Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Word on the street is that our honorable leader, Pedo Joe Bidet, is going to ditch the annual 9/11 memorial ceremony this year. So in honor of his absence:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the September 11, 2001 Official Story—The Series of Anti-Miracles that Irrevocably Changed the World:

● 9/11 was the day physics didn’t show up for work. Two planes managed to fell 3 skyscrapers

● 9/11 was the first and last time "office fires" were responsible for the disintegration of a steel framed skyscraper (WTC7)

● 9/11 was the day the BBC could see 23 minutes into the future, when they reported the demolition of said ^ skyscraper before it fell

● 9/11 was the reason the United States invaded 7 countries in the middle east, for no reason

● 9/11 was caused because our enemies hated our freedoms, so to solve this problem our freedoms were promptly stripped from us

● 9/11 was the day the Pentagon was hit by an invisible plane in the Army Budget Office which was missing 2.3 trillion dollars

● 9/11 was the day that a passport from one of the hijackers survived the wreckage of the fireball plane crash and landed unscathed on the ground a few blocks away—one of the biggest tragedies of all is that the planes and the buildings themselves were not made out of this indestructible material

● 9/11 was the day Ahriman decided to make his first televised public appearance in a BIG way

● 9/11 was the day the towers which spelled the number 11 were destroyed to later be replaced by the world's new idol—the syringe. 19 years after the destruction of said towers - on 3/11/2020 - the WHO declares the COVID scamdemic

● 9/11 was the day that 19 hijackers armed with box-cutters effortlessly caught the vast military and intelligence apparatus of the US off-guard because they happened to be running war game simulations of terrorists flying planes into skyscrapers at the exact same time the hijackers were actually doing it, and thus were rendered incapable of distinguishing fantasy from reality

● 911 was the day that objective reality threw in the towel, and the world was riven between those who believed their own eyes and those that let the government see for them

If for some unfathomable reason you don’t believe that these lies - which as predicted by PNAC handed the world to the US Government on a silver platter - are true, or if you somehow believe that the aforementioned outcome of this totally legit series of impossible events is against your best interest—your ass is going on a watch list. The American government loves you and would never lie to you and if you suspect otherwise you are a hazardous threat to freedom and justice everywhere.

All of the above is 100% true. References plus a lot more information here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/the-best-911-truth-video-you-will

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One of the hijackers was a CIA asset.

I used to utterly dismiss any discussion about my own country's complicity in 9-11. Now I am open to something akin to what happened in Pearl Harbor. We knew what was going to happen and we let it.

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I would probably never have considered US complicity had it not been for the events since 2020. Now it seems nothing is too evil for our government to be involved in. It's a sad conclusion, but a correct one, I believe.

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It was 2001 that awakened me. My son had started 15 years prior, in his early teens , to tell me of the evils that lurk in our own government, but I believed that our government was benevolent.

Then 911 happened.

That’s why, when Covid happened, I knew.

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I've thought my sister and her husband were way off the mark with 9/11. Then COVID happened.

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Literally two minutes before I saw your comment, I read a response to a comment I made on FB about the toxic, ineffective "vaccines." The stranger who commented is clearly ignorant of the millions of injured and dead. A few days before I posted a meme which read, "Mass noncompliance is the only way to end this." A friend asked, "End what?"

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a friend succinctly summed up whole mess in 2020 - its an iq test.

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It's not really about one's intelligence, but more like their level of consciousness. We're in the midst of armogeddon, a spiritual war that's being faught on all realms. It's serious business and some humans just are not mature enough to handle this experience so they will deal with the outcome at the level they are at.

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Me too, Anne. Now that I see the globally coordinated DeathVax Depopulation scheme, the USG involvement in 9/11 is painfully obvious

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Ditto. Or Mega dittos.

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I miss Rush. So. Much.

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insightful and funny!!! A real Pleasure to hear on the radio!

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I never listened to him - but so many of my buds did - so I know they are feeling the loss of his clarion call on so many political issues of the day--just as you are!

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I say it's correct too but not the full picture; I would never have considered *us* to be complicit either, but here we are.

It's a spiritual operation, and everything happening outside in the world is to distract you from going in to your own mind and figuring out its power, which is very significant. They use words. The casual use of US is 'us'. Corporate personhood on one level, body and spirit on another; the soul must tie them together.

If there is no internal peace, there can NEVER be any external peace.

"Look over here!"

"OMG look over there!" Seeing is everything, but not with the external eyes.

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I describe it in one word: satanic.

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Absolutely. From the pits of hell.

I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet.

It’s going to get a lot worse

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So does God. : ))

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I was always like wtf? How? But now I believe that whatever happened is not how the US described it at all.

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What IS how the US describes it? That is a shorter list. I think that is probably true for most countries, but it is particularly egregious to me that MY country is doing it and that a country that declares its benevolence and strength lies when no lie is better. For no reason. I hate that.

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Small shop owners of pawn shops and gold and silver coins, are having their bank accounts (and the accounts of family members) abruptly closed with no explanation!!

Digital currency and mark of the beast on the horizon? We need to pray daily! This is scary stuff!

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I've been through a grieving process. No more international mission trips; maybe no more travel at all at some point, in which case I won't be able to see my sons who are 20 hours away from me. The money we saved, which I probably found too much security in, may be taken at any time (especially after all the stuff I've posted on social media, but no regrets there.) Read the book of James. We have to stand together, be steadfast and endure, knowing that ultimately we are going to be fine. "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28

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I love this one and trust and believe it:

Jeremiah 29:11-29

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you," declares the Lord,

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Anne, word for word and then ending with the Bible verse, husband and I have had those same feelings and thoughts now for 3.5 years now. Maybe before then, but not as we are now. We as a society seem almost completely given over to wickedness. Soon, I pray, we will be out of the picture, the HS will set himself aside and God will have His reckoning.

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Can't wait for THAT. And...God never said this journey He has set us on would be easy. We can't tolerate sissies. Everybody's difficult times are different, speaking to each generation. This could be our hard time, and I have a feeling it will get way worse before it gets any better.

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Well! I must say ... that all of this stuff we are experiencing is quite sobering. And looking back, nothing is was led to believe up to the age of 30 was real. Nothing. It was all one giant orchestration in all facets of life.

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Well, I can say, and thank God for the country and the life I knew as a baby boomer child when evil was not as rampant, and society strived for Judeo-Christian ideals through the culture.

I fear for todays babies and small children.

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Including NASA. I believe NOTHING they have said or ARE saying. Not. One. Blasted. Thing.

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After 7 years of Crying and Researching about all of this demonic crap, I found out last night that all of the 60's Music groups I grew up with were be er them singing! A group called the Wrecking Crew were the Singers behind several groups that just popped up in Laurel Canyon in California. It was all CIA backed that was in a building that has just been exposed recently as the highest technology available at that time. Jim Morrison's Dad was in the Military and his Son never sang, never played a instrument in his life, and was given brand new instruments, but never knew how to sing or ever wrote a Song. I thought how could we not have known? Now we understand how!! Everything the CIA did was against us! 95% of any disaster had their hands all over it. All the Airline crashes, were all them! There could have been one person they wanted dead on that plane and that's it! But it's all over everyone, they have all been taken down! Do not Fear! We are at the end!!

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I feel the same way...I go to write a Stack, or a particularly telling comment somewhere else (always Substack or Epoch Times) and I wonder if I should really write that? Then I hit myself!! They are making me self-censor and it just pisses me off. Everyone has a right to an opinion, and, if I get hauled off, I will be yelling to all who would listen that "I TOLD YOU!!!". So, piss on 'em. Have stuff that is barter worthy and live your life boldly. Fear has no place here. (I mean in our heads and in our life)

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Love the book James... Excellent Matthew verse and TRUE!

We are trying to get concrete assets instead of savings.

100 years ago after the so called Spanish Flu, we had the Depression.

History repeats...

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EXACTLY!! We who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are already being held up for scorn and ridicule - look at the young American tennis player at the U S Open the other day--she bowed her head in prayer to her Creator God and now is being ridiculed by the Godless media for doing so!! It's just beginning, Anne.

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Start preparing.

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Maybe that is why many of the things that happen are labeled classified for 70 or more years, like the JFK assassination. By the time they declassify things the matter is no longer relevant. In the "wise" words of Hilary Clinton "What difference does it now make?"

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I think they wait that long so that the majority of the people who lived through it are dead of old age. Could you imagine if the government announced to the public in the late 40s/50s that they knew about Pearl Harbor ahead of time? Now nearly all involved in WWII have passed on.

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Peter, I would prefer to say in the “evil” words of Hilliar Clinton....

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Well! Nobody wants to think that the 'government' was involved. Not me ... not anybody. However, the whole thing of 911 looked really phony as to the 'official' report. And in fact, the Warren Report and the Nist Report might as well be kissing cousins.

In any event, there is a learning curve with all of this nefarious stuff. And now, I know that the Cabal is using the alleged US government as a front for waging an all out 4th or 5th generation war on the Western World and the planet at large. It is a war to gain total totalitarian world dominance. 'They' will fail. But look at the cost to us already and with more demonic crap yet to come.

(Absolutely astonishing and unbelievable and yet the thumb and footprints are everywhere.)

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When Bush said that J6 was worse than 9/11 the jig was up. Satanic evil vile monster.

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Whole Bush family ... BAD.

Total Evil and an Enemy of the People.

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Not sure the Bushies are total evil. But my opinion of them has sure lowered over the past few years. Thought I read in a couple of reliable places that W is somehow involved in the attempted takedown of Ken Paxton.

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Not verified but I saw that Bush Sr's dad may have come here via Project Paperclip under the name Scherf changed to Bush. It is just my recollection, but I think it is very possible.

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Same here. I still don’t know. If true,stimulating patriotism would seem an undesirable outcome. But, considering my odd mental gymnastics to not pursue the credible data out of San Diego flight training that Muslim men were asking to be trained to fly but not land, and no one bothered to question it???

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If there were any planes at all. They have the tech for that. It was a demolition. How did they both fall straight down? Not without demo and there is evidence of that...

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Over 3000 architects & engineers believe it was a intentional demolition. Please go to https://www.ae911truth.org/ for the truth.

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After what our government did to us during Covid, I'm willing to consider anything, but I watched the plane hit the 2nd tower.

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You were there? They have the technology to project anything in the sky and make it look real. I can't remember what it is called or I would give you a link to see.

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Same training in FL. 😡

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I was with you; my sister and her husband were ahead of me on that and I thought they were off base. I'm not convinced that "we knew it was going to happen and let it." I'm beginning to think we had a hand in it. I watched a documentary about OKC bombing that really made me stop and question all the bad stuff that's happened to our country since I was born (and before). When you realize the Communists have been deep in our government since at least 1920, they've captured education and used NGOs to control corporations, it colors all these events with a different hue.

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We should all apologize to Senator Joe McCarthy. He tried to raise the alarm and root the commies out and was smeared and ruined for his efforts. Now we know that's exactly how they try to handle any threats to their agenda.

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And now President Trump is under a full scale smearing and destroying attack from the Communists. How are political leaders responding? How is the average Joe responding? The people are making it clear who they trust with huge support in the polls.

It’s disgraceful, the silence of the politicians.

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Ive always said "anyone who is not standing against the pedophiles, is for it"!!

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ahhh, what did he know, he was just another republican (to be read with sarcasm)

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Yep, McCarthy was stopped short of winning. Our “leaders” have a knack for that. Patton was relieved of command for saying we should take Moscow instead of stopping in Berlin. We couldn’t cross the 38th parallel in Korea or bomb the Chinese sources of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. We abandoned the Cubans and Afghan people. God forgive us for all the human beings we gave up to murderous regimes. We’ve invited His judgment on ourselves. I hate conflict and don’t love Trump, but I’d like to get tired of winning for a change. If we’re not willing to fight to the death, we’ll die surrendering.

