Proxy War narrative shifting continues as corporate media flips the script again; democrats stumble over Trump’s third arrest and indictment; and another beauty queen dies in a mysterious accident.
I thought I was clear, but to be even MORE clear, I can honestly say I am not taking sides in the primary because I have not made up my mind yet. And when I do, I won't tell anyone. My commitment to C&Cers is that I will unapologetically run valid news stories supporting ALL Republican candidates and I will never run hit pieces against any of them. From day to day, one candidate or another may get more attention, but not because I am leaning in. It's just the day that news item broke.
And thanks in advance for being kind while debating the primary options in the comments!
I understand what you mean and you are always right to tread carefully on polarizing topics. I am in Florida too and have supported Governor DeSantis all the way. He jumped in early and came down hard on southern nursing homes who were caught in the act of moving the elderly to hospitals. He has delivered a well deserved blow to groomers in lower education and worse groomers in gay bars allowing/welcoming young children. He tore a hole in the fabric of Disney by exposing their agenda and the pedophiles who work for them. Sheriff Judd has been on the front lines of this for a very long time.
What stopped me from going full DeSantis was his last swearing in ceremony a few months ago. There behind him was good old Jeb Bush with a smile on his face like a proud papa. When Jeb was our governor he single handedly destroyed my career along with countless others who were career Department of Corrections employees. All so his private companies could take over and reap the rewards. I was forced to take a demotion and move just to break even after 23 years. The inmates suffered a lot from their takeover as well. The food was disgusting and pre-cooked. The security guards were hired thugs and the health workers were basically regects from security guard agencies like Wackenhut
This creepy love connection between the past governor and the current governor is a real problem. A problem we need to keep a focus on.
I disagree - his "loyalty" to the CIA will make him a really powerful threat to our personal freedoms (which are hanging by a thread now). That is not a "good thing" to my way of thinking, Benjamin.
I felt the same way when I saw Jeb Bush supporting him. But I’m glad he did that publicly. Now I know. But imagine who might be supporting him behind the scenes? It’s creepy and scary.
""W' is the goofball member of this 'Stooges' parody!'"
As I look back on the Bush legacy, my take on Dubya is that his whole "regular guy" persona was an artificial construct. Dubya was always in the neocon mold, following in his father's footsteps. However, they exaggerated his 'black sheep' tendencies to seize on perceptions of populist opposition to Clinton in the 90s. Look at Dubya's behavior in the last ten years, particularly as he has forged a political alliance with Obama and Biden's controllers.
Dubya was basically 'pre-Trump'. It worked as the vast majority of my conservative friends fell for it, even after the 'global war on terror' thing was exposed as bullsh*t as early as 2004. They still voted Bush back in in 2004.
We haven't had a TRUE "two party" system for decades--what choice did we have in 2004? I believe it was John Kerry in the Donkey Party--so "W" was looking pretty wholesome back then! Our government has been operated by WAR MONGERS for over 60 years. It's why the CIA backed the assassination of JFK because he was NOT predilected toward waging many wars all over the globe to "preserve democracy"--WHAT A CROCK!!
I thought it was pretty clear and you made some good points about the key issues that are likely to come out. Sadly, too many Democrats don't see this as an issue because the lawfare is targeting people they disagree with. If the tables were turned, they'd be screaming. :(
While agree this is true of the die hards that identify as democrat, there are lots of liberal minded people that recognize the injustice of the Trump indictments. Those people must be reminded of the true danger of this lawlessness.
It's also being done on steroids to a former President as a very clear message to the rest of us: They are clearly saying "Don't you dare go against us or you know what will happen to you."
WE THE PEOPLE have had NO IDEA how corrupted our "intel system" has become - I know many friends of mine always believed the CIA rubbed out I'm becoming a believer of that as well! JFK was NOT a neocon and wanted to end all of the "global military engagements" in which the USA was involved up to that point.
Sharon Garvin--I would love to meet a "liberal with enough of a functioning mind" that recognizes the injustice. It would certainly make my day, week, month, last three years. Mind you, I live in Oregon so........
Lots of us "left libertarians" and non-corporate "liberals" who have walked away. It is "left libertarians" who accurately identified corporate interests as the pinnacle of corruption, while "right libertarians" pretended corporations, a la Citizens United, should have all the aggregate rights of their investors.
Two thoughts. Run Kennedy as an Independent to split the Dem vote or run him head to head against Trump. Not sure who would win there.... But, currently given the treatment metted out to him, it is a fact, given this treatment he's getting that he's only get more popular! Nto out of the question they would indict and try and convict in DC but he would WIN WIN WIN the general election since ticked off people will vote to screw the system much as it has screwed them. Might be over whelming to such a margin that they couldn't diddle it.... people are very roth right now, and rightly so.
I have been told that RFK said that Moms for Liberty were a terrorist group or something similar and that no one would be better for LGBTQ+++ than he would be.
I have been told that RFK said that Moms for Liberty were a terrorist group or something similar and that no one would be better for LGBTQ+++ than he would be.
No matter what "the people" believe...if the elections are rigged once again as they were in 2020--Trump will NEVER win!! I am very, very concerned for his safety, to tell you the truth.
Jeff, you're always clear about everything. I don't know how you manage to scan all the news and "news" outlets, digest all the info, winnow the wheat from the chaff, AND present it in such a cogent fashion.
