Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I loved that vid of Xi and Putin making crepes. I'd title it "Cooking up plans for de-dollarization." This is what Biden and the woke West are leading us to. Crazy!

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Everyone else: I can’t believe our government’s policies are pushing these two together!

Me: I can’t believe these two guys are using metal utensils on pans with non-stick coating!

Sometimes I focus on the wrong thing.

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Crepes are called blinis in Russia and jianbing in China in case it ever comes up on Jeopardy.

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Thanks! I always like cultural detail. It gives color to the picture!

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Useful in case of color revolutions.

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or in case we ever get conquered by either. Which do you think we should learn first?

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Consider that perhaps, just perhaps, neither Russia nor China are interested in "conquering" the US--in the military way that the US tries to conquer other nations. Perhaps they are interested in fair economic competition and improving the lives of their own people, and primarily want US govt to leave them alone. Hard to imagine, given what our govt has taught us to think about our exalted status vis-a-vis other people and their resources, but worth thinking about.

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you are probably right. If we all could think of making things better for the population, but that seems to be the least worry of politicians. As long as it rains in their own pockets they are fine.

I would not trust any politician, but reading Putins words, he is a lot more coherent than WH inhabitant.

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China may not be interested in conquering us, but they’re certainly interested in our land. They’ve been buying up huge parcels of it for years!

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China's buying so much land in the US concerns me, too. I don't know what to make of it. But then, Bill Gates's buying up so much agricultural land in US scares me just as much, as I'm pretty sure his motive are nefarious.

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China's a friend, you here? Why don't you welcome them?

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Maybe they want to tell us the green deal and immigration heart reset can be shoved right up our a$$

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Not quite.

Russia wants Alaska back becuase it was apart of the Russian empire a long time ago.

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They sold it - done deal. Learn some history...

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Easy! Learn Russian so the Chinese won't know what we are saying!

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probably also the easier of the two. If we learn chinese, no one might know what we are saying including us

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So right ... as I imagine. In any event, and since 'they' started up all this Russia, Russia, Russia nonsense, I've been learning some Russian. I can pronounce names in film credits and I can get some words or phrases in films. Russian is odd because some vowels can sound like other vowels according to what's around them. And also, the speech patterns are different. Spanish is far easier to learn. Russian is Indo-European ... and some words are like our words. Some not. Some are more like Greek. I don't have it all figured out, only a tad better than a year or two ago.

Russian films, the ones I've seen don't have all this Woke nonsense in them. Women are not so much women acting like men in Russian film. I particularly like their Great Patriotic War films ... and over all, less canned than some American war films. Except for one thing, the Germans are all caricatures. On YouTube, one can turn on captions (red line = on) and on the 'gear' fiddle around until one gets the English subtitles. Okay ... more than anyone wants to know except a few guys who like good war films.

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Russian. They still ultimate care about Western Civilization.

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This is tricky! Russians are fond of a lot of Western tradition, literature, history. And when I was in Russia 55 years ago, I found that the Russian intelligentsia actually knew more about American and European literature, history and so on ... than most Americans or Europeans. On the other hand, Russia is no more Western than the Russian Orthodox Church is Latin. Plus the West has tried to crush Russia four times now (Napoleon, the Kaiser, Hitler, and now the NeoCon Five Eyes Techno-Tyrants). I think it should have been baseball rules, three times and you are out! But some Idiots never learn! So, I conclude that there is some kinship with the West, but not a one to one identity.

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They only care about conquering it.

Why did all of Europe join nato? Was it because they wanted to be friends with Russia?

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Russia has zero interest in taking over Europe. Do you really have 79 comments in this thread? How is that even possible unless you're a bot?

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My mother-in-law (not Russian) has a blinis recipe. Husband and kids love them. I call them rubber pancakes.

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The Yiddish equivalent word is blintzes

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Yes! Her recipe is titled "Blinis (Blintzes)."

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I was amazed at the huge bowls of caviar.

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That’s what we eat as Russians. Used to be more accessible to all but not anymore. My parents used to bring big containers when they visited us in N. America. It’s a sign of successful life. Especially in the big dishes like that. I see the black one is in a small dish. This would be concerning to me as a sign of failure btw.

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Maybe it was the caviar but then again, Xi always looks like he smelled a fart, -I don't know.

Later Jay

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Me too! I thought it was strawberry jam at first.

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I know. 😋 yummy 😋

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Lol! I couldn't help noticing how poorly Putin flipped his crepe compared to Xi.

Maybe Xi has more experience in the kitchen? 🤣

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Hum? I thought Xi overly an overly cautious, a bit too effeminate flipper. Putin ... more like a regular guy in the kitchen. And by the way, and speaking to my 'efficiency' in the kitchen, De Wife put up this sticky on the microwave above the stove: DANGER MEN COOKING! (I can't figure it out!)

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Putin strikes me as more of a brute force kind of guy, while Xi seems more cunning and manipulative.

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I will tell you this..having heard his off the cuff speeches and question and answer interviews through the years, the man is brilliant and doesnt speak in garbled nonsense/both sides of the mouth rhetoric (to defer to voters) the way most of our politicians do.

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Which one: Putin or Xi?

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Had thought the same, but didn't want to be like Connie Benn above, and focus on the WRONG THING !! 🤣

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I was thinking of the crepe turner over trainer executions and advancements that are sure to follow

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The transfer of world economic hegemony is being deliberately "pushed" from west to east. This is the essence of the "GREAT RESET".. Putin and Xi are actors playing the role of front-men for the master race of bankster space aliens whose faces seldom "materialize".

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Holy Smoke Harold! That is exactly what I see.

Think about who will profit from the current conflict: the conflict and the rebuild; they are not as virtuous as they are stealthy: black suited King-makers or existing even further below the radar. The front men for the Master of Lies, unknowingly or knowingly.

Later Jay

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It's my view from outside the matrix. But I'm not alone out here

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Harold, I’ve always considered myself pretty far outside the Matrix but next to you I’m a rank amateur!

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So you both think that Russia and China are part of the great reset ESG insanity or against it?

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It's a strategy of successful farming akin to CROP ROTATION and leaving old fields fallow to regenerate while new fields are planted.

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It sure seems like it to me...I could be stupid but the destruction of the pipeline, the deliberate assult on Russia via swift, the fact the Saudi's have informed us we are no longer the petro dollar currency, the Brix nations....seems like south and east are better places to be than north and west....the economic collapse of our debt based system cannot be staved off much longer....I guess the oligarchs of the WEF have decided to take the US and Europe private, and since they pretty much own it now...how many more of us do you think they will kill off? How many will they need as houseboys?

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I've been saying that for a long time.. .

Persia - Greece -- Rome -- Western Europe - Great Britain -- US EAST coast -- US west coast. . .

China? Russia? Either way, we're done

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Oh. Then it’s not de-globalization.

That sucks.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

😂😂 I had to wonder whose idea it was to make crepes? 🤔 Is that a cultural thing? Cook with me before I decide to align with you? 🤷

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Russians make blini (crepes) to celebrate the Orthodox holiday of Maslenitsa, which is the last week before Lent. That is this week because the Orthodox religious calendar differs from the Catholic calendar.

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Indeed we go by the Julian Calendar. Our Easter this year is a week later than the Catholic one. Hence our Christmas is always January 7th.

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Donna, I grew up in a melting-pot SouthWest suburb of Chicago. My parents were Greek/Polish and Irish ancestry but there were many Czech, Slavic...Eastern European in general. I love seeing your last name because it reminds me of home. It's a name my friends and I would immediately comment upon and say "That sounds like an old neighborhood name" 😊. If you can't tell, this is a compliment and warms my heart.

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Thank you, your comment warms my heart. There are many of us from all different ethnicities, we used to say Heinz 57 kinds. Now if only there were peace on earth and we lived happily together. My prayer always. All the best to you and yours. Cheers from Canada. God Bless.

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Pray for Russia's conversion. We should all pray that Russia be converted to Christianity with Christian or at least Judeo-Christian leadership.

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What?!?! LOL!!!! What an insult to Orthodox Christians like me, but I wouldnt have expected less from you.

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Its not like Putin opened or re0opened all the churches in Russia...instead of turning them into woke socialistic circuses and drag shows/s.

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If you support genocide and the annihilation of your neighbor, you're not a Christian.

Pray for the conversion of Russia.

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What's wrong with Orthodox Christianity?

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Why does an FSB guy who wears 40k dollar watches run the Orthodox Church?

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Very interesting. Thank you!!

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Yes. Blini is our cultural tradition. Especially with caviar black or red in the big dishes. It’s a sign of successful life. And vodka.

