Loaded roundup: final thoughts re CIA in Ukraine; sudden Ukraine peace move; friendly fire incident; Supremes to hear 2nd Trump case; Delaware bans early voting; McConnell to retire; Fani update; more
The war in Ukraine is based on lies — lies about how it started, how it’s going, and how it will end.
We are told that Ukraine is winning when in fact it is losing. We are told that the war makes NATO stronger when in fact it is depleting it. We are told that Ukraine’s biggest problem is a lack of funds from the U.S. Congress when in fact the West can’t produce enough ammunition — a problem that will take years to fix. We are told that Russia is suffering greater casualties when in fact Ukraine is running out of soldiers — another problem money can’t fix.
We are told that the world is with us when in fact the Global Majority believes U.S. policy is the height of folly. We are told that there is no opportunity to make peace when in fact we have rejected multiple opportunities for a negotiated settlement. We are told that if Ukraine keeps fighting, it will improve its negotiating position when in fact the terms will only get much worse than what was already available and rejected.
Nevertheless the lies will succeed in dragging out the war. Congress will appropriate more funds. Russia will take more territory. Ukraine will mobilize more young men and women to feed into the meat grinder. Discontent will mount. Eventually there will be a crisis in Kiev and the Zelensky government will be toppled.
And then, when the war is finally lost, when the whole country lays in smoldering ruins on a funeral pyre of their own making, the liars will say “well we tried.” Having prevented any alternative, having smeared anyone who told the truth as puppets for the enemy, the liars will say “We did our best. We stood up to Putin.”
In fact, they will claim, we would have succeeded but for the fifth column of Putin apologists who stabbed the Ukrainians in the back. Then, having shifted blame and patted themselves on the back, they will blithely move on to the next war, as they moved onto Ukraine after their disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Your right on point. They will say the same thing about the vaccines. We did the best we could under the circumstances. There were always risks involved. You should have known that. You made a decision to take it. We could never guarantee there wouldn't be risks. They will make themselves look admirable like they were trying to save humanity and the things that went wrong were totally outside of their control. They conveniently want us to forget how hard they pushed the elixir even to the point of losing your job, your travel privileges and your ability to even enter public places. They wanted everyone to have a vaccine passport and said these "vaccines" were totally "safe and effective." And they're still pushing them for kids six months and older even in the face of mounting disabilities and excess deaths. With Trudeau's new Online Harms Bill set to pass in Canada, even speaking out against any of the measures will soon probably be considered a "hate crime," punishable by up to life in prison. Think about that for a second. Pandora's Box has been opened.
Florida is attempting to pass a bill that does the same thing with elections. If you question elections integrity, you can be jailed up to 10 years. WHO really owns our folk in Talahassee???
Come on, Governor DeSantis. I know you have staffers who follow Jeff Childers…and if you don’t, you’re not as smart as I thought you were. Get on it. We need to lead in election integrity. Like you said in your campaign for POTUS…one day voting, NO voting machines, paper ballots. Good chance to show America that you DO WHAT YOU SAY.
LOL. So does Georgia. My son got a voter ID card before his driver's license, and they didn't even want to see ANY of his documentation to prove he is who he said he is. Just saying.
Ron is a devoted father and husband - but his wallet belongs to special interests (like 99.9% of other politicians). It's a horribly corrupt system and very few 'leaders" ever represent their state/country general populace.
Ok, I need to know more. What bill and where is it in the process? I just can't see Desantis supporting anything like this. I definitely need to know more.
Well, I questioned the original poster BECAUSE I wanted them to provide the evidence of their claim. I didn't take it as fact. It doesn't fit with my belief of what Florida stands for. I want proof from the poster or I put it in the "poppycock" file. If you make a claim then provide links.
I always say "do a web search". For searches where google is not is not going to do a good job, I often add that google and duck duck go are not optimal, and freespoke, mojeek, brave or yandex might be better.
