Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Here’s what I wrote elsewhere about the Trump video on children and pharma:

I’ve listened to the video twice. He calls out big pHarma, yes, but he does not explicitly call this a vaccine safety commission.

It’s all too easy to blame contaminated food, water, and air - all of which are indeed critically important and are contributing to our ill health. In kids and adults. However, the very biggest contributor are the childhood vaccines. A commission not specifically tasked to look at those is not likely to find them as a problem.

If he does not directly address the vaccines, the vaccine issue will be kept under the rug. Disease will be blamed on inequities, climate change, and other socialist diversions. Perhaps the role of food and water (glyphosate, arsenic, nutrient depletion) and air will be acknowledged. And this would be helpful. But it will neatly sidestep the vaccines.

People will be told that the problem is them. If they just “lived healthier lifestyles,” they would need fewer of the unfortunately necessary but sometimes bearing side effects pharmaceuticals. We already see this with heart disease. People are blamed for not exercising enough or eating correctly, and thus, lamentably, needing cholesterol meds and high blood pressure meds. Rarely are people told that the current dietary guidelines actually MAKE THEM INSULIN RESISTANT AND HYPERTENSIVE, leading them to the heart disease that The Guidelines are supposedly protecting them from.

It’s nice, I guess, that he is dipping his pinky toe in the water. But he has not yet explicitly said or alleged that vaccines are the problem. At some point, especially in light of his prior reneging on the earlier vaccine commission, he needs to step in boldly like RFKJ and like, to some extent, DeSantis is doing. Keep up the pressure.

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Oh my goodness, this is such a good and insightful comment Copernicus. I can see it all playing out exactly as you have written - especially the part about people being the problem.

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I’m watching it happen all around already. 😕

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Word power is used often as just wretched confusion, as it is truthfully undeniable.

Depends on your ability to detect illusion (look over here) or facts in evidence.

Yours is A+ ! We won't get fooled again No No.

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Nuh uh! When I was growing up Reader's Digest assured me each month that it pays to enrich my word power! Now, I must cocede that this perhaps is an instance of confabulation on the part of the purveyors of that monthly periodical.

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Reassured, You have indeed become a R-D Jedi Knight. The force is strong with this one......

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Same. Absolutely maddening!!

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🎯thanks Copernicus

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The only "people" called out will be CONSERVATIVES--and CHRISTIANS!

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If you eat z bugs you will not have any health issue (wrong, chitin is very bad for humans 1.0)

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RFK said that Trump told him that he was going to investigate vaccines in his first presidency but after he talked to Billy Gates he changed his mind. Gates must be some kind of Svengali...

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

Yes. Trump had his chance to follow through on the statements he made about vaccines and kids last time. He told that story about one of his employees who had a beautiful normal child, then after the shots became severely autistic. But we didn't hear a peep out of him about the V's after he was elected. Can anyone challenge the monster and survive? Maybe it can only be the billions of ants carrying the monster away (ALL of us.)

Also from Steve Kirsch in case you missed it:


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Y’all act like President Trump enjoyed a normal presidency instead of walking through the fires of hell every day following the escalator ride. Good grief.

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The test of a man is when he is assailed and pressured he continues to do what is right.

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As far as "politicians" in my lifetime go, there's only one who made promises, got into office, and fulfilled them and that's Trump. It really bothers me when I hear people bashing him because he didn't make good on this promise or that, didn't drain the swamp... It is true there were failures in his administration, but I have to say he is the most responsive president in recent history, he seems to really care about this country and its people, and he knows how to get stuff done. I would be willing to vote for him again if he made more robust promises about getting to the bottom of this vaccine thing; my son died 30 years ago from his DPT, so this has been on my radar for a long, long time. He's the only candidate who made the initial promise. That's progress as far as I'm concerned.

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I also saw DPT damage happen personally in 1985. A friend's beautiful little baby, probably about 6 months old and vibrant and absolutely perfect and normal, got a DPT shot and within a couple of days was having terrible seizures. Due to their baby's condition (we were all living/working abroad in Saudi Arabia at the time) they left the country to get help with what was suddenly going on. Long story short, this beautiful baby suffered severe brain damage. She has never been able to walk, talk, feed herself, she has always been in a wheelchair. She is now 39 and has spent her life this way. Her parents were part of a big lawsuit in 1986 with many others whose children suffered a similar fate. Pharma claimed it was faulty or spoiled vaccine, I believe, and there was a huge settlement before it was all shoved under the rug. I wouldn't get the DPT for my son born in 1986 due to what I witnessed.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

Our son suffered a severe reaction to the DTP in 1997, as did the daughter of a friend who had the shot at the same clinic, same day! Sadly, her daughter ended up with an immune disorder, our son pulled through after 4 days of 105 fever and breathing difficulties. We were blessed with an active duty(military) doc who was surprisingly anti-vax, he lectured us about giving our son future jabs(he actually wanted us to stop ALL jabs for both of our children). The doc also wrote in our son's medical record that he should NEVER have another cocktail of jabs - one jab at a time, wait 2-3 weeks before another. Needless to say, each time we went for any jab, a fight ensued at the clinic. The worst part was that I ever gave our children any shots, I feel like the worst mom ever with what I know now! Fortunately, he seems to be healthy at this point (26) and himself is anti-vax, and forgives us for our ignorance!

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He was part of Operation Warp Speed - literally the biggest crime against humanity in history.

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Operation Warp Speed??? What a joke!!! Those millions upon millions of vials were manufactured wayyy BEFORE they unleashed their PLAN.demic on us!!! How else would they have produced the BILLIONS needed to jab the ENTIRE WORLD at least twice!!!??!!?!?!?

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And what are we to infer from Trump continuing to tout OWS as his greatest achievement and it saving "millions of lives?"

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He was complicit. This is so Orwellian it's frightening.

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You are absolutely correct about this long planned agenda with the vax already to go. No warp speed. It was years in the making.

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YOU CANNOT warp speed untested jabs into pregnant women

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Yes, so not only did my kids (25, 31, 34 years old) get the full schedule of childhood vaccines because I was not informed of harms, two of my kids took 3 of the OWS bioweapons that Trump pushed as “safe and effective” . Makes me so so sad. I cannot forgive this.

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So sorry you are having to deal with your children getting jabbed... But by their ages you listed, they made their own choices...???

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He had about as much experience as you do with the vaccines, he was being lied to like everyone else and thought everyone was going to die. His entire four years in office the Deep State ran an ultra-psyop on him.

Before his election in 2016, he had met with RFK, Jr and was going to put together a vaccine commission. After he got into office it fell by the wayside. I don't believe it's because he didn't care. I think the were so many greater, more pressing concerns, that vaccines got pushed aside. It was disappointing that he didn't follow through, but no other president has even been willing to talk about the harms caused by vaccines. He acknowledges them now. He says again now that we need to look into it, probably because he can see what the rest of us see: that our government is doing some pretty evil stuff to its citizens.

For 30 years I've been blathering about the dangers of vaccines, especially vaccines that are mandated by the government, where the government steps in and shields the manufacturer from liability for any damages their product causes. This takes away all incentive to create a product that doesn't maim, injure and kill. No one believed me, some people actually had pity for me that I could be so delusional; doctor's 6 tried to bully and manipulate me into vaccinating my surviving children. I had a doctor tell me that because I didn't vaccinate my child, he had whooping cough and there was nothing that could be done for him, but here's a prescription for antibiotics that he can take and they'll protect other children from him. (It isn't lost on me that he used the same tactic the MSM used to try to shame people into the jabs.) It turns out my child didn't have whooping cough, just some run of the mill infection. That was 12 years or so ago. Medicine has been captured. But I didn't realize how fully until COVID. Did you? How was Trump supposed to know what we, with our lived experience, didn't know?

And I say this knowing that one of my own children and my husband took those poisoned jabs.

I look at how they treated Trump through his whole presidency, how even the people closest to him were his enemies - not because he had done anything to deserve betrayal, but because this country has fallen to communists - and I think if he was able to enjoy as much success as he did, to accomplish as much as he accomplished, imagine what he can do now that he knows the depths of the corruption. Ron DeSantis doesn't have a clue but in addition to that, he's a politician in the mold of George Bush or Mitt Romney. It really irritates me that there's no one except Trump who isn't shaped and controlled by beltway politics. I worry about his age and all the continued attacks bogging him down and making important things disappear from his future agenda. But he's the only president in my lifetime who presented himself to us and promised he would do x, y and z, and he followed through. And he kept trying to follow through; he never gave up. Still hasn't. For these reasons, I'm willing to give him another chance.

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All those years they were children getting vaccines, Trump had no part of that. I'm not following your issue.

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AND after initial reports he would give a post to RFKJR to set up a vaccine safety commission, Trump received a million dollar donation from Pfizer and all the vaccine talk went right out the oval office window.

He's a conman grifter

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It's weird that a lousy million could buy off Trump, who touted his billionaire status as a man that is independent of big money. I mean, he donated his presidential salary (just short of a half million) to charity.

Doesn't add up. Did they coerce him in some other way?

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My understanding (and I believe there's a statement on this) is that Bill Gates met with Trump and assured him vaccines were "safe and effective".... hmm.....

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Then again he was never given a moment of peace! According to the media he could do nothing right, much like Bumbling Brandon cannot do anything wrong! Are they BLIND???

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Poor Deathvax Donald - all that nasty criticism made him back down from principle. Who wouldn't?

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I wouldn't trivialize what happened. Two impeachments, Russia-gate, BLM psyop, covid psyop. All media and establishment against him at every step.

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I agree, and have nothing good to say about any vaccines- there are no good vaccines. Modern medicine is a systematised poison machine.

As for politicians, there are no 'good' politicians.. They are hand-picked for their psychological profiles and we live in an inversion of Highest Good.

Take New Zealand right now; they have a choice between the MAD magazine guy or a fellow called 'Luxon'. It's the same system in all english-speaking countries- no choice, and the natives are being stirred up in to a seething rage. Luxon in Latin means luxury apparently, but in Hebrew 'Luxon' translates as 'to disaster/tragedy/catastrophe' so he'll probably be chosen.

The water, air and food is poisoned in all Five Eyes countries- Five Eyes makes me laugh; they take out the iodine (I) from food and medicine and leave the population in a state of blind zombification like characters from an Odin cartoon, then hit them with demoralisation programming for at least two generations, telling them that the NEXT one of the two politicians will make it alright again.

It will never be alright with the political/medical/religious/educative/financial/legal system as it is.

The end goal is to have the industrialised world on its knees, begging for change or taking responsibility for the world we want and changing things at the collective level, because nothing will change until then.

It's part of the human condition, eyes just won't open until there is a shock deep enough to wake the dead.

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You're not alone. You very succinctly stated what everyone in the MAGA crowd is feeling. 100%

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Steve does great work and he's very aggressive. He can go too far but he's truly trying.

What people may not understand is that Trump just lobbed a shot over an invading ChiCom-Putin warship.

Ok, misplaced analogy but 45 has lobbed one across the Big Pharma bow. This was one of two major weak points for him and he's now begun the fight by planting a flag in the ground.

The other weak point is sadly with Putin's War. Crispie Creme of NJ has entered the presidential race and is pointing out how 45 is signaling weakness to Putin. This is sadly true. It's certainly not Reagan's Peace through Strength mantra that Trump picked up on and used himself.