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Your serbian brother and sisters in Christ call them palacinke.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

My grandma called them Palatschinke. But, we would put jam in ours- usually Apricot. My grandma was Hungarian and Transylvanian Saxon (Romanian/Ethnic German)

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Both my grandmothers, mom & aunts(Tante’s) call them palacinke also. Donaschwaben Germans but lived in clustered German towns in Yugoslavia before WWll. We too fill them with homemade apricot & plum marmalade.

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How nice, we fill them with different jams, marmalade as well. My husband likes to sometimes eat them without anything just plain, rips at it, but mostly strawberry jam. All the best to you from a Canadian Serb.

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cooking together pulls you together. If you are not careful, there are lots of pointy objects around!

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Hee hee hee.

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Aren’t crepes French? I wonder if they had their tasters present, you know, to make sure they aren’t poisoned?

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Russians make crepes to use up the rest of the dairy in the house during this last week before the austere Lenten vegan style 40 day fast.

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Devil's in the details Connie B. ....

Later Jay

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OMG Connie..... so funny..... but as a person who used to cook in many restaurants in the 80's and 90's..... I cringed .... "stop that you two". Maybe get some cast iron for those spatulas!

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Innit presactly what Jeff prescribes, focus on local in triplicate? 😇

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Your belief is wrong. Xi and Putin announced their brotherly love at the beginning of the Olympics.

You just didn't notice nor take note.

I've tried to remind folks about the ChiCom-Russia-Mullahs Alliance. Now we hear excuses about it but that's just a late recognition with spin.

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lol. BEAUTIFUL, Connie !

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For the record, I had the same thought! 😂😂😂

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I doubt they would be using your average non stick pans. Putin literally has mansions with gold painted accents on walls and ceilings. The chiefs supervising are probably high class French trained. You don’t skim on details when you stole entire nation’s treasury.

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Did Putin steal the entire Russian treasury? Rumor has it he helped prevent both Russian and western oligarchs from from completely selling off Russia’s assets and natural resources. He helped end the nightmare of the 90’s. Now he’s talking about going on the gold standard. He’s looking out for his country. I wish we had leaders who would do the same.

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Which is why he has a high approval rating. He has helped to protect Russia from the West and any new puppets like Yeltsin

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Putin is one of the worlds richest men.

The defense ministers 18 year olds daughter bought a 20 million dollar mansion.

So about that.

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Now do Zelensky and his amassed wealth....

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Nice what about Ism. Doesn’t quite work here.

Zelensky was worth about 15-20 million pre war and was a relatively successful actor in ukrainain social life.

Putin has been in charge for 22 years and has amassed a fortune.

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He learned that skill from the man in the WH.

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I was wondering why they weren't using crepe pans.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Not only are vodka (what they toasted with at the end) and caviar iconic symbols of Russia, they were also banned as imports by Biden as noted in March 2022 (https://fortune.com/2022/03/11/vodka-diamonds-caviar-biden-ban-signature-russian-imports/). This is like Monty Python's Holy Grail, "I thumb my nose at you..."

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To me, that video seemed surreal, on a truly visceral level. Strange and disturbing.

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Oh my SAME. Something about it had me clicking out before the second pancake was fully flipped. Maybe my intuitive powers? Covid taught me they are very very strong? Anyway ... I would feel better if either of these men was my leader ... my leader mostly just drools and falls down

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You forgot mumbles.

I took Russian in college decades ago. I'm pretty sure I understand Putin better (having forgotten most all of it) than Biden or Harris.

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I'm curious to know why you say that. Could you elaborate?

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Two dictators cooking together? What isn’t strange & disturbing?

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Finally a breath of fresh air

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And I thought Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg's cooking show was a novel idea. Imagine the possibilities of the Xi and Putin show.

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Too funny. I noticed how Xi was so into making the crepes, Putie not so much.

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Chinese take great pride in everything they do ... extreme competition in all walks of life

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they're sending a warning to France....we're coming for your crepes!

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Looks like Biden/Nuland & Company are cooking up Treason for the rest of us.

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It's not treason to support American allies.

it is treason to support the enemy.


The Russian 155th brigade was devastated in Vuheldar. 3 days to victory I guess?

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Does “de-dollarization” mean “de-globalization?”

If so, I’m ALL for it!

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I stand with you on that as well, as do many, many others.

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I love that you've come out to openly support the ChiComs and Russia.

It's good we can make the distinction between Americans who oppose Biden and his Obama controllers, Xi and Putin, globalists and totalitarians.

And of course those who don't.

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Utterly shortsighted and foolish to think the ChiCom-Russia-Mullahs Alliance is doing anything but for themselves and their objective for a "multipolar world" or what Xi desires in the ChiComs declared plans for world domination.

Expressing such adoration of brutal dictatorships' leaders, SMH. Never thought I'd live to see that from so-called conservatives.


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Fake conservatives support endless wars and bombing countries that never invaded us. I used to be a fake conservative, once I thought the Bushes were great . Now I know they were just serving their own interests. The year of COVID woke me up to a lot and now I can’t go back to sleep (although I admit I was happier when I was ignorant of this stuff)

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You are not alone.

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Fake conservatives are supporting Russia, our traditional enemy.

Have you gotten the Sputnik Covid shot yet? It’s mandated by Putin. He’s even gotten it.

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How are you so consistently wrong on everything....and you've posted nearly 80 times in this thread!! The neocons are all-in on war with Russia. And what the hell does "traditional enemy" even mean? You're stick with that cold war mentality...

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The cold war mentality that Russia is stuck in where the collapse of the USSR (The evil empire) is lamented as a tragedy?

The same "russian" army that flies soviet flags?

The same "Russian" army run by a soviet KGB agent?

Cold war is back.

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So now you’re standing with China and russia?


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Yes, I do.

Both leaders are nationalists. They advocate for their people and their countries.

Unlike western leaders who encourage 3rd world invaders to replace their own populations - both Russia and China have very controlled immigration.

Both abhor the gay agenda. Each of those countries have a currency which is rising as the USD is falling as a percent of world usage. Their strategy is superior to ours.

Hats off to them. We're failing, they're rising.

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Well said, Based Florida Man. My study of geopolitical issues agrees with your statements.

Biden , or actor biden, is selling out America.

He doesn't want us to find out about the labs and his money laundering operations there. The US should have stopped involvement in March of 2022. We are the. Country keeping it going, because of our corrupt "leaders".

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I remember many decades ago listening to Michael Savage saying the day they legalize gay marriage will start the downfall of our country and all that follows that first step. He was right.

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A slippery slope indeed. Now woke and lgbtq+ degeneracy has become the new religion, even though they dont call it one. They undermined and marginalized religion deliberately for decades in order to do this. It is incredibly contrived, deliberate and evil. They are the haters of God, satans disciples.

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Stated perfectly.

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So because we have a demented puppet in office, we should side with the ChiComs and Putin?

You might want to go back to your studying. Weak leaders in the West always embolden dictators, totalitarians and communists.

That's not new.

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Wagner is hiring women, too.

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Think some folks need to go sign up with Wagner. They admire them so much.

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Wagner is the largest neo-Nazi army in the world right now.

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Both countries consider marriage between a man and a woman to be the foundation of society.

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What does China mandate when you have a second child?

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That’s why abortion is double in Russia than the USA?

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My only concern with these two countries. Can Russia denounce it’s past oppression of the masses. Holomodor being one example.

Can China stop it’s oppression of dissidents?

Uyghurs being one example.

These are the elephants in the room.

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"Russia" did not carry out the Holodomor. The Soviet Union did -- and that 𝑖𝑠 a distinction with a difference.

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Where was the capital of the Soviet Union and who ran it?

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𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕...𝒊𝒏...𝒕𝒉𝒆...𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍 F does that have to do with anything, you duplicitous, diversionary fool? Oh, and save any actual "response," as well. Nobody's interested.

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You might want to check out Solzhenitsyn's analysis of who ran the Soviet Union. Hint: it wasn't the Russians.

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Wait, so Putin's declared intent and actions to do a Stalin Jr, we should pretend that's not the case?

That distinction?

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If reading comprehension presents a bit of a struggle, do take whatever time you need to fully understand the English words I used in the order I used them to address and correct a crime the commenter erroneously ascribed to "Russia."

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What the hell does "do a Stalin Jr" even mean? It seems unlikely you'd be the typical CNN-fueled surface skater and be on a site like this, so I have to wonder what your and Benjy Two-Two's game is here...

