Double assassination provokes Middle East; visible Times narrative shift over Ukraine; Venezuelan dictator wants to fight Elon; another jab study links Alzheimer's; Texas scores off Facebook; more.
John answered and said to them all, “As for me, I baptize you with water; but One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to untie the thong of His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand to thoroughly clear His threshing floor, and to gather the wheat into His barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
Death to those that collect firewood on the Sabbath.
The Sabbath-Breaker Put to Death
While the Israelites were in the wilderness, a man was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly, and they kept him in custody, because it was not clear what should be done to him. Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp.” So the assembly took him outside the camp and stoned him to death, as the Lord commanded Moses.
In Dr. Malone's post today, the "all or nothing" mindset re: disqualifying the Olympian horse with the drop of blood on his leg seems rooted in such O.T. teachings as this.
People do not go to eternal agony for "not following the rules". You do not, not go to heaven because you have committed adultery, murder, thievery, etc. Eternal agony is reserved for those who have not accepted God's free gift of salvation and have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
Ecclesiastes 3:11 states, “God has set eternity on the heart of every man”, and Deuteronomy 4:29 states, “If you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him. If a person truly seeks after God, they will find him and he will make himself known. With that said, Christians need to be doing all they can to get the gospel out so all will hear and will be saved
Are you sure you're not just trying to deliberately misunderstand at this point? I think most people know what is meant by "seeking God", and it doesn't involve "seeing" God in the sense you refer to.
Many Christians believe that God will provide a way to be saved for anyone willing to take it, whether or not they have explicitly heard the name "Jesus Christ". The group of "you must explicitly accept these intellectual doctrines" are a minority, and IMO they are contradicting the Bible.
So... 2/3 of the world's population, all the jews, Buddhists and Hindus... and the rest... FAR outnumbering you pompous wind-bag "christians"... all bound for eternal torture and agony.
Read Biglino's "The Naked Bible" and wake up from your insane nightmare.
Nothing sadistic, or psychotic bc God does NOT send anyone to eternal torment....people walk themselves there, even when others throughout their lives try to prevent them from jumping into the fire...
I love how the NYT calls the killings of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders assassinations, while still referring to Trump’s assassination attempt as ‘a shooting at a Trump rally.’ These are deeply unserious and compromised people.
Yeah, dufus, iranian terrorist sulemani had American blood on his hands up to his eyebrows. You can go fuck yourself. He was there to create more terrorists, not make peace.
Soleimani was behind numerous attacks on Americans in Iraq and was apart of the IRGC. He was responsible for many American deaths. The IRGC has been designated a terrorist group.
You have to be double vaccinated and woke to read the paid off media and believe anything they say.
In reality we don’t know what hit this terrorist, because I think it was a flying pancake and just like the three letters agencies I am entitled to believe what ever I want since is my woke right to make my own history.
This comment gave me a lightbulb moment. 💡WHY did it not occur to any of us in the “control group” to simply say, “I identify as already vaxxed”?
They have pretend boobs and live in a fantasy world where 55 year old men can play ball or swim on a middle school girl’s team. Who knows WHAT they’ve done with their not-so-girly-bits. Why didn’t we simply get a fake vax card, and identify as vaxxed?
Considering I have had a ton of vaccines over my lifetime… Being in the military and all… when someone asked me if I was vaccinated the answer was yes. I didn't take "that" vaccine, of course. But, truthfully I was vaccinated.
My husband, pre-deployment, wound up with 3 anthrax vax in 1 month, their excuse? We lost your medical record. I told my husband where the hell was your mouth??
And WHY are women/girls continuing to compete with PHONY MEN/wimmen???!! WHY don't they REFUSE!!?? I just don't get it. I would have walked away at the first instance... and tried to get every other woman competitor to follow.
We women have fought hard for OUR own teams , high school, college, Pro leagues. I grew up in the 60s n 70s we didn't have girls teams, so I played baseball with my brothers' teams up until high school in the 80's. Let the Trans women form their own teams/ leagues.
The Italian woman boxer dropped out after 46 seconds of brutal pounding from the Algerian male boxer in today's Olympic match. Both the Algerian and Taiwanese men have failed the gender eligibility tests, they have X & Y chromosomes. The Olympic committee is letting the Algerian compete because he has a passport that says he's a woman, I don't know what the excuse is for the Taiwanese man. For more on this see Robert Malone's Substack from today titled: "The Beatings will Continue...Unless a Horse Fly Bites"
I read this thread on X last night regarding letting biological males compete against women. I was glad I did - it’s very good at making the point that the IOC was wrong in their decision.
I did not submit, and I wasn't going to lie about it. But then I was retired already and not put in the untenable, unlawful, inhumane position where I either took their poison or was fired. I hope, and I pray, that every person who was forced to take the poison can join a class action law suit and sue those rotten bastards all the way to their final home in hell. And by rotten bastards, I mean everyone who forced people and everyone who virtue signalled, saying things like the un-vaxxed are murders, should get no medical care, etc etc, and everyone who created the poison. They do not get sympathy and they get no compassion.
Some people might have washed the name of the patient off the card, signed their own, taken a picture-printed it on the same color card stock, and voila, a real card to rival the fake ID some people might have had to get in bars early.
