Fauci fans on parade; BRICS doubles membership in Biden foreign policy fail; bizarre SADS cases; Francis Collins non-apology tour irritates but shows progress; a great clip to kick off the year; more.
I was still working for the government when the mandate came out. One of the Captain in our medical department told me the vaccine would kill people but it was for the good of science. They would learn much. I was appalled. I was one of the couple of people out of 350 to put in a religious exemption in my command (HQ). I was told the only 20 out of a force of 40,000 put in a religious exemption...I was told so it would pressure me to change my mind. It still makes me mad when I think about it.
This whole “acceptable risk”/“collateral damage” attitude with shrugged shoulders sickens me. I agree with Jeff that it is evil 😕 Yeah they’re ok with other people having vax injuries as long as THEY are fine 😡
This has been around for decades. Say a child has a reaction to a vaccine that is contraindicative to it being safe for them to continue taking any. Because of a law stating that doctors can only give 5 medical exemptions to children a year before the state medical board comes after them in Commiefornia, most doctors will keep pushing the vaccine regimen. Even if a child has something like seizures, which is contraindicative to taking the MMR per its own insert, the doctor will continue to push it. Should a parent confront the doctor, he/she will shrug and say that with every drug there is a risk, but the benefits far outweigh the risks and then go into some nonsense data that really isn’t applicable to the US. (Say like 1 in 1000 kids die/year from measles. They do . . . worldwide. In the States, there has only been 1 death by measles in the last 20 years, and that child had cancer and was on chemo. Not that their death wasn’t a tragedy, but rather illustrating how statistics get massaged.)
Um, no. Conditions are listed as contraindications because they are associated with a much higher risk of injury and/or death. Of course, the best course for everyone is to avoid vaccines period.
I think that the Covid "pandemic" and "vaccine" has been an eye opening event that has changed how many people feel about health care. I will never get another vaccination. I won't go to the doctor for a "wellness visit" or to the hospital unless there are bones sticking out somewhere.
They destroyed themselves, they killed the gold eggs laying goose. The bad guys destroy themselves at every move, those days, did you notice? No matter their next movement, they F themselves up big time!
Just began watching ‘A Shot in the Dark’ with Candace Owens, incredible. She uses only public available information to basically refute any notion of safety from immunizations. Highly recommend.
When deciding whether to vaccinate my child or not, I read The Sanctity of Blood. It used to be available on Amazon, but I don’t think you can buy it anymore. The author used US Census data to prove the uselessness of vaccines.
I looked it up on Amazon. One book left-$89.99, 3rd edition. But if you scroll down, it shows 5th Edition, now called Vaccination is not Immunization: The War on Children-$25. Author is Tim O’Shea. The original book was The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination is not Immunization.
What I find interesting is the way the pharmas are pushing all the drugs to fix the vax issues, in addition to the vax. I think all of us should try to find natural ways of healing, if at all possible. Dig deep. They are out there, and the FDA won't approve them, to which I say, GOOD!!
Very noticeable and almost comical. There was once a Daffy Duck cartoon featuring a very tired person and all the things Daffy did to remedy problems that did not would allow this person to rest quietly.
Our friends in Commiefornia had medical for their kids. One of them had a vaccine injury when she was a baby. This was before covid and they had to go through a lot of hoops to get the exemption. After covid they went after the pediatricians license and pulled the exemptions so they couldn't enroll in school. It is sick.
It is sick. When the commies in the legislature and the governor passed the law SB 278, CA still had 93% of all school aged children fully vaccinated —well within their 90% “herd immunity” BS. Of course, fully vaccinated means having ALL the recommended vaccines. So, say a child didn’t get the DTaP/TDaP (I don’t remember which is for children and which is for adults), they aren’t considered fully vaccinated. So, the government will include them in the “unvaccinated” population. Interesting how that works, huh?