IDK, it just seems that your post would have more value if you would be a bit more specific. Florida is not attempting to pass a bill. Somebody in Florida is.
The US has been an "official" fascist state since 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act (a private lender) and IRS fraudulently brought in to unconstitutional pseudo-law as Aaron Russo explained in his Freedom to Fascism documentary. Currently the US is controlled by the Bank of England, intelligence agencies and Israel (AIPAC). So Ron DeSantis (and most of the rest of us) are a puppet of that system. - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/america-freedom-to-fascism-aaron
Uh, yeah, these sorts of bills are being pushed in multiple states. My red state has either passed or is close to passing. Even social media posts that could cause an election worker to fear being hated or intimidated would become illegal. 😡
Mine too: SD. Interesting huh? I wonder who is behind it? They are trying to ram through elections vs precinct committee control of attorney general and lieutenant general. A Soros play I believe.
Regarding the PC stuff, I can’t tell from your comment if you are aware of the attempt to reform the GOP from inside out via the Precinct Committeeman Project? I cannot locate the national website at the moment. PCs elect the county chairs, county chairs elect state chairs and appoint many county offices including appointed members of county election boards. So very influential position. Get enough We The People PCs, and you may be able to get a differently-minded county chair.
As for state AG and lt gov, those are chosen (in some states, maybe all??) at the state GOP convention by elected delegates. Get enough We The People folks to run for delegate spots, and again, opportunity to choose the GOP candidates for AG and Lt Governor.
Prior to two years ago, I had no idea any of this process existed!
All true. I became precinct captain for that reason and district vice chair. I can confirm GOP is actively doing what they can to control District chairs. My district chair moved out of the district. I should have resumed those duties but GOP went outside of process and simply put someone in that spot. I found out when I asked why the district chair wasn’t active. I plan to run for district chair next time.
I do not find anything about what you stated. Not saying it's not there but. SB 7050 was signed into law last year that does cover harrassing election workers.
Has anyone else had difficulty ‘listening’ to the C&C posts? Lately I haven’t had time to read, but like to listen and the function is always hanging up.... Jeff perhaps is too over the target?
Wrong place to ask this question, but yes, “audio is still processing” is often what it says when trying to listen in place of reading. (You are not commenting, but “replying” in a comment thread)
They can take their booster and shove it. I'm 66, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm an X-vaxxer. I am not hesitant, I am convinced....there is no safe vaccine. Period. thanks to the plandemic we know so much more than the so called "experts".
KMED radio in Medford carries, Bill Meyer local, Lars Larsen, Hugh Hewitt, Coast to Coast, Ground Zero, Sean Hannity. During certain hours, you may hear Pfizer for RSV maybe 6 times. You might hear Pfizer for covid as well. They must think there is a receptive audience. The left doesn't listen to these. And there is no point in advertising on NPR or PBS--they don't allow it, but thats the group most likely to continue boosting. The closer one gets to Portland the jab rate goes up. The Liberal enclaves uptake is in the 20% +/- https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/oregon.immunization.program/viz/OregonCOVID-19VaccineEffortMetrics_16989688884510/StatewideProgress
The state of California health department is STILL advertising for people to get their "updated" covid and flu shots. I'm sure some people in this state are still listening. They deserve what they get. You can't cure stupid.
Thanks. I had not seen it. The SOP seems to be that AI, via an algorithm, spots a suspected truth and nails it. So much scrubbing still going on. They can't seem to stop, even after the truth is well known and accepted.
Still a lot of “non information” folks out there as Rush would say. Read something somewhere, maybe on C&C, that the documented jab injuries are over 17 million…but who’s counting. Certainly not the jabbed.
This is the question for any vaccine against airborne infection … If the infection first encounters and infects the mucosal system HOW DO BLOODBORNE ANTIBODIES HELP???
That was on main TV news in NY last night. Saw it as getting a rental car. Get your booster for the spring so you decrease your risk of hospitalization by 50%...