I am a retired RN who worked for hospitals. After the 2009 so-called Affordable Care Act, hospital reimbursement was partially tied to the % of staff who took the annual flu jabs. The pressure was really on to take these ineffective jabs. However, since I lived in Idaho and worked in Washington State, I learned that I could just tell the Employee Health nurse that I was vaxxed at my doctor’s office in Idaho. Apparently the two state’s vaccine systems do not communicate with each other. This little factoid may be useful information in the future.
"Analysts say that the loud popping noises which seemed to have contributed to the terrorist leader's sudden fall may have been potentially related to a predawn flyover of the Iranian capitol by several fighter jets with a blue Star of David painted on their fuselages, but that it is too early to determine whether there is any significant connection at this point."
"Sources within Hamas have confirmed that the terrorist leader was in fact dead and in many, many pieces."
And a 'medical emergency' at a Trump rally. Good luck getting any truth in real time. We were way better off waiting for a real reporter to submit a true and unbiased story to an editor and waiting for the newspaper to show up on our front porch the next morning. I will take that anyday. This constant stream of lies and dis/mis/mal-information is truly vexing.
When I say deeply I mean DEEPLY. It’s scary how unserious they are, and how they can’t look a few years into the future to see what the likely cascade of these decisions will be. They’re just stuck in their utopian bubble.
Did you watch The Hunger Games movies? These people are the people of the Capitol: vapid, narcissistic and many outright evil. We are living in the dystopian world of Orwell, Rand and Huxley.
Still trying to figure out who’s the terrorist, the Israeli walking around in Tehran and Beruit assassinating people or?? What am I missing here?? How’d these people get into other countries, and unnoticed??
The NY Times is the Toilet Paper of Record, although not as soft as Charmin and it will give you hemorrhoids, but when nothing else is available it will do in a to speak.
I keep thinking these guys are trolling (the workshop teacher in Canada with the enormous prosthetic breasts was the first one) in order to point out the absurdity of this trend. But I’ve become jaded and now I just think they’re all pedos. I can’t express my disgust in words.
I had the same thought, but they are obviously serious. I read that some of this men are aroused by the thought that they are having sex with themselves. I can't recall the term. At first, I thought the term was a gag, but it's not, and that makes me gag.
It is a perversion and demonic possession/control only God can cure, and pharmakeia medication makes it worse. When we allow/invite it into our home/country, destruction and chaos follows.
1 John 3:8-10
8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's[a] seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10 By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
The Lord Jesus said it: The days before His coming will be like Noah’s days. Think about Noah’s days, it had to be so wicked that the only solution was to wipe out all living creatures except what was inside the ark.
The Ark now is the Gospel of JesusChrist! He is the only hope for the world, nothing else!
Read the New Testament and follow Jesus a little more closely, you’ll be fine.
Jesus also said the days before His coming would be like the days of Lot. Sodom and Gomorrah are a mirror of our world today. Perversion on steroids. We're there. Come, Lord Jesus!
Quite literally, perversion on steroids! And some how, unbelievably allowed into girls locker rooms and marched out in front of a crowd of parents, grandparents and community leaders who are supposed to be looking out for those young women. This defies any reasoning of sound minds.
It appears to me that Sodom and Gomorrah were really worse than bad based on what we are seeing happening today! This world has gone crazy. No wonder people will follow the anti christ without a word. “I’m glad I know who Jesus Is!” I’m glad I know Him whom to know is eternal life. John 3:16-17.
Amen. And speak the name of Jesus at every opportunity. I've been doing it and the reactions are overwhelmingly positive. I often just leave a conversation with "Jesus loves you!"
Why do you folks bother with serious replies to stuff like this? If the poster was attempting a intellectually honest discussion he would have provided a reasoned defense of his deliberately inflammatory comment. He doesn't, he just dropped a turd in the middle of the thread hoping to upset people.
Stop letting people like this emotionally manipulate you. Bard Joseph doesn't care what you think and there is nothing you can say to change his mind. He is trying to upset you. Seriously just stop. None of us are obligated to have any "respect" for someone who behaves like this.
Its exciting to know how profound ancient mythology can be, that it is worthy to be passed down through different cultures with a special message not locked in a box for targeted purposes. All people are special.
Nonetheless your post was clearly provocative: "Noah is a Sumerian myth"
A more evenhanded post could have been along the lines of: "It's interesting to see the similarities between biblical Noah and ancient Sumerian legends (post ICR link)".
Also smells of troll because the poster you replied to wasn't talking about the historicity of Noah, he was talking about evil and salvation which is relevant regardless of whether you consider Noah mythical.
I posted this earlier but seems to apply here. If it is not of God, it is of the devil and that is how you know.
1 John 3:8-10
8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10 By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.
Bard Joseph, read some of Dr. Michael Heiser’s books. The Unseen Realm is a good start or Supernatural for something easier. They may help you understand.
Dr. Michael Heiser is found on youtube and raises different Biblical perspectives about the spirit realm that many do not recognize. It is an interesting interpretation but it is up to our personal relationship with God to understand what He want us to know.
Reading Rudolph Steiner. He believes that we control our thoughts and senses. While the dead, and Angel's control our impulses and emotions and found in our dreams.
It's on my bookshelf next to The Dhammapada, The Upanishads and the New Testament. The Epic of Gilgamesh is supposedly the oldest written story and an important part of world literature
Thank you for providing a link to this article. I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God. I also believe it is important to study other points of view on any issue as long as we keep the Word of God as our main source of information and consider it as our guiding light for our lives.