You were 100% clear, could not have been clearer. What you stated was an observable fact.
The problem is not with what you wrote but with people who cannot separate their feelings from reality. These people perceive anything that can be remotely construed as something negative toward "their guy" as a personal affront that cannot stand. They are driven by emotion and hysteria.
The left is filled with these sorts of people, their feelings rule their lives. I've been surprised by how the Trump/DeSantis thing has showed just how many on our side are no different.
"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
Barry Goldwater
Any republican candidate who is not righteously angry at what the US government, not just Biden, the US government, is doing to us is not part of the solution.
AND Tim Scott immediately responded that he wanted to see what the FBI had on Trump before he termed it a politically motivated hit. C'mon Man! first reaction should be...OF COURSE it's a political hit, they'd have to PROVE otherwise!!! Senator Tim, playing it "safe" isn't wise or even possible--You are the definition of Betrayal to the Commies of Color in our nation. WISE UP and speak out.
Yes, throwing tantrums is always a great way to solve problems.
There's a difference between being angry about something and reacting emotionally to every interaction. The latter is what toddlers do.
We can be angry and channel that into rationale, constructive actions, rather then getting all bent out of shape because someone said something we didn't like.
I disagree with your premise. Trump is the only one who can bring down the evil corrupted establishment. No more nice guys!! DeSantis has a lot to learn still in this dangerous political climate. Trump has taken the blows. He needs to finish the job or we are all screwed!!
I have said many times that I would like my votes for both Bushs, McCain and Romney back since all of them were/are RINO's. I can't even begin to tell you how much I despise the Bushs and Romney now. Having "discovered" what I know about Prescott Bush, it is my humble opinion that neither GHW or GW should have EVER been allowed anywhere near the presidency and the whole family should be stripped of their wealth.
Agree. I was not happy with W as the candidate because I am totally against political dynasties/aristocracies as a matter of principle. I didn’t vote for him the first time, voted 3rd party as a protest vote. Then when Jeb put his hat in the ring I was even more disgusted. Clearly they think no one else but their family should get the chance to govern in this country 🙄 Entitled jerks.
Yep but they aren't the only ones that think they are "elite". Sad thing is there are a lot of people who don't want to have to make decisions for themselves so they welcome the nanny state.
Now WE THE PEOPLE know the "bit of truth" they who are REALLY in charge, have permitted to "escape". The neocons will NEVER release their chokehold on the world governments. It will take YAHWEH to clean house!! 7 years of hell on earth--then the Righteous Kind Jesus will return to earth to clean up the "mess" we humans have made of His once glorious creation.
AMEN, groomed for their roles as young men and rewarded and given accolades for their fine work. Mere Shadows of the men their fathers were I've heard.
I feel kind of embarrassed now having supported McCain and Romney, though the reasoning at the time still holds up "better than Obama". Just barely, though.
I think Desantis is feared by socialists and government, maybe more than Trump, but he hasn't drawn the fire because he isn't enough of an imminent threat yet
When Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Ronna McDaniel are all in for RDS that sends up a red flag for me. I love what I’ve seen him do as governor in FL. but he seems to be getting in line with Establishment RINOS and he needs their money for his campaign. Trump is beholden to no one. I would love to see any of the GOP candidates speak out against the political persecution of DJT but they aren’t which tells me they’re weak cowards and have no integrity to do the right thing regardless of the cost.
I agree. It is critical we have Trump in office. This has to end now and DeSantis isn’t the one. Not yet and until he proves his allegiance to MAGA Nothing wrong with making America great. You are either on board or you are part of the problem!!
You were clear. The only thing NOT clear this early, with 15+ months to go, is who will emerge as the candidate with the best chance to beat the PUD (Propped Up Democrat) that they hoist up as puppet-in-charge.
This is a great time to evaluate - too early to go 'all-in' behind any one Republican candidate.
The best candidate to defeat Biden is the one who has the most connections to swing state voting apparatus. That's where this election will be won or lost - counting the votes, not casting the votes.
And more accurately, it's just a handful of states in which this is critical. I'm in deep blue California where my Republican vote has no impact on electors, which will always end up Democrat. All my vote can do here is add to the popular vote count, for whatever that is worth.
And a handful of precincts in those handful of states. Whatever red precincts a state has, Republicans should make sure voter turnout is as close to 100% as possible. If, at 11pm, they determine that there are still 8% of votes not yet cast, shut down the vote counting and reporting and make sure ALL votes get cast and counted. Inactive voters, relocated voters, etc... all should have their ballots counted. Whatever blue precincts a state has, Republicans should send in armies of observers and picture takers, posing as Democrat poll workers if necessary.
Win big where you control, and lose small where you don't.
My question is who can oppose the Puppet Master? Can Trump fight that he can't see? On the other hand, i entirely distrust the Pope and therefore ALL those who support his kingdom on Earth.
Just in case you don't realize this: there are a significant and rapidly growing number of Catholics (like me) who don't believe Jorge Bergoglio (aka Francis) is pope, or even Catholic.
The commie pope lived in Argentina during their Dirty War.
Students, clergy, and dissidents were kidnapped off the streets and tortured by the military junta that was in charge. Then the prisoners were pushed out of the open doors of a helicopter over open water.
