
I thought I was clear, but to be even MORE clear, I can honestly say I am not taking sides in the primary because I have not made up my mind yet. And when I do, I won't tell anyone. My commitment to C&Cers is that I will unapologetically run valid news stories supporting ALL Republican candidates and I will never run hit pieces against any of them. From day to day, one candidate or another may get more attention, but not because I am leaning in. It's just the day that news item broke.

And thanks in advance for being kind while debating the primary options in the comments!

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I understood. That's why I am a paid subscriber to C&C. I trust you to bring the facts and let me decide. 👍🙂

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I understand what you mean and you are always right to tread carefully on polarizing topics. I am in Florida too and have supported Governor DeSantis all the way. He jumped in early and came down hard on southern nursing homes who were caught in the act of moving the elderly to hospitals. He has delivered a well deserved blow to groomers in lower education and worse groomers in gay bars allowing/welcoming young children. He tore a hole in the fabric of Disney by exposing their agenda and the pedophiles who work for them. Sheriff Judd has been on the front lines of this for a very long time.

What stopped me from going full DeSantis was his last swearing in ceremony a few months ago. There behind him was good old Jeb Bush with a smile on his face like a proud papa. When Jeb was our governor he single handedly destroyed my career along with countless others who were career Department of Corrections employees. All so his private companies could take over and reap the rewards. I was forced to take a demotion and move just to break even after 23 years. The inmates suffered a lot from their takeover as well. The food was disgusting and pre-cooked. The security guards were hired thugs and the health workers were basically regects from security guard agencies like Wackenhut

This creepy love connection between the past governor and the current governor is a real problem. A problem we need to keep a focus on.

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Yes. Way too much love for DESANTIS from Bushes and other nefarious creatures.

I believe DESANTIS has been pushed into this run by deep state as the only one who could eliminate the best PRES we ever had

I love him as my gov but never in 1,000 years would I desert Trump after all he has endured for the values of America. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸. TRUMP 24

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DeSAntis is all in with the "snoops acronym intel agencies! He served as the JAG officer at the Gitmo interrogations of various al Qaeda prisoners.

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That’s a good thing.

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I disagree - his "loyalty" to the CIA will make him a really powerful threat to our personal freedoms (which are hanging by a thread now). That is not a "good thing" to my way of thinking, Benjamin.

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I felt the same way when I saw Jeb Bush supporting him. But I’m glad he did that publicly. Now I know. But imagine who might be supporting him behind the scenes? It’s creepy and scary.

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The Bush family is truly a corrupted group of potentates!! "W" is the goofball member of this "Stooges" parody!

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""W' is the goofball member of this 'Stooges' parody!'"

As I look back on the Bush legacy, my take on Dubya is that his whole "regular guy" persona was an artificial construct. Dubya was always in the neocon mold, following in his father's footsteps. However, they exaggerated his 'black sheep' tendencies to seize on perceptions of populist opposition to Clinton in the 90s. Look at Dubya's behavior in the last ten years, particularly as he has forged a political alliance with Obama and Biden's controllers.

Dubya was basically 'pre-Trump'. It worked as the vast majority of my conservative friends fell for it, even after the 'global war on terror' thing was exposed as bullsh*t as early as 2004. They still voted Bush back in in 2004.

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We haven't had a TRUE "two party" system for decades--what choice did we have in 2004? I believe it was John Kerry in the Donkey Party--so "W" was looking pretty wholesome back then! Our government has been operated by WAR MONGERS for over 60 years. It's why the CIA backed the assassination of JFK because he was NOT predilected toward waging many wars all over the globe to "preserve democracy"--WHAT A CROCK!!

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That is very good information. Thank you!

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I thought it was pretty clear and you made some good points about the key issues that are likely to come out. Sadly, too many Democrats don't see this as an issue because the lawfare is targeting people they disagree with. If the tables were turned, they'd be screaming. :(

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While agree this is true of the die hards that identify as democrat, there are lots of liberal minded people that recognize the injustice of the Trump indictments. Those people must be reminded of the true danger of this lawlessness.

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If it can be done to a former President, we are all at risk!

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It's also being done on steroids to a former President as a very clear message to the rest of us: They are clearly saying "Don't you dare go against us or you know what will happen to you."

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That’s exactly why it is so important we back Trump. The buck stops here!! He is the only one who can bring the DS scum down!!

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Only our deaths and/or imprisonment won't make any news headlines - we don't pay off the media as the CIA/NSA/FBI collaboratives do!

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WE THE PEOPLE have had NO IDEA how corrupted our "intel system" has become - I know many friends of mine always believed the CIA rubbed out JFK...now I'm becoming a believer of that as well! JFK was NOT a neocon and wanted to end all of the "global military engagements" in which the USA was involved up to that point.

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Sharon Garvin--I would love to meet a "liberal with enough of a functioning mind" that recognizes the injustice. It would certainly make my day, week, month, last three years. Mind you, I live in Oregon so........

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Lots of us "left libertarians" and non-corporate "liberals" who have walked away. It is "left libertarians" who accurately identified corporate interests as the pinnacle of corruption, while "right libertarians" pretended corporations, a la Citizens United, should have all the aggregate rights of their investors.

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Those are good points. I still live in Oregon and maybe not circulating in the right (or is left circle), but it would be refreshing and mean a lot.

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Two thoughts. Run Kennedy as an Independent to split the Dem vote or run him head to head against Trump. Not sure who would win there.... But, currently given the treatment metted out to him, it is a fact, given this treatment he's getting that he's only get more popular! Nto out of the question they would indict and try and convict in DC but he would WIN WIN WIN the general election since ticked off people will vote to screw the system much as it has screwed them. Might be over whelming to such a margin that they couldn't diddle it.... people are very roth right now, and rightly so.

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Trump runs WITH RFK. The media would implode.

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I have been told that RFK said that Moms for Liberty were a terrorist group or something similar and that no one would be better for LGBTQ+++ than he would be.

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I have been told that RFK said that Moms for Liberty were a terrorist group or something similar and that no one would be better for LGBTQ+++ than he would be.

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No matter what "the people" believe...if the elections are rigged once again as they were in 2020--Trump will NEVER win!! I am very, very concerned for his safety, to tell you the truth.

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And those tables will turn; they’ve set the precedence, so, “Game on”!

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Except our side doesn't do it.

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I’m not so sure it would stay that way. I’ve been watching gop politicians for decades. Don’t count on it.

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Jeff, you're always clear about everything. I don't know how you manage to scan all the news and "news" outlets, digest all the info, winnow the wheat from the chaff, AND present it in such a cogent fashion.

God is truly with you

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U were clear, Jeff. I hear ya.

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You were 100% clear, could not have been clearer. What you stated was an observable fact.

The problem is not with what you wrote but with people who cannot separate their feelings from reality. These people perceive anything that can be remotely construed as something negative toward "their guy" as a personal affront that cannot stand. They are driven by emotion and hysteria.

The left is filled with these sorts of people, their feelings rule their lives. I've been surprised by how the Trump/DeSantis thing has showed just how many on our side are no different.

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"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

Barry Goldwater

Any republican candidate who is not righteously angry at what the US government, not just Biden, the US government, is doing to us is not part of the solution.

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Jon, I agree completely. That’s why DeSantis lost me..when he was silent on the Mar-a-lago raid.

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AND Tim Scott immediately responded that he wanted to see what the FBI had on Trump before he termed it a politically motivated hit. C'mon Man! first reaction should be...OF COURSE it's a political hit, they'd have to PROVE otherwise!!! Senator Tim, playing it "safe" isn't wise or even possible--You are the definition of Betrayal to the Commies of Color in our nation. WISE UP and speak out.

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Lawyers cover for each other.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Yes, throwing tantrums is always a great way to solve problems.

There's a difference between being angry about something and reacting emotionally to every interaction. The latter is what toddlers do.

We can be angry and channel that into rationale, constructive actions, rather then getting all bent out of shape because someone said something we didn't like.

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It was a child who said the emperor had no clothes.

I think this is one reason so many hate Trump. He points out the obvious lies too many do not want to see or hear.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

There was once a so called Republican who said speak softly and carry a big stick.

I don't care how loudly a president speaks as long as he uses the big stick.

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AMEN. Give me a loud voice and low gas and food prices

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I agree!! Trump can wield that stick better than any other candidate. The time to come together is now under Trump or we are all screwed!!

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Exactly right!!!

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I disagree with your premise. Trump is the only one who can bring down the evil corrupted establishment. No more nice guys!! DeSantis has a lot to learn still in this dangerous political climate. Trump has taken the blows. He needs to finish the job or we are all screwed!!

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

I supported McCain and Romney, both losers because they wouldn't fight what is now called the deep state.

BHO entrenched and reinforced socialism in the Regulatory State.

The only candidate running for president that has the deep state frightened is Trump.

I'll support candidates feared by the socialists in the US government and in the Republican party.

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I have said many times that I would like my votes for both Bushs, McCain and Romney back since all of them were/are RINO's. I can't even begin to tell you how much I despise the Bushs and Romney now. Having "discovered" what I know about Prescott Bush, it is my humble opinion that neither GHW or GW should have EVER been allowed anywhere near the presidency and the whole family should be stripped of their wealth.

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Agree. I was not happy with W as the candidate because I am totally against political dynasties/aristocracies as a matter of principle. I didn’t vote for him the first time, voted 3rd party as a protest vote. Then when Jeb put his hat in the ring I was even more disgusted. Clearly they think no one else but their family should get the chance to govern in this country 🙄 Entitled jerks.

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Yep but they aren't the only ones that think they are "elite". Sad thing is there are a lot of people who don't want to have to make decisions for themselves so they welcome the nanny state.

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Now WE THE PEOPLE know the "bit of truth" they who are REALLY in charge, have permitted to "escape". The neocons will NEVER release their chokehold on the world governments. It will take YAHWEH to clean house!! 7 years of hell on earth--then the Righteous Kind Jesus will return to earth to clean up the "mess" we humans have made of His once glorious creation.

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Don't forget Neil Bush

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Neil's a tard....

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McCain and Romney didn’t fight the deep stare because they ARE the deep state.

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AMEN, groomed for their roles as young men and rewarded and given accolades for their fine work. Mere Shadows of the men their fathers were I've heard.

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I feel kind of embarrassed now having supported McCain and Romney, though the reasoning at the time still holds up "better than Obama". Just barely, though.

I think Desantis is feared by socialists and government, maybe more than Trump, but he hasn't drawn the fire because he isn't enough of an imminent threat yet

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When Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Ronna McDaniel are all in for RDS that sends up a red flag for me. I love what I’ve seen him do as governor in FL. but he seems to be getting in line with Establishment RINOS and he needs their money for his campaign. Trump is beholden to no one. I would love to see any of the GOP candidates speak out against the political persecution of DJT but they aren’t which tells me they’re weak cowards and have no integrity to do the right thing regardless of the cost.

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I agree. It is critical we have Trump in office. This has to end now and DeSantis isn’t the one. Not yet and until he proves his allegiance to MAGA Nothing wrong with making America great. You are either on board or you are part of the problem!!

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someone who knows the English language and who uses it in the way it was intended. Sweet.

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You are an invaluable resource Jeff and we all so appreciate you! Thank you! God bless you! ❣️❣️

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You were clear. The only thing NOT clear this early, with 15+ months to go, is who will emerge as the candidate with the best chance to beat the PUD (Propped Up Democrat) that they hoist up as puppet-in-charge.

This is a great time to evaluate - too early to go 'all-in' behind any one Republican candidate.

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The best candidate to defeat Biden is the one who has the most connections to swing state voting apparatus. That's where this election will be won or lost - counting the votes, not casting the votes.

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And more accurately, it's just a handful of states in which this is critical. I'm in deep blue California where my Republican vote has no impact on electors, which will always end up Democrat. All my vote can do here is add to the popular vote count, for whatever that is worth.

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And a handful of precincts in those handful of states. Whatever red precincts a state has, Republicans should make sure voter turnout is as close to 100% as possible. If, at 11pm, they determine that there are still 8% of votes not yet cast, shut down the vote counting and reporting and make sure ALL votes get cast and counted. Inactive voters, relocated voters, etc... all should have their ballots counted. Whatever blue precincts a state has, Republicans should send in armies of observers and picture takers, posing as Democrat poll workers if necessary.

Win big where you control, and lose small where you don't.

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Yes. Until we start doing what the Ds do, they won’t stop. Election integrity laws will be passed when the Ds believe it would benefit them.

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Likely true - certainly sad.

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And the one who can clearly read every word of the sentence on the teleprompter.

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My question is who can oppose the Puppet Master? Can Trump fight that he can't see? On the other hand, i entirely distrust the Pope and therefore ALL those who support his kingdom on Earth.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Just in case you don't realize this: there are a significant and rapidly growing number of Catholics (like me) who don't believe Jorge Bergoglio (aka Francis) is pope, or even Catholic.

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The commie pope lived in Argentina during their Dirty War.

Students, clergy, and dissidents were kidnapped off the streets and tortured by the military junta that was in charge. Then the prisoners were pushed out of the open doors of a helicopter over open water.

Francis remained silent.

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Not to mention his heresies, cover ups for homo priests abusing children at a school for the deaf and blind(!), and appointing notorious homos to high posts everywhere.

I pray that he repents. But if not, Hell will be HOT for this one.

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To whom much is given much is required. The pope influences many many people; therefore he’s more accountable before God than a shoe salesman.