While we are well on our way, we are not even close to the wickedness and depravity exhibited in Noah's time or at Sodom and Gomorrah. Salvation through Christ alone. 🙏
Finally we hate "the world" and there's nothing here to make us WANT to stay but our commission. We are aliens here, passing thru, looking forward to an eternal inheritance, with our loving, sacrificial, forever Father's family. I can hear the train acomin'!
RJ- for me, simce the 2020 steal that is the single greatest benefit of the last 4 years. I find I actually hate the world and LONG for my true home. I also long for Jesus return. Now if I can be more emboldened to Share Jesus and tell them the good news.
Why are the women stepping onto the volley/basketball courts, jumping into the pools, etc. to compete with these transgendered/transaged individuals? There can only be completion if they continue to do so.
Yes, I understand they've worked to get there, but, by entering the competitive fields, they're enabling this to continue.
Sometimes stepping up means stepping back or stepping down.
Scott Ritter was arrested in the early 2000s for soliciting a minor but beat the charges.
He was arrested again a few years later and was convicted of showing his penis off in front of an undercover cop who he believed was a minor and masturbating.
Re: jabs and Alzheimer's - my rabidly provax brother in law, now 73, a formerly very sharp high school teacher and walking fact repertory, rapidly declined after the third shot and can no longer drive, cook, write, go for a walk without accompaniment, or speak coherently. His sister went even faster and died in a nursing home. She was 75. His wife, now 67, developed a mysterious form of turbo lymphoma with brain involvement that took months to type histologically. All four got annual hi-potency flu shots, and every other vaccine offered to seniors. My husband, the youngest in the family, zero shots since childhood, is fine.
So sad! Not to mention everyone who is having autoimmune issues!! 😞 I guess we’re just in an age where our bodies are attacking themselves. 🙄 My bro-in-law is experiencing massive hives … for no reason. Drs are baffled, I however am not.
Had a lady in my pharmacy last week I felt so bad for her she had awful blisters—literally looked like 3rd degree burns—but were “unknown “. They thought it was shingles but then no. Drs Gave her Benadryl and a steroid but she had been on both for months with no results. The blisters and weeping sores covered both arms. I asked if she was vaxxed and she said I got the first two. I said it’s probably autoimmune secondary to mRNA vax and she needed to see a rheumatologist and make sure to mention loudly and often that you’re vaxxed. I wish I could have done more but it was pretty busy at the time. I’m hoping the others there were taking notes.
Oh my goodness, so sad! Good for you! Hope that helps some people. I think many are in denial because honestly how can you get your head around the worry of What did I do to myself!?!
Our Pharmacy already has a Get your flu shot type poster out. I told the pharmacist they needed to take the sign down. She nodded and said something like it’s August. Never were flu shots given in the summer time. She agreed with me about the shots. Some people are waking up. But they will end up giving if someone wants it!!!
Two older women at my aqua exercise class have the same symptoms you are describing. It looks horrendous but they have both been told they are “not infectious” because it’s autoimmune related. You can bet that virtually all those elderly ladies are boosted up multiple times - it’s Liberal loving, Dr Bonnie Henry idolizing (public health officer) CBC (National Broadcaster)brainwashed Canada.
The only time I had hives was right after a lengthy interaction with a crazy maker. This is a term from the 70’s that deserves a comeback. They make you feel like YOU are the crazy one, and YOU are inadequate, and YOU are the reason the relationship isn’t good. It’s never them, in any way. (Liberals do it all the time.) It’s a surprisingly effective technique for avoiding all growth and maturing. The body will react to this kind of emotional, non-reality-based attack. Here’s an example. You listen, and reply. Crazy maker: “Stop lecturing me!” You listen, and say nothing. Crazy maker: “I know what you’re thinking!”
I remember that term from the 70s - good term. The other one was "energy suck". Those people who use up all of your energy while adding nothing to the relationship or conversation (whether partners, acquaintances or colleagues.)
Yup. Very familiar with it. In my case, covert passive-aggressive narcissism. Only the narcissist's inner circle sees the behavior. The rest of the world thinks the person is admirable and that the victim/s misinterpret or exaggerate when reporting the behavior. Gaslighting is a classic manipulative behavior - as @laura-ann Knox notes. (From the title of the movie "Gaslight.") Five percent or something of the population. -? In a room of 20 random people, highly likely there's at least one. 😨
Exactly describes my ex husband. The psychopathy revealed itself in full upon filing for divorce and the lies and stealing from me went beyond. I lost everything but my son and half my business. I’d have given it all up to keep my son. And he knew that.
Once you see it, you’ll never be taken in by them again. It’s actually fun to stymie them. There was another 70’s or 80’s pop psychology thing about not “joining in their dance.” If you don’t play, they’re dead in the water. Of course they’ll get mad and flail around but if you’re steadfast in remaining immune to their ploys, they’ll usually find another victim.
I had it concurrently with the chemo. It was actually the Rituxan (in the chemo mixture) that gave me hives. My sense taste is fine now. I didn't have terrible issues with taste changes with my chemo cocktails, but oh was I tired!!!!