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Check out Whitney Webb’s “The United States Under Blackmail” for fully documented history of the corruption now evident.

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I just recently found WW and haven't dug much into what she puts out. I know her son has been very sick, so she hasn't been very active. I've been praying for him. At some point, I'm going to go through her stuff and inform myself.

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I didn’t know WW’s son was sick. How did you learn and is it serious? She’s amazing. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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I follow her on Telegram (t.me/unlimitedhangout) and she's been posting about him. He's been in the hospital for months and just had his most recent surgery August 28. I'm not sure what the issue is though.

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We have met the enemy and it is us.

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Walt Kelly. Pogo. My dad was a fan and introduced me. As a kid I didn't quite get the social commentary but it is in full bloom. For after coffee, leisure time:

https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Pogo-by-Walt-Kelly-The-Complete-Syndicated-Comic-Strips --

A minor nitpick: We have met the enemy and _he_ is us. Yes, yes indeed he is. --

But mostly limited to a few cancerous cells. The majority of 8 billion are not cancerous. Once this ~8 B innate "immune system" kicks into high gear the cancer doesn't stand a chance. Folks in the C&C neighborhood are the awakening "immune system". I've no doubt that the same is happening around the world. Our consciousness is raised. That's what's spreading now. The cancer's attempts to push its way into every aspect of our existence are riddled with miscues, heavy-handed in its desperation. It won't work. So Kelly's correctly labeled enemy is only a small fraction of us. --

I consider that small things, like prayer, ripple and give energy to other things, and the ripple effect is renewed again and again, affecting even surrounding minds and hearts that have no idea about the bigger picture ("cells" in the physiology analogy). Everything is energy, even matter. Even thoughts and prayers. I'm not likely to run for any office. But my and your ripples and ripples from hundreds and thousands of us will give juuust enough energy to the few who are ready to do so. And etc. with other actions set in motion. --

Tangent. --

2¢ too much maybe.

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Heterodox: "Our consciousness is raised. That's what's spreading now. " You got it. That is the point, not just continuing to hate and condemn. Instead, to focus on saving the good and building the new.

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It's shocking. I really don't want to believe it.

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The Vegas shootout was the about the Saudi King was in that Hotel. Deep state tried to take him out.

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Wow! I have often run across the doubts/questions about what that was all about and have never seen this information. Any tips on sourcing?

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I think I saw that. Did it have an interview with a black woman who had her grandchild in the nursery? If so... compelling. There is another out there talking about (among many things) the killing of JFK. It involved a meeting I think it TX with George HW Bush there and some very rich men planning it out. It was really good too. I read a book about Leon Trotsky a while back and it had some interesting tidbits about his life in America with our own vibrant Marxist community in NY. Why it has taken me so long to sort it, I will never know. Maybe it is because I dearly love my country and everything she was built on and used to stand for (which I still do). Sigh. God bless the poor innocents that died on 9-11. I wish, so many years later that the grift was not still on by some of the people.

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That was the one.

Do you have the name of the JFK documentary or the Leon Trotsky book? I'd be interested in going down those rabbit holes...

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Might be From JFK to 9-11 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick

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Keep digging...

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Too many are in a mental stupor as the NWO and Great Reset slowly surround us. It began with subtlety, and it’s too outrageous to imagine, so we do our best to ignore it, like Jewish families placidly boarding trains to Auschwitz.

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GG, where could one find the OKC documentary?

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It's called "A Noble Lie" and it was on Freevee, I think. I'm not saying I'm buying what they're selling, but I'm asking questions because of what they say. And really, we should all be asking questions all the time. It's weird that we don't ask questions anymore.

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Yep. That's the one single thing the 1960s anarchists got correct: Question authority, always.

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Agree completely.

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On The Twitter X: "I will leave you with this thought: Don't stop talking. And don't stop thinking. And don't for God's sake, stop arguing. No people, no race, no country and no civilization ever died from too much talk, too much divided opinion."

Rod Serling, 1971

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I have a teenager who has told me we should just keep our thoughts to ourselves because opinions are offensive. To be raised in my home and say a thing like that! Maybe a body snatcher switched my child? 🤔 I just keep trying to reinforce that opinions, offensive as they may be, really have no power without action behind them and the only way to combat bad ideas is through dialog. I don't think the left is interested in dialog though.

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That's the one. It might also be available on Amazon prime video.

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GG, good point! Maybe the reason some folks don't ask questions is because they are convinced they already know the answers.

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That has always been my thought : (

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I’m actually think we set it up. Just like the fbi does all the time.

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And let’s not forget the CIA!

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I used to dismiss it as well....I always thought it was amazing that we knew who the hijackers were, given that all perished but that’s as far as I ever let myself go. Now, I question all of it.

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Where do you get that “we”? I had nothing to do with it.

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Actually, ‘WE’ were apathetic, complacent and uninformed/under informed. We allowed our representatives to get away with passing awful bills.

And until we admit our guilt our family’s and our nation’s guilt, and repent before the Most High, we will continue down this path.

2 Chronicles 7:14 and

“If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”

But He will not heal our land until we admit that WE, HIS people are guilty.

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Your collectivist mindset via buying into collective guilt precludes you from clearly seeing the reality that representative government is a fairy tale used to lull the masses into compliance with the diktats of our overlords. The only representation going on is of the global corporate interests and the political elites. It is poor thinking to even consider a person sitting in DC who knows nothing about you and cares even less is representing your interests when you are one of millions ostensibly represented.

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Yup. In DC, they work for the corporation. See the Act of 1871. In case you're interested, nothing the corporation does (laws, executive orders, judicial decisions) has any jurisdiction outside the 10 square miles of land that is DC and US territories. Very few realize this. Do they have a great PR machine or what? We are a hoodwinked bunch. No, you do not have a federal income tax liability. You will be amazed at the level of hoodwinkery when it finally comes out. I might be dead by then. In the meantime, I highly recommend rabbit holes wherever you can find them. Always, always apply discernment. 2¢. A total of 4¢ today since I threw in elsewhere. Closing in on overdrawn...

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"We," as in, the people we have put into office by our votes, our donations, and the labor of our brows; the people we have allowed to destroy our rights in the name of "safety" with nary an objection. WE have done this. WE have allowed it. If we're going to make it right, it's WE who will have to do it, because we certainly can't rely on the mendacious monsters we put in power.

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We as Americans. Unless of course you are not American, then the comment doesn't apply to you. Even if you are a avowed anarchist, you are still we unless you escape from your Alcatraz. Sheesh.

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‘She’ is so smaarrrtttt.......

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Mohammad Atta was Mossad

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As were the "Dancing Israelis" who were set up to film the buildings collapse.

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Was he one of the five Saudis that were involved but found alive and well in Saudi Arabia later?

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Good question. I think he died. I will check later. Godda go make some muscle.

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"plane must hit steel"

I couldn't fathom why our gov would be involved in 911 but too many coincidences...

My husband was watching Netflix fake 911 documentary and it showed Bush in the classroom where they were spelling "plane must hit steel" but you only heard plane must, so I found the video and he was surprised. He thought I was crazy when I told him years ago that it was an inside job.



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you're getting warmer. utterly planned and carried out by US gov. actors. or do you prefer to believe entire military complex is this inept?

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And let’s not forget the plane that disappeared into the ground in Pennsylvania.

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And the Pentagon to

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Our family lost a good friend at the Pentagon, retired Col. Ron Golinski. He was a lover of golf and a great friend. My dad, one of Ron’s good friends, has been in contact with his widowed wife and family and they grieve to this day. Maybe the Pentagon’s budget office was targeted but make no mistake, people died at the Pentagon that day. May we never forget!!!

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Three thousand people murdered to further TPTB's agendas and hide damning evidence? Twenty years ago I would have said that was bullshyt. Five years ago I had learned enough to feel pretty certain it was true.

Today, looking at the bioweapons deployed against humanity, at the pedophilic predators in high places, at Biden's unburned Corvette, at the J6 folks rotting in federal detention, at the enhanced Zapruder film ... I am beyond convinced.

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He mentioned that above

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Leaving no body parts in sight.

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Where are all of the 64 passengers that were on flight 77? So you are an expert on planes hitting a fortified building at 530 mph? Stop spouting your b.s.

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Can you show us evidence of seats, bodies, or two 10,000 lb jet engines at the Pentagon?

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We know someone who died there and they did get DNA parts back. Don’t take that road...take the road that these innocents on the planes and in the buildings were murdered.

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How can they get DNA information if the aircraft vaporized on impact? The entire story is a fabrication. No plane hit the Pentagon.

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Uh, I saw photos with pieces of the engine (and undercarriage) clearly visible. They were clearly recognizable as parts of the same type of engine that I've worked on in the past.

IMO, theories that "the whole thing was fake" or "it was actually a missile" are actually MORE implausible than theories that it really was an airplane. Up to you whether you want to theorize that CIA was behind it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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There should have been two 10,000 lb Pratt & Whitney or GE engines found in the wreckage. They showed pictures of a small rotor that did not match. They could not produce a single serial numbered part that matched any of the planes alleged to have been used on 9/11.

Mossad, CIA, and many Zionist leaders in the US Government that had dual US/ Israeli citizenship organized 9/11. BeBe remarked that 9/11 was a good thing for Israel. That is because it was to be used as pretext to draw the US into many wars in the ME.

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And the passengers...

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My friends husband died on that plane. 🙏

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COVID allowed me to be open to considering the so-called conspiracy theories about 9/11.

Before a comment on this very Substack a couple of years ago, I never knew about Tower 7.

And I realized then that if the government was willing to kill thousands of people by withholding effective anti-viral treatments and instituting murderous hospital protocols, then killing a few thousand people in those towers was a mere inconvenience for them. A drop in the bucket.

And now I can no longer show our kiddo the 9/11 animated video that describes the traditional narrative. And the kiddo isn’t quite old enough that I wish to divulge the horrible truth. Although they do know the truth about the last three years.

I appreciate Jeff’s remembrance of those who died. Including Tower 7.

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Copernicus, can you fill me in on Tower 7? I admit to a certain reluctance in probing the tragedy of 9/11 too much because I fear the massive implications of delving too deep, but the basics about this would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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Hopefully some other folks will have links. But basically, it was a third building that was not hit by planes and was several buildings (?) over (not immediately adjacent to the twin towers) and yet later in the day it collapsed in free fall right into its own footprint. Pancake style, like the other buildings. Allegedly because of an office fire in one corner of the building.

Basically, you now know how the gov slaughtered thousands of our fellow countrymen during COVID, right? Even prior to the damnable injections. So, what is a few thousand lives on 9/11. To them, nothing.

I used to think that our gov would NEVER on purpose kill its own citizens. Now, well, now we know they actually will and have.

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I was one of the underwriters who underwrote the rebuilding of the WTC and Freedom Tower.

One thing I kept hearing around that time was about Bldg 7 being rebuilt. Lots of people were ‘happy’ it was being moved and that it was so much better from where it was originally built. Where it was originally built created a bottle neck. So, taking it down and rebuilding made it ‘easier’ for them.

I’ve always thought about that. How odd it was to hear that from so many people. 🤔

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Yes, once I wrapped my head around the fact that our government has done some incredibly wicked things like openly denying cheap, safe and lifesaving treatment in early COVID I realized there was no limit on their inhumanity and I was forced to rethink every narrative over my lifetime. Curiously, my mother always said Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor though.

