Legal news roundup! Analyzing the Supreme Court's 9-0 ruling for Trump — and the hidden 6-3 part; Arizona court upholds proof of citizenship; DC court helps J6ers; wild Fani Willis news; and more.
Ok I can attest as both a natural blonde at birth and a bleach blond now, and someone who’s had brown and auburn hair, blonde’s definitely have more fun! And I’m not dumb 😂 or suffering from bleach toxicity 😉
I'm here to refute that nonsense--I am a natural born blonde--and "fun" has been few and far between in my life!! I've always considered that statement to be a bit of a "put down"--but at this point in my doesn't really matter.
Ah, it was just supposed to be a little bit of nonsense.
I grew up a natural blonde, although it darkened with age, and don’t care for the dumb blonde jokes. Generally, the dumb blondes aren’t natural. 🤪 I jokingly say it’s the bleach that’s done it. 😁
The ruling on Texas immigration actions is consistent with the Colorado ruling. In the original document, immigration is strictly a federal responsibility. The federal government has violated and broken its responsibility for many decades, but that doesn't give the states a legalistic right to make their own laws.
Abbott's dropshipping is a much cleaner tactic because it's not a law or restriction, just a free bonus gift to the cities that claim to want the gift. "You asked for it, you got it". It's also the ONLY effective political action by ANY Republican in the last 50 years. It's creating a massive divide in the enemy's army.
Early on, people on both the left and right were criticizing Abbott's busing program as simply a political stunt. They were all so very wrong. It may very well turn out to be the issue that swings the 2024 election to Republicans. But Republicans have long been experts at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Yes, it accelerated the process they were foisting on us all and brought the putrid swamp juices to a boil too soon and in too many Dem cities for their liking. THEY used a career criminal thug's drug death (isn't this the poison they love to traffic into Black Neighborhoods for profit?) at the hands and knee of a white cop to incite Leftist Insurrection in 2020 to cow the black voters and Suburban white moms too. Laken Riley and the other victims (many of color) of Democratic Party Migrant Crime must not be allowed to be swept out of our view...stupid and emotional American voters need to be agitated enough to vote these Criminal Commie Creeps out AND to make War upon their ideals and workings to destroy our cities, communities, and Nation. This is an election that must not be lost, and a global war against the Enemies of us all. Fight these Freaks with ferocity in every manner possible like was done to NAZI Fascists, or American Jews, Christians, and Moderates will be gulag'd, pogromed, and extinguished by these Authoritarian Oppressors and NeoMarxists! They openly declare that ALL Zionists (ALL JEWS) and ALL White Christian Nationalists (even the ones of color) are enemies of the STATE and they're coming for us.... Sounds like racist-hate speech inciting violence to me so where are the arrests and indictments??? these freaks have no fear because they own 90+% of power and the remaining 5% sitts quietly by the sideline and allows it to occur.
Michigan could vote these office holders out till the cows come home, but thanks to an anemic former Republican legislature, the 2020 stolen election was certified and never allowed to be questioned. 2022 saw amendments voted in that assures they can change the election results any time they want to. There will be no voting the corrupt out of office.
Miles Mathis is a smart but very strange man, who believes that pretty much everything that happens (and I do mean EVERYTHING) is a fake. His “evidence” comes from - for instance - online background checks. When he finds a discrepancy in the information they offer, he believes that proves fakery. If you type the names of people you know well - relatives, even yourself - into any of these online databases, you will find a wealth of errors and, perhaps, be able to prove that you don’t really exist. In short, he builds his “cases” on information from absolutely and provably unreliable sources. A small amount of research on your part will clearly show that this is so.
Yes, if something like this is intentionally perpetrated it would be followed up and exploited HARD by media and officials, not calmly swept away....George Floyd was likely a set-up and if not was still used as such to great effect. Laken's brazen daylight murder was not videoed and incessantly replayed, not leveraged by anyone to get Whitey or MAGA rednecks sufficiently enraged at Hispanics and innocent migrants so they'd go on a vigilante rampage (like we'd even have enough juice to do so anyway). The Ashley Babbitt Murder by Black Cops is same..if it's a hoax it really didn't do much to inflame a movement among MAGA to seek to kill Black Cops, although DHS does lie and say planned Alt-Right attacks on cops has they ARE TRYING.
The Biden Administration Is Secretly Flying Hundreds of Thousands of 'Inadmissible Aliens' Into US
Americans are increasingly concerned about the massive influx of illegal immigrations crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, so much so that it’s become the top voter concern in a recent Gallup survey. But what they don’t know is that the country is not just being “invaded” by land. With the help of the federal government, hundreds of thousands of individuals hoping to cross into the U.S. (with no legal right to be here) are being assisted by the Biden administration.
I am somewhat surprised by this discussion. The comment that originally started this string has over a 100 likes, including Childers, and my rebuttal has only 7 likes and not one attempt at a rebuttal.
I fail to understand why C&Cers think Abbott's action of flying illegal aliens into the cities is causing division in the enemy's army when Biden is flying illegals into the cities by the 100's of thousands! Is this not exactly what the Marxists want? Brainless, woke liberals are always going to vote for the Marxists. These illegals are actually building the Marxists' army. The goal is to break down the social order in the cities which will be the excuse for instituting a Federal police force against Americans.