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I did a multi year project in Buenos Aires right after that, beginning in 1981. From talking to many people who lived there , a lot who became friends, all you say is true. Very nasty business. I am fluent in Spanish, so I talked to many people at all levels of society.

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When I was in Buenos Aires in 2010, the mothers of the "disappeared" would silently protest around the presidential building holding photos of their loved ones that were murdered.

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As a Catholic who has discussed this with other Catholics, yes, this is true. I've even heard some people say he is a false Pope which has happened before in history.

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Yes it has. At least 40 times in the history of the Church.

Yet to suggest Francis is an antipope is somehow shocking.

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No his is the anti pope. Allowing Pachamama the Inca idol in a place of worship? That's.. idolatry. Thou shalt have no other God... thou shall not worship idols... He doesn't believe in God, but he's going to find God all the same on the other side. It remains to be seen what God will tell him...or where he will be sent for rehabilitation.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Please help me understand how so many believe the Catholic dogma but yet claim to not support it? Doesn't make sense to me. There is no Holy Father but God Himself. Never was. Pope's are liars all no matter how nice or good they were. They usurped the Apostleship just as Charismatics do. World wide religious apostacy again.

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We do support Catholic dogma, which teaches that a heretic cannot either become pope, nor remain pope if he becomes a heretic after a papal election. (Pope Paul IV, papal bull Cum Ex Apostolaticus Officio, 1559.)

So by refusing to recognize an open heretic, we *are* supporting Catholic teaching.

Francis is NOT pope and never was.

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Maybe this will help. Jesus Himself gave Peter (the first in a long line of popes) His authority (the keys to the kingdom) at Mt. 16:18-19. He included the power to either bind or withhold absolution from sin.

He later did the same thing to the rest of the Apostles in John.

The Church established by Jesus is the Catholic Church. Not the Episcopal, not the Baptists, not some non-denom church on the corner.

That Church, which remember Jesus explicitly gives His authority to bind and loose sin, has explicitly declared many many times that no one outside the Church may obtain salvation.

You cannot go to Heaven if you reject Jesus' own church.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

I really don't know how I can help you understand that within a post or even a full on discussion. Addressing what the dogma is vs Apostleship and Charismatics, I don't know what you're referring to. I'm not qualified.

Papal Authority was handed to St. Peter from Jesus. That's the root of it. From there I suppose there's weeds to wade through.

And indeed, by your original post here you wouldn't trust me if I could help you understand. Or maybe you would since I don't trust the Pope.

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I agree with you. I am not a Catholic but Life Site news a Catholic news source is where the truth was shared about Covid and the science and us of aborted fetal cell use in development and contents in the hellish Jab. I love them. All other outlets were advising the public it was not tainted. Once again I salute and love those of Life Site News!

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This!! I have wondered from the beginning if he was an anti Christ infiltrator- love my faith but recognize that our so called leaders don’t always serve the best interests of the church

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It's healthy for families to have arguments once in a while.

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I agree

Parents today try to remove all discomfort for their kids

And that’s not healthy. The result is a generation of kids unable to cope with adversity and any difference of opinion.

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The school system has taught this generation of 20-35 year olds that discussing uncomfortable subjects is harmful to their mental health. My kids tell me I’m literally causing them distress and anxiety therefore they don’t want to even have a calm, hear each other out, conversation.

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reminds me of the cry rooms and ‘cry in’ after the election…

Keep being the counter voice of reason for your kids … they need to hear it from their parents

The blessing of the pandemic for me and my kids was it was a light bulb moment that my kids were being indoctrinated to a certain way of thinking and I had to get busy telling them the counter position!!

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Yes, and it’s important for kids to learn that they can like and even love someone and yet heartily disagree with that person.

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I love those couples who say, "we never argue."


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just an occasional casual knife throwing contest with the unusual errant throw?

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They’re liars!

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Also RFK Jr. (D) is a worthy candidate that is news worthy.

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Yes. He was refused secret service protection by the Biden Administration. He followed all the required applications and the secret service saw no problem but DHS head denied it even with information detailing credible threats to him. No viable candidate has been refused SS protection since the protection began for candidates. Yet scum bag hunter B strolls around with full coverage. Shameful action again by the demoncrats

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Yeah Hunter with secret service protection makes me both livid and disgusted.

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I would love to see a Trump-RFK ticket. 1) the media would implode, and 2) this would produce unlimited voter potential.

In the old-old days opposite parties ran together. These two find common ground in opposing the deep state.

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Ron defending trump would be great. Ron as VP would be great. Trump winning would be great. But, I don’t believe in fair elections anymore. This is all theatre.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

You were completely clear. Perhaps I had no trouble understanding it because your stance is similar to my own. I see some issues with Trump. I see some issues with DeSantis. I see some issues with the Swami guy. None of them is perfect, but in the end, come fall of 2024, we cannot let whatever issues the nominee has deter us. Four more years of Democrats running the executive branch and in control of the Senate is simply unacceptable.

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Yes, this is pretty much how I feel and think about the issue. I see the pros and cons of each candidate and also don’t want to put all of my eggs in one basket. We have to be able to find a way to stop this current crop of corrupt people regardless of who the candidate ends up being.

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Jeff, I respect you even more for your stance. I, like many others, want to know all I can know about ALL the potential candidates in order to make my best informed decision about who can help lead us out of this horrible state we are in. I haven't made up my mind yet who I like best. It's far too early.

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Same here. And so much can happen in the next year or so!

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I cannot support DeSantis Bc the publisher of his book is a company part of the fox conglomerate so when they said DeSantis supported by Sorros May not have been wrong. He has been a good leader in florida but he punted on insurance issue and cost of living in florida is very high DeSantis is not ready to be president. I am voting antibiden but I don’t support DeSantis as a presidential candidate.

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You were clear! Thanks for weighing in!! It’s one of the reasons we love you and share your writings!!

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“Trump’s now demolishing the primary field and is tied with Biden in the general.” - Jesse Waters

Tied with Biden? 😂 😂

If he was “tied” with biden in real life and not some made up phony poll number, we may as well kiss America goodbye and just go bury ourselves.

It is so ridiculous that anyone repeats made up numbers to try and further manipulate us. Please, please stop with the bull$hit numbers. We see you.

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I so agree. EVERYONE needs to stop giving poll numbers any credence. Poll numbers have NEVER been accurate. NEVER. Well maybe 50-60 yrs ago but not in modern times. I wish everyone would just cease and desist with talking poll numbers. 🤦‍♀️

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I thought we learned in 2016. Everybody laughed at how ridiculous the poll numbers were and so many saw right through how it was manipulated for a reason. And what happens….months later….back to the poll numbers as if nothing was revealed about them. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The sheer stupidity of it all! And the media leads the charge, unsurprisingly. Even Trump touts poll numbers!!! I’m always like…. NOOOOOOO STOP IT!!!

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Nowadays you’d have to be nuts 🥜 to answer a pollster’s call ☎️ . Who knows whether they’re from the fake news 🤥 (or worse)? So maybe only dems and their paid operatives answer the polls; the rest of us talk to our friends, family, neighbors, and (hoping...) their elected representatives.

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Oh I always answer them and record them, find out who paid for it, and if they are coming from the D side, I send the recording to the R side. It is interesting to see how they slant the question from one side or the other. Few of them are really asking open ended questions, they are designed to elicit a certain response. I also am volunteering with AFP making phone calls, it is an open ended survey on issues, and in an hour of calling, I am lucky to get 3 responses, and almost all are over ~age 50 or so. Most people don't answer or hang up before I can even get the first sentence out.

However, for years I was part of a survey panel, where you got 'points' for answering surveys that you could cash in for money or gift cards, and sometimes included opportunities to participate in panel discussions for cash. I got paid $125 cash to talk about cat food for an hour, for instance. Topics were all over the map, from breakfast cereal to politics. The survey company got bought by Ipsos and they started asking too many personal questions so I bailed, but suspect that a lot of the polling respondents come from such panels.

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Wow, this is educational as I never knew about this survey things and that lots of people participate

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I am not sure how big the base is, but it started for me about 25 years ago. A local company called 'Delve' would sign up people to be in their database, and they would call me a few times a month to ask questions, and if I qualified, I would go to their offices to be on a focus group panel. Pay ranged from ~$50-$150 for an hour or 2 of providing opinions. In some cases they would send you products to try at home then come in and talk about them. It was a pretty sweet deal, I was working PT as I had young kids at home so a little extra cash was nice. Over time, Delve got bought by a bigger company, and then a bigger company bought them, and everything started just being online. Rare to get an in person cash offer, mostly it was points for online surveys that you could turn into cash, and it only netted a couple of hundred a year or so. But I do survey work from time time in my business, so I stayed plugged in as it was just interesting to me. The latest iteration was called 'Knowledge Panel' (which I still see in some methodology footnotes as the database they used) but that was I think it was either bought or partners with Ipsos. Started feeling uncomfortable with the idea that they asked a lot more personal questions and no longer made responses optional so I bailed, but my hubby still does them. He gets political surveys from time to time and I look over his shoulder at the questions. But I do answer phone surveys that randomly come in, they are mostly for local and state candidates, and they ask demographic info at the end so when it gets to the income part I hang up. None of their business.

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Or worse.....an AI recording your voice for future manipulation of your family or friends!

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Do you know how easy it is to make up poll numbers?

These are the amount of people I called: random number

Here's the amount answers I got one way: biased number based on random number

Here's the amount that went the other way: random number - biased number based on random number

You can make all this data up without calling a single person! Just make it look reasonable.

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As I recall, the Rasmussen poll told the tale accurately in 2016. No doubt that's been "fixed" since then.

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Rasmussen is generally a conservative pollster that tends to get things more accurately. Or at least they were.

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Reality checks are better. All one had to do was look at how many people were showing up at campaign events in 2016 and 2020 in order to know who was going to win the election. Trumps got tens of thousands while The Witch and Pedo Pete were lucky to get a few hundred most of the time. Remember all the photos?

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Always find the number of people polled. That’s a tell right there.

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Also, look at the polling universe. Sometimes it's 'people', other times it's 'registered voters' and others it's 'likely voters'. I am not clear how they vet these categories, but if it's just asking people about how often they vote, 'likely voters' is suspect to me as people are likely to lie about how often they actually voted as they don't want to look bad. But supposedly, polls of 'likely voters' is supposed to be the most accurate.

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In the state databases of voters, it shows how someone is registered and in which elections they voted (but obv. not *how* they voted). Political parties (and, I assume, pollsters; perhaps the general public, for all I know) can get these databases and from them contact people via the contact info in the database (which isn't always accurate, but they'd keep going until they had the sample size they needed for their statistical estimate). I can't remember how 'likely voter' is typically defined, but it may be something like 'voted in 3 out of the last 4 elections' or similar.

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Well in MO we don't have party registration, so no way of knowing if voters are R or D. The legislature did add a provision to an election bill in 2022 where you can now register as a party, but it is optional. (Reason - they are trying to push towards party registration is because D's vote for the weak R's in the primaries, so trying to keep the D's from getting R ballots in primaries). However, a lot of my R friends refuse to add their party to their registration as they say they will not get their vote counted. Not true, but a lot of people distrust the elections.

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In Colorado, if you are registered as independent you can vote in either primary. As I'll be pretty comfortable with most of the R candidates, my husband and I are seriously considering switching to I, and vote for RFK Jr.

Also Colorado went from a red state to blue the moment mailin votes were ratified in our constitution.

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Most people distrust elections in Oregon Donna, an all vote by mail state. Precinct voting fostered a touch of community, even if we only vote every couple years. I would love to have that back.

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Rich Baris is pretty accurate with his poll numbers. I haven't been following him lately to see if he has any numbers, I'll have to check up on it.

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Rich Baris feels that DeSantis is out of the race.

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Then he's probably right.

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Poll numbers and polls are here to stay. I just ignore them like white noise.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Polls are just part of the MSM brainwashing, nothing more...

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Polls are worse than daily weather forecasts.

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They have certainly been politicized, but it's not true that they are inaccurate. The way people interpret them causes issues. Sometimes intentionally. Polls provide a snapshot. They have a margin of error. Yet, people want to read them as if they literally say 49% to this candidate and 47% to that candidate. That's not what they are saying. If you take the margin of error into account it's more like candidate A likely has 44-54% of the vote and candidate B likely has 42-52% of the vote. Candidate A appears to be leading, but it's well within the poll's margin that Candidate B actually wins by a comfortable margin. People would say the poll is inaccurate if Candidate B were to win, but the poll was accurate. The interpretation was inaccurate.

People like Jesse Waters (who let's all remember is on Faux News and therefore is part of the establishment) will use the numbers to tell the story they want people to believe.

All that said, if you look across polls, across multiple polling co's - some with left leans, some with right leans - and average them all out over a 3-month period or so, you can get a pretty good sense of what the mood of the public is and which direction it's heading. It's not 100% accurate, but it's a snapshot that has some value. Way more value than having nothing at all.

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I like seeing what my leftie friends say on FB. One is absolutely insane about Trump, but he never posts a single fact, only invective and mockery, which I think about sums up the Dem side generally. In real life, he's a retired historian who still gives lectures about Native Americans and settlers in his area of the country. He's a great guy in that arena, but the spirit that shows through on his political posts is very off-putting.

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Same here. One of my lefty fb friends just posted about getting blue hats made that said "Make lying great again". The comments all thought that was hilarious and someone volunteered to get the hats made. I'm thinking that I don't really get it. I mean I get it sarcastically but are they really that oblivious to their own party? Cause the other side of me is saying, yes, go for it, advertise what a lying POS your side is standing for and see how many votes that gets.