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I read about that the other day. We absolutely knew about Pearl Harbor in advance and allowed it to happen because they knew it would convince Americans we needed to join the war.

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See the May 2001 book by Stinnett, written a few years after the National Archives released some long classified WW2 documents such as the POW rosters for US POWs captured on Guam in December 1941, including Navy's radio direction finding operators on Guam who'd tracked Japanese naval ship and aircraft movements secretly for many weeks before the Japanese attacked Guam. Once a day Japanese reconnaissance flyovers of Guam to several times a day before the attacks arrived staged from Saipan.

When our POWs got home from Japan after the war, all were told by the FBI never to talk about anything from WW2 or they be thrown in jail for violating secrecy laws. But, by the time their POW rosters were declassified showing were they'd slaved forJapanese companies most were already dead.


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Also Hiroshima was a lie! There were still buildings standing after that Bomb!

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Murder defines the history of the crime syndicate, a.k.a. the stink hole in D.C.

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So, years ago I read the official report, so for anyone reading: the official reason is that building 7 was struck by debris from the two towers' collapse, causing structural damage, which eventually led to collapse. The report includes photos showing the building sagging in the hours before it fell, so it seems that at least the claim of structural damage has some truth to it. (I haven't followed all the theories about it, though, so I can't respond to whether there's "more to it" than that.)

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WTC 7 collapsed in free fall for over 2 seconds.

This is impossible. Also, look at a site map of the WTC complex,

and tell me how debris from WTC 1 damaged WTC 7, if it was a gravitational collapse. While you're at it, please explain the two large circular holes in WTC 6 that went from the roofline to the basements. And also why all of the gold had been removed from a vault in the WTC 6 basement.

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I'm not sure what you're getting at regarding the debris. WTC 1 fell; some of the debris struct 7 and damaged it and started fires. (Also, I re-checked the report and they attribute the collapse to the fires rather than the debris damage).

NIST's account regarding the fall of building 7 is that the core structure of the building collapsed and then the outer facade fell a few seconds later, for part of the fall it was at free-fall speed but the start and end were slower. Quote:

"The analyses of the video ... revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).

Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)

Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity


During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above."

From here: https://www.nist.gov/pao/questions-and-answers-about-nist-wtc-7-investigation

I'm not a structural engineer so I can't analyse the specifics; however, nothing in there is obviously implausible and they give every indication of having seriously considered the factors involved.

I don't know anything about WTC 6. What's the significance of holes, other than it was hit by something falling? Missing gold could be a coincidence, or it could be a sign of someone who knew sh!# was going down ahead of time - would need more info to draw a conclusion on it.

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Who had gold in the basement of WTC 6?

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Over 3000 architects & engineers have clear evidence that this was a controlled demolition. Go to https://www.ae911truth.org/ for the truth.

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And BBC reporter Jane Standley on a live feed with the U.K. announced the collapse of the Solomon Brothers building (a.k.a. Building 7, a.k.a. WTC 7) about 20 minutes before it blew up/was demo'd. She stands in front of window with a view to Lower Manhattan. Right over her shoulder, you can see Building 7 -- as she is reporting on its collapse! Then the live feed breaks, BBC does not return to Jane, their copy of the "tape" they lost, and this absurdity goes down the memory hole.


At about the 1:35 minute mark, the guy in the U.K. asks about the few people left in the building "before it collapsed." It hadn't. Looking at Standley, WTC7 is to her right over her shoulder. Just standing there. No visible fires or smoke. After the break in the feed -- about 20 minutes later -- WTC 7 went down into its footprint in about 6.7 seconds -- all 47 stories.

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It wasn’t hit but it collapsed in free fall just like the big ones. Buildings shouldn’t collapse at free fall speed, let alone one undamaged.

Also, multiple news networks jumped the gun and announced the collapse before it happened.

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Controlled demolition

Building contain records they wanted distorted

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After the two towers fell, it caused building 7 to fail later in the day. People who don't understand engineering believe it fell on purpose but that has been easily debunked like all of 9/11 conspiracies.

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People who are engineers- real engineers don’t think that the planes could have taken down the towers. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth have been pressuring the government to reopen the investigation because they KNOW that those planes could not have brought down the the twin towers, much less building 7. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth commissioned University of Alaska- Fairbanks to run tests to see if there was any way that jet fuel could have caused the collapse. After a 5 year investigation the conclusion was that there no way the planes could have caused the collapse of the twin towers. Nothing has been debunked.

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There's also the problem that aluminum aircraft don't go through reinforced steel buildings like a hot knife through butter. At a minimum the most of the wings should have sheared off those planes and landed on the streets. So we have two possibilities: either the videos were all faked, or what people were seeing wasn't real, most likely holograms. I think holograms are far more likely.

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Like the "real Scientist Dr Fauci" saying he knows how to fight covid

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The documentary Seven about this issue is available online for streaming. I found it very interesting, a group of engineers investigating the collapse of building Seven.

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No, real engineers do not support bogus conspiracy hypotheisis. Exactly how do these "engineers" know that the a 175 thousand pound plane flying at 440 mph couldn't take a tower down?

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James - please go educate yourself on the literal THOUSANDS of pages of evidence assembled by engineers and architects demonstrating that the collapse of WTC1 and 2 and Building 7 were impossible (at the speed and total destruction/pulverization observed on camera and on site afterward) without 1) defying the laws of physics, or 2) using military grade explosives in a carefully orchestrated demolition.

Until then, you are spouting off at the mouth like an average troll.

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You can see the aftermath of the alleged collision in photos and videos.

There are intact perimeter columns where an airplane wing was supposed to have passed through. The airplane shaped hole is primarily in the aluminum cladding on the building's exterior.

There were people seen standing in the impact hole, and they were not being incinerated by any raging inferno.

Also, the plane could not be flown in control at an airspeed of 440 mph at near sea level. The damage from the alleged collision was asymmetrical and could not have resulted in a straight down collapse at near free fall.

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Tell us how the airplane wings could have cut through steel......they are not that strong.

You’re either deluded, a bot or a leftist.

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Frank De Martini, Construction Project Manager... WTC 1 & 2 designed to resist jetliner impacts.


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How did scattered fires on a few floors cause a building to collapse in free fall?

Can you explain how WTC 7 was structurally compromised by the collapsing WTC 1? In a gravitational collapse there is no energetic force available to eject heavy debris hundreds of feet laterally. https://ine.uaf.edu/projects/wtc7/

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It's all right here for you to do your own reading.


Of course, you will deny everything like a good conspiracy believer. I can not stop you from believing in uicorns.

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NIST does not answer any of the questions.

Their collapse initiation sequence cannot be supported

by physics. They cannot explain the free fall that has been measured and documented in the collapse of WTC 7.

Their computer model of the WTC 7 does not resemble the video of the collapse. An extensive computer model study done by UAF showed that NIST's version of the collapse is a complete fabrication.

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Mr Quinn, have you ever investigated the "Dancing Israelis?" How did anyone know in advance that the buildings would fall? Because these 5 men claimed to police that they were there to 'document the event.' Did engineers expect the buildings to fall?

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IMO NIST is sufficiently plausible that I would want to see stronger evidence before I accept a "demolition theory".

As I noted below, that still doesn't rule out a theory of "government conspired with the hijackers, or knew about it and didn't stop them". The two aspects are largely independent; I'm only arguing that (to me, at least) the evidence seems "good enough" to believe that the plane crashes could have caused the collapses.

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Check out Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth https://www0.ae911truth.org/

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Tower 7 was a major red pill for me too and I only knew about it because my kids mentioned it years ago.

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As if that weren't enough, the owners of the WTC were paid twice from the insurance: there were two incidents (two planes), thus double the payout!

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Two planes, one limit, 2 trials.

Silverstein tried to claim this was TWO events and not one. It came down to policy wording.

A fraction of reinsurance companies had to pay twice.

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Thanks for the clarification, I knew there was an issue

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I'm right here. With you. 💔❤️‍🩹❤️ we remember, the loss is still great, but I'll never plunk my kids down with the "bad men from another country hurt us" story. Ever. Again.

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It's not just building 7. Building 6 (the customs house) had a HUGE hole blown out of the middle, and there was little or no debris left. Most of building 4 disappeared. Building 3 (the Marriot) almost completely disappeared, also leaving almost no rubble behind. Building 5 was also partly gone. And lets not forget - towers 1 and 2 were 99%+ turned to dust. No collapse or demolition would do that. There should have been 11 or 12 story high piles of rubble.

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I have no grasp of the engineering, but my main question is motive. If they US did 9/11 to attack Iraq, then why did they blame bin Laden without making any connection to Iraq at all beyond an obviously made-up one they didn’t even pretend was real? (Or was Iraq not the motive?)

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No, they just paraded General Colin Powell who showed us where EXACTLY Iraq was keeping their nuclear bombs. Btw, were those ever recovered???

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No, they weren’t.

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So we waged war on false pretences?

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Hmm aren’t all pretenses false? Therefore false pretenses are true

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We were sold out. The CIA & FBI were in on along with our own WH to make sure the ‘Patriot Act’ was put in place so we’d be more compliant for a New World Order.

I lost many, many friends and acquaintances that day. It was devastating. But I bet no NYPD or FDNY worker 22 years later would dare go work ‘on the pile’ again. That type of courage and compassion for their fellow cop or firefighter doesn’t exist. Thank you Covid-19. 🤬

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Shortly after 9/11 I spoke and signed books at a fundraising event in NY for the families of the fallen fire fighters (one of my books is about the USLSS, similar heroic men). The fire fighters who had worked "on the pile" and survived were there with their families. A little girl and her father came through my signing line and handed me their book. I looked up at the little girl and wondered out loud, "Let's see, what should I write?" meaning, what inscription should I add. She looked at me with serious eyes and said, "How about 'Be careful.'"

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The PATRIOT Act had to be dusted off before it was passed without being read.

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Joe Biden claims he wrote it:

https://bitchute.com/video/QiaoVCW84E8Z [1min]

In order to get elected, the Obama administration was the one crying crocodile tears about how it destroyed our liberty. Politics in America: two wings, same vulture feasting on the death of the constitution.

Politics and pro wrestling are indistinguishable. Once the show's over both the "good guys" and the "bad guys" get on the same bus and go to the next town.

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I hope you don't mind if I steal and meme this: Politics and pro wrestling are indistinguishable. Once the show's over both the "good guys" and the "bad guys" get on the same bus and go to the next town.

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Please do, it's a powerful juxtaposition that helps hammer cracks in cognitive dissonance, just don't quote me Barbls - it's an age old adage =)

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Please share your meme!!!

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It's a jpeg. I don't think that works here. But go make your own and share them widely!


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He probably helped, like everyone else who was involved in Congress at the time that it was completed and shelved, waiting for the new Pearl Harbor to pull it off the shelf and pass it while passions were inflamed.

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What is the next town after Washington D.C.?

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The Hague, if there's any justice.

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If that is your last hope, you may as well commit suicide.

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agree, but I thought Pelosi said that for Obamacare

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I don't know what Pelosi said about Obamacare because Substack failed, in three tries, to return to the thread.

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in 2010 just after saying, "It's going to be very, very exciting," Pelosi gaffed, telling the local elected officials assembled that Congress "[has] to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it, away from the fog of controversy."

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An awful lot of those first responders now have cancer, or already died from it. All under a gag order BTW from HHS Khazarian Michael Chertoff . he gave us those super invasive security airport scanners. Not just ordered them in. He owned the company. Great work if you can get it.

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The naked body scanners were the nail in the coffin for me flying. I am not ok with it. But, with the 'virus' nonsense, that was the second nail, plus the third was pilots having heart attacks/other issues WHILE FLYING. No. No way on another plane, ever. This is why I own a car. I'm glad I am too old to really travel much and am glad I was able to before all this nonsense happened.