It is just like Shriley Jacksons "The lottery" book we all had to read in school. It is IMMORAL. Its like the ancient aztecs sacrificing a living being and pulling out his heart to have good crops. IT IS ILLEGAL to MURDER anyone just to have what you beleive is good health of the community.
Cochin de Chien wrote two stacks about how it is no different that Shirley Jacksons the lottery,...death by lottery for the good of the community.You are a muderer anyway you look at it.
I was given a religious exemption by my employer. It angered me tremendously that it had to come to that - that logic or a sense of self-preservation wasn't enough of a justification to abstain.
I did to, and I was also going to go with a medical exemption, but didn't want them knowing that much about me. They were already violating HIPPA, and saying it wasn't a violation.
I know... the sad part was the Commander had the Chaplain call all 20 to try and talk them into the jab. I was one of the ones he talked to... face to face... otherwise, I would not have known.
In wonder if they were lying about the number that applied. It seems that was a tactic throughout this to make people feel they were alone and you were they crazy one.
Over 230 Active Service Members and Veterans Sign Open Letter Calling For Accountability From Military Leaders Over COVID Misconduct
...Retired United States Army lieutenant general Michael Flynn wrote on X that the letter is “a very big deal and all Flag officers (active & retired) need to pay heed to it.”
I also worked for a govt contractor. They waited until the very last day (3 months of waiting) to approve my request. I had just arrived on vacation with my kids and I just said, Ok then, I guess I'll come back to work....lol. They could KMA
Glad to hear you resisted it. Still angry that about exemptions though. My exemption was critical thinking. My thinking is that an exemption was essentially a copout for something that should already be a guiding principle...that you can choose what substances to put into your body.
I also work for the government in a prison, put in my religious exemption and was planning on quitting if it didn't go through, it went through on the last day and I rescinded my termination request, still working here, unvaxxed, we maybe had about 20% or so give or take that did not take the jab, and had a few young deaths in the workers, not sure how many but I know of one recently and not sure of his death reason but know he had some young kids and a wife, so my guess is the jab did that, but its just a guess
My one son, aged 24, initially took the JnJ so he would meet his college requirement and be able to finish his last year. Then they made the rule that a booster was required so he took (1) Moderna. He has had Covid 6 times so far and not exactly mild cases either. The anger I feel over the fact that his immune system appears incompetent to deal with this now endemic virus cannot be adequately described. I see the stories of the nurse and the young boy losing their limbs and my only prayer is, "please, G-d, spare my son a similar fate." Honestly, I worry when we don't hear from him regularly because I imagine him dead in his bed. It is terrible to think this way all the time. I have two other children who also took primary series (no boosters that I'm aware of) and they seem okay so far. My younger two are shot-free.
When are we going to see lawsuits against Universities and other organizations that required the jab? I understand that Pharma has immunity but I do not believe that this covers the organizations that mandated vaccination.
Pharma does have immunity but not if they knowingly had defective shots and they would hurt people. They have hid behind the government’s immunity clause since 1986 but this pandemic is on a whole new plane of deception.
I agree. I am not sure that we are going pierce immunity given Pharma's influence. However, there are thousands of institutions (colleges and universities alone) that mandated shots for a population for which they only represented a risk with no meaningful benefit. In addition, a large subset of these institutions have conflicts as they have taken and continue to take large sums of money from the pharma companies. I am sure there is no shortage of sympathetic victims. Seems like ample fodder for a skilled attorney. Would great to take a few scalps and maybe wake up a few people. There should be 100 "Oberlin" decisions for the vaccine injured.
Yes NAB, I have two adult daughters who took jabs from day one. They live far from me but thought I was a nut-ball to reject it all.
I try to not think of what could be down the line health wise for them. One is constantly sick and shrugs and says “yeah I take vitamins....but my doctor said....”
