The devil went down to Georgia. Laken Riley - say her name. Fani Willis is a corrupt commissar. Member when Brian Kemp tried to look into 2020 voter fraud, then his daughters boyfriend died in a car explosion? I member!

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That incident of Nathan Deal was a warning to Kemp. Nathan was more than Kemp's daughter's bf. He was Kemp's senate appointee's aide. Plus had same last name as Georgia's governor prior the Kemp. It all stunk and the investigator over the death was killed too.

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That mafia is very real. Judge McAfee has one hot potato in his hand and the Lord keeps raising its temperature.

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Viva Frei gives excellent summary of Ashleigh Merchant's sworn testimony before the Georgia Senate subcommittee investigating possible misconduct/fraud of Judge Fani Willis and Nathan Wade. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc7XJPJFJg4

McAffee judgeship is now being challenged (threatened) by Robert Patillo, former executive director of the Rainbow Push Coalition, social justice civil rights group founded by Rev Jesse Jackson. This was announced so McAffee might not rule against the SS Willis.

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Viva was so animated! It was a great summary of the whole ordeal - the stuff of soap operas. Only soap opera writers couldn't come up with all these twists and turns!!

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I watched Merchant’s testimony. At the end she was cross examined by a black attorney who wanted her to say her client had not been harmed or something. And those weren’t really luxury trips that Fani and Wade took. Really crazy stuff. Maybe the Viva summary will help me understand what that was about.

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Re" cross examination - I'm just not creative enough to think up these "alternate realities" that these people come up with. I do have to give them credit for coming up with these ideas:)

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I like my potatoes mashed...you?

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Waffled, fried, and drowning in CFA sauce.

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Harrison Deal. I’ll never forget his name. My first thought was that the message to Kemp was “This time your daughter’s boyfriend. Next time, your daughter.” As I recall, the engine was found a couple of hundred feet away from the car. Not an accident.

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Certainly just coincidence and a Conspiracy theory with no basis in facts, nothing for real journalists to even consider...as it serves as a reminder to them equally as well

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There's a good reason why there are so many jokes (for years!) about the "Clinton Body Count".

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Capital Punishment in form of Political Hit Jobs are soon to be the ONLY death sentences allowed, endorsed, and advocated by the US Political-Security State.

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Certainly all those supposed conspiracy theories were just a coincidence 🤣 Leave the darkness behind and walk towards the light!

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Wow, that is beyond horrific.

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deletedMar 7
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Wow! Never heard a peep of this

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Looks like Real Raw News may be real fake news. This is their headline story today: "US Marines on Monday arrested warmonger Victoria Nuland, enforcing a military arrest warrant." Remember to cross check your sources of news!

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so she didnt get out ahead of the Ankle Bracelet/Boot?

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Is it fake or satire?

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Fake. Satire requires humor, like what The Onion does.

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What Substack?

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deletedMar 7
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I can't find this substack. Would you mind to add a link please?

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Real Raw News is a fake news site. Here's an example from this site: "US Navy JAG shipped Oprah Winfrey to Guantanamo Bay" from Feb 16. Question everything you read!

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Thanks for the reminder. I'm not sure I ever knew this.

...one day after Brian Kemp [called for] a signature audit in Georgia https://wentworthreport.com/2020/12/07/explosive-video-of-car-crash-killing-boyfriend-of-kemps-daughter-sparks-conspiracy-theories/

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I read about it at the time and it seemed very fishy to me.

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“Car crash” is incorrect. His vehicle exploded.

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I had forgotten. There’s some outrage every single day and most days more than one. Really hard to remember them all. Hard for even good media to give them coverage they deserve.

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So very hard to keep track of all the details... the mess is all around us, piled up high.

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We the USA are more third world dirty than most realize RebeccaGrrrl. Me included, until the stolen election of 2020 jerked my chain...

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I definitely felt that yank too SPH. I was noticing lots of clues, but was given rose-colored glasses from my dem family and relatives. I noticed Peliosi's smoke making, and then Obama's lies. I went independent in 2000 and remain. Perhaps some frogs can get out of the heated water?

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All of us that live in the Coastal Empire and near I95 knew about it. It was kept very quiet after the first couple of days by local media.

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The guy who ran into him and caused the explosion, was found guilty of manslaughter homicide.

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If that’s the case, he must be accessible to somebody who has the courage to dig into this story.

Is it really the case that the investigator also died? Per earlier comment…

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Yes, he was a FBI investigator….put on the case and a week later they found his vehicle parked by a deserted roadside and they found him dead.

I’m friends with a family whose son was close friends to Harrison. They were all mortified by the whole ordeal. They were all concerned for Kemps daughter’s safety!🤯

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Yes, investigator died under mysterious circumstances.

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I recall it being reported as a "single vehicle crash."

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Explain “it”

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Wow I never heard about this!

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I remember too, but with all the dung heaps around, it's hard to remember it all

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And now we have Mitch’s retirement announcement, just a suspicious couple of weeks after his SIL’s Tesla drove her into the water and she drowned. Same/same?

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Similar with Mary Jo and Teddy K.? Get the message Ted? WE OWN YOU! Your brothers thought they could escape our control, just a reminder in case you want to tempt fate.

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I've wondered if that was a memo to ole Mitch.

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stay away from all new cars wtih PROGRAMMABLE COMPUTERS in them.

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Mitch is old. So I doubt he was threatened. It’s past his ‘sell by’ date, he should have retired last election cycle.

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people like that do not give up the power and the $$ willingly.

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Beg to disagree…while his mental capacity may be declining, the fact that he is not completely retiring indicates to me that he will continue to wield power and that power will be used to protect the senate crime syndicate and thwart the likely Trump administration or enable a potential Dem administration.

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he's not retiring???

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Only as majority leader, in November. He’s intending to finish out his term.

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You are probably correct CStone, McConnell has been having mini strokes and could be paralyzed at any moment. His wife however...maybe someone in the fortune cookie mafia is sending a message.

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The devil is STILL in GA !

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St. Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil, we humbly pray.

And, do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits that roam throughout the world, seeking the ruin of souls.

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Amen. 🙏

I love that prayer and St. Michael the Archangel..my patron saint. 🙏

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Sometimes you’ll see an illustration of Satan in a face-off with Jesus. That is false. The only levels of adversaries for the devil and his demons are the angelic hosts. And I suppose any foolish humans stupid enough to think they could take them on.

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Pretty sure this fight is ours, humanity’s, and righteous ones at that. And it’s not going to be fought with prayer,respectfully. It will require gunners.

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I don’t doubt it will be fought by men. But the real fight is in the heavenlies and there had better be prayer.

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I do so want to see Fani Willis get what she deserves. Even more than her, I'd like to see Letitia James get some major karmic kickback. She is more despicable than Willis.

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There’s a woman on Twitter/X who has been posting about Letitia’s lavish expenditures, Viva Frei had her on his show a few days ago. This woman, Mel, has dug into many politicians of each party, as well as following James O’Keefe’s example and checking out “ghost donors.” https://rumble.com/v4heemr-independent-journalist-uncovers-massive-letitia-james-financial-fraud-viva-.html

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One of Dr. “Biden’s guests at the SOTU will be aTexas woman, Cox, that desperately wanted an abortion - could get one so went out of state to get one. Of course she’s celebrated.


