Court upholds Fla's anti-cross-dresser sports ban; local station braves 'anti-vaxx' label; Senator subpoenas Epstein logs; township recalls entire board; lots of SADS fitness influencers; and more.
And I join my countrymen and countrywomen in my disapproval of the cuck in the video. Shameless, guiltless and godless psychopathic narcissist destroying our nation one idiotic gender at a time.
Good call on putting them in the garage, for safety reasons you shouldn't hang those posters in a carpeted area in case of sudden and unexpected vomiting.
Remember, the easily rigged and hacked voting machines are all over the world now. Most of these psychopath politicians would never be in office otherwise. Yes, this has emboldened the lunatics among us but their numbers are much smaller than the fake election results imply.
Rumor is Emperor Justinian the Turd is preparing for an election. With polling numbers the way they are the only hope he has is the loaded dongle... and he's more than likely got one ready
I wonder though. Come election time the mindless downtown liberal voters will show up in droves. Wouldn’t want a maga type J6/“freedum” guy to get elected. 🙄🙄🙄
Ha ha ... Luckily he is a distant cousin. Does he look like Fidel? You bet! Maggie and Pierre were doing threesomes with Castro so the odds are pretty high. Which would be good because he'd be taken from my family tree 😅.
I’ve written this before, but worth it to those who didn’t read previous. His mother said Fidel Castro was the sexiest man alive, while she was still married to Pierre.
His registered on file Father embraced the commie lifestyle also so no hope for Skippy. Maggie was in full blown out bipolar mania in those days and she was up for pretty much anything.
Especially when he criticized "old white Canadian stock". I'm like, frig dude, do you even know who the heck your grandfather was? He literally owned the land now occupying Montreal.
And who do they think they can fool? The nurse wipes his left (tatooed) arm with alcohol, then we see her putting the band aid on his right (un-tatooed) arm. How stupid do they think we are?
And he is not even good plying the role of a Prime Minister. Can we blame it on the script? After all, his inspiration, Klaus, is actually a science fiction writer with a large cult following, and sci fi is known for two-dimensional characters.
you see as an NPR-minded sophisticat I will point out to all you Trumpers that if an innocent helpless child is abused by bad MAGA-type parenting via NOT getting the 66+ recommended vaccines early in their life that they have NO CHANCE to survive to adulthood. Thus; Vaccines Cause Adults...but then what do ABORTIONS CAUSE? Child hunger in America is ALL our concern, when i was a kid is was called parental it's just an opportunity for MORE assistance, more guilt sharing, more $$$ from Gvt and private entities, and other attention and resources to be leveraged
I think he got two shots? Anyway yes they think we are idiots and enough are that this spectacle will cause a small stampede to clinics for actual shots w actual needles
Yes! On the contrary, i suspect that it will reaffirm our disgust for anything he touches or espouses or advises. He's an actor, believing what he's paid to believe. Like so many wokeass MDs.
Canadians are waking up to his evil agenda via the only way some will ever get it. By suffering.
at LEAST they didn't show him getting a sinus swab or rectal swab for testing!
His next PS Video needs to be getting his monthly heart and lungs scanned for potential clots for the new normal, or a counseling appt for depression with a death-doc.
at least it isn't a gluteal they give those anymore or was that just a way to get us 1970s-80s kids to drop our pants in front of a labcoat wearing adult?
I am an embarrassed Canadian. I agree, our Prime Monster is disgraceful. And um…why does she prep one arm and put a bandaid on the other?? If they can’t even edit a video properly, how do the Liberals run a country?
They don't--they're just "actors"--the REAL POWERS are unknown to WE THE PEOPLE!! They are "fairly" elected - I would imagine our elections have been tampered with for decades.
Fatalism is an even heavier opiate than misplaced hope. Wouldn't claiming impotence be an excuse for laying down, crying, and dying? Better questions: who would try to demoralize warriors that way? Isn't refusing to define ourselves as victims the first line of resistance and defense?
Yes, I think of George Washington’s hungry, half frozen troops on the banks of the Delaware. What looks inevitable certainly may not be in God’s plans.
Buck up, bro! So the opposition is fierce. You think we should lie down and die?
“This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.”
