

I thought it was clear, but evidently not. Today’s post is not intended to defend the appalling Ukraine bill. I would prefer it fails badly-not out of any animus toward Ukraine but because our border problem is paramount. Just saying.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

It was very clear, Jeff. I'm just so incensed about what Mike Johnson and our other "conservative America-First" politicians have done, that I'm about to explode! And it's not just FISA and it's not just Ukraine. They are destroying our economy with their spending on everything and spitting (or worse) on the people who elected them. Look at the FBI getting a new building! I'm sick of these Republicans who, when it comes to voting, sound just like Democrats, and that includes Newt Gingrich, who just said that everyone should lay off Johnson. He leveled terrible criticism at Matt Gaetz, but Matt's one of my heroes.

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They call them the “uniparty” for a reason.

We ALL need to elect better leadership. It starts at the state/local level. Did you know that only 25% of Republicans vote in state primaries? It takes grass roots effort ! Get involved with local campaigns. Make phone calls . Tell your neighbors! We ALL need to get involved and be the change we want to see.

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We ALL need to stop paying federal income tax. It is legalized fraud starting in 1913.

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Good idea!! Should we all quit working so we don't receive money to be taxed??????? That'd fix 'em.

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No, Ms Reid. You do not have to quit working, or being paid. Simply refuse to submit a 1040 and then if or when the IRS comes for you, sue them to provide evidence of the law within the constitution that requires that a working person's income can be legally taxed. No such law exists, and they know it. Of course, I know and understand that only the rare American will stand up to the IRS. The majority don't have the backbone or stomach to do so. One person, or a few won't make any difference at all.

Do you like horror movies. Watch this one. It will terrify you. https://youtu.be/oi7o_UCsD_g?si=fnRx_cEHdvjI4zeI

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Many years ago, the IRS came after my dad. My dad had stopped sending in 1040s because of research he’d done. He continued to pay, but, as long as they don’t owe you money, you don’t have to send one in. Well, at one point, they sent him two duplicate refunds. (Before he’d started this.) It was past the 7 years statute of limitations, so, even then, technically, my dad didn’t have to show them anything, but they were threatening to take everything away if he didn’t pay them back with interest. (Mind you, this was their mistake, not his.)

He hired a tax attorney, but, ultimately, my dad was the one who found the law that brought the bill down to only the amount of the original refund. My mom didn’t want that fear hanging over her head and, after all of that, convinced him to file.

He said that they would never give this up because they want to know how much everyone has, where it comes from, and, if necessary, to control it and you. It’s not just about paying interest. It gives them a lot of control over the populace through fear.

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Have you stood up to the IRS? Please share that experience, so we know what to expect.

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This documentary is an eye opener!

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I’m calling them the “RINO-DINO herd.”

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A herd of turds...

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100% agree

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It was entirely clear to me. The longer that border is abused the worse off we are.

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The "ILLEGALS" are here for a reason and it is not a good reason.

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It's called a BOHICA moment: Bend Over Here it Comes. Use your imagination on the A.

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@Austin isn’t the A for Again? 😂 That’s what I always thought.

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No worries Jeff. It was clear.

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I actually have LOTS of animus…not necessarily against Ukraine (who are not dissimilar to a 5 year old sitting on the set of Nickelodeon) but against the nitwits that keep funneling our tax dollars into a giant black hole aka: “Ukrainian Slush Fund” and the lack of any current restraint afforded the US people via our checks and balances established two centuries ago by people who actually knew better. So, THANK you!

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Sounds a bit like our current White House occupant

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"At present, NATO has 32 member countries. These countries, called NATO Allies, are sovereign states that come together through NATO to discuss political and security issues and make collective decisions by consensus."

31 of those Countries have none of the Boarder Wall issues that we face daily.

Since we've already "supported the cause" in protecting Ukraine, how about we let the next $60+Billion come from some other folks?

Have we not spent enough in defending a cause that our own Government can not even clearly explain to us why we're involved......................and involved any further???

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Ukrainian corruption is US corruption. sex trafficking, money laundering, all kinds of things that the higher ups in US government have a stake in not coming to light. So they wont let it fall til after the election when t hey are in their bunkers or whatever.

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...and can blame all on Trump

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Ukraine is one of the very TOP countries when it comes to corruption. Its deviant midget clown leader is a dictator... cancelling elections imprisoning his political opponents, harassing and banning Russian Orthodox priests... making terroristic attacks on Russian civilians.

Animus is well deserved.

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Your position on Ukraine seemed clear to me Mr. Childers. I don't know how any sane person could be in favor of what we (USA) is doing in Ukraine, from the non extant bio-labs that ended up being factual to the CIA operations beginning there after WWII. The people are the victims, us included for paying for this mess. Fortunately we are not (officially) boots on the ground in Ukraine. Yet.

No doubt Pastor Jack, a solid Bible teacher and patriot, and the person I consider 'my' pastor, has access to people in political high places most of us never will. I pray for his discernment and protection from being used. Pastor Jack has the trust of millions of ears around the world and could be a valuable asset to someone with less than noble aspirations.

Speaker Johnson, a surprise from the outfield to many of us, appeared to be a gift from God, placed in a position of power at the last minute to be a power hitter and game changer. Well, the Speaker seems to be on the same track as previous Speakers. No borders, financing a meat grinder and money laundering operation and a gift to the industrial war complex. Let's add supporting spying on the American citizen without consent, unless you are a member of the privileged class.

I think Pastor Jack is a man of God and a man for the lost and wandering. Speaker Johnson maybe the same but his battlefield is politics. Perhaps God is telling both these men that His will be done, and Americas' time as a Godly world leader is over. We've earned that distinction.

I remain in prayer, and as Paul taught I am a Berean, I will drop these guys like a hot rock if they go sideways on the principle of salvation through Jesus and walking on the narrow path.

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Gotcha. I would prefer it fails because funding Ukraine is funding their own bloody and brutal demise. Among a million other reasons.

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"elites" dont care about the Ukrainian people . just like they dont care about US people.

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I hear you and agree, but it absolutely amazes me how many average folks (very conservative family members of mine, for example) still think that funding the Ukrainian decimation - oops, war - is 1)rescuing the Ukrainian people, 2) staving off WWIII and bonus, 3)think Zelensky is a modern day Churchill (🤮). So I do like to bring up the above point to them, like “how is it helping the Ukrainian people to feed them supplies that force them to fight to the ‘last man’?” The same people aren’t yet awake to how generally misanthropic the ruling class is 🫤

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It was crystal clear

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Super clear!

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It was very clear to me

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It was clear to me. As you yourself noted, there sure seems to be information that we still DON'T know about Ukraine. A lot of information.

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Opposing the Ukraine bill is not about "animus towards Ukraine".

I don't want to defend this apalling bill but...I don't want to defend Mike Johnson but...Pastor Hibbs...Trust the Process.

And is that process 1 or process 2?

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Perhaps these payments are actually war reparations that come with the message "Pay up now or else things will get worse."

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So is the US government giving reparations to white Ukrainians before relatives of former slaves?

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More like the US understands it has lost its proxy war with Russia. Ukraine is effectively Russia's now (or soon will be), and Russia agrees not to launch a supersonic missile or something equally humiliating or devastating at/upon us. So the money will actually get funneled to Russia, which Russia can use to rebuild Ukraine. The US public facing narrative can thus be otherwise. A face-saving measure for the US. Just spit balling here ... because none of it makes sense. It feels like death by a thousand cuts.

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wow. interesting thought

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Fgs, you cannot be serious.

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We can address both problems.

Pass Ukraine aid and address the border.

It’s not an either/or issue.

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You know how we address the Ukraine problem? Our government needs to say "I'm sorry" to the Ukraine people for staging a coup against their elected government back in 2014 and then using their country for making biological weapons and a money laundering operation. Then we stop funding a war they will never win. At that point we need to help them rebuild whatever is left since the USA caused this mess.

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Well stated. Anyone who thinks ANYTHING about this Ukraine Op is noble or smart is naïve. Or just plain STUPID!

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Wouldn't that be a GOD MIRACLE to hear anything CLOSE to truth coming from our corrupted, deep state controlled Federal government!!

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You mean the problem we have deliberately caused and promoted, in our ceaseless and pointless covert war against Russia? A war we cannot and should not win? Why, yes! If our government is too corrupt to apologize (and they are) at least it can become apparent that not every citizen of this country supports these actions. We can play a benign part in world affairs, we can be the shining city on a hill, or we can act like latter day Rome and meet the same well deserved fate. I think and hope we're better than that.

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Not one more cent should be donated to the money laundry that is Ukraine.

If the West wants to finance a mercenary state to war with Russia, they should hire a COMPETENT state with a COMPETENT leader.

That's clearly not the intent, however.

We need a competent U.S. President. We need Donald Trump to END the nonsense in Ukraine diplomatically.

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The American citizen did not die.

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Thankfully they’re not following your advice.

The people in charge have seen what Russia wants to do.

Any comment about the American citizen tortured and raped to death by Russian soldiers?

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I'd be happy to comment after I read the report. Will research. Am open to your suggestions for source material.

Impossible for me to comprehend why you believe Zelensky is competent in his conduct of this war.

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Because he is a NeoCon shill. It's got nothing to do with being rational so don't expect him to approach this subject in a rational way you would.

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I'm looking at it rationally.

An American citizen was tortured and decapitated by Russian soldiers. Nobody has even muttered a single word about him yet.

Jeff made a lot of talk about Gonzalo Lira.

Jeff hasn't made a peep about Russel Bentley.

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According to the local Russian police and his wife, Bentley went missing on April 8, 2024. On April 12, 2024, Russian media reported that he was missing in Donetsk. The Vostok Battalion confirmed his death on April 19, 2024, via social media. According to information that appeared on social networks after his death, Bentley was detained by men in military uniform, presumably soldiers of the 5th Tank Brigade from Buryatia while filming the aftermath of a Ukrainian bomb attack on a military unit, being mistaken for a spy, after which he was tortured and killed. Alexander Khodakovsky, one of the leaders of the self-proclaimed DPR, demanded in his telegram channel that “those who killed Russell Bentley” be punished, but they quickly deleted their message.