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Dena, She probably went right next door to New Mexico where to our shame we’ve become an abortion vacation destination up to birth under the demon running the state

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Colorado Kills more! They'll soon be legalizing embryonic smoothies served out of pushcarts by street vendors

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That serves up a wicked mind picture WP William.

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These haters demand abortion of babies be safe, legal, profitable, and rare; and Rare has a different meaning altogether

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Agreed. I've been in Colorado for 44 years and have watched it slide left into depravity. Full-term abortion is legal here. And then there's this -


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Same with WA state. King County even appropriated some of our tax dollars to help pay travel expenses.

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Maybe Kamala will have Fani Willis as her guest. LOL Hope she wears the pink dress.

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Only if she promises to wear it backwards. lol....

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maybe they some sext messages or at least some lingerie photos of Phoni that at the cabin or the beach or in the office that should be shared with media?

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You must have been ok with water boarding too. We don't need to see that. LOL

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I like tarring and feathering, perhaps a dunk tank, being a human pinata with nerf bats being used, public stocks while naked, simply mostly non-injurious humiliation on a large scale, perhaps confinement with an AI Cell-mate that never shuts up. Or the same 3 Pat Boone's Gratest Hits playing on a loop. Be creative i say!

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Lawd- Pat Boone should be enough!

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At least Laken Riley’s family said no. Why wouldn’t they when he can’t even say her name.

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Wasn't there some scuttlebutt that she just made this public and the Texas rule was that she could have had the abortion she just wanted to politicize it? I can't find the story.

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Sorry but that Texas Law is stupid and dangerous to women who have a legitimate need.

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‘Legitimate need is very rare. Extremely rare.

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In the case of the particular woman I am thinking of, her need was indeed rare. Which makes her case that much stronger in a society where abortion is almost completely illegal.

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in your opinion. sounds like you dont know much about the world.

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Illegal abortions begin to sound better and better: the mother may die as well as the baby.

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Sadly, the Catholic Church’s Pro-Life department has now begun pushing for abolishment of the death penalty so no psycho demonic murderers need die. To me this is a deep abuse of a cause meant to represent the most helpless among us.

In the 60s and 70s, the argument was made that vast numbers of women were dying in ‘back alley abortions.’ The numbers were completely made up and a lie designed to win over bleeding hearts.

Now there is the claim that vast numbers of murderers sitting on death row have been proven innocent by DNA. Same appeal to bleeding hearts.

I know many states have abolished the death penalty and statistics can be gathered to determine the effect on crime; top to bottom actually, as human life is being devalued.

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now you are lying. there were plenty of backstreet abortions that resulted in deaths. I know this from my father who was a doc. working in the Black community before abortion was legal.

why pretend your policies will not result in death for many women? but the men dont die, do they?

I guess that's AOK for you "pro lifers" - women die, that's fine. they were sinful fornicators. Fuck you by the way.

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My friend used to say, "Keep the baby. Kill the mother." I don't think he actually meant it. But it does illustrate who is innocent and who is a murderer.

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Niiiiice! you now want to kill both the mother and the child? and what if there are several other children and the mother cant afford any more?

you selfish misogynists pretending to love children cant hide your hatred of women. and the way things are going with suburban moms your ASSHOLE politics may get us Biden again- or worse, a younger more insane version like Newscum.

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Hero of the Infanticide Movement; stand and applaud she/her/they courage

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sanitized limited strikes to contain the requirement for a more expansive demonstration is for the greater good, no comrade?

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Yep! Frightenly obvious.

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I diidn't know that--thanks Yuri!

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I’m with you on everything except the cause of the car explosion. He was in a car pulled over at the side of the road with another car, and a truck with a trailer hit them from behind which caused his car to explode. The man driving the truck with the trailer was found guilty of manslaughter homicide. I had heard some of those theories, but I’ve never seen anything that proves the explosion was anything other than a wreck. If you have other facts, I would love to see them.

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The only fact I can give you P Flournoy, is in 36 years of duty I never responded to a car accident that resulted in an explosion.

P.S. I worked in a major metro area.

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Have you seen this Loose Willis meme yet?! This is excellent. https://ifunny.co/picture/nathan-loose-willis-skBdBz4FB

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Yep and remember when Mitch McConnell decided to retire and his sis in law died in a tragic car accident. Warning warning warning. DS not happy.

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Oooo, that was good Comrade! Touche

Later Jay

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RemovedMar 7
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Stop already

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Report them. 👍

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I have that one too🤣

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Don't feed the spammer

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And you can still walk around Portland? Got any great stories?

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🤢🤮 Spam !!!!!!!!!!

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Just a note on the abomination known as Nikki Haley and how she deliberately destroyed South Carolina's child protective services and transformed it into a child trafficking operation: https://bitchute.com/video/7QKbzznSgXEl [5:21mins]

These government stooges are evil in the flesh. Demons masquerading around as people. Once everything collapses we will have to rethink government as we rebuild. Due to no oversight, the US government has devolved into the world's most powerful, most untouchable criminal organization and commits every crime we have a law for on a second to second basis. "Government" means mind control (govern the mind).

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You’ve perfectly described my thoughts this morning! When I looked at V Noodleman’s image, all I saw was a demon. It’s the same with Obama, Biden, Nikki…on and on. Our country has been so mismanaged by demonic forces it’s all too easy to get discouraged. I know the battle is the Lord’s, but we must be engaged, not just bystanders.

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Resist the devil and he will flee from you. I was taught this as a child and it has served well. I stay pretty much in a bubble so filled with Jesus that I figure Satan would be totally repelled.

This nation must have a revival.

James 4:7-10

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

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RUSSOphobia: Best Victoria Nuland Memes (The War Pig Will "Retire!")

Darth Vader Nuland, the fifth horsewoman of the apocalypse war, evil transforms you, her work is nearly done (Ukraine's destruction) & more war whore/pig Victoria Nuland memes as she plans to retire!


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A few weeks ago Dan Bongino did a piece on Nuland and connected lots of dots about all sorts of things she was involved in which encompassed many years of underground crap and several countries! Very interesting and informative. She should be locked up until Jesus comes back!

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Do you remember the title or link to it?

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Nuland the single greatest individual Professional Provocateur ever employed. Putin's not the only one who needs a noose, but i'd prefer a Jan 6th Cell in D.C. where she can do origami in the darkness of solitary confinement.

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Putin has been a savior for Russia, his country.

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in a small sickening place deep in the pit of my gut.... that actually is most likely the case. THIS IS A GLOBAL CULTURE WAR. Even at the basic level of just the way Aid and Loans are doled out and then rescinded based on How LGBTQmRNA-STD++ friendly countries are; this is extortionist and Criminal at the core, it is "THEM" versus "Us", we generally simply fail to recognize any of the players on either side so confuse ourselves what side we are actually on and who our enemies and potential allies actually are.

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Putin loves Russia. He will do whatever it takes to preserve "The Motherland". Russia was mightily provoked into invading Ukraine. By the USA.

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And with all that’s been, is being and will be exposed via “Putn’s war”, I daresay he, along with a few others we’d recognize, has been a savior for ours too.