This reminds me of the old story, "Brer Rabbit in the Briar Patch" which Disney put to animation. Most are prolly too young to remember this but when Brer Fox and Brer Bear caught Brer Rabbit, Brer Rabbit begged them not to throw him into the Briar Patch. So the dummies Fox and Bear threw him into the Briar Patch not thinking that the Patch was actually the Rabbit's natural habitat. In this case Biden is the Rabbit and we are the two dummies that did exactly what the Rabbit wanted.
The Marxists' goal is break down American society and culture. The kindest label I can put on Abbott is to call him controlled opposition. This is not helping folks.
Do you think the border would even be an issue if Abbott hadn't started bussing illegal immigrants to blue cities?
Everyone is controlled opposition, aren't they?
Illegal immigration was actually a pretty smart strategy for Dems. If they stay in the red states, the red states turn blue and Dems control the Senate. Now they are moving/being moved to blue states, and apportionment will result in Dem control of the House. (remember SCOTUS ruling that illegals must be included in the census, which determines apportionment?)
Finally, are you suggesting that we would be better off "sitting down and shutting up" so as not to create division while the left steamrolls us?
Immigration unnatural is totally smart if one wants to bring to completion the destruction of the last remnant of the prior pre-existing American state. Chaos is an instrument of consolidation, one of them.
Continual resistance to Evil is the only honorable strategy.
Well, I can tell you that I am not controlled opposition. Are you?
Maybe it's just me, and I apologize if I'm not understanding you correctly, but your comment appears to be contradictory and nonsensical to me. As stated previously, if instead, Abbott had blocked the dispersion of the invaders AT THE BORDER and contained them there, that would have created a humanitarian crisis at the border that would have been a media event that would have worked against the Biden administration and galvanized the country to close the border to avert a humanitarian disaster. Instead, he facilitated the dispersion of the invading horde into the interior cities of our country which is exactly the objective of the Marxists in control of our Gov't. The violence to follow over the next few years will be the exact consequence of this action. The bussing of a few illegals to Martha's Vineyard was just a diverting bit of political theater to convince the public that "something" is being done.
We should all be loudly protesting what is being done by the Marxists and protesting what is NOT being done by our elected officials who are not doing their duty to protect the country and are only engaging in political theater to manipulate their voter base.
Biden and his cohorts are clearly trying to duplicate what has happened in California over the last decade or so. This state is so thoroughly blue and has achieved a supermajority Democrat state, and I don't see any way to un-do this. We have a lot of Republicans and Libertarians and Independents in this State, but things are set up so that we can barely win a seat anywhere in the state. If the Dems are successful via their immigration plans, it won't take long until we are a one-party dictatorship. Come visit California's big cities if you want a taste of what they have in mind.
I may have about 4 decades ago when attending a small reformed congregation. I was given a reading assignment and asked to present my conclusions in a Bible study. I believe it was Berkhof. But my memory is not as sharp as it use to be. It may have been his "Summary of Christian Doctrine", a shorter work than his Systematic Theology. My report to the elders was received with interest.
It goes on for more expose and disclose to make way for getting rid of every rigged institution we used to hold dear! From my beloved incandescent lightbulbs to Rockefeller oil and medical deception to the Republic being called a democracy and turned into a corporation! Humpty is falling off the wall. Slowly he falls and it all cracks!
I was able to find some three way incandescent on Amazon. If they are in a regular socket, they will be one way,
I know I keep harping, but what gives a government the right to replace one thing with a toxic product? If you drop one of the new ones, off to the ER you should go!
They just continue to try to kill us or our eyes. I now bring a visor to restaurants and make sure there is no light above the table.
We don’t eat out often, but I am vocal. Many times the hostess totally agrees. And then check out sunglasses use…ditch them. Cultivate and Elevate on YouTube is wonderful exposing so many things! He even talks about the solar eclipse and not wearing the glasses as the eyes are healing during that time.
Well, I don't know as much as you do about the subject; I'm just old enough to remember that our choices were: on/off; 3-way; and yellow, lol. Oh, for the good old days.
Inside a GOP Brainstorming Session on How to Sabotage Their Chances of Winning an Election (Tales From the Great Reset)
Snatching defeat from the jaws of an election victory needs a Great Reset. I secretly sat in on a GOP brainstorming session to come up with new ideas to sabotage their chances of winning the midterms!
Things have gotten so bizarre that it is now difficult sometimes to tell the difference between satire and the now virtual world most people live in ... at least as a 'mind illusion'.
I never had involvement with national figures, but at the state General Assembly level ... there is an uncanny resemblance to this substack piece. To wit, things do seem to work this way. And as an instance, the recent Kari Lake audio release was a very good indication of attempts at non-approved candidate neutralization. And I've seen stuff like this go on using varying techniques. Usually, one sees it happening but so difficult to 'prove'.
Disagree. The Constitution is a negative rights document. Literally anything not specifically stated in it is the right of the states or the People. Additionally, the 10th Amendment allows states to reject any federal law that is not backed by specific words in the Constitution.
And do you believe the unprecedented wisdom in the Constitution has no remedy for a rogue government that seeks to abuse or destroy the country? Preventing that is the entire focus of the Constitution. To say states cannot defend their citizens if the federal government refuses to do so seems preposterous to have been left unresolved by the founding fathers.
It will be interesting how SCOTUS is going to dissect this issue. The existing immigration laws drafted by past congresses will finally need to be examined. Hopefully, it will become apparent that the current chaos doesn’t stem from archaic immigration statutes. Instead of just a State vs Federal issue, it should be evident that the Executive Branch has interfered with the implementation (enforcement) of established laws. It has reached a crisis under the current administration. I agree with you James, that the Constitution favors the State’s right to protect itself. Also, an unequal financial burden as well as safety concerns has been imposed on border states in particular. They must have some Constitutional recourse for having to endure what other states do not have to.