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Look at our own atrocities against other nations. When asked about the deaths of 1/2 million Iraqi children from crippling sanctions from the US, former Sec of State told Leslie Stahl "it was worth it". We're currently helping Saudi Arabia commit mass murder in Yemen. Are we better because the worst things we've ever done to our own citizens is slavery and mass incarceration of Japanese during WW2? What's that saying about people in glass houses throwing stones?

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People need to understand that the country we THOUGHT we had, we didn't. We are the bioterrorists, we are the bully, we have stupidly sat back and let our leaders invade Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. and spent our blood and treasure there to MAKE THE BIOSECURITY DOD CIA LED country of ours into empire building and looting. We all wished we had the country our Constitution was supposed to be,, what we grew up beleiving, but if you haven't woken up since 2020 to realize how badly we were all hoodwinked and the betrayal of our Constitutional REpublic which we haven't had since our CIA assassinated JFK, then you NEED to sit in a room and think for a few years.

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"...you need to sit in a room and think for a few years." LOL! Thank you, Duchess, for giving me a good chuckle. Exactly right!

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Iraq was as much a civil conflict and to point to the US as the cause when dictators well, they dictate policy means suffering.

Or as today, Putin is throwing hundreds of thousands into his losing proposition to save his own ass. Same evil dictator action, different day.

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And the Christian church suffered because of

the regime change we imposed in Iraq.

And don’t forget Egypt, Libya, and almost Syria

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Holy hell, you can't be that stupid. Are you seriously suggesting that the MILLION+ killed, half of them children, were more due to ongoing civil war than the US carpet bombing and military occupation? And doubling down by suggesting Putin is only picking on Ukraine to save himself from....something else, that it's not an existential threat how the West has used Ukraine to provoke and contain Russia? That projection is pretty much exactly why the "leaders" of so many Western nations, Biden most of all, are throwing everything they can into Ukraine because of what they know will be revealed once it's all over. And here you are running cover for them, along with Benjy! So proud...

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And Russia killed 7 million Ukrainians in one year on top of the millions and millions of others through secret police and gulags.

Yet you live in the west, not Russia.

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I have felt oppressed in my own USA since I would not take the clot shot. And woe to you if you don't bow before blm or the alphabet rainbow flag in this country. We ain't saints either.

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We aren't saints but we are much, much better.

Go talk about the war in Russia. You'll be arrested.

Russia had it's own clot shot mandate, directed by Putin. Killed a lot of people too and it's even worse than our own.

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Hardly, but over in democratic, virtuous Ukraine, the opposition political parties have been dissolved, ministers and mayors end up executed and dumped on city streets. Nice try, though..

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Russia denies it was a genocide (which they are doing today) and China refuses to stop the genocide of the uigyhurs.

They’ve been white washing history and removing all of those stains, unfortunately.

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All countries do it, We aren't white as snow over here in the US in that regard either. Not saying it's right, just stating a truth. EVERY country has ugly stains and they ALL try to hide it, some more successfully than others.

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Does the US take its people and do live transplants of their organs for sale to foreigners at the highest bidder?

Are you like Phil a communist idolator? Do you love Xi, the Chico's and the ChiCom-Russia-Mullahs Alliance?

It's good for people to express that love here. 🤮

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History is written by the victor.

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“It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds?” -Norm MacDonald.

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And Russia is in second place in the yearly Russo Ukraine war

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So the long march of the progressives through American history and the traditions of faith do not compare?

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Hey Benjamin, didn't you know that doing live transplants of human beings for sales to foreigners for the profit of Communist China's leadership is a good thing.

It's so admirable. Some people just adore the ChiComs and Putin too.

Ronald Reagan is rolling around in his grave.

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The grayzone has done some reporting on the Uyghur situation and it looks like it it what we have been led to believe...

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The Greyzone is a good source for info.

They reported a lot on the massacre in Vuhledar of the Russian 155th.

Very good work :)

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Russia is hiring for Wagner. Have you gotten the Sputnik shot yet? It’s mandated.

Taken by Putin himself.

Must be embarrassing that your

Guys are being beaten by an actor 😉

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Zelensky is winning? How come we need to keep propping him up?

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Are you saying Russia is winning?

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The only " WINNERS " here are the country's military and the defense industry. They are LOVING this, they support it - and they PROFIT by it. Bigly !

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Who knows... are you saying Ukraine is winning?

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Why did the USA need to keep fighting after midway?

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Tell me you are ignorant of the world in 100 words or less. SMH.

Wow, just wow, the utter ignorance that the ChiComs with Xi and Russia with Putin are called "nationalists." The biggest victims of Xi and the ChiComs are the Chinese people.

Putin is the richest man in the world as he and his oligarch partners have stolen a cool TRILLION from Russia. Putin is a mafia don not a nationalist.

Your sole issue reference is immigration. Xi is a xenophobe and encourages it in Communist China. Putin is quite literally taking thousands of children from Ukraine and giving them to people in Russia. That's a new kind of "immigration."

Just because they "abhor the gay agenda" doesn't make either Xi, Putin or the Mullahs humanitarians.

Russia is not rising. Communist China is blowing up big buildings that are empty and unfinished. You really should try to learn a bit about what is happening in the world. Or just go on and love foreign dictators, totalitarians and communists.

After all, there was a time when many artists, actors and professors absolutely adored communism. They said communism is rising. So, "hats off to them." 🤮

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What exactly is the "gay agenda?"

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Hmmm... look at our country. Look at the push for special right for homosexuals.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

What are these special rights you speak of?

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What happens in certain situations if I speak against a lifestyle that the Bible says is abhorrent?

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The right not to have their feelings hurt?

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Y'all do realize that being gay vs transgender are two wholly completely different things, right?

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Absolutely recognize the distinction ........... it's the direction that they seem so focused on, the priority, if you will. That is why I stated .......

" This is only part of what is being referred to " , above.

Most of us here recognize that this admin's agenda is a bit....odd, let's say.

Like biden's trip to ukraine while ignoring Ohio ...... it smells "funny".

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Some of us stand for Christ. Always. And for those who read and believe and lead via holy scripture. Putin has a long tradition of defending the Orthodox faith against full-on communist values. One can applaud that strength in a leader without necessarily embracing all he stands for.

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Amen! Thank you!

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100% false.

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Not at all.

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Is this a joke?

The same guy who has an abortion rate higher than all of europe “defends” Christianity by committing genocide?

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Damn straight. They are fighting the deep state and central banks. We share common enemies!!

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So you’re cool with digital currency, digital ID, and Covid vaccine mandates like what Putin is pushing for?

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Say's Benjamin Two N's .... Proof? Source?

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The Covid vaccine mandate is also covered by Edward. It’s truly a great blog I love to read. The Sputnik shot is not safe, despite what Putin claims.

Jeff could take a lesson from him.

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The biggest war is versus the private Fed Reserve as Google has even censored out the 2015 priority date of this patent while fact checkers are sweating bullets. Some believe our DOJ absorbed the FED.


Jeff and most lawyers on both sides of righteousness are terrified of their profit legal systems folding. The Pfizer files will change the world and if you saw Project Veritas dramatics, you haven't seen anything yet. This release will be Civil + Revolutionary + World war diplomacy dispute revolution, entitled the new KING of MASS Tort. All praises to the highest Counsel.

Pfizer Files - USA


Pfizer Files - Israel


Patent Trail of Tears


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Here's a vid I love of a brave young Russian man speaking out against Putin's propaganda so beloved by people who live far more free outside of Russia.


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Does a picture not say 1,000 words in this case, my friend?

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Palacinke, the serbian people call the crepes.

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With caviar, no less.

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The credit cards they want us to use are like crepes, flimsy and full of holes.

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I stand with East Palestine, Ohio

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Amen. And big props to Goya Foods, whose CEO is super based. A big Trump supporter. The lefties tried to boycott them. I buy their products a lot now.

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Have made a point to buy Goya products because they are a great company which stood up to the cancel sabotage. God bless them.

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Bob Unanue is AWESOME. Loved him ever since he stood up for Trump in 2020 election.

(I would deliberately buy Goya garbanzo beans in my woke neighborhood during lockdown. I was surprised the store even carried them.)

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I think he's a big part of how the Hispanics have moved politically conservative. Like Miami-Dade going blue to red. And many of the TX counties. Very positive trends!

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Yes, and also in Florida there are a LOT of Cuban immigrants who REMEMBER along with Cuban first and second generation Americans who have been TAUGHT TO REMEMBER!!!!

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Wow didn’t know that! Fantastic!

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I’m so glad to hear this about Goya. That makes me happy.

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And because of that George Soros is reportedly buying up the area's news stations or radio stations I read recently.