The Russians confirmed his death. An American citizen was killed. No outrage?

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Thank you for responding.

What do Biden and Austin have to say about this report? The Biden Administration was highly and publicly engaged when Russia imprisoned a lesbian basketball player for committing a crime on Russian soil. But crickets from them for the "Russell Bentley" story you describe?

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Your time might be better spent worrying about what China, the WEF, the WHO, and the myriad of open border and warrantless surveillance traitors in the U.S. Government want to do. They pose a far greater and more immediate danger than Russia.

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The aim of perpetual warfare according to George Orwell’s ‘1984’


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I've read this and it opens a whole new perspective/question on modern history; specifically, who are the ELite puppet masters making these calls?

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That's kind of above my pay grade but if I had to guess I have some ideas. There is an unholy trinity of cabalists that go way back composed of 1) the literally in-bred Rothschild dynasty that controls the international banking system principally through the BIS, 2) the British Crown and the City of London and 3) the Vatican. The enslavement of the American people to the international banking system goes back to the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 followed by the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913. The patriotic American oligarchs that had always opposed the establishment of a US central bank were killed when the Titanic sank. The central bank proponents the Americans were supposed to meet with aboard the Titanic disembarked just before the Titanic set sail. 9/11 is an old script.

Now it is important to point out that the so-called Federal Reserve is not an institution of the USG. The FR is wholly owned by the international banking system.

Regardless, I believe it is sufficient to understand that the sociopath Marxists now in control of the Federal Gov't are at war with the American people and are progressively destroying what we think of as America. For me it is enough to know that they are our enemy and that they MUST be deposed. This is our fight and we must win if we and our children are to survive.

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"The people in charge"?? You mean the NeoCon oligarchs and the NWO globalist Marxists like you?

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I was called a globalist fedbot terminator in another post, atleast try to be original.

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Tell your wife that you’re going to Home Depot for buy some materials and put it in your max out credit card to fix the guy in the next town his fence and maybe you’ll have a chance down the road when you can find some money to fix your own home front door.

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LOL And give that girl a rolling pin!!

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The aim of perpetual warfare according to George Orwell’s ‘1984’


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Honestly, for a vast tract of my life, I could not figure why the Cretins wanted to keep the peasants down, out and impoverished beyond hope of escape. But it's really no more or less than the preventing the horses (sheep, oxen, goats, etc.) from getting away from the carts (endless enslaving drudgery) ... and then thinking about things using good horse sense (like real information/education). Nope! Keep 'em confused, dazed, stumbling and staggering.

Once one understands this little sparkling gem of illumination, nothing remains the same.

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cretins. yes that's an acceptable substitute for the totally inappropriate 'elite' tho I still prefer parasites class

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That is inappropriate, isn't it? They are only "elite" in their own Satanic fantasies.

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Perpetual warfare by Putin?

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By people like you, NN.

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I didn’t invade Ukraine.

Putin did.

No comment on the American citizen raped and tortured to death by Russian


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Not that you would ever understand a rational answer due to the fact that you have lost any ability for rational thought but it was the USG that invaded Ukraine with the installation of bio-weapons labs, money laundering and the USG coup of 2014. But of course that was all Putin's fault. Bad Russians! It's all their fault!

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Another brilliant comment by the Mental Dwarf, George War is Peace, Up is Down, Lies are Truth Bennie von Two Noodles (and both aren't working so hot!)

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No comments on why Russia invaded? No comments on the Donbass region going back a decade or so? Any comments on Abu Ghraib?

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Did you even read it? Oh I forget, you never learned how. You have to let your AI think for you.

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I don't need an AI to think.

Perpetual war is OK for Russia , not for someone defending themselves :)

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Ha! Ha! Two Noodles is a Putin Puppet. Pull a string and what do you hear? Putin. Pull more strings and it's Putin in the morning, Putin in the evening, Putin at supper time. And it could well be Putin out of the backside!

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Russia Russia Russia

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Go get the Russian covid vaccine. Putin says it's safe. Why don't you?

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Don't quit your day job.

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Except the focus seems to he more on Ukraine rather than on the border.

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If all aid to Ukraine was cut would the border be fixed?

Biden doesn’t care. No new aid was approved for 6 months.

Did anything improve?

I actually went to the border with the TXARNG.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Did all this money to Ukraine improve anything for Ukraine? More people died and more territory lost. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/01/26/ukraine-war-plan-biden-defense/ Very interesting. No one who looks at this critically thinks Ukraine is going to get back the territory . I agree with the previous commenters who said that if the Ukrainian government were smart they would have built fortifications and started building their military defense the way Russia did. It’s extremely important for a country to have their own defense capability and not to be so dependent on other countries sending them money. We can still send to help but they also should take matter in their own hands. Moreover, a diplomatic solution was possible in 2022 without giving up Ukrainian territories and Zelensky was ready to negotiate but thanks to Boris Johnson he reversed his decision. I don’t think Ukraine can win at this point. So many innocent lives have been lost for nothing. Russia had gotten even more territory. They won’t give it back. So I’m not sure what the strategy is now.

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Regarding 2022.... Let's be clear and keep the real picture in mind. The public political figures are all puppets for the globalist oligarchs and their NWO they are forcing on the West. They are using us (and our money) to try and eliminate the only competition to the NWO they have, Russia and the BRICS. Africa is also in their sites as they are increasingly joining the BRICS. They intend to use the WHO treaty to ram controls upon the African people. We are all at risk from these sociopath elitists and they intend to eliminate any resistance beginning here in the USA. Don't lose focus. We are their #1 target and they are using Ukraine to keep us distracted from the fact that they intend to impose totalitarian controls on us that would make the CCP envious. Stay focused.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

I heard that African countries are pushing back hard against WHO treaty. They have a lot of experience with Bill Gates and his foundation involved in their public health so they know. I would prefer if the U.S. pushed back as a beacon of liberty and freedom but if it’s going to be Africa let it be. As long as someone finally assumes their power and says no.

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Which entity/ies are making the final decision regarding the US involvement with the upcoming WHO treaty? Does it make any difference if we contact them to discourage involvement?

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The NWO, WHO, WEF made my bunions sore this morning!

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OMG, you are such a simpleton. I lack words!

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Facts are hard for you to handle.

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It'a all funny money, theres nothing of value behind it. We've out sourced all manufacturing, the fed won't 'show the gold', technology is being replaced by AI, and our future workforce is taught they don't really know if they are a boy or a girl. Millions of third world folks are pouring over our land, sea and air ports. We are on the edge of third world status. Paraphrase from Tocqueville or Sherwood, take your pick, but it rings true 'America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great'.

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Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

Sorry, Jeff and Pastor Hibbs, but sending more money to Ukraine is NOT defensible. It is an outrage to Americans while our own border is wide open and hurting our own beloved country. Plus, we have given more than we can afford already.

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Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

When Russia went into this war they built up their weapons manufacturing and munitions manufacturing capacity to increase their military capability. Ukraine did the opposite. They begged for help from the rest of the world and didn't increase self sufficiency in manufacturing the weapons they needed. Remember Israel after they had a "homeland for the Jews" given to them? Tiny Israel started their own weapons research and manufacturing so they would have the in state manufacturing capacity for supporting their military. Ukraine needs to step up to help themselves rather than continuing to beg from the rest of the world. God helps those who help themselves.

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Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

I don't think you can accurately use the term "self sufficiency" and Ukraine in the same sentence. Maybe before the US orchestrated the coup that overthrew the democratically elected government in 2014, but not after the coup when Ukraine became a US puppet with a government selected by Victoria Nuland and her fellow neocons.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Of course, before the US interfered in 2014 Ukraine wasn't under any threat - especially from Russia - so it didn't need its own military industrial complex! But then they poked the bear!!

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the real success of tv ads is to keep people from remembering 30 seconds back much less 10 years.

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If I remember correctly, President Obama talked Ukraine into giving up its weapons, saying the USA would defend them if needed. They did, and here we are….So.

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Ukraine gave up their nukes because they belonged to Russia. Russia couldn’t afford to leave them there because of NATO expansion.

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Also, I believe NATO and the US actually ARMED Ukraine as part of the US/NATO plan to eventually use Ukraine as a battering ram against Russia. Recall that both German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande have admitted about the Minsk Accords: they never intended to implement the peace plan, they were just buying time to arm Ukraine and build up its military. It's disturbing to recognize what the US/NATO have done to Ukraine, but facts are facts.

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Bingo! And much was done before 2014. Obviously.

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Anyone who gets into bed with the Americans is walking into the jaw of a man easting shark.

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I'd say there's a "special place" for Victoria Nuland but that place is getting pretty crowded.

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2014 is when the key infestation that threatened RU started. Nation building, or rather puppet building is poses threats to RU with which they were and are not willing to live. The there are the Nazis

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Hey Fred, You're right about Russia, and of course they have their new friends in Iran & China to call on for more supplies.

However, I think you'll find the USA has been arming Israel since 1967 - big time. The US also provides Israel with over $3 Billion of 'aid' per annum and has just given 21,000 rockets, many of which have been used on Gaza. More are enroute.

So probably not the best example to use. Shalom.

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Israel is smart in taking whatever help is offered. When Israel was founded they launched the Jewish appeal and received millions in donations from Jews around the world. They gladly accepted aid from the US, France and other countries. They used this to develop their own weapons manufacturing capacity including Elbit (artillary and shells), Israel Aerospace (drones), Rafael (air defense) who are in the top 100 of world military manufacturers and of course there is the famous Uzi machine gun.

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Yeah, they didn’t use the money to build underground tunnels used to conduct terrorist activities.

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You might want to check out who had a big hand in funding Hamas. He's currently serving as Prime Minister somewhere near Gaza.

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you mean the underground tunnels in NYC for child trafficking? these are your Zionist buddies.

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Don't forget the NUKES!

