Macron warns Europe not get involved with a conflict that's not theirs...?....Wish someone would've told Biden not to get involved with something that's not ours....

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Wish I had a nickel for every darn time someone SHOULD have given Brandon that advice !

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The US installed the current form of dictatorship in Ukraine after the 2004 color revolution. Powerful people in the US use Ukraine to launder money, people connected to and within the Biden crime family.

The US created the conflict in Ukraine. We are involved because it is ours. It should not be ours but it is.

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That's utterly false.

nobody created the conflict in Ukraine except Russia.

It's not ours, it belongs to the Ukrainians. Russia believes it's theirs, not the USA.

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Are you saying the CIA was not involved in the Maidan? Are you saying the Victoria Nuland did not hand pick/install the next leader? Are you saying there were/are no US financial interests in Ukraine? Are you suggesting that the US and NATOstan did not provoke Russia by talking about NATO membership and nukes?

Have you seen the list of foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation? Would it shock you to know that Ukraine was #1, by a lot?

Russia was not looking for a fight. It’s KOBK game theory, the US left Putin with zero options.

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Whether or not they were is immaterial. Russia supports various anti-American movements here in the USA too.

The US has a lot of interests in Ukraine. We want it to be free.

Russia wants it enslave it.

Are you saying someone joining a defensive alliance is provoking Russia?

Why is it?

Russia was looking for a fight. Ukraine wasn't able to join nato because of the territorial disputes going on.

Does your neighbor get to take over your house because you won't get a covid shot? Why?

You're justifying it and that sets a dangerous precedent especially given that Putin is a covid vaccine mandater, proclaiming they are effective and the best way to stop covid (he's double vaccinated himself, remember).

But guess what? Now more former Russian territory, Finland, is in nato and Russia can't take it back. Nato missiles and 5th gen planes are within striking distance of another major Russian city.

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It doesn't matter who helped Ukraine to stave off Putin's interference in the country. Ukraine has many political parties and free elections. Ukraine's Supreme Court stopped election fraud and ordered a new election which was fair.

How'd the US do with Election Theft 2020 and the courts?

Putin wasn't looking for a fight. He was looking to conquer. Putin has ZERO right to control Ukraine and its people. Maybe you and Putin would have gotten that clue already after the asskicking Ukraine has given.

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Is this satire?

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I’ll say yes!!

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No, it's not. I can't speak for steel pony, but he/she (don't know them) is right.

Russia has no right to interfere in Ukraine. None.

Just like they murdered 6 million Ukrainians 90 years earlier they brought along enough SOBR and FSB/GRU agents to cause severe ethnic cleansing and a second Ukrainian genocide.

Ukraine fought back and even after Russia declared victory 2 days into the war they absolutely massacred the SOBR dudes.

Now Russian tanks are coming to the USA as T/e objects and Nato is spending hundreds of billions more on defense.

Great job putin.

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

No, it's his attempt to deflect from your points because he cannot counter them. SOP for a neocon. Calling it satire gives him too much credit.

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No, that's just factual history you reject.

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Hillary Clinton talking points = fail

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How’s your 3 day war going, comrade?

Meanwhile, Russian gear is being sent to the USA for evaluation and comparison.

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Don't even refer to my historical factual recitation to that evil, old hag.

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What planet have been vacationing on? Between ghw bush, and Obeyme,Ukraine's has been a plaything of America. A very strategic piece of land,if you want to contain or piss off putin. Well we pissed him off, and with your buddy Biden at the helm, putin knew what was going to happen. He didn't move on Ukraine whilst PDT was in office, because he knew PDT was in the process of taking the deep state apart, which includes Ukraine, its bio labs, it's ability to launder billions for the crooks running the USA and the installed puppets in Ukraine, placed by your pals. There would be no conflict in Ukraine, most Ukrainians are Russian. But we can't give evil putin land that is his border, with nato breathing down his neck. No that would be wrong. When will you realize we, the good old us of a are the black hats in the world,and have been for decades. Not the people, but the illegal governmental bureaucrats we have given way too much power to. Cia, fbi, nsa, and on and on ad nauseum.

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Why did PDT put an armored brigade on russias border?

Why did he train more and more

Ukrainians on western tactics and send the first lethal aid to Ukraine, breaking Biden and Obama’s rule of no lethal aid?

Trump had good relations with zelenskyy.

Putin claimed this was to stop Ukraine from joining nato. Surprise, more folks are joining nato so they don’t get invaded now.

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If by good relations, you mean Trump had him under control, you're right. Somehow I don't think that's what you meant though.

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Trump had him under control? How?

Like the Battle of Kashamm where Russians attacked Americans and then promptly got massacred by AH64s, F22s, A10s, and anything else that could be brought to bear?

Putin was busy creating his own covid vaccine and mandating it for his people.

Putin respected force. Trump was a wild card. Biden is not.

Trump also sent lethal aid to Ukraine when Obama and Biden would not.

But back then you were totally cool with it because it was "your guy".

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

Bio labs! Bio labs! I mean the Qtardia is so real after so many stupid failures.

Guess some people didn't get the memo how Ukraine is so unRussian they are fighting and stopping Putin's fantasy they are not a real country.