I may get into a fistfight with Roger Stone over this. But a 🐴 is not allowed to fight off a senior like Roger, even if he used to be pretty buf.

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Pushing more neocon nonsense?

Lindsay Graham would be proud!

Ukraine's biggest supporter.

And the biggest RINO.

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Based Florida Man 🎯

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Has no connection to a single fact made. But hey BFM, you be you and beat that straw man.

Then when you get out of your head, let us know how self-defense is being "neocon."

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I'm giving a like just for "Crispie Creme"

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Well said! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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If only Trump had not been persecuted and prosecuted relentlessly (still happening). I believe we would stand in complete awe of what he accomplished.

What he did despite the Uniparty Globalist chains attached to stop him is amazing.

He may have had some distractions that caused him to have to shift focus from time to time.

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I'm in awe of what he managed to accomplish in four years. I wonder about everyone else who is ready to run for the hills though. I'm a 70s baby and since I started voting, it's been nothing but liars lying to the public about what they were going to do. We finally get someone in there who keeps his word, while he was attacked 24/7/365, and now people are saying he didn't keep his promises and we have to switch to DeSantis. Puh-leese!

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This is the deep state trying to keep the American populist movement divided. The populist movement for liberty represented by Trump and DeSantis is a threat to the communists that took over the White House. Expect much more between now and the 2024 election.

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Yep. I have no use for those who cannot recognize the greatness of DJT. Once in a century even would we see such a man emerge?

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Can someone PLEASE list all these accomplishments? Because I am dumbfounded - I don't see them.

What I see is a lot of talk about things, but I don't see the accomplishments.

Just asking.

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Roe v Wade

$1.89/gal gas

Low unemployment

High returns on investments

Stay in Mexico

No war

China in check

I could go on but I work and don't have time to make an extensive list. Do you have short term memory issues? Might want to get that checked out.

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This C&C report is SO amazing. When I think that this army is exposed to all this subterfuge that has been going on, gives me solace. Like I keep saying,

" nothing would surprise me." I am in the camp that still sees Trump as the exposer of a litany of lies and as the "general" of the 5th generation warfare. Maybe I am wrong. Perhaps DJT realized the extent to which the cabal would go to keep him from a 2nd term...unleashing a 2-staged bioweapon that would guarantee his defeat because of what he would eventually expose to the American people. The generals have to choose their battles and their sacrifices during war. The vax crap... think Coventry in WWII- a town sacrificed to keep from divulging that the allies had the decoding machine. W/O covid, I would still be believing that childhood vaccines were a good thing, that elections were ok, etc. We need more people awake, alert, and ready to stand against and speak against the BS that has been my entire adult life!! Only DJT's presidency has done this. Why do they keep hounding Trump if he was a has been????

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My understanding is that Trump had been using the justice system inappropriately FOR YEARS, suing people he owed money to.

Maybe he is just getting back what he was dishing out to others?

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Lumpy, pale, unhealthy Svengali

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Isn’t is ironic that Gates is so caught up in “health” issues (aka bad meds and vaccines) yet he is hardly healthy looking or in good shape! Hypocrite!

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Gates is a pig..

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Please don’t insult pigs. However, it’s open season on BillyGoat (Gates),

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From the very first look at the guy -- how many years ago now? -- he made my skin crawl...

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Sure is...a slimy one.

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Pigs are fascinating creatures

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Or a $vengali!

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One thing that’s become crystal clear during these bizarre covid years … is how the government has used blackmail to control people in power for decades.

So my theory is Gates May have blackmailed Trump- after all, Trump rode the Lolita express… and we know Trump’s love of beautiful women… not hard to connect those dots.

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You prove that Trump rode the Loretta express! That is an outrageous slander unless you have the receipts to prove it.

There exists a photo of Trump standing with Jeffery Epstein. So what? Anyone who’s ever considered themselves to be someone has had their picture taken with Donald John Trump.

We know that Bill Clinton visited the island on several occasions. Tell me with a straight face if there was anything on Trump we wouldn’t have heard it ad nauseum.

Stop lying ‘Truthseeker’. Sounds like a name an FBI operative would choose to sound all patriotic and sh*t.

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Like you, anytime I hear direct attacks or innuendos like that about Trump or DeSantis or any of the other liberty warriors, my bullshit meter goes off.

1 - The deep state fears a resurrected Trump presidency and they will do anything to destroy him.

2 - They don't want to blackmail him because he is not controllable which is what got JFK killed. If they had the goods on Trump, they would have used it.

3 - My sense of it is that they tried to get Trump introduced to the pedophile network and both he and his wife were repulsed by what they saw. While in office and strongly supported by his wife on this subject, Trump was a strong supporter of the US Marshall's efforts to track down and stop the elite pedophile rings. If for no other reason, the elites truly hate Trump with every fiber of their evil demonic thoughts because of this.

4 - It is my belief that Trump and DeSantis share the same hatred of this systematic abuse of children. In this short video, DeSantis' emotions erupt in an unusual genuine display of his opinion about protecting children.


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“ DeSantis' emotions erupt in an unusual genuine display of his opinion about protecting children.”

How could it not?

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I don’t think DeSantis is in deep enough to play with the real sickos. And I don’t think he has it in him. Look into his eyes. He’s experiencing some serious conflict.

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No one knows

Not me- or you

If you’d read my post carefully I said it was my theory

Trump said he’d investigate childhood vaccines when he was trying to get elected…

And He didn’t.

After gates visited him and told him it would be ‘a bad idea’ … to investigate the flu vaccine… that’s documented by gates in some interviews

Why didn’t Trump do as he said he would??

And now I’m supposed to believe he’s gonna go after big pharma in his recent election bid … why would I believe him this time … when he didn’t last time…

The covid vaccine has resulted in nearly 100,000 death claims in the US and Europe and over 6 MILLION vaccine injury claims in just the US and Europe

Trump won’t be our Superman. He wasn’t before and he won’t be now. And that’s my opinion.

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Nellie Elizabeth Palmer-strawn on FB

“Just to clarify briefly because I am still seeing many are still blaming President Trump for the fallout from the vaccines. Trump had no choice but to release the vaccines in order to stop their great reset. It was always meant to happen under Hillary Clinton. The original plan was to keep nations shut down until a vaccine was made. Multiple deep state leaders told us this. They also said it could take years to develop. A central element of the cabal strategy was to hide all treatments. The WHO ordered all governments, news media, and social media to censor and ban information about treatments. Trump smashed this plan by shouting from the rooftops that there were treatments. He posted 26 tweets (!) about hydroxychloroquine and promoted doctors who use it. Essentially Trump removed the need for a vaccine by saying there were cures. Who needs a rushed vaccine if there are proven drugs? He promoted these drugs for many months. The significance of this evades most of us. This is where many of us KNEW not to take the shit, and tried to tell all of you NOT TO TAKE THE SHIT and tell people to f&ck off!! The vaccines were not his idea. They were the cabal's plan. He released them 1.5 years sooner to end lockdowns, which saved the world. That was the key to the original plan. Under the guise of a public health crisis, shut down the economy long enough to kill it completely. 99% of the people that took it were also going to take it, regardless of what Trump said or did. This is evident in the fact that despite his endorsement of the vax, the intelligent of the world adamantly refused. (More in comments) 👇

If he had come out against the vaccines, they would have simply used it to destroy him and still introduced it but on their own timeline. It was the only option. Nothing could prevent the vaccines. Mankind demanded them. They would have been released anyway. All he could do was thwart their plans.

The genocide is not his fault.

The adverse events are not his fault.

All of this would have happened anyway, & far worse - on top of the total wipeout of America & all nations, followed by a tyrannical Great Reset.

Go back and watch Trumps rally in Alabama

He was booed for mentioning Warp Speed...

Thus ending his promotion of it

He was waiting for the People to acknowledge the dangers of the vax

How many Doctors were censored from all forms. Of media for telling, you the dangers?

Researching just the risks of 1 vaccine opens the Door to. All research and questioning all of the Lies.....Since that day Trump. Dropped

Warp Speed talk”

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Well, if Trump wasn't fully aware of the deep problems with the childhood vaccines at that time, he should be aware now. Again, my sense is that Trump does not want to make an explicit enemy out of Big Pharma and their war chest at this point. Thus the point of how he addressed the issue to make Pharma think they can still control the narrative. Then later he can turn the tables on them. I'm sure the way they suckered both him and DeSantis (along with the rest of us) at the beginning, both these men are biding their time when they can wreck havoc in revenge. And that's good enough for me.

Point is, Trump will have to be sly as a serpent and innocent as a dove.

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Trump killed hundreds of Russian mercenaries and also armed Ukraine with lethal weapons reversing bidens policy.

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Amen truthseeker. I don’t trust gov as far as I can spit now!

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Agree, a good likelihood. I'm no saint, but I got me a no-brainer stone that anyone who plays at that level, public or private, has dirt accumulated from the road there. Way more than my less than saintly stains. Easy targets, any one of them.

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You are not telling the truth here.

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Was. The curtain has been lifted.

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The wizard is not what we once used to think he was.....

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Baal Ghate$ sure is..

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Although I don’t know who is Svengali. But my autocorrect sure does. 🤔. Never mind that autocorrect has not yet learned “DeSantis.” 🤔🤔🤔

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Dietary guidelines, including the addition of seed oils into every processed/packaged food item you eat, big pharma and their vaccines, as well as the 3 letter health agencies are all there to make us and keep us sick! Now the trans movement... it’s making elites filthy, and filthier rich!

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Don’t forget fluoride

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

So glad to not be the only ones who get this!! We are the elites' guinea pigs, pawns, lab rats, playthings, whatever you want to call it. I can't help wondering if more could fully grasp this, would we be able to ever turn this around? Not likely.

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I believe it’s a good thing that RFK Jr. is in the race. I’m a conservative, but I think his platform may force some pharma-loving dems to hear what he has to say and by default, what a lot of us have been saying since 2020. Many people never heard the other side of the story due to the horrific amount of censorship of dissenting views.

Keep the faith. 🙏🏻

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My coworker and I were just talking about this...I told him I feel like we are in an experiment we did not agree to, and I want out.

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It’s not just that…

We are the product!

Plain and simple.

They want access to our data

Access to our body/health

Access to our children

They want to convince us what to think

how to spend our money

Are we free? …If we are a commodity?

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We absolutely are the experiment and we did not give informed consent!

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I wonder who the aliens are...

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Demons. I watched a documentary about this issue 10-15 years ago and this seems the most logical explanation to me Biblically. I can't remember the title of it, but others (Pastor Billy Crone, Jan Markell, Brannon Howse, etc.) have stated the same in recent years.

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Yep!! Agree completely. Will it be how they explain the rapture??? Certainly could be an explanation they will try to use.

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Yes, pretty much everything has been corrupted. Look around and notice nearly 90% of the population is obese. It's clearly the very unhealthy food supply. Walking around a typical grocery store you observe very little real food. Hopefully more people are becoming aware of smarter food choices. The movie Wall-E from 2008 is their intention for humanity.

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“Bobby Approved” app great for this !

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Completely agree. While it is just a pinky toe, it is something unlike virtually every other Republican candidate or office holder (except perhaps DeSantis). Finally a very prominent public figure is saying that there is something very wrong with our population's health in general, and specifically that of kids.

