Feinstein gets shingled out, but Fetterman is more productive from the hospital than the office. How's that fair? Dems with kiddie porn problems, Major Vindman's side hustle, and more.
Is it ironic that the same government that perpetrated the biggest fraud of all time is the same guvernembr that now wants to prosecute small business for “fraudulently” getting some of that cash that so many big actors stole shamelessly?
And when I say “Fraudulently” I mean there were areas where guidance was vague, and people did what they had to to survive, and later found out they had not been in compliance but are getting nailed for it, in spite of the fact that at the time they did the best they knew. (Unlike the big actors, who apparently had no guidelines in the first place, but ignored even the basic moral guidelines.)
The Covid fraud is the flash trigger to all the tributary fraud, removal of rights, enslavement agenda. It's really One Big Fraud badly in need of prosecutions and severely meted out punishment. And they mean to kill us all.
Edit: Ha! persecutions and prosecutions are two different animals. But Mother Dyslexia don't know the difference!
What about all the school boards and colleges that took $. Didn't they just report the City of Chicago and Baltimore took millions for laptops and never purchased a single one for the students. Most also took $ for upgraded HVAC systems that were never replaced. The Boards all got raises and bonuses. Small business are "small" in the scope of the government unmanaged money scam.
Some of the fraud was big. They should be prosecuted. So should the big fraudsters. That is the part worthy of pressing. Big criminals are rarely prosecuted. Big actors are STEALING shamelessly.
I certainly understand the indignation concerning the feds bill - and I’m not being a goody-two-shoes - but two wrongs don’t make a right. Actually Benjamin Rush didn’t actually say that. What he said was “three wrongs won’t make you right.” Either way, we should not condone breaking the law.
Everyone knows one or more than one business owner in their sphere of influence who took PPP loans without any urgent need for the funds. They took them, reserved for them just in case they needed to return the funds, but ultimately got free money. Is that fraud....or is it just wrong?
Hmm. Not sure how if it was ultimately “free money” that the gov can make a claim that you committed fraud. Now, there is the conundrum of the government doing whatever it wants. However, to answer your question, if it’s wrong, it’s not right. The perpetrator has to judge himself.
I know of a attorney who took 2 PPP loans totalling nearly 900k and had them forgiven. I have first hand knowledge of how he didn't use the money to retain single employee, and how he also simultaneously was paid easily that much by one client for doing almost no work (no litigation whatsoever). He's just one of many. It's disgusting.
That’s right. I’m not condoning anyone who knowingly committed wrong. (And I’m sure there were many.) But somehow I’ll be surprised if the funding goes to charging those liberal schools and establishments that actually deliberately committed fraud.
Now Ron, See it from their POV. They expected their Cabal to collect more than they did, and they're bound and determined to get theirs back. The crafty thing is, they do this while assigning more tax revenue to grow the aparatchik.
That's your greatest fear? How was it that much different from Occupy Wall Street? The enemy here isn't each other, it is the corruption in our systems. We need to unify against the corruption. These echo chambers are getting us nowhere.
Our biggest problem we face is the corruption of our systems.
Why isn't anyone talking about solutions?
Let's build a decentralized and transparent "4th branch of government" that is 100% built and controlled by the people as a parallel system that holds all of the other branches accountable.
They are using technology to organize against us. We must use it back against those who are corrupting our systems.
As we note that Vladimir Putin is a known assassin, let us remember that George Bush, Osama, and Trump also carried out illegal assassinations.
It is interesting how easy it is for us to point the finger at other countries for offenses that we regularly commit, like, for example, how aggressive China and Russia are.
Who has 700 military bases in other peoples countries? Who is involved in a series of never ending wars which we customarily end up losing?
Considering that the US government created and funded the coronavirus bioweapon, along with the covid death shot as a bioweapon, hard to deny that the US government are the baddies.
Much appreciate your observations here, Michael. Indeed. No one is more guilty of murder, resource plundering and wars of aggression than the US.
