You know who's not dying suddenly?

The unvaccinated!

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Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

I was still working for the government when the mandate came out. One of the Captain in our medical department told me the vaccine would kill people but it was for the good of science. They would learn much. I was appalled. I was one of the couple of people out of 350 to put in a religious exemption in my command (HQ). I was told the only 20 out of a force of 40,000 put in a religious exemption...I was told so it would pressure me to change my mind. It still makes me mad when I think about it.

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This whole “acceptable risk”/“collateral damage” attitude with shrugged shoulders sickens me. I agree with Jeff that it is evil 😕 Yeah they’re ok with other people having vax injuries as long as THEY are fine 😡

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This has been around for decades. Say a child has a reaction to a vaccine that is contraindicative to it being safe for them to continue taking any. Because of a law stating that doctors can only give 5 medical exemptions to children a year before the state medical board comes after them in Commiefornia, most doctors will keep pushing the vaccine regimen. Even if a child has something like seizures, which is contraindicative to taking the MMR per its own insert, the doctor will continue to push it. Should a parent confront the doctor, he/she will shrug and say that with every drug there is a risk, but the benefits far outweigh the risks and then go into some nonsense data that really isn’t applicable to the US. (Say like 1 in 1000 kids die/year from measles. They do . . . worldwide. In the States, there has only been 1 death by measles in the last 20 years, and that child had cancer and was on chemo. Not that their death wasn’t a tragedy, but rather illustrating how statistics get massaged.)

Um, no. Conditions are listed as contraindications because they are associated with a much higher risk of injury and/or death. Of course, the best course for everyone is to avoid vaccines period.

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i'm thinking now that the vaccines don't work at all and never did. none of the vaccines.

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Even the polio vaccine was BS. Vaccines are as evil and as fraudulent as the cancer industry

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Yep. ALL vaccines are meant to interrupt our God given immune systems in some way.

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....add "...and the HIV/AIDS industry.

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According to what I've read of Turtles All The Way Down, you are correct.

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doctors plus pharma plus marketing will be the end of us all! perhaps that's what happened to the romans...

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I think that the Covid "pandemic" and "vaccine" has been an eye opening event that has changed how many people feel about health care. I will never get another vaccination. I won't go to the doctor for a "wellness visit" or to the hospital unless there are bones sticking out somewhere.

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Same. And I have several friends and acquaintances who have said the same thing - no more.

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They destroyed themselves, they killed the gold eggs laying goose. The bad guys destroy themselves at every move, those days, did you notice? No matter their next movement, they F themselves up big time!

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Bingo. We have been so deceived.

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You may be onto something - Sign up for Dr. Sam's substack

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You’d love to read

A SHOT in the DARK





TURTLES ALL the WAY DOWN and many others. They will rock your world.

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that is now my assumption as well (as a nurse) and I will not allow anyone to touch me with a needle again (vax).

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Of course they don't. That's why they keep getting Covid.

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Just began watching ‘A Shot in the Dark’ with Candace Owens, incredible. She uses only public available information to basically refute any notion of safety from immunizations. Highly recommend.

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When deciding whether to vaccinate my child or not, I read The Sanctity of Blood. It used to be available on Amazon, but I don’t think you can buy it anymore. The author used US Census data to prove the uselessness of vaccines.

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The best book.

Dissolving Illusion

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

I looked it up on Amazon. One book left-$89.99, 3rd edition. But if you scroll down, it shows 5th Edition, now called Vaccination is not Immunization: The War on Children-$25. Author is Tim O’Shea. The original book was The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination is not Immunization.

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Great! I am so encouraged knowing that others have gone before and made wise decisions!

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Where can we find this?

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It is on dailywire.com, or I believe her Instagram(which I don’t have). The first three episodes are free on DW. We bit the bullet and subscribed for a year as they have some content we were interested in. Here is a link for the trailer: https://www.dailywire.com/episode/a-shot-in-the-dark-official-trailer

Also, she gives her testimony of being vax injured by the hpv shots.

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Thanks for the recommendation.

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What I find interesting is the way the pharmas are pushing all the drugs to fix the vax issues, in addition to the vax. I think all of us should try to find natural ways of healing, if at all possible. Dig deep. They are out there, and the FDA won't approve them, to which I say, GOOD!!

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Very noticeable and almost comical. There was once a Daffy Duck cartoon featuring a very tired person and all the things Daffy did to remedy problems that did not would allow this person to rest quietly.

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1 death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic....hmmm who said that?

Could it be Stalin whose fascist dictatorship was/is the model for Commiefornia?

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Our friends in Commiefornia had medical for their kids. One of them had a vaccine injury when she was a baby. This was before covid and they had to go through a lot of hoops to get the exemption. After covid they went after the pediatricians license and pulled the exemptions so they couldn't enroll in school. It is sick.

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It is sick. When the commies in the legislature and the governor passed the law SB 278, CA still had 93% of all school aged children fully vaccinated —well within their 90% “herd immunity” BS. Of course, fully vaccinated means having ALL the recommended vaccines. So, say a child didn’t get the DTaP/TDaP (I don’t remember which is for children and which is for adults), they aren’t considered fully vaccinated. So, the government will include them in the “unvaccinated” population. Interesting how that works, huh?

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Yes this is exactly it, great post!

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Thank you. ☺️

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I am fine with them just being a choice. But make a campaign similar to the cigarette campaign requiring warnings posted prominently on the packaging.

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The doctors won’t let you see the inserts. There are warnings.

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Not anymore they aren't! Hundreds of Doctors went to Gitmo for doing that!!

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This is why i’m now a complete anti vaxer.

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Hoping fervently that they get their just rewards for their lack of care for humanity

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It is just like Shriley Jacksons "The lottery" book we all had to read in school. It is IMMORAL. Its like the ancient aztecs sacrificing a living being and pulling out his heart to have good crops. IT IS ILLEGAL to MURDER anyone just to have what you beleive is good health of the community.

Cochin de Chien wrote two stacks about how it is no different that Shirley Jacksons the lottery,...death by lottery for the good of the community.You are a muderer anyway you look at it.

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Yes, I’d forgotten about that story!

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I was given a religious exemption by my employer. It angered me tremendously that it had to come to that - that logic or a sense of self-preservation wasn't enough of a justification to abstain.

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I did to, and I was also going to go with a medical exemption, but didn't want them knowing that much about me. They were already violating HIPPA, and saying it wasn't a violation.

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Hippa may not apply during a health emergency.

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3

HIPPA isn’t what most people even think it is.

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Completely agree. Surprised even the exemption worked.

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Only 20 out of 40,000!

God save us.

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I know... the sad part was the Commander had the Chaplain call all 20 to try and talk them into the jab. I was one of the ones he talked to... face to face... otherwise, I would not have known.

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Thank you for Standing Firm! That in truth counts for Service to Humanity!

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In wonder if they were lying about the number that applied. It seems that was a tactic throughout this to make people feel they were alone and you were they crazy one.

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Yup tactics just like the ones Hitler (among others) used! 😡

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What kind of reasons did he give? Same talking points of the narrative?

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Truly The Remnant...

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Yet all the dudes pouring over the border - no vaxx mandate for them.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

Over 230 Active Service Members and Veterans Sign Open Letter Calling For Accountability From Military Leaders Over COVID Misconduct

...Retired United States Army lieutenant general Michael Flynn wrote on X that the letter is “a very big deal and all Flag officers (active & retired) need to pay heed to it.”


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I was hoping this would be covered today, maybe tomorrow?

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The number of signatories is up to 3200 now.

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Let that number swell like a mile high tsunami!!!

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Do you think Flynn is a white hat?

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I like Flynn but I can't say I'm an expert on him.

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I also worked for a govt contractor. They waited until the very last day (3 months of waiting) to approve my request. I had just arrived on vacation with my kids and I just said, Ok then, I guess I'll come back to work....lol. They could KMA

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Glad to hear you resisted it. Still angry that about exemptions though. My exemption was critical thinking. My thinking is that an exemption was essentially a copout for something that should already be a guiding principle...that you can choose what substances to put into your body.

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Completely agree!!

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You might be interested in this link. Saw it this AM on War Room w/Steve Bannon


All the best

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Sounds like Dr. Mengele "logic" to me, MayBella - I would be VERY angry too!!

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I also work for the government in a prison, put in my religious exemption and was planning on quitting if it didn't go through, it went through on the last day and I rescinded my termination request, still working here, unvaxxed, we maybe had about 20% or so give or take that did not take the jab, and had a few young deaths in the workers, not sure how many but I know of one recently and not sure of his death reason but know he had some young kids and a wife, so my guess is the jab did that, but its just a guess

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Told same thing MayBella82 …. Vaccines are for the “greater good “….( by a pediatrician).🤮

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All of our systems have become corrupted. It starts with government and then creeps into science, food, medicine, academia, media and more.

This is how we fix it:


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Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

My one son, aged 24, initially took the JnJ so he would meet his college requirement and be able to finish his last year. Then they made the rule that a booster was required so he took (1) Moderna. He has had Covid 6 times so far and not exactly mild cases either. The anger I feel over the fact that his immune system appears incompetent to deal with this now endemic virus cannot be adequately described. I see the stories of the nurse and the young boy losing their limbs and my only prayer is, "please, G-d, spare my son a similar fate." Honestly, I worry when we don't hear from him regularly because I imagine him dead in his bed. It is terrible to think this way all the time. I have two other children who also took primary series (no boosters that I'm aware of) and they seem okay so far. My younger two are shot-free.

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When are we going to see lawsuits against Universities and other organizations that required the jab? I understand that Pharma has immunity but I do not believe that this covers the organizations that mandated vaccination.

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I want to see that too. As well as lawsuits about the masks and forced online classes at the same cost as in person.

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Pharma does have immunity but not if they knowingly had defective shots and they would hurt people. They have hid behind the government’s immunity clause since 1986 but this pandemic is on a whole new plane of deception.