Most of time their memes don't make sense and are not funny. Kind of blah.

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Yes, this man's FB friends all also chimed in to agree. Once he posted about DeSantis 'banning books' in Florida, and I corrected him with a link to a neutral site listing which books had been assessed by school boards and which retained or tossed. He thanked me, but it appears not to have made a dent in his willingness to do the same thing, over and over, for jollies, it appears.

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I had to unfollow my friends on FB who would make lists like this. It really upset me that people I genuinely liked would be this nasty and disrespectful towards people they disagreed with. And also so gullible to repeat the lies of the media taking heads and politicians.

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Yeah. I would be willing to bet RFK Jr. is beating biden now.

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The Dems are so scared of RFK Jr.

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I have no doubt RFK is beating Brandon, Annie. How long before the left begins indicting him for.. something. They have to remove all competition.

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Worse. They denied him secret service coverage, even though as a candidate he should qualify for it. And with his family's background in assassinations. Though maybe have the deep state guard you is dangerous in itself.

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There has been several well placed internal polls that show he has captured a huge number and that is by solely doing podcasts! The DNC, being the DNC that gave Hilary the questions to the primary and not Bernie, have now decided to have all MSM block all stories about RFK. It’s so bad that RFK is apparently suing Google for censorship!The real irony in this is that because the MSM blocked all conservatives, we got X, Substack and Truthto send things around. Imagine if facebook blocks RFK links!

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I certainly hope so!

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Tied with Biden? Could be true. In my personal experience, all of the democrats I know well enough to discuss anything going on today are oblivious to Biden’s and the democrat party’s flaws and questionable deeds. In a race between Biden and any Republican candidate out there, Biden would nearly unanimously get their vote. They all follow the MSM news. That is all they know. And they don’t think or ask questions.

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Yes, they swallow the sermonizing of the DemoCult Media apparatus that's well crafted, better written than any Phlemzer Ad, almost as well produced as Netfixed or HomeBO. It IS REALITY and disparaging attacking, hateful commentary toward the target of the moment is fulfilling to them. Be it Trump, America, MAGA, Christians, AntiVaxxers, RFK Jr., UnBlack African-Americans, whoever and whatever, there is always a defined "enemy".

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As someone who is very well-versed in survey research, I'll say political polls should always be viewed with the lens of: which polling co. and what is their methodology. Most of them are liberal-leaning companies and their methodology (intentionally or not) skews their results to the liberal side. It's all about the underlying methodology. Who takes their survey? How do they weight the results? How do they define a "likely voter?"

The problem with most polls is that they get massive underrepresentation of Trump supporters taking them b/c Trump supporters generally do not trust the pollsters. This is true for corporate Marketing surveys as well. You have to REALLY work to find Trump conservatives and get them to take a survey.

So, yeah, if the poll is showing Trump tied with "Biden," it's likely Trump is well ahead of "Biden" (whoever or whatever "Biden" is at this point).

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The only "poll" I believed in the 2016 and 2020 elections were turnouts at Trump rallies vs. Biden "rallies". I stood in nearly 1/2 mile long lines at one in 2020, and got turned away from Trump's final 2016 rally in GR MI, while watching 50 people sitting in circles at the very few Biden 2020 "rallies". 2020 was the swing state fix the demoncrats didn't think they needed in 2016. Don't tell Grandma Garland I said this, I'd rather not be persecuted by the Department of "Justice".

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The turnouts for Trump rallies were astounding,I've never in 73 years seen anything like it, and it happened every single time, over and over. The few pathetic public events for Biden were ridiculously small, embarrassingly so. There were so few "supporters" there that the MSM cameras had to use very tight angles so you wouldn't see how sparsely attended Biden's events were. I simply do not believe based on what I observed with my own eyes that Biden got more votes than Trump. I don't think it was even close.

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Agree. There was no evidence that Biden winning was credible or made any sense at all.

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The media likes to pin it on Idiots getting riled up like at a tractor pull with a KKK speaker--after all those church attending Bible believers need some entertainment off of the gun range. Maybe the Koch brothers are paying for people to attend? Studious, educated professionals and poor oppressed folks of color have NO NEED to go to a Biden event in mass, that would be undignified and his quaint stories don't add anything to the mix. They already all know how good they have things as long as Ol'Joe runs the show. See, even when no one shows up you're still the winner in MSM spin.

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Yes, just posted about this on another thread as I do some occasional survey work for small businesses, although informal, such as surveying their current customer list, so I am always interested in methodology, how they word it, and who is paying for it. I record them and send them to whoever I think would be interested.

"likely voter' is suspect to me, as people may lie about how often they vote.

I've compiled door knocking lists for conservative school board candidates the past 3 years based on frequent voters, which I define as those who have voted in either 1, 2 or 3 of the last municipal elections (which have about a 12-14% turnout). Get the list from the county election board. Amazing when you cross reference that with the people who are the most vocal on social media, look them up to see if they have voted in past elections, and oftentimes, they have not. Actually 2 of the conservative candidates who have won in the last 2 SB elections had not voted in past SB elections - but they do now! Heaviest turnout in local elections is in blue precincts, R's need to step it up!

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Well, different polling houses use different likely voter models. Some use self-report as in someone saying "yes, I plan to vote." Others use voting history (which in a survey is also self-reported). Others use age, gender, race, and strength of opinions to try to predict likely voters. So, for example...younger people are less likely. Whites and Asians are more likely. If they have strong opinions to their answers (rating feelings at the high or low end of scales), they would be more likely b/c supposedly more passionate.

It's really a guessing game, and when polls go horribly wrong (when polls attack, lol) it's usually b/c the likely voter models were wrong.

It's also something that left-leaning pollsters frequently get wrong, rating Dem voters as more likely to vote b/c from their biased viewpoint there is always something to be fired up about. Dems and leftists especially do not have good historical awareness. So, when the Supreme Court makes a ruling, they automatically assume that means every Dem is going to be hopping mad and ready to run to the polls. In fact, Republican voters tend to be older, whiter, more steadily employed (aka paying more taxes), and therefore more likely to vote, regardless of what outrage du jour the left whips itself into a frenzy over.

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Yes. In my 'frequent voter' list for school board, (frequent voters in low turnout municipal elections) I sorted by date of birth. ~60% were over age 55, and only 6% were under age 35. On a national scale, this is why we will never get a good 'fix' for social security. Seniors vote, and woe to any politician who talks about reform.

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So the polling companies don't have access to state voter databases showing how often particular voters have voted? I know political parties do have such access.

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Probably depends on how hard they want to work at it. If they are polling just to get the answer they want, rigorous methodology is just an unnecessary expense.

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Kind of like with the Covid clinical trials 😑

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And always, what questions are asked and how are they phrased? That can hugely influence the results of a poll too.

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Absolutely! You can get any result you want if you phrase the question correctly. I used to do census work and we were trained to use the questions as written to prevent skewing the results.

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SO agreed! The "tied with Biden" is nothing more than government propaganda. Quit promoting it, Jeff, please! It's false, just like everything else we're being told!

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To be fair, Jeff wasn’t promoting it IMO. He simply was showing what’s being said by various people. It was a quote, but not Jeff’s.

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Quite honestly, if Biden is said to be "tied with Trump", that's a total lie and no one should take it seriously. After what Biden and his corrupt administration has done to the country the last couple of years, anyone who would still support him now is comatose or totally brain dead. Or a moron.

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Then we better advocate for a return to fair and secure voting so this one doesn’t get rigged. Make sure all the lenient and easy-to-cheat voting policies from 2020 get repealed. Better yet, clean up the rolls. Monitor and observe continuously. Seems like we did this in 2022, and Arizona still completely cheated in plain sight.

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Absolutely correct KTH! Voter rolls bulging with fake names, ERIC being dropped by state after state for being another leftist operation, and brave counties returning to vote in person with ID on paper and counted same day.

Tune in to the Lindell election summit on the 16th & 17th. You will learn more about elections than you thought possible. And it's not a pretty story.

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Vote in person on Election Day! Better yet, volunteer to be a poll watcher or judge. Go to county GOP meetings. Call all your elected representatives and insist on integrity in the elections and ask how the votes are secured in your county. We all must be involved!

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"81 million" of those polled expressed a preference for Biden.

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Tom, I'm sure you have heard this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4XWiKZNMOU

I still smile and shake my head when I hear it.

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The other things about this that I wanted to mention is that:

1) Trump has always been demolishing the primary field. It's never been close. The narrative that it has been close or that he was losing ground was propaganda intended to pump DeSantis' campaign. I think most of us have figured this out by now, but DeSantis is the establishment's candidate, literally hand-picked - and heavily funded - in 2020 to run in 2024.

2) Trump has always been "tied with" "Biden," statistically speaking. The polls have shown this result for years. So, it's odd that only now are they starting to say this out loud. It tells me the establishment players are shifting away from Biden, probably to move away from him and toward Newsom. Their "reasons" will be that he is compromised by the oh-so-unfair investigations into influence peddling and that they need someone who can beat Trump b/c it's an "existential crisis for 'democracy.'"

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Ha ha! Next time I hear "Trump is a threat to our democracy " I'm going to ask " what do you mean by that and what is your definition of democracy?".......I'm sure I'll get some kind of 3rd grade answer 😉.

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Most people I've spoken with can't distinguish between a "democracy" and a "constitutional republic". They tend to think we have a pure democracy without even knowing how it's defined.

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Bingo!!! And the 3rd grade answer would be "Trump is a big poo poo head!"

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Yeah they complain all the time about how mean he is and about his name calling but call him Orange Cheeto 🙄 Hypocrites (but that’s nothing new 🙄).

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Occasionally I will fill out a mail survey, until I see the twisted logic questions to elicit a certain answer. Then it hits the burn barrel.

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I saw someone talking recently (just can't remember who it was) about a poll taken shortly before the 2016 election. This poll stated that HRC had over a 96% chance of beating Trump. So much for their polls.

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That was a model. I think it was Nate Silver's model. He's a leftist. Just as with covid and "climate change," what the models spit out are based on the assumptions that are built into them. Modeling is nothing more than fancified conjecture. Faulty assumptions - like Dems will have higher turnout or all the polls are picking up all the types of voter - will lead to terrible modeling...like the 2016 predictive models (similarly covid and climate change).

The problem in 2016 was that there was systematic bias across the polls. They all undercounted Trump voters and did not properly weight for that. To Silver's credit he did say all along that if there were some sort of systematic bias across the polls, it's very possible that Trump could win, despite his model predicting HRC as a clear winner.

For all the talk of the failures of 2016, no one is mentioning how much more accurate the polls were in 2020 and 2022.

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THEY ALL still assert that Trump-Russia cheated to win 2016 and that they tried and failed again in 2020 ONLY due to the "reforms" that they implemented (Starting in Dec 2016-to Election Day+1, 2020) and efforts they took to stop him! How do the 2 "realities" reconcile??? ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE!!! It's going to be worse in '24 in many ways i believe. MassBalloting for Democratic Party activated Masses and MassCounting and demands for Instant Accurate results shoving the old complaining out of touch white folks and whoever aside and proclaiming "Let Freedom Ring!" while enslaving the masses by a Democratizing Marxism and Authoritarianism and calling it virtuous and progressive.

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So he was selected before the 2020 election to run in 2024 no matter the outcome of 2020, you're saying? And how would you see it play out, if he's owned by the establishment - he gets to be anti-woke but his foreign policy would be the usual all-war-all-the-time? He was actually much slower to take a 'constitutional liberty' stand during COVID than many now think and are lead to believe, especially by him and his campaign, but once on board he either was a true believer or he fakes it extremely well; which of those do you think is more accurate?

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Yes, exactly. The deep state has used the "left" narrative fully. It's now starting to hurt their credibility and pocketbooks. Which hurts their ability to start wars on the down low. So, they are going to try to turn the country rightward, as they did in the W years. Same playbook. Clinton leaned on race-baiting and racial animus. Then, W, the governor of a large "red" state, showed up as a response to that with what the left called "dog whistle racism." Same plan. Same timing even (~5 yrs as governor).

The establishment - especially the deep state/CIA - only cares about war. It's how they become rich, get clout on the world stage, and keep the billionaire class funding them happy. The rest of it is merely noise used to divide the populace. They are all essentially nonpartisan and see themselves as world citizens. World leaders, actually. They don't care at all about American cultural issues. They just use those to divide. They set up the elections so they always have a candidate. HW, W, Clinton (both), Gore, Kerry, McCain, Romney, Jeb...all essentially the same, and all on board with starting unprovoked decades-long wars.

The anti-covid tyranny role is the only one DeSantis has been able to pull off so far. (I feel he was tipped off before other governors that covid wasn't actually dangerous.) He just hasn't been able to play the part of anti-establishment, populist, man-of-the-people as they'd wished he would so he could supplant Trump (who somehow incomprehensibly does manage to pull off that role). RD is just not that guy and hasn't been able to fake it. And the base wants nothing to do with the (R) establishment b/c they've figured out what I mentioned above. The latest shift by team Ron D to "slitting throats of the deep state" is laughably propagandistic. Classic opposite-speak.