Putin was an attorney for the intelligence service. Not exactly what comes to mind when one hears the word "agent."
These questions occur to me as I read the comment thread: Has he personally assassinated anyone, or is this term being used more broadly? The three POTUS mentioned above are not commonly referred to as "known assassins." Do we reserve such monikers for America's enemies? Where is the evidence of his enemies falling off balconies? I've heard the claims, too, but where is the evidence? He's been the favorite boogie man of the west for more than two decades.
I've heard Western journalists now living in Russia say that there are more political prisoners in the US than Russia. They also talk about how safe the big cities are. I suspect that myth has more to do with most Americans' ideas of reality in that maligned country than truth. The US has done its best to destroy it from within since the end of WWII, icing that cake with their puppet, Yeltzin.
I am glad you took this up. And well said. And certainly any Putin assassination activity was not done by Putin as a KGB officer in the legal department.
Putin is always shaded by the Five Eyes West as being a dictator, a tyrant and authoritarian and so on. However or whatever the case, the incontestable fact is that the Russian Federation is NOT waging 5th Generation Warfare on its own people like the United States, the EU and the rest of the Five Eyes states do. And I submit, Putin's real crimes lie in promoting Russian Orthodox Christian morals and practices, and thwarting the Woke West in its multiple Russian take-overs attempts.
Russia refuses to be Woke and refuses to be captured by the West. And if it were not for Putin and his backers, and their traditional Russian authoritarian style of government which stops color revolutions and infiltrators dead in their tracks, Russia would have long ago succumbed and become just another failed Woke Western controlled puppet state.
THE TRUTH IS: I now hunger to have the personal freedom which Russians now enjoy in post-Soviet times, including stores reliably shelved with food and homes heated with energy at affordable pricing. I also hunger for a non-predatory, non-looting financial system. I hunger for a government which does not visit continuous civil war on it people. And guess what? Russian actually love Mother Russia without vilifying their neighbors at the drop of a hat!
One can go down this rabbit hole if one chooses so, and yeah ... Trump for sure is no Boy Scout and made some large sized mistakes. But he was not a Pedo President, could speak coherent sentences with coherent thought, and he did not start the Woke Ukrainian Proxy War and cause the rest of the world to Walk-Away. And yes, my daily prayer is for Woke to Be Gone.
We are in one hell of a jam. But nonetheless, it is best to weigh things out in good wise measure. Plus side of the ledger versus Minus side of the Ledger.
Arguably Suleimani (sp?), though he was in an active war zone and allegedly involved in the war, so can certainly be dismissed by those who want to as "taking out an enemy combatant leader" rather than a "true assassination".
On the flip side, those who hate Trump's guts would likely say that he "assassinated" immigrants by building a wall that stops them from escaping from the definitely-life-threatening-how-dare-you-question-it conditions in their countries of origin.
Even large commercial flights have been taken down to eliminate a person or two, or 100. Like the 100 AIDS scientists on their way to a conference (MH17 crashed in Ukraine). Clinton was at that conference.
Plutonium umbrella stabbings for defectors, for example... though I'm not aware of anyone giving evidence that Putin PERSONALLY assassinated anyone. It strikes me as more the Machiavellian solidifying-power type of things as opposed to the regime-change or there's-a-bad-guy-quick-blow-him-up-while-he's-at-a-wedding assassinations the US tends to organise.
She probably is one of the small percentage of Americans who are “up to date” on their shots and boosters. BTW, I was called a liar yesterday for posting a comment on a Fox News article about the good senator’s shingles likely being correlated to the endless C19 shots.
I know an “up-to-dater” who got shingles after covid boosters and a shingles shot. Denied the connection. “It would have been worse”, she said, “without all the shots”. Unprovable, yes, and also pathetic.
Doctors are deplorable slaves to big Pharma. In being their slaves, they do not have integrity or uphold the oath not to harm. I always say 'no' because I fear the side effects, to which my PCP will say nothing.