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I agree. I am not sure that we are going pierce immunity given Pharma's influence. However, there are thousands of institutions (colleges and universities alone) that mandated shots for a population for which they only represented a risk with no meaningful benefit. In addition, a large subset of these institutions have conflicts as they have taken and continue to take large sums of money from the pharma companies. I am sure there is no shortage of sympathetic victims. Seems like ample fodder for a skilled attorney. Would great to take a few scalps and maybe wake up a few people. There should be 100 "Oberlin" decisions for the vaccine injured.

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I do wonder about the lack of standards for manufacturing under the EUA, how can that negligence be factored into the legal immunity issues?

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Agree 💯

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I pray for justice for all, the guilty should be shaking in their shows,

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Exactly 💯

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Yes NAB, I have two adult daughters who took jabs from day one. They live far from me but thought I was a nut-ball to reject it all.

I try to not think of what could be down the line health wise for them. One is constantly sick and shrugs and says “yeah I take vitamins....but my doctor said....”


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Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

My daughter age 30, the only foolish family member to get jabbed, (2x plus a booster, Moderna) was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in October of 2023. Our worst fears came true. She had tumors in her right breast and liver when diagnosed. She’s improved, praise God, on an immunotherapy drug and a cancer diet. (No sugar, no dairy, no gluten no bad seed oils). We don’t talk about the jabs except I told her-they’re still going to recommend them-please don’t take any. She agreed. Hoping and praying she keeps holding the cancer off in 2024.

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Please check substacks dealing with fenbendazole. A very serious request. Remarkable stories of c@ncer healing with a readily available medicine. Of course, the cancer complex doesn’t want anyone to know. Think about it--after what we have learned the last few years, would it not behoove us to look behind the cancer money comp,lex as well? What are they lying to us about? 🙏🏻🙏🏻 for your daughter. It must be agony for all.

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Thank you. I follow several fenben sites and natural cancer healing sites. They have lots of good info. I sent her the Chris Beats Cancer book right away, as well as a few others.She has been very strict about her diet. So far her tumors are shrinking and her liver size has gone way down. We keep praying 🙏🏼

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She’s got an excellent team on her side! 🙏🏻

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

@Suzanne Do you know about fenbendazole? If not, I can give you some great links. 🙏🏻

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I hope she will listen to her Mom. I’m hearing great things about fenbendazole and ivermectin together.

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I was thinking the same thing. There’s also a protocol using methylene blue which rids your body of the toxins.

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Suzanne-I lift her up in prayer that God will continue to bless her and keep her cancer at bay.

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Oh my. That's terrible. Here's praying 🙏 for a healthy cancer free 2024 and beyond. ❤

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There is a FenBen SS on here.

I never miss an entry on that one

Followed since day one of the start of it here on SS

Prayers for your daughter from across the miles


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What is the SS link please? I have a family member dealing with cancer (non vax) but wants to know more about it. I’m researching for her.

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Here’s one of the posts. Also, there is a substack from “the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World” who covers a lot of it.


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Can you send a link please?

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Also, look up the substack from “The 2nd Smartest Guy in the World.”

And look into vitamin C.

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Suzanne, my heart breaks for you. I will pray for you and your daughter.

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Pray in agreement for your daughter’s recovery

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I am so sorry. We have a daughter that also took the jabs, broke our hearts when we found out. We pray daily that she got a a clean batch, meaning few adverse reactions. Highly recommend looking into alternative, integrative treatments like provided at Brio Medical in Scottsdale. We saw several women there have complete remission during my husbands’s cancer treatment last summer. May the Lord grant her healing, and peace to you.

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Suzanne, also praying for you and your daughter. Our youngest daughter (33) has likely had all the jabs. She is a manager for a company that recruits traveling nurses. Her fiancé is getting his PhD in immunology & Oncology, so they think we are “not supportive” of his career aspirations. It is challenging for us, being a retired Dental Hygienist/educator & High School science teacher, to avoid discussing the elephant in the room with them. Also praying often for their safety and willingness to wisely consider other narratives. God doesn’t “NEED” us to always be the deliverer of information....but sometimes it is hard to just trust His leading.

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Here's to the crazy ones...

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This is awful. 😔 I hope all your children live long healthy lives. 🙏

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I am in the same boat with both my mine. Both in graduate school at VT. From the beginning, I have given it to God.... otherwise I would be a mess over worrying about them.

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I really need to look into a supplement for him. Of my kids who took the shots, he is the most clear-eyed about the situation and says were it not for school, he would never had taken them. We even offered him the choice of transferring to a shot-optional college, but he's young and he just wanted to be done with it all.

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I’ve used these when I know I’ve been exposed to shedding and now they are saying the dental anesthesia has the MRNA and spike protein. I had dental work last spring and learned of it afterwards. It’s a shame what they have done to these kids. I hope he is willing to do it. These are very reliable doctors.

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what do you mean, dental anesthesia has the MRNA & spike protein in it? How did you find this out. I too, had dental surgery in 2022, but was unaware of this.

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This is two of them: 1) https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/septocaine-dental-anesthetic-mixed?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=138059578&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=rm9im; 2) https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/discussion-of-microscopy-of-dental?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=137835217&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=rm9im. She is exposing a lot of critical information. I requested a copy of the medication insert and it doesn’t show it, but that doesn’t surprise me. These companies are also involved with the covid vaccines and it’s not Pfizer and Moderna. We can’t trust any medications anymore. I was very alarmed when I found out last Spring. I’ve been using various detoxes.

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I'd like to know about this, as I am due for a dental procedure next week.

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Are you able to reference the links I posted in Gabriella’s or Nikki’s replies above?

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How to get well from the bio-weapon or from infection..................................

Another Confirmation: EDTA Combined With Vitamin C And Other Antioxidants Inhibits Nano Particle Polymerization In New Moderna Patent

I have treated many hundreds of people with this protocol with improvement of symptoms. People complain all the time that I should recommend something easier… well folks, this is the antidote even in the patents, as I have been saying all along. It can be taken orally, but for someone like me who has been hit so hard, IV therapy is essential. People make their own choices, but I have been seeing more and more people dying suddenly, even the unvaccinated, affected with significant aging problems from shedding. This works. I use this in addition to Methylene Blue, Plaquex, Vitamin C etc.

Please note, I use this protocols for MAINTENANCE. I still recommend Ivermectin for acute cases and having it on hand, starting it right at symptom onset. It works excellent. Then when your symptoms are over, get a live blood analysis and EDTA Chelation to clean up the blood.


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wow thank you for posting this Politico Phil.

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God bless you, NAB. Such a burden to bear. I will be praying for you and your family.

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My only children - both sons in their lower 50's now got all 3 shots AND boosted and I am soooo concerned for their welfare - I have shared what I have learned from Drs. Malone, McCullough and Kory--over the past 3 years...all to no avail. They believe the "science" instead of their mother who does COPIOUS research on any subject that I am entertaining.

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Unfortunately, so many people are in this boat. It's like trying to get someone out of a cult. It takes much prayer and gentle sharing of reliable information. There are so many in my own family as well. Thankfully, my siblings get it.

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Thank you for your gracious, comforting words, Robin. My 2 living siblings "get it" as well--my younger sister had a terrible bout of the Wuhan Flu (it will ALWAYS be called that by me) and actually her blood pressure dropped so tremendously that she blacked out while at home alone. Fortunately, she regained consciousness and called 911 and was on a 2 heart meds after returning home from a 1 week hospital stay (no previous heart issues - and NO jab either). So that "spike protein" is really NASTY!! She is no longer on the heart meds - she thinks a lot as I do that holistic medical treatments (supplements and lifestyle changes) are preferable to allopathic "super meds"!!

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Prayers. That is total BS that they made young healthy college age children get it. My son graduated high school in 2020 so he is also in that age group. He has been attending remotely so thus far hasn't been forced, but he would much rather attend in person.

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Can he do the detox? I think the wellness company sells the spike detox....

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Covid exists?

It was the shots.

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Thankfully your two youngest are not💉.

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I’ll pray for them🙏

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I feel ya

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And if by some stroke (no pun intended) of bad luck I do happen to die suddenly, I'll go to whatever reward awaits (or doesn't!) knowing that I didn't do it to myself by taking the jabs. There is a great deal of daily comfort in that. #Pureblood

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Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

I was asked at a NYE party how I remained healthy with all these colds, flu and other illnesses around. I said " I take my supplements and did not get vaxxed." They were surprised but didn't say anything. 2024 - my resolution is to be polite yet honest about the vaxx, the scamdemic et al. I will do what I can to help but vaxx zealots are gonna get it back.

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Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

My hubs and I got the flu right after Christmas. One day of nasty headache/fever/body aches. Drank/guzzled pure Vit C powder mixed in warm water all day. In Maui three days later, enjoying ourselves! Aloha! No jabs for us!!

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Enjoy the awesome weather and scenery 😎 😄

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Today I said it. Told 2 at coffee that I don’t want to fly much because of all the vaccine injured pilots. All the heart attacks and stokes, blood clots plus the standards of heart health were lowered to cover it up. Sounds dangerous to me I said. They just stared at me. One has autoimmune hepatitis after her 2nd shot. It has perhaps given me courage to say more. Over the hump so to speak. Lord give me the words 🙏🏻

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Good start. Hopefully it will encourage some conversation down the road. It feels good to take back the conversation topics that previously were censored. They can approve of the vaxx etc and I can have my opinion and disagree.

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Plant the seed! 🙏🏻

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On Dec 22 I flew to Boston en route to Maine for the holidays. I woke up the morning of Sunday the 24th with a slightly scratchy throat. Around midday I decided to start my Zicam regimen (which has prevented me from having a full-blown cold for the past 10+ years, ever since I started using it within 12 hours of first symptoms).

I followed it faithfully, every 3 hours. I went through 2 bottles, taking the last lozenge last night around 11 (now in Virginia, since Sunday). I wore shorts every day in Maine, except one, and just made sure my core was warmly layered.

