I. Am. Canadian. And I approve this post.

And I join my countrymen and countrywomen in my disapproval of the cuck in the video. Shameless, guiltless and godless psychopathic narcissist destroying our nation one idiotic gender at a time.

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Every time I seen his face, I get angry. And then I think about the people who voted for him and I get depressed.

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Well, at least you know how we feel in the states, too. I want a Biden/Pelosi/Schumer/etc poster in my garage so I can throw darts at them.

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Good call on putting them in the garage, for safety reasons you shouldn't hang those posters in a carpeted area in case of sudden and unexpected vomiting.

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You could develop a small cottage industry selling target posters.

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You are being too kind. It would not be darts that I would be throwing at their photos.

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I saw an axe throwing place recently I didn’t know about. Hmmm…

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Darts are dangerous & must be regulated out of existence.

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We should get targets printed.

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Please include amber heard

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I'd rather shoot a BB gun at least!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Target 🎯 practice!

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Don’t get too depressed or you’ll be MAIDed.

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Too true.

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We can always dream of him becoming the poster child for that service.

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Remember, the easily rigged and hacked voting machines are all over the world now. Most of these psychopath politicians would never be in office otherwise. Yes, this has emboldened the lunatics among us but their numbers are much smaller than the fake election results imply.

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Indeed. Much, much smaller.

Probably take up less than 5KB on one of those voting machine dongles—BEFORE they remove them from the machine to then load them with 5GB of fake votes.

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Rumor is Emperor Justinian the Turd is preparing for an election. With polling numbers the way they are the only hope he has is the loaded dongle... and he's more than likely got one ready

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Those neighbors of yours across the border must look at Biden ... I say we have it worse

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Yea, at least Trudeau is nicer to look at, hahahaha

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I think most Canadians look at him and feel nauseous. And angry. And disgusted. As one does when one sees pure evil.

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yup, it's impossible to see him as good looking. He's just too evil.

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And his face a reminder of horrid Castro

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I wonder though. Come election time the mindless downtown liberal voters will show up in droves. Wouldn’t want a maga type J6/“freedum” guy to get elected. 🙄🙄🙄

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I hope to God that what the polls are strongly suggesting is true. Would have to be a whole lot of ‘rigging’ to beat Pierre at this point!

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Every time I see his face, I see Fidel Castro.

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That's the way I feel about ALL of our so-called "elected officials"!!

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Angry is probably better. Everytime I see the little tinpot dictator, I get a wave of nausea.

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We feel the same about our "resident".

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What people that voted for him??!!

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I still can’t get anybody to admit they voted Liberal to have him elected

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I'm related to that Cuck, unfortunately. And yes I've already written him telling him he is an embarrassment to the family.

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So maybe you know . . . is he really Fidel Castro's son? He really, really resembles Fidel.

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Ha ha ... Luckily he is a distant cousin. Does he look like Fidel? You bet! Maggie and Pierre were doing threesomes with Castro so the odds are pretty high. Which would be good because he'd be taken from my family tree 😅.

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I’ve written this before, but worth it to those who didn’t read previous. His mother said Fidel Castro was the sexiest man alive, while she was still married to Pierre.

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Well, if he is good looking (gag) he didn’t get any looks from Pierre. 😁

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Geez, communism is gene-linked after all!

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His registered on file Father embraced the commie lifestyle also so no hope for Skippy. Maggie was in full blown out bipolar mania in those days and she was up for pretty much anything.

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I’ve heard that she was mind controlled, used as a honey pot. Any truth to that? Thanks!

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You poor family member. You know what they say, “you can chose your friends......”

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Especially when he criticized "old white Canadian stock". I'm like, frig dude, do you even know who the heck your grandfather was? He literally owned the land now occupying Montreal.

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I also am Canadian & agree with your post!

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He needs a shot. Many of them.

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And who do they think they can fool? The nurse wipes his left (tatooed) arm with alcohol, then we see her putting the band aid on his right (un-tatooed) arm. How stupid do they think we are?

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It's a humiliation ritual.

"We can openly lie to you, and there's nothing you can do about it."

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Vaccines cause adults? That isn’t even proper grammar. But whatever.

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Maybe the back of the shirt reads:

". . . to die suddenly"

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Ha ha ha, yes!!!

Awesome idea for a tee!!!

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I am seriously going to get shirts made- I have a local business I’ve used before for CrossFit competitions.

If you want one, let me know. I prefer tanks as I live in FL. For now anyway.

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Mandated Vaxxines Cause Revolt

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Good one!

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That's a good response

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ok, that was a good one right there. set up a website and drop me the place and I will get a t-shirt

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Hey, he has a degree in Drama, not English.

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But can he play the piano with Little Justin? That is the real test of a true leader.

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If I drank coffee, it would be out of my mouth and all over the place after reading your comment. 🤣

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Good thing my cup was half empty already! Hahahaha!

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And he is not even good plying the role of a Prime Minister. Can we blame it on the script? After all, his inspiration, Klaus, is actually a science fiction writer with a large cult following, and sci fi is known for two-dimensional characters.

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Some created memes.

One of them added to the tee:






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And drop dead in their tracks!

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Hahahaha. Alas. yes

The joys of predictive spelling - that should have been "lose" but "lease' works too.

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Further proof the Leftists can’t meme.

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you see as an NPR-minded sophisticat I will point out to all you Trumpers that if an innocent helpless child is abused by bad MAGA-type parenting via NOT getting the 66+ recommended vaccines early in their life that they have NO CHANCE to survive to adulthood. Thus; Vaccines Cause Adults...but then what do ABORTIONS CAUSE? Child hunger in America is ALL our concern, when i was a kid is was called parental neglect....now it's just an opportunity for MORE assistance, more guilt sharing, more $$$ from Gvt and private entities, and other attention and resources to be leveraged

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Isn’t it up to 73 now? I’m so glad I have alert, intelligent children seeing to the care of the grandchildren. How painful it would be otherwise.

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you're prob correct but i was weakly trying to allude to a more symbolic diabolic numeric reference

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I think he got two shots? Anyway yes they think we are idiots and enough are that this spectacle will cause a small stampede to clinics for actual shots w actual needles

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Good. It will cull that herd faster. My patience and tolerance for the normies is low.

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Yes! On the contrary, i suspect that it will reaffirm our disgust for anything he touches or espouses or advises. He's an actor, believing what he's paid to believe. Like so many wokeass MDs.

Canadians are waking up to his evil agenda via the only way some will ever get it. By suffering.

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at LEAST they didn't show him getting a sinus swab or rectal swab for testing!

His next PS Video needs to be getting his monthly heart and lungs scanned for potential clots for the new normal, or a counseling appt for depression with a death-doc.

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You are correct, Belle. I just saw this actual post and he got a CV booster and the flu shot…hence the double armed drama.

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Agree. Though look how many buy into whatever the doctor, CNN, some social influencer or the government tells them is true. A lot.

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He was supposedly getting both the covid and the flu shots. But why wasn't he being monitored for 15 minutes?

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Useless eaters are stupid to them

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The tweet is claiming he got two shots, I guess one in each arm.

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I hope they are effective.

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And Unsafe

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SADS???? 😂😂

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at least it isn't a gluteal injection...do they give those anymore or was that just a way to get us 1970s-80s kids to drop our pants in front of a labcoat wearing adult?

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That inappropriate culturally appropriating tattoo is worse than blackface and nobody says boo.


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It’s actually revealing how stupid they are! It’s all a farce...they’re lying to the public again.

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What caliber?

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Let me be the first in line to give it him, right in the temple!!

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If only we could reach the millions of our fellow country men/women who still adore this degenerate moron and the utterly useless lap dog that props him up. Alas, being related to some of them, I don't see it ever happening.

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There is an effort underway to disseminate leaflets of info and questions our populace need consider. The tide is turning, and altho Chinada suffers from a lack of knowledge, this great beautiful country is educated and educable. We gotta try, right? Densely populated areas to be blitzed first by a small but organized patriot group. My new family. Felpston sunday the 12th we meet to finalize. Unstoppable.

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Barrie, ON area (Felpston/Phelpston)? I'm a few hours north....I do wish you all the best but I've been trying to do something for over a decade, involved in many protests, door knocking, pleading etc.

Most common answer "I've always voted liberal (or NDP) and I always will no matter what".

You can't fight that...it's emotionally driven, illogical and cult-like behaviour. Deprogramming that mindset takes weeks of one-on-one psychotherapy.

I'm also not convinced there is any viable alternative, and I'm exhausted. I suggest to most it's time to connect AND group up with like-minded people and start to batten down the hatches.

Apologies for the black-pill attitude FWIW.

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James M, i understand. The good Rev Artur Pawlowski spoke near Orillia the other day. The take-home message was illuminating and calming.

Our task in the big picture is what we do here and now. The rock you stand firmly upon. Your country. Provide the unknowing the information they need to know. And let God do the rest. Without some vague expectation of an immediate and impossible result. Impossible to measure too: have faith in the unseen. Know that you, dear patriot, have had an immeasurable but very meaningful effect on the world. Beware not to take the huge heavy-as-a-cross burden of the world onto your shoulders. Someone did that for you 2000 years ago. And it set you free.

Free to exercise your courage forthrightly despite the material world's risks real and imagined. Remember what you already know: what happens here in this illusory existence pales in importance to the path you follow in spirit.

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I'm reminded of that old Christian hymn, "Brighten the Corner Where You Are"--- LIGHT drives out the DARKNESS!!

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I hear the message and genuinely appreciate it, but I've lost any faith I had that the vast majority of my fellow citizens (including 95% of my friends and family) had any integrity or decency, and that faith is never coming back.

For a time during the Freedom Convoy I considered myself a patriot, but I no longer recognize the country I'm supposed to devote myself to.

I do stand firmly upon my rock...however it ends at the property line...

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I hear you James about the friends and family lacking integrity and decency. I think that was one of the hardest things - to learn these folks were pods and some mean ones at that. How easily they turned away and believed the liars they’d never even met. I could not have imagined that. Sorry for your pain. God is still on the throne but like most, we all wrestle with faith throughout our walks. (I did not mean to be such a bummer, sorry 😳. )

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Do Not Lose Heart, We Were Made for these Times

Clarissa Pinkola Estes


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Wow. Thanks for sharing!

This. Is. Good!!!

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It's inspiring for sure, but I balk at the entire concept of hope. Opiate for the masses as they say, and leads to inaction due to the idea someone else will step in and do what needs to be done. That the article is 20+ years old and the state of the world is FAR FAR worse speaks volumes.

Ironic the author grew up on the Great Lakes - as did I. As today is the anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald, it is appropriate to say I know a sinking ship when I'm on one.

The "SS Canada" is already half-way to the bottom of Lake Superior.

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Hope in other people can be an opiate—a way of washing one’s hands of responsibility—but that would be misplaced hope, no? Placed where it belongs, hope motivates action. E.g., if athletes hope their team will win, they practice and play harder. Hope in God, rather than in people, is never misplaced. Prayerful, praiseful, thankful people don’t stay on their knees. They get inspired, get up, and get involved. Never give up hope.

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Poor you.