He is a power hungry monster. That is truly the root of ALL problems in this world. Power. Powerful grifter people who have figured out how to fleece taxpayers money through the war machine laundromat. The WEF Young Leader program is spitting out Monsters and now they are running our countries….soon to be ‘member states’ in the New World Order. People worldwide are waking up and are very, very angry. I hope angry enough to do something.
David Sacks said this and I just shared it as I think it is a great summary of this shameful war in my wife's native country. She has come to agree with this too and we are helping to enlighten her friends and relatives still there, to promote discontent with the state of things.
Yes it was a great post and I was surprised to read it again in another substack but attributed to David Sacks. It encapsulates every sorry aspect of our foreign policy behavior.
They’re not giving up…no surprise. New from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy this morning :
**New: CDC’s COVIDVaxView Dashboard. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to share weekly COVID-19 vaccination data using a variety of data sources. A new resource, COVIDVaxView Interactive, goes deeper with a look at variations in vaccine confidence by demographics and geography.
It's understandable how so much of the world thinks Satan is America. What the government has been doing for years is an abomination, with their lies, deceit and graft. I don't think they realize what honor is, and that they have thrown away their soul, & honor.
It was a work in progress covering years of uncovering of which the result is owning up to the fact that the American Empire is one of the most vile and vicious of war criminal syndicates to every stride the globe. This has been very painful a process. But I remind myself that seeing things for what they are is the first step in turning things around.
I find it both amusing and ironical in retrospect that the Iranian government long ago called America the Great Satan. It turns out that there was a whole lot of truth in that call.
It is all, as you say ... an abomination. And what they do is anathema to God's Law. You sum it well ... "... that they have thrown away their soul and honor." Surely that is the bottom line.
To me, at age 73, it was not too long ago that if you talked about the "American Empire", people would look at you with a puzzled expression of bewilderment. I'm not sure when this became an acceptable term or at least one that was debatable. Maybe about the time Bush started using the term "New World Order".
It's as use say. But the first usages of 'American Empire' was maybe some 20 years ago. And maybe long before that. I cannot quite recall. But it has be so said for a long time. It was like the elites circles could make that acknowledgement, but the peasants were forbidden. Today, the usage is au current.
Friends and relations of ours in Europe have been saying this for decades, and we were always offended and defensive. Imagine their shock now when we agree with them! Lol!
Won’t we have to rebuild Ukraine then? Like Zelensky saying “Ukraine is open for business” and more of our money pours into his leaky septic tank of a country and into the rest of the cabal in a toxic feeding frenzy? Excellent observations, Babylon. 👍🏻.
Do you remember Macron in his last selection won with 66.6 % of the vote? Some of the stock market movements are 666 points. They take great pleasure shoving it in our faces if you look. Another cabal tell are the large black and white diagonally laid tiles. You can even see them in old movies , including Jimmy Stewart. In Ricky Martin's "Living la Vida Loca" video , he has them on the wall behind him as well as the dance floor.
My hypothesis: Why does the U.S. [we taxpayers] give NATO so much, compared to other countries? It's to maintain the large pool of money from which corrupt politicians can graft. Our outlay in 2023 was $860B or 2/3 of the total 1.3T given to NATO.
I know, they seem as tortured as the people of Haiti. The Holdomor famine, Chernobyl, and the loss of so many men. Biolabs. And are all those billions just a money-laundering machines for the military industrial complex, or was it a hub for human experimentation in transhumanism? There are some braindead theorists who want to test out their theories about hormesis and radiation, like Anne Coulter, who said after Fukushima that radiation was good for us based on a hypothesis about hormesis.
I would say that it serves them right for getting into bed with the United States and the Evil Empire. But wait? Wasn't the Ukraine captured by the CIA in 2014? Yes, captured ... kind of like how we in America was captured by the CIA/Deep State. And what goes around comes around, sad to say.
I just hope and pray that it does not turn out as bad for us. But I am not holding my breath.