A family member had several episodes of severe hives, almost died a few times. Not jabbed either. It turned out to be alphagal which is related to a tick bite and the hives and throat closing up are a reaction from eating meat - actually any meat from animals with hooves. So no lamb, pork, beef, elk, etc. My relative is struggling to get enough nutrition from other sources (mainly eats chicken, fish, eggs for protein) but has had no episodes since giving up meat. My thinking is Alphagal is likely related to a bio engineered weapon and Lyme disease, too. There is a Facebook support group for people with alpha gal to share information as it is new as are so many other strange illnesses are these days.
I, too, have alpha gal. Too convenient for this acquired disorder to arrive just as the wokesters are trying to convince us to eat bugs.
Alpha gal is getting no press. Most medical providers haven’t heard of it unless they know someone who has it.
Fortunately I recognized my lone star tick bite and reaction within hours. I immediately ceased all mammalian food products for 30 days and then gradually reintroduced them. It’s an annoying condition for me vs the life-threatening condition for many people.
I had hives when exposed to cold temps for about 6 months after I got the Cvd infection - NO vx … the spike protein itself can cause these issues - but for those that got the Vx it’s that much worse….
John answered and said to them all, “As for me, I baptize you with water; but One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to untie the thong of His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand to thoroughly clear His threshing floor, and to gather the wheat into His barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
— Luke 3:16-17 LSB
I think we are starting to see the separating of wheat and chaff. Much of the chaff are not hiding their evil.
❤️Acts 2:38 ❤️
Shalom, sister in faith!
Amen! 🧡🧡
like my like still not accepting my input.
Nothing sadistic or psychotic about sending one's own creations to eternal agony and torment if they don't follow the rules... eh?
After all... they DESERVE it... right?
I think I heard somewhere that “actions have consequences”? 😂
Death to those that collect firewood on the Sabbath.
The Sabbath-Breaker Put to Death
While the Israelites were in the wilderness, a man was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly, and they kept him in custody, because it was not clear what should be done to him. Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp.” So the assembly took him outside the camp and stoned him to death, as the Lord commanded Moses.
In Dr. Malone's post today, the "all or nothing" mindset re: disqualifying the Olympian horse with the drop of blood on his leg seems rooted in such O.T. teachings as this.
True. So sleeping with the neighbor's wife rates an eternity of torture on some BBQ in hell?
You must be fun at birthday parties.
People do not go to eternal agony for "not following the rules". You do not, not go to heaven because you have committed adultery, murder, thievery, etc. Eternal agony is reserved for those who have not accepted God's free gift of salvation and have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
So, all of the indigenous peoples all over the planet outside
of the Middle East that had never heard of Jesus went to a place
of eternal agony while rapists and murderers went to heaven?
This sounds unjust to me.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 states, “God has set eternity on the heart of every man”, and Deuteronomy 4:29 states, “If you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him. If a person truly seeks after God, they will find him and he will make himself known. With that said, Christians need to be doing all they can to get the gospel out so all will hear and will be saved
If no one can see god and live, how can someone seek him/her?
How will he/she make himself/ herself known to me?
Are you sure you're not just trying to deliberately misunderstand at this point? I think most people know what is meant by "seeking God", and it doesn't involve "seeing" God in the sense you refer to.
Many Christians believe that God will provide a way to be saved for anyone willing to take it, whether or not they have explicitly heard the name "Jesus Christ". The group of "you must explicitly accept these intellectual doctrines" are a minority, and IMO they are contradicting the Bible.
That is simply both moronic and insane.
So... 2/3 of the world's population, all the jews, Buddhists and Hindus... and the rest... FAR outnumbering you pompous wind-bag "christians"... all bound for eternal torture and agony.
Read Biglino's "The Naked Bible" and wake up from your insane nightmare.
I would suggest reading Barbara Walker's 'Man Made God'.
Women especially should read this.
Nothing sadistic, or psychotic bc God does NOT send anyone to eternal torment....people walk themselves there, even when others throughout their lives try to prevent them from jumping into the fire...
I love how the NYT calls the killings of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders assassinations, while still referring to Trump’s assassination attempt as ‘a shooting at a Trump rally.’ These are deeply unserious and compromised people.
Look at how they fretted when trump smoked the Iranian terrorist general. Sane people cheered trump’s move.
What's a terrorist general?
Sulemani. (Spelling?)
How is that different than a regular general.
He was travelling to make peace between Iran and Iraq.
Yeah, dufus, iranian terrorist sulemani had American blood on his hands up to his eyebrows. You can go fuck yourself. He was there to create more terrorists, not make peace.
Exactly. Thank you Daniel.
What's a terrorist?
Someone who kills civilians?
True. But the jew speaketh... and the USA bends over and spreads 'em.
Even good man TRUMP.
Or was it Sheeny Kushner who gave the order?
The Jew-hater abides.
Sheeny: now there's a derogatory term for Jews that I haven't heard for decades.
He wasn’t traveling to make peace. He was facilitating attacks and trump slap chopped him and his friends in a hellfire
What not who
a SS general or a CiA director or Hilarity Clintoon
Soleimani was behind numerous attacks on Americans in Iraq and was apart of the IRGC. He was responsible for many American deaths. The IRGC has been designated a terrorist group.
Attacks on American civilians? IRGC is the Iranian army.
The Irgc isn’t apart of the Iranian army. They’re separate.
It was so angering to trump he killed their leader and a bunch of his traveling team.
Trump made the right call.
In the Pentagon?
It's a cult alright
And Trump cut off the head of the snake.
Idiot leftists think killing a terrorist general was bad. There's also people here who think the same thing.