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Fabulous! We are made for this time! God doesn’t view time as we do.

We feel so important, but the entirety of our lives is but a breath to him.

He has the full view, from beginning to end.

2 Peter 8-9

But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

The Lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness, but is fore bearing toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

Never despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence, submit yourselves to the will of God, which is love itself.

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Stevanovitch, this method needs to be widely employed. It's the only way to reach people who never see anything but mainstream media, and there are many of those. I've never yet seen a parent, for instance, who saw actual pages from the pornographic books in their children's elementary school library, who were not outraged and galvanized. It's surprising, if you're not in that world, but there are so many people who would never know what's happening unless you put it in their hands and in front of their faces. If they ever even become aware that there's a conflict, they believe it's a fuss over nothing and think it's like someone wanting to remove Mark Twain from the library - because that's how it has been presented to them, as a vile attempt at censorship. That changes instantly when they see the actual material.

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I've had no luck with this unfortunately. If it isn't "government approved", into the trash it goes, immediately dismissed as conspiracy or mis/dis-information.

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James M, I've seen videos of people reading from these books at school board meetings, and showing the pictures in them. Of course they try to shut them down and sometimes succeed, but the fact that they're desperate for parents NOT to see and hear what their children have access to speaks for itself. People go home wondering why they were so desperate to hide the material, and that can be the beginning of a journey - the end of which you may not see, and it may take a while. You won't reach everyone, ever, because some just can't stand the truth. But it's worth some effort to reach even a few. Those few may know a few others who have a little chink in their armor and are open to reason if approached carefully. But I do understand if you need to give up on this for a while, or even permanently. It's exhausting and demoralizing, and sometimes you just have to retreat.

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Some will never accept Truth. Some will actively resist you, but a crack will have appeared that causes them to think, whether they want to or not. If you have an ongoing relationship, be gentle as the layers of deceit fall away. It can take time, and no one likes being seen as being wrong.

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We had a righteous GOP working in our local school board elections--they not only sent out newsletters prior to our special election this week with passages from these DEVIATE SEX books for "grade school kids" but they showed photographs of 2 of the DEMONrats running for the local Schoool Board displaying this FILTH at our local fair (which is supposed to be a WHOLESOME community event--not a "freak show". I have to find out who was elected to the School Board--I surely pray it was NOT any of these despicable DEMONrats!

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Prayers were answered with a resounding YES in our local school board NONE of the DEMONrats were elected - ALL of the 5 REPUBLICANS were elected. We must be vigilant or the evil will "sneak" its way into our local government as it has in the Federal and state governments.

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At that local fair, it would have been good if someone had read from those books to those around. Wonder if the DEMONrats would have handed them over on request, or if one would need their own copy?

Sand in the machinery!

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That's a really unique idea, W.S. I was aghast even READING the books' contents to myself in my own home...I couldn't muster the "chutzpah" to read that filth out loud in a "family friendly" setting. It's just TOOOOO desperately deviate!!

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They believe life is much safer and easier if you keep your head firmly buried in the sand. They can’t see the huge pitfall; lined and filled with sharpened stakes prepared to kill that lie ahead.

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RADIO FREE CANADA (and Radio Free Colorado)

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Yes, Phelpston east of Wasaga. Conc rd 4 East of town. All welcome to assist, to chat, to share your story. Such beautiful people. My new family.

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Vaccine Choice Canada does excellent work! Check them out if you are not already a member.

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I. Am. Not. Canadian. And I approve this post and your reply!

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Hes a WEF muppet

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I am an embarrassed Canadian. I agree, our Prime Monster is disgraceful. And um…why does she prep one arm and put a bandaid on the other?? If they can’t even edit a video properly, how do the Liberals run a country?

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I think the intent was that he got one in each arm as he was said to have gotten 2 jabs of poison. Im betting he got nothing.

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They don't--they're just "actors"--the REAL POWERS are unknown to WE THE PEOPLE!! They are "fairly" elected - I would imagine our elections have been tampered with for decades.

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And yet the people reelect him. Just like the recent governorships here. Seems to be true that we get the government we deserve.

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I doubt that Chinada’s elections are any more reliable than ours are.

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The days of libtards being elected is soon over.

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I'm not confident we can vote our way out of this...we have our own entrenched "deep state" - judicial issues, administrative functions, media, financial institutions etc...they are all full of communists/marxists/fascists.

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Fatalism is an even heavier opiate than misplaced hope. Wouldn't claiming impotence be an excuse for laying down, crying, and dying? Better questions: who would try to demoralize warriors that way? Isn't refusing to define ourselves as victims the first line of resistance and defense?

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Yes, I think of George Washington’s hungry, half frozen troops on the banks of the Delaware. What looks inevitable certainly may not be in God’s plans.

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There is a clear distinction between fatalism and realism. But keep voting harder, maybe it will work next time.

Never claimed impotence, only that voting our way out isn't going to happen. You might want to review 20th century geopolitics/warfare to see what is required to overthrow the takeover that is well under way.

Warriors indeed - but in this case the pen (electronic or otherwise) is not mightier than the sword. The sooner people come to this reality, the sooner we can get on with things.

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What specific "things" do you hope to "get on with," big guy?

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Buck up, bro! So the opposition is fierce. You think we should lie down and die?

“This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.”

“But I tell you this: We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.”

~ Mike Vanderboegh

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I'm reading Chris Rufo's book and it's a depressing read. He details how the 1960s radicals from that period on have gradually infiltrated virtually everything and how they are brainwashing our youth to think just like they do. I'm not sure there is any possible way to un-do what they've done, they're everywhere and in everything.

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What man cannot do, God can.

Luke 1:37

For nothing is impossible with God.

Luke 18:27

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”

A good attitude to have is, “The Difficult, we’ll start on right away. The Impossible may take a little longer (for fasting and praying).”

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ABSOLUTELY. Willful ignorance reigns supreme--we on C & C learned what's happening "behind the curtain" - but we're in the minority! The majority prefer to "go with the flow--like the lemmings rushing to their death!!

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Have they let Canadians know how much Trudeau was paid for his acting job in the "jabbed-not jabbed" commercial?

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

I had to check the date on this post- thought it would say 2020 but it’s current!!! 😂

Nov, 8 2023!!

What. A. Joke. 🤡

Also, what does his shirt say? Vaccines cause adults?? 🤔 huh?

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They cut off the last line: to die of SADS.

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Did you mean guiltless or gutless?

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Both. Guiltless and gutless. Among other things he lacks. Like balls etc etc etc

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You seem to be at around the bush with your words hahahahaha

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Too bad ladies, he’s gay! The reason for his divorce was that Sofie and he want to pursue other relationships. The narcissist will be the first Canadian declared gay Princess, I mean Prime Minister.

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I visited the Canada area of Epcot and I approve this post. Canada deserves so much more!

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Some of us rush through our morning ritual just so b we can share our first cup of coffee with you. So, you will be missed! However, enjoy your men’s trip and we’ll have a fresh cup brewing Tuesday morning.

BTW - a lot of us appreciate the fact that you do not rush to judgement, that you carefully look at the evidence and share your educated opinion. That’s why we look forward to that first cup with the COFFEE and COVID post every morning.

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Yeah, I’m not sure how I’ll make it the next three days. I expect the blues to be descending on me by Tuesday. 😢

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Join our FB group and start a convo there! :) c&C junkies

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I’m in that group! I haven’t seen a post in a long time though. FB is probably suppressing it. I’ll look this weekend when I get lonely for C&C. 🙂

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OOOh. I have but haven’t had much engagement so. But especially when things are quiet I can see for sure. I hope more will engage.

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I just joined

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Did you get accepted?

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I just submitted a request to join.

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I’ve never heard of it!

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

Thanks for the requests yall. Some of you have not answered the questions or accepted the rules. Due to crazy FBers and trolls I won’t accept if rules are not ACCEPTED and YOU can’t ID our group in some way (this one). I think I PMd all who are still pending

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Just requested membership! I’m the one from CA 😩

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I just joined. May get me back to FB more 😁

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Did you get accepted?

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I did!

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I’m pending. First I’d heard of it.


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Did you get accepted?

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Just checked. Yes, I’m accepted.


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Just joined!!!

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Did you find it and get accepted?

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I just applied.

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Did you get accepted?

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Yep 🙂

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I just joined. I'll make a post.

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You should be added

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I just requested to join!

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Can't find it... what is the name of the FB group?

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Did you find it and get accepted?

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C&C junkies

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You will not be alone, your majesty. It’s hard enough to endure Sunday without my C & C "fix," but three days! That's gonna hurt!

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To anyone who tried to join- there are 7 pending. Some did not answer any questions some did not agree to rules. Can you change edit or delete and resumbit? :) Not trying to deny anyone!

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I only got one question.

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Really?!! check your msgs for one from me.

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Yes, I was actually depressed for a few minutes thinking today was one of Jeff's vacation days.

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I totally agree.

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Thank goodness I have a counseling appt scheduled for Monday, the DTs will be pretty strong 🤪

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LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. I very much look forward to the morning C&C post also. It's a breath of fresh air of common sense, no BS, legit information and perspective.

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I’m here for the snark first. News and views second. Unfortunately, many days I only get a chance to read it later in the day. Doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about it though!

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"I think we are about to discover that the pandemic has cracked the rotten vaccine walnut wide open."

In the old days, it would have been labeled SIDS and mom would have been blamed.

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The msm medical community- all of the medical complex - should be wary. Lawsuits will be coming and they will wish they stood up and upheld the oath to do no harm. Big pharma needs to go under. The poor little girl. It makes me sick. 😪😪

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"Organ failure and cardiac arrest" in a healthy 15 month old baby. Nothing to see here! Happens all the time.

We NEED to call it what it is: The child was POISONED and somebody is criminally at fault! But they want us to call it a side-affect. NO... she was poisoned.

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What do you do when someone is murdered by poison? You investigate and figure out what they were poisoned with and who did it and BRING CRIMINAL CHARGES of murder.

Big Pharma is a SERIAL KILLER. Corporations are individual entities (legally) just like you and me. They are serial killers for profit.

Civil suits do nothing! Nothing will change until we bring criminal charges against the corporations and the corporate heads. Until CEO's like Albert Bourla are executed for serial murder, NOTHING will change.

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The (P)harma will show how they need more $$$ to help educate and regulate a negligent pediatrician tech who didn't properly store or dispense the safe and effective liquid. Cost Containment is all part of the system.

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Agreed, "Big Pharma is a SERIAL KILLER."

Questions for a lawyer:

1) Given that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 removed all legal liability from manufactures for vaccine injury or death, meaning the legal person (entity) cannot be sued, since criminal law is a completely different ball game (of which I am grossly ignorant), with adequate evidence of crime is the notion of criminal charges for murder against the legal person corporation a pipe dream or is it feasible? Would a plea come into play, hypothetically speaking? Is the standard for conviction "beyond a reasonable doubt?"

2) Is it feasible to bring criminal charges for murder against pharma executives once evidence is amassed? All this would precede discovery, right? Would a plea come into play? Is the standard for conviction "beyond a reasonable doubt?"