The entire extent of my symptoms over the past 11 days has been an occasional runny nose and a very sporadic slight one-cough cough. My cold is essentially gone now. Never went into my chest, never stuffed up my head, never developed a sore throat, no fatigue, no body aches, no disrupted sleep.

I've also been on a daily regimen of supplements for the past 2+ years: D3, C, Zinc, Quercetin, and a daily multi, which I suspect was also helpful.

Also never jabbed with the poison shots, which I suspect was also helpful... ;-)

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I am 68, not jabbed & also take Zicam immediately when starting to feel sick. It always keeps me from ever getting sick. (I use the nasal swabs because the lozenges render food tasteless & tends to upset my stomach.). Glad it works well for you!

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Good regimen. 👍

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RemovedJan 2
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Haha 😄 My other resolution is to clean up my potty mouth.

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Not mine!!! 🤣

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Right there with ya! Reminds me of that scene in The Big Lebowski where the Stranger (Sam Elliott) asks The Dude (Jeff Bridges) why he has to cuss so much...”WTF are you talking about?” Asks the Dude...🙄🙄🙄

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Sometimes, speaking like a “drunken sailor” gets your point across-lol!😉

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Well at least one out of two is good🤣🤣🤣🤣

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How are you so sure you're a pureblood if the shots shed and spread? I'm unvaccinated also and sincerely want to know.

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Even if shedding is happening, I figure that I don’t have anywhere the number of spikes the vaccinated have. I just don’t worry about it.

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I resolved early on not to treat vaccinated people they way they treated the unvaccinated. I don't avoid people for their vax status either way, and I don't submit to Chinese tests to see whether I have covid when I have a cold. I'm unvaccinated and sincerely do not want to know anything more about a cold than I did in 2015.

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By #Pureblood I only mean that I did not get jabbed with the clot shots. I think that's what everyone means when they say they're a pureblood.

I just had a bacon egg & cheese breakfast sandwich on a garlic bagel, so I'm sure I'm not an *absolute* #Pureblood...

But I'm pure in the sense that I don't have the clot shots themselves coursing through my body.

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I went through a personal hell to stay unvaxxed. God gave me the courage to get through this as I’m not a strong person normally so I don’t worry. I handed my safety and life to Him. I pray for discernment.

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I’m hoping for a blood test we can take that will measure spikes, LNPs, mRNA etc. For now, you could test for clotting with a D-Dimer test.

Doesn’t hurt to assume we have been shed on and use naturopathic detox- fasting, supplements, etc

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How to get well from the bio-weapon or from infection..................................

Another Confirmation: EDTA Combined With Vitamin C And Other Antioxidants Inhibits Nano Particle Polymerization In New Moderna Patent

I have treated many hundreds of people with this protocol with improvement of symptoms. People complain all the time that I should recommend something easier… well folks, this is the antidote even in the patents, as I have been saying all along. It can be taken orally, but for someone like me who has been hit so hard, IV therapy is essential. People make their own choices, but I have been seeing more and more people dying suddenly, even the unvaccinated, affected with significant aging problems from shedding. This works. I use this in addition to Methylene Blue, Plaquex, Vitamin C etc.

Please note, I use this protocols for MAINTENANCE. I still recommend Ivermectin for acute cases and having it on hand, starting it right at symptom onset. It works excellent. Then when your symptoms are over, get a live blood analysis and EDTA Chelation to clean up the blood.


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What is EDTA?

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It's a chemical that binds to heavy metal and is used as a therapeutic to bind, for example, lead in the body and transport it out of the body to remedy lead poisoning.

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As the first post pointed out. The unvaxxed (in spite of all the shedding) are not dying suddenly. And they’re also relatively healthy, at least in my circle and from anecdotes I read. It would be front page news if the unjabbed were having health issues. The only time I’d worry about shedding is if I was regularly sharing bodily fluids with the recently jabbed. Which I don’t and never would.

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My husband and I were not vaccinated, however, we got ill because of being around people who had just gotten the jab. Right after that my very healthy/athletic/skinny husband developed cancer. Coincidence? I think not.

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so sorry to hear that.

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Me too! My un-injected, adult daughter is getting sick with viruses, one after another! It’s heartbreaking!!

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☹️ Has your daughter generally been healthy before? Has she gotten flu shot(s)? Does she supplement (would she be willing to?) Minimum supplements through winter - vitamin D 5000-10000 (higher end for those who are sick), K2 200 mcg, vitamin A 10000 units, Magnesium 200 mg, vitamin C 2000 daily. I strongly recommend NAC, zinc, and quercetin as well. Retired (because I declined the shots) Canadian nurse, lifelong history of asthma & sinusitis. Have had 1 bout of Covid (early 2022), and one cold per winter since 2019 with this regime. I used to end up on antibiotics with sinusitis with colds, none since 2020. When I get cold symptoms now, I up my vitamin D (to 50000 units) and A ( to 100000 units) for 3 days, add extra vitamin C, and do 2-4 times daily nasal rinses and throat gargles (saline or povidone).

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I love using Xclear after being in public.

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Thumbs up on Xclear. Nasal irrigation with salt and just a touch of betadine (not too much or it will really sting) also works wonders.

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It's Lugol's iodine for nasal rinse/gargle and one drop castor oil each eye. Nicotine to protect ACE2 receptors. Not sick for two years now. Yes, I do supplement w/the usual suspects.

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I used Xclear for over a year, and gave it to friends and family. I understood that it had no real medicinal properties and that it's success was due to the ingredients sliding bacteria out of your nose (I'm sure there's a better way to say that!) Then last March I got strep throat and truly started to wonder if the 'bacteria' in my nose had slid down my throat. Anyway, I have no idea if that's true, but now if I think I need something I use betadine or something that will definitely kill stuff.

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I use it daily too - morning & night. I find it's getting a bit hard to find?

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Those nasal rinses really work!

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I take the same type of supplements. High intake of vitamin C is extremely helpful. If you can get IV vitamin C even better.

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Yes, very athletic & no health issues.. She’s got basic vitamins & I have given her much more. Zinc, Quercetin, D3 etc. I don’t think she’s taking the higher doses suggested though. I’m sure trying to talk her into that!!

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I used to get colds in the winter as soon as I got overtired but since I started taking vitamin D prescribed by my nurse practitioner who is more on the functional medicine side, I rarely get even a hint of a cold. And if I do start feeling symptoms, I take Umcka and elderberry gummies with zinc and the symptoms go away. I hope your daughter can find something that helps her to be healthier!

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I would consider myself an athlete, although I am of the older variety now, and when life stress and workouts collide, no amount of vitamins can help. We get sick. My daughter is a college athlete with rigorous studies and 4hrs of working out everyday. She is unvaxxed and had a terrible time fighting an Adenovirus last fall. I know she’s exposed to shedding so I do ponder the effects it might have. But overall, I think stress is the bigger enemy.

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excellent advise, thank you for posting.

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All good advice. We just went to our holistic Dr. to review the organic acid tests he ordered for her. I did one a year ago. He said she her glutathione is low, and either needed to take Glutathione (liposomal only. Very poorly absorbed in the stomach ) or NAC. We told him we already take 200 mg of NAC. He said she needs at least 1000 mg, better 2000mg. FYI

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I take 1200 mg NAC daily - part of a supplement called Healthy Lungs by CanPrev (not sure it's available in US?) I was taking that pre 2020, to help with asthma.

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You want to get your Vit D from a natural source, such as cod liver oil...

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I’ve had bleeding in menopause around injured elderly family. I’m not jabbed. Autoimmune issues made me susceptible?

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& getting over a seasonal cold or something ( i don’t do the PCR tests, useless or possibly harmful)

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useless and fraudulent

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

more than likely, as my asthma did me. canaries in the coal mine. grateful no bleeding post-menopause here.

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A bad booster & Lyme took me out of the workforce in my prime. I’m finally making progress after years of gaslighting and neglect by insurance dictated doctors. Got an integrative medicine doctor who actually helps. & I have hope again, making slow progress.

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I've been taking care of myself for 10+ years since losing trust in VA medical care. I'm making slow progress too. Do understand gaslighting and think the military wrote the manual lol.

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I just found an integrative medicine doctor for my Lyme too. Feeling more hopeful too, and slow progress. I wish there were a way to direct message people on this site but I don't think there is.

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Have you looked into MAH(major hemolytic ozone therapy)? My husband’s naturopath has used that and heavy homeopathic detox successfully for both mold/mycotoxin and Lyme’s.

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I believe this is from shedding, and you can likely be helped by taking this product regularly: https://www.natures-source.com/en-us/products/canprev-healthy-hormones-60-vcaps

I take one a day, but 2 when I know I’ll be around “vaxxed people”. This product was recommended to me by a naturopath and has solved a very similar — and frustrating — issue for me.

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I have severe hormonal imbalance from a laundry list of issues. I take a bio identical hormone. This would work against me with methylation issues. And leaky gut issues. I’m glad it’s helping you! Thanks for mentioning it.

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* might work against me

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Is anyone truly a "pureblood?" How many of us received other vaccines? I agree not to start "othering" these people as they have done to us. All are welcome at my table.

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Check out Dr. Peter McCullough's website for his protocol vs. the spike protein. Unfortunately, you're correct and we must all be concerned.

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In complete agreement.

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I'm still doing just fine...