I see not only Putin didn't get that memo from reality. SMH

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The Ukrainian government forcing their people to fight to keep the cash from the us pipeline open? You mean those Ukrainians that will be murdered if they don't fight?

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You think Putin's illegal invasion with the second largest military being stopped and forced back in the Battle of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Kherson is some sort of accident?

You really should get out of the bubble and see reality for the bravery of the men and women in the Armed Forces of Ukraine who are proving how foolhardy such Putinoid propaganda is. Every.Single.Day.

Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

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The Russians are forcing people to fight aswell even when they said they wouldn't.

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Cookies Nudelman enters the chat

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Who is that?

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I don't even bother posting this to our 2 resident neocons. At best, they are paid shills. At worst, they actually believe what they say - sigh!

As noted by Gonzalo Lira, “François Hollande, former president of France, confirms that the 2014 coup d’etat in Ukraine was part of a long-term plan to have Ukraine fight a proxy war against Russia. The Americans have been preparing this war since the Obama administration—it is now confirmed beyond doubt.”

The NYTimes "leaks" story is a cover-up of the Hollande story which has now been buried.


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Do you get your Putinoid propaganda points from the Kremlin or Putin himself?

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Utter Putinoid cry belly nonsense.

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When you have nothing to come back with, just sound like a spoiled brat and accuse of being a cry belly. Some of us can actually think critically. But I understand NeoCons are "challenged" in this area.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

I thought the exact same thing 😑 He seems to have zero problems involving us in *their* conflicts. As long as it serves them, it’s just fine! But just like many in our government, those people are no strangers to hypocrisy.

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The Neocon mentality has been "running" our world for generations. It's on BOTH sides of the aisle. It used to be called the "military/industrial complex"....WAR CREATES PROFITS FOR THESE CREEPS!

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It's called "communism." The Left fell first, the Right was then infiltrated and what we've seen over the last 60+ years is the Right pretending they're conservative while diligently working behind the scenes to promote communism.

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A lot of "conservatives" now openly support a communist force. It's embarassing

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That's more or less what the author Ayn Rand sadly prophesied about the USA back in the late 1950's. I'm sure she's glad she didn't live to see our once great nation crumble into desolation.

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I agree, Putin should cut his army back and leave Ukraine.

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France will probably not want to get involved in Taiwan or a MidEast conflict. That's where the general winds are blowing. Macron is looking to accommodate the ChiComs. He's not alone.

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People ignore that a Chinese attempt to re-take Taiwan will not be limited to Taiwan. Countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan and India have no interest in ceding regional hegemony to China. Vietnam fought a border war with China in 1979 and India has an ongoing border dispute that dates back decades.

It's frightening to think about how this could play out. What's to stop Kim Jong Un from attacking the ROK with the U.S. preoccupied with Taiwan and Ukraine?

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You're absolutely correct and Vietnam did deliver a bloody nose to the ChiComs in 1979. They do however play a long game and the South China Sea is the big gambit played at the moment.

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The PLA was a lot different then from what it is now. They were still using Soviet equipment from the 50s and were only a year or two removed from the Cultural Revolution. Plus, Vietnam had all of that high-priced equipment it captured from South Vietnam and were battle-tested.

That said, I can't see China making a military move against Taiwan given the possibility of a larger conflict involving the countries I named (possibly also taking into account Thailand, Australia, New Zealand). Let's say India gets involved, what about its on again, off again war with Pakistan? Then there's Iran, Syria, Egypt and Israel?

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The ChiComs may not make a move on Taiwan in the next year or so but it's definitely on their list. Taiwan is in a bad spot. There's no easy answers.

How'd you get so smart?

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Taiwan is only Step 1: then its take (2) all the island nations, then (3) entire Pacific.

CHIComs stated openly many times they intend to take the USA. Step 1 is deep water port for Nuke-boats (subs).

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I continue to wonder if Biden is actually making ANY decision at all. You have to wonder if he is capable of anything other than reading (poorly) a teleprompter. Therefore, if others are making all the decisions and having Biden go along, who are these others exactly???

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

And if they HAD told Biden to bugger off, do you believe for a minute that the Number One Money Man for Western War Inc., would have listened?

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Since we are one of Ukraine's strongest allies starting with Trump (Who loved Zelenskyy, by the way) they woudln't.

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George Washington warned America to not get entangled in foreign wars. We did not listen very well. Jeff mentioned the Obama quote about "Never underestimating Joe's ability to "muck" things up." The thing is that to Joe's handlers, this is a feature, not a bug. Joe is the most competently incompetent President ever. He is so very excellent at incompetency.

Jeff said, "I wonder, when was the last time Macron and Von Der Layan visited with an alert Joe Biden?" Ha, Jeff, like a lawyer, sneaking in the operative word, "alert" knowing it has likely never happened.

I think the deep state is unraveling before our eyes. With Covid, they thought they had the cat by the tail, then the ROW said now is the time to see who is to really rule" There is a decent chance that in this global game of RISK, they will all fail, and the world will endure much pain to emerge to something better.