The People's collective righteous anger at the egregious maleficence by an entire industry (legal persons) run by people (natural persons) is impotent if the law doesn't permit for redress. We already know (Katherine Watt) the People, Congress and the judiciary are impotent in the case of DoD products deployed starting in late 2020 unless Congress repeals the laws that disallow oversight, review or prosecution. Not holding my breath there. All we've got to go after is through other "unavoidably unsafe" (stated in 1986 by Wyeth-now-Pfizer) vaccine products.

Enough. You get the point. Any criminal law lawyers reading? Thank you for indulging my woeful ignorance.

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During the congress hearing for giving big pharma total immunity from its vaccines they asked why big pharma just couldn’t make them safe and they were told that it was impossible. So they gave them the immunity anyway and the hell with how many kids would be injured or killed by their products.

Clinton and Obama gave big pharma permission to fast track their products without going through all steps to make them safe and effective.

Kinda makes you feel that our government doesn’t give a damn about us.

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Ashley Moody??

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why do you think he is hiding in Greece?

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Excerpt from my 2016 presentation:

“What would you say if you walked by the window to my house, peered in, and saw my husband and me holding down our tiny baby on the dining room table, then roughly jabbing and injecting it multiple times with toxic cocktails and true witches’ brews of ingredients…all while our baby, or child of any age, screamed bloody murder, trying to escape our grip and savagery? I imagine you would whip out your cell phone, call the police, then try to barge into our home to stop the abuse! How is what I just described any different than what goes on every minute of every day in doctors’ offices and hospitals in our country and across the world? To be very clear, it isn’t.

To state it very plainly, vaccination is child abuse in the form of medical assault and battery. With regard to adults, when vaccination is carried out against one’s will or wishes, say for school admittance, job requirements, elder care and housing, or military admission, or when carried out with one who is hesitant, or with one who is unsuccessful in resisting and refusing, it also meets the legal definition for assault and battery. We must begin to label these vaccine atrocities for what they are: blatant and inexcusable child abuse; medical assault and battery; and when death is the result for the vaccine recipient, involuntary manslaughter. These vaccine-induced injuries, illnesses, and deaths are iatrogenic in nature, meaning they are caused by doctors and nurses. Vaccinations are crimes against humanity, and there is no time to mince words about this fact.“

Link to full presentation, both video and transcript:


Laura Hayes


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Thank you ever-so-much for all that you are doing, and, God Bless you on your journey. This comes one day after my oldest son and DIL, the parents of a 5 yr old girl, and a 1 yr old boy, told me that they have decided to halt any future jabs for their kids. I cried happy tears! I only wish and pray that my youngest son and DIL would stop this madness with their 1 yr old girl, who has had multiple rounds of antibiotics, breathing treatments, excema, and ear tubes. It is such a delicate position as her grandmother, in that, my youngest son is adament that i not give any health advice, whatsoever, even though I spent 3 decades as a holistic health practitioner. I may try to send him this link, at the risk of whatever might affect our relationship. I am praying about it.

Thank you again.

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Erin Fight,

You are most welcome. Here is a link to my publicly-available work, should you want to peruse it to see if one of my articles or presentations sounds like one that would resonate with your youngest son.


It is so hard when family members are uninterested in hearing and learning. I will say a prayer that you will be a light and beacon of truth for your youngest son.


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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

Thank you, Laura. I am excited to learn more from you and your great works.

Not long ago, I stumbled upon a pediatrician who, I believe, had put together a comprehensive compendium of vacs (anecdotal?) Data from his practice. I believe it was a compilation of some 1100 or more of patients in his group practice. Hands down, it was obvious correlation of health/illness outcomes between the 2 groups-- vaxxed or un. He may have been a California pediatrician? Are you familiar with this? I cannot seem to find it.

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Everything you state, Laura, makes so much sense. I wish your words could be heard by all. At least your words will be heard to a few from me, as I am passing them on to young family members.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I added a respectful tweet,

And also did some reading on the news website directly. Clicked some of their ad links as well. They seem to be doing some actual journalism, very rare when it comes to vaccines.


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Yes, and that poor Ottawa Police Services detective, Helen Grus, that is being persecuted for doing her job, after babies were dying after their COVID shots. Oh the corruption

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at least there will be an immediate recall on all those vaccines and the lots studied and an investigation into the problems opened by the local DA. One Co Springs clinic was shut down for injecting spoiled mRNA juice mid-Plandemic and got the blame for any potential side-effect issues I'm sure.

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I would like Jeff to comment on what the threshold for proving a crime occurred by injecting the vaccine serum. Beyond a reasonable doubt seems likely, and that would seem like a very difficult bar to reach, especially for a jury of typical citizens where probably 5% or less know the risks.

Don't get me wrong, I'd hang a jury before I voted to acquit if I were on a trial for a vaccine murder. And I'd seek the death penalty for everyone who touched the serum if a conviction were had. Just seems a little early for that.

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So true.

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Yep, 100%!

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It seems people are not aware that there will be no lawsuits over childhood vaccine-related injuries and deaths. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act requires that all such claims go to “vaccine court.” This is why no one knows about vaccine injuries. No lawsuits, no discovery, no news reports.

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However, that law is superceded by fraud....knowingly promoting something that has never been tested for efficacy and safety. And ALL of big Pharma KNOWS! It's just a matter of time. The clock is ticking!

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And now WE all know about the fraud. Ticking indeed

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there is no defense against fraud.

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And to think it was Ronald Reagan who signed this into law. Acts can be repealed. This one desperately needs to be.

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Not a lawyer. 100% true, lawsuits are disallowed. Criminal law is different. The state on behalf of the People can bring criminal charges against natural persons or legal persons. Those are not lawsuits. Fraud, as @Vicki points out, is also a wrinkle that could prove an effective tool. -? Not in the case of the DoD products which the controllers managed to cover their a**es on (read or listen to Katherine Watt, https://bailiwicknews.substack.com) but on other vaccine products. There is the tiny problem on record that Wyeth-now-Pfizer stated in 1986 that the products are "unavoidably unsafe." I don't know but question whether this is their out, having already admitted they know there could be damages/injury or death. -? So flip'n frustrating.

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I think Jeff has addressed the "unavoidably unsafe" issue, or perhaps it was another lawyer I read/listen to.

I'm not a lawyer either, but my understanding is the vast majority of products are "unavoidably unsafe" and it's a matter of degree of safety. Or, what is the limit of danger for the product to be of use?

For example, cars are "unavoidably unsafe" and America would come to a virtual standstill if we waited for a "safe" car for the masses.

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Yes, "a matter of degree of safety" is the perception. Is there a crime being committed? Something willful, knowing the product is injurious or lethal? Intent? Disregard for human life? There's some burden of proof somewhere. I'm not a lawyer.

A reminder that the c19 products are not at issue, only other vaccine products.

Not likely answerable on a discussion thread. Still, doesn't hurt to ask the question. Thanks for your input!

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That’s what I said

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Some of us read history. So we wouldn't repeat it after we were told to never forget what happened last century.

"The needle belongs in the hands of the doctor." Hitler's top murder doctor's favorite line describing how to democide a population. No. The medical industry doesn't deserve our trust. At all. Not one bit. We are repeating history. Because not enough learned. And too many forgot.

Viktor Brack, top Nazi doctor executed for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg:

"The needle belongs in the hands of the doctor."

Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

Catholic Culture, 2002


"Those designated for extermination were transferred to one of 28 facilities, among them several of Germany's oldest and most respected hospitals, where they were housed in specially designated killing wards. The Nazi authorities took great care to inform parents that their children would be safe in special wards at the clinics, which would "provide all available therapeutic interventions made possible by recent scientific discoveries". These assurances were always given with the caveat that such endeavors were also fraught with mortal risks.

There is little doubt that hospital staff were complicit in these endeavors."


"The genius of this form of homicide was the normally expected availability of these medications in hospitals. Also, some poisons killed indirectly over short periods of time by precipitating fatal medical complications that were then reported as natural causes of death. There is evidence that physicians exchanged information about the efficacy of various medications when they visited each other's institutions or met at the Reich Ministry of Health in Berlin.

The murder of the children also followed a particular administrative and logistical course. As the condition of the child deteriorated following the fatal dose, the parents would be informed that their child was seriously ill, with a quick follow-up via a standardized letter announcing the child's death before parents could arrange to visit their sick child. This letter always noted that the child had died suddenly and unexpectedly of one of a number of diseases. Popular choices included brain edema and appendicitis. The favorite cause of death, however, proved to be communicable disease, which necessitated immediate cremation to avoid the danger of an institutional epidemic."


"The logistical necessities involved in killing large numbers of asylum inmates were also problematic within Germany itself.


A human experiment on the effectiveness of the gas was conducted in January 1940. A number of senior officials responsible for Aktion T-4, including many asylum directors and several others who would later make their names infamous at Auschwitz, gathered at a defunct prison near Berlin. Approximately 20 naked asylum inmates were herded into a prototypical gas chamber by psychiatric nurses. The enthusiastic onlookers watched closely as the inmates died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Eight further inmates were administered lethal injections, but when the poison had little immediate effect, these inmates were gassed as well. Buoyed by the dreadful success he had just witnessed, Viktor Brack, one of the top Aktion T-4 officials, victoriously declared the importance of using physicians to administer the gas through his oft-repeated motto: "The needle belongs in the hand of the doctor"


"Most patients' fears were allayed by these seemingly routine medical procedures, which they had all undergone many times before."


"Concocted causes of death included the now familiar list: communicable diseases such as meningitis, which was possible in people of all ages; pneumonia, a common cause of death secondary to other serious diseases; and cases of stroke, a favored sham diagnosis among the elderly."


There is little evidence that asylum directors openly opposed the killing of their patients. However, some questioned the legality of the program, and others deliberately avoided meetings that would have given them no choice but to become personally involved."

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We forget the past and then repeat it.

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Read the Bible. The warnings on pharmakeia are numerous. Avoid as much as you can. Just say no.

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Not to sound like Mr Portocalos but "the root of pharmakeia" is Greek for poison

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we cure disease and profit, then we dispense disease and profit. God and Nature are to be controlled and exploited by Man.

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Don't watch this until Jeff is back with us. IDK why Dr. Michael Palmer's video hit me so hard - I already knew it - but for some reason... :(


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Nothing will happen. Reagan gave everyone involved immunity in 1986. The parents can try to petition the government for some compensation which we the tax payers will pay if they get, but broad immunity has already been given to the vaccine makers, doctors, nurses, and assistants in regards to vaccine injury or death. Everyone is untouchable because they are following the ‘standard of care’ which is to give childhood vaccines according to the CDC schedule. In fact they could only be sued if they were not following the CDC schedule because that goes against the ‘standard of care’ set forth by... the CDC. Isn’t that nice how that works? (Sarcasm)

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Her poor parents. She was so beautiful. Makes me feel like crying.

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me too

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Steve Kirsch reported that 50% of SIDS were within 1-2 days and 70% were within a week of a 'well' visit - as witnessed by an officer who dealt with 700 cases in three years. And only because she asked the question - the authorities weren't even looking.

Absolutely tragic and child murder! How many more must die?

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Instead they are telling parents to always keep the infants and babies on their back to prevent it. Yet babies slept (carefully) on their stomachs for generations.

