Aug 28, 2023Β·edited Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding big pharma capturing the pro-patient charities, Charlie Munger - Buffet's right hand man - said it best: "Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome."

Rockefeller took over medicine a century ago with the same strategy and immediately slit the throat of a thousand years of medicinal knowledge and wisdom.

Regarding the new media propaganda onslaught to get the poison injections:

Any consideration made about mandating forced medical procedures isn't a discussion.

It's a threat.

We will not submit to this fate. There are destinies worse than death, and the world they want to create - where the big pharma can wield their jackbooted government lackies to inject us with whatever they want whenever they want - is one of them.

If this is the hill I die on, so be it, I will never get these shots. My immunity to their predatory lies has never been more robust.

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Kevin McCarthy = blah blah blah blah biden blah blah blah maybe blah blah blah look into blah blah blah and that’s all the time we have for this matter. Commercial break. 🀑

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

So masks cause Brain Damage.

Finally science catches up with us anti-maskers.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

3 Cheers! for Women's Guinness Book of World Record holders Emma Weyant and Riley Gaines!!!

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Aug 28, 2023Β·edited Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œall medical treatments have side effects.”

Aha! So masks are indeed medical treatments, and imposing them on every person without weighing the risks and benefits for each specific individual would be unethical, right?

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

RFK, Jr. lost a court case about YouTube removing some of his videos.

Google, through its attorneys, maintains that they will "not help spread dangerous anti-vaxx propaganda".

So there you have it, a quasi-governmental agency is determining what is and is not a fact, and what YOU may not think about or believe. Justifying censorship.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Perhaps NFL should change rules to Flag Football?

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"It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again" - Yogi Berra

My wife was forced into wearing the slave rag thanks to the demands of a heinous Establishment Apex Predator Hospital. She developed all kinds of respiratory "direct" effects which have oddly subsided since being allowed to breathe freely again. I'm sure there's no connection. Science.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

In my town I'm still seeing entire families wearing masks. I want to just walk over and take them from the children 😫

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Joe, the Plumber, Wuerzelbacher passed away of pancreatic cancer at age 49. The cancer was diagnosed in February of 2023. Joe was famous for questioning BO on taxes in the 2008 presidential campaign. He became a household name overnight.

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Hey Jeff ... can you link me to where you obtained the pilot HA info? I am an active pilot who fortunately did not get forced into stabland and I am part of a group called "Danger Club", a group of International and Domestic Pilots where we discuss issues of the day from the cockpit. I breeched the subject of the problems with the jabs and Cardio and how we are to handle this emergency if and when it occurs on flight. NO BODY is talking about this officially in the pilot world, and it really needs to be addressed, so I am doing so in a small way on this forum. Any research you can point me to would be helpful (in regards to pilots, number of health problems post jab.. that kind of stuff). Wuld be great if the FAA sponsored a study (HA HA HA .. will never happen)

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Regarding masks: unjabbed ER nurse here forced to wear masks for 12+ hour shifts, day in and out, for 3 years. For years have been a slender non-smoker, non-drinker, exercise daily, live in an unpolluted rural area with clean air and water, eat an extremely healthy diet, etc. About a year ago I started getting short of breath when exercising. Cardiologist said heart was fine.

Had a chest xray which reported: "The lungs are hyperinflated, likely representing sequela of COPD. Coarse interstitial pulmonary markings, likely the result of chronic lung disease. No pleural effusion, focal airspace opacity, pneumothorax or pulmonary edema. Cardiac silhouette is within normal limits for size." I believe it was the masks; no, I *know* it was the masks. Those bastards have harmed so many of us with their jabs and the face diapers. I will not comply again, they'll have to fire me.

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Appears you may have a hurricane headed right for you, Jeff. I’m sure you are already stocked up and prepped. Praying you and your family stay protected and this thing dies down quicker than not.

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Big pharma didn’t capture advocacy groups. It created them. It’s called astroturf, for fake grass-roots orgs

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Well we know masks cause brain damage, just look around, it's everywhere. As for Biden being impeached, don't make me laugh, McCarthy is all hat and no saddle, he never does anything because he's an idiot who just wanted to be speaker of the house, he didn't want to have to actually BE speaker of the house and do things for the American people, nah, that would have taken actual intelligence, something he has none of.

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πŸ˜‚πŸ€£Rob Schneider πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.... a belly laugh! I needed that!

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