Since Project Veritas has been bought out by Pfizer, please unfollow them on Twitter and instead follow James O’Keefe. Their follower count has been crashing.

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Done. And I got on PV site and told them I wanted my money back because I support James- not them.

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Has anyone received a refund from PV upon request? Curious to know, as I made a donation as part of the C&C multiplier, and would certainly like a refund!

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My refund is being processed. Yesterday, I contacted my credit card company and disputed the donation. I've heard that you can also contact Anedot and get a refund that way.

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I just called my cc company to request a refund. This was after I called PV and got a “voicemail box is full” recording for their donations phone number. My cc company said the first step is a “15-day wait period”, during which they contact PV to see about a refund. From there, if no response, which is what is anticipated due to their “full vm box” recording, they will pull the amount I donated from PV’s bank and hold it while an investigation is launched. So, we shall see.

One troubling thing is when I called my cc company, the initial robo-voice said the call was being recorded, including for voice recognition. I almost decided to not pursue a refund based on that, and hope I don’t regret staying on the line. Jeff, if you by chance are reading this, is that legal for them to do without asking me if I want to opt out of having the call recorded for the purpose of voice recognition?

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Very interesting, voice recognition. We're closer to the mark than I realized.

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Is this the refund as part of the multiplier? I didn’t think I could get it back. I did email to stop my recurring donation and haven’t heard back yet.

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Yes, it was a one-time credit card donation made as part of Jeff's multiplier. Not sure how your recurring donation is set up, but if it is through a bank or credit card, I would contact either directly versus waiting for PV.

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I dont know how to do that, exactly. I didnt purchase a product or a service, and those are the only ways I can dispute the payment thru my cc.

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I've heard some folks say they disputed the charge/donation on the basis of fraud. I would call your credit card company and talk to a Customer Service Rep versus filing a online dispute.

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I submitted a request online, but it conveniently didnt go thru. The reason I'm giving is that I donated to PV/JOK, not to the BOD.

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How about a Class Action against PV for fraud?

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Not enough facts yet. Better to get donation refunds, as it will cause the false PV to keep bleeding.

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Gateway Pundit reports that the whole staff of PV is threatening to quit if the whole board doesn't resign.

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Yes, I called the phone number listed for PV on my credit card statement 225-250-1301 and was directed as to how to get a refund. I followed the directions and quickly got a confirmation that my refund would be coming! Go ahead and try it

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I gave during the multiplier on 2023-01-27. I requested and received a refund at this link https://www.anedot.com/donorsupport

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Did that last night after I read James' letter.

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Bought out or purposely infiltrated, with intent to destroy, by one of the alphabet organizations?

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✔️ yep, done

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Based - are you on the east or west side of FL? I'm trying to set up a SWFL C&C group.

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Count me in! I’m in central Florida. I would LOVE this!!

I realize you said SWFL but maybe include central?? 😬

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I hadn’t heard of it. I would’ve been interested in something like that too. Would’ve been great to meet up!

But, we have friends from out of state coming to stay with us during the same dates.

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That's too bad! Enjoy your company!

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Maybe some other time it will work out. I’d love to meet some other C&Cers.

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Was it supposed to go to FWTF loss?

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I created a new form just for us-- sorry for the confusion - try this


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Just got on there and left my info! Thanks for spear heading this. Would love to meet our Florida friends.

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I am not soliciting this for my business - I just used it to keep my email private - sorry it looks like I'm scamming - I'm not.

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if you are interested, please see link to sign up on my substack - disregard that it is for my fitness program - I won't solicit you for that - just want to keep my email private


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What a fantastic idea.

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Wish I could - not anywhere near there. My FAMILY is ..... but you said " like-minded " , lol - they anything BUT. Sadly.

Building networks may become the most important thing we can do for ourselves - depending on how this plays out. Make it happen - it's a beautiful idea.

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say, n, fill out the form anyway - maybe we throw in a couple zoom meet-ups as well - would love to have you!

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I'm just outside Daytona.

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Me too!

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PROJECT VERITAS MOLE Could Be Matthew Tyrmand - https://twitter.com/eyesareopening/status/1625904080458506240?s=20

NEWSWEEK: Who is Matthew Tyrmand? Project Veritas Board Member Under Scrutiny


REPORT ON PROJECT VERITAS RINGLEADER -- Who Is MATTHEW TYRMAND, Project Veritas Coup mole Against James O'Keefe?


