buzz!

I’m on cloud nine, and I’m going to enjoy it for awhile.

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I tried to read it, but it won't let me access due to my ad blocker (and I don't allow ads for any site). I will note that she took his last name, so that's a plus out of the gate. But I think I understand your point. We shall see...

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No, because:

(1) She's not the nominee. Senator Vance is.

(2) Roberts & Kavanaugh are (at worst) center-right squishes, not "leftists".

Good to be cautious, but let's not go out of our way to make up reasons to be upset.

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Yes, good points.

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Agree. Also, why wouldn't it be a good thing to see how others actually think? You can't just limit yourself to opinions that are like your own.

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Don't throw out the good in search of the perfect

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Kav is just suffering from testicular deficiency... as is Barrett.

IMO, Roberts is deeply compromised and should be removed (forced to resign) once TRUMP gets back in.

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I agree with you about Roberts. Barrett is a HUGE disappointment thus far. Hard to believe she clerked for Scalia.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 17

It just goes to show that clerking for a great Justice like Scalia didn't mean his philosophy rubbed off on her. Ultimately, we should all keep in mind that under their black robes the Justices are still lawyers. We want them to be wise and honest as Supremes, but that isn't necessarily a given. They're lawyers.

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Might be afraid of the BO pillow job!

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They can’t help themselves. If they can come up with anything that will cast the most minor of dispersions on DJT, they will vomit it up.

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Nope. Please remember that for most people, up until Covid, Gates was considered a “philanthropist” in vague positive terms. He had very good PR for those who didn’t dig. So there are good people who will have older connections to his organizations. I’d be more concerned if it was recent and not recanted.

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Ugh Gates..a demon. He announced recently that he has bought up 1 out of every 4000 acres of available land.

And is that supposed to comfort us somehow?

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Yup. 😬

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I wonder how much the Chinese have bought up?

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I’m not at all sure that ‘most’ people thought he was a ‘philanthropist’.

I am sure that’s the image he wanted.

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Fair enough. I’ll give this caveat: most people I knew, and I was raised in a very conservative Christian home, homeschooled/Christian school, Christian college, my parents were locally politically active. I don’t think they or many in our circles (which were fairly broad in our community due to business interests, church, political engagement and educational services; but totally working class) gave him a second thought beyond whatever a headline said. And he was really good at making sure the headlines in MSM (which we didn’t realize was MSM back then)were pretty universally flattering. So our vague opinion of him was like, “billionaire philanthropist tech magnate gives life saving medicine to Africa”. Now my eyes couldn’t roll farther back in my head at that, but it’s where many were back then. Things have changed. And a lot of what awakened the silent majority has happened in the last 5-10 years but heavily in the last four during/post-Covid.

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Are you aware of how ow many Indian/Hindu teenage girls died because of his HPV vaccine (cervical cancer)? It was a travesty.

And just a personal note as an illustration of how vaccine business works: last summer when my SON was 15 yrs old I took him for his annual physical/sports evaluation appointment. After the exam the lady doctor turned on her vaccine schpeele to inform me that my SON will need to have a cervical cancer vaccine. Apparently, the fact that boys do not have cervix is not a big deal to these monsters and everyone who sell out to them.

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Yes I am aware of Gates’ many schemes now. Just saying it wasn’t as widely understood 5-10 years ago (some still don’t know about it now), kinda like a lot of people assumed what we were told about AIDS was true. That’s 100% not where I am now (about an 8 out of 10 on the scale of skepticism) but we all start somewhere and I think it’s worth remembering that all this stuff wasn’t and still isn’t universally known. People are waking up at different paces but definitely an accelerated pace now.

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Speaking of crimes against the people of India - what about the mass sterilization program under Indira Ghandi? I was clueless about it until just very recently.

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Gates is no longer welcome in Africa, Willing Spirit, they figured out what he was up to.

My opinion, judgement day will not go well for him.