Yep. Apparently, trillions to rebuild Ukraine already in the previously passed bills. IDK, but from several sources. 🤬 Sorta like we’re still rebuilding Afghanistan under the Taliban. 🤬🤬
"A delegation from J.P. Morgan traveled to Kyiv earlier this year to meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, reaching an agreement to advise the country on its efforts to rebuild and reenergize its economy.
"Under the terms of the agreement, J.P. Morgan will be providing its expertise in restructuring strategies, sovereign credit ratings, asset management of government liquidity and digitization of the economy. It will also identify opportunities to help Ukraine establish close economic connectivity to Europe, as well as to create an entity that can direct and safeguard investments from the official and private sectors, and to facilitate trade flows.
"J.P. Morgan has helped the country raise around $25 billion in sovereign debt since 2010, and was the sole buyer of $350 million of Ukrainian bonds in March 2019. The bank also led the nation’s $20 billion debt restructuring in 2022."
FWIW, after the 1920's Great Kanto quake in Japan which practically leveled Tokyo, JP Morgan bank floated its first ever big international loan to help with the rebuild. Paid in full despite WW2. Then, gee whiz, guess who floated interest bearing loans to rebuild so many cities flattened there in WW2?
The war in Ukraine is based on lies — lies about how it started, how it’s going, and how it will end.
We are told that Ukraine is winning when in fact it is losing. We are told that the war makes NATO stronger when in fact it is depleting it. We are told that Ukraine’s biggest problem is a lack of funds from the U.S. Congress when in fact the West can’t produce enough ammunition — a problem that will take years to fix. We are told that Russia is suffering greater casualties when in fact Ukraine is running out of soldiers — another problem money can’t fix.
We are told that the world is with us when in fact the Global Majority believes U.S. policy is the height of folly. We are told that there is no opportunity to make peace when in fact we have rejected multiple opportunities for a negotiated settlement. We are told that if Ukraine keeps fighting, it will improve its negotiating position when in fact the terms will only get much worse than what was already available and rejected.
Nevertheless the lies will succeed in dragging out the war. Congress will appropriate more funds. Russia will take more territory. Ukraine will mobilize more young men and women to feed into the meat grinder. Discontent will mount. Eventually there will be a crisis in Kiev and the Zelensky government will be toppled.
And then, when the war is finally lost, when the whole country lays in smoldering ruins on a funeral pyre of their own making, the liars will say “well we tried.” Having prevented any alternative, having smeared anyone who told the truth as puppets for the enemy, the liars will say “We did our best. We stood up to Putin.”
In fact, they will claim, we would have succeeded but for the fifth column of Putin apologists who stabbed the Ukrainians in the back. Then, having shifted blame and patted themselves on the back, they will blithely move on to the next war, as they moved onto Ukraine after their disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The lies are comprehensive — but they will work.
David Sacks
"Well, we tried."
Your right on point. They will say the same thing about the vaccines. We did the best we could under the circumstances. There were always risks involved. You should have known that. You made a decision to take it. We could never guarantee there wouldn't be risks. They will make themselves look admirable like they were trying to save humanity and the things that went wrong were totally outside of their control. They conveniently want us to forget how hard they pushed the elixir even to the point of losing your job, your travel privileges and your ability to even enter public places. They wanted everyone to have a vaccine passport and said these "vaccines" were totally "safe and effective." And they're still pushing them for kids six months and older even in the face of mounting disabilities and excess deaths. With Trudeau's new Online Harms Bill set to pass in Canada, even speaking out against any of the measures will soon probably be considered a "hate crime," punishable by up to life in prison. Think about that for a second. Pandora's Box has been opened.
Florida is attempting to pass a bill that does the same thing with elections. If you question elections integrity, you can be jailed up to 10 years. WHO really owns our folk in Talahassee???