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Thanks much. Good info.

So, the question is, "How did a Lizard like Tyrmand worm his way into PV?"

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Isn't Tyrmand a frequent contributor on Steve Bannon's Warroom?

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Not any more. Steve indicated (with fervor!) this morning that NO board member of Project Veritas would ever be welcomed on his program again.

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Tyrmand's long history was well known to Bannon and O'Keefe but was hired to Project Veritas anyhow. So how did that happen? The only excuse would be that Tyrmand was getting setup for a sting to expose even more Pfizer and other connected crimes. That scenario would take the complicit cooperation of faithful board members to bring about what has now been revealed. So Pop your corn. It ain't over.

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Bannon says Tyrmand now "Banned".

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I dont have a tweetee bird account, but I should make one to follow, an hour later unfollow and an hour after that close the account (meh, too much hassle, not worth it).

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Yes, I unfollowed and blocked. I can still go in and click to see the tweets, if I want.

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I unfollowed PV last night! Thanks for reminding everyone!

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Don’t forget on gab and YouTube

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Did not see James O’Keefe with a blue check mark.

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“Plus you are a horrible writer. Try using a period sometime. It’s a very useful punctuation, and it’s conveniently located on the keyboard, requiring only a trivial effort to stick them between your sentences.” — I nearly spit out my coffee at that comment. My reading/writing tutor heart appreciates this snarky comment more than words can express.

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Yes. Punctuation saves lives: "Let's eat Grandma!" vs. "Let's eat, Grandma!"

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"I helped my uncle Jack off a horse" vs. "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse"

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Definitly !

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Reminds me of a classic book from about 20 years ago: "Eats Shoots and Leaves."

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Reminds me of the joke where the six year-old tells his teacher that his new baby brother only eats poop. (Mom told him that babies mostly eat, poop and sleep!)

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My fave Oxford comma comparison:


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"Drink pee and repeat" or as I prefer to do on a Saturday, "drink, pee, and repeat"

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I love that. So many images popped into my head

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On the book's cover was an illustration of a Panda bear with a smoking gun.

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Funny, I was thinking about my former spouse or koala beat

: )

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I think there is usually at least one line in Jeff's daily missive that nearly causes me to spit out my coffee. He has a way with words!

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I would like a coffee spitting emoji 😁

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I thought it was one giant run-on sentence until I read Jeff's comment and then reread the PV email. What a joke of a response. What serious boss sends out sentences without punctuation? Whoever wrote that is as qualified to write as the Fizer dr whatever-his-name-was is qualified to practice medicine. Both are equally NOT professional.

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You’d be surprised how many “executives” there are with poor diction/very sparse punctuation skills. It’s usually the executive assistants who are responsible for making the letters/emails look professional. I’ve seen many worse than that one from PV. It’s quite embarrassing and I used to wonder how they got their jobs. I also used to be a medical transcriptionist and learned quickly how many docs could not spell or string together a proper sentence. And then there was the doc who took a leak during dictation….😜

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Someone pretending to be "hip" and excited about the future.

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My impression was the note was voice-dictated by an amateur and came out as run-on sentence

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Very possible Harold. I had another thought, perhaps an employee was ordered to make that dispatch but was completely against what the board was doing. Thus the person made the note as poorly as possible while still doing as told.

Never in my lifetime has it been this difficult to get the truth to the public.

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I loved that comment. I was shocked when I first read the email & then reread to make sure I hadn’t missed something. I hadn’t. It was crap

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How is anyone on any ‘board’ with that lack of grammar? Idiot needs to go back to middle school for remedial English.

I love Jeff’s letter to PV employees and glad to hear he’s working with Steve Kirsch.

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It even drives me crazy when I receive texts without punctuation. I also have a bad habit of correcting people when they use incorrect words or pronounce words incorrectly. Libary/punkin anyone?

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Or texts with these silly abbreviations. By adults. What is happening to our civil discourse??!!

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How r u?? 😝🙄

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Me too!!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

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Reminds me of the poet e.e. cummings on the death of Warren G. Harding:

The only man, woman, or child who ever wrote a simple declarative sentence with seven grammatical errors is dead.

e e cummings, on the death of Warren G. Harding, 1923

US poet (1894 - 1962)

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e. e. cummings ... here's a man who never met a capital letter he could like!