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I think the reason Trump manages to pull off the 'role' of man-of-the-people, while being very wealthy personally, is that he likes working-class people and is very comfortable being with them and conversing with them. He builds buildings, as did his father, so he's been on job sites his whole life. It was from working-class people where I live, a poorer, rural area, that I learned of this affinity for Trump. It surprised me; I had been a Cruz supporter, but they didn't trust him (or basically any of the rest of that 17-person pool) as far as they could spit. I watched Gov. DeSantis in a social setting with Republican Party insiders once, and toward the end, it was clear to me that he was done, had other things he wanted to do, and really didn't want to pose with anyone else for a photo. For the last few, he could only come up with a pretty awful grimace instead of a smile. It's an annual event, no matter who the Republican Governor is, and I was told by longtime attendees that though they support RDS's policies more than they did some previous Republican Governors, there were aspects to the social event that indicated to them that he did not value them or really want to spend time with them. When I saw the 'throat' headline, I thought he was just trying to keep Vivek from getting to his right; it doesn't sound like him.

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Good point. I find there is an honesty and directness to working class people that doesn't exist in the white collar professional class. In the white collar world, no one ever really says what they think. They speak around it, use euphemisms, and try to get people to understand what they think without actually saying what they think. In the working class world, you say what you think. Hence the reaction of the white collar professional class to Trump. It's actually mostly bias against a working class style. A "that's not appropriate" reaction. Maybe that aligns with Trump's personal style better and has drawn him to working class people.

I also think on some level he saw a market and seized it. He thought his former friends in elite circles would understand, and maybe not like that he won, but at least accept it and work with him. Instead, they turned on him completely and tried to destroy him, and as he's made a point to say, his family. Had they left his family alone, I think he may have just left after a term.

But, now it's personal, and it takes him one step closer to what has happened to the working class (turned on by the Dems, then Republicans, and subject to an attempt to destroy their lives).

DeSantis seems like a nouveau elite with an introvert personality type to me. He would be better as a VP candidate. Or a behind-the-scenes guy. He looks very uncomfortable in most social settings and seems to want to get away from people. He also isn't good at speaking to the working class - he comes across as if he is trying to communicate with space aliens when he talks to them. "Good people of Oklahoma...keep doing Oklahoma things...now take me to your leader" type stuff. (I'm somewhat joking, of course.) I'm not sure he's aware that he is the one the (R) establishment chose to be their nominee. They seem to now have regrets. A lot can happen before the vote, but he doesn't look good right now.

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Good comment.

The working class people see very clearly that unlike many people in politics, Trump doesn’t have contempt for them. Many of the others pretend to be there to defend the interests of the working class but are really just using them to get power. They despise them and to anyone paying attention, it shows.

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Speaking of RDS "not looking good right now,"

"DeSantis says [Trump's] 2020 election fraud theories did not prove to be true"



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You had me laughing out loud at the end of your comment! I too think RDS is an introvert. Over time, I realized I had never given Trump a chance in the 2016 primary. I never sought to find out what he said, I had somehow absorbed the mainstream attitude toward him. (The "grab 'em" audio certainly didn't help; it offended my husband even more than it did me, I think.) I voted for him, because Hillary and because Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn said he had set a former student to find what Trump had said that was anti-constitutional, and he didn't find anything. And the list for the Supreme Court. At any rate, I was so thrilled with his policies, pre-COVID, and then I felt like a fool who'd been taken in *again* by the mainstream.

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Right on Sunnydaze!

Remember, Jesse is on faux news and not willing to give up his golden handcuffs. Thus he touts the faux party line.

I don't miss my TV at all.

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Ya I like Jesse but not as long as he’s chained to the faux desk. He has no choice but to tow the line and repeat like a robot. Nope 👎🏻 We don’t watch any of the msm ever. Don’t miss it. Quality of life soared ⬆️ when we turned it off. And we turned off fox sooner than 2020 but that’s when we really stopped listening to any of them.

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Yup. Agree.

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His show was cringe worthy when he had his mom call into the show. I lost a lot of respect for Jesse.

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What’s so funny is yes they are completely lying about the numbers but they can’t lie enough to look like better numbers because Everyone knows B 60 - T 40 would be complete BS 😂

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Why are you purposefully ignoring the poll numbers showing RFK Jr. far ahead of either of those other two? It's stunning. Am I missing something? I don't think so.

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NPR did an attack piece on RFK Jr. shredding him, then Dems in Congress savaged him mercilessly head to toe taunting and demeaning him. They are AFRAID of non-unity against Anti-Progressive Pro-American Conservatism; one reason they also seek to destroy Trump a lifelong Dem turning Republican and then NOT doing their bidding. The Neo-Democratic Party of 2007-2023 OBAMA's Party is not tolerant of straying from the ranks. Quite Marxist in tactics and strategy, Saul Alinsky should be proud.

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To be fair, I ignore all polls. 😂 Honestly I didn’t know he was ahead because I don’t pay attention to them. My guess would be because the polls are notoriously democrats anyway. So maybe amongst democrats they are better? Just a guess.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

There's a great piece from Naomi Wolf today about the Trump indictment. Here is the link to the Substack: https://open.substack.com/pub/naomiwolf/p/happy-indictment-day?r=pe44y&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Many do not remember the hanging chads!

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I remember then, too, and that was back when I still thought Bush was a good guy all the way up to the time he used the words, "new world order". Then I knew we'd been had all along.

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Me too!

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You caught on more quickly than I. It was the missing weapons of mass destruction and the violating the free market to save it that finally got me thinking.

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Took me a bit longer (not sure I recall him saying these words at all)

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

I never understood why there were "hanging chads" to begin with. I still remember voting for the first time at eighteen and when I had finished "punching" out all my choices, I turned the ballot over and pulled off all the "hanging chads"! I was not told to do that, I just thought that was what you were supposed to do!

Mr. "the Knife" and I have been discussing the death of common sense for going on, oh, close to 20 years now. It is disheartening to realize it was probably dying way back when we were in high school. Or perhaps, if looked through the eyes of our grandparents, probably started with the boomers!

Now that I think of it, we could be watching the movie "Idiocracy" come to life on FastForward. Maybe it is as simple as the avalanche/mudslide principle: common sense starts dying in certain pockets of the population (over-educated, ivory tower types) and it metastasizes/snowballs to the general population.

We still find it astounding (and confounding) that amongst our most educated, credentialed friends, they are STILL blind to the abundant data that shows the harms caused by lack of early treatment, lockdowns, masks, jabs, etc. They have eyes that WILL NOT see, and ears that WILL NOT hear.

It seems to us to be common sense to pay attention to doctors who are actually treating patients successfully, instead of a 40 year bureaucrat who hasn't treated an actual patient in decades, if ever!

But that is just us. 🤔

Mrs. "the Knife"

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That was one of the most ridiculous poll examination things I'd ever seen. "If it's going _this_ way, they meant ..." - like reading tea leaves. I'm glad that craziness is gone, but sadly we got anonymous, unvetted mail-in ballots instead. :/

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Or we are trying to block it out. If I heard the word "chads" again (back then), I would have lost it. I am okay now. 😄

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I lived and breathed every moment

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Yes, thanks for posting, Trish. The comments are gold, just like this comment section. I really wasn’t paying much attention in 2000, but the parallels she draws to our current situation are unmistakable. She underscores everything that Jeff is saying here about the indictments. Worth your time to read.

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Thanks for this. Great post

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Thanks for that!

She's right. This is total banana republic time and cannot be tolerated.

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Naomi is a force to be reckoned with.

So is her husband.

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She is very bright and even-handed. I'm still reading the article and it's spot-on.

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But she voted for Biden. How could someone so intelligent do that?

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She’s come to her senses recently

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I told my friends in days after the 2020 election that we are watching a coup in real time. They scoffed.

Far too many people didn't understand the magnitude of what happened, for various reasons.

America had a choice in 2020 and picked correctly. However, that choice would not be allowed by "our betters" and now we've had over two years of unmitigated disaster.

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This parallels Jeff's commentary. 100% agree with Naomi.

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There is a link by victoria Ward in the comments that is a bombshell eye opener that explains the nefarious basis for the Jan 6 episode and how it was designed to be the only way to stop the Constitutionally provided process for pausing the electoral certification to investigate election irregularities. A MUST READ!

Here's the link


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This is such a well-written explanation of what happened and Pence’s role in the certification process. Even I could understand the insurrection took place in the chambers of congress. Those perps will be called to account before God, if not before man.

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Wow. That was excellent. And explains a ton!!! Thanks for sharing that!

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Oh, wow. What a phenomenal summary. I had no idea the procedural due process significance of the events that day. Thank you for sharing. I wish Jeff or Tucker or others would spread this far and wide. I guess there is a reason it hasn't made mainstream alternative news. Keep us in the dark a long time...

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This is excellent and I hope many people read it and understand the truth of what really occurred on J6. Thank you for sharing.

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I love Naomi! She speaks TRUTH and understands that we are not just Democrats or Republicans, but that we are ALL Americans .

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Naomi Wolf is one of the most intellectually honest people I know and one of my heroes.

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I agree. People who actually think and question themselves and their views and try to get to the truth regardless of what their previous beliefs might have been, are to be admired. She has the humility to admit she’s been wrong about some things in the past and is open minded enough to consider other points of view and additional facts.

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I completely agree.

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thanks for sharing, that was extremely well written. And Naomi is NOT a Trump loving person. Hopefully she'll continue to ask herself why that is.

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I remember it all very vividly! Excellent work by Naomi Wolf.

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Excellent piece by Wolf!

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This is an excellent perspective and article. Makes me very sad for our country.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My take on the Beauty Queen mysterious deadly accident: She probably had a McConnell Moment (a Vax induced micro stroke) while driving. It happened to me in 2021. Lucky for me I was driving on a straightaway with little traffic. The body freeze ended in 10 seconds and I regained control. No more Vax for me.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I have a friend who was golfing and just got run into by a woman in a cart who for some odd reason pressed the gas instead of the break. These are ladies I lve golfed with twice a week for years and years. Who does that? A person with a vaccine induced brain fart.

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Vaxxidents are way up.

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The dammed long covid is a brain stressor as well--'bioweapon hangover' i call it

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Now being called long vaxx.

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Well, long ago, (as in maybe 20 years or more) some elderly woman at the wheel of her car, after church, stepped on the gas --maybe put car into forward when intending reverse--rammed car against a teen-ager, pinning girl to the church wall--killing her. That was a case example of 'too old to be driving'. So these things were able to happen before the vax gave us so many new, unexpected, surprising, mysterious, nobody-knows-how, opportunities to damage other people. Without any legal complications, no doubt. Which gives rise to an interesting question: are there legal ramifications, in cases where the rammer has not met his demise?

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“They” are counting on this... it’s the frequency that makes us all say “Was it the vax?”

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And now, the ripe old age of 26 has become "too old to be driving." By design.

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Pfizer: the gift that keeps on giving.

On 500 mile trip to, and from, in last 3 weeks I was conscious of heightened need for 'defensive driving skills'. Found myself on the look-out for escape routes from highway. Would going for guard rail dump us into a ravine, or just a forested (!) shoulder? Another even longer trip comes up next week, for a family funeral (don't know if vax related), ---I have even more concern for oddities in driving. But it's another reason for not taking a plane there. I have been on guard for this for at least a year--figuring that on the highway you have at least some hope of escaping the madman while you are at the wheel--in a plane, say your prayers when the pilot goes down.

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Journalist and author Salena Zito, who travels a lot in the heartland, interviewing people and getting a feel for how average folk are thinking, said or tweeted that she never takes an expressway, but only the old U.S. highways, and never eats in a chain restaurant (or stays in a chain hotel? this one seems challenging). Anyway, you can set your map app to avoid expressways, and it's *such* a pleasant way to travel! It takes a bit longer, but I don't care.

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Personally, I don't fear the plane rides at all, because commercial airlines always have at least one copilot, and all those in the cockpit can fly the jet, plus there's autopilot for those few moments of panic when the pilot is stroking out.

As far as I know, cars and trucks don't have that.

I would not, however, get on a SINGLE-pilot plane. Way too many crashes lately.

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Happens all the time. Senior citizens intend to hit the brake but get the accelerator, panic at the result and just keep mashing the gas pedal harder.

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Not just senior citizens, either.

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I think if they were vaxxed that could be vaccine related. Just want to mention that it also happened to my friend who wasn’t vaxxed but was in an extreme emotional distress. A car was parked in the garage and a friend pressed the gas instead of the break and crashed into the wall of the garage. I agree though that in the case you described the vax should be ruled out first.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Around here a woman had a seizure, plowed thru 2 parking lots and ended up totally inside a popular shop. But a miracle happened that no one was outside the store nor at the registers inside. Demolished most of the store. Woman survived at this point. Happened last year at my local bank. Seizure and plowed into the bank ending up in the lobby. Is this another drive through option I’m not aware of? She survived also.

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Actor Leslie Jordan also suddenly and mysteriously plowed his car into a building for his demise.

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I suspected Anne Hesch (spell?) had one too. She never braked. Just awful.

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Not so sure about Hesch. Didn't she out something the cabal did not want outed? Pedophelia in Hollywood? It was something I believe, in which case her not braking would have been Boston Brakes (Michael Hastings), not a vaxident

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Yep, Heche was due to release a Hollywood pedo-exposé movie. The video of her minutes before her 2022 big crash talking to people outside some tightly packed garages when she seemed to be lost before her high speed crash into a house was very interesting. Her mind was not firing correctly. She appeared terrified of something. Perhaps her car brakes or accelerator were not working correctly? Drugged? Maybe just afraid of a field sobriety test for a minor accident? Stokes? Car sabotaged? Then the video after her big crash as she tried to get out of a body bag after extraction from her big crash where she was stuck in a burned car for a half hour triggered all sorts of other questions. Months later autopsy said she had evidence of drugs in her system but she wasn't driving at legally drug "impaired" levels.