The Federal Gvt and Presidential powers CAN NOT approximate or be elevated to a King's authority with aristocratic controls exerted over the states and the persons within the states. What do we have if this is allowed by the Constitution? An entrenched Aristocracy (Feds) and virtual immoveable House of Lords (Senate) with a contorted influenced unprincipled House of Commons (House of Reps) for the rabble to squabble over, and a revolving Sovereign with an asskissing entourage to make it appear that changes at the top matter. Like changing a headliner act every 4 or 8 years to placate the plebians. I forget that a duplicitous DeepState runs it all no matter what we set up, so whatever is least convenient for them is what i'd want.
Agreed. Thankfully it wasn't left unresolved. Nullification is the specific vehicle of rejection of Federal overreach. States and their individual Constitutions were created by the People who were granted unalienable rights by their Creator. State Constitutions, created by the People, exist to codify and protect those rights from usurpation or abrogation by government and being the creation/exercise of Peoples' Rights they are subordinate to Natural Law, = People's Unalienable Rights. Similarly, the US Constitution, created by the several States, is subordinate to them and exists to define and limit Federal Government. Not rights.
Huh? If the states can veto a president, that's far beyond session or nullification - that completely ends the federal government as anything other than Articles of Confederation type conference of independent states. Why should the states that want to veto Trump or any other candidate have that power? Should they be able to nullify a treaty (even nullifiers thought it was limited to laws & even then they thought nullification stopped the law in that STATE, not in other states). I think this was a necessary decision as Jeff noted it would have allowed Confederate states to keep Rs off the ballot, hardly a reasonable inference.
Let me clarify. The US Constitution specifically grants the states the right to defend its citizens. Federal laws, WHEN CONSTITUTIONAL, supercede state laws. And if the law exists but is not enforced, in this case to stop a foreign invasion, the states have the right to defend citizens.
None of this discussion even touches on when the federal govt breaks the laws they are charge with upholding. Which is tyranny.
In the end, it all comes down to moral commitment to the pact between states and federal governments. They broke the pact. If states are not allowed to self preserve under the agreement, they will eventually break free.
Persons crossing the United States’ borders in violation of immigration laws are not then immigrants, but invaders. The federal government is obligated to protect each state from invasion. When the federal government fails to protect a state from invaders, a state has a fundamental right by any means necessary to defend itself from invasion. Ultimately all power of government rests with we the people.
Language matters. Hence the tyrants unceasing efforts to change the meaning of words. Example: “Democracy” as in “protect our democracy.” We citizens think that means “consent of the governed” and “we the people.” The tyrants have changed the meaning to “any existing organization that keeps us in power, such as DOJ, CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, WEF, NATO, UN, WHO, etc., as well as any NGO doing what the government t is prevented from doing.” So when they say something is a “threat to our democracy” they really mean “threat to our unlimited power.”
I think it’s intentional to start chaos right before the election so that just like Ukraine, there would be no election. They have already conceded there are sleeper cells here and some who have been interviewed said they were approached by UN to come and were awaiting their orders. The dictators are in control.
I have had a gut feeling for a long time that there will be no election. I also feel strongly our Republic suffered irreversible damage when Mike Pence caved to the establishment on January 6, 2021 by going along with what he had to know was a fraudulent election in 2020. Since that day the fraudsters in charge have tried to instill fear into anyone who dares question an election of a Democrat or one of their favorite RINOs. Nobody will be safe.
Disagree. States are left footing the bill for federal failures and meddling, disproportionately so for those happening to be a long the border. Texas is not arresting illegals all over the US, just in TX.
Yesterday (Monday 3/4) there was a news piece regarding an incident that happened in Florida. Dan Bongino reported on it. An illegal was in jail for driving without a license. He was also the suspect in 3 rapes/assaults. Three state where these offenses took place would not agree to extradite him, ICE workshops take him, and so the local sheriff had no choice whatsoever to hold this animal any longer. So the sheriff's office posted the situation on social media as a warning to the local community. Thank God for locals who took action, along with Dan Bongino, and the congressional representative the animal was picked up by ICE. The reason given for not apprehending him before...ICE had to place to put him. Their detention centers are full! What in the world...
But the states/cities that consider themselves sanctuary cities that have set out the welcome mat are expecting the taxpayers to foot the bill of their local shortfalls when they spend all their funds passing out cell phones, debit cards, airline flights, and hotel accommodations! Between NGO's and the federal government spending all our taxes on this mess... oh, don't forget Ukraine, there is absolutely nothing left to support the American people! These seems to be something wrong with this picture!
The proclamation of a being a sanctuary city by which local authorities harbor criminals, specifically individuals who have entered our country illegally, should have been shut down immediately by the federal government, specifically the Supreme Court of the United States. The court shouldn’t have to wait until the sanctuary status is challenged. Ignoring the obvious and failing to act is dereliction of duty.
Sanctuary cities like NYC are getting what they asked for. Sadly, the women and minorities who vote democrat are paying the price. Will they change their minds and voting patterns?
Your comment reminds me of the old joke regarding the hypothetical New York Times headline, "World to end next Tuesday, women and minorities hardest hit".