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Like el gato malo 😁

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Copy editor. Mostly. Occasional composition when the gig demands.

I want to “like” this comment once for every period my right pinkie ever typed on a long day of writing.

Spitting coffee out: the best imagery. Followed by wiping off the device.


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No apostrophe in “Lets” either 🙄

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My thought was that letter was written by the poorest chatGBT available. If this is the best that the PV board can do it's time to let it crumble into dust.

Good luck James. And great letter of encouragement and advice to the employees, Mr. Childers.

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Actually, chatGBT writes quite nicely - I've tried asking questions (when time was available) and the responses were all well written. I was mildly surprised.

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I think I'll steer clear of AI. The slippery slope is becoming steeper.

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I was thinking the same thing as I read that! It was written like a 20-year-old high school drop out!

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How about a 16 year old high school student who was in what we used to call "bonehead English" classes.

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I thought it read like a hyperactive 7th grader wrote it. Laughably bad writing.

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Yes! 😂😂

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Not sure if a meme will post, but hoping so, for all the grammar lovers out there :)


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I see the link didn’t work, so here is the text from the humorous meme:

“My life is a constant battle between wanting to correct grammar and wanting to have friends.”


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😆Love that!! 😂

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Anymore that is so true!! 😏

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Yes I was thinking the same thing about using a period. This must have been written by someone under 35. Poor writers over 50 use too many periods!

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Sounds like James had a good and productive hike with Robert Kennedy Jr last week. I get the feeling he is very prepared for what lays ahead. God Bless James and keep him strong.

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I thought the same. That photo was a signal, in my view, to the deep state.

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PV LITERALLY committed social suicide.. I look forward to supporting Mr. O'Keefe in his new endeavors.

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PV Board...follow the Pfizer money.

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Spot on, cui bono?

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Suspicious because it is so soon after the Pfizer exposure.

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Exactly! 🎯

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Well played. I see what you did there. I would include buildings 1, and 2 as well.

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For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.

— Ephesians 3:14-21 NASB1995

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Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light. For this reason it says,

“Awake, sleeper,

And arise from the dead,

And Christ will shine on you.”

Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.

— Ephesians 5:11-16 NASB1995

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That passage is one of the main reasons I just won't shut up about all the covid/vaccine/tyranny/immorality. I don't see how any follower of Christ can be silent, but I do realize there are many who are brainwashed and ignorant. I see them at church every Sunday.

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#me too. My daughter recently ask me why I was "relitigating" covid response and I saidnI can't be quiet. What if people have not learned from this debacle. Will the populace be terrified in surrendering all their rights if the media advances another "pandemic/"

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Amen. I would add that you cannot remain uncorrupt if you associate with the corrupt. Lot and his family had to leave Sodom and Gomorrah. His wife turned to a pillar of salt because she disobeyed and look back. My family talked about this. You cannot marry or bring these sjw, libtards, alphabet people into your family. They will destroy you from within. That's what they do.

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Thank you Janice. So needed.

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Yes ... and I think more and more on the 9th Commandment and how it's much more than injunction against a SIMPLE bearing of false witness. I think of obfuscation, the falsification of reality and the creation of 'fun' virtual realties, secret societies which subvert and usurp, lies controlling the narrative, infiltration, these and more are falsity enlisted against us.

In an enlarged sense, the entire Western World, an Empire of Lies, is a massive 9th Commandment violation. It takes the breath away, especially on a blue sky day with the sunshine streaming in my window.

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It feels good to be on the God side of things.

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Amen! 🙏🏻✝️🙌🏼

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Now the apostle Paul could write long, beautiful and readable sentences!

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I would like to know Hebrew and Greek to understand the sentence structure and punctuation. Fascinating! Maybe I should learn them.

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Modern Hebrew language, just one more miracle of Israel. You may enjoy this article from a ministry I support: https://www.oneforisrael.org/bible-based-teaching-from-israel/the-miracle-of-the-hebrew-language-and-the-work-of-eliezer-ben-yehuda/

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That man was a deep thinker! Sometimes I get lost in his intent, history and context always helps.