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Same thing here in Oregon... epileptic seizures and medical events 😢😳 be careful out there!

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My son was in a car accident, where he "fell asleep" making a turn and hit a light post. They checked him for drugs at the hospital. They didn't find anything. The doctors couldn't explain it. He started having tremors. Additionally, he had some sort of autoimmune issue where he would sweat all the time, and eventually we discovered that he had gone into heart failure. He died in 2021, 22 days before his 24th birthday. He was never vaxxed. But he did get really sick in the summer of 2018. That summer, our local senior assisted living centers had noticed an uptick in respiratory illnesses and deaths. I believe my son had the ORIGINAL covid. He was a healthy college student, and all the doctors could offer was that it was a virus of some kind. When I drive now, I am very aware of what other drivers are doing, even those on the other side of the road.

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I’m sorry about your son.

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I am so sorry for your loss. No words can take away your pain, and only time will help heal ease that pain somewhat. My heart goes out to you. May God keep and comfort you. Prayers for you and your family.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

I offer my sympathy to you for the loss of your precious baby. And also I thank you, because I am waiting to hear of earlier cases. In April '19, working about 1.5 miles from Merck, which, you may recall, had been doing work on the 'vax' until giving up, because its results were not satisfactory [instead of trying another avenue? long arm of Pfffty maybe?], I suffered a most peculiar upper resp. infection which came completely out of the blue (a cold/flu always gives me some hours of warning), making me instantly unable to think (with a classroom full of 9th graders!), and leaving me with 24/7 tinnitus ever since.

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When "they" decided NOT TO LOOK FOR PATIENT ZERO, like they have done with every other outbreak, I knew something was wrong. It is a massive coverup. Unfortunately, many more will have to die before, enough people wake up. I am sorry about your tinnitus. Isn't that another symptom of this garbage. There are so many, that it is hard to keep up.

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Yes, it is--that is what made me think of putting together jigsaw pieces which may or may not fit. I actually went to the doctor about the ears, in May '19 because it was so weird;she thought it likely tied to the respiratory (prescribed Flonase); then went to an ENT specialist-no answers. Of course, at that time 'nobody' knew of Covid. Further, as far as I know, no one else was ill at my school of ~1300 people (usually any bug catches lots of people), and I was one of the oldest faculty--at that time, almost 69. My 'advanced' age, 'brain fog', tinnitus, proximity to Merck.....perhaps pieces from different puzzles, perhaps not.

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I have tinnitus (predating COVID by several years). I brought it up to my own physician. He has it, too, predating mine, and worse. My suspicion about mine is that it was caused by a particularly strong non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication given to me for my plantar fasciitis by my podiatrist.

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Interesting--I first went to podiatrist for plantar fasciatis (teachinng= standing for too long} but he, mercifully, prescribed exercises only. I have become seriously against use of any pharma product.

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Domino--is there a 'time stamp' for that not looking for patient zero? I never took this Covid stuff seriously (despite still teaching in public school where the take-it-seriously crowd was thick on the floor) so wasn't aware.

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Sorry, I am not sure what you mean by 'time stamp.' But I started looking at the websites of the WHO and the CDC when they were tracking SARS, MERSA, and the Ebola outbreak. Back then they would hunt down patient zero and trace from there. So I was waiting for them to do that with Covid. The only tracing I recall being mentioned was when Covid devastated Italy. But we know it didn't start there.

From what I am seeing, the younger people don't see it coming. I know 6 people who have gone into heart failure since this started. My cousin (mid 40s, living in Germany) died in 2020, he was healthy and then he wasn't. The healthier and younger the crappier the outcome.

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Thank you for your response--what I meant was, did you have any shareable

info on the 'when" of looking/'not looking for the "first sufferer", which I might look at?

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August 2019 New Zealand (CoVid) sickness amongst olympic teams in training--notably the Chinese team.

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I think it was even earlier.

Was in Paris in 2014, walking through the Metro. Sat down on the train and had this really weird sneezing fit. Then proceeded to get really sick, really fast. Could barely walk a short distance and had difficulty breathing. Extreme fatigue. Loss of appetite.

I remember a fleeting thought going through my head, "did I just hit with a bioweapon?"

Had to spend the last 2 days in my hotel sick as a dog. Coughed the whole time on my United flight from Paris into Washington Dulles. I needed to stay in DC a couple of days longer because I was too sick to drive back to PA.

Even when my lung collapsed in the military, I never felt that sick.

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Kathleen--when are we going to meet up in center PA?

Hit with a bioweapon. My word. My own first two thoughts in early '20, when husband told\ me of this bug (at that time, I was still teaching and had no attention for anything else) were: 1)this will fix the Social Security funding problem 2) Chinese bio-weapon. Maybe the reverse order, doesn't much matter. It's unpleasant to be right.

Heavy sneezing--as in your body trying to expel a foreign invader, maybe.

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It's amazing how well the brain works...it knows something is terribly wrong.

When I made the comment on Sasha Latypova's Substack, she answered and wrote that subways are common targets to release bioweapons.

The US Army did it in 1966 in the NYC subway system.


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Very interesting comment thread here! Truth is more often than not revealed anecdotally. Connect the dots.

They never looked for "patient zero" because that would reveal there was no patient zero. Dr. David Martin has documented that the so-called virus is in fact a chimeric synthetic, cross-domain, replication defective pathogen akin to a cross-domain bacteria/parasite such as Dr. Mihalcea has demonstrated in her research on the vaxx. Being replication defective, it would be impossible for the pathogen to spread very far on it's own.

Even if it wasn't replication defective, there is no way it could spread around the world the way it did from a single point in Wuhan. The only explanation is that the pathogen was intentionally deployed around the world beginning much earlier than 2019, more or less simultaneously.


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Wow. I suspect airports would be useful for this too. Imagine how you could send a bioweapon alllllll over the world.

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Makes complete sense: people packed densely, impervious walls to contain the miasma. What would we do without Sasha L? I only 'met' her this spring courtesy Dr. Dube. (no aigu accent on this machine)

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Please contact Bill Rice, Jr.

He’s here on Substack & continues to research & document “early vc19 cases.

Pass the word! Early “episodes” need documentation bc, as Rice says, the lockdowns, masks, 6ft barriers, plexiglass shields .... all was doubly unnecessary or justified.

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Sorry for the loss of your son. 😔

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I am so sorry! I “liked” the share, but offer sincere sympathy.

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🙏I’m so sorry . Nothing worse than losing your child.

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😢 so sorry honey. No words. God bless.

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I'm so sorry. A former Army colleague of mine was diagnosed with heart failure decades ago now, as a young, healthy physician on active duty. It was presumed to be caused by an unidentified virus (though certain viruses are considered to be more likely to cause it). His ejection fraction was quite low, and he was very concerned that he could die, which he hadn't yet, as of the last time I heard about him. He was a wine connoisseur and collector, and he had to give up having even a glass, so as not to aggravate his condition.

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So sorry for the loss of your son.

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Sorry for the loss of your son.

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So sorry for your loss.

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I’m sorry for your loss.

I was visiting elderly family in Florida in 2016, got a flu like illness, I was scared, I was so sick. I was coughing everywhere and none of the people around me got sick. It was very strange.

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@Rosalind, it’s strange to me that you mentioned Florida in 2016 for getting seriously ill. During a visit of a friend and her husband to close on a house near Bradenton. The husband fell ill of a minor cold/flu and died within 3 days. No one else got ill at all, not even the wife. The husband had played tennis the morning before he fell ill. He was very healthy and active. He was tired with flu-like symptoms and just didn’t wake up 2 days later. It was shocking and heartbreaking.

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I’m very sorry for your friend!

I felt so weak, I was glad my mom helped me get fluids. I’d never experienced anything like it. And the elderly around me were fine. I was afraid the way I was coughing uncontrollably it would spread.

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Heartbreaking loss of your precious son; I believe you’re correct that he had covid. It affects different people different ways. Imho it’s a bio weapon from the lab. Shots make it worse.

My daughter has A-fib now; very mild covid. She was treated for micro clots too. She’s better now finally.

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Thank you for believing me. It kills me that I can't prove anything because we didn't think to do an autopsy. But I know.

And thank you for sharing your daughter's story. I am glad that your daughter is better and that you were able to navigate the healthcare system to get her help. I can't imagine that was easy.

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That’s horrible 😞 Just heartbreaking 😢 I’m so sorry.

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PHARMAsteria: Best Pfizer Memes (+Pfizer's Australian Senate Hearings Trainwreck!)

- New Pfizer pinup girls, the Pfizer mindset + religion, some left-over Project Veritas memes and more Pfizer memes + Pfizer's trainwreck of an Australian Senate appearance!


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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

Mr. "the Knife" and I were watching it this morning during breakfast, took a break to attend to another matter, and when I tried to spin on, it just did the spinning/buffering wheel. Tried to refresh it and it took me to a "Maintenance Page." I went back to the original 'stack to reload it and the same thing occurred. Mr. "the Knife" tried to restart it from the office computer - same thing. We thought it was awfully convenient that they took it down/were doing maintenance while we were in the middle of watching that session.

Just a moment, figuring out time difference... Australian Eastern Standard Time... puts it about 1:30 - 2:00 am their time (AEST). Quite possible they were actually doing maintenance during that time (haven't tried again yet, will do so later this afternoon).

It was quite interesting/encouraging to see the Australian senators keep after the Pfizer officials when they wouldn't answer the questions they were being asked.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Yea - I saw a link to the whole hearing livestream but could not figure it out... Assumed it was just how they do things there... Maybe on Rumble etc?

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We went back to the original post about 9:00 pm our time (PDT) and we were able to pull it back up and watch the rest of the Pfizer "interrogation."

Mrs. "the Knife"

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It is sad. My daughter will be 26 on Monday. I can't imagine losing her. So young and a bright future ahead of her. RIP Miss Venezuela. 🙏😔

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WOW. Thank you for posting this.

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This is how "The Science" and his ilk have obfuscated all cause mortality from the vack-seen.

They will under no circumstances look at anything correlated to determine whether there is causality, while bleating that "correlation is not causation." You will never find causation where you do not look for it.

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I was on the fence between Trump and DeSantis for reasons Jeff pointed out, and the vax issue that is the monkey on Trumps back.

However…. The more they indict him and arrest him the more solidified I am that he is over the target.

I also keep seeing things about DeSantis donors, I see DeSantis seemingly forgetting about Florida now and some issues of him not wanting to place tariffs on China 🤔 Wonder why that is. I haven’t done much research though so don’t hate me. Just seeing enough on the surface to start questioning some things about him. The whole debate with he and Newscum with Hannity leading it - if that’s actually true and not a Babylon Bee write up… is ridiculous too. Our country is in the crapper and this is what those two come up with. Smells like a DS operation right there. No thanks. Won’t watch it.

All it would take is one more indictment and I’ll write in Trumps name….or maybe there’s already enough indictments and arrests to warrant writing his name in if they keep it off the ballot.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

I heard from two separate sources that DeSantis is friends with The Bush family. Hmm, Don’t care for that. I still want to know what was in the white envelope at GHWB’s funeral. Maybe AI can figure it out. Especially Jeb’s face at the end once he saw it.

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I was just saying the same thing! Those envelopes are unforgettable as was the look on everyone’s faces ESPECIALLY Jebs. I hope someday we get to know 😂. I envision something like -they know everything. I’m sorry. Love dad.- Hahahahahaha

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I shook Bush HW’s hand when I was 19 years old working on the Reagan-Bush campaign in DC. I at the time was a big fan of both Reagan and Bush. When I shook Bush’s hand, I pulled my hand back in shock because I felt this darkness coming from him and I looked at him in shock. He saw that I saw. I am guessing the envelopes contained some type if horror.

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Wow. Not surprising either.

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I heard that it said “they know everything”…not verified information but if you could see the looks on the faces. Rosalee and Jimmy Carter were there and noticed everyone looking at the notes and you could see them searching to see if they had one and looking on the floor as though it may have fallen out. Apparently he wasn’t in on it.

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Probably said: "CIA killed JFK."

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GHW passed in 2018. I think it said to all of them that “Joe Biden will be the next US President”. 😂 Have that in your head when you see the reactions from Hillary, Barack and Michelle, Laura and Jeb. 😆

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The envelope contained "81 million" votes for Biden.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

A boarding pass for Epstein's private jet, maybe?

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A season pass for his island?

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I have heard from Republican pollsters that DeSantis's money comes mostly from the super PACs, and he is very low in small donations from ordinary individuals. That is a sign of his weakness, as he has been spending tons of money (had to let go about a third of his staff), and the big donors are starting to wonder if they should give their money elsewhere, like Tim Scott or try to get Youngkin or Kemp to enter the race. (Youngkin and Kemp don't want to!) I've heard concerns that DeSantis's big donors have connections to China, like the billionaire Ken Griffin. He goes to elite fundraisers but refused to go to the Turning Point USA conference hosted by Charlie Kirk. Six thousand conservatives, mostly young people, were there, and DeSantis needed to go there and show he's not afraid to make his case, despite the fact that most were Trump supporters. (His support among young Republicans is low.) If you're afraid of the base, how can you go up against the Democrats? I gave him a donation early on but started looking more carefully when he flip-flopped on Ukraine. A huge disappointment for me! Vivek has been doing and saying the things that DeSantis should have been doing and saying. More and more DeSantis seems like just one more politician that is destined to disappoint me--and there have been many.