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WP William, And make her stand at attention every night when the J-6 choir sings our National Anthem.

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Putin needs a noose? And Nuland too? Seems to be a contradiction somewhere there Will.

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playing off of the headline in C&C story where SHE quotes that...I'd never suggest a capital punishment for anyone ever, after all it would be like chasing my own shadow expecting to make a friend.

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I call Nuland Jabba-The-Hutt

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Evil people do not age well. Like bad wine...

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I think that's called vinegar, cat.

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I get those feels when I look at Tedros. Pure evil.

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Absolutely Mary - watch the discussion on how one church is involved in CA. Also look at realimpact.U.S.

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where's the "WALL" of Separation? oh right that's just to make decent moral people shut up and their "leaders" fearful and cowardly

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I think our purpose is to spread the word.

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Little off the subject, but Nikki Haley stated her reason for not quitting her campaign sooner in her concession speech. She stayed in long enough for her, “immigrant mother to be able to vote for her daughter for president.”

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Even if that's true (and I doubt her explanation) then it means she wasted tens of millions of dollars, divided the party, attacked the nominee, and sowed dissention for several weeks just to make her mom happy. Somehow that makes things even worse.

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See GiveSendGo https://www.givesendgo.com/site/search?text=Kolstad%20family%20medical%20kidnap

From the sister-in-law who set up this GSG:

I am setting up this GiveSendGo campaign for my brother and sister-in-law, who have fallen victim to the forced trans ideology, government and medical tyranny that resulted in the medical kidnapping of their 14-year-old child in Montana, facilitated by Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital in Glasgow, MT, along with Montana CPS. They have been threatened, intimidated, mocked, had their characters attacked, and custody is being stripped from them because they did not consent to transitioning a 14-year-old child in mental crisis. They need our help to meet the

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Colorado Dems instituting these "rights" for minors now as we speak. Parental Rights are now erased for the Gender-Blender State Religion of AntiChrist

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Such a horror. I hope they can find peace and all the evil doers pay the price. They are demonically insane. There is no other explanation.

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Never forget, Sin makes you crazy

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It is so blatantly obvious, isn’t it?

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In MONTANA!??! 😭

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I assume this is THEIR child?

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Jordan Peterson interviewed the parents:


Also heartbreaking were the comments below the video from others who went through this.

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Thanks--I was unaware. My daughter send the GSG request; she had been listening/watching a program about this--probably the JP video here (as both she and I appreciate that philosopher)

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Watched almost all of this video; shocking & heartbreaking.

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I assume as well--posted that just because it was illustrative of the comment ["and how she deliberately destroyed South Carolina's child protective services and transformed it into a child trafficking operation"] to which I attached it--my daughter sent the give request to me.

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SO DHS is unabashedly massively spending Authorized funding on UNAUTHORIZED human trafficking operations??? CONGRESS needs to defund them to $1 total budget immediately. The "protectors" of the Homeland are enabling and funding with TAX $$$ an airborne invasion to destroy and re-make the Republic...if this was under Trump and they'd flown in 330,000+ Russians and Hungarians and Argentinians the shit would hit the fan so fast and hard we'd have poo-stew from coast to coast!!!! Just a reminder; both Kings of France and to lesser degree Spain helped our Founding Patriots to defeat our own repressive King and his hired foreign mercenaries. The Nations also had to chose sides and go on the warpath...When the Redcoats got it started up, the middle ground rapidly disappeared

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POLITICALsteria: Best Nimarata "Nikki Haley" Randhawa Memes (Clearance Sale!)

Nikkarry, Nikki Deep Throat, the lobby me harder candidate, none of these candidates, sad day for defense contractors and more clearance sale Nimarata "Nikki Haley" Randhawa memes!


ALL THE NIKKI HALEY MEMES: https://covidsteria.substack.com/t/nimarata-nikki-haley-randhawa-memes

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Have said the same for decades. That thing in the D.C. with its global tentacles is the world's largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate. Only a matter of time before it would turn inward, which it did -- "small scale" after Sep 11 and then the full Monty, as it were, as part of the "COVID" operation.

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We're Sargent peppers lonely hearts club band, .....we're sorry but Joe's time's like mold.

Sargent peppers lonely hearts club band, .....sit back and watch this butthead fold.

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Being in your head must be a wild ride randall

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All work and no music play makes Randall a dull Boi.

Life is a song in my head.

Lyrics the tales of eternity


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Elliot Ness in REVERSE

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The one who scatters has come up against you.

Guard the fortification, watch the road;

Strengthen your loins, instill your power with exceeding courage.

— Nahum 2:1 LSB

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That's good advice today, and every day. Thank you, Janice.

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Amen! May we be the watchmen on the wall.

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Elon tweeted yesterday that he will NOT be donating any money to either party. I like that about him. He wants people to know he's not going to be like Mr. Zucker-Bucks.

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His "donation" is free speech via X! Kudos to Musk.

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Covid dissent is wide open on X.


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But not completely BFM. Richard Hirschman’s tweet of the video of him pulling out a clot from the jugular vein got 20M views in less than 2 days. Then slowed to a crawl. I can no longer view it because I don’t have a Twitter account.

Richard posted on 2/18


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This is gross so heads up: I had a customer come in yesterday who had surgery. He was not clear why, but said the doctor pulled something out of the back of his knee that was hard, white, and rubbery. There's a vein back there. The guy said he could not tear it, but could only cut it. Sounds like those white clots they are finding in corpses. His leg with that problem was badly swollen while the other one was fine.

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Oh no doubt! We need whistleblowers to come forward who are seeing these clots in the living.


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Rather more powerful than inflation dollars.

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Something to consider about Elon LuAnne:

Carol Boucher is the mother of Elon’s (the guy predicted by Wernher Von Braun to bring us to Mars) child, also known as the artist ‘Grimes’. The most notable thing about Carol is that she submitted the following image to her Instagram on September 4th, 2019 - one month and change before the pandemic narrative began. It depicts a story told by emoji laden glyphs which remarkably spell out the very near future:

https://tritorch.com/grimes.png - September 4th, 2019 prediction: DNA Coronavirus + Injection Injection Injection = Aliens

Elon’s ex-girlfriend’s prophecy batting average is one thousand here. From DNA (transcription) to the coronavirus to the repeated injections to the alien narrative. How could she—or anyone—possibly know about all of this in advance?

It cannot have escaped anyone’s notice that with the fake pandemic of 2020-2021 now in the rear-view mirror - we have been - and are being - primed for the next big lie: a major faux alien invasion narrative. Breathless UFO UAP stories have been mass-injected by the pentagon into every major mainstream Operation Mockingbird news outlet. That in itself is alarming enough but the most concerning part about this anything-goes propaganda bombardment is that this alien marketing blitz has been foretold.

Many decades ago Operation Paperclip’s very own Wernher Von Braun warned his secretary, Dr. Carol Rosin, that this extra-terrestrial dialectic was coming in the future, and that when it arrived it would be an outright lie.