Before COVID Trump had rational nationalism on the rise all over the globe. The middle east was not only accepting the embassy move, they were beginning to formally recognize Israel, the US was a net energy producer, global trade was being rewritten to many nations advantage, Canada and China were being dragged into accepting the Trump version of global trade. Indeed, everything Joe has mucked up, was going exceedingly well under Trump.

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Exceedingly well stated. The last paragraph about Trump especially so and no one can naysay.

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So Hitler should have won?

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Wow, when you have NOTHING to counter with, you resort to diverting the point entirely...and flimsily at that.

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Perfectly appropriate.

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Only if one pretends that every idea has zero nuance and is an absolute.

Just as one of thousands of examples, the Bible states "Thou shalt not kill" yet it does NOT mean, ever under every circumstance. Politico Phil is correct.

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I think we’re not Biden’s is more true than Ukraine isn’t Biden’s....

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Good news:

“And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”

— Revelation 20:10 NASB1995

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Amen, Janice.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

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Thank you for the reminder of this verse! He has OVERCOME! Already done. Praise Jesus.

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Hallelujah! He has OVERCOME!

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I love this verse Pamela…it’s the one I call my signature verse. Of all the wonderful verses in the Bible, this is the one that I need as a daily reminder- through Jesus we may have peace even in the midst of trouble, and He has overcome the world! Contemplating that glorious fact brings amazing peace.

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May it be soon, Lord Jesus.

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Come, Lord Jesus!

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You forgot the unleashed part which is where the world dwells at present. This part of Revelation comes with the defeat of evil later. Probably, much later.

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I didn’t forget. I just chose to focus on the end game. 💪🏻💪🏻

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And on this Bible passage, I REST MY SALVATION AND THE WORLD'S FATE!

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Nice find....and soon to be a televised Super Bowl Half Time game show visual extravaganza.

Not brought to you by Pfizer. They will be in that lake.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I am filled with hope and a whole lot of praise and thankfulness to God our creator and savior. Today after 50 years we are finalizing the sale of our business here in the Silicon Valley. It's huge for us. Also today our home goes on the market! We have a new home almost ready for us in Florida and plan to be there by June. Hubby, myself and our whole family that stayed here for decades are bugging out.. consider us more conservative minded reinforcements going to Florida!!

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Any plans to correct your post where you said the Ukrainian offensive was dying?

(it hasn't started).

And any plans to cover the execution of a Ukrainian POW by decapitation by Wagner troops? (Largest neo-nazi army in the world).

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You are so blessed! Godspeed on your family relocation.

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I’m sorry to hear you are leaving. With everyone I know who has left is conservative not sure how there are any conservatives left! :(

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There's lots of us still here in California, I'm not too sure where you are, but we exist.

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There a HUGE amount of Trump voters in California. We just don’t hear about it because there are even more democrats. But I did an analysis after the last election, and California had more Trump voters than Missouri and Kansas and Iowa combined. That’s because of the enormous population of Cali compared to the 3 large but lower population states.

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I agree. I live in the foothills between Sacramento and Tahoe, and there are a LOT of Trump voters up here. There are a lot of anti-Biden signs all over the place. Unfortunately, rather a lot of Bay Area/L.A. liberals have fled up here and have turned this area more Blue than most of us would like. Such fools....they leave the Blue areas they destroyed with their Democrat votes, come up here because it's so nice and peaceful, then they keep voting for the same old garbage they did in the old place.

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Our son just moved from Pleasanton CA to Rocklin. Normal families there, where the neighborhood kids actually play together. Lots of Trump supporters and American flags. He bought twice the house for less money!

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Just bought a house here myself. Welcome!

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Good luck, Julie!!

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You will love Florida. It’s a wonderful place to live! 😎

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We did the same and never looked back. However, I do miss the beauty of Half Moon Bay where we lived for decades.

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I have visited Half Moon Bay. Beautiful and quaint oceanside town. I had a fellow dentist and cousin that lived there. We had the best and most entertaining breakfast there once. The cook was singing and interacting with the patrons. So much fun. It was on the main street on the side opposite the ocean.

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It really was a great place to live until the pandemic and the left started their rampage. Still a nice place if you want to be a hermit there but the politics just miles away are horrendous.

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So happy for you!!

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I too am a retired RN and glad of it. Have lived in Polk County, FL for 51 years and having a home built in the Villages. Traveled the entire US last year with the idea of moving somewhere else for a change. Moving 58 miles away, Florida is the only place for us. You will love it!

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Florida is happy to have you! Bring your bug spray and get yourself a new pair of crocs 😂

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Bug spray- that’s my problem with southern states. Love the people and the freedoms, but can’t take the humidity and the mosquitoes!

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And very little humidity. Constantly east wind off the ocean all summer long. It truly is paradise.

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Stay on the coast and you have no bugs.

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Yay! Welcome to Florida!

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Reminder: Faith over fear. Shine your light. Focus on goodness. Thank you, Jeff, for facilitating this space of goodness and light.

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Excellent. Amidst all this craziness, we still have to stay positive.

Myself, it's beach day. Packing now!

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Went to a huge empty beach on Long Island this past weekend with my daughter who lives there. The wind and sound of the ocean. The same wave action over eons. The oyster catcher birds and sanderlings doing their thing. Peace washed over me. I live landlocked and the ocean gives me hope, for some reason. Have a wonderful day.