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George is wasting his money.

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God willing that will be true.

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That’s the best example of unintentional alliteration I’ve heard in a long time - “Goya garbanzo beans”. It rolls right off the tongue, so fun to say out loud, I love it! 🙌🏼😁

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😊 I’m an alliterator and didn’t know it!

On closer listen, it’s a veritable alliterary overlap!

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Guess I need to buy more of their products

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I had no idea, will pay the extra ten cents for Goya over the store brand now!

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I have had a pretty bad attitude toward Trump all these years, but I have to say that watching him in action with the residents of East Palestine yesterday -- and the fact that he went when no one in office had the "time" to go -- made me feel great about him. Oh, and all the conservative judges he installed across the country and in SC-- have been thankful for that for some time now.

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Agree. Trump started the exposure of the uniparty and cabal that's the real problem. He started the great awakening of Americans. I know before he came along I had no idea of the depth of corruption in every facet of every institution in this country. Is he perfect? No. But he has done a lot of good.

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Agree, Annie. Now if he would only publically disavow ‘warp speed poison.’

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Welcome to reality, Eli. My grandma always said, "Pay attention to what people do, not what they say." The biggest mistake Trump made was listening to Fauci and company. He's been proven right on everything else. Media and the Swamp hate him because he was exposing and disrupting their cozy backroom deals with each other and our enemies, not to mention their debauchery and exploitation of children.

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Not sure I can find it, saw the link here on C&C, but early on Trump hired an awake doctor and the corrupt left agencies black balled him, especially after he wrote a letter saying Fauchi et al were wrong. Kicked him out the same day. And never did pay him. I don’t know if it completely ruined him, but I’m sure it did. He had zero power, as did Trump.

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Scott Atlas must be who you're thinking of. He supported A Barrington Declaration kind of approach. I was so happy, but I remember how my family got very angry, saying that he wanted people to be exposed and die.

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It wasn’t, it was a name I hadn’t heard of. This was early on I think.

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Paul Alexander? Dr Zelenko maybe

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Paul Alexander

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

Hopefully good news about Paul Elias Alexander -- at least he is still writing and respected enough for the Brownstone Institute, so I hope that means he was not ruined. I love some of the quotes from him from older articles -- like when stupid info was coming out of the CDC and he said something like, "they don't have the expertise I do. I'm the one who says what is crap, not them." He sounds like a strong person, even though no one in authority would listen to him then.


And here are all his recent articles for brownstone,


Under his photo there is a "contact" button. I wrote him and thank you note :)

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What is sad is he has always been like that... you can find story after story of him helping others out. The MSM was silent about it so instead of doing their own research, people choose to believe the MSM. I think that President Trump is the only reason we are about to see how evil some of the leadership of this country is and how to fight it.

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Time to look at his virtues instead of what woke has told you. He is a warrior...

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This is true! Thanka for pointing out the positives.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

You forgot to mention Biden had to get Putins permission to visit Kyiv and then comply with Russian conditions! (Or else Kinzal)


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And they did the air-raid siren just as Biden and Beglinksi were walking hand in hand for the cameras. The populace was told in advance to ignore it. Brave and Stunning!

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Stunning in their duplicity!

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Benny Johnson taking envelopes filled with $1,000. to residence of East Palestine. President Trump showing up with support and Goya Foods. Love this!!

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East Palestine has a population of about 5,000 or about 2,000 households. I'd like to see someone like Elon Musk, maybe with Trump, show up there and give each household $20,000. Would only take about $40 million. If they did that for each resident, it would take $100 million. Drop in the bucket for Elon. Sure would put Biden and the Fed's to shame!

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Sorry but who is benny johnson??

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works with Turning point USA.. a great organization.. see video below

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Perhaps people can add the sun rising above the mountains as reflected in the East Palestine coat of arms to their social media profiles like the ubiquitous Ukraine flags:


Note the link for donations.

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Not until you put it on every social media profile picture you have (sarcasm).

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😂 But seriously, I AM tempted to get it on a bumper sticker and put it on my car for all my woke neighbors to see!

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I think I need to post their flag in my bio. Do they have one?😁

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Me too 🙏🏻

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Sorry, I forgot to mention in my other comment that I am not afraid of this war. Jeff’s right, the same people that are selling us this narrative sold us the “virus” nonsense. I didn’t believe that and I won’t believe this. I actually believe that subliminals were used during the “ pandemic “ to further frighten people into compliance. I have no doubt they will be used this time as well. Solution? Turn off the darn television. It’s really hard to influence people subliminally when they aren’t looking or listening. Even if I’m dead wrong about subliminals, keeping the tube off will also help keep sanity. There’s no need to fear something one has no control over, and these people are 100% about fear.

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One of my favorite traditionalist Catholic priests, Fr Altier out of MN, is known for his saying about television in homilies and speeches, “throw the blasted thing out your window!” I love his enthusiasm over killing the boob tube.

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I have taken so much encouragement from people like him. We had a local pastor in Alexandria, MN, Cornerstone Church, who openly declared that services would continue and they're would be no restrictions to do so. He also hosted info meetings for businesses that did not want to close. We worked really hard to keep them open, but unfortunately most were too afraid to openly do so, and only opened secretively through back doors. I understand, but I lament the difficulty of getting people to stand up and refuse.

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Love him!

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There’s a reason the enemy is also known as “the prince of the air.” 🙏🏻

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Hot air.

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Amen FourWinds

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

The irony to me is Jeff sees the same people selling us the same worn out BS, but then turns around and parrots US - Iran talking points...

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Iran could have nuclear weapons in months.

I'm sure I've heard that before - every 6-12 months for the last 15 years

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I follow Amir Tsarfati from Israel. As of now Iran already has enough Uranium enriched to 90% to make several nuclear weapons. Now they just have to assemble it.

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Oh of course they do.

They have enough to make several. I'm sure it takes time to do that enrichment.

You'd think when they had enough to assemble one that they'd have done that immediately

Or maybe Mossad/NSA/CIA are lying. We have numerous documented cases of each of these agencies lying before

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I laugh at the United States and Israel always beating up on everybody, including the special obsessing in the Middle East. As to all of this, the US and Israel really have given any any country a good reason to own weapons that discourages invasion and bombing. Muamar el Gadafi would probably agree ... that is, if he could.

Just think how much better off we would be if we had borders, no demographic genocidal migration policy, no false flags, no covid genocide, no 5th generation warfare practiced on us, no spy/control state, no suicidal Woke everything ... AND INSTEAD focused on real education in the schools and manufacturing with REAL JOBS.

I thought WARP SPEED was genocide in disguise. But I liked NO NEW WARS under Trump. And MAGA bringing home manufacturing was terrific. I'd take that half loaf any day of the week ... and encourage Trump to do better on the other things.

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Agree. Weird that the usa is on the hook to defend Israel at all costs, including sending them billions a year. So a propaganda package is pushed to keep that going.

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Not so much if you dig a little and see who is in charge of most of the banking institutions, big corporations, and in our gov't. You'll notice they all have 1 thing in common, which would behoove them to defend Israel at all costs and make it so you cannot speak against them.

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And of course, the same folks are behind the covid scam. All 3 vax manufacturer's CEOs, etc.

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I’m sitting in my kitchen in Columbus, Ohio, and I can hear the leftists crying all the way from Tennessee. Yes, I realize there aren’t as many of them there as there are in California, but I’m sure the ones that are there are bawling their eyes out this morning. God forbid they can’t sell sexual perversion or whack off privates of children in Tennessee anymore. I’d like to shake their government’s collective hand. Now do this in Ohio, please.

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It's good to see TN being strong. I hope other conservative states catch the bug. TX could really step it up.

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I’m waiting for TX to step up. Unfortunately it appears that our state legislature is weak.

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TX has strong Medical Choice and Vaccine Choice organizations doing good work. Let’s all support them.

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Lots of American flags flying here in Tennessee for the right reasons. I'm proud of this state.

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yes! I didn't notice FL on that list of states doing this....

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Also in Columbus! I’m not going to hold my breath for Dewine to do this. He is the worst but it was a case of hold my breath and vote for who is the lesser of two evils. He is a true rino.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Props to ICAN for defeating the vaccine mandate, and probably to an incredible local group of organizers.