Come on, Governor DeSantis. I know you have staffers who follow Jeff Childers…and if you don’t, you’re not as smart as I thought you were. Get on it. We need to lead in election integrity. Like you said in your campaign for POTUS…one day voting, NO voting machines, paper ballots. Good chance to show America that you DO WHAT YOU SAY.
Well, we DO ask for identification before voting!
LOL. So does Georgia. My son got a voter ID card before his driver's license, and they didn't even want to see ANY of his documentation to prove he is who he said he is. Just saying.
We did, however.
So you are saying it isn't being enforced?
Ron is a devoted father and husband - but his wallet belongs to special interests (like 99.9% of other politicians). It's a horribly corrupt system and very few 'leaders" ever represent their state/country general populace.
Ok, I need to know more. What bill and where is it in the process? I just can't see Desantis supporting anything like this. I definitely need to know more.
To make sure your not reacting to rumor, do your own google search to locate a Florida "election integrity" bill.
Well, I questioned the original poster BECAUSE I wanted them to provide the evidence of their claim. I didn't take it as fact. It doesn't fit with my belief of what Florida stands for. I want proof from the poster or I put it in the "poppycock" file. If you make a claim then provide links.
No, NEVER google anything. Googling is moronic.
I always say "do a web search". For searches where google is not is not going to do a good job, I often add that google and duck duck go are not optimal, and freespoke, mojeek, brave or yandex might be better.
IDK, it just seems that your post would have more value if you would be a bit more specific. Florida is not attempting to pass a bill. Somebody in Florida is.
The US has been an "official" fascist state since 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act (a private lender) and IRS fraudulently brought in to unconstitutional pseudo-law as Aaron Russo explained in his Freedom to Fascism documentary. Currently the US is controlled by the Bank of England, intelligence agencies and Israel (AIPAC). So Ron DeSantis (and most of the rest of us) are a puppet of that system. - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/america-freedom-to-fascism-aaron
Expose and disclose It is happening everywhere….keep adding up the wins and drop the negative
Living in corrupt GA , I have considered moving to Florida. Is this garbage going on EVERYWHERE?
I know several teachers who left FL for GA over the past few years and are much happier. I wouldn't overgeneralize either place.
I would take either FL or GA over my
state which sits on top of Tennessee.
Uh, yeah, these sorts of bills are being pushed in multiple states. My red state has either passed or is close to passing. Even social media posts that could cause an election worker to fear being hated or intimidated would become illegal. 😡
Mine too: SD. Interesting huh? I wonder who is behind it? They are trying to ram through elections vs precinct committee control of attorney general and lieutenant general. A Soros play I believe.
It definitely is a centralized effort
Regarding the PC stuff, I can’t tell from your comment if you are aware of the attempt to reform the GOP from inside out via the Precinct Committeeman Project? I cannot locate the national website at the moment. PCs elect the county chairs, county chairs elect state chairs and appoint many county offices including appointed members of county election boards. So very influential position. Get enough We The People PCs, and you may be able to get a differently-minded county chair.
As for state AG and lt gov, those are chosen (in some states, maybe all??) at the state GOP convention by elected delegates. Get enough We The People folks to run for delegate spots, and again, opportunity to choose the GOP candidates for AG and Lt Governor.
Prior to two years ago, I had no idea any of this process existed!
All true. I became precinct captain for that reason and district vice chair. I can confirm GOP is actively doing what they can to control District chairs. My district chair moved out of the district. I should have resumed those duties but GOP went outside of process and simply put someone in that spot. I found out when I asked why the district chair wasn’t active. I plan to run for district chair next time.
soros and his corrupt lynch-men
What does NOT-POTUS Ron have to say abut this?
How difficult will it be to follow Delaware and have VOTING DAY?
I do not find anything about what you stated. Not saying it's not there but. SB 7050 was signed into law last year that does cover harrassing election workers.
Nonsense. There’s no such bill in any committee.
Has anyone else had difficulty ‘listening’ to the C&C posts? Lately I haven’t had time to read, but like to listen and the function is always hanging up.... Jeff perhaps is too over the target?