Importantly, he is pointing out that it's not the fault of a lazy and stupid population (which is what public health claims when when challenged on this), but raising the possibility we are being poisoned. And maybe pills and shots are the cause rather than the cure. This is a pretty big deal with his level of influence.

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“Public Health” is the problem.

Get rid of the whole public health infrastructure, get rid of the concept of public health—it puts the “we” in “we’re all in this together” and opens citizens up to all this crazy manipulation via public health propaganda and policy.

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Midwestern MD substack wrote an amazing piece on this… how we’ve all been subjected to 50 years of propaganda to convince Americans to turn the responsibility for our health over to MDs. So people don’t feel like eating right and exercising and taking care of ourselves… is each of our OWN responsibility!!

Our MD will take care of us… this very real shift in the public consciousness has created this moment. I’ll go to my MD, he’ll give me a pill, and I’ll feel better. It’s become the American way.

That’s what needs to change.

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Absolutely. I would add health insurance to that. People use health insurance as some kind of safety net.

I've often wondered, before I came of age to be responsible for my own insurance (and way before Obamacare): Would people take care of themselves better if they were paying for medical care out of pocket and were not relying on health insurance to cover eventual costs?

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I agree

My mom was one of 10, raised on a rural farm. No one went to the MD, ever. You had to be essentially one foot in the grave to go see the MD. They ate the food they raised. Came up with natural (kitchen) solutions to ails. And all those aunts and uncles- are more healthy than most!!

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Health insurance only insures that the public will remain captive to allopathic medicine based on cut, burn and poison.

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Lol. I believe the exa t opposite! No doctor has EVER helped me!

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I agree, mzlizzi. As I've said elsewhere many times, there is no such thing as "public health." There is only individual health. As you say, the whole concept has got to go.

Re the "public," there 𝑖𝑠 public safety, such as during a toxic explosion or natural disasters like tornadoes. There is public sanitation, such as keeping sewage out of the streets and maintaining clean conditions around food, etc., but there is no such thing as "public" HEALTH. There is only individual health.

Period. Full stop.

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You should also be wary of what falls under "public safety," like lockdowns due to "COVID" or South Quebec fires . . . .

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Oh, yes, of course! That the scum appropriated and abused words for their own scummy purposes we saw from the very beginning. That's why we must always be explicit in our meanings. That's why I gave explicit examples of what "public safety" and "public sanitation" are and mean and how they differ from individual health since there ain't no such thing as "public health."

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45 has made a direct hit on Big Pharma and crossed over to the other side of DeSantis.

It's a twofer let there be no doubt. Trump just raised Desantis 10% points. 🤣

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While using RFK's points as his own.

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He also gives RFK Jr. a chance to weigh in thereby ending some of the censorship of him. You know corn pop isn't questioning the safety or effectiveness of any vaccine.

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Corn pop being Biden?

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Yes. 🌽🍿

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Doubt it

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Very interesting factual information all about genes, vaccines, mercury, autistic link, etc..https://www.livingwithmthfr.org/genetic-education/gene-environment-interaction/vaccine-response

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Nice link, lots to research.

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DeSantis is but a pale, very pale, copy of Trump. But we get it. You’re a DeSantis supporter.

I like him as Governor, but he is NOT ready to be President. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

And imho, those promoting him are most likely simply trying to divide the Republican ticket so that Trump can’t win.

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 8, 2023

I guess this is a response to me since it's directly under my comment.

You are delusional. I said nothing about DeSantis (aside from a quick parenthetical comparing his vax safety work) but was complementary to Trump for addressing this issue. Seriously, get some perspective and seek Jesus. Your habit of attacking those that you somehow mind-read as not agreeing with you is unhealthy and self-destructive.

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Sorry. I replied under wrong comment. I’m not that tech savvy, having a problem even finding my comment, has to start at beginning and work my way down. Now I’m too tired to even look for it. I’ll try to make the correction tomorrow.

I apologize.

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Hey my brother, no problem and apologies if my comment came off as harsh. There are some people who seem to look for fights and that's what I thought was happening. Thanks for replying.

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That is if I can find it again.

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Trumps statement also made me wonder if he is looking at RFK as a legitimate challenge and is starting to talk about things that are drawing people to RFK. I say this because I’ve seen a number of people on Twitter and other places say they voted for trump but would now be switching to support RFK. When I listened to RFK on Jordan petersons podcast he said their internal numbers had him beating trump more easily than Biden. It made me wonder if trumps team sees the same thing.

That said I think it’s going to be a hard sell for people who view medical freedom as a top concern. He had the chance and then torpedoed it during his first term. What makes him think people will trust him now?

Overall I’m glad more candidates are talking about this and I agree it will be harder for the press to completely ignore it since they so badly want trump to be the nominee. Though there are still a lot of people in this country that automatically stick their fingers in their ears whenever trump opens his mouth because he couldn’t possibly say anything of value. 🙄

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"Hard sell" indeed! I started following RFK, Jr. before he published The Real Anthony Fauci. I feel like Trump's being disingenuous in suddenly pointing a finger at Big Pharma. It looks like a defensive and reactionary political move to me. It's hard for me to forget "Operation Warp Speed".

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And it brings RFK Jr. back into the conversation. You can't delete out Trump. So RFK Jr can get airplay. Corn pop isn't questioning the safety and effectiveness of any vaxx or shot.

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Biden doesnt know if he is coming or going. He cannot think.

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Slo Joe is someone's sock puppet.

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I agree with you.

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Yeah, you would.

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Personally I love Trump and believe he did more for us than hardly anyone would because he is not a part of the deep state. I still believe he could do much good.

However, I do believe that what you say is true. I believe he is doing it because of RFK and knowing its a huge issue to majority of Americans.

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I do remember him talking about it, and RFK jr. talking about Trump talking about it. I used to follow Kennedy on Instagram until they hanned him. How horribly rude! He was just reinstated yesterday!

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

Am I the only one who remembers the Q talk about RFKJR working with Trump in 2016 ... the blurry photos purporting to show RFKJR in a chopper standing behind Trump? I would campaign and vote for a Trump/RFKJR ticket.

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Bobby Kennedy and Donald Trump are the only viable Presidential candidates and the Deep State is clearly doing everything they can to block their message. Their support of DeSantis is also a sign of how much they fear Trump. Between these two candidates circling the wagons and exposing truths not only about Big Pharma, but secret space projects, three letter agencies and their murderous activites through the years and revealing the skeletons in the closet that they have been privy to, the public has a chance to escape the santanic plan of the elitist Deep State.

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You are seriously blinded by TDS. Seek help.

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If you mean trump derangement syndrome (not sure what else TDS means) then you are mistaken. Never voted for him. Just stating observations.

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Uh…if you do suffer TDS, you clearly would never have voted for him. So maybe you should get a check up.

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Since he took big harma hush money (maybe federal money) he's got to support them. That's my take on it. It is contractual. Sanctions might apply otherwise and he's got enough trouble from Deep State he won't need more. OTH... I still think RFJ jr is in the mix to split the votes... and it will be interesting to see what goes on. Remember our last really good independent? Ross Perot and his voodoo economics and rubber chicken? He fell out of the race at one point and he STILL managed to garner 20 percent of the vote. because of him the Republican lost, and Clinton won. BUT Clinton pulled back and was much much more cautious than otherwise in his legislation etc following that... he'd been put on notice... 20 percent of the vote is not 'nothing'.

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Agree. Well stated.

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I think what he said was great. There are many possible causes of childhood illnesses, such as autism and autoimmune disorders, and vaccines are high on the list. But I just listened to a Highwire episode in which aspertame is discussed--how it caused brain tumors in mice, and the investigators cut out the tumors and said that the mice are normal. There's an interesting history of how that was allowed into our food. Also, they discussed how MSG causes obesity, and it has been put in baby and toddler food. I've heard a lot about the dangers of seed oils lately, and one physician said they could be worse for you than sugar. Big Pharma, Big Ag, and Big Food are probably all responsible in part for the epidemic in disease and disability, particularly in children, in this country. My fear is that Trump will be thwarted in his mission because of the power of all these forces.

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Aspertame. I tried it once...instant migraine. Nothing like the body screaming "Danger, Will Robinson, Danger". It infuriates me how much of this crap is jammed into all kinds of foods. Most people don't do their due diligence to see what really is in their food. Just like the jab....trust our alphabet agencies to protect us. NOT!

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Aspartame is a known neurotoxin. Known before FDA approval. Your reaction is a common one. The story about how it got approved is political. I won't go into it. We have recent VRBPAC approvals of gene therapy products aka "vaccines" as a case for proof of concept.

Sugar is also poison. I don't use the word lightly. It damages the body via subclinical inflammation. More quickly in some, slower degradation in others, every body is different. I've been reading labels for 40 years. It's in f'n everything, not to mention the other "crap" you note. I had to learn to cook to avoid it, a sacrifice I was willing to make. (*insert eye roll) It's worked out pretty well. Seniorhood is a good place to be, if you're healthy. It's painful to see my contemporaries suffering from chronic conditions, on multiple band-aid medications, dealing with surgeries and recovery, moving sloooow. I have none of that. Zip.

Well done paying attention to the loud and clear signal from your body!

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I do not disagree with you.

I have a loved one whose health has been irreparably harmed by the very bad dietary advice.

All of the Bigs that you mention are contributing horrendously to poor health for children, adults, and our elderly. We didn’t used to have buildings stuffed with our grandparents who no longer can care for themselves.

But there is a lot of evidence that the vaccines are causing by far and away the biggest impact. It is too easy to deflect attention from them and to keep it solely on the processed and fake foods, the pollutants, the plastics, and such. Refusing to include the toxins we inject in the name of health, into our most vulnerable people (the very young and the very old) is incredibly hypocritical for anyone truly concerned about our health.

I am NOT saying Trump is a hypocrite.

I AM saying that more needs to be said than what he said in the video. We shall have to wait and see what else he says. THAT is what I am saying.

See this articulate presentation for a discussion about the various contributors to autism. https://rumble.com/v1fcvmj-the-autism-epidemic...-pandemic.html

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Our elderly (that would be me too) were far healthier before tptb declared cholesterol BAD and started putting everyone on a statin! They lowered the cholesterol guidelines to accomplish this based on flawed studies around the time Eisenhower had his heart attack. Your body makes cholesterol and an aging brain NEEDS IT to help avoid dementia & perhaps even Alzheimer’s. It’s much more nuanced than one number -- e.g., ratio of triglycerides to HDL. Even LDL isn’t bad if it is large particle size, but you only find out if doctors order the extra tests that reveal this.

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Yep. You are correct.

Actually there is some growing evidence that the particle size of LDL is not terribly important either. I don’t have the references, as that is something my spouse has read more about than I. It seems to come down to inflammation, according to Malcolm Kendrick. So keeping inflammation low is what is most crucial.

And yes, we need good healthy fat for our brains. Alzheimer’s is also known as Type 3 diabetes which references its association with high carb consumption and insulin resistance. Insulin resistance seems to be related to high processed carbs but perhaps more so to the highly inflammatory veg oils.

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I have familial high cholesterol, and of course at one point at least 15 years ago my doctor tried to get me to take statins. Lucky for me, I was a long time pharma skeptic and I refused, but I did a lot of research on cholesterol and all the fraud and lies associated with it. I have very high HDL and low Triglycerides, and my higher LDL proved to be the desirable, fluffy particle type that is not dangerous. My doctor actually learned from ME about the cholesterol test that will diagnose LDL particle type...she had never ordered it before I demanded one. After she learned about it, she told me that she was no longer worried about my high cholesterol readings, especially since I was a normal weight, very healthy, and there was no stroke or heart disease in my family.