My daughter age 30, the only foolish family member to get jabbed, (2x plus a booster, Moderna) was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in October of 2023. Our worst fears came true. She had tumors in her right breast and liver when diagnosed. She’s improved, praise God, on an immunotherapy drug and a cancer diet. (No sugar, no dairy, no gluten no bad seed oils). We don’t talk about the jabs except I told her-they’re still going to recommend them-please don’t take any. She agreed. Hoping and praying she keeps holding the cancer off in 2024.
Please check substacks dealing with fenbendazole. A very serious request. Remarkable stories of c@ncer healing with a readily available medicine. Of course, the cancer complex doesn’t want anyone to know. Think about it--after what we have learned the last few years, would it not behoove us to look behind the cancer money comp,lex as well? What are they lying to us about? 🙏🏻🙏🏻 for your daughter. It must be agony for all.
Thank you. I follow several fenben sites and natural cancer healing sites. They have lots of good info. I sent her the Chris Beats Cancer book right away, as well as a few others.She has been very strict about her diet. So far her tumors are shrinking and her liver size has gone way down. We keep praying 🙏🏼
I am so sorry. We have a daughter that also took the jabs, broke our hearts when we found out. We pray daily that she got a a clean batch, meaning few adverse reactions. Highly recommend looking into alternative, integrative treatments like provided at Brio Medical in Scottsdale. We saw several women there have complete remission during my husbands’s cancer treatment last summer. May the Lord grant her healing, and peace to you.
Suzanne, also praying for you and your daughter. Our youngest daughter (33) has likely had all the jabs. She is a manager for a company that recruits traveling nurses. Her fiancé is getting his PhD in immunology & Oncology, so they think we are “not supportive” of his career aspirations. It is challenging for us, being a retired Dental Hygienist/educator & High School science teacher, to avoid discussing the elephant in the room with them. Also praying often for their safety and willingness to wisely consider other narratives. God doesn’t “NEED” us to always be the deliverer of information....but sometimes it is hard to just trust His leading.
I am in the same boat with both my mine. Both in graduate school at VT. From the beginning, I have given it to God.... otherwise I would be a mess over worrying about them.
I really need to look into a supplement for him. Of my kids who took the shots, he is the most clear-eyed about the situation and says were it not for school, he would never had taken them. We even offered him the choice of transferring to a shot-optional college, but he's young and he just wanted to be done with it all.
I’ve used these when I know I’ve been exposed to shedding and now they are saying the dental anesthesia has the MRNA and spike protein. I had dental work last spring and learned of it afterwards. It’s a shame what they have done to these kids. I hope he is willing to do it. These are very reliable doctors.
what do you mean, dental anesthesia has the MRNA & spike protein in it? How did you find this out. I too, had dental surgery in 2022, but was unaware of this.
How to get well from the bio-weapon or from infection..................................
Another Confirmation: EDTA Combined With Vitamin C And Other Antioxidants Inhibits Nano Particle Polymerization In New Moderna Patent
I have treated many hundreds of people with this protocol with improvement of symptoms. People complain all the time that I should recommend something easier… well folks, this is the antidote even in the patents, as I have been saying all along. It can be taken orally, but for someone like me who has been hit so hard, IV therapy is essential. People make their own choices, but I have been seeing more and more people dying suddenly, even the unvaccinated, affected with significant aging problems from shedding. This works. I use this in addition to Methylene Blue, Plaquex, Vitamin C etc.
Please note, I use this protocols for MAINTENANCE. I still recommend Ivermectin for acute cases and having it on hand, starting it right at symptom onset. It works excellent. Then when your symptoms are over, get a live blood analysis and EDTA Chelation to clean up the blood.
My only children - both sons in their lower 50's now got all 3 shots AND boosted and I am soooo concerned for their welfare - I have shared what I have learned from Drs. Malone, McCullough and Kory--over the past 3 years...all to no avail. They believe the "science" instead of their mother who does COPIOUS research on any subject that I am entertaining.
Unfortunately, so many people are in this boat. It's like trying to get someone out of a cult. It takes much prayer and gentle sharing of reliable information. There are so many in my own family as well. Thankfully, my siblings get it.