You have to be double vaccinated and woke to read the paid off media and believe anything they say.
In reality we don’t know what hit this terrorist, because I think it was a flying pancake and just like the three letters agencies I am entitled to believe what ever I want since is my woke right to make my own history.
This comment gave me a lightbulb moment. 💡WHY did it not occur to any of us in the “control group” to simply say, “I identify as already vaxxed”?
They have pretend boobs and live in a fantasy world where 55 year old men can play ball or swim on a middle school girl’s team. Who knows WHAT they’ve done with their not-so-girly-bits. Why didn’t we simply get a fake vax card, and identify as vaxxed?
Considering I have had a ton of vaccines over my lifetime… Being in the military and all… when someone asked me if I was vaccinated the answer was yes. I didn't take "that" vaccine, of course. But, truthfully I was vaccinated.
I simply answer, “Yes!” out loud when asked, and then mentally add ‘as vaccinated as I will ever be.’
Hopefully you didn't have to take the anthrax vaccine.
My husband, pre-deployment, wound up with 3 anthrax vax in 1 month, their excuse? We lost your medical record. I told my husband where the hell was your mouth??
Is he OK?
No, I was out way before that, thankfully.
The anthrax shot was pretty bad. It messed up one guy I know pretty badly.
There was a documentary done about the service members that were injured.
Substack article about military injured by anthrax vaccine.
Millions of us made our own vaccination cards
I had a friend who cranked these out. Awesome.
Two men are fighting in the Olympics as women in the women’s boxing. Look for some poor girl to get killed.
And WHY are women/girls continuing to compete with PHONY MEN/wimmen???!! WHY don't they REFUSE!!?? I just don't get it. I would have walked away at the first instance... and tried to get every other woman competitor to follow.
that was my thought as well, I would refuse to compete on the premise that the competitors are NOT equal!
that is the NEW World Olympics! They used to check for steroids, now they ought to check for genitalia
It’s horrible 😞 Some twisted men living out their fantasies of hitting women 😡
If you are XY, you don't get to compete against a woman. Full Stop.
I wish a couple of real MEN would show HIM the error of his ways…
We women have fought hard for OUR own teams , high school, college, Pro leagues. I grew up in the 60s n 70s we didn't have girls teams, so I played baseball with my brothers' teams up until high school in the 80's. Let the Trans women form their own teams/ leagues.
I say let them get the mental health care they so desperately need?
The Italian woman boxer dropped out after 46 seconds of brutal pounding from the Algerian male boxer in today's Olympic match. Both the Algerian and Taiwanese men have failed the gender eligibility tests, they have X & Y chromosomes. The Olympic committee is letting the Algerian compete because he has a passport that says he's a woman, I don't know what the excuse is for the Taiwanese man. For more on this see Robert Malone's Substack from today titled: "The Beatings will Continue...Unless a Horse Fly Bites"
It IS terrible... but maybe the way to end this disgrace is for the girls to refuse to compete against shameless cross-dressing fagella men.
I read this thread on X last night regarding letting biological males compete against women. I was glad I did - it’s very good at making the point that the IOC was wrong in their decision.
It is absolutely unbelievable, and you are spot on, AND here you go:
I did not submit, and I wasn't going to lie about it. But then I was retired already and not put in the untenable, unlawful, inhumane position where I either took their poison or was fired. I hope, and I pray, that every person who was forced to take the poison can join a class action law suit and sue those rotten bastards all the way to their final home in hell. And by rotten bastards, I mean everyone who forced people and everyone who virtue signalled, saying things like the un-vaxxed are murders, should get no medical care, etc etc, and everyone who created the poison. They do not get sympathy and they get no compassion.
@Jeff Childers, is your lawsuit a class action?
Some people might have washed the name of the patient off the card, signed their own, taken a picture-printed it on the same color card stock, and voila, a real card to rival the fake ID some people might have had to get in bars early.
Just a rumor of course.
I thought any underage HS student could create a fake ID!
All they required was an image of a card, no paper was needed.
I am a retired RN who worked for hospitals. After the 2009 so-called Affordable Care Act, hospital reimbursement was partially tied to the % of staff who took the annual flu jabs. The pressure was really on to take these ineffective jabs. However, since I lived in Idaho and worked in Washington State, I learned that I could just tell the Employee Health nurse that I was vaxxed at my doctor’s office in Idaho. Apparently the two state’s vaccine systems do not communicate with each other. This little factoid may be useful information in the future.
The Algerian male boxer in women's Olympic boxing doesn't have any breasts. All I can see is a little eye liner.
There was an internet meme circulating that said just that.
Because I don’t want to be a liar.
I told people they could stick it in their eye 👁️🔥🔥🔥💉💉💉 I also got thrown out of 3 stores for not wearing a mask…
1. Apple Store in Huntsville Alabama 😡👹
2. Fleet Feet also in Huntsville Alabama 💩👹
3. Quick care doc… 🙄🙄
Dumb as rutabagas… 🤡🤡🤡
GBA, I think you mean cabbages, like Resident Cabbage? Or the laughing Indian hyena, Kakala?
Okay, dumb as cabbages… but I have good memories of cabbages in my dad’s garden… big as washtubs… 😊😊😊
I sent this to my hubby today at school… y’all enjoy 😁😁😁
We need this to go viral… 🤣
I did
I did!! 😂
Some of us did.
Some did just that.