Yup. I refuse those jabs as well. My hubs got the shingles shots after he got shingles. Then months later the JNJ. He stopped cootie jabs after that first
The shingles victim I knew was planning to get the second shingles jab to “protect against a recurrence”. I have no idea how that went, but I can guess.
Yes and we personally met and talked with a lady who was stricken with it after Jab 2 . Her neurologist was all in on reporting it as a vaccine injury. She had been weeks in rehab and using a walker to attend a concert.
.. I have an image of those 3 monkeys every time subjects like this come up. While the evil is happening right in front of their faces. To their own families. Precious children. Our country.
Yes, intense spiritual darkness. Have been praying against it for quite some time now - mainly for it to be lifted from off of my loved ones, but indeed for the world at large also.
Yep, just heard of one yesterday. I feel so sorry for them. Most of the older folks did not have a clue. My mom has had recurring shingles for years (not jabbed) and it is a terrible pain that I do not wish on anyone.
It’s a horrible disease. My hubs was in terrible pain for over a month. Couldn’t sleep. One friend had it around her eye—that was horrific. My late sister got them often since she was seriously immunocompromised most of her adult life. I hope I don’t get them but I refuse anymore jabs.
Many, many I know who are vaxxed ran to get the shingles shot added to their resume. I told them to watch out and they said oh no this is a serious disease that is going around. I know of one person in my life that has had shingles. One of those "believers" I said to use vit D, melatonin and the rest of the benign regimen and she said "but melatonin is a hormone and too scary to use!"
They’ve seen the TV ads for Shingrex. It’s lurking in ALL ADULTS. Danger Will Robinson!!
Since Covid™️, I’ve known several people who never bothered to get a flu shot or any of the others Pharma re immense for “older adults” pivot to regular shots for everything. The PsyOps is not only about Covid. It’s about instilling fear of everything.
I had a shingles outbreak near my eye, a few years pre-covid. Got meds, ointment right away and it was no big deal. Then I “dutifully” got the first shingles vax (single dose). Then came the “new and improved” two-jab shingles vax, and I was urged to get it but said no thanks. That experience started my jab hesitancy. No more ‘just in case’ meds or jabs—including tetanus, pneumonia, etc. for me.
I've read numerous places there is a jab/shingles immune connection. I'm not surprised surprised pincushion ignoramuses hang out on Fox comment section.
I took the shingrex AND the flu shot together in 2019. Last flu shot I ever got. I was sick for a week. REALLY REALLY REALLY SICK. wish I knew then what I know now. Live and learn.
I just stumbled upon this warning back in 2021 when I saw a link to the FDA warning on a website.
Lots of folks never heard about it.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome is an autoimmune disease. It can cause partial or complete paralysis. Complete paralysis like you end up in a nursing home wearing a diaper, eating mashed up food, and wishing for death to put you out of your misery.
Besides, there are antivirals that treat shingles.
I did a quick search and can't find any news item that claimed Feinstein had taken the shots. For what it's worth. Here's a fact probably a bit more reliable: the virus that causes shingles (same as chickenpox, oddly) is one of many viruses that can reside in the body long-term apparently causing no problems, but can later be activated for whatever reason.
When people early on in the vax campaign would ask if I had the jab I would look exasperated and remark “Hey, I’m an old granny—what do YOU think”? Smile and carry on.
The chicken pox vax over the years has interfered with the natural boosting adults would have had when most kids got chicken pox. So shingles erupt when older because we have lost that immunity. In a nutshell.
My daughter had chicken pox as a child and got shingles at a stressful time in 2021. She did not have the covid vaccine. So my conclusion is that it can happen to anyone for any reason. Though they say if you had the chickenpox vaccine ( (1990 and later) you will not get shingles because the virus is not lying dormant in your body.
My daughter had C-pox as a teen in 1985. No pox vax then. As years go by, I as a senior lose some immunity boosting I might have gotten before the jab by kids with C-pox but now I don’t because most kids get the vax now. I think that’s why so many seniors are getting shingles.