New World Order: What better way for the globalists to get the world to throw their sovereignty to the wind - in order to achieve that coveted one-world-government where they seize all earthly possessions - than conjuring up an exotic threat from outer space? This is far removed from a new idea—the 1986 animated novel ‘The Watchmen’ was a guidebook for how one might achieve such a planetary-class sleight of hand, and even President Reagan longed for such an event:

"Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond … I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world." —President Ronald Reagan

Excerpt from and much more information here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/elon-musks-x-app-is-the-one-ring

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Dr. Steven Greer is a prominent name among those seeking "UFO disclosure."

He promotes satanic occult practices to summon or conjure these entities for "contact."

He developed a couple of apps that are meant to train folks to engage in these practices. When I first looked into them, they were both in the top 5 on the apple and google stores, if I recall correctly.

He's been all over the podcast circuit.

This is black magick clothed in "science."

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And the demons they are summoning will be clothed as "aliens" here to rescue us.

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That's an interesting observation. Think of the possibilities with Elon's Starlink network.

What's also alarming to me is that Starlink already has over 5,000 satellites in low earth orbit and has plans for 12,000 more -- in addition to other companies getting licenses to add thousands -- and is also heavily involved in military satellite systems and communications, and provided internet comms for Ukraine (but refused for Gaza).

According to EMF expert Arthur Firstenberg, the deployment of so many low earth satellites in tandem with the massive stealthy roll-out of 5G during lockdown is behind a massive die-off of species that we depend on to live, e.g. bees.

See a short but compelling interview with Arthur at https://rumble.com/vyfr1t-the-invisible-rainbow-history-and-effects-of-electromagnetism.html

He also has a substack at https://substack.com/@arthurfirstenberg

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Such a conundrum to have starlink☹️ up here in the sticks it is our only choice really, and the idea of so many satellites aimed at us.

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This may interest you on this subject E.Z:

Dr. Tom Cowan: 5G Radio Frequency and the COVID-19 Connection: https://bitchute.com/video/LY6dTOr8PW7s [10:37mins]

5G is a weapon that, as you mention, they are surrounding us with. It was never deployed to boost internet speed: https://bitchute.com/video/y4ecuAj2w6Jc

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5W has given me an upset stomach from the beginning. We had to buy new phones and picked older ones that couldn’t do 5G. They kept telling us they don’t get 5G. I’m like that’s fine. Guess what, they sure as H do!!!

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Probably silly but this reply prompted me to question something. Is 5G intertwined with DEWs somehow? Interesting how those odd tragedies have suddenly appeared on the scene...

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Not silly at all. 5G towers are definitely DEWs

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Makes perfect sense. It has been amply demonstrated by Dr. David Martin, Dr. Mick Yeadon and others that there was no pandemic. It was ALL psyops. So you create a smokescreen with a "laboratory created, duplication defective, synthetic biology" as an excuse to inject the human race with a bio-weapon cocktail of toxic metals and poisons that can interact with 5G radiation. Connect the dots.

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I have never heard the quantum model of reality tied into terrain theory, and why vaccines make us sick in such a simple, elegant fashion. Thank you for the Dr. Tom Cowan link. My mind is truly blown.

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Thanks, please share it far and wide if you have the opportunity. The more people we awaken the better our chances to turn the tide.

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Thanks for sharing those mindblowing videos. EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH THEM.

It seems whatever we can do to get metal out of and off of our bodies, we should do. Unfortunately so many people have mercury fillings and crowns, and now aluminum from both the shots and geo-engineering.

As Dr Cowan said, time to turn to spirituality. I'm reading the Bhagavad Gita and I don't think the people perpetrating this understand karma. They think they can do one good deed and one bad deed and the good deed cancels out the bad one. Completely wrong. The satanists and NWO nuts also believe that if they give signs of what they're doing, we deserve what we get if we don't notice and protest against it. Also completely wrong. They are accruing such unbelievably bad karma, I'm sure they will be coming back into very miserable lives for generations to come to work through their extremely big karma load.

Unless they change direction now. It's never too late!

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Thanks, please share them =)

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a volume of brain tracking-nudging-controlling devices to blanket the prey like an impenetrable cocoon protectively spun over the hive

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Satellites are almost infinitely safer that terrestrial cell towers in regards to RF radiation. First off, even low-earth orbit satellites are several hundred miles away and the power level drops as the *square* of the distance. Power is attenuated a thousand to a million times more than a close by cell tower.

Second, electrical power to generate the signal is limited by what can be produced on board via solar cells. Solar cells and the associated hardware are heavy and bulky which limits how many can be deployed on the satellite.

Your local cell tower has neither of these limiting factors. These "experts" really should understand elementary physics before they shoot their mouths off. RF signal levels from satellites are infinitesimal compared to terrestrial sources. Many of these people pandering to the fearful are grifters. We need to be far more discerning before accepting this stuff.

And this doesn't mean people should believe everything the government or giant companies say (e.g. safe and effective), they are proven liars. However, just because someone takes the other side doesn't mean they are telling the truth. Yet people are just as gullible on this stuff as the covid mask wearers.

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Yes, I hear you and agree that we need to be discerning and really look at the evidence, and not just parrot what we hear as if it's fact. There is indeed a lot of that going on.

My understanding of what Arthur F is saying is that the sats are interfering with the earth's magnetic field in ways that have not been sufficiently studied and are not swell understood, and which are having a negative effect on our atmosphere and hence on all life forms. Thus birds that can no longer navigate. I think the towers are what he's suggesting are decimating certain forms of wildlife like bees.

In his book he provides something like 120 pages of references so the evidence is all cited and people can decide for themselves. I think it's well worth reading and considering if this is a topic that interests you. Personally I think it should interest everyone as it impacts on the question of whether life on earth will continue if we keep going down this particular road.

On the topic of sats, this video is a bit alarming in terms of their power and reach to each individual on the planet, but the source is not entirely clear to me -- https://twitter.com/Agent131711/status/1766093892326191248?cxt=HBwWoMK3wbbCtoIxAAAA&cn=ZmxleGlibGVfcmVjcw%3D%3D&refsrc=email

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There are some Pastors who are speaking out about the demon/alien agenda. Pastor Jimmy Evans has had a bunch of Pastors on his Tipping Point show talking about the increase in alien talk in the news. Pastor Jack Hibbs did a three part series at his Church months ago, in the Daze of Deception was the title. They are very informative. I’d recommend watching them especially if you would like to know how the last days will be like the “days of Noah and Lot”.





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His book is now available. I haven’t ordered it yet.

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Will definitely check those out if I can scrounge up the time, thanks Gelso

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Goodness me. Since I don't do Twitter (banned in '22) I see only what other generous folks supply.

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Project Blue Beam - Based on Serge Monast book (1994)

It is true that without the population or the bomb problem the elect would use some other excuse to bring about the New World Order. They have plans to bring about things like earthquakes, war, the Messiah, an extra-terrestrial landing, and economic collapse. They might bring about all of these things just to make damn sure that it does work. They will do whatever is necessary to succeed. The Illuminati has all the bases covered and you are going to have to be on your toes to make it through the coming years. The alleged purpose of Project Blue Beam is to bring about a global New Age religion, which is seen as a core requirement for the New World Order's dictatorship to be realized. There's nothing new in thinking of religion as a form of control, but the existence of multiple religions, spin-off cults, competing sects, and atheists suggest that controlling the population entirely through a single religion isn't particularly easy. Past attempts have required mechanisms of totalitarianism such as the Inquisition.