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Agreed, unfortunately that plays right into the WEF/WHO plans to drastically limit travel of all kinds, from international to local within cities. Climate Change you know...

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Ditto for me. Stopped flying when the TSA was foisted on us. And now that ECG abnormalities that indicate a predisposition to arrhythmia and sudden death have been quietly accepted by FAA flight examiners I have lost any interest in flying.

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Hate to break it to you, if it your fate to die from a plane crash the plane can just as easily find you on the ground

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Love this--Appointment in Samara!

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I'm not concerned about dying in a plane crash, but rather I dislike the invasion of privacy, the lunacy of jabs, and pilots having issues in the air more than fear of flying. Only the last one in that list would kill me, but I find the first two distasteful enough to never fly again. But I suppose you are right, if it is my time to go, then it will happen regardless. I'm not wanting to die, of course, but realize where I go after this world is no place I am afraid of. :)

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I stand corrected... just that my SIL is scared of flying because as he says "it seems contrary to physics"

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sort of like politicians and Pfizer?

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But...but...but Bush said not to believe in conspiracy theories.


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And wasn't it so sweet that the he was reading to school children when he learned of the "attack"?

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One of the first things that made me suspect was the fact that Bush was “informed” of the attack on Air Force One, BEFORE the plane landed in Florida. All for show. The sense of betrayal still runs deep.

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You really want your mind blown Alice, give this a watch:

https://bitchute.com/video/fqKw2e0oDU3c [1:27min]

Debunkers argue that the kids are actually saying something different, so take it with a grain of salt.

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Just wow!

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That looks fake to me! The mouth movements. If some things can be manipulated, e v e r y t h I n g can be manipulated.

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and with AI coming soon, you ain't seen nothing yet

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Conveniently has a solid alibi...

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And that the book was upside down!!

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...and war criminal.

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A criminal, yep -

As far as I am concerned - same as his father.

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Bush wasn't even their real last name! His grandpa was adopted and became a Bush! They were all Nazi's!! From Germany. Go research Operation Paperclip!

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And he was right.

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Are you the kettle or the pot?

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I don’t actually think you’re curious, but on the off chance that you are and want to see what the other side is saying, this post has a lot of links.


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No. We must remember and honor those that lost their lives on 9/11. The assertion that "9/11 was the day the Pentagon was hit by an invisible plane in the Army Budget Office which was missing 2.3 trillion dollars" is false. The Pentagon was hit by a clearly visible passenger plane and it hit Navy spaces. 1) A friend of mine, who worked for the Navy, was in the Pentagon parking lot, leaving his office for a dentist appointment and watched as the plane passed by into the Navy Spaceswhere his office was located and where he had just been. 2) My former boss was a first responder and still suffers from the trauma of entering a conference room full of casualties still seated where they had been when the plane hit. 3) A Secret Service friend, who was in the bunker with the VP, later shared that the pilot of the C-130 on station over the Mall (The nearest fighters were incoming from Langley AFB in Hampton, VA) with orders to hit the incoming plane stated that the pilot turned the plane "like a fighter pilot" upon sighting the C-130 and flew to what was likely the secondary target, the Pentagon. The pilot was clearly well trained. 4) A co-worker and his wife were on the passenger plane, traveling to Australia on a dream vacation. They never made it to their destination. A passenger plane did hit the Pentagon. It was in Navy spaces. Real people lost their lives. I can't comment on the US Army's missing $2.3T one way or another.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

We can honor the dead while still asking questions.

For far too long people have been shamed into believing the official narrative with a guilt trip that any questioning "dishonors the dead". No more.

Edit: There's nothing wrong with arguing your points as to why Tritorch is wrong. However, you started your comment by declaring the subject off limits with the implication that anyone who rejects your premise is dishonoring the dead. That type of emotional manipulation doesn't work anymore around here. Were allowed to think for ourselves.

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I think it's important to question things that don't make sense, and I agree that questioning does not dishonor the dead.

I can imagine where I and many others would be had I not questioned the scamdemic. Potentially fine, potentially 6 feet under from a stroke, heart attack, etc.

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It was never my intent to place the topic off limits or imply anything negative about Tritorch. I apologize for that. My intent was to provide my own summary evidence that the plane was real and that it impacted a Navy area of the Pentagon. There are certainly answerable questions to be found that differ from the USG narrative (I have my own) and it is a good thing to pursue them.

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I realized we were being gaslighted on 9/11 when no pictures from Shanksville crash site were being released showing the aftermath of the alleged crash. Ditto with the Pentagon demolition and no vids of the aircraft.

Fast forward to 2020 and you can smell the gaslighting from here.

The whole thing is a massive global conspiracy fact.

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I appreciate your sentiments and agree we must honor the 9/11 victims. But while I wish it weren't true, no plane hit the pentagon, and whatever did hit it hit the army budget office. This truth has been scrubbed from the web. I had to use the wayback machine to find it.

No plane hit the pentagon:


Whatever did hit it, hit the army budget office according to Pete Hogue who was in the offices above:


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Building 7 held (I understand) all the records on the Enron conspiracy / fraud / trials.

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I found these two links about a month ago and got disgusted. I wanted to know your thoughts. 🙂



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That 1st link isn't available anymore. On either of the "here" places. But that 2nd one is a flipping doozy! Holy crap! The Israeli's had that sewed up tighter than a freaking Ship! Just like the CDC was with Covid!! I heard a lot more were killed on 9/11. I've heard so much about the Kzarian Jews, and here they all were!! That Mafia was so hard for us to take down. But the very stem of that weed is gone!! It wasn't going to be over until it was!! Now, I really understand why? Thank you so much!

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I too honor those who died and am not wanting to start an argument, but can someone please explain why none of the plane itself was found at the pentagon or in the area? Metal don't disintegrate. Parts had to be all over the place. I just have a problem with that one, something had to be there.

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One, they did find part and two, please calculate the energy made by a 127 thousand pound object flying at 530 mph makes when it hits a fortified structure. Now, tell me the melting temperature of aluminum.

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Where is it?

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Where is what? The plane? Aluminum planes disintegrate at over 500 MPH and hitting a fortified structure.

This contains everything you should need to know. With pictures of debris.


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...navy.mil... they will tell the truth. Always. The government never lies. Trust the experts. Got it. This "research" comes from the DoD "the official Department of Defense history of the attack on the Pentagon on 11 September 2001". The same characters that gave us the pandemic. The world turns on a power axis of illusion and malevolent actors. I think most of us understand how easy it is to alter video, images, etc... Believe what you will. You can call me an idiot if that makes you feel better but it only serves to make your assertions less respectable. A massive Boeing passenger plane can not be maneuvered like a "fighter jet". Skyscrapers do not collapse in a controlled free fall inside its footprint unless it is a controlled demolition. You don't need to be an expert in physics or any other discipline to identify the areas of inconsistency wrapped up in this epic tragedy.

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Thank you, I will check that out.

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Where can we find the results of the NTSB investigation, that would typically examine every nut and bolt and piece together the events leading to a crash and the results of the crash.

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I posted this earlier. It has everything you should need to know and has pictures.


So I've asked several "truthers" here and no one has answered this very simple question. Where are the 64 passengers from flight 77 hiding? Where are all the family and freinds of these 64 people demanding they return them? Did they board the plane? Were they taken off right before it pulled from the gate? Where's all the airport employees talking about the day they removed 64 people from a plane into vans? Yeah, makes more sense than the plane hitting the Pentagon.

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Mr Quinn, that terrible feeling in your gut has a name, it's called Cognitive Dissonance. We all feel it whenever our core beliefs are challenged. This is the point where you have to make a choice. Do you really want to know the truth? Even if it means you have always believed a lie? It takes a lot of strength to put yourself through this. It's OK to say that you don't understand.

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My best guess is that the passengers and crew are "hiding" in the plane at the bottom of the Atlantic, about 100 miles offshore. I don't know why so many people harp on the "where are the planes?" question. Disposing of them would be a piece of cake compared to several other actions of the day. Such as appearing to make 2 aluminum planes go through reinforced steel building like a hot knife through butter, and appear to make 2 others vanish with barely a trace or a hole large enough for them to disappear into.

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Thank you - I'll check into the link you shared. I am always into gaining new information to make decisions by.

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You're welcome. It is ok to have a healthy scepticism, but 9/11 truthers ignore the facts. The sad part is, is that there is a discussion to be had about why it happened or caused people to want to do this to us. This is a much higher level discussion about our politics/policies and foreign affairs.

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Same. I also cannot comprehend how an airplane traveling 500 mph didn’t come out the other side of the buildings. Admittedly, physics is not in realm of knowledge on this issue.

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So, aircraft are made of aluminum. It's strong, but not THAT strong. You can find videos of crash tests on planes where they fly a jumbo jet into a brick wall, and you can see it basically disintegrates in a fireball. A building made of steel and concrete is going to be equally strong - stronger than the plane - so the plane breaks apart into chunks of flying shrapnel that spread out into the building and eventually come to a stop.

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Thank you for that explanation. I always assumed that the speed of the plane would cause some parts to keep going out the other side, not understanding what the plane was made of would prevent that.

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A real plane hit the pentagon.

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That reads NoWay A real plane hit the Pentagon. Accurate.

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Thank you for the real facts. I can't stand 9/11 truthers.

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Exactly!! Thank you for this comment.

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And the Pentagon with no security cameras - only an “edited” grainy video from the gas station down the street.

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Yes. Of a blurry silhouette of something that is less than half the size of a 757.

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It is time for the truth to be revealed. More than 3000 Architects & Engineers have signed a petition to expose the truth . https://www.ae911truth.org/

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Wow. Really?? what be the truth? It couldnt come down?? Im confused

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It was an intentional demolition. There is no other logical explanation. I didn’t believe it , until I started studying the facts .

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There is documentation that Israel was involved. It pains me to write this, but I do believe it now.

The missing $2.3 TRILLION, Rumsfeld casually mentioned in a congressional hearing, was missing due to ‘wealth transfer’ as payment to those colluding with our own government. The whole thing is sickening to think about.

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Read very extensive articles showing Israel was most definitely involved. That said, we must remember that the Khazarian Mafia is pan national . Do not think of an evil country. Think of an evil, globalist cabal. They are in France, England, Germany, Switzerland, Israel, here, everywhere.

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But Israel did attack the U.S.S. Liberty -- on purpose -- murdering over 175 American sailors. And remember, slime ball Nuttin Yahoo said the events of Sep 11 were good -- for Israel.

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So. You hate Israel.

Good. To. Know.

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Israeli art students....

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"9/11 was the day physics didn’t show up for work. Two planes managed to fell 3 skyscrapers" in what appeared to be controlled demolitions.

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Exactly! Go to https://www.ae911truth.org/

to learn the truth about what happened .

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You're an idiot. Physics did exactly what it's laws suggest. Pleasein your own words describe exactly how "physics" didn't show up. My guess is, you know very little about physics.

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First of all, genius, it's "its" laws. Secondly, how about you go first and explain how two 110 story floors could make it to the ground in about 20 seconds and a third, 47 stories, could make it to the ground in under 7 seconds.

Go ahead...

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I never claimed to be a genius, but thank you.

It's not up to me to prove or disprove your fantasies about 9/11, that burden is up to you. But, since you seem to be an expert, many seconds would it take an object to fall the distance of the height of the twin towers?

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Against resistance or in a vacuum?

As for calling you a "genius," you called Mary H. an "idiot" while you make that typical grammatical error that I pointed out for your edification.