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"To HIM be the glory." Yes, keep my eyes on that.

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This focus on Project Veritas is useful. As someone who has been in the trenches investigating and uncovering corruption and voter fraud; these are the moments to find clarity and remain steadfast.

James is not perfect. He has his faults and foibles as any human being but he hit the jackpot this time and more recently with other solid investigative reveals. This type of effort and success does not grow on trees. It requires people with fortitude to see things through where most won't even begin to try.

The tribute James made to his family and especially his father was great. Not clear on what transpired in that black hole period when FIB climbed all over his and PV's back to protect Traitor Joe but that's a story in itself.

As for PV, concluded before Mr. Childer's release here they were lying. That was enough for me. There's no redemption for PV. There's only fulfilling its final chief task to self-destruct. Standing with O'Keefe who has shown that investigative reporting is not dead and by using the truth of video and audio, truth itself is revealed where no amount of spinning can undo. Godspeed to you James and your new team in waiting.

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Who set this up and is driving it around DC? LOL!

WANTED: Fauci, Gates, Schwab, the CDC & Big Pharma for crimes against humanity!


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WOW. Better call in a train deraliment to stop that truck.

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Project Veritas

Silence......sponsored by Pfizer

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LOL 100%

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"As an aside, the deep-state’s fingerprints are all over Project Veritas’ miniature color revolution. It’s their specialty! They can depose a Shah, an Ayatollah, a Prime Minister, or even a President. Deposing a non-profit CEO is child’s play, a mere trifle."

A very important notation. The "March through the Institutions" is real and pervasive, from sovereign governments to local city councils, to your child's class room and your personal physician.


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Yes...and it isn't "Nazism" that has been marching through the institutions.

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Certainly not the "Nationalism" kind from Germany.

Yet the Deep state globalist kind, tied into international corporations like the pharmaceuticals, that is a kind of classic Nzism on a global scale. They will however fail.

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Does anyone think they are making Pfizer the fall guy on purpose to direct attention away from the D.O.D.? Or am I straight up crazy?

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There’s always a fall guy...

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Yep, Biden is the fall guy for the deep states planned failures.

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FBI has tried multiple times to get O'Keefe.

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Pfizer doesn't care. They are in on it.

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Good Point. Go to Satypova's Substack.

All the contracts for vaccine or other medical items associated with the covid plandemic, hundreds if not thousands, are with either of 2 parties, the DOD or HHS!

COVID-19 Contracts - Knowledge Ecology International


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Does sovereign immunity protect DOD and HHS in this sort of siuation? Or does the Federal Tort Claims Act waive the immunity?

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023

WOW. Former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd gets it, and is now publishing documented research studies of vaxx injuries. What will Larry [the] Fink do to shut this down, I wonder.


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Really excellent post sir, one disagreement. The Deep State is most certainly not a creation of GOD but rather created by corrupted and evil creatures of GOD's creation. There is no shadow of darkness in GOD nor can there be or He would not be GOD.

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I'm glad you two gave me an opportunity to expand on that comment. ;) (see above)

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Where Jeff? I don’t see it at end or in that comment.

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My pleasure. Everyone seems to sort the comments differently so it doesn't serve to say "X number of comments above or below".

I tend to read them from a browser sorted by New first and then ctrl/cmd-f to find new ones. It just so happened that the comment in question was relatively fresh when I stumbled upon yours.

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Well done.

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Exactly. God does not create evil. He allows it in order that Justice might be truly just.

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That comment bothered me as well as you are spot on. God does not need or want sin, but when we fall he uses it to bring us back if we are willing. Evil is not created, it is a deprivation of goodness. God created only what is good.

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That’s what I said! I posted it In here too. I was baffled by that comment. I’m not really sure where Jeff was coming from by that statement.

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I felt the same except I would say is Satans baby with Gods permission as he is entirely sovereign. 🙏🏻❤️

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You cannot stop James O'Keefe, you can only try to contain him.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

One interesting thing I noticed, Jeff, is that one of the board members is George Skakel, a cousin of Robert Kennedy, Jr. Interesting, because O'Keefe was with Kennedy on his "involuntary vacation." No clue what that means, but thought it worth putting out there.

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I have a woke sister & a tea party sister.

1st cousin & I played together, celebrated b-days together, hung out for 20 years.