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In case you missed it, they’re just giving the deaths different ICD codes: “The observation that the increase in the rates of non-SIDS causes of sudden unexpected infant death could account for >90% of the drop in the SIDS rates suggests that a change in classification may be occurring.”


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More Orwellian manipulation of history.

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Oh no! Not again! They did the same with Polio due to that vax's injury rate: you had to have it for 60 days to qualify and anything shorter or different was just called something else - but it hasn't gone away! Monsters!

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Shell-company type work; Quack Science and Medicine redefining, recategorizing, spectrums, syndromes, all $$$ generating work and a way to shield and hide

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It took awhile for me to figure out that my babies slept much better on their stomachs, and I had to "break the rules" for them to go to sleep so I could get sleep too. Just keep fluffy pillows and comforters out of the crib or bed or bassinet, and the baby will be fine.

Yes, modern western medicine makes parenting miserable with rules that are actually artifacts of making profits.

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I totally agree. My babies loved stomach sleeping. My daughter fell into the fear mongering. Thank goodness she didnt do it all the time during the day because all the time is the reason babies then get flattened heads and have to wear super expensive and uncomfortable helmets! If you ever see a baby or toddler with a helmet, that is why! Crazy stuff!

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Sleeping on the stomach helps them pass gas. They can suffer tremendously sleeping on their back.

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So true! More lame excuses to cover up the truth.

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Assuming that Kirsch has his figures correct, how can pediatricians not speak out as they surely see the trend of death within 2 days of being vaccinated!!?? "Steve Kirsch reported that 50% of SIDS were within 1-2 days and 70% were within a week of a 'well' visit - as witnessed by an officer who dealt with 700 cases in three years. And only because she asked the question - the authorities weren't even looking."

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They are probably bullied to be quiet. I know my family doctor was bullied into stopping successful Lyme treatments. He hasn’t done it in years, just waiting to retire soon. Medical mafia is a real thing.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Indeed, here in Panama City I have seen MD's and health practitioners run out of town for being TOO effective.

Modern medicine is a death cult and medical schools are murder schools.

Nearly all alternative health practitioners in Florida have been run out of the state by the local AMA mafia.

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Well that explains why I can’t find an alternative doc here. 🤦🏼‍♀️ They are all over on the west coast…. Although what does it matter when they are bat shit crazy too.

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I see an integrative medicine doctor in ft Myers.

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For those with eyes to see & ears to hear. Thanks for the honest-to-God truth, Phil!

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I heard something about them dying(?) around 10 years ago when I moved here.

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That was doctors and chiroprachters. They were all dispensing GCMaF, which targets the nagalese coating that cancers cells produce . The nagalese blocks white blood cells, T cells, and Killer cells from destroying the cancer cells. It really works, and many patients saw their cancer go into remission. You can no longer get GCMaF in the USSA. My wife takes a kinda sorta but not really substitute supplement that attacks nagalese, Full Spectrum Digest. Expensive, but hey. Nagalese, and HCG, are the 2 tests she uses to track progress in her cancer levels. Only aware of one place ( in the USSA) that does the tests, two different sites.

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You'd think it would be a massive red flag and as good as a control group in a trial.

From memory, it was a 30% reduction in SIDS during covid when kids weren't getting their shots. Now a total of 73!!!

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Pediatricians are paid a bounty for childhood vaccines. I think is is $400 for every kid who gets all of the Center for Diabolical Crimes recommended shots by age 2

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That sounds right, and then they get a progressive increase rebate for % of their practice "fully vaccinated." (from the insurance companies, like Anthem and BC/BS, who in turn get paid by pharma). Amounts to something like ⅓-½ M $ per year, JUST FOR the bounty. Add in office visits, costs for giving the shots, and then maybe treating the adverse events. That's why peds are discharging patients from their practices who decline the shots.

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Ka-ching Ka-ching. Follow the money 💰 🤑 💸

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They're monetarily incentivied.

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"The love of money..."

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Exactly. How much money is enough? Never enough, it seems. People have to pay to be killed or maimed by their trusted HCP. God sees everything.

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I told both of my nieces to watch their children carefully for 30 days after a shot. Sids, autism and other side effects occur most in that time frame. I want them to really think and be on edge. It is serious stuff you are doing to your child.

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It's unbelievable: 73 shots by the time a kid is 18. How did we ever survive before? And not a one tested against a true placebo. Are parents insane? I hope both doors are now blown off this sick and deadly, murderous fraud. Turtles!!

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They’re still doing that today. I’m surprised they didn’t blame it on the mom like they’ve been prone to do. Such a disgusting industry.

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Not only blamed, but the police would have gotten involved.

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Exactly. So we should watch and see what happens a few months from now. 🧐🧐

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I think with the sudden onset of all of those problems, it's going to be hard to go from an "all clear" visit to "mom did something wrong". In this case, there seems a very, very clear link between those shots and the organ failures. Most of the SIDS stuff I've seen were "stopped breathing" cases, so harder to show anything wrong.

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A heart attack would make a baby “stop breathing”. How many SIDS cases get autopsies? I don’t know, I’m just asking. If there’s no sign of physical trauma, do they usually just shrug and call it SIDS, and suggest that a careless mom must have left a stuffed binkie in the crib that caused suffocation?

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I JUST posted about the autopsy situation, then saw your post directly under mine!!

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I wonder if all SIDS are autopsied? If not, they can claim whatever is convenient as the cause of death for these poor little ones.

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My heart breaks.💔

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Not as many autopsies are done like in past years.

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More people are aware. It won't be so easy.

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And sometimes taken into custody.

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I have a friend whose child was medically kidnapped by the hospital this year, poor infant died. It's horrible they are allowed to do this.

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That is what the 2nd amendment is for...just saying....

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In case you missed it, SIDS rates aren’t down. They just added new categories to spread out the numbers.

“The observation that the increase in the rates of non-SIDS causes of sudden unexpected infant death could account for >90% of the drop in the SIDS rates suggests that a change in classification may be occurring.”


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Or worse shaken baby syndrome.

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If they try to slander this mom now, there are some of us who are awake who will push back viciously.

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Very few, I'm afraid.

How many of us have pushed back against the assaults on the J6 prisoners?

Or the stolen 2020 election?

Or any other number of injustices that "dont apply to me"?

We conservatives are a wimpy lot...we wont do a damn thing.

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we have a globalist governmental munchausen's by proxy going on

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Flood gates are opening.. Judgement Day is coming for these criminals!

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Or bumpers, blankets and pillows 🙄

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My daughter has taken piano lessons at a "prestigious regional university" in Pittsburgh for about 3 years. Everything had been going fine, except for their ridiculous required covid vaccine and current booster policy, (the school receives huge amounts of DARPA money, so I figured they had to tow the line), but anyway ... for 3 years, everything was going very well. My daughter became a level 12 pianist in 3 years ... but then THIS term, my daughter started complaining that her teacher started asking her weird questions like, 'is everything ok at home? how are your parents? is there anything you want to tell me? you can tell me if anything is wrong.' where this was never the level of their relationship before.

Ironically, immediately, my daughter thought her teacher was finagling the child abuse via non-covid vaxed status angle ... and she was afraid that someone at the woke institution would assert that she was being abused because she is non-covid vaxed. I told her that could be the case, but they could also be angling for a gender-confusion issue with the "is there anything you want to tell me?'. I told her that if anything comes up again, just tell her everything is fine at home, and we affirm her gender, which is female, all female, only female.

But my point in sharing this is that conservative parents, or really just common sense parents anymore, can't be too careful. Institutions have become too emboldened and entitled. So sad for Maya.

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and we did not comply with the vax/booster "requirement". and we ignored requests for weekly covid testing.

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Strong mom! Love it.

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Came to say this!

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That's amazing, way to navigate the system. It was been discouraging to miss out on prestigious dance opportunities for m child due to mandates in nyc and pa.

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And I forgot to add that we decided together to stop going there next semester.

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ChicNotGeek -- check out Piano With Jonny, an online piano forum with over 1K excellent lessons, a community of piano students online, monthly live workshops, etc. This might fill in the gap a bit on what she will miss from giving up those piano lessons :)

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thank you for the suggestion. we'll take a look!

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Relieved to hear that!

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This exchange between you and your daughter is a testament to the trust in your relationship. You aced the parenting practical exam!

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Pittsburgh is a Dem sh*thole.

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Even moreso after last Tuesday. But I thank the voters there for increasing my property value in Washington county. 😂😂

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Just wait until Sorry Sara causes property taxes to soar in Allegheny County.

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We should get together for coffee. I'm from Sh*tsburgh too!

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Spent time on a sub tender.

Pier 22 Norfolk.

Supported the fast attacks.

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Spent a lot of time on subs next to a lot of tenders. Many piers around the world. Rode fast attacks. We could get underway, complete our mission and be back home again before a Boomer could secure their outbound maneuvering watch!

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Thank you for your service!!!

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Never used to be.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Well, it was always a Dem city. But normal Dems...not the crazy progressives now infesting the city.

Crime has definitely increased...shootings.

Downtown is too dangerous after dark.

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How old is your daughter? You mentioned University. Just curious, but those are totally inappropriate questions to ask anyone, period!

Maybe it’s the vax angle, maybe it’s the gender issue, or maybe it’s conservative (maga) or Jews vs Hamas, who the heck knows what’s going through these university elites minds.

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She's in middle school. I am a mandated reporter in my state because I am a school volunteer. These types of questions are not appropriate unless the child is in imminent danger or appears injured or with suspicious injuries. If a mandated reporter suspects abuse in the absence of imminent danger or injury, it is not appropriate to engage the child, but it is our responsibility to make an anonymous report to the state's "Tip Line".

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These people, grrrr. Glad there are people like you.

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I know, right? I had to correct a youth program director for his suggestion to “videotape” children we suspect of cheating during games/matches. I said, “who told you that was appropriate because it is never appropriate to video other people’s children without explicit permission from the consent.”

People just don’t know what is up or down anymore.

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Can you find a good private teacher? My daughter studied ten years with Natalie Phillips, but she's in her 90's and I think my girl was her last student.

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We looked, but that’s how we ended up at at the university. The private teachers were as expensive, yet less qualified. She’s going to do self-study now with royal conservatory materials. It was never the goal the be a professional musician, or in the music business per se, so we’re ok with this approach. She has discussed the possibility of researching/discovering that math/music is the language of God. It speaks to everyone.

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I wonder if she (and/or you?) would enjoy the writings of John C. Lennox. He's a mathematician and talks a lot about our word-based universe. You can find him on YouTube as well. Not his own channel, but as speaker at various venues and podcasts.

We were weirdly blessed to find the Phillips's, because we just wanted a regular old piano teacher. My daughter had no aspirations for a career in music and she ended up with one of PGH's premier teachers. And not that pricey, either. Can't explain it.

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She had a great private teacher pre-COVID, but she stopped teaching once COVID started.