I did say that 😂
Maybe what hit this terrorist was some of that shrapnel that the agency thought hit Trump?
It was a space laser. . . Duh.
You realize trump
Killed him, right?
"A shooting"? I distinctly recall it being a "loud noise", nothing more ....
Popping sounds. Nothing to see here folks.
Mostly peaceful popping noise.
could have been champagne
lol, like
Babylon Bee ran that headline (of course).
"Analysts say that the loud popping noises which seemed to have contributed to the terrorist leader's sudden fall may have been potentially related to a predawn flyover of the Iranian capitol by several fighter jets with a blue Star of David painted on their fuselages, but that it is too early to determine whether there is any significant connection at this point."
"Sources within Hamas have confirmed that the terrorist leader was in fact dead and in many, many pieces."
You gotta love the Bee!
And a 'medical emergency' at a Trump rally. Good luck getting any truth in real time. We were way better off waiting for a real reporter to submit a true and unbiased story to an editor and waiting for the newspaper to show up on our front porch the next morning. I will take that anyday. This constant stream of lies and dis/mis/mal-information is truly vexing.
‘deeply unserious’
I love that!
When I say deeply I mean DEEPLY. It’s scary how unserious they are, and how they can’t look a few years into the future to see what the likely cascade of these decisions will be. They’re just stuck in their utopian bubble.
Did you watch The Hunger Games movies? These people are the people of the Capitol: vapid, narcissistic and many outright evil. We are living in the dystopian world of Orwell, Rand and Huxley.
Yes, exactly! I’ve had the same thought many times.
me too
Glad you clarified
Word Power is the ultimate describer!
Still trying to figure out who’s the terrorist, the Israeli walking around in Tehran and Beruit assassinating people or?? What am I missing here?? How’d these people get into other countries, and unnoticed??
I guess that is why Mark Levin refers them as the NY Slimes!
The NY Times is the Toilet Paper of Record, although not as soft as Charmin and it will give you hemorrhoids, but when nothing else is available it will do in a to speak.
Can't say it otherwise, Valarie.
An understatement
55 yr old male allowed amongst those very young women ?! That's insane . This world has literally gone crazy. I hate it.
I keep thinking these guys are trolling (the workshop teacher in Canada with the enormous prosthetic breasts was the first one) in order to point out the absurdity of this trend. But I’ve become jaded and now I just think they’re all pedos. I can’t express my disgust in words.
Some pedos, some autogynophiliacs, some deeply troubled and depressed (especially teens and young adults) but all of them mentally disturbed.
It's human nature, after all.
I had the same thought, but they are obviously serious. I read that some of this men are aroused by the thought that they are having sex with themselves. I can't recall the term. At first, I thought the term was a gag, but it's not, and that makes me gag.
It’s called autogynophilia. And you’re correct, a lot of them have it. Double ick.
I’m with you. Disgust is a perfect description.
I'm right there with you.
It is a perversion and demonic possession/control only God can cure, and pharmakeia medication makes it worse. When we allow/invite it into our home/country, destruction and chaos follows.
1 John 3:8-10
8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's[a] seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10 By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
"...nor is the one who does not love his brother." A high standard for the deeply serious.
Definitely pedos!
The Lord Jesus said it: The days before His coming will be like Noah’s days. Think about Noah’s days, it had to be so wicked that the only solution was to wipe out all living creatures except what was inside the ark.
The Ark now is the Gospel of JesusChrist! He is the only hope for the world, nothing else!
Read the New Testament and follow Jesus a little more closely, you’ll be fine.
I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Psalm 27:13
Jesus also said the days before His coming would be like the days of Lot. Sodom and Gomorrah are a mirror of our world today. Perversion on steroids. We're there. Come, Lord Jesus!
Quite literally, perversion on steroids! And some how, unbelievably allowed into girls locker rooms and marched out in front of a crowd of parents, grandparents and community leaders who are supposed to be looking out for those young women. This defies any reasoning of sound minds.
Demonic minds are anything but sound.
It appears to me that Sodom and Gomorrah were really worse than bad based on what we are seeing happening today! This world has gone crazy. No wonder people will follow the anti christ without a word. “I’m glad I know who Jesus Is!” I’m glad I know Him whom to know is eternal life. John 3:16-17.
I love the Lord Jesus. My Savior , my Rock. I know God's timing is always perfect. Galatians 4:4
It seems we are fast approaching the required level of debauchery.
Only God’s love and grace is holding us!
His love for those in rebellion to come to Him in genuine repentance. Time is shorter with each passing day.
Amen. And speak the name of Jesus at every opportunity. I've been doing it and the reactions are overwhelmingly positive. I often just leave a conversation with "Jesus loves you!"
Noah is a Sumerian myth
Read The Epic of Gilgamesh for more old testament references.
Why do you folks bother with serious replies to stuff like this? If the poster was attempting a intellectually honest discussion he would have provided a reasoned defense of his deliberately inflammatory comment. He doesn't, he just dropped a turd in the middle of the thread hoping to upset people.
Stop letting people like this emotionally manipulate you. Bard Joseph doesn't care what you think and there is nothing you can say to change his mind. He is trying to upset you. Seriously just stop. None of us are obligated to have any "respect" for someone who behaves like this.
Its exciting to know how profound ancient mythology can be, that it is worthy to be passed down through different cultures with a special message not locked in a box for targeted purposes. All people are special.