Well hello Satan's Doorknob. So nice to see you in the comment section again.
But. I prefer to believe that she is knocked up with her vaccine and is enjoying the consequence she herself forced on the American people. She is getting off easy.
I believe that is an entirely different wave length. I've had red light therapy for a knee injury and there is no heat sensation. The red light machine that was used costs $40K and produces two different wave lengths. The therapy only takes a few minutes.
Seriously...she is a Franken-Fossil. How long will all these relics totter about on spindly legs pretending to be coherent? How much more has to happen before people wake up and take back what is rightfully theirs? The swamp dwellers in dresses and underwear with schlong pouches from the Target lingerie section to the suitcase stealing circus freak in charge of nuclear waste, this country is now THE laughingstock of the entire world, right down to the blackmail of Biden by you-know-who. Everyday it is something new and more revoltingly unhinged.
I’m old and I’m sick and tired of being shoved around by geriatrics who some brag they’ve never sent an email or who would flunk their driving test. Retire already. Take the massive riches they have accumulated in MY government and book a one way ticket to where they really belong—and I’m not talking Florida. I’m sure Satan requires fully jabbed status morons.
Is it ironic that the same government that perpetrated the biggest fraud of all time is the same guvernembr that now wants to prosecute small business for “fraudulently” getting some of that cash that so many big actors stole shamelessly?
And when I say “Fraudulently” I mean there were areas where guidance was vague, and people did what they had to to survive, and later found out they had not been in compliance but are getting nailed for it, in spite of the fact that at the time they did the best they knew. (Unlike the big actors, who apparently had no guidelines in the first place, but ignored even the basic moral guidelines.)
The Covid fraud is the flash trigger to all the tributary fraud, removal of rights, enslavement agenda. It's really One Big Fraud badly in need of prosecutions and severely meted out punishment. And they mean to kill us all.
Edit: Ha! persecutions and prosecutions are two different animals. But Mother Dyslexia don't know the difference!
“Deny everything and make counter-accusations”
Dick Cheney
This should be attributed to Karl Marx.
I was thinking more along the lines of Fauci. Potato poTAHto.
same awful people. Does not mater what name it is. I think I would trust Marx more than Cheny to be honest
That’s what evildoers do, since the beginning of time. Accuse you of their wrongdoing.
If the log is in your own eye, deny and see it in others. It's science.
Narcissist 101.
What about all the school boards and colleges that took $. Didn't they just report the City of Chicago and Baltimore took millions for laptops and never purchased a single one for the students. Most also took $ for upgraded HVAC systems that were never replaced. The Boards all got raises and bonuses. Small business are "small" in the scope of the government unmanaged money scam.
Great points!!
Which forces us to revise an old saying: be sure to look a gift horse in the mouth. "
To quote my Dear Old Dad , “ FUBAR.”
Some of the fraud was big. They should be prosecuted. So should the big fraudsters. That is the part worthy of pressing. Big criminals are rarely prosecuted. Big actors are STEALING shamelessly.
Not just fraud... David Martin... all of the intent for fraud and harms was known to NIH and Fauci in early 2016.
To give more IRS type jobs to people who will
then definitely vote democrat
I certainly understand the indignation concerning the feds bill - and I’m not being a goody-two-shoes - but two wrongs don’t make a right. Actually Benjamin Rush didn’t actually say that. What he said was “three wrongs won’t make you right.” Either way, we should not condone breaking the law.
Everyone knows one or more than one business owner in their sphere of influence who took PPP loans without any urgent need for the funds. They took them, reserved for them just in case they needed to return the funds, but ultimately got free money. Is that fraud....or is it just wrong?
Hmm. Not sure how if it was ultimately “free money” that the gov can make a claim that you committed fraud. Now, there is the conundrum of the government doing whatever it wants. However, to answer your question, if it’s wrong, it’s not right. The perpetrator has to judge himself.