I don’t regret our choices, because I feel like she’d still be bored with the beginner books with any of the private teachers. We’ve also learned that any activity that has recurring or regularly scheduled lessons doesn’t yield much progress in favor of selling more lessons. At least at the university, there were progression standards or you were gone.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I appreciate everyone and anyone who gets involved in any kind of politics, no matter what level!!! But not everyone has the fortitude to get involved; I am one of them. So this is for those not able to get involved. Some ways to “help” without running:

1. Buy from small businesses!!!!!!

2.Live off grid

3. Grow your own food!

4. Invest in assets rather than the stock market

5. Raise awareness via social media

6. I also have 3 sons serving in the military. Say what you want, but they see something in america they believe in, something bigger than themselves! I couldn’t be more proud that they are serving something bigger than themselves!!!

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Yes! I am probably not the sort of person to run for office but I have other things to offer. I am a good writer and influence that way when i can, I am a good organizer and I am good at encouraging others. In these ways, I am a strong asset to those who ARE running for public office

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Perfect!!!! Keep us updated!!!

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Point 6 confused me. I served in the 70’s when it was unpopular to serve. I served for a number if reasons. I have no idea if anyone was proud of me. I admire your sons for taking the step.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

I joined in 1976. Right after Vietnam.

Morale was horrible. Pay was terribly low.

Everyone warned me not to join.

...not like I ever pay attention to people...thank goodness!

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I left in 75. I was originally going to Nam as an operating room tech. However, they stopped sending many GIs over.

The pay was dreadful. I became one of the first 10 female drill sergeants. I worked about 17-18 hours a day. It’s a good thing I was young.

One of my friends told me “Linda, you have never done anything like the rest of us”. It was meant as high praise and I cherished the comment.

: )

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Drill sergeant...tough job for sure.

I received orders to become the Navy's version, but instead I was selected for the Navy's program where you could go to school full-time to get an associate's degree. Thank goodness the education program had a higher priority.

Dodge the bullet on that one.

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Nice! DS was a natural fit for me. I am the oldest of 6 from a very low income family.

The GI bill benefits were pretty good back then. I managed a double degree with that and a stockroom job.

I hope we can meet someday, Kathleen

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Notice how vets have instant camaraderie?

One of the reasons why I was so upset at the covid mitigation efforts at the VA hospital. That stupid Plexiglas which discouraged veterans from sitting next to, and talking to, each other. Before covid, the waiting rooms would get quite lively with vets asking each other what branch and what duty station. The Vietnam vets seemed to connect even easier.

Even with some of the Plexiglas removed, it is no longer the same.

Maybe Jeff could suggest a meet-up/convention of his most devoted followers!

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Thank you for your service

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There’s been a lot of comments here about how they would never serve or let their children serve. I understand their reservations, but if we don’t let our children serve, we won’t have a military. Thank you for your service is usually lip service, which is a sad state of affairs.

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Sadly, we don't have a military now. By we, I mean Americans.

1) The entire military was forced to take the shot.

2) Those who refused were dishonorably discharged. I know of service members who were very close to retirement and refused. They lost all of their retirement benefits due to being dishonorably discharged.

3) Many Americans quit the military due to the mandate and now Americans are no longer enlisting. Can you blame them?

4) Right now there is a manpower crisis going on in the military that is extremely hush-hush due to all the death and disability being caused by the shot.

5) The entire military has gone woke from Gen Milley, now retired, on down. Many quit due to the wokeness.

6) The US military has been culled. Real Americans who have any grit and independent thinking ability have been forced out through the mandates and through the woke programs. All that is left is...well, you get the idea.

7) The military has been recruiting non-citizens since Vietnam. Who do you think they are going to recruit to fill the ranks now? There is now a pool of several million single, military aged illegal aliens in the US that can be tapped to fill the ranks. Even better to the fascists who control the USG, these men have no allegiance to the American tradition and no concept of traditional American values who will have no compunction about shooting American civilians if ordered to do so.

"Serving in the military" as a semi-sacred rite of passage has been a mythology maintained by the establishment as a means to motivate the American people to donate their children in order to supply the state with the cannon fodder needed for their foreign wars which had nothing to do with defending American freedom. These words may sound harsh but that is only because they are true.

Let me put it this way. Serving does not define "honorable." Who you serve determines whether your service was honorable or dishonorable. Serving God is honorable. Serving Satan is not honorable. The question is, "Are they worthy of your service?"

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I should add this: I know of service members who were at retirement age who elected to retire rather than take the shot. However, they were told they would not be allowed to retire until they took the shot! When they asked their command what would happen if they quit, they were told, "You don't want to know what will happen." This is ALL officially denied but is officially contained in memos to commanders.

We are being ruled by fascists and they will spare no one.

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I want to rail and get mad at you for your post, unfortunately I agree with some of it.

And I’m assuming you haven’t served, I will apologize profusely if I’m wrong.

My question to you, since out of my 6 suggestions you choose this one to respond to, what are you doing or what are your suggestions?

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Your first 5 suggestions are SPOT ON. I picked up on this point as it gave me the opportunity to vent and to say something I felt needed to be said. There is much we as Americans need to re-think. America IS under attack right now but we as Americans are not accustomed to recognizing domestic antagonists. We have always thought of ourselves as a unified people even though diverse. Enemies were people overseas who mean us harm. This is a blindness that has been fostered by the deep state. Our oath of office (which apparently they don't even swear to anymore) pledges to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. We have not thought in terms of domestic enemies since the McCarthy hearings of the 1950's and the deep state has characterized them in our minds as a lunatic, right-wing aberration.

I appreciate the motivations of both you and your sons. Out of our good intentions, we can all be taken advantage of under false pretenses. The beginning of my awakening was the Vietnam War (during which I was of draft age - Draft? What's that?) and the Watergate Hearings which were fully televised for anyone to watch (what a concept). I home schooled two sons and while I did not try to give them a specific political viewpoint, I did make sure they knew real history, not the textbook whitewash, and had the ability to think independently and critically. Of them I have said if they were ever drafted into the military, they would probably get booted out because they were too independent minded to follow orders.

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So I understand your view point on the military, which you are entitled to. But I’m wondering what you are doing help america, unless you are an ex pat. And if your sons work, they pay taxes which ultimately make them slaves, just like mine. We are slaves to the elites. The rabbit hole is evil and dark.

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But, dont worry, the military is encouraging the alphabet soup people to join!

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Now I feel safe.

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And there you have it.

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We, as a country, should be giving those who serve the highest honor and respect and ability to succeed when coming home. So the country isn’t going to, we Moms and Dads of Military children should band together and make it happen. We still appreciate those words and are willing to take on verbally any disrespectful person we met who says otherwise and I’ve done it in many check out lines!

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My favorite thing to do these days, on the rare occasions we go out to eat, is to spot a Vet and anonamously pay the bill for their table. Anyone eaten at the new Mexican restaurant in Prescott Valley, AZ recently?

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Tysvm Fred!!!!!

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"Dont let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."

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Thank you!! Couldn’t agree more!!!!

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Slightly off topic but I assume those who say they "won't let their children serve" are parents of babies and toddlers.

Teenagers have a mind of their own.

In my experience (8 children, 25 years of teenagers), sometimes the more you don't want them to do something, the more they want to do it.

A parent does not control the decisions of an adult child.

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Here in Chinada, sadly, our woke military lacks recruitment too by about 35% i am told. Wonder why... those wokeasses are among those who fear death the most. And refuse to see the enemy within...they voted those Weffers in. And immigrants, as you said, don't see the point of defending a nation. The west is being dismantled b4 our eyes, and blindness is rampant.

The Enemy Within.... a book title for anyone with the balls to write it.

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I was talking about parents saying in here that they don’t want their kids to serve. Just in general.

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I’m not sure that “not having a military” wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Maybe if our military was a lot smaller we would just take care of ourselves and not be causing trouble or being in part of the tro uble all around the world. I spent six years in the military. I was young and stupid. It was the Reagan years and I’m glad I lived through it but I’m very afraid for my daughters now that they will be drafted. I know - they don’t draft women, well everything changes. If I could go back I would undo my “service“. I think all our service does is enable those assholes like McCain and Lindsey Graham and all the other hawks like them to enrich their friends and gain power for themselves and live out their fantasies of control all on the backs and through the blood of the young men and women who actually love their country and and think that they are actually defending it when almost never is that actually the case.

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Amen! War is about greed and profit.

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Thank you, I understand.

I appreciate your gratitude for all who serve and served.

As usual, I enjoy your comments

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Ditto Linda!!!!!

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And considering how it is used, how can you see that a a bad thing? You may think you are serving the American people, but your actual purpose is serving th globalists, big banks, and the MIC. No thanks.

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Lol. So again I ask you what are you doing then to help america? Do you pay taxes that ultimately pay for all these things you abhor?

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Good ideas! Small things matter and they add up.

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We are a military family and one son joined. We need the good and sane ones to serve! I am very proud!

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Tysvm!!!! And we desperately need patriots!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Since Covid, I’ve planted something around 40+ fruit and nut trees, and fruit shrubs. I’m on about an acre of land. Everyone should plant at least one fruit tree in their yard. This year I harvested pecans, blackberries, blueberries, tangerines and will soon have ripe persimmons and kumquats. It’s wonderful to pick fresh fruit and nuts directly from the plant. I can barely wait for my other trees & shrubs to start producing.

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Oh absolutely!!!! Hopefully you’re learning how to make jam!!!

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Retired USAF Dog Handler; best job in the world. The AF treated me right and the places I got to see and live in (Europe/Asia) were something I would have never experienced otherwise. I would do it all over again.

Let your boys know the first 10 years seem to drag on forever, but the next 10 just flies by. Hang in there and they’ll be looking at retirement before they know it.

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Thank you so much for the positive words!!! I guess you make you want it to be. Thank you for your service!!!!

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7. Use cash

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100%! Someone (sorry; don't remember who) is promoting zero credit card use for one week starting 11/24. I'm in! Someone posted that they couldn't because the week included "Black Friday." Grrr.

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LOL. "I'm really principled, except....."

"I'm for the 2nd Amendment, but..."

"I beleive in free speech, except..."

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Excellent list. 👍

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Thanks Annie!!!

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That story of the 15 month old just breaks my heart.

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We have some friends that are going to be first time grandparents their son and daughter-in-law told them that if they don't get the DPT booster shot they will not be allowed to meet their new grandchild what the hell is going on??? This is so wrong 🤬🤬🤬🤬😭

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When my DIL was pregnant in 2019, she texted my husband and me demanding we get that booster and a flu shot before the baby was born. I ignored her text and called my son, saying how dare she demand what I put in my body. He agreed and intimated that she expected him to make the demand to us and he refused. I don’t know if he told her about that call, but I didn’t get them and it was never brought up again. But if she had given us an ultimatum like that, I would have just lied.

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And a righteous lie at that.

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Consider sending her this link to the 15 mo old child that just died...


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Sadly though, by not trying to educate the son and DIL (acknowledging that it is a nearly, if not impossible task!), GC is on the “routine” pipeline. At minimum, say no to Cov jabs!

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I agree, but my son asked me not to confront my DIL on vaccines because he had already tried and she wouldn’t even listen to any other viewpoint. And of course she got the poison covid jab, but as far as we know, only the one J&J. At least she was quiet about anyone else getting it, and when she got pregnant again late 2022, there was no mention of us getting any shots. It’s possible she’s changed her view but I don’t bring it up. I know I don’t have any ability to influence her about anything. It’s been obvious since their engagement that she just tolerates my husband and me.