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They have never succeeded in eradicating religions in the past. It just goes underground, as it did in the Soviet Union where Christianity and Islam both continued to be practiced secretly and re-emerged when the country fell apart.

I will also say that I know someone who has had a range of psychiatric drugs forced into him over 30 years, along with constant reprogramming sessions they call 'therapy,' trying to eradicate his Christian beliefs and the voice of God he hears telling him to do good deeds and help others. They have not worked and he is still completely devoted to his faith.

People are not as suggestible or programmable as totalitarians , fascists, and control freaks would like. Human nature is quite adaptive to circumstances and people can be quite inventive in the face of threats.

I don't doubt people will find ways to neutralize the technology if they deploy it against the masses. Nothing is indestructible.

I prefer to be optimistic about the human race!

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You got it. The technology is ready.

65KHz Wave (Audio Spotlight) Can Beam Voices Into Your Head, No Really: https://bitchute.com/video/48De9WgYEGen [3:19mins]

Project Blue Beam is going to be one heck of a ride, ladies and gentlemen.

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Matt Ehret and The Rising Tide Foundation here on Substack has an excellent documentary on the alien issue

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The Rising Tide Foundation is an excellent source on several subjects, including the green new deal


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Thanks for the link.

My family and friends look at me like I'M the alien when I talk about these things. I read....A LOT......instead of playing video games and searching for recipes. Something tells me I'm so far ahead of them that it appears (to them) that I'm behind them.

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Interesting that “Grimes” had such a truly ordinary name (Carol Boucher). Beware those who have to recreate themselves.

I am aware of the theory that Elon is fully controlled by the deep state. However, I don’t buy it. I think he has a lot on them too, and they know it. He is pushing the boundaries for sure right now, and all, it seems to me, for the good. Not defending the guy, just making a present day observation which could all go poof in a matter of minutes.

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Her name is Claire Boucher. Carol was a typo on my part.

Elon would not be where he is if he wasn't controlled. He is the opposing side of the Hegelian dialectic where they fuse a problem they created with a reaction they fomented in order to forge a solution which they engineered. The powers that be leave nothing up to chance. These are not a bunch of boy-scouts you're dealing with.

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Elon is the modern Howard Hughes...brilliant with Billions and celebrity but total Kook and just dam weird--not judging just observing...I'm a freak in my own right but far less brains, zero followers, and far closer to $0.00 than $1Billion

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He comes from a strange and kooky family who went out on kooky Adventures. Definitely autistic/ Asperger's

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Interesting- I heard a discussion once that during WW2 the people considered kooky/ weird or following the beat of their own drum were more likely to hide or help Jews from Nazis than so called normal people.

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They would. Way less likely to follow a crowd.

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Deploying the National Guard is the next step to a police state. Of course, it's happening in NY.

Nothing to do with "terrorists" just like 9/11 was staged to create laws that violated the constitutional rights of....not terrorists....Americans.

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I don't think I would use the term "staged." I lived within view of the burning towers and smelled the smell for six months after. Everyone I knew had either a direct or a tertiary relationship to someone who died. My sister's friend in DC was part of the team that had to sift through the debris at the Pentagon.

Perhaps it was caused by the deep state, but the events were quite real.

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That's what "staged" means, Barb. It was not a bunch of Al Qaeda pilots who flew on Osama Bin Laden's orders. The Bin Ladens are decades-long friends with the Bushes and had even stayed with them on their Texas ranch a few times before 9/11. Staged means deep state--or bankster cartel, or whatever term you want to use. It was strategized, planned, and the narrative was embedded in the media in order to enact the Patriot act and form DHS--in order to spy on and track American citizens. It was another DOD/military operation and yes, many ordinary folk had to deal with the fall-out, but it seems you missed the point.

Who is saying the events were not "real?" Don't be ludicrous.

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I worked in theater. I know what "staged" means. The explosions in theater are faked. I think it is you who missed the point.

As I said before, these events may have been planned and carried out by Masters of the Underworld, but the events were excruciatingly real and to flippantly refer to them as "staged" is a dagger to the heart of those who experienced them. You lose your argument before you start if you use language that throws up a barrier.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

Well, obviously that was not my intention--but nor is it what I said. I am sorry you were offended by the word "staged." Not sure how this is the hill anyone should die on. I think what really happened, is your emotions over the very real deaths that resulted, overtook logic and you needed to get your feelings out. Yes, it was a devastatingly horrible event--still, by every definition of the word, "staged." Nothing "flippant" about it--you made that part up.

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“Staged” is commonly understood by many (most?) people to mean “made to appear real but is not real.”

As someone who like you questions the mainstream narrative about 9 11, I knew what you meant.

I also can absolutely understand the distress that “staged” brings to someone who lived the real experience of that awful day. It feels dismissive of their very real pain.

Barbls clearly, by their follow up comment, isn’t letting emotions get in the way of seeing the truth about the day. Rather, they are simply expressing the pain in f that day and of the word choice you used.

You can continue to use the word “staged,” of course! And I can see why you might choose to use it, becauee the real events were “staged” to appear as caused by other than what they were. However, just realize you may loose potential listeners if you do.

Just like I will never call the jabs “death shots” or “clot shots” when I talk to my many doctor friends. I’d lose them before I got out of the gate. I *do* refuse to call them vaccines and will call them jabs or shots.

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Exactly. When we use the word staged with people like my husband who was on Capitol Hill that day, (and me who was teaching kids whose parents worked at the pentagon, white house and capitol 3 miles from the pentagon), "staged" turns off the listener who experienced it. I had a friend mention in passing that 911 was 'faked' was the word she used in 2013. Was the FIRST time I'd ever heard someone say that. but I didn't know her well yet. And her statement was entirely outlandish since obviously I'd lived with having no contact with my husband for 6 hrs as he struggled to get home with subways closed and had student grieving lost uncles and close calls. It took another 6 years before that door cracked open again. Imaging how much faster that Crack would have happened had this friend not used the word 'faked'? I think Barb was trying to clarify that we need to be specific in our language if we want to wake more people up. And it may be that you are more careful when you know your audience is new and wakening vs all of us who are in the know now.

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deletedMar 7
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That was a very unnecessary remark. he had a definition of staged and you had another. We all need to be courteous to each other here.

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Stage in theatre just means something different than staged in regards to terrorism. The english language is full of such dual meanings. I was living in NYC then too and yes of course it was real that the buildings came down and people died.

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Yes, but like "faked", we have to be specific when bringing these things up to the newbie or uninitiated. Faked or staged to someone who live it makes them unwilling to hear you or see it.

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Nobody is a "newbie" here. The woman even agreed that 9/11 was a staged event, she just doesn't like the word because people she knew had to deal with the fall-out. That's being a little ridiculous IMO. That's when you have to see the forest for the trees and stop being annoying.

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without a doubt a setup and inside job, but destruction and death was required for effect and to get behind "GET Bin-Laden!" to invade Afghanistan and Phase II in Iraq. Brilliant work on their part, and the Patriot Act as our deliverer.