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Do your research on DeSantis. I was a supporter until i discovered that he is not what he appears. Lots of corruption, back room deals, and typical establishment RINO tactics - controlled opposition. I was so disappointed. Just one of the issues with him -https://lauraloomer.substack.com/p/new-video-how-ron-desantis-appropriated#play

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Laura Loomer🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣

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So you don't like Laura Loomer. Dispute the information with facts.

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So she mistakenly used the wrong name. How does that prove that the information regarding the misappropriation of monies from PACs is false? PACs financials are public information.

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SO true, Pam....on SO many levels!

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I read Laura loomer sometimes, she has a hatred for DeSantis. & I’d rather he stay here & do his job.

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Scott, Kemp and youngkin, all have connections to the swamp gop. Kemp even attended wef. He's a no.

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I agree. I heard that the guy who runs DeSantis's Never Back Down PAC was in charge of Youngkin's winning campaign in Virginia.

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I do not expect the TDS folks in the GOPe ranks, or the Democrats, to understand that for every international economic action there is an offsetting economic reaction. But the folks here at C&C will get it:

Trump's tariffs on China not only protected certain US domestic industries, they also reduced Americans' price on all goods imported from China - because those tariffs forced the Chinese to revalue their currency vis-a-vis the dollar, to keep sales going forward.

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We have a name for people with an irrational loathing of Trump, but I see the just as irrational worship of Trump and ignoring/excusing all of the evil he did. Maybe they should be called DTS for deranged Trump supporters.

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yes, beware of ALL politicians and presidential aspirants; after all, they're POLITICIANS

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I heard people in manufacturing say though, that while the idea was good, Trump didn’t understand or account for the fact that after so many years of offshoring and importing, there simply weren’t any manufacturers of certain components or products left in the US. And for some it would take years to bring them back because the skills and competencies to make the products have been lost. In the meantime, while these need to be built back up, American companies that have no choice but to source from China had to pay a lot more because of the tariffs 😕 So, it’s complicated. A good initiative on its face but not as simple or immediately beneficial to domestic manufacturers as it seemed.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

I’m with you on this Sunnydaze. Desantis looked promising to me. But the fact that they just want to nail Trump and put him in the grave makes me think he is far more damaging and capable of removing the deep state!

I personally don’t care about the jab thing because to me he was convinced and concerned like the rest of us were INITIALLY with what PH told us. Again, as President he had to do something.

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DeSantis is funded by big donors representing Wall Street. Trump is clearly representing the interests of the majority of Americans.

When DeSantis can fill an arena with 50,000 supporters, let me know. It's not boding well for the Governor that he is afraid to campaign in his home state.

The biggest problem for DeSantis is that he is a manufactured candidate created by the globalist-aligned elite. His presents as inauthentic and controlled.

Joe Biden did NOT win the 2020 election. The 2020 election was stolen from President Trump, and now we will have a courtroom circus showing just how corrupt our government and political voting process is. Time to sharpen our pencils.

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As a floridian and a member of one of the county Republican Executive Committees - i can tell you that the Republican Party of Florida is performing all kinds of shenanigans to "install" DeSantis as the primary candidate winner. He knows he doesn't need to campaign here in Florida - as the fix is in. It's a disgrace.

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I'm a Floridian too....and this is so obvious AND sickening!

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It's desantis donors and backers that have me saying no. Lying Paul Ryan and a whole bunch of uniparty rinos. Go to theconservativetreehouse.com for more news. Decide for yourself.

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Can someone in Florida please look up DeSantis' donors? Based on whatever campaign you are accusing him of, please. Let's get to the bottom of this, I hate accusing (or suggesting) without backup proof.

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Trump over the target? You might be right. This is a very interesting tweet.


Look into the act she mentions that happened in 1871 after the civil war. I’ve heard about that, but I wasn’t sure if it was true.

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I just went back and watched it all. Wow. I missed that she brought up all the gold Trump took back and they agreed!!! They even admitted they weren’t happy about it!! They knew about Trump taking the gold!!! Even Americans know nothing about his!!! I think that’s huge. Wow. Thanks for the link too!

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I’ve never heard about the Vatican having our gold nor that Trump took it back. I’m going to look into that act and try to understand it more. Someone had mentioned it to me before but they offered no links. I was taught that the civil war was only about slavery, but it was much more than that and it was about how our economy would change if the north won.

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I knew about the gold. But honestly I thought that was conspiracy theory talking. I thought if it were true why wouldn’t it be more public knowledge because that seems like a huge piece. However….I’ve never heard anyone in a position like hers say that. And what floored me the most is the reactions of the interviewers!!! They didn’t poo poo it as conspiracy theory! They knew about it! “We didn’t like it”. They didn’t like it? That means they knew about it and it is true! That is what’s blowing my mind. If that is true….then there is way more true than even I was willing to acknowledge. Not surprising that other countries know more about the truth than Americans. The censorship and intentional hiding of pertinent information from the American public is so blatant. It’s no wonder Americans are so complacent. If Americans knew the truth they would stand up, I think.

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Yes I knew all that. I saw footage of this last night and thought it was very interesting. I knew about the EO Trump did that Joe keeps renewing. The corporation stuff too. It does get interesting that Joe keeps renewing the EO. Why would he do that? 🤔.

Someone said to me yesterday that Trump kept himself from becoming part of the corporation by not getting paid to be president! He gave away his salary. He never took a dime from them. That was interesting too.

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If they keep Trump off the ballot by throwing him in jail like the J6 political prisoners, Trump should back his son for President and Trump could say that once his son is in office, he will tell him exactly what to do. I'd vote for him and I think the American people would also. We're fed up.

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The harder they go after him the more my resolve becomes. How will they cheat if 100 million wrote in Trumps name? But in your scenario with Don Jr….I’d probably go for that to at this point!

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I think so too... DeSantis has some ‘splaining to do...

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These donors aren’t going to back Trump and DeSantis is the next fast horse in the race. Doesn’t mean he is not an excellent candidate. Again his actions speak volumes.

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Jeff is a lawyer.

Ron is a lawyer.

Birds of a feather look out for each other.

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I think that’s an unfair statement about Jeff. He has proven himself time and again with his integrity. Everyone on the comment section gets to voice their opinions about who they like or don’t like for various reasons….Jeff has stayed pretty neutral with this subject, in my opinion. But what’s wrong with him having an opinion too? Without people taking jabs at him for voicing it. 🤷‍♀️ Just the way I’m seeing it.

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I agree. I, too, prefer DeSantis over Trump for many reasons.

Does that make me suspect? Worthy of attack? Part of the uniparty?

I would answer no.

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Bottom line America has too many lawyers serving in government.

They write laws which they KNOW will generate income for their profession.

Serve the law or make the law.


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I understand your point, M VARR. I really do.

We’ve been hurt, tremendously, by the those in the law profession.

I just can’t accept that being a lawyer disqualifies you from serving in government.

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There are attorneys with impeccable character and integrity as well as shady, dishonest lawyers. The same goes for every profession. I judge a person by their character, their integrity, honesty, loyalty, courage in the face of adversity as well as their accomplishments. No man is our savior except Jesus Christ. I’m not looking for a perfect man (there is none), I’m looking for the person who loves our country, who will defend our Constitution and who isn’t beholden to anyone except we, the people. I have a pretty good idea who that is.

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Lawyers are always talking about conflicts of interest.

There should be a limit on the number that can serve.

We need representation from other professions.

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In this article Jeff writes

"PDJT is a flawed candidate"...do you know how many times I have read statements like this from never trumper republicans?

He is NOT neutral when he makes statements like this.

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I agree. It goes without saying that Trump is a flawed candidate. DeSantis is a flawed candidate. Every candidate has flaws.

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There is good, bad and ugly in every person, candidate and you just have to hope you draw the long straw.

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I agree he is flawed but so is DeSantis and every single one of us. He stated the obvious, I think. This is the first time, I think, that he has made comments leaning one way vs another. He told us in the beginning he wouldn’t endorse one over the other (yet). But, again, it IS his platform and research and writing. Should that disqualify him from stating his opinion? We don’t have to agree with his opinion. I don’t necessarily agree with it. I was just saying I didn’t think he deserved to get jabbed (not in the vax sense 😉) for revealing his opinion. I appreciate things you comment on as well. You have made good points along the way. And, I agree that all these politicians are lawyers and that’s not good either. You bring up valid points about that in another comment. But, Jeff seems to be one of the good lawyers and I appreciate that. And I don’t lump him in with the corrupt ones.

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I totally respect Jeff's opinions and feel he has the right to make any comments he wants. And I totally trust him as a good and moral person, lawyer or not. (I have a son who is an attorney, and he's definitely one of the good guys!) It's natural, being from Florida and fighting with DeSantis as he has, that he would feel positive towards him. But this forum is an opportunity to debate these subjects, and those of us looking at the race from outside Florida (or from inside Florida!) may have other thoughts, and it's important to be able to express these. We all have different resources and ways we find out information, and I want to hear opinions of others who have access to different media or who just have a different way of looking at this campaign.

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Good comment, very balanced.

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Everyone is flawed. We are human. I remember the election vividly, I had just had a baby. I was devastated, felt like the scales were coming off my eyes and I saw for the first time how evil our government is. Almost went to DC on January 6’th, thank God I didn’t. But Trump has issues, he gave federal funding to states who shut down (they could not financially have done this without him), he accelerated the vaccine process and has NEVER admitted he was wrong, he allowed Pence and Fauci to control the COVID response when he had the control to raise other physicians to that place. How can you not realize he is flawed? You can support Trump and still see that he made MANY mistakes. For the most part the wheels came off the bus when he was faced with COVID

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You see "many mistakes".

I see PDJT lifting the curtain odious DC plutocrats that he did not have the power to remove.

The President is not a dictator that can do whatever he wants.

He exposed the rotten apples in DC and around the country.

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he gave federal funding to states who shut down (they could not financially have done this without him).


Congress , with a DEM/RINO CONTROLLED CONGRESS, passed the COVID Trillion dollar blue state giveaway. Had PDJT vetoed it , it would have been overriden.

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Well maybe he should have vetoed it then?

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I know. Jeff isn’t neutral about many things.

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Havta agree! Not a neutral statement.

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“Jeff has stayed pretty neutral with this subject, in my opinion.”

Just to clarify, I did not say that particular statement was neutral. In the context of what I said, I was taking about how everyone in the comments voices their opinions and Jeff has stayed pretty neutral with this subject. This subject has been ongoing for years in many of his articles. I wasn’t meaning in todays substack article only. Then I continued by asking why it was wrong for him to voice an opinion finally. Anyway. It’s not a big deal. I just wanted to clarify so there was no misinterpretation of what was said, and no misunderstandings. That happens a lot with a keyboard.

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I wholeheartedly agree.


THEY ARE ALL LINKED. Nothing is separate. DeSantis is good to a point. With his ties to Bush, Paul Ryan, dark money, Cabal, he is their front man.

We need Trump, for no other reason than he is an outsider and is a fighter. DeSantis will be complicit like every other candidate who wanted to be installed.

Don’t fall for it! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏

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As a Floridian agree with you 100% on Governor DeSantis. The left is trying like crazy to put the constitutional violations of Covid in the rear view. I personally will never forget. My kid was trying finish college that year (DeSantis kaboshed mandatory vaccines at state schools). Both my kids could have lost their jobs. My spouse was hospitalized with Covid (left our house in an ambulance) and I wasn’t allowed to step foot in the hospital to advocate (DeSantis signed a law to prevent that again too). I’ll never forget churches being closed while liquor stores stayed open. Never ever forget. All this being said, and even though he helped unleash this monster on us - I stand ready to vote for President Trump if he’s the nominee. It’s hard to quantify how corrupt and powerful our government has become. It will be a binary choice unfortunately.

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Just for the record....churches were not forced to close in Florida. As pastors, we continued to meet and all of our people came as well. Fear overtook many churches, causing them to choose to close. A sad time on many levels.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023Author

Churches were closed for months in Alachua County. I tried to find a pastor who'd let me sue the County under the First Amendment but nobody bit. DeSantis fixed it in a later executive order designating all churches as essential or whatever they were calling it.

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Exactly. I’m so tired of the “they weren’t forced” BS. Total gaslight now. My pastor here in Palm Beach County vowed to never close his church again. God bless him.

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That must have been a county thing then because it wasn't in effect in Brevard County. But now that you say that, I remember Tampa imposing church closures and Rodney Howard Brown defied it. So I apologize for the blanket statement, although I was intending it as an overall state mandate.

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It's time for all American leaders to learn how to "defy"!

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May I posit that not defying wrong is prima facie evidence that one is not a leader?

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Agreed, although it’s hard if not impossible to imagine anyone with national or even state-wide power, much less global power, who hasn’t made questionable compromises, been compromised, and has to play industrial-grade CYA forever. “If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?” (Psalm 130:3). No one is able and willing to throw the first stone, and the list of sketchy deeds almost certainly accumulates over time. Term limits may not be the best solution, but odds suggest fresh faces might be less corrupt, with exceptions of course. The most reliable measure of integrity and humility—though perhaps not the only one—is a consistent acknowledgment that Jesus Christ is Lord.

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Jeff-do I read this as the pastors were cowards not even wanting to contest that government abridgement of freedom of religion? Cowards?