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You are absolutely correct.

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Fred, under BHO Israel was required to cease production of weapons to receive aid from the USA. Very clever move from an ally that will deceive you and turn its back on you down the road, as many other nations are learning. Is all this confusion planned, who actually knew that the United States would have a brain dead anti Semitic administration at this time of global upheaval? I'm guessing God did and does. His plan is the final plan. Fear not.

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My understanding is Israel is not required to cease production, only that they can no long use funds from the Foreign Funds program to make purchase of Israeli made weapons. All purchases have to come from the US under the program. Previously Israel used some of the funds to buy from Israeli manufacturers.

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Thank you for the clarification. Strange isn't it, the US 'gives' money to a country then that country buys what service or good it needs from the host country. This must be some type of money laundering system.

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That’s actually incorrect.

Russia didn’t do that because they expected to win the war in short order.

May I ask why Russia was begging Iran for shells and equipment?

Why Russia turned to North Korea for s artillery and missiles?

Why Russians began building shahed drones in Tatarstan after buying thsouands of them?

There’s 300 billion in Russian assets that are seized in the west.

Russia didn’t prepare for anything except a victory parade. They did

Declare victory on day 2, remember

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The aim of perpetual warfare according to George Orwell’s ‘1984’


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Oh! My dear Two Noodles! And of course, you forgot something. You forgot to say Russia isn't winning the war!

Really Two Noodles! You are an embarrassment to yourself!

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Russia military spending was up in 22 (budgeted in 21) by 35% and following years of 23 and 24 saw increases of large double digit increases although a lot went to reimbursing families who lost military members in the Ukraine war.



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Correct. I think it's roughly 30% of their governmental spending now much to the detriment of the civilian populace.

They've had a lot of flooding in Omsk recently due to dam failures.

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In all fairness to your comment, Russia did underestimate what it would take to invade Ukraine. Ukraine last year made efforts to boost its manufacture of munitions however to prevent destruction of the new factories they are being built in other NATO countries. I don't know if any are up and producing yet.

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Looking objectively as a historian The Russian plan was good.

It would have decapitated Kyiv and probably taken zelensky and the entire country.

The lynch pin was Ukrainians hating Zelenskyy and Kyiv.

Instead of “salt and bread” they were greeted with RPGs and 5.45.

And the reprisals and war crimes started.

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US will support until the last dead Ukrainian.

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Proxy wars are considered a bargain by many in congress, a good use of our money, etc. This is a sickening disregard for human life. And more and more are seeing this in terms of Ukraine but turn a blind eye to the destruction of the Gazan people. Collective punishment is immoral. The US is supplying the tonnage of bombs and the military intelligence to destroy an entire people. Look up the AI programs of extermination called Lavender, Gospel, and Where’s Daddy. It’s shameful what we are doing with our bombs and money. Oh how I wish people would understand that this has nothing to do with Jesus. The eschatology that provides the moral justification for this cleansing for Greater Israel is completely false. It is purely an Anglo American invention. It’s made countless millions for those who pedal it but it’s of recent origin, and was never a part of the Faith.

We must pray for the conversion of Muslims and Jews and stop our incessant warmongering.

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"We must pray for the conversion of Muslims and Jews"

Amen. This should be the focus of every Christian.

It is a misunderstanding of "I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you." Read Numbers 14:39. It would not have been a blessing to encourage Israel to go into battle at that time.

Start reading the Bible from the end and then work your way backwards to understand this. Israel will be on their knees, with 2/3 dead, and will mourn for the One they have pierced. This WILL happen. Everything that leads up to this is according to God's purpose, and He bends people to do things that serve His purpose.

The whole world WILL be against Israel. It may be that Israel will do things to make this happen. They are following doctrines of men. They do not believe that Jesus is their Messiah.

So pray for the ones in danger, that their hearts will be softened and that the scales will fall from their eyes.

This is how we bless Israel.

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Have been, for last few months, praying that those in power or authority (because they've been put there by Him) turn their hearts to God, and that He (simultaneously?) mete out His justice.

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Beautifully stated!

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At the risk of going off on a theological tangent, I think there are no more pure-blood Jews because of all the intermarriage throughout the centuries. The nation of Israel today is not a geographic location or ethnic group, but a spiritual concept under the new covenant. The church is heir to the promises made to Abraham. https://tinyurl.com/yk4unr8w

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Israel is a geographical location clearly defined in the Bible. The Israelis never took possession of all the land promised by the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob. Walls and gates are Biblical also, something America used to have but relinquished with this admins new theology.

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Yes, it was a geographical area then. The one that exists today is not the Biblical nation of Israel.

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Alex Jones did a story on the Lavender AI picking "targets."

Once human beings are reduced to "targets" and "collateral damage," we have lost all moral authority.

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THEY call it an investment. But they never speak about the return on 'investment'. And what might that be?

Answer: wrecked countries ... theirs and ours. And wreckage all around the world.

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Credenda... Thank you for saying out loud the truth that many do not want to hear! This is the function of a prophet, to speak the unpopular truth of God to His people.......

"....Oh how I wish people would understand that this has nothing to do with Jesus. The eschatology that provides the moral justification for this cleansing for Greater Israel is completely false. It is purely an Anglo American invention. It’s made countless millions for those who pedal it but it’s of recent origin, and was never a part of the Faith..."

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well thanks for saying it. sadly it would appear that a great many 'christians' have so given up on personal responsibility for their lives that they want a rapture/extermination.

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Regard for HUMAN LIFE... Where? When?

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We turned a blind eye to the attempts of destruction and the cries of ‘death to Israel from the river to the sea’ and people like you turning a blind eye to what Hamas and Hezbollah has done, is doing and will continue to do to the Israeli people unless they are stopped.

You need to stop listening to msdnc so much.

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Netanyahu gets away with saying from the river to the sea which means that Israel gets all of Palestine and some of Jordan and Egypt. Where’s your outrage?

And Hamas had every right to attack Israel’s military because Israel is an occupying force. It did not have the right to kidnap civilians.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Hey - folks! Time out. By taking sides, we are being manipulated. The whole thing is theater written in human blood. Before the Hamas attack, the USG paid Iran, the sponsor of Hamas, six billion dollars as "humanitarian aid". Then after the attack, the USG gave an additional 10 billion dollars to Iran as "aid". Before the attack, the Israeli State stood down the IDF!! Then a small Hamas force attacked the most heavily defended border on the planet WHILE THE IDF WAS STOOD DOWN thus achieving maximum carnage for MSM to broadcast and get everyone riled up. Connect the dots. Who stands to gain from this? Answer: they ALL do. The Marxist USG gets their war to replace Ukraine as a distraction for the American people, the Islamic world gets their people all riled up thus supporting their local regimes and Israel gets the excuse they need to turn all the inhabitants of Gaza into refugees so the Israeli state can occupy Gaza and develop the gas fields in Gaza. And they all get richer from the lucre the USG will shower on everyone. It was all planned. It's all theater and they laugh at how easily they can manipulate us to take sides and fight with each other. Once Israel consolidates their control of Gaza, their next agenda will be to take control of the West Bank. We have got to understand that they will sacrifice millions to stage their theater. They were all in on it!

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Agreed. Too much unity was happening among the people just before Oct 7 jumped off. Interesting huh?

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I support the state of Israel. However, they are quite heavy handed.

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Hey Kathleen, And the last US Dollar!

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...and then some!

US will just print more money and we will end up like the Wiemar Republic.

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If I were Ukrainian in this country, I’d be an activist. Against this admin so hard…

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Some estimates are 500,000 dead Ukrainians. A whole generation of young men.

Just like the huge loss of young men during World War 1.

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It is heartbreaking.

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Ballad: The Flowers of the Forest. It's happened before. How many times?

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Blame the man who started the war.


Nobody else

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Sorry, you are wrong in that. The US and the UK have been instigating trouble with Russia since before WW2. If you dig deeper you will see the grudge against Russia can be found in the Jesuits being expelled from Russia.

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Yep. Who stopped the last attempt at a peace deal? Boris.

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Yet we sent Russia billions and billions in aid to help

Them in ww2?

Russia had a golden

Chance to change after the evil

Empire fell. They promptly started 2 new wars.

Go get the Russian Covid shot, Putin says it’s safe and effective. Right?

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Noodles! You really have to do SOMETHING about this Putin fixation of yours. Because it is coming out of both ends. And if you don't stop it you will blow yourself up!

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B2Ns writes like a bot that needs a tune up.

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Nuland started the war way back in 2014.

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Putin started the war.

Not nuland.

Not zelensky.

Putin (and yanuckovych to a lesser extent) is the one who ordered the berkut to execute civilian protestors.

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Over a half million dead already while Zelensky sells out the country to oligarchs. I wonder how many Ukrainians know that he’s doing this? But Russia just took back 250,000 acres of farmland.


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Zelensky is getting very rich killing his fellow Ukrainians.

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Yep and he’s not alone. Just read how many upper Ukrainians have bought expensive cars. How many million dollar homes has Zelensky bought since the war started? As I’ve often said, wars are for money laundering. Taxpayers pay for defense weapons and they use the money to buy back stock and give to politicians. We get nothing.

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Nazi extermination...a rose is a rose...

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And... then they'll move to a new front. Baltic states? Poland?

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I don't think the Baltic states or Poland will be next.

Too much money laundering and biolabs and human trafficking in Ukraine for the US to release their vice-like grip on that country.

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Moldova more likely.

Russia expected to take Odesa 2 years ago which would have opened a land bridge to Moldova and another invasion and land grab there

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Why would the USG want Moldova? You make no sense.

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Russia wants Moldova.

Same reason they want Ukraine. Land and territory and to rebuild the empire

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You would be so lost if you didn't have a bloody war to support.

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If Ukraine surrenders that’s what happens.

If they fight and get aid, no.