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

Funny this should come up. Last night a good friend contacted me. She was on the way to the ER of our city hospital. Her husband, 71, years old was taken by ambulance for a suspected heart attack. She had been at her daughter’s home watching the Rose Bowl. Her husband had been sick much of the week with what they thought was the flu or a cold and elected not to go. She decided to come home at half time and on her way got a call that an ambulance had been dispatched to her house by 911. Her husband had called 911. When she called her house, an officer answered the phone saying they found her husband lying on the floor complaining of bad chest pains. They were taking him to the ER. Her husband has a family history of heart failure, his dad died in his early 60’s from heart failure. Her husband has had two stents put in to open arteries up a decade ago. Both my friend and her husband are anti vaxxers. They both had the Delta strain in the fall of ‘21. He was so sick they asked for the monoclonal antibodies and were denied because he was too far along in the progression. When my friend got to the ER, they were prepping her husband for a heart cath. She talked to him briefly before and he said he had never felt such chest pressure before and such pain. When the doctor came out to talk to her after, he told her, her husband had developed a blood clot in the main artery called the widow maker before a previous stent. They said this blood clot would have killed him if he had waited another hour to call 911. Then he told her husband had tested positive for covid and that he believed the covid caused the lethal blood clot. The doctor said they are finding that quite often now. She asked if everyone keeps getting covid, boosted and not, why are they not treating people for this? She was told there is no treatment any longer for CoVid, it has become as common as the flu. Wow! Gratefully, her husband came through the heart cath successfully, and she said his color was good and he was coherent, but he will be in ICU for another 48 hours in case more blood clots develop and will be on blood thinners the rest of his life. Is this the new pivot? Will blood clots be everywhere? He was unvaxxed so what caused this unexpected potential killer clot?

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Shedding - unvaxxed 74 yo sister had a stoke from her live in son and his GF both double vaxxed.

27 yo healthy unvaxed daughter returned to work with all vaxxed coworkers acquired optic neuropathy - temporarily lost her eyesight

An acquaintance healthy 8 yo niece died suddenly playing soccer - both parents vaxxed.

29 yo unvaxxed healthy son has testosterone levels in the tank. Worked at Facebook with everyone vaxxed.

Anecdotes maybe but one too many so close to me. Remember this is a bioweapon that has been brewing, refined and designed for some time.

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Wow! Interesting indeed.

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The question is was it a real "blood" clot or one of those synthetic white clots? Blood thinners don't work on the white clots.

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That’s my understanding too. Blood thinners only work on normal blood clots. The white tissue clots as far as I know have only been found in the vaxxed. Hopefully this unvaxxed man’s clots will be treatable.

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The reason for this is that the white clots are synthetic constructs which are the result of the nano technology in the shots. I believe Dr. Mihalcea has found treatments that dissolve these constructs but I need to review her work.

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Yes, she is actively researching and has a lot of articles on her stack...

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It also should be added to this discussion that nobody knows what the hell they are spraying on us almost constantly in the skies...

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This afternoon, the whole western sky (FL panhandle) was stripped with a mosaic of chemtrails lit up by the afternoon sun. The question of how a replication-defective, synthetic pathogen, masquerading as a corona virus, could be deployed on a population leads me to think that chemtrails would be an easy way to do this. Just saying...

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I recently heard of another person with multiple blood clots following Covid, but he did have the vaxx, so different situation. In your friends case, maybe we need tests to show if we have gotten mRNA by shedding.

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I think Covid was a bio weapon too. It causes ordinary blood clots, different from the white, rubbery ones, but lethal too.

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You’re correct in my personal tally! Not one, yet my list of deaths is up to 28. I count family & friends of personal friends so thankfully these 28 are not all first line contacts.

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We are all dying slowly.

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My husband and I have been on 3 cruises out of FL this year (2023). We were VERY concerned about shedding and getting sick, especially since all the crew are vaxxed.

Since I believe in terrain theory and not germ theory, we took IVM, once a week for 3 weeks before the cruise and every day on each cruise.

Didn’t get sick, felt great and was so happy to enjoy our vacations and not worry. I still took vitamins D, K, Zinc and milk thistle (to clear the liver). We’ve never had C19 or been vaxxed.

We will be in Vegas for 2 weeks (I’d rather chew ground glasses) for business conferences this month, but being armed with IVM I’m confident we will be fine.

We are the CEOs of our own health. More people need to wake up and realize it. 🙏❤️🙂

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Other things NOT happening to the unjabbed : untold number of miscarriages, infant deaths bc of breastfeeding, contracting cvd every-other month, unexplained "medical emergencies", rare turbo cancers, SIDS, brain tumors, clots, etc. etc. etc. We all must know a few people who have passed away in the last 3 years whose deaths were directly related to the jabs. How utterly sad!

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Where’s Michael Cassidy when we need him.

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Scientists find strong link between being a conspiracy theorist and not having myocarditis 😂

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The word "hero" is so over used, it almost has no significant meaning any more. Mr. Bostic has restored it considerably, he IS a HERO!

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

Oh my goodness, yes!!!

When at the beginning of the plandemic healthcare folks were being dubbed “heroes,” I wanted to barf. Not because I didn’t respect them and their jobs (this was at THE BEGINNING of the whole show, remember), but because THEY WERE JUST DOING THEIR FREAKING *JOBS*.

I mean, that’s part of the calling to the profession of medicine - a willingness to put oneself in harms way for others. Just like nurses and doctors have done for millennia with the flu, and yellow fever, and malaria, and scarlet fever (used to be deadly), and diphtheria, and every other epidemic known to mankind.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 3

My hubby a HERO of the pandemic built their med buildings while being harassed to mask, before anyone was USING THEM, and refused. Builders, construction workers, road crews, garbage pickup, electricians, grocery stockers, door deliveries to infirm, etc etc ALL ESSENTIAL WORKERS. Government leaders NOT SO MUCH MUCH!

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The scamdemic and all the BS they put many through I will never forgive nor forget. Absolute tyranny.

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Agree. I am a physician. We take an oath to help others. I am constantly exposed to contagions. It is part of the job. I remember early on when restaurants were giving free food, coffee to healthcare workers which was ridiculous. I was still working and collecting a salary. The same could not be said for the “non-essential” workers.

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Like this a million times over.

The people working did not need the perks.

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Yeah. Most of the scamdemic medical professionals are not heroes.

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Well, true, now we know that many of them are cowards.

But early on, before we knew what we now know, they were just supposed to be doing their jobs. Going to work to take care of sick people. But somehow, by some reason, they were told to be scared, and so they were.

I wondered what happened to the courageous people of old, those who ran into battle to help the wounded, those who cared for and comforted dying AIDS patients in the 1980s when Fauci was telling everyone it could be caught from touching and toilet seats, those who courageously cared for dying plague patients? Why weren’t THOSE people being held up as role models?

I mean, we don’t really need doctors and nurses when we are healthy. There’s no benefit in their presence when we are well. If they aren’t here for times of sickness and death and crisis, then why are they here at all. Jesus himself said it is the sick who need a physician.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

The AIDS debacle of the 80s is one of the reasons I knew fauci was full of BS. He has no concern or regard for human beings.

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We need MORALITY doctors and nurses because our country surely is SICK morally!

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They're GREEDY business people - pure and simple. Quite a few doctors suffer from the "God complex" as well.

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Indeed, where I live life expectancy has dropped 2 years since 2020 due to the safe mRNA.

Heroes my ass.

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Life expectancy had dropped 2 years across the USA since the onset of the plandemic . Absolutely unprecedented.

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Takes a lot of planning to carry out that evil.

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Not to worry rolandttg, our replacements are streaming across the border by the thousands. Monthly.

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Another form of Bidenflation. Dang!

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Well, yes.

I was merely referring to the INITIAL adulations well before most of us had become wise to the more evil undercurrents.

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In 2021 we stopped off the interstate at a KFC. The workers all had t-shirts with 'essential worker' in big letters. As cringey as the tik tok nurses.

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Because who gets to decide who is essential and not. When did we start dividing our society along the lines of who is worthwhile enough to warrant employment and who isn’t. Oh, wait, maybe that was just dress rehearsal for the gene therapy mandates that came a short while later - those with are “essential,” those without were not.

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And they complained and complained about their long work hours which were caused by lack of staff hospital administrators CAUSED by their jab mandates 🙄

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But they somehow had time to make dance videos for TikTok 🙄

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Dances that were preprogrammed in the 2012 Olympic game opening ceremony.

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Unable to understand why this hero not given oxygen immediately?

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

char, I'm reluctant to criticize but... Being retired after 36 years from the firefighting profession I noted a few things from the short video of the rescue. I will preface by declaring entering a burning structure while unprotected from thermal and especially respiratory threat is very risky. Thankfully it turned out well for the victims and the rescuer.

From a tactical point of view I noticed little urgency from the responders. I also didn't see a water supply for the engine, actually I didn't see any hose lines deployed. The old saying "put the wet stuff on the red stuff" still applies, thus you need a source of wet and a means to deliver it. Even if the decision had been made to fight the fire in a defensive mode, in which case you are writing the structure off and any occupants inside, you still need hose lines to protect exposures.

In my years of service I noticed a disturbing trend in the industry towards the philosophy that no injuries are allowed. At the same time staffing was being reduced and a 'command' officer, usually the first arriving officer, being told to stay in the apparatus with the radio to run the incident. That may leave a crew of three to perform all the firefighting tasks. An emphasis to medical training and response (80% of calls) shifts the priority to medical and not firefighting. Now you may have one person to fight fire, until subsequent rigs arrive with additional manpower. Speaking of medical, was that a tourniquet applied to the rescuers arm? Maybe he had sustained an arterial sever but I wasn't there and can't say. And yes, O2 via non rebreather mask was indicated.

True, modern building codes have reduced the incident and severity of fires, but they still occur. In my opinion aggressive firefighting is rare, especially in larger cities. DEI, NFPA and AFL/CIO has gutted the fire service. We see the same in our military, significantly so these past three years.

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Interesting view. Thanks for sharing.

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Agree wholeheartedly on Mr. Bostic - a true hero, as well as the comments on the fake heros of the scamdemic.

My absolute favorite - the signs outside a nearby public high school saying “EDUCATOR HEROES WORK HERE!” Meanwhile, they were sitting on the ass at home supposedly doing distance learning.

The Principal for that school lives directly across from me. What a piece of work. I’m not on social media, although my wife keeps up on things. After young children were approved for the jabs, the Principal posted how excited her 8 year old son was to get his jab that morning. It’s bad enough to sacrifice him to the Convid gods, but to lie about it and pretend an 8 year old is excited to get a jab? Please. What a twisted, sick, virtue signaling fool.