ICAN intends to fund lawsuits against any other school board in California that seeks to mandate a Covid-19 vaccine.

share this legal update, please use this link: https://www.icandecide.org/ican_press/ican-funded-lawsuit-strikes-down-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-for-san-diego-schools/

share this legal update, please use this link: https://www.icandecide.org/ican_press/more-details-about-the-san-diego-strike-down/


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I want to look into a lawsuit against discrimination against unvaxxed at the workplace. For instance: I had to wear a mask but the vaxxed didn't. Different testing requirements, cost of insurance differences. And most importantly how my hipaa rights were infringed upon as I was made to show my medical choice to remain unvaxxed. Does anyone have an idea where I go with this?

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Sounds like ICAN might be a starting place.

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I signed up for emails.

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This is such the excellent question of how to go after accountability for the discrimination. I am sure this is being worked on, but I don't immediately know who and how. I really think health status/ vaccine status needs to be in that list of no discrimination classes and as a class against which a crime could be called a hate crime.

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I know there's a push to go after genetic discrimination which would cover the unvaxxed. And they were and some are still hateful.

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HIPAA laws only apply to what information can be divulged by medical providers and insurance companies (with a few exceptions). They don't apply to any other entity having to keep health info confidential (such as employers, restaurants, etc.)

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So my employer can tell everyone I am unvaxxed?

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Well, that would not be a very good idea as far as I am concerned. But the HIPAA laws don't apply in the instance with employers. For example, where I work, our employer sent out a message to our clients that all of our frontline employees were fully vaccinated. Thus releasing the vax status of every one of our frontline employees.

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Annie's employee is doing that daily by making her wear the Yellow Star, I mean the mask of shame. Whenever someone asks "can they do that", well, IF they are doing that, the answer is clearly YES.

Now, if the question is, can they LEGALLY do that, clearly the answer is NO. And it has nothing to do with HIPPA or whatever they call it. It's workplace discrimination, plain and simple..

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I just wonder, what with the updated Cochrane Review (which continues to affirm the 2020 version which showed lack of evidence for masking early on), whether we are now in a viable place to go after this. Jeff wrote about some lawsuits and legal recourse which have uniquely, it seems, become available in Florida with current legislation and with Ladapo all setting grounds. How much is the changing sociopolitical climate a factor, the changing of the narrative to admit that people were mistreated and policies bad? What is the viable foundation? If this needs to happen, there must be people and organizations working on it right now.

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Especially since arbitrary rules were applied to vaccinated vs unvaccinated. Like in masks. No proof that I needed to mask as an unvaxxed but discriminate against me anyway.

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Hate Crime: At the federal level, a crime motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability.

Bias or Hate Incident: Acts of prejudice that are not crimes and do not involve violence, threats, or property damage.

“hate” means bias against people or groups with specific characteristics that are defined by the law.


A hate crime (also known as a bias-motivated crime or bias crime)[1] is a prejudice-motivated crime which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of their membership (or perceived membership) of a certain social group or racial demographic.

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Exactly! That would be awesome Annie! I almost had to do the same but thank God someone pointed out it was a violation of HIPPA so they made everyone wear masks so that it did not distinguish. I would applaud this lawsuit.

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I really think zealot employers need to be sued. They might think twice about doing it again.

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My husband's work had different leave policies based on vax status. So many lawsuits ripe for the picking..

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This is disgusting. It is out right discrimination! I hope some would sue

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Thanks for posting. Now hopefully they will get to work on the HPV v mandate that is proposed!

And wow -- just saw they are involved in lawsuits against CDC and FCA that they think will blow the lid off the whole C-19 V fiasco.


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I pray they do!! 🙏

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Please! For the love of God and the people! Eli are you in Ca!? I am disgusted theybare trying to pass this here.

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Monthly donor to ICAN for several years now. Superb organization.

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Thank the Lord for any good news coming out of California!! 🙌🙏

As a Cali- I’ll take it !!

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“But you are to cling to the Lord your God, as you have done to this day. For the Lord has driven out great and strong nations from before you; and as for you, no man has stood before you to this day. One of your men puts to flight a thousand, for the Lord your God is He who fights for you, just as He promised you. So take diligent heed to yourselves to love the Lord your God.”

— Joshua, in Joshua 23:8-11

When I remember You on my bed,

I meditate on You in the night watches,

For You have been my help,

And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.

My soul clings to You;

Your right hand upholds me.

— Psalm 63:6-8


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I, like most of the C&C folks, am more likely to be of particular mindset than other people. But for the life of me, I cannot understand why it is, other than for Military Industrial Complex (MIC) profits, that our government is involved in the Ukraine conflict. Obviously at this point, we are at war with Russia, we just haven't acknowledged that we have troops on the ground yet. (I am sure we have military there helping, just like in southeast Asia before we seriously engaged in South Vietnam.)

What is the real purpose here? Surely those in Washington, however much they do the bidding of the MIC, don't want a nuclear war. There are no winners in that event. But there must be something truly afoot for the US to wreck the Nordstream pipeline. I guess one aspect of our sending all kinds of military hardware over there is that we can get rid of older stuff to make way for the new, and also see how it does on the battlefield. But in a prelude to what?

Furthermore, especially with the Palestine, OH mess, how can it be good for public relations to be sending billions of dollars to Ukraine when our own citizens are in such need? Not to mention all the other things that the money could be spent for, like a border wall with Mexico.

Lastly, the White House is telling us that the cost of living is going down, and so many other lies, that we can accurately call it all doublespeak.

Things just don't make sense. At least to me. Am I alone?

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I firmly believe that one of the driving forces behind Biden’s insane subservience to Zelensky & Co. is that the latter is extorting the Biden administration because of info they obviously would have about Biden family corruption which could go far deeper and wider than that which had already been reported.

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You have it backwards. Biden extorted Ukraine. It's on video. Not long ago, many Americans pointed to it. Now it's all pretense that it never happened. m

The Biden racketeering effort extorted Ukraine. With the ChiComs it was a partnership netting them tens of millions. Tens of millions.

Look it up.

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Yes, Biden extorted Ukraine: past tense.

Ukraine, I believe, is now extorting Biden & Family, present tense.

It seems as though the Zelensky mob kept the receipts somewhere......

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Understand your belief, I pointed to a fact.

This uncanny belief belies the facts that it's not the US alone supporting Ukraine in its fight against Putin's illegal invasion. Most of the world is!

Today over 140 countries in the UN voted for Russia to stop its aggression and leave Ukraine.

Seven countries voted with Russia.

There's your receipts.

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Hi Horsey - would you share a video here? I’d love to see this. So I can share with family

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My pleasure:

Here's Joe Biden bragging about extorting Ukraine and its investigation into Burisma where the Attorney General equivalent was threatened:


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Isn't that the point? For nothing to make sense. None of the Covid restrictions made sense either. Why was every international agreement on human rights overturned by state imposed vaccine mandates?

Change your viewpoint. Start with your government is lying to you. Next, the government is not your friend; therefore it is your enemy, and does not have your interests at heart. Once you get that, then the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Ask yourself why there is a news blackout over Ukraine. Why did former UK PM Johnson go to Kiev (long before Biden did)? Trudeau also. Why are the same Western countries (US, Canada, Australia, NZ, UK, France, Germany ) that went into lockstep with Covid restrictions all following in lockstep over Ukraine? Add up all the billions that are being sent in aid from all of them. But is it actually going there? Is it real money? Do you hear anything from Russia or China about "fighting climate change"?

What you (and the rest of us) are experiencing is deception on a massive scale and on many fronts. If you read the Bible (and some of us do) you will understand that Satan is described as the "father of lies". We are seeing nothing less than the increase in power of the state system driven by the great dragon of old. There is no other logical explanation.

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You don't make any sense. As I noted to someone earlier, there are real current and historical reasons why dozens of countries are supporting Ukraine.

There is no news blackout over Ukraine. You can get media from Sweden, Finland, Spain and many other countries announcing new support for Ukraine in addition to the military support by the US.

The deception you offer with the inverted analogy of the ChiCom virus is your own. The world is REACTING to the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Putin, a 22 year dictator who no one can oppose there without risk to their life.

You need discernment to see the evil staring you right in your face. Apparently, even on this one year anniversary of Putin's savage invasion, you can't see it.

One must fight the enemies of the Constitution both foreign and domestic. One must be stopped now and the other is an ongoing fight (domestic). Smarten up!

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As someone who lives in a country (Canada) that is busy censoring deaths of doctors (now at 135) , covering up sudden deaths from the covid jabs; a PM (Trudeau) who is pushing censorship of all speech and the internet; a government that quashed a legal protest with armed stormtroopers and who now has results of an inquiry headed by a corrupt judge that says action to quash said protest was legitimate; licensed firearms owners being targeted for confiscation; the owning and sale of licensed handguns now illegal; I don't think I need to "smarten up". It's right there in our faces.