“But I tell you this: We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.”
I'm reading Chris Rufo's book and it's a depressing read. He details how the 1960s radicals from that period on have gradually infiltrated virtually everything and how they are brainwashing our youth to think just like they do. I'm not sure there is any possible way to un-do what they've done, they're everywhere and in everything.
ABSOLUTELY. Willful ignorance reigns supreme--we on C & C learned what's happening "behind the curtain" - but we're in the minority! The majority prefer to "go with the flow--like the lemmings rushing to their death!!
Too bad ladies, he’s gay! The reason for his divorce was that Sofie and he want to pursue other relationships. The narcissist will be the first Canadian declared gay Princess, I mean Prime Minister.
Some of us rush through our morning ritual just so b we can share our first cup of coffee with you. So, you will be missed! However, enjoy your men’s trip and we’ll have a fresh cup brewing Tuesday morning.
BTW - a lot of us appreciate the fact that you do not rush to judgement, that you carefully look at the evidence and share your educated opinion. That’s why we look forward to that first cup with the COFFEE and COVID post every morning.
Thanks for the requests yall. Some of you have not answered the questions or accepted the rules. Due to crazy FBers and trolls I won’t accept if rules are not ACCEPTED and YOU can’t ID our group in some way (this one). I think I PMd all who are still pending
I. Am. Canadian. And I approve this post.
And I join my countrymen and countrywomen in my disapproval of the cuck in the video. Shameless, guiltless and godless psychopathic narcissist destroying our nation one idiotic gender at a time.
Every time I seen his face, I get angry. And then I think about the people who voted for him and I get depressed.
Well, at least you know how we feel in the states, too. I want a Biden/Pelosi/Schumer/etc poster in my garage so I can throw darts at them.
Good call on putting them in the garage, for safety reasons you shouldn't hang those posters in a carpeted area in case of sudden and unexpected vomiting.
You could develop a small cottage industry selling target posters.
You are being too kind. It would not be darts that I would be throwing at their photos.
I saw an axe throwing place recently I didn’t know about. Hmmm…
Darts are dangerous & must be regulated out of existence.
We should get targets printed.
Please include amber heard
I'd rather shoot a BB gun at least!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Target 🎯 practice!
Don’t get too depressed or you’ll be MAIDed.
Too true.
We can always dream of him becoming the poster child for that service.
Remember, the easily rigged and hacked voting machines are all over the world now. Most of these psychopath politicians would never be in office otherwise. Yes, this has emboldened the lunatics among us but their numbers are much smaller than the fake election results imply.
Rumor is Emperor Justinian the Turd is preparing for an election. With polling numbers the way they are the only hope he has is the loaded dongle... and he's more than likely got one ready
Those neighbors of yours across the border must look at Biden ... I say we have it worse
Yea, at least Trudeau is nicer to look at, hahahaha
I think most Canadians look at him and feel nauseous. And angry. And disgusted. As one does when one sees pure evil.
yup, it's impossible to see him as good looking. He's just too evil.
And his face a reminder of horrid Castro
I wonder though. Come election time the mindless downtown liberal voters will show up in droves. Wouldn’t want a maga type J6/“freedum” guy to get elected. 🙄🙄🙄
I hope to God that what the polls are strongly suggesting is true. Would have to be a whole lot of ‘rigging’ to beat Pierre at this point!
Every time I see his face, I see Fidel Castro.
That's the way I feel about ALL of our so-called "elected officials"!!
Angry is probably better. Everytime I see the little tinpot dictator, I get a wave of nausea.
We feel the same about our "resident".
I still can’t get anybody to admit they voted Liberal to have him elected
I'm related to that Cuck, unfortunately. And yes I've already written him telling him he is an embarrassment to the family.
So maybe you know . . . is he really Fidel Castro's son? He really, really resembles Fidel.
Ha ha ... Luckily he is a distant cousin. Does he look like Fidel? You bet! Maggie and Pierre were doing threesomes with Castro so the odds are pretty high. Which would be good because he'd be taken from my family tree 😅.
I’ve written this before, but worth it to those who didn’t read previous. His mother said Fidel Castro was the sexiest man alive, while she was still married to Pierre.