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Janet, your description brought me some peace while sipping my coffee, thanks!

I'm in the mountains, after spending 4 months at the beach. Mountains & trees have always beckoned me, it's where I feel most centered and at peace.

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Nature was my salvation during lockdown and still is. I’m blessed to be near many conservation areas where I paint and walk. I worshiped God when I was locked out of my church for over a year. Still do.

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We’ll be in Wyoming camping this summer. Maybe a month in the Wind River area. I also adore the mountains.

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Some beautiful desolation in Wind River canyon ❤️

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I’m fascinated by mountains! We live in Michigan with no real mountains anywhere close. I love the times I get to visit states that have them and see them up close! 🏔️

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Really good to connect with nature and His grace for us all. I love the beaches on Long Island for the same reason.

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We live 20 minutes from the beach. It brings such solace and rest to hear the ocean waves. Intold my husband we are going at least once a week once it warms up. ❤️

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You are so lucky!! I love the ocean. We visited California last week. Gorgeous!

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Love the ocean! We live far from it and I love the moments when we can visit it. So peaceful and relaxing and helps you recenter your life. ❤️

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All the birds standing on the beach were facing the brisk wind. All of them. My husband said they needed to be facing the wind to fly. I believe we here are facing a cruel wind now but some of us needed wind in our faces to learn to FLY against the wind! God’s Nature teaches me many things.

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Nice Janet, that was nice.

Later Jay

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We're are looking at massive rain.

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South Florida?

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Probably Oregon, where I live🙄

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Never quite materialized. Stayed just north, barely.

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Here in South Florida we have tropical storm weather.

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😎 🏖️ ENJOY!!

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Thank you for that reminder. About three paragraphs into today's Roundup, I already just wanted to find a hole and bury myself in it.

But then I wouldn't be able to provide truth and positivity to my fellow humans.

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Wonderful reminder! Today in between the daily & work -I’m Preparing my garden beds & tending to my seedlings 🌱- and thanking Jesus for all HIS goodness

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Omg the BBC “journalist” is such a tool. “I’ve seen much more hate speech on Twitter... oh you want me to give examples? Well, I haven’t actually been using Twitter so I haven’t seen it but others tell me it’s happening.” THIS is why the media has a bad rap and why I now get all my news from Substack (and my commentary from Tucker because he makes me laugh).

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im not a huge elon fan but i do love seeing the BBC battered. horrible crooks

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

Totally. Elon is probably the Antichrist or something, or at least the Antichrist's IT Director.

But boy he can sure troll the libtards. Much LOLs.

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“at least the Antichrist's IT Director.”


One of these days, I am going to have the misfortune of drinking coffee while I am reading your comments and will have to clean off my screen 🤪😆

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Elon Musk was in China opening a new Tesla plant the day Macron was there betraying the US, France's historic ally, which has bailed them out time and time again. Musk is simply one more tool of the Chinese--controlled opposition--and I no longer listen to anything he says. All his witty "anti-woke" repartee and tweets mean nothing when he's selling us out to our greatest enemy.

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I think of this every time I see another anti Bud Light meme. I can’t think of a much more modern day redneck beer than Bud Light. Not at all what any of the Woke folk would drink, so why surely alienate a group that is your biggest customer? They are being highly incentivized to do so. They could care less if the small folk quit buying Bud Light…It’s all about controlling the clicks, and agitating people.

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Yep, it's by design. Anyone with two brain cells knows that was about the worst possible move by bud light. Putting Jeffrey Dahmer on their can would have gone over better. Now everyone is yet more divided on the issue with no actual discussion and learning happening.

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Anyone else think that it isn’t bud light’s decision? I can’t help thinking after seeing other companies “Go Woke and Broke” that they decide to do this. Who is making them?? 🤔

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Blackrock and vanguard

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What about Bush Light??

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All of Anheiser Busch has turned woke.

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None of that swill is real beer anyway. Ever try to check out the ingredients in their beer? Not real. If you want beer, buy a real beer.

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Why do you say about France, "betraying the US"? Have our lies over decades and many conflicts not betrayed our allies first? Elected and Media in the US have lost the high, moral ground and the EU is realizing we exist to get them killed. Now, I don't like Macron, he is another or the self-serving liars. But he is simply doing what we showed him to do. See also: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq/Afghanistan, NORDStream, Israel, COVID19 and soon to be Ukraine and Taiwan.

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Oh, stabbing allies in the back, yes, the US is developing quite a reputation there.

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That makes no sense. Elon is opening plants on all the continents. About to start up in Indonesia and Mexico. The China plant is one of many and not a conspiracy.

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I question the assumption that China is somehow "out to get" us. Is the Chinese navy causing trouble in straits of Florida? Consider that possibly, just possibly, although China may indeed be our biggest economic competitor, it may not be interested in military conflict the way the US is. Why can't we just compete economically without fomenting chaos?

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Well for one thing, the neocons who have been running our Gov't always got to have some new wars to keep the profits and the bravado flowing.

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I guess time will tell if they're interested only in besting us economically. I believe they do want to take over the US, and they will do it without firing a shot because our center has rotted and we have sold out to them.