Not to mention his heresies, cover ups for homo priests abusing children at a school for the deaf and blind(!), and appointing notorious homos to high posts everywhere.
I pray that he repents. But if not, Hell will be HOT for this one.
I did a multi year project in Buenos Aires right after that, beginning in 1981. From talking to many people who lived there , a lot who became friends, all you say is true. Very nasty business. I am fluent in Spanish, so I talked to many people at all levels of society.
When I was in Buenos Aires in 2010, the mothers of the "disappeared" would silently protest around the presidential building holding photos of their loved ones that were murdered.
As a Catholic who has discussed this with other Catholics, yes, this is true. I've even heard some people say he is a false Pope which has happened before in history.
No his is the anti pope. Allowing Pachamama the Inca idol in a place of worship? That's.. idolatry. Thou shalt have no other God... thou shall not worship idols... He doesn't believe in God, but he's going to find God all the same on the other side. It remains to be seen what God will tell him...or where he will be sent for rehabilitation.
Please help me understand how so many believe the Catholic dogma but yet claim to not support it? Doesn't make sense to me. There is no Holy Father but God Himself. Never was. Pope's are liars all no matter how nice or good they were. They usurped the Apostleship just as Charismatics do. World wide religious apostacy again.
We do support Catholic dogma, which teaches that a heretic cannot either become pope, nor remain pope if he becomes a heretic after a papal election. (Pope Paul IV, papal bull Cum Ex Apostolaticus Officio, 1559.)
So by refusing to recognize an open heretic, we *are* supporting Catholic teaching.
Maybe this will help. Jesus Himself gave Peter (the first in a long line of popes) His authority (the keys to the kingdom) at Mt. 16:18-19. He included the power to either bind or withhold absolution from sin.
He later did the same thing to the rest of the Apostles in John.
The Church established by Jesus is the Catholic Church. Not the Episcopal, not the Baptists, not some non-denom church on the corner.
That Church, which remember Jesus explicitly gives His authority to bind and loose sin, has explicitly declared many many times that no one outside the Church may obtain salvation.
You cannot go to Heaven if you reject Jesus' own church.
I really don't know how I can help you understand that within a post or even a full on discussion. Addressing what the dogma is vs Apostleship and Charismatics, I don't know what you're referring to. I'm not qualified.
Papal Authority was handed to St. Peter from Jesus. That's the root of it. From there I suppose there's weeds to wade through.
And indeed, by your original post here you wouldn't trust me if I could help you understand. Or maybe you would since I don't trust the Pope.
I agree with you. I am not a Catholic but Life Site news a Catholic news source is where the truth was shared about Covid and the science and us of aborted fetal cell use in development and contents in the hellish Jab. I love them. All other outlets were advising the public it was not tainted. Once again I salute and love those of Life Site News!
This!! I have wondered from the beginning if he was an anti Christ infiltrator- love my faith but recognize that our so called leaders don’t always serve the best interests of the church
The school system has taught this generation of 20-35 year olds that discussing uncomfortable subjects is harmful to their mental health. My kids tell me I’m literally causing them distress and anxiety therefore they don’t want to even have a calm, hear each other out, conversation.
reminds me of the cry rooms and ‘cry in’ after the election…
Keep being the counter voice of reason for your kids … they need to hear it from their parents
The blessing of the pandemic for me and my kids was it was a light bulb moment that my kids were being indoctrinated to a certain way of thinking and I had to get busy telling them the counter position!!
Yes. He was refused secret service protection by the Biden Administration. He followed all the required applications and the secret service saw no problem but DHS head denied it even with information detailing credible threats to him. No viable candidate has been refused SS protection since the protection began for candidates. Yet scum bag hunter B strolls around with full coverage. Shameful action again by the demoncrats
Ron defending trump would be great. Ron as VP would be great. Trump winning would be great. But, I don’t believe in fair elections anymore. This is all theatre.
You were completely clear. Perhaps I had no trouble understanding it because your stance is similar to my own. I see some issues with Trump. I see some issues with DeSantis. I see some issues with the Swami guy. None of them is perfect, but in the end, come fall of 2024, we cannot let whatever issues the nominee has deter us. Four more years of Democrats running the executive branch and in control of the Senate is simply unacceptable.
Yes, this is pretty much how I feel and think about the issue. I see the pros and cons of each candidate and also don’t want to put all of my eggs in one basket. We have to be able to find a way to stop this current crop of corrupt people regardless of who the candidate ends up being.
Jeff, I respect you even more for your stance. I, like many others, want to know all I can know about ALL the potential candidates in order to make my best informed decision about who can help lead us out of this horrible state we are in. I haven't made up my mind yet who I like best. It's far too early.
I cannot support DeSantis Bc the publisher of his book is a company part of the fox conglomerate so when they said DeSantis supported by Sorros May not have been wrong. He has been a good leader in florida but he punted on insurance issue and cost of living in florida is very high DeSantis is not ready to be president. I am voting antibiden but I don’t support DeSantis as a presidential candidate.
I so agree. EVERYONE needs to stop giving poll numbers any credence. Poll numbers have NEVER been accurate. NEVER. Well maybe 50-60 yrs ago but not in modern times. I wish everyone would just cease and desist with talking poll numbers. 🤦♀️
I thought we learned in 2016. Everybody laughed at how ridiculous the poll numbers were and so many saw right through how it was manipulated for a reason. And what happens….months later….back to the poll numbers as if nothing was revealed about them. 🤦🏼♀️ The sheer stupidity of it all! And the media leads the charge, unsurprisingly. Even Trump touts poll numbers!!! I’m always like…. NOOOOOOO STOP IT!!!