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The aim of perpetual warfare according to George Orwell’s ‘1984’


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Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

If you spend a moment listening to pastor Gibbs, you'll ascertain that he in defiantly NOT pro Ukraine funding. He is pro America and pro Mike Johnson

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Mike Johnson is not pro-America. There is no way that making the tie-breaking vote to destroy the Constitution and spy on Americans without a warrant is pro-American. I also agree with those who say that spending on Ukraine is not in our best interest. And if you listen to the clips of Mike Johnson previously saying, "Border, border, border" and "How can we send money to protect Ukraine's border when our border is unprotected?" and

"The southern border is our #1 issue," you'll know that Mike Johnson is a liar. Why he's lying is the question. Perhaps Pastor Hibbs believes he's lying for a good reason, but lying to the American people is never justified.

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It’s evident that Speaker Johnson is compromised. Somehow he has been convinced it is in his best interest to tow the line, to go along, get along, with the Zio neocon agenda.

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Blackmailed and/or threatened is my guess

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ha! great minds

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Very likely threatening his family. That's why Kemps daughters boyfriend was offed. It was a STRONG message to Kemp to tow the line!

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That's undoubtedly part of the message Paul Ryan delivered to him. Also, President Trump recently said that he and the 4 previous presidents were all threatened by the "NWO Mafia" to toe their line. Apparently he's the only one who refused to go along. We're seeing the results.

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Even Reagan had to toe the line to get into office. In reality, the American people have no voice in "their" Gov't.

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Saw Tucker on Joe Rogan. Said we are led by women and weak men. Said Mike Johnson is a nice, buttoned-down man, but he's weak. Weak men are easily influenced by evil.

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I posted his comments a few days ago but cannot find it now. Something to the effect that the American people don't understand and something about weapons being sent to Ukraine are good for the economy.

There we go again..the war machine, and war being 'good for the economy'.

NO sir, I don't accept this.

Blessed are the peacemakers, not the war makers.

Better we he poorer doing the Godly thing than richer doing the unGodly thing. Blessings will never be with us again as long as our country puts mamon (💰) above God's precepts.

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Isn’t it interesting how making war is GOOD for the economy but shutting the whole economy down for the GOOD of all is just a little mistake, and don’t hold grudges you who “always has to be right”.

And why do you feel so righteous just because you could give up your job and I couldn’t?

There is a bad army growing within, threatening our country’s health just like the SAD (D for diet) is destroying the microbiome within our bodies.

Trying to be satirical here, hope I didn’t miss the mark🥸

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It's wealth transfer, from ordinary Americans to the super-rich who own everything.

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I agree with your humanity but disagree in so far as sometime peace can only be found on the other side of war. No everyone in the world has your and my humanity.

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There is a big difference b/w stoking war around the world and being strong to defend yourself if attacked. We are always doing the former rather than the latter. In fact, we are currently being attacked (with far worse to come) via our southern border. We are "projecting strength" abroad, while being weak at home. The worst possible combo.

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We're also being attacked by our government.

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The entire Ukraine thing is a proxy war of the US. Peace was negotiated and agreed upon early on in Istanbul until US and UK nixed it.

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The “Coexist” bumper stickers always make me laugh… Some truly don’t want to coexist peacefully.

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Ironically, the coexist bumper sticker crowd are always the rudest drivers.

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If you believe the reasons Johnson gave publicly for funding the proxy war in Ukraine--top secret information about "evil" Putin--i have a bridge to sell you. I fear he's either a gullible nitwit, a liar, or somehow compromised, perhaps overwhelmed by his recent inclusion in the inner sanctum of the swamp.

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Shortly after he was voted in as Speaker, he used the phrase “Axis of Evil”. That’s a major tell. I was hoping it was just a performance but he has consistently responded like a neocon so that’s what he is.

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"You are either with us, or with the terrorists". I was an Alex Jones listener even way back then, so I understood that statement and its convoluted meaning.

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Good catch. The NeoCons are an even worse enemy than the Marxists who continue to do their bidding.

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Mike Johnson is either a wolf in sheep's wool (we've been seeing democrats run as republicans and fooling people), compromised, or a coward, or all three. Jack Hibbs is 100% sold out for Israel. I had to stop watching. If Johnson told him that spending bill was the only way to get the money to the IDF, he would be on board, no matter what else it entailed. Unfortunately, like many Christians, he doesn't believe the kingdom was taken from the Israel by the Romans in 70 AD. Israel "missed the time of their visitation" of the Messiah, and had him crucified, hoping to silence him and his followers. Jesus told them in the parables, especially clear in the case of the vineyard in Matthew 23:33-43, "Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits." He also prophesied the destruction of their temple as a result of their unbelief in Matthew 24. This is what happens to every nation who rejects God. (It's happening here in the US now.)

Think: How can anyone believe those first believers, the first century church,, who were persecuted and killed by the Israeli authorities along with Roman aid, would agree this was what Christ taught? No. Remember, he said, "My kingdom is not of this world." And the people cried out "His blood be on us and on our children!"

So, what has changed in the Christian worldview to make mass-killing by Israel's government acceptable? It certainly is not done in the name of our Lord. It's not plausible to claim defense either. These are men doing what men always do.

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I agree 100 percent. The obsession with Israel has missed the mark. The church is Israel. Jesus told us this in Luke 17: 20-21 “The Kingdom of God can’t be detected by visible signs. You won’t be able to say, ‘Here it is!’ or ‘It’s over there!’ For the Kingdom of God is already among you."

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Mike Johnson? Looks to me to be more 'collapsing empire' stuff. And what do collapsing empires look like?

Answer: Theater of the Absurd ... and buckets upon buckets filled with sorrow.

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"...How can anyone believe those first believers, the first century church,, who were persecuted and killed by the Israeli authorities along with Roman aid, would agree this was what Christ taught?..."

Your brief commentary nailed it! Yet Christians seem incapable of putting themselves in the sandals of Jesus' contemporaries to understand what he was saying to them. They are all convinced that the end of the world is happening in 2024 or 25 or 26 ad nauseam even though Jesus said even He does not know when that will be, only the Father.

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Well said, DogsLife!

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Maybe we have to remember Israel is our only ally in the Middle East. Yes, we already give them $$$, but do they need more $ now than ever to protect themselves, and thereby protect us? Seems that should be a priority for us, no? And the border of course. Vs Ukraine.. but the only way to help Israel and to at least mitigate some of the illegal crossings is to compromise/sign the bill. Every day that goes by without this bill, more lives are lost and more illegals are coming in. We don’t have the senate, so what’s the solution now to produce immediate results?

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as to Israel being our ally, you might wish to look up the bombing of the USS Liberty. even ciapedia got it right https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident

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First of all, understand that this Gov't will NEVER close the border. That debate is all theater to manipulate us. Secondly, there is a reason the founding fathers advised to trade with all but have alliances with none and to stay out of the endless wars overseas. THAT is our best defense. We can protect ourselves. We don't need Israel or anybody else to protect us.

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With their iron dome, do they need our help? We are dead broke, and their nation seems to be doing just fine. I was there a few years ago and I could hear explosives while trying to sleep. They could leave Gaza alone, for starters.

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God will ultimately redeem Israel, not the United States.

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Before Israel we had no enemies in the middle east

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Nailed it! Time after time, EVERYTHING that happens on Capital Hill is just theater to keep the American people hoodwinked. It's ALL theater to keep the American people fighting with each other while they go ahead with what they planned to do from the beginning.

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Well, it’s been said that very often the person who emerges changed from an Intel briefing has there been shown new pictures of his wife and family and given a choice.

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thank you! the only question is whether Epstein had video on him or if his family is being threatened.

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No doubt. 🤷

No wonder the Princeton study of 2014 concluded that the average man has no say anymore in politics compared to the *oligarchs*. They said that the US is not a democracy but an oligarchy. (special interest groups, strong lobbies, mega corporations, influential and wealthy individuals, etc. )

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And don't forget who really runs it all, the three letter agencies Congress has lost control of.

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Exactly. We all debate on this forum as if we have any say in our Gov't. We have got to stop buying into that illusion! We are not a republic or a democracy. That is all theater. We are an oligarchy just like any third world country.

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Thank you, AngelaK.

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My thought on the FISA situation is that trump wants to be able to use it to get back at some people

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I believe Trump spoke against a warrantless FISA, saying they'd used FISA against him during his campaign.

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Yes but why not use it against them then after the 2 year extension is up he can get rid of it.

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There is a logic to that.

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"pro America and pro Mike Johnson" --these two things do not go together.

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Mike was a maga darling not long

Ago. What happened?

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He caught a Two Noodles virus!

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EXACTLY! What the hell happened?! Something in that skiff. Did they show him pictures of himself with a young boy or what? Nobody knows.

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Makes me wonder if the US has given so many weapons away that they really are going to use the money to renew our arsenal? Just a thought...

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Are you joking? By what mental gymnastics can you imagine the U.S. government doing anything in the interests of the American people?

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Thinking of the billions for infrastructure! Have we seen any?

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The southern outer loop of Raleigh (I-540) was to cost one billion. (a decade ago).

The money never came so they started building it just as a toll road.

But they seem to find billions to send overseas.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 21

Same story here in MI. "Fix the damned roads...", Gov. Witless. Still waiting...

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Gotta love Catturd. He doesn’t just get to the point, he stays on point. The clearest message in the least amount of text.

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Gibbs is pro Israel. The United States will not save Israel; God will save Israel. God has said ALL the nations of the world will go up against Israel.

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Is Israel a metaphor for the body of believers rather than the physical nation?

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Some people do believe Israel is a metaphor, but if that is true, then one would have reason to doubt any of God’s promises to His people, Christian or Jew. The Bible is the best commentary on itself. If God says He will redeem His people and the land of Israel, I have faith He will.

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Indeed the Bible is the best commentary on itself! And diving into the text involves a deep learning of language and translation. Israel the nation was also Israel the tribe? And the geographic “Israel” has its own history too? I don’t think the meaning or use of the term Israel in the context of my question creates doubt about God’s promises. I simply wonder if the meaning is more involved and all encompassing. I am by no means a theologian or scholar. I love the WORD and seek to fully understand it everyday. Hence my previous question. And per your advice, I will just have to do some research.