Wrong place to ask this question, but yes, “audio is still processing” is often what it says when trying to listen in place of reading. (You are not commenting, but “replying” in a comment thread)
We’ve had our problems in counties ruled by die tenets, but in counties without AA, there’s not much cheating. Go figure.
What? What’s a die tenet? And what does Alcoholics Anonymous have to do with it?
Great analogy….plus heard a radio ad to get a Covid booster for all people over 65…..yesterday….WTF!!!!!
I saw the same ad "The CDC recommends....". That alone should make people run for the hills!! Anything the CDC says....do complete opposite.
Hopefully enough folks over 65 have wised up in the last 4 years.
It’s to their economic and political advantage if they can kill off older folks and are left with more impressionable younger people to manipulate.
while I wholeheartedly agree with Kitkat's statement above, what a pity our country has come to the point when one cannot trust the CDC
They can take their booster and shove it. I'm 66, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm an X-vaxxer. I am not hesitant, I am convinced....there is no safe vaccine. Period. thanks to the plandemic we know so much more than the so called "experts".
nor, as it turns out, is there any such thing as a virus. so, happy days. https://drsambailey.com/why-nobody-can-find-a-virus/
Never-vaxxer… I like the ring of it… 😁
Makes my blood boil when I hear those ads. 🤬🤬🤬
I have decided not to get angry, only more determined.
KMED radio in Medford carries, Bill Meyer local, Lars Larsen, Hugh Hewitt, Coast to Coast, Ground Zero, Sean Hannity. During certain hours, you may hear Pfizer for RSV maybe 6 times. You might hear Pfizer for covid as well. They must think there is a receptive audience. The left doesn't listen to these. And there is no point in advertising on NPR or PBS--they don't allow it, but thats the group most likely to continue boosting. The closer one gets to Portland the jab rate goes up. The Liberal enclaves uptake is in the 20% +/- https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/oregon.immunization.program/viz/OregonCOVID-19VaccineEffortMetrics_16989688884510/StatewideProgress
The state of California health department is STILL advertising for people to get their "updated" covid and flu shots. I'm sure some people in this state are still listening. They deserve what they get. You can't cure stupid.
Note that Dr. Boz was demonetized for seeing the light about the "vaccines." The full-court press is still on.
Good in that maybe she’ll be red pilled and see the whole story.
Jim--you probably saw the analysis which convinced Dr. Boz was retracted 3 days ago. Too much truth not allowed. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10810638/
Thanks. I had not seen it. The SOP seems to be that AI, via an algorithm, spots a suspected truth and nails it. So much scrubbing still going on. They can't seem to stop, even after the truth is well known and accepted.
Jim, this goes into detail, just who and what forces conspired to reject the study. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/breaking-springer-nature-cureus-journal/comments
Still a lot of “non information” folks out there as Rush would say. Read something somewhere, maybe on C&C, that the documented jab injuries are over 17 million…but who’s counting. Certainly not the jabbed.
I think 17 million is an estimate of DEATHS.
5% of our population! Pretty high if you ask me
It's worldwide, not US.
Yes, that's a recent estimate of worldwide deaths put forth by Bret Weinstein in an interview with Tucker Carlson.
Source paper (mid p. 3; bottom p. 119): https://web.archive.org/web/20231003002740/https://correlation-canada.org/covid-19-vaccine-associated-mortality-in-the-southern-hemisphere/
I still can't believe Rush could not, did not , know enough about cancer to find and use the real cures out there as we did. Astonishes me.
You have the answer? The cure?
Cancer treatments will change in the next 5 years. Vaccination mythology will never change. Safe and Effective uber alles
Just read that Fauci is now saying the shots didn’t work because they don’t stimulate mucosal immunity.
Another conspiracy theory that happens to not be conspiracy y after all. Fauci should be in jail.
conspiracy realist and batting 1000
Citizen's Arrest?