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Apparently there is debate even as to whether LDL size matters. My spouse reads more about it as it pertains specifically to my spouse. Malcolm Kendrick seems to say, I believe, that it is all about inflammation. Not LDL whatsoever.

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The first time my cholesterol was tested was my baseline exam the military does when you turn 40. The Doc was elderly and def old school (and this was 20+ years ago). He commented that my numbers were high but he wasn’t worried about it. Ten years later a doc wanted to put me on statins for a lower number. Uh, no.

Glad my introduction to the topic was someone not captured and owned by big Pharma. Have since learned enough to know why I’m not worried about high cholesterol.

This talk about seed oils is new to me though. Are we just talking corn, canola etc? Or are sesame and pumpkin seed oils also bad? I don’t cook with them but use them occasionally in salad dressings for the flavor. Curious to know if someone can enlighten me.

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I would like to hear Trump actually discuss how he got "rolled". How he heard and discussed good information about things such as hydroxychloroquine and got good advice from people like Scott Atlas, and he should tell why he "had to" dismiss the alternative information he got. And I'd like to hear him vehemently denounce the vaccines, discuss how they were developed, discuss the WEF, etc etc. Now is the time to open up about it all.

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Exactly. Just be honest. Like Dr Aseem Mulhotra re the jabs. As unimaginable as it was that he fell for the fraud, he did. But at least now he admits it.

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Going to be SUPER hard for Trump to do that, given his personality (NEVER admit losing), but IMO you're right, he should.

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I have been avoiding restaurants and prepared supermarket foods because I have known of the danger of bad oils like (soy) and industrial (canola)) oils for years. These oils are everywhere except some olive oil producung Mediterranean countries (even there, prepared foods contain them) and your home cooked or prepared food. Only extra virgin olive oil and grass fed butter for me.

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I've also heard that a lot of olive oil--even those that say they're extra virgin--are actually cut with seed oils.

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I know. So frustrating. Same w many avocado oils. 😠

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I only buy Greek. They dont.

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All those powers continue to thwart with all the vicious villainy they can muster, but the Man still stands!

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Tell me the all mighty isn’t using him.

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I have a worse suspicion than just the usual suspects regarding a link for autism/adhd in children than product fillers/preservation additives. It runs in the same vein as vaccine harm because it would mean another product that looks like it's designed for good but it really does harm: I think autism/adhd can be linked to prenatal vitamins. I do not have any evidence but prenatals are virtually shoved at every woman even thinking of conceiving and the ob/gyn does not routinely screen the mothers-to-be on the proper levels of each vitamin/minerals to ensure she's os not overdoing on something in the vitamins. The docs offices will even prescribe them from Pharma companies. Since there are no set socio/economic indicators for who gets autism/adhd there has to be a link that reaches into every segment of society. And what happens after children get diagnosed with autism or ADHD, more than likely Pharma gets called in again for prescriptions to "help" them while in school. How terrible would it be to find out my theory is, at least in part, true?

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I find it so much fun to delve into these comments and think “I would love to meet each of these commenters to see and learn their personalities. Especially those so very critical of Trump.

I would love to see if these personalities could withstand even one iota if what Trump was exposed to.......the lies, the hate, the anger, the backstabbing by people he trusted.

My thought are, you would have resigned within days.

Yes, he was fooled by people he trusted.

Have you never been fooled by someone you trusted? If so, you haven’t a clue how deeply that wound goes, not just into the back or the heart, but in the psyche of a person.

He was kept in a whirlwind, and was used to delegating those he trusted m, to do their jobs and do them well. Of course, in his private business he had the option to fire their asses if the did not perform well.

Bureaucrats? Fire a bureaucrat....???? Oh, hahahahahahaha!!!! Puhleeeze.

Trump knew it was bad in DC, but he really had no idea how truly DEMONIC these people are. He could have never imagined the depravity of these soulless zombies. He thought he could win over the press.

He couldn’t.

So. I would love for one of you to dare to stick your, as you all put it, little ‘pinkie toe’ in the ‘maelstrom’, or ‘pit of hell’ that he walked into when he became President. It would be amusing to see just what YOU could have accomplished (hint: NOTHING!)

Yet he accomplished MORE through tribulation and turbulence than any President in my life time.......and actually kept MORE of his campaign promises than any president ever.

So. You armchair warriors, keep on talking about him and putting him down every chance you get. Use your little piggy and remember, that’s the little piggy that squealed “.....ALL THE WAY HOME!!”

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He is the one candidate both sides of the uniparty and their masters want to take down. That shows that they are afraid of him. We didn't know any of the BS that was happening until he got elected. Him getting elected wasn't supposed to happen.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

How many others like me complete tune-out comments from the "Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread" crowd and the equally disingenuous "Trump is the biggest scum bag of all time" partisans? I feel sorry for your family members having to constantly listen to this.

You guys sound like children that never learned to critically evaluate information. Nothing (aside from biblical truth) is as black and white as you claim, you are just regurgitating what you have heard from others. No original thought or analysis, just bloviating.

I used to be impressed with seeing 700 comments on a Jeff Children's post. Not so much anymore as a good half of them are now Trump lover/haters throwing crap at each other and Ukraine shill propaganda. It's like a revival of the Jerry Springer show at times.

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That is your perspective. I am interested in how people can justify supporting someone involved with operation warp speed which facilitated the greatest crime against humanity in history. That seems like a fair question. I will point my finger at any politician or aristocrat and call out their BS as I see it. It isn't trying to be petty or play for one team or the other. I guess I am playing for a team - truth and justice - that is all I want, and I think we cant get their if people are blind to the reality in front of them (and maybe then I need to realize I'm wasting my time talking to people who can't see reality).

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Tell me of your great accomplishments and how you work under pressure from demoniacs (like the RAT PARTY)

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Trump is like an aging traveling salesman you meet in bar, telling braggadocious tall tales to make himself seem great. Everyone knows he's full of shit and thinks he's slightly pathetic.

Except for a few even more pathetic people who hang on his every brag like it's the Gospel truth.

I've met this guy at least 10 times in my life.

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Wow, someone seems to have an idol named Trump. He got rolled. He was weak in many ways. He exploded the deficit, etc. He is not a genius 100 dimensional chess player like so many of you want to believe. Don't hate on us for pointing out that he is not.

Yes, the permanent state is a monster and hard to battle, but it doesn't mean we can't point out all the short comings of these politicians. They signed up for it - they aren't celebrities or role models, they are public servants and should be treated as such.

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Yeah, someone has a serious case of TDS. Jealous much of how he has shown us what a real man using maximum potential is like?

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I would love to also know how many times you voted for OBiden

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I would like to know how people can keep supporting someone who pushed the poison death shot - the biggest crime against humanity in history. But you don't want to answer that question.

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I smell climate change and more rules stopping use and consumption for the sake of the kids.

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Yep. Climate Change is the new boogeyman. Everything can and will be attributed to this and all human behaviors going forward must be molded to Save the Planet. The kids are already well on the way to embracing this indoctrination. They will feel good about eating their mealworms at lunchtime. (No kidding, I have friends who are eager to do this already. Well, ok, not really friends but we all get along on the river)

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"Save the planet", but they keep on drinking from the single serve plastic water bottles polluting our oceans.😡 Apparently Florida's seaweed blob washing up recently on some beaches is toxic with flesh eating bacteria created from the interaction with plastic.

The pick and chose environmentalism infuriates me, always preached by those who also fly private jets

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I really don’t get that. I’m not an environmentalist but even I think that is a really bad practice. Because everyone I know buys these single use plastic water bottles by the case every single week. And that doesn’t include soda and energy drink bottles. Isn’t it obvious how bad this is?

Seems like it always traces back to money and who can buy off the people who are supposed to govern us.

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I stopped drinking anything from bottles after learning about how much of it is “back wash” the closer to the end of the beverage one gets. 🤢

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Guess they don't care about all the diseases carried in chitins.

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I'm not sure how easy it will be to push climate change fear at this point. Virtually everyone I've talked to about it over the last few years just roll their eyes about the climate hysteria. "Yeah, climate changes....all the time."

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Nailed it.

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Jeff called Trump a masterful politician - but in a good context. In my opinion, he is masterful in a shitty politician way. He is making the masses think he is doing something good, but in reality isn't doing much of anything.

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Mr. Childers is good on domestic analysis and correct here. Trump just doubled down against DeSantis and Big Pharma. It's planting a flag and a major one.

Keep in mind this is a beginning not an end. Unlike most pols, 45 does follow through on his major positions.

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The TDS around here is mind-boggling. I'm convinced they don't like the way the guy looks or talks and so try to rationalize that by calling out "weaknesses" in his policies. As if he wasn't subjected to an unprecedented (really, unprecedented) level of hatred, smears, and lies from the media to his fellow so-called Republicans. As if they could withstand even 1 day of what he's withstood for 8+ years now. The hatred he's dealt with is not a "normal" part of politics. No other politician has faced anything like this. No other politician has people lying about them the way Trump does.

We all seem to have forgotten that it was Trump who said not to wear a mask and refused to do so....and only then the media and all the "experts" jumped all over him for it and made masks their sacred totem. That's just one small example of the pettiness and vindictiveness of the establishment when it comes to Trump.

He did the right thing. The thing actual science said to do. And they jumped all over him for THAT. What if Trump had said "don't take vaccines?" They were already blaming every single death occurring in the country on him personally.

Does anyone here think DeSantis or anyone else in that situation would have done anything other than follow their public health officials' advice? Of course they wouldn't have. DeSantis didn't start pushing back until well after Trump had pushed back. (Also, DeSantis is a CIA candidate. Rather obvious at this point.)

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“Does anyone here think DeSantis or anyone else in that situation would have done anything other than follow their public health officials' advice? Of course they wouldn't have. DeSantis didn't start pushing back until well after Trump had pushed back. (Also, DeSantis is a CIA candidate. Rather obvious at this point.)”

Once one is able to see the strings, they can’t be unseen.

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I mean, when he did an about-face of his criticism of the Ukraine war within just a few days, and then went to Israel and signed "hate speech" legislation...it became pretty obvious. One would have to be in serious denial not to see that. Expanding "hate speech" expands the CIA's powers, while Israel is the center of the deep state's world.

None of this makes me happy. It's all a very sad state of affairs for our country and its people.

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I had great hopes for DeSantis a couple of years ago. But then the bigger picture began to emerge. The corruption is so obvious once you’ve learned what to look for.

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Interesting that Bigelow who has an agenda to place hotels in space, Elon Musk who is all about space/Mars are his biggest backers. Florida is the Space Coast afterall. A day after DeSantis declared his run for President on Twitter no less, he signed into law a bill declaring no liability for space companies should accidents occur.

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Yes! I had forgotten that. DeSantis is not who people, even JC apparently, believe he is.

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My comment isn't showing so I'll type it again...

Calling out politicians for their massive screw ups isn't TDS - its exactly what we need to be doing. An idiot like me with a laptop figured out early on it was a big hoax. Trump got owned by Fauci and the media. Weak.