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Yes, and never ever confuse how you think with how they think. They care nothing about human life and will do anything, anything to accomplish their goals. It's hard to wrap your head around that, but the sooner you do, the sooner you will understand that nothing is beyond what they can and will do.

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Hokum also authorized detention camps for future use for unvax’d

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I won’t forget that 😡

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Weren't those overturned by the courts thanks to Bobbie Ann Cox?

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IDK, honestly

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This move by Hochul is meant to normalize what martial law look like when the 2024 Summer of Love begins.

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Yup. I knew that habeas corpus was rescinded, but I didn’t know that posse comititus had also been rescinded.

Spelling error…

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These are NG in State capacity, PC only applies to federalized NG

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a great opportunity for the S.S. to restore order and confidence even as the imported, aided/abetted terrorists are now unleashed to attack all manner and type of transportation and commuterways.

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Also our waterways & dams.

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yes well, the post 9-11 cameras and hardware store security locks and lack of guards near a vast network of rural dams and power stations, LP and Nat Gas distribution are nothing to worry about! We'll get to see the grainy videos of masked dudes who're alleged suspects after the lights go out and arguments about Water Rights in the West seem like 7 year-olds fussing with each other. Another inside job well done!

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Exactly--the border fiasco and the unending press about it set the stage perfectly for the next inside job. And 85% of the country will believe it.

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Don't even need a foil hat to think that through, although it may deflect part of the 5G deathray

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Trump should say something about this.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

Yes, it's always interesting what Trump says---and doesn't say. I've expressed the very unpopular opinion that he may be just another actor in this game. He certainly gets all the media attention--that's red flag #1 for me. His continued stance that the covid injections are "miracles" is red flag #2.

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No one would take the abuse DJT has endured since he first announced his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election to just be in it as an actor. He has suffered from relentless persecution and lies. The media attention is negative and humiliating. I don’t believe at all that he’s not genuine in his love for this country and his desire to get it back on track. He’s not perfect…are you Al? I know I’m not!

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

Julie--if you are an actor, then its not actually abuse, is it? You are just playing a role where you know there are no real consequences. Think it through. It's not stressful if it's just a part he is playing.

Not perfect? "Vaccines are miracles" is reduced to not being perfect? Snap out of it.

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He’s such a narcissist he loves attention whether it’s good or bad.

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Right... it's not what a person says, it's usually what they don't.

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Very often that is the case. I was pretty disappointed to see almost no discussion re vaccines in the Tucker interview--clearly it was off limits.

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I’m with you on the Trump is an Op possibility. And that he met with Musk in public for a photo-op?!

They clearly think We are stupid.

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very ODD how he spoke after his uge win... what a great job his team did during the China Virus..and then no details no disclaimers, nothing just how great they all did and how little they knew about the contagion.

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I have a big problem with that, too...Trump's still supporting the vaccines.

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Exactly--And we know HE KNOWS. So what does that say about him? How can we see it any other way?

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And not pardoning Assange...

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Good point. I was “slightly” livid when I heard that news yesterday.

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Wow! Regular Americans being randomly searched to go on the subway? But of course it is your choice. You could refuse to be searched and find other transport. This is conditioning us at passively accept their police state.

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Ten bucks says they are not searching any illegal aliens.

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At least illegals won't shed vax cuddies on you. Since they are pure bloods! I guess that's a win! LOL

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Freak'in Ouch! Based, you are sooooo bad. Thank God!

Later Jay

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'Covid Jabs Required To Board The Subway' coming to an election year near you.

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You could decline to be searched and then use another entrance or nearby station. NYC has 472 subway stations, mostly open 24/7. No way 1000 guys can cover all of them all the time. Transit riders already tolerate all sorts of inconveniences; this would just be one more.

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It's the precedent. If people put up with it in NYC, it gives the government license to do it elsewhere. Going along equals agreement and consent in their book. A very slippery slope for we the people.

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Yep just like people went along with the unconstitutional TSA searches. I thought the love America crowd would boycott flying till it went away, but boy was I wrong. People said they had nothing to hide…well if they can search your computer without a warrant then they can definitely plant something on it.

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I have been boycotting flying since 2011. Doesn't seem to have done much good.

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Keep fighting the good fight brother

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And masks. And isolating. And then injections.

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Well, it started in the airports!

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Did we know what we were dealing with then? I'm thinking we're getting a lot savvier about what's going on and how to respond to it. At least I hope so.

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If we had we would have secured the borders and tracked every foreigner while they stayed in our country and deported them when they overstayed their visa.

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Looked like a photo op to me. Just like the TSA does random searches [useless], in the video they bring the Asian woman over to search her purse while the mask wearing military age man with the fat backback and phone glued to his face walks on by. It's all a horse and pony show. Always every day.

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I prefer not to minimize the implications of armed soldiers at subway stations in the country I grew up in.

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“DHS gave the girls and their handlers a card or a paper that they can show to get through airport security and board airplanes without buying a ticket.”

This is absolutely disgusting!!!

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The TSA is once again useless.... surprise. All they ever were was smoke and mirrors.

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Pat-down and triple x-ray grandma while a newly arrived planeload of passengers go by with a special Asylum resettlement card. We should have a home-made sign in hand to meet them at the gate.. "Welcome To THE ASYLUM!"

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Exactly. That's what happens to me. I should charge a fee for the free feel process I go through. Whole waist band crotch seams, you name it. I will be 68 next month. I never choose "in private". I want to be in full view of everyone as we watch our rights circling the drain. The law-abiding citizens are subjected to strict customs re-entry with TSA people shouting out commands about no glasses, no hats, wait here, wait there. WHAT A FREAKING JOKE OF A NON-NATION WE HAVE HERE.

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so at least we now have the face recognition at the front end, that's convenient. They play a Good TSA-Bad TSA on us... one's polite and friendly, then the next is sour and dour and looking for potential items that could be contraband or weaponry

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Depends on the airport. Was in the pre check TSA line in Tucson. Got through quickly. So I watched as the agents were processing what was clearly a long line of illegals in the regular line. These agents took their time, patting down, checking belts, shoes & putting them through the X-ray machine. They were much more thorough than with the pre check legal line.

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That's both impressive and shocking.

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Our entire government is led by corrupt people! And instead of shutting down this evil, those in power continue to fund it. The House of Representatives could defund a lot of this and they will not! Yesterday they passed yet another omnibus bill that continues to wreak havoc on Americans all the while illegals are being allowed to run rampant in the US being funded by us the American taxpayers!!! Allowing this evil to continue!

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This makes me nauseous. I’ll bet there are 100’s of people that are passed by on a daily basis that are trafficked kids, women, men. How many have I looked at and not known?

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Mar 7Liked by Jeff Childers

Hey Jeff! My husband (we take turns reading C&C aloud to each other to stay sane out here in Berkeley) is in Vegas today-Sun too (playing in a hockey tournament) and is hoping to come shake your hand if he can find you. Hope neither of you encounter any scorpions!

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Berkeley? Wow-O-wow.... now, lost for words. Good on you.

Later Jay

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Mar 7Liked by Jeff Childers

I see the subway needs the National Guard. I've been an elementary school teacher for 31 years. The media is not talking about how thin school staff is being spread. It's not sustainable. It will come crashing down. I love the kids. I've done my time and have had time to sharpen my skills. New graduates are leaving after the first year unable control behavior. Some midyear. Someone needs to pull the cork on this!