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When Mrs. Gates divorced Mr. Gates, I knew something was terribly wrong in paradise. She was a smart woman to get out when she did.

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Uh...not giving her a pass...she knew what he was up to long ago.

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Yep... she's still a maggot.

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Remember that creepy video where Bill says the next pandemic will get everyone's attention, and Melinda is sitting next to him grinning.

Here is the link for the folks who don't know how evil Melinda Gates is also:


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I am going to guess that they separated to protect their fortunes.

Bill could be on the hook for a lot of liability if his role in causing

the deaths of millions of people was ever prosecuted.

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Melinda is just as evil.

Here is a video clip where Bill is saying how the next pandemic will get everyone's attention and she is sitting next to him like a murderous accomplice.


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Same with Tipper Gore!

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Have we ever seen Melinda Gates and the person formerly known as Bruce Jenner in the same place :)?

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I thought it was weird when I discovered Donald Jr.’s fiancé, Kimberly Guilfoyle was once married to Gavin Newsom.

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Remember all these people were “friends” at one time, at least superficially. When Trump announced his first presidential campaign he told his kids, “now we will see who our real friends are.” I think they have (and we have learned a lot watching too!)

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Everyone makes mistakes. She didn’t continue down the same path.

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Now if only she would realize the mistake of overusing lip fillers and botox. It might just be me, but I don't think she is attractive at all (yes, this is a very superficial observation). I really like that Eric Trump and his wife seem to be a solid couple.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 17

Yes and ahe also worked for CNN at one time. But she completely flipped and was probably a huge reason they split after Newsom cheated on her! Really actually funny to me. I looked it up last night. That must really dig into Newsoms gut that she is now with a Trump!

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At least she ditched Gavin.

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She used to be on The Five, believe it or not! She was witty, clever and I remember liking her. I think Newsom "did her wrong" so to speak. She was more beautiful back then....now I notice she has had some sort of plastic surgery (duck lips injections for sure) and her makeup is more excessive and trashy looking now and I think she looks horrible compared to before.

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I wish she’d left the procedures alone. She was lovely. And yes, her makeup is too heavy & ages her. Her dress last night at the RNC was nice & classy. Sometimes she shows poor taste imho.

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Oh! I've only known her in her post-botox phase. I always think she looks fake.

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Imagine her embarrassment at that decision 🙄

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Kimberley grew up and saw the light. Newsom is still a deluded, narcissist, womanizer who listens to the voices of the the underworld.

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And some people get divorced because they wake up!

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I used to be a Democrat.

People can change.

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The Democratic Party used to have much different views back when liberal extremism hadn’t infiltrated our society.

I believe extremism on both sides has caused the gangrenous decay of both “parties.”

I still don’t understand why politics has to be so volatile and divisive for some people.

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The Democrat party is nothing like it used to be.

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My whole family was Democrats and all changed. The Den party died with JFK and RFK.

LBJ was the leading snake!

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True, but I think JD's wife is still a far-lefty... which is a bit concerning...

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I thought the same of Nicole Shanahan (RFKs running mate) but her posts post assassination attempt were very good and she puts the blame on the DNC and Dems. Since she has now experienced personally similar treatment.

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Did you see she gave $20K to the relief fund for the Butler victims?

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I did! I read her twitter last night and she’s said a lot of spot on things. You’d think she was a conservative!!

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Do you think that solely because of where she worked as a law clerk? She might not have had a choice....Justice Thomas wouldn't always have an opening when you need it. Do you have any other evidence she's a far-lefty?

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You need to do your own research... but this may help:


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You cite ONE source. I don't believe a damn thing that comes from just one source. Calm down and learn more about her from various sources, observe what she says (if anything), and then see what you think.

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I wouldn't worry.

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I don't... I think JD is a very strong guy... and besides, fact is, the VP job is sort of weak sauce... unless TRUMP assigns him to some really important stuff, and I hope he does... arranging revenge prosecutions... maybe fixing the border and deporting ALL illegals... working with congress to pass Bills that would prevent the democrats from EVER winning another major election...