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Kinda feel sorry for your son. 🙏🏻

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We offered him $100k to call off the wedding and he hesitated but ultimately declined, so I have a hard time feeling sorry for him. 🙂

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This is a real and growing phenomenon. We have friends whose adult daughter (now living in Canada) refused to let them visit unless they were fully vaccinated (and boosted) for the Coof AND they were required to quarantine - IN CANADA - for a whole week before she would let them see their grand baby.

Young adults have lost their minds. It is a cultural sickness that prioritizes the religion of public health/virtue signaling over family relationships.

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I think the shots are causing people to break down mentally, emotionally. I notice it in business dealings especially. Also with some friends. Thank God my family is not vaxed.

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I can only hope and pray that all the deaths wake these nutso people up….. and God forbid they force vax a parent…. and then they die! 😭

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Those are some sick humans thinking they can use family relationships as leverage to force other people to get unwanted medical treatment.

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The programming is so deep and well ingrained within the masses. It transcends logic and reason. The fear factor is what drives this way of thinking. Being different from the norm and being independent is too difficult for these people. It's just beyond sad..................

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And I want to know how generations ,generations of generations of family members ever survived without the vaccines?????

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They are only trying to protect Grands from certain death even though they've survived six major pandemics before. 😵‍💫

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Most of my 50+ year friends gave in because of this and to see parents in nursing homes who they shot too. So thankful my homeschooled kids and Mom and most of my siblings rejected it. Who says they didn't FORCE IT?!?!

Matt. 10:33-38 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

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I think of this scripture daily as I see all the divisions in families. We cry mercy for the babies who have no choice.

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I had to visit my Mom OUTSIDE, on the porch of her residential facility, because I was not vaxxed. My Mom was vaxxed (J&J) and she died of Leukemia. She was perfectly healthy but for Dementia and within 16 months she was dead of Leukemia. I sure do miss her. 💔

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

When my daughter was pregnant with her first, she tried to talk me into a whole round of shots, MMR, DTaP, etc. I just kind of poo pooed it, I wasn’t opposed, I just thought she was a silly new mom because, of course, my vaxes were still working.

I’m not easy to browbeat😆☠️, and she didn’t try, but her doctors were pushing on her to push on me.

They did get her to get all new shots while she was pregnant, so they scored one last time.

Now, she and I are both vehemently anti vax and spreading the news like it was the gospel.

They badly overplayed their hand this time.

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The parents must not know that they should keep their child far away from anyone who has recently had the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine because it sheds for a while (6-8 weeks) putting their child in "peril" of getting whooping cough FROM the recently vaccinated person/grandparent. SMH!!

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I was reading some twits posts in another substack a few days ago. The self righteous b's going on and on about not letting people that hadn't had the jabs, the measles, and one other vaxx not being allowed to see their babies, breaking the grandparents hearts. The main one, her boyfriend (baby daddy) dumped her after buying a house in only his name, she didn't work, and kicked her out of the house. She and the baby now lives with the nasty anti-vaxxers that she wouldn't allow to see the baby.

If she was my brat, I don't think she'd have somewhere to live.

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In lieu of paying rent and utilities, I’d make her read a selection of books and articles. Out loud. To me. Starting with Turtles All the Way Down.

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I saw that post. The virtue signaling was disgusting. When one of the grandmothers said she would get the vaccine, her daughter informed her she would ALSO have to get 3 others, DTAP, flu and a third one. The daughter was going to punish her by not even sending her pictures. How in the world did this generation get so brainwashed?

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Yep! That's the one!

Sorry, but if my child would ever be that evil, they wouldn't have me to fall back on.

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They're not just brainwashed. They've become cruel. To their own parents.

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Brainwashed or brought up completely entitled. You don’t suddenly become a Nazi overnight.

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🙌 That's the problem! I feel bad for the parents not getting to see the grand children, but it's their own damn fault! They let their kids run roughshod over everyone and now they're doing it to their parents. The parents then want to blame it all back on the kids being terrible. The kids have been terrible the whole time! The parents just didn't have to deal with it, the rest of us did.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Not just brainwashed, its the guilt and manipulation just like with “you offend me” you “don’t recognize me” and my issues. Its all self self self. I don’t wish for any grandparent to die like this but I do wish the kids would wake up and they deserve to loose their parent for forcing them. The parent/goarent does not deserve to die.

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That's how the kids were raised. Only they mattered. They truly don't care about their parents. They only care about what their parents can DO for them.

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Maybe. There were/are a hell of a lot of those 'entitled' kids that were dumped into daycare so their parents could go 'enjoy a career'. I'm sure SOME of this over-reaction from grown kids is a result of the emotional damage from that sort of semi-abandonment.

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This would be so heartbreaking - to be cut off from grandchildren!

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It is heartbreaking! We're living it. Hubby got 3 jabs. I refused after one and continue to detox. Our daughter called to say we were not allowed to visit unless caught up with current boosters for covid. We refused. Then, she got on the phone with me, to berate me, "Mom, just do the right thing! Stop being a jerk, get your vax updates! You are killing people... " I laughed and remarked that the jabs were doing that, not me. She was infuriated! We did eventually get to visit....for 5 days, when they were 4 months old. Our nearly one yr old identical twin granddaughters are denied a relationship with us. We just aren't compliant enough.... It is sickening!

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I am so so so sorry. You are one of many! I wish my generation and the generation adter me would stop being the jerks they are! If I were you I would keep giving them the stats on COVID for babies and the very low if not zero death rates for them.

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You raised her to be self-centered and selfish. 🤷‍♀️

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by us being uninvolved and allowing most school boards to be taken over by


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Let the grandchild live with them and tell her to make her own way. She doesn't sound like a fit mother.

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That's an idea! BUT it doesn't sound like they did a very good job with the daughter. How well would they raise the grandchild? Another spoiled, entitled brat?

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The grandparents may be putting up with the nasty daughter to help protect their grandchild.

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Could be.

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Yes, reality. It sucks. A new grandfather myself, it seemed that joy was stolen from me by the Weffers who got the parents jabbed. Infant is doing fine! A miracle, a dodged bullet.

You get it. And its more than disturbing. Evil is worse than that, isn't it.

Yet we must calm ourselves by finding the God-given strength to detach from the problem. And from those for whom it may be too late. My gratitude for my patriot family will last forever!

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I'm just thinking how to forgive those we warned when...they didn't listen. It will really have to be a God thing, you are right detachment is needed for now. Let us continue on in our walk to deal rightly as best we can with God's help.

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OB GYN’s push the shots hard. They have you living in fear of pertussis and recommend “circle vaccinations”. That is, requiring everyone that will be around baby get a pertussis update.

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It would be devastating, but I don't think I could comply with that insanity. My son, however, got the covid shot because he feared his ex would keep his children from him.

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Very real concern, and the courts almost certainly would have supported the ex. Praying he got one of the placebo shots!

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My best friend had similar. She refused & a few months later, got to meet her granddaughter at a family funeral.

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Del Bigtree has a video about the ineffectiveness of this booster to prevent the spread of whooping cough. It actually turns grandma into the nasty wolf (I am sure you have seen the propaganda ad on tv) by unwittingly spreading it to the baby. You can find it on The Highwire website.

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It makes you an asymptotic carrier.

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Do you know how many stories of grandparents death possible/probable because kids demanded they get the ‘jab’....sad....

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A young relative and his wife wouldn't let his parents hold their new baby for weeks, afraid the baby might get sick, even though his parents weren't sick at all themselves.

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So sad! We had chicken pox and measles parties to gain natural immunity in my days ( b 1966)

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My 80's and 90's kids all got chicken pox and some got measles too. I'm a '57 kid and it was normal to catch all this at school.

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Yep, and I'm older than you are. I do remember my bout of mumps, though. I got so sick my mother said she thought I might die, but I was never hospitalized, so I'm not sure what was going on there.

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I hope they stand up to these child bullies of theirs! No grandchild is worth sacrificing personal morals. So upsetting

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I’m sorry but this is ridiculous. First of all tetanus is not transmitted from person to person, pertussis component in the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission



I’m not too sure about diphtheria, we never hear about it. The virus had probably mutated and not causing anything it was causing 80 years ago.

Also, watch lawyer Aaron Siri deposing “ the godmother of vaccines” Kathryn M. Edwards and she is stating the vaccine doesn’t prevent the transmission of pertussis and she is one of the authors of the paper.

I wish people would educate themselves instead of being so arrogant and not letting their parents see the grandchildren. It’s so sad.

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It makes me sick every parent needs to stop with all inoculations they are nothing but poison and they are killing the future. I recommend getting the book and reading it Turtles all the way down.

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I am one of those parents woken wide up by Covid and what the pharma and gov industries tried to do to me and my kids. No more injections for us ... I am even an unwitting homeschool parent due to my new found conviction

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In our state, homeschoolers are required to report vaccines to the state education board. Exemptions can be submitted, but still - why?

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Because they want to track and trace everyone’s vax status. Data collection.

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Wow, what state?

Ours had no such requirement.

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How can you homeschool without knowing you are?

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Unwitting not unknowing 😂 … I am homeschooling because the laws in ct require vax for private and public school, no religious exemption! It is terrible and my little boy is suffering, wanting to get on that school bus so bad but I refuse to inject him with anything else ever again

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Excellent book! A real eye opener using GOVERNMENT data!!!!

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The first chapter alone is jaw dropping.

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Reading it now

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I am sick over it. Mad too. 😠 😪

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Let’s get a new term out there which I believe will help us. Instead of antivaxxer, let’s use “ vaccine risk, aware”. It is more accurate. Some of us want informed consent, accurate, safety testing, and drug company liability, and we want choice.

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Ex-vaxxer is a new term that does the job well.

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Ex-vaxxer describes me and probably millions. One of few positives of the Plandemic, was that it exposed the Vaccine Industrial Complex.

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Yes I am going to take this one for myself! Shows I bought in and now I do not buy in ... EX VAXXER!! 🙏🙏🙏

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Love it! I’m an ex-vaxxer

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Great thinking! When the left gets to control the language, we are in trouble. Just ask George Orwell. For example., “ pro choice” needs to be labeled honestly as” pro death”.

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Pro vaxx choice is language i can get on with. That kills two birds...😯

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"Pro Choice" has already been largely taken back by the pro (vaccine) choice group.

The NY Times and other mainstream media often uses the term "pro abortion".

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"Vaccine critical" is the term I use.

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Except, if you read Turtles All the Way Down, you should be avoiding ALL vaccines!

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Every "antivaxxer"

was once a "provaxxer"

who became an "exvaxxer"

perhaps upon seeing the light

leave their child's eyes

or upon feeling the warmth of life

leave their child's body

"Antivaxxers" are "whistleblowers"

whom we were brainwashed

to gaslight

on behalf of big pharma

how do we make it right?

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I am still going with antivaxxer. But whatever works I am for. 👍

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Need to get rid of the stigma attached to it! Nothing wrong with being anti vaxx. Stand up and be proud.