There is reason to support the Ukraine people but there is no reason to shovel billions into a corrupt state, and no reason to not try to negotiate a settlement.

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Yes, YOU do need discernment to see evil. It is obvious YOU do not see it. US could have stop this before it even began but our warmongering, corrupt prez wants to cover up the Biden/UN/DS corruption in Ukraine.

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No, you're wrong. Putin planned this for a long time and started the war in 2014.

That you don't know this unfortunately is what guides you to try and tell others something incorrect.

You make lots of allegations but the only thing Biden did in Ukraine was extort it. It's on tape. You should try to put the facts together, not parrot others.


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First on my list, dear Horsey, I really just like your name.

Second, when it comes to Ukraine there are competing arguments that are quite rational such as this article, "Why the Ukraine Crisis Is

the West’s Fault." Good read.


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Maybe try fighting the enemies of the constitution domestic (cleansing the inner vessel) first before you go trying to solve the worlds problems. Something once said something about a beam and a mote, but the people you are 100% aligned with don’t like that kinda talk. Sorry for you.

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Interviewer: Horsey, what is your opinions on blackouts?

Horsey: Neigh! Snort! Snort! ... plop, plop, plop! [some awkward tail swishing followed by an audible violent explosion]

Interviewer: Horsey, do you have anything else to further add?


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I'll be happy to add more fact to feelings and parroting of same.

Here's Joe Biden bragging how he extorted Ukraine. Bragging!


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Why not protect Ukraine at all costs because it funds the deep state? It all makes sense. Biden is protecting his own interests with our money. Who gave him that power? The big, far reaching cheat....massive bribes, massive deceptions over many years. Along with the cheat, add the name calling, censoring on every level and race based mongering and name calling add the homosexuality and trans agendas shoved in our faces. Add defund the police, false flags, destruction of implicating records, Antifa...I could go on, but it all makes sense when you realize souls have been sold and Biden does not have one. He could care less about us. He has demonstrated that over and over and over. Prayers up for the pendulum to swing so hard and fast that it knocks these demons off the planet.

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People also forget that in addition to extorting Ukraine, the Biden Crime Family received several million from a Putin-connected Moscow oligarch and the tens of millions from the ChiComs.

That he is compromised doesn't make the ChiCom-Russia-Mullahs Alliance weaker; it makes them emboldened.

All the other issues are sideshows, from Antifa to woke politics. We have to win on both fronts.

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A year ago maybe 1% of Americans had even heard of Ukraine. Even less knew where the country was located. There is 0% reason for us to be there besides the govt telling us we need to be there. We may never know. But I’m so with you. Soooooooo much doesn’t make sense!!!

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Not enough Americans even know why dozens of countries support Ukraine today again Putin's illegal invasion. They could find out why. They could find information on Poland, Finland and Sweden or Morocco, Spain and Australia.

They prefer not to know. Even though Over 140 countries today in the UN voted for Russia stop its illegal war and get out Ukraine. That didn't make it into the pixels here today. Seven countries voted against the UN resolution.

The US is not in Ukraine. It's the Armed Forces of Ukraine fighting for their freedom and survival.

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There most definitely are US soldiers fighting in Ukraine and have been since before it all went down. Lol the govt calls them advisers instead of soldiers. Fact. And we’ve supplied them with weapons. But I agree with you, most Americans are not told the truth, nor do they want to know the truth and most importantly they can’t handle the truth.

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Yes, there since Nov 2021.

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We’ve had training missions but no combat missions.

Trump would have let us do direct action, Biden keeps pussy footing around

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There aren’t.

There are no American soldiers fighting in Ukraine.


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Ok. We can agree to disagree.

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Yes, there are former US military fighting in Ukraine as there are many people from many countries who have volunteered to do so.

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To figure out Benjie Boy Tribe of Benjamin you only have to do some basic math: 0 + 0 = 0

Nuff Said !!!

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You really showed Benjamin now, SMH.

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Not true. US has contractors in Ukraine fighting.

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No, they are not US soldiers. They are individuals like others from the UK to South Korea and Brazil who have volunteered themselves to fight Putin's illegal aggression in Ukraine.

There is no US government effort in this regard. These are individuals from around the world acting on their volition.

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The reasons for prosecuting this war are several: 1. The Wolfowitz Doctrine- To prevent any other country from becoming more economically or militarily powerful than the US. 2. To weaken and de-stabilize Russia, hopefully leading to “regime change”. 3. To distract the American people from the malfeasance of their governance and keep them in obedient fear. Not necessarily in order of priority.

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"Everything is a Rich Man's Trick" - it's on YT, probably Rumble. Go find it.

Western governments are on the precipice of total financial collapse. WWIII allows them to default, escaping from paying their debts. Which country has the most debt?


2. Financial collapse

3. Rise of the SDR and CBDC's

4. Monthly stipends

5. Controlled citizens with bread and electronic circus

I don't think they'll pull it off fully, but they have to try something. No way we can get out of the debt. And knowing all that is why nobody's hiding that they are stealing from taxpayers anymore. The collapse of a world empire is always messy.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

You don't understand why the biggest war since WWII in Europe would be destabilizing? You need an explanation of what Putin's illegal invasion of Ukraine means?

What is the purpose of opposing the complete breach of 21st century norms and invading the second largest country in Europe? I have an idea, check into what long time Cold War neutrals Finland and Sweden are doing.

see what dozens of countries from South Korea, Australia, Morocco and others are doing. Ask THEM why?

Ask them why they are supporting Ukraine against Putin's illegal invasion. There is simply nothing stopping you in the Internet Age of Information from finding out.

That is, of course, if you have any actual interest in getting real world answers. Most don't. Good luck and best in your broader search for answers.

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Hum! Must be some kind of weird example on How Not To Think ???

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No, it's inability to think which is visible among some in the mirror. Turn away!

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

While we're on the subject of CA, I want to thank Lisa Ca for making us aware that CA has a new bill that wants to mandate the HPV hack for all 8th grade girls in all schools. AB 659. Talking points below for anyone who wants to work against this in CA or any other state. If this were to pass (pray it will not) CA would become the first state to require this hack and not allow religious or philosophical exemptions for it (it is for an STD). Please, if you have anything to add, let's gather more info!


The above article is propaganda for the HPV hack. It also admits this: "HPV-related cancers have increased significantly in the past 15 years — in 2015, 43,000 people developed an HPV-related cancer compared to 30,000 in 1999." (15 years is about how long the hack has been in use. The significant rise is in HPV related anal, oral and throat cancers, while cervical has seen a very slight decline but at a rate that is much slower than the decline that was happening before introduction of the hack -- see below)

Here is what all the propaganda for the V manages to construe as a “significant decrease” in cervical cancer rates in US. As you can see, rates of both cervical cancer incidence and death rates were declining much faster BEFORE the introduction of the hack. The incidence rates have only declined very slightly in recent years and the death rate has remained almost the same (ha -- but let's see where they are at when data from the past two years in included):


There used to be several movies about the Help Pay for Vioxx (one of the movies said that this is what the V is called among industry insiders because they know it was rushed and the trials tainted). Most of the movies have been quashed and while I could find articles about them I could not find the movies. This documentary is still available. Among other things, it explains why the V is useless and does not prevent cervical cancer.


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The HpV V is a scam and I could smell it a mile away! When they started telling boys to get a V to prevent cervical cancer I was like WTF! Then because they lowered the age of medical consent for CHILDREN in Oregon and I was no longer allowed to oversee my kids medical visits and discussions. Then the freak show doctor talked peoples sons into getting it. I will be forever angry about this one! I was livid! And I still am!!!!! They deceptively injected their poison into BOYS and GIRLS who had no clue what chemical concoction they were putting into their bodies. It was all lies! Just writing this is making my blood boil more.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Sunnydaze I hear you. I have lost more sleep over this stupid V than just about anything else. My only grand daughter is 11 and lives in CA. But take a deep breath. The children have angels much greater than us to protect them and to guide them on their path. Faith is the only way past the fear of the future (for me) and anger about the past (for you). I wish you a peaceful heart!

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Thank you. And I agree. I think this particular one gets to me because they tied parents hands well before 2020 and although I was onto their scam my kids weren’t. The doctors and schools brainwashed our kids to push parents out of their medical decisions. See how that steamrolled right into 2020? Its one issue heavy on my heart. And nobody can prove V injury on that one. Look how hard it is now with the recent injections when it’s blatantly obvious. 😔

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Do you remember those horrible ads they ran for a bit - the ones that said "DID YOU KNOW?" - the child is asking their parent why they didn't get them the HPV vaccine. How evil do you have to be to advertise kids turning against their parents? Disgusting.