It's not women and minorities who are paying the price but stupid people (who happen to mostly be women and minorities). People that vote to let criminals run free only so they can be their victims are foolish beyond belief. They aren't helpless victims but are paying the price for their own incredibly poor judgment. They voted for this out of selfish virtue signaling (women mostly) or a desire for payback (minorities mostly).
There's nothing sad about it beyond the fact that decent people don't like to see others suffer. It's a classic case of bad things happening when people act emotionally rather than rationally. And they are also showing they are not smart enough to learn from their mistakes.
I tend to can see it in the busy body moms around here. Just such low information voters that are desperate to be in the "in crowd" that they refuse to look at anything very closely. I wish we could pass a law that all of these people that want the border wide open are required to feed & house 2-3 of them each.
I don't think I'd go that far but I appreciate the sentiment.
One thing seems clear though, Democrats have rewired the inherent maternal instinct away from a woman's own kids (which they no longer have) towards group "victims". But it's been done in a pathological sense. It's like the old joke of the mother telling a judge that her criminal son "is really a good boy". Except now they do it for an entire group of people.
It's pretty bizarre but there's no doubt it has happened.
Remember Haley reaction when Vivek putted her for her hypocrisy regarding her own daughter? Scum was her choice of words. She showed me the women, (yes I am one) are more emotional! This is a job for a strong man!
I feel you on that. If you look at it biblically, God only gives women authority over children, not over men too. Men are to have authority over all just under God. Why I won’t vote for a woman as president. She was deceived by Satan.
Totally agree about Biblical roles, all based on the image of God. But we have to remember that ultimate blame lies with Adam. When the Serpent tempted Eve, Adam was right there and did not intervene to protect her. He failed in his duty. That was his role.
Phil, worse yet, he took Eve's advice. That story, combined with being mugged by the reality of true maternal instinct and of observing the behaviors of men and women in daily life, all combined to help me see God's truth and forsake trying to create a new reality made in my own image.
Thanks for this. I think that women are _genetically_ disinclined to defend borders. Female unconcern with borders is pretty universal, even down to chimpanzees, where the males defend borders, but females never do.
No border, no country. Invasion by foreign men, slaughter of local men, women protected by invading men anyway - and that's why women don't care about borders, normally.
One important exception: women with sons who are likely to be slaughtered by invaders tend to find that borders have become important to them. Maybe women voting and women in power should be limited to women who have sons.
I know all of this is very politically incorrect, but it's important that someone say it, because it is basic biological reality which is not going away. To ignore it for the sake of preventing hurt feelings (also a typically female thing, I have to say) makes us all much worse off.
You could flip all of this and say that men are rude and militaristic. But men evolved to be like that (or you could say God created men that way) because that is what worked to successfully bring us down through many generations to the present day.
The key part is the emotional vs logical. There is actually a biological/brain basis for this thinking, and they do not occupy the same space. We have plenty of family members with severe TDS; all emotion with no logic, and a failure to see such a person logically as helpful and/or beneficial to their own existence. To see the extreme of this think Spock/Kirk!
Leftist-Commie propaganda is quite effective and targets us all in different ways; Hispanics get the UNIvision (well named) and Telemundo treatment and most lap it up...any Truthful Mainstream Spanish Media??? They will suffer most from the Hispanic Criminal Cartel Invasion but they are easily convinced that Trump and Republicans hate Mexicans
Reacting out of emotion rather than wisdom is the definition of poor judgement. It’s doing what feels good in the moment rather than evaluating the potential consequences of doing so.
Frankly that’s why the Bible straight up prohibits certain behaviors. God is protecting us from our own worst emotional impulses.
Bleeding hearts don’t understand that there are those who actually enjoy chaos and destruction. You can pour all your resources into them; they will turn glamorous settings into chaos because they like it.
co-dependency, enabling, lavishing attention and resources on the attention seeking squeaky wheel that only makes it and the other 3 wheels squeak all the more
— Date fixed 🤦♂️
Because blonds have more fun. 🤪
Ok I can attest as both a natural blonde at birth and a bleach blond now, and someone who’s had brown and auburn hair, blonde’s definitely have more fun! And I’m not dumb 😂 or suffering from bleach toxicity 😉
Ditto 😋
I'm here to refute that nonsense--I am a natural born blonde--and "fun" has been few and far between in my life!! I've always considered that statement to be a bit of a "put down"--but at this point in my doesn't really matter.
Ah, it was just supposed to be a little bit of nonsense.
I grew up a natural blonde, although it darkened with age, and don’t care for the dumb blonde jokes. Generally, the dumb blondes aren’t natural. 🤪 I jokingly say it’s the bleach that’s done it. 😁
Cute!! Gotta love that.
Just so you know, I don’t bleach my hair and never was a dumb blonde. 😁 You and I defy the stereotypes. 😁
The ruling on Texas immigration actions is consistent with the Colorado ruling. In the original document, immigration is strictly a federal responsibility. The federal government has violated and broken its responsibility for many decades, but that doesn't give the states a legalistic right to make their own laws.
Abbott's dropshipping is a much cleaner tactic because it's not a law or restriction, just a free bonus gift to the cities that claim to want the gift. "You asked for it, you got it". It's also the ONLY effective political action by ANY Republican in the last 50 years. It's creating a massive divide in the enemy's army.