Nowadays you’d have to be nuts 🥜 to answer a pollster’s call ☎️ . Who knows whether they’re from the fake news 🤥 (or worse)? So maybe only dems and their paid operatives answer the polls; the rest of us talk to our friends, family, neighbors, and (hoping...) their elected representatives.
Oh I always answer them and record them, find out who paid for it, and if they are coming from the D side, I send the recording to the R side. It is interesting to see how they slant the question from one side or the other. Few of them are really asking open ended questions, they are designed to elicit a certain response. I also am volunteering with AFP making phone calls, it is an open ended survey on issues, and in an hour of calling, I am lucky to get 3 responses, and almost all are over ~age 50 or so. Most people don't answer or hang up before I can even get the first sentence out.
However, for years I was part of a survey panel, where you got 'points' for answering surveys that you could cash in for money or gift cards, and sometimes included opportunities to participate in panel discussions for cash. I got paid $125 cash to talk about cat food for an hour, for instance. Topics were all over the map, from breakfast cereal to politics. The survey company got bought by Ipsos and they started asking too many personal questions so I bailed, but suspect that a lot of the polling respondents come from such panels.
I am not sure how big the base is, but it started for me about 25 years ago. A local company called 'Delve' would sign up people to be in their database, and they would call me a few times a month to ask questions, and if I qualified, I would go to their offices to be on a focus group panel. Pay ranged from ~$50-$150 for an hour or 2 of providing opinions. In some cases they would send you products to try at home then come in and talk about them. It was a pretty sweet deal, I was working PT as I had young kids at home so a little extra cash was nice. Over time, Delve got bought by a bigger company, and then a bigger company bought them, and everything started just being online. Rare to get an in person cash offer, mostly it was points for online surveys that you could turn into cash, and it only netted a couple of hundred a year or so. But I do survey work from time time in my business, so I stayed plugged in as it was just interesting to me. The latest iteration was called 'Knowledge Panel' (which I still see in some methodology footnotes as the database they used) but that was I think it was either bought or partners with Ipsos. Started feeling uncomfortable with the idea that they asked a lot more personal questions and no longer made responses optional so I bailed, but my hubby still does them. He gets political surveys from time to time and I look over his shoulder at the questions. But I do answer phone surveys that randomly come in, they are mostly for local and state candidates, and they ask demographic info at the end so when it gets to the income part I hang up. None of their business.
Reality checks are better. All one had to do was look at how many people were showing up at campaign events in 2016 and 2020 in order to know who was going to win the election. Trumps got tens of thousands while The Witch and Pedo Pete were lucky to get a few hundred most of the time. Remember all the photos?
I thought I was clear, but to be even MORE clear, I can honestly say I am not taking sides in the primary because I have not made up my mind yet. And when I do, I won't tell anyone. My commitment to C&Cers is that I will unapologetically run valid news stories supporting ALL Republican candidates and I will never run hit pieces against any of them. From day to day, one candidate or another may get more attention, but not because I am leaning in. It's just the day that news item broke.
And thanks in advance for being kind while debating the primary options in the comments!
I understood. That's why I am a paid subscriber to C&C. I trust you to bring the facts and let me decide. 👍🙂
I understand what you mean and you are always right to tread carefully on polarizing topics. I am in Florida too and have supported Governor DeSantis all the way. He jumped in early and came down hard on southern nursing homes who were caught in the act of moving the elderly to hospitals. He has delivered a well deserved blow to groomers in lower education and worse groomers in gay bars allowing/welcoming young children. He tore a hole in the fabric of Disney by exposing their agenda and the pedophiles who work for them. Sheriff Judd has been on the front lines of this for a very long time.
What stopped me from going full DeSantis was his last swearing in ceremony a few months ago. There behind him was good old Jeb Bush with a smile on his face like a proud papa. When Jeb was our governor he single handedly destroyed my career along with countless others who were career Department of Corrections employees. All so his private companies could take over and reap the rewards. I was forced to take a demotion and move just to break even after 23 years. The inmates suffered a lot from their takeover as well. The food was disgusting and pre-cooked. The security guards were hired thugs and the health workers were basically regects from security guard agencies like Wackenhut
This creepy love connection between the past governor and the current governor is a real problem. A problem we need to keep a focus on.
Yes. Way too much love for DESANTIS from Bushes and other nefarious creatures.
I believe DESANTIS has been pushed into this run by deep state as the only one who could eliminate the best PRES we ever had
I love him as my gov but never in 1,000 years would I desert Trump after all he has endured for the values of America. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸. TRUMP 24
DeSAntis is all in with the "snoops acronym intel agencies! He served as the JAG officer at the Gitmo interrogations of various al Qaeda prisoners.
That’s a good thing.
I disagree - his "loyalty" to the CIA will make him a really powerful threat to our personal freedoms (which are hanging by a thread now). That is not a "good thing" to my way of thinking, Benjamin.
I felt the same way when I saw Jeb Bush supporting him. But I’m glad he did that publicly. Now I know. But imagine who might be supporting him behind the scenes? It’s creepy and scary.