Thank you for your gracious, comforting words, Robin. My 2 living siblings "get it" as well--my younger sister had a terrible bout of the Wuhan Flu (it will ALWAYS be called that by me) and actually her blood pressure dropped so tremendously that she blacked out while at home alone. Fortunately, she regained consciousness and called 911 and was on a 2 heart meds after returning home from a 1 week hospital stay (no previous heart issues - and NO jab either). So that "spike protein" is really NASTY!! She is no longer on the heart meds - she thinks a lot as I do that holistic medical treatments (supplements and lifestyle changes) are preferable to allopathic "super meds"!!
Prayers. That is total BS that they made young healthy college age children get it. My son graduated high school in 2020 so he is also in that age group. He has been attending remotely so thus far hasn't been forced, but he would much rather attend in person.
You know who's not dying suddenly?
The unvaccinated!
I was still working for the government when the mandate came out. One of the Captain in our medical department told me the vaccine would kill people but it was for the good of science. They would learn much. I was appalled. I was one of the couple of people out of 350 to put in a religious exemption in my command (HQ). I was told the only 20 out of a force of 40,000 put in a religious exemption...I was told so it would pressure me to change my mind. It still makes me mad when I think about it.
This whole “acceptable risk”/“collateral damage” attitude with shrugged shoulders sickens me. I agree with Jeff that it is evil 😕 Yeah they’re ok with other people having vax injuries as long as THEY are fine 😡
This has been around for decades. Say a child has a reaction to a vaccine that is contraindicative to it being safe for them to continue taking any. Because of a law stating that doctors can only give 5 medical exemptions to children a year before the state medical board comes after them in Commiefornia, most doctors will keep pushing the vaccine regimen. Even if a child has something like seizures, which is contraindicative to taking the MMR per its own insert, the doctor will continue to push it. Should a parent confront the doctor, he/she will shrug and say that with every drug there is a risk, but the benefits far outweigh the risks and then go into some nonsense data that really isn’t applicable to the US. (Say like 1 in 1000 kids die/year from measles. They do . . . worldwide. In the States, there has only been 1 death by measles in the last 20 years, and that child had cancer and was on chemo. Not that their death wasn’t a tragedy, but rather illustrating how statistics get massaged.)
Um, no. Conditions are listed as contraindications because they are associated with a much higher risk of injury and/or death. Of course, the best course for everyone is to avoid vaccines period.
i'm thinking now that the vaccines don't work at all and never did. none of the vaccines.
Even the polio vaccine was BS. Vaccines are as evil and as fraudulent as the cancer industry
Yep. ALL vaccines are meant to interrupt our God given immune systems in some way.
....add "...and the HIV/AIDS industry.
According to what I've read of Turtles All The Way Down, you are correct.
doctors plus pharma plus marketing will be the end of us all! perhaps that's what happened to the romans...
I think that the Covid "pandemic" and "vaccine" has been an eye opening event that has changed how many people feel about health care. I will never get another vaccination. I won't go to the doctor for a "wellness visit" or to the hospital unless there are bones sticking out somewhere.
Same. And I have several friends and acquaintances who have said the same thing - no more.
They destroyed themselves, they killed the gold eggs laying goose. The bad guys destroy themselves at every move, those days, did you notice? No matter their next movement, they F themselves up big time!
Bingo. We have been so deceived.
You may be onto something - Sign up for Dr. Sam's substack
You’d love to read
A SHOT in the DARK
TURTLES ALL the WAY DOWN and many others. They will rock your world.
that is now my assumption as well (as a nurse) and I will not allow anyone to touch me with a needle again (vax).
Of course they don't. That's why they keep getting Covid.
Just began watching ‘A Shot in the Dark’ with Candace Owens, incredible. She uses only public available information to basically refute any notion of safety from immunizations. Highly recommend.
When deciding whether to vaccinate my child or not, I read The Sanctity of Blood. It used to be available on Amazon, but I don’t think you can buy it anymore. The author used US Census data to prove the uselessness of vaccines.