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My hubby is an elementary teacher and he has a story to tell me every single day... Very few good stories… 💩😔 Teachers hands are tied now… A lot of times that cannot even tell the kids “no” anymore… Parents are nuts… The books are ridiculous… Administration is doing everything they can to tie the teachers’ hands. The kids coming into kindergarten are more like two year olds, not five year olds...

What’s sad is there’s always a couple of good kids in every grade and they have to listen to absolute mess all day long! As adults, we can walk out of a situation… They can’t! 😱😢

He tells me he’s trying his best in a broken system… And it’s not getting any better! ☹️☹️☹️

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I teach first grade. The Kindergarten group coming up looks absolutely insane. Here we are in March and they still walk in the hall like it's the first day of school. Last year, my class was off the rails. I had homeless, poor parenting, technology addiction...The f bomb was a daily thing in my room. We are supposed to evacuate the room when a student tears your room apart. Staff will watch as your room gets destroyed. We don't suspend anymore! The Special Education Department is going to be the first to sink. IEP minutes are not being met. There is not enough support staff to keep it going. Next to fall will be the regular ed. I felt like I was under the worst spiritual warfare in 30 years last year. Churches should get ready. We are going to need buildings to house education. We need a revival, a revival that can start with our children. God help us.

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Dawn, thank you for what you’ve been doing. I retired from teaching kindergarten, had 32 years on the books. What you described is exactly what it was like back then, 9 years ago. I can’t imagine what it’s like for you and all educators since then.

I escaped with my sanity intact. You can, too.

The evil known as DOE needs to be completely dismantled.

I am now a huge homeschool proponent.

God bless you as you finish out this year.

Cheering you on from afar….

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The DOE is unconstitutional. The Constitution grants no power to the federal government over education. That also includes the federal student loan program for “higher” education.

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It’s time for the Department of Education to crash & burn. Bloated bureaucracy that has destroyed true education that prepares a strong informed citizenry. It’s another top down get rich elite government entity.

Common Core was/is perfect example. Pearson Publishing (not even an American company) made billions. Microsoft too. Testing companies. “Program” materials purchased & given to classroom teachers. Online testing which is the dumbest idea yet. Students/teachers have no idea what test taker missed-didn’t learn-didn’t understand.

Move on. Oh well.

Let the entire house of cards fall - federally, state both.

Education should be handled locally where parents can hold educators accountable.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Completely agree!!!!

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Hospitals started with churches and devolved into secular institutions. Maybe it's time to take back hospitals and take over education. I know some have done that, but for it to work everyone has to step up. One way to begin is with a tutoring program open to all children.

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I am so sorry Dawn… I know you are doing your best in a broken system. My husband teaches elementary music. In the fifth grade, he always teaches recorder. 10 years ago, they could get through an entire book… Now they can’t even do one page. He has fifth graders that can’t find a page in a book. They don’t know their address. They have quotas so they have to pass on kids that can’t do the work. There were times when there were not enough teachers to go around. So four classrooms of fifth graders only had three teachers. The three teachers had to cycle through the different rooms during the day… I know they prayed every day that some kid wouldn’t get hurt… 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

There was an attempted sexual assault in a second grade classroom in our county last year… and yes, it was a transgender… he was a boy, pretending to be a girl. So they just moved him onto another school. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

War on girls and women! Mind boggling… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😢

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Frankly, this is why people must put their kids in a Bible-based Christian school or homeschool. It's not just the insane administration or the ideological teachers hell bent on brainwashing your kids. You are also protecting your kids from other students, the children of degenerates.

My wife teaches science in a small biblical Christian high school. She experiences none of these problems because the kids come from good biblical homes. Parents have to sacrifice to sent their kids there (tuition and required parental service hours), they have skin in the game. If a student exhibits repeated rebellious behavior they are expelled. Period. There is no tolerance or excuse making. The school is not there to teach your child self-control and basic morality, that is your job. And if you failed at that simple duty then your kid is out to protect the other kids.

If you continue to subject your children to this you really need to do some soul searching. How is it different from child endangerment?

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I have a friend “teaching” teens who have been removed from traditional classrooms due to behavior issues. Teaching is in quotes because she is just keeping them under watch a few hours each day. The class was manageable, at first, but the honeymoon lasted only a few weeks. My friend is now called every vile name the students can come up with, threatened, and being given a visual of what liberal politics has created in our public schools and fatherless homes. She hates this job, gets no support from her admin and is choking on her own liberal ideology. Tough lessons being taught by, not to, those children.

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“Choking on her own liberal ideology… Tough lessons being taught by, not to, those children.” Wow, that’s amazing stuff…👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

I don’t understand some people… They see what this liberal ideology does firsthand, but they just don’t make the connection. 😑😑😑

It reminds me of the vaccinated… Their health is falling apart, but they just don’t see that it’s coming from these horrible shots. ☹️☹️☹️

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What's even more sad is I have a handful of kids in my class who were jabbed at 3 and 4 years old. They are the sickest kids in class. They are sick every 6-8 weeks. Silence from everyone.

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Votes have consequences

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Government funded welfare programs foster fatherless, single parent households. Two parents in a household generally will not qualify for government assistance for housing, fuel and food. But government welfare will encourage people to vote for those politicians who promise to keep the assistance flowing.

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Ahh, the “ no” word.

Before I retired, there was a kindergartner in my class completely out of control. I was told to wear shin guards on my forearms if I didn’t want him to bite, scratch or attack me with a pencil.

I was instructed to SAY NOTHING to him when he was hurting me. I finally told my principal “ he is a male. My silence is permission for him to continue to ABUSE me. I refuse to be silent. I WILL tell him “no”.

Our silence is permission for them to continue.



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I understand if you don’t want to name the town, but what state is this in?

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Illinois also.

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It's like when the Roman Empire collapsed.

The pace is picking up.

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Exactly! History ALWAYS repeats itself!

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I've wondered how it's going in the teaching community. It can't be good. Pandemic was a perfect storm.

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Have taught for 40 years. IMHO, the plan is to get rid of most teachers and classrooms. Students will learn what the govt wants them to learn. On screens. Isolated. No human contact or compassion. It’s been a slow decline for decades, sped up by covid. Our children desperately need us to get this country back on track. Under God, one nation.

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Hubby did 10 years teaching Jrotc. What a joke. As a 52 year old grandma I could out run 80% of them. And 1 in 10 could pass the test needed to enter the military. The military is now lowering their standards and bringing in more immigrants than Americans.

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Not immigrants; illegals.

Is there any room or effort left to help true immigrants come here legally & pursue citizenship?

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The Youthful energetic mass and rabble will soon be given opportunity just like the kids in Germany were. They will not be ignored or consigned to no future.

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It's coming like a freight train......

Later Jay

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Mar 7Liked by Jeff Childers

“shortly after Joe invaded the Oval Office”….i love it! Truth and humor is so important in these days!