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It's truly amazing how our govt was able to know what floors to put the explosives on before the planes hit or to get the large amount of thermite to burn horizontally through large vertical columns. Or, the pilots were able to hit the predetermined floors with such accuracy and not cause the explosions to happen on impact or ruin the communications device to trigger the explosions. Also, it is interesting that the govt first blew up the South Tower that actually got hit second, had more internal damage and had more floors above the detonation zone then they detonated the North Tower which was first to get hit. It's almost like physics was running the show, but nah, it was a big govt. conspiracy.

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Buildings cannot collapse in free fall through the path of greatest resistance.

A steel framed building with minimal asymmetric damage and scattered fires on a few floors cannot collapse straight down through 80 intact and increasingly more robustly constructed floors with gravity being the only energetic input.

A gravitational collapse cannot eject debris weighing several tons laterally several hundred feet, which can be seen happening in photos and video.

WTC 7 was proven to collapse in free fall for more than 2 seconds or eight stories.

This is impossible unless every structural steel column on every floor offered no more resistance to collapse than air.

I am fairly certain that steel columns can hold up more than air.

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You are not alone in your understanding, Bryan Dair.

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You're right it makes way more sense that the govt blew them up somehow vs. the physics that proves how they collapsed. Keep feeding your unicorn.

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Show me your vector analysis of how a piece of debris

weighing thousands of pounds can gain lateral momentum and

sustain it for hundreds of feet in a gravitational collapse.

There is only one force acting, gravity. Gravitational pull is straight down.

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Each floor of the twin towers was approximately an acre in size. The pancaking of the air between floors had to go somewhere. So there was more than just a straight down force. Plus you have columns pushing outward. It's silly that you think it would only be vertical.

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Except a demolition usually leaves a flattened building... and we only got one of those.

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Please explain further. My comment is based on the televised controlled demolitions I've seen, where exacting placement of explosive charges causes a building implode, pancaking downward. I saw that happen at WTC and was immediately suspicious...

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There was almost nothing left of WTC1 and WTC2. Normally after a demolition you would have a pile of rubble that's about 10% the height of the building. With the twin towers, you can see photos taken that day or the next day where people are walking around at ground level. Stairwell B, where a few survivors were found, is clearly visible in one picture, surrounded by nothing. There are a few pieces of the "wheatchex" (3 story high pieces of the exterior) sticking up here and there from the ground. There literally wasn't more that about 1% of the towers left - 99% turned to dust. There was only one file cabinet found from either building, and there wasn't much left of that. Very, very strange. Peter Jennings, I think asked about that on live TV - what happened to the buildings?

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I get into it occasionally with people over this 9/11 stuff. I keep asking "Where's the plane that hit the pentagon? Really, where is the plane? Not a single bit of it survived? Hello?" They get upset and call me a conspiracy theorist. What. Ever. We conspiracy theorists are batting 1000 the last time I checked.

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“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” said the former CIA director William Casey...

These people are pure evil.

Kudos to Mr. Childers for mentioning Building 7. I was perusing my better half's Farcebook earlier and not one person mentioned Building7, like it just never happened.

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I don't believe anyone died in WTC 7 though. The building had been

evacuated hours earlier.

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And the most distinguished Patriot Act🤮

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9/11 was the day that a passenger airliner allegedly made it through the most heavily guarded airspace in the world to hit the military headquarters of the world's lone superpower, "vaporizing" the airliner, including its two 9-ton steel and titanium engines, but miraculously sparing the DNA of all the passengers enabling our government to positively identify all the "vaporized" victims.

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No it didn't. There are photos of parts of the engines after the crash.

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And jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to melt steel. In another part of the world an airplane ran into a tower with similar construction. It burned for HOURS and the building never came down. Some of the beams had”cuts “ in them and debris showed melted steel beams. As far as I know only thermite burns hot enough to melt steel. And crime scene evidence- packed up and on its way out of the country before anyone was over the shock. Lahaina has all the earmarks of this bullshit. Where are the children?

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I just wrote this morning in my morning message of the connection I now see between 9-11 and the March 2020 and the release of the scamdemic. Eeery, now when you think about it.

Also, while I now agree with everything you stated, I wonder what happened to the plane that supposedly flew into the Pentagon and also into the field in PA? If these were huge psyops how was all this pulled off?

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no planes at either location. Next to no wreckage. CNN did a one time less than a minute airing from a reporter on the scene at the Pentagon saying exactly that. Watched it many times. There are zero images of a plane hitting the Pentagon. No cameras at the Pentagon. ? Right. Friend who used to live nearby said there is a gas station right across the street whose cameras would have caught it. FBI swooped in and took the security cameras footage soon after impact. From the best information I can gather after many many hours of research, a cruise missile is what hit the Pentagon, fired from a Dolphin class German built sub that Israel had purchased. The original hole in the Pentagon was about 16 feet by 16 feet. Plane? I don't think so. The tail is bigger than that, let alone the wings,, 41 investigators from ONI (office of Naval Intelligence. They were the CIA essentially before it was created. ) were meeting at the impact site to discuss many major financial irregularities, including the missing $2.3 trillion Rumsfeld mentioned the previous day. All the records burned, mainly in Building 7.

Also note that the next day, the Shrub changed the mission statement of the FBI to fighting terrorism, where previously they had spent much of their effort fighting financial crimes.

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but where is the plane and the passengers then? 🤔

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Long interview, but worth the time. Flight attendant who saw from the get-go that things didn't add up. Many facts, some logical conjecture filling in gaps. Like the whole sordid episode, stuff you might not want to believe. We, starting with those of us with open minds, have a lot of painstaking and painful work to do, on many levels.


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In the CNN clip, in the background can be seen several FBI agents getting off a bus

with large duffle bags over their shoulders. In photos they can be seen raking the lawn, either planting evidence or removing evidence. Where is the NTSB investigation of the crash site?

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Interesting. I remember seeing a video of the pentagon plane flying really low. Was that fake?

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I think the "no planes theory" people would have to say it was fake. But as I said above, there were photos (that I saw) of pieces of the plane engines after the crash, so I don't personally believe the claims of "no plane". I mean, why go to the trouble of "disappearing" a plane and murdering all the passengers and then launching a cruise missile into the building (or whatever they are saying was the real cause), rather than just flying the plane into the building in the first place? Either one works just as well as a "terrorist incident", so the conspiracy doesn't really make sense - why would they go to unnecessary trouble?

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I have no idea why they did it that way. But the fact is, there were no aircraft pieces on the pentagon lawn other than a small piece of a fuselage that could conveniently be carried in. There was no hole big enough for either the wings or the tail. There was no other part of the "airplane" ever shown besides an internal fan of one engine. All videos were confiscated. That all adds up to no plane in my book.

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It is weird that there's no plane sticking out of the building. no photos of it or anything. Usually you know, there's bits and pieces of luggage and all that all over. I guess the story is that "everything burned" and that the "pieces got cleaned up?"

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I just remember arguing with a co-worker back in 2012 and he was showing me a video and it was like a weird grainy video and I think the argument was "is that a plane or a missile?" Of course I can't find that video now. I suppose it's irrelevant. The "conspiracy" is the idea that the perpetrators, and motivations, of the act are different than those who got blamed. Every other fact and detail could be same, or "true," it's just that we attacked ourselves and blamed someone else. In many ways I can see that as pretty likely.

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oh, I did finally find the video -- some clip from a security camera. funny is there's no plane in it -- just a fireball. Funny how my brain just add "a plane." lol.

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That's my question, too. I hope someone can either spell it out or direct us to the alternative theory about what happened to that plane then. Thank you!

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It’s horrible to think, but I think the planes were diverted and the passengers killed.

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Most likely the planes had autopilot instructions that dumped them in the ocean. Although other things are certainly possible.

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How do you know there ever was a plane or any passengers?

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But, the phone call Barbara was alleged to have made to her husband

was not possible. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/the-911-phone-calls-disturbing-irregularities-uncovered-in-the-calls-that-flashed-around-the-world-207702531.html

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

3 Cheers for PureBlood Novak Djokovic - HIS Body, HIS Choice, HIS 24th Grand Slam victory.

Did we mention that he's not "vaccinated" ?

Did we mention just how SMART that decision makes HIM ?!

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Lets not forget

Kyrie Irving and Aaron Rodgers!

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Innes Freedom Kantor

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Enes Kanter Freedom ...I think he was jabbed...but spoke out against forced mandates.

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We let unvaxxed foreigners enter our country finally. Now let's allow those who want to become American citizens do it without having to take the jab. My husband was a naturalized citizen years ago, and it makes me angry that now he would have to get this dangerous and useless shot. This is shameful and actually a offense against those who jump through the hoops to get here legally. https://thefederalist.com/2023/09/08/immigrants-must-take-the-covid-jab-to-become-american-citizens/ When are our representatives and Senators going to do something about this?

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Yes! Agree that this requirement is unconscionable!

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Agree I am marrying my US partner in November and hope a miracle occurs

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My prayers are with you!

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Why not just take the J and J? Only one required and it’s made in the traditional way. That’s what I did

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I'm grateful that you didn't suffer from your shot, but it is NOT made in the traditional way. It uses DNA, not mRNA, but it still causes your body to become a spike protein factory, which is not the way a traditional vaccine operates. It also has SERIOUS side effects, like brain bleeds. My sister's 40-year-old boss got the J and J back in April of 2021 and had a brain bleed a couple of months later. She went through hell and is still suffering from terrible headaches. Just a couple of days ago, my sister went into her office, and she was crying because she felt so bad. The side effects of this shot have, I believe, caused it to be taken off the market.

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It was taken off the market temporarily at the time because of clotting issues. Imo those effects were publicized because they were trying to nudge everyone to the mRNA. The numbers were actually quite low.

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I agree that taking one shot is better than two, but a viral vector shot is still not traditional. In fact, the only commercially available adenovirus-based vaccine is a rabies vaccine for animals. It had never been used in humans. Also, the J and J had an increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Anyway, someone who needs to get a shot now can't get it because it's no longer available in the U.S.

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Amen. That he was able to play and win without the vaxx is unbelievable. 😉 The doctors are baffled. 😉 oh and FJB!!!

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Oh, JEEZ! - did I forget to mention? Indeed - FJB.

(and the horse he rode in on....)

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The donkey 😉

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023


I stand corrected - OF COURSE!

The ass, on an ass!

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I hate to be a grammar nerd, but the "lie-lay" error really bothers me because it's so ubiquitous. The sentence in the first paragraph should read: ". . . in a tense and grueling match against Russian Danill Medvedev, which at various times saw the players LYING exhausted on the court." To lie means to rest or recline; to lay means to put or place.

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As a former college English teacher, I freely admit to being a grammar nerd! What I hear and see written is appalling. People appear to be forgetting or not learning past participle forms, hence we hear things like "I should have went", and so on. I suspect kids aren't learning much English grammar these days. I was in Barnes & Noble yesterday in the history section, and I was leafing through a book written by Frederick Douglass. His prose was exquisite and probably very few college graduates today could write as well as he did.

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There is no doubt that almost everyone 75-100 years ago could read more difficult literature and write better prose than PhDs today. When I homeschooled my four kids, I looked at the old readers that my parents used in school, and they were incredible. I remember Andrew Pudewa from the Institute for Excellence in Writing saying that there were two things children should do to write well: read good literature out loud and memorize and recite poetry. They need to hear the sounds and cadence of beautiful speech. Nowadays people barely read anything, much less good literature, even in school, and poetry recitation has gone the way of the manual typewriter.

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Do you have recommendations of the readers?

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McGuffey's Readers are the most famous and have been republished in new volumes. There are others. I think my father used one called The Riverside Readers. If you go to a good used bookstore with antique books, you may be able to find some in the children's section.