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Remember the "hero mania" for firefighters and police during the 09/11 debacle? That a flying HUGE American flags from the bed of your pick-up trucks!! Oh what fools these mortals be!!

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You are so correct. Nobody playing sports is a hero, unless they do something that saves someone else. Nobody was a hero on 9/11 if they happened to work in the towers and did not do something in an effort to save someone else. They were victims, not heroes. Another example of the cabal controlling the language

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A favorite quote, "Heroes have an infinite capacity for stupidity." -Walt Simonson.

Stupidity frequently means doing something others are too afraid to attempt.

Mr. Bostic demonstrated his heroic courage (and "stupidity") beyond any doubt.

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I get the point of the quote but the word stupid doesn't really fit; irrational seems to work better.

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Why aren't the Fauci fan club wearing masks? 🤔

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I'll never forget some psychopath chick in 2020 who came to browse at our yard sale wearing a I ❤️ Fauci mask and actually angrily asked me-in my own yard and outside-why I wasn't wearing a mask. I told her that only smart people could shop at my sale and that she clearly didn't qualify. She huffed right on down the street, probably telling me off, but I couldn't understand anything from behind that simpleton's mask.

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We had a elderly man stop at our yard sale over the summer. We probably talked for over an hour. He totally understood all the political lies that were being perpetrated against Trump, but I stopped and asked him if he had been vaccinated and he said that he had and he explained that his doctor said that because he had a heart condition he really needed to be vaxxed. I told him that he really needed to look into that further before getting any more shots. I explained all the vaccine injured people that I knew. I just pray that this man took what I was saying seriously. He was such a nice man and it's shameful that the establishment used doctors to attack the elderly knowing they would never questions anything their doctors told them because they were raised to not question authority and especially not their doctors who know infinitely more than they do.

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The sad part is anyone with a heart condition is exponentially threatened by the bio-weapon as compared to a person without heart issues. The fact that doctors believe the reverse to be true makes me question the ability of any doctor to actually think for himself.

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It's all Rockefeller/petroleum based medicine since the late 40's. Gestapo.

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Phil, I don't think that thinking for oneself is part of the training anymore. It seems to be all 'follow the algorithm, but don't question the algorithm.' We oldsters were taught to take our own histories, do our own exams, and make our own assessments, regardless of what even the senior attendings thought or did.

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This is why my Aunt died.

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Such a sad situation. My uncle was also a victim who contracted COVID after getting the first 2 shots. He was hospitalized with COVID and severe neurological side effects either from the jabs or COVID. Either way, he never recovered and deteriorated for months until he passed away.

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I am convinced without a doubt that probably all Covid "side-effects" are in fact the result of the bio-weapon shot. "Long-covid" is simply a gas-lighting scam.

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Yup Phil- my bro in law died with 4 blocked arteries fully jabbed & boosted. But because he was 70 and a lifelong diabetic no one batted an eye. At the very least those shots were what tipped him over the edge.

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As I have stated here before, my mother's doctors (including her pulmonologist and her PCP and her cardiologist) were all pushing the jab on her while she was on hospice following a massive heart attack (unrelated to the jab as we never had her get one.) Thankfully, the cardiologist changed his tune about a year after the jabs began. but the pulmonologist actually argued with my sister about it. I just cannot believe how most of the doctors just parrot what they've been told.

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Think the "Three monkeys".

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I’m so angry at all the elderly people the establishment manipulated and continues to manipulate. 😡

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Maybe that was part of the plan of depopulation. Get the older ones first - reduce the Medicare & Social Security rolls.

Didn’t work on my husband or me; we ignored our internist’s recommendation. I left his practice.

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So many friends got the same deadly advice: you need a heart-damaging jab BECAUSE you have heart disease. You need a cancer-causing jab BECAUSE you have/ had cancer. You need an autoimmune causing jab BECAUSE you have an autoimmune disease...

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Yes, yes, oh my goodness, yes! My sister was a pediatric cancer patient in the mid 70s when the swine flu shot came out and her doctors said ABSOLUTELY NO SHOT for cancer patients at that time. What a reversal.

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Makes perfect sense 🙄

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Spot on!

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True ☹️

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The people most at risk were coerced, encouraged and lied to by their doctors. These are the very ones who could ill afford the clot shot and its side effects.

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One idiotic sight I drove by was a group of four adults? yes they were more than middle aged, sitting outside in the country side surrounded by corn fields, in an eight foot circle, wearing MASKS while chatting. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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My friends see a couple walking outside every day wearing masks and blue surgical gloves! My friends call them “the blue glove people”! 🤣🤣🤣

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It reminds me of this old poem 😆

Strictly Germproof

The Antiseptic Baby and the Prophylactic Pup

Were playing in the garden when the Bunny gamboled up;

They looked upon the Creature with a loathing undisguised;—

It wasn't Disinfected and it wasn't Sterilized.

They said it was a Microbe and a Hotbed of Disease;

They steamed it in a vapor of a thousand-odd degrees;

They froze it in a freezer that was cold as Banished Hope

And washed it in permanganate with carbolated soap.

In sulphurated hydrogen they steeped its wiggly ears;

They trimmed its frisky whiskers with a pair of hard-boiled shears;

They donned their rubber mittens and they took it by the hand

And elected it a member of the Fumigated Band.

There's not a Micrococcus in the garden where they play;

They bathe in pure iodoform a dozen times a day;

And each imbibes his rations from a Hygienic Cup—

The Bunny and the Baby and the Prophylactic Pup.

Arthur Guiterman

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I call them "nimrods"!!

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The brain damaged from mass psychosis are still around. Saw a woman at my aquafit class just last evening wearing a mask in the pool! Even my instructor wears a homemade cloth mask while she walks to her seat by the edge of the pool, takes it off to do the class and chat with people after, then puts it back on to walk outside to get in her car. She is an awesome instructor, but the whole mask thing makes me crazy.

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It’s so stupid, it’s like they think the masks have an extension that allows them to be risk free for a given amount of time after they take them off 🙄 If they actually think they work why wouldn’t they keep the masks on all time? They just make zero sense 🙄

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These acts of complete brain depletion are so many that they all win the prize!!

So twilight zone!

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Well...."STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES" - Forrest Gump

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Love it ❤ Give it right back to these entitled, mentally ill losers.

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This is awesome. When I lived in California during this I heard of door to door people promoting Biden knocking on people's doors and then demanding they wear a mask. The nerve.

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🤣😂😆 Good for you!!! 👏👏👏

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LOVE IT - good for you, Chris--perhaps you should have a tee shirt with that quip on it if you have another yard sale!!

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Maybe I will do that 😂😂😂

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GO FOR IT--and take a pic of you wearing it and post it to C & C Group (if you can).

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ChrisB 🤣🤣🤣

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They literally made an “idol” of Fauci.

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Is it just me that thinks Fauci resembles the skeksis in The Dark Crystal?

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Reminds me of the Mad Magazine guy 😂...


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Yes! 😂

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Right! The parade icon really shows that. I kept thinking he looks familiar. Thanks for clearing that up.

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He reminds me of Doby, the house elf from Harry Potter. Or is it a goblin...

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good one!

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He has the face of a rat or a bat.

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I mean, you can't make this stuff up. Talk about worshipping false idols, lol. Clown world strikes again.

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Media hype.

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I noticed the Fauci Fan Club's missing masks right away, too, Susanna!! Tony would be appalled!!

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But behind them was a guy holding a sign that said" nobody is above the law"😏

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I think had I been there, I would have had to do a baphomet adjustment on that horrid idol.

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Exactly. The Fauci Faccists weren't masked. Picture is obviously fake, AI generated.

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They ran out of Oscar Meyer baloney packages to strap to their stupid mugs.

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The first thing I noticed is that the Fauci effigy was not on fire.

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And they need syringes stuck in their arms according to how many jabs they've gladly received. Better yet, tattoos! proudly showing how many they've lined up for, syringe necklaces should be hot item also.

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Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

The comment regarding tipping the heroic pizza guy got me thinking about how tipping has gotten completely out of hand in this country.

If you order burgers at Five Guys (as an example), the card reader tries to guilt you into tipping people for just doing their damn jobs. It's absurd. If Five Guys thinks it's employees deserve more money then they should increase their pay. But they can't do that as their prices are already ridiculously high and they will then lose business, so they try and guilt you into paying their salary directly.

Took the family to Blaze Pizza about a week ago (recommend their Keto crust if on the diet BTW) and noticed it no longer asked for a tip. Maybe the backlash is occurring there too and it's another positive sign for 2024.

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HUGE complaint of mine. EVERYONE has their hands out for a tip. I complain to my kids but they think I’m crazy or being stingy. I had a job. I did my job well and never expected someone to tip me for doing my job. I’m sick of the passive guilt being pushed.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

You are exactly right, it's emotional manipulation through guilt. It's everywhere.

I have a personal rule that I never let anyone induce guilt in me unless 1) they are a bible-believing Christian and 2) I know they love me. There may be some exceptions, but absent those two factors I find guilt is virtually always a manipulation tactic rather than a Holy Spirit-led tool for correction.

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I`m a $200 an hour plumber and I rarely get a tip

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Hope business is good John, love to hear stories of guys in the trades doing well.

But $200/hour and a fifty-year old house is why I do my own plumbing. Just augured out the main sewer line yesterday. My el cheapo Harbor Freight auger has paid for itself many times over. Gotten pretty good at repairing pin hole leaks too.

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We did the exact same thing as you because on a fixed income. The trades are pricing themselves out of jobs - installed 4 mini splits for 25% cost of inefficient CHAC. Cost to put in a 3/4 bath plumbing only in new add on $12k - can’t afford and not done.

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Agree. The trades are far to expensive for me as I'd rather do that stuff myself and pocket the cash. It takes some skill but it's not differential calculus. Same with auto repairs, the burdened labor rates are insane. (BTW, $200/hour equates to $400k/year which is nuts.)

As to the trades soaking the laptop class who couldn't change a tire to save their lives, have never had a blister, and think working with one's hands is beneath them, more power too them! Soak away!