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Well, you can read Eric Metasas book for insight on that. Letter to the American Church.

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And Jeff himself wrote a letter to the church--last summer?

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I think it was well before last year? But I could be wrong.

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That’s how I found Jeff!

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It was in 2020 I believe. That’s when I found him. Not even sure how because I’d never heard of substack. I wish I could remember. I saw the title about the churches, read it and have read every single post since that day.

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I do like Eric Metaxas

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I’m not speaking for Jeff but the government has no authority over the church. They could have and should have known that and kept their doors open. Read “Letter to the American Church” by Eric Metaxas. It ties into what happened in Germany in WWII as an example of pastors going along with the church instead of standing firm on God’s Word.

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To prove your point, many lawsuits were won by churches post-covid.

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However, the government DOES provide that tax-exempt 501C3 category.....Just use the Mafioso formula, filling in the blanks with appropriate wording: nice xyz you've got there, pity if it were to ...... The early Church knew just what was actually owed to Caesar, and what to God... House churches?

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If it walks like a duck.....

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Hey Jeff, in which C&C issue did you cover the trans surgeries with all the pics?

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It's why Rodney Howard Brown was made an example of (Tampa?) for the whole nation, as well as the churches that experienced widespread infections due to staying open being in spotlight. Colorado had 3 courageous fellowships sue the Governor over it and only then he backed down so no judgement was needed--they knew they'd lose so ended the "mandatory" closures only making guidelines for churches and recommendations to follow (opening them up to potential liability by doing so).

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Churches should have applied for Liquor License and then stayed open 11 am-10pm 7 days a week to show the Tyrants we can up the ante

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Perhaps the army in Ukraine didn't have enough trans people in charge, or in the ranks, for that matter.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Maybe she could team up with Zelenskyy and get a world tour.... Clown world.

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It's always the ugly "girls."

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Like the nuns...

Mine had chin hairs.

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A pair of tweezers takes care of that. At 73, I know. Essential part of grooming (the right kind!)

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Please hold my coffee ... I have to puke.

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Oops, I made the mistake again of forgetting that nothing is too absurd or ridiculous these days. Listen to this idiot. https://notthebee.com/article/test-neil

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The next Bud Light contestant......

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Let them ‘borrow’ Gen Milley … and keep him.

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Don't leave out traitor Allen.

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Fat General Milley.

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Read the comment, knew it was yours even before looking at the name.

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I'm sure if the US weapons had a pride flag on them, the Ukes would have won.

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“Supreme excellence consists of appearing fabulous while losing the battle.”

"Appear 'butch' when you are weak, and appear 'limp-of-wrist' when you are strong."

-Things Sun Tzu never said

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Where is 🎠💩 and Benjamin double "N"???? I am doing a Ukraine post for tomorrow and covering Gonzalo Lira's last words......

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He'll be back in a moment--worked last time one of you asked that question.

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Oh my gosh!!

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Praying for Gonzalo.

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Why? He went to Ukraine and supported Russian efforts to wipe Ukraine off the map. He gets a court date and tries to run away .

He should be hanging in an SBU prison for conspiring with Russia and helping Russia commit genocide f

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You are bad. 😉

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Gonzalo liras last words, like “18 year old pussy is the easiest?”

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Operation : Meat Shield?

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Lol. Clearly that would help🙄

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They lack a certain "je ne se quoi."

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Bingo! An army needs diversity to be strong. Sarc. Nothing like nasty trannies running across a battle field to scare the enemy. 😂

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...while throwing their stilettos!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The dragon is busy at the moment. Causing chaos around the world. The message of Job and Revelation though, is that he can't move without God's permission. He uses the adversary to test believers and to bring judgement on the wicked.

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Great one, Mr. Childers. Your round-ups always have at least some humor in them, which is what makes people (at least ME) love reading them.

And while I often snicker to myself while reading, I rarely laugh audibly, but you got me this morning! Coffee on my newly donned pink tank top:

“In other words, if the Trump prosecution works, the Dark Brandon of the apocalypse will be out of Hell’s barn and galloping toward your house.”

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Let’s hope he rides a horse as well as he rides a bicycle then 😑😬

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the only strategy i can see is they are trying to incite the maga base to riot so they can declare martial law and abandon elections

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And if that fails, Scamdemic 2.0 will be unleashed in September 2024, just in time to stop in-person voting. What do you think that crummy little biolab in an abandoned CA warehouse was preparing for??

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That dropped out of the news quickly didn’t it 🙄

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Or have us end up with a candidate who is literally incarcerated. How is that going to work for us?

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Takes the oath in jail, pardons himself, walks out immediately.

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He can't pardon himself of state convictions...

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Lots of mob bosses ran operations from the prison. And really. Look at the current federal and a lot of state governments now. Lots of criminals just not in a jail.

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💯 agree. “They” have been chomping at the bit for two years for a Civil War. They put Trump in prison and they just might get what they want.😔

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Or galvanize Trump support because the opposition wants him as the GOP nominee-because they believe he can be defeated in the general election.🤔

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Bingo! As stupid as Dems appear to be, they are masters at manipulation.

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Mom of 5, I agree, this could be the motive, but we still can't let them get away with this level of lawfare. There'll be no end to it otherwise, just new targets.

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I agree-The targets might be us!

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Somehow I'm just not buying this idea. Trump's numbers are just too good.

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This is very true. They are also ramping up the aliens from space talk. In my opinion they are going to declare martial law over an alien zombie apocalypse/invasion in order to avoid the 2024 presidential election cycle to keep Trump out. Possibly use Project Bluebeam or something similar? They are very desperate to stay in power.

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Whatever The Means, THEY (DeepState and Dems) will NOT relinquish their hold on power. Even if they fumble an election at the goal line. Just as they did 2017-2020 with a non-NWO Republican Presidency and Congress, THEY still ran the show and only hit a speedbump here and there but laughing and engaged, zero fear or worry about one small detail. It was rather sporting for them in hindsight.

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It could be, it certainly fits with the Jan 6 playbook.

And thank you for using the term “martial law” correctly, it drives me batty when people write Marshall law 🤪

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im not the worlds best speller but americans shock me at their education standards

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Standards have gone down precipitously since the Department of Education was created and teachers unionized 😕

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So many topics to comment on, but I'll comment on the DeSantis/Trump one. I'm also in Florida and loved DeSantis for keeping us open. (I wrote this piece on him back in May 2020 on Medium, before I got kicked off of that platform: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/ron-desantis-the-hero-we-didnt-know)

However, I'm not a fan of his running for the presidency. I fear that the presidency is controlled by the oligarchs that they would either stop him at all costs, or take him out if he really started to make true changes (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/who-are-the-bad-guys). Same reason I'm not a fan of Kennedy as well. Means well, but realistically, can you change an oligrachical system?

I've always said Trump was a candidate who's controlled by the Deep State, but tells us about the Deep State (if that makes sense). I forsee a Trump/Biden election all over again because all these indictments against Trump is only increasing his popularity, hiding out true politicians who can really make change (Think Ron Paul 2008.)

Interesting times to come! Agree that this will be one of the most electrifying elections in our times!

PS: Harvard just released a study on adrenochrome which shows that if you give old mice blood from young mice, the old mice live longer. The Free Press ran a sarcasm piece on it, but I don't think that's something to joke about.: https://www.thefp.com/p/nellie-bowles-tgif-everyones-a-fraud/comment/21848398

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Oh geez. My kooky neighbor has been on this adrenochrome thing for years, and I have, in last two years, come to realize that she is NOT kooky, but way ahead of the curve, because most of the frightening things she passes on to me become accepted as real/true.

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There are some of us who have been “awake” for a long time, trying to tell people. I personally wish I had woken up before I vaxxed my children with the childhood vaxxes. But sadly, I was more like 2014, after they had them. “Trance formation of America” book … which was actually written in 1995 … was a big part of my wake-up call. I realized then that almost all politicians are compromised by sex, money or both.

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Same here. I apologized to my kids saying if I had done my due diligence and not blindly trusted, they wouldn't have gotten most or any vaccines.

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I apologized recently to my daughter, too, about her health issues early on. And congratulated her on not vaccinating her children. Of course, back then we had nothing to clue us in to the danger.

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I as well, regarding children and vaxxes--youngest was born in '86, so fortunately missed much of the poisons (but was doctor-conned into taking HPV).

I have, personally, wondered whether the young global leader weffies (given that when you are young, you are not wise) are feted at cocktail parties, perhaps with interesting concoctions, propositioned by beautiful members of opposite? same? sex, with offers of same, go to hotel room thoughtfully provided with hidden recording equipment.....and then, from then on.......verbum sapienti satis est.

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I would totally find that plausible.

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I've been thinking about this phenomenon recently, of kooky-sounding stuff that may be or is true, particularly in regards to the resolutions being passed in Florida county Republican Executive Committees calling the injections 'biological weapons' and calling for their seizure and destruction. Right now, I'm not persuaded that this is the best tactic, as it sounds too kooky, so I don't think it's persuasive to enough average people, though I think that given how they were developed, not tested, and then fielded without informed consent, they shouldn't be put into any more humans. I just think that the argument needn't be on the basis of 'biological weapon,' but rather no science, no ethics, and no informed consent. What do you think?

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I agree--using term 'bio weapons' would just allow an easy go-around. No science (well, how do you define 'science'?), no ethics (same), no informed consent--that leaves less wiggle-room, I think

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On the ethics question, we could use the standards of the mandatory course in the ethics of humans subjects research which all of us who lead such studies have to take, all thrown in the wastebasket for the injections. For science, there's a millennia-long history of how it's defined and conducted, and it would be trivially easy to point out how the methods used for the injections didn't satisfy modern standards; many have already done so.

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I would love to see desantis lead the red state governors to tackle the blob called the feds. Right now I see this area as his biggest contribution and positive impact. The swamp needs to be completely drained and maybe returned to nature. On a state level, he is showing all how to get it done.

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What has he said and done about the Capitol Police setting up an office in the Tampa area? What has he said and done about the many Floridians who have been prosecuted and held without bail for J6 so-called crimes? What has he said and done about the persecution, not just prosecution, of Trump? Not nearly enough. Is that only because it would advantage his opponent? I've supported the Governor enthusiastically, but I've also seen that some of his major funders are not on my side, and I've started to notice the dogs that aren't barking (apologies to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).

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I noticed that too. The states need to block together to address the monstrous federal government

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President Trump hasn't said or done much about those things either, though. He could have pardoned himself and all J6 defendants on his way out the door in January 2021. But he didn't.

Governors have no power to stop Federal prosecutions, even obviously bogus ones. Legal authority and jurisdiction still matter. We can't expect Gov. DeSantis to do things that he doesn't have the power to do.

We can expect him to pledge that he WILL do them when (God willing) he gets that power. I think he's done that, but maybe we can quibble that he should be more emphatic about it.

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President Trump may be (slightly, at least, given his personality) constrained by his legal counsel on what he can say or do. Pardoning himself and all J6ers (some of whom were likely Dem plants leading the violence) would have been seen by many as a bridge too far, at least at that time. Gov. DeSantis is being flanked on his right by Vivek Ramaswamy, though, who is saying a lot of what needs to be said, in an unapologetic way. Gov. DeSantis speaks that way on 'woke' topics and somewhat on COVID, though he refused to veto the bill allowing hospitals to keep mandating remdesivir and the other dangerous parts of their protocol and allowed them to keep getting the bonus money for coding everything as COVID, so he's not really 'clean' on that topic, either. Some people are pointing out the difference between what he says and what he does, and sometimes they're right. He's all-in on woke; what else is he all-in on?

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I never pictured the hand basket going to hell being so full of grotesque things. or ...more that they were an imagination thing, now we can visualize them. 😠🤮

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Almost, if not actually, to a man (and woman), the trainers in my basic political activism training course offered by the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership were former Ron Paul supporters who concluded that supporting a candidate who will never win isn't a winning strategy. Their bottom line is that politicians must fear you or they will never bend to the will of citizens, but rather only to money, power, influence. They teach how to gain enough power to be influential.

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I'm not seeing that paper; do you have a direct link? The link you provide just says I need to be a subscriber to comment on FP. However, I did find this from 2020, which is creepy enough:

"Parabiosis, blood exchange and plasma transfer experiments have highlighted the rejuvenating properties of young blood. Our Communications Biology study demonstrated that young bone marrow transplantation attenuates cognitive decline in old mice, with preservation of hippocampal synapses and reduced microglial reactivity. We now discuss subsequent studies that shed additional light on how blood impacts cognitive function, and potential clinical applications, including ongoing clinical trials with young plasma and experimental strategies targeting the hematopoietic system to slow or reverse cognitive decline."


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If they are doing this, it isn’t working! See all the dusty incompetent fossils in the government.

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Exactly. I was just thinking the same thing!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

DeSantis would “have to defend a rival candidate.” Vivek did that yesterday. I have great admiration for Vivek doing that. I get why you like DeSantis a lot, Jeff, but as great a governor as he may be, he’s very wooden, and seems almost a bit autistic. I get this just from his manner, his propensity to drone on monotonously. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! Hah. I’m just gonna stick with Trump this time, flaws and all.

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Governor DeSantis isn’t a tv star but he’s been a heck of a leader here in Florida.

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Anyone remember this?

The Peter Principle states that, if you perform well in your job, you will likely be promoted to the next level of your organization's hierarchy. You will continue to rise up the ladder until you reach the point where you can no longer perform well.