The Bush family is truly a corrupted group of potentates!! "W" is the goofball member of this "Stooges" parody!
""W' is the goofball member of this 'Stooges' parody!'"
As I look back on the Bush legacy, my take on Dubya is that his whole "regular guy" persona was an artificial construct. Dubya was always in the neocon mold, following in his father's footsteps. However, they exaggerated his 'black sheep' tendencies to seize on perceptions of populist opposition to Clinton in the 90s. Look at Dubya's behavior in the last ten years, particularly as he has forged a political alliance with Obama and Biden's controllers.
Dubya was basically 'pre-Trump'. It worked as the vast majority of my conservative friends fell for it, even after the 'global war on terror' thing was exposed as bullsh*t as early as 2004. They still voted Bush back in in 2004.
We haven't had a TRUE "two party" system for decades--what choice did we have in 2004? I believe it was John Kerry in the Donkey Party--so "W" was looking pretty wholesome back then! Our government has been operated by WAR MONGERS for over 60 years. It's why the CIA backed the assassination of JFK because he was NOT predilected toward waging many wars all over the globe to "preserve democracy"--WHAT A CROCK!!
That is very good information. Thank you!
I thought it was pretty clear and you made some good points about the key issues that are likely to come out. Sadly, too many Democrats don't see this as an issue because the lawfare is targeting people they disagree with. If the tables were turned, they'd be screaming. :(
While agree this is true of the die hards that identify as democrat, there are lots of liberal minded people that recognize the injustice of the Trump indictments. Those people must be reminded of the true danger of this lawlessness.
If it can be done to a former President, we are all at risk!
It's also being done on steroids to a former President as a very clear message to the rest of us: They are clearly saying "Don't you dare go against us or you know what will happen to you."
That’s exactly why it is so important we back Trump. The buck stops here!! He is the only one who can bring the DS scum down!!
Only our deaths and/or imprisonment won't make any news headlines - we don't pay off the media as the CIA/NSA/FBI collaboratives do!
WE THE PEOPLE have had NO IDEA how corrupted our "intel system" has become - I know many friends of mine always believed the CIA rubbed out I'm becoming a believer of that as well! JFK was NOT a neocon and wanted to end all of the "global military engagements" in which the USA was involved up to that point.
Sharon Garvin--I would love to meet a "liberal with enough of a functioning mind" that recognizes the injustice. It would certainly make my day, week, month, last three years. Mind you, I live in Oregon so........
Lots of us "left libertarians" and non-corporate "liberals" who have walked away. It is "left libertarians" who accurately identified corporate interests as the pinnacle of corruption, while "right libertarians" pretended corporations, a la Citizens United, should have all the aggregate rights of their investors.
Those are good points. I still live in Oregon and maybe not circulating in the right (or is left circle), but it would be refreshing and mean a lot.
Two thoughts. Run Kennedy as an Independent to split the Dem vote or run him head to head against Trump. Not sure who would win there.... But, currently given the treatment metted out to him, it is a fact, given this treatment he's getting that he's only get more popular! Nto out of the question they would indict and try and convict in DC but he would WIN WIN WIN the general election since ticked off people will vote to screw the system much as it has screwed them. Might be over whelming to such a margin that they couldn't diddle it.... people are very roth right now, and rightly so.
Trump runs WITH RFK. The media would implode.
I have been told that RFK said that Moms for Liberty were a terrorist group or something similar and that no one would be better for LGBTQ+++ than he would be.
I have been told that RFK said that Moms for Liberty were a terrorist group or something similar and that no one would be better for LGBTQ+++ than he would be.
No matter what "the people" believe...if the elections are rigged once again as they were in 2020--Trump will NEVER win!! I am very, very concerned for his safety, to tell you the truth.
And those tables will turn; they’ve set the precedence, so, “Game on”!
Except our side doesn't do it.
I’m not so sure it would stay that way. I’ve been watching gop politicians for decades. Don’t count on it.
Jeff, you're always clear about everything. I don't know how you manage to scan all the news and "news" outlets, digest all the info, winnow the wheat from the chaff, AND present it in such a cogent fashion.
God is truly with you
U were clear, Jeff. I hear ya.
You were 100% clear, could not have been clearer. What you stated was an observable fact.
The problem is not with what you wrote but with people who cannot separate their feelings from reality. These people perceive anything that can be remotely construed as something negative toward "their guy" as a personal affront that cannot stand. They are driven by emotion and hysteria.
The left is filled with these sorts of people, their feelings rule their lives. I've been surprised by how the Trump/DeSantis thing has showed just how many on our side are no different.
"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
Barry Goldwater
Any republican candidate who is not righteously angry at what the US government, not just Biden, the US government, is doing to us is not part of the solution.
Jon, I agree completely. That’s why DeSantis lost me..when he was silent on the Mar-a-lago raid.
AND Tim Scott immediately responded that he wanted to see what the FBI had on Trump before he termed it a politically motivated hit. C'mon Man! first reaction should be...OF COURSE it's a political hit, they'd have to PROVE otherwise!!! Senator Tim, playing it "safe" isn't wise or even possible--You are the definition of Betrayal to the Commies of Color in our nation. WISE UP and speak out.
Lawyers cover for each other.