This is the question for any vaccine against airborne infection … If the infection first encounters and infects the mucosal system HOW DO BLOODBORNE ANTIBODIES HELP???
Is it a local ad? Which state?
Even Idaho.
The ads here are terrible. They keep show the one will the special needs person wanting to protect others.
That was on main TV news in NY last night. Saw it as getting a rental car. Get your booster for the spring so you decrease your risk of hospitalization by 50%...
The lemmings will comply.
Someone asked where I heard it….On FOX radio…..go figure…..
Yep, they put up a billboard in my town. But not many takers.
Wow, communist Canada and dictator Trudeau are really going off the rails. Life in prison for a thought crime?!
I’m sure Jordan Peterson will have something to say about that.. though for all I know he may not live in Canada anymore.
He is a power hungry monster. That is truly the root of ALL problems in this world. Power. Powerful grifter people who have figured out how to fleece taxpayers money through the war machine laundromat. The WEF Young Leader program is spitting out Monsters and now they are running our countries….soon to be ‘member states’ in the New World Order. People worldwide are waking up and are very, very angry. I hope angry enough to do something.
That is grounds for revolt. I’m a peace lover but that’s a direct assault on freedom of speech. I really hope Canadians rise up!
David Sacks said this and I just shared it as I think it is a great summary of this shameful war in my wife's native country. She has come to agree with this too and we are helping to enlighten her friends and relatives still there, to promote discontent with the state of things.
Yes it was a great post and I was surprised to read it again in another substack but attributed to David Sacks. It encapsulates every sorry aspect of our foreign policy behavior.
They’re not giving up…no surprise. New from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy this morning :
**New: CDC’s COVIDVaxView Dashboard. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to share weekly COVID-19 vaccination data using a variety of data sources. A new resource, COVIDVaxView Interactive, goes deeper with a look at variations in vaccine confidence by demographics and geography.
Think about it for a second? We have been!
& want accountability not excuses
It's understandable how so much of the world thinks Satan is America. What the government has been doing for years is an abomination, with their lies, deceit and graft. I don't think they realize what honor is, and that they have thrown away their soul, & honor.
This American thinks so too. We have become the Rome, Babylon, Great Harlot of our times. 😥
All three rolled into one ... plus Sodom and Gomorrah.
Berlin 1930's too
& many heartbroken veterans I know!
It was a work in progress covering years of uncovering of which the result is owning up to the fact that the American Empire is one of the most vile and vicious of war criminal syndicates to every stride the globe. This has been very painful a process. But I remind myself that seeing things for what they are is the first step in turning things around.
I find it both amusing and ironical in retrospect that the Iranian government long ago called America the Great Satan. It turns out that there was a whole lot of truth in that call.
It is all, as you say ... an abomination. And what they do is anathema to God's Law. You sum it well ... "... that they have thrown away their soul and honor." Surely that is the bottom line.
To me, at age 73, it was not too long ago that if you talked about the "American Empire", people would look at you with a puzzled expression of bewilderment. I'm not sure when this became an acceptable term or at least one that was debatable. Maybe about the time Bush started using the term "New World Order".
It's as use say. But the first usages of 'American Empire' was maybe some 20 years ago. And maybe long before that. I cannot quite recall. But it has be so said for a long time. It was like the elites circles could make that acknowledgement, but the peasants were forbidden. Today, the usage is au current.
Funny that you say that, I have always told my son, that the American Empire is the youngest of empires, and wondering how long it will survive.
Friends and relations of ours in Europe have been saying this for decades, and we were always offended and defensive. Imagine their shock now when we agree with them! Lol!
I call our USA government “the great evil”… Satan is DEFINITELY steering this ship… 🔥😡
Won’t we have to rebuild Ukraine then? Like Zelensky saying “Ukraine is open for business” and more of our money pours into his leaky septic tank of a country and into the rest of the cabal in a toxic feeding frenzy? Excellent observations, Babylon. 👍🏻.