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In brief, how do you repair a pin hole leak? Cheers, thx.

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Well, assuming you have copper pipes there's the quick and dirty way and the right way.

Both require cutting out the small leaking section of the pipe using a tubing cutter. The Q&D method uses a device called a Sharkbite that slides onto the pipe and seals it. I've used them and they work great, how long they last is an open question. I wouldn't seal one in a wall but have used one in a crawlspace.


The right way just solders in a new section of pipe using a two couplers with a propane torch you can get at the hardware store for $10. The downside is you can burn your house down if you are a moron, but I've not had any problems.

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Don't need one at that rate, John--LOL!

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I got the same tip rq when buying a shirt the other day. The person did not wait on me in any way. She just rang up my purchase. It’s really rude. Next thing you know they’ll be adding the tip option to the grocery store check out people.

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I want a tip from the grocery store to check myself out then 😆😂

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We stopped to grab lunch at McAlisters Sunday noon, on our way to our New Years Eve destination. When we paid, the tip suggestion popped up. "Would you like to tip?" The lowest suggestion was 20%! It went up as far as 40%! You order at the counter, they hand you your drink, and they bring you your food when it's ready, then they clean up after you. We don't mind leaving a tip on the table, but asking folks to tip 20%-40% for a portion of restaurant service is too much! We always tip 20% and up when a waitress or waiter takes our order. And up to 35% for the breakfast waitress. I just think asking for a tip at the point of service is wrong!

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3

It also kills me to tip BEFORE I receive my food. There’s a jimmy johns that I frequent- ok sure I’ll give you 15% on my $5 little John sub 🤷‍♀️ no big loss, but then come to find out it’s wrong, or takes forever, or the bread is stale, etc… what’s the incentive? Tips should be earned, and given for a job well done, not assumed or expected. I’m sure they don’t get paid BEFORE they come to work... Just more nonsense.

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Exactly the way I look at it! A tip is earned! My hairdresser told me at her last job she was given a only a portion of her tips! The shop owner would keep half of the all the stylist's tips. I would love to know how that owner justified doing that to her stylists! Seems illegal!

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My fear is if I don’t tip, they’ll spit in my food when eating out....just another reason to eat at home!

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My mom always said, “Guilt is not from God”. Although I wish some non-believers felt SOME guilt or shame! 🤣

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I tip & am happy to do so as the people work hard for wages that no one could live on. I am grateful for the work that they do. Ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?” How about going after taxation. We are taxed, re taxed, re re taxed!! The greedy corporate heads & billionaires are the ones to focus on. Not people doing jobs for pennies that no one else will do.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

Respect your opinion and think that's great if it makes you happy. I'm specifically referring to the recent practice where there's now a tip question and suggested amount when one buys normal stuff.

There's no personal service involved, yet the store puts it in there to manipulate people into tipping their employees. If the store feels so strongly about their employees finances, then why don't they pay them more?

As to people doing low-level jobs, these are supposed to be entry-level and temporary, people work themselves up over time to higher positions and more money. That used to be the norm and it was understood. People were motivated to work harder and advance, not make a career out of the drive-in window.

I worked at a drug store when in school for $2.90/hour and no one ever tipped me, and I never expected it. But I also understood it was a temporary situation and I had much higher goals.

As to WWJD, I've read the New Testament plenty of times and don't ever remember Him just giving away money.

Edit: Jesus did tell the rich young ruler to give away all his possessions and follow Him. But that message there was not that possessions are bad, but that if one loves their stuff more than God, they have a problem. Anyways, no judgement from me, God bless you for helping out the less fortunate.

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Well, you just need to get with the program and boost your sense of entitlement. /s

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Thank you for saying so. I refuse to tip unless it is service based like a sit down restaraunt or car detailing or hair cut.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

Yup, tipping is for personal services rendered where someone is focused specifically on an individual/group. There's an air of intimacy in the relationship. Not for some guy flipping burgers for everyone who walks in the door.

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IMO - tipping is the cash equivalent of offering cold beers to the tradesmen who have just worked three hours out in the sun to fix your #$%#$ aircon in the middle of summer.

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"Here's a tip: Don't take the vax."

Worth more than gold.

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I do tip at my favorite local coffee shop because they always remember me and know what I like and how I like it 🙂 But that’s just because I love the place, the people and the service so much! 🥰

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

That's exactly the kind of personal service I'm talking about, they go out of their way to make you feel at home and comfortable. Plus, I doubt they act entitled to it.

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Yes, exactly 🙂

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Agreed. Tips should be earned through exceptional service not through emotional manipulation.

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3

Yes I hate the manipulation 😡

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

We don’t often go to Starbucks but last year was so appalled and offended when the drive thru person sticks the card reader out and says “oh it will ask you a question”…. uh, now we are tipping drive thru people?! Ya no. NO! I refuse. Apparently this is a regular thing now. We have never tipped in the cafe or drive thru.

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Did they make you put your card in a reader attached to a pole? My local coffee chain started that bs in 2020 because they were afraid of getting cooties from a piece of plastic. It is so flipping ridiculous.

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LOL. Basically. Its tied to a cord. But today I had this thought you know, if we paid in cash there would be no question. No one is going to say to the driver or would you like to tip me too? Or can I get a tip with that? Card readers make it so unobtrusive!

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You almost have to tip the cop for not giving you a ticket.

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Uhhh...isn't that called a "bribe"?

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We have a Blaze Pizza nearby ... have been wondering about it. Thanks for the Keto Crust mention!

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It is surprisingly good for what it is (4 grams carbs per slice, 2 are fiber IIRC). Plus it's gluten free. Not the same as good old-fashioned pizza dough by any stretch, but pretty decent.

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Evidently it is part-owned by Lebron James? I may hae to get really hungry first, lol. But I'll still try it. :-)

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They also do a pizza without the crust at all - just all the ingredients cooked on the pizza pan you eat with a fork. If you are doing super low carb eating.

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That’s what I do at home. But hubby got a pizza oven for Xmas so I’ll likely lean toward “meatsa” crusts (made of ground meat and cheese)

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Not only that, but it's often an absurd amount being suggested. I had one ask me if I wanted to tip 10, 15, or 20% on a $150 purchase. I had to laugh out loud.

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I have no confidence that those tips go to the staff. Probably right into corporate profits.

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A little context about why asking for tips has become so ubiquitous.

My wife and I used to own a small business. If you want to accept credit cards (a must these days), you have to contract with a company that processes credit cards. You also have to have a point-of-sales (POS) software system to actually ring customers up. Most credit card processors are the same in that they charge a small fee and then something like 2.5-3% of all credit card transactions, but POS systems for small businesses are expensive and incredibly difficult to develop and maintain.

Eventually companies developed very user-friendly, very adaptable POS systems that could be adopted and used by all kinds of small businesses (think Square, Stripe, Shopify, etc.), and they allow these businesses to use their POS systems for free as long as they use said company as their credit card processor. Speaking from experience, you have no idea how beneficial this is for small businesses and so a LOT of small businesses use them.

These companies also figured out that if they are getting paid by taking a percentage of credit card transactions, an easy way to get more money is to upsell by guilting people into spending more money with their credit card at each transaction. Thus, the ask for a tip at every transaction that the employees have no control over and cannot actually move on and complete the transaction without you answering the question. So don't get too upset with the people working the register. Just say no and move on. A quick look at Square's FAQ shows that there is no option to turn this off, and it probably makes a lot of employees as uncomfortable having to ask for a tip as it makes you upset that they are asking. I'd bet they take more than their fair share of backlash from angry patrons about it, too. The public can be awful.

These companies and copycat companies have now likely branched out into working with more chain type retailers as well to provide their POS software, which is why you also see it at places like Blaze and Jimmy John's and Starbucks. They don't just supply to food service, either. They've branched out into traditional retailers like clothing stores as well.

Anyway, I hope that helps some.

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Thanks Jeff for the keto suggestion at BLAZE

Never been. Will have to see if there is one near by in Phoenix or Yuma possibly.

Sometimes we venture into a city and that may be a fun treat 🍕

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Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

— Hebrews 10:19-25 LSB

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Ah Janice! I take these words to heart. We need fellow Christians, in these evil days, to help us navigate this secular world. The encouragement of my priest and fellow Church-attendees keeps me strong and balanced.

“not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”

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Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

I appreciate your optimism about 2024. For me Fauci doesn’t stand out as the worst villain of the pandemic because on occasion he told the truth, but I’m hardly in the Fauci fan club. I think the worst villain was Rochelle Walensky. She was the one that eagerly pushed the vaccination age down lower and lower to six months. She was the one who told women to get vaccinated—before they became pregnant, during their pregnancy, or after birth during nursing. I personally know three women that took her advice. One had a still birth, one had a life threatening complication with the placenta, and one has a child that got severe covid after birth and may be autistic. She knew the vaccines didn’t prevent covid because the CDC e-mails show that California was reporting covid break through infections to the CDC and they just ignored them. She deliberately lied to the public and particularly to pregnant women and parents of young children. I think about her sometimes, and my thoughts are not friendly.

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Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

I have a co-worker whose wife developed severe eclampsia at 22 weeks of pregnancy (which is very unusual). The baby died and the mom was quite sick for weeks afterwards. You will never convince me the shot didn't have something to do with it.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

Rochelle Walensky; killing a whole generation of infants.

In the character of Herod. In the character of Pharaoh.

If Fauci ever (debatably) told the truth, it was only so that the people would accept a bigger lie.

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So many collaborated on this. How else could they stay in "the cool club." It has been very very lucrative for them as well.

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All the tyrannical POS need to go down.

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Well they have sold their souls so they're already partway down. I would like to see some justice (lawful of course) as well.

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The "cool club" meets daily in the parlor car on the Money Express.

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I think that God has a special place for people like Fauci and Walenzky... their life will end here and they will be held accountable. I would not want to be them when judgement is given.