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Kind of like Khrushchev predicted in the ‘60’s

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China doesn't need to be out to get us. Our nation is burning from within, and China is laughing and watching. I would like to thank the lack of conservatives everywhere for this decline. We've already lost the war of ideology, the commies own the media, the statehouses, the ag's in so many cities, all the unions, every damn one, and schools are teaching at least in the blue retard states,that white people suck.

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I lean in this direction regarding Musk ... and I find 'the Anti-Christ's IT Director' highly amusing. Regarding Musk, it's the 'unusual' things Musk has been doing which garners attention. Musk just sticks out! This said and in the larger picture, there does seem to be a 'roll back' campaign going on. I can't say whether 'roll back' is organized or just a process of natural counter-reaction. I can only say that most often things do not happen in isolation and that people concert to make things happen.

Sanctioning thirty percent of the world nations may have been the last straw for the world at large. But equally so, blowing up the pipeline may have been the last straw for Europe because it was not only a crime committed against Russian interests, but it was also an act of war committed against the existential interests of Germany in particular, but also the rest of Europe. And just look what the Europeans have lost with the mad policies of the Idiot Geniuses on the Potomac. Sucked into a losing war. Devastated energy cost component and priced out of the market. Devastated, leveled economies. Hyperinflation. Endangered by an expanded world war threat. And also, I am sure that Europeans read some of the same covid stuff we all at C & C have read ... and they have long ago put two plus two together.

With all the failures, the bioweapon exposures, acts of war committed all over the globe ... all of this and more, the US of A is looking like it is more a candidate for 'deathisnear' and ventilators in the ICU. Credibility seems all used up. The rest of the world washes its hands of the once might superpower. The bill appears to becoming due. Thus, Macron's talk may well be another major inflection point.

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Very cogent Dave.

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Hi Phil ...

And I just heard France and China signed deal worth $15 billion and maybe some or all outside of the dollar. Don't have time to look into all of this. But here is some indication. My sense is that Europe will have to trade with the East, because that is where all the stuff is being made. And it's only common sense that trade cannot be trade without stuff! And by the way, all kinds of Russian oil is now being passed on to Europe through the Middle East. It's looking like only a matter of time before the Emperor without Cloths grip over Europe will fracture like a broken mirror.

So the US is a lot of talk, but the action says nobody is paying too much attention. Keep an eye on Europe. If Europe walks, game over!


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Indeed. Game, set, match. Ouch.

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Yes! Think what you will about Elon (and I'm undecided myself), but that was the most satisfying thing I've listened to in a long time! These smarmy little liberals and presstitutes think that they're so superior and that of course all "educated" people agree with them-- until they are confronted with actually having to think through and justify their elitist assumptions and idiotic, brainwashed biases. How embarrassing for that guy.

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“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson -very apropos

Later Jay

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I share your feelings and opinions of these people, well said!

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I thoroughly enjoyed the interview! The so-called "journalist" was embarrassingly ill prepared and was made to look like such a fool by Musk. Parts of this interview are being played today on talk shows.

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Well, it wasn’t a difficult thing to do. That BBC guy is an idiot.

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In regards to the "sunk cost" fallacy..it is another way of saying-stupidity is the same as doing the same thing over and over and expecting change. As it has been said..the difference between ignorance and stupidity..ignorance is from a lack of facts..stupidity is when you have the facts and refuse to accept them.

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The first time I heard the "sunken cost" fallacy was a couple of weeks ago on Bill Maher's show. He used it to point out that polls/stats on transgenders who regret their surgery has to be extremely off because of the sunken cost fallacy. It's not easy for someone to admit they've made a mistake after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on surgeries, meds, and follow-up visits (not to mention physical and emotional pain and suffering).

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The people who DO admit it are especially brave and principled imo.

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Yes, they are. Good point.

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And insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

Jeff mentions that "Republicans in Congress" may act to limit Sloppy Joe's Ukraine money laundromat and hellscape. But Jeff I'm confused, who exactly ARE these "Republicans" you speak of? Are these the same persons who have been unable and unwilling to protect Trump from political lawfare? And have failed to launch ANY political counterlawsuits? Perhaps they are the ones who are proposing the freedom-ending Restrict Act? Or the ones handling every "investigation" with polite kid gloves, giving equal time to the Stalinists who ran J6?

It's a dilemma for actual justice warriors, who want to restore an equal America. This means that we fight with one hand behind our back according to rules while the other side has no such rules they follow. Pitting a high school football team not just against a pro squad, but a pro squad armed with brass knuckles and knives. It's no contest.

Better would be a temporary DARK MAGA strategy. Yes harvesting and lawfare and undue process are bad, BUT WE USE THEM TEMPORARILY TO RIGHT THE PLAYING FIELD.

It's either that or it's time to get to box #4.

As one commenter noted:

"There are four boxes to use in the freedom fight: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. They are to be used in that order".

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Frederick Douglass quote. He left off the soap. Not sure why,in that time. But whatever, we are at the load magazines point, I fear.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

C'mon Ken Paxton, find the friendliest freedomist judge and jury in Texas and immediately file a barrage of lawsuits against GAVIN NEWSOME. Everybody knows he will be their candidate in America's last election

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Here’s my comment on the state of the world:

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”

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Amen fortified. Love this passage. Thank you for the reminder!