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colleges these days seem to care more about DEI than real learning

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Even grade schools . . .

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I think what bothers me most about it is that MBA types seem to be among the worst offenders...

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Grammar nerd here. That final sentence sounds awkward, ending in “did”.

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Agree! And I love to read letters, diaries, and other writings from 100-200 years ago!

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Happens all the time. But lead/led is the one they’re really over the barrel on! If I had a nickel for every time I see “mislead”… 💰

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And did not the past tense of to plead used to be pled? All I see now is someone pleaded guilty. Sounds infantile to me. And don’t get me started on the use of subjective vs. objective pronouns. Grammar has gone to hell along with the rest of it.

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Soon we’ll hear, “Jesus feeded the 5 thousand.

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And why do people say, "Last year I SUNG with the choir"? The word "sang" has completely left the vocabulary.

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I want to second and third my first "like". Or maybe just repeat as if with Tourette's, It's pled. It's pled. It's pled.

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Yes, you're right! I'm seeing that more and more and in prestigious publications. Also, reflexive pronouns are misused all the time. More and more I'm hearing things like, "Myself, Joe, and Bob went to the party," instead of "Joe, Bob, and I went to the party."

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Musta given the 'fact-checkers' a side job as 'spell-checkers'...

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I don’t know where they get it! They hear it but most certainly this usage of “myself” is not found in literature. These are “educated” people who are guilty. It’s crazy.

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Yes, I'm shocked by the people I hear using that grammatical construction. They should know better; in fact, it should just come naturally but it doesn't anymore. They must have learned it in school but have forgotten that with reflexive pronouns, the subject and object refer to the same person, e.g., I saw myself in the mirror. But you'd say, "He saw me in the mirror," not "He saw myself in the mirror," because the subject and object are two different people. I think that as the news cycle has become 24-hours and everyone is trying to get news out immediately, they don't have time to proofread as well. So everyone's getting used to errors, and their ears don't hear the mistakes anymore. Some will say that's how language evolves and it doesn't matter, but I think we're just becoming sloppier about everything, including our language and our thinking. There are good logical reasons for most grammar rules. But I believe I'm now in the minority of people who care.

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It is clearly a minority. Don’t even talk to me about subject-verb agreement. 😬

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Now take on "fewer" and "less". My bete-noir.

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Oh, yes!! You're right! That's a huge error! My sister, with a Ph.D. in English from Princeton, is particularly bothered by that. Almost no one gets it right. The thing is all of these should have been taught in 4th grade grammar class. I know kids nowadays don't learn grammar, but some of the people making these errors are old enough to know better.

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Yes!! I hate to see that error too.

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THank you from a fellow grammar pest

Now, please explain in simple English what IT'S means, and how it differs from ITS.

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"It's" is the contraction or shortened form of "It is." The word "its" is a possessive, that is, it owns something. I think when you're writing quickly, this is a very easy mistake to make by accident. I usually stop myself and ask, "Can I substitute 'it is' for the word, and if I can, use "it's." For example, you say, "IT'S going to rain," because you mean "IT IS going to rain." On the other hand, you'd say, "The table has a scratch on ITS top," because the top belongs to the table. Hope this helps.

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In addition, his, hers, theirs, ours, yours, all possessive personal pronouns. Constructed with a final "s", no apostrophe. The construction of the impersonal possessive is no different: its, no apostrophe. But maybe it's all too much to remember.

Prominent sign above a law office in my city: Attorney's at Law. I pity the clients.

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Love it!

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

Well-stated ... but silly you! I wasn't asking for me, sportin' a BA in English Comp from CMU circa 1969. I was asking for the many bloggers who fail to grasp the distinction. My dad (who taught English comp and lit at undergrad level) drummed that into me, correctly saying that failure to use "its" and "it's" correctly would brand one as an amateur when submitting a piece for publication. (Granted, that was nearly 50 years ago, and such niceties are now about as relevant as the fringe on the surrey's top.)

Do you think AI will make this very common error in its printed output?

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To your question, GIGO. Comes down to the programmers. We'll see won't we?

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I did not like him saying he was not against the vaccine though. But at least, he said he watched carefully what goes into his body, so if everyone had followed that advice, no one would have taken it. Novax will forever be my hero.

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He is a prudent man.

As to not being against the "vaccine"........ MANY saying that, because they feel, for various reasons, I am sure, that they MUST say that.

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true, I guess he wants to appease everyone. I bought a book he wrote about 10 years ago, of how he overcame his food allergies. very interesting.

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That is GREAT - I'm making a T-shirt - Novax Novak! Brilliant !

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Novak Novax! LOL

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that is great. are you going to sell them?

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I could! but I'm sure someone already beat me to it.

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may be the others think that, too ! if you make them I will buy one !

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I'm curious about Jeff's claim that Novak was the only non-vaccinated player in the US Open. Anyone from a foreign country who played in a tennis tournament in the US last year certainly had to be vaccinated....unless some managed to get an exemption. It's less clear, though, about the Americans.

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He had natural immunity, too, which in other countries could be counted as a substitute for the toxxine.

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Me too! God given logic!

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Could use a bit more of that, right about now, eh?

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Novak was probably not the only unvaxxed player but he was the only one to publicly stand against the tyranny.

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A true hero.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

So was in a restaurant Saturday night and my husband points at a gentleman at the bar and says look at his shirt. Sure enough it was a Covid and coffee shirt and the 2 couples were absolutely wonderful!!!! Gonna go buy one today💜

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It really was! We kept joking about “our kind of people”.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

I tried to go to the website to buy one, my internet service has it blocked! Talk about censoring!

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A short while ago Sundnce over at the C0nservat1ve Tree house exposed a few things within about a 2-week period, about how internet users are going to (likely are being) “herded” to and away from sites / information; context (vs content) is being monitored by AI tools and unapproved content based on context is being put on a watch list; and how TPTB are defining (sorting) users by the sites/content we visit/absorb. I don’t have the links handy, apologies. I have been saving PDFs of all content I don’t want to bookmark, to save on an external drive.

Remember that CISA asserted that “cognitive infrastructure” must be included in the government’s efforts to keep us all safe. SMDH.

I believe that unless someone brilliant motivated by altruism creates a parallel “interweb”, the internet will in future, be almost useless.

I suspect that the effort is currently underway. I don’t doubt for a second that our comments are being monitored by those tools (which is why I often attempt to purposely spell incorrectly or weirdly). I have long suspected commenters on the various stacks are “infiltrated”. I expect to be “forced” into certain shopping sites, news/information sites, etc.

Brave is the browser I use for all things I wish to keep out of the spotlight, but the search results are nearly as useless as thy are on DDG and Ggle.

Ham radios and hard-bound books, anyone?

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I have no doubt at all that what you are saying is true.

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Oh and BTW, VPNs won’t help but I can’t recall the reasoning behind that assertion.

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That's a good reason to use a VPN.

For another example, I tried to look at a gun dealer's website while my VPN had me "in" New York state. Site blocked access.

I changed it to Texas and no problem with the site.

So, it's possible that the problem isn't with the ISP, per se, but state and/or local restrictions.

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Holy cow! I haven’t tried yet bc I’m only on my first cup of coffee, but gonna go now. Thx Sheri!

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How do you know it's not your browser. I'm wondering.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

It has Spectrum (my carrier) listing on the page 2 times. I will try a different browser to see if that works. Does not work with Google Chrome either.

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Try Brave browser. It was started by the same guy who created Firefox. He was driven out from FF by early wokesters and he said, f-u, I'm making a real, free access, no limitations browser.

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Epic Privacy Browser is another focused on privacy. Chrome technology based.

The basics: https://www.epicbrowser.com/privacy/intro.html

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They aren't allowed to do that, the moment they start censoring things they lose protection as a common carrier and are liable for all the content they do allow access to.

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Oh I love this!!!! 😍

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Sorry Peter if you weren’t asking me where, but in Branford called our Place.

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actually meant where can I buy one

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Oh. Lol. It’s at the bottom of the substack

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And include those lost in Benghazi in our moment of silence, too - our other 9/11.

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Ambassador Chris Stevens is buried in my area. We think of him often.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The turbostabbies just became personal for me (unstabbed).

In the last week, six formerly healthy friends in their 60s announced cancer (3), end-stage renal failure (2), or neurological diseases (1).

They are baffled that six months ago, they were perfectly healthy and disappointed that their doctors don’t have much to say.

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Heartbreaking - I’m so sorry.

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Same here. Happening all around me but #ABV. I am running out of sympathy for them. I sick and tired of all the baffled people and doctors.

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You never write something I don’t agree with. I tried to warn them, and now some are starting to ask my advice bc they are all getting sick. I know if 2 people who got the jab and haven’t had any side affects. Thank God one of them is my son bc of the military. I pray everyday it’s not gonna be as bad as I think it will be.

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Praying for the continued good health of your son. 🙏

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Thank you Annie. It’s a good thing bc mama bear is not a nice person.

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Right?? How much and how often are we going to yap on? I vote done. What is done is done...although, appropriately enough, today the FDA approved another stab. I seriously can't even with these people. Remember the commercial for Tootsie Pops, with the owl? "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? One...two...CRUNCH!" Sooo...along that line, how many stabs can humans withstand before CRUNCH. Game Over....???

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If I think about this insanity too much, I start to lose my sanity. So, let them jab themselves to death.... I can't invest any more emotional energy. I just can't.

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Me, too. There’s no point in “I told you so,” but not much to be done, either.

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This looks to be a very hard fall and winter. And so very difficult to tell them the likely source, but also a sacred duty so at least they and their families have the opportunity to confront the truth. From experience, solving a murder mystery allows peace and resolve.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

I am so sorry to hear this. It is sad that they they are baffled.

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I’m so sorry to hear this. We’re they boosted or double boosted?

Very sad. 😞

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They did exactly what the medical authorities asked them to do. So sad.

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Ann, my heart goes out to you. It really does

My father just diagnosed this summer as well with a very “Rare and usually unseen” cancer.

He was semi retired still working a bit and chipper early this year

Never on meds and no comorbities

Then in March it was “my bladder stoped working....and I have 3 leg clots”

Catheter installed and thinning meds for months now (clots still hanging around)

All family jabbed and most likely boosted up.

Now he and his wife sit around mumbling “we can’t figure it out....he/I was so healthy....”

All anyone can say is “he’s older now you know.... and that’s what happens”

Yes I’ve gently brought up the 🐘 in the room....


It’s always “wait what? Why are you mentioning that !?”


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The utter and total disconnect runs very deep in a great many of the jabbed.

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I don't think anyone will ever accept they have done something that is harmful to themselves

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Oh, VanLife, that is tragic. So sorry for you and your loved ones.

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So sorry. Same here. Every week brings news of some friend who has something wrong. And it’s *big* wrong. Freakish cancers, heart issues in very healthy people, etc. Just heartbreaking.

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Same thing here and yes Deb it’s Bigly wrong, freakish, and kind of unheard of. Young dentist just dies, double heart attacks in 50 year olds. Sudden onset seizure. And yet the get your jab signs are posted in front of most major chain groceries. And flu shots??? NO just say No . Didn’t Nancy Reagan say that ? Why is our local women’s hospital adding a 60 bed neonatal wing? Are the expecting lots of critically ill infants? I don’t know just find it troubling .

Love that “Novax J. “ won the day! We were there in NYC decades ago when it seemed like a wonderful fairy tale kind of event. We were guests in a corporate box right next to the Trump box. Simpler days than for all of us .