The best book.
Dissolving Illusion
I looked it up on Amazon. One book left-$89.99, 3rd edition. But if you scroll down, it shows 5th Edition, now called Vaccination is not Immunization: The War on Children-$25. Author is Tim O’Shea. The original book was The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination is not Immunization.
Great! I am so encouraged knowing that others have gone before and made wise decisions!
Where can we find this?
It is on dailywire.com, or I believe her Instagram(which I don’t have). The first three episodes are free on DW. We bit the bullet and subscribed for a year as they have some content we were interested in. Here is a link for the trailer: https://www.dailywire.com/episode/a-shot-in-the-dark-official-trailer
Also, she gives her testimony of being vax injured by the hpv shots.
Thanks for the recommendation.
What I find interesting is the way the pharmas are pushing all the drugs to fix the vax issues, in addition to the vax. I think all of us should try to find natural ways of healing, if at all possible. Dig deep. They are out there, and the FDA won't approve them, to which I say, GOOD!!
Very noticeable and almost comical. There was once a Daffy Duck cartoon featuring a very tired person and all the things Daffy did to remedy problems that did not would allow this person to rest quietly.
1 death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic....hmmm who said that?
Could it be Stalin whose fascist dictatorship was/is the model for Commiefornia?
Our friends in Commiefornia had medical for their kids. One of them had a vaccine injury when she was a baby. This was before covid and they had to go through a lot of hoops to get the exemption. After covid they went after the pediatricians license and pulled the exemptions so they couldn't enroll in school. It is sick.
It is sick. When the commies in the legislature and the governor passed the law SB 278, CA still had 93% of all school aged children fully vaccinated —well within their 90% “herd immunity” BS. Of course, fully vaccinated means having ALL the recommended vaccines. So, say a child didn’t get the DTaP/TDaP (I don’t remember which is for children and which is for adults), they aren’t considered fully vaccinated. So, the government will include them in the “unvaccinated” population. Interesting how that works, huh?
Yes this is exactly it, great post!
Thank you. ☺️
I am fine with them just being a choice. But make a campaign similar to the cigarette campaign requiring warnings posted prominently on the packaging.
The doctors won’t let you see the inserts. There are warnings.
Not anymore they aren't! Hundreds of Doctors went to Gitmo for doing that!!
This is why i’m now a complete anti vaxer.
Hoping fervently that they get their just rewards for their lack of care for humanity
It is just like Shriley Jacksons "The lottery" book we all had to read in school. It is IMMORAL. Its like the ancient aztecs sacrificing a living being and pulling out his heart to have good crops. IT IS ILLEGAL to MURDER anyone just to have what you beleive is good health of the community.
Cochin de Chien wrote two stacks about how it is no different that Shirley Jacksons the lottery,...death by lottery for the good of the community.You are a muderer anyway you look at it.
Yes, I’d forgotten about that story!
I was given a religious exemption by my employer. It angered me tremendously that it had to come to that - that logic or a sense of self-preservation wasn't enough of a justification to abstain.
I did to, and I was also going to go with a medical exemption, but didn't want them knowing that much about me. They were already violating HIPPA, and saying it wasn't a violation.
Hippa may not apply during a health emergency.
HIPPA isn’t what most people even think it is.
Completely agree. Surprised even the exemption worked.
Only 20 out of 40,000!
God save us.
I know... the sad part was the Commander had the Chaplain call all 20 to try and talk them into the jab. I was one of the ones he talked to... face to face... otherwise, I would not have known.
Thank you for Standing Firm! That in truth counts for Service to Humanity!
In wonder if they were lying about the number that applied. It seems that was a tactic throughout this to make people feel they were alone and you were they crazy one.
Yup tactics just like the ones Hitler (among others) used! 😡
What kind of reasons did he give? Same talking points of the narrative?
Truly The Remnant...