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I agree,

it's a journey tho- like spacing vax to declining all vax, the more one learns.

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Hmm. VRA. Too hard to use as a descriptor. Maybe we could be a "VAccine Risk Aware Person" - a VARAP?

Just spitballing.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

You ever notice how the narrative freaks are all masked, like the 'trans' rights people in the photo on this post? Huh, either they are morons that believe the "science" or are too ashamed to show their faces. I'm going with B.

Just heartbreaking that kids are dying from vaxes, but hats off to the reporter. I still can't believe parents are this uneducated. I can't wait for the floodgates to open on this "vaccine" disaster.

I sense I may get some backlash on this, but I think Maya's mother made the ultimate sacrifice and I have a great deal of respect for her. What's the saying... there is no greater love than to lay down your life? OF COURSE she should have never been backed into a corner and I hope John Hopkins goes out of business. Everyone involved in this situation needs prison time.

On yesterday's topic, I had a dream last night. My dreams are beyond weird and highly illogical, but I think there was a point with this one. We (commenters) went to a conference Jeff had in Maine. Why Maine and not Florida? Don't know. Anyhow, we all were wearing "Hello My Name Is" badges but there was also a "My Screen Name Is" line. I though how nice it was to see faces and learn names. Read: we were connecting in person and not jut online.

So, Jeff was handing out bags of live crabs that looked like the Maryland Blue Crab except they were about 1 inch across. Why? Don't know. There were hundreds in each bag. Mine got loose, of course, and started crawling up my legs and biting me (not pinching, biting.) I was soon covered in crabs, they were even in my hair, and I could not get them off me.

What does this nonsense have to do with yesterday's topic? Well, for those trying to herd, control, and demoralize We The People - and there are many trying to harm us on multiple fronts - us working on local races, local issues, and trying to fix things from the group up is like letting loose a million little crabs that crawl up the legs of those trying to control us. It's like having one ant on your leg - you can get it off, but God Himself needs to help you if you step in a nest.

People who are in charge can try to shoot down one thing at a time, but when there are a thousand little things happening at once that go against their plans on multiple fronts, it makes life a lot harder for them. Gaining control locally does exactly that. If we can build a different foundation that is based on reality and common sense instead of narratives, those people will ultimately fail. The beauty is each one of us does not need to do it all, we can all contribute something of value. Every time we talk to someone about the nonsense that is going on, we are planting seeds. If we speak up at school board meetings, township meetings, etc. we might just ruffle enough feathers to get some change. Better yet, we can run for those positions or convince people who have those talents to run. I often think about Rosa Parks - all she did was refuse to move. She did a simple thing that changed so much in America. (I somehow don't think she'd like what was going on now.) Small moves add up.

And yes, I typed out the dream portion of this comment ahead of time so I would not forget it. I have no idea what I can contribute yet to building a foundation, maybe it's just my refusal to shut my mouth.

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Reminder for me to go to the next school board meeting and be a crab :)

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You were in Maine--those were green crabs. The little guys that can open quahogs and soft-shell clams. And eat the contents. Consider the metaphor.

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I didn't even know green crabs existed that could do that (sorry for my ignorance). Yep, sounds like a metaphor to me.

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Well, we also didn't know they existed 20 years ago--they just kind of showed up one year. Maybe they're yet another DOD creation! Those crabs are very small and very effective--at killing other crustaceans.

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They are probably invasive from the south of somewhere.

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Border crabs.

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The mentally ill crowd needs to either go to a professional and get help or if it so bad, then end it. The rest of us should not have to change our lives for you. The delusional behavior and narcissism on display by the triggered tranny crowd is unbelievable.

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Agreed. I have a coworker with a son that became her "daughter". My coworker, who I care about a lot, struggles often with the whole thing. Based on the description of her son's behavior, he needs serious mental help.

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Unfortunately, the “professionals” are part of the problem. It is my understanding that they are now required to affirm gender confusion.

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They are! I withheld treatment for my daughter for a very long time because I couldn’t find someone that wouldn’t affirm her ... when the depression was too much that I was extremely scared for her, I settled on what I thought was a Christian counseling center....100% affirmed her as a boy. While there are lots of parents that encourage this whole thing, at least as a many do not. We just struggle with not wanting to lose contact with our child so walk a fine line (I’ll use her new name but not her pronouns...I’ll talk openly with people but not publicly with my full name as to not further strain our relationship....we allowed no transition drugs until she was 18 and could represent herself without my consent ...she knows I don’t approve, but I fiercely love her and will defend her in whatever way I can)....she is obviously mentally ill which is compounded by autism, anxiety, depression etc....I pray for wisdom because I’m at a loss.

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Heather there is a private FB group for Christian Parents of LGBT+ kids you might find helpful.

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I was asked in a "pre phone" visit checklist yesterday if I had "bottom surgery." I am SO done with this...

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

It makes me wonder about their parents, too.

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This describes my thoughts about how tptb are overwhelming citizens, and thinking locally is a great tactic: "People who are in charge can try to shoot down one thing at a time, but when there are a thousand little things happening at once that go against their plans on multiple fronts, it makes life a lot harder for them. Gaining control locally does exactly that."

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In the 70's, if you said "I'm covered in crabs," people would move away from you, and you'd be going home by yourself LOL!

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"You ever notice how the narrative freaks are all masked, like the 'trans' rights people in the photo on this post?"

It's a necessary part of the 'woke' uniform. It was obvious to me in early 2020 when the mask - particularly the black one - became an anti-Trump expression.

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Usually, I hate when people share dreams...but this one feels quite prophetic (plus you kept it short and sweet!)...thanks for the share

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See, I had a bit of a different take on Maya's mom. When I watched it, it seemed like she just couldn't take it anymore. Almost like she died of a broken heart. They physically broke her. It was so heartbreaking to see.

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When the judge wouldn't let her hug her daughter in the courtroom that last day... what a despicable human!

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023

Oh my gosh I know!! That part gutted me. I think it was just right after that she took her life, right? 😢

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Yes I think it may have been later that evening.

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Nice. Maybe we need to start calling ourselves the C&C&C Army - Coffee and Covid and Crabs.

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We have a mascot!! C&C Crabs!

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I love it! 💞

Both the screen name idea and being crabby!!

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Exactly. We have to remember, there are only a few of them and millions of US.

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Stay away from John Hopkins. They like to experiment on people. They might give you a case of the “crabs”!

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I love the screen name thought!

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We need a Federal Judge to figure out that males shouldn't participate in women's track and field? We're toast....burnt on both sides.

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Yep, this is where we're at. A federal judge just adjudicated between fantasy and reality.

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Reality and stupidity.

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Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man?

The lovingkindness of God endures all day long.

Your tongue devises destruction,

Like a sharp razor, O worker of deceit.

You love evil more than good,

Falsehood more than speaking what is right. Selah.

You love all words that devour,

O deceitful tongue.

But God will break you down forever;

He will snatch you up and tear you away from your tent,

And uproot you from the land of the living, Selah.

So that the righteous will see and fear,

And will laugh at him, saying,

“Behold, the man who would not set God as his strength,

But trusted in the abundance of his riches

And was strong in his destruction.”

But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God;

I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever.

I will give You thanks forever, because You have done it,

And I will hope on Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your holy ones.

— Psalm 52:1-9 LSB

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Thank you Janice. This truth hits home right now!!

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

As the parent of a child who was mistreated, abused, coerced and manipulated in a Mississippi hospital, I wholeheartedly agree with the verdict and award for the Kowalskis. Thankfully my child was 21, or I would have been arrested when I rescued her from the hospital. The security guards, cops, and hospital VP met me in the parking lot as I watched the car speed my daughter away to safety to be taken across state lines to a hospital with good medical care. Hospitals are institutions of coercion and manipulation, but when coupled with incompetent medical care, they are deadly. The sad part of this is I’m a nurse and my husband is a physician. We know from working within in the system and from being on the patient side. Fortunately, the words “assault” (threats that you will cause harm—in our case they were going to remove the only nutrition, total Parenteral Nutrition, keeping my daughter alive if she left the hospital) and “battery” (actually taking the PICC line out), came in very handy when I told the nurse to step aside because she had already committed assault but she’d be guilty of battery if she laid one hand on my daughter without her permission—all as I wheeled her out of the hospital. Keep that in mind as it may help you in the future.

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Oh my Lord! How in the world did you ever get through that - thank God you and your husband were both in the medical field -- Did your daughter recover? I am praying she did.

Thank you for sharing that critical piece of info on battery and assault.

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Thanks for sharing & thanks for not giving up until your daughter was safe.

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I don't think many people realize that having a chronically ill child these days is a terrifying prospect. I know from experience. I breathed a huge sigh of relief when they each turned 18. I admire your valiant efforts on behalf of your child and I am taking notes!

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Good Morning Jeff. I got to C&C later yesterday to comment. If I had gotten there earlier, you might have saw my synopsis of the Green Charter recall of board members. I live about a 100 miles from this area but because of it’s next door proximity to Big Rapids and Ferris State University, I know the area quite well. Michiganders that cared to know, knew about the proposed Gotion Plant since early last spring. This publicly admitted CCP owned company went to Big Rapids first with their battery plant proposal. They were eventually turned down because of FSU being right there. This small university is home to a bunch of high tech radar used in the sparsely populated part of northern lower Michigan. It is also very close to Camp Grayling a military training base, which is suffering it’s own shenanigans trying to deploy extensive 5G capabilities on state owned land without area knowledge. When the Big Rapids venue failed they turned to Green Twp. Which is entirely rural, woods, small farms and some horse and dairy farms. Gotion went without knowledge to the board for zoning privileges after they had sought to buy a few land parcels under a different development name. Word got out when Gotion began pressuring other landowners, many of whom were retirees to sell or lose all land value. Once word got out, some digging found that our Governor was offering huge tax breaks to this company. The many state EPA laws on the books this company would break was mind boggling. A rally cry went out and several Michigan freedom groups got into action. Rally’s were held, we even got some state press coverage. A state court halted construction for a period and the recall of the board was a big victory. The battle’s just begun but the plan is to make this totally unattractive to the Chinese party who like quiet. It is why I say, local and get involved!

Jeff, have a great retreat. You deserve it.

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Good job in exposing this trash. The CCP will find another town to build the crypt. Please follow them and give the next town a head’s up.

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Sudden Injection Death Syndrome does not appear to play favorites.

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I don't have kids, but I have stopped vaccinating my cat. I wonder how common *that* is now.

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Might be surprised. When i got my 2 kittens from a shelter, the foster parent who had worked for a vet and was quite knowledgeable, stronggllyyyy suggested no more shots for cats. Even rabies if they will be 100% indoor cats.

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Yes, mine is indoors. If she went out I'd probably do rabies, but every three years, not every year.

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Our vet told us the 1 year & 3 year rabies shots are the same ! 😲

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All nine of mine are indoor cats and all are un-vaxxed! They like it that way!

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me as well. I will still give rabies shot (less frequently) to the dog but the indoor cats got nada. my vet is on board with this, btw. she's seen enough.