I know of a attorney who took 2 PPP loans totalling nearly 900k and had them forgiven. I have first hand knowledge of how he didn't use the money to retain single employee, and how he also simultaneously was paid easily that much by one client for doing almost no work (no litigation whatsoever). He's just one of many. It's disgusting.
Using one of Jeff’s childerisms, the atty is doing a sprint to the hot place. He’ll have to account.
That’s right. I’m not condoning anyone who knowingly committed wrong. (And I’m sure there were many.) But somehow I’ll be surprised if the funding goes to charging those liberal schools and establishments that actually deliberately committed fraud.
But Mr. Wong said (to Mrs Wong), "2 Wongs don't make a White" Oh never mind. TGIF! Right on!
Later Jay
Correct! They make a little Wong.
Now Ron, See it from their POV. They expected their Cabal to collect more than they did, and they're bound and determined to get theirs back. The crafty thing is, they do this while assigning more tax revenue to grow the aparatchik.
That's your greatest fear? How was it that much different from Occupy Wall Street? The enemy here isn't each other, it is the corruption in our systems. We need to unify against the corruption. These echo chambers are getting us nowhere.
Do you want to unify? https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-unify-over-our-biggest-problem
Our biggest problem we face is the corruption of our systems.
Why isn't anyone talking about solutions?
Let's build a decentralized and transparent "4th branch of government" that is 100% built and controlled by the people as a parallel system that holds all of the other branches accountable.
They are using technology to organize against us. We must use it back against those who are corrupting our systems.
Like this:
As we note that Vladimir Putin is a known assassin, let us remember that George Bush, Osama, and Trump also carried out illegal assassinations.
It is interesting how easy it is for us to point the finger at other countries for offenses that we regularly commit, like, for example, how aggressive China and Russia are.
Who has 700 military bases in other peoples countries? Who is involved in a series of never ending wars which we customarily end up losing?
Our hypocrisy is notable.
Considering that the US government created and funded the coronavirus bioweapon, along with the covid death shot as a bioweapon, hard to deny that the US government are the baddies.
Poppy = JFK assassination
Much appreciate your observations here, Michael. Indeed. No one is more guilty of murder, resource plundering and wars of aggression than the US.
Putin was an attorney for the intelligence service. Not exactly what comes to mind when one hears the word "agent."
These questions occur to me as I read the comment thread: Has he personally assassinated anyone, or is this term being used more broadly? The three POTUS mentioned above are not commonly referred to as "known assassins." Do we reserve such monikers for America's enemies? Where is the evidence of his enemies falling off balconies? I've heard the claims, too, but where is the evidence? He's been the favorite boogie man of the west for more than two decades.
I've heard Western journalists now living in Russia say that there are more political prisoners in the US than Russia. They also talk about how safe the big cities are. I suspect that myth has more to do with most Americans' ideas of reality in that maligned country than truth. The US has done its best to destroy it from within since the end of WWII, icing that cake with their puppet, Yeltzin.
The US no longer has the moral authority to criticize any country or person.
US has been bombing the shit of the Middle East for +20 years.
US has been interfering and overthrowing governments for at least 75 years.
I am glad you took this up. And well said. And certainly any Putin assassination activity was not done by Putin as a KGB officer in the legal department.
Putin is always shaded by the Five Eyes West as being a dictator, a tyrant and authoritarian and so on. However or whatever the case, the incontestable fact is that the Russian Federation is NOT waging 5th Generation Warfare on its own people like the United States, the EU and the rest of the Five Eyes states do. And I submit, Putin's real crimes lie in promoting Russian Orthodox Christian morals and practices, and thwarting the Woke West in its multiple Russian take-overs attempts.
Russia refuses to be Woke and refuses to be captured by the West. And if it were not for Putin and his backers, and their traditional Russian authoritarian style of government which stops color revolutions and infiltrators dead in their tracks, Russia would have long ago succumbed and become just another failed Woke Western controlled puppet state.