"6uild 6ack 6etter"
I was going to say that but the way you did is more truthful. 👍🏻
Do you remember Macron in his last selection won with 66.6 % of the vote? Some of the stock market movements are 666 points. They take great pleasure shoving it in our faces if you look. Another cabal tell are the large black and white diagonally laid tiles. You can even see them in old movies , including Jimmy Stewart. In Ricky Martin's "Living la Vida Loca" video , he has them on the wall behind him as well as the dance floor.
I had no idea Macron won with 66.6% of the vote. That's pretty wild. He's a strange dude. He's certainly not trustworthy.
What’s with the tiles?
My hypothesis: Why does the U.S. [we taxpayers] give NATO so much, compared to other countries? It's to maintain the large pool of money from which corrupt politicians can graft. Our outlay in 2023 was $860B or 2/3 of the total 1.3T given to NATO.
David Sacks observations actually. He said it better than I could. My wife is Ukrainian btw
I am sorry for what the Ukrainian people have gone through. I hope recovery comes. 🙏🏻
I know, they seem as tortured as the people of Haiti. The Holdomor famine, Chernobyl, and the loss of so many men. Biolabs. And are all those billions just a money-laundering machines for the military industrial complex, or was it a hub for human experimentation in transhumanism? There are some braindead theorists who want to test out their theories about hormesis and radiation, like Anne Coulter, who said after Fukushima that radiation was good for us based on a hypothesis about hormesis.
I would say that it serves them right for getting into bed with the United States and the Evil Empire. But wait? Wasn't the Ukraine captured by the CIA in 2014? Yes, captured ... kind of like how we in America was captured by the CIA/Deep State. And what goes around comes around, sad to say.
I just hope and pray that it does not turn out as bad for us. But I am not holding my breath.
Yah2014 & all those bio labs. Nobody can admit that’s just evil.
And the child trafficking has only increased there since we started meddling.
Hormesis and the goodness of stress is another excuse to harm us.
Only if there is $$$ in it for the Biden Crime Family.
The grifters have no worries.
…and Cheney’s, McConnels, Schumer, Pelosis, it is a massive list of sharks in a feeding frenzy.
Yep. Apparently, trillions to rebuild Ukraine already in the previously passed bills. IDK, but from several sources. 🤬 Sorta like we’re still rebuilding Afghanistan under the Taliban. 🤬🤬
"May 17, 2023
"A delegation from J.P. Morgan traveled to Kyiv earlier this year to meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, reaching an agreement to advise the country on its efforts to rebuild and reenergize its economy.
"Under the terms of the agreement, J.P. Morgan will be providing its expertise in restructuring strategies, sovereign credit ratings, asset management of government liquidity and digitization of the economy. It will also identify opportunities to help Ukraine establish close economic connectivity to Europe, as well as to create an entity that can direct and safeguard investments from the official and private sectors, and to facilitate trade flows.
"J.P. Morgan has helped the country raise around $25 billion in sovereign debt since 2010, and was the sole buyer of $350 million of Ukrainian bonds in March 2019. The bank also led the nation’s $20 billion debt restructuring in 2022."
FWIW, after the 1920's Great Kanto quake in Japan which practically leveled Tokyo, JP Morgan bank floated its first ever big international loan to help with the rebuild. Paid in full despite WW2. Then, gee whiz, guess who floated interest bearing loans to rebuild so many cities flattened there in WW2?
Can't remember who said it ..." Ukraine and Israel are the Deep State" it would explain a lot.
Did you just say "digitization of the economy" is being offered by JP Morgan to Ukraine. Splendid!
LOL. One can't make up this golden comedic relief.
Yes we’ll have to. https://x.com/VigilantFox/status/1758267143479521429?s=20
We’ll if he’s looking for men, we can send all our illegals to him.
Now that’s an idea I can get behind…
The WEF and the other globalists have already hired Blackrock for that. They want Ukraine to be their first NWO ‘model’ country.