Early on, people on both the left and right were criticizing Abbott's busing program as simply a political stunt. They were all so very wrong. It may very well turn out to be the issue that swings the 2024 election to Republicans. But Republicans have long been experts at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Yes, it accelerated the process they were foisting on us all and brought the putrid swamp juices to a boil too soon and in too many Dem cities for their liking. THEY used a career criminal thug's drug death (isn't this the poison they love to traffic into Black Neighborhoods for profit?) at the hands and knee of a white cop to incite Leftist Insurrection in 2020 to cow the black voters and Suburban white moms too. Laken Riley and the other victims (many of color) of Democratic Party Migrant Crime must not be allowed to be swept out of our view...stupid and emotional American voters need to be agitated enough to vote these Criminal Commie Creeps out AND to make War upon their ideals and workings to destroy our cities, communities, and Nation. This is an election that must not be lost, and a global war against the Enemies of us all. Fight these Freaks with ferocity in every manner possible like was done to NAZI Fascists, or American Jews, Christians, and Moderates will be gulag'd, pogromed, and extinguished by these Authoritarian Oppressors and NeoMarxists! They openly declare that ALL Zionists (ALL JEWS) and ALL White Christian Nationalists (even the ones of color) are enemies of the STATE and they're coming for us.... Sounds like racist-hate speech inciting violence to me so where are the arrests and indictments??? these freaks have no fear because they own 90+% of power and the remaining 5% sitts quietly by the sideline and allows it to occur.
Michigan could vote these office holders out till the cows come home, but thanks to an anemic former Republican legislature, the 2020 stolen election was certified and never allowed to be questioned. 2022 saw amendments voted in that assures they can change the election results any time they want to. There will be no voting the corrupt out of office.
You can`t vote yourself out of tyranny. Too late and like Dr Linda I`m not baffled!
nope. you vote yourself INTO tyranny. you have to shoot your way out.
The Laken Riley “murder” was likely another government hoax according to Miles Mathis.
Miles Mathis is a smart but very strange man, who believes that pretty much everything that happens (and I do mean EVERYTHING) is a fake. His “evidence” comes from - for instance - online background checks. When he finds a discrepancy in the information they offer, he believes that proves fakery. If you type the names of people you know well - relatives, even yourself - into any of these online databases, you will find a wealth of errors and, perhaps, be able to prove that you don’t really exist. In short, he builds his “cases” on information from absolutely and provably unreliable sources. A small amount of research on your part will clearly show that this is so.
Yes, if something like this is intentionally perpetrated it would be followed up and exploited HARD by media and officials, not calmly swept away....George Floyd was likely a set-up and if not was still used as such to great effect. Laken's brazen daylight murder was not videoed and incessantly replayed, not leveraged by anyone to get Whitey or MAGA rednecks sufficiently enraged at Hispanics and innocent migrants so they'd go on a vigilante rampage (like we'd even have enough juice to do so anyway). The Ashley Babbitt Murder by Black Cops is same..if it's a hoax it really didn't do much to inflame a movement among MAGA to seek to kill Black Cops, although DHS does lie and say planned Alt-Right attacks on cops has they ARE TRYING.
The Biden Administration Is Secretly Flying Hundreds of Thousands of 'Inadmissible Aliens' Into US
Americans are increasingly concerned about the massive influx of illegal immigrations crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, so much so that it’s become the top voter concern in a recent Gallup survey. But what they don’t know is that the country is not just being “invaded” by land. With the help of the federal government, hundreds of thousands of individuals hoping to cross into the U.S. (with no legal right to be here) are being assisted by the Biden administration.
I read the same article! A deliberate way of completely unraveling our country!
I am somewhat surprised by this discussion. The comment that originally started this string has over a 100 likes, including Childers, and my rebuttal has only 7 likes and not one attempt at a rebuttal.
I fail to understand why C&Cers think Abbott's action of flying illegal aliens into the cities is causing division in the enemy's army when Biden is flying illegals into the cities by the 100's of thousands! Is this not exactly what the Marxists want? Brainless, woke liberals are always going to vote for the Marxists. These illegals are actually building the Marxists' army. The goal is to break down the social order in the cities which will be the excuse for instituting a Federal police force against Americans.
This reminds me of the old story, "Brer Rabbit in the Briar Patch" which Disney put to animation. Most are prolly too young to remember this but when Brer Fox and Brer Bear caught Brer Rabbit, Brer Rabbit begged them not to throw him into the Briar Patch. So the dummies Fox and Bear threw him into the Briar Patch not thinking that the Patch was actually the Rabbit's natural habitat. In this case Biden is the Rabbit and we are the two dummies that did exactly what the Rabbit wanted.
The Marxists' goal is break down American society and culture. The kindest label I can put on Abbott is to call him controlled opposition. This is not helping folks.
Do you think the border would even be an issue if Abbott hadn't started bussing illegal immigrants to blue cities?
Everyone is controlled opposition, aren't they?
Illegal immigration was actually a pretty smart strategy for Dems. If they stay in the red states, the red states turn blue and Dems control the Senate. Now they are moving/being moved to blue states, and apportionment will result in Dem control of the House. (remember SCOTUS ruling that illegals must be included in the census, which determines apportionment?)
Finally, are you suggesting that we would be better off "sitting down and shutting up" so as not to create division while the left steamrolls us?
Immigration unnatural is totally smart if one wants to bring to completion the destruction of the last remnant of the prior pre-existing American state. Chaos is an instrument of consolidation, one of them.
Continual resistance to Evil is the only honorable strategy.
Well, I can tell you that I am not controlled opposition. Are you?