Nonetheless your post was clearly provocative: "Noah is a Sumerian myth"
A more evenhanded post could have been along the lines of: "It's interesting to see the similarities between biblical Noah and ancient Sumerian legends (post ICR link)".
Also smells of troll because the poster you replied to wasn't talking about the historicity of Noah, he was talking about evil and salvation which is relevant regardless of whether you consider Noah mythical.
trolls are everywhere
I posted this earlier but seems to apply here. If it is not of God, it is of the devil and that is how you know.
1 John 3:8-10
8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10 By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.
Fascinating scholarly research - a worthwhile read.
He only stated a fact.
The Noah's Ark fable plagiarized the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Bard Joseph, read some of Dr. Michael Heiser’s books. The Unseen Realm is a good start or Supernatural for something easier. They may help you understand.
What is the message. Sounds interesting
Dr. Michael Heiser is found on youtube and raises different Biblical perspectives about the spirit realm that many do not recognize. It is an interesting interpretation but it is up to our personal relationship with God to understand what He want us to know.
Thank you Dawn.
Reading Rudolph Steiner. He believes that we control our thoughts and senses. While the dead, and Angel's control our impulses and emotions and found in our dreams.
Karma plays a major role.
You have all the rights to be wrong and I respect your opinion.
I used the read it to my students. There are some excellent books with illustrations
It's a wonderful tale.
My son read Gilgamesh at his classics-based school.
It's on my bookshelf next to The Dhammapada, The Upanishads and the New Testament. The Epic of Gilgamesh is supposedly the oldest written story and an important part of world literature
Thank you for providing a link to this article. I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God. I also believe it is important to study other points of view on any issue as long as we keep the Word of God as our main source of information and consider it as our guiding light for our lives.
While we are well on our way, we are not even close to the wickedness and depravity exhibited in Noah's time or at Sodom and Gomorrah. Salvation through Christ alone. 🙏
The god of the Old Testament was certainly a
demonic psychopath.
I recall somewhere in the Book of Enoch that they created chimera or hybrids in those days too. They never stopped their many abominations.
Amen Ed.
Amen! 🧡
Finally we hate "the world" and there's nothing here to make us WANT to stay but our commission. We are aliens here, passing thru, looking forward to an eternal inheritance, with our loving, sacrificial, forever Father's family. I can hear the train acomin'!
RJ- for me, simce the 2020 steal that is the single greatest benefit of the last 4 years. I find I actually hate the world and LONG for my true home. I also long for Jesus return. Now if I can be more emboldened to Share Jesus and tell them the good news.
Yes ... same here. Mass insanity. Empire of Lies and Inverted Realities.
There really is no shame in that group. I still can’t understand why we are lauding mental illness instead of treating it.
Why are the women stepping onto the volley/basketball courts, jumping into the pools, etc. to compete with these transgendered/transaged individuals? There can only be completion if they continue to do so.
Yes, I understand they've worked to get there, but, by entering the competitive fields, they're enabling this to continue.
Sometimes stepping up means stepping back or stepping down.
Scott Ritter goes after 15 year olds and he’s in his 50s.
What? Can you explain.
Explain Scott Ritter & 15 yr old? Clearly I’m not up to speed or just don’t get it
Scott Ritter was arrested in the early 2000s for soliciting a minor but beat the charges.
He was arrested again a few years later and was convicted of showing his penis off in front of an undercover cop who he believed was a minor and masturbating.
He went to prison for a couple years.
Here's the arrest warrant
Here's his booking info along with incarceration, dates, and charge.
He flies to Moscow frequently and gets a "heroes" welcome by the Russian MOD. Ritter even went as far as to claim Israel had been defeated.
Arrested once means it wasn’t his first time. Arrested TWICE means he went after young girls many, many, many times.
Whoever interviews him is on my no-watch list.
See below.
I wasn't addressing him at all but thanks for the info .
It's human nature, after all.
Re: jabs and Alzheimer's - my rabidly provax brother in law, now 73, a formerly very sharp high school teacher and walking fact repertory, rapidly declined after the third shot and can no longer drive, cook, write, go for a walk without accompaniment, or speak coherently. His sister went even faster and died in a nursing home. She was 75. His wife, now 67, developed a mysterious form of turbo lymphoma with brain involvement that took months to type histologically. All four got annual hi-potency flu shots, and every other vaccine offered to seniors. My husband, the youngest in the family, zero shots since childhood, is fine.
So sad! Not to mention everyone who is having autoimmune issues!! 😞 I guess we’re just in an age where our bodies are attacking themselves. 🙄 My bro-in-law is experiencing massive hives … for no reason. Drs are baffled, I however am not.
Had a lady in my pharmacy last week I felt so bad for her she had awful blisters—literally looked like 3rd degree burns—but were “unknown “. They thought it was shingles but then no. Drs Gave her Benadryl and a steroid but she had been on both for months with no results. The blisters and weeping sores covered both arms. I asked if she was vaxxed and she said I got the first two. I said it’s probably autoimmune secondary to mRNA vax and she needed to see a rheumatologist and make sure to mention loudly and often that you’re vaxxed. I wish I could have done more but it was pretty busy at the time. I’m hoping the others there were taking notes.
Oh my goodness, so sad! Good for you! Hope that helps some people. I think many are in denial because honestly how can you get your head around the worry of What did I do to myself!?!