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Be careful about “diving into the text involves a deep learning of language and translation.” Some people would like people to think the only persons who can properly understand the Word are those who have a doctorate in Greek, Hebrew and/or theology. God through His Word makes it clear any person seeking the knowledge and understanding of the Truth will find it. Indeed as written in the first chapter of Proverbs, a book written for a child, the fear of the God is the beginning of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. While on the one hand the Bible is filled with metaphors, as Jesus spoke in parables, it is clear, at least for me, that God is not done with the Jewish people and the land of Israel. He will redeem them. Who am I to question what God does and will do? Let’s not forget and be thankful He redeems reprobates like you and me!

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Yeah this claim that some congresscritters learned secrets that justify them doing something wrong and indefensible is straight up Gnosticism and Pastor Hibbs (and you, Jeff!) should know better than to trust their hearsay. For far too long we’ve been told “this horrific bill is for your own good, if only you knew what the deep state three letter agencies told us behind closed doors!” Give us a break - the deep state has been evil lying manipulating fraudsters since day one and always use these tricks. I expect healthier skepticism from a man of God (Hibbs) and better reporting and perspective on it from Jeff.

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Someone other than just Donald J Trump needs to grow a spine and stand up for what's right. Even if it means having their secrets and perversions exposed.

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I posted his comments a few days ago but cannot find it now. Something to the effect that the American people don't understand and something about weapons being sent to Ukraine are good for the economy.

There we go again..the war machine, and war being 'good for the economy'.

NO sir, I don't accept this.

Blessed are the peacemakers, not the war makers.

Better we be poorer doing the Godly thing than richer doing the unGodly thing. Blessings will never be with us again as long as our country puts mamon (💰) above God's precepts.

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He basically used the "experts" language and more or less said people just don't understand and they need to explain it to the people in a way they could understand. You know, sort of like the shots. "Those dumb plebes just don't understand, what with their inferior intellects and all, so we need to do a better job of 'having the conversation' and 'educating' them." (If it's not obvious, these mental midgets and midwits running the show make me sick to my stomach. Not sure I've ever seen such a low bar for leadership as we currently have.)

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Condescension aside, I am aware of people with stratospheric I.Q.s who could understand whatever is thrown at them. If those people don't understand the point in throwing money at the Ukraine (except in furtherance of crime), then there's not much hope for Congress.

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There is money for border security in the new aid bill. The problem is it's money for the UKRAINIAN BORDER!!!! If that isn't in your face, I don't know what is!

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

There are many things I love about Pastor Hibbs. This stance, along with his undying support of modern-day Israel (not even close to the Israel of the Bible), and, his close friendship with Pompeo, give me great pause.

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I’m afraid that the “things we can’t know about” that Hibbs has now found out, is the Ukraine government is blackmailing Mr peters for the promises he made while taking the bribe money through his son and Burisma.

I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy for the peters family that may be targets of hit men. They have and have had no sympathy for the American people they are supposed to serve. How do you say it Jeff...Buh-bye!!

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A few reporters/journalists I follow on X are saying the billions in Ukraine $'s is mostly reimbursement to DOD. In other words, they've been sending arms, ammo, and military equip, to Ukraine before this foreign aid bill. To my limited understanding, this would mean DOD continued to support Ukraine without congressional approval.

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The money goes to defense contractors, who donate to politicians, who give more contracts to the defense contractors, for new and even more expensive military hardware that sometimes even works. It's fancy money-laundering and payoffs.

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We sent Ukraine old equipment that bare worked and cost much less to build and we are replacing it with very costly new equipment. It’s money laundering 101.

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I’m thinking of going to Twitter for more of my news. Who do you suggest I follow?

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Oh goodness. X is definitely different but so much better than fb when it comes to getting news of the day (or I should say, propaganda 😏). Everyone is on X because X doesn't censor near as much as other platforms. My recommendation is to follow those you may already be following on other social media apps first (Jeff is on X!). You'll begin to see a

ton of "suggested" people to follow which is based on your activity. A few off the top of my head would be Jesse Kelly, Scott Adams, James Woods, Charlie Kirk, & Victor Davis Hanson. Make sure to follow several politicians and news sites too. Even those you may dislike.

While I can get a ton of news & info on X, I'll warn you, it can be really depressing. I limit my time there.

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I am not familiar with Pastor Jack Hibbs and probably will not watch the video. My first (and gut) reaction was this is pandering. Pandering to the Christians who make up a large part of the "base." They trot out a popular clergyman to tell us, "don't worry, you don't need to know the details..." I think not! The only thing it accomplished was to piss me off.

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Agree. What “behind the scenes” matter would have Johnson bundle and pass Ukraine aid, Israel and TikTok ban?

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Yep. I don’t trust the pastor. Should I?

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What Pastor Jack Hibbs said re: the Palestinians right after Oct 7: “This is a cancer within a people group”…. “No one, and I mean NO ONE wants these people.”

This is a CHRISTIAN PASTOR?!?! Is this what Jesus would say or do?


These fraud Evangelical Pastors are paid shills for Israel. Every week they preach their junk theology of the End Times and the need for a certain racial group (Jews, many of whom are non-practicing and atheists) to return to the Holy Land. They make these claims that only one racial group has a ‘claim’ and ‘holds the deed’ to this biblical land. It’s hogwash and dangerous beyond belief.

Speaker Johnson has been captured by the Israeli lobby just like 70% of our elected representatives have.

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If you listen to the entire clip the “no one wants these people” was referring to NO COUNTRY in the region would accept them into THEIR country. Hibbs was quite clear what he meant. You don’t have to accept Jack Hibbs’ position, but it’s an injustice to take a sound bite out of context.

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Yes he said no COUNTRY would accept them into their COUNTRY but how is it different? He was clearly implying that they, the Palestinians, SHOULD NOT be accepted into any neighboring country (meanwhile, allegedly Israel is negotiating to ship them out to some far away country so they can achieve their vision of a “Greater Israel” which we, the US government, seems to be complicit in).

This attitude has no place in the heart of any Christian, let alone a prominent Christian pastor.

And all the while our southern border is wide open as we accept economic migrants… not those who seek political or religious asylum.

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He's disgusting and no excuses work. this is the kind of talk that excuses genocide.

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I'm wondering whether Hibbs's reference to "these people" was the terror group Hamas?

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I think it's erroneous thinking, too, but not all "evangelical pastors" would accept what he is preaching. Don't put pastors on a pedestal and you won't have to watch them fall off it.

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Beloved police officer Phil Collum, 54 died Friday evening after a 5 month battle with a rare cancer, a soft tissue sarcoma. RIP Phil! 💔🙏🏻

“Shock. For lack of better terms, it was a gut punch.”

The only good news here is that several news outlets included ‘short’ and ‘rare’ In their descriptions.

Maybe, just maybe they’re resisting the narrative. We can hope…


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Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption where our politicians are bathing. Johnson, the “Christian” lied. He went back on his words.

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Right. I get that the workers will make *some* money but the investors make millions. They are not doing this for workers, oh no.

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100% agree with you here. And I must say - I am CONTINUOUSLY shocked by what it seems we CAN afford, often in lieu of directing funds in alternate directions. (Your example, FOR Ukraine RATHER THAN our border!)

It is good to know we have such capable, intelligent and America-loving people at the helm, making these decisions for us, isn't it?! Difficult decisions, they are. Sending money to a country approximately 4900 miles away, rather than addressing our southern border issue, directly impacting Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, as well as the rest of the continental US, eventually. Providing shelter and food for illegal immigrants, when our own homeless sleep in the streets sheltering beneath cardboard boxes - when available.

It's a long list. So good to know we are in such good hands, eh?

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Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding Jack Hibbs, I've attended Calvary Chapel for thirty years. Was saved in one in Florida, married in one in Ventura County, and still attend one now near my home in So Cal. I've been to Jack Hibbs church along with Pastor Chuck's church before he passed. Not saying I'm an expert but I do have some insight into how CC pastors think.

They are overwhelming good, decent men who love the Lord and work very hard to teach the Bible faithfully and without error. Pastor Jack Hibbs is no exception in my opinion, though he tends to be openly more political than a typical Calvary Chapel pastor. He's a good man and I'm sure he's is sincere and believes what he is doing is the right thing and is God's will.

However, they tend to have two blind spots (for lack of a better term) in that they think the modern state of Israel can do no wrong, and are far too trusting of others who say they are Christians. Both of these are based on their understanding of the Bible (in error on Israel IMO) but they come from their perception of God's will. Both are likely at work here. I don't fault them for that as I wouldn't want a pastor to be as suspicious and cynical as I've become with all that's going on in the world. But that doesn't mean we unquestioningly accept what they say.

The time for accepting "trust me, he can't tell you why he's doing it but it's for the right reason" is over. I don't care if the Apostle Paul himself showed up and said it, that just doesn't cut it anymore after all the lies and duplicity we've seen. They need to be straight with us or they don't get the benefit of the doubt. Period, end of story.

Pastor Jack doesn't have any security clearances so there's no legal reason why Johnson could have told him something that he can't tell us. None. Perhaps he said something like, "it's really big, it involves Israel's existence, and you'll have to trust me on this", and Pastor Jack did. That's great for him, but not good enough for us., certainly not for me.

Johnson doesn't get to 100% reverse himself on the Ukraine funding pledge and say you'll just have to trust me and then get pastors to do his bidding. You'll remember Francis Collins also engaged Christian pastors to do his bidding on the mRNA vax. They believed him because he claimed he was a Christian while he flat out lied to them about the jabs safety and effectiveness. How many have paid the price for those pastor's naïve gullibility?

The time for "you'll just have to trust me" is over regardless of who says it. We live in an age of lies and cowardice. If they can't give a coherent explanation, with full disclosure, then the baseline assumption should be it's not true.

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"The time for "you'll just have to trust me" is over regardless of who says it."

This is THE money line from your all-around outstanding comment. Thank you.