Maybe it's just me, and I apologize if I'm not understanding you correctly, but your comment appears to be contradictory and nonsensical to me. As stated previously, if instead, Abbott had blocked the dispersion of the invaders AT THE BORDER and contained them there, that would have created a humanitarian crisis at the border that would have been a media event that would have worked against the Biden administration and galvanized the country to close the border to avert a humanitarian disaster. Instead, he facilitated the dispersion of the invading horde into the interior cities of our country which is exactly the objective of the Marxists in control of our Gov't. The violence to follow over the next few years will be the exact consequence of this action. The bussing of a few illegals to Martha's Vineyard was just a diverting bit of political theater to convince the public that "something" is being done.
We should all be loudly protesting what is being done by the Marxists and protesting what is NOT being done by our elected officials who are not doing their duty to protect the country and are only engaging in political theater to manipulate their voter base.
Biden and his cohorts are clearly trying to duplicate what has happened in California over the last decade or so. This state is so thoroughly blue and has achieved a supermajority Democrat state, and I don't see any way to un-do this. We have a lot of Republicans and Libertarians and Independents in this State, but things are set up so that we can barely win a seat anywhere in the state. If the Dems are successful via their immigration plans, it won't take long until we are a one-party dictatorship. Come visit California's big cities if you want a taste of what they have in mind.
Phil: and regarding Marxist Rats ... to kill off God. Can't have any competing Competitor can we?
Speaking of which, have you ever read any Louis Berkhof? Like Systematic Theology? (Just started it.)
I may have about 4 decades ago when attending a small reformed congregation. I was given a reading assignment and asked to present my conclusions in a Bible study. I believe it was Berkhof. But my memory is not as sharp as it use to be. It may have been his "Summary of Christian Doctrine", a shorter work than his Systematic Theology. My report to the elders was received with interest.
Let’s just hope you’re also very wrong -about snatching defeat…maybe even put some prayer behind the hope.
Much prayer has already been, and will continue to be, offered.
And THIS just adds a layer of WTF to the mix....
Exactly. Watch what they do, not what they say.
NEVER been more true than it is right NOW, Phil !
Goodness gracious!
WTF is right
Agreed. I’m baffled that this goes on and on.
It goes on for more expose and disclose to make way for getting rid of every rigged institution we used to hold dear! From my beloved incandescent lightbulbs to Rockefeller oil and medical deception to the Republic being called a democracy and turned into a corporation! Humpty is falling off the wall. Slowly he falls and it all cracks!
It will be up to us to pick up the mess!
I still order the incandescent bulbs online! They even want to ruin our eyesight with bulbs that mess with our sleep and eyes. Ugh.
From where! I could only get three way from Amazon! 💕
Jaci, I'm so with you - I can't stand shopping for light fixtures or light bulbs.
I was able to find some three way incandescent on Amazon. If they are in a regular socket, they will be one way,
I know I keep harping, but what gives a government the right to replace one thing with a toxic product? If you drop one of the new ones, off to the ER you should go!
They just continue to try to kill us or our eyes. I now bring a visor to restaurants and make sure there is no light above the table.
We don’t eat out often, but I am vocal. Many times the hostess totally agrees. And then check out sunglasses use…ditch them. Cultivate and Elevate on YouTube is wonderful exposing so many things! He even talks about the solar eclipse and not wearing the glasses as the eyes are healing during that time.
Thanks for letting me know I am not alone!💕
Thanks for the tip about 3 way incandescents!
Well, I don't know as much as you do about the subject; I'm just old enough to remember that our choices were: on/off; 3-way; and yellow, lol. Oh, for the good old days.
“Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous.
More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.”
—Primo Levi
The Rank and File at the FBI slavishly serve their masters and ignore the courageous whistleblowers who're being razed by the backlash of the system
Are all Dr`s baffled?
Yes, it's required course...
Inside a GOP Brainstorming Session on How to Sabotage Their Chances of Winning an Election (Tales From the Great Reset)
Snatching defeat from the jaws of an election victory needs a Great Reset. I secretly sat in on a GOP brainstorming session to come up with new ideas to sabotage their chances of winning the midterms!
Reminded me of this very recent story.
good find
Totally not surprised 😑
Things have gotten so bizarre that it is now difficult sometimes to tell the difference between satire and the now virtual world most people live in ... at least as a 'mind illusion'.
I never had involvement with national figures, but at the state General Assembly level ... there is an uncanny resemblance to this substack piece. To wit, things do seem to work this way. And as an instance, the recent Kari Lake audio release was a very good indication of attempts at non-approved candidate neutralization. And I've seen stuff like this go on using varying techniques. Usually, one sees it happening but so difficult to 'prove'.
That's why they are the Retardicans.
Why did he wait SO bloody long?
I didn’t criticize it, but didn’t think it would do much....happy be to wrong on this one though! Had no idea how impactful it would be
Disagree. The Constitution is a negative rights document. Literally anything not specifically stated in it is the right of the states or the People. Additionally, the 10th Amendment allows states to reject any federal law that is not backed by specific words in the Constitution.
And do you believe the unprecedented wisdom in the Constitution has no remedy for a rogue government that seeks to abuse or destroy the country? Preventing that is the entire focus of the Constitution. To say states cannot defend their citizens if the federal government refuses to do so seems preposterous to have been left unresolved by the founding fathers.
It will be interesting how SCOTUS is going to dissect this issue. The existing immigration laws drafted by past congresses will finally need to be examined. Hopefully, it will become apparent that the current chaos doesn’t stem from archaic immigration statutes. Instead of just a State vs Federal issue, it should be evident that the Executive Branch has interfered with the implementation (enforcement) of established laws. It has reached a crisis under the current administration. I agree with you James, that the Constitution favors the State’s right to protect itself. Also, an unequal financial burden as well as safety concerns has been imposed on border states in particular. They must have some Constitutional recourse for having to endure what other states do not have to.