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Oh I remember. I remember.

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Please stay as far away from that shot as you can! My oldest Son got it and it has turned his life upside down. He is fighting back strong but still has to take IVIG every couple of weeks as a result of the interventions it took to save his life after the shot shut his bone marrow down. Don't even think that the "vaccine courts" are going to help. What a joke! The patients get to re-live the trauma over and over and the (sorry all you barristers) lawyers get paid by the court system; kinda like purgatory. Keep your kids clear of this crap.

Later Jay

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An awful lot of teens have been permanently injured by this vaccine. One young man’s life became so unbearable he ended it. All this has been hidden from the American people. Many years ago I watched a program on mainstream tv about the devastation in Denmark among girls who developed intractable narcolepsy and Pott’s Syndrome from this vaccine. It is another fraudulent dangerous product. Honestly, sometimes I think these people must have a direct line to Satan.

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I think they do too 😞

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YES! The HPV vax for readers!

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I just had to write this. Hoping for a silver lining. I don't remember the name of the legislator who introduced this bill, so for convenience I have inserted a generic name. I will find a way to get it to her (though I will change the name.)

Dear stupid lady,

Thank you so much for spearheading CA bill AB 659. You have made a huge step toward solidifying vaccine resistant rhetoric among California parents and to a lesser extent among parents worldwide.

Your timing is perfect. Anti-vaccine advocates have seen your bill and are already gearing up to fight you. They will be able to harness the smoldering anger at Covid-19 vaccine mandates and the heartbreak of parents whose children received diagnoses of myocarditis and pericarditis after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. The time has never been riper to start a massive anti-vaccine movement and sway public opinion.

Your choice of vaccine is also perfect: the HPV vaccine has caused more adverse reactions (as per VAERS) than all other childhood vaccines combined. Also, data showing the questionable efficacy of the HPV vaccine is easy to find online, as are the stories of the many adolescent girls and women who have sustained severe neurological damage after receiving the vaccine. Images of beautiful healthy girls who are now helpless in wheelchairs are very effective in swaying public opinion.

When parents pull their children out of California schools because of your proposed mandate, when even more families move out of California (you’ve already lost half a million residents in just a couple of years), and when parents find new and creative ways to avoid this mandate, we will have you to thank. When more and more parents are drawn fully into the anti-vaccine movement and decide to trust the information coming from there, rather than trust their government or their doctors, we will have you to thank. When the effects of this anti-vaccine fervor reaches beyond California and parents in other states and other countries are swayed, and the vaccination rates for diseases like measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, and polio drop even further than they have in the past two years, we will have you to thank.

So, good move. Welcome to the anti-vaccine movement.

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Oh my gosh THAT is gold!!! I love that! Can I copy it and use it at some point???? I can tag the name “Eli” as the author. 🙌

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Oh absolutely -- please use it. Glad it struck gold :)

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Honestly we should mass produce these and mail them to every one of the machine that are trying desperately to enslave us in their forced vax plot.

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Except as one said, it will get thrown out as a bot. Maybe better to send as a letter in person.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Go for it :) I agree -- it should go to all members of the CA legislature who voted to move this bill forward. (8 of them) And beyond. Edited -- sign personally so it won't be thrown out as a bot. Thank you Lisa Ca.

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Mic drop!! Awesome post!! 👏👏👏

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The HPV shot more adverse reactions than all other vaccines combined BEFORE the covid shots. I would revise it to reflect this.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

Yes, very good point Michelle. Also revise as needed to make it personal, make it relate to other situations like the proposed C-19 hack for NYC kids, etc.

Also, do you have any links to the research that shows that the hack is increasing the incidence of the strains it doesn't affect? I thought I saw it several years ago but did not save. I know the "new and improved" hack supposedly covers more strains . . . but really, what a losing battle. I'd love to have the research links if you have them. Thanks!

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I know I saved some stuff back when I was researching it for my kids. I'll look and see if I can find where I got that from. If memory serves me, it seems like it was research James Lyons-Weiler of IPAK-EDU had done.

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Thank you Michelle -- I will look those up. And if anything else comes to mind, I'll check back.

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(now that they've put covid on the childhood schedule )

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

Oooooh, that is good. I should steal it and send it to the bought-and-paid-for-by-pharma representative we have in NYC, Jeffery Dinowitz, who just reintroduced the bill to mandate the COVID shot for K-12. (He's the prince who introduced and got passed the bill that removed the religious exemption for childhood vaccination.)

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Definitely steal it if it could help. Are they introducing these bad bills to keep organizers busy putting out these fires? Is there something bigger they are distracting from? The idea of mandating the C-shot now is so utterly ridiculous, it just seems like a distraction of some sort.

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I know, right. It's so weird. Why try for mandates now when the "vax" has so clearly failed? C'mon man, read the room.

I always just assumed they were ideologues or shills, but maybe there is something more...

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Thank you thank you thank you.

Eli, if you are on FB, join “informed parents of California” group and help share info there too!

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Please feel free to cut and paste anything from here and put on FB. Thanks!

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Perhaps having the virtue of keeping chaste has its ultimate reward, but young girls are sexualized and brainwashed into succumbing, being sexy, fitting into a way of life that has no upside. Monica Lewinsky is a good example of how freely giving can set one on a lonely life path. Must be horrible

having your family name dragged into perpetuity.

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I have always felt sorry for her.

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Jaci, ha, we’re on the same wavelength. Read what I wrote about the Clintons.

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Weird -- I can't see the link to the movie I wanted to post, so I'm posting it again here:


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And the hack is driving up the prevalence of more devastating cancerous strains.

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Eli you are kind. You are welcome! Thank you for helping to fight! That’s what I was hoping for!

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That is so kind of you Eli. Thank you for helping to push awareness. I think there are youtube videos of testimonials about the HPV vax harm.

ONE big correction though - its not for eigth grade girls — its for ALL teens I believe 13 yr + to go to ANY school! Public or private! So if any kid hasn’t been shot up, even at 15 they will be made to take it to continue in school!!!!

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Then home school your children!

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Julie, I get it. Let’s be respectful of others. Not everyone is able to. Even something as simple as single mothers. But yes for us we are either homeschooling or doing a hybrid. But really — don’t take it out on parents! This shouldn’t have to be a reason to pull your kids!

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I agree completely and I’m sorry if you thought I was being disrespectful to anyone. I worked part time while raising my children, (until my husband passed away and then had to work full time)so I wasn’t able to homeschool my children but the schools weren’t as terrible then and there were plenty of options to volunteer for parents and be in the classroom. There are so many more options now. But I apologize to anyone who was offended by my comment.

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Note for the future: say "those who can homeschool their kids should do so." I agree the reasons to do so are getting more imperative all the time.

(The exclamation point at the end of a sentence make it seem like one is shouting.)

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Eli, this got me thinking... ‘The significant rise is in HPV related anal, oral and throat cancers, while cervical has seen a very slight decline but at a rate that is much slower than the decline that was happening before introduction of the hack -- see below)’

I believe these cancers are more prevalent since the vile Clintons were in office ‘I did not have sex with that girl’. It became acceptable for kids to have other kinds of sex, instead of vaginal. So, I’m thinking the HPV shot is like the Covid jab, it weakens the immune system so it can’t resist HPV cancers in different locations??? Just throwing that out there.

I’m going to cut and paste your post and send it to my husband’s niece. Her boy and girl are getting to that age in CA. Luckily she enrolled them in private school in 2020👏🏻

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Karen- see my clarifications. It is still an issue! PRIVATE schools

wilL NOT be protected. They are also required to require for attendance. UGH. :(

Senator Pan here in Ca is the biggest pusher of this vac stuff and is why exemptions are no longer here in the state!!!!!!

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DICK Pan makes me sick.

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Yes, our nieces kids are in private school and Pan and her school is pushing for the shots.

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Thank God Pan is out in November. He can enjoy his new job at a drug company.

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except he is trying his hardest to do all he can to poison this state with further horrible laws. UGH. to maime those who don’t think.

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Yes, i just copied and pasted Eli’s info and sent to our niece. They are already bugging her and the boy is only 11. 🤬

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Sadly, many kids get involved in oral and anal because they don't believe it counts as sex.

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Look back to the Clintons for that. Good ole Bill ‘I did not have sex with that girl’.

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I remember seeing some research a few years ago that showed that while the HPV hack seemed to protect from some strains of HPV, it made people more susceptible to other strains, and so there was basically no difference in cancer rates (as seen in the graph.)

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Yes, it is increasing the prevalence of other worse strains.