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I have one friend that has lymphoma that originated in a testicle (NOT in the lymphatic system). Super rare. Another that has Ewing's Sarcoma (which happens in CHILDREN) that originated in a kidney. This one literally never happens, and the doctors were like chickens with their heads cut off trying to figure out what to do. He's hospital-bound because the treatment they decided on is so harsh. Another friend who works out for two hours EVERY day is prepping for open heart surgery. Another friend who was incredibly healthy and has no family history of cancer had a double mastectomy. I could go on... It's crazy.

I'm 100% with you. I'm never getting another shot because I don't trust any of them. I hate that that's what they turned me into, but here we are.

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So sad and surreal.

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Just in. A client and her sister have turbo colon cancer. In their late 40s. Were in good health . And yes vaxxed. I sit stunned. The sister is not doing well. She's trying to stay strong for her 2 children who are freaking out. 😔

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SIX??? Wow 😳😞 I’m so sorry.

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Thank you. I suspect it’s only going to get worse.

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It’s horrible 😞

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I can relate. I have three cousins, one newly diagnosed with ALS, one has huge anxiety symptoms, another newly diagnosed with Parkinson’s. One friend with sever auto-immune problem, another friend with similar auto-immune problems, a neighbor with a turbo lung cancer after a colon cancer remission, an uncle with a Colon cancer remission of about 7 years died with turbo cancer of the Lymph nodes and lungs. I don’t buy the notion that colon cancer usually comes back (I think that’s a cop out by doctors who don’t know what else to say). I had a cousin who survived a horrible case of colon cancer that spread to her uterus. Partial removal of the color and full removal of her uterus kept her alive for about 25 years, then the jabs and within 1 year she died. Another friend lost her sister to an apparent heart attack overnight after surviving sepsis and within 6 months lost her husband of apparent heart attack overnight. When I see clips of the president of the WEF - or whatever he is - saying gleefully that they are doing quite well in their goal of a 50% reduction in population, I see eternal consequences for him and many others.

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ALS is an absolute horror show... I am so sorry. My mom died from that 7+ years ago. You may wish to suggest your cousin contacts the local chapter of the ALS Association. They helped us so much and didn't charge a dime. Obviously my mom didn't make it but they were a great comfort and support.

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Thanks. I’ll tell my Aunt. My cousin is an otherwise healthy 70 YO. What a rude awakening!

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Ugh! There are no words! 🙁

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I know the feeling. A friend promptly came down with Acute Myeloid Leukemia right after his second Moderna shot. He beat it, but it stole a year of his life, and surviving cancer isn't the same as never having it. He'll always be looking over his shoulder. I know another who keeps battling the same cancer. My cousin recently died of cancer, never conceding it was due to the jabs. I know of several other friends of friends who have succumbed. Where's the outrage?

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Where’s the outrage--exactly!

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Sit around with friends now and just listen to the heartbreaking tales of ‘I believe’ jab injuries....I’ve quit interjecting that ‘do you think the jab did this’, because ‘not’ one looked at me with you know, maybe!

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And that is what’s truly baffling!

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I am so sorry. To have these diseases/conditions is one thing, to deny what causes them is another. Horrible.

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So troubling and sad Ann and I’m sure their docs have no words.

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They do. They are baffled.

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End-stage renal failure without warning? That is the last stage of chronic kidney disease, there should have been some warnings along the way, but, if they or their families aren't asking questions now...

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All she said was that her legs started feeling funny two weeks ago. This is a bright, educated woman!

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That is horrible! We ALL need to be putting the docs to the test! They are not gods and many were fortunate to have money for their indoctrination...opps - Rockefeller curriculum.

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Similar experience here. At least 3 friends dead of turbo cancer since the jab rollout. One took the jab against her better judgment just so she could fly to spend Christmas with her kids.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

—“Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! Time to kick off another great week.”

Can I just say how much Jeff’s upbeat start to the round up never fails to bring a smile to my face and make me feel good! 😊

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I do like his intros.

I especially like when he calls us the C&C family. ❤️

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Yes!!! 🥰

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Good morning! A few facts about yesterday’s fantastic tennis final. Djok was barred from entry to US in 2022. In 2021 he was disqualified due to accidentally hitting line judge with ball. Secondly, Medvedev is also not vaxxed. He was granted a medical exemption early on because he has allergies to vaccine components. This win for Djok is so sweet. Now, Aussie Open in sight.

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Interesting! Thanks

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I hope he dominates for a long time! He deserves to be vindicated.

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Djokovic played against Medvedev in the final of the US Open in 2021 and lost. He was DQed during the US Open tournament in 2020 for the accidental hitting of the line judge. In 2023, he was not allowed to enter the US based on his vaccine status. So three rough years for Novak.

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Ooops in 2022 not allowed US entry.

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Where did you read about Medvedev getting an exemption? It’s hard to believe it was accommodated in Australia and the US.

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He was disqualified in 2020. In 2021, Medvedev beat him in the final.

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Why would accidentally hitting a line judge with a ball disqualify him? That makes no sense.

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Djok hit the ball in frustration after a point. He hit it behind him without looking where it was headed. It struck the lines woman in the neck and she was in significant distress. It was an accident, but the rules are clear about hitting balls not during a point. Hope this helps clear confusion.

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Thank you, Kay Conway. That makes more sense.

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Novak’s tennis victory likely will be this century’s equivalent to black American athlete Jesse Owens winning in front of literally Hitler at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

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Trump was there? 😏

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Ugh, you know I love your substack Jeff, but I have to learn to scroll fast past mayors being spanked by drag queens and the like. I don't want that crap infesting my mind or my day. We certainly have an epidemic of mental illness.

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Mayor Anthony video ~ 🤮

Oliver Anthony video ~ 👍

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ICYMI, Oliver Anthony sat down for a discussion with Jordan Peterson last week: https://piped.video/UEWH2hnmfzc a lot of wisdom shared in 90 mins.

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I listened to it while I walked last week. Everybody needs to hear it. Unless you are a country music fan you can start at about 35 minutes in though!

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👍 Thanks for the link!

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And it seems to be concentrated in one political party.

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Yeah. 🤮

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On this 22nd anniversary of 9/11, it’s fascinating that seemingly no one has heard this story.

I think the powers that shouldn’t be do not want us to realize the collective power WE THE PEOPLE have when we all come together to help one another.

How Americans instantaneously pulled off the largest sea rescue in human history during 9/11

Boat lift - Remembering 9/11


Here is a lovely article on this same event.


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I remember this happening. And I remember being so proud. Everyday Americans dropped everything to help people they didn’t know. Over 150 boats evacuated 500k civilians. (The largest in American history. Bigger than the evacuation of allied troops from France.) They dropped them off and went back for more. Over and over. They helped transport rescuers *to* the island, and provided water from the harbor to firefighters. It was so amazing, and it’s a story everyone should know!

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I’d never seen that and if I’d heard of it, I’d forgotten.

If the media was interested in encouraging us, uniting us, helping us become a successful people, that would have received far more airtime than it got.

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I saw this 7-8 years ago and never heard about it until then.

It was extraordinary what took place that day of people joining in to help their fellow man. Unfortunately, those days are over. It’s a very sad commentary on the world we live in today. 😞

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I lived north of the city, in the suburbs back then.

I remember a young man from my parish who was down at ground zero everyday from day one.

My young (at the time) Parish Priest was also down there most days. He said the people working down there asked for his blessing every day.

They were good New Yorkers, solid, from faith filled borough families most of them...Irish, Italian, Greek, Hispanic, etc. backgrounds.

As a Brooklyn born and raised girl, that was my NY...not the billionaire narcissists one associates NY with today .

Real salt of the earth men and women, coming together in crises..( the great blackout of '77 also comes to mind)

It makes my eyes tear still..that is my NY.

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New York City is only one of many cities in the country that have gone the way of most flesh. Our country has been over diversified with people and illegals who are not CONTRIBUTING members of society as the immigrants of old were. They come to the U.S. thinking they are going to get a free pass and won’t have to work for anything. They bring their customs and their allegiance to their “home” country and forget they are living in a new country for which they must bear allegiance. They believe they can live as they did with their laws and traditions and languages as they once did. I have no problem having respect for your nationality and honoring your traditions - I’m a first generation American and we did. My parents came here for opportunities they didn’t have in their home country. But, my father decided to encourage us to speak English rather than their home tongue even at home. ”We are in America and we will speak English.” I have a friend who posts at least 5 links a day for events and historical records for her birth country. She’s been in America for at least 40 years! You won’t hear “press one for English” when you dial out in a foreign country. You won’t see the Ladies and Men’s restrooms in foreign countries labeled with another language. We haven’t encouraged and - yes, maybe - required immigrants to learn English before they can work anywhere. I think all of this cultural diversity without an English only requirement hasn’t done anything but enable immigrants to stay in their own cultural bubble.

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There should be no *illegal* immigrants. Period. It is insanity! Legal immigrants worked hard to be able to come here and become citizens.

I don't mind people feeling comfortable in their native language and teaching it to their children at home, but in order to be united, and in order to understand any culture and its mentality and humor and idiosyncrecies, you must learn the language. The same goes for an English speaker in any other country.

We used to unite as a diverse people under God, and with Judeo-Christian values, regardless of political affiliation.

Now we are so divided between the values of paganism and satan and its political party, and the party of traditional American values, that language alone wont do much, imo. Infact, alot of those other language people are on the side of Judeo-Christian morality, even the Muslims..

A profound spiritual battle is being fought in this country and it gets bigger each year.

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we like to say that this country was built by immigrants. Yes, but the immigrants of our parents' and grandparents' generations, whether entered legally or illegally, came here to improve their lot and BECOME Americans. My grandfather came here and was PROUD to be an American. Whenever he would go back to the old country he would fly the American Flag, and had a portrait of the "Old Glory" prominently displayed in the house. Knowing how difficult it was to come here and make it, in his restaurant he had a sign "We Serve Negroes" (it wasn't derogatory back in the 40's). I am not convinced that many of those sneaking in from uncle Joe's hole come with the same ideals. Furthermore, I know families that forgot their native language (German) because it was politically incorrect for a time. THat was a real pity. I am encouraging my daughter to have my granddaughter grow up trilingual, since she and her husband are of different ethnic backgrounds.

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It’s a laudable practice for children to be bi- or trilingual, of course. But just like any other habit, if it isn’t practiced daily, it will be lost. If you’re living in a community where the language is spoken frequently, it can be a treat. Otherwise of what use is it? The only language, other than English, that’s spoken frequently in this country seems to be Spanish.

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knowledge is powerful. Knowing more languages (and yes one is Spanish, the other Greek), will be useful, if not for daily usage then for the extra vocabulary. I recall when taking the SATs most of the difficult words were Greek, others Latin, so knowing Spanish and Greek should help the baby in life

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It’s not the same and doubt it ever will be again. I knew if I made it in NYC I could make it anywhere. The New Yorkers there now have no balls. I’ve heard stories from friends who still live there now the city has changed. 🤮

I’m a born and bred Long Island girl. I left NY in 2015. I really missed being home on 9/11 the first year. I was so homesick and I never felt that way before. It was something about the NY feeling like you mention. But that feeling is long gone. DeBlasio killed the NY we knew. Never thought I’d see it happen. 😞

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From what I see in the news I think it has become worse since DeBlasio

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I saw a video of one or more boats coming from the other islands to Maui in the early days after the fire to bring supplies and food, and they were able to get them to people because FEMA was not there to confiscate as they did all the other donations until people got more organized. But yes, it seems the nefarious billionaires etc. have become more savvy about precluding the kind of rescue that happened at 911. It is important that we not let this story fade from attention. Maui is both an example of what they have in store for many other places, and a spiritual and vibrational center of the planet and holder of ancient, powerful knowledge and medicine. They know this.