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Okay, then you can't stop your anti-Usha campaign since Vance is in a powerless position :)

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Would love to hear your political back story, Kathleen!

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I joke that I had to go through a 12-step program.

Grew up in a blue collar labor union family. But when I was in the military, I saw firsthand how Clinton was destroying the military.

Didn't like Bush - now I know he is nothing but a war criminal - so I didn't vote for him.

But Trump is different. He was not a career politician.

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In my 70 years of life, I have watched many people change their views and their lives. We have hope that this is the case with Mrs. Vance.

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You should have seen my crazy self in the early years after my indoctrination at the University of Florida. (Graduated in 1973). The Marxist take over was pretty thorough, even that far back. And I had a solid conservative upbringing. How my parents tolerated me through that, was an amazing demonstration of faith and love.

It took about 8 years and the birth of my first child to jar me awake.

And Phyllis Schlafly was very instrumental in cracking the crazy shell that coated me and blocked common sense and logic.

But I was shaking off bits and pieces of the propaganda shell for several years to come. It took a lot of opening up to Truth and self educating to heal and move forward consistently on the right path. To God be the glory! I’m still learning as are we all.

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I was just starting college in the early 70s and remember Schafly very well. I was aware of the developing women's movement because I would see these obnoxious women on campus. I thought they were disingenuous and phony. They were unattractive women to begin with, and were dedicated to making themselves more so. They went around with very hairy legs and hairy armpits on display, messy hair, no makeup, unkempt, I suspect they had bad bathing habits....all to make themselves as unattractive to men as possible. They were successful in that because all the men I knew couldn't stand them. Their message was that men were the evil oppressors, you don't need men, all that. They were also very anti-family and anti-marriage. I was newly married with a young child, and I didn't agree with a single thing I heard them say because none of it was my experience. I wasn't being held back by men, and in fact, this was when I started forming the opinion that men were far more pleasant to work for and with. Getting ahead was always about a person's capabilities and hard work, not about your inborn gender. I never wanted anything to do with the women's movement.

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I had to do a quick study of Phyllis as I was living in oblivion in the early 70's graduating from high school, getting pregnant out of wedlock in January 1973, parents pushing abortion, me keeping the baby, getting married to the terrible father, getting a brain and a divorce by age 28, remarriage at 29 with a happy 40 year marriage. Women's rights were at the bottom of my worries. She certainly was a powerhouse and did do her best to try to stave off what is happening today.

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This is a beautiful and humble comment, Willing.

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I did! Sometimes converts are the most passionate about it. I believe same for JD.

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Extremely. Alarmed.

They are both globo-owned card-carrying Yalie cult members and I don't trust any of that. Vance is clearly a concession to the party establishment.

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Stop it. Get a hold of yourself. Oh my goodness. Youngkin would have been the establishment choice or a Nikki Haley (ugh, I just threw up in my mouth a little saying THAT name). Take a deep breath. It will be okay.

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It won't. But federal-level politics isn't what matters anyway. They all have the same sponsors.

Any wins we make at this stage are going to come from the local and state levels.

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...and, was a Hillary supporter....and, is heavily invested in mRNA technology...and, is good friends of Musk...i'm sure there's more...

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Without a doubt, you’ll let us know.

Why should we get to be giddy with happiness that our man is alive and triumphant, despite their attempts to kill him? Why should we get even a few days of happy celebration without claims of many flies in the ointment?

Are you paid to be a a’killjoy’? Or is it just your natural disposition?

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just discerning...I've learned the hard way not to take everything at face value...seeking the truth is not being a killjoy.

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I’m all for the Truth, but your timing is very poor here.

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We’ll be giddy with joy, absolutely. But we’ll also need to stay sharp and not worship blindly. We didn’t take the vaccine just because Trump called them great, no way. We stayed critical.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to check on X if Vance called for firing of thousands of unvaccinated nurses or if it was the Babylon Bee.