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Not interested in debating culpability- premediated murder all around - see how slippery slopes work - don’t protect the vulnerable - abortion on demand, devalue the aging and don’t protect women (after feminism we r equal to men). Every one of these psychopaths involved have emails verifying knowledge of potential harms (via Pfizer’s court mandated release of papers) AND one of the many “secret” govie databases indicating the same as the shots rolled out. If this is not fixed, history will repeat itself until all life is extinguished.

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Fauci was far more of a villain, along with Bill Gates. He has done so much harm to mainstream medicine and research over the years that he should hang. Both of them were directing this whole debacle. Walensky was just a paid messenger to push a narrative. Read “The Real Anthony Fauci” by RFK Jr. for a real eye opener.

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I have another maybe not heartwarming, more harrowing, video that Denis Rancourt called the “FIRST MUST-WATCH CLIP OF 2024” in a tweet. To commemorate the one-year anniversary of Mistakes Were NOT Made, I published Mike Yeadon’s incandescent reading of my poem:


C&C Army, I would be grateful if you would help with our mission to get this as widely viewed as possible to counteract the “Mistakes were made” narrative currently being cemented. This will also help us combat the censoring Mike has been experiencing from the gatekeepers within our own community.

Thank you for whatever you are willing to do to help us fight this battle of words and pierce the veil of lies with narrative-shattering truths! 🙌

P.S. Here is Denis's tweet for those who would like to see/RT:


Unfortunately, he didn't use "Mistakes Were NOT Made" in the text, and my hope was we could get that phrase trending on Twitter again, so here is my tweet if you'd like to RT for that purpose:


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Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

And what’s with their passive verb tense apologies, anyway?

How about, “I am sorry, I was wrong. I really made some bad mistakes.”

I still don’t think they were mistakes. But taking actual responsibility would be a better start.

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Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

Bill Clinton was the one who perfected that language if memory serves. Mistakes were made. What a strange sentence structure, the past passive tense. No acknowledgement of who made the mistakes (passive tense) and there's an inference the mistakes committed themselves. Plus there's an implication it's no longer happening (past tense). Of course, whether they actually were "mistakes" rather than intentional is an whole different question that isn't addressed.

No one talks like that unless they are deliberately trying to obfuscate, it's duplicitous language intended to deceive. We are so surrounded by scumbags.

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This from a man whose defense against the Monica Lewinsky down on her knees incident rested upon the infamous words "that depends of what the definition of IS is". Wow I thought then, as now. The most used verb in any language, and the Rhodes scholar does not know what it means.

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"I didn't inhale."

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Like this a hundred times and then a hundred times more. 🎯🎯🎯🎯

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The irony and gaslighting runs deeper than we can comprehend. The cleverly-titled book "mistakes were made but not by me", which captures the reflective word salad, is written by New York liberals who, guess what, blame *antivaxxers* among their "conspiracy theorist" targets! But never Leftists, who are the fount of the phrase. Just ask Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald how their Liberalism worked out when the truth came calling.

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Wow, thank you for letting me know more about that book. One of my readers recently alerted me that searching for "Mistakes Were NOT Made" on some search engines yielded that book amongst the top results, which he suspected was not a mistake ;-)

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Something made me think of this – a skewering of the so-called Intellectuals and also extraordinarily educational – is Tom Wolfe's final book "The Kingdom of Speech". A hilarious and extraordinary takedown of Darwin and Chomsky with cold hard facts, and quite a cast of characters. A short read and wonderful. Tom Wolfe is sorely missed, I only wish after the first couple works of fiction he had simply returned to nonfiction. So much of the cultism in that book that is today considered "settled science" including by our own folk, is hokum dressed to the nines.

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Recently reread "The Right Stuff", what a fantastic book. There's not a writer alive today that I know of that comes close to Tom Wolfe. Every sentence is a crafted work of art.

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Sounds like a delightful romp—audiobook purchased!

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Doesn't "mistakes were made" date to Nixon and Watergate?

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Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

Or at least the royal "we" if they can't muster the courage or decency to say "I." "We made mistakes" would be much better than "stuff happened, let's move on now." (As an aside, another one that drives me nuts is the "I'm sorry you feel that way" non-apology. I mean, don't be sorry for how someone else feels about what you did. Be sorry for what you did that initiated that feeling.)

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Well, there are times when I can be sorry that someone is feeling x about what I said or did without being required to be sorry for what I did. For instance, a recent conversation with my spouse revealed they have been feeling a particular way about an alleged thing I said quite some time ago. I have zero recollection of saying what I supposedly said, and I am quite confident that what I was said to have said was actually gravely misunderstood. However, I wasn’t as interested at the moment in parsing that out as I was in apologizing that my spouse had felt the way they felt in response to what was said. Because I truly am sorry they have been carrying that emotional weight all these years.

I agree absolutely that “I’m sorry you feel that way” can be said in an incredibly dismissive way, with no actual regard for the person’s feelings. But, there are actually times when it’s okay to be sorry for the feelings without also being required to feel sorry for the actions inciting the feelings.

I’m really sorry that my kiddo is missing out playing with friends but I am not sorry for the action (requiring to do chores first) that elicited that feeling of loss.

We probably both agree on this, in the long run.

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Yes, agreed. It's all situational.

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I think the problem with this phrase is it is often used to turn it around on the other person. They want to give themselves credit for an apology while acting like it is about the other person's emotion rather than their action.

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Except it wasn't "we" who made the mistakes.

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"I am sorry that you have finally figured out that my willful actions have harmed you immensely and killed your loved ones."

Followed by: "You can be sure that I will never allow you to learn of my treachery again."

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Hurting you was the last thing I wanted. But it was definitely on the list.

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They would need to duck and run from the lawsuits.

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Unfortunately, those that still believe it was the right thing to do, can't bring themselves to admit it, like the Covidian Fauci lovers. I tried to explain this at Christmas when a family member asked my opinion of what happened. It was a disaster!! Likely, never to interact with that family member again after I explained to her, "we've been had".

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wily_coyote-genius--This family member, what are the trusted news sources which shapes their beliefs? If they don't venture beyond the legacy media, they will remain siloed in their world. But hats off to you for trying.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

This morning's lead article by Mercola was entitled in part, "Unintended Consequences ". I was disappointed that Dr. Joe would use those words describing any outcome associated with the kill shot.

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MAA--Thank you! What side is Malone on the "Mistakes Were Not Made"?

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This may answer your question:


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This link is jam packed with phenomenal info and receipts. And practical philosophy. I also was forced to ditch red diaper baby Alex Berenson as doing as much harm as good. He grabs onto a conceit and - here is the key with these "own-goal" types - falsely smears truth-tellers to "prove" his own "objectiveness" and moderate-ness. In other words, they gaslight and virtue-signal for their own egotistical purposes, or in the case of Malone, to ill-advisedly try to "convince 'moderates'".

"Moderates" negotiated at Yalta and gave away 200 million people to slavery or death. Moderates elected Obama. Moderate stooges ensured the 2020 election was rigged, changing the course of history for the disastrous worse, yet again. On and on it goes...

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MAA--Given that there is no epilogue (at least I didn't see one) that Robert Malone has yet, to see that Mike Yeadon, Latypova and others have accurately portrayed where the fingers need to be pointed if we are interested in getting to the bottom of what was done and who did it. Right?

And if I am understanding correctly, DeSantis and likely Lapado have yet to arrive at the BARDA, DARPA, Globalist, etc center of gravity. The FDA is a relevant side show but still misses the target.

I can see DeSantis trying to avoid the third rail of third rails (conspiracy fact), but with Malone its my feeling that he is still in his own silo. Whether that is an ego thing, I don't know. I know he has or still feels he was never appropriately recognized for his work on mRNAs, and he knows the jabs are dangerous, so where does he want to go with this for accountability and justice?

MAA is there anyone in Congress that is on the Yeadon/Latypova wavelength?

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Good question, Michael, and I honestly don’t know. The only one I’m aware of who even comes close is Ron Johnson, hence my letter to him last year:


Ron was kind enough to speak on the phone with me about my letter but did say the legislation I proposed would never pass ;-) He was very nice and supportive, but I also know he is walking a fine line and trying to avoid veering too far into what is perceived as conspiratorial territory. Sasha and Katherine provided him with extensive documentation, but nothing has come of that as of yet.

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Safety in numbers, lonely are the brave, obstacles to cure. You're either part of the problem or part of the solution. Just cliches that come to mind.

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Nice work. I’ve been hearing both sides about Malone and I couldn’t figure out where he really stood. His lawsuits were concerning. Your articles really sum it up. It’s so hard to figure out who is fighting the good fight and who is controlled opposition. I guess follow the money is still the way to go.

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Exactly the same actually

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There are a number of authentic heroes and Dr. Yeadon is one of them.

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He does such an excellent reading of your poem.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

I can't find the name of the doctor who has been promoting this, but he's been using intravenous Vitamin C to treat sepsis and has had great success. Looks like people are finally writing papers about it: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31978969/ (maybe he's one of the writers).

I don't know if this would help people with vax-induced sepsis, but it's worth a try instead of waiting until a person needs to have limbs amputated.

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Dr. Paul Marik- FLCCC

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Now HE is a HERO! The FLCCC have so much useful info on their website. It’s crazy to see how we were fooled into believing for decades, that there was basically no treatment for colds and flues and no way to stop them. Safe,easy and cheap methods are available - the information has been suppressed. I urge everyone to check out their site-no matter what “side” of the CoVid debate you are on.

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Thank you!

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Methylene blue and C.

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I have been using methylene blue daily for 3 years. My mitochondria are very happy

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I take two drops daily in water. Six day on, one day off.

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Dr. Linda--daily taking MB? Thought for emergency only? Might not be of use when needed then? Just wondering. TY. Second--Still looking for good source?

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Yes daily. Here is a great beginner book

The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue: Remarkable Hope for Depression, COVID, AIDS & other Viruses, Alzheimer’s, Autism, Cancer, Heart Disease, ... Targeting Mitochondrial Dysfunction) Paperback – May 14, 2021

by Mark Sloan (Author)

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Think it’s ok to use with a leaky gut and chronic inflammatory response syndrome? And methylation issues and mold biotoxin illness?