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Hiden is about as good at the art of war as he is at the art of life. In normal times this guy would be charged as a traitor and treated to a military tribunal. But then no way are these times "normal".

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Treason should have been wrapped around his neck when he was vp along with Obeyme.

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Evil destroys itself eventually and though we must take a stand on truth where we are positive it's is truth we cannot fight against God's eternal Will that has designed a built in justice system not designed by men but carried out by them all for the purpose of exposing the difference between the holy and the unholy. Evil exposed to truth will die like disease in sunlight without a cover.

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It's the "eventually" part that keeps me up at night.

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Yep, I try to be optimistic but, there is a world of hurt coming and we must all be prepared.

Later Jay

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We have been on a very slippery slope.

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I'm ready. I'm old, pissed off, pretty much had it, and can still shoot better than most. I might have a few rounds laying about here somewhere. If we do not stop this, by the time the deep state is done getting everything they have ever wanted, we'll just be on defense. I think it's time to go on offense. Are y'all listening? We are coming. We will take you apart. Can't believe I have to actually fight my own government as the worst enemy this nation has ever had.

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I believe we must stay nonviolent. We are not just fighting our government here we are fighting the World Economic Forum alliance which includes at this point all nation states. It is still all about their manufacturing our consent at this point. It is our consent which allows them to think they are in control. Violence will hand them the final weapon they desire to be "winner take all".

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

Our resistance must be through the individual states. The US is unique. We are composed of 50 sovereign states and unique in all the world thanks to the wisdom of our founders. It is at the state level that we can resist and push back. Here in Florida, DeSantis reactivated the Florida State Guard (a military reserve force) in 2022 after the FL legislature appropriated $10 million in funding. We are positioning to tell the Bolsheviks in DC to pack sand.

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States Rights! Floridians raise their well tanned fists!

Later Jay

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I know thanks for the reminder. One of the best things about all this has been to recognize the value of states rights.

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Just remember the horrid image of the United Nations 'stormtroopers' unleashed in Ottawa last Feb-March

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Such terrible times and so many have already given their lives for this. Non violence does not at all allowing these kleptocrats to go scot free. They must be charged and prosecuted with treason, mass murder and inciting violence - for starters.

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Against a bunch of disarmed, unaware, nice people. I'm thinking two things here. We are very heavily armed, and not near as nice. And very aware.

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We shouldn't expect better from an illegitimate government that took power through Election Theft 2020. The speed of it however has been appalling.

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When the "powers that be" own the whole executive branch, judicial, three quarters of congress and all but a few of the senate, the media industrial complex, all search engines with tech, and most woke corporate heads, telling the truth is pretty much an act of war. So be it.

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Also telling the truth is very much a part of the art of war. We have a chance now to keep telling it. It is an element which has been missing for many long years.

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This is pretty much what happens at the end of an empire's life and we're living it. Empires don't collapse overnight but we are seeing it. At the end, the American people will still be here though.

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YES!!! BINGO. It is the worst enemy!

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I have to disagree. I keep hearing this; "that's just what they want, they want us to respond so they can crack down on us". I got news for them. If tit comes to that, there won't be any "cracking down". And the other thing is, how long do we allow them to walk all over the constitution without putting our foot down. No, I'm sorry sir, but 6Jan should have been a violent bloody revolution where the will of the people was heard once again. Unfortunately the next time it will be worse. Do we let this steaming pile of shit admin get us on our knees? Im not ready for that, and yes,I'd rather die fighting.

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Maybe you should take a breath, listen to what GOD has to say about HIS plan and do what HE says to be done. HE tells us plainly to repent, seek HIS face, humble ourselves before HIM and the big one, CHANGE OUR EVIL WAYS. Then HE will heal our land. That means each of us INDIVIDUALLY acknowledge our sins, let go of our egos thinking we have given ourselves everything we have instead of thanking HIM for our blessings, seek HIS counsel and direction AND CHANGE OUR WICKED WAYS by following HIS laws and teachings.

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I seem to remember reading somewhere that we are also responsible for our own fights. In this case, I would that the only help we can expect from God is he not be against us when we have to destroy our foes.

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I hear you but if you read the OT there are many many battles where God’s people took out others. God is not just a God of love and mercy. He is an angry God too. He fights and kills too.

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Alex J cut to the chase yesterday on War Room: https://rumble.com/v2hum08-alex-we-dont-do-it.html

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Understand. There are many who feel this will be necessary and are willing to make the sacrifice. They have been trying to force us into a civil war for years now. I do think it is their biggest chance to prevail. There are other ways. As Thomas Paine said (paraphrased) ideas can go where armies cannot. Wars perpetually allow those who own the military industrial complex to win.