THE TRUTH IS: I now hunger to have the personal freedom which Russians now enjoy in post-Soviet times, including stores reliably shelved with food and homes heated with energy at affordable pricing. I also hunger for a non-predatory, non-looting financial system. I hunger for a government which does not visit continuous civil war on it people. And guess what? Russian actually love Mother Russia without vilifying their neighbors at the drop of a hat!
Excellent points and opinion. Fully agree.
Fact check: true
Paraphrasing... "It is not whether you win or lose but how much profit you gain."
Didn't another Clinton "friend" just fall to the wayside?
So many, so messy but so much fun!
Later Jay
Actually, I think the number of US foreign military bases number closer to 1,000.
I’m not arguing you are wrong - I just don’t know - who did Trump have assassinated?
One can go down this rabbit hole if one chooses so, and yeah ... Trump for sure is no Boy Scout and made some large sized mistakes. But he was not a Pedo President, could speak coherent sentences with coherent thought, and he did not start the Woke Ukrainian Proxy War and cause the rest of the world to Walk-Away. And yes, my daily prayer is for Woke to Be Gone.
We are in one hell of a jam. But nonetheless, it is best to weigh things out in good wise measure. Plus side of the ledger versus Minus side of the Ledger.
Arguably Suleimani (sp?), though he was in an active war zone and allegedly involved in the war, so can certainly be dismissed by those who want to as "taking out an enemy combatant leader" rather than a "true assassination".
On the flip side, those who hate Trump's guts would likely say that he "assassinated" immigrants by building a wall that stops them from escaping from the definitely-life-threatening-how-dare-you-question-it conditions in their countries of origin.
What makes Putin a known assassin? What do we know?
Journalists critical of Putin and uncooperative oligarchs tend to fall off very high balconies, for one.
The U.S. prefers having them ‘commit suicide’ in the most improbable ways or gettIng killed in mugging, where their valuables are not even taken.
Small fatal plane crashes are another U.S. favorite elimination of ‘undesirables who know too much’ technique.
Even large commercial flights have been taken down to eliminate a person or two, or 100. Like the 100 AIDS scientists on their way to a conference (MH17 crashed in Ukraine). Clinton was at that conference.
Or get a special surprise in their tea.
sort of like what happens to those who oppose the various upstanding citizens here and are found having been committed suicide
Plutonium umbrella stabbings for defectors, for example... though I'm not aware of anyone giving evidence that Putin PERSONALLY assassinated anyone. It strikes me as more the Machiavellian solidifying-power type of things as opposed to the regime-change or there's-a-bad-guy-quick-blow-him-up-while-he's-at-a-wedding assassinations the US tends to organise.
Did senator Dianne Frankenstein take the Jab? That's a good way to get shingles.
Or was she smart enough to get the saline. I figure she's a long time insider.
She probably is one of the small percentage of Americans who are “up to date” on their shots and boosters. BTW, I was called a liar yesterday for posting a comment on a Fox News article about the good senator’s shingles likely being correlated to the endless C19 shots.
I know several seniors “up to date” who have gotten shingles.
I know an “up-to-dater” who got shingles after covid boosters and a shingles shot. Denied the connection. “It would have been worse”, she said, “without all the shots”. Unprovable, yes, and also pathetic.
There is a FDA black box warning on the shingles vaccine for Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Your doctor won't tell you.
Doctors are deplorable slaves to big Pharma. In being their slaves, they do not have integrity or uphold the oath not to harm. I always say 'no' because I fear the side effects, to which my PCP will say nothing.
I trust Doctors and Big Pharma about as far as I can spit! The only good Doctors were silenced.
Yup. I refuse those jabs as well. My hubs got the shingles shots after he got shingles. Then months later the JNJ. He stopped cootie jabs after that first
There isn't a jab left that I would likely take, save anesthesia for critical condition, life saving surgery. Anything else, no thanks!