Furthermore, anyone who thinks the leaders of our public "health" agencies are "experts" is an idiot and is part of the problem. Stop idolizing public figures. They are supposed to be our servants.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

Calling out politicians for their very major screw ups is not having TDS. As stated below, a moron like me with a laptop figured things out very early on. Trump got rolled by Fauci and the media...


Furthermore, anyone who think those goons leading our public "health" agencies are "experts" are complete idiots.

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Sometimes he follows through. He totally got owned by Fauci et al, which in my book is really really weak.

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Trump could only go by what the experts told him.

He did everything rationally and with good intent.

This is not on him.

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Early on in his presidency I saw a story about how Trump had to overcome his germaphobia because he had to shake so many hands. I’ve never heard anyone speculate how this played into his judgements but if he is/was a germaphobe I can see how that factored in.

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That has been known for a very long time.

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Oh c'mon. A moron like me with a laptop figured it out. No excuses for this, and I'd bet the farm that RFK was giving him the goods. He's no leader, he's part of the problem.

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A moron with a laptop should maybe not be so opinionated.

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Give some credit to the echo chamber he was surrounded by, though. You think he had the time in his day to go researching for himself on his laptop? If his "best" people are telling him "trust the experts", and the "experts" are telling him "do the lockdowns" and giving him scary briefing papers about how terrible it will be if he doesn't, well...

But I do fault him for still not having admitted that he was wrong.

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Yes, he is rather blusterful.

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I love that about him! I’m sick to death of wimpy, pussified, war mongering, double talking, boring as hell and even more corrupted than that politicians.

They make me 🤮. This 72 year old woman says ‘bring it on’ soyboys.

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It’s unfair to criticize Real President Trump in a vacuum. Who are the others?

A: A collection of Deep State grifters, Mitch’s Man-Boys, Rent-a-Governors, Swamp-swilling Sheilas and Police State Child Molester.

Donald J. Trump has something NONE of the others have. He has already been elected President.

And re-elected President.

And is in truth the current President of the United States, chosen by the People of the United States.

And no one else.

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Yeah, no biggie he was part of the biggest crime against humanity the globe has ever seen. Depressing talking to you guys sometimes. Hard to have much hope when people can't see the blatant reality before their eyes.

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A politician is a politician is a politician. IMO.

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I attended a Trump gathering in 2015 right at the beginning of the campaign. I remember vividly he called out the vaccines and harm to children. This is not a new political talking point by Trump.

It does not take a rocket scientist to know that the common link between children with autism is a vaccine. The rise of peanut allergies and asthma...vaccine. Why is peanut oil in a vaccine? The number of vaccines given to children has risen just as the number of children with cancer and the rest of the horrors of illness and suffering.

Fluoride, chem trails, gmos, bugs in our food, fragrances, food colors, titanium dioxide in Skittles...poisons every where! So, if there is doubt they want us dead and stupid, more deep dives into the lies must come to light. Everything they tell us to do, we should do the opposite...get out into the sun and forget the spray sunscreen that causes cancer and respiratory issues. We must enhance our God given immunity to protect us unvaxed just as the vaxed have sacrificed theirs.

Twenty years ago, my husband was upset by Monsantos actions. I had trouble comprehending any company could be so evil. I think many just cannot comprehend just how deep, dark and sinister these companies can be, but eyes should be wide open by now, but many still cannot fathom these truths.

The wars financed by both sides, the inflation, Great Recession, etc. all orchestrated to keep us as slaves. How have the endless wars kept our freedom? All they have done is steal our money, kill our young men and solicit fear. Sorry, for the rant. I feel for those who have lost loved ones who unwillingly have been fooled into the fight. Memorial Day reminded me the senselessness of war. And if you look back at what or who started the wars, the fighters received nothing but heartache perpetuated by the very ones who profited. I would love to know how VP Cheney's pocketbook was enlarged by Bush Jr.'s stupidity.

Also, aliens...they may not be enemies and if God created the cosmos, why would earth be the only place that is inhabited. Read about Eisenhower's deal with the ETs. All this has been kept from us and any "leaks" now are preparing us for Project Blue Beam which will definitely put many over the edge as many are teetering now.

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I can appreciate your post but I just do not believe aliens. We are created in the likeness of God meaning we have a brain. But if aliens were true we would read it in Gods word. Never once does Gods word speak about life on another planet.

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Space aliens are fake and do not exist. Demons are real. Werner von Braun called it "The Final Card" to be played against humanity. On a positive note, demons are terrified of Christ Jesus and powerless against the Word.

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Yes I fully agree. And most definitely demons are real

Demons are on earth! And Gods word speaks of them of course. 💕 Thanks for that reminder They fear Christ Jesus.

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I find the notion of aliens to be interesting. But that new story is just highly suspect of being a psyop for all the reasons Jeff competently explained.

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1000% It is a psyop just like Jeff said. I also fully believe what he said the pandemic did nothing. They need something different to accomplish their goal.

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Decades ago, before law software like WestLaw and Nexus, I used to summarize depositions. I had to swear to confidentiality for ten years, but that's long past. One of the ways corporations deflected responsibility was to get expert witnesses to swear to other agents being possible causes of the injury, which creates reasonable doubt as to their client's product being the cause, thus no settlement. I'd bet they are really good at his maneuver by now. No doubt there are some kind of political shenanigans afoot, like when W. found Jesus just after his team realized he could win with the Evangelical vote, but the fact that it is a campaign issue is HUGE, or bigly I should say, and that is deeply encouraging, and might stop more poor kids from being sucked into the Operation Catch-Up deadly embrace of Chelsea Clinton and the MSM.

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As a rapt observer for 60+ years, I know the shenanigans never stop.

As Sundance of theconservativetreehouse.com frequently says, “There are trillions at stake.”

All those zeros buys lots of evil.

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Plus there’s that threat of their crimes against humanity catching up with the evil bastards and bitches.

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And there must be criminal prosecutions. Or else all of the last fifty years ... and all the post 911 filthy evil will repeat.

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I hope to live to see the day.

And that little fat toad Bill Barr is definitely ripe for prosecution and I really want to see that.

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Hopefully Trump and Biden are in the lineup as well.

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You’re sick.

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I think sick would be more aptly defined as someone who cannot see that they admire their own oppressor.

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And he's not likely to directly address the vaccines as the number one bad vaccine is the one he still claims is the greatest invention ever.

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Still claims? Got some recent proof of that? This lie is getting so old.

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Hmm...Maybe he's changed his mind about this stance he took several months ago? I honestly hope so, and yet even if he has, the overall picture for me remains fuzzy. That's just my opinion, and of course it doesn't need to be anyone else's. Thanks for sharing this link, though! 😘

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Yeah. Note the twisting of the President’s words in their headline. What actually happened was this, “I was able to get something approved that, you know, that has proven to have saved a lot of lives," Trump said, ignoring Brody's request to weigh in on the anti-vaccine narrative. "Some people say that I saved 100 million lives worldwide."”

All you haters want is for Trump to do or say something that will allow you to burn him at the stake alive and he’s too smart for you. This is what is driving you insane.

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Has Trump acknowledged what WE ALL KNOW about the poison death shot - that it has killed and maimed millions of people in our country alone? Yeah, he is "too smart" for us. Can you explain that so a moron like me can understand?

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Nellie Elizabeth Palmer-strawn on FB

Just to clarify briefly because I am still seeing many are still blaming President Trump for the fallout from the vaccines. Trump had no choice but to release the vaccines in order to stop their great reset. It was always meant to happen under Hillary Clinton. The original plan was to keep nations shut down until a vaccine was made. Multiple deep state leaders told us this. They also said it could take years to develop. A central element of the cabal strategy was to hide all treatments. The WHO ordered all governments, news media, and social media to censor and ban information about treatments. Trump smashed this plan by shouting from the rooftops that there were treatments. He posted 26 tweets (!) about hydroxychloroquine and promoted doctors who use it. Essentially Trump removed the need for a vaccine by saying there were cures. Who needs a rushed vaccine if there are proven drugs? He promoted these drugs for many months. The significance of this evades most of us. This is where many of us KNEW not to take the shit, and tried to tell all of you NOT TO TAKE THE SHIT and tell people to f&ck off!! The vaccines were not his idea. They were the cabal's plan. He released them 1.5 years sooner to end lockdowns, which saved the world. That was the key to the original plan. Under the guise of a public health crisis, shut down the economy long enough to kill it completely. 99% of the people that took it were also going to take it, regardless of what Trump said or did. This is evident in the fact that despite his endorsement of the vax, the intelligent of the world adamantly refused. (More in comments) 👇

If he had come out against the vaccines, they would have simply used it to destroy him and still introduced it but on their own timeline. It was the only option. Nothing could prevent the vaccines. Mankind demanded them. They would have been released anyway. All he could do was thwart their plans.

The genocide is not his fault.

The adverse events are not his fault.

All of this would have happened anyway, & far worse - on top of the total wipeout of America & all nations, followed by a tyrannical Great Reset.

Go back and watch Trumps rally in Alabama

He was booed for mentioning Warp Speed...

Thus ending his promotion of it

He was waiting for the People to acknowledge the dangers of the vax

How many Doctors were censored from all forms. Of media for telling, you the dangers?

Researching just the risks of 1 vaccine opens the Door to. All research and questioning all of the Lies.....Since that day Trump. Dropped

Warp Speed talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA306aNtvmk

More comments on FB if interested

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For now, what Trump has said is bold enough. He’s opened the door to a forbidden topic. If he ‘led’ with vaccines, the evil MSM would attack him. By going broad (chronic childhood illnesses, to include autism, autoimmune, etc., etc.) he buys himself some time and space.

Now, 2 major Pres candidates from opposing parties have opened the door. This is huge. Victory and progress occur in increments.

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I do not disagree.

I am merely pointing out that this, by itself, is not sufficient. I am also pointing out that for those saying he is fingering vaccines, he is not. At least not explicitly not yet.

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“Still, something feels off to me. The story is too perfect. It’s so neatly wrapped up, right from the jump. “

Yep. Just like Covid, and just like Ukraine.

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Smells a little "Flat Earthy" to me. Like the elites laughing their asses off at us again.

"Look, Klaus, we have them believing in little green men! The plebes are a hoot!!"

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I don’t believe for 1 second that the government has non human intelligent life and their craft. I believe it the same way that I believe a man cannot become a woman.

It’s not possible imo

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Right. But they want us to THINK they do

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

Yeah. Our government is not that intelligent.

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Aliens are the last card they will play in their unite the world against an outside force that Reagan spoke about: And then son, we hit 'em with the f'n aliens!

Read 'Watchmen' for more details.

AKA: National Sovereignty Will Be Washed Away to Form their One-World-Government - A few in charge and in control of the many.

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Yes ... and my next door neighbor lady! Why she could be a space alien! And maybe I should report her? And maybe she should be liquidated? For the public safety ya know! And because you can never be too safe or too careful!

I shudder at the thought after seeing what the gullible did to us the last go-around.

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Yes 🙌🏻... you must be swabbed for your DNA 🧬 to prove that you are human, and then you will be issued a digital ID (digital enslavement number of the beast) ... if you refuse, off to the FEMA camp. You must be an alien. Oh an the UN 🇺🇳 military will appear to round us non compliant aliens up... ironic that the so called illegal aliens or “migrants” are now the UN military rounding up suspected aliens 👽

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Watched the video at the bottom of this last night. You are actually very, very on the mark as to where this is all going. But wait! I thought all wives thought their husbands were Space Aliens! Say it's not so! :)

You don't have to watch it all to get the idea!