Yes, throwing tantrums is always a great way to solve problems.
There's a difference between being angry about something and reacting emotionally to every interaction. The latter is what toddlers do.
We can be angry and channel that into rationale, constructive actions, rather then getting all bent out of shape because someone said something we didn't like.
It was a child who said the emperor had no clothes.
I think this is one reason so many hate Trump. He points out the obvious lies too many do not want to see or hear.
There was once a so called Republican who said speak softly and carry a big stick.
I don't care how loudly a president speaks as long as he uses the big stick.
AMEN. Give me a loud voice and low gas and food prices
I agree!! Trump can wield that stick better than any other candidate. The time to come together is now under Trump or we are all screwed!!
Exactly right!!!
I disagree with your premise. Trump is the only one who can bring down the evil corrupted establishment. No more nice guys!! DeSantis has a lot to learn still in this dangerous political climate. Trump has taken the blows. He needs to finish the job or we are all screwed!!
Great point!!
I supported McCain and Romney, both losers because they wouldn't fight what is now called the deep state.
BHO entrenched and reinforced socialism in the Regulatory State.
The only candidate running for president that has the deep state frightened is Trump.
I'll support candidates feared by the socialists in the US government and in the Republican party.
I have said many times that I would like my votes for both Bushs, McCain and Romney back since all of them were/are RINO's. I can't even begin to tell you how much I despise the Bushs and Romney now. Having "discovered" what I know about Prescott Bush, it is my humble opinion that neither GHW or GW should have EVER been allowed anywhere near the presidency and the whole family should be stripped of their wealth.
Agree. I was not happy with W as the candidate because I am totally against political dynasties/aristocracies as a matter of principle. I didn’t vote for him the first time, voted 3rd party as a protest vote. Then when Jeb put his hat in the ring I was even more disgusted. Clearly they think no one else but their family should get the chance to govern in this country 🙄 Entitled jerks.
Yep but they aren't the only ones that think they are "elite". Sad thing is there are a lot of people who don't want to have to make decisions for themselves so they welcome the nanny state.
Now WE THE PEOPLE know the "bit of truth" they who are REALLY in charge, have permitted to "escape". The neocons will NEVER release their chokehold on the world governments. It will take YAHWEH to clean house!! 7 years of hell on earth--then the Righteous Kind Jesus will return to earth to clean up the "mess" we humans have made of His once glorious creation.
Don't forget Neil Bush
Neil's a tard....
McCain and Romney didn’t fight the deep stare because they ARE the deep state.
AMEN, groomed for their roles as young men and rewarded and given accolades for their fine work. Mere Shadows of the men their fathers were I've heard.
I feel kind of embarrassed now having supported McCain and Romney, though the reasoning at the time still holds up "better than Obama". Just barely, though.
I think Desantis is feared by socialists and government, maybe more than Trump, but he hasn't drawn the fire because he isn't enough of an imminent threat yet
When Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Ronna McDaniel are all in for RDS that sends up a red flag for me. I love what I’ve seen him do as governor in FL. but he seems to be getting in line with Establishment RINOS and he needs their money for his campaign. Trump is beholden to no one. I would love to see any of the GOP candidates speak out against the political persecution of DJT but they aren’t which tells me they’re weak cowards and have no integrity to do the right thing regardless of the cost.
I agree. It is critical we have Trump in office. This has to end now and DeSantis isn’t the one. Not yet and until he proves his allegiance to MAGA Nothing wrong with making America great. You are either on board or you are part of the problem!!
someone who knows the English language and who uses it in the way it was intended. Sweet.
You are an invaluable resource Jeff and we all so appreciate you! Thank you! God bless you! ❣️❣️
You were clear. The only thing NOT clear this early, with 15+ months to go, is who will emerge as the candidate with the best chance to beat the PUD (Propped Up Democrat) that they hoist up as puppet-in-charge.
This is a great time to evaluate - too early to go 'all-in' behind any one Republican candidate.
The best candidate to defeat Biden is the one who has the most connections to swing state voting apparatus. That's where this election will be won or lost - counting the votes, not casting the votes.
And more accurately, it's just a handful of states in which this is critical. I'm in deep blue California where my Republican vote has no impact on electors, which will always end up Democrat. All my vote can do here is add to the popular vote count, for whatever that is worth.
And a handful of precincts in those handful of states. Whatever red precincts a state has, Republicans should make sure voter turnout is as close to 100% as possible. If, at 11pm, they determine that there are still 8% of votes not yet cast, shut down the vote counting and reporting and make sure ALL votes get cast and counted. Inactive voters, relocated voters, etc... all should have their ballots counted. Whatever blue precincts a state has, Republicans should send in armies of observers and picture takers, posing as Democrat poll workers if necessary.
Win big where you control, and lose small where you don't.
Yes. Until we start doing what the Ds do, they won’t stop. Election integrity laws will be passed when the Ds believe it would benefit them.
Likely true - certainly sad.
And the one who can clearly read every word of the sentence on the teleprompter.
My question is who can oppose the Puppet Master? Can Trump fight that he can't see? On the other hand, i entirely distrust the Pope and therefore ALL those who support his kingdom on Earth.
Just in case you don't realize this: there are a significant and rapidly growing number of Catholics (like me) who don't believe Jorge Bergoglio (aka Francis) is pope, or even Catholic.