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1 John 2:27

"But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him."

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Excellent commentary, Jeff C! I had never listened to Calvary Chapel pastors until a friend made me aware of Pastor Jack. Now there are several I listen to, and one reason for that is that they don't seem to be afraid to talk about cultural issues. I actually cried when I heard Pastor Gary Hamrick's sermon entitled, The Transing of America, awhile back. I have been so hungry for pastors to inform their congregations and urge them to do something to protect our children! I certainly will not stop listening to Pastor Jack because of this statement he made. He's imperfect just like the rest of us.

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Pastor Jack is fantastic, and like I said I have no doubt he's sincere and a good man working hard to save souls. God bless him.

He does operate within a specific theological framework (Dispensationalism) that influences his worldview, as does virtually every Calvary Chapel pastor. People should be aware of that, and it's implications.

I still attend Calvary Chapel even though I no longer hold a Dispensational view as I know my pastor loves the Lord and is striving to save the lost and feed the sheep. But short of Jesus Himself saying it to me, I test everything I'm taught against scripture and my own life experience.

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No man is perfect or right all of the time. That is why I don't condemn or follow blindly. Franklin Graham disappointed me, as did many Priests, when advocating for the covid vaccine. I still think them good men working their best for souls and the Kingdom of God.

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I will have to listen. I am starving for Truth especially on cultural issues like transhumanism.

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Link to Transing of America sermon https://cornerstonechapel.net/teaching/20230604/

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This was probably one of THE BEST teachings I've EVER heard!!!

Pastor Gary Hamrick is outstanding! He attended and learned from Pastor Chuck Smith before establishing this, God's Church, in Leesburg, VA. He has a MARVELOUS teaching on Revelation that begins 19Feb20:


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Beware — he’s another of the Dispensationalist / End Times … it’s in the Bible / Israel is fulfilling the prophesy and therefore it is OK to kill innocent Palestinians types.


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Here's the correct understanding about dispensational truth and why Israel is not fulfilling prophecy today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnHzxOfd-O0

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I'll check it out!

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Gary Hamrick at Cornerstone Chapel is excellent!

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Thank you for your insight. What you've shared is thought provoking.

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Jeff C, I’ve no doubt that Hibbs is a good Christian and I remember Chuck Smith as a godly man too but this fixation on Israel will result in war, massive loss of life. And it won’t be a righteous war. They think they are doing God’s will by giving absolute and uncritical support to Israel so that they can achieve an ethnically pure State. But you can’t just get rid of several million people without doing some very evil things. And Hamas did some very evil things but not all Palestinians are Hamas. Look up Bethlehem Bible College.

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Tucker Carlson's recent interview with a Palestian Christian--an Evangelical Lutheran pastor--was eye-opening for me. Just like when we went into Iraq, we are destroying an ancient and fragile Christian community, and Christian leaders are silent, just as they were decades ago.

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What was stated in the Tucker video was truth. And I learned of this a long time go. But like you, I was shocked to find out. Persecution of Christians has been going on for a long time in Israel. And it is not just Israel ... and largely by the same people.

Most of what we have been told about Israel, most of what we have been propagandized with is a lie. And the fallen Western churches have been guilty of facilitating, aiding and abetting the lie.

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https://sashastone.substack.com/p/tucker Excellent video! This pastor is what I would call a true Christian, a true humanitarian, and a true child of God. He's calling for peace in Gaza for the sake of all the Palestinians whether Christian or Muslim.

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And now we are on the eve of Gov't persecution of Christianity here in the US. The churches have no idea what's coming for them.

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Yes, we will be experiencing more separating of the wheat from the chaff when faced with threat of imprisonment for sharing biblical truth which someone finds convicting and offensive, Or the government insists you deny Christ to receive the digital id to access your credits (to buy/sell). It's coming. Choose now. Have a plan.

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

I expect we will begin seeing more attacks directed against churches. The OBiden regime is now messaging that churches are a direct threat to "democracy". Pastor's who have ignored their prophetic role to speak the law of God to society will be at a loss to oppose these attacks.

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I ask myself, which is/was the more corrupt ... the church on the eve of the Reformation or today's churches of the Western World? Or in the Court of Wickedness just a tie? And of course, you are right because most people are as blind as a bat.

Here's something which make more sense out of Woke than anything else I've heard. And how The Insanities are connected to The Larger Thing. I learned a few things here.

Jay Dyer: Luciferian Secrets Of The Transhumanist, Technocratic Elites


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Yes!! Everyone on this blog should listen to this important interview that Tucker had with the Christian pastor from Bethlehem! The state of Israel is persecuting Christians as well as Muslims. It’s a fact.


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Many Palestinians are Christians who have been there for millenia. Let's not forget this, even if they don't belonging to one's particular faith tradition. They happen to be mine.

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AngelaK, absolutely! I will admit that until recently I was indifferent to Palestinian Christians (and to Syrian, Iraqi Christians as well) partly because of US war propaganda and partly because “they don’t worship like we do” and so I was suspicious that they weren’t “real” christians like me. (May the Lord forgive me!) but these faith communities go back 2000 years, while my ancestors were still living in mud hovels and worshipping trees. God has graciously opened my eyes to the breadth and depth of His Kingdom!

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I 100% agree Credenda. I wrote about how I came out of Dispensationalism (and it's belief that God's promises to Abraham apply to the modern, secular Israeli state) here:


I fully believed it for many years but no longer do and explain why in the comment. The post I was commenting on was from an Australian pastor regarding how Christians can't see obvious evil when Israel does it, and is well worth reading.


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I never believed in premillenial eschatology, but was bombarded with it while growing up. For inexplicable reasons, I've always had trouble accepting what I'm told, without looking into all aspects of it. Recently I learned from a video teaching that it all came from one man named Scofield, who annotated the Bible. People believed the footnotes instead of the scriptures themselves. Here's an article that describes how Scofield imposed his doctrine on scripture. https://tinyurl.com/2za8jkvd

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

With much humble respect, Gen 12:3 states: "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

It doesn't say I will curse you unless you find a reason to curse Israel for whatever they've done.......

Israel has done much evil in the sight of the Lord....according to the Bible. It's not my job to judge Israel. That being said, I don't condone evil regardless of who is doing it or why.

Regarding the annihilation of Israeli people. They WILL be annihilated.....down to 144,000, aka the Remnant, Rev 7:4.

According to Jonathan Brentner's book, "The Triumph of the Redeemed,"....."The Lord will keep His promises to Israel in spite of, not because of, that nation's [Israel] behavior." Page 58.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

No humble respect needed, but thank you.

We have three fundamental differences here:

1) I believe the promises made to Abraham extend to his spiritual seed (i.e. the church, those who accept Christ) and not his physical seed (a Jewish ethnic group). This was a fundamental belief of historic Christianity, and Paul makes that point quite clearly in his letters. Paul repeatedly refers to the church as the New Israel. The latter belief only became popular with the Scofield reference Bible published in 1909 which taught Dispensationalism. Are we to believe the church got it wrong for 1800 years and some country preacher finally figured out what the Bible really meant a hundred and fifty years ago? It's historically illiterate and directly contradicts what Paul specifically says.

2) I cannot reconcile several strung together passages, picked from wildly different contexts in scattered parts of the Bible with Christ's explicit and unambiguous commands to be kind to other people. We are to be kind and call out evil, Jesus is crystal clear on this. He never says "but it's okay when some country that calls itself Israel does it and you should give them guns and money to kill people". I'm being a bit over the top here to make a point. The Dispensational view says that we must always back the modern state of Israel even when they commit heinous atrocities and violate everything Christ taught. It's morally, spiritually, and intellectually inconsistent.

3) There is significant evidence that the modern Jews in Israel are not genetically close to the Biblical Jews. In fact, Palestinian Christians are far closer genetically, and are likely decedents of the original Jewish converts to Christianity. A good percentage (if not most) of today's Jews are likely decedents of non-ethnically Jewish *converts* after the diaspora. So what constitutes an ethnic Jew that we are supposed to bless? 100% Jewish blood, 10%, 1%, a single molecule? It's impossible to quantify and again logically inconsistent.

And if one says, well it's not the ethnicity but the religion that should be blessed then we are again at a theologically incoherent place. The diaspora started in 70 AD *after* Christ came. So why would God say that people who weren't ethnically Jewish, but converted to Judaism after Christ came (thus rejecting Him) should be blessed as "Israel"? It makes no sense.

So either one believes those passages refers to ethnic Israel (Jewish blood) or spiritual Israel (those who accept Christ). For all the reasons I state above I think it's pretty clear it's the latter. I'm in good company as Paul, and the Doctors of the Church over the ages all taught the same thing.

I once thought exactly like you for many years because I never seriously had my beliefs challenged. Then when challenged I found I was really just reciting what someone had told me and never had looked into it in any detail. I urge to you to look into this, really think about it, and pray about it.

The bottom line is this, were the Jews the "chosen people" out of some ethnic superiority? Or were they chosen for a specific *purpose* by God of bringing Christ to the world? The Bible is pretty clear its the latter thus those who accept Christ are now Abraham's spiritual speed (the New Israel) and we are also his chosen people. Anyone who accepts Christ, gentile or Jew, will be blessed.

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Yes. There is a new covenant. It was the old covenant that required the enemies of Israel to be slain so Israel could have its real estate back. The old covenant was fulflled in Christ, and we have been grafted in. We're in the new covenant. The best thing about the Old Testament is that it shows us what didn't work.

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The law, and our inability to live up to it, shows us our desperate need for Christ. God is holy and we cannot hope to meet His perfect standard (as the law makes clear). Our only recourse is to accept Christ's sacrifice on our behalf.

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Wow, Jeff - such a helpful explanation. Thanks for taking the time to lay this out.

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Great job explaining this, Jeff C!

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Here's the correct understanding about dispensational truth and why Israel is not fulfilling prophecy today. Hope you'll give it a listen; there's also a part 1 that he did the previous week titled "Solar Eclipses & Red Heifers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnHzxOfd-O0

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Kind of tells you something is wrong when people start dying, doesn't it? It occurs to me that this fixation on Israel is making the same mistake the Crusades made.