The Federal Gvt and Presidential powers CAN NOT approximate or be elevated to a King's authority with aristocratic controls exerted over the states and the persons within the states. What do we have if this is allowed by the Constitution? An entrenched Aristocracy (Feds) and virtual immoveable House of Lords (Senate) with a contorted influenced unprincipled House of Commons (House of Reps) for the rabble to squabble over, and a revolving Sovereign with an asskissing entourage to make it appear that changes at the top matter. Like changing a headliner act every 4 or 8 years to placate the plebians. I forget that a duplicitous DeepState runs it all no matter what we set up, so whatever is least convenient for them is what i'd want.
Agreed. Thankfully it wasn't left unresolved. Nullification is the specific vehicle of rejection of Federal overreach. States and their individual Constitutions were created by the People who were granted unalienable rights by their Creator. State Constitutions, created by the People, exist to codify and protect those rights from usurpation or abrogation by government and being the creation/exercise of Peoples' Rights they are subordinate to Natural Law, = People's Unalienable Rights. Similarly, the US Constitution, created by the several States, is subordinate to them and exists to define and limit Federal Government. Not rights.
Huh? If the states can veto a president, that's far beyond session or nullification - that completely ends the federal government as anything other than Articles of Confederation type conference of independent states. Why should the states that want to veto Trump or any other candidate have that power? Should they be able to nullify a treaty (even nullifiers thought it was limited to laws & even then they thought nullification stopped the law in that STATE, not in other states). I think this was a necessary decision as Jeff noted it would have allowed Confederate states to keep Rs off the ballot, hardly a reasonable inference.
Let me clarify. The US Constitution specifically grants the states the right to defend its citizens. Federal laws, WHEN CONSTITUTIONAL, supercede state laws. And if the law exists but is not enforced, in this case to stop a foreign invasion, the states have the right to defend citizens.
None of this discussion even touches on when the federal govt breaks the laws they are charge with upholding. Which is tyranny.
In the end, it all comes down to moral commitment to the pact between states and federal governments. They broke the pact. If states are not allowed to self preserve under the agreement, they will eventually break free.
So here we are... commit tyranny, find out...
"that completely ends the federal government as anything other than Articles of Confederation type conference of independent states"
You say that as if it is a Bad Thing.
Thank you James M.
Persons crossing the United States’ borders in violation of immigration laws are not then immigrants, but invaders. The federal government is obligated to protect each state from invasion. When the federal government fails to protect a state from invaders, a state has a fundamental right by any means necessary to defend itself from invasion. Ultimately all power of government rests with we the people.
Language matters. Hence the tyrants unceasing efforts to change the meaning of words. Example: “Democracy” as in “protect our democracy.” We citizens think that means “consent of the governed” and “we the people.” The tyrants have changed the meaning to “any existing organization that keeps us in power, such as DOJ, CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, WEF, NATO, UN, WHO, etc., as well as any NGO doing what the government t is prevented from doing.” So when they say something is a “threat to our democracy” they really mean “threat to our unlimited power.”
Big difference between "democracy" and "democratic institutions" - which is what they mean. :(
Posted elsewhere, as well , but it ties right in to your comment....what the heck IS the " justification" for what is going on?
I see NONE.
I think it’s intentional to start chaos right before the election so that just like Ukraine, there would be no election. They have already conceded there are sleeper cells here and some who have been interviewed said they were approached by UN to come and were awaiting their orders. The dictators are in control.
I have had a gut feeling for a long time that there will be no election. I also feel strongly our Republic suffered irreversible damage when Mike Pence caved to the establishment on January 6, 2021 by going along with what he had to know was a fraudulent election in 2020. Since that day the fraudsters in charge have tried to instill fear into anyone who dares question an election of a Democrat or one of their favorite RINOs. Nobody will be safe.
Which is why Abbott has used the term invasion as justification. We have been invaded for 3 years nonstop and Biden incites the invasion.
Disagree. States are left footing the bill for federal failures and meddling, disproportionately so for those happening to be a long the border. Texas is not arresting illegals all over the US, just in TX.
In addition, ICE should be coordinating with local police to extradite illegals. That is a key piece of immigration enforcement that is missing.
Yesterday (Monday 3/4) there was a news piece regarding an incident that happened in Florida. Dan Bongino reported on it. An illegal was in jail for driving without a license. He was also the suspect in 3 rapes/assaults. Three state where these offenses took place would not agree to extradite him, ICE workshops take him, and so the local sheriff had no choice whatsoever to hold this animal any longer. So the sheriff's office posted the situation on social media as a warning to the local community. Thank God for locals who took action, along with Dan Bongino, and the congressional representative the animal was picked up by ICE. The reason given for not apprehending him before...ICE had to place to put him. Their detention centers are full! What in the world...
Biden has hamstrung ICE.
But the states/cities that consider themselves sanctuary cities that have set out the welcome mat are expecting the taxpayers to foot the bill of their local shortfalls when they spend all their funds passing out cell phones, debit cards, airline flights, and hotel accommodations! Between NGO's and the federal government spending all our taxes on this mess... oh, don't forget Ukraine, there is absolutely nothing left to support the American people! These seems to be something wrong with this picture!