The commie pope lived in Argentina during their Dirty War.
Students, clergy, and dissidents were kidnapped off the streets and tortured by the military junta that was in charge. Then the prisoners were pushed out of the open doors of a helicopter over open water.
Francis remained silent.
Not to mention his heresies, cover ups for homo priests abusing children at a school for the deaf and blind(!), and appointing notorious homos to high posts everywhere.
I pray that he repents. But if not, Hell will be HOT for this one.
To whom much is given much is required. The pope influences many many people; therefore he’s more accountable before God than a shoe salesman.
I did a multi year project in Buenos Aires right after that, beginning in 1981. From talking to many people who lived there , a lot who became friends, all you say is true. Very nasty business. I am fluent in Spanish, so I talked to many people at all levels of society.
When I was in Buenos Aires in 2010, the mothers of the "disappeared" would silently protest around the presidential building holding photos of their loved ones that were murdered.
As a Catholic who has discussed this with other Catholics, yes, this is true. I've even heard some people say he is a false Pope which has happened before in history.
Yes it has. At least 40 times in the history of the Church.
Yet to suggest Francis is an antipope is somehow shocking.
No his is the anti pope. Allowing Pachamama the Inca idol in a place of worship? That's.. idolatry. Thou shalt have no other God... thou shall not worship idols... He doesn't believe in God, but he's going to find God all the same on the other side. It remains to be seen what God will tell him...or where he will be sent for rehabilitation.
Please help me understand how so many believe the Catholic dogma but yet claim to not support it? Doesn't make sense to me. There is no Holy Father but God Himself. Never was. Pope's are liars all no matter how nice or good they were. They usurped the Apostleship just as Charismatics do. World wide religious apostacy again.
We do support Catholic dogma, which teaches that a heretic cannot either become pope, nor remain pope if he becomes a heretic after a papal election. (Pope Paul IV, papal bull Cum Ex Apostolaticus Officio, 1559.)
So by refusing to recognize an open heretic, we *are* supporting Catholic teaching.
Francis is NOT pope and never was.
Maybe this will help. Jesus Himself gave Peter (the first in a long line of popes) His authority (the keys to the kingdom) at Mt. 16:18-19. He included the power to either bind or withhold absolution from sin.
He later did the same thing to the rest of the Apostles in John.
The Church established by Jesus is the Catholic Church. Not the Episcopal, not the Baptists, not some non-denom church on the corner.
That Church, which remember Jesus explicitly gives His authority to bind and loose sin, has explicitly declared many many times that no one outside the Church may obtain salvation.
You cannot go to Heaven if you reject Jesus' own church.
I really don't know how I can help you understand that within a post or even a full on discussion. Addressing what the dogma is vs Apostleship and Charismatics, I don't know what you're referring to. I'm not qualified.
Papal Authority was handed to St. Peter from Jesus. That's the root of it. From there I suppose there's weeds to wade through.
And indeed, by your original post here you wouldn't trust me if I could help you understand. Or maybe you would since I don't trust the Pope.
I agree with you. I am not a Catholic but Life Site news a Catholic news source is where the truth was shared about Covid and the science and us of aborted fetal cell use in development and contents in the hellish Jab. I love them. All other outlets were advising the public it was not tainted. Once again I salute and love those of Life Site News!
This!! I have wondered from the beginning if he was an anti Christ infiltrator- love my faith but recognize that our so called leaders don’t always serve the best interests of the church
It's healthy for families to have arguments once in a while.
I agree
Parents today try to remove all discomfort for their kids
And that’s not healthy. The result is a generation of kids unable to cope with adversity and any difference of opinion.
The school system has taught this generation of 20-35 year olds that discussing uncomfortable subjects is harmful to their mental health. My kids tell me I’m literally causing them distress and anxiety therefore they don’t want to even have a calm, hear each other out, conversation.
reminds me of the cry rooms and ‘cry in’ after the election…
Keep being the counter voice of reason for your kids … they need to hear it from their parents
The blessing of the pandemic for me and my kids was it was a light bulb moment that my kids were being indoctrinated to a certain way of thinking and I had to get busy telling them the counter position!!
Yes, and it’s important for kids to learn that they can like and even love someone and yet heartily disagree with that person.
I love those couples who say, "we never argue."
just an occasional casual knife throwing contest with the unusual errant throw?
They’re liars!
Also RFK Jr. (D) is a worthy candidate that is news worthy.
Yes. He was refused secret service protection by the Biden Administration. He followed all the required applications and the secret service saw no problem but DHS head denied it even with information detailing credible threats to him. No viable candidate has been refused SS protection since the protection began for candidates. Yet scum bag hunter B strolls around with full coverage. Shameful action again by the demoncrats
Yeah Hunter with secret service protection makes me both livid and disgusted.
I would love to see a Trump-RFK ticket. 1) the media would implode, and 2) this would produce unlimited voter potential.
In the old-old days opposite parties ran together. These two find common ground in opposing the deep state.
Ron defending trump would be great. Ron as VP would be great. Trump winning would be great. But, I don’t believe in fair elections anymore. This is all theatre.
You were completely clear. Perhaps I had no trouble understanding it because your stance is similar to my own. I see some issues with Trump. I see some issues with DeSantis. I see some issues with the Swami guy. None of them is perfect, but in the end, come fall of 2024, we cannot let whatever issues the nominee has deter us. Four more years of Democrats running the executive branch and in control of the Senate is simply unacceptable.