Yet all the dudes pouring over the border - no vaxx mandate for them.
Over 230 Active Service Members and Veterans Sign Open Letter Calling For Accountability From Military Leaders Over COVID Misconduct
...Retired United States Army lieutenant general Michael Flynn wrote on X that the letter is “a very big deal and all Flag officers (active & retired) need to pay heed to it.”
I was hoping this would be covered today, maybe tomorrow?
The number of signatories is up to 3200 now.
Let that number swell like a mile high tsunami!!!
Do you think Flynn is a white hat?
I like Flynn but I can't say I'm an expert on him.
I also worked for a govt contractor. They waited until the very last day (3 months of waiting) to approve my request. I had just arrived on vacation with my kids and I just said, Ok then, I guess I'll come back to work....lol. They could KMA
Glad to hear you resisted it. Still angry that about exemptions though. My exemption was critical thinking. My thinking is that an exemption was essentially a copout for something that should already be a guiding principle...that you can choose what substances to put into your body.
Completely agree!!
You might be interested in this link. Saw it this AM on War Room w/Steve Bannon
All the best
Sounds like Dr. Mengele "logic" to me, MayBella - I would be VERY angry too!!
I also work for the government in a prison, put in my religious exemption and was planning on quitting if it didn't go through, it went through on the last day and I rescinded my termination request, still working here, unvaxxed, we maybe had about 20% or so give or take that did not take the jab, and had a few young deaths in the workers, not sure how many but I know of one recently and not sure of his death reason but know he had some young kids and a wife, so my guess is the jab did that, but its just a guess
Told same thing MayBella82 …. Vaccines are for the “greater good “….( by a pediatrician).🤮
All of our systems have become corrupted. It starts with government and then creeps into science, food, medicine, academia, media and more.
This is how we fix it:
My one son, aged 24, initially took the JnJ so he would meet his college requirement and be able to finish his last year. Then they made the rule that a booster was required so he took (1) Moderna. He has had Covid 6 times so far and not exactly mild cases either. The anger I feel over the fact that his immune system appears incompetent to deal with this now endemic virus cannot be adequately described. I see the stories of the nurse and the young boy losing their limbs and my only prayer is, "please, G-d, spare my son a similar fate." Honestly, I worry when we don't hear from him regularly because I imagine him dead in his bed. It is terrible to think this way all the time. I have two other children who also took primary series (no boosters that I'm aware of) and they seem okay so far. My younger two are shot-free.
When are we going to see lawsuits against Universities and other organizations that required the jab? I understand that Pharma has immunity but I do not believe that this covers the organizations that mandated vaccination.
I want to see that too. As well as lawsuits about the masks and forced online classes at the same cost as in person.
Pharma does have immunity but not if they knowingly had defective shots and they would hurt people. They have hid behind the government’s immunity clause since 1986 but this pandemic is on a whole new plane of deception.
I agree. I am not sure that we are going pierce immunity given Pharma's influence. However, there are thousands of institutions (colleges and universities alone) that mandated shots for a population for which they only represented a risk with no meaningful benefit. In addition, a large subset of these institutions have conflicts as they have taken and continue to take large sums of money from the pharma companies. I am sure there is no shortage of sympathetic victims. Seems like ample fodder for a skilled attorney. Would great to take a few scalps and maybe wake up a few people. There should be 100 "Oberlin" decisions for the vaccine injured.
I do wonder about the lack of standards for manufacturing under the EUA, how can that negligence be factored into the legal immunity issues?
Agree 💯
I pray for justice for all, the guilty should be shaking in their shows,
Exactly 💯
Yes NAB, I have two adult daughters who took jabs from day one. They live far from me but thought I was a nut-ball to reject it all.
I try to not think of what could be down the line health wise for them. One is constantly sick and shrugs and says “yeah I take vitamins....but my doctor said....”