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I would rather have an "alien" for a neighbor than these nasty libbie harpies I am surrounded with.

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Actually, we live on a corner. On one side is a Fake Church which shuddered their doors so as to ward of the Fake Phantom. But we are lucky to have our neighbor lady who doesn't believe all the crap. And is not all jabbed up.

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We came close to the Salem Witch Trials during the covid-crazy. And if there’s a test for aliens, the test will likely be similar to the Salem Witch Trials. Where one must be executed to prove one isn’t capable of non-human traits.

Do you know what stopped the Salem Witch Trials?

The Salem Witch Trials ended because people stopped believing the trials and executions were doing an effective job at identifying witches.

Just like the Covid shot-mask-lockdown-mandates, all stopped when people stopped believing those crazy things were halting illness.

And today, just like the Salem Witch Trials, the aftermath of the covid-crazy beliefs are felt by generations through the mental-physical-emotional-intellectual-losses and even loss of family members and friends whether due to wildly strained relationships or loss of life.

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Third Rock from the Sun!

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Lest we forget, her name was Frances Haugen and she was the Facebook (FB) Whistle-blower, way back in 2021. She talked about how FB was pushing misinformation, specificallyRussian informationand electio. Influence. Only later did we learn that the US government was running a censorship campaign at FB.

She came out of nowhere, instantly had a glowing press from the MSM, testified before an adoring fans, I mean Congress members, sure seems like Ms Haugen was a pyshop. Sounds like what we are seeing today, now it is UFOs.

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You’re right! Same M.O.

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Well, probably one of a few things they are fear droning with. There’s a mysterious bacteria apparently menacing the gulf areas.. aka Red states. CDC just posted a warning. But thankfully they have a cure that will only envolve 3 weeks or so of intervenous treatment in hospital and then about 6 weeks of antibiotics. Makes one feel so much better 😙 coming from depop central.

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This ufo 🛸 stuff sounds like the next psyops to scare everyone. Not falling for it. The "whistle blower" sounds like a plant or shill.

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My family has been mentally prepped to deal with the UFO worldwide emergency for awhile now. As I think someone else elegantly explained, it’s just the next logical step for our Overlords.

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Yes, I think about 20 years ago somebody personally familiar with the military industrial complex warned that when it became necessary they would start invoking aliens from outer space to increase their power, budget etc.

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I 100% believe there is alien life somewhere, and am relatively sure it's visited here based on the sheer number and very long (1000s of years) history of reports. However, this latest "news" screams propaganda.

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Yeap. As Covaids fizzled, Ukraine is brought on deck.

As the Ukraine 'biggest ever offensive' fizzles, the dam catastrophe is brought on deck.

When our corrupt leaders get perp walked by the White Hats, the black hats will do the full UFO roll out.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

Don't let CBDCs slip off our radar either. Can imagine Trump, who - as a real estate developer - is probably leveraged to the hilt. When the banks and lending crash and they tell him "sir, our only option is digital currency" - I could see him saying "yep it's what we have to do! It's the greatest thing ever!"

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We've got the best digital currency, don't we folks?

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Like nothing that’s ever been done before, rolled out in months instead of years! 🤣🤣

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Funny yet not funny 😕

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Hey -- what do you think about buying land instead of keeping $ in Cd's and/or stocks?

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Sadly true.

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I hate to think it but I wouldn’t be surprised.

Sad truth is there is basically NO ONE to trust the Presidency to.

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Non stop Loony Land with these people!

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Might I add that Putin's War was not started for US domestic politics. Putin is not working with Traitor Joe. After all, a Putin-connected Moscow oligarch paid the Biden Crime Family over THREE MILLION but it didn't help Putin's War plans in Ukraine. It backfired as the West and most of the civilized world rallied to the tremendous courage and heroic self-defense of Ukraine.

Ukraine's 2023 counteroffensive is not off. It has not fizzled. Putin's latest terrorism and war crime against civilian infrastructure was meant to block the counteroffensive threat in the West. It will but only on a temporary, limited basis.


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No Putins war was started by Obama and Nuland. Man I hope your getting paid for this bullshit you post.

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As it is, living in Russia is looking better and better all the time. Grocery stores brimming over! No energy worries! No un-heated home worries. No queers, BLM, ANTIFA plagues. Orthodox Christian morality now the norm. Cities looking more prosperous than in the last hundred years. No raging inflation. No central bank driving us poor saps broke worries. Less than 20% sovereign debt. Family and small business friendly!

But wait! It can't be true could it! Maybe it's only a Putinoid Delusion?

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I hate to agree with you but it’s true! I’m a retired Army pilot, huge patriot. But this government of ours sucks.

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The horse is a True Believer 😂

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Yes, Putin's War is off in Ukraine. It's gone off the rails.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm glad Jeff dropped news on Tucker's new appearance. It was great. Only 10 minutes long, no commercials. https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1666203439146172419

Tucker says we're controlled by a few powerful media elites "Manipulated by lies, silenced by taboos".

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SO great to hear his voice again!

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“Tucker says”

I’m sorry but that sounds so, I don’t know, third grade?

Do we really need to hear what “Tucker says” in order to know what’s really going in in the world? Do we really need that external validation?

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My heart and my head tell me things are very amiss! Tucker represents truth and bravery for many which is so needed as all our trusted institutions have failed us!

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Absolutely we do. Most of of us are too busy in our daily lives to stop and analyze every single thing that’s going on in this world.

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Apparently a lot of people do need a 'Tucker' ... and that's the core problem. Invincible Ignorance.

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Yes. I am supposing he is to reach the less awakened or less aware on Twitter. So yeah. He has to put it on a 3rd grade level.

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(I was referring to the OP's statement, not Carlson's)

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Sure warms my heart to know his thoughts are shared with millions. Almost as much as this story: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/armenian-men-beat-crap-antifa-far-left-protestors/

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Please, Jesus, let us see many more such stories! Seems our culture may be saved from new comers from the Middle East. They have to be all “WTF!”

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‘saved by’

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I saw that pop up last night and I actually cheered! Armenian's KNOW pain firsthand, it's in their blood! They RECOGNIZE and KNOW the enemy! Took care of the problem! I'm still cheering knowing they stood up to and took down paid bullies!

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Me too! I was thrilled seeing the fists fly in that video. Of course the totally nasty, corrupt school board voted in the evil anyway, but I have great hopes that this is far from over for them.

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Praying for that! Parents need to pull their children out of those schools!

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Amen and amen! It’s at an emergency level to save the children.

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There's about six major corporations controlling almost all US media. That's not incorrect. Where Tucker is incorrect and intellectually dishonest is when he flaps about Ukraine. It's become some sort of commitment to being wrong. He's wrong about Putin's War and the attacks on civilian infrastructure including the dam yesterday the Russians illegally occupied and CONTROLLED:


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Thanks WS, but yes, the Russian barbaric invaders are horrid, Btw, I can't read Gateway Spudnik anymore so you'll have to offer your view on the topic. Gave up on the Hoft gaslighting a long time ago. It was too much.

So here's some additional background on the current issue of more civilian infrastructure terrorized by Putin and his illegal invasion, re: the dam:


This is the best brief on Putin's War and the dam I've seen to date:


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If you are AI, at least you’re programmed for politeness.

You’re welcome, horse!

Being AI would explain the wide range of knowledge and experience you claim to have. Like how could one human from N.Y. have been so many places and know so many things in one lifetime.

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LOL...no answer.

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Until Trump can admit that the vaxx didn’t work and has caused countless death I can’t believe anything he has to say.

I would Definitely recommend the book Turtles All the Way Down. It goes into great detail about the lies of the vaccine industry.

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Reading it now and 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

I knew based on critical thinking skills I’ve put to work within the past 10 years that vaxxes were bad. I just didn’t know HOW bad. Wowza! I’m educating myself now for my grandkids and educating my son so when he has kids he doesn’t let anyone near them with a vaxx needle. Never again! This should be required reading for everyone. This book would be considered true Informed Consent. Nothing they have ever done has been proper informed consent. There is no such thing and never has been. It’s been a farce. A scam. A deception on the people. Criminals!

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Me too. Even as cynical as I am, I was surprised at how Big Pharma has conned the public.

We were recently asked to be godparents to a couple's 7th child. Reading "Turtles All the Way Down" has me frightened for this child.

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President Trump is also going to ‘hire all the best people’, ‘drain the swamp’, and he also saved millions of lives with operation warp speed. 🙄

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Times, they are a changin’


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Did you see the tires burning video. Can be seen from space. In Kuwait. Scroll down a bit. Where are the climate activist's?

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Who is the author? I looked it up and there seems to be multiple versions with different authors.

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Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth Paperback – July 16, 2022

by Anonymous (Author), Zoey O'Toole (Editor), & 1 more

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I'm finishing it up now as well, but heck, you really just need to reach Chapter 1.

You'll be blown away and pissed off. But, informed.

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Yeah, I think I didn’t read too far in. But I also had already read the relevant chapters of The Real Anthony Fowchi (those nailed the lid on the coffin of any more vaccines ever; although I remain in a quandary about rabies), and the free chapters online of Dissolving Illusions as well as a book called Vaccine Epidemic.

All of those are definitely eye opening.

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“& 1 more” is Mary Holland who is now General Counsel for Robert Kennedy Jr’s Children’s Health Defense. She wrote “HPV Vaccine on Trial”.


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Love Mary Holland - didn't realize she was involved with this but it makes sense!

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🎯🙌... a must read 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Thank you!

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The author is anonymous (for obvious reasons 😢). It’s on Amazon but there are a few other books with the same name. I’d search the Title and add vaccines to find it.

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45 is not going to do it the way you want. He's planted the flag. That's enough right now. He can't fight everyone all the time. Wish he'd indicate some fight against Putin's War but that's another separate weakness.

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Sadly, we have to vote for the lesser of two evils. The candidates are already selected by the time we get to vote.

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Trump is not going to do it the way you want. He is going to do it this way which is broader and provides him some position to fight from which is necessary considering anything he says will be attacked.

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Best line of the day:

“Lord, how long must your people cry out for justice?”

I stopped and prayed right then with a humbled heart.

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I loved that too ❤️🙏

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Anyway, WaPo reported that a CIA report that was circulated to Germany and other unidentified European countries last June — months before the bombing — warned that a Ukrainian source described the planned attack."

Obligatory: This is what fake news really looks like: https://bitchute.com/video/gXE9QONmC9lV

Obligatory: Chuck Schumer: You Take on the Intelligence Agencies they Have 6 Ways from Sunday to Get Back at You: https://bitchute.com/video/QNCLBtNZygJY

Operation Mockingbird - Trust the CIA at your peril:

"I was taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public.

I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret service.

Most journalists from respected and big media organisations are closely connected to the German Marshall Fund, the Atlantik-Brücke or other so-called transatlantic organisations…once you’re connected, you make friends with selected Americans. You think they are your friends and you start cooperating. They work on your ego, make you feel like you’re important. And one day one of them will ask you, "Will you do me this favor?"

We’re talking about puppets on a string, journalists who write or say whatever their masters tell them to say or write. If you see how the mainstream media is reporting about the Ukraine conflict and if you know what’s really going on, you get the picture. The masters in the background are pushing for war with Russia and western journalists are putting on their helmets.