The proclamation of a being a sanctuary city by which local authorities harbor criminals, specifically individuals who have entered our country illegally, should have been shut down immediately by the federal government, specifically the Supreme Court of the United States. The court shouldn’t have to wait until the sanctuary status is challenged. Ignoring the obvious and failing to act is dereliction of duty.
Didn't Texas sue the feds in the 90's over that? The fed response when the court ruled against them wasn't to stop the flow but to send money?
Sanctuary cities like NYC are getting what they asked for. Sadly, the women and minorities who vote democrat are paying the price. Will they change their minds and voting patterns?
Nope, we're all getting what they asked for. The Fed has been bailing out NY, CA and IL. Our girls aren't safe even in GA, LA and IA.
Don’t forget Oregon 😢
Your comment reminds me of the old joke regarding the hypothetical New York Times headline, "World to end next Tuesday, women and minorities hardest hit".
It's not women and minorities who are paying the price but stupid people (who happen to mostly be women and minorities). People that vote to let criminals run free only so they can be their victims are foolish beyond belief. They aren't helpless victims but are paying the price for their own incredibly poor judgment. They voted for this out of selfish virtue signaling (women mostly) or a desire for payback (minorities mostly).
There's nothing sad about it beyond the fact that decent people don't like to see others suffer. It's a classic case of bad things happening when people act emotionally rather than rationally. And they are also showing they are not smart enough to learn from their mistakes.
I tend to can see it in the busy body moms around here. Just such low information voters that are desperate to be in the "in crowd" that they refuse to look at anything very closely. I wish we could pass a law that all of these people that want the border wide open are required to feed & house 2-3 of them each.
Yes! Everyone who voted for Joe now becomes a host family!
busybody Karens who SEETHE against other opinions and views
Agreed! This fact is why I can never support a woman for president!
I don't think I'd go that far but I appreciate the sentiment.
One thing seems clear though, Democrats have rewired the inherent maternal instinct away from a woman's own kids (which they no longer have) towards group "victims". But it's been done in a pathological sense. It's like the old joke of the mother telling a judge that her criminal son "is really a good boy". Except now they do it for an entire group of people.
It's pretty bizarre but there's no doubt it has happened.
Remember Haley reaction when Vivek putted her for her hypocrisy regarding her own daughter? Scum was her choice of words. She showed me the women, (yes I am one) are more emotional! This is a job for a strong man!
Strong men with the grit to carry the war to the enemy.
A very astute observation. Which explains why they tow their kids to drag queen shows & pride parades.
Well put and so true.
I feel you on that. If you look at it biblically, God only gives women authority over children, not over men too. Men are to have authority over all just under God. Why I won’t vote for a woman as president. She was deceived by Satan.
Totally agree about Biblical roles, all based on the image of God. But we have to remember that ultimate blame lies with Adam. When the Serpent tempted Eve, Adam was right there and did not intervene to protect her. He failed in his duty. That was his role.
Phil, worse yet, he took Eve's advice. That story, combined with being mugged by the reality of true maternal instinct and of observing the behaviors of men and women in daily life, all combined to help me see God's truth and forsake trying to create a new reality made in my own image.
or even VP - present example proof
With you on that.
Thanks for this. I think that women are _genetically_ disinclined to defend borders. Female unconcern with borders is pretty universal, even down to chimpanzees, where the males defend borders, but females never do.
No border, no country. Invasion by foreign men, slaughter of local men, women protected by invading men anyway - and that's why women don't care about borders, normally.
One important exception: women with sons who are likely to be slaughtered by invaders tend to find that borders have become important to them. Maybe women voting and women in power should be limited to women who have sons.
I know all of this is very politically incorrect, but it's important that someone say it, because it is basic biological reality which is not going away. To ignore it for the sake of preventing hurt feelings (also a typically female thing, I have to say) makes us all much worse off.
You could flip all of this and say that men are rude and militaristic. But men evolved to be like that (or you could say God created men that way) because that is what worked to successfully bring us down through many generations to the present day.
Well done!
Thank you. I'll probably get a lot of shit for that comment, but I think it's all true and needs to be said.
The key part is the emotional vs logical. There is actually a biological/brain basis for this thinking, and they do not occupy the same space. We have plenty of family members with severe TDS; all emotion with no logic, and a failure to see such a person logically as helpful and/or beneficial to their own existence. To see the extreme of this think Spock/Kirk!
We're all wearing red shirts now.
well said!
Leftist-Commie propaganda is quite effective and targets us all in different ways; Hispanics get the UNIvision (well named) and Telemundo treatment and most lap it up...any Truthful Mainstream Spanish Media??? They will suffer most from the Hispanic Criminal Cartel Invasion but they are easily convinced that Trump and Republicans hate Mexicans
Err, act with poor judgement rather than wisdom. I don’t call it emotion. Its judgement.
Reacting out of emotion rather than wisdom is the definition of poor judgement. It’s doing what feels good in the moment rather than evaluating the potential consequences of doing so.
Frankly that’s why the Bible straight up prohibits certain behaviors. God is protecting us from our own worst emotional impulses.
You can’t fix stupid.
Bleeding hearts don’t understand that there are those who actually enjoy chaos and destruction. You can pour all your resources into them; they will turn glamorous settings into chaos because they like it.
co-dependency, enabling, lavishing attention and resources on the attention seeking squeaky wheel that only makes it and the other 3 wheels squeak all the more
Babilon is falling
No, and they deserve to get it good and hard.
There’s still a lot of cucks out there, Yuri. Lots.