Well, if he is good looking (gag) he didn’t get any looks from Pierre. 😁
Geez, communism is gene-linked after all!
His registered on file Father embraced the commie lifestyle also so no hope for Skippy. Maggie was in full blown out bipolar mania in those days and she was up for pretty much anything.
I’ve heard that she was mind controlled, used as a honey pot. Any truth to that? Thanks!
You poor family member. You know what they say, “you can chose your friends......”
Especially when he criticized "old white Canadian stock". I'm like, frig dude, do you even know who the heck your grandfather was? He literally owned the land now occupying Montreal.
I also am Canadian & agree with your post!
He needs a shot. Many of them.
And who do they think they can fool? The nurse wipes his left (tatooed) arm with alcohol, then we see her putting the band aid on his right (un-tatooed) arm. How stupid do they think we are?
It's a humiliation ritual.
"We can openly lie to you, and there's nothing you can do about it."
Vaccines cause adults? That isn’t even proper grammar. But whatever.
Maybe the back of the shirt reads:
". . . to die suddenly"
Ha ha ha, yes!!!
Awesome idea for a tee!!!
I am seriously going to get shirts made- I have a local business I’ve used before for CrossFit competitions.
If you want one, let me know. I prefer tanks as I live in FL. For now anyway.
Mandated Vaxxines Cause Revolt
Good one!
That's a good response
ok, that was a good one right there. set up a website and drop me the place and I will get a t-shirt
Hey, he has a degree in Drama, not English.
But can he play the piano with Little Justin? That is the real test of a true leader.
If I drank coffee, it would be out of my mouth and all over the place after reading your comment. 🤣
Good thing my cup was half empty already! Hahahaha!
And he is not even good plying the role of a Prime Minister. Can we blame it on the script? After all, his inspiration, Klaus, is actually a science fiction writer with a large cult following, and sci fi is known for two-dimensional characters.
Some created memes.
One of them added to the tee:
And drop dead in their tracks!
Hahahaha. Alas. yes
The joys of predictive spelling - that should have been "lose" but "lease' works too.
Further proof the Leftists can’t meme.
you see as an NPR-minded sophisticat I will point out to all you Trumpers that if an innocent helpless child is abused by bad MAGA-type parenting via NOT getting the 66+ recommended vaccines early in their life that they have NO CHANCE to survive to adulthood. Thus; Vaccines Cause Adults...but then what do ABORTIONS CAUSE? Child hunger in America is ALL our concern, when i was a kid is was called parental it's just an opportunity for MORE assistance, more guilt sharing, more $$$ from Gvt and private entities, and other attention and resources to be leveraged
Isn’t it up to 73 now? I’m so glad I have alert, intelligent children seeing to the care of the grandchildren. How painful it would be otherwise.
you're prob correct but i was weakly trying to allude to a more symbolic diabolic numeric reference
I think he got two shots? Anyway yes they think we are idiots and enough are that this spectacle will cause a small stampede to clinics for actual shots w actual needles
Good. It will cull that herd faster. My patience and tolerance for the normies is low.
Yes! On the contrary, i suspect that it will reaffirm our disgust for anything he touches or espouses or advises. He's an actor, believing what he's paid to believe. Like so many wokeass MDs.
Canadians are waking up to his evil agenda via the only way some will ever get it. By suffering.
at LEAST they didn't show him getting a sinus swab or rectal swab for testing!
His next PS Video needs to be getting his monthly heart and lungs scanned for potential clots for the new normal, or a counseling appt for depression with a death-doc.
You are correct, Belle. I just saw this actual post and he got a CV booster and the flu shot…hence the double armed drama.
Agree. Though look how many buy into whatever the doctor, CNN, some social influencer or the government tells them is true. A lot.
He was supposedly getting both the covid and the flu shots. But why wasn't he being monitored for 15 minutes?
Useless eaters are stupid to them
The tweet is claiming he got two shots, I guess one in each arm.
I hope they are effective.
And Unsafe
SADS???? 😂😂
at least it isn't a gluteal they give those anymore or was that just a way to get us 1970s-80s kids to drop our pants in front of a labcoat wearing adult?
That inappropriate culturally appropriating tattoo is worse than blackface and nobody says boo.