My daughter age 30, the only foolish family member to get jabbed, (2x plus a booster, Moderna) was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in October of 2023. Our worst fears came true. She had tumors in her right breast and liver when diagnosed. She’s improved, praise God, on an immunotherapy drug and a cancer diet. (No sugar, no dairy, no gluten no bad seed oils). We don’t talk about the jabs except I told her-they’re still going to recommend them-please don’t take any. She agreed. Hoping and praying she keeps holding the cancer off in 2024.
Please check substacks dealing with fenbendazole. A very serious request. Remarkable stories of c@ncer healing with a readily available medicine. Of course, the cancer complex doesn’t want anyone to know. Think about it--after what we have learned the last few years, would it not behoove us to look behind the cancer money comp,lex as well? What are they lying to us about? 🙏🏻🙏🏻 for your daughter. It must be agony for all.
Thank you. I follow several fenben sites and natural cancer healing sites. They have lots of good info. I sent her the Chris Beats Cancer book right away, as well as a few others.She has been very strict about her diet. So far her tumors are shrinking and her liver size has gone way down. We keep praying 🙏🏼
She’s got an excellent team on her side! 🙏🏻
@Suzanne Do you know about fenbendazole? If not, I can give you some great links. 🙏🏻
I hope she will listen to her Mom. I’m hearing great things about fenbendazole and ivermectin together.
I was thinking the same thing. There’s also a protocol using methylene blue which rids your body of the toxins.
Suzanne-I lift her up in prayer that God will continue to bless her and keep her cancer at bay.
Oh my. That's terrible. Here's praying 🙏 for a healthy cancer free 2024 and beyond. ❤
There is a FenBen SS on here.
I never miss an entry on that one
Followed since day one of the start of it here on SS
Prayers for your daughter from across the miles
What is the SS link please? I have a family member dealing with cancer (non vax) but wants to know more about it. I’m researching for her.
Here’s one of the posts. Also, there is a substack from “the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World” who covers a lot of it.
Can you send a link please?
Also, look up the substack from “The 2nd Smartest Guy in the World.”
And look into vitamin C.
Suzanne, my heart breaks for you. I will pray for you and your daughter.
Pray in agreement for your daughter’s recovery
I am so sorry. We have a daughter that also took the jabs, broke our hearts when we found out. We pray daily that she got a a clean batch, meaning few adverse reactions. Highly recommend looking into alternative, integrative treatments like provided at Brio Medical in Scottsdale. We saw several women there have complete remission during my husbands’s cancer treatment last summer. May the Lord grant her healing, and peace to you.
Suzanne, also praying for you and your daughter. Our youngest daughter (33) has likely had all the jabs. She is a manager for a company that recruits traveling nurses. Her fiancé is getting his PhD in immunology & Oncology, so they think we are “not supportive” of his career aspirations. It is challenging for us, being a retired Dental Hygienist/educator & High School science teacher, to avoid discussing the elephant in the room with them. Also praying often for their safety and willingness to wisely consider other narratives. God doesn’t “NEED” us to always be the deliverer of information....but sometimes it is hard to just trust His leading.
Here's to the crazy ones...
This is awful. 😔 I hope all your children live long healthy lives. 🙏
I am in the same boat with both my mine. Both in graduate school at VT. From the beginning, I have given it to God.... otherwise I would be a mess over worrying about them.
Would he be interested in taking some of the supplement protocols to get rid of the spike protein? Here are four that I’ve kept on hand. 1) https://palexander.substack.com/p/spike-support-recovery-a-spike-protein?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=579356&post_id=139985105&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=rm9im&utm_medium=email; 2) https://palexander.substack.com/p/why-do-we-suggest-nattokinase-or?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=579356&post_id=137948024&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=rm9im; 3) https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F7d2277d1-430f-45e8-babf-100052ab4986_1170x2160.jpeg?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email; 4) https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/how-to-detox-from-dangerous-vaccines?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=116400482&isFreemail=true
I really need to look into a supplement for him. Of my kids who took the shots, he is the most clear-eyed about the situation and says were it not for school, he would never had taken them. We even offered him the choice of transferring to a shot-optional college, but he's young and he just wanted to be done with it all.