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Vivek continues to impress me as an excellent VP candidate. And I believe you’re right about DeSantis- he was/is an exceptional governor, and that’s where he reached his pinnacle.

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My thoughts exactly. Vivek is going to the heart of the matter, which is that our rights are being stripped away, and if we let this happen to Trump, it's game over. The other candidates are really hoping that this will take Trump out of the race. I've heard very little from him that I disagreed with. He went to Nashville to demand (with others, like Candace Owens) that the shooter manifesto be released because the Republican governor Bill Lee is going to convene a special group later this month to try to take away Tennesseans' 2nd Amendment rights. He's a great communicator, and I'm looking forward to hearing him in the debates.

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Vivek sure seems like he's fighting for citizens. I just don't know whether to trust him or not. He gives off an Obama-esque vibe... so polished a speaker, saying all the right things, and had that "phase" in 2012-ish where he promoted a Soros-type "open society." Beware the Manchurian candidate...

If he is a fake, he's even better than Obama. A decade ago, I'd have believed in him. But right now, the moment is Trumps to lead or fail.

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After the last three years, I trust no one, but I must support someone. I agree that Trump must be the primary winner because of what they're doing to him, and I believe he will be. But Vivek is great on so many issues. I feel that he is probably honest, but only time will tell.

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Reserving judgment as well, for similar reasons, but he has piqued my interest.

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That’s because DeSantis is more of a genuine person. DeSantis is a warrior. Trump is a manipulative, flamboyant showman. Trump never served his country in the military, cheated on all of his wives and made weak political appointees. I will vote for Trump if he’s the only choice.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Trump never served his country in the military???


PDJT served with distinction as Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces between

2016 AD and 2020 AD.

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He took very good care of the military.... and he never looked at his watch while out fallen warriors were returning home.

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VA health care was operating better under President Trump.

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VA health care sucks. My Vietnam vet husband will attest to that.

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There are actually a few that are OK. However, the employees know they won't be fired.

It did piss me off that they were pushing the covid death shots so hard. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs forced all the employees to take the jab...tool of the Biden regime.

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He didn’t put his life on the line. Huge distinction. I am an Army brat and know the huge sacrifices military service people make. I

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Didn't put his life on the line?

Are you serious?

He had to wear a bulletproof vest and is still wearing one due to the media induced America LAST left wing/globalist nut jobs that want to harm him and his beloved ones.

He also served WITHOUT pay for his for years of service after being DRAFTED by the citizens of the USA in 2016. I don't know of any military members who serve without pay.

He leads rallies, engages with the public, puts his LIFE at RISK and he knows that it might be his last day on earth because he is a Patriot who LOVES AMERICA and that America is worth fighting for.

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It's easy to judge anyone's life from the outside but until we have walked in his shoes, we have not earned the right to judge. I've got to hand it to Trump. He is showing more grit than anyone I've seen since JFK. For him to hang in there the way he has, in spite of all the abuse, tells me that he loves this country and realizes the danger we all are in. Yet he continues to fight.

As Tom Renz said:

"...They are willing to do absolutely anything to ensure Trump can’t get back into the White House. If you want to know why We The People need to support Donald Trump it’s because of this. If Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, the democrats, all oppose Donald Trump that tells me one thing, he’s the man. Anyone who’s under this much attack from the globalists must be a real threat..."


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Well stated.

The indictment of Donald Trump has been inevitable since the moment Trump won the 2016 election, because all along, winning that election with the transformative America First message campaigned on has always been the “real” crime of Donald Trump.

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I do agree about the fact that he loves this country and took enormous risks and made enormous sacrifices to serve as president and try to make things better for the citizens of this country. That is for me undeniable and probably the biggest point in his favor.

I remember being on the fence about him in spring 2016 and my mom telling me that she’d been listening to Trump as a pundit/commenter for quite some time before he ever announced his candidacy, and that it was very clear to her that he loves this country very much. That helped convince me.

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Boy, you’re really reaching.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

By that token so did Biden as commander and chief. I don’t see that ad trump being in the military. Don needs to fade away and enjoy his fame and money

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Clinton and Biden and Obama and Romney never served in the military either.

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One of them wasn't even born here. Ha ha! I know that will draw out some complaints. But... way, way too many conspiracies have proven 100% fact the past 4-6 yrs, half of which have far less data/facts behind them than Obama's roots.

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I couldn't disagree more.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Character matters. DeSantis has character.

I don't trust people who cheat on and divorce multiple women. I can't see DeSantis EVER bragging about grabbing women's pu$$ies.

And Trump is a bully. Makes up mean names; makes fun of people.

DeSantis is assertive, stands up for his policies, without the bully streak.

Megyn Kelley had a great interview with DeSantis and she commented that they had dinner with Ron and Casey and the GENUINE love and respect between them. They would be a good role model for our children (unlike Trump- p0rn star lover). I remember when OS became a "thing" on the schoolbus when Clinton was the "role model".

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The cheating really bothers me too (and the name calling to a lesser extent). Although I guess we can’t be 100% sure other candidates aren’t cheating too and we just don’t know about it. But I could never get behind the “oh it’s just their private life” excuse that people kept spouting during the Clinton administration. To me, if someone is ready to lie to and betray one of the people they supposedly love most in the world (or if it’s consensual, faking a loving and faithful marriage to the public), I always wonder who else they might betray and what else they are lying about. Now Trump might have repented and changed. That’s always possible and people should be able to start anew. But it always does make me a little skittish.

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But Sarahanne he’s boring!! Disqualified!! /sarcasm. I’m ready for boring, steady, principled leadership.

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Sarahanne25, among the people I know in Florida Republican circles who know both of them well, they'd say the opposite to what you're saying about personality.

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I was never a McCain fan, but I absolutely loathed Trump’s mockery of McCain’s time as a POW.

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It's that level of 'Trumpiness' that is unhelpful to him, I think.

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In Michigan our tyrannical commie leaders have gone after 17 Trump supporters for asking questions about the 2020 election. 14 mostly senior citizens who were following the constitution and 3 lawyers who are trying to defend them and following ethics. So yes we are all in the crosshairs of this current government. Then look at Michigan’s newest hate speech law. Even thinking it can get you jailed or fined.

Nothing against DeSantis, but he has yet to defend Trump in any way.

Trump has stated in his Agenda 47 to address the rising cause of childhood illnesses due to big pharma “ If Big Pharma defrauds American patients and taxpayers or puts profits above people, they must be investigated and held accountable.”

He doesn’t dare say anything against vaccines but it is being alluded to.

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No kidnapper in their right mind would actually kidnap your governor.

She would be tossed from the kidnapping van in 5 minutes tops.

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That happened on the day many of us were gathered in Lansing for a rally against nursing home violations and covid. It was announced during the rally. We all knew then how corrupt it was but as long as the msm goes along with it all, many will be fooled.

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The Ransom of Red Chief. :)

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An O.Henry sequel....

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I have to disagree with your comments on DeSantis being a good choice for President at this time. He's not strong enough yet. Trump has the connections.

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DeSantis needs to wait until 2028.

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1,000,000,000%. DeSantis is not ready for the big league. I’m not sure he ever will be. The fact that he quickly sold out to the establishment tells me he lacks a back bone and is easily manipulated. He would just be a puppet president just like all the others (except Trump).

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How did he sell out? Just because he accepted donations from other Rino republicans doesn’t mean he is one of them. Trump had the support of the KKK but he wasn’t one of them.

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I have to disagree with you. DeSantis is absolutely the right choice. We didn’t have looting, burning buildings and highway shutdowns under DeSantis. Trump constantly has people making excuses for his ineptness. I’ve never heard anyone make an excuse for DeSantis. Did you know that Trump was the first to allow a transgender male to participate in his Miss Universe pageant? He reversed the decision of the pageant officials to allow the freak in. Not only that, Trump slobbered all over himself going on about how beautiful and smart the freak was. He didn’t have Hillary prosecuted either. He gave her a pass. I voted for Trump twice, but I hope I don’t have to a third time.

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These are exactly the right points to be made. Trump is not a conservative. He’s really a Democrat

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Agree 💯

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Good comment.

Now that a transgender Thai owns it: all over but the crying over spilled sperm.

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It is a good comment, but I'm still thinking that not voting for Trump is too close to advocating for the horrific lawfare that has been used against, not just him, but so many people associated with him, people of average means stuck with huge legal bills, being jailed without bond, etc., being warned never to cross the Left again. And I'm not just referring to J6 defendants, but to former staffers. I used to follow a woman on Twitter whose boyfriend was a low-level Trump guy, being bankrupted by legal bills, before 2020 ever happened. They have a plan, and if they can defeat Trump they can defeat anyone. Trump is correct that we are the true targets.

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DeSantis is just the person to fight this lawfare war as he knows the law inside out and backwards.

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And this is exactly what the deep-state uniparty is planning. They want to sideline the one man they fear by throwing him is jail and then dividing the patriotic, populist movement against itself with DeSantis and Kennedy. Coupled with the Democrat ballot rigging, they will once again control the election. There is only one way this comes out in our favor: the patriotic movement must close ranks TOGETHER against the Bolsheviks and the Uniparty. Trump is the only independent outsider in this field. As long as they can keep up divided, they can defeat us. Even if we do close ranks, I only give us a 10% chance of winning.

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and even winning an election doesn't win much of anything or for very long without MASS ENLISTMENT and expenditures in the WAR AGAINST the Occulticratic NeoMarxist Globalist NWO

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Part of the lawfare has been the over-zealous prosecution of J6ers, many of whom are Floridians, and many of whom were not violent, may have been waved into the Capitol by Capitol Police, and a few who didn't even enter the Capitol itself. The Capitol Police have established an office in Tampa. I don't think I've heard Gov. DeSantis remark on any of it. I'm less convinced he would push back on it.

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As 'just a lawyer', why aren't you and other lawyers demanding corrupt lawyers be disbarred?

I feel the same about all the corrupt MDs who were/are pushing clot shots.

Trump is not a lawyer. DeSantis is and how many other candidates are lawyers?

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I can speak to the medical side of this, and it's probably the same answer for the legal side.

Like all our other institutions, the 'long march' by the marxists has been highly successful. State Boards of Medicine are yanking licenses of doctors who prescribe politically-incorrect medications for COVID; specialty certification boards are doing the same, not just for doctors, but for nurses who dare to speak their minds. If one made such a demand, would one's medical license or admission to the bar be threatened? Very likely. Should it be demanded nonetheless? Yes.

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Someone posted a story about the American bar association was telling lawyers not to take cases from people who want to sue big pharma and hospitals for killing their families. I’ll look for the link and post it if I can find it.

I don’t think they have the authority to do that, but neither do medical boards have the authority to strip doctors of their licenses. We are entitled to due process or we aren’t.

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Well, the medical boards are the ones who hear the evidence about complaints of malpractice and have formerly been the ones to protect the public from dangerous so-called physicians and other health-care providers, so they've not been evil forever. It's like there was a physical mind-virus, though, that invaded the brains of so many health professionals, including the pharmacists who wouldn't fill a valid prescription for one of the safest, most effective drugs ever to be in existence, but they had been filling prescriptions for opioids from the same sketchy doctors for the same patients over and over again for years. The switch was turned, and they suddenly did things that were formerly not done.

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These boards are state boards.

What are state governors and legislatures doing?

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Zip, nada, nothing, as far as I know.

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The alternative docs in WI are jumping ship. Many are retiring or moving.

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how many other candidates are lawyers?


Way too many!!!

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Off today's topic, but interesting (and has a covid twist). Twitter speculation:

Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, days before he was set to testify against Big Pharma

Apparently, he came to the conclusion that, Big Pharma was lacing diet pills with ‘opioid substances’

His issue was that one of the laced pills was named “Black Mamba”.

--or maybe--

I heard he was killed intentionally because he was cutting ties with Nike to create his own brand. And if he did that then other athletes would follow suit and Nike would lose a ton of money.


Kobe was in the process of suing high tech for using opiates in their diet pills. Exposing the truth. Jeff Stibel sat as an investor in high tech, and also sat as Kobe’s partner in the Bryant Stibel corporation that had generated billions of dollars.

Stibel was also connected to Epstein serving as chairmen together in life boat. The exposure would have launched an investigation that Stibel wanted no part of.


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I honestly don’t disregard any evil the people in power will do. No one can tell me that the Clintons aren’t behind the deaths of all those people who knew them of were going to spill the beans on them. So, to me, this theory is possible because evil does exist in our world!

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Regular People are like cute little mice; make them pets, make them experiments, make them food for serpents, lure them and trap them. The world has too many mice.

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Aircraft accident. Hillary's favorite.

Just ask Ron Brown...oh, wait.

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Wellstone too perhaps..although Leftist Conspiracy pegs Bush for that one.

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I know now for a certainty that murder is possible. A line of some sort has been crossed.

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BFM — check this out…do a search for Obamas bandaged hand and black eye — seen in public playing golf “after” the death of his Chef.


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It's hard to drown someone while they are fighting back.

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No, you see, he committed suicide by bludgeoning himself while balancing on a paddle board.

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...he fell in love with Big Mike and was rejected.

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In certain circles, the word "love" now means "the way in which you pleasure yourself."

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Hence the “love is love” mantra they keep repeating 😕

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Had been unaware (headline yes, read no more) at the time; checking now, see that 9 were on flight; 9 died. No one alive left to comment. Not suspicious. Isn't it more common to have at least one survivor?

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