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First of all, it was said sarcastically which is pretty clear from the context. Prior to that tweet that everyone is now finding, he wrote an article in 2021 criticizing Ohio State University for its vaccine mandate. He also appeared in a FB live event saying people should not be required to take the vaccine. I see that a local radio host here in my town is one of the people citing this tweet. She is not always thorough with her research.

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Good grief…you’re obviously so excited about the miracle that just occurred.

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YOU are not exactly a breath of fresh air, Bozo.

Truth should never hurt and has nothing to do with supporting TRUMP... or for that matter, JD.

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Oh, I can reply to you now! No longer blocked. Yet I find I don’t desire to address you. You’re too far gone for me.

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Well, since Musk might be the only reason we still have any sort of free expression on the internet, he gets a huge benefit of the doubt from me.

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Wow pssssssttttttt air escaping from initial elation

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LOL... that is funny.

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It is not fair to hold someone's associate's /wife's past against them. We are responsible for what we do, not for what others do. Collective punishment is a leftist feature.

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Hopefully, then she knows the inside scoop.

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I'm more concerned with Vance's close ties to Peter Thiel.

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Justice Roberts has never supported Cuba, Venezuela, or the expropriation of the means of production from the Satanic capitalist class. To the contrary, he's a child-raping Satanist who supported (he's probably dead) the capitalist NWO.

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My goodness, you've got some major insider knowledge here!

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Diana here is real one 😬

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Aren’t you full of insider information!

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It's all public info. Lin Wood's office took sworn testimony from U.S. Senate candidate John McGreevey, which you can read here. https://populist.press/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FULL-Transcript-of-Whistleblower-Interview.pdf

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Thank you Jeff, from one of the good Karens.

I was going to comment further down, but there are way too many comments today, about important stuff. I figured it would get buried.

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I am just getting on here this morning and it is just past 9am on the Worst Coast and there are close to 800 comments already. It will take me hours to read them all. LOL! We love you Karen!!

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I got sidetracked on this thread when I saw Oregon 💕 I am passing time at a layover from visiting my sister in rural North Dakota and heading back to Silverton. Though I love my home and family and live in such a beautiful area (and have family in Tillamook area) I can understand why one of my sisters moved away. Sad to see how poorly this state is "managed" I think people that pay the taxes are starting to wake up. God help us!

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Hey neighbor! I stay because of the beauty of the state of Oregon which totally outweighs the rot of the government. I believe in hope and miracles!!

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Thank you Debra 🌺 I forget where you are, I’m in the outskirts of Bend.

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Tillamook….Cheese Town!

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😀Tillamook sharp cheddar is my husband's fav!

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They used to make an outstanding mozzarella too... I haven't seen it anywhere for a long time.

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The Tillamook Cheese Factory is why I carry around extra poundage on my body. Cheese and Icecream!

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ours too

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You are lucky, Kiddo... I love Bend... but am stuck in roasting Tucson!

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Yes, even with increasing popularity and subsequent population growth, it’s still a lovely place to live. I am very blessed. I’m also grateful that we already own a home because I couldn’t afford to buy one now.

Tucson is great most of the year, right? Horrible in summer, yuk!

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So sad the politics of OR are so lefty and messed up... I hope you guys can get the move to Idaho done... but doubt it...

No, Tucson is not great... VERY hot summers and winters can be very chilly, especially after your blood thins out in the blazing summers. Allergens are very bad here too. Too brown and no water.

I grew up in So California and it was great back then... not so much now. I really miss the ocean being close...

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Also, the Canadian prime minister clearly resembles Aladdin. He never dressed up as Castro.

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You realize he’s not talking about a costume of Castro, that he literally looks like him because Castro is most likely his biological father??

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Ask his mother, sure she loved Fidel so much that by osmosis he looks like him.