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Understood. And yet somehow, I think it won't be a conventional war per se, but the kind where, for instance, an fbi team is dispatched to disarm a perfectly legal American like myself, and they end up in a firefight in the streets. And then realize that you can't spin that. And then the next old white guy does the same thing,and this time,his neighbors help, because the constitution. And eventually they are going to have a tough time finding guys that are willing to die in the name of unconstitutional law enforcement. I'm pretty sure if 2024 gets stolen like 2020 and 2018 were, you're going to see things like this. It's like gorilla warfare,only different. I know I'm no longer alone in my thoughts. Watch out for old guys. I wish it weren't the case, but after 2020, it's obvious we are in a brave new world.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

It is my hopeful belief that when Trump once again loses the 2024 election (due to ballot rigging), the American people will wake up and realize something is very wrong. What happens next I dare not opine on.

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There have already been many confrontations forced on us. We have managed to avoid all out shooting war in the United States for quite awhile and I hope it can continue. I don't doubt the willingness of many of us to die for our human rights and our constitution. Just very strongly believe it would be playing into their hands. I believe we have other options.

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And old women.👵

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I agree, it's time for Putin to end the Russian military industrial complex and go home and disarm.

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That would be entirely interesting. Deny the military industrial complex their just rewards.

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"...how long do we allow them to walk all over the constitution without putting our foot down. "

And THAT is a question that deserves an answer.

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Necessary to take a retroactive stand on this. lol. Our constitution has been effectively shredded through this. But as I was reminded earlier:

And as Napoleon once said, "Never interfere with your enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself."

They are in the process of doing that. Free speech as we have here on SS currently will reinforce this. Weak mentally unstable folks like these "leaders" cannot stand being ostracized. The balance is beginning to tip. But timing and picking our battles are very important elements to those at war.

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Or just send him to a UK "care home" and load him up with midazolam. That would be fitting in the "time of Covid."

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KW Morton, I assume you meant Biden, not Hiden. I believe he has been charged as a traitor and subjected to a military tribunal. What if what you are seeing is a body double. But, then again, I'm a conspiracy theorist.

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Biden/Hiden is a wholly owned subsidiary of the World Economic Forum & associates. They will engage in any deceptions to manufacture our consent & take further control. Body doubles (or Easter Bunnies) are something we already considered as probable. Manchurian Candidate type stuff. It has all been laid out with predictive programming long ago.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Conversation with Musk is priceless.....represents MOST of the left, who literally don’t even know that they don’t even know the first facts of their agenda....they are just zombies bumping around spewing falsehoods and complete BS! Like mad cows, there is literally no use for them, they don’t contribute to the good of our society, they just consume n poop all over at will!

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I don’t care too much for Hannity but happened to catch part of his show on the radio yesterday when I was driving somewhere, and this guy called in to blather on about Trump and his crimes etc etc, when Hannity asked him what crimes and if he had even read the indictment, the guy just spouted a bunch of irrelevant nonsense. He had no clue. We need to keep calling people out when they have no idea what they’re going on about and just repeating taking points.

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Yes! Repeating talking points is all they know how to do, and then when anyone dares to call them out on it and asks them to break it down with specific evidence, it's like a deer in headlights as the house of cards comes crashing down (if you can forgive my mixed metaphors).

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Take real talent to mix metaphors..... I'm good with it.

Later Jay

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Back during the early part of Trump's presidency, my two older kids were getting their "Trump bad" nonsense on when I asked them, "tell me one policy prescription you find a problem - not how you FEEL but an actual policy." After extended silence, my daughter offered "net neutrality" (ha, doesn't that sound quaint now) to which my son replied, "yeah, that." And I consider all of my kids to be thoughtful and articulate but Trump derangement is real. To them, and obviously millions and millions like them, Trump is an irredeemable malevolent creature crafted by the Left. Trump is Orwell's "two minutes of hate" personified.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

Yes. Consider the never trumpers as well. The tons of Christians who refused to vote for him because of his overt indiscretions. This bothered me so much I had to unfollow them. Give me a break. At least he stood for good policy. Look at Biden who probably has way more indiscretions and illegal actions and yet it was hidden. UGH.

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It kill’s me when conservative friends don’t want Pres Trump to run again because of his tweets and how the media hates him. I always point out his accomplishments and that I care about results. They care about style, not results-- at the country’s peril.

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Trump is a compromised asset. He needs to step aside.

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I don’t agree. But am open to your alternative suggestions for a Presidential candidate who can win.

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Running Trump would guarantee a second Biden term.

desantis is reasonable and after realizing he stepped on his dick he went the other way.

I like the guy.

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Trump has his issues but he loves this country and is smarter than all of them. He understands warcraft.

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He created the clot shots and says they are effective and good. I don't think so.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I did not know Taiwan is covered up with Fauci’s biolabs. That sickens my heart. Seriously, we need to revoke the 16th Amendment, fire ALL of the 3-letter agencies and bureaucrats who are destroying the planet while being paid with Federal tax dollars. Let States care for their own citizens and business. Federal govt needs to be reined in and back to what our Constitution intended.

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Amen to everything you said Kim. And that is just the starting point. My God, 1,200 biolabs in Taiwan? Many linked to Hunter Biden-related entities that gave us the Great Plandemic? Anybody that doesn't have a big problem with this is either insane or a shill for the Biden Crime Syndicate.

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You still don't know. Fauci is pure evil filth but there's no reason to go bio lab quackery. Just say'in.

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Well, thanks to the Covid debacle, millions of us no longer trust anything.