The shingles victim I knew was planning to get the second shingles jab to “protect against a recurrence”. I have no idea how that went, but I can guess.
Love it, cootie jabs!
Yes and we personally met and talked with a lady who was stricken with it after Jab 2 . Her neurologist was all in on reporting it as a vaccine injury. She had been weeks in rehab and using a walker to attend a concert.
I believe the curriculum of Communism 101 must include a class called Creative Quips for the Clueless Masses.
Same. But you cannot get them to understand why they need to stop the jabbing.
At some point, for your own sanity, you have to dust off your shoes and move on. Dumb caint be undumbied. Haha.
Agree! So maddening to see people that I used to admire for being 'intelligent' and 'wise' so easily be manipulated and misled.
.. I have an image of those 3 monkeys every time subjects like this come up. While the evil is happening right in front of their faces. To their own families. Precious children. Our country.
Yes, intense spiritual darkness. Have been praying against it for quite some time now - mainly for it to be lifted from off of my loved ones, but indeed for the world at large also.
Yep, just heard of one yesterday. I feel so sorry for them. Most of the older folks did not have a clue. My mom has had recurring shingles for years (not jabbed) and it is a terrible pain that I do not wish on anyone.
It’s a horrible disease. My hubs was in terrible pain for over a month. Couldn’t sleep. One friend had it around her eye—that was horrific. My late sister got them often since she was seriously immunocompromised most of her adult life. I hope I don’t get them but I refuse anymore jabs.
I do.
Many, many I know who are vaxxed ran to get the shingles shot added to their resume. I told them to watch out and they said oh no this is a serious disease that is going around. I know of one person in my life that has had shingles. One of those "believers" I said to use vit D, melatonin and the rest of the benign regimen and she said "but melatonin is a hormone and too scary to use!"
They’ve seen the TV ads for Shingrex. It’s lurking in ALL ADULTS. Danger Will Robinson!!
Since Covid™️, I’ve known several people who never bothered to get a flu shot or any of the others Pharma re immense for “older adults” pivot to regular shots for everything. The PsyOps is not only about Covid. It’s about instilling fear of everything.
Wait till she finds out D is a hormone and not a vitamin! 🤯
Wow. Having shingles around the eye can be dangerous to the vision but other than that my understanding is it is “just” extremely painful.
I had a shingles outbreak near my eye, a few years pre-covid. Got meds, ointment right away and it was no big deal. Then I “dutifully” got the first shingles vax (single dose). Then came the “new and improved” two-jab shingles vax, and I was urged to get it but said no thanks. That experience started my jab hesitancy. No more ‘just in case’ meds or jabs—including tetanus, pneumonia, etc. for me.
I have two good friends who got shingles after the jab. Guess I’m a liar too.
“It’s a coincidence!” /sarcasm
NO DARN IT!!!!! Climate Change. Can't you guys get on the bandwagon with this?
Later Jay
I've read numerous places there is a jab/shingles immune connection. I'm not surprised surprised pincushion ignoramuses hang out on Fox comment section.
I took the shingrex AND the flu shot together in 2019. Last flu shot I ever got. I was sick for a week. REALLY REALLY REALLY SICK. wish I knew then what I know now. Live and learn.
There is a FDA black box warning on the shingles vaccines for Guillain-Barre Syndrome. It was put on the vaccine in 2021.
Can you believe there’s a black box warning on the NEWBORN “vitamin K” shot? It’s not just a vitamin obv.
Where could I find it?
You learned! So different from so many.
Shingles shots are being pushed heavily in my area which has a high percentage of covidiots. So I am sure there's a correlation.
FDA black box warning on shingles vaccine.
Thank you for posting this! I so hope that more can be awakened.
At this point your go to answer to any and all shots should be NO! Unless it is a shot of rum or tequila. 😆 lol.
Your doctor won't tell you about the dangers.
I just stumbled upon this warning back in 2021 when I saw a link to the FDA warning on a website.