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A Hawaiian pastor that I watch online has reported that containers of supplies sent by his church were being confiscated by FEMA and other government agencies when they reached Maui. So they now send the containers to undisclosed locations to unload and load the supplies into box trucks to distribute them as they see fit. See jdfarag.org

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Excellent article.

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I read that dg. It's hard to wrap our heads around such evil, isn't it.

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I had not heard of this, and just saw it about a week ago. So moving, and clearly the story has not been prominently told because it does show what human beings are really like. When something horrible has happened, and people see that they can help, many will rush in just as these boat captains did. The powers that shouldn’t be want us to believe that we are basically selfish and mean and don’t care about each other. It’s never been true, and it’s still not true.

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I worked in Manhattan for many years. When anyone needed help with directions, I was happy to help, even if they didn’t speak English. Any one I know would do the same.

I moved to SF in 2015. My GPS wasn’t loading and I couldn’t find the street I needed. There weren’t many people on the street, but I went over to one to ask for directions and they said NO! and kept walking!!

New Yorkers are not unfriendly or selfish. Go to CA and you’ll find really selfish and unfriendly people!

CA should have an earthquake that severs the whole state off into the ocean. Then Las Vegas would become beach front property. 🙏

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There was a song back in the 70s, when there was much talk of the San Andreas fault and a series of earthquakes:

"Where will we go

When there's no San Francisco?

Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho."

(They probably said Idaho even though it doesn't share a border with California because Nevada doesn't have the right rhythm or rhyme. Or maybe they thought the whole west coast would go into the sea.)

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Actually I have found the majority of New Yorkers helpful and polite. I recall my wife, while pregnant with our first child, was lost driving in NYC with her grandmother. They stopped and asked directions. The man who helped them gave them directions and told them not to stop again until they were out of the neighborhood

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Agree--I am Californian born and raised, lived in SF for a couple of decades, but have also lived in New York. I noticed the difference you are talking about instantly. In CA, you are treated as a loser if you ask directions, as if the cool kids did not want you at their party, or as if being lost, or confused about directions was a state akin to leprosy. In NY, people go out of their way to help you get where you need to go. I was stunned by NY-ers' freindliness.

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As long as good people here have a life boat!

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Here is Reinette Senum's inspiring blog about the 911 boatlift and its meaning for Lahaina.


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Tragedy brings out the worst and best in people. The key is to stay focused on the "best" side of that coin.

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I remember the flags.... so many ordinary folks had American flags flying. Flag sales went through the roof. It was a beautiful thing to see after such a tragedy.

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We are now with Antifa, BLM, LGBTQ++ and all sorts of other nonsensical flags, and many even cheer ball players who take a knee for the national anthem

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They ruined it. Idiots all...

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Maggie - I remember that too. My husband and I bought one then and have flown it ever since.

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Same here.

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Just saw that for the first time last night.

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Me too Rosalind!

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I only saw this story last year. Super compelling!! Another very interesting story is documentary by 2 French brothers/filmmakers that were wrapping up work about a NYC firefighter station. They had no plan to cover the events of 911, but were there when it happened and even caught video of the first plane flying low over Manhattan. They spent the rest of the day and subsequent days filming the tragic events and aftermath especially pertaining to that particular firefighting station which lost a lot of men. Great watch if you’ve never seen it.


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I have watched that documentary Katrina. One part I remember vividly is when the two brothers are reunited. I sobbed.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"I’m just a lawyer, not a psychiatrist." LOL!! I love it! But I will say no one has to be a psychiatrist to see that mayor is way out of the sanity pool. He's not even trying to be sane. Why would anyone do that let alone do it in public? This gives me a headache.

I'm not sorry Whoopi is off the View because of the "virus". Honestly, you could not pay me to watch that brain dead show with its disgusting hosts, but maybe it's one tenth of a percent better with her gone for the time being. Better yet, cancel the whole thing, like yesterday!

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A few years ago I had to leave the TV on so my old dog would feel calm while we were gone. But she was not allowed to watch the view😏

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I'd have reported you for animal abuse if you had!

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Mine aren’t allowed to watch any network TV

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You’re a good dog parent.

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Thanks, I work at it. : )

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Lucky dog. Our tv is off most of the time last few years.

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She became a worrier...would eat baskets and do weird things when we left so we learned that if the TV was on she felt ..not alone? For this human......A pleasant house is a house without the sound of a tv

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They do have dog channels!

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I usually chose the wildlife channel or hot rod fixer upper channels.

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Whoopie reaps what she sows. Same with Springsteen. Nasty people. I can't muster up concern for the celebs.

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Annie, I lost that when I lost my husband. Who gives a rip about some movie star when your best friend is dead? Especially now when they crow on about their politics and pet projects. They are not smart, just lucky to be where they are. Well, I guess not lucky, they sold their souls to satan.

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Now that I see the level of evil and selling oneself, these so called celebrities are quite pathetic and nothing really. I am sorry for the loss of your husband. 😔

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I remember when Michael Jackson died - someone told me that he did, and without thinking, I said who cares? Then I said a 12 year old got shot in East Columbus last night - does anyone know his name? They did not. Being a celebrity doesn't mean a single thing. Someone, Jeff I think or maybe someone in comments, said for every one of these reported deaths, there are hundreds or more that are not. Those people matter as much, if not more, as these stupid celebrities.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, as always, thank you. I've never been a tennis fan; just a buncha rich folk is what I thought. However I watched what they did to Joker, how they humiliated him, shunned him at a time when no one wanted to hire me as an RN for choosing bodily autonomy.... this blog and that tennis player kept me sane. I'm thankful the VA father was pardoned, but then again it seems as if the process is the punishment. Look at how long it's been. Look at our Jan 6ers and the process they are enduring vs the antifa destructiveness. The process is the punishment and its heartbreaking, but not Pfizer heartbreaking so...

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The fact that our privacy is still being violated by TSA and other agencies is beyond disturbing. All throughout history people have been violated, tortured, experimented on, and killed in the name of “public health and safety.”

Let us remember that.

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A big reason I don't fly anymore.

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Yep. No flying or cruises for me. Trying my hardest not to give any money to biz who thought I was subhuman.

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Neither do I. The TSA serves no purpose.

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TSA is humiliation and an invasion!

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Oh yes, it does! We might have support that purpose, but it serves it all right.

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So many places have lost ALL appeal...getting on a crowded plane just seems overwhelming, esp with the support animals...

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I support people having actual working service animals, but this emotional support crap with therapy snakes, squirrels, or whatever else these morons can come up with is too much for me.

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Good news for Scott Smith, though not sure why it took so long to get a pardon process going in VA. I know in TX, the governor can't grant a pardon unless a board recommends someone for one. (Some sort of check/balance in normal times - unless the board is compromised, of course.) I don't know if that's the case in Virginia. Either way, Mr. Smith should never have been arrested for standing up for his daughter. That board should be prosecuted and the members held personally responsible, not something passed off to the taxpayers.

While glad to see the tide slowly turning on this, the damage done is very long-term. I was talking to a mom yesterday who works at the school and has encountered a freshman girl in TX who has been taking testosterone to help "transition". This mom can see the damage being done, but the girl is in the clutches of the machine, even though she now has to be weaned off of those drugs. :(

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Agree that the board should be held accountable for their malicious and harmful actions!

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After 10 years of assiduous research about where we wanted to live next (leaving San Diego), we moved to the Portland, OR area in 2007. Portland and our quiet little suburb were absolutely the cleanest most gorgeous spots in the country, friendly people, safe streets, no in-your-face politics, and yada yada yada. Like a normal city, in a normal state, in a normal country.

Fast forward less than 15 years, and well, you know what happened next. I report this demise of a beautiful place, in a beautiful state, in a beautiful country with the utmost sadness on this somber Remembrance Day, not only of 9/11, but of our now sullied and smashed U.S. Constitution and all it stands for.

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We chose to stay in Washington state after retiring from the military. We moved here in 2009, and it seemed quite sane and just slightly blue, but very livable - no income tax, great climate, etc. We liked to visit Seattle for the symphony, jazz and musical theater, but no more. I hate to even have to drive through there now. We have so much invested in our business and land, that moving is pretty much out of the question. We're too old to start over again. Our immediate area is quite conservative, but we're on the fringes of the craziness of the Olympia-Seattle corridor.

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Jean, I greatly feel your pain. We left OR for another state, only to find out it was being overrun and taken over too. We moved once more after that, same state, smaller town. Happening here as well. We also are too old to move again. So we are making our last stand here. Wish us good luck! 🍀 We’ll all need it.

Keep your conservative friends and neighbors close. Talk with them in person. Meet, laugh, and plan! Take as many action items as you comfortably can at your local, state, and federal level, concentrating locally. Good luck and best wishes to you and yours in beautiful WA state, another of our favorite (but now lost) places  🌲 🌧️ 🏔️ ❤️

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Unfortunately, the way this craziness is spreading pretty soon there won't be a decent place left to move to.

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My husband and I spent our first year of marriage in Seattle, in 1969-70, and our daughter was born there. It was such a wonderful, lovely place back then. I would never go back there even for a visit now.

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So a question I've wondered: Portland seems to vote in the worst leaders, even after things starting falling apart. Why didn't they ever push for a whole new set of responsible leaders? Most good towns fight to keep their city, why didn't anyone Portland ever do that?

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Met a Portlander in May. “It all fake! Portland is fine. I work downtown every day.” Denial is huge!

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Probably it's like California. Not enough conservatives get out and vote because as so many of them will state, the crazies dominate anyway and their votes will make no difference, so why vote. That's what they believe. Enough of the crazies DO vote so their votes always seem to prevail. In the recent recall vote of Gov. Newsom in CA, a very small segment of eligible voters actually got out and voted. I really get annoyed when I hear people complaining out of one side of their mouth and out of the other side they admit they don't vote. Duh! You get what you don't vote for.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding the Trump on the ballot section, we need to apply the NYSRPA v. Bruen standard of text and history to understand what an insurrection is. At the time of the founding, and even in 1868 when the 14th Amendment was ratified, an insurrection would have been armed and involved far more than a guided tour of the Capitol building for some photo ops. They had, after all, just come out of the bloodiest war on American soil, so that kind of insurrection was likely in the forefront of their minds when they penned that amendment.

It will be interesting to hear what comes down from the Supreme Court on this one.

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How can it be an insurrection if nobody was armed and nothing was overthrown?? They were ESCORTED in and through the building! The doors were opened to them. They were invited in! The definition of a PEACEFUL PROTEST. Trump may be guilty of other things, but insurrection isn’t one of them. If he is guilty of insurrection, Nancy was the facilitator and should be prosecuted for her crimes. She is to blame for conspiring with Trump by keeping capitol police out.

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Why do you assume Trump is guilty of anything other than getting in the way of the Globalists?


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No, I’m not assuming he’s guilty at all. I said he may be.... I don’t have a life goal of prosecuting him either 😂

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Oh my gosh, seriously. That word is sooo annoying. I’m like, it was a couple hundred people, who the police LET IN TO THE BUILDING, and they were rousted within a matter of hours. I can’t believe anyone even cares, it’s such a non event. Especially after the Summer of Love that BLM gave us.

Meanwhile, they are imprisoning people who weren’t even THERE, and the city of Denver is giving BLM millions of dollars as their “punishment.” What even is going on in this country???

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let's not forget poor old Nancy trying to "shield herself" by calmly walking out of the building. In a real INSURRECTION she would have been bloodied. By she took a play fro Hillary who claimed that she arrived in Bosnia “under sniper fire". What can I say, DEMONCRATS

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