Wonderful for your area to have an honest & bold pharmacist. Not sure I can find one locally. Too beholden to TPTB.
Our Pharmacy already has a Get your flu shot type poster out. I told the pharmacist they needed to take the sign down. She nodded and said something like it’s August. Never were flu shots given in the summer time. She agreed with me about the shots. Some people are waking up. But they will end up giving if someone wants it!!!
So sad. Yes, as Susan said good for you for speaking up about the Mrna! Peoples lives have been destroyed.
My bro got the J&J and he has had hot fiery coals burning down his spine since.
Its just so tragic.
More to come:
Their freedom and health hang in the balance.
Later Jay
Two older women at my aqua exercise class have the same symptoms you are describing. It looks horrendous but they have both been told they are “not infectious” because it’s autoimmune related. You can bet that virtually all those elderly ladies are boosted up multiple times - it’s Liberal loving, Dr Bonnie Henry idolizing (public health officer) CBC (National Broadcaster)brainwashed Canada.
For what it's worth I had horrific all over body hives (as a reaction to chemo). Acupuncture cleared it all up.
The only time I had hives was right after a lengthy interaction with a crazy maker. This is a term from the 70’s that deserves a comeback. They make you feel like YOU are the crazy one, and YOU are inadequate, and YOU are the reason the relationship isn’t good. It’s never them, in any way. (Liberals do it all the time.) It’s a surprisingly effective technique for avoiding all growth and maturing. The body will react to this kind of emotional, non-reality-based attack. Here’s an example. You listen, and reply. Crazy maker: “Stop lecturing me!” You listen, and say nothing. Crazy maker: “I know what you’re thinking!”
I remember that term from the 70s - good term. The other one was "energy suck". Those people who use up all of your energy while adding nothing to the relationship or conversation (whether partners, acquaintances or colleagues.)
psychic vampire
Oxygen thief.
My ex
Gaslighting at its finest. Remember Ingrid Bergman being driven mad by her husband, Charles Boyer
Yup. Very familiar with it. In my case, covert passive-aggressive narcissism. Only the narcissist's inner circle sees the behavior. The rest of the world thinks the person is admirable and that the victim/s misinterpret or exaggerate when reporting the behavior. Gaslighting is a classic manipulative behavior - as @laura-ann Knox notes. (From the title of the movie "Gaslight.") Five percent or something of the population. -? In a room of 20 random people, highly likely there's at least one. 😨
My ex was one. I had to run away 250 miles away while he was at work to get away.
Exactly describes my ex husband. The psychopathy revealed itself in full upon filing for divorce and the lies and stealing from me went beyond. I lost everything but my son and half my business. I’d have given it all up to keep my son. And he knew that.
Narcissist is the current term. Sometimes a Malignant Narcissist, or even the Dark Triad. Evil sh!t.
Ohhh That was my (praise God) X daughter in law!! She is the reason I learned about and understand gaslighting. The worst years of my life!!
I am sorry for all of you that are having to deal with these narcs.
Later Jay
Once you see it, you’ll never be taken in by them again. It’s actually fun to stymie them. There was another 70’s or 80’s pop psychology thing about not “joining in their dance.” If you don’t play, they’re dead in the water. Of course they’ll get mad and flail around but if you’re steadfast in remaining immune to their ploys, they’ll usually find another victim.
My counselor says ‘don’t take the rope’.
Thank you! I will give that to her as an option! So glad you found relief!
Hello Pat,
Just as a note: did you have acupuncture soon after your chemo? How long ago? and has your sense of taste returned to normal or near normal?
Thanks a million.
Later Jay
I had it concurrently with the chemo. It was actually the Rituxan (in the chemo mixture) that gave me hives. My sense taste is fine now. I didn't have terrible issues with taste changes with my chemo cocktails, but oh was I tired!!!!
A family member had several episodes of severe hives, almost died a few times. Not jabbed either. It turned out to be alphagal which is related to a tick bite and the hives and throat closing up are a reaction from eating meat - actually any meat from animals with hooves. So no lamb, pork, beef, elk, etc. My relative is struggling to get enough nutrition from other sources (mainly eats chicken, fish, eggs for protein) but has had no episodes since giving up meat. My thinking is Alphagal is likely related to a bio engineered weapon and Lyme disease, too. There is a Facebook support group for people with alpha gal to share information as it is new as are so many other strange illnesses are these days.
I, too, have alpha gal. Too convenient for this acquired disorder to arrive just as the wokesters are trying to convince us to eat bugs.
Alpha gal is getting no press. Most medical providers haven’t heard of it unless they know someone who has it.
Fortunately I recognized my lone star tick bite and reaction within hours. I immediately ceased all mammalian food products for 30 days and then gradually reintroduced them. It’s an annoying condition for me vs the life-threatening condition for many people.
It is currently epidemic in the southeast.
And the deer are all sick, too.
Thank you for that great info!! I hadn’t heard of that. Luckily my bro-in-law hasn’t had any issues with throat.
Our bodies have been, and are under attack.
glyphosate-all over our food. wheat, veggies, fruit
fluoride - in our water
aluminum- in our cosmetics deodorant and skies
harmful frequencies- wifi, 5G towers, microwave, smart meters, even in music, etc
medicines-not cures but causes of illness
I had hives when exposed to cold temps for about 6 months after I got the Cvd infection - NO vx … the spike protein itself can cause these issues - but for those that got the Vx it’s that much worse….