☕️ TOUGHEN UP ☙ Thursday, August 1, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Double assassination provokes Middle East; visible Times narrative shift over Ukraine; Venezuelan dictator wants to fight Elon; another jab study links Alzheimer's; Texas scores off Facebook; more.
Good morning, C&C it’s Thursday! There is a LOT going on in the world this week, as 2024 continues delivering on its promise to make every previous year look boring. In today’s roundup: Israel double-assassination spoils President Cabbage’s day, or maybe not, the NYT can’t decide; Times narrative about-face on Ukraine war prospects and peace deals; Venezuelan elections stir weird controversies and dictator-billionaire face-offs; new jab study links Alzheimer’s to mRNA shots; Texas slams Facebook with $1.4 billion settlement over facial recognition data; and Eleventh Circuit joins others in staying awful Biden transgender education rules.
🚀🚀 Only the New York Times! The Grey Lady ran a dire story yesterday headlined, “Back-to-Back Assassinations in Middle East Scramble Biden’s Hopes for Peace.” The sub-headline added, “President Biden had anticipated using his remaining time in office to finally bring an end to the war in Gaza. But that was Monday.”
Now come on. Do they really expect us to believe Biden planned to end a war someplace? He was working diligently on his peace plan until these inconvenient assassinations happened? Is he planning anything? But I digress, and we’ve only started.
News of an Israeli double-assassination of two top terror leaders —a Hezbollah commander killed in Beirut and a Hamas political leader slain in Tehran— provoked a same-day emergency meeting of the United Nations, trying to stop the entire Middle East from devolving into full-out kinetic war and dragging the rest of the world into it.
But the New York Times’s narrative was how badly this terrifying series of events have inconvenienced President Cabbage’s political ambitions — even though he’s not even running anymore. It was so bizarre it makes me wonder whether, instead of Joe’s hopes for peace being scrambled, reporters’ brains have been scrambled, perhaps by some invisible antagonist like spike protein, sunspots, magnetic pole shift, demons, or maybe seed oils. We don’t know yet.
Despite giving sixteen column inches to how very inconvenienced Joe was, the Times, contradicting its essential premise, also admitted it was the Biden Administration that practically begged Israel to do it:
The article explored the Biden Administration’s pro-assassination logic. It explained that negotiations would be easier if Israel proves to the other sides that, and I quote, it is “a tough son of a b—ch.” That is one hundred percent consistent with President Kumquat’s pugilistic foreign policy, which rather than hoity-toity diplomacy and negotiating national differences, consists more of punching everyone in the conference room and then hitting them with rocks.
This is a developing story, and the situation remains fluid, but so far, despite white-hot rhetoric from all sides, it does not appear this is “it,” not yet. From a separate Times article (linked in the previous sentence):
Only in 2024 could Iran act as the adult in the room. In another sign of restraint, Iran called the emergency U.N. Security Council meeting to discuss how to avoid escalation. As far as I can tell, the meeting went nowhere; corporate media did not cover that story.
Unless I am vaporized in a mushroom cloud, I will keep you posted on developments related to Joe Biden’s latest disappointment. And right after getting edged out of the nomination, which must have been almost as disappointing for him as not negotiating a Gazan peace deal, or finding out the White House cafeteria is out of mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Maybe Vice President Plan B could help?
🚀🚀 Speaking of frustrating peace deals, the prospects for the Proxy War are diminishing to the point scientists now must use special instruments to detect any good news for Ukraine. Yesterday, the New York Times ran a tear-jerking story headlined, “As War Gets Bleaker, More Ukrainians Appear Open to a Peace Deal. the first random Ukrainian quoted in the story dolefully said, “better a bad peace than a good war.” The second person the Times quoted said, “I want everything to be finished, at least somehow.”
Biden isn’t the only one ‘frustrated’ with war. “Increasingly frustrated,” the Times informed readers, expanding on its theme, “more Ukrainians appear to be opening up to the idea of a negotiated peace.” Ironically, negotiated peace in Ukraine is a concept alien to the Times, which would prefer pushing Russia into the Black Sea in a sack.
The article quoted two Ukrainian state-sponsored media polls showing growing sentiment for ending the Proxy War, presumably before Kiev runs out of comedians:
And nearly half of surveyed Ukrainians in ‘affected areas’ said they were ready to let Russia keep its gains if it could end the war. But what could be causing this sudden and unexpected shift in the polling? The Times tells us Ukraine’s prospects are being miniaturized:
If only someone could have seen this awful day coming. Maybe hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians would still be alive and eating borscht for breakfast instead of pushing up peonies.
We’ve seen one-story truth eruptions before. But it wasn’t just one story this time.
Other recent stories in the Times echoed the same discouraging message. A July 30th headline asked, “Ukraine Is Conscripting Thousands More Troops. But Are They Ready? It wasn’t a rhetorical question. The answer immediately appeared right in the sub-headline: “Large numbers of recruits will arrive at the front in the coming weeks, soldiers and military analysts said, but some are poorly trained or out of shape.”
Poorly trained and out-of-shape soldiers have a battlefield shelf life just longer than dollar-store eggs.
Another NYT story run two days before that one simply informed readers, “Russia Punches Through Weakened Lines in Eastern Ukraine. The sub-headline brightly added, “Military analysts say Russian forces are increasingly investigating Ukrainian lines to identify weakened positions before attacking and breaking through.”