Lots of folks never heard about it.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome is an autoimmune disease. It can cause partial or complete paralysis. Complete paralysis like you end up in a nursing home wearing a diaper, eating mashed up food, and wishing for death to put you out of your misery.
Besides, there are antivirals that treat shingles.
I’m not surprised either, although some commenters seem to get it.
At this point encourage all these grifters and globalist to get every shot available. Need to send them on their way sooner rather than later.
when you are called a liar nowadays, means you got it right.
I did a quick search and can't find any news item that claimed Feinstein had taken the shots. For what it's worth. Here's a fact probably a bit more reliable: the virus that causes shingles (same as chickenpox, oddly) is one of many viruses that can reside in the body long-term apparently causing no problems, but can later be activated for whatever reason.
I can't imagine she didn't.
-senior citizen
-politician and dumber than average politician even before dementia
-dementia, probably not making her own decisions anyway.
When people early on in the vax campaign would ask if I had the jab I would look exasperated and remark “Hey, I’m an old granny—what do YOU think”? Smile and carry on.
The chicken pox vax over the years has interfered with the natural boosting adults would have had when most kids got chicken pox. So shingles erupt when older because we have lost that immunity. In a nutshell.
My daughter had chicken pox as a child and got shingles at a stressful time in 2021. She did not have the covid vaccine. So my conclusion is that it can happen to anyone for any reason. Though they say if you had the chickenpox vaccine ( (1990 and later) you will not get shingles because the virus is not lying dormant in your body.
My daughter had C-pox as a teen in 1985. No pox vax then. As years go by, I as a senior lose some immunity boosting I might have gotten before the jab by kids with C-pox but now I don’t because most kids get the vax now. I think that’s why so many seniors are getting shingles.
Well lets hope we dont get it!!
Yes, it typically gets activated when your immune system is weakened.
Begs the question what the jabs have left in the system to be activated at some future point.
Or how long your immune system continues to be eroded. And why.
Well hello Satan's Doorknob. So nice to see you in the comment section again.
But. I prefer to believe that she is knocked up with her vaccine and is enjoying the consequence she herself forced on the American people. She is getting off easy.
My son sent me a Twitter post yesterday describing how she beat shingles in 2 day by using Red Light Therapy.
I wonder if infrared sauna would do the same thing. My functional medicine doc has that available. Thanks for the tip.
I believe that is an entirely different wave length. I've had red light therapy for a knee injury and there is no heat sensation. The red light machine that was used costs $40K and produces two different wave lengths. The therapy only takes a few minutes.
Cool. I plan to research that red light. It’s mentioned a lot in my unconventional health spaces. I want to find a place that offers it.
The only place near me (rural/small college town) that has infrared sauna has a sign in the window “mask required”. Ugh.
Well, it was probably someone who knew you could get endless shingles from just a dose or two. ; /
Wear it like a badge Celayne.
How would you be a liar?! That was your opinion. Opinions don't lie or not lie..unless you are a liberal demoncrat.
I guess I have the wrong information. I usually avoid commenting on articles anywhere but certain Substack pages. Too many crazies.
Seriously...she is a Franken-Fossil. How long will all these relics totter about on spindly legs pretending to be coherent? How much more has to happen before people wake up and take back what is rightfully theirs? The swamp dwellers in dresses and underwear with schlong pouches from the Target lingerie section to the suitcase stealing circus freak in charge of nuclear waste, this country is now THE laughingstock of the entire world, right down to the blackmail of Biden by you-know-who. Everyday it is something new and more revoltingly unhinged.
I’m old and I’m sick and tired of being shoved around by geriatrics who some brag they’ve never sent an email or who would flunk their driving test. Retire already. Take the massive riches they have accumulated in MY government and book a one way ticket to where they really belong—and I’m not talking Florida. I’m sure Satan requires fully jabbed status morons.
Well, the people of Florida thank you for that but maybe she will "take a wrong turn at Albuquerque".
Later Jay