Yes, this is pretty much how I feel and think about the issue. I see the pros and cons of each candidate and also don’t want to put all of my eggs in one basket. We have to be able to find a way to stop this current crop of corrupt people regardless of who the candidate ends up being.
Jeff, I respect you even more for your stance. I, like many others, want to know all I can know about ALL the potential candidates in order to make my best informed decision about who can help lead us out of this horrible state we are in. I haven't made up my mind yet who I like best. It's far too early.
Same here. And so much can happen in the next year or so!
I cannot support DeSantis Bc the publisher of his book is a company part of the fox conglomerate so when they said DeSantis supported by Sorros May not have been wrong. He has been a good leader in florida but he punted on insurance issue and cost of living in florida is very high DeSantis is not ready to be president. I am voting antibiden but I don’t support DeSantis as a presidential candidate.
You were clear! Thanks for weighing in!! It’s one of the reasons we love you and share your writings!!
“Trump’s now demolishing the primary field and is tied with Biden in the general.” - Jesse Waters
Tied with Biden? 😂 😂
If he was “tied” with biden in real life and not some made up phony poll number, we may as well kiss America goodbye and just go bury ourselves.
It is so ridiculous that anyone repeats made up numbers to try and further manipulate us. Please, please stop with the bull$hit numbers. We see you.
I so agree. EVERYONE needs to stop giving poll numbers any credence. Poll numbers have NEVER been accurate. NEVER. Well maybe 50-60 yrs ago but not in modern times. I wish everyone would just cease and desist with talking poll numbers. 🤦♀️
I thought we learned in 2016. Everybody laughed at how ridiculous the poll numbers were and so many saw right through how it was manipulated for a reason. And what happens….months later….back to the poll numbers as if nothing was revealed about them. 🤦🏼♀️ The sheer stupidity of it all! And the media leads the charge, unsurprisingly. Even Trump touts poll numbers!!! I’m always like…. NOOOOOOO STOP IT!!!
Nowadays you’d have to be nuts 🥜 to answer a pollster’s call ☎️ . Who knows whether they’re from the fake news 🤥 (or worse)? So maybe only dems and their paid operatives answer the polls; the rest of us talk to our friends, family, neighbors, and (hoping...) their elected representatives.
Oh I always answer them and record them, find out who paid for it, and if they are coming from the D side, I send the recording to the R side. It is interesting to see how they slant the question from one side or the other. Few of them are really asking open ended questions, they are designed to elicit a certain response. I also am volunteering with AFP making phone calls, it is an open ended survey on issues, and in an hour of calling, I am lucky to get 3 responses, and almost all are over ~age 50 or so. Most people don't answer or hang up before I can even get the first sentence out.
However, for years I was part of a survey panel, where you got 'points' for answering surveys that you could cash in for money or gift cards, and sometimes included opportunities to participate in panel discussions for cash. I got paid $125 cash to talk about cat food for an hour, for instance. Topics were all over the map, from breakfast cereal to politics. The survey company got bought by Ipsos and they started asking too many personal questions so I bailed, but suspect that a lot of the polling respondents come from such panels.
Wow, this is educational as I never knew about this survey things and that lots of people participate
I am not sure how big the base is, but it started for me about 25 years ago. A local company called 'Delve' would sign up people to be in their database, and they would call me a few times a month to ask questions, and if I qualified, I would go to their offices to be on a focus group panel. Pay ranged from ~$50-$150 for an hour or 2 of providing opinions. In some cases they would send you products to try at home then come in and talk about them. It was a pretty sweet deal, I was working PT as I had young kids at home so a little extra cash was nice. Over time, Delve got bought by a bigger company, and then a bigger company bought them, and everything started just being online. Rare to get an in person cash offer, mostly it was points for online surveys that you could turn into cash, and it only netted a couple of hundred a year or so. But I do survey work from time time in my business, so I stayed plugged in as it was just interesting to me. The latest iteration was called 'Knowledge Panel' (which I still see in some methodology footnotes as the database they used) but that was I think it was either bought or partners with Ipsos. Started feeling uncomfortable with the idea that they asked a lot more personal questions and no longer made responses optional so I bailed, but my hubby still does them. He gets political surveys from time to time and I look over his shoulder at the questions. But I do answer phone surveys that randomly come in, they are mostly for local and state candidates, and they ask demographic info at the end so when it gets to the income part I hang up. None of their business.
Or AI recording your voice for future manipulation of your family or friends!
Do you know how easy it is to make up poll numbers?
These are the amount of people I called: random number
Here's the amount answers I got one way: biased number based on random number
Here's the amount that went the other way: random number - biased number based on random number
You can make all this data up without calling a single person! Just make it look reasonable.
As I recall, the Rasmussen poll told the tale accurately in 2016. No doubt that's been "fixed" since then.
Rasmussen is generally a conservative pollster that tends to get things more accurately. Or at least they were.
Reality checks are better. All one had to do was look at how many people were showing up at campaign events in 2016 and 2020 in order to know who was going to win the election. Trumps got tens of thousands while The Witch and Pedo Pete were lucky to get a few hundred most of the time. Remember all the photos?