It’s fair to assume the Times’ stories were approved by neocons in the Biden Administration. This is a distinctly different, pessimistic tone than the always positive pro-war messaging we’ve seen through the course of the Proxy War until now. It feels like the Times is preparing its liberal readers for something.
The narrative is shifting; watch out below!
🔥🔥 Another strange narrative shift cropped up in Venezuela this week. Yesterday, the New York Times ran a story headlined “Venezuelan Election Denounced by International Monitoring Group.” The gist of the widely covered story was that communist President Nicolas Maduro cheated in the recent elections in that country, pretty obviously, too, leading to massive protests and riots.
According to the Times, the Carter Center —the only election watchdog group Maduro’s government allowed to monitor the election— reported that Venezuela’s election violated the country’s own laws and worst of all, was undemocratic. And you know what that means.
A companion Times headline reported, “Election Results Presented by Venezuela’s Opposition Suggest Maduro Lost Decisively.” “The Times,” reporting about itself, “analyzed partial voting tallies collected by the opposition. They cast further doubt on Nicolás Maduro’s declared victory.”
It’s a bad sign for communist dictators to have lost the New York Times. Just saying.
But wait! Things got even weirder after Elon Musk posted a copy of the DOJ’s 2021 $15 million dollar bounty on President Maduro for corruption and drug trafficking. Maduro went loco. He spicily challenged Elon to a fight, and Elon promptly accepted:
CLIP: Commie dictator Maduro picks fight with space billionaire (0:27)
The Thriller in Caracas is providing Elon with comedy gold (“it’s gold, Jerry, gold!”):
Neither the Times nor Biden’s DOJ ever met a communist dictator they didn’t love. And the last thing they need everyone to think about is election problems. It’s baffling! How could this narrative switcheroo happen? Did Maduro go rogue? He isn’t cooperating? What changed? Post your thoughts in the comments.
💉💉 Oxford’s QJM International Journal of Medicine published a new study this week titled, “A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of Alzheimer’s disease.” Researchers looked at over a half million South Korean patients aged 65+, and found statistically significant higher rates of Alzheimer’s in the vaccinated group —within the first three months of getting the jab.
Interestingly, the study authors considered all types of covid vaccination, but only correlated Alzheimers’ with mRNA vaccines. They also discovered a similar correlation with mild cognitive impairment, a clinical precursor to more serious cognitive decline like Alzheimer’s. This was true with all covid jabs, but most significantly with the mRNA types.
Since they only examined the first three months following vaccination, things could be even worse. Mentally extrapolate those trend lines on the chart out a few months further and see where it goes.
Just saying, but President Cabbage has had around eight shots. Some people say you have to be mentally deranged to take the vaccines. This study suggests the vaccines could make you deranged. Chickens and eggs.
🔥🔥 On Tuesday, Texas’s Attorney General’s office published a press release headlined, “Attorney General Ken Paxton Secures $1.4 Billion Settlement with Meta Over Its Unauthorized Capture of Personal Biometric Data In Largest Settlement Ever Obtained From An Action Brought By A Single State.”
In February 2022, Attorney General Paxton sued Meta (Facebook) for capturing the biometric data (tagged photos and facial recognition) of millions of Texans without first getting informed consent. Paxton argued Meta’s data collection violated Texas's "Capture or Use of Biometric Identifier" Act and the state’s Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
This week, to settle the lawsuit, Meta agreed to pay Texas a staggering $1.4 billion over the next five years—just for collecting facial recognition data. Here is a link to the order approving the settlement. On top of the huge fine, Meta must also stop collecting Texans’ facial recognition data without their prior consent, and must delete all the data it has already collected. Boom.
Consider the old saying, “death by a $1.4 billion cuts.” One wonders whether AG Paxton would have focused so closely on Meta, absent Facebook’s corrupt pandemic censorship and its 2020 election interference. As they say, you have to pay to play.
🔥🔥 This week, after an Alabama court became the first to approve Biden’s terrible Title IX transgender rules package for schools, the Eleventh Circuit quickly granted a temporary emergency stay and set an expedited briefing schedule for plaintiffs, including the State of Florida. The temporary stay is a great early sign, as is the fact that two other Circuit Courts of Appeal have already enjoined the Department of Education’s new rules allowing men to access girls’ bathrooms and play on their sports teams. E.g.:

As I said, the temporary administrative stay is a good sign, and hopefully, it indicates that the Eleventh Circuit is inclined to follow the other circuits and find that Title IX was never intended to protect women’s sports by letting grown men with artificial breasts play on girls’ teams.
In a final note, I was very proud of Citizens Defending Freedom for filing a strong amicus brief in the case, especially since I helped CDF set up its legal team. Kudos to CDF’s lead lawyer Jonathan Hullihan and the rest of their heroic team.
Have a terrific Thursday! Roll on back here tomorrow for another great roundup of breaking essential news and commentary.
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John answered and said to them all, “As for me, I baptize you with water; but One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to untie the thong of His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand to thoroughly clear His threshing floor, and to gather the wheat into His barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
— Luke 3:16-17 LSB
I love how the NYT calls the killings of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders assassinations, while still referring to Trump’s assassination attempt as ‘a shooting at a Trump rally.’ These are deeply unserious and compromised people.