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I adopted an 8 week old kitten in 2000. He had his kitten shots and none after that. He died at age 21. None of the cats I had prior, that I had vaxxed every year, lived that long. I don’t vax my dog.

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Sadly, in our city we have to license our pets with the police dept, and we have to show up-to-date shots.

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Yes I've been wondering about longevity related to vaxes. This cat had all her kitten shots and her yearly shots until she was 2.5. I'm curious to see how long she lives.

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Yep, no trips to the vet for me, either, except to "fix" them. They push vaxxes. No way.

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I took her to the vet recently and the vet actually got out the little bottles of vax and tossed them on the table, even though I'd told them before going I wasn't going to vax her. He mentioned it several times during the visit. I'll still take her if necessary, but am prepared to stand my ground.

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We have grown children and have been quietly passing vaccine info to them (neither have children yet). We, like you, have stopped vaccinating our dog-per our vet’s advice. Love out vet!

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Susanna - same here.

Did you watch Del Bigtree’s recent interview with vet, Dr. Dym?

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I didn't, but thanks for the tip.

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I stopped all vaccines for my pets years ago. Mine dogs are indoors 95% of the time.

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"The First Amendment is a thing of the past." Tucker Carlson interview.

During the 2016 election, a man named Douglass Mackey made fun of Hillary Clinton on Twitter.

A few years later, he found himself the subject of a federal raid, indictment, and conviction. It's hard to believe that could happen in America, but it did.

Douglass Mackey, who's been sentenced to extended time in prison, joined Tucker on X Ep. 38 to explain how his case proves the First Amendment is a thing of the past.


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Phil, I just watched this interview and thought "I wonder if Phil knows about this?" I just can't believe this is where we, as a country, are at. I was not aware of the timing of his arrest. SEVEN DAYS after Bob Peter's inauguration. Unbelievable.

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Here's another guy Tucker recently interviewed. He also pissed off old Hillary.


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Watched this last night and it is disturbing as all get out. So wrong.

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Vaccine exemptions up 5% - and I wonder if it is higher. Many parents are choosing to homeschool their children these days. Do these kids get the jabs? Also, I’ve heard of, don’t quote me, parents falsifying jab records . Yes, scandalous! Maybe we should foia request how many vaccinations were reported by physicians seeking their bonuses. Wait, are those public r3cords? Mmmm . Insurance records? Can we get those? Finally, I’ve read that SIDS dropped during the lockdown. Is that a verifiable fact?

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My friends spent six years trying to get pregnant (and a lot of $$ too) and the minute the Mrs gave birth she quit her job and have no intention of sending their beloved son to any school (even though the district they live in is Rural and not a bad school--they just don’t trust anyone else with the job). Mom has several college degrees that she will be using to properly educate their son. They also live on ten acres, have a marvelous chicken coop with the BEST eggs (we help work on the coop, butcher the chickens marked for eating and pay for the grain to feed) raise their own vegetables and are some pretty awesome people. They have no intention of ever vaccinating their son. It’s been a fight with the pediatrician but so far they have not been kicked out of the “practice “ although it has been threatened. I’m so proud of their stance and pray there are many more out there like them! We do all we can to support them.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

We homeschooled and rejected vaccines until when in for a SPORTS PHYSICAL for the 11 y.o. boy the physician and team bombarded me until i thought they might not let me take my kids home. It was the last time I went back until my oldest was an adult helping on the farm and i stepped on a "rusty wire", freaked, wanted the tetnus but you CANNOT GET JUST ONE VACCINE! THEY are sold as a unit which is the MMR, pertussis AND tetnus!!??!?!? I won't tell you all her health problems but because of my fears in some areas, dr office, and not enough in others, vaccines, I wish I had known to treat her differently. They all LIE!

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I got a bad booster for work in 2001, on disability 2003. The only dr that would discuss it was my integrative medicine doctor I found just a few years ago. I have some quality of life again and hope.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

I'm so very sorry R! So glad to hear of improvement!!! 🙌🏼🙏🏼

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Thanks! God blessed me with my doctor and I have been married 31/2 years to a wonderful supportive man . Getting married was the last thing on my mind , never been so happy & continuing to gain strength with all the support

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How encouraging! Thanks for sharing!!

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I don't think that correct about the tetanus vax. There is one, for situations such as yours, that do not contain MMR. I think it has just the "d"in at a smaller dose. I have never had a tetanus booster nor do I intend to. I had an incident last year where I was encouraged to do so but I said I'd take my chances with lockjaw. Everything was fine. People freak about it but it is seems to occur only rarely. Cleaning the wound is paramount. People think "rust"but that is not the issue. It contaminated dirt that contains clostridium.

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Getting the vaccine after the fact doesn’t work. It takes about 3 weeks to take effect. He needed Tetanus Immune Globulin if he stepped on a rusty wire. Sadly, ER Doctors don’t know this. There used to be a FB group called Vaccination Reeducation Forum. Sadly it was deleted with all the “misinformation”. It was filled with wonderful information.

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Most do now, but they'll still rec the Td in addition to the TIG.

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Funny how they got us with that rusty nail thing. I don't believe tetnus is as much an issue as we've been led to think. Only 30 reported cases in one year for the whole country and those were for people that had never had any tetnus shot. The shots can last longer than the 10 years they say.

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Well, tetanus is ubiquitous in the soil, and I truly believe the data that many of us have lifelong immunity after the childhood series, so the low case report might be misleading. I'm still on the fence about the Td at age 7. Thinking it might be the one I'd support. That, and rubella in female entering child bearing years (after testing for immunity).

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It's more about the adjuvants and other mysterious substances than what is supposed to be protective.

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Actually they ONLY LAST ten years, which is new revelation!

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After age 7, you can get the Td alone. Used to be you could just get the T, but claiming allergy to the d part, but IDK if that's still true. Absolutely can demand it without MMR; the 5in1 shot has a demonstrably high adverse event rate.

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You might suggest this family start looking for a family physician for their child in case the pediatrician does kick them out.

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I recall reading that infant mortality declined during COVID, when kids were not going to the doctor. Not exactly the correlation you would like to see. But remember correlation does not equal causation! I'm sure the CDC will get right on investigating this one.

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That’s true. I looked up the death stats in Illinois and they track it by age. The youngest group is children under 1 yr old and the number of deaths dropped by 20% starting in 2020 and continuing into 2021. It’s still a small absolute number but 20% difference seems significant to me.

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It’s certainly significant for the family who doesn’t even know that they were delivered from the worst heartbreak one can suffer.

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oh wow, that's fascinating. So because people weren't going into the doctors they weren't getting those shots and the death rates dropped. Wow, not surprised at all. This is so sad. Evil and sad.

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Yes, amazing stat to see infant mortality decrease during COVID and yet pharma apparently wasn't happy with that and started relentlessly pushing COVID jabs on babies? Sick bastards.

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Crazy eyed CDC director Mandy Cohen is baffled.

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She needs to take all of her shots at one time. I hate needles but I would be happy to administer them.

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Will This benefit will be offset by babies who received vaccines in the womb being harmed at an increasing rate?

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

A great majority of homeschoolers do not vaccinate. Now the third, fourth generation of them rejecting gov mandates without proofs. Raising Critical thinkers.

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And healthy bodies too...........

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I think it is higher. Maybe 5% in a deep blue area. But much higher elsewhere. My veterinarian didn't challenge me when I said no to shots for my chihuahuas. And I live in an area with lots of believers and normies

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I’ve read that the dose for a small dog is the same as one for a big dog. I’ve only done the rabies vaccine for my two small dogs, but at 10 years old we’re done with any Vaccines. (We live in a city, otherwise I wouldn’t have done any.)

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Renee, it's true that the dose is the same, and it's also true, per our veterinarian, that the '1-year' rabies vax is the exact same product as the '3-year' rabies vax. Presumably, they just changed the labeling since, presumably, there so were many adverse events from annual vaccination. My sister's small dog had a terrible seizure disorder, requiring my sister to carry Valium 24/7. She got serology done to see the dog's rabies antibody level, which turned out to be extremely high. She stopped vaccinating the dog for rabies and the seizure disorder disappeared. We got serology done on our dog who was 'due' for rabies vaccination, and she has adequate antibodies. Illogically, the law doesn't recognize that as evidence that the dog will not transmit rabies, so if our super-friendly goofball dog goes insane and bites someone, she would be quarantined for 10 days to see if she develops rabies symptoms. If not, she's cleared.

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Thanks for the information. I’m in a Maltipoo group on FB and people comment all the time about their dogs having an adverse reaction. But, the owner of the board doesn’t allow people to say not to get any further shots. She doesn’t allow any medical info, but says to ask your vet.

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Can you get an exemption from the rabies vaccine based on serology?

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Not in Florida, at least, but that doesn't mean you have to get your dog vaccinated, either. I suppose the logic is that the serology tells you the dog's status on the day the blood was drawn, but not thereafter. However, the only 'punishment,' if they're following CDC advice (this is standard advice and has been for many years), is a 10-day quarantine, since if the dog were rabid at the time of the bite incident causing the investigation, then it will be symptomatic with rabies by the 10th day. If it isn't, it didn't have rabies at the time of the bite and can be released.

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I lived in Delaware, a neighbors dog bit my dog on our property and the vet reported MY DOG and we received official papers stating my dog had to be quarantined FOR 6 MONTHS, away from even our other 2 dogs. No one cared about my neighbors dog or visited them. Again, if they had rabies, they would die in 10 days ... 6 months is ludicrous.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

There are holistic vets who will skirt around vaccines...but give you a card indicating your pets are vaxed....

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Our 4yold lab mix is due for her rabies and our city requires it for registration. She had a couple of seizures in Feb of this year so we've decided no more pokes, but this one seems a legal problem. I don't want her to get into an altercation w someone (even tho she's not aggressive) and then we open ourselves to liability. It's so frustrating that everything is so blinking complicated!!

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Senior dogs 10 yrs or older can. We got a titer test and it showed they were covered.

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Yeah. Never again. I will apply for an exemption first. Lol. We all need to stop complying.

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Just had a tete a tete with Next Door Neighbor about dog vaccines. A vet chimed in on her take of how long vaccines lasted and challenged my research saying she appreciated my "opinion piece" but my statement about titers and vaccines lasting up to and over 7 years was incorrect. Then she added that to titer for rabies and not stay on the 3 year schedule would not hold up legally. I didn't have the confidence to continue but hopefully someone else reading the post will research it. The whole interchange was about an unvaccinated dog bite incident.

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This is exactly what we are worried about with our dog, the legal liability of not doing rabies/city registration. So frustrating!! Cities suck :(

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I just commented the same thing!

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Loretta - homeschool families in NC are required to report vaccines/status to the state (even though being homeschooled!!). Exemptions are accepted, and must be filed with the state to be "in compliance."

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I have recently received repeat calls from a 404 area code and realized it was CDC. The message was that they wanted to take a survey, starting with how many children lived in our house. I finally took the call and gave them a piece of my mind after they asked that question. Think about it.

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Yes. There is a Highwire episode on it. I believe Dr. James Lyons-Weiler also covered this.

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Homeschooling is way up and so are exemptions for public schools. I bet the numbers are higher.

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