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There will never again be an ethnically pure Israel. Deut. 7 (Israelites are forbidden to intermarry with the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites) and Judges 3: 6-7 ("So the people of Israel lived among the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, and they intermarried with them.")

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His sheep will hear His voice. No one comes to the Father except through Him. This is true for the Gentile and the Jew also. The dispensationalist doctrine is not scriptural.

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Jeff C: so much eloquent truth here. Thank you. I am saving this for the next time my other cheek is exposed and I get smacked.

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Israel WILL be brought to their knees. We are told this in scripture.

It may be because of things Israel does. The whole world WILL be against them. It may be because they may cross too many lines.

It's not a blessing to encourage this. It WOULD be a blessing to encourage them to believe in their Messiah, and to pray for the conversion of unbelieving Jews.

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I wish I could like this comment 100 times.

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I want this on a t-shirt. The whole thing.

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I have severe trust issues for hundreds of reasons and I wasn't born that way; whatever I see or hear I regard as speculation or lies. Take your pick. Although I do enjoy the truth and faithfulness of the LORD. How can that be? Even Jesus knew how mankind was and mentioned it: And Jesus knowing their thoughts said: wherefore think ye evil in your hearts? Matt. 9:4

As Natalie said "lying to the American people is never justified" and Jeff C said "you'll just have to trust me" is over regardless of who says it. I totally agree.

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It has oft been said that the 'road to hell is paved with good intent'. Christian heresy and idolatry in the fallen church has brought us to the brink of self-destruction with stuff like Israel idolatry, unconditional love theology, two kingdom theology among others.

Since most Christians don't know what I have just alluded to, this means that we truly are in a pit without a bottom.

You said a lot here. Thank you.

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Best comment of the day.

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Excellent post. Speaker Johnson could be a good man doing the right thing here. But how could we know? We are lied to constantly. And the mere fact that we are treated as people who need the truth hidden from us "for our own good" is intolerable in itself, despite what Johnson and this pastor are saying to themselves - and us - now.

Whatever is going on, we see what looks like a betrayal. And that's all we're allowed to see, at least right now. Worse, we'll be treated as ignorant rubes for theorizing about what's actually going on and scolded for being non-believers when the truth comes out. We are abused and gaslighted coming and going. Maddening.

Shame on those with power who get swallowed up/seduced by our faulty/rotted system and choose to perpetuate it.

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Jeff C - So well said regarding pastors! Also, "trust, but verify" - if these things are done in secret, there is no way to verify. Past history proves there is not reason to trust - anyone! - blindly.

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Well said, Jeff C, I fully agree with you.

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Jeff C, I'm telling you, man, you need a wider audience than you get here. You're right on the money on so many things, and you are so articulate. Maybe elective office isn't it (but maybe it is!); maybe writing for the public - submit an article to Brownstone, say? Or start your own Substack?

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There is none like You, O Yahweh;

You are great, and great is Your name in might.

Who would not fear You, O King of the nations?

Indeed it is Your due!

For among all the wise men of the nations

And in all their kingdoms,

There is none like You.

. . .

But Yahweh is the true God;

He is the living God and the everlasting King.

At His wrath the earth quakes,

And the nations cannot endure His indignation.

— Jeremiah 10:6-7, 10 LSB

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The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom 🙌

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Thank you for using the Sacred Name.

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Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

"For real" is a tell. Biden has a verbal tic when he's BSing. He overcompensates by saying things like "I'm not joking.". Suspects in interrogations tend to do the same thing -- like saying "honestly" too much when they answer.

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Similarly, his attempted colloquial use of the term "man" when greeting everyday folks to make himself seem to be both spontaneous and familiar.

These are "tics" that have become ingrained in his brain after 50 years of lying and faking.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

My personal take on this particular one of thousands of his malarky tales:

It probably was a family dinner table lore.

*However*, having said that, I have realized that only *very* old mentally/cognitively deficient relatives are the ones who do not have the discernment to keep such shocking family lores to themselves in settings of people who are not relatives.

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Remember his "no malarkey" campaign slogan? No one under 60 even knew what that meant

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Whoa! Wait! What? Lol.

I am over 60, but did Joe Biden say that? When? He is the King of Malarkey!

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Sorry, not '16, it was '20.

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It was in the summer of '16.. . He had a bus. . . Campaigned with that slogan on it for like three weeks.

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That's a good one! 🙄

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And claiming it to be true from the position of the president!

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Doubt he knows when he’s lying anymore.

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It’s so natural to him he can’t tell the difference anymore!

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Being "given over" to a particular sin has a basis in "science." It's in our biology, and has been described in scripture.

But unless you have paid vast sums of money to reprobates so that you can put letters after your name, you are not allowed by society to claim that any of this is true.

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He'd be great to play poker with.

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Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

"Biden defenders gamely suggested the Resident was merely regurgitating long-standing family lore, passed at the kitchen table, which was heretofore concealed under the gravy of history."

Elizabeth Warren suffers from the same syndrome.

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But if any republican said something similar, there would be immediate calls for mental competency exam. 🙄

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And cries of “racism”!!

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Can’t forget racism! It’s the go-to for everything liberals don’t like.

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That and all sorts of made-up “phobias” 🙄

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Clearly an epidemic of ‘lore’ going around 🤦‍♀️🤣

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Biden’s whole world and life is made up “lore” (or lies, as I prefer calling them).

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It's kind of amazing how many people are walking around with "family lore." I have a SIL who - for years - told us she was 1/4 American Indian. I mean, she had some story of past family relationships and then told us how her children were, therefore, 1/8 American Indian. And she was just SO proud of the fact - like it gave her some special status. Well, she did 23 and Me a few years ago and what did it show? Not a single drop of American Indian in her.

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People just want to be seen as being on “the right side” not the side of the “racist white genocide perpetrators.”

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Any kind of special status really. Pansexual kid? Indian blood? Anything but white bread.

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Yup, exactly.

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And ‘How’ with palm held out in greeting.

“Ugh. How”

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Joe’s comment about his uncle doesn’t surprise me. He was softening us up—or shall we say, tenderizing us—for the NWO. Bugs aren’t the only thing on the menu. Reminds me of that Crosby, Stills, Nash line, “and feed your uncles well.”

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Two inconsistent statements:

1. "backroom, strategic context, which often must remain inaccessible to public scrutiny."

2. "it’s a lot to ask us all to “trust the process” when we aren’t given any information with which to establish that trust."

I go with #2... Public scrutiny is the basis of a free society... Backroom 'context' is for dictatorships...

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Not only are we not given any information beforehand but we never will be given any at any point. We and they will be on to the next shiny new thing. It’s one of the reasons I’m so pro Covid accountability. It isn’t so much about punishment as it is about exposing the flawed logic, lemming like behavior and special interest “emergency powers” power grab that has to examined under the brightest lights possible and documented for posterity. Otherwise that happened- including costing people jobs, health and family connections- will just be swept under the rug. The same accounting needs to happen for government spending. Even spending on wars that are already lost.

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I like your idea, that people learn from history. It could happen. But we were just talking about the people of Israel, so . . . .

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Our governments have WAY too many secrets. It's all 180 degrees backward from the intent of our Founders. Nothing good ever comes from any institution or organization being able to hide information from the people who fund said institution or organization. Government is no exception.

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Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

Speaker Johnson holds secret private talks with people OTHER THAN those who hired him - that would be we maggot taxpayer voters. Secret talks with pastors or FBI agents or Putin's spies - makes no difference. The Speaker should have NO secret talks with ANYone. This incident is a prime example of what is wrong with Congress.

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Someday I would love to see one of these people who go to congress and then suddenly change speak up: “I just had a conversation with (insert deep state actor here) and they told me I needed to change my support for (insert awful policy here) or they would tell the world about (some indiscretion/family secret)…”. Name names, show us all how it’s done. We all see it happening, why doesn’t anyone expose it?

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Didn’t Kari Lake tape a conversation where “they” were trying to “influence “ her?

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Bryn, it may be worse than blackmail. Think mafioso tactics.

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Yes, and why do people just cave? If you say it out loud it takes away the power.

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Why? Likely because "soneome" has the goods on all of 'em. They all gotta protect their seats at the public trough.

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It just takes one person to stand up to the bully to make it stop.

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My concern is that this all happened immediately following Johnson’s visit with Trump at Mar a Lago. What the hell is really going on here?

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Interesting point you raise. I wish I knew the answer.

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Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

WAIT! 13 jurors read the NYT?!! 1 gets it on X? I don’t remember seeing Substack on there…I guess we can say, all it takes is 1 who will stand strong 🙏🏻

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And we need to pray for these jurors daily to do what is right and stand strong! I don’t think I would want to be one 😬

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Those twelve are salivating. They can’t wait to screw the orange man bad.

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I agree they are all 100% out to get him, but I believe in praying for our enemies. Prayer is powerful.

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And you’d love to be one.

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I'm not sure having to live in NYC would be worth it just to nullify the jury in favor of DJT. :)

My apologies to those who do and actually like it, but it so isn't my bag.

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I had forgotten about "isn't my bag." Wow!

Can you believe Cher is 80?

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I'm surprised NPR isn't listed.

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I forced myself to listen to NPR one day after many years...both "stories" crafted to invoke an emotional response. Many facts omitted. The first story was about a state crafting legislation to ban " gender surgeries" on minors. The state legislator was actually crying... pathetic. The second was about Ukraine...pure propaganda.

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Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

"SWEET uncle Bosey" "Biden supporters GAMELY suggested..." "the TASTELESS story" "Joe's mumbling can be HARD TO STOMACH" "the reporter's SAVORY inquiry"

This right here is why I look forward to C&C every day. Jeff's writing is so SPICY!

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And soupçon!

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Good for the Trump team - lawfare within the system. Overwhelm the judge with motions. I'd even go so far as to question how many times he bangs his gavel.