When I told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Ulfkotte’s newspaper) that I would publish the book, their lawyers sent me a letter threatening with all legal consequences if I would publish any names or secrets — but I don’t mind. You see, I don’t have children to take care of." -Udo Ulfkotte, German Journalist 2017, Now Dead


From the Congressional Record, January 27, 1917:

JP Morgan, Steel, Shipbuilding, and “powder”(gun powder? munitions?) interests hired 12 high-ranking newspaper execs to determine how to “control generally the policy of the daily press” throughout the entire country. Answer: They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.

…the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly SUPERVISE AND EDIT INFORMATION…. This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the WISHES of the interests served.

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It would be amazing payback if Ukraine could have pulled off that retaliation against Putin's War. Remain skeptical as Ukraine doesn't have that type of naval capability. Let's hope! 🐸

Here's the best reporting I've seen to date on Putin's War and his latest folly attacking civilian infrastructure and the dam yesterday. (Ukraine has also been shooting down all of Putin's missile attacks in recent days and Kyiv suffers from the attacks but not the missiles but the debris of their being shot down at a 100% clip. Mr. Childers for some odd reason fails to mention it.)


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Shows up, spouts weaksauce propaganda, and for an encore derides the esteemed author of the blog.

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No one is deriding, weak propaganda is your specialty Chevrus, not mine.

This is the counter to the latest Putin propaganda:


Just straight up solid analysis with context which is king. Hello, Mr. Childers, can you hear 🐴 now?

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Explain how it is my specialty? Is that like claiming that all the missiles were shot down when its demonstrably false?

Yeah you were deriding, deny something that is in print multiple times is best reserved for places like twitter ...

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You know, he DOES kindof sound mechanical like AI

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Not sure if we remain on the same planet Chevrus but the focused missile attacks on Ukraine by Putin are not faring well. They have been getting shot down over and over in recent days.

Putin launched 30 missiles against Kyiv the other night and come up with zero successful strikes against civilian targets there.

Putin's War is not faring well and I'll say it won't be faring better in the coming days of Ukraine's 2023 counteroffensive. Putin took very drastic action with the dam he controlled in southern Ukraine but it will only delay the counteroffensive in that direction briefly and that is not a military win.

Putin wanted to flood the islands downstream the AFU took back from Russians and their plans to further advance. Well, that now is backfiring although the ecological and humanitarian disaster is ongoing there so count that as another big victory for Putin.

Ukraine has been shooting down successfully more and more of Putin's missile launches against its citizens and infrastructure.

If that hurts your feelings, I'm ok with it.

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Nothing more than feelings my trolling young friend. We are not on the same planet. You spout CIA talking points,m and I disagree.

Next you will claim that the patriot battery at Kiev airport fired off all its rounds in a victory dance.

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So remember when you said Russia blew up the pipeline???

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Pepperidge Fhaam remembers ...

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Also had 2 profiles and copies and pastes. Has to be getting paid right? Must not have a shred of integrity.

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I just chime in and give them a little razz from time to time. It’s clear that the two of them are assigned as “narrative handlers” so i dont feel much guilt when I trounce. They just sound like all the NAFO Fellaz on twitter...prolly the same farm. Ah well, we do what we can.

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No doubt. I justify my time as I wonder if they actually think we don’t notice.

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Ditto, though I have to say the possibility of an AI keeping us on the chat line is creepy.

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You're just reliably wrong, Chevrus. I enjoy how wrong you are and you remain steadfast to being wrong.

But that's what Russian propaganda does to people.

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Someone should pay me but I'm pondering that step.

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Who has 2 profiles? Not 🐴

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I've not concluded otherwise. I'm open to hearing the Armed Forces of Ukraine may have gained remarkable naval force capability and pulled off a nice touche to Putin's War.

That would be awesome! I remain doubtful.

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Not Bagdad, WS, by way of NYC. 🐴

I'm correct about Putin's War and you folks are not.

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Yes, you are parroting the same BS the usual suspects in our government are. I'm sure you are right THIS time!! LOL

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No, I'm speaking from my own experience and understanding in Europe not based on what you think.

Too often people are forgetting it was Traitor Joe who enabled and gave Putin the green light to invade Ukraine.

Now that we've seen this sorry situation, we have to see that fire put out as Ukraine has shown remarkable resilience and courage fighting for survival and its freedom. Not unlike our Founding Fathers either.

Once again, people can not comprehend this basic difference between domestic policy and foreign policy lumping it all together into a Traitor Joe stew.

Thanks, Johnny-O.

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Honestly, horse, your inability to detect and understand humor has me wondering if you are actually AI.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, we have MSN news on our desktops at work, and every day there are at least 3 stories of ordinary non-famous uk folks getting diagnosed with turbo cancer, all young, all previously healthy. It's heartbreaking to read. And unbelievably I still know people who defend the jabs.....🤦‍♀️

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Will the 'docs are baffled' finally end (maybe when the gov stops with the $$$ for covid deaths) and finally Docs will be critical thinkers?

Or has their corruption been permanently secured?

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too many, will deny reality, otherwise, they are responsible too.

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Bingo. They pushed the shots and don’t want to be seen as complicit so they’ll keep their heads in the sand.

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Not all docs pushed them. Our GP practice stopped pushing them very early in the roll out and my hubs (who had one shot of Astrazeneca) was treated like a human being with a genuine medical problem in 2021 when he saw 3 different GPs there about problems arising from his one shot. Two of them were very open and critical of the shots. I'm one of a handful of people in the UK who has a statement on their medical records to the effect that they are not allowed to have the covid jabs - thanks to my neurologist, an extraordinary human being and a great Doctor. But yes, TV doctors, not so much 🙄

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No of course not all did. But the ones who didn’t were a small minority. I am always grateful to and admiring of the ones who did the right thing. I’m glad you were spared and weren’t coerced to get jabbed!

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

It’s hard to regain trust once it’s been lost. There may still be some good “old” doctors out there but the vast majority have proven they have no critical thinking skills, no compassion, rely on the CDC, NIH and Big Pharma for directions on how to treat their patients and were probably selected for Medical School based on diversity and inclusion. It’s better to look for a holistic or naturopathic doctor.

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I have this canned speech for my doctors. It's already been delivered to a couple, one to go: "I want to thank you for never having pushed the Covid-19 shots on me. I'm assuming you resisted great pressure from above. Nevertheless, I note that to date, neither have you recommended AGAINST them. The Covid-19 pandemic has produced an endless stream of lies and denials from the medical-industrial complex. I looked into a few treatments you had placed me on, and in my opinion, they are of very low value. Need I mention those revelations haven't exactly bolstered my trust in medicine? I'm sorry to say it, but I can no longer trust a single thing you say, without some form of independent verification."

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Since the medical industry is the most highly vaxxed segment of society, "permanent" might happen sooner than later for a lot of the true covid vaccine believers. Sad.

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They are the ones left, probably brain damaged, treating people. All the critical thinkers were fired.

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It's permanent.

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I dunno.

Docs are stilled baffled by SIDS. And many other inexplicable childhood conditions that used to be rare or never.

Now, they blame bad luck, bad genes (a family member’s young child developed seizures. Genetic testing revealed a genetic susceptibility for two genes; one is apparently so rare they have no idea if the tendency is outgrown or by what age - so, is it even a legit direct issue? Or is it just a convenient association that allows docs to not have to consider toxins as the finger that pulled the trigger, so to speak, on the seizures. And by toxins, I mostly mean vaccines.)

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If people started looking at these health issues and creating a list of those who had the poison clot shot and those who didn't, like child autism, IMHO this would be revelatory.

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It's going to be pretty difficult for a lot of people who took the jabs and who gave the jabs to their kids to accept the reality of what they have done. An antidote (to the jabs) will help so they are not mired in fear and panic as they were from the covid propaganda. Hopefully McCullough and others are onto something.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

wow, thinking about distractions tossed out in just a few months: bankman-fried frenzy, train derailments, debt ceiling “crisis”, trans craziness, tucker fired, ufo stuff, fbi above the law, hunter biden hidin’, cdc lamenting next pandemic, who attempting to take over the world…😳🙄😂🤨.

“And Joshua said unto all the people…choose this day who you will serve…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:2, 15.

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In the world, but not of the world...His remnant...protected

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The Trump campaign published an official statement yesterday, in which Trump vowed to investigate Big Pharma etc ---

Trump promised this the last time too. He even held meetings with Bigtree and Kennedy to then drop the ball completely on them without an explanation ....

Better to have RFK who will follow up once in office and not someone who just uses this to boost his campaign

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I was thinking RFK Jr was pretty bad on these subjects, but I found I was misinformed. New info shows his stance:

1. gun rights: he's fairly neutral, and mentions the 2nd Amendment

2. open borders: fully opposed, and just did a video on the border showing lots of Chinese and Asians mixed in (he says something 'big is at play')

3. green agenda: he is focused on stopping big corps from dumping waste to save profits

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NEVER thought I'd say or write this but he is now on my list of candidates to seriously consider.

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too bad he is running as a DEMONRAT...i can never vote for that

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I know! That's why I am in a state of absolute dissonance right now :). In all likelihood, I would not vote for him in the general, but I can't say I wouldn't consider registering as a democrat and voting for him in the primary...

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That’s my plan. I will put the wellbeing of children before any Party affiliation.

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Just know that in some states one cannot run for political office of one party if one has voted in the other party’s primary within a certain period of time.

We never know when God might call us to run for precinct committeeman or other local office. 😉👍🏻

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Just know that in some states one cannot run for political office of one party if one has voted in the other party’s primary within a certain period of time.

We never know when God might call us to run for precinct committeeman or other local office. 😉👍🏻

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I do find it curious that he has stuck with the party. BUT he is the real deal and has been walking the walk for many years. He acknowledges that the party has gone off the deep end. But HE has not, IMO. The only DEM I would consider is RFK.

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I’m thinking I would vote him depending on how the election is looking and the R candidate.

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Yep, that's a show stopper. And he's flatly declared he'd never run as veep for Trump.

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I heard Vivak say he'd consider Kennedy on a ticket with him.

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Interesting! I know people point out Vivak was WEF connections.

Similar to Tulsi. But they may have distanced from those positions now.

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Could you imagine??

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Well ... I suppose it all depends. For example, if the choice is between Biden and somebody like Romney or Pence ... or RFK Jr? What will one do?

I suppose we must do the best we can. However, nobody is going to save us except ourselves. And besides, it might take a complete collapse to sweep out the garbage.

(We are, indeed, in quite a pickle!)

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surprise yourself!

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He was an environmentalist. He fought for that and won in the courts. He is not the more recent climate change monger.

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More recently, if you offered a view not in tandem with Greta, RFK Jr. voiced support for you to be locked up.

Not hyperbole. Look it up, friend.

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I will be listening of course. But i would like a little peaceful (sort of) time before electomania ramps up. Its all so soul sucking. 😳🤷🏻‍♀️

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Sadly, so true but they will not leave us alone. One time of respite and they could put our lights out, forever.

In 2016 thought we escaped a bullet with Hillary but they didn't lay down, at all. They just ramped up more crimes against Americans and an actual coup effort against a sitting US President.

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That video was intentionally lacking the question asked. He was referring to the Big Industries dumping their chemicals.