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“On Wednesday, Russian President Putin gave an electrifying “State of the Country” speech. In it, he accused the United States specifically, and the West generally, of moral depravity and degeneracy.”

Well, those are true statements.

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You know, Putin is a thug, among many things - but he spoke the truth on this topic. On other topics? He suggests everything great in Russia - economy, the war .. typical politician BS. But as to OUR demons, or Biden's? Spot On.

And Benjaminn ...... come off it, already. Getting old. Me. And your "stuff".

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eh, I think it's part of every politician to say everything is all sunshine and roses for their own country while spilling truth bombs about bad stuff on other countries....It's what they're doing here, too.

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yep. part of the job - spread the shit, call it fertilizer. 😉

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He does that very well

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Benjamin Two N’s just likes to find people to argue with. He’s not worth anyone’s time. Ignore him. Maybe he’ll move on.

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How’s the 3 day war going?

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Putin is counting on the West to bail him out from his mistake. His ChiCom brother Xi is trying to help him.

We don't have to. Putin invaded Ukraine. He says the West made him do it. Also, Satan. Oh and with blaming the West many times he did say bio lab one time. A nod to the Qtards to give them hope as yet another dopey thing they gloomed on to has gone nowhere. But hey, Hillary is locked up in Guantanamo. At least since 2018.

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A thug who people place on some kind of pedestal here.

He’s a tyrant and throws people in jail for calling his genocide a war.

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As Russia tortures, loots, and rapes and throws thousands of others into mass graves?

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Please don't even suggest there's moral depravity in torturing, looting and raping while you murder as many people you can bombing their water, heat and energy infrastructure.

Not the hero to the duped for Putin, never Putin.

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Yes, except it wasn't "electrifying" for the audience. Lots and lots of long faces.

Sorry you weren't told that truth.

Putin blamed the West and said he had to invade Ukraine because Russia was going to be invaded.

Yes, he really said it. He expects his censored-driven media to keep pushing that canard and they will.

Of course there's nothing depraved with killing the elderly, women and children, raping, torturing and plundering. What would give anyone that idea?

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Has anyone else noticed how much more peaceful international relations were when Trump was president? No? Just me? Oh, what's that old saying again? strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times? Well, I've had enough of the Biden plan now and I'm ready to see strong men again. Just saying.

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Frustrated when Trump had rude moments. However, like raising your kids: your friends, actions and reading material will define character. Trump clearly

Loves AMERICA. He took heat, no pay, great on the world stage, we had peace and our energy as well as a good economy. The hard part was all the media

Black outs and roadblocks we all experienced from the left. Tiresome. Well, WWIII over a corrupt nation of a restless, corrupt leader, holding hands w Biden and open hands

For 80billion dollars... their pensions. Other nations have no Respect. Biden comprised us before the election.

We NEED leadership. We need power through respect and peace. Biden has no love for this nation.

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... The Biden Administration says no peace deal. We’ll keep fighting there “as long as it takes.” Then send your own kids. Mine have better things to do than get involved in this man made this crap.

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The Ukrainians submitted a peace deal. Russia refused.

We aren’t fighting in Ukraine. Ukraine is.

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My friend who just got out of the Army after 9.5 yrs said his artillery unit was / is in the Ukraine firing at the Russians several months ago. I'll believe him before I believe the media or WH.

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That’s not even a good lie.

Ask for proof.

Just like how there are more seals than the navy ever actually has graduating buds.

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I trust the guy I spoke to, he has no reason to lie.

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I’d start checking yourself.

There are no combat troops in Ukraine

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Frankly Benji, you are the least logical and credible person on this feed…consistently.

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I'm pretty sure the government will not return my phone calls.

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Show me proof

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Or before I’ll believe Benjamin Two N’s.

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Everything I have said can be verified through OSINT or other means.

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Right on!

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All I know regarding this entire Ukraine fiasco is: the average Ukrainian is getting screwed by their government, just like us. Putin is right about western degeneration of its society. All information regarding this conflict is highly subjective if not outright lies. Msm media and our government should not be trusted at all. Xi and Putin can cook crepes.

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The average ukrainain supports their government.

Putin says Ukraine has no right to exist.

Putin throws ukrianains into mass graves, torture chambers, and seizes firearms from folks.

Nice guy the Ukrainians want running their country, huh?

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No, Putin says Ukraine has no right to kill Russian-speaking Ukrainians. Stop lying Ben.

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Putin has killed more Russian speakers in one year than Ukraine has since all of time.

And remember, Putin considers all of Ukraine to be his. Russian is spoken in a lot of Ukraine. Those same dudes are also fighting against Russia also.

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Putin says a lot. Then what does he do? He's killing thousands of Russian-speaking Ukrainians.

Maybe you don't even know about what he did in Mariupol. Putin kills Russian-speaking people. He does it all the time. It's how he's remained dictator in Russia for 20 plus years.

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Oh horsey, you’ve got it all backwards. You probably mount your horse from the right and ride facing its tail. 😛 I just hope you don’t admire those AZOV guys. They are pure terrorists who enjoy torturing regular people. They tie people, mostly gypsies to lamp posts and I even saw a video of them nailing a young Russian soldier to a wood cross and then setting him on fire. When the Russian people saw it they realized that national socialism was alive and well in Galicia. My father put on a uniform to fight Nazis in WW2. I will never dishonor his memory by supporting such an evil rebirth in my day.

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LOL...pardon me if I don't take your word for it. Catchphrases and slogans don't do it for me.

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It's the Russians themselves that say 3 days, not anyone else.

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Why do you think you know better than the people of Ukraine fighting for freedom and survival against Putin's savage invasion?

What basis do you think you have to tell them to surrender their freedom and country?

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You can tell we live in "clown world" when China and Russia are talking about peace and our own government talks about perpetual war. It's also unfortunate to agree with a foreign leader about our own culture. But we must remember, that this culture is a "chronically online" culture, and not that of the majority of Americans.

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They are not talking about peace. They are talking about war profiteering, a reward for aggression. Putin has lost a large part of what he illegally invaded in Ukraine.

Please make a note of it.

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Wish I could believe that but the transgender things with kids is everywhere, not just online. Do the majority of us support it? No way, but we have to come to terms with who our real enemies are and they have taken over our government and continue to march through our institutions. They also have kept us in this or that war for decades now, just to line their own pockets. Talk about Clown World, going to war with Russia and China, and maybe throw in Iran for fun is the definition of clown world. We need to clean house here. Thank goodness for Jeff and others like him.

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You're saying you openly support Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela?

Well, they would love to have you. They have a need of folks to run into Ukrainian defenses.

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I “openly support” their right to national sovereignty, however disagreeable it appears to me. If a nation attacks my country then we have the right and duty to defend ourselves. We do NOT have the right to insert ourselves into the politics of other countries, influence and control the outcomes of their elections, unilaterally attack countries that have never sent combatants to our shores in our pursuit of wealth, resources or regional power. We have no mandate to impose our will on the rest of the world. And the rest of the world is less and less inclined to submit to it.

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That's really the essence of it, for me too, Credenda.

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Zelenskyy sent a peace plan but Russia Rejected it already.

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I doubt it.

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You are free to doubt but it’s the truth. Russia rejected it because it deescalates

The war and ends it.

Putin wants his victory

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The US rejected a cease fire last April. China is calling for peace, see above. Sry you are so blind with Biden blinders that you can’t see how aligned you are with deep state propaganda.

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Zelensky sent a peace plan but Russia rejected it.

Who started the war, again?

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The ChiComs are calling for war booty. They are calling for a stop to Ukraine defending itself.

The ChiComs are not calling as the world is for Russia to stop its illegal invasion of Ukraine and to leave. They are calling to aid the invasion and war profiteer for Putin.

You don't have to like Biden to understand that little.

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I always buy Goya products. Love them. ❤️ Many thanks to Goya for helping the people in Ohio.

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Goya is amazing

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Open the Books did an incredible expose of how Newsom and his wife circulate the money into their pockets.


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I see -- they use tax payer money to fund the wife's work, which involves her getting her movies into schools -- movies that contain pornographic material for kids as young as 11. And this guy might run for president?

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Ouch. And isn't he related to Pelosi?

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Nephew and Pelosi's son have Ukraine connections. Mitt's son too....

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Former nephew by marriage. But not former anything else.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I will go out and buy some GOYA products this weekend.

As long as it takes? Until the United States is destroyed.

Isn't it interesting that China and Russia are calling for peace talks and the US is against them?

Putin isn't wrong in this case, they are destroying the family structure here.

What a weird world we live in these days.

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