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Yes, but not ever bio lab on the planet is incubating a Fauci gain-of-function virus. Paranoia will dee, destroy ya.

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We, the American people, DO NOT NEED "bio-labs" in other countries. The only reason the DoD has bio-labs in other countries is because they are hiding something we as Americans want nothing to do with. What does it take to learn this? Really?

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I hope you are right, Horsey.

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Oh there IS every reason, specifically 10 million dead worldwide and counting.

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Shroedinger's covid:

It's so deadly because it's a bio weapon but at the same time not worth lock downs, mandatory vaccinations, and mask mandates

It's a cold

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Covid didn't kill 10 million.

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So it’s not a bio weapon.

Well, okay.

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Let me spell it out for you since you seem to be challenged. The chimeric covid "virus" is not killing 10 million plus. The bio-weapon kill shot is producing those deaths that will continue into the indefinite future.

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You sure do trust your government. Wow.

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"EU President Von Der Layan’s presence at the same meeting suggests..."

Xi's very, very blatant snub suggests Von der Layen is an unwelcome, nobody party-crasher. 😆

"As his old boss used to say, never underestimate Joe’s ability to muck things up."

Er, Jeff, that's not quite how I remember the quote ... buck things up? tuck things up? duck things up? luck things up? suck things up?🤔

It's something line that...😁

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That lady is quite the tyrant for being an unelected official. We call her Hairspray Hitler.

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“They prove the Biden Administration is one of the LEAST transparent, most unethical and most undeserving U.S. administrations in history.”

We are, no doubt at all, morally bankrupt as a nation and reaping the consequences. Lord Almighty, have mercy on us.

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To think how proud my mom was of her country and its virtues until she saw the tactics of the democrats back in the Clinton era..That which really upset her: their lies and Saul Alinsky playbook tactics. Then around 9 years ago she saw how the entire country was changing and that the God fearing and believing nature of our nation, which she and I were so proud of to our European relatives was no longer evident.

She was a keen armchair researcher of world politics, on the internet (in her 80s!) and, a woman of great Christian faith and devotion, and right before she passed on to her heavenly home she said to my daughter to pray everyday for her newborn baby because she will be living in evil times.

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If I may interrupt war time news for a sec.

Fauci Meeting With Lucifer Takes an Unexpected Turn


Carry on.

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Thanks so much! I didn't know of your existence, went on to see what happened to dear little Jordon (have been wondering if he is still on this earth)

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Ive been wondering about him too.

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Hey E, That was pretty darn good.

Later Jay

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Good morning Jeffrey,

Praying God's Anointing and Blessings over you and yours! With everything that is going on, all the craziness, all the nastiness, the hatred, the division, the absolute just wrong way of doing life, I mean how we now look at this generation coming up behind us is living! Man's fall, "sin", it is what has gotten all of us who are alive in this hour, this moment, this minute, today! But GOD, it doesn't have to end like this, when we choose to believe in Jesus, accept Him into our hearts, ask forgiveness of our sinful nature, which is born in us, and is in us every day, we have a Redeemer, His Name is Jesus, we Just celebrated Easter with bunnies and colored eggs, but it is really about Jesus Christ, because only through Him can we make Heaven our home. Seriously look up Amir Tsarfati, awesome Author, his book, Has the Tribulation Began? Great book for believers, and for those needing answers. We are not promised our next breath here on earth, but if you ask Jesus into your heart and believe, really, truly believe that He is the Christ, and that He died for you, today like the thief on the cross, you can make Heaven your home. God's Power,Anointing, and Authority over you all.

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"Taiwan reportedly hosts over 1,200 biolabs, many linked to Hunter Biden-related entities — even more labs than Ukraine." ... will be interesting to see if any of these deep-state labs hatch the next Plandemic. Are there any cities in Taiwan that rhyme with Wuhan?

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1200 !!! ? It has become obvious that this was the major reason we got involved in Ukraine and NOW Taiwan ! Our DOD funded GAIN OF FUNCTION research has to STOP.

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Oh boy, now all China has to do to get you idiots abandoning allies is to claim bio labs somehwere.

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Ukraine is not an ally and never will be. They are nothing but a money laundering operation and a proxy war tool used by our corrupt government and deep state .

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Facts run counter to your statement, neocon.

Ukraine went to Afghanistan and Iraq to help the USA.

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Oh please, not the diarrhea one!

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Then you will *really* see a toilet paper shortage!!

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Heading to the store now . . .

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💩 😅

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There are bio labs in Russia and China too, are you on the first plane to fight China?

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There must be some Rumble-based hypnosis program being used. All you have to say is "bio labs" and the quackery program self-installs and runs automatically. It's uncanny, like a sequel to Jack London's "Call of the Wild" to a modern day, "Call of the Qtard." 😱🤣🐸

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Hersh is an avowed communist. Are you saying he's trustworthy when nothing he says can be verified?

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Hersh has previously written too many "spot-on" works to so simply discount this piece. I don't go for communistic leanings but, I think integrity transcends that gap. My friend, only time will tell.

Later Jay

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Not for a long time.

When you peruse his website it’s quite clear what side he has chosen and it’s not America.

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LOL right, no response. If there is anything that gets cued up automatically it is the neocon narrative.

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