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FREAKING AWESOME!!! THA Soviet Judge should be embarrassed to run the Kangaroo Court at the behest of the NAZI Prosecution Team, DOJ, and Biden Crime Family. He should be willing to pay the price of perpetual reconsideration

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Exactly. Corrupt tyrants *hate* being questioned. Therefore, they should question everything he says. Make him overreact and rip his mask off.

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Sorry Jeff. I don’t know who Pastor Hobbs is, but apparently he too is a sold out shill. Without true BORDER CONTROL there is nothing anyone can tell me that would justify what is going on with this bill. Pastor Hobbs and Mike Johnson are sell outs.

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Jeff, I basically agree with Jacqueline, with this caveat. Pastor Hobbs may have been provided with information from Johnson that convinced Hobbs that Johnson did the right thing in this bill. You (and Pastor Hobbs) are asking us to believe what Hobbs believes without any evidence. This is "trust the science" in another setting. Glenn Greenwald has done some excellent reporting on Johnson's apparent transformation into a Kevin McCarthy clone (my words, not Glenn's), comparing Johnson's words and actions since becoming Speaker with views Johnson expressed on Glenn's show in 2023. Something or someone (or both) has caused Johnson to significantly alter his long-held positions on a number of issues. I believe we, the people, are entitled to know what Johnson knows. I can no longer trust without verifying.

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Politicians got used to not being held accountable. They operate in secrecy and we are kept completely in the dark and told what’s being done is in our interests. 🤔 Not always the case. But how can we hold them accountable if we don’t know the details influencing their decisions?

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We cannot hold them accountable, which is, I guess, the point.

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And all they have to do is fool most of the voters just enough of the time, against a background of busy voters who can't pay attention to everything. The most elegant solution is to decrease the number of people in each congressional district much, much closer to the constitutional minimum of 30,000. Of course, that would decrease the power of those who would have to change the law, so I'm not holding my breath.


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posted his comments a few days ago but cannot find it now. Something to the effect that the American people don't understand and something about weapons being sent to Ukraine are good for the economy.

There we go again..the war machine, and war being 'good for the economy'.

NO sir, I don't accept this.

Blessed are the peacemakers, not the war makers.

Better we he poorer doing the Godly thing than richer doing the unGodly thing. Blessings will never be with us again as long as our country puts mamon (💰) above God's precepts.

!!Update: found it, but too time consuming to cut and paste the conversation again.


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Good for the economy how? It’s good for the weapons manufacturers and unless one has a stock in one of these companies it does nothing financially for the average American.

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I absolutely agree. Is there any possibility of a link to Greenwald's reporting on this?

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Here's an episode where he asks some Congresscritters about it. But if you search on his rumble site you can find the episode on which he speaks with (Mike) Johnson.


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thanks for helping a technology challenged Glenn subscriber.

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Thank you so much, Notyours!

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My pleasure!

Glenn can be off-putting sometimes, and I can't say I agree with everything he says, but the man can certainly rake some muck and make TPTB uncomfortable with truths. I'd be lying if I said I liked his videos more than his written journalism, but there are a lot of good episodes out of the 250+ on Rumble.

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Do you have to subscribe? I used to be a subscriber, but I had so many great Substacks, etc. coming to my e-mail that I became overwhelmed. And then he moved to another platform. But I really liked hearing Glenn's perspective because it was so different from what I used to believe, before COVID. I need to come up to speed.

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It's secret information provided by secret squirrels in agencies the specifics of (exact activities and expenditures) Congress isn't allowed to know. What a game, and we're the flats.

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Ah, the secret squirrels. I'm comfortable now.

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I think it’s going this way so Johnson will loose his seat and will be replaced by Dem Jeffries and then everything will go down under Demo-crats and will end this two party system. I hope.

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I'm assuming you mean so that it will end this farce and we can rebuild the GOP as a genuine conservative alternative rather than the fake leftist-posing-as-conservative monstrosity it is now?

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Well, throw them both out and start over, so yes basically. 😆 The GOP is pretty much Dems spelled with an R to make us feel better.

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You’re one sick puppy.

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How many churches pushed the jab? I don’t have the answer but I know in my small town in Florida all did but one. Should we talk about the Pope and wokism?

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All churches are 501c3! They are keeping their tax free status at the expense of every one. No more top down teaching for me. My former pastor literally mocked people who believe in guardian angels as he described the angels coming out of the tomb. He failed to read Psalm 91:11. To me that is reprehensible.

Plus no religious exemptions for the vaccine. When a church takes away free choice as the government did, it is time to rethink logically about religion and the mind box they have created to keep you in.

Read Luke 17:22 in KJV and then in newer translations...

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My church is not a 501(c)3.

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The tax exempt status will be their downfall, I think.

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I’ve posted before that the edicts from above emphasized, “engage the clergy” of all faiths to promote the jabs.

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Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

Pastor Hibbs is not a sold out shill. He is one of the few who speaks truth and is not afraid.

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Spend some time listening to Pastor Hobbs and you'll understand his pro America platform. Incidentally he fought the California governor and his minions for 3 years keeping his church OPEN during the "great shutdown".

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It's Pastor Hibbs.

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Maybe everyone is saying "Hobbs" because they think he's a Calvinist.

; )

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I get the joke, Tom! ;-)

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No man is perfect. Even men of the cloth are still mortals sometimes doing the wrong thing, and hopefully, more often, doing the right thing.

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Hibbs. (Not Hobbs)

Obviously you don’t know who he is. Definitely not a sold out shill

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Pastor Hibbs.....

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Sorry, Hibbs.

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It's Pastor Hibbs.

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Pastor Hibbs is not a ‘sold out shill’

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Jeff, we appreciate your inside-baseball rveal of how lawyers work in the courtroom during a trial. But do note that Judge Merchan made Mistake Numero Uno when he gaveled this trial into existence: The entire thing is performance theatre, based on bloviation and bullhockey, but not on law. No judge who is not a political hire would have seated himself at the bench for this propaganda circus.

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True. But much damage is being done. Most of all to Trump & his family. And the damage to our judicial system is horrid too.

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Just a reminder - yesterday was the anniversary of our government Waco-ing 76 people - including 28 children - while Monday was the 30th anniversary of of noted coincidence theorist Alex Jones and his Infowars:

GOVERNMENTsteria: Best Waco Anniversary Memes

The FEDs had to burn the children in order to save them, Waco-ing the children, the ATF even raised a victory flag over the charred children and more Waco anniversary memes - we were warned!


CONSPIRACYsteria: Best Conspiracy Theory Memes (Happy Anniversary Alex Jones!)

Conspiracy theorist definition, conspiracy theory bingo, journalists vs. CTs, Alex Jones was right about the frogs and more conspiracy theory memes as Alex Jones celebrates 30 years of Infowars!


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Never forget it was the POS Janet Reno who did the Clinton's bidding by using the FBI and the ATF to murder those people. The tyrannical deep state had to exert their power to silence Americans and attack our freedoms and rights.

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Fiery but peaceful.

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Was truly a disgrace - and should always be remembered. Thank you.

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I hope one day he gets recognized!!! Watched a tucker segment and they called jones a prophet. Usually prophets are not liked very much and persecuted. Hmmmm

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And who was in the Judiciary committee “ investigating”. Why look. It’s Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden.

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Apr 20Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, you were laugh out loud funny today!!! My dad spent almost 3 years in New Guinea. I was always thankful he avoided the Nazis, doubly thankful now that he avoided the crock pot.

If his name was Ambrose, how did they drop the R to get to Bosey? Every mumbled lie is an insult to thinking people.

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Botox Joe is sadly, God forgive me, a bumbling, malarky spewing idiot.

His malarky (love for tall tales) might be entertaining and even charming around the extended family dinner table, but not as President.

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I laughed out loud a few times too!

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"Ambrosia" sounded too feminine. It was a more judgemental time . . .

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Apr 20·edited Apr 21Liked by Jeff Childers

May 14th, 1944 a day that will live in Infirmary! Uncle Bosey survived the crash, the sharks, the pounding surf only to be served (as) Surf and Turf.

Good man, Ambrose Finnegan --Brosey or ol' Bosey; tough yet tender he was, sweet and sour at the same time. Not an ounce of fat on his athletic muscular frame. Those who really took time to digest what he said recalled him as a saucy, savory character, a weighty man of substance, not an oily or greasy guy, but filling in a sense, he would always get to the meat of the matter that was placed on his shoulders and one could really sink their teeth into his ideas and get to the marrow of his concepts. While not easy to put your finger on it, He was usually a leg up on others and really put his back into things that he set his hands to. He was all heart, a big brain, and had the gall to never allow his tongue-in-cheek approach to be his most noticeable trait. Never lily-livered or spineless, he definitely spiced things up whenever invited to a conversation, meal, or party with others, even while some of what he said was tough to swallow, most never had a bone to pick with him.

You're truly missed Brose! The life of the party even in death. RIP

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He was the salt of the earth.

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He truly added spice to others' lives and had a zest for life himself, never thin skinned but rather a real ham when he could be with a crowd. Unlike his nephew Joe Robinette Biden, Bosey was a true believer in the Lord, he cared for others even feeding the hungry to his dying day, and yet he didn't turn other peoples' stomachs with nauseating stories that were just lies and B.S.

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Rumors floated about, but none had legs. Still, he fought tooth and nail for his country. He was a rare person. When asked to attend a "roast" to benefit the hungry, he readily agreed, and made no bones about it.

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He wasn't impulsive, he'd never stew over a problem or let it stick in his craw, but always let things simmer and never boil over. We must trust that in the end he was told "Well Done."

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That's one of the juicy tidbits about him that seemed to be passed around. He wasn't as tough as a Marine, but he'd sometimes show up hammered, after taking a good pounding, but insisting he'd had a good thyme and didn't carrot the end about anything unsavory others might have said.

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you've truly made me laugh out loud, despite biting my tongue! Brosey surely had intestinal fortitude and a giving spirit, he was a blood donor and would've given both his right arm and a kidney to help those around him.

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