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Victoria Noodleman (her real name) was forced out. Her and her fellow Kagan Family barbarian/reptilians are all former Trotskyites and in my opinion traitors to the USA on multiple counts. They were also the advocates and promoters of the wasteful and falsely conceived war in Iraq and are best friends with Dick Cheney. She should be thrown into prison for murder and treason along with her husband Robert and her obese brother in law Fat Neck Fred.

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Khazarian mafia. All of 'em.

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Only co-incidence like Chappelle says

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the first Prohibition Era Gangsters in 1920s were a co-incidence

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But, how strangely they have become revered, isn't it? Gangster, gangsta, potato, potato....

Later Jay

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Hey Corkey, No idea if any of what you say is true, but loving the way you write it.

Isn't Dick Cheney the evil mastermind of the inside job known as 9/11?

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Reading these comments brings vividly to mind my thought as soon as I heard Bob Edwards announce on the morning NPR news that a plane had “crashed” into one of the WTC towers: “isn’t it interesting that Congress is debating the defense budget this week.”

But then the second plane/tower and I thought not even Cheney could be that evil. I was dead wrong. Sadly I have a long record of believing the narrative, happily encountering contra-narratives fairly early on in the narrative spin cycle.

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Is anything we ever thought we knew actually true?

If only we really knew...

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I don’t think so. Heavy sigh

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That’s what I’ve heard and seen. I remember a movie on it.

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Liam Scheff has a whole chapter on 9/11 in his book called Official Stories. It is very well researched and plausible. I totally buy that it was an inside job.

He also has a chapter on who killed JFK. Does anyone still believe it was a lone gunman called Oswald? The secret deep state totally lied then and they don't change their spots. In fact, it's gotten 100 X worse with so called Covid.

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Don’t take my word for it. It’s all over the web

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It's Nudelman - everything you wanted to know about her, her father who was nearly driven insane by his syphilis suffering father who survived the Odessa pogroms etc:

RUSSOphobia: Best Victoria Nuland Memes (The War Pig Will "Retire!")

Darth Vader Nuland, the fifth horsewoman of the apocalypse war, evil transforms you, her work is nearly done (Ukraine's destruction) & more war whore/pig Victoria Nuland memes as she plans to retire!


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I purposefully disrespected the spelling. 😂

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Mar 7Liked by Jeff Childers

Love how Steve Bannon allegedly told Nuland to hold onto as many documents as possible and to “lawyer up!” 😆

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I just don’t believe that evil woman will go quietly into that good night. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn of her traveling all over Europe, especially Eastern Europe, helping foment color revolutions and aiding destabilization in Russia.

Aaron Maté had a headline on his Substack that indicated a potential link between her departure and the leak by Russian intelligence of the discussion among German generals about launching missiles to destroy an important bridge and/or into Russia. (Jeez, does nobody know Russian military history? Hitler and Napoleon…) The Duran covered the disastrous leak, Nuland departure hadn’t yet been announced.

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Once she no longer has the protective status of being an actual U.S. government functionary I would think she would become much more vulnerable to becoming an FSB “wet job” target - suddenly falling yo her death from a sixth story window. Maybe that is just a “wet dream!”

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I would bet that she negotiated security as part of her departure package. I do not and will not believe she is voluntarily retiring, and if I am right, she likely negotiated hard to keep her quiet and on “the right side.”

Wondering about her husband who promoted the idea of the “Julius Ceasar” treatment for DJT in I believe the WaPo.

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NY subways now could be mistaken for banana republics with armed soldiers on every street corner. Who knew it could ever come to this?

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Automatic weapons in enclosed spaces are especially intimidating.

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At least there's lots of fatties in case you need to find cover.

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Not helpful if they are supplied with M855-like an ice pick through butter.

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Did I say, so bad......?

Later Jay

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let the illegal Biden-Venezuelan gangsters try to give them a beat-down.. just as DJT said they'd be mowed down in minutes, DEAD.

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Mar 7Liked by Jeff Childers

Welcome to Pacific Standard Time! :D

I actually get a chance to comment within the first 300 comments :D

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Personally, I would appreciate GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) as I am in UK.

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VA - more bad news.

You know that idiot that wanted to rid the VA of the iconic photo from World War 2?

Well, she was in charge of the St. Louis VA hospital which exposed veterans to hepatitis and HIV.

Veterans were forced to sit in their own feces for days...nurses were punished when they complained.

Then the idiots in charge of the Veterans Administration ship her off to the Philippines to run the VA hospital there...so she could be closer to her parents.

Does corruption and incompetence get worse than this?


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Did some research on her, after you had commented (somewhere) that it was a good bet she had never served in the military for even a moment - and since I turned up not a HINT of any military career, it's a good bet that she never did.

Anyway, sounds like she is quite the piece of work.

Corruption and incompetence are nothing new in our government.....but brandon has taken it to a new level. And the sheep idly graze.......

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No bad deeds or incompetency is ever rewarded in kind (within govmint entities).

Transfers & promotions are the order of the day (and night)

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it all helps The Revolution so why would there be any other consequence than a reward?

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Absolutely correct. Even worse, do a better job that your boss and your days are numbered

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Kinda blows up the Peter Principle to boot!

Later Jay

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My dad was a veteran and the only reason I ever took him to the VA except for one other time was so we could get free blood work, his aid and attendance, medication that was confirmed by doctors outside of the VA and home health aids . One time I decided to take him for an exam to remove his cataract that was pretty bad. The doctor told me that it would be impossible for them to remove it because it was so bad and they would have to put him under and since he had dementia that was not an option.”Then, went to a doctor whose specialty was cataracts and he sai, “well it’ll be a little difficult, but there’s no reason to put him under. It will just be a little time-consuming.” They removed the cataract and for my dad, it was like going from blind to seeing. When people tell me, they are going to use the VA for medical treatments, I tell them don’t. I have a much worse horror story about a friend of mine‘s mother, who the VA frankly killed. And of course look what they did regarding the Covid jabs! So sad because they are they strictly to help veterans get medical care that many of them desperately need and can’t afford.

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The VA doesn’t hire the brightest bulbs. They don’t even hire the most honest.

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O.t, but did you hear that Biden wants to take $200 million from the army and give it to Ukraine? Meanwhile base housing should be condemned because they won’t give the money to fix it. And how many military families are relying on food stamps?

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Lots of mold and disrepair in base housing also.

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Biden already giving veteran funds to illegal immigrants. Not surprised he wants to bleed the active duty forces. But remember—anything that goes to Ukraine comes back to the Big Guy. That’s why he’s so determined to get it passed.

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No the VA is a cess pool if nepotism. My PCP hit on me numerous times during our appointments. He was pliable to my needs so I kept him and was able to get what I wanted.

I told my psycho therapist. He at least wrote a “note” in my file. Amusingly, he considered that a dangerous action; he could be reprimanded. Go figure.

He had a stroke and retired. Of course he pushed the poison

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Mar 7Liked by Jeff Childers

Sheriff Grady, we need more like you! Wow 🔥🔥🔥

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It just makes me wonder what else the federal government is allowing to happen, either intentionally or through gross mismanagement. As we’re finding out more and more just how corrupt the federal govt is, it becomes obvious that the rot is deep and insidious.

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The human misery that the WH occupants have unleashed on both the invaders and the invaded is mind-boggling.

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Yes! 💯

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