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I heard an interview with him where he said anyone who denies climate change should be put in jail. No RFK vote from me

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EXCEPT...he was asked a question you were NOT allowed to hear. He was responding about giant chemical and industrial polluters. Not everyday people. That video was put out that way INTENTIONALLY! I am not endorsing RFK. Just stating fact.

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Good to know if that’s the truth. He’s still got some leftist views I could never support but glad to know for those who do like him that he’s not as radical as portrayed.

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Ummm, he is pretty vocal about our Bill of Rights and how it was trampled in the plandemic. And the censoring of free speech.

So if he said this in the past, which seems suspect, I would like to hear his current stance. It doesn’t seem consistent with the lengthy interviews I have heard from him.

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You go ahead and trust the inconsistencies of a politician. I’ll pass. Especially on a Kennedy who admits he still stands by many of the liberal principles he was raised with.

Simply because he’s found an opportunity with COVID doesn’t mean I trust him. Plus I’ll never support a pro-abortion politician. Ever, You do you.

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Yes, Obama was also neutral on guns. Until he got the power.

RFK Jr. wants to lock up anyone who disagrees with the One World Government "green" agenda to control your life. Look it up.

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Worthwhile interview with Jordon Peterson... https://youtu.be/W1h5AhrDajI

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Jordan does interesting work and shows a nice touch to have a sit down here with RFK Jr. It's kinda hard to listen to him too long with this vocal issue.

His book unveiling Fauci however is savage.

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Bill Gates came in and said this investigation would be dangerous. I can’t stand him, he is in every aspect of our lives. Common Core, Covid vaccine endorsement, Impossible burger, lab-grown meat, now coming out with this Apeel coating for fruits and veggies. I think real food needs to spoil at a predetermined time as God intended, you start messing with it and you will do more harm than good down the road. Whatever Bill Gates recommends always do the opposite.

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I would ❤️ your comment 17 more times if possible! Buying up/owning all of that Midwest farmland as well-up to NO good. Definitely an evil villain👿

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I just saw an apeel sticker on avocados at Walmart!

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Some people are saying we need to bud light the Apeel. I agree

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Yuck! Did you say anything to management at Walmart about your thoughts on this product? I may have to go to Walmart just to walk up to a manager with an avocado in hand for a little Q and A session.

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Amen ! Best advice today !!🙌

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I wonder if Gates reminded Trump of Trump’s times with Epstein and that shut the whole thing down.

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Did you ever consider the fact that ....if Trump had pushed ahead with investigating Big Pharma BEFORE Covid, it NEVER would have passed muster. Their control is SO ingrained that it would've been buried. Heck, Trump himself was being buried with the GOP Congress even fighting him every step of the way (AKA RINOS)! This may very well have been a timing thing! You can't possibly overthrow a "regime" that has bought and owned every segment of society since the early 1900s (politicians, medical community, educational systems, MSM, brainwashed parents, etc) in one 4 year stint with the whole system operating against you and attempting multiple assassinations to boot! People had to see for themselves how far Big Pharma was willing to go to control us. And Covid showed us that. In war, there is always collateral damage. It's not fair, but it's fact. Trump DID attempt to offer safe alternatives and was shot down (ivermectin, etc). So if you think he had a chance of going after PHarma while in office....that's a PIPE DREAM, folks! And why is no one mentioning Trump's prior videos where he speaks out against vaccines and autism? I've seen and heard them. Plus, name me one other President who's kept as many of his campaign promises as Trump did? Nada! We've GOT to quit being fickle Americans or it WILL be the death of our country!!!!

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You're on the right track but 45 would be attacked non-stop if he took on Big Pharma full on direct right now. You're of course correct about Ivermectin and also other inexpensive treatments like HCQ.

Remember when 45 said HCQ could be a game changer? He was immediately savaged but the Zelenko Protocol is now legendary around the world.

Let us remember and honor Dr. Vlad Zelenko. Might I add he was born in Ukraine. What an American hero.

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Let’s not forget he was handicapped with the Russia Collusion hoax from the minute he took office, lost his National Security Advisor immediately and was constantly battled by everyone in the Deep State and half of his own party, including his VP! Did he make mistakes during his presidency? Yes but he also accomplished a heck of alot during his 4 years despite all these unprecedented lies and attacks. At this point I still think he’s our best bet.

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Absolutely and we have the speak up, resist and get along!

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I would also add that Pence was given a lot of the control of the Covid situation and was often seen with Birx and Fraudchi.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

Trust him. He's gonna get to it.

He built the Wall and drained the Swamp, remember? AND, it's not like he's ever pushed a deadly vaccine to treat a bioengineered virus that was pushed by Big Pharma or anything, right?

AND AND he's a fighter. Remember that - he's a fighter and he's ready to take on the bad guys, and go to bat for us little people.

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I don’t know about RFKs policies but quite honestly I worry about people assassinating him like his uncle.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

UFO? Non-human vehicle? Alien?

Nope 👎🏻 Demons is what they are, I believe. Possibly vehicles with technology never before shown to the people but hidden away for generations? We already know technology is way more advanced than we could ever dream of without tptb disclosing or releasing it. It’s all demonic. More psyop. More green screens and hollyweird. More deception. More control. Do not be deceived. Do not be led astray. Use wisdom and discernment and if you lack that then ask God for it and He will give it. 😉

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People will believe it. The "aliens" will have a Gnostic "gospel." They will convincingly claim they made us, or know who did. Anyone who doesn't get with the program will have to be dealt with.

"It's 'science,' you see . . ." /s/

"What is Truth?" - Pontius Pilate

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You will find it, I am sure, hiding right behind the definition of what is is. :)

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There's also a conspiracy theory (spoiler alert?) about military tech that can do realistic projections in the sky (hiding military crafts inside) that they can 'fly around' and the military craft inside can fire live ordinance. Seems like maybe they can project an alien aircraft, blow a few places up with the hidden craft inside, and start the live action 'war of the worlds' if they want to....IF the CT is true.

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I haven’t heard of this but I also wouldn’t be surprised if it were true 🤷‍♀️

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Shout this from the rooftops. This is an old story, alright. Demons or fallen angels.

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Hey, Sunnydaze, are you the one who posted the Cornerstone Chapel sermon yesterday? I can’t remember who posted it… listening tonight. So good. So refreshing to hear a pastor speaking specifically about and calling out the players like Blackrock etc. So many Christians are ignorant of this.

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I did post the link after someone else mentioned it. We really like Gary and his knowledge of what’s going on, and the fact he will say it like it is. He’s kind and compassionate in his speaking as well but he speaks the Biblical truth. He’s had Charlie Kirk speak there and Kirk Cameron was just there as well as several others. Glad you like it. It was presented well.

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If it was demons or angels, why wouldn't they take their captives or give their message and go?

It's hard for me to believe demons or angels have ships that are prone to breaking down or getting captured.

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Presumably the theory is that they are deliberately leaving "crashed ships" in order to fool people into believing they are "aliens".

(Or just skipping the middle step, and possessing people to make them lie about there being "crashed ships" - since the public has yet to see hard evidence that anything exists beyond claims of "whistleblowers" and "reports".)

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Aliens or angels.

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I watched Grusch being interviewed on tv. His body language immediately made me suspicious of what he was saying. He didn't seem credible to me. I think it's the latest shiny object the gov't has trotted out to get our attention off of something else they don't want us to see or notice.

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...like the collapse of the US dollar as the reserve currency.

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And replacement with total control CBDCs.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

As a health professional who was “strongly recommended “ to get jabbed, I pray to God every day that I stay healthy!!!! I eat well, exercise regularly, take good vitamins, drink water and pray , pray , pray. So freaking scared. It seems every day I’m reading ANOTHER article about the dangers of the vaccine. And I believe them.

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Worrying is bad for your health. Sounds like you have clean habits, have you looked at the FLCCC post-vaccine protocol?

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"Do not let these things trouble you" is a commandment.

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Exactly what I was just thinking. Anybody who took the jab needs to do that!

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Great advice, Jeff! 💓

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Remember (and repeat to yourself 5x/day) "Perfect love casteth out fear".

Helps me a lot.

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have you done any of the detox recommendations? I'd be doing them all if I'd been shot...

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Considering that Trump still says that his push to develop mRNA shots at warp speed was the best thing ever and that the shots are still great ... not really having any confidence that he'll try to take on Pharma anytime soon.

I appreciate the Fake News questions - those seem to be pretty legit and a good set of criteria to apply. Sadly, critical thinking is largely gone in the populace, but maybe it can make a comeback?

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Those of us who have been paying attention to the pharma crimes for a long while will not forgive Trump’s flip flop on previous vaccine promises. He made these same statements to hold pharma accountable in his first presidential run and ended up being the biggest shill for them. He ushered in their greatest and most dangerous mRNA vaccine for all age groups and calls himself the father of the vaccine. He isn’t a masterful politician. He is simply a politician willing to say anything and sell out for a powerful industry. We saw through his empty promise when he pretended to take interest in RFK Jr’s proposal to investigate the autism and chronic illness rise. The debate between Trump and RFK Jr on this topic will be fascinating.

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Same for me. Former Trump voter (twice) planning to vote Kennedy in the primaries. I think current polling misses a lot of Kennedy supporters by only looking at Democrats. Personally I will have to switch parties to vote Kennedy in the primaries, and I am planning to do just that!

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Great idea!

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Just know that in some states one cannot run for political office of one party if one has voted in the other party’s primary within a certain period of time.

We never know when God might call us to run for precinct committeeman or other local office. 😉👍🏻

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I voted for Trump the first time. Not again. I did vote in the 2020 election, but I did not vote for either Trump or Biden. Could not justify voting for either of them. I am an independent, but I will switch my status to Democrat to be able to vote for RFK in the primary.

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Exactly. I remember him bragging that big Pharma hated him because he dropped the price of some drugs. Next, he gives big Pharma the vaccines. What a fricking liar. I also voted for him twice, not again, not in a million years.

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Exactly. It still infuriates me and I voted for him twice. Not eager to try this again.

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Trump's speech certainly seems at odds with his comments about the mRNA vaxxes. I wonder if this is a calculated reversal on the jabs, but done under a more general theme of pharma and government corruption. That way he can get in line with the base on this issue without specifically admitting the mRNA jabs were a mistake. Seems plausible to me.

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I think this is a valid interpretation.

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My thought too.

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Certainly consistent with his personality. Time will tell.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The aliens are coming! Declare a worldwide state of emergency! Declare martial law! Cause worldwide panic! And then, when Jesus returns to take His church out of here, meaning millions of people are suddenly gone, what will the "journalists" be reporting then? It's sort of fun watching how what is happening might fit into Bible prophecy. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Re spacemen not being bare-bottomed orangutans-- Philomena Cunk asked of one of her experts, “If humans evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?” You go, grrl!

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 8, 2023

Technically, humans and monkeys (allegedly) evolved from an "ape-like common ancestor". So this is a good soundbite but not a great logical argument... it would be stronger to ask about why there are no fossils of half-monkey-half-humans, but then that would get technical and not sound anywhere near as snappy!

(Or get into Haldane's Dilemma.... but that would involve maths and biology, and might make people's brains hurt.)

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Regarding the aliens, obviously Mark Zuckerberg has at least some alien DNA. Now maybe we'll find out more about where one of his parents is from.

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Is Zuck from aliens or lizard people? Stay tuned to find out.

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