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And he looks nothing like Pierre Trudeau or even his own mother Margaret...he's so obviously Castro's spawn!

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Or she sat on the wrong toilet seat or something.

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EWWW....you're above that kind of garbage talk, W.S.!!

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No, I’m not. I may not be nicety nice enough for you.

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I never heard that, I thought it was in reference to his policies.

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From what I remember, his father was in politics and friends or friendly with Castro, and his mom possibly had an affair during a trip down to Cuba. Because he uncannily looks like Fidel. You’ll have to Google for more details. 👍🏼

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In photos, a young Castro and Trudeau are spitting images of each other.

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The apple does not mfall far from the (rotten) tree.

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And don't forget he went hiking with his brother, and the brother was never seen again.

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"...was in politics"? How about Prime Minister of Canada for crying out loud?

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You are indeed correct - Fidel, Jr. was probably "created" while Pierre's estranged wife spent a great deal of time in Communist Cuba!!

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No it's true apparently Maggie Trudeau got it on with Fidel back in the 70's I believe.

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Don’t you wonder what exactly was the attraction? 😝 For the life of me, I don’t see a darn thing that could

in ANY way, shape nor form compel me to… ya know…sample that particular Cuban cigar.

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😄 Some people find powerful people attractive, regardless of physical…attributes.

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Right??? 😳

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Google her husband Pierre Trudeau and click on images

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Cathy O'Brien says Margaret was an MK-Ultra mind-controlled sex slave owned by Satanist Pierre Trudeau. https://trance-formation.com/trudeau-mk-ultra/

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Not only politics.....GENETICS


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Am I the only person who has never heard this? 😮

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When I first read an article on this a few years ago I was shocked. Shocked because the evidence is overwhelming. 100% Fidel is Justin's dad.

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The comparison pics are compelling.

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Don’t think either will consent to a DNA test. 🤣😉. (My morning attempt at a joke.)

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Like Obama and Frank Davis. (Pops)

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Possibly. 😊

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I didn’t know about the brother!

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I would so like someone to get a sample of his DNA and have it tested for paternity! He has so many of Fidel's traits!

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When I first heard about the possible Castro connection I went and looked at Castro photos, especially when he was around Baby Castro's current age. The resemblance is undeniable. I was young when his supposed father Pierre Trudeau was in office and quite a big public figure in the newspapers and magazines. HIs wife Margaret (Justin's mother) was a real party girl and "everybody knew it".

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deletedJul 16
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Latino Franken

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lol, like

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"Dreams from my REAL Father ....the Prequel?!!!

Buy or Rent the original about Barry Soetero? oops I mean OBama by Joel Gilbert


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Communist Frank Davis, father to famous communist radical of the 70s; Angela Davis, likely half-sister to O’bummer.

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I looked around and saw no indication that Frank Marshall Davis is Angela Davis's father.

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That's Justin Castreau, as his biological dad is Fidel, a friend of Justin's namesake father, former Prime Minister of Canada as well in the late-60s and early-70s. Justin's namesake father and mother visited Cuba many times after the 'revolution' (coup d'etat ), on one of which Justin's mom stayed behind with Fidel. Justin was born 9 months later. So....

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She wasn't just buying cigars???

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Wow is this true ?

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Here's Justin's namesake father, a close 'friend' of Fidel - ZERO resemblance - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Trudeau

Snopes does dispute the possibility, but then provides a great photo of Fidel holding Justin's baby brother, with Pierre Trudeau's wife standing beside Castro. I have a hard time believing anything that Snopes puts forth these days, it's a fake fact checking site based on the last 10 years of blatant lies and coverups.

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Love that puzzle piece!!

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The country is now called Tranada due to excessive cross-dressing.

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Or Two-spirit-Canada. Because Marxist vehicles are all that matter.

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Odd mix up there... rampant deviance, promoted all over... yet the influx of smelly muslims will soon turn Canada into a Sharia country...

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Well, I laughed at this comment!