Then he got into Vanguard on the ground floor. Dropped me like a hot potato. He is now a 1%er & I'm living on social security.

Another 1st cousin I only met once in my life is fil to YoYo Ma's daughter. My family is the embarrassment end of the family tree.

My point is, Skakel could be a white hat or a black hat. No way to know based on family relations. The Kennedy family, like other "elites," were ruthless even with their own children. Family name is everything. Eg, Kathleen Kennedy wasn't retarded. She was a "wild child," so they had her lobotomized, which was all the rage at that time among the "elite". Literally an ice pick through the eye socket to scramble the prefrontal cortex. Keep'em out of trouble & serve as an example to the rest.

With that kind of "love" it's hit or miss how they turn out.

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Interesting. I concur with the general tenor of your remarks... and also with there is 'no way to tell.'

My mom had a friend in Florida named Dorothy whose family had the White Rock soda business in Baltimore back in the day. This was a well to do family, a part of the American Catholic Aristocracy. I remember Dorothy telling my mother that her mother told her, "Stay away from those Kennedy boys. They are no good." That was probably not bad advice from a mother to a daughter. However, the world is such a mixed up mess of things. JFK warned about the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex, and tried to extract us from Vietnam and so on. Robert Kennedy was agin the Mob. And then there were things like Marilyn Monroe and Judith Exeter woman. And then there was Teddy and enough said already. Just a mess. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly all wrapped up in one giant Tootsie Roll.

One of the ironies of my life is coming to much admire Robert Kennedy Jr., and his putting of everything on the line. Never saw that coming. Also, I have to admit that JFK was one of the better Presidents for what he tried to accomplish. Putting the brakes on an out of control Deep State over Cuba and restoring the world back to order. The settlement on missiles with Russia was masterful and saved face for both Russia and the United States.

I also remember what another member of a very prominent Catholic family said. That was Peter Grace of Grace Chemicals family and the Grace Commission (which went nowhere fast). Asked in an interview if he 'had it to do all over again, what would he want to be?" Grace said he went to all the same preps and schools as the progeny of the elite and he saw what they were like, and yes ... if he had to do it all over again, "I'd want to be just a regular Joe." Well, I caught a glimpse of some of these types and I'd say the same thing. I am not by any stretch of the imagination for poverty, but I know well that "It's better to be a poor man than gain the world and lose one soul." Words to this effect. Just looking around I say daily but for the grace of God go I. And so glad I never got sucked into any of the truly seductive vile crap. And so glad to have been by Grace able to become a Reformed Christian, even if late in life. Truly wish it could have been earlier!

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Minor point: that was Rosemary. Kathleen was killed in a plane crash.

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Ty. Don't know why I always think Kathleen...

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Be glad, give praise to God. And by the way, I'd be proud to meet 'the embarrassment' over the billionaire whatever. I've seen these vile creatures close up ... and what pieces of duplicity.

What particularly resonated is 'dropped like a hot potato.' We in my family have had that treatment more than once. And I had to laugh, because that is how I learned that expression from my mom. I can still here it, "Oh! They certainly did drop us like a hot potato!"

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Excellent points.

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Thanks for condensing a lot of information into a readable, time-saving synopsis. I, for one, think that whomever is writing for the board sounds like they are still not only emotionally, but also educationally still in middle school. Pathetic.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

lol you and Mr Childers clearly don't work with a lot of millennials. they think that's great writing.

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Thankfully I don't. Almost everybody I work with is 40's and older. My son just turned 29 and he is a fantastic writer and my daughter was 24 and was also a great writer. I'd say in Junior High, if not earlier, I'd preview their reports before they turned them in and showed them their errors and tricks to remember some things. I guess it worked for them. I had no idea that professionally this age group writes like they think/text. Yikes!

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For all their instant access to information online, a lot of the young are profoundly and happily ignorant.

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Intentionally so, due to our public schools.

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More like kid talk is trying g to be relevant like Ebonics temporarily was in Oakland CA.

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Maybe the guy who was exposed in video? 🤣

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Amateur professionals.

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With that being said, I Can’t Imagine/Grief Journal, I kind of thought it was written by Jordan Trishtan Walker himself!

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No doubt the PV board crashed the company on purpose as directed by whomever began pulling some strings.

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