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Rosalind McGill--great questions

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Just bought this book last month along with his book on red light therapy!

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Dr. Linda--Thank you--very much. And your source for MB would be great help too please.

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I saw that video before, too. A friend died of sepsis and I wish I could have found a way to get them to actually SEE that there was help for her.

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You might enjoy searching on youtube for a video "vitamin C new zealand 60 minutes" for a great sepsis story and lipospheric vitamin C (so you can save you loved one when the docs won't give them enough in an IV)

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The issue is the medical personnel don’t listen and the families don’t listen. I bet the dying person would if they could.

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Dr. Paul Marik has a protocol that that greatly diminishes death in cases of sepsis. It’s IV vitamin C with thymine and a few other things. It has greatly helped many people who would have otherwise died.

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Paul Marik’s HAT protocol (hydrocortisone/steroid + ascorbic acid=Vit C + thiamine=vit B1)

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Wasn’t sure if it was Andrew Saul Ph.D

He has the newsletter Doctor Yourself

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Here's the website for the Orthomolecular News Service, which he is editor of.


If you scroll back to early 2020 there are verified shots of TONS of vitamin C being trucked into Wuhan, shipped from Scotland.

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Will hospitals allow it? It doesn’t sound like something that would be approved by the government health protocols.

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Jan 2Liked by Jeff Childers

Im stuck on Mr Bostic, what an absolute hero he is and maybe the fire department should hire him, he has everything they need, a huge heart and the love for humanity.

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That was true bravery. Thank God he was there.

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And the way he kept asking about the baby..."please tell me the baby is okay."

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I was screaming "she is! she is!" Emergency personnel were taking to long to tell him.

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That melted my heart, got all choked up when I heard him say that ❤️

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Gotta pay better than pizza delivery

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Not just pizza delivery men are heros, which I commend him for doing so. We have to look at all blue collar workers like the truckers. I am still in awe how much they did, but so ignored by the gov't for the peaceful protest in Canadian capital of Ottawa!

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I’m in awe of the power guys, amazing after Hurricane Ion in Florida.

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The answer to your question Jeff about what kind of initial rituals are required of the Fauci fan club members should be obvious. A complete lobotomy is step one.

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It should be having their voice silenced and placed on a mound of fire ants so they can say, “Those beagles endured for the community!”

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Giving up person integrity is one.

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I wonder if any of those doctors and hospitals were using or even aware of Dr. Paul Marik’s protocol for sepsis using IV vitamin C, Thiamine and hydrocortisone. He developed it years ago so it should be expected as part of their job as professionals to at least give it a go before chopping off limbs. Too bad for the patients though that it’s so cheap and nobody can make any money off it. As Jeff might say, I’m not saying anything; I’m just sayin’.


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I'm quite sure many doctors were aware of the vitamin C for sepsis, but if hospital protocols for sepsis didn't/don't consider it standard of care, I'm not sure how much leeway they would be given. Same situation with not using Iver or Hydrox for Covid - doctors banned from using it since not an approved hospital protocol. Sickening!! Let patients sign a release from liability and use it anyway!!

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It's not the release, it's the cheapness. No big bucks to be made.

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Early on in the scamdemic I tried to provide a friend with some counter narratives regarding the lockdowns & jabs. One of his responses used the "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" line or something similar (not sure if he was intentionally trying to quote Star Trek or not). As I thought about it though - Spock volunteered himself to consider the needs of the many over his own wellbeing. Captain Kirk didn't order or mandate his suicide mission. People are free to martyr themselves to the covidian cause; just don't impose your delusion on me.

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Especially when not only did their martyring themselves not accomplish the stated purpose but it was really just a cover for everyone else to cater to the Covidians own fears 😕

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Just another twist on “to each according to his need”. Collectivism in action.

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Fauci "float" in Gainesville. Wondering if the person on the left of the photo holding the sign "No one is above the law" was part of the float or a quick thinking bystander.

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I was wondering the same. I also noticed that it appears that Fauci's hands are behind him as if in handcuffs.

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I see what you mean! It would be interesting if somewhere there are photos of the back of this "thing".

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The miracle of the woman’s acceptance thus far of her amputations is part of an initial shock and trauma reaction. It’s her body and brain’s way of surviving right now. I’m not minimizing the genuine utility of the response. However, in a year or two or three when the initial response can no longer fortress against the horror of the new reality, she and her family will need immense compassionate support as they experience the truth of what had happened and how it has affected their lives. May God continue to be gracious and may be give them a rich experiential knowing of himself in all his gentle and loving presence.

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I'm guessing, judging by her tee shirt, she is well on her way to understanding God's blessings and plans.

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Why didn't Jesus save her?

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Well she obviously still has a purpose now, wouldn't you have to say?

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Perhaps to test her mettle.

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The lord works in mysterious ways.

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I thought Makis earned his chops solving sepsis using IV vitamin C treatments? Why are these people losing limbs to sepsis?

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Henry - I can’t help but wonder if hospitals are even aware of this protocol. I doubt it. No money in it.

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They know. They don't care.

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Because it’s been suppressed and never allowed to be standard of care. Like some other safe drugs were in the last few years.

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Even if doctors are aware of the Iv vitamin C treatments, they are likely not allowed to use the protocol if it isn't standardized and approved by the hospital. Which won't happen since there isn't any money to be made using iV vitamin C.

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Medicine is broken.

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In case you are not in health care, the peripheral circulation shuts down due to dangerously low blood pressure and the body shunts all needed circulation to major organs, causing cell death in the limbs. Very sad to see (I worked ER and ICU in the past). No mention of Vit. C back then.

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I was wondering what it meant. Thank you. I’ve been doing vit c IVs 4-5x a year. Meyers cocktail actually. Maybe I should up that to monthly?

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Dr. Paul Marik, along with Dr. Pierre Kory developed the IV Vitamin C treatment protocol. I believe Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Utilitarian Ethics. It's the ethics that's taught to the "best and brightest" at elite schools. Who come to believe they are the calm, cool, rational leaders, the "good stewards" over the ignorant, stupid, emotional masses. Masses who must have important decisions made by an elite, those cut from a finer cloth of man.

It's not a coincidence that Fauci's wife, Christine Grady, is the Chief Bioethicist at the National Institute of Health. Or that the WHO's top science and pseudoscience leaders practice utilitarianism, as self-described Marxists do. Or that these same "good stewards" are counted among the eugenicists of our time, who are direct descendants, by blood and thought, of the eugenicists who brought us SCOTUS 8-1 Buck v. Bell "Three generations of imbeciles is enough" jurisprudence. That the German (allopathic) medicine industry embraced and cited as their defense in the Nuremberg trials for crimes against humanity.

Thing about ethics is, there's other philosophies of ethics that truly value human life, volition, choice. They're broadly known as Kantian and Virtue Ethics. The types of ethics most of us know and understand, try to practice in our lives. Marxists and all authoritarian governing philosophies consider Kantian and Virtue ethics as quaint throwbacks. Modern society needs Utilitarianism. Ends justifies the means, lies in service to a larger good.

And politicians are largely esteemed by the "elite" "good stewards" for their ability to poke and prod an unwilling public in the direction their betters have in mind for them. Remember the "usually good liar," "congenital liar" laudatory descriptions for the Clinton's in a prior era? How John McCain was held up as the best type of statesmen all politicians should aspire to become - because he lied to his constituents about repealing Obamacare just months before voting from his deathbed to keep it.

Too many examples to cite. Because utilitarian ethics are the currency of authoritarians. And must be challenged. "Who among us believed themselves cut from a fiber cloth of man?" To rule over others. A quote from US Revolutionary times who I've lost the attribution for. If you know who said it please add to comments below.

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Did the Fauci husband/wife team at the NIH have to sign any sort of Conflict of Interest statement? If so, who approved such a thing?

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Of course they're ethical! How dare you impugn them with suggestions they needed to sign any sort of Conflict of Interest statement!! The Chief Bioethicist of the National Institute of Health makes sure everything they do is guided by good ethics, var. Utilitarian:


Christine Grady, aka Mrs. Fauci, wrote about how ethical it is to mandate injections of experimental biotechnology!


The guidance paper in her own hand:


And anybody questioning Fauci's ethics or a conflict of interest with her work and his work is just a hater! They are above reproach, ethical beyond question! Look how warm and fuzzy and caring these most ethical people of all are! The audacity of the ignorant, stupid and emotional masses to question their betters!:


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Ugh it’s sickening!!

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There are also the ethics of Jesus and his Father.

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Which, unfortunately, aren't the ethics practiced in the church institutions erected in his name. All institutions of man, including those ostensibly in service to Christ and his father are inescapably corrupt. All men are fallen. Even men of the cloth. The same man subject to the same corrupting influences as all implements of power. The money changers in the temples never went away. Still as corruptible and corrupted as ever, while adorned with crosses and mezuzahs or the other faith's symbols of devotion.

Know Jesus and his father through one's self. They need no interpreter, no conduit to connect with them. Man and institutions of man as gatekeeper to God is the source of much evil.

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Very true, but one should be cautious to not use this as an excuse to write off the Church in its entirety - because "the Church" is just people, many of whom also know God and may have something to teach us.

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I can see that. I've become less and less compromising these last few years. I used to be open to allopathic health diagnoses and treatments. Now I know the only thing it's good for is gunshot and car accident wounds. Everything else, cancer, gall stones, heart issues, etc I trust most any other complementary and alternative healing modality much, much more than ANY allopathic medicine practitioner.

Church is the same way. Has its limited purposes, but stay small and closest to you, no monetary, status or other ambitions for the leaders in it. Both equally susceptible to the corrupting influence of power, the bigger and more powerful it gets.

If complementary and alternative healers ever had the same power behind it as allopathic it would become just as corrupt and less trustworhty for my health. Same for my spiritual health.

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Well said. "The rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, but not so with you. He who is the greatest among you must be your servant."

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