Apr 15Liked by Jeff Childers

Fun April 15 prank: Everyone withdraw all their money from the banks at the same time.

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Doesn’t Bill know a 2010 progressive is a right-wing extremist Nazi fascist today?

“I’d be especially interested to hear from our democrat converts in the comments: what finally did it for you?”

I just realized all of the left’s claims that it represented my values were a lie. As I shared in a piece last year:

“I used to call myself a progressive because I was anti-authoritarian, anti-war, anti-corporation, countercultural, tolerant of diverse viewpoints, pro-truth, pro–freedom of speech, pro–freedom of choice, pro-justice, and pro-equality for all.

“I stopped calling myself a progressive because I am anti-authoritarian, anti-war, anti-corporation, countercultural, tolerant of diverse viewpoints, pro-truth, pro–freedom of speech, pro–freedom of choice, pro-justice, and pro-equality for all.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-two-year-stackiversary-lattice)

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Lifelong leftie here. It was the pandemic lies + trans agenda (as a close 2nd) that finally woke me up (pun not intended).

If there's a silver lining to the pandemic it's that I and many of my lefty friends now question EVERYTHING from the (previously trusted left wing) media, not just Fox News anymore.

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I transitioned in 2016 after watching our state legislators in action. (Colorado) Spent some time at the capitol building being a parent lobbyist for disabled children (I have one) and medical freedom. I watched the dems smile, nod and lie about supporting us and then vote against everything we had talked about. I watch a House committee chair shove a mom of a disabled child (in front of her child) because mom was pro vaccine choice and the dem didn't want to talk about it. I watch the dems cry fake tears for one dad who lost his son to meningitis, and disrespectfully scoff parent after parent who told stories of horrid vaccine injury, including death. (Picture the soup Nazi saying "Next") I watched dems schedule important hearings with 2 hours notice so we wouldn't show up, but when we did in numbers over 2000 to testify, they limited our testimonies to 1 min and only 1.5 hours total for each side. They were literally wondering the halls of the capitol searching desperately for anyone to fill the 1.5 hours of testimony supporting their bill, while 2000 people sat around wanting to testify against it. They passed it.

Horrified by their antics, I started voting conservative.

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Bragg may be inept and the case may be weak at best but you forget one thing: the jury will consist of BRAINDEAD NYC RESIDENTS who won’t even be able to follow the logic but they will know Trump is guilty.

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The God of Israel said,

The Rock of Israel spoke to me,

‘He who rules over men as a righteous one,

Who rules in the fear of God,

Is as the light of the morning when the sun rises,

A morning without clouds,

From brightness of the sun after rain.’

— 2 Samuel 23:3-4a LSB

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Jeff asked the question so I will respond: What did it for me who never ever voted for a republican was the covid op. Oh, I thought political correctness was bs and I had long ago stopped listening to npr and thought the pandering to lifestyle groups was stupid, I just started voting for 3rd parties. What I was against was corporate corrupt control of the government and I could see during Obama that all the talk was lies and he was part of it all with refusing to do anything about bankstering rackets. Covid illuminated and brought into sharp focus the real issue, either your for freedom or your a commie serving commissars. Really everyone I know/knew who I thought were bastions of no nonsense turned into blithering covidiots. Covid resistance was a gateway drug to fully exploring and embracing liberty. It is simple really and it takes one phrase to sum up: “life (i.e. resist those trying to kill you), liberty ( you can live your life as you see fit), and the pursuit of happiness. (The whole notion of which is subversive to purityranicals of all stripes).

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The war is not intended to be won but it is intended to be continuous. Anyone else had enough of this total bullshit?

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Jeff- I appreciate your posts every day. You, like Trump, have a way a making it seem like we are going to be ok. It might not be tomorrow but here is hope. You have such a fun way of putting all this craziness into perspective. I appreciate you, the time you put into this, and devotion to making these crazy events understandable. Thank you Jeff, from the bottom of my heart.

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This was the 1st time in 15 years that I owed money to the IRS.

Just have retirement income...no wages.

Normally keep my withholding lower, and it worked just fine in the past.

Really, really, don't want to pay for Ukraine.

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Just wanted to mention that identification (drivers license) was requested to efile my taxes. Smh…

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The fact that everyone knew this Iran attack was going to happen on Israel only goes to show that there are so many conversations that happen in secret that are all part of an elitist agenda that we may not necessarily know about: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-wars-happen-or-how-theyre-let?utm_source=publication-search

Looking forward to your work on the government's secrets.

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I always think, when I read about these criminal prosecutions against Trump for process crimes, how much the Democrats are going to scream and stomp their feet like 3 year olds when this new precedent gets used against their political candidates in the future. They’ve set the precedent and created this monster, but they’ll be the victims.

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What’s the saying? Liberal in your 20’s but once you reach adulthood you become conservative? I think Maher is just starting to become an adult.

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As an American living in Canada with his canadian wife, all I can say is O Whoa-k Canada. Some people here have that American spirit, moreso each day with each cell tower that pops up, but some are still asleep.

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Why didn’t he just put the retainer on credit cards to get the points? No memo lines, and he would have gotten points perks! Geez, it’s like nobody’s thinking over there.

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