It’s actually revealing how stupid they are! It’s all a farce...they’re lying to the public again.
What caliber?
Let me be the first in line to give it him, right in the temple!!
I. Am. Not. Canadian. And I approve this post and your reply!
Hes a WEF muppet
I am an embarrassed Canadian. I agree, our Prime Monster is disgraceful. And um…why does she prep one arm and put a bandaid on the other?? If they can’t even edit a video properly, how do the Liberals run a country?
I think the intent was that he got one in each arm as he was said to have gotten 2 jabs of poison. Im betting he got nothing.
They don't--they're just "actors"--the REAL POWERS are unknown to WE THE PEOPLE!! They are "fairly" elected - I would imagine our elections have been tampered with for decades.
And yet the people reelect him. Just like the recent governorships here. Seems to be true that we get the government we deserve.
I doubt that Chinada’s elections are any more reliable than ours are.
The days of libtards being elected is soon over.
Fatalism is an even heavier opiate than misplaced hope. Wouldn't claiming impotence be an excuse for laying down, crying, and dying? Better questions: who would try to demoralize warriors that way? Isn't refusing to define ourselves as victims the first line of resistance and defense?
Yes, I think of George Washington’s hungry, half frozen troops on the banks of the Delaware. What looks inevitable certainly may not be in God’s plans.
What specific "things" do you hope to "get on with," big guy?
Buck up, bro! So the opposition is fierce. You think we should lie down and die?
“This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.”
“But I tell you this: We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.”
~ Mike Vanderboegh
I'm reading Chris Rufo's book and it's a depressing read. He details how the 1960s radicals from that period on have gradually infiltrated virtually everything and how they are brainwashing our youth to think just like they do. I'm not sure there is any possible way to un-do what they've done, they're everywhere and in everything.
What man cannot do, God can.
Luke 1:37
For nothing is impossible with God.
Luke 18:27
Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”
A good attitude to have is, “The Difficult, we’ll start on right away. The Impossible may take a little longer (for fasting and praying).”
ABSOLUTELY. Willful ignorance reigns supreme--we on C & C learned what's happening "behind the curtain" - but we're in the minority! The majority prefer to "go with the flow--like the lemmings rushing to their death!!
Have they let Canadians know how much Trudeau was paid for his acting job in the "jabbed-not jabbed" commercial?
I had to check the date on this post- thought it would say 2020 but it’s current!!! 😂
Nov, 8 2023!!
What. A. Joke. 🤡
Also, what does his shirt say? Vaccines cause adults?? 🤔 huh?
They cut off the last line: to die of SADS.
Did you mean guiltless or gutless?
Both. Guiltless and gutless. Among other things he lacks. Like balls etc etc etc
You seem to be at around the bush with your words hahahahaha
Too bad ladies, he’s gay! The reason for his divorce was that Sofie and he want to pursue other relationships. The narcissist will be the first Canadian declared gay Princess, I mean Prime Minister.
I visited the Canada area of Epcot and I approve this post. Canada deserves so much more!
Well said! Freedom to the Great White North!
Later Jay
Some of us rush through our morning ritual just so b we can share our first cup of coffee with you. So, you will be missed! However, enjoy your men’s trip and we’ll have a fresh cup brewing Tuesday morning.
BTW - a lot of us appreciate the fact that you do not rush to judgement, that you carefully look at the evidence and share your educated opinion. That’s why we look forward to that first cup with the COFFEE and COVID post every morning.
Yeah, I’m not sure how I’ll make it the next three days. I expect the blues to be descending on me by Tuesday. 😢
Join our FB group and start a convo there! :) c&C junkies
I’m in that group! I haven’t seen a post in a long time though. FB is probably suppressing it. I’ll look this weekend when I get lonely for C&C. 🙂
OOOh. I have but haven’t had much engagement so. But especially when things are quiet I can see for sure. I hope more will engage.
I just joined
Did you get accepted?
I just submitted a request to join.
I’ve never heard of it!
Thanks for the requests yall. Some of you have not answered the questions or accepted the rules. Due to crazy FBers and trolls I won’t accept if rules are not ACCEPTED and YOU can’t ID our group in some way (this one). I think I PMd all who are still pending