I’ve used these when I know I’ve been exposed to shedding and now they are saying the dental anesthesia has the MRNA and spike protein. I had dental work last spring and learned of it afterwards. It’s a shame what they have done to these kids. I hope he is willing to do it. These are very reliable doctors.
Yes, please let us know where to find information on this. I too had dental work this past May.
This is two of them: 1) https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/septocaine-dental-anesthetic-mixed?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=138059578&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=rm9im; 2) https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/discussion-of-microscopy-of-dental?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=137835217&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=rm9im. I also started detox protocols.
what do you mean, dental anesthesia has the MRNA & spike protein in it? How did you find this out. I too, had dental surgery in 2022, but was unaware of this.
This is two of them: 1) https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/septocaine-dental-anesthetic-mixed?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=138059578&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=rm9im; 2) https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/discussion-of-microscopy-of-dental?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=137835217&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=rm9im. She is exposing a lot of critical information. I requested a copy of the medication insert and it doesn’t show it, but that doesn’t surprise me. These companies are also involved with the covid vaccines and it’s not Pfizer and Moderna. We can’t trust any medications anymore. I was very alarmed when I found out last Spring. I’ve been using various detoxes.
I'd like to know about this, as I am due for a dental procedure next week.
Are you able to reference the links I posted in Gabriella’s or Nikki’s replies above?
How to get well from the bio-weapon or from infection..................................
Another Confirmation: EDTA Combined With Vitamin C And Other Antioxidants Inhibits Nano Particle Polymerization In New Moderna Patent
I have treated many hundreds of people with this protocol with improvement of symptoms. People complain all the time that I should recommend something easier… well folks, this is the antidote even in the patents, as I have been saying all along. It can be taken orally, but for someone like me who has been hit so hard, IV therapy is essential. People make their own choices, but I have been seeing more and more people dying suddenly, even the unvaccinated, affected with significant aging problems from shedding. This works. I use this in addition to Methylene Blue, Plaquex, Vitamin C etc.
Please note, I use this protocols for MAINTENANCE. I still recommend Ivermectin for acute cases and having it on hand, starting it right at symptom onset. It works excellent. Then when your symptoms are over, get a live blood analysis and EDTA Chelation to clean up the blood.
wow thank you for posting this Politico Phil.
God bless you, NAB. Such a burden to bear. I will be praying for you and your family.
My only children - both sons in their lower 50's now got all 3 shots AND boosted and I am soooo concerned for their welfare - I have shared what I have learned from Drs. Malone, McCullough and Kory--over the past 3 years...all to no avail. They believe the "science" instead of their mother who does COPIOUS research on any subject that I am entertaining.
Unfortunately, so many people are in this boat. It's like trying to get someone out of a cult. It takes much prayer and gentle sharing of reliable information. There are so many in my own family as well. Thankfully, my siblings get it.
Thank you for your gracious, comforting words, Robin. My 2 living siblings "get it" as well--my younger sister had a terrible bout of the Wuhan Flu (it will ALWAYS be called that by me) and actually her blood pressure dropped so tremendously that she blacked out while at home alone. Fortunately, she regained consciousness and called 911 and was on a 2 heart meds after returning home from a 1 week hospital stay (no previous heart issues - and NO jab either). So that "spike protein" is really NASTY!! She is no longer on the heart meds - she thinks a lot as I do that holistic medical treatments (supplements and lifestyle changes) are preferable to allopathic "super meds"!!
Prayers. That is total BS that they made young healthy college age children get it. My son graduated high school in 2020 so he is also in that age group. He has been attending remotely so thus far hasn't been forced, but he would much rather attend in person.
Can he do the detox? I think the wellness company sells the spike detox....
Covid exists?
It was the shots.
Thankfully your two youngest are not💉.
